Document 14064251

Olson Releases
Curriculum Data
To High Schools
One Man'I Qftinion
According to Dr. Milton C. Olson,
Director of Training for Commerce,
circulars are being sent out to principals throughout the state, regarding State College's program for the
preparation of high school teachers
of academic and business subjects.
The circular states, "Teachers of
business subjects, including distributive education, for New York high
schools are in demand. At State
College, students receive a broad
general education plus enough
specialization in business to enable
them to do superior teaching."
Qualifications for admission are
as follows: 1. High school graduation with an acceptable scholastic
record. The subjects taken in high
school may vary a great deal. A student who has followed a college entrance, academic, or business course
may be considered for admission.
Neither a foreign language nor high
school mathematics is required.
2. Good personality. 3. Clear speech,
and desirable character traits.
Any high school graduate interested in teaching business subjects
and who has an acceptable record,
and can otherwise qualify should,
according to the circular, consider
State as the placj to get his college
Statesmen To A t t e n d
Sorority O p e n House
Psi Gamma will hold an Open
House for Statesmen from 8 p. m. to
12 midnight tonight, according to
Gloria Sottile '50, President. General Chairman of the evening is
Virginia O'Connell '53.
Other individuals named as Chairman heads are as follows: Entertainment, Veronica Thornton; Arrangements, Marceline Stieve, Sophomores; and Refreshments, Fannie
Longo and Jeanette Nuffer, Juniors.
All Statesmen are invited. The
address of the Psi Gamma House
is 113 South Lake Avenue.
Co-op To Take Orders
For Graduation Needs
Orders for robes, caps, invitations,
and booklets for graduation will be
taken at the Co-op starting Tuesday, according to Harold Vaughn
'50, President of the Senior Class.
All Seniors and Graduates should
get their orders in as soon as possible.
An important Senior Class meeting will be held Monday noon in
Room 150 to consider and make
plans for graduation.
The AD lab season ended with a
whimper, not a bang, Monday evening when the first play, a longawaited, much discussed drama, under the direction of Fay Richards
plodded laboriously across the stage.
It is not, I think, unfair of State
College audiences, reputed to be unjustly demanding, to expect a certain amount of polish in the AD
plays. There is no reason why they
should be expected to actively participate in dramatics when part of
the class itself hasn't enough interest to correct errors which wouldn't
be excusable in a high school production. The errors of which I speak
were all evident in the first play.
These errors included: ineffectual,
distracting hand movements, lack of
facial reaction, and most important
of all, a confused groping for lines.
Wally Goodell, as the prophet, was
stirring and believable at times; but
without exception, any intense or
climatic moments that were reached
were crushed by his slowness to pick
up cues.
George Kline was well cast as the
poet; he was one of the few persons
on stage with any assurance. His
death scene did not quite stun the
audience, a fact that might be due
to the lack of suspenseful mood
throughout the play.
The scene in which Miss Williams
kisses the head of Yokanon evoked
murmurs of amusement rather than
the wretching nausea I'm sure Miss
Richards desired. It is my opinion
that once again the entire lack of
suspense and horror created thus far
caused the scene to fail.
Carolyn Williams shone in the
leading role as the accomplished actress I have believed her to be. Her
stage presence, among the blank
personalities of Tom Holman and
Joe Keefe, was a refreshing sight.
Never once did her characterization
slip; even the unexpected absence of
musical accompaniment for her
memorable dance did not startle her.
Advice to next year's AD class:
Keep in mind Owen Smith and Jim
Hughes who competently and effectively handled the two soldier
The sets, vivid and cleverly simple,
and the exotic costumes which were
complimented by the smoothly executed lighting, resulted in technical
In summary, the play had no
tempo and no mood; it bored the
audience ;it was a poor presentation.
It was not, I know, a true representation of AD ability.
The second play, a satirical fantasy directed by Bev Huber Woodin,
Auditor Cafaro Releases Report
On Financial Status C f Classes
James Cafaro '50, Auditor of the
Class Board of Finance, has released Uin iJoaru's Auditor's Report.
The leport is as follows:
Class of 1950
Class of 1951
Class of 1952
Class of 1953
Class Board of Finance.. 11.37
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
103 Central Ave.
PHONE 5-1913
$5.50 FOR $5.00
Sophs Rushing News To Press
was in turns delicate, humorous, and
filled with pathos.
The play gave new spirit to the
evening, and more than redeemed it.
Every phase of the production was
well-handled. The sets were in excellent taste, and the costumes were
rich and artistic.
I welcome with a hearty roar Dot
Simons and Marv Poons to the AD
stage. They were at once sophisticated wits and gay Bohemians; they
charmed their audience with their
ease and lightness of movement,
their assurance and delight with the
characters they were portraying.
In the second episode Ed Stearns
was properly somber as Tragedy, but
it was Henry Smith and Tom
Hughes who vie Miss Simons and
Poons for honors for a job more
than well done. Both Mr. Smith and
Mr. Hughes gave their lines a poetic
Pictured above arc this week's issue editors, the Sophomore Desk
quality, an intenseness and credulity
which was highly laudable. The
left to right: Ken Orncr, Marilyn Itapn, Norine Cargill, Grace
mood they created held the audience
Smith, Gini Adams, and Vickie Eadc. They are shown in the P.O. conDespite several flaws, may I congratulate the AD class on a profit- ferring on the first stages of the paper.
able, and splendid season.
At BARNARD and Colleges and Universities
throughout the country CHESTERFIELD
is the largest-selling cigarette.
Famous Barnard Alumna says:
'Chesterfieids always ftive me a lift.
T h e y ' r e wonderfully mild and they taste
so good. They're my favorite cigarette."
l< I I T II I . I C
I ' I C T l ' U i;
'By Recent National Survey
liege News
Formals, Parties Mystic Love Affair To Highlight
Dominate Plans Freshman Big-4 , Blue Horizons
O n Greek Slate
Assembly Today Includes
Voting On Amendment
Come along with the freshmen seems to be shaping up for fair
Plans for today's assembly include nominations for next
Phi Delta, EEP Offer and take a trip to Paltimar, Arabia, weather ahead.
year's Student Association officers, and voting on the proSaturday Night Formals
should weigh anchor at 8:30 p.m., troupe „„„„„,
receives an
pre„„ irinvitation
„, (oH .„ tto
n n„_ posed amendment to the Student Association Constitution
Two sororities and two fraterni- April 22 in Page Hall auditorium
— U../W y.iii.,
ties will highlight the weekend with
an open house, two dances, and a
"Blue Horizons," by Bob Hughes.
date party.
is casting a melodic aura over the
red devils, who consider themselves
Beta Zeta Sorority will hold an loaded with talent. Under the caopen house for Statesmen tomorrow pable hands of Dick Scott, Director.
from 8:30 to 12 p.m.. according to the first major production of '53
Eleanor Adams '50, President.
••> an' invitation
to pre- •
„ _,
sent their show before the Sultan concerning Election Commission. At a meeting of Student
(Walt Goodell> of Paltimar, Arabia, Council held March 29, the budget was considered, plans
When they arrive, the leading man,
Moving-Up D a y Formal were announced, and a reWarren Crane (Dick Jacobsom falls f o r t ,h e, n ,. /-,
.. , ,
, ,. ,,
, , ,
v Racll
And Council
for the bandit
Q l l e s t b -meeting
° held
t o b e c o m e a p a r t ot t h e b u d g e t Was
gets Warren.
by Aa ^night.
. ^ s e d . There was no Student
Who gets
man? You'll
"=>--<«•-"have to come and see. Sharon Crane
Nominations for the following of(Mary MacFarland' also has a ro- ficers will be made today: President,
Vice President, and Secretary of
Phi Delta Sorority is sponsoring
Student Association, Grand Marshal
ina formal dance tomorrow from 9
terests Staters as much as romance, and Songleader.
p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Lounge, acit's a good dance routine. In "Bine
cording to Margaret Hosking '50.
The proposed amendment of the
Horizons," you'll see an exotic harPresident. Vivian Steele '50 is Chairem dance, coached by Al Hazzard, constitution reads as follows: "I
move to cross out part <a> under secman of the affair. Marilyn Allen and '"atics Spring Play has been an Chairman of Choreography.
Placements listed prior to Easter
tion 3: article 8 and insert the fol- vacation have been released by Elwvwi anJoyce Baringer, Juniors, are Co- nounced bv A<rn« ...TT *•„.,„..-..
The cast for the Advanced Dralowing:
chnirmen of the Decoration Com- nounced by Agnes E. Futterer, As- skillfully add merriment to the plot.
mer C. Mathews, Director of the
cxemittee. The theme of the dance is sistant Professor of English. Com- Frank Hodge and Dan
Bureau. They include:
prising the cast of "The Swan" by cute these roles, You should find the be composed of four members and a
"April Showers."
Laura Varga '50, Copenhagen, ComFerenc Molnar will be: Dr. Nicholas scene in the bandit camp rather ex- president as follows:
merce; Leonard Anilaw '^0, Hudson
The Edward Eldred Potter Club Agi, Donald Ely '51; George. Walter citing.
will hold a dance tonight from 9 p.m. Keller '51; Ariene, Henry Smith '52;
Music, music, music is naturally
Falls. Commerce; Yvonne Lerch '50,
memto 1 a.m. at the Aurania Club, ac- Princess Beatrice, Jacqueline Mann an important part. Listen for the bers sha.l be" a p p o s e d ^ E l e c t i o n ^ L u l Z ^ d
cording to Andrew Rossetti '50, Pres- '51; Alexandra. Carolyn Williams love duet, "I Love You So," an orby Student Council two Jff? I l ^ ^ i ^ u ^ . A ^ i F l . Z ^ .
ident. Lindley De Garmo '50. is '51; Father Hyacinth, Anthony Pro- iginal by Dick Jacobsen, and sung Commission
weeks after Moving-Up Day of their tral School, English; Claire HumesChairman of the affair. The Bids chilo '50; Sympherosa, Beverly by Dick and Louise.
year, to hold office as mem- ton '50, Schenevus Central School,
and Program Committee is headed
Obviously, the Sets and Costumes
English; Grace Seeley '50, McGraw
by John King: Arrangements, Her- Kline '51; Colonel Wunderlich, Da- Committees are plenty busy; Mar- bers of the commission for one year. Central
School, Latin 1, 2, 3, French
2. Two Junior members shall be
bert Ginsburg. Seniors: Decorations. vid Shepard '52; Count Lutzen, Mar- lene Southard and Lita Krumholz
1, 2, 3; Carl Byers Grad, Corinth
Daniel Taureney; Flowers. Joseph vin Poons '51.
are heading these departments. appointed to the commission by Central School, Social Studies 11,
Also Caesar, Joseph Purdy '51; Also racking their brains for orig- Student Council two weeks after
Purdy: Chaperones, Myron Rinsberg,
12; Joan Erlandson '50. Roscoe CenJuniors; and Favors, Robert Bell '52. Maid, Joan Pcrine '51; Princess Mar- inal ideas are Ed Lindsey for PubThe chaperones will be John R. Tib- ia Dominica, Martha Downey '51; licity and Betty Coykendall for
betts. Instructor in Science, and Mrs. Countess Erdeley .Eileen Brooks '51; Props. Pete Bon. Lights, and Myra the commission for one y e a ' r ^
Z n ^ f ^ Z ^ ^ T ' o Z :
Tibbetts; Merlin" w" Ha'thawav "in" ^ ' I ^ . ; R°ss Federico '52 and Ladies Bernzweig, Make-Up, are preparing
School, Commerce;
structor in Physical m S Z l ' and C o ^ ^ ^
^ ^
^ their committees for the work that
B uchoca
' d'ad, C r a i g S c h o o ] |
ior vear by Student Council This Schenectady, 4th grade; Lindley De
S n ^ h X a S l ^ ' c ^
n e S T e S n ^ r M
° « "
Garmc '50, Pine Plains Central
like on
of the
the boat
to freshmen
Paltimar. junior will serve until December of schooi, Junior" High ~Soc'ial Studies"
nno. Instructor in English; and Ed- san Danzis R o b t t n B r ,, W I 1 , Saus"s Sire
•-•- Senior
- - - - - year and
nnrf may
.^n" „
- . , - Margaret Mahoney '50, Chestero u 'n d ••'"'• - " - - • - - ' ' - " - ' "
like a good show, let's go his
win C Munro, Instructor in Modern Fe dcric,
, w
' « ?V vothea
' ^
Languages, and Mrs. Munro.
Ha'dim Thon «. « , ' °
(Continued on Page it Column itl town Central School;
The new members of Sigma Lamb- Kbser Edlard K v l e n 0^I , n l^d pT f
O'Brien '50, Colonie C e n t r a l
da Sigma Fraternity are sponsoring terman M- rilvn R , n °J c e Q c uh at School, English 9, 10, 12; Pea date party for the other members fer David SI eonrri n ' ? * J ?
ter Martin, Grad, Hooper School,
of the fraternity tonight in the and Hemv ImUh « D , ° 1 0 t h y S lGmeo n '
Social Studies 7; and Warren Noble,
Lounge, according to Louis Vion 53 a d G ™
Grad, Berne-Knox Central School,
',", ~ ,
"' G ( 0 , ^ n f > Maginess,
French, English.
and Edward Steams, Juniors.
Harold Vaughn and Doris Freid- Eacli school will send three delegates
man Pock, Seniors, and Thomas and three alternates.
Committee Handbook Editor Lists
Godward '51, will represent State meetings on the three major topics
at the 18th Annual Legislative As- of education, taxation, and mental Eleven Co-Workers
sembly at the State Capitol next health are to be held in the Ten
of Associate
Editors ha"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ac- Eyck Hotel committee rooms on theThe'54listFreshman
cording to Elnora M. Drafahl, In- Thursday evening.
ness lacks methodology, basic busi- structor in English.
Exhibits of modern business ma- ness lacks mastery and basic busiThe committees will continue dis- itor-iivChtef ^ S T . P o r t a ' E d "
Miss Drafahl is secretary - inchines
a typing
, ,.and textbooks,
'<""» dem" " " - m s lac 'ks measurement The im-v charge of this year's conference cussion all day Friday, and will we e nam d ' t . t h e s t a S ^ v C 5 6
onstiation. a "jury trial" procedure foremen for the trial will h, nun
, ,
and a luncheon will highlight tins Tlicrne, Norman M a d s e an 1d Mwa l" _" Dne bTn t fe ' ^ b ?' t h e N e W Y o r k S t i l t e draft majority and minority bills Adams. NorTne Cargill S u r e e nI n ai *
year's business conference which is tin B n - i n i ' t - Ai
Coach's Conference The pur- alter interrogation periods of "ex- vis, Victoria Bade n „ S f ? ", Alumni. During the pose of the assembly is to give prac- perls" from the State Education and Kenneto O m e f MarUvr 1
to be held at Pierce Hall, April 22 luncheon
the various juries will
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prominent make a decision on the five basic lice in debate and committee dis- Godward
State Mental
esa S hand
e e h Kathleen
a n ^ r a ^ s Cody.
l n U l f Z Sul-"
men of the business world will ap- issues and the jury foremen will an- cussion, as well as parliamentary mittee; Mrs. Pock on Mental Health
pear at this conference.
nounce the decisions to the Judge.
This year's book will include the
Twenty-one colleges will be in at- committee, and Vaughn on the EdThe "jury trial" procedure, preThe typing demonstration will be tendance at this year's conference. ucation committee. A banquet will traditional greetings to the students
be held on Friday night at the Ho- from Dr. Evan R. Collins, President;
senting some of tile many aspects of given by Dr. John L. Rowe. Associtel Ten Eyck.
basic business education, will be ate Professor of Business EducaDr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Dr.
given by Dr. Herbert Freeman, Di- tion, Teachers College, Columbia
Saturday morning, the meetings Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women. In
Jones' Art Lends
rector of Business Education, New University. Student members of the
in the Assembly Chambers at the addition, a new feature shall be inJersey State Teachers College, and Milne School will act as the class for
Capitol will be called together by cluded; the listing of Albany merCafeteria
Alan C. Lloyd, Advertising Director the demonstration.
the Speaker, elected from among chants giving State College students
of the Gregg Publishing Company.
Don't drop thai spoon now,
the delegates of the various colleges. special rates.
Harrison M. Terwilliger, Assistant
frosli, that is .Miss Dobbins lookBills are introduced, debated, and
Professor of Commerce, will act as Stokes Requests Return
The tentative copy date has been
ing down at you from the wall.
passed or rejected. Results of the
judge of the trial.
proceedings of the Assembly are set for April 28, and copies of the
Observant eaters-in-the-cafeO f Questionnaire Sheet
The five issues for the trial interia should have noticed by now bound and sent to the Speaker of book will be available in early AuToday is the last day for students
clude: basic ousiness lacks motivathe
new artwork on the wall.
the State Representatives.
to turn in their housing questiontion, basic business lacks material naire
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes,
suitable lor instruction, basic busi- Dean sheets,
hand and created these masterCommuters To Arrange
of Women, has announced.
pieces especially for State apFreshmen To Gather
The sheets were given to students
Undergraduate Students
Moving-Up Day Formal
before Easter vacation so that they
Seven faculty members have
A t A nnual Banquet
could think over where they wanted
W i l l Register May 8
A Moving-Up Day Semi-Formal
come under stroke lor a notto live next year.
Freshmen will gather at Herbert's on May 5 will be sponsored by the
Preliminary fall registration for
Those students who did not retomorrow night at <i:'30 p.m. forCommuters Club, according to Doris
Meyer is easily recognized by
Juniors. Sophomores and freshmen ceive their sheets may pick up and
their first annual banquet. William Jacobs '52, President. The dance will
will be held the week of May (i. acthat
Ketchum, General Chairman, an- be on the old Statesmen idea using
cording to Dr. Milton G. Nelson, fill out their sheets today in the
Turner's rod hair calls attention.
nounces that tickets priced at one the Commons, Gym, and the
Dean of the College. Juniors will Dean of Women's office.
With concentrated effort the
may be purchased at the Lounge.
register first, followed by Sophomores
student can recognize Dean
Myskania Releases Warnings,table
the Commons.
and freshmen.
Stokes, Miss Hayes, Mr. PeterThe main ballroom will be in the
Committee members include: PubIn order that students may have Four Freshmen Will Apologize
son, and Dr. Standing.
licity, Jeanne Simon, Chairman, Gym where a Moving-Up Day theme
enough time 10 plan theii fall
Myskania lias announced the folThe faculty members did not
Robert Cerwonkao, Milan Krchniak, will prevail. Don Burt and his Orschedules, new fall catalogues will lowing freshmen h a v e received
pose lor their portraits. Bather
Caroline Gazulis, and Owen Smith; chestra will provide the music. The
than drawing from real life
be issued on May 1.
warnings; Joan Gardner, Maiiene
Chaperones, Louis Vion, Chairman, theme for the Commons will be a
Earle used the photographs in
Dean Nelson announces that ihose Knapp, Janet Leonard, Margaret
Marquerite Riiizo, and Ann Sturges; "Terrace Garden" and music will
last year's Pedagogue.
students completing their fall regis- Herbert, third warnings; Lucille
Flowers, Joyce Leonard, Chairman, be provided for this section of the
tration program correctly and who Roulier, Jean Palmer, William HoopIfigenia Aliferis, Marjorie Baker, Formal by a trio.
And if you don't appreciate
will not need to change it, will not er, Vera Smith, second warnings;
and Janet Leonard; Entertainment,
"art," you can enjoy th») fact
have to go through registration pro- and Kenneth Gorr and Herbert EgRichard Jacobsen, Chairman, Ruth
that the green hacking blends
Co-Chairmen of the Dance are
cedure in the fall.
ert, fourth warnings.
Dunn, Frank Hodge, and Rose Kel- Mary Maguire '52 and Paul Le Brim
nicely with the new paint.
'51. Decoration Committee Chairman is Sally Schumi '51.
Complete Casting
For Spring Play;
Select A D Class
Legislative Assembly To Consider
Education, Taxation, Mental Health
Business Conference
'Jury Trial' Modern
To Witness
Mathews Names
New Placements
For Coming /ear
14, 19SO
RememabGHce •oy ^lltinal Padded
MAY 1916.
One For The Money . .
Tears mist my old eyes. T h e c a m pus h a s changed little since 1951. I
No. 22 wipe t h e tears away with a tail of
April 14, 1950
my battered Prince Albert and totter
on, anticipating more important
AMHOHIIICCI I'nili'irliile !'"'»«
I'olleirliill' IMirea:
Tlie mitlorftriiriiiiilu uowH|miivr of I In* Now York Stiilo I "I changes on t h e inside. As you all
k'lro for 'J'wiclici's; pillillsliuil ovcry Frliliiy of I In- Colk'RO know, Pragery ( t h e cult of practiyi'iir li.v I In- MOW'S llwiril for llio Slliilcnl Assiiehillmi. cality) h a s triumphed.
Plumes'' Wlllsc; H-IHH2; li'iwl, 2-ilia»! Krlmn nnil Parrel I.
Since my u n d e r g r a d u a t e days, t h e
8-0287, Webber 2-0B12. Mom IMTH of I ho .MOWS staff may
College h a s become one of the outln> rtNK'hoil T u e s d a y anil vViMiiinmliiy from 7 In 11 :.'MI l>. in
lit I! IIIOT.
s t a n d i n g centers for t h e revolutionary doctrines of M a t t Pragg, an u n 'I'll 10 MOWS ItOAIII)
successful nursery school teacher
HIMKI.IIV WILTS 10 - - from S o u t h Gook. New York. A comI'lilillc. III'IIIIIOIIH Editor
plete program h a s been instituted
- - • Sports lOilltor
DIANK S. M'EBHER - Cimilitllon .Milliliter here founded on his principles of
4JKA410 SOIS.M - - - Ailvcrlislntr SluniiKiT education. This is in keeping with
JOAN IAKIIIOI.I- - - - HIIHIIICNN Miinniter the federal s t a t u t e
M14'll.\i:i. COUTi'.SM that
- - - I'enI in'e lOilllor
I0VI0I-YN W O M W - - - lOxelllllliti! IOilltor American school teachers to follow
- - AsN.ieinle Editor tlie new philosophy. All classes are
(14)1.1)110 HIIIONMOIl
- - AsHiieluld IOdllor now t a u g h t by indoctrinated pro(IIOKAI.I) DUNN - - - AHHIK-IIIIO Eilltor fessors fresh from Urp, the West
MAKY 1'IONZIOr, - Point of education.
One thing which impresses me as
AM eiiiniiiiinlealloaa HIIOIIIII lie nililiv.wd lo Hie eilltor anil t h e epitome of practicality is t h e
iiiusi lie sliiiii'il,
Naiiien will lie wlllihelil upon rei|iieat.
The S'I'A'1'10 COI.r.lOOIO MOWS iismiines no
responsibility complete freedom enjoyed by t h e
for opinions expressed In lis columns ur enniuiiiiili'ailons pigeons among the nooks and c r a n as tsiu-li expressions do not necessarily reflect lis view.
nies a r o u n d t h e old buildings. All
protective screening h a s been r e moved a n d perches built where foot-«©-?
ing h a d been r a t h e r hazardous. An
interesting side-light to this p a s toral scene is t h e little old umbrella
m a n standing a t a safe distance
B from Draper Hall. He reminds me so
much of someone I once knew!
A week before v a c a t i o n , three m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t
In t h e corridor, I was a bit shockAssociation m a d e a r e p o r t on a c o n f e r e n c e . I n out- ed to find t h a t Minerva h a s been
t u r n e d into a h a t - r a c k for the cony e a r l y b u d g e t , we a p p r o p r i a t e a s u b s t a n t i a l s u m
venience of those students who nevfor conferences. Y e t , t h e b o d y of t h e a s s e m b l y er seem to m a k e their 8:10's. T h e
w a s n o t o u t s t a n d i n g for its interest a n d a t t e n t i o n Co-ordinator of S t u d e n t Activities,
formerly Dean, sprang up from his
to the speakers.
easy chair under t h e stairway to
H o w i m p o r t a n t tire conferences? W e s e n d p e o - greet me. Upon hearing my request
p l e r e g u l a r l y , more or less t a k i n g for g r a n t e d t h a t to visit t h e classes he smiled broadly, scratched a cauliflower ear with
t h e e x p e n s e is justified.
his cigar stub, a n d said impressively,
T h r e e t h i n g s e n t e r into the v a l u e of a confer- "Who cares?"
Still puzzling over our provocative
e n c e . O n e is t h e a c t u a l conference, its p l a n n i n g , a p p r o p r i a t e n e s s , a n d location. Second is t h e person- conversation, I wandered into a
biology lab, a thing I h a d scrupua l i t y of t h e person w h o is s e n t . H i s tactfulness, lously avoided in my student years.
friendliness a n d c o n s c i e n t i o u s n e s s m e a n t h e dif- I glimpsed in innocently—and backference b e t w e e n a v a l u a b l e c o n f e r e n c e , a n d o n e ed out blushing to t h e roots of my
which is just " f o r f u n . " W e a r e familiar with t h e
I h a d already learned t h a t edut y p e of conference goer w h o a t t e n d s for t h e thrill cation courses have been eliminated
of t r a v e l i n g , of g e t t i n g to t h e city, of p a r t y i n g , as impractical, unnecessary, and i n a n d w h o shows u p for only o n e or t w o m e e t i n g s . imical to the new credo.
In t h e English classes, instructors
T h e t h i r d t h i n g of i m p o r t a n c e is w h a t S t u d e n t Aswere demonstrating t h e use of a n sociation e x p e c t s of t h e people it s e n d s to conferences. W e should expect s o m e sort of a detailed
r e p o r t on e v e r y conference, i n c l u d i n g t h o s e a t t e n d e d b y m e m b e r s of s e p a r a t e o r g a n i z a t i o n s as
well a s those a t t e n d e d b y d e l e g a t e s from S t u d e n t
Association d i r e c t l y . A delegate w h o k n o w s he will To T h e Editor:
b e e x p e c t e d to r e p o r t in a b u s i n e s s - l i k e w a y is
To t h e many people who signed
a p t to get more o u t of t h e m e e t i n g s h e a t t e n d s . up for t h e coaches to New York,
A n d , if r e p o r t s a r e properly
and pre- Rochester, and Syracuse:
This is a s t a t e m e n t in which I
t h e m e m b e r s of t h e i n d i v i d u a l o r g a n i z a hope to explain why the coaches
t i o n s , a n d t h e a s s e m b l y , can benefit b y t h e infor- failed to run this Easter time.
m a t i o n b r o u g h t back to t h e m .
Since e v e r y o n e
As you probably know there were
c a n n o t , a n d should not go, the next best thing is about thirty fellows a n d girls who
had signed up on t h e list posted in
to h e a r a b o u t it.
lower Draper Hall. Well this list
T o h e a r a b o u t it is o n l y v a l u a b l e , h o w e v e r , w h e n was t a k e n off t h e bulletin board
t h e conference is v a l u a b l e to those w h o a t t e n d . h and so were two others. I went from
dorm to dorm a n d tried to contact
t h e r e ever a conference t h a t is really v a l u a b l e lo all these people, but I was unable
SA a n d to t h e d e l e g a t e s ? Does a t t e n d i n g a series to do so.
It seems t h a t a very influential
of m e e t i n g s a n d discussions in some field really
c o n t r i b u t e a n y t h i n g w o r t h w h i l e for t h e m o n e y person among us h a d taken it upon
himself to thwart every attempt I
made. I was refused permission to
T h e a n s w e r c a n n o t be " y e s " for e v e r y confer- make an a n n o u n c e m e n t in assembly
on t h e grounds t h a t my notice did
e n c e . W h e n e v e r a n y o n e of t h e t h r e e i m p o r t a n t
not concern t h e s t u d e n t body as a
c o n s t i t u e n t s is missing, t h e answer is " n o . " F r o m whole, but the train announcements
a successful conference, some of these v a l u e s should were made. It seems t h a t this same
( 1 ) a d d i t i o n a l technical k n o w l e d g e , ( 2 ) person was behind t h e scenes for
the train a r r a n g e m e n t s . I was asked
possible i m p r o v e m e n t s for a p a r t i c u l a r g r o u p or for an article for the school paper.
p h a s e in o u r college life, (.?) c o m p a r i s o n s indicat- This article never was published but
ing o u r p r o g r e s s , or lack of it, a n d t h a t of o t h e r an article was written up about the
train trip ,1 h a d put up innumerable
schools, ( 4 ) p u b l i c i t y for our school a n d for p a r signs a n d posters a n d these were
t i c u l a r p h a s e s of o u r d e v e l o p m e n t as a t e a c h e r s ' taken down, mutilated, or covered
college, ( S ) friends a n d c o n t a c t s for S t a t e on m a n y up by t r a i n notices.
c a m p u s e s , ( 6 ) a loss of s h o r t - s i g h t e d n e s s a b o u t o u r
I went a n d spoke to Dean Stokes
own a n d o t h e r schools, ( 7 ) new ideas, in all a r e a s . and Dean Nelson, a n d witli the advice of President Collins they sugP e r h a p s a w r i t t e n , published report would be as gested t h a t I go before Myskania. I
effective a s an oral r e p o r t . H o w a b o u t a compiled did just that, but very little could
c o n f e r e n c e r e p o r t issued y e a r l y ? L e t ' s n o t forget, be accomplished because this same
influential person is a member of
h o w e v e r , t h a t most people r e m e m b e r best an inter- t h a t august body.
e s t i n g , w e l l - p l a n n e d , oral report. D o n ' t g r o a n . F u W h a t could I do? There are three
t u r e t e a c h e r s should be p r a c t i c i n g a t m a k i n g what ways of contacting the student body:
t h e y p r e s e n t orally so i n t e r e s t i n g t h a t p e o p l e h a v e assembly—I was forbidden to make
my a n n o u n c e m e n t ; the paper—my
t o listen.
article never appeared; notices—
C o n f e r e n c e s can be v a l u a b l e . W e should ( h e c k they were taken down or covered
up by train notices. I was helpless
e v e r y c o n f e r e n c e , so it will he w o r t h w h i l e to t h e and you students were not allowed
m o s t n u m b e r of p e o p l e . W e should get o u r m o n e y ' s to make t h e choice between going
home by train or chartered coach.
thologies as doorstops, window props,
a n d fuel for small fires. Goodness,
what next!
Luckily my itinerary is i n t e r r u p t e d
by t h e cries of "Spy! T r a i t o r ! " a n d
a general rush of m a d d e n e d adolescents in my direction. Looking about
to see w h o the culprit is, I observe
with terror my P h i Beta K a p p a key
glittering on my w a t c h chain.
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
not necessarily
It's back to the old grind again after 12 g - r a n d
and g-lorious days of eatin'. sleepln', a n d lazin'. Now
everyone's counting clays again—21 days to M.U.D.,
35 more school days till final exams a n d even Jerry
Dunn and. Shirley Wiltsc a r e counting their 71 days
until "I d o " day.
B. V. DAYS . . .
At t h e last S. C. meeting Before Vacation, during two
hours of discussing t h e n e w reinforced Election Commission Constitution, t h e age old problem of MysBy P A T BRADY
kania arose. There was a suggestion to transfer all
election activities including t h e counting of ballots
After a good restful vacation, this to t h e Election Commission, which then would have
week seems like a good opportunity to be increased in size. T h e r e a r e still those who feel
to give you a r o u n d - u p of t h e radio Myskania should be no longer judicial but strictly h o n activities on t h e c a m p u s this year. orary, a n d who might still bring such action to t h e
On t h e Wednesday evening before floor of t h e Association.
vacation, Caroline Williams a n d
Council's review of budgets began with a careful
George Kline presented t h e final
program in t h e " C a p i t a l C a m p u s " scrutiny of all lines. If t h e Association is as cautious
series on station W R O W . This series we can look to long drawn out Budget Assemblies.
of programs did a fine job in preKeep your eyes on those key lines. After Mimi G o r senting interesting a n d dignified skie's article on outward recognitions, there ought to
publicity for S t a t e College. During be some discussion toward abolishment of these lines
the course of t h e year, such topics as there was last year. Incidentally, w h a t happened
as t h e Religious Clubs, t h e various to the suggestions for a single SA key for all a c d e p a r t m e n t s , S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t , tivities?
and current topics such as B r o t h e r hood Week were covered on t h e air. FROSH FLASH . . .
The writers of this column have been informed t h a t
T h e program is being discontinued
because of complications arising as the Soph substitutes in t h e last issue unfairly a c a result of broadcasting
baseball cused t h e frosh of sheepishly hiding their Boat to
games. T h e radio station, following Paltimar under stairs. T h e communique received states
its policy of broadcasting t h e games, t h a t this was graciously done in order not to interh a s certain commercial
commit- fere with Soph publicity.
m e n t s which m u s t be kept before
A reputedly greater Frosh Show is being awaited
any public service time c a n be a l - after the excellent production by t h e Sophs.
lowed. Since a regularly assured
time could not be g r a n t e d , it was W E D LIKE TO KNOW . . .
deemed best to discontinue for this
. . . why there was no S.C. meeting last Wednesyear. However, we'll be looking for- day even though Tony could not a t t e n d ? With M.U.D.
ward to h e a r i n g "Capital C a m p u s " and the end of the school year staring us in t h e face
again in t h e fall.
a n d most of the budget to be reviewed by this group,
Radio activities of this year, in- why is it not conducted by t h e V.P.? We are especluding "Capital C a m p u s " a n d the cially curious since the Council h a d been urged to
Clinton Square Neighborhood House attend for quorum's sake a n d for t h e urgency of the
a t business.
4:35 p.m.) have been t h e outlets for
This trotting time h a s already thrown nominations
the work of m a n y people. T w e n t y for officers in our laps today and it means we'll have
four people worked on t h e scriptto take a quick look a r o u n d for good prospects for
writing aspect, a n d forty-five stuofficers. We hope t h a t the slates will be filled by more
dents actually gave radio performt h a n just the number to be elected. Classes will be
ances. Incidentally ,the n u m b e r forfollowing suit witli undoubtedly more interest t h a n
ty-five does not include such persons
has been shown all year.
as three Milne s t u d e n t s , a dozen
Neighborhood House children, and THE COMING SIDE O F T H E NEWS . . .
Dr. Collins, who also appeared.
The Commuters' Club h a s revived tradition witli
terrific plans for a M U D formal dance which will be
going on in the Gym, Commons, a n d Lounge—and it
will be inexpensive too.
This weekend Potter a n d P h i Delt will start t h e
spring formal parade . . . t h e frosh will be putting
on the feedbag a t Herbert's.
You were forced to do w h a t a small
clique wanted you to do. I t t h a t
Even S t a t e will p a r t a k e in t h e Annual Albany
democracy? I don't t h i n k so, a n d
neither do the m a n y people who Tulip Festival this May.
know these facts. In t h e words of RUMOR DEPT. . . .
Dr. Nelson: This is unfair compeTwo nasties are passing t h r o u g h these portals. One
tition a n d something which t h e stu- is t h a t t h e new Dorm will n o t be ready in S e p t e m dents should not tolerate, (no quote) ber (there's always W a s h i n g t o n Park) a n d the other,
T h e r e is n o t h i n g which c a n be to the sorrow of prospective practice teachers, t h a t
done in this p a r t i c u l a r case a n y - Milne will s t a r t two weeks before college in S e p more but we can see t h a t it never tember.
h a p p e n s again. We c a n see t h a t no
more D & A posters, n o more Music
Any a n d all information to t h e contrary will be
Council posters, or a n y o t h e r notices welcome.
ever again are mutilated or destroyed. T h a t is not too m u c h to ask A GOOD E X P E R I M E N T . . .
. .. was conducted on March 31 by Tony Pro witli
because other colleges J o n I have
our problem. Let's m a k e a change his "For the Good of the O r d e r " discussion. B r o u g h t
out sonic good quizzes a n d good retorts. Shows t h a t
some are thinking a n d a r e willing to defend their
As for eliminating a repililioti of thoughts publicly. Too bad this started so late, but
our current singular a d m i n 1st rat ion the start was definitely good—might be used more
in which a student's voice can be effectively by next year's President. We're all for
easily squelched, remember
t h a t having more such discussions.
elections a r e coming up this spring.
Remember t h a t you don't want of- LAST WORDS . . .
ficers because they a r e " p r e t t y boys"
Our " P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n " J i m Brophy is now legislator "personality kids," or because ing a t Van Derzee.
they can p u t on a good show in front
Let's remember Tony's request to not tear down
of assembly, you want r e p r e s e n t a notices
or decorations from t h e corridors.
tives who will fight for your rights
and express your s e n t i m e n t s . Our
How do you like those spill'y new drinking fountains?
government will only be as good as
we make it—remember t h a t when
you cast your ballot this spring.
Norm S c h r a m m '51
To T h e Editor :
Some time ago Anthony Prochilo
told me to "keep u p " a few of t h e
bulletin boards. In doing so, I have
come across a very bad situation.
From time to tim< T ' .ive received
complaints, a n d h a
I'jserved t h a t
m a n y of t h e notices a r c torn up,
disfigured, or just disappear. T h e
personality a n d respect of our college is directly reflected in our bulletin boards .So let's just keep our
h a n d s oil if they h a v e n o business
Glen N. Armitugc
Calenda r - -
p i n . Poller Club Formal. Auraniu
6:30 p.m. Freshmen B a n q u e t at Herbert's
H:30 p.m. Iieui Zeta Open House
p i n . Phi Delta Formal, Lounge
7:30 p.m. Pi G a m m a Mu business meeting in Room
noon SCA Noon Chapel
14, 1 9 5 0
Cuen, Biviano Youngsters Pace Myskania Wins Three Games;
Cop First Place
A Loop Despite Clinches Basketball Championship
Shirley McCuen a n d Joe Biviano
t e a m e d u p to take t h e mixed doub- Loss To Potter
les t o u r n a m e n t , which was held a t
Rices' Alleys on T h u r s d a y , M a r c h
30. McCuen h i t t h e pins for a 130
pin average while Biviano got 143
pins. These totals plus a 102 pin
h a n d i c a p gave t h e m a total of 783
pins a n d t h e championship.
T h e Youngsters, despite a loss to
Potter Club just before t h e spring
vacation, a r e still perched a t o p t h e
volleyball " A " league. T h e Youngsters are two games u p in t h e winning column. Potter Club, K B , a n d
SLS are tied for second place with
Eleanor W h y l a n d a n d Dave Clark each of t h e m supporting a 2 a n d 1
got a total of 733 pins to place sec- record.
ond in t h e t o u r n a m e n t . Clark h a d
I n t h e " B " it-ague, t h e Angels a n d
an average of 158 pins a n d a n 11
pin h a n d i c a p while W h y l a n d aver- EEP's both have unblemished recaged 124 pins a n d a 34 pin h a n d i - ords; 3 a n d 0 for t h e Angels, 2 a n d 0
for the EEP's. T h e M u d h e n s with
a 4 a n d 1 record now have to just
Lillian Kamisky a n d Ronny Rock- sit back a n d hope t h a t some of t h e
hill placed third with a 704 total. other teams will knock off these u n Kamisky bowled an average of 124 defeated t e a m s a l t h o u g h they have
pins and h e r p a r t n e r . RockhUl, h i t a chance a t t h e EEP's themselves in
for 145 pin average.
their final game of t h e season. T h i s
Shirley Wiltse a n d J e n y D u n n game should be one of t h e most exgot n total of 682 pins to grab t h e citing of tlie c u r r e n t season.
fourth spot in mixed bowling. WiltT h e o u t s t a n d i n g players on the
se bowled a 104 pin average a n d league-leading t e a m s seem to be Joe
D u n n smashed t h e hardwoods for Biviano an J J i m Warden of the
a 140 p.ii average. These scores plus Youngsters a n d Bob Brown a n d Bob
a 140 pin handicap a.a r' them in Taber of the Angels.
Shirley Wiltsc a n d Margaret Hosking reach on a j u m p ball in t h e
grabbing t h e fourth spot.
Volley Ball S t a n d i n g s
M y s k a n i a - P h i Delta g a m e which Myskania won to clinch IM c h a m Lois Hills a n d Tony Davey took A League
filth place in t h e t o u r n a m e n t . Hills 1. Youngsters
4 1 pionship. Others identifiable a r e (I. to r.) Smith, Adams, Webber, Koch,
posted a 130 pin average plus a 30 2. Potter
2 1 Hotaling (Rtf.) a n d Morgan.
pin handicap while Davey hit for
2 1
a 160 pin total a n d was given a 10
2 1
Play-offs for top honors in WAA
pin h a n d i c a p .
Emag Moor
5. Suspenders
1 3 basketball commenced just before Bouncers
Psi G a m m a
Dee Weber a n d Don McDonald
1 3 vacation. A total of five games play- Doublettes
took sixth place with . 646 total. 7. Lovers
0 2 ed before tlie final listing could be Sayles
This score was just lour pins be- 15 League
hind the fifth place winners, Hills 1. Angels
3 0
On March 27, Myskania faced
T h e line-ups for all t h e games,
and Davey. Webber got a 114 pin 2. EEP's
2 0 Pierce and won in a close game, 13including total n u m b e r of points
average a n d a 41 pin handicap 3. Mudhens
4 1 12. Audrey Koch scored 11 of t h e 13
scored by each player is as follows:
while McDonald got a 173 pin aver- 4. Tools
2 2 points for Myskania. and Dee W e b age a n d a 1 pin h a n d i c a p .
5. R a m s
2 3 ber came through with t h e r e m a i n - Myskania— -3 wins, 0 losses.
6. Mitey Miles
1 4 ing 2 points. J o a n Haggerty sank tlie Thompson
7. Commuters
0 5 most for Pierce, 7 points, while R o j - Koch
cewicz a n d Apostolides scored 3 a n d Webber
2 points resp:cHvely.
Beta Z e t a - 2 wins, 1 loss.
Life Saving Course
BZ i r..I Phi D a t a clashed the Borys
same nigh'.. T h e final score, 33-23, K a m k c
Potter (,'lub came from behind in Offered To Students
was a definite lead from tlie begin- Zelanis
the last three minutes of I lie final
quarter to nip Los Locos by one
This Tuesday a course in senior ning for BZ. Evie Erdle led the Phi Devitt
Pierce—1 win L .osses.
point in t h e I n t r a m u r a l Basketball life-saving will begin a t t h e Hack- Delt girls witli 12 points.
Myskania again took the floor Haggerty
Championship play-off. T h e game, et Junior High School pool. These
played on March 24, was close all courses, which a r e being spoiisoied t h a t night in a clash with BZ. For Rojcewicz
the way, with I lie surprising Locos by the American Red Cross, are tlie second time, Myskania won, 25- Apostolides
keeping the lead during most of the open to both men a n d women. A 18. Once again Audrey Koch, who Phi D e l t a - 0 wins 3 losses.
junior life-saving certificate is not lias led Myskania in almost every Smith, R.
T h e final score was 30-29.
a prerequisite for t h e course, n o r game, came through with a n o t h e r Erdle
Using a zone defense for three are there any other specific require- lead. For the second time of the Tliurlow
quarters, t h e Pottermen were inef- ments. T h e first few nights of t h e night. Mary Borys was high scorer Baker
fective on defense, as well as poor course are devoted to refreshing t h e for Beta Zeta.
All in all the complete basketball
off t h e backboards. Finally, realizing candidates in the basic strokes, a n d
season proved to be a good one. Phil
t h a t the zone proved no riddle to testing their ability in distance. Pierce Trounces Phi Delt
Pierce gained a 24-12 win from Harris, Babe Paterson, a n d J o a n
the " B " league champions. Potter When this proceeclure h a s been
switched to m a n - t o - m a n in t h e last completed, tlie actual life-saving in- Phi Delt, its first a n d only win since Haggerty did a fine j o b of schedult h e play-offs began. P h i Delta lost ing I he games a n d seeing t h e m
q u a r t e r a n d pulled ahead.
structions will begin.
its second game of t h e play-offs. It through. T h e many h o u r s they deAl no time in the game was either
Blanks which should be filled out seemed evident a t this point t h a t voted a t the games were certainly
team more t h a n three points ahead.
Los Locos outplayed the Potter team for tlie course may be obtained in Myskania was climbing most suc- well spent. Congratulations a r e also
for most of t h e game, but the indivi- Mr. Gibson's office. Also, if a n y - cessfully for the acquisition of tlie in order for t h e refs w h o tooted tlie
whistle through a tough season.
dual brilliance of each of the Potter one already holds a n instructor's cup.
Here's to next year, hoping it shall
players finally enabled the Clubbers certificate, a n d would be interested Myskania T r i u m p h s
be as good as this season.
to eke out t h e win and the c h a m - in teaching t h e course, it is posOn March 28, Myskania won its
sible for them to d o so as instrucpionship.
third and final game from Phi Deltors are needed.
la. Tlie Myskania girls dealt, a 36-7
Other courses which are being
1 offered by t h e Red Cross a r e J u n i o r blow in a game where P h i Delt was
78 — 45 — 3 3 1 / 3
i) lile-saving courses, an instructor r e - unable to score effectively against
10 fresher course, and an Adult beginMatthews
2 ner course. Any additional informa- victory definitely placed t h e favored
156 Central Ave.
1 tion which m a y be desired can be Myskania in top position, and t h e
7 obtained from either Mr. Gibson or
well-earned cup.
Elly Adams.
T h e complete team standings for
(i 30
I he full season are ns follows:
FG I T I T Riflemen Trim Paul Smith's
Los Locus
Kappa Delta
By 16 Points In First Shoot
Beta Zeta
Chi Sigma T h e t a
G a m m a Kappa
On March 25, tlie rifle club a n Leftovers
•1 swered tlie challenge given by Paul Phi Delta
5 Smith's College by trimming them
12 1268 to 1252. T h e club lias several
Potter Edges Locos;
Win Basketball Title
Eleven Lettermen Lead
Diamond Squad In Trials
Eleven returning lettermen lead a
squad of over thirty men trying out
for tlie 1D5U version of the baseball
T h e team h a s been drilling in
starting his fifth year as manager
of t h e team, lias a r r a n g e d a thirteen
game schedule for this spring. T h e
first game is a t Triple Cities College on April 22, and the first home
g a m e will be April 24 with ABC.
T h e veterans on this year's team
are Paul Carter, Harvey Clearwater, J o h n Duil'us. Hob Elch, Bill Engelluirt, Al Kaehn, George Lein,
Don McDonald, Line Marzello, Roy
Monroe, und Ken Rutley.
more matches scheduled for tills
spring, and t h e chances for an
equally good showing are just as
strong. There is o t h e r good news
lor file Nimrods, according lo Walter Thompson, G r a d . -Captain, as
I hey were tile recipients of s u p port from I he National Rifle Association. This support came in the
form of rounds of a m m u n i tion. 1,01)0 targets, a n d Hie promise
of four rifles to be shipped forthwith.
Help W a n t e d : Lady witli desire
to work and help build her own
future in newspaper business in
Gulfport, Mississippi. Investment
of $1,000 required.
editorial, advertising, or office
supervision still open. Write, wire
or phone today. Gulfport Pictorial Review. P h o n e 3i)6W.
Line W i n ; Again
Several weeks ago Hollywod gave
to their best actors Oscars, for h i g h
achievement. T h e n e x t day S t a t e
gave an Oscar too, also for high
achievement, However, State's recipient wasn't a n actor. Line will
be remembered here a t S t a t e for
baseball playing;
h e will
also be remembered
by those
who knew h i m well, as indeed " t h e
most unforgetable c h a r a c t e r I h a v e
ever met." Line's Oscar wasn't a n y
statue but a simple pen, yet how
fitting it was—as coach H a t h a w a y
said Line will now be able to write
down the beginning of a great c a reer. This reporter joins t h e rest
ol t h e college in wishing Line all
the best of everything . . .
Efficiency Plus ! ! !
Last night there was a Joint m e e t ing of MAA a n d WAA; this was t h e
second of a series of meetings i n
which botli organizations plan t o
combine into one athletic association for economy a n d efficiency.
Plans seem to be going along
smoothly a n d a full report along
with a new constitution will be p r e sented to s t u d e n t council before
long. First step in t h e right direction. It is about time t h e s t u d e n t s
here s t a r t reorganizing in order t o
meet the needs of t h e college. T h e
present MAA a n d WAA systems
were set up N O T to meet t h e needs
of 1500 students . . .
Al Last . . .
It h a s been heard from t h e g r a p e vine t h a t t h e S t a t e h a s provided
funds for a new position on t h e
college faculty—an assistant coach
to help the overburdened Coach
Hathaway. Help is on t h e way . . .
Spring is Here
T h e i n t r a m u r a l softball season
starts Monday—hope to see everyone a t t h e games; last year t h e r e
were some spirited crowds a t most
games. T h e Beavers won t h e crown
then — most of them will now be
playing for Potter. G a m e s will be
on S a t u r d a y s as well a s weekdays,
Seems as though t h e girls are h a v ing trouble in finding somewhere to
hold their games—dorm /ield is out.
Your Support is Needed
T h e college baseball season s t a r t s
a week from tomorrow a t Triple
Cities. T h e first home g a m e will
be t h e following Monday against
ABC . . . hope this year t h e S t a t e
students will go to some of t h e home
games . . . last year there were more
players t h a n fans . . . Is Bleecker
Stadium t h a t far away? While on
the subject of baseball I go on record as picking t h e Yanks a n d B u m s
to repeat all t h e way . . . a n d t h e
Rangers to come from behind to
win t h e Stanley Cup . . .
Caps and Gowns
H.F.Honikel & Son
'Portraiture At I t s Finest"
Founded 1005
Phone 4-2036
157 Central Ave.
L 6. Balfour Co.
Fraternity Jewelers
Write <»r Call
30 Murray Ave. Waterford, N.Y.
Telephone Troy Adams 8-2523
Moving-Up Day
We cannot promise delivery of orders placed
a Her April li)
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
Proposed Amendments
Library Department
President Plans Mathews Discusses Placements, Will Head Agenda
Will Feature Exhibit
'Continued from Page 1, Column If)
Chicago Journey Gives Advice To Job Seekers
According to Robert Burgess, Proex-offlcio o.i the request, of the com- fessor of Librarianship, an exhibit,
"How Books Are Made," will be
For Conference
4. One of the Senior members held in Room 40, Richardson startSince most State Seniors are con- train teachers. There has even been
Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of
the College; Dr. Donnal Smith,
President of Cortland State Teachers College, and Dr. William Haggerty, President of New Paltz State
Teachers College, will attend the
Fifth Annual National Conference on
Higher Education to be held at Chicago, Sunday through Wednesday.
The group has also planned visits to
the various midwestem colleges and
The conference, which is sponsored by the National Education Association, will be a study-group type
in which expert analyses will be given on topics pertaining to the problems faced by the higher institutions. Some of the topics which will
be discussed at the conference are:
"Who Should Go to College?", "Financial Aid to Students," "Preparation ior College and University
Teaching," and "The Teacher in
General Education.''
Trips to the midwestem universities are scheduled by the presidents
in order to obtain information on
the various ways of management of
their student unions and dormitories.
Panek Calls SMILES Meeting,
Requests Total Board Attendance
An important SMILES Board
meeting will be held Tuesday at
3:30 p. m„ according to Susan Panek
'51, Chairman. The meeting room
will be posted on the bulletin board.
Miss Panek requests that all members who are on the Board please
be present.
cerned now with future employment,
information was obtained from Mr.
Mathews of the Teacher Placement
Bureau concerning the trend in employing teachers.
Most principals
year students to Seniors. However,
one or two principals have specified
their desire for fourth year students.
Probably State's reputation for versatility accounts for some of the requests in fields which we do not
Weekly Activities
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and Student Christian Assoc i a t i on
will continue
weekly activities next week, while
Sunday a Newmanite will attend a
council in Troy.
Kenneth Strachan, of the Latin
American mission of IVCF, will
speak at the noon meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in
Room 23. Doris Price '50, IVCF President, discloses Mrs. Clarence Travel's' topic for Friday as the Gospel
of John. The meeting is at 3:30 p. m.
Norma Miller '50, will speak in
the SCA chapel, Wednesday noon,
in the Unitarian Church, announces
Jeanne Bowen '50, President.
Gerald Brophy '51, will represent
the local Newman Club at the Albany Diocese Council meeting at
Russell Sage at 4 p. m„ Sunday.
103 Central Ave.
a request for a Home Economics
Most of State's Seniors head for
the wide open spaces. This is shown
by the fact that out of the 56 students obtaining jobs to date this
year only four are designated for
big cities.
Mr. Mathews stated that in a bulletin put out by the Veteran's Administration the outlook for high
school teaching jobs for 1950-51
was predicted. Fewer teachers are
needed in High Schools due to a decrease in enrollment. Another important factor is the tenure policy of
High Schools which makes established teachers reluctant to leave
their jobs. The best field for employment is Library since the percentage of openings is much greater
than the students available.
Mr. Mathews also stressed the
necessity of students taking jobs
where they can find them, it is no
longer possible to pick the exact
salary or location that is desired by
the student.
shall be appointed President of the ing Monday.
commission by Student Council. The
The exhibit is prepared by F. E.
Senior not becoming President will Compton
Company, publishers of
act as Secretary of the commission.
Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia,
5. Acceptance of appointment to in collaboration with the Lakeside
this commission is agreement that Press. Improvements in the three
the Senior members are not eligible major steps of bookmaking, comto run for any office after their ac- position and plating, printing, and
ceptance of appointment and may binding will be shown.
not become eligible if they resign.
Burgess and several library stu6. Any Junior member of the dents took a New York trip during
commission who becomes a candi- the Easter recess, which included a
date for another office shall be re- tour of the Roosevelt Library and
Museum at Hyde Park.
placed immediately.
PHONE 5-191S
$5.50 FOR $5.00
At WISCONSIN and Colleges and Universities
throughout the country CHESTERFIELD
1950, The Coca-Colu Company
FRIDAY, APRIL 2 1 . 1950
Frosh Big-4 Will Bring Sultan's Court To Page;
Curtain Will Rise Tomorrow On 'Blue Horizon'
SA Candidates
Begin Campaigns
With Speeches
List Jiusto And Kirsch
Nominees For President
Scott Directs Musical Production;
Lead Large Cast
Plan Of Events Petfield, Jacob son The
freshmen are preparing to
present their Big-4 "Blue HoriFor Conference
zons" by Robert Hughes, tomorrow
night in Page Hall at 8:30 p.m. un-
'News' To Present Cafaro Issues
Special Ticket Buy
Put your ticket problems in
our lap! The News Staff has acquired a few special tickets for
outstanding events all over the
country. With an eye to the future we now have available a
few tickets for the Football
Game at Cody, New Mexico on
November 18, 1950. Also a ticket
to the Goat Hill High School
Adult football game is available.
The most outstanding bargain
is a 1050-51 season ticket book
for a certain notorious school.
(The name can be had on request) The price is $1.75, which
is only one tenth of the value
offered by this book.
For those who are not the athletic type there arc a few cafeteria and Student Association
tickets available. Don't miss this
opportunity!! Drop into the P.
O. and get the rest of the information.
James Cafaro '50, President of the
Commerce Club, has released the
schedule of events for tomorrow's
business conference to be held at
Pierce Hall.
der the direction of Richard Scott.
The production features the adventures of a Broadway troupe in
the Sultan's court in Paltimar,
Nominees for Student Association
offices will make their campaign
Registration and display of exhispeeches in assembly today under
List Complete Cast
bits will take place at 10 a.m., the
the rules of Election Commission.
trial, 'Methods and devices for
The complete cast includes: WarSpeaking for the two presidential
teaching basic business," is slated to
ren Crane, Richard Jacobson; Jascandidates, Paul Kirsch and James
get underway at 11 a.m. Following
min, Louise Petfield; Margiana,
Jiusto, Juniors, will be Morris Berthe trial, a lunch will be served,
Rose Keller; Sharon Crane, Mary
ger '50 and Gerald Dunn '51, camafter which the juries will convene
MacFarland; Larry, Frank Hodge;
paign managers, respectively, for
to present their opinions, and the
Archie, Donald Kelly; William Weneach.
court with its verdict. The typewritdell, Donald Collins; Harun, Milan
Other SA nominees who will be
ing teaching demonstration will take
Krchniak; Omar, Richard Tenison;
making speeches at this time inplace at 2 p.m.
Akman, James Hughes; Telegram
clude: Vice-President, Victoria Balgirl, Mildred Foote; Messenger, Bill
dino, David Manley, William Wiley,
Those participating in the "Trial"
Ketchum; Suitan, Walt Goodell;
and Thomas Yole, Sophomores; Secwill be as follows: Prosecuting AttorFirst Bandit, Patrick Carlo; Secretary, Patricia Aswad, Marion Beni,
ney, Alan C. Lloyd, Editor and Pubond Bandit, Harold Smith; and
Jeanne Corigliano, Kae Dionne,
lisher, Gregg magazines; Defendant,
Third Bandit, Robert Gamattioi.
Ruth Dunn, Rose Keller, Beverly
Dr. M. Herbert Freeman, Director
Pranitis, and Natalie Wildman,
of Business Education. New Jersey
List Production Heads
freshmen; Grand Marshal, Rita
State Teachers' College: and Judge,
Among those heading the proBissonette, Virginia Norton, and
Harrison M. Terwilliger. Professor of ~
duction department are: Assistant
Charlotte Skolnick, Juniors.
Commerce from State.
Director, Robert Hughes; ChoreogTo Introduce Candidates
rapher, Albert Hazzard; Secretary,
During the luncheon, there will be
Candidates who will be introduced
Caroline Gazulis; Co-ordinator, Mainformal jury action on the queswill
at this time are: Student Board of
delon Avalon, and Pianist, William
tion involved. Jury foremen taking
Finance, Theodore Bayer, Paul Car- Thursday, May 3 and 4, according part in the action will be Clifton
Hawkins. Heading the committees
ter, James Corsetti, Julian DeLyser, to William Englehart, President of C. Thorne, Martin Bortnick, Norare: Business, John Lanon; CosPrank Digregorio, Robert Kreiling. '51. The traditional wearing apparel man Madscn, J. A. Kogan, Alumni;
tumes, Lita Krumholz; Lights, Pelo
Beverly Kuhlkin, Edward White,
Adelia Bucci, Victor Spraggins, WilToday is the last day for graduate ter Bon; Make-Up, Myra Bernzbeen
presiJuniors; Student Facilities Board,
liam Hanak, Graduates, and Mrs. and undergraduate students to get welg; Pep-Workers, Natalie WildPaul Buchman, Patricia Jai, David dents.
Irene Wood '50.
their compulsory chest X-rays in man; Props, Elizabeth Coykendall;
The class rings may be secured
Weatherby, Juniors; Marion Gorthe
Cafeteria, according to Dr. Mil- Publicity, Edward Lindsey; Sets,
After the juries have given their ton G. Nelson, Dean of the College. Marlene SouUiard; Ushers, Ruth
skie, Edmund Leigh. Kenneth Rut- at a table outside the Commons
ley. Sophomores; Herbert Thier, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. upon pay- opinions and the court has rendered Any student who has had an X-ray Dunn; Prompters, Mary Ann CocDavid Thomas, Vivian Todd, fresh- ment of the complete cost of the its verdict, Dr. John L. Rowe, As- since April 1. 1949 is to report to cctti and Arlene Steele.
men; Songleader, Jeanne Hatch, lings. All Juniors who are unable sociate Professor of Education, Co- Dr. Green. Students who fail to
Claryce Perretta. Juniors; Mary to obtain their rings on the two lumbia University Teachers College meet this appointment will be re- (Continued on Page 6, Column 51
Borys, Helen Pilcher, Sophomores; scheduled days can pick them up at will give a typewriting teaching quired to secure an X-ray at indiviGleason and Co., Inc., on Broadway demonstration.
Louise Petfield '53.
dual expense. X-ray identification
in Albany.
Must Hand In Preferences
cards wdiich must be presented at D & A Features Exhibit
the time of the X-ray can be secured
Candidates for more than one ma- will don caps and gowns and the Gibson Announces
t a table outside of the Commons. Of Serigraph Work
jor office and for more than two girls
will wear black heels, according
Dr. Malic E. Green, Professor of
minor offices must hand in prefer- to Harold
President. The Course In Leadership
Dramatics and Arts Council is
Hygiene, has stated that the policy
ence notes lo Myskania before 4:30 Juniors willVaughn.
sponsoring a serigraph exhibit, feaof
supp. m., A p r i l 28.
Organization arm bands and they will carry green
A camp leadership tramin ;• course
heads must hand in a preferential canes. Any Junior may purchase will be offered at the National Cam]} ply each person examined with a turing works of prominent artists,
list of their officers by the same them in the co-op until Saturday, near Port Jervis. New York, from report. Accordingly, the negative re- announces Catherine Noonan '50,
ports will be mailed out direct from President. The exhibit will be distime, according to Myskania.
May 6. The women will wear white June 17 to 27. according lo Thomas the office of the State Department played in the Lounge from Monday
/Continued on Page (i, Column li dresses,
Edustockings and heels. Busiof Health lo each examinee. Those to Friday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. There
ness suits are to be worn by the cation. The course is open ta both having positive findings will receive will be a reception in the Lounge
students and faculty.
letters requesting I hem to come to on Monday at 3:30 p.m., followed by
Educational Fraternity men.
Yellow will be the predominating
Among some of the things offered the State Department's Office to a movie showing how serigraphs are
color for the Sophomore class. The at the camp are swimming, boating, have a large film made. A report made. The movie will be shown in
Installs Twenty-Four
women will wear white skirts, yel- hiking, nature study, field trips, arts will also be sent to the family phy- Room 20, Richardson.
Kappa Phi Kappa, the National low sweaters. Hat shoes and anklets. and craft.';. The various aspects of sician designated on Ihe card which
Serigraphy is the art of silkEducation Fraternity, pledged twen- The men are requested to wear dark the course will be sponsored by the was tilled out at the time of the
screen painting. The origin of the
ty-three students and one faculty trousers, white shirts and yellow Nation Director infield. The camp X-ray.
silk-screen process has been exmember at a meeting held in the lies. The dress for the freshmen is in a wild nature setting and oiplained in various ways, but iUs deLounge last Tuesday, according to women includes white dresses, red lers rugged life. Dr. Paul C. Lemon,
velopment as an art medium stems
Robert Frasca '50, Secretary.
hair bows, flat shoes and anklets. Assistant Professor of Science, Mer- Nelson To Lecture
from the advances made in its InThe following people are the new- The fellows are to wear dark trou- lin W. Hathaway. InMriK'tor in
dustrial use during the past two
ly chosen members: Dr. Allan F. sers, white shirts and red bow ties. Health Education, an.I Thomas R. In Frosh
Orientation decades.
An early adoption of the
Rosebrock; John Coffey, John FerGibson, Professor of Health Educaprocess was the decoration of texta, Graduates; Alfred DiCesare,
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Wom- tiles in lor ,e. frilled patterns, a portion, who have visited the camp,
Department found
Richard Feathers, Herbert Ginsberg. Library
en, lias announced that a. freshman tion of the stencil being painted
it efficient and enjoyable.
Earl Sipe, Walter Francis Solan,
orientation program will be held
Frederick Truscott, John Duffu.s, Will
The fee for the camp will be $35. Monday in the auditorium at 3:30 with a certain oil paint or lacquer.
Grant Loans
The silk-screen painting was probAndrew Rossettl, Walter Robinson.
Anyone interested .should con- p.m. A meeting for all students, who
Senior students who are interest- each.
John Morley. Seniors; Howard Rosfact Gibson within I he next three have received summer employment ably Introduced by the New York
man, Robert Reno, William Isley, ed in entering the library depart- weeks.
or wdio are interested in obtaining WPA are project.
Joseph Purdy, William Helmer, ment for graduate study may apply
employment in summer resorts, has
Theodore Brossoie, Frank Falk,
been scheduled for Monday from 12 Press Bureau Requests
Paul Bullock, Lester Leviness, Don- Librarianship, for loan applications. Music Students Sign Up noon lo 12:30 p.m.
ald McDonald, and Julian DeLyser, As chairman of Scholarship and Re- For Orchestra, Operetta
Data On Activities
cruiting Committee of the New York
The primary purpose of the orLibrary Association, Burgess anHelmuth f'ehultze '51. Assistant
Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor ientation program is lo prepare Ihe
nounces that loans are available up
Music announces I hat those who freshmen for making out their Director of Press Bureau, requests
Forum To Feature Panel to $300. There is no Interest on the of
loans and I he loanee may take four are Interested in I lie orchestra and schedules for next year. Dr. Millon all students to hand In any Informixed chorus groups for next year U. Nelson, Dean, will conduct the
On Russian
years to pay it back.
mation pertinent to sending out
should sign up on Ihe enrollment meeting.
The postponed meeting of Forum
Under the re-organized Library de- slip outside Room 25, Richardson,
notices to home-town newspapers.
of Politics, which was to be held partment curriculum, only a mas- on the bulletin board as soon as
yesterday, will be held at 3:30 p.m., ter's degree will be offered, begin- possible.
Schultze directs ms icquest esThursday in the Lounge, according ning September, 1050.
pecially to t h x e Seniors who wish
At Ihe request of (he Office of
lo Paul Buchman '51, Treasurer. A
Dr. Stokes makes this announceHeld Services the front dining
graduation and . nployment notices
panel discussion will be held.
ment concerning the orchestra in
Students To Check Degree Lists
room of the Cafeteria will he
lo be sent out, and to Iransler stuparticular,
muParticipating in the discussion
All students eligible for degrees in
closed mi Wednesday for a lundents.
which will center on the topic, "Will June are requested to check the sical Instruments are available at
cheon of members attending a
Our Foreign Policy End the Cold candidate list on the bulletin board present and can be assigned to those
(•(inference at the College. SluAll Seniors who want a picture
War?" will be Paul LeBruil, Fay In Draper. According to Ruth Lape, who sign early.
duits arc requested to use the
sent with announcements are asked
Richards, Juniors; and Marion Gor- Registrar, students should check
back dining room.
Any person interested in accomto place a wallet size picture in an
skie '52. The moderator will be Mol- spelling ami see If their names were
paniment for next year should also
envelope and leave It in the Press
ly Mulligan '50, Speaker of Forum. omitted.
see Dr. Stokes.
.Bureau mailbox.
Class Presidents
List May 6 Attire
Green Outlines
X-Ray Schedule
Cold War
Ask for it either way . . . both
trade marks mean the same thing.