Document 14064262

Close Commons State Hens, Roosters To Frolic
Tuesday To Hold At Commuters Hayseed Holiday
Has State suddenly reversits rules? So they say. Just for Don't hide those feet on which you
Class Meetings edtheWhat?
annual Commuters' Club Soc
In order that the various classes
m a y be able to hold their meetings,
the Commons will be closed Tuesday noon, according to Stuart Gates
'51, Election Commission Chairman.
The Class of '51 will meet in Room
200 Draper, the Class of '52 in the
Auditorium, the Class of '53 in the
Lounge, and the Class of '54 in
Room 20, Richardson,
The Class of '52 will hear Mrs.
Oleason, a representative who will
speak about their class rings, according to Harvey R o b I n s ion,
President. A motion has been passed
that the profits from the Junior
Variety Show will go to Campus
The Class of '53 will hold a meeting this noon, acording to David
Palmer, President. Mildred Foote
and Owen Smith, Sophomores, have
been named Co-Directors of the
Campus Day skit.
The Class of '54 will hear campaign speeches will include the
candidates for offices. The campaign speeches will include only the
presidential candidates.
Asks Job Applicants
To Note PTEB Board
The Part-Time Employment Bureau, under the direction of Elmer
C. Mathews, requests that all students registered with the bureau
watch the bulletin board in Draper
Hall. If students do not bring their
cards into the office within three
days, those students' names will be
removed from the employment list,
according to Mathews.
Students not actively registered
who wish to seek part-time employment may register with this bureau
any time in room 107 Draper. There
is no charge for registering with
this bureau.
State's Debate Team
W i l l Face West Point
State's Varsity Debate Team will
travel to West Point tomorrow for a
meet, according to Thomas Godward '51, President of Debate Council. The topic for debate will be
Resolved: "That the Non-Communist nations of the world form a new
international organization."
Those attending the debate are
Robert Berkhofer '53 and Charles
Gruneisen '52, who will take the
affirmative side, and Joyce Leonard
'53 and Evelyn Erdle '52, who are
representing the negative side.
French, Spanish Club Meetings
W i l l Feature Singing, Dancing
Two d e p a r t m e n t a l clubs have
scheduled meetings to be held Wednesday and Thursday. F r e n c h Club
will meet Wednesday in t h e Lounge
a t 4:30 p.m., and P a n Amlgos will
meet T h u r s d a y a t 8 p.m. in the
Commons, according to William
K l r m a n '52, and Lillian Ol.sen '51,
respective Presidents of the clubs.
At both club meetings there will
be singing, refreshments and conversations in the respective languages,
Hop to be held Friday, October 27.
The student body will parade
around in plaid shirts, blue jeans
and other old looking glad rags.
Looks like dress clothes are really
on the way out and shoes are no
longer a necessity. From 8 to 12
p.m. the gym will resound with the
sock steps of round, square and
folk dancing.
Everyone has been planning all
week about the socks they plan to
wear. Your girl might even finish up
those argyles she's knitting if you
begged her. Being able to wear jeans
and shirts sure solves the clothes
problem and leaves plenty of spare
moments to choose from your extensive ??? sock wardrobe.
Through the maze of people and
their fashionable feet you may
glance around and appreciate the
calm, quiet effect of the yellow and
black decorations. Is that part of
the decorations or could that seedy
looking character be a friend of
yours? The corn stalks and withered leaves nevertheless will remind
the country kids of home and gives
the city slickers a chance to experience a night down on the farm.
Just picture your partner as Bessie
and your best friend as Horace and
the scene will be complete.
After the first set of square dances
there will be a mad dash for the
cider (sweet, of course) and those
holey donuts.
Now fellows and gals, this is your
Dr. Shields McIIwaine, Professor
of English, reviewed t h e book "Joel
Chandler Harris — Folklorist" by
Stella Brewer Brookes. His review
was p r i n t e d in the October 15 issue
of t h e New York Times Book Review Supplement.
Dr. C. L. Andrews, Professor of
Physics, will be on a lecture tour
during t h e week to seven colleges
of Michigan, Ohio, I n d i a n a , and
Illinois. T h e lecture will t r e a t the
studies a n d teaching devices developed a t t h i s college concerning t h e
n a t u r e of electromagnetic waves. I n
t h e absence of Dr. Andrews, Professor Edward Long of Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, will give t h e
lectures in Physics 18.
Dr. Wallace W. Taylor, Professor
of Social Studies a n d Supervisor in
Milne School, will speak to t h e Ternpel Beth Israel Congregation today
on the subject "Europe's F a i t h in
the United Nations." Tuesday he
will address the M o n a r c h Club in
which he will discuss "The United
Nations After Korea." T h e R o t a r y
Club in M e n a n d s will h e a r him
speak on "Europe's New F a i t h in
the United Nations" T h u r s d a y .
Prizes for big and small ones too
May all be headed straight for you
If mother nature made you short
or tall
Now's the time to cash in—once and
for all.
If your socks are mended and u n usual too
The reward for originality may pass
to you
Even YOU may win s o m e t h i n g great or small
When the cats gather at this freefor-all.
Mathews Lists
TPB Placements
Many State College graduates
have received teaching positions for
the year 1950-51. The following students have received the following
positions, according to Elmer C.
Mathews, Director of Teacher Placement Bureau:
Those placed include Diane Webber '50, Hartwick, Social Studies;
Mary A. Lynch '50, Schoharie, Junior High English and Driver Training; Joyce Dubert '50, Canaseraga,
English and Library; Mary Kosegarter '32, Averill Park, Guidance;
Carroll P. Gallivan '50, Newton
Falls, Clifton Fine Central School,
Commerce, and Marjorie Smith '50,
Shrub Oak Central School, Spanish
and French.
Also placed were Robertson Baker
'50, McGraw High School, Science;
Helene Nicholas "46, Hillsdale, Roeliff Jansen Central School, Library;
Vivian Steele '50, Endicott High
School, Commerce; Margaret McCarthy '50, Mineola Junior High
School, Library; George Winne '50,
Vevon High School, English, and
Anthony Capuone '50, Altamont
Junior High School,
and Science.
Regulations governing freshman
class and Sophomore Replacement
Election have been released by Stuart Gates '51, Chairman of Election
Candidates may run for only one
class office. If a candidate is nominated for two offices and does not
withdraw from one, his name will
be automatically removed from the
ballot. Voting shall take place Friday, October 27, in assembly.
Campaign Speeches:
Only candidates for class presidency shall make campaign speeches. These campaign speeches shall
last no longer than two minutes per
candidate, and shall be made on
Tuesday, October 24, in class meeting. The other candidates shall also
be introduced at this time.
Posters may be displayed during
the time from today until Friday,
October 27. Each candidate for class
president shall be allowed one poster of any size or two posters sizes
26" x 20", and all other candidates
shall be allowed one poster size 13"
x 20".
Only one candidate may campaign
on a poster.
All posters m u s t be approved by
C a m p u s Commission; for this p u r pose they shall be left on t h e Campus Commission Desk not later t h a n
the day preceding the day the poster
will go up. Election Commission shall
decide where the posters are to be
displayed and shall be in charge of
posting them.
Positively no election material is
to be placed in the student mall
No money is to be spent for election purposes other than for posters unless approved by Election
Commission. Any rallies shall be
held under the supervision of Election Commission and shall be conducted under their discretion.
Failure to observe all of these
regulations will result in the disqualification of the candidate or
candidates involved.
Examinations on S. A. Constitution:
C a n d i d a t e s for t h e offices of Class
President and for S t u d e n t Council
representatives shall meet at one of
t h e following times in Room 200
Draper. At this time they shall be
examined on their knowledge of t h e
Student Association Constitution.
Failure to meet this requirement will
result in t h e disqualification of t h e
candidate. No re-tests will be given
any candidate.
Exam times: Friday, October 20
at 12 noon, 7:30 p.m.; Monday October 23 at 12 noon, 3:30 p.m. and 7:30
7 8 5 /MadiJonAi/e., Albany, HewVbtk,
+ OPEH DAILY AT 8 A . M . < i
Request Students To Pay Dues
To Treasurer By Wednesday
Class dues are to be paid by Wednesday in order to vote in class elections October 27. S t u d e n t s who have
not paid their dues should contact
t h e following class t r e a s u r e r s : Class
of '51, R u t h Breen; Class of '52,
Marjorie Farwell; Class of '53, J o h n
L a n n o n ; and Class of '54, Victoria
Baldino; or go to Room 38 on T u e s day or T h u r s d a y between 2:30 and
4:30 p . m .
Study Lamps
Thousands of Items
313 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
]n O r o n o , M a i n e , a favorite galhei
ing s p o l o f siudiMilK al llic l u i v e r s i l y
'Portraiture At Its Finest"
of M a i n e is the S n . u k Bur in C a m e -
gii> L i b r a r y liecutise it is a cheerful
$5.50 FOR $5.00
You May Still Purchase
a t m o s p h e r e . Anil
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
75 State St,
g a t h e r s m o u n d , ice-cold Coca-Cola
(<ets the call. For here, as in college
Ask for it either way . . . buth
trade-marks mean the same thing.
when the gantf
aunts everywhere—Coke
Write — Phone — Call
(f-) 1950, Hits Coca Colo Company
XXXV N O . 6
Athletic Events Will Commence Campus Day;
Sophs, Freshmen To Search For Class Banners
Beauty To Don
Queen s Attire
In 29th Coronation
Commuters Club Femmes, Cowhands S A Assembly
Invade IGC Dance
To Hold Soc Hop do-si-do
"Swing your partner, and
To Elect Queen,
to your corner gal,
and swing her round again," The
In Page Tonight
Frosh Officers
good ole square dance was back
Round Dancing
To Highlight Evening
Tonight the a n n u a l Commuters
Club Soc Hop will take place in the
gym from 8 to 12 p. m., according to
Mary Maguire '52, C h a i r m a n of the
affair. F r e s h m e n women will be allowed to remain at the dance until
12, provided t h a t they are in by
12:20 a. m.
guitar, violin, and accordion group
with Ken Bacon as caller will furnish the music for round, square, and
folk dancing. Decorations will consist of scarecrows, a "hayless h a y loft" since some people are allergic
to hay, pumpkins, squash, gourds,
and cornstalks. Shoes are to be
checked at the door.
List Chaperones
Chaperones for the affair will be
F r a n c i s Colby, I n s t r u c t o r in English, C a t h e r i n e Newbold, Instructor
in Social Studies, Merlin H a t h a w a y ,
Instructor in Physical Education,
and Mrs. Hathaway.
at State again at the IGC Masquerade Bull, and all those present (with the boys in majority
for once) are sure to remember
the grand time they had.
In the very gaily decorated
Commons, Roman slaves danced
among African pirates, while
French "femmes" found Texan
cowhands as partners for the
various squares. For that moment of refreshment there was
cider and a variety of pastry
appropriate for the international setting.
The Grand Marc.i also made
quite a hit, since prizes were
then awarded to a few of the
masqueradcrs. Surely the- organ
grinder and his little money
(poor girl) deserved the prize
for the most unusually dressed.
Students will probably be happy
to have another such affair in
the near future, n'est-ce pas?
Regents Board
Selects Wilson
University Head
f r e s h m a n officers, Sophomore S t u d e n t Council replacements a n d t h e
n a m e s to be submitted for Who's
Who in American Colleges and Universities will highlight t h e agenda
for today's assembly, according to
J a m e s Juisto '51, President of S t u d e n t Association. State College News
will conduct a straw vote for Governor. At the S t u d e n t Council m e e t ing Wednesday night reports were
m a d e on the class quorum consideration ami on t h e possibility of a
new bulletin board.
S t u d e n t Association will choose
t h e Campus Queen from the five
Seniors who received t h e most votes
in last week's assembly. C a n d i d a t e s
for queen will be introduced from
t h e stage.
Chairman of Campus Day
T h e Class of '51 has established a
quorum of twenty-five people in order to have a meeting. Sophomores
decided on a quorum of fifteen percent of the class.
T h e r e ,vas discussion concerning
Crusade for Freedom and the investigation of key lines.
I t has been decided Hud a new
bulletin board will be placed in lower Draper from t h e Newman Board
to the water fountain. This board
T h e Advanced D r a m a t i c s class
will accommodate classed and any will present a melodrama with muother organization that wishes to sic and a North Carolina folk comuse it; however, no organization can edy, Tuesday at 8:30 p . m . in Page
use the new board and m a i n t a i n Hall. These plays are t h e second in
the one it lias at present. To im- a series to be presented by the Adprove a p p e a r a n c e t h e board will vanced Dramatics class.
have uniform headings. Rules will
T h e melodrama, directed by David
be enacted to keep it neat at all
Shepard '52, takes place in a watertimes.
front bar. Members of t h e cast are
T he quota for t h e Campus Chest
Edward S t e a r n s and Jess Barnct,
Drive, which is scheduled to begin Seniors; S a r a Danzis, Marion GorNovember 3. has been sel at $1500. skie, K e n n e t h Wooster and Roslyn
Sixty-five percent of the a m o u n t so- Lucks, Juniors;
licited will be giver, to World S t u - J e a n e l t e Helblng, Rose Mary Keller
dent Service Fund.
and Owen Smith, Sophomores; and
It was decided that stores under Edward Lull and J o h n Lang, freshthe 10 percent discount plan would men.
get. a complimentary s t u d e n t tax
Class members in charge of committees a r e : Lights, Robert Donnelly '52; Props, T h o m a s H o l m a n '52;
Costumes, Florence Kloser '52; Publicity, David Mauley '52; Make-up,
Henry Smith '52; Sets, Patricia
Graff, and House, Dorothy Simons
Presentation O f Trophy
To Follow Rivalry Skits
Campus Day will commence at 10
tomorrow with men
women's athletic events on Page
Hall P'ield, according, to Harvey
Robinson '52, Chairman of Campus
Day. Scheduled for the afternoon is
the b a n n e r hunt.
T h e evening program will be h i g h lighted by the coronation of the
C a m p u s Day Queen and the p r e s e n t a t i o n ol skits by the Sophomore
and f r e s h m a n classes.
Haggcrty To Officiate
Women's sports activities will be
t h e opening event of Rivalry. These
activities, scheduled to begin a t 10
a. m., include a three-legged race, a
fifty-yard dash, a tug of war, old
clothes race and a softball distance
throw. J o a n Haggerty '52, will officiate a t these events.
each girl may p a r t i c i p Skater, Shepard ateT hini s year
n o more t h a n three events.
A record of participants is to be given to Miss Haggerty before t h e
Will Produce
Contests To Follow
AD Lab Plays Men's
Following wonien's events, men's
athletic contests will begin. These
include football passing for distance,
football punting for distance, tug of
war, a relay race, and a high j u m p ing event. Paul Carter '51, will act
as official for the men.
Men and women's athletic events
will each count two points toward
rivalry. These will be awarded to
t h e class winning three out of five
At 12:15 p.m., Helmuth Schultze
'51, will read rules pertaining to t h e
banner h u n t . The h u n t will be from
12:30 p . m . to 4:30 p . m . Myskania
will officiate at this event.
T h e rivalry banner h u n t will continue until Moving-Up Day in May.
Two points will be awarded to t h e
class possessing Its own b a n n e r and
three points will be awarded to the
class holding a rival banner.
Evening activities are to begin a t
T h e Board of Regents u n a n i m o u s ly elected Dr. Lewis A. Wilson
President of the University of the
State of New York and S t a t e Commissioner of Education.
Dr. Wilson h a s been serving as
Acting President of the University
and Commissioner of
To Serve Free Slipper
since the d e a t h , on March 25th, of
A free supper will be served in
Commissioner F r a n c i s T. Spaulding.
the lounge lor all commuters who
He was a leader in organizing the
help decorate the gym.
Tickets will be on sale outside the guidance services, the training and
Commons until 4 p. r.i. today. They placement of physically handicapped
children and adults, and developed
will also be sold at the door.
vocational education In this .state.
Miss Maguire wishes to e m p h a A native of Bergen, New i'ork, Dr.
size the fact t h a t the Soc Hop is not Wilson was g r a d u a t e d lrom the aca dale afTair. Everyone is welcome ademic d e p a r t m e n t of Brockport
to come slag or drag.
State Normal School and received
his professional training at Mech(Continued on Page G, Column 1)
anics Instilute. Rochester; Stout I n stitute, Menomonie. Wisconsin; and
Teachers College, Columbia University, lie holds the Doctor of Science
Forum will hold its second radio
T h e comedy i.s directed by Joyce
degree lrom Stout University, and broadcasl ol the semester tonight, Shafer '52, and revolves around a
I lie degree of Doctor of Laws from at 7:30 p. ill. on station WPTR, iL quack doctor and a hen-pecked h u s T h e class presidents have an- Alfred and Syracuse Universities.
h a s been announced by Walter band in a backwoods North Carolina
He served as a member of the Robinson '51. In the observance of home.
nounced luiurc class activities, nomAccording to Philip Miller '51,
inations to fulfill class offices and staff of the New Jersey Educational United Nations Week, Barbara AnEditor-in-Chief,
all manuscripts to
financial appropriations.
derson '53. Eleanor Kojcewlcz '51,
in the activities arc a square dance School .Survey. In 1025 he was a p - and Waller Robinson will discuss: '52; Richard Scot I. Robert. Hughes be considered lor publication In the
Sophomores. '50-'5l issue of the Primer must be
pointed by the United States De- UNESCO.
party and a joint class parly.
Committee heads a r e : Lights, David submitted by December 1. It was
p a r t m e n t of Commerce to represent
Also in paying deference lo the
Helmut h W. Schult/.e '51, Senior the .Stair at the International Ex- UN this week, Forum has sel up a Mauley '52; Props. Edward Kyle '52; also announced t h a t there will be a
class president, a n n o u n c e s t h a t u position of Decorative Arts in Paris, display in the Library for students. Costumes, Ross Federlco '52; P u b - contest for the cover design.
licity, Henry Smith '52; Make-up,
square dance party is planned lor lie has served as President of the
Either prose or poetry may be
According lo Paul H u r h m a n '51.
November 10 with Patricia Brady '51, National Societv of Vocational Edu- all those interested in working lor Donald P u l l e r m a n '52; Sets, Edward submitted. Double spacing must be
( hiilrmim. A Joint das', party with cation, iis member ol the board of Hie Soapbox, Forum's publication,
used in typing manuscripts, and
'53 i.s planned for December 1 anil directors of the Adult Education should a t t e n d a brief meeting Mon- Simons '52.
these manuscripts should be placed
Rita Bissonette '51, will work with Council and C h a i r m a n of the Divi- day at 4:30 p. in. in the P.O.
In the Primer mailbox before the
'53 to arrange plans. Georgina Mu- sion of Labor, Industry and AgriSayles Annex M e n
ni ness '51, will help Dr. Evan R. culture ol the Slate War Council.
December 1 is also the deadline
Collins, President (if the College, to
Dr. J a m e s E. Allen was appointed
for submitting designs for the cover
plan the .Senior weekend.
Deputy Commissioner. Dr. Allen Of Grad Association
contest. A five dollar cash award
formerly was Executive Assistant to
According to Harvey Robinson '52,
Sayles Annex i.s holding a dale will be presented to the student who
T h e S t a ' e College Association of
.submits the winning design.
President of the Junloi 'ess, orders Dr. .Spaulding.
G r a d u a t e Students held lis elec- parly tonight lrom 7 lo 12 p . m . at drawings should be made i)"xfi", t h e
for class rings will be taken on the Judicial Body Issues Warnings
tions Tuesday, Wednesday. As a reactual si/.e of the cover. T h e motif
(lav preceding and following the To Violators Of State Traditions
sult of Ihe balloting Hie following ment are planned lor Ihe evening will be Spring, and the following
Thanksgiving recess, November 21
Myskania announces Hint the fol- officers
were elected:
information should appear on the
and 27. Class members are requested
lowing freshmen l i m e received sec- Douglas
Dr. Ralph Beaver, Professor of cover: NYSCT, 1051, and Primer,
to pay three dollars upon ordering.
ond warnings for violation ol S l a t e Francis T a o r m i n a ; Secretary - T r e a s - Mathematics, and Mrs. Beaver; Mrs. All cover suggestions should be done
David Palmer '53, President of the College t r a d i t i o n s : Joseph Patrick, urer, Anne H e r r m a n n .
Joan Baden, Instructor of English, on white paper, using one color (inAcording
lo Douglas lligglns, and Mr. Baden will be chaperones eluding blacki. T h e editor asks t h a t
Sophomore class, announces lliai Alice Whiilemore, Paul Callfuno,
tmivonrlallons were made for the Allred Clcineule. Nella Berlin. Rich- liewlv elected President, a general at Hie purtv. The members of the those students submitting designs
meeting will be held m the near fu- Social Commit lee are H a r l a n Ever- assume t h a t in Its final form the
Pitchfork which will be published ard ttlce, and William Slants.
All students receiving a third ture. Members of 8 C A G S are re- ell, Eugene Webster, Seniors; Rob- background will be whatever color
every month. Hose Mary Keller '53.
Hongleader, requests t h a t all rivalry warning are required to make a pub- quested to watch the bulletin boards ert Sanders '52; Henry Fcuerbaek, Is necessary if white Is inappropriate
and mailboxes for time and place.
songs be handed in by November 1. lie apology in assembly,
Robert Kanen, freshmen.
for their design.
Forum To Give
Radio Broa dcast
Arrange Events
Class Presidents
Open Every Night Till 9
103 Central Ave.
PHONE 1-191S
State College
Committee heads a r e : Chaperones, Paul Wilbur '51; Clean-up.
Marlene Martoni '54; Decorations,
Robert Barron '52; Door, Margaret
Herbert '53; Orchestra, Ann Morrisspy '52; Prizes, Betty Allen '52; Publicity. Sally Tschumi '51; Refreshments, Donald Cook '53; Tickets.
R e t a White '52; Supper, Irene Cackowski '53; Master of Ceremonies.
Mitchell Burkowsky '52.
Clothes Driers
CUction GommiMiCH Ruled.
Central Variety Store
"<- i
Elect H
Miller Requests
Primer Stories
*AQK 2
Keys Again . . .
tyawi> jbuty
An investigation is being carried on by a committee apointed my Student Council to investigate
key lines in budgets of student tax supported organizations. More than 300 dollars is spent annually by organizations for awards in the form of
keys alone. Annually as budgets are presented in
Student Association these key lines are criticized
severely and then reluctantly approved.
The key committee's investigation will undoubtedly show the inconsistency in cost of respective
organizations' keys. It will also show that some
organizations on campus do not find it necessary
to award keys.
Because our budget must operate on a very close
margin this year there is likely to be a feeling that
such "extras" as keys should be eliminated from
the budget. Those organizations who do have key
lines believe that keys are a necessary motivation
in their constitutions, as do MAA and WAA in the
use of letters and other awards.
The cost of these keys is inconsistent with their
purpose. Cooperation of these organizations in purchasing a standard key from the same company
would bring the expense down to a minimum.
No Crusade
O n T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1 9 5 0 , bells r a n g
t h r o u g h o u t t h e n a t i o n m a r k i n g t h e c l i m a x of a p r o g r a m of scroll-signing a n d m o n e y - g i v i n g for t h e
of Freedom.
G e n e r a l L u c i u s D . C l a y is
C h a i r m a n of t h i s p r o g r a m . G e n e r a l D w i g h t D .
E i s e n h o w e r , P r e s i d e n t of C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y ,
o p e n e d t h i s c a m p a i g n in this c o u n t r y o n L a b o r D a y .
W h y d i d n ' t t h e s t u d e n t b o d y of S t a t e College
sign a n d s u p p o r t such a w o r t h w h i l e c a u s e ? S t u d e n t C o u n c i l , t h e g r o u p w h i c h would s u p p o r t s u c h
a p r o g r a m on c a m p u s , d i d n o t receive i n f o r m a t i o n
a n d m a t e r i a l s necessary t o c a r r y o u t t h i s p r o g r a m
until W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r 18. T h e m a t e r i a l s , p o s t m a r k e d S e p t e m b e r 26 were held in t h e office of t h e
D e a n of t h e College.
W h e n t h e shouting declines a n d
fades Into t h e background, t h e
" G r e a t Beast" will step forward,
pull t h e levers, a n d will settle for a
few years, a t least, t h e question of
who will govern a n d w h o will go
back to t h e farm, I t m i g h t be well
at this time to look a t some of t h e
m e n a n d issues in t h e c u r r e n t c a m paign.
As we push aside t h e m u d in New
York State, we find t h e Democrats
calling upon Walter (I don't w a n n a
go back to Congress) Lynch t o c a r ry their colors into battle. Mr,
Lynch is opposed by T h o m a s (I've
changed my mind) Dewey. R e g a r d less of t h e outcome of t h e elections,
one of these m e n will undoubtedly
be a neighbor of ours come J a n u a r y
1, 1951. Therefore it seems proper
t h a t we take note of some of their
qualifications (for governor — n o t
neighbor). Mr. Dewey, being t h e i n cumbent, stands, for t h e most p a r t ,
on h i s record of acomplishments.
Some of these accomplishments a r e
as follows (from t h e Republican
1. He brought t h e s t a t e o u t of
the red a n d c r e a t e d t h e g r e a t est surplus i n t h e history of
the state.
2. This surplus h a s been used for
veteran's benefits,
teachers salaries a n d improvements of our communication
system, among o t h e r things.
3. He led t h e n a t i o n i n working
successfully for a F a i r Employm e n t Practices Law.
4. He h a s increased social benefits within t h e s t a t e .
5. He h a s crusaded" for greater
security both in t h e national
and state governments.
Mr. Lynch's platform contains
these planks (from t h e Democratic
1. He hopes to broaden Social S e curity coverage in t h e state.
2. He wants higher u n e m p l o y m e n t
benefits, a n d t h e i r extension.
3. He will work for increased aid
A t t h e time S t u d e n t C o u n c i l received t h e m a terials it w a s a l s o informed t h a t il would b e
n e c e s s a r y t o c a r r y o u t t h e c a m p a i g n t h e following
d a y . C o u n c i l d e c i d e d t h a t it w a s too l a t e t o c a r r y
o u t a n effective p r o g r a m . I t is s e n d i n g a l e t t e r t o
To t h e Editor:
Crusade of Freedom
e x p l a i n i n g w h y S t a t e College
T h e r e are two points in connech a s n o t s u p p o r t e d it.
tion with t h e October 20 issue of
L a c k of p r e v i o u s i n t e r e s t b y a n y o n e of S t a t e the State College News t h a t I think
are deserving of c o m m e n t : t h e first,
s t u d e n t s w h o m i g h t h a v e b r o u g h t Crusade
oj as to its right to a p p e a r there a t
Freedom t o t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e s t u d e n t b o d y is n o all, a n d the second as to t h e accuracy
reflection on t h e g e n e r a l feeling here t o w a r d of t h e facts a n d implications i n volved.
freedom. It is m e r e l y e v i d e n c e t h a t we d o n o t b e I n a school such a s ours, where
lieve it necessary t o d e m o n s t r a t e o u r love of free- the News is supported by t h e cond o m b y signing a piece of p a p e r .
tributions of all s t u d e n t s , under
Student Tax of course, I t h i n k it is
It is u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t S t a t e College d i d not give highly questionable w h e t h e r a n ediits s u p p o r t t o Crusade
oj Freedom,
w h e n o t h e r torial dealing with a political issue
schools, colleges a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e t h a t h a s little or no connection with
c o u n t r y b a c k e d it w h o l e h e a r t e d l y . H o w e v e r a n y the school itself ought ever to a p pear. Members of almost all political
s t i g m a which we m a y g a i n b y our laxity h a s n o groups support this paper, a n d some
g r o u n d s . T h e fact t h a t we a r e s t u d y i n g to be of them are bound to be justly t n t e a c h e r s indicates t h a t we believe in d e m o c r a t i c
ideals a n d freedom a n d a r e willing t o i m p a r t t h e s e
9H ike
ideas to o t h e r s .
to t h e needy.
4. H e will promote more s t a t e aid
to education.
5. H e will a t t e m p t to clean u p
t h e gambling nests in t h e state.
I have, by n o m e a n s , exhausted
t h e n u m b e r of p l a n k s in each candidate's platform. Don't let your investigation of t h e merits of each
m a n e n d here. T h e newspapers a n d
radios a r e burdened with a mass of
political information. Make use of
it a n d t h e n D O YOUR D U T Y VOTE.
O n t h e n a t i o n a l scene we find
m a n y S e n a t e seats o n t h e line. T h e
most i m p o r t a n t ones seem to be
those occupied by Sen. Lehman,
Sen. T a f t ( R - O h i o ) , Sen. Lucas (DP a ) majority whip, a n d Sen. Millikin (R-Colo). Any of these seats
may change h a n d s . T h e Republicans
predict gains in b o t h houses of Congress, b u t d o n o t expect to gain control in either.
It should be noted t h a t t h e results
of t h e s t a t e a s well as t h e national
elections will, without doubt, play
a p a r t in t h e coming presidential
election two years hence. W i t h this
in mind we should weigh t h e issues
before performing O U R DUTY.
Above all, we should be on guard
against " S c a r e " words, "Smear"
words, a n d t h e usual mud-slinging.
To plow t h r o u g h t h e maze of words
used in political battles a n d discover,^ something aproaching the
t r u t h or even fact, is t h e job of
e a c h one of us. Contrived "issues,"
a n d catchy slogans, empty of any
real meaning, seem particularly nla p p r o p r i a t e a t this time, when our
country faces great dangers a n d
real problems.
I believe t h a t there never was a
good teacher w h o was n o t first a
good citizen. With this in mind, I
urge each of you (voters a n d n o n voters ailke) to become informed
about t h e political issues of your
state, nation, a n d your world, lest
you discover—too late—that you
have been relieved of your duty.
MAY 1 9 1 6
OF 1 9 1 8
O c t o b e r 27, 1050
No. 6
I HKI Hliiilnr
I ' l i l i i - U l l l l i ' Ultfl'l'l
AKHOCIMII'II Culli'irluti' I'ri'HK
Tim mxlurirrtiil tittlu IIHWMIIIIIII'I' nf I In New Ynrk Sin I.- Oil
nf Hie Cnlli'Ku
lugu for 'IVarhiTu; imlilUliml pvi-ry
your liv llii' MOWS Itminl fur tin SI ll< i I'll I A s i i M ' i l l l l i i l i .
IMIUIII-H: I'VIISI-I, •-' IIIH'J; Wulfi', KM IKII'.': Milk, n llilll. Mom
burn uf llii! MOWS Kin IT inny IH< r c n i ' l i i ' i l T i n - m l n y n i u l
VV(iillli'«tiliiy friiin 7 In II :!HI l> m. "I ;i 111117
• - - Killlnr-lil-Clilnl
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Noiiliir N|ii>rU Mi'lllliol
l l l l n l n r x H Milliliter-*
ICirllilHKn Kllltlil
in i n . K I N
N O I l I N i : ( A HOI 1.1
V K T O i t i A I:AIIC:
- • Ainoillllli Killlor
A l l ['iiiiiiiiiliilcn
m H I I O I I I I I l i e m l i l r o i m o i l I " I In- I ' l l l l u r a n i l
l l l l l I III' H I U I I I ' I I .
N il llll'r. W i l l
III! W l l l l l l l ' l l l
Thi' H T . l ' I ' K I'OI.I.KUI'! . M O W S intmiinoii mi r i i | n ' i m l l i l l l l J
f l l f l l | l l l l l n l l t I'JLlllVHSI'll III II M I ' l l l l l l l l l l a I T O" III III l l l l l c i l I IllllH
a n r>in-li i - x | i r i - n . i l i n m ilii 11111 i n - i i - ' i m i i ' l i y »•• -1'.«-• • 1 t i n v i e w .
— tin- i
The R P I Field House was crowded last Saturday night for t h e Billy
Eckstine-George S h e a r i n g concert.
Even though the show was very late
In starting, both s t a r s made up for
it by completely captivating t h e a u dience with their personalities a n d
.showmanship. Billy sang such favorites as " I ' m I n t h e Mood For
Love," "Bewildered," a n d "My Foolish Heart." His songs seemed to flow
effortless a n d endlessly. O n e of the
highlights of his p a r t of t h e program was 11 number called "I Like It
Here," in which Billy sung about
the various sections of t h e country
and all the opportunities of our
land, He said that he was very h a p py to see all races a n d creeds there
together to enjoy t h e concert.
George Shearing's p a r t of tho
program was especially enjoyed by
the hep-cats- Including me I His
group consists of t h r e e others besides himself. They did m a n y Jazz
numbers together, a n d then George
played "Claire tie L u n e " to show
t h a t he h a s a serious side, too. I
particularly llkod his playing of
"Tenderly," which he h a s recorded.
Ho h a s an excellent touch which Is
all thu more sensitive because he
lias been blind from birth. T h e
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 7 , 1 9 5 0
dignant because of such a p o l i c y even it it is calling a smear campaign a s m e a r campaign. I, for one,
feel t h a t t h e State College News is
a place for information a n d comm e n t on school happening—not for
political elucidation.
Secondly, in a column bewailing
the lack of a n adequate crowd from
S t a t e a t State's athletic events—a
point well taken, by t h e way—a few
were m a d e concerning the school spirit of two S t u d e n t Association organizations. Perhaps, if t h a t person no
one ever seems to ask h a d gone to
the trouble t h a t t h e C o m m o n - S t a ters apparently did, he would have
found out t h a t Debate Council was
not merely complaining about its
lack of a n audience but was actually trying to clear up a difficulty
in its Constitution. And maybe then
he would have been a little more
acurate in his comments. As Is, wllh
the a m o u n t of work to be done, and
the a m o u n t of time to do it In, It
Is a virtual impossibility for State
College organizations not to have
an occasional conflict for an afternoon. T h e situation is unfortunate,
hut It Is hardly good reason for
making s t a t e m e n t s t h a t will hurt
the reputation of any group concerned.
Charles J. GruneUen '52
_ By GORSK1E a n d K Y L E .
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
not necessarily
Last week's cheering rally really showed we could
"give 'em merry hell" . . . b u t it took a n awful lot of
work on t h e p a r t of Mary, Evie a n d t h e cheerleaders
. . . once we're all together it seems we've got lungs
enough . . . t h e job now is to get us together a t t h e
This week is "You a n d t h e U. N. Week" . . . probably h a v e n ' t t h o u g h t about it m u c h . . . we don't
usually . . . too busy with various a n d sundry activities . . . but, no UN, n o activities, you know . . . Forum
does it p a r t (on a small scale, of course) . . . tonight
at 7:30 p.m. on radio s t a t i o n (not to be confused with
railroad station) W P T R , they will take over a Crosby
p l a t t e r program to talk about UNESCO . . . take your
portable to t h e Soc-Hop a n d listen in.
There's a large g a p in t h e student-faculty relations
on activities . . . a n d lately t h e s t u d e n t body h a s been
asking a n d almost begging for a faculty show . . .
talk of t h e old ones indicate t h a t they were a howl
. . . it would be quite comforting to see our profs let
their h a i r down . . . a n d t h e opportunity to throw
tomatoes a t a teacher only comes once in a lifetime.
We're really going out on a limb, but here goes for
C a m p u s Queen a n d her a t t e n d a n t s . . . Queen, Harriet Milk; A t t e n d a n t s , Wilhemina Engelhart, G e r a l d ine D u n n , Earline Sipe, a n d Georglne Dicks . . .
seriously though, we think t h e queen this year is
going to be a red h e a d . . . t h a t ' s a safe bet, h u h ?
And it isn't all highbrow either . . . the recording
hour each Tuesday noon plays the records you suggest . . . Joe Crucilla a n d Music Council a r e working
to get t h e music to us. . . so when they are playing
something you like, bring your lunch a n d drop in.
T h e idea is to get out from under t h e ball before
you disappear . . . your friends sigh, a n d there you
are . . . just a n o t h e r bulge in the ball . . . Palmer,
Peck a n d the rest of t h e Red Devils were really mowing them down . . . till t h e frosh c a u g h t on . . . Just
a little too late for this year . . . but not for next.
R O B E R T E. LEE . . .
We're really not a lost a n d found d e p a r t m e n t , but
the little boy mentioned above lost ten dollars outside the Madison Avenue post office . . . the postm a s t e r told his m o t h e r t h a t some S t a t e men had
found it . . . if this pertains to you, a n d you h a v e n ' t
spent t h e money, his address is 224 Ontario Street.
Investigations are being m a d e about t h e possibility
of having u uniform background for all organization keys . . . if all keys were bought, from the same
company, it would probably save SA quite a bit of
In these limes of stress a n d strain it is reassuring
to know that close a t h a n d in Albany High future
diplomats are being t a u g h t t h e Russian tongue . . .
unless t h e Senate investigating committee finds them
subversive, night classes will continue,
T h e band used In the AD comedy seemed ready
m a d e for pep rallies a n d games . . . why not make it,
a p a r t of Jerry McGory's band?
Will t h e Kuklapolitan Players' c l u b ask lor a line
in the budget this spring?
College Calendar E R I I M Y , OCTOBER :»7
7-12 p.m. Saylcs Annex Dale Parly,
7::t(l p.m. WPTR Forum radio broadcast.
8-12 p.m. Hue-Hop, G y m .
finale was a song by Eckstlne who
was accompanied by Shearing's
Horace Heidt Is appearing on n
coast-to-coast broadcast from the
R P I Field House on Sunday, November 12, a t 7 p.m. He Is bringnlg
00 stars with him, Including Ralph
Slgwalcl, Jesse Owens ami Jerry
T h e Ice Vogues ot 1051 started
Wednesday night, a n d continues
through .Sunday night.Each evening
performance begins a t 8:30 p.iu^
and there is a matinee on Sunday
afternoon a t 2:30 p.m. T h e prices
range from $1.60 to $3,00, tax Included.
He sure to watch this column for
exciting new program news of Interest to all S t a t e students I
Cha;>ier Red Cross College Unit.
S t a t e Conference.
Page Field C a m p u s Day Athletic Events
Banner H u n t .
Pa:se Hall Coronation of Queen.
Frosh-Soph Sklls.
p.m. Albany Home for Children Soccer G a m e
3-5 p.m. Psl (lamina Faculty Tea,
Hetn liefa Faculty Ten,
Phi Delia Faculty Tea.
Newman Hall F a m i l y Ten,
3-7 p in Poter Club Open
p i n K<nun 111 Draper, Christian Science meeting
8:30 p in Page Hull, AD Plays.
7-10 p.m. Sorority Open Houses.
Red Cross Unit
Slates Courses,
Receives Charter
Sabol Discloses
Present Figures
O n Enrollment
T h e Red Cross unit a t State h a s
received its college c h a r t e r a n d will
celebrate t h e occasion with a College Unit S t a t e Conference in Albany a t t h e Chapter House, a t 3
Englewood Place, tomorrow. T h e following officers have been chosen for
the u n i t : Joyce Dodge Clor '51,
C h a i r m a n ; Helen Podoba '52, ViceC h a i r m a n ; Mary Lou Noble '52, Secr e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r ; Lois Behler '53,
W a t e r Safety C h a i r m a n ; Alan S t e phenson '52, Motor Service C h a i r m a n ; Lorraine Migliaccio '53, P u b licity C h a i r m a n ; a n d Edward Leigh
'51, Smiles C h a i r m a n .
T h e Class of 1954 is t h e largest
in t h e school, according to figures
released by Edward J . Sabol, C o o r d i n a t o r of Field Services. T h e Class
of t h e Blue numbers 389 members.
Sophomore, J u n i o r a n d Senior
Classes follow n e x t in rank, while
the G r a d u a t e s have t h e least n u m ber present.
T h e r e a r e 384 Sophomores against
334 Juniors, 286 Seniors a n d 281
The S m i t h s n u m b e r 27, having 21
different given names. Between t h e
Junior a n d f r e s h m a n classes t h e r e
are fourteen S m i t h , each class h a v ing seven. I n t h e Senior Class, eight
S m i t h s a r e present, while four r e main in t h e Sophomore Class. However, only one S m i t h is to be found
in the G r a d u a t e Class.
Dr. Matie E. Green, College Physician, a n d Dr. T h o m a s R. Gibson, P r o fessor of Health, will serve as c h a p ter representatives. Gibson will also
act as t h e faculty advisor for t h e
unit, while Dr. Walker, retired m e m ber of t h e Education D e p a r t m e n t a t
S t a t e , will be the non-faculty a d visor.
P l a n s arc already underway for
Life Saving and Women's Swimming classes. T h e Grey Lady Course
will s t a r t November 7 a n d continue
to December 12, when participants
will take a completion exam. These
meetings will be held a t the C h a p ter house Tuesday nights from 7
p . m . to 9 p . m . If there are any
students still interested in this work,
they should notify Helen Podoba '52.
As the unit progresses, other
courses will be formed. Mrs. Clor
announces t h a t all those interested
in any course should contact t h e
c h a i r m a n of t h a t division.
No s t u d e n t in t h e school is registered with a s u r n a m e of X, but this
is t h e only letter of t h e alphabet
not present. F r e s h m e n a n d G r a d s
each have o n e student whose n a m e
begins with Q.
Pictured above a r e t h e five senior women who a r c candidates for C a m p u s Day Queen.
Ilaswcll, Zclanis, Corcoran, Kicnicnllial.
Excerpts Reveal Past Campus Days;
Crown Queen With Autumn Leaves
L to R : Norton,
Sororities, Frats
Schedule Events
Smith To Work
With Educators
In Salary Survey
New York S t a t e h a s taken a step
ahead toward t h e solution of t h e
teacher salary question.
New York S t a t e Comptroller F r a n k
C. Moore, a t t h e request of Governor Dewey, appointed a committee
of four distinguished educators to
survey the entire field of teachers'
Tomorrow the s t u d e n t s a t Albany
Open houses will be held for
S l a t e College will celebrate the 29th
annual Campus Day. How did this 30 years ago. T h e athletic events fresomen and entering upperclasstradition begin? When was the first are restricted to t h e freshman a n d men Thursday a n d Friday, NovemSophomore classes only, as a r e all ber 2 a n d 3. Beverly Kuhlkin '51,
the events except the Queen's court. President of Inter-Sorority Council,
If there a r e enough m e n who arc T h e first Campus Day was Octo- These rival classes are vying for h a s announced t h e procedure of the
The committee plans to complete
willing to offer their services, a Grey ber 23, 1020. T h e Physical Education the Campus Day Cup which is open houses. T h r e e sororities have its findings by t h e end of t h e yeai
Man Course will also be formed. • D e p a r t m e n t had charge of the
and will present its report to the
events a n d interclass competition mo: ;t points in the athletic events Edward Eldred Potter Club h a s Legislature when it convenes in J a n planned
was featured. T h e scheduled events
uary. They will deal with comparifor the first day of this now old points a r e included in t h e final Psi G a m m a and G a m m a Kappa Phi sons of teachers' salaries a n d those
tradition was: College cross-country score of each class when the Rivalry are arranging a joint Hallowe'en earned by members of other prorun for men, obstacle races, faculty Cup is awarded on Moving-Up Day. party for Monday night.
fessions, w h o have similar qualifi.sack race, tug-o-war, potato race a n d
On Thursday night the sorority cations. Consideration of such quesAlthough,
a soccer game with every class,
tions a s how t h e money for salaries
are changed, the speculation as to houses t h a t will be open to interestF u t u r e programs for t h e religious freshman. Sophomore, Junior and who the Campus Queen will be is ed women are K a p p a Del:. 1, Aiph 1 will be raised, what changes a r e
clubs of S t a t e include a tri-city Senior participating. T h e main idea still as exciting as ever. We have Epsilon Phi, a n d P h i Delta. Psi needed In existing salary schedules
dance, a missionary conference a t for inaugurating this day was to had blonde, brunette a n d a u b u r n - G a m m a , Chi Sigma T h e t a G a m m a and how t h e single salary schedule
Syracuse University a n d the first bring the entire college together for haired queens, as well as tall a n d Kappa Phi, and Beta Zeta will be works will also be included in this
open on Friday night.
a social time.
Christian Science meeting.
short queens. W h o will the queen be
Dr. Alonzo G. Grace, C h a i r For thi' lirst few years there was this year lo reign over t h e evening's Thursday night from 7 to 10 p . m .
Ilillel a n d IZFA are having their
a n n u a l tri-ciiy dance from !) p.m. no Campus Queen. T h i s tradition events? Page Hall's the place.
Women with surname initials of man of t h e Education D e p a r t m e n t
to 1 a.m., Saturday, November 4, a t began on October 28, 1922 when
A-H will go to K a p p a Delta first, at the University of Chicago, will
s u r n a m e initials of I-Q should go head tire research group a n d Dr. C.
Temple Israel, 18 Federal Street. Ethel 1, '23. was crowned with
to Alpha Epsilon Phi first, r.nd sur- C. Smith, Professor of Education,
Dorothy Lipgar a n d Adele Hoch- a u t u m n h a v e s . T h e ceremony today
n a m e initials of R-Z should go to will a c t as Associate Director. His
berg, Juniors, are in charge. S t u - is almost the same as it was so
Phi Delta first. T h e women will job will be to conduct studies a n d
dents In the nearby tri-city colleges many years ago. T h e approach of
Carl J. Odcnkirchen, Instructor of receive instructions a t the sorority supply raw materials for t h e p r o Ihe queen was heralded by trumpets,
have been invited.
and then she proceeded down the Modern Foreign Languages, com- h o m e they first visit, t h j house ject. Dr. S m i t h will have his office
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship aisle in Ihe stage. Alter being crown- pleted his work for Ihe PhD. degree they are lo visit next. T h e women at the New York S t a t e Teacher Asis having a missionary conference ed she ascended a purple trimmed at the University of North Carolina. will be given 15 minutes to get from sociation Building located a t 152
Washington Avenue.
S a t u r d a y a n d Sunday, at Syracuse I mono, l e i - i i n i ; over the evening's October 13.
one sorority house to t h e next.
University. T h e speaker is Dr. Eu- festivities. T h e queen was attired in
Miss Kuhlkin urges all freshmen
Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of
gene Niiia of the Wyrlill'e T r a n s - II while gown and carried a bouquel
lators and the American Bible So- of American beauty roses. Her a t - the college, spoke a t a dinner meet- women to attend because the open
ciety. T h e I heme of the conference I: ndalils, 1 mi representatives from ing of t h e Adirondack Branch of houses will be an opportunity to
is to know Christ and make him each class were dressed in their class the Alumni Association al Hudson meet all the members of the sororiFalls yesterday. Dr. Ralph B. K e n - lie:.
known. Rev, Carl Holdke will speak 1 olors \\ ,1
||a,\ ITS in their hair. ny. Professor of Education, was
Psi G a m m a , Beta Zeta. and Phi
Thursday on "Today's Most Urgent Two pages accompanied the court,
Research Asslstantships arc availguest, speaker ot, a dinner meeting Delta have scheduled faculty teas oble for g r a d u a t e students In the
Challenge" al 12 noon in Room 23,
The regular Friday Bible study is al
Today, Ihe Campus Day events of the Dal chess County Branch t h e for Sunday from 3 to 5 p. in. at, their social sciences a n d related fields at
rcsprcli e houses.
3:30 p.m. in Room 150. Every Wed- are ikllcieni I111111 what they were same evening.
the Institute for Research in SoPsi Gammn and G a m m a Kappa cial Science, located at the Universinesday and Thursday there are BiEdward J. Sabol, Co-ordluator of Phi are holding a joint Hallowe'en ty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
ble studies in Ihe dorms.
Field Services, will address Ihe Milne pnrtv for its members on Monday
Debators To Travel
In order for these students lo
student body Tuesday on t h e c a - from H to 10:30 p. in. T h e parly will
Tin- llrsl meeting of the Christian
qualify for t h e asslstantships, they
reers offered by colleges, and more be I el I at the Psi G a m m a house.
Science Organization Will be held To Hamilton College
specifically, leaching as a career.
An open house is planned by Pol- must have demonstrated ability iii
011 Tuesday al 7 p.m. in Room 111.
study a n d research. These assistantaccording In Barbara Ncwcombe '53,
Four novice debate teams will Mr. Sabol. along with Elmer M a t h - ler Club for Sunday from 3 to 7 ships carry a stipend beginning a t
President. Meetings arc open to the 1 ravel to lliinullon College for Ihe ews, Director of the Teacher Place- p.m., nt Ihe house. Everyone, stu$75 a month, a n d they run from
entire student body and faculty.
I luIDiIt DM Novice Tournament, to- ment Bureau, attended 11 School dents, a n d facully is invited to a t - nine to twelve months. In addition,
tend. Dancing a n d refreshments
morrow, according to T h o m a s God- Boards' Conference in Syracuse.
all appointees are awarded scholarare planned.
w 11 ill '51, President of Debate CounCommittees Set Meetings cil.
ships which cover tuition exclusive
Dr. .1. Wesley d i d d e r s , Professor
(Indwaril has also released Ihe
of certain fees which must be paid.
results ol Ihe West Point and h'PI
For Rivalry Discussions
Deb,lies which were held October 21. spoke to t h e Hackett Junior High Opens Poetry Contest
The (leadline for receipt of appliThe hlvalry Cniuinitlco will hold
cations for a p p o i n t m e n t s for t h e
.School P.T.A Ol) the loplc, " T h e
weekly meetings open to Ihe student
The topic In be debated al Hamnexl academic year is March 1. For
body even diij
noon 111 ilton Is "Resolved: that Ihe noil- Value of Ihe United Nations in Ihe is conducting Its seventh a n n u a l application forms write the Insticompetition
tute for Research In Social Science,
Room III, Draper, according hi Hel- Coiiimiiuisi nations should form a Korean Conflict." Today Dr d i d d nuitli Schull/c '51, C h a i r m a n E\ery- n e w iniernal lonal organization." ers will participate on a panel at Poetry. T h e deadline for the sub- Chapel Hill, N. C.
unc is invited to alien.I and voice The altu mat ive team Includes Clur Biillalo in connection wllh ihe mission of manuscripts Is November
his opinions on the rivalry system ence Spam, Waller Davis, Juniors;
Kline Announces New Officeis
Western Zone meet inn of the New
All students attending either Junal Slate and ways ol illl|H'o\ lug II. Jane Thompson and Ronald FerguTo Lead Radio Council Activities
T h e (II: russloll Inr llt'Nl Week Will son, freshmen. Those taking ihe
A replacement election was held
evolve about the I rush-Soph rivalry negative ale are Eugene Webster will speak on "Teacher Training a n d
for Vice-President of Radio Counfootball game and establishing a '51, Anita l.ileiilcld '53, Joan Uolh- Student Progress." o n Saturday, he form or theme.
Each poem must be typed on a cil, according to George Kline '51,
tenlal i\ c schedule lor ri\ airy events. rlck and Elinor Boice, freshmen.
will speak ut a regional meeting of separate sheet a n d must bear the President. Also, the of lice of SecreThe snme loplc. also debated Ihe American Association of llni- n a m e a n d home address of the a u - t a r y - T r e a s u r e r was made Into two
Campus Day will be composed ol at West I'oinl and R P I , gave State WTsily Professors at Syracuse Uni- thor as well as the name of the col- Individual offices. T h e new officers
seven members: Ihe Myskauia rep- two wills a n d one split, decision. T h e versity. His topic will be "The AAUP lege attended and Ihe class. M a n u - are:
Vice-President, Ruth
I.iepscripts should be sent to National maiin '51; Secretary, Joseph Perslresentative, the lour class presi- debaters won at RPI and Ihe spin
and the Improvement of College Poetry Association, 3210 Selby Ave- co '53, a n d Treasurer, Patricia Bradecision
dents, and WAA and MAA repre11 result ol the West Point Debate.
nue, Los Angeles 34, California,
dy '61,
Religious Clubs
Plan Programs
Offer Assistantships
To Graduate Students
TPB Director
Lists Placements
OF Graduates
Graduates of Albany State Teacher's College who have obtained
teaching positions for the year 1950'51 have been released by Elmer C.
Mathews, Director of
Placement Bureau. The list includes
graduates of 1950 and those of former years.
Those placed are Stella Bogdanski 'bU, Bacon Academy, Colchester,
Conn., English and Social Studies;
Evelyn Komendarek Dawidowicz '50,
Oppenheim Central School, Math
ana Science; JoAnn Morrill, Mineville High School, Junior High English; Elsie Dean '50, Pittsfleld, Mass.,
Secretarial School, Commerce; Elfriede Laemmerzahl '49, St. Faith's
School, Saratoga Springs, Math and
Science; and John O'Donnell '47,
Chateaugay Central School, Elementary Supervisor.
Also placed were Mrs. Dorothy Anderson Faust '49 State
Education Department,
of Research, Statistician; Ernest Corrodo '50, Schenectady, English; Alice Reilley '50, Arlington
High School, Poughkeepsie, Commerce; Mrs. Gretchen Van Avery
Savage '48, Ellenbury, Library; Betty
Robertson, New York State Library,
Library; Bernadette Freel '50, State
Education Department, Assistant Instructor, English and Commerce;
George Glenday '50, Lawrence High
School, Math; Hugh Smith '50, Fort
Plain High School, English 9, 10 and
Drama; Barbara Eveland '50, Central City Business School, Syracuse,
Business English.
Rosa Mae Smith '47, Mannsville
High School, French and English;
Jerome Flaw '50, Gronville High
School, Social Studies 10; Mary Lou
Henkel '50, Bell Aircraft Corporation, Mathematics; Virginia Mason
'50, Van Antwerp School, Schenectady, 3rd grade: Mrs. Rose Ziffer
'50, General Electric, clerk, Louise
Stone '45, Athens High School, Kindergarten and General Science;
Mrs. Margaret Hoefner Baynes '49,
Rome High School, English 10.
Grace Friedman '50, State Education Division, Department of Research, Elizabeth Cottrell '45, New
Lebanon Central School, French and
Spanish; Charles Thomas '50, Walterboro High School, Social Studies;
Albert Berbary '47, Broadalbin,
Guidance; William Hanak '50, Mexico, Commerce; Lorna Kunz '47,
Bellmore, Social Studies 10.
'Portraiture At Its Finest"
If you think that only experiments In a chem or physics lab are
exciting, it's because you're a prejudiced old science major. The A.D.
lab plays last Tuesday night are
proof aplenty that mixing all the
Ingredients of dramatic production
—especially when done by neophytes
—can be fascinating and hazardous.
An Inexperienced chemist, it's true,
may blow his head off. But it's the
A.D. student who stands the chance
of having his heart knocked out.
Fortunately, nothing of the sort
happened at this year's opening
night. The only violence noticeable
was that several members of the
audience nearly split their sides
laughing at Sue Danzis' offering.
And with good reason. We didn't
get much of the original, but what
we got was funny.
Furthermore, we had a cast that
could deliver the lines as they needed to be delivered. Ross Federico's
gift for timing is no less valuable
than his ability to look lost, ludicrous, and leacherous, yet likeable
withal. We hope Ross appreciates
his talent as much as his audience
did. Don Collins, newcomer Louis
Vion, and Bob Donnelly—the latterstruggling with that actor's curse,
an Irish brogue—gave the proper
atmosphere to the hotel headquarters of the party you could love and
admire, but not trust. Not the least
of the play's delights was Pat Graff
as chambermaid. We're glad she
doesn't walk and talk like that
around school, but on a stage it's
nothing short of terrific. Don Putterman, apparently attempting to
avoid the usual shrewd, brash newspaperman, might have been better
off giving us the stereotype.
Opening the evening was a suspenseful melodrama with mood wellsustained by lighting effects—candle as well as electric. Henry Smith
also managed to endow his play
with a sense of looming doom. Even
the invisible, irresistable force which
drew the men from the room was
"Everyone wearing plaid skirts
leave the dance floor" anil on
with the Inter-Sorority Social.
streamers danced the frosh girls
with sorority members. Sorry,
follows, this was one of those
"musts" to which the gals could
not bring their beaux.
As the evening danced away,
in trotted Columbus. We settled
down for a long trip to America
in a space ship and enjoyed the
patterns of the various e r a s Dutch cloppcrs, high hats, flappers, etc. Now, we're all "brushing our teeth with Pepsodent
and washing our hair with
As we were exhausted from
the "alcmandc left, alcmande
right," everyone dashed for a bit
of refreshments but there was
no rest for the weary in that
long line.
As we headed for home with
our souvenirs, we thought of a
full evening of new friends and
new bruises.
10% Discount to Students
well conveyed. The frequent moments of complete silence which
fell over the audience should be extremely gratifying to Mr. Smith.
The only defect of much moment
was the ambulating idol—and we're
ready to admit "it" would have given an expert trouble.
Marv Poons' cockney accent was
just fine, as were his simulations of
hysteria toward the end. Ed Kyle
didn't quite pull off his Mr. Belvedere-turned-evil assignment. He was
sufficiently smooth and "superior,"
but we didn't get the savage contempt the man obviously had for his
Sure, there were imperfections:
both plays suffered moments of inept staging, weakened mood, faulty
cueing and the like. But by and
large the whole evening was in tune
with the high-spirited and ingratiatingly novel music and fanfare Miss
Danzis whipped up for her production. We can hardly wait for next
Tuesday night.
Next to Morris Diner
Soccer Game
785MadisonAi/<?., Albanu, Hewtotk
4 0 P E N DAILY AT O A . M . #
Results Of College Survey;
Get More Sleep Than Men
Are women more energetic than
men? Do they spend more time on
personal care? These and other
questions have been answered at
least tentatively as far as forty-four
State students are concerned. The
following data has been compiled
from reports made by eighteen
women and twenty-six men, in
health classes, as to the way they
claim to have actually spent their
time during one day.
As rumored, women do get more
beauty sleep than men. but only 18
minutes more. The women's high
and low cases for time spent in sleep
were nine hours and six hours and
French Students Resume
Noon Talks In Cafeteria
La Table Francals will again resume its linguistic activities, according to William Kirman '52,
President ol French Club. The table
is located in the back of the cafeteria and will be in session every
Monday. Wednesday and Friday
12 minutes, while those of the men
were nine hours and 43 minutes and
live hours and 25 minutes. On body
care and grooming women spend an
average of one hour and 22 minutes
and the corresponding average for
men is a mere 52 minutes. One
.speedy male spends only 26 minutes
in self care, his female competitor
for low case spending 49 minutes.
Contrary to common opinion, men,
at least those in this group, do not
gulp down their food. In fact, they
average three minutes more a day
at meals than the women. In .social
recreation the women outdo the men
by 20 minutes, but they concede to
tin men by lour minutes in individual recreation. Vigorous physical
activity, on the average, claims 40
minutes of a male student's day and
only five of that of the weaker sex.
It is interesting to note that of the
ID women surveyed lfi recorded no
time spent in vigorous physical activity!
Women's averages reveal that they
spend six minutes more in classes
The purpose of this table is to im- and 22 minutes less in study than
prove French conversational abilities their male counterparts.
of students.
without pay accounts for 4(i minutes
of the women's day and 29 minutes
of the man's. In working for pay.
10' Discount on Records
however, the men surpass the woto Students and Faculty
men by four minutes.
Myskania has released the changes
in the Major-Minor Office Plan. The
plan has been revised and several
offices have been added, while the
status of several other offices has
been altered. All offices are listed
alphabetically according to organization.
The Major Offices are as follows:
Class Presidents; Debate Council,
President; Dramatics and Arts
Council, President;
Council, Chairman; Men's Athletic
Association, President; Music Council, President; Pedagogue, Editorin-Chief; Primer, Editor-in-Chief;
Radio Council, President; Religious
Organizations: Hillel, President;
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,
President; Newman Club, President;
Student Christian Association, President; State College News: Editorin-Chief, Associate Editor, Business
Manager, Exchange Editor, Sports
Editor; Student Association: President,
Grand Marshal; Women's Athletic
Association, President. Of these
Radio Council President and IGC
Chairman are new additions, while
IVCF President and State College
News Sports Editor have been
changed from minor to major ofSMILES is planning a soccer fices.
game Sunday, 2 p.m., at the Albany
Included in the minor offices are:
Home for Children between State
students and children from the Campus
Home, according to Edmund Leigh Class:
'52, President. The teams will be Council Member, Treasurer; Commixed, containing both male and muters' Club, President; Debate
Council, Member;
female members.
A new treasurer has been elected Club, President; Dramatics and
to the SMILES board, fulfilling a Aits Council. Member; Forum,
vacancy. Ruth Merry '52 has been Speaker; Men's Athletic Association: Vice-President, Secretary, Fichosen to fill the vacancy.
State students will act as chaper- nancial Secretary, Frosh Representones in bringing the children from ative, General Manager of Intrathe Home to attend Campus Day ac- mural Athletics. General Manager
tivities. All those interseted in chap- of Varsitv Athletics, General Maneroning should contact Edmund ager of Clubs and Activities; Music
Leigh, or any other member of Council. Member; Pedagogue: Photography Editor, Business Manager,
Gals Visit America
In 'Gree/c' Spacer
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
Myskania Releases Revised List;
Additions To Major-Minor Plan
One Man'6, Opinion
15G Central Ave.
Open Evenings Uniil 9:00
Literary Editor, Advertising Manager; Pi ess Bureau: Director, Assistant Director; Primer: Literary
editor, Business Manager; Radio
Council, Member; Religious Organizations:
Newman Club, Vice-President; Stuuent Christian Association, Member
First Cabinet; Residence Council,
President; Smiles, Chairman; State
College News: Managing Editor,
Public Relations Editor, Advertising
Scphomore Desk Editor; Student
Board of Finance, Member; Women's Athletic Association: VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, Office Manager. In the above list Radio Council Member has been added.
State College News Managing Editor, Public Relations Editor, and
Residence Council President have
been changed from major to minor
The following offices have been
removed from classification: State
College News, Feature Editor: Class
Secretary; Directory Editor; Press
Bureau, Corresponding Secretary,
Alumni Quarterly, Undergraduate
Editor; Religious Clubs: Hillel, Secretary, Treasurer; Newman Club,
Secretary, Treasurer.
Any organization head who wants
a clarification of his classification
or any person wishing to discuss the
pi .11 in general is invited to attend
the Myskania meeting Tuesday, November 7.
A r t Display Features
Elements O f Design
The Art Department has displayed a new scries of pictures dealing
with Modern Art, according to Ruth
Hutchins, Assistant Professor of Art.
A new experiment is being carried
on to show certain fundamental
principles which are used in all
fields of design.
The photos for the exhibit were
taken from the Museum of Modern
Art in New York City. Any future
teachers who are interested in obtaining similar copies may obtain
them from the publisher.
The display deals primarily with
the similarity between art and everyday living in the use of line,
form, space, light, and color. The
worker and the designer uses these
with his tools and materials. The
images of design vary with each
civilization but the elements of design never change.
Kuklapolitans Organize
Tentative Fall Program
Under the direction of Presiding
Chairman, Donald Puttcrman '52,
iiLout twenty members of the Kukla,
Fran and Ollie fan (dub held their
first meeting Wednesday noon.
The Kuklapolitans have schedul 1
a tentative fall program which is ,•)
consist of 11 .series of pageants a la
the television show from which the
club gel.s its name.
Putterinau announced that the
first club activity will be a trip to
the R.C.A. warehouse in Menands
to watch the club's idols telecast in
the regular show on November 3.
at 7 p. 111.
Science Club Changes Calendar;
Plan Weekly Evening Meetings
Silence Club has established its
schedule of meetings for the year,
according lo Herbert Van Glubt '52,
Program Chairman. Plans have been
made lo hold weekly meetings every
An overall picture shows that Thursday night al 7:30 p. 111.
neither sex outdid the oilier by more
than 35 minutes and that the number ol limes each has .surpassed the
other is virtually even.
Clothes Driers
Study Lamps
Thousands of Hems
PHONE 5-1013
Central Variety Store
$5.50 FOU $5.00
313 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
open livery Night Till 0
Kegiers Sweep State W i n s Fourth Straight;
Adzed M%
Bui. . . To Easy Victory m^
Over pharmacy Defensive n a y oparks I earn
Last week in assembly the stuWednesday night at the Siena
dents showed they can have the a l l eys, the State Bowling team
spirit a winning team needs. They rc-niped t o t h r e e s t r a i g n t w i n s o v e r
s..owed that we aren't dead. But Albany Pharmacy. Three men on
when the students left their seats i State's team rolled a better than 500
guess they left their spirit, except t h r e e £ a m e t o t a l w i t h D o n Burt's
ior the icw aichards who turned up 5 4 6 leading the team.
The tilst
to watch the booters win their
S a m e s a w B^'
fourth straight. Let's make it five
McDonald bowl over 200 to lead
at the expense of Siena next week o u r kegiers to a lopsided victory
Coach Joe Garcia's men annexed
boys—you've shown you can do it. w l t h a margin ot 203 pins,
their fourth straight victory of the
i was told that if we wanted to get , B u , r t continued to blaze the al1950 soccer season by whipping a
ii crowd at the soccer games we eys by rolling another 200 game and
hard fighting A.B.C. team 4-1, at
should assign assembly scats ior *° h e l P \he t e a m . t a k e t h i s S a m e
Beverwyck Park on Wednesday.
Beverwyck and have Mary Borys b y T a ' o t a l ° f , 236 p l n s ' „
I n tlle t n i r d
The Peds face perhaps their
lead the students up there. She could
§ a m e McDonald and
toughest game of the current season
Cassetta carried the burden as the
uo it too.
next Friday when they play the
Statesmen made it a clean sweep
Siena Indians at Beverwyck Park.
t o r the past several years the for the evening. The last game was
The Statesmen took the first tilt of
memoers ot cue varsity uasKetball the closest of the evening, but State
this home and home series by the
team were the victims of poor won easily with 78 pins to spare
score of 1-0. Siena was beaten last
soneauung anu coulun't attend the and proved beyond doubt that State
week by the Oswego team and they
Onristmas formal. Tnis year it was had the superior team,
got their first goal against them and
not going to happen. No longer
State's total of 904 pins for their
rumor has it that they are out to
wouki ti.e fonnai take place on the first game is the highest they have
The start of the annual battle of brawn between the freshmen and stop the winning streak of Coach
same night as an away game. This reached this year and it may reyear it will be held on the same main the top score since three 200 the sophomore classes. Watch out for those flying fists. The class of '53 Garcia's boys. The soccer season is
fast drawing to a close so let's get
night as a home game. Tradition has scores in one game is not an every- won 22-17.
out there next Friday and show the
been broken! Now not only the play- day occurence.
team that we really appreciate the
3rs but the cheerleaders, managers,
New additions to this year's squad
type of ball they're playing this
etc., and loyal fans won't be aDle to include Corsi, Cassetta and Sinkleyear.
aitend the dance. Why? That's dam. They are all Sophomores and
easy to answer. The reason why should keep State up near the top
McCormick Scores First
State kids have to suffer is because fcr quite a while,
The State College soccer team
there are some students here on
The individual and team totals
made it four straight Wednesday by
campus who go with out-of-town are as follows:
downing a scrappy and much imT
boys and fellows from other col- Albany Pharmacy 1
With Paul Carter and Dan Tauroney setting a torrid pace, Potter proved A.B.C. squad by the score
148 148 163 451 Club rolled over a hard lighting btitu completely outclassed Sayles Annex of 4-1. Bill McCormick drew first
leges, and of course they must come Mintzer
131 75 125 331 six. Bothemen scored three touchdowns and passed for one. For the blood for the Statesmen by making
before State students. The Junior Lee
142 135
Prom last year was held on a Friday Lynn
a beautiful head shot with 17 min129
142 271 losers, Paul Victor rregistered the lone score on a 30-y. rd run.
utes and 30 seconds of the first
night and the dance was a success. Moak ..
151 146 161 458
quarter gone. The Peds had the ball
Why can't the Christmas formal be Kinney
128 103 231 first play from scrimmage. For
held on a Friday night so the bas- Biake ..
his previous performance, took a 15 on A.B.C.'s half of the field for most
ketball team can come too. Some
pass from Lewis and raced 30 ot the quarter but were unable to
members of the team haven't been
for the first score. A good get the ball into pay dirt.
State scored early in the second
able to attend the big dance since State
put Potter on its 15 but be.... 206 204 136 546
quarter when McCormick crossed
they were freshmen and now that Burt
.... 204 186 141 531
they're Seniors they once again will Corsi
Manna, Carter ran all the" way~to t h e b a l 1 / r 0 ' n d e e P , ln « » l e " co\;
.... 147 163 174 484
lose their chance because of some Cassetta
knot the score. Just before the end ner and Tom King blasted it
.... 136 165 138 439
boys from RPI, Siena, Union, and Reno
of the quarter Carter scored again through. Dean Strickland, who had
other colleges. It's not too late to
been injured In the first quarter,
on a 20 yard flip from Tauroney.
Thurlow Hall racked up a 23-6
change the date of the dance. If the
was back in the game and scored
904 868 772 2544 win over VanDerZee Hall last Weddance was scheduled last year the
the third goal for the Peds on a
score as it took over at midfield and
basketball schedule could have been
nesday. Schaertle's touchdown in the 3 plays later lost the ball on its 1 beautiful boot from about 12 yards
out. This goal was scored with 21
fixed, but because of 11 lack of a
third quarter put Thurlow ahead, yard line when Ludlem fell on a minutes
of the second quarter gone.
firm stand on the part of someone
after they had trailed at tire half by fumble. Tauroney then scored on
Neither team was able to push a
the date of the dance and a place
the score of 6-2, and then the vic- the next play.
goal across in the third quarter. Bob
to hold the dance wasn't fixed until
tors ran away with the game. StanIn the second half the Annex of- Mazzo, scrappy outside right, from
the beginning of this nunth, If the
commit tee who has the final say on
State's basketball hopefuls have ford, who had seen little action in fensive switched to a split forma- A.B.C, was ejected from the game
the dance, has any school spirit, I been drilling daily for three weeks ether Thurlow games, broke loose in tion with both ends and halfs play- with seven minutes of the third
think a solution can be made. How now, and the team is rapidly taking the last quarter and accounted for ing wide. This formation was very quarter gone for vociferously disputeffective for short passing, but when ing a decision of the referee. No
about a meeting today to straighten shape. Coach Merlin Hathaway figt\\ o touchdowns. On the first play
this mess up?
ures his squad Will take definite of the s,aini' two boys, Charley Cul- long passes were attempted they substitution is allowed for a case
weie either intercepted or the passIn case you didn't read last week's proportions after he posts his cut len and John Parson suffered in- er was thrown for a loss. Lewis com- such as this and so the boys from
Business were forced to finish the
column — Coach Garcia wants all today.
pleted 4 in a row before the Potter gam? with on.y 10 players.
Coach Hathaway is introducing a juries. Charley threw his shoulder delense
men who are interested in forming
was able to intercept a pass
a wrestling club to see him today or new style of play this year which he out of joint and John lost one of his intended for Rous. Potter then be- Finally Scores
The fourth quarter started off
eaily next week. Sometime next says will give him the greatest util- teeth.
gan to roll and the payoff came very much like the third with each
week the first meeting will be held ity of State's personnel and home Thurlow
2 0 7 14—23 four plays later as Carter passed to ^ a m playing good defensive ball.
and at this meeting it will be de- court. The varsity is bolstered by the
6 0 0 0—6 Tauroney from 25 yards out. For Tony Tafur scored the lone A.B.C.
cided as to when practices will be return of Captain-elect Jim Warden, VOZ
the remainder of the quarter, play
held. Let's have a good turnout, Boboy Brown. "Nate" Fallelc, Bob
remained at midfield. As the last tally after 15 minutes of the fourth
Look what Garcia did for soccer. An Haiisncr, Bob Tabor and Al Kaehn. Freshmen Elections
period began. Potter who was deter- quarter had elapsed on a penalty
interesting fact is that Coach Gar- The coach plans to jet a lot of milemined to score a point after touch- kick. The Garcia men bounced right
cia has several of his pictures in the age out 01 Bill Walker, a 6' 1" freshdown,
scored as Carter ran around back with Nunez driving the ball
Collegiate wrestling book showing man who handles himself well on To Be Held Tuesday
the Annex right end from the five through from 20 yards out on a
different wrestling holds. He was the basketball floor, and Paul Car- This week marked the first of the yard line. Th<> extra point was good beautiful kick that went way in the
upper right hand corner of the goal.
picked to pose for these shots be- ter, who injured his shoulder last freshman elections. Elections for on a pass, Caru.r to Matlvws.
This goal came with sixteen mincause he was the outstanding wrest- year and was idled for the ;esv.on. WAA Officers from the freshman
ler in the Midwest for several years. Hathaway plans to keep an r en class were held. This Tuesday elec- The most outstanding feature of utes of the fourth quarter gone and
uozen bail players on his squad, ; 11
the Potter attack was the line ended the scoring for the day.
The food at Thurlow is improving. of whom will have an of tions will be held to choose tiro blocking given both the passer and State
freshman representative to MAA the runners..
Now there is water on tile table. height, light, and experience.
Dean Stokes ate there last Monday I'acc Maritime in Opener
12 6 6 14—38 Bullock
Tiie Peds play six games in the
and there was a good meal, but
6 0 0 0- 6 Weatherby
According to Ronald Roekhill, Annex
St. Oage
came Tuesday and the boys had two l n .,, , l f u , L , n &tiys oi December. They President, of MAA, voting will take
hard boiled eggs, baked beans, and are pointing to their first game with place on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 J / r \ n V / ' c f O T S 7 2 - 0
potato chips. What a meal for men an eye to revenge. Last year Mari- p. in. in lower Draper just outside
—eleven of whom are out for varsity time Academy walloped State twice. the Commons. These nominated 'or
athletics and according to Dr. Gib- In one game, Sid Van Der/.ee, their the office are: Jim Bennett, Ray As "Sink"
son's health course that's not a good ace scorer, outscorcd the entire Coles, John Eldridgc, Hank FeuerAdams, R.
diet for any athlete. Wonder what State team and in the home game back, Ronald Ganslow, Tom Hoppey,
KDR made it five in a row Tues- Reynolds
would happen if Dean Stokes, Dean the Mariners all but. chased our llank Hull, Ed Lull, Seven Sloth, clay, as they rolled to a 12-0 triumph McCormick
Nelson, 01 the President paid a sur- eiew right out of Page Hall Phis and Paul Victor. All males who have over a surprisingly strong SLS outprised visit some night and took a game will be the lirst of the six paid their student tax may vote. lit. The game was hard fought all Sophs Fiqht To 22-17
look at Hie dinner or even sat down "toughies" that are scheduled before
WAA had their elections Wednes- tiie way, as indicated by the score
lor dinner, if there was enough to Christmas vacation. The Peds will day and yesterday. Running for and both teams were even in the Win In Pushball Game
The Sophomore class battled out
lace the same team that Maritime WAA Manager were: Audrey Burke, first down column at eight.
go around.
In the first quarter KDR drove a 22-17 victory over the freshmen in
Stories are going around that had las! year, be-ides Van Derzee, Pat Byrne, Mary Pugsley, Margaret
there is dissension on the basketball they have Jack Lorenz,1 then- stellar Smith, and Pat Zylko. Three girls to I he SLS three and alter two trys, the annual rivalry pushball game
team u'ready. Are some of last year's play maker. This game will be play- ran lor WAA Representative; they Wiley cracked over for the first last Sat 1 'day.
ed in New York City on December 1. were: Frances Allen, Ruth Ricliter, score. For the rest, of this quarter
The game, played in four quarters,
team afraid they might really lose
ami the beginning of the next, most saw the Sophs roll up a 17-point
their positions and are trying » On tiie following night State moves and Athalia Thompson.
ol the action was at midfield.
lead in the first quarter, bjjt the
hold (heir place on the learn by to Connecticut to tackle Willimantic,
In (he second half KDR returned frosh came back and completely
cither means besides skill? Come, a strong Iocs Last season the Teach- Hockey Tests To Be Offered
er: split a pair of thrillers with the
the kickoff to the midfield and six outplayed the victors in the second
come boys we're in college 11(>w.
"Willies"; losing 71-70 and winning
On .Saturday. November -1, at It) plays later .scored. This score was hi If and almost won the game but
1 guess varsity .-ports still play 47-46.
a. 111. the Mohawk Field Hockey As- highlighted by the catch made by the click ran out on them.
a back role when rivalry takes over.
Because of their victory the Red
The schedule gels rougher as the sociation is conduct ing Hockey Um- Hiiusner who fell on his back in the
Last week 1 asked lor the cancellaDevils have taken the lend in rivaltion of all ewnis during the home season progresses. In the home open- piring tests at Eluina Willard School end /one.
As the game ended, SLS drove to ry; they received two points for
soccer games. Intramural tootball er the I'eds tee oft against a power- in Troy. These lests consist of a
KDR two but was again halted their victorv. One glad note of the
games were played. But when pushexamination
charging tactics ot Sinkle- annual battle was the small number
ball, 'he Mysknnia-Ircslunan hockey
of injuries. Only one person suffered
games were .scheduled there W( n't
0—12 any lasting damage—a pulled shoulHarper
any IM football games Rivalry will
Pittsburgh team.
WAA bulletin board.
SLS ..?
0 0 0 0— 0 der muscle.
never die!
Bullock, Nunez,
Weatherby Star;
Siena Is Next
Carter And Tauroney Set Pace
As Potter Club Rips Annex
Stanford Leads
Thurlow To Win
Hathaway Drills
Basketeers Hard
State College News
Commission Announces
College Library Shows
Reigning Queen
New Campus Regulations
PObiHf 6oe* the CxoUawfe
Exhibit Of souvenirs The following regulations have
The State College Library is cur- been set up by Campus Commission,
To Give Victor
By IRENE BREZINSKYrently featuring an exhibit of sou- according to Virginia Norton '51,
The University of Buffalo has a its to drive off with it. The climax venirs which Mrs. Barsam of the Grand Marshal.
Campus Day Cup problem
comparable to our Albanian of the evening came when the dean Milne School faculty has lent to the There will be smoking in the
Library for display. Mrs. Barsam
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5)
7:30 p.m. with the crowning of the
Campus Day Queen. The new queen
will be crowned by Mrs. Richard
Koch Feathers '50, last year's queen,
in the auditorium.
The Sophomore class will present
its skit first, after which the class of
'54 will give its presentation. Three
rivalry points will be awarded to
the class that presents the best skit.
ten-cent cup of coffee. Only out
Luilalo way it's "The Great Pickle
Gourge." The college cafeteria situation is this: "The customary pickle
enhancing the hamburg will be considered a separate and distinct, item.
A penny a pickle I"
Psychology class at Coe College,
Iowa is really progressive. A word
association test was being given with
the usual dog-cat, black-white examples. Then the prof came up with
"love." Ventured a timid student,
Foote to Direct Skit
Mildred F'oote will direct the
University of Rochester SophoSophomore production, "Spirit of
Rivalry." Included in the main cast mores have discovered the hiding
are Louise Petfield and Joyce Leon- place for a banner. Nothing dirty
about theso Sophs. They tossed the
banner in a Bendix, and then hired
The freshman skit, "Call Me a a Junior to spend the afternoon doFreshman," is directed by Mary ing her laundry—with the flag in it!
Massi. Characters in the cast include John Jacobis, Marie McBreen, What have Canadian forest fires
Paul Califano, and Anne Caparif. got on Hamilton College? One night
the entire college was thrown into
Juisto Will Announce Results
a panic by a four-siren alarm. The
At the conclusion of the skits, engine shrieked up to a dorm. AnJames Juisto '51, will announce the other alarm sounded. The fire truck
results of the day's rivalry events was just pulling out when a third
and the queen will award the Cam- siren screeched. The firemen jumppus Day Cup. After the award has ed down the the truck leaving it unbeen made, the queen and her court guared long enough for some bandwill leave the auditorium. Students
are asked to stand and remain
standing while the queen makes her
This year there will be no dance
in the gym after the evening activities. Lack of attendance in past
years warranted this change.
rushed over, gaily attired In pajamas and a sleeping cap. Immediately the chapel bell began tolling hysterically. Has anybody found a stray
fire? Hamiltonians still haven't located theirs.
A Syracuse fraternity has unanimously awarded the title of "house
lover" to Prince, their faithful mutt.
Qualifications? Prince has become
the pvjud papa of five pretty, petit
gathered the souvenirs while traveling in the West Indies and the
Caribbean area.
Among the items on ai-jpiay are
native pottery from Barbados, spices
from Granada, figures made of
cow's horns, a gaily colored native
and a variety of native-made baskets and jewelry from these and
other ports.
Lounge at all times; Student Association will be held responsible to
maintain the general appearance of
the Lounge.
Poster rules will be as follows: Any
color poster paper may be used. No
scotch tape or tacks may be put in
the walls—only in the wooden molding of the wall.
Absolutely no crayons are to be
used on posters at any time.
103 Central Ave.
H F. rkmikel & Son
on t be silly!
Founded 1905
Phone 4-2036
157 Central Ave.
you think I am...
a goose?"
"A. Clean Place To Eat"
167 Central Ave.
C O L L E (i E
The items which we put on sale weekly as a rule,
are not hard to "move" items; they are items which
you may not have noticed in the store. These sales
are designed to accomplish two purposes: 1) To
stimulate sales, and 2) to place our complete selection of goods before you from time to lime. These
sales last one week ONLY. The goods are not marked
down permanently.
This Week...
30 Pkg
1.29 Ka
1.20 Ea
(This vou can't afford to miss) .... 1)5.08 ea
ur fine-feathered friend isn't being " t a k e n - i n "
b y all those tricky cigarette tests you hear so much a b o u t ! A fast pull of
this brand —a snilT of that. A quirk inhale —a fast exhale —and you're
supposed to know all about cigarettes. N o ! You don't have to rely on quick-
way to test a cigarette is to smoke
pack after pack, day after day. T h a t ' s the test
Camel asks you to m a k e . . . the 30-Day Mildness Test.
Smoke Camels —and only darnels—for 30 days. Let your
own " T - Z o n e " ( T for Throat, T for Taste) be your
proving ground. And when you've tried Camels as a
steady smoke, you'll know
tricks. The sensible
Cloth Kerchiefs (with School design)
LAUNDRY BAGS (with seal)
4*odA PiUident
Clemente Wins
Frosh Election
For Presidency
More People Smoke Camels
than any other cigarette!
State Debaters
Win Victories
In Novice Meet
Teds 7 To Oppose Siena;
Seek Fifth Straight W i n
Today the State College soccer team will attempt to annex its
fifth straight victory in a row when it meets Siena at Beverwyck
p a r |< The Statesmen eked out a 1-0 victory over the Indians in a
. . ,..
, ,.
/_ „ T _ . J
previous contest this season, and the boys from Loudonville are
out to avenge this previous defeat.
T n j s c o n t e s t; w ju a i S o decide which
team shall gain the mythical title of
Albany Champs. The Indians feel
that they have a very good opportunity of winning their initial victory of the season against the teachers because of the closeness of the
previous contest.
Sharpen Offense
The Garcia men have been sharpening their offensive attack for this
The activities of State's sororities battle. The forward line has been
and fraternities include a twin working on long shots from outside
party, open houses, and an alumni the penalty area in an attempt to
weekend. Inter-Sorority Council has cross up the Siena goalie. Although
announced the times for freshmen to Siena has as yet to win a game, they
visit sorority houses tonight.
have in Buscemi, the goalie, what
According to Paul Ward '53 Gen- m a n v coaches consider one of the
eraY Chairman, Edward Eldred' Pot- outstanding
" " - ~ defensive
•*-'—•— men in
'- the
"-ter Club will hold Its first east.
Under the leadership of Coach
r u s h party tonight. The party will
be a twin dance, and all couples are Garcia, the soccer squad has had a
to dress like twins. Dancing will be very good season this year. After
j n the Commons from 8:30 to 12:30 dropping the opener to a powerto the music of Don Burt and his packed Brockport squad, 4-0, they
bounced right back to take their
next four
£ a m e s - Among the vicA n o p e n n o l l s e I o r statesmen will
ms were ABC
be held by Psi Gamma tomorrow " ,
' Siena' and Plattsnight from 8 to 12 p.m. The com- b u r S n mittees are as follows: General Coach Commends Team
Coach Garcia has commended
Chairman, Ann Adams; Publicity
Grace Parette, Juniors; Entertain- every member of the squad for their
ment, Ruth Dunn, and Refresh- hustle and spirit. He feels that
ments, Lorraine Migliaccio, Sopho- Strickland. Warden, and Weatherby
have combined a lot of ability with
t h e s irlt a n d n u s t l e t h a t tend to
Beta Zeta will also have an open m
house tomorrow night from 8 to 12 a eat
e a l 1potentially good ball player
p.m. According to Jeanette Zelanis, §f - ' * "^position has hit paySocial Chairman, the following will (}\rt on^ ni™ t l m e s a S a l n ; s t ' h e
head the committees: Arrangements, Statesmen while we were colecting
Wilburna Derenberger '51; Enter- t w e n t y t a l l l e s - Brockport got four
tainment, Victoria Eade '52; Poo.l, /Continued on Page 5, Column 5)
Marie Prochilo, and Clean-up, Joan
Stopielo, Sophomores.
This weekend is Phi Delta Alumni
Weekend, according to Joyce Barringer '51, President. Lunch at Wagar's and a tea at the house will be
featured. Phi Delta pledged Anna
Yanarella and Helene Zimmerman,
Two State Religious Clubs have
released plans for their week-end
The schedule for sorority open activities. Hillel and IZFA have
houses to be "held" tonight "lias been scheduled a Tri-City_Dance for toannounced by Beverly Kuhlkin '51. morrow night, and Hillel will hold
President of Inter-Sorority Council. a meeting at the Unitarian Church
At 7 those whose surnames begir. S u ", d a y ' m f r °™,J t o _ 1 0 P ' m
The Tri-City Dance will take
with A-F will go to Beta Zeta; G-L.
Gamma Kappa Phi; M-S, Psi Gam- place tomorrow at Temple Israel at
ma; and T-Z. Chi Sigma Theta 18 Federal Street from 9 p.m. to
Freshmen will remain at"each house 1 am- according to Lillian Kaminfor forty-five minutes and fifte"n sky '52, President of IZFA. Ray
minutes will be allowed to go Iron) Mitchell's band will provide the
A small fee will be charged
house to house. At the first house music.
'old f° r admission.
I hey visit the freshmen will
According to Barbara Stein '51,
where to proceed to next.
President, Israel Moss will present a
Rumor Clinic at the Hillel meeting.
Mr. Moss will demonstrate the
growth and dangers of stereotyped
rumors, using audience participation
to aid him. Following the meeting
there will be refreshments and
All religious clubs are cooperating
in the Campus Chest Drive. Presidents of these organizations are
members of the committee in charge
of the drive.
State College Debaters at the
Hamilton College Invitational Novice Debate Tournament came out
ahead of the thirteen other colleges
represented. According to Thomas
of Debate
- - '51,
- - President
- Council, this triumph makes State
unofficial champion of New York
The teams won ten out of twelve
debates against such opponents as
Colgate, Cornell, Syracuse, Hamilton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Siena, and Saint Rose. Members of the winning teams were Eugene Webster '51, Clarence Spain,
Walter Davis, Juniors, Anita Lilenfeld Virginia Vogel, Sophomores,
James Thompson, Joan Bothrick,
and Elenor Boice, freshmen. James
W. Shutt, Instructor in English,
Harold Vaughn, Grad, and Godward, acted as judges at the tournament.
Tuesda State College willhave a
home tournament with RPI and
Union, announces Godward. This will
be in preparation for the Vermont
tournament on November 13, to
which State will send two Novice and
two Varsity teams. Among those who
will represent SCT are Vaughn,
Godward, Daniel Joy, Joseph Persico, Clarence Spain, Jean Welch,
Juniors, Robert Berkhofer, and
James Thompson, Sophomores.
As a result of Friday's elections,
Alfred Clemente will lead the freshman class as its President, Mary
Massi as Vice-President, Prances
Betnea as Secretary and Stanley
Howlett as Treasurer. Those chosen
to represent the Class of 1954 on
Student Council are as follows:
James Bennett, Sonia Bush, Thomas Hoppey and Raymond Call.
Dionne, Hawkins Win
Sophomores who will be on Student Council due to vacancies will
be Rae Dionne and William HawkALFRED CLEMENTE '54
ins. The positions of frosh cheerleader and songleader were filled by
Ann Caparis and Helen Kosinski,
respectively, The tabulations of the
elections were released by William
Englehart '51, Chairman of Myskania.
Clemente was elected on the fifth
distribution. His closest opponent
was Peter McManus who trailed
him in the fourth distribution by 29
votes. Miss Massi retained the lead
Scheduled for the assembly profor Vice-President until she was
today is a speech by James
elected in the sixth distribution. gram
1- of the World Student Service
Harold Taylor who held second place .fiint
behalf of the present
throughout all the distributions was *una
Campus chest drive. There will also
her closest competitor.
be an announcement of the election
Elect Bethea, Howlett
The quota for Secretary was results of last Friday.
reiched by Prances Bethea in the The annual Campus Chest drive
third distribution. The quota for the will commence today, according to
office of Treasurer was not reached. Vasiliki Pantelakos '52, Chairman of
Barefoot Dancers
Bv a progress of elimination. Stanley the Drive. The goal set for State is
Howlett was elected to the office
Call In Pork Chops
over his nearest rival, Beatrice Le- from the Chinese Auction to be held
Please check your shoes before
Eighteen distributions were neces- '52 Review will be added to the conyou dance, smiled the pretty
siii'v in order to arrive at the mem- tributions. The funds will be divided
shoe check girls. Who could re(Continued on Page G, Column 2) as follows: 65 percent will go to the
fuse them?
World Student Service Fund; 10
If there were no other intelpercent to Negro Scholarships and
lectual gains for the evening,
International Christian University
at least everyone learned how
in Japan; 15 percent to disease fund;
to call a hog in ten easy ways.
and 10 percent to the Albany ComEven Miss Newbold's rendition
munity Chest.
of the famous Iowan hog call
Since it receives aid only from
made quite an impression on tne
Accurding to Marilyn Strehlow '51,
Director of Press Bureau, twenty- United States, the World Student
Competition was keen for the
two Senior men and women have Service Fund has been chosen as
prizes, but the judges finally
been chosen to have their names the recipient of the greater part of
made th" awards which seemed
submitted to the "Who's Who in the contributions. In assembly toquite apropos to the theme of
American Colleges and Universities" day, James Flint of WSSF will exthe occasion (air wick and disboard as representatives of State, plain the virtues of the association
penser for example).
If the board decides on all names, to the students,
they will appear in the 1950-51 ediIn order that solicitors may conThe refreshment booth with
tion of the publication.
tact Commuters more easily, a movie
tasty cider and donuts was alThose representing State are as Tuesday will highlight the Comways the center of attention.
fol.ows: Paul Buchman, Elizabeth muter's Day, a day on which ComAmid reports of after effects
Cahill, Martha Downey, Gerald muters will be approached for consuch as fallen arches and dirty
Dunn. Mary Eadc, Donald Ely, Wil- Iributions. Moreover, there will be a
socks, can be heard in the inner
thoughts of Statesmen and their
Ham Eii-jellwrt, Mary Fenzcl, Phyl- booth outside of the Commons where
plans to attend the Soc Hop in
lis Harris, Patricia Jai, James Jiusto, Commuters may contribute.
Paul Kirsch, Beverly Kuhlkin,
A dance will culminate the drive,
Georgina Maginess, Virginia Nor- which ends Saturday, November 11.
ton, Lois Prescott, Lloyd J. Purely,
Hclmuth Schultz, James Warden,
Audrey Weller, David Wetherby and
Evelyn Wolfe.
There students were selected on
Thomas E. Dewey was re-elected
the basis of excellence and sincerity, Governor of Now York State and
s hohnsliip, leadership and partici- Herbert H. Lehman was re-elected
pation in extra-curricular activities, N t , w Y o r k s t a l e S c n n t o r according
sorv: v to the college, and usefulness l 0 l h e m . ( . n l s t m w v o t e t a k e l l b v
to business and society.
the State College News. Although
the gubernatorial election was won
by an apparent overwhelming maDean Changes Syste m jority
the senatorial election was
very close. The counting of the votes
For Issuing w arnings showed the following results:
A new procedure for issuing
freshman mid-semester warnings
will be followed this year, according
to Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of
the College, Contrary to past years'
procedure, these warnings will not
be sent through student mailboxes.
Freshmen will have to see their
faculty advisors, as soon as the advisors have the warning reports, to
find out whether they recieveel any
the total Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Waltc
warnings in their subjects.
Lape, College Registrar will notify amount of votes is due to the fact Dewey is a Republican candktutt
freshmen by means of a notice on that many students voted only for while Lehman is a Democratic canthe Registrar door that reports are Governor anil left the Senator's dulale.
There were suvuiui •'write-in"
in the hands of the advisors. Ad- blank.
In electing these two candidates
As the votes were counted the
visors will post their own schedules
In their offices so that freshmen the students of New York Statu Col- tabululors found many comments
can arrange to meet them for con- lege for Teachers divided themselves written on the ballots. One student
'n regard to the puliticul parties, said, "I'm sorry, come back in about
Submit 22 Names
To 'Who's W h o '
Waldorf Cafeteria
Flint To Explain
For Assem bly
Music Department Announces
Time Of Tryouts For Operetta
The Music Department announces
tryouts are to be held for solo parts
in the annual operetta, according to
Dr. Charles Frank Stokes, Professor
of Music. The operetta this year will
be Gilbert and Sullivan's iolanthe.
Tryouts are scheduled for November 13 and 20.
Name Bennett, Hoppey,
Call, Bush To Council
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
a. i
Sororities, Frats
Release Agenda
Of Social Plans
Religious Clubs
Schedule Dance
Dewey, Lehman W i n Election In College Straw Vote
Freshmen Take Lead
In First Rivalry Events
A. Lynch, Candidates for Governor.
two years." Another student remarked, "don't know qualifications
of men—so don't feel I should vote."
The final of this straw
election could have been effected by
the votes of the many Juniors and
Seniors who did vote because
they did not have assembly seats.
As a result of the Campus Day
Activities, tlie rivalry score now
stands at five to four in favor of
the freshmen, according to Hehnulh
Schultze '51, Chairman of the Rivalry committee. Schultze has released the points awarded in the rivulrv
events held so far.
The Sophomores received two
points for winning the pushball
i ame, and two for winning three out
of five of the men's athletic events
held on Campus Day. The freshmen
received two points for winning the
women's athletic events and three
points tor winning the Oa.njVUS Day