PAOK • w STATE COLLCOE N I W S . FRIDAY, DECEMBERS, 1090 LI Taylor Releases Future Program For Chess Team I l l THF TOBACCO GROWERS' MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF YES... Compare Chesterfield with the brand you've been smoking . . . Open a pack . . . smell that milder Chesterfield aroma. Prove — tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE. : i -QO'f' yoo- 00 - S S:%£.^....Vmliffi^a Greeks Release Santa, Carols Holiday Agenda Head Program Presidents Slate Plans For Assembly For Xmas Parties, Sing The assembly agenda today will The holiday season will be usher- include several songs rendered by ed in by sororities and fraternities the choralettes, group carol singing, with several date parties and Fac- and a visit by Santa Claus who will ulty Christmas parties. Tuesday eve- present gifts to members of Student ning from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. all the Association, The remainder of the sororities will hold Christmas par- assembly program will be allotted to announcements. ties for their members. At the Student Council meeting Elizabeth Cahill '51, President of Chi Sigma Theta, has announced held Tuesday a number of issues that the sorority will have its fac- were discussed. The Student Counulty Christmas party from 8 to 10 cil is investigating to see if the stup.m. Sunday. Arlene Everson '52, is dents can be given more time for the use of the Lounge. General Chairman of the affair.' A report was made by Rae Dionne A E Phi to Hold Date Party Alpha Epsilon Phi will have a date '53, in regard to the reduction of party Saturday according to Char- train fare accommodations to State lotte Skolnick '51, President. Evelyn students. Lower train fare rates are Shor 'o2, Chairman, slates that the possible to Rochester, Buffalo, and party will be a "Two-Suiter Party." New York for trips home for the Everyone will wear suits. The soror- holidays, according to Miss Dionne ity will entertain Ruth Kyman of who is working with the train comto make these accommodations Cleveland, Ohio, a national officer pany possible. Students may sign up for of Alpha Epsilon Phi at its Christ- these trips outside the Commons at mas party Tuesday night. the desk set up for this purpose. tlaswcll Heads Christmas Party Roy aim Salm '51, President, has A review of the latest occurrences, anounced that Gamma Kappa Phi concerning the contract signed for will have a Christmas date party last year's Pedagogue and referred Saturday. General chairman of the to a lawyer's attention, was given party Is Shirley Haswell '51. The by Victoria Baldino '52, Vice-Presisorority will have its annual buffet dent of Student Association and a supper and Christmas party for member of the committee which is with the attorney. The their faculty Tuesday at the house. consulting committee will continue to meet Phi Delta has planned a date with the lawyer and report back to party Tuesday from 8 to 11 p. m. the Council. according to Joyce Baringer '51, At the meeting, the Council's President. Committee chairmen include: Pre-clean-up, Rae Dionne; Constitution was revised, in part, Arrangements, Betty Ann Coyken- deleting out-dated sections. A possidnll' Refreshments. Louise Emen- bility of selling blazers with a State College emblem was discussed. IContinuvd on Page (>, Column i Commuters To Hold Annual Xmas Social Now smoke Chesterfields—they do smoke milder, and they leave NO LEADING SELLER IN AMERICAS COLLEGES ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 10SO C<)iflyci(tl)> IS10 ( | .SMILES '. V PARTIES SUNDAY VOL. XXXV NO. 12 JUNIORS TO TOUR NEW YORK IN REVUE Once again the issue of compulsory military training is attracting attention on the national scene. At a meeting held Friday, December 7, in New York City the Association of American Universities adopted a resolution advocating universal military training and service for teenage youths. The resolution, which stated that the "military strength o, the United States may be a vital factor in the prevention of global war," was released by Frederick A. Middlebush, President of the University of Missouri and of the association. The educators proposed that males "TOBACCOS THAT SMELL MILDER SMOKE MILOER" :: Z-444 Head Educators Adopt Resolution For Compulsory Military Training ARC l i l t : • • : • : • • : • : : • State College News Slate Events Senior DelegatesNewman (Continued from Page 1, Column n Seniors Georgina Maginess and Newman Club will hold its fifth Taking a few moments in the PO "Do you realize how much it to browse over the newspaper in costs to put one indigent child Martha Downey will represent the lecture of the year Thursday at Beta Eta chapter of Pi Omega Pi, the exchange rack, we found some The State College Chess Council very humorous anecdotes. Here are through the turmoils of a higher national business education society, 7:30, following the Benediction, it education? Taking our little black has been announced by Gerald Brohas launched several programs of a few excerpts we thought intercheck book from the shelf which at the biannual convention, accord- phy '61, President. Following the chess tournaments with other col- esting. admittedly, is a good deal less dusty ing to Dr. Edward L. Cooper, Pro- lecture, refreshments will be served. leges, according to William Taylor fessor of Commerce and faculty '53, President of Chess Council. On The McGlll Daily, McGlll University than the nearby textbooks, we de- sponsor of the chapter. This con- Richard Tenison '53, has released The debate teams at McGill are cided to figure our accounts for the Chess Council schedule is a tournavention will be held December 27-30 plans for a n area meeting of IVCF ment with New Paltz State Teach- most informative and unusual and past 40 days. We observed the final in Cleveland. tomorrow at 8 a. m. at Union Colthe topics are even better, especially results. Could that be right? It's ers College and, also, la posta lege. Reverend Ernest McMillan, a the Arts and Science debate on impossible.We checked. It was right. tournament with the University of Dr. Cooper and Dr. Milton C. missionary on leave from Iran, will the topic: "Resolved: That make-up For a brief moment we were stunNotre Dame. Olson, Director of Education (Com- be the featured speaker. is more of a hindrance than a help." ned. At the rate we are going, to Chess Council will play host to "The affirmative pointed out that send one of us to school for four merce), will attend a meeting of the Thursday at noon, there will be a New Paltz tomorrow at 1 p. m. The make-up actually destroys beauty years would cost $8,812.80." National Business Teachers Asso- meeting of IVCF in Room 23, actournament,' to take place in the and ruins health—for instance, ev- The Oswegonlan — State Teachers ciation. The meeting will be held cording to Tenison. Marilyn Cohen, Commons, will be a six board match. ery time the eyebrows are plucked, College at Oswego. December 29 in conjunction with the Grad, will be the speaker for the meeting. Chess Council was organized in an impulse travels from eye to brain Pi Omega Pi convention. An inquiring reporter asked some the spring of this year. The officers to heart, where it results in a shock, Prior to the actual convention, Newman Hall Residents To H o l d are: President, William Taylor '53; so that eventually a heart condition students: "How do you feel when the librarian hushes your chatter? there will be a presentation of pro- Annual Formal Dinner Tuesday Vice-President, Kurt Rosenblum '54; will result." A few of the answers were: "Liand Secretary, Louis Cifarelli, '53. Another remark that was found in brary—?! What's that?"; "The li- blems which will be assigned to Newman Hall will have its annual A tournament has begun by mail The McGill Daily is: "It takes ten brarians make more noise than any- committees. These committees will with Notre Dame, according to Tay- thousand nuts to hold a car together, one else."; and "I smile—She sounds discuss the problems and subse- Christmas Dinner Tuesday, 6 p. m. quently submit reports to the entire at the Hall according to Margaret lor. This tournament is a four but only one to scatter it all over just like my Mom." body. Edwards '52, President. The dinner board match-played under the rules the countryside." will be formal announces Edwards of the "Postal Chess" Organization. The New Mexico Daily Lobo, The Houghton Star, Houghton Col. The national organization will pay with The Rev. Richard Dineen, The players of "white" are Otto University of New Mexico Just a little poem: the round-trip fare and the cost Chaplin of Newman Hall presiding. Mex and Roy Anderson, Juniors Two students at UNM figured that "Little dachshund of the luncheon and banquet for Several priests of the Albany diwhile the players for "black" are it would cost them $8,812.80 by the Asleep on a log one delegate. The expense of the ocese will be guests. After the dinWilliam Taylor and George Small- time they completed four years at Forest fire other delegate will be partly met by ner the freshmen will entertain with ing, Sophomores. the University Hot dog!" the local chapter at State College. Christmas Carols. OOiO ATTEND SCA, IZFA, IVCF, POtiHf Qm* Ut* CoccUanCfe Honorary Elects The Commuters will hold their Christmas Party tomorrow night from 8 to 12 p.m. in the Commons. All members and their guests are invited to attend slates Paul LeBrun '51, President. The program tor the evening will include dancing, singing, and refreshments. For this event the Commons will be decked with sprays of evergreens and red and green streamers with a large Christmas tree as the center of attraction. The guest of honor will be Saint Nicholas. Each person who is attending is requested to bring a small gift which Santa will distribute. Agnes Izzo '54, will serve as General Chairman aided by the following committee chairmen: Decorations, Marlene Martoni; Refreshments, Barbara Sherlock; Entertainment, Phyllis Ellis; Publicity, Theo Rieck, and Refreshments, Charlotte Carpenter, freshmen. Marion E. Soule, Instructor in Librarianship, and Alice T. Hastings, Assistant College Librarian, will act as chaperones. start service upon reaching the age of 18 or upon completion of high school, whichever is later. They must start service not later than the age of 19, but if a boy finished high school at 17, he could volunteer for induction with the consent of his parents. The association said that "the age at which the obligation must be discharged should be such as to interfere least with the life of the individual." They further recommended that even those physically unfit to fight be taken. The only two exceptions to straight military service suggested were three year students already in college who could be deferred to finish tneir education, and outstanding inductees who, at the end of their basic training, could suspend their service to take specialized training for professions and trades essential to military needs. Both groups would be deferred on condition of future service. Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of the College, declared that "if the military situation makes necessary an armed force of three million men, then it is inescapable, on the basis of the number of young men becoming nineteen in each of the next several years, that a period of service of at least two years will be required. This requirement would make much more difficult the concurrent responsibility of schools and colleges to wage the world-wide war of the mind which is our continuing, long-term obligation." Jobs Open In Pakistan, Iran For Teachers, Shaw Announces According to a recent announcement by Dr. Edward P. Shaw, Professor of Modern Languages, the United States Office of Education indicates that teaching positions in public schools of Iran and Pakistan are still available. Interested students may contact Dr. Shaw in Room 12, Richardson, Maestro Obliges As Couples Twirl Did you hear that sweet music floating from the Ten Eyck Saturday night? It wasn't Harry James, but Maestro Harry Vincent, his Trumpet and his Orchestra who certainly did quite a job of making with the melodies at the annual Inter-Fraternity, Inter-Sorority Christmas Ball. The Junior Revue, "Here's New York," will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Page Hall, according to Patricia Dargusch '52, Director of the Production. The musical revue, depicting a tourist's view of New York City, was written by Richard Buck, Miss Dargusch and Edward Peene. All proceeds from the presentation will be donated to Campus Chest. The production will consist of two acts in which tourists will be given a view of New York. They will travel through various sections of the city noting the customs of the small groups which contribute to the city's atmosphere. List Members of the Cast Members of the cast participating in the scenes are as follows: Guide, Thomas Holman; Tourists, Olga Bajjaly, Walter Davis, Margaret Gemmell, Kenneth Wooster; the To many a familiar tune the Bowery Couple, Gordon Bennett and gown and dark suit-clad couples Virginia Maurer; Irishman, Henry swirled around beneath a colorSmith; Italians, Sara Danzis, Maful canopy of balloons. Only rion Gorski, Marvin Poons, and twice was the smooth rhythm of Chinese, Joan Bennett, Jeanne Seydancing interrupted. Once with a badly torn evening gown and Holiday festivities will be cele- mour, Evelyn Swenson and David once when a circle formed in brated at the women's dormitories Shepard. the middle of the floor as one Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Other members of the cast includescort stooped to pick up his Sayles, Pierce, and Newman Halls, ed in the second act are: Traveler, lady of the evening. Even at such are planning Christmas dinners or Joan Bostwick; Dancers, Mary happenings the dancers were1 parties where there will be group Borys, Robert Donnelly, Joyce Leavunperturbed. carol singing and entertainment, itt, David Shepard; nightclub enterPierce Hall will hold its annual tainers, Evelyn Anderson, JacqueAs the clock crowded two, the Christmas party Tuesday at 6:30 p. line Coplon, Sara Danzis, Donald crowd began to thin out. Each m„ after the traditional pre-holiday Putterman, Joyce Shafer, with Masdeparting couple seemed to take dinner, according to Freda Homer ter of Ceremonies, Harvey Robinwith it some of the atmosphere '51, President. The party is to take son; Brooklynites, Joyce Leavitt, of a memorable "Wintcriude" place in the Ingle Room which will Joyce Shafer, and Coney Island vaand an eventful evening. be decorated in a holiday spirit in- cationers. Grace Smith and Thomas eluding a Christmas tree. Santa Yole. Claus will visit the Ingle Room at Mixed Chorus to Sing this time to present gifts to the A girls' Choral group will add a women of Pierce. religious touch to the program with Priscilla Jones '53, will play the the singing in St. Patrick's Cathepiano for group carol singing and dral. A mixed group consisting- of Louise Petfield '53, will sing "O Lucille Behringer, Jeannine Burke, onor Holy Night." Shirley Cooper, Evelyn Kamke, Sayles Hall is planning a tradi- George Lem. Kenneth Rutley, Sunday, the Albany Home for Children will be the scene of the tional candlelight carol sing for Thomas Singictnn, and William Wiley will present several numbers traditional Christmas Party spon- Sunday at 7:30 p.m., according to m the various scenes, sored by SMILES. Santa Claus, por- Mrs. Ethel McLaughlin, Social Director of Sayles. The event will be Revue Features Original Songs trayed by Joseph Crucilla, Grad, Among the special features of the will distribute the gifts given by the held in Brubacker Lounge which will be decorated with candles and production are three original tunes classes. evergreens. Entertainment will in- by Jess Barnet and Richard Lorson, Acting as Master of ceremonies, elude group carol singing and other "The Prologue," "I'm the Boss in Harvey Robinson '52, will introduce special selections. My House," and "Here's New York." the State students, who will com- Sayles Hall will have its annual Barnet also wrote "Haze on the pose the evening's entertainment. Christinas dinner Tuesday at 6 p. m. Moon" for the production. These The afternoon party, to be held from and a party at 8 p. m., according to musical arrangements will be played 2:30 to 5 p.m. for the younger chil- Kathryn Dando '52, chairman of by Richard Lorson with other acdren, will take place in Lathrope the event. Santa Claus will distrib- companiments by Edward Peene. T Hall while the "kids" party from ute presents to the women. » e committee heads for the mu6:30 to 9:30 p.m. will be held in the Newman Hall will hold its Christ- sical are as follows: Lights, Alan chapel of the Administrative Build- mas party Monday at 10 p.m., ac- Stephenson; Publicity, David Maning. cording to Margaret Edwards "52, ft; Make-up, Henry Smith; House, Solo vocal selections will be given President of Newman Hall. Fresh- Victoria Baldino; and Props, Wilby Rose Mary Keller '53, and Gor- men, living at the hall, will present Ham Wiley. Other committee chairdon Bennett '51, and Mary Bade and Ue entertainment; Mary Ann Coss- men are: Costumes, Doris Mullane; Jeannetle Hatch, Seniors, will ren- boon '54, taking charge of that com- Finances, Viola Myles; Business Coordinator, Joan Haggerty; Business der a duet. Also included in the en- mittee. Manager, Joyce Shafer, and Sets, tertainment is a ballet dance by Robert Donnelly. Marion Schock '54, and a twirling To Sell Tickets At Door demonstration given by Ruth Dunn Tickets for the production will '53. Albert Kaelin '51, will furnish remain on sale today at the booth accordion selections and Paul Calioutside the Commons and will be fano will play the guitar. The resold at the door tonight. Reserve mainder of the program is given by the Potter Club Chorus and Edward The class presidents have releas- seats are being sold at $.75 each and Peene '52, will accompany the enter- ed results of past meetings and unreserved seats are on sale at $.50 each. tainers. pians for future events. At their respective meetings, the freshmen disAccordin; to Edmund Leigh, President, the cooperation of the student cussed their banquet and Big Four, Group Houses Vote body in supplying gifts is essential and the Sophomores passed a financial motion. The principle future For Favorite Tunes to the success of the party. events are the class banquets, all to Radio Council has announced a be held Saturday, January 6. Cobb Lists Regulations new plan for choosing the tune of The freshman executive board met the week, a feature of "Tunin' the Tuesday noon, discussed the class Town" and has released informaFor Book Loans, Fines banquet and plans for the Big Four. The vacation rules concerning Mary Massi was appointed to head tion concerning students who would book loans and fines have been re- the banquet arrangements, accord- like to be radio disc-jockeys. The is preparing a series of proleased by Mary E. Cobb, College ing to Alfred Clemente, President. Council grams in conjunction with the CapLibrarian. The library will close at The Sophomore class held a meet- itol District Safety Council, an5 p. m., Wednesday and will re- ing Monday and passed a motion nounced George Kline '51, President. open at 8 a.m., Wednesday, Janu- stating that part of the cost of each The new plan for choosing the ary 3. person's meal at the class banquet tune of the week will feature a will be paid from the class treasury. Two-week books, which are borweekly poll taken at the various . , , ,, rowed now, will be due January 5. Those who have not paid their class , ,, , P i S ^ inZ the ^ J Pierce t " °" These books may not be renewed dues will not be allowed to attend « was conducted Hall until that date. Books which are on the banquet at Jack's, announces cottages. The next poll will be takreserve may be loaned any time aft- David Palmer, President. en at Sayles Hall Annex. er 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and will be According to Harvey Robinson, The Evelyn Knight Program over due 9:10 a.m. the morning the li- President, the Junior class banquet WPTR at 6:45 p.m. Sundays is in brary resumes operation. will be held at Herbert's. A class n e e d o f a d i s c j o 0 k e y . Any student According to Miss Cobb, those meeting will be held Thursday, J a n - interested in the position should who do not return borrowed books uary 4, at 13 noon in Room 20, eontnet Ruth Liepmann '51. Kline states that the Council is under these rulings will be subject Richardson. The Seniors will hold their class to hold 15 minute programs for to the following fines: $.25 for the first hour or fraction thereof that banquet at La Petite Paris Restau- CDSC. State students will have the the book is overdue and $.05 for rant, according to Helmuth Schuitze, opportunity to appear in these preeach additional hour up to a maxi- President. General Chairman of the sentations either as actors or as enevent will be Rita Bissonette. tertainers. mum of $.60 for the first day. Dormitories Plan Dinners, Parties, Group Caroling SMILES Party 'Kids' ToH Classes Decide Banquet Locales *AOB 2 Sold Short " - - STATE COLLEGE NEWB, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1 0 8 0 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER IB. 1 0 8 0 Women, A £o*t SptciU GommoH-Stat** By GOR8KIE and KYLE. College administrators of the country, affiliated By DANIEL JOY with t h e American Association of Colleges a n d The Common-Stater is given the widest latitude as Universities, took a stand on Universal Military I contend man has made a mis- to a frustrating extent. He bellev- author of this column, although Ma viewpoints do Training last week when 23 of the 37 members t a k e > t n e extent of which cannot be ed women to be Inferior to man and not necessarily reflect those of the STATE COLLKJI „ j „ „ , . j i „ __„„i llf ; ' „„„„;„,„„„i„ Tv.i„ w»«.«ii.*iU« measured, in educating women In could only be placed on a par with Niws. adopted a resolution unanimously. This resolution ^ ^ c o l l e g e s w l t h t h e s a m e m a n a s * r e s u p l t o f h i s educational WE JUST CHECKED offered the plan of having every male, in any way curriculum to which he himself Is design. Neither of my two referAll the bulletin boards and found out that Christfit t o serve the country, complete a training pro- exposed. As a result, women have ences, then, are strong enough mas is right around the corner (on State a n d Pearl, gram under the government. Men would undergo ba en e n relentlessly closing all social alone to support my case. They do that is) . . . now that's good news if ever we heard *u:„ training *_.,:.,!„.. upon . . « « - graduation „ . „ J „ „ * : „ . , from *>„~ high u:~u school, «„UrZ\ d economic gaps existing between serve as cores from which a more any . . . it's awfully restful to have a week or two 8 this t h e s e x e s I s t h y s o wrong ? N o n o t feaslble o u t l o o k c a n evolve provided they should be eighteen years old a t that m itself, but when the duties and M y own conclusions are in a de- of "peace on earth and good will toward men" once time, responsibilities normally ascribed to velopmental stage themselves, but a year . . . sort of like a second "Brotherhood Week" . . . how about filling up the barrels for the Smiles' In the resolution, heading college administrators S s T r l ^ t h l t £ ? * ' t a k e n 0 ™ 8 t h e f >h?veJ^nT» T 6 f o r m ' I children . . . and going to the party this Sunday . . . , , , .. . ' , .,0 ° . ., . necessary tnat steps be taKen. maintain that a distinct curriculum If you haven't got the time, make it . . . it will be stated their purpose, which recognizes the necessishould he in™roora.ted in manv of the best gift you give this Christmas. ty of a well armed nation for t h e "prevention of J» TTL^& coT'S o S x i s U n S g e f w \ o s e ^ 1 ^ MILNE DISMISSAL global war." They explain that this plan would »£&&* JlscussLn an'd nothing ^^^Ja.JSTSSL^ The item on Richardson last week was slightly incause mUitary training t o interfere less with the more . I l i k e - J « ^ ^ l ^ « - « . S ? 2 » a l ^ a n d 'fnheren f t o K accurate . . . on checking we found that Milne students may be excused a t 11:02 a t the latest . . . as private lives of those serving. or liking them stems from the s e x F o r w o m e n t Q n a i y e l y s t r i v e t 0 This would affect State College in that next fall £ £ ? Z mother 6 when p r o ° X Pr°Jne ^ f Z t ^ J Z ^ Z Z it is they have only twenty-five minutes for lunch all freshmen men would be under the age of 18, played by the female, can be an as- * ^ n ^ t q ^ V 1 « L n ™ t n ! . . . guess we can afford a little discomfort if that's case . . . if the instructions on the little pink slips and that upperclassmen would be deferred until set to man's well-being, especially g J J a f f S n c t s^x S i r ' r o ™ ! the which Campus Commission has posted in Richardson they had completed their undergraduate work. A m mia a a y a n a a g e ' just as important as man's, defies were followed, conditions in the halls would be even certain percentage of t h e men who would have Alexander Pope expressed my all logic. As it is now, one could very more improved. ordinarily entered State College, would be eligible sentiments back in the eighteenth well conclude that women are ashhome & and after one vear's training to aoolv for further train- c e n t u l - y w n e n h e s P ° k e o f t n e o r d e r am f^ o f th „ e r o l e °^ "\ ^ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED alter one year s training to appiy ior iurtner tram Q f t h e u n l v e r s e w h i c h s h o u l d n o t mother and can only consider themIn guns . . . and still like to play "cops and robbers ing. This training would lead to officer s com- he transgressed. Picking up a pious selves a success when they have suc- . . . it might be wise to investigate the civil service missions and qualification to serve the country in pen, I could refer to the Biblical cessfully competed in the man's jobs for prison guards . . . don't shoot, we give up. professions and trades. account of God's commanding wo- world. . . . u-i.ii i r u m a n J u s t what position she should Space will only allot the answer- A NICE XMAS PRESENT Will be in store for Campus Chest if enough people In presenting this plan, the intellectuals of the t a k e i n t h e o r d e r o f things-child- ing of one of the many questions out to see the Junior Revue, "Here's New York" country have admitted that the practical way for bearer, but I am not so naive in my that has presumably arisen; what get . . . a lot of work has been put into it, so give it a the United States in the next decade is to trans- views as to foster strict adherence provoked the idea in the first place? fling. t 0 this form ourselves into a militaristic nation ' * c o u l d r e f e r t 0 M r > D a n i e l J f e e l t h a t t n e h o m e i s f a s t losin& torm ourselves into a militaristic nation. DeF'oe's "Education of Women" as its position as the basic unit of cul- WERE DISILLUSIONED Came to school Monday . . . cold and chilled to To agree or disagree with this plan and its impli- a p o i n t i n fact. Mr. DeFoe, an en- ture. Believing this position vital to cations is a question of judging it according to lightened writer of the eighteenth the preservation of an orderly ex- the bone . . . and wha' hoppen? . . . no hot chocoideals and beliefs or practicalities. Theoretically, ccentury, crystallized his attitudes istence of mankind on the error. I late . . . just one li'l ole' disappointment after anthe idea of universal militarv training—and for o n c e r n i n e women's education, in can only conceive of chaos and self- other. tne mea oi universal military training a n a ior t h e f o r m Qf a n a c a d e m y f o r w o _ d e s truction if the home were to give two years—is inconsistent with every word ot our m e n . Here they could pursue courses way completely. The basis of it all THE SHUTTER BUGS Of State are displaying their talents on second democratic philosophy. However, looking at the ter- more related to their sex and de- I do not attribute to women but floor Draper now . . . take a peek at them . . . then vel lnto rifvine experience of a war not five years cold gov°P noble specimens of their rather to our cultural pattern and go out and take a pic . . . if it's good enough, you s ecies prnmpnt IP-UWS are ilrearlv thinkine in terms of P - However, Mr. DeFoe clamp- our emphasis on a competing spirit, might get it put up. eminent leaders are already trniming in terms oi e d r i g o r o u s r e s t r i C tions on the other I believe that a cultural emphasis millions in a standing army. In terms of Russia, faoets 0 f their lives with which I on the part that women should play SHADES OF OLD VASSAR A blazer company has offered to sell jackets to they tell us that force is our only weapon. disagree. He set down a code of in relation to man's role, is vital to Now our educators have decided that we can no ethics and morals too analogous to combating the high divorce rate students who have a little extra spending money . . girls only need about nineteen dollars and boys about i v. t u . TTM ,:n „,.,!.„ .„„,„ i.:_j ne .,„,.„„ a convent life to be practically ap- and other factors pointing up the twenty-seven . . . of course, they have an extra pocket longer hope that U N will make some kind of agree- p U e d a n d h e 8 C r u t l n 1 z e d t h e i r »_ disintegration of the home This is so when you leave school, you can take the emblem ment or rather mutual toleration. I he publication c i a i intercourse with the male world my answer to the problem, off and have a sports jacket . . . the problem is . . what color will the jackets be? . . . purple, with yelevidences that to make sure of education of a cerlow binding; or yellow with purple binding . . . anytain group they have officially handed the reway here's our chance to be clubby. sponsibility of training leaders in war over to the A NEW IMPETUS government. To rivalry should be last Wednesday's volley ball The most discouraging part of this resolution is game . . since the Sophs made a clean sweep in the that educators, the people who construct, inspire game and the cheering points, the score is now narand direct have admitted defeat. Our government The intimacy of our particular real talent. We'd like to see much rowed to 10-12 in favor of the Frosh, making for a will 110 doubt conduct some sort of a military train- college life affects our drama very more of it. Ditto for John Lannon— keener competition. inrr nrncrmm rregardless »f any -mv/ statement st-itpmpnt that strongly on its personal side. And though for different reasons. We P[ /nrHlf.« r ng program ot that has has SQ thlg c o l u m n often d e v o t e s ltself also e n j o v e d w a t c h l n g W a l t S c h n e l . been made. I he system advocated by this group is largely to the worth of the perfor- ler shake Schneller like a pillow and DON'T KNOW Why anyone should want to eat in the locker more efficient in planning broken lives, wars and mances in our A.D. plays. But to- shake spear like a madman. (All obtaining support of the federal government in day it seems imperative to say that right so it was a foil, but whoever rooms . . . they're so crowded and dismal . . but apthey do . . . come fall, spring, or Campus ineiimtinns Rui ihp mnril pffprf sppm<; tn Pat Graff's choice of play is one we heard of Wm. Shakefoil (1564- parently, Commission, these people just can't seem to resist outweigh the efficiency. war, destrucIhni institutions. Hut In thetimes moralofettect seems to ^ ^ftUb e g r a t e f u l £ o r u p r o . i 6 i 6 ) ! } M a r t h a Downey, a lady with gulping down a sandwich before their next class tion, and general terror we look to these men for in- vided one of the most thought-pro- a way about her on the stage, drew . . . it can't be much fun . . . and it'll only lead spiration, explanation and the maintenance of voking productions we have ever much deserving applause with her to ulcers. seen in Page Hall. We were vari- elegantly vulgar boredom, the evesome kind of reason. Although there is always a ously touched, amused and troubled, ning's most subtle humor. John PUBLICITY WISE State has certainly become more and more spot. . . Pantomime and fantasy are ex- Lindberg often seemed to read his point where theory and ideals are limited, the tremely difficult to realize effec- lines as if he were merely quoting- light and public eye conscious this year . . . posters American Association of Universities and Colleges tively. Oddly enough, that is where some of the Shakespeare he'd once all over the place . . . to say nothing of the many has offered a plan which is disheartening. T h e this performance excelled—especi- memorized for his own reasons. It's radio programs we're sending out . . . Don Ely's "Camplan does benefit the lives of those wishing to enter ally toward the end. For instance, a shame his many stage virtues are pus Highlights" . . . Forum on "Crusade for Democollege in the next few years and those already Anne-Marie's compulsions to mimic weakened by this kind of unnatural cracy" . . . and Radio Council's "Tunin' in the Town" . . . the "Town's" latest stunt is the tune of here. It also condones, by the very fact of this the limping steps of her ancient be- naturalness, the week . . . each week State students choose their trothed and the symbolism of the publication, war and militarism. clock being stopped by the young By the way, we missed a set for favorite song and it is played on the program . . . lover and being started again by the the play—possibly because of thenow all we need is our own station. aging aunts came across very force- striking one we had in the first of- THIS IS THE LAST COLUMN ably. So did the repetition by the fering. It was a good chance, howBefore Christmas and we would like to wish everySTATE COLLEGE NEWS old man of the identical words of ever to observe one of the differ- body a very merry one . , . and a Happy New Year, love which had been so moving in ences between the modern and the too . . . have a nice vacation,( and don't go wassailESTABLISHED MAY 1916 the mouth of the youthful hunter. Elizabethan stage. And did you no- ing too much.i BY THE CLASS OF I91B This latter must be a tribute to tice that Bob Donnelly is responslthe play's best actor. Bob Sanders ble for pointing up that difference? RATING—ALL-AMERICAN spoke of his love so convincingly December 15, 1950 No. 12 that we could not loathe the char- ———— VOL. XXXV acter playing.boyishness Louis Vionwe'd re P^A/. QAjoaJo vealedhe anwas appealing MITMIMT DUtrlhiilnr AJKHUHMUMI ColleifUite P r o w l.'iilleglate DlifeH'l not suspected he possessed in his •*•*»** " ' e W B Thu u n d e r g r a d u a t e IICWK if the New York Stute Col- repertoire. It is the ladies of the lege for Teachers : |,u)>UH 1M-II every c'rlduy of t h e College play who were not genuinely conFRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. year by t h e NRWH Hiiiml for t h e Sluilent AB«OC1HI1OU. vincing. Madelon Avallone, despite OH 8:30 p.m. Junior Revue, Page Hall AuditorP h o n e s : Fennel. 2-11*112: Wolfe. X1HKU2; Milk, B-H311. Mum ium. lw*rH of t h e NK.WN staff uut.v he reached Tuemluy a n d her grey hair, seemed much younger than her sister. Nor did Mary Weilnesiliiy from 7 to II -W [> in ill B-IM07. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16. A poll was taken in assembly last 1 1 MART FKNZKI. - Ktlltor-l«-C'hlet Beth Johnson get away with the a.m. State College versus Syracuse UniO O l . D ' t ' »»V.\UTZ Co-MunuKinn Editor girlish aspects of her character al week by the Center for Community versity debate, second floor of Dra( i K I A l II H I S S i>..h iTH-i'^HIf J L ' w though they were frequently funny. wStudies to see how many students per Hall. el E V E ! . ' N \\ 01.KK Ann Columbe apparently lacks the 'e participating in Community 8-12 p.m, Alpha Epsllon Phi date party. HAKVKV Ml I K • SpiirlH PAUI, HI CIIMAN - - - - - Senior H|iort» Membel experience it takes to make the activities. Dr. William E. Vickery, Commuters Christmas Party, ComHEVKKI.N 1(1 II M l IN (ircHlntlon Mutineer prospect of horror as real as the Professor of Inter-Cultural Educamons. lion ancl , I \ N R COOK AilvrrtUIng Munnirnr presence of horror. Director of the Center, 8:30-12 p.m. Kappa Beta date party, Lounge .lOHKI'll I 1 H I I V UiiHlneHH MHimicri spoke, explaining the poll. CECELIA UA I I IS I I KxellllllKo Kdlt<« SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17. For the second play of the eveNOKINK CAKOII.I. Amiiiiiltile Editor 3 p.m. Newman Club Holy Hour, Small VICTORIA BADE - - - - - - A8KOCI»«* Keillor ning, let's revert to form. There may The Debate Council motion preGrotto of Vincentlan High School. CiUACi: SMITH 7 0 A»»ociute Kiiitor h e s u m e w l l 0 f e e | t]^, S ] a p S tifk was seated by Thomas Godward '51, Pm. Hillel post-Chanaukah Party, Hillel overdone, but 'twould be an errant President, was brought up again and Hall. mmmmw^mmmmm, All coini ili-iili'in- vhonlil he mlilrcxncil to I In- editor a m i knave who'd find much fault with passed by Student Association. De8-10 p.m. Chi Sigma Theta faculty ChristriniHt he sline-il Names will ho withheld upon ruiiuoHl Party. The HTATK I 'I I I.I.I'.liK NEWS iimumes no roririoutdhlllty the players. Every time Earl Sipe bate Council, therefore, received a for opinions e x p r e s s e d In Its m i n i m i s o r eoinuinninil ions opened his mouth to utter some $450 increase in funds to carry out TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10. •IB Hiich expressions do not necessarily reflect l i s view. new unintelllglbility, every time he its program. Godward pointed out 3:30 p.m. French Club Christmas Party, registered an emotion (that must that this increased amount was Lounge. be what they were), he had his au- needed becuuse the Debate Team 8-10 p.m. Phi Delta date party. -**>*• f dience In not-so-mtld hysterics. He was participating in more activities 8:30-12 p.m. SCAGS Christmas Party, Commons. was so funny we think it must be this year. 11 p.m.-l a.m. Sorority and Fraternity parties. One Man'I OfUnian College Calendar - - OH *I*4fi % /icuuetof Conway Releases Exam Schedule For Civil Service Civil Service Examinations will be given February 3, 1951, according to J. Edward Conway, President of the New York State Civil Service Commission. There are openings for prison guards in eleven State Institutions and an opening for an insurance advisor in the Executive Department, Division of Housing. Applications will be accepted up to December 29. Applicants for the Prison Guard position must be between 21 and 28 years old. They must have two years' experience in actual supervision of men, and a high school diploma or four years of military experience in the armed forces of the United States, or two additional years of supervisory experience. The application fee is two dollars. People applying for the insurance advisor position must have a high school diploma and five years of recent experience in some phase of the insurance business, or they must have two years of college and two additional years of insurance experience. The application lee is four dollars. Candidates may obtain other examination announcements, which give more detailed information, from the Examinations Division, State Department of Civil SIT,ice 39 Columbia Street, Albany, NewYork or any local office of the New \ o r k State Employment Service. Completed applications with the required fee should be filed at the Governor Alfred E. Smith Office Building, Albany. S<MHHumicaito*U F*AOB • Council Speculates Hostels Offer On Blazer-Wearing Scholarship Trip What will Student Council take up next? They are now considering the vital issue of wl:at the well dressed Statesmen —and women—will wear. If in tne near future you should see s vtril Council members sporting purple blazers with white piping (that point has not been decided as yet) you will know that correspondence with a company dealing In such things - has developed Into a business deal. The Council has been discussing selling arrangements with the company and investigating the possibility of having the State College Co-Op handle the jackets. The blazers are unique in thai along with each sale goes an extra pocket. Thus t h e buyer may replace t h e emblemed pocket which is on the jacket with the plain one and wear the blazer as a casual jacket when he graduates. Practicality plus! Grant European Tour To Contest Winner The officials of the American Youth Hostels Incorporated have r e leased plans to award a scholarship trip to Europe next summer, with all expenses paid, to any person who writes the best essay entitled, "Why I Would Like to Go Hosteling in Europe." The winner in the nationwide competition for this trip will join one of the supervised groups sponsored by AYH and will spend eight weeks abroad, traveling through their choice of either the British Isles, Central Europe, or France and the Rhineland. Hosteling derives its name from the low-cost overnight accommodations, "hostels," available to those with hostel passes traveling by bicycle or hiking. Hostelers carry their clothing in saddlebags on their bicycles or in packs on their backs and frequently prepare their own food, limiting expenses to less than $1.50 a day. The winners of the contest will sail from the United States about June 15 and will return about September 1. Going as AYH members, they will travel both by train and ship. Hillel has scheduled a party and The competition Is open to U. S . ' Newman Club has planned a Holy citizens who have reached the age Hour lor the coming week, according of 17 by July 1, 1951. Moreover, the to their respective presidents, Bar- competitors must apply for hostel bara Stein and Gerald Brophy, passes, which permit the holder to ' Seniors. stay a t any hostel in this country Hillel will hold a post-uhanukah and abroad, Entries, consisting of Pictured above are William Wiley and Thomas Singleton, who will Party Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. inno more than 1,000 words, must be appear in the Junior Rcvuc, which will be presented tonight in Page Hillel Hall. The evening will feat- postmarked no later than April 15, 1951. An announcement of the winHall. ure a cantata presented by the ner will be made in the summer isHillel Choral Group. Newman club has scheduled a sue of Hosteling magazine. Holy Hour for 3 p.m. Sunday at the Full information and application Small Grotto located in the Vin- forms for the scholarship may be centlan High School at the corner obtained from National Headquartof Ontario and Yate Streets. Rev- ers, American Youth Hostels, 6 East erend Richard Dineen will officiate. 39th Street, New York City. Hillel, Newman Slate Activities To the Editor: "Students at the University of Notre Dame are first ancl foremost Notre Dame men, and to the University as a whole their first allegiance goes. Secondarily, they are members of a specific class in the the kettle boiling? Are the minks," while Money ranges from University, and secondarily their s h Is ades pulle< ille-iance to tin the u.iss. class" Thus your con- millions to just money. Even a memi i r ^ u n u O-ocs oi.s io urns s n c.n c . C i p r a v t"h eSwallow p o s t o f f l c e d o e s l V t be].o f l h e f a c u ] t y n e e d s i t states one columnist in the Notre j j n c | out, and let's go! Ya' know, Dame Scholastic. steaming open letters is fun—esSeems everybody wants a Cadillac. Most State students will admit pecially letters to Santa, jammed But a few would be satisfied with that in this college the reverse situ- U h Lincoln" or "just a t t n a .. b J u tt ation exists. First and foremost— c a r •• the class, then—the school. Poor Santa! Look at the variety Every time we attend a "Big 4" it of tiiese requests, spread out over These Jewelry requests must be seems ironic to us that such talent eight categories: World, College, from females. What would a fellow should be diverted into inter-class Scholastic Affairs, Opposite Sex, want with frat pins and diamonds? competition—by college traditions. If Clothes, Cars, Money, and Jewelry, Well, Merry Christmas, Santa. a class docs a good job on a musi- Want a breakdown? Okay, here Here's hoping yoLi live to see it! cal production, it receives the cred- goes! it which upon graduation is lost World Affairs boils down to peace forever. If the school puts on a good and deferments. Life at State must show, the credit remains there as be rugged. Listen! Three months to an honor to the college, ancl, to in- sleep in, three extra days off for coming classes, a standard to up- Christmas, live-day weekends and WHY PAY IT ALL hold. two-day weeks. Ah, here's a peppy What would happen if the "4" in soul. "Ko hours for the rest of the AT ONCE "Big 4" actually stood for the par- year." tieipation of the four classes; if the ' j u d g i n g b v t h e S E ! | s t a t e m u s t b e talent oiproduction; all^fmir wereancl j n i t if lnto^a v e r v scholastic-ally minded: "English school the When you can get Smithticket read "NYSCT Presents translation of physics," "A in scienee," "copies of January exams," instead of "The Class of . . ."? "a leprechaun to do back work," C o r o n a P o r t a b l e s a t t h e Barbara Peace '53. and "a recording machine to play Jordine SkofT '53. CO-OP on a n installment homework while I sleep." Opposite Sex—rough sledding for Everett Designs Cover basis. Santa trying to find enough redFor College Magazine heads and 6'2"-ers. And do you know j l l j R k where he can get a "Johnny SEE: Joan Ti tus '52. Editor-in-Chief of |l 0 0 kj s ' , P l ^ u e with Kirk Douglas ic college ' Primer, the colteg literary annual, Manager for details has announced the winner of the Clothe from "mittens to cover design for the 1950-'51 issue of the magazine. The winner. Har10% DISCOUNT TO lan Everett '51, will receive a prize STUDENTS and FACULTY of five dollars. ON RECORDS Everett's cover design was chosen by Miss Ruth E. Hutchins, Assistant Professor of Art, and Miss Titus. Six 150 Central Ave. 62-0221 different designs were submitted for the contest. Open Evenings Until 9:00 Busy Santa Works Double Time To Satisfy Myriads BLUE iOTE SHOP Of Requests In Superior, Wisconsin, the favorite STATE COLLEGE CO-OP gathering spot of students at the Superior Slate College is the Cafeteria because it is a cheerful place 110% Discount to Students Up to Dec. 31. 1050 Moe Kahn —full of friendly collegiate atmosphere. And when the gang gathers 'A C l e a n P l a c e T o E a t " around, ice-cold Coca-Cola gets the "Styles of Today" 232 CENTRAL AVENUE call. For here, as in college haunts Waldorf Cafeteria 1()7 Central Ave. everywhere—Coke belongs. Jsk fur it either way . . . both trade-marks mean the same thing. THE COLLEGE JEWELER 103 C e n t r a l A v e . OPEN DAY ANI) NIGHT ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. © I9SO, Tli. Coca-Cola Company STATE COLUCOI NEWS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1 0 8 0 f»AOI 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, French Club Party Stokes Issues Names OF Cast Additions SCAGi To Hold State Dcbators Oslo Provides Christmas Celebration To Feature Speaker The names of three additional Club invites all students cast members for the college operTo Meet Squad Summer Courses A "Christmas Mixer" has been of French French to its Christmas Party, etta,"Iolanthe," have been released planned by SCAO's, State's graduate The fifth annual Summer School Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. in the Lounge, for American Students at the Uni- club, for Tuesday night from 8:30 announces William Kirman '52, by Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor From Syracuse versity of Oslo in Norway will be to 12 p. m. in the Commons, ac- President. Providing the Christmas of Music. These parts include the Pour members of the State College Debate Team will participate in a meet here tomorrow against members of the Syracuse University Debate squad, according to the Director of Debate Council, James W. Shutt, Instructor in English. The debate will take place at 11 a.m. Shutt states that all students who wish to attend the meet are welcomed by the Council to do so. The debate will be held on the second floor of Draper Hall. The topic will be: "Resolved:; That non-communist nations should form a new international organization." This topic has been chosen for inter-collegiate debates this year. Debate Council has also begun plans for a meet, to be held January 19. The debate will take place during the Assembly program. Since the meet will be with West Point, the topic for debate will concern some military problem of today. held in Oslo from June 23 to August 4. About 250 students will be admitted according to a release from the University. Requirement for admission is completion of at least two years of college by June 1951. All applications must be received by the Admissions office by April 1. Six credit hours may be earned at the session. Emphasis will be on Courses pretaining to Norwegian culture. There will also be courses offered on the social, conomlcal, and political situation in Scandinavian countries. Applications for Admission may be secured from the Oslo Summer Schol Admissions Office at Olaf Cilleg in Northfield, Minnesota. Tuition for the six weeks terms is $80; student fee, $10, and the excursion fee, $20. The session has been approved by the Veterans Administration; veterans may therefore, receive their benefits under the GI Bill. cording to Douglas Higgins, Presi- atmosphere will be a tree, complete , dent. The faculty has been invited with trimmings and lights. The program will feature a guest to attend the party. speaker and singing. Simone Krail, Santa Claus will hand out gifts, wife of Jack Krail, Supervisor of in an atmosphere of traditional red Modern Languages at Milne, will and green decorations, from a grab tell the group about "Christmas in bag. The rest of the program will Paris."Durlng her stay in Paris, Mrs. include games, novelty dancing, and Krail became well-acquainted with the Parisian Christmas. group singing. lead and understudy role for Celia and a solo dance. Cella will be played by Mary MacFarland '53, with Ethel Pierson '54 acting as understudy for the part. Marion Schock will perform in a solo dance. Miss Schock is also doing the choreography for the chorus in the operetta. Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests Number 9...THE MARSH HEN SAVE 10% — ON FOOD COSTS — SAVE 10% BOULEVARD CAFETERIA PHONE I-191S "MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" 198-B00 CENTRAL AVENUE MEAL TICKETS ALBANY, N. T. — $5.50 FOR $5.00 H O M E for the H O L I D A Y S GREYHOUND / e e m s like this confused fowl got mixed in a m e t a p h o r the pleasant friendly w a y a a£ Binghamton Elmira Plattsburg Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Oneonta Watertown Lowville Utica N Y City Auburn Seneca Falls O.W. 2.90 4.40 3.75 4.15 5.10 2.55 1.70 4.00 3.35 2.20 3.05 3.10 3.45 R ,T. 5, 25 7.95 6.75 7 .50 W .20 4 .60 3.10 7 .20 6 .05 4 .00 5.,50 5,,60 (J .25 O.W. Ithaca Niagara Falls Lockport Jamestown Oswego Olean Sidney Malone Saranac Lake Schroon Lake Cazenovia Cobleskill Richfield Springs and was almost turned into a guinea pig. The story goes she got caught in a welter of quick-trick cigarette tests . . . one puff of this b r a n d , then a puff of t h a t . . . a sniff, a wliifT - a fast Buy an Extra Gift with the money you save 3.85 5.65 5.10 6.75 3.55 6.60 2.15 4.95 3.55 2.05 2.50 95 1.50 R.T. 6.95 10.20 9.20 12.15 6.40 11.90 3.90 8.95 6.40 3.70 4.50 1.75 2.70 •Federal Tax Not Included 350 Broadway, Phone 4-0165 Central Greyhound Lines G R EYHOU ND inhale and exhale. And then she was supposed to know all about cigarette mildness! Is that the way to treat a lady? ^ And is that the way to judge a cigarette? We think not. T h a t ' s why we suggest: The sensible test —The 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke — on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap judgments needed. After you've enjoyed Camels — and only Camels — for 30 days in your "T-Zone" (T for Throat, T for Taste) we believe you'll know why . . . More People Smoke Camels than any other cigarette! PAGE S Teachers Tackle Pittsburgh; Lose At Harpur Wednesday State's first place keglers continuThe Rousers took over first place ed on their way as they swept three Tuesday as they downed the Splits a e < C€S straight games from Pharmacy on in three straight matches by scores the Siena college alleys last Wed- of 617-544, 698-622, and 660-583. nesday night. As a result of this, Potter, the first place team last Siena, who took three games from week, dropped to third as they lost By FULLER & COYKENDALL ABC, is still one game behind State to SLS in the hardest fought and By DON BURNS in the tight race for the Intercol- best played games of the season, legiate League bowling crown. , Just to prove that basketball is Saturday night the Peds went 76-67 score. The Peds outscored ,, ,. „ ,„ . „„., „„ The Rousers were sparked by their really here to stay and WAA is on down to their fourth straight de- their opponents from the floor but Mcuonald Paces League Leaders . , _, _, ,J\ . _,,.. the ball, Saturday WAA was invited feat as they bowed to Pratt, 56-53. lost the game at the foul line. A For the second s l i g h t week in ^ ' ^ S ^ T h f S s t S to a play day at Russell Sage along The victors were never behind in total of 58 fouls were called, 33 ? *Z e h 1 I-,in a ^ P 0 , n m St r P e co 1 .d e P d g ^ e ^ e a n % £ ! V ™ Splits was with Middlebury College. the contest as set shot artist Dan against State and 25 against the j r " ^ e S 1 t 1 l , e e a C a p t . e D ° o n e M C - «* * register a 400 game. Green and White. The victors conState's delegates were Joan De- Giglio hooped 19 points. Donald paced his men with a 551 S L S Breaks League Records verted on 28 out of 43 attempts from Vinny, Betty Coykendall, Malvina Working from a five man weave, the free throw mark while State hit triple while also taking individual T n e b i g g a m e o f t n e d a y w n i c n Garner, Phil Harris, Martha Nevhonors for the night with a 200 brought together the two previous lezer, Evie Erdle, Helen Pilcher, and the visitors established a 9-3 lead on 15 of 28 tries. first game score. McDonald now ij= ague leaders, Potter and SLS, re- Esse Juengling. Although the rep- at the end of the first quarter. The The Statesmen went into the game, leads the league in individual aver- S l u t e d in a two to one victory for resentatives weren't greeted by fur Statesmen could connect for only two without the services of their Capgoals in the first 11 minutes of ages as his scores of last night rais- t h e s o n s o f s l g m a Lambda. High coats, plaid scarves, and red-knee Held the game, one each by Carter and tain, Jim Warden, and lost the sered his season's average to approxi- m a n f o r S L s was Oarr with a 542 socks, they received a hearty wel- Brown. Pratt pulled away to a 21-9 vices of Fallek, Carter, and Krug mately 185. total, while Kirby with a 504 led the come; toured Sage's new activities lead as Bunnington and Giglio col- via the five foul route. State's total pinnage of 2585 is losers. Three records were broken building, and warmed up by playing laborated for five quick baskets. Pete Telfer and Paul Carter each just two pins less than the league by the powerful SLS crew. "Clancy" a bit of "tenocourt." After a valiant Don Krug entered the fray at this hit for seven points in the first record they set exactly one week Oarr set a new high in season aver- struggle, State bowed to Sage 32-19 stage and became the big cog in a stanza as State came out on the ago, ages with a 168, Thierran a new and Middlebury 10-17. Don't let Purple and Gold scoring flurry. Big short end of a 22-17 score. ZonThe first game was a farce as high in individual games with a 199 these scores discourage you, the Don hit the nets for 8 points in the grone, Brown, and Krug carried the just begun and "practice State swamped Pharmacy by a total and the team as a whole bowled a season's makes perfect!" The spirit is there last five minutes of the half, but burden of the State offense in the of 208 pins. To illustrate how pitiful 2416 total, the best all season. With and maybe next time State will be the Cannoniers still held a 35-21 second period as they closed the gap lead at the intermission. at half-time to 35-33. Pharmacy's cause was, only one this fine bowling SLS moved into in first place. man, Kinney, bettered the blind, third place, Harpur wrapped up the game in The regulars could not regain which is 140. The second game the third quarter as they converted Twirling Club Active their shooting eye as the second showed little improvement for Phar- KDR Moves Into Second Remember that terrific new ac- half got underway and Coach Hath- 9 out of 10 charity tosses and Coach macy as State again ran roughshod While this battle for first place tivity. Twirling Club, headed by away inserted Bill Walker, John Hathaway was forced to bench two over them, this time bv a total of ''aged, the smooth and well-balanced Ruth Dunn '53? Here's your chance Zongrone, and Krug into the line of his regulars because of fouls. 150 pins. The last game could have KDR boys took over the second to swing a baton, in the Milne gym up. They responded splendidly. With Gene Kobylarz and John Leney were been labeled, "no contest"; State's place berth. KDR behind Ken Orn- Thursday at 3:30—Are you gonna' Krug dominating both backboards the big guns for the winners in this superiority was never in doubt as er downed the Fearless Five in pass it up? stretch. The former getting five free the Peds began to roll. they ended up winning bv the tre- three straight by scores of 694-487, throws and the latter four field Have you bought any candy or mendous margin of 257 pins. 675-658, and 694-573. KDR's record In six minutes, this new aggrega- goals. The efforts of Pete Telfer is n o w e i h t , u l d o n e coke at the varsity games? WAA To Roll Against Siena ^ ' tion closed a 14 point deficit to 45- and Bob Brown kept the Statesmen The day we come back from our T h e o t h e , . s t r o n g team of the lea- Council is selling it with the hope 41. "Nate" Fallek hooped a one- in the game till an eight point burst Christmas vacation, the Peds roll g u e t h p B e a v ers, beat Thurlow by that they'll earn enough money to hander from the side and we trailed by Kobylarz midway through the Siena on the latter's home alleys. s c o r e s o f 769-615, 835-681, i.nd 755- send a delegate to Michigan. Let's by two. Pratt's Bunnington and final period, really cinched the verThis may well be the most crucial fl51 T h e b i g g u n s h e r e w e r e B e r . help them out—Eat candy—Drink Kennedy retaliated with a couple of dict for the home team. series of the season for State. A n a r d a n d D e mers with 519 and 495 coke for that new look. quick deuces as Fallek contributed Kobylarz took the game's scoring sweep of all three games would triples respectively, Now to everyone a merry, merry three counters to the home forces' laurels with 19 counters. State had shove State out in front by four Christmas and by the WAA, we'll total. A set shot by Zongrone cut four men in the double figures; they complete games and thereby pro- The two other games were both see you next year. the visitor's lead to 50-48 and pan- were Telfer, Brown, Carter, and vide sort of a cushion for them for decided by a 2 to 1 margin. In the Fallek. demonium reigned in Page Hall. the remaining 12 weeks of the sea- first the Jeeps took the Snafus in The cheers went for nil as Lois S t a l l ' son. the third and deciding game by a ft T H a r p e r IK r» rt T :i •1 III I ' e l l e r 4 in Welz contributed sets and Bun- Knllek 4 Pharmacy 1 2 3 To. score of 778-696. The two other AIOIU- NoU &it H<j, and •j 1 ii 2 •1 II I ' l e ' a n n illlllsller nington a driving lay up to raise Moak 102 120 81 303 scores were 671-627, and 586-634. 11 0 1 liVau'rit liter n :i the Pratt margin to 8 points with Wn .By PAUL BLCHMAN. 11 1 Lee 102 125 227 T n e l i n a l g a m e between KB and IInp|>e.v 1 BVIIIIH :i ti,-) ll 111 three minutes remaining. Brown, T e l f e r 1; •> 11 K u l i y ' i t t Blake 122 148 139 409 , n e p i n k s s a w t n e P o t t e r farm club .-) 1 n There is probably no other sport Carter, and Fallek converted free T i i l w r 1 ii ' l l i i i l ' i e k •1 _ • » Lynn !26 94 220 ( , o m p f r o m b e n l n c i a n r j take the last that offers more tension and opporII lll'liWII 'X lLMt'immc'l 0 0 throws and Taber got a tap-in to ,• Kinney 189 182 143 514 t W Q g a m e s by scores of 715-675 and tunity for good, substantial nailii KriiB J 11 4 Hiite'ini •J n slice the score to 56-53. That's how :i ii 4 10II,i ni'.v •J VI Pezzullo 163 134 297 7 2 7 . 6 2 0 . They had dropped the first biting, for the spectator, then schol- it ended as the victors waived three C u r l e r (1 •Ultunllek (1 11 11 ZollKI'oile T 777" one bv a score of 727 to 677. astic and/or collegiate wrestling. charity tosses to retain possession Totals 641 707 622 1970 ' , •Ml lii 1171 •-M IH 7H Please do not do the "honest to of the ball in the final 45 seconds. i 2 3 To. As of now the SLS crew is favorstatc 164 164 175 500 ed to win the title. They have beat- goodness" wrestlers the injustice of Burt The JV's dropped their second Strauss, Hanson Eliminate Hoyt, Ca«setta 165 173 170 508 en both Potter and the Beavers and confusing their ancient and vener- game of the season to a taller OpOorsi 181 165 164 510 their only threat now is KDR. able sport with that exhibition of penheim team, 60-54. Tom Hoppey's Cote From Ping Pong Tourney Sinkleclam 139 187 190 516 However, the Rousers, Potter, and the same name that you watch, from 23 points paced the Jr. Peds. The table tennis tournament of McDonald 200 111 180 551 KDR all have fine bowlers and your favorite easy chair or bar stool, State College now approaches the as the case may be, on television. Stud' promise to keep the league good and IK n 1 I'rutt f « II T final stage. The tourney, beginning Coach Garcia, who is trying, U n i w n :i ii 1 HI W e Z :i 11 with close to 40 fellows, has now Totals 849 857 879 2585 light. through the medium of the Wrest- C u r l e r ; 1 :i i i i i n ' i n i i r, 1 11 been cut down to just two; Ted :t .-. :i ;:i l . i . u 1 7 ling Club, to establish wrestling ••'illleli 11 1 II J l l l n l i n 1 111 Strauss and Al Hanson. here, has done a commendable job TT ei l l her •j ler 11 1 1 SIIIKMI'II II 1 Ted gained the finals by beating in his freshman year at State. 11 '_' 'J Ztinirr " li ' Kenneilv •j 1 11 •! Ullekell 11 1 George Younkheere, Howard Cote, Walker Wrestling Should Be Encouraged 1 .". 11 K nit; and Clarence Oarr. Wrestling should be encouraged W arden •J 1 iil Al beat Alvin Dorn, Dick Jacobat State for many reasons. First, son, George Dicks, and "Doc" Hoyt, although it shouldn't be, wrestling On Monday night the Beavers , last year's finalist. Hanson comes is primarily a participant rather Tonight the Varsity seeks its in- from Jamestown and is the local came from behind in the last half Dave Wander aided then-cause with than ii spectator sport. Secondly, to win their initial contest 35-29 brilliant Moor play. Ken George and wrestling is a sport for a small man itial win of the season as they jour- ping-pong champ there. from the Things. The Beavers were Harvey Milk were outstanding for as well as the big boys. Competition, ney to Pittsburgh State. Joe GarStrauss has been the College on the short end of a 13-20 score the losers. George runmeel 11 lor which is divided into eight weight cia \s JV squad Is also out to hang champ for two consecutive years up their first win of the year in a and is the local area champ. at the half. Big Ken Ludlum threw the losing cause. divisions, is thus open to anyone in- tussle with Albany Pharmacy in 18 points for the winners while in games played last Thursday terested in the sport. his teammate Lamanna was hitting the Van Derzee squad downed the There is an exceptionally good away. for 6. Sturm pounded the hoop for Things, 41-35. The Finks topped the possibility of wrestling becoming a At Binghamton on Wednesday 18 points in the losing cause. His Rousers to the tune of 34-16. The first-rate sport at State. It is prob- evening, the Peds dropped a well one-handers from the side were very vermonters fell prey to SLS by a ably the best sport with the possible played game to Harpur College by a effective in the first half. In other score of 64-32. exception of basketball, in which a games K.D.R. swamped the Red. . .. , .. small school can become a major skins 63-10 and the Angels trounced Sophs bweep Kivalry Volleyball/ power. Unless you are a wrestling the Vermontors 44-9. Increase Score By Five Points fan, you have probably never heard The Page Hall was the scene of l l u , > S o ) j h s p u t themselves back uf Iowa State Teachers College, LePharmacists three more encounters last Satin*- i n l ( ) m n l u n , , Wednesday night as high, or Cornell College. Yet these Founded 1905 Phene 4-2036 day afternoon. In what was more o t h in both schools consistently rank among tU . fouU , C | Ul( . jrusli 'Portraiture At Its Plneat" 157 Central Ave. a rugby match than a basketball V()11eybull and cheering. As u result, the leaders In collegiate wrestling. ALBANY, N. T. Let's hope that State, too, may some game Thurlow Hall downed he l l ] ( , v n ( j w u . u „ m ,. ivall . v b y o l u v 2 day rank among the leaders. Saints 51-41). The Terracemen led p o l n t s by 10 points at the end of the first WJU ' ) , l u , | i | u , u , m ] p l a y 0 | U a v i , Quarter but the Saints closed the P l l l n u , r a l u , R o c l Hlksinger and the HOLLYWOOD COMES gap to 4 points at halftime, 24-20. S1 . tljn ,, u p , m ( 1 spiking of Put Carlo Dick Stanford hit the orange-color- , m ; | J ( , n . y M( . O01 . Vi the Soph men EAST TO TAKE ed rim for 10 to lead the winners. w ( ) n | w y lnl) _, s j(j e( | decisions bv Haviland and Bailey led the losers H(,()|.(,s ()f IS _ 4 , m ( 1 lft_H YOUR PORTRAIT with 11 and 14 points respectively. T h ( , w u m e n s p l i l their first two In all, 31 fouls were called, li) of g a n u s WRh the Sophs taking the them against Thurlow. f l r s l | 20-15, and the frosh the secAn underrated Annex team lop- o l u |, 25-11). The third and deciding OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY ped a highly-ated Rettop squad, g i U m . brought the cheering crowds 37-34. The victors held an 18-11 half- to their 'eet us Linda Hopkins tied Evenings by appointment time lead and controlled both back- u a\\ ,,p U | n-17. Finally, In an boards. John Parsons led both teams 0V erlime period, Marilyn Lebenson 811 MADISON AVKNUI in scoring with 11 markers. Hal set, up the ball which awarded the 705MadiJoriAa<?., Albd^u, Htwtotk, Smith led the losers with 9 counters, sophomore class the game by a TELEPHONE 4-0*17 KB edged the Ham 'n' Eggers, .score ol 22-21. Standouts for the 4 0 P E M DAILY AT 8 A . M - 4 I 3126 Neil Ryder hooped 11 points Sophomore girls were Marilyn Adto lead his mates. Dan Ganeles and amiak and Betty Coykendall. i-u tUe 1/UAA '' " ' P» Pedagogue Scorers; Junior Varsity Faces Pharmacy Beavers Down Things In Thriller; Annex Topple Favored Rettops "For a while they had me swamped!" by Keglers Back Rousers Lead Record Again, As Potter Club Crush Pharmacy Loses To SLS FRIDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1080 .«*» : «"•» , „ ^ H.F.Honikel & Son ^/4&*feriteMeei OH, SWEETSHOP THE HAGUE STUDIO STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, IOSO PA9K e Sororities, Frats Schedule Date, Faculty Parties (Continued from Page 1, Column n eth, Sophomores, and Post-clean-up, Patricia Purcell '52. A date party has been scheduled by Philip Malafsky '51, President of Kappa Beta. The party will be in the Lounge Saturday between 8:30 and 12 p.m. for pledges, freshmen, transfers, and members. The theme of the dance is "The Bum's Rush" which is taking the place of the "Hobo Hobble" of, previous years. The music will be furnished by Bob Massey and his "Bluenoters." CoChairmen are George Kline '51, and Mitchell Burkowsky '52. The chaperones will be Dr. Robert S. Burgess, Professor of Librarianship, and Mrs. Burgess, and Dr. Theodore Standing, Professor of Sociology, and Mrs. Standing. Walter Keller '51, President, has announced that Sigma Lambda Sigma will have its annual carol sing Tuesday evening. The singers will serenade the residents of all college dorms. State Court Of Appeals Upholds Constitutionality Of Feinberg Law The on-again, off-again law, the Feinberg Law, is on again! The con C" stitutionality of this VhrtP sime law, which bars members of subversive organizations from employment in the public school system, was unanamously upheld November 30 by the New York State Court of Appeals. Passed by the legislature in 1949, M A A To Sponsor Dances After Games According to Ronald Rockhill '51 President of Men's Athletic Association, MAA council has made plans to hold dances after each home basketball game which occurs on a Friday or Saturday night. The first dance will take place Saturday, January 6 in the gym. Music for dancing, which will last until 12 midnight will be supplied by Don Burt and his orchestra. There will be an admission charge of $.25 per person. Thomas Hoppey '54, and Francis Streeter '53 are in charge of the arrangements for the affairs, —the law , tutinnal *}?8 W bv * b e e t l «State ****** nnimnst unconstitutional by two two State SiiSu p7 e m7Court* Justices" who~ were la, t, their Appellate DiLer rei er&eu y the most recent decivlsions, I n s l o n the state's highest tribunal held that ..,„ "when in its judgment and disthat hB n i n tt.« ,,,H.mpnt »nri riis. cretion the Legislature finds acts by public employees which threaten the integrity and competency of a governmental service such as the public school system, legislation adequate to maintain the usefulness of the service affected is necessary to forestall such danger." * faculty Costumes, Jewelry Mr. Eaward J. Sabol, Coordinator of Field Services and Mr. Elmer C. Mathews, Director of the Teachers Placement . . Bureau . . . attended _ . . _ a meetlng 0l A c a d e m l c Principals which was held at the Hotel Onondaga in Syracuse Sunday, Monday and TuesMr Sabol also DarticiDated in day aay MI W alS0 '. s a D College Paiucipatea in the' State Alumni Dinner Wednesday night at Cortland State Teachers College, P1'- R a l P h B - Kenny, Professor of Education and Dr. David Hartley, Assistant Professor of Education attended the winter meeting of the Capitol District Guidance Associa"Believinj the Feinberg Law to tion on Wednesday, December 6. be the Legislature's answer to such While attending the meeting they a"need, the court added, "we find took a trip through the Sterling i n that statute"no restriction which Wimhrop" Research"" Institute exceeds the Legislature's constitu.. o f , ,, Aft a„ r,e .c e_n ft m„,e e t m A, A tional power " S the Al' bany Club of the Society of Sigma Tne Academic Freedom Commit- Xi, the National Honorary Scientitee of the Teachers Guild issued a fie Society. Dr. Derk Tieszen, Asstatement "rejecting the philosophy sistant Professor of Chemistry was underlying the Court of Appeals de- elected Director for two years. Dr. cision." The statement ended, "We Tieszen replaces Dr. James Hicks, have opposed the Feinberg Law from t-rofessor of fcctucation. Dr. Margaret the start and we shall continue o Betz, Assistant Professor of Science fight for its repeal by the Legisla- was elected Secretary-Treasurer of ture." the Society. YES... Compare Chesterfield with the brand you've been smoking... Open a pack... smell that milder Chesterfield aroma. Prove — tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. Now smoke Chesterfields—they do smoke milder, and they leave NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE. HESTERFIELD I l k V I L I i l I k !•!# LEADING SELLER IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES Oipyiijhi 19)0. l.i.uiii ft Mriu Tumiu Co. QooJHotu Committee Requests The Costume Committee for the English Evening, planned for February 22, requests all students possesing materials that can be used for Elizabethan costumes to give them to a member of the committee. English majors are to improvise their own costumes for the event. The materials especially needed are velvets, satins and brocaded drapes. Costume jewelry is also requested by the committee. These materials will be used for the costumes of the faculty and members of the masque. English majors, if they so desire, are to design and make their own costumes. The costume committee will help the English majors upon request. Members of the costume committee are: Patricia Harding, Grad; Eileen Brooks and Patricia Graff, Seniors, Marvin Poons '52, and Sarah Brewer '53. Myskania Penalizes Three Frosh For Misuse Of Slate's Customs Myskania has issued second warnings to three members of the Class of '54. According to Martha Downey '51, those freshmen receiving warnings are: Madeline Payne, Joanne Doyle, and Barbara Ryan.