8TATB COLLKOE NBW9, FRIDAY, FEB. 13, 194B PAOB 4 Former Student I _ Writes Article Hearst To Offer Savings Bonds To Best Orators Sunna Cooper, a graduate of State Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Acting President of the College, has Teacher's College in 1945, is the been named to the National Com- author of an article in the January Issue of "Calling All Girls." Miss mittee sponsoring Brotherhood Cooper was a member of the NEWS "Life Of Ben Franklin" Week in the American institutions Board when she was at State. of higher education. Brotherhood Will Furnish Theme The article, titled "How to Make Week starts on February 14 and Prizes of more than one thousand is sponsored by the National Conferdollars will be awarded to the win- ence of Christians and Jews. ners of the sixth annual Hearst Newspapers National Oratorical Paul G. Bulger, Co-ordinator of Contest for High School and Col- Field Services, has been appointed lege Students. The contest began a member of the New York State February 8 in Albany and twelve Teachers' Association, Eastern Zone other principal cities throughout Committee on Teacher Education, the country. Benjamin Franklin's Certification and Improvement-inLife will be the topic of the orations. Service. The appointment was made A grand national prize of one ,by the president of the Eastern thousand dollars in United States zone, Claude Van Wie, SuperintenSavings Bonds, plus an expense paid dant of schools at Saratoga Springs. trip of historic interest, will be Dr. Robert S. Fisk, Principal of awarded the winner of the National Milne School, Dr. Carleton A. Moose, finals in each division, College and Assistant Professor and Supervisor High School. Prizes, also in XJ. S. in Science, and Dr. Edward L. CooSavings Bonds, of one hundred fif- per, Assistant Professor of Comty dollars for first prize, one hun- merce, will travel to Atlantic City dred dollars for second prize, and next week-end to attend a meeting fifty dollars for third prize will be of the \merican Association of awarded by the Albany Times School Administrators. Union. Dr. Matie E. Greene, Assistant According to a communication Professor of Hygiene, attended a from Jo Leonard, Oratorical Con- meeting of college physicians last test Editor, student candidates will week. The meeting was held in the write original orations on the life Hotel Commodore in New York. of Benjamin Franklin and his servAlso last week Dr. Robert Rienow, ices to his country. They may, if Assistant Professor of Political they wish, concentrate on one par- Science and Dr. Josiah Phinney, ticular phase of his life and achieve- Professor of Economics attended a ments instead of covering the whole curriculum conference held at the ground. The orations must be de- Time-Life building in New York livered without notes and must not City. Two delegates from the evceed oix minutes. social studies department were sent from each State Teachers' College. Each school and college comi >etDr. Robret S. Fisk, Principal of ing in the contest may enter one candidate, and each will conduct its Milne school, spoke last night against own competition to select its candi- universal military training at a dedate. Interschool and intercoliege bate sponsored by the Columbia events will then be held to select Council, East Greenbush, held in winners who will take part in the the Clinton Heights Congregational Zone competition Thursday, May 6. Church. Champions of the Eastern, Middle western and Pacific Zones will State To Give Exams compete for the national championship in the Grand National Finals For Language Students at Chicago, May 14th. Dr. James Wesley Childers, asArt Department To Sponsor sistant Professor of Spanish, has announced that the oral credit exEastern Exhibit Next Week aminations in the modern languages, French, Spanish, German, and ItalMiss Ruth E. Hutchins, Assistant ian, will be held today at 1 p. m. in Professor of Fine Arts, has an- Room 20, Richardson Hall. nounced that the Art Department All students, who wish to get a will sponsor an exhibit of reproductions of nigs and ceramics of the permanent teaching certificate in Near East, next week, Monday modern foreign languages, must take This examinathrough Friday, February 16-20 on this examination. tion, which is given twice each year the second floor of Draper Hall. in February and August, is a New This exhibit supplements the cur- York State examination. State Colrent showing of original productions lege is one of the several centers of the Near East at the Albany in the Stale where the examination Is given. Institute of History and Art. a College Entrance", advises high school graduates in 1948 or 1949 to choose their colleges and make their applications for entrance early. A full page facsimile of a State College application blank is included in the article. Snapshots of Page Hall, and freshmen on the steps of Draper Hall, are used in the first page as background pictures. Music Council } Elects Secretary Ruth Wales '50, has recently been elected secretary of Music Council according to an announcement made by Cecila Coleman '48, President, to replace Mary Marscher '49, Jean McNeal '50 has been made a new member of the Council. A CIGARETTE CAN Z-444 Also ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE MFE ANNUITIES FIRE BURGLARY AUTOMOBILE —. 0- ARTHUR R. KAPNER 75 STATE ST. 5-1471 Will Speak At Student Council Hears War Memorial Report Letter From Nijmegen "The more I smoke Chesterfields the more I appreciate how good they are" STARRING IN "NORTHWEST STAMPEDE" AN IvAGLB-LION PRODUCTION I smoke Chesterfield FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) 'When I bring my tobacco to market I'm always looking for the Liggett & Myers buyers because I know when I've got real good mild, ripe sweet tobacco they '11 pay the top dollar for it. "I've been smoking Chesterfields for about 25 years. I like their taste and I know the kind of tobacco that's in them." //)/)• ^ TOBACCO FARMER GREENVILLE, N. C. YES«CHESTERFIELDS SMOKE^feS\Kfc-; SO MUD THEY S A T I S F Y , M a i M i f e SO MILD THEY'LL S A T I S F Y W P ^ "Buy Where the Flowers Grow" FLORIST & GREENHOUSE DIAL 4-1125 "State" Representatives JACK BROPHY GEORGE POULOS WALT SCHICK COLLEGE FLORIST FOR YEARS HESTERFIELD i i L W A Y S M l 1,1)1 II U 3 K T T B H TASTING ifJQOLEIl SMOKING Special Attention to Sororities and Fraternities— * P- / . -^ education Data N.y. Conference On State Schools Mr. John Burton, Budget Director \JJVS*"vv~ C o r n e r of ONTARIO & BENSON ALBANY, NEW YORK, Donnelly, Lansky Burton Clarifies V. S. LIFE AGENT FOK Student Medical Expense State College News ( n|i>ii(;ht lylH, l.u.i.ni iv MvttM TOBACCO C a for the State of New York and a member of tlie Temporary Commission on the Need for a State University, in a special interview Tuesday, expressed his belief that Albany would be a logical place for the development of a graduate program in education, as advocated in the commission's report. While Mr. Burton could say little about the possibility of State's eventually becoming a training ground for technical instructors, he did help in clarifying the question of salaries that instructors in technical and two year colleges will receive. When asked what a probable scale would be in view of the dissatisfaction with present secondary school scales, he answered that in all probability, it would approximate that of instructors in the technical schools already in existence. FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1948 IMPORTANT ASSEMBLY TODAY VOL. XXXII NO. 18 war whoops, Mop Pans, SLS Initiation Monday To Climax Frat Pledging Draped Sheets Fatigue Pledges Going — going — almost, but not quite gone is The Week I You had your chance for this year, people; who knows when, if ever again, such opportunles will thrust themselves over your thresholds. Just think, men, you could have a date for a dance In the Commons just by sitting within reach of those oh-so-eager(?) frosh. Or maybe you could do with a substitute for a cleaning woman — pails 'n everything. And sheets yet! (missing after Monday due to decision, after contemplative consideration* that they were "disturbing" to classroom procedure). Rumor has it that several repercussions have occurred due to the reaction of interested parties in a rather violent manner—or aren't you a member of SAP? But as all good things must come to an end, Monday we shall resume our usual appearance as just normally unbalanced State College students. Potter Club Holds State To Offer Annual Banquet Lovenheim Prize KDR Initiates To Give In Yearly Contest Party Tomorrow Night Delegates who will attend the Eastern States Conference were appointed at a meeting of Student Council, Wednesday evening in the Lounge. Members of the Council For Active Members The annual Leah Lovenheim heard the preliminary report of the prizes in English Composition, Formal Initiation of Sigma LambWar Memorial Committee and a amounting to $25, will be offered da Sigma pledges Monday night letter from a resident of Nijmegen was read. Alice Williams, '48, Presagain this year, according to Dr. will climax the fraternity initiations at State College. Potter Club and ident of the Intercollegiate AssoShields Mcllwalne, Professor in Eng- Kappa Delta Rho concluded their ciation of State Teachers Colleges, lish. initiations last Monday and Tuesalso gave her report on the April Conference. All undergraduate students are day, respectively, and Kappa Beta accepted their new memDelegates to the Eastern States eligible to compete. Every student formally bers last month. Conference between students and may submit one paper in each of faculty will be Alice Prindle Walsh, SLS will begin its final phase of the two divisions of the contest. A '48, and Catherine Donnelly, John prize of $12.50 will be offered for initiation tonight In the Commons Jennings, and Donald Lansky, Junwhen tlie pledgees, under the Geniors. Miss Donnelly will address a the best poem, and a similar prize eral Chairmanship of Gerald GrifAccording to Mr. Burton, the meeting of the conference on "Sofor tlie best short story. The dead- fin '50, will entertain the members cial Freedom," while Mr. Lansky legislature will undoubtedly pass line for handing in material is April in the atmosphere of the "Roaring will spenk on "Student-Faculty Re- the proposal in substance, since matheme of the party. Tolations." The conference will be jority and minority leaders were ac9. Dr. Mcllwalne will judge the short 20's"—the morrow SLS will hold its informal held March 18, 19, and 20, at the tive on the commission, signing the stories entered, and Dr. Varley H. initiation at 3 p. m, Merton ThayCommodore Hotel in New York final recommendations. Lang, Instructor in English, will er and Harold Mills, Juniors, will City. In clarifying the position that the judge the poems entered. There are be in charge of the ceremonies A preliminary report of the War suggested Board of Trustees would which include the traditional march no restrictions regarding form or and rites of SLS. Formal Initiation Memorial Committee was given by hold regarding State, Mr. Burton Geraldine Cooperman '50. Members said that they would be subordinate length. of pledgees will be held on Monday, of the committee, formed to make to the Board of Regents, but over February 23, at 7:30 p. m. in the Students entering papers must the Board of Trustees. The Board plans for a permanent war memAssembly this morning will in- type them, using double space. Tlie Lounge. orial to those from State College of Trustees, he stated, would probably occupy a position similar to elude discussion and voting on the manuscript should be signed with a Potter Club Holds Banquet who took part in the Second World War, are Dr. Charles F. Stokes, that of trustees for a private college Voting Committee report, consider Potter Club held its annual banProfessor of Music, Dr. Caroline for State. iition of a financial motion, elec- pseudonym. A slip of paper placed quet and formal initiation last in a sealed envelope and containing Lester, Instructor in Mathematics, tion of Secretary of Student AssoIn reply to a question concerning evening at the Starlight Geraldine Cooperman '50, and Hel- the commission's stand against dis- ciation, and a movie presented by the pseudonym used, the author's Monday Room at Herberts. The banquet, an muth Schultzc '51. crimination in professional schools Student Council. name, and the title of the manu- annual gathering of faculty, grads A report on the April Conference and whether or not it had any imFirst on the program will bo dis- script must be clipped to the manu- and alumni of Potter Club as well of the Intercollegiate Association of plications for State Teacherss Col- cussion of an amendment to the as a function of the active members, State Teachers Colleges, to be held leges, he replied that it, was directed proposals presented by Voting Com- script. was followed by the formal Initiaprimarily against medical colleges. this year here in Albany, was given Papers can be left at Dr. Mcll- tion ceremonies. Toastmaster for mittee last week. Discussion and by Miss Williams as President of tlie occasion, Francis Mullen '48, voting on tlie amendments to the waine's office, Richardson 3. (Continued on Page 4, Column 5) voting rules suggested by the comthe Association. introduced Potter Club's Guest of A letter from Nijmegen, addressed Honor, Dr. Robert Frederick, Dirmittee will follow. only to New York State College for ector of Training, whose address A financial motion concerning apTeachers, was read at the meeting. was entitled "The Fear of Life." propriations from the surplus of The letter is from a Nijmegen resiEntertainment was provided by Student Association to the line buddent, grateful to Albany and State pledge members prior to the formal get of the State College NEWS will College for the aid extended through initiation ceremony. be entertained as the third order the Nijmegen drives in the city and of business. Ann May '48, EditorInitiate KDR Pledges the college, and through adoption in-Chief of the NEWS, introduced of Nijmegen by Albany. A transFormal initiation of KDR pledges the motion in last week's assembly. lation of the letter follows: Dear took place here at State College last Secretary of Student Association Dr. Wesley Childers, Professor of Sirs: I want very much to express Tuesday. The annual party given Primer will sponor a contest for a few words of thanks for the gifts the Spring Edition cover, according will also be elected today. Candi- Spanish, will address the regional by tlie initiates will be held towhich I received from Albany. We to Roger Nielsen '48, Editor, with a dates for the office are Marie De meeting for all high school and col- morrow night in the Lounge bewere helped very much by the gifts prize of $10 to be awarded to the Carlo, Ann Morgan, and Rhoda Rib- lege Spanish teachers of the Upper tween the hours of 10 and 12:30. —they were so badly needed—be- winner. The deadline for all entries er, Sophomores. Hudson area to be held on Feb- The new members, under the chairA movie, titled "Your New York ruary 28, 1948, at the Casa Espan- manship of Robert Van Dam '50, cause we lost everything during the is March li). State," will be presented by mem- ola, Russell Sage College in Troy, will present a program of dining, war and had to begin all over again. The rules tor the contest are as bers of Student Council. Once more, my deepest thanks. N. Y. Roberta Van Auken, who grad- dancing and entertainment for all follows: With grateful greetings. uated from State last year, will also active members of KDR and their 1. All entries are to be on white speak on "A Quaker Development guests. The signature was that of a Nij- or colored paper fcudcjet Notice in a Mexican Village." Mr. R jy Hours will be extended to 1 p. in. megen man. •>. Two or three colors should be E. Moslicr, State Supervisor of Mod- for freshmen women attending the Used. Budgets lor the year 1947-48 of ern Languages, will be guest speak- affair. li. The title Primer, Spring Edition the various organizations must be er. PTA W i l l Furnish should appear on the cover in I he oil ice of Dr. Josiah T. PhinDr. Childers' subject will include Any member of the student body ney, Professor of Social Studies, on State Library Receives Reference Materials or before March 5 according to an the "Annual Meeting of A.A.T.S.P." may enter the contest. Reference material Including upand "College Year In Mexico". A announcement made by Nancy All material t'oi the Spring Edito-date pamphlets and articles con- tlan should he In by March 1!). Walsh '4H. Chairman of the Stu- luncheon will follow, after which New Camera Projector cerning the Parent-Teacher Associ- Frctliincl) are especially urged to dent Hoard of Finance. Tills early Dr. Jose Amory Vazquez, a visitMiss Mary E. Cobb, Collego Liation has been placed in the State eo' tribute. dale has been set In order that the ing member of the Spanish faculty brarian, has announced the arrival budget hearings may be scheduled of Russell Sage College, will speak College Library by The New York Ourlu'4 the following week, the of a new Reeordak Film Reader State Congress of Parents and flrsi edition of Primer will be dis- before the issue comes before the on "Some Aspects of Spanish Amer- machine. This machine, which Is asseinblv. 'can Literature". Teachers, Inc. The material Is on tributed in the Commons. similar to a movie camera projector, reference for the contestants In the will enable advanced students In 1048 Essay Contest for Seniors Library work to sue photographic sponsored by the Association. of famous literature which Is Pitch Pennies, Buy Beauties, Find Fun At Sensational State Fair copies Prizes of $150 and $100 will be ofnot available at the tlino, oll'crcd to the winners of the conTlie projector, which cost approxConic one, come all! Visit the lure the newest look in Fashions. agents will talk us Into taking a test. The topic of the essay Is in penny arcade . . . lake in the next Then we'll be talked into buying iv test to show our athletic ability, imately $5110.(10, will screen either be "The Parent-Teacher Association Variety Vanities . . . test, your Hi or lift millimeter film. This model lieket lor Newman's Fun House. While we're In lower Draper we'll Is —It's Origin and Development." Mrciigih here . capable of enlarging tho piotures . visit the fun Just about this time we'll get hungry go right over and play a hunch at to various degrees and Is found In For detailed directions see tlie bul- |1(,Use buy a beauty at the slave letin boards or last week's NEWS. market . lake a card and play and start hunting for a place to the Clil Sigma The!a stand, Who is several Liberal Arts colleges in the or contact Or. Catherine W. Pelu, eat. Here we have a choice to make, Miss Shush???? And we can't sit country, Assistant Professor of Engltt.li, Dingo. As the machine is installed In tho so we'll probably visit all the food down and relax yet because some* once again we hear the familiar Richardson 32. one Just said that the Gamma Kap- small conference room, this room n-li's ol the barkers urging us to concessions, First, well eat Ico will not be available for student use. Call Frosh Try-Out Meeting enter and |olu the fun. Again we are cream with Beta Zetn and then go pa Phi Slave Market was out of Ann May '48, Editor-in-Chief of reminded that it is Fair lime at to the Commons and spend some tills world. We'll go over to tho the STATE COLLEGE NEWS, has Bintu, Let's lake a lour through the time In Kappa Delta's Cafe. Willie Annex and see who's for sale. It's Dean Requests Events Listed announced that I here will be an Im- gayly decorated halls and see what we're In the Commons we'll pitch Just about lime for the finale now, According to an announcement by portant meeting of all freshmen this year's fair has to offer. pennies at Pierce's Penny Aroado, so we'll iio back to the Commons Ellen c. Stokes, Dean of Women, trv-outs for the NEWS stall' who all events In which our students We'll start off by taking In the play Hlngo with the St. Marys An and watcli the Sayles Hall show. have not been attending classes at Kappa This Is only a preview . . , break take part ns a group should be re! throw Delta Rho Mlnslrel Show In «< geis, inrow sponges with Sigma ls the P.O. Wednesday night. The Pan' at 7"10 From there we'll go Lambda Sigma, and drop In lor a all your penny banks and como to corded on the Social Activities Oalmeeting will take place next Tues- down to tin' cafeteria In Huested dance, at Phi Delt's Tiixl Dance the best fair that ever wus . . . State eudur In the Office of the Dean of day In Room 300, Draper Hall, at where Alpha Epsllon Phi will fea- stand. At this point, one of W.A.A.'a Fair. Next Saturday night. Women. 12 noon. Students To Vote On Resolutions, Finance Motion Nielson Slates Primer Contest For Spring Cover Spanish Group To Hear Childers A t Russell Sage PAOI « STATE COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEB. SO, 1 0 4 8 As Time Went B y . . . A Tough Customer'At Altaian's By EVELYN DORR '47 . STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEB. 2 0 , 1 0 4 8 Opinion, Pleaie. . Many years ago when people still believed in peoEDITOR'S NOTE: The following poem which appeared in the This Reporter is given the widest latitude as author ple and still trusted their fellow man, a group of February 14 issue of the NHW YORKBR tons written by a former State of this column, although his viewpoints do not necesenthusiasts drew up a constitution for an organ- College Student and was printed in the 1946 edition of the Primer. sarily reflect those of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS. ization called Student Association. And for a beThey lead him through yesterday and except for for the ring through It's a strange phenomena:—people! And there are ginning they chose, his nose he might have been almost any gentleman. We, the students of New York State College jor When he came down the aisle with his flanks just touching the counter on either side, I could almost imagine that he wore spots. Teachers, recognizing the necessity for a moreIt wasn't until he'd passed the display of Cloisonne that he stopped, perfect organization which wUf maintain the moved his great neck, and touching a Limoges teacup, listened the ideals of this college by student cooperation and way you and I have done with the conch shells that prop open the parlor door. centralization of student enterprise, do hereby He ignored the Wedgewood and Spode and stopped before the Dresden establish this constitution for such an organiza- figurines. While he looked at the shepherdess (perhaps it was my tion. imagination) his nostrils seemed to dilate and his breath to come faster. The "more perfect" organization still holds and Syracuse 64-piece dinner set held his attention for several moments is still attempting to maintain those ideals. The The and he lowered his fan-like lashes to study the ivy motif. exact nature of tliese ideals seems to be with most But for all his seeming propriety he pushed to the floor an ashtray made not a foggy issue but a complete blank I in the glass factory at Corning, N. Y., raised a hoof, and deliberately crushed it into a thousand bits. To insure a more efficient running organization, Breeding, after all, counts for a great deal. the administration set aside one period a week for compulsory meetings, but as time went by, students became more public-spirited and objected to the compulsory nature of these meetings. Students would enjoy assembly more, they reasoned, if atBy STANLEY ABRAMS tendance were placed on a voluntary basis. Guest Columnist Attendance is now on a voluntary basis! Last We had been sitting around the lootings and stuff like that began Friday, the center aisle was almost completely em- Boul, picking bits of caviar out get through my thick skull. Once pty, the Senior class being represented by Myskan- from between our breast of guinea Itocan remember feeling very serious ia and two or three others. The Junior section held hen stained teeth, when somebody about Gandhi and telling the kids in a slight smattering of people. The Sophomore managed to turn the conversation the class about what a great man he around to the breaking of leases and really was. That was when someand freshmen sections were a trifle more populated subsequent apartment hunting. Prom body asked me just what Gandhi probably due to the fact that they haven't, yet that point we jumped to a discussion had ever done? And somebody else learned that it's "smart" not to go to assembly. of the fuel situation at St. Mary's, showed me where, for all his talk The voting committee that you asked for pre- which prompted an appraisal of of peace, his policies had always led blankets and sheets, which started to more killing than before. It wassented its report. Not only did the greater ma- one bright soul on the topic of Malong before I was laughing jority, in fact almost all, of Student Association hatma Gandhi. It was hard to stop n't again". not go to assembly, but those few who did go him. "Last semester," our sage said, goaned every time an article was read. bringing his blurb up to date, "Dr. "You know," he commented, "I'd We now have a free student government but if Mcllwaine told us that Gandhi had given too much thought to the taken some of his Ideas of passive such disinterest continues, we deserve to have it nevor lat< Mr. Gandhi in any deep sort of from Thoreau—usually a taken away. State College seems to be full of way. He'd always been sort of a resistance properly dressed man; also a bit of gripes and devoid of action. If we are not inter- character to me. I remember when a character. Maybe it was all in my ested enough in student affairs and student gov- I was just old enough to muss up head but I could hear a low chuckle the Sunday paper for a reason—to start around the class. I sat there, ernment to attend one meeting each week, why not look at the pictures—and I used In, and thought that the chuck the whole business and have a college pro- to get the biggest kick out of seeing joining Indian prophet must have been some the little man with the glasses all pippins to be able to get a laugh on gram minus all extra-cirricular activity. the. Ovm? 019t M dressed up in a bed sheet. He ran such short notice". the funnies a close second. It must have been his toothless grin, or "But it's all over now, the laughing I mean. When I read the stray maybe it was his bowed legs". of his assassination and saw that he Last Friday, in assembly, a member of the NEWS "I recall when I used to see him didn't even blame the guy who fired Board made a statement which might be and was in the newsreels, usually surrounded the shot, it finally dawned on me that here was a man with guts. If by many construed as a slam against Election by large crowds. Looking at the I'd thought ho was faking in his crowds wa*s all right, but when they Commission. We wish to clarify that statement. showed a close-up of Gandhi you fasts and his preachings of peace The NEWS does not wish to stoop to mud sling- could hear the chuckles start before, now I knew that he meant ing. Admitted the statement was extremely un- through the whole audience. It was every bit of it. It's kind of late to sound, being based merely on a conversation with hard to keep from laughing out stop laughing, but I have". loud. He seemed twice as funny in a former member of the commission, but it was not motion, and when they showed him The only reason we've ever let this pointed towards the present Commission. It was sitting down to pray it was like a nameless orator eat with us since his aimed rather towards past Commissions. We wish "Mickey Mouse." blowoff is because he plays a good gamo of bridge. When a guy gets so to remind you that the words "past inefficiency" "It was while I was in high school hopped up on an Horn like Gandhi were employed. that news i\' riots, hunger strikes, he won't last long at Stato College. Clarification Present Election Commission has done a very good job and we commend them for it, but in view of past records have we assurance that the future will be as bright as the present? STATE COLLEGE NEWS EitabllihtdM.y1916 By the Clan of 191 8 RATING—ALL-AMERICAN Vol. XXXII February 20, 1048 .Moinhor AHHIM'IIIICMI COIIOKIIIIO I'lVHii No. 10 Distributor C o l l o g l u t o DIKOKI Tliu iiiiilurirrniluiue u « w n | ) i i | i e r o f (lie N o w Y o r k s t a t u C o l l e g e for T M O I I O N I pulillnliuil o v o r y Krlila.v o f tln> oolloiro y e a r 1))' Ihti M O W S Itnaril fur thi< Hlililiitil AHHIICIIIIIIUI. I'IKMI.-.I : May, 2-uMBi C o l e m a n a n i l K o o h f o n l , 2-(11311; /.Ian I. a-UNIM; C l a r k 3-0870. M o m b e r * o f tlui iiowH stuff m a y l>n reuflliml Tuttl., anil W o d . f r o m 7 t o 11:30 l>. M. at 8-0407, The News Board ANN MAY CAROL CLARK E L L I N ROCHFORD PAULA TlCHY CHANCES ZPNNI RITA COLIMAN CHARLOTTE LALLY •LSIR LANDAU JEAN PULVER JEAN SPENCER . KDITOR-IN-CNIIP MANMilNO IDITOR MANAOINO EDITOR • PORT* KUITON CIRCULATION MANAOIR AOVIRTI*INO • UUINKHI MANAQCK A I I O C I A T I IDITOR AIIOCIATI IDITOR AIIOCIATI IPITOII All OQIUIUUDlOUtlOUN HIIIMIIII lie uililruHHiMl to tliu miliar mill IIIIIHt III! Ml(!in-il. Nairn's will III) wltlilw-lil upon rmilloxt Tln> STATIC nil,I.Kill'! N i o w s iiHHtiimm mi roH|ionullillll.v fur opinions uxitrtxmoil In Its columns or nimmuiilcutlinin t» HUI'II i'i|ilYh»loU't do not nci'i'siuii'lly roflOOt ilU view. Proposed Amendments The following amendments were introduced in assembly last Friday and will be on the agenda for disoussion this morning. The amendments to the By-Laws wore presented as part of the Voting Committee report while the amendment to these amendments was introduced by the State College Notes. III. Ucu'oiuiiumtliltlonn tu Nliitlcnl Assoi'latloa for Aiiu-iuliiii'iitH to tIn- Ityl.awH A. Section I, lii of tliu lly-huwtt which now 1'I'IIIIH . . . "All vutlllH shall ho secret anil 1mllots for all eleclliius shall ho markeil IU'el'ereul lally." . . . shall he amended tiy the addition of the following as I'M, '.', ami !l: Hallols of illffcrcnl c o l o n shall lie ll.-o.nl for I'IIIHH elect Ions. Sample IIMIIOIH shall he |iOHtoil In at least five places iluiliu; I he week proeedliuf all elect Ions. A full Assi'inhly shall lie reserved for the regular Hpi'lnK eleelloii of Student Association. II. After Seellou I, V all Ilia follow I UK shall lie added as e If la any elect Ion clahi or more are to he oloel oil, the nuinlier of ol'l|tlmil voles shall he multiplied by inuii. and In Section I, I'' it, which now I'eails "Lay out votes III piles aecordliiK to first choice, each original vole to ho valued at inn points" add "If eii'.hl or more are to ho elected each original vole to lie valued at IIHHi points." (V Seel Ion I, F a anil I) which now pisnlde for the solution of Ilea liy reference to the I'lr..I ilhd rtlnil loll shall ho amended to read as fallows— II. Ill case of lies In reuaril to ollm Illation of lowest candid.,tea, the ran JillIItu Whn received I he lower lunula I of points oil tin' preeeillnn tlls'lrthullou shall lio eliminated. h, III ease ul' tic fur elect lull, the candidate with the lurttor uiiiiilier of poiais on till) previous dlstilhuiloii shall ho declared elected. II. la addition to the duties of lOlce lion Coiuinlsslon provided for In Article VIII, Section .'Hi of till) CniiBllttl lion of Sludelit Association, the Commission shall he specifically charged With the following duties to lie Inserted under Section lilt. I, The Commission shall provide for ea ill pa IK II speeches In Asseuihly of the eaiidldiilcs for Secretary ami Vice l'reslileul of Student Association and for the candidate for the President of Sluileul Association ami their cam pultfll managers, ii. The Coiuinlsslon shall provide for campaign speeches In class meet lugs hy the candidates for Class President II. T h e C o i u i n l s s l o n s h a l l lie e n l l l l e i l to u s e o n o n l u h l l i o f I h e s p a c e of all lilidtfcl financial publications for the wools p r e e e d l i i K a n d the w e e k c o n t a i n Inc. I he sprliiK Sludelit Association c l o d Ions. I Tla> C o m m i s s i o n s h a l l tie e n t i t l e d to I he u s e o f o n e e i g h t h of t h e n e w s s p a c e af all b u d g e t financed publications for the week containing the f r e s h m e n e l e c t i o n s In I h e f a l l . ft, T h e Coiuinlsslon shall use 1 lie s n a r e a l l o l e d to It for p u h l l c l n l n g the e l e c t i o n s In c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h t h e s t a l l ' s of thn p u b l i c a t i o n s . The Commission shall Include s u c h m a t e r i a l s as lis rules u n d e r A r t i c l e V I I I , S e e l l o u fib II m a y provide, il. The Commission shall. » l l h llin cooperation of Campus Commission, conduct such clccilou rallies as H finds desirable and possible, no rallies being hehl unless conducted hy K'ccilou Comiulsslou In nccoi'duure with (ho rules. I move lh.it the following he aule.ll lilted far section III l> .'1, I, ft: "Klectlon coiuinlsslon shall provide fur sufficient pulillrul hoi of election news In conperallou wllh the stuffs of nil hinlgel financed publications fur the week preceding and the week euii la in lug the spring elections and Hie week eiiiilalutiig freshmen elections III the full." so many kinds . . . their actions are amusing and baffling and even terrifying—and they have all been poured into the melting-pot of State College. PREREQUISITE I was sitting on a stool in the P.O., thumbing through a well-worn newspaper—and for the life of me, I couldn't think of Prime Minister Atlee's fir.'.o name. "Hey," I said to the giri who dashed into t i e room, "do you know the ole' boy's name?" She looked at me, startled, and in a gasp she said: "Why, no, I don't take Poll Sci 12/" RUMORS ARE FLYING I never believe rumors—but there's one that the NATION and SOVIET RUSSIA TODAY have been removed from the library shelves. But, can this be TRUE? Surely not in a teacher-training institution where academic freedom is the by-word of educational methods—surely not among people who clamor againsiany infringement of free speech and press. For, after all, that would be supression—and that's like burning book!" POINT OF INFORMATION For the information of those who didn't sit in those empty seats, we DID have assembly last Friday. The program consisted of election speeches for secretary and presentation of the voting committee's report— the THIRD Voting Committee that YOU asked for. It's a privilege to vote—but, remember, you have a duty toward that privilege—even to be a semi-qualified voter, you have to know WHAT you're voting for! THEY DID IT FOR YOU The most important objective of the student should be the attempt to promote a better functioning student organization. The Voting Committee's job was n tedious one—they at least deserve a hearing. After all, they didn't do it because they relish late meetings and working with Weinberg's "It's Really Very Simple" Voting System. And, remember, they're not making money on it, or trying to dictate. Give them a break—they represent you. A CENSURE FROM EMILY POST The conduct in Page Hall at the "aforementioned" assembly was shattering—so these are the "adults" who are tomorrow's teachers—this is the shining light that will guide our children: the only positive thing about this "group" is that they're the first to gripe. MAY WE PROPOSITION YOU? Thus, we hereby propose: 1. If the assembly proves too dull—too dull to listen to respectfully, ask for an interview with the program committee, and do some constructive thinking. 2. If it is impossible to tolerate the rereading of amendments and recommendations, start bailing today for the proverbial obstacles of life—there are worse things waiting for you . . . 3. If neither of these categories meet with your approval, unci you are still indifferent, at least give the speaker the courtesy he deserves. "They also serve . . ." THE SAME OLD STORY And, furthermore, State College is yours—if it is a center of Juvenile pettiness—blame yourself. If your aversion is "big-wheels," remember that they thrive on the food you feed them, A college is like tin automobile: It is smooth-running and efficient, only il the parts are chosen well and if you remember to check the oil! LIFE OR DEATH Did you hear about the aspiring Junior who took n Quick shorthand course, so that she could fill in her Myskania blank to its fullest potentialities? BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARK A DIME? As a part of National Brotherhood Week, Dumbleton and Freyer announce that the group plans tu sponsor one project to demonstrate that "belief means nothing unless it results In action." So, If you're asked for a nickel or a dime, It will mean records for the orphans. II' you really mean till those things you've been saying about how you "accept" everyone, that money should come pouring in, Sure, our finances Hie low—but It's only ONE nickel . . . whore's your perspective? WANTED: As a result of an Informal survey, It seems as though SCT students would like to see the addition of the following courses to our present curriculum: General Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Sox Eduoalton, Comparative Religion, and Psychology not of the adolescent—the nml McCoy I Uinni, sounds like a wellrounded product— wonder HOW we get the Ingredients. WHAT'S NEW? If you have a rare lilt of lulu,, popularly termed u "scoop" or a «H|it\ drop it in NEWS mailbox, o/O OI'IONION, PLEASE. College Calendar FRIDAY, I'KIHUAllY 80, 1048 3:30 P.M.—IOO Board meeting, Room 101). TUESDAY, FEBRUARY H 13:00 Noon- Music Council Recording Hour, Room 'Mi 7:30 P.M. Spanish Club meeting in Room SB; guest speaker, Mrs. Weyers, Chile WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 38 13:1)0Noon Ohupel service, Unitarian Church: speaker, Reverend ll. Ployed llaekwcll. 7:30 P.M. Men's and women's rivalry basketball. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY iJU 3:30-8:00 P.M.-IS5FA dance at Hillel Hall. 12:03-13:30 P.M. IVOl" Worship, Room at). 7:30 P.M.—Men's and women's rivalry basketball 3:30 6:00 P.M.- IZFA dunce at Hillel Hull. Select Players For Tournament In Semi-Finals Eight Winning Students To Enter Preliminaries. Playing Hands By Mifa Semi-finals for the Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament took place Tuesday and Wednesday night in the State College cafeteria, and all but eight players were eliminated from the competition. Those remaining in the contest are Rita Shapiro and Arlene Lavendar, Seniors; Marie Holz, Anita Olson and Thomas Llsker, Juniors; Wayne Gallagher and Donald Hoyt, Sophomores; Eugene Rohr '51. These eight players will enter the college wide preliminaries and if they win they will go to Chicago for the finals, with all expenses to, from and in Chicago, borne by the committee. Eighteen hands of bridge sent by the Intercollegiate Board will be played by the finalists and results will be returned to the Board to be scored. This round-by-mail is to be played in mid-February and the sixteen highest pairs will compote in a face-to-face final match in Chicago. The eight campus winners and the game captain will each receive a case, and those who take part in the finals will receive a key. Miniature engraved cups will be presented to the winner of the tournament in Chicago. Groups Unite For Brotherhood Myskania, Forum and Smiles have joined with Inter-Group Council, Student Christian Association and Hillel in the observance of National Brotherhood Week, which lias been extended for one more week's observation at State. Albany Home for Children has been chosen as a community project for the groups; it was decided to purchase records for the radiophonograph presented to the Home by Myskania. The group will present a program Thursday in the Lounge at 3:30 p. m. The speaker is Mrs. Somenfeld, who will speak on "How to Combat Descrimination." A r t Department To Sponsor Exhibit This Week In Draper In an effort to discover the genera! attitude of the students who are participating in the new program of cadet teaching, they were interviewed this week concerning their first reactions to teaching "out in the field." Majors in English, they are teaching in outlying districts of Albany, under master teachers. As a whole they seemed quite enthusiastic and very pleased with their new environment. Marjorie Lotz, at Ravena, stated that in her opinion, this was a valuable experience, well worth the extra time put into it. Ruth Bessel, Voorheesville, who is teaching three classes in English, commented that her schedule adds variety to her pedagogical life and that she feels cadet practice is a true picture of what future teachers are prepared for. Betty Jayne Jones, Watervllet, went even further in her statement. She feels that her work with five different classes is an experience that she won't forget, but she went on to say that both the seniors and State will benefit from this system, if it is permitted to expand. From Bethleham Central, Dorothy Diffin Merritt and Mary Fleming are both agreed that they have a very good location. They are pleased with the school, master-teachers, co-workers, and especially the students Gloria Gilbert, most "hepped-up" of all the cadets, enthusiastically described the "beautiful school, excellent library, wonderful food and cafeteria, and the terrific, typical teen-agers." She also said that ris ing each morning at 6:30 was one way to lead a healthy life. Eloise Worth, although she doesn't want to complain about life at the Lubey, Campbell To Stage Plays Advanced Dramatics will present t"/o of the four remaining one-act plays for the 1947-48 season, Tuesday evening, February 24, at 8:30 p. in. in the Page Hall auditorium. The plays are under the direction of John Lubey and Stuart Campbell, Seniors. Mr. Lubcy's play is a modern comedy which takes place in Washington. The cast includes Paul Barselou, Graduate, Gloria Jaffer and Robert Lynch, Seniors, and Frederick Baron '49. According to the stage crew, Mr. Lubey's set is unique and tinlike anything the State College audience has seen before. Mr. Cambell will direct an Irish folk drama, the cast of which Includes Ellen Fay and Arthur Russel, Seniors, and Elizabeth Franks '49. Bistoff Announces Addition Of Four New Members &Meff Mated Gamma Kap house, is determined that the next teaching position she accepts has an apartment on campus to avoid commuter's problems, Students who for the first eight weeks are taking special courses so they may go out for cadet teaching were interviewed also to discover how they feel about the program. As a whole, all are looking forr ^ b l e m a b s e n t X £& studiePs Z s e i n T e Enghsh d t partment a r f pleased with the schedule offered to them, because it is scaled so that they may finish their classes before they set out to teach. Thus, they have the worry of exams behind them. However, the social studies students feel that special courses should be open to them so that they may have the same opportunities as English students. IZFA To Hold Educational Rally Intercollegiate Zionist Federation State College's branch of the of America has scheduled a dance for Thursday afternoon from 3:30 Inter-Zionist Federation of America will sponsor a Political Educational to 5 p. m. at Hillel Hall on WashRally on the Palestine question ington Avenue. Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. In the Student Christian Association will Lounge. Speakers will include one hold a banquet next Sunday, Feb- faculty member, one outside speaker and several students. ruary 29, hi the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. The speaker The theme of the rally is the will be Dan O'Connor, Staff Secre- importance of what Is going on and what students can do regarding the t a r y o f the Student Christian MoveUnited Nations decision; the meetment in New York State, known by ing is being held in conjunction those attending SCM conferences. with similar rallies on 150 campuses protesting the embargo policy of the Gerald Dunn '51, President of the United States. Freshman Class, requests that all All State College, both faculty and freshmen who have not paid their class dues bring their money to students, are invited to the rally, according to Ilse Gluckstadt '49. school on cither Monday, February President of IZFA. 23, or Tuesday, the 24th. There will be a table outside the Commons between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. where the clues may be paid. Mr. Dunn also announced that due to a recent ruling from the Veterans Administration veterans will have to pay their own dues. Press Bureau has nnnounced the admittance of four new members from the Class of 1950. Diane Webber, Robert Freyer, Margaret All organizations which have been Vonnda, and William Dumbleton assigned desks in the Commons will were voted to office by the Board of be held responsible for their upPress Bureau, according to Beverly Bistoff, Director. fContinued on Page 6, Column t) Annual College Fiction Contest Prize Winning Article To Receive Recognition Prizes amounting to $1000 will be b v t h „ m a B a z l n e Mademois nffprpd S W l S l K SSSftiSSSB, * e p l c t l o n C o n t e s t " * 5 0 0 «* M le awarded for each of the two best stories submitted aU rights reserved. ™ e winning stories wm be publisl ed ] „ in he August 1948 Mademo s e e Flc io, ' n » ' ] > entrles- / r o m 3000 to 5000 words long, must be postmar ed . n o l a t e r t h a n midnight, A u r l£ l ". The contest, open to women undergraduates only, will accept stories which have appeared in undergraduate college publications as long as they have not been published elsewhere. The magazine reserves the right to buy any other acceptable stories a t their regular rates. The fiction submitted must be typed and double spaced on one side of the paner only. It must be accompanied by the contestant's name, home address, college address, and college year. Entries should be sent to College Fiction Contest, Mademoiselle, 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. According to the communication received by the NEWS, Mademoiselle is usually well represented in the annual anthologies' of best American short stories: several of the stories which have been reprinted have been the author's first published work; the winners of the contest have always aroused the interest of publishers, and three winners in the last four years have signed contracts for their books. The magazine, since it Is one for young women between the ages (Continued on Page 6, Column 1) AFTER EXERCISE REFRESH YOURSELF Where nil the Students Meet SWEETSHOP TBI Home Made ICE CREAM SODAS — CANDY — SANDWICHES Luncheon Served Daily nwtw DAILY 4 T I A . M.— - - "Portraiture At Its Finest" HOLLYWOOD EAST TO COMES TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT "Buy Where the Flowers Crow" FLORIST oi GREENHOUSE OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY Evenings by appointment 'HCLEPHONE! 4-0017 Ull MADISON AVSNUB S // First Cadet Teachers Enthusiastic Over "Life In The Field/ Mile. To Open Find Student Normal, School Pleasant, Experience Beneficial The Art 4 class will feature a bulletin board display on the second Hour ol Draper, Monday through Friday, according to Miss Ruth Huti'luns, Assistant Prolessor ol Art. The subjects to be used are menial linages taken from poems of particular appeal to the students, The purpose ut' litis spontaneous brush work in tempera, Is to free imagination mid encourage free arm movement in painting. THE HAGUE STUDIO PAW Cornor of ONTARIO & BENSON DIAL 44125 "State" Representatives JACK BROPHY GEORGE POULOS WALT SCHICK COLLEGE FLORIST FOR YEARS Special Attention to Sororities and Fraternities— »OnitD UNOtK AUlHOKIIY Of TIIS COCA-COW COMPANY IV AI4IANY COCA-COLA BOTTUNQ COMPANY 0 IV4«, Th» CMU-CUIU Company PAOK 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1046 Captain Bowditch D&A To Present Eddie Dowling, To Give Talk Top Nome In Stage And Radio Eddie Dowling, k n o w n a s o n e of On Recruiting t h e most artistic a n d t a l e n t e d p e r - every available h o n o r In t h e t h e a - Burton Clarifies Education Data On State Schools D r . R a l p h B . K e n n y , Assistant Professor of Guidance, spoke r e cently a t t h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h on "How to Choose t h e J o b f o r w ^ n y o u Are Best F i t t e d " a n d for W h i c h You Are Best F i t t e d " a n d sonages In d r a m a t i c circles, will be tre, Mr. Dowling h a s t u r n e d h i s t a l - a t Congregation O h a v Sholom o n brought to t h e P a g e Hall a « o ™ r - e n t t o r a d l o H J s n e w p r o g r a m , I T h e . . S o m e o b s e r v a t i o n s About Y o u t h " . (Continued from Page 1, Column %) b 1C a n d ft™ L } ? Fa e, bn r™ J,t^°lo~ B r e aisk " n eisa rha e aevery r d everv Mr. Elmer C. Mathews, Executive tlon, Friday, u a ruy 27, a 8:30 n B 1 e Bip «reaK s u n aSauyn d a v > Mr. Algo Henderson, Associate » m M r DowlinK h a s lonir b e e n a evening over t h e National B r o a d - Assistant oi t n e u r n c e oi xma a e r p.m. Mr. ixiwung n a s long oeen » __.(. l n t f n n m n a n v nntworlc a t 10-in vices, will represent t h e college a t Commissioner of Education, t a k i n g C o n t i n u i n g i t s p r o g r a m of Oftop n a m e i n t h e t h e a t r i c a l world pasting c o m p a n y network a t 10.30 ^ ^ ^A * n u a l C a r e e r ^ Qf a s o m e w h a t different s t a n d , said ficer P r o c u r e m e n t , t h e U. S. M a r i n e a n d is considered o n e of t h e m o s t P m the P e n n Y a n A c a d e m y a n d Junlor Corps h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t M a r i n e versatile personalities i n t h e t h e a s t u d e n t t a x tickets m a y be s u b - H i g h School a t P e n n Yan, New York t h a t h e believed t h e commission's C a p t a i n Benson A. Bowditch will tre, today. Actor, director, producer s t l t u t e d for reserved seat tickets a t on F e b r u a r y 24. r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s would in n o m a visit S t a t e College, F e b r u a r y 20 t o a n d playwright—he i s now a v a i l - t h e D r a m a t i c a n d A r t tables In t h e D r . Vivian C. Hopkins, I n s t r u c t o r terial way alter t h e c h a r a c t e r of 24 inclusive, t o interview qualified able for t h e first t i m e i n soloftp-Commons. Tickets for t h e public, in English, spoke a t t h e P a r e n t s ' O r - S t a t e College. He seemed to t h i n k s t u d e n t s who a r e interested in e a r n - pearances. which a r e priced a t $2.40 (including ganizatlon of t h e Girl Scouts a t t h a t there is practically n o possiing a commission i n t h e M a r i n e Mr. Dowling h a s twice received t a x ) > &re n o w o n s a l e a t Van Curl- O n e o n t a , New York, recently o n t h e bility of technical college instrucC o r p s Reserve. t h e Pulitzer Prize a n d four t i m e s e r ' s Music Store, S t a t e Street, a n d p a r e n t s ' p a r t in t h e Girl Scout ortor t r a i n i n g being i n s t i t u t e d h e r e . t h e D r a m a Critics Award for h i s a t t n e s t a ' e College Co-op. ganizatlon. T h e commission's r e p o r t s t a t e s t h a t S t u d e n t s selected for t h e t r a i n i n g p a r t as a u t h o r , producer, director or a r e enrolled I n t h e M a r i n e Corps s t a r of such plays a s " T i m e of Your t h e teachers of technical subjects R e s e r v e (Inactive) a n d a r e assigned Life," " T h e Glass Menagerie," " S h a i n t h e community colleges will r e to officer c a n d i d a t e t r a i n i n g d u t y dow a n d S u b t a n c e , " a n d " W h i t e quire a type of t r a i n i n g t h a t differs only u p o n t h e i r w r i t t e n requests. Steed." T h i s season, h e i s c o - p r o - markedly from t h a t needed by ducer of three new plays t o come Frtlfnr. Members a t t e n d one or two s u m - to t h e stage, " H e a v e n Help t h e T ™ « m e n t t h a n a n insistence on p a r t i c i - teachers in high schools. lv?e, t m e r t r a i n i n g periods of six weeks o reading. iIttiissl m i m- Angels," 'Our Lan'," a n d t h e Abbey .Ww i"t hhi ln Vt h e?. lnext ~" few , weeks, " w — • ut"hCeirUe ipj aa"nUtBs udoing " ^ c tnhe e reacting, each. S t u d e n t , enrolled when f r e s h I n regard to s t a t e t e a c h e r s colorlze nlav " T h e Righteous Are w 1 1 1 b e s t a r t i n e in various sections p o r t a n t , however, to let t h e a u t h o r m e n or Sophomores a t t e n d two s u m - Bold." I n these s a m e capacities, he o f Albany, G r e a t Books discussion p r e s e n t his case, before you pull it leges, t h e report r e c o m m e n d s t h a t m e r periods while students enrolled is also well-known for t h e t r e m e n d - groups T h e s e groups are being or- a p a r t or before you s t a r t applying the c o n t e n t of general education ofas J u n i o r s in college, with one year ous h i t s "Sidewalks of New Y o r k " eanized by representatives of t h e it t o life. fered should be increased so t h a t each may train preschool, e l e m e n previous military service, a r e r e G ea fc B o P un< 0 1 W lc h l s M a n baslc J * f , ° !f" ! v; £ , y Questions are t o be tary school, and secondary school quired to a t t e n d only t h e a d v a n c e d "Sally, Irene a n d M a r y , " "Honey- / , affiliated with t h e Unlver- f o u n d i n t h e G r e a t Books. Underly- teachers and provide for inservice t r a i n i n g . T h e classes a r e conducted moon Lane," a n d " T h e I c e m a n closely 0 1 chl J Jst ' recently some i n g q u e s t i o n s o f morality, of ethics, training. T h e report f u r t h e r r e c a t t h e M a r i n e Corps Schools, located Cometh." He was t h e organizer a n d f 'l fl ,r t j o r ™f°r first President of t h e United S t a t e s " \ thirty-five leaders were o f b a s l c a s s u m p t i o n ^ a n d o f w U 1 | o m m e n d s t h a t t h e S t a t e should a t Quantico, Virginia, t h i r t y miles C a m p Shows, Inc., a n d is t h e dis- t r a i n e d i n t h e m e t h o d s of leading b e l t d i v m e o r h u m a r i ( a r e discus. e i t h e r strengthen a l l i t s teachers s o u t h of Washington, D. O. G r e a t Books coverer of some of t h e most o u t discussion groups. modified a s opinions develop, colleges sedi o r convert those n o t These leaders will now take over a n d are applied to c u r r e n t life, After successful completion of t h e standing n a m e s in t h e t h e a t r e t o s t r e n g t h e n e d to other purposes. No p a t e n t philosophy i s passed required periods of military t r a i n - day such as K a t e S m i t h , Maurice their respective groups which a r e ing a n d after graduation from col- Evans, Dorothy McGulre, a n d G e n e t o be located i n Albany libraries out a t these discussions. No one i s and churches. told t h e lucid t r u t h . Very m u c h ls lege w i t h a baccalaureate degree, Kelly. P l a t o o n Leaders a r e eligible for a p .. . . , ... . . .. S t a t e s t u d e n t s , by a n d large, rarely done i n stimulating group discusp o i n t m e n t to t h e commissioned r a n k s Not content with having t a k e n g e t t h e opportunity to r e a d Plato, sion a n d individual thinking. a s Second Lieutenants, U. S. M a r i n e D" C Kit T D t Aristotle, a n d t h e o t h e r greats i n Please a t t e n d one of t h e groups Helen Califano '49, newly elected Corps Reserve. ri uamma M u l o r r e i e n t to be s t a r t e d in t h e Albany area. president of C o m m u t e r s Club, a n t h e l r I o r m a ] schooling. ConsequentT o be eligible for enrollment i n h i m U n o r e e c e N e x t I h u r s d a y iy, m a n y of us never do r e a d these I n f o r m a t i o n may be obtained from n o u n c e d t h a t the club will sponsor a square d a n c e tomorrow n i g h t a t 8 t h e Platoon Leaders Class, applicants A March of Time film on Grepce b 0 o k s ' X t i s q U i t e a s e r l 0 U S t h l n g ' a n y c l t y l i D I - ary. m u s t n o t be a m e m b e r of any o t h e r A M a r c h of Time n u n on c r e e c e x b e l l e v e to d e v e l o p a rational, i n I t is hoped t h a t college s t u d e n t s o'clock in t h e Page Hall gym. T h e m i l i t a r y organization a n d they m u s t will be shown a t t h e n e x t meeting quisitive mind a n d t o become f a - will take a d v a n t a g e of the group b e - price of admission is $.25. be over seventeen years of age a n d of Pi G a m m a Mu, T h u r s d a y , 8:30 p.m. miliar with t h e basic ideas upon ing s t a r t e d a t C h a n n i n g Hall, on less t h a n twenty-five years old on in t h e Lounge, a n n o u n c e s Marvin which our society is based. Committees for t h e d a n c e are as W a s h i n g t o n Avenue, across from J u n e 30 of t h e calendar y e a r i n Wayne '48, President of t h e h o n o r I n t h e G r e a t Books groups, we P a g e Hall. This group will first follows: Arrangements, Florence Alw h i c h t h e y a r e g r a d u a t e d from col- ary social studies f r a t e r n a l o r g a n - shall r e a d various s h o r t selections meet next Tuesday evening a t 7:30. b r i g h t '50 a n d Helen Marie Moeller lege. No previous military service is ization. There will be a short busi- . . . t h e reading time shall not be T h e meeting will last two h o u r s . 51; Refreshments, C a t h e r i n e F l e m required for freshmen a n d S o p h o - ness meeting for m e m b e r s first, but more t h a n two or three h o u r s for Works to be discussed a t this m e e t - ing a n d Joyce Platner, J u n i o r s ; Ticmores, w h e r e a s Juniors m u s t be vet the film and discussion period will each two week period between m e e t - ing a r e : T h e Declaration of I n d e - kets, Sally T s c h u m i '51 a n d Helen e r a n s of the a r m e d forces. be open to t h e entire S t a t e College ings. T h e reading m u s t b e done pendence, a n d Biblical selections Rodak, 49; Publicity, M a r y M a n s t u d e n t body. however. T h e r e is n o other r e q u i r e (Continued on Page 6, Column SJ oni '49 a n d Clare Creeden '48. Summer Training School Open To State Student GammutucatiaH Commuters Club Plans Square Dance In Gym T f e l&coftl Goes Hum-ln/m-li It's JEAN SABLON'S... (RCA Victor) I N ENGLISH or French, his singing is terrific! His fans range from bobby-soxers to the lavendcr-and-old-lace set. Why, he even lights his Camels with a Continental charm. Takes a leisurely puff and says: "Great!" Yes, Jean, and millions of smokers agree with you about Camels. More people are smoking Camels than ever before! Try Camels! Discover for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience"! And here's another great record- Mote people are smoking CAMBS -than ever before! PAOE 8 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, PES. 20, 1S48 OH lUe &e«cU PAULA T I C H Y Oswego Defeats Blue Jays, Gremlins Meet W e t G°c,d; I" Basketball Game Series SbUUnel iy J A C K B B O P H T S p i n n i n g t h e Sports T o p : Let's Go tu Press, Mr. a n d Miss S t a t e College . . . (sound slightly familiar?) O n t a r i o St.—Today we w a n t to i n s t i t u t e a change of policy . . okay t h a t ' s enough cheering from t h e background . . . no Brooklyn raspberries in this p a r a g r a p h we'll c v o t h n i fr,,. lnipv nvohiri* In the save t h a t toi latei. Oicnicls to tne small group houses who have been able to p u t teams in both WAA leagues. T h e houses have a p p r o x i m a t e iy 13 m e m b e r s and from these few, t e a m s of 5 a n d 6 players have been organized. Comments have been m a d e t h a t these teams show more . . . . . ,, , ,, spirit a n d fight t h a n m a n y of the sorority and dorm teams. You t o o MAA Office-Macy's h a s a p a r a d e so docs Whitney's and now we have J.S t aV. s Ploy Sot. t e fell to Oswego for t h e second time this season last S a t u r d a y night a t Page Hall, 49-41. Although . tomorrow night's game with St. Michael's has been cancelled, the J u n i o r Varsity will play the Union frosh - T n e l ' e will also be a pre" m i n a r y game. s t a t e found i t tough getting s t a r t e d against Oswego last S a t u r - A hard-fighting frosh t e a m will meet a well-knit Blue-Jay six w h e n the women of the two classes vie for t h e three rivalry points t o be offered for rivalry basketball. T h e girls' division games will be played on Wednesday, F e b r u a r y 25th, a n d Thursday, February 26th, as will t h e , nlav-offs m e n s piay ons. T h e Wednesday games will find the m e n leading off a t 7:15 with . Oswego led 16-7 at t h e end of t h e women's contest t o be played t h e first q u a r t e r and increased their immediately afterwards. On T h u r s i e a d to 30-14 a t t h e half. day night, the women will s t a r t t h e play with h e men's follow, '"" t" ' g a m e lto " *""""' S t a t e s m e n Finish Strong T h e women's games will be refsf. I n the third period t h e Purple cosgrave Qf an ~J" G"0"fd b e g a n \ 0 £ i n c l t n e r a n g e . e r e e d b y Miss Edlth The s c o ^ at toe^of t h a t ^ e r i o d C o l u m b i a C e n t r a l Sch00i who has s t a \ e l m « n r e ^ t u r n e d on^the h e a t a n AH-American r a t i n g , while Mary On Wednesday night, February 1]^ $ e ^ ^ j ^ f 1 ] * g a U G y m g ^ ^^^g tne p a g e a r e c o n f l d e n t a n d a r e looking forward to t h e games with g r e a t hopes. Coaching t n e t e a m s a r e Ben Jackson of t h e Sophs a n d P a u l Carter is m e n t o r of t h e frosh. Both coaches a r e looking forward to stiff ^ ^ * ^ fe ^ ^ ^ Am& ^ squads i n shape. T h e s t a r t i n g teams h a v e not been picked as yet. ^ . ^ " ^ i & Lyle W a l s h i s pacing i n t r a m u r a l bowling loop with 166 "average . . . notice T o m O'Brien's seven foul points i n t h e first Oswego t i l t ? T h a t ' s m a k i n g t h e free t h r o w s c o u n t • • • ™ George, versatile Albany High a t h l e t e w a t c h i n g big brother K e n in action against Oswego . . . w«r/.h R p m p m h M . tn ,,* Wp <H n v Remember t o keep Friday, M a r c h 5 > ° P e n f o r t h e Planned j a u n t t o N o r t h Adams . . . promises to b e a £* ^VneTT^KM »ne . • • * " " y n a n e i i , e x - i r o y n i g n their last practices, after which the t e a n i m a t e of J i m Coles, performing nrt inB starting line-ups will will be be announced, announced for S i e n a F r o s h . . . S t a n Levine **Hnn-nns _. . , . . . , , . , giving S t a t e s m e n fine coverage i n T h e coaches seem to t h i n k t h a t ° ° ,,„ „ _ „ „, his breez Colle e have Paanu lequal to take y m " Tim tthey h e game. C a r t echance r says via Bob Union column . .S . RFa°yn iNoppa m easy b e S^i^n&^Z** ^ i n g t h e pigskin "for Hartwick Jackson notifies us t h a t t h e Sophs, e l e v e n c o m e n e x t f a U Diz Dickone here a t S t a t e . T h e "Potter to outscore their rivals by six points Qulnn '48, will umpire. S p S ^ h e ^ n e S l i W ^ t o e i n s o n r o l l i n e * ^ Dehring loop P a r a d e began with the taking of and m a k e the i i n a l score 49-41. aicappea Dy ine lneiigiDiniy oi t n e e . , ,° ,.„ Although the s t a r t i n g line-ups J V . and Varsity members." to keep m shape for varsity bowlt h c oasKetoan tropny, oi tne ib-«< the _ „_ „ „ , ing . . . J o e Zanchelli doing a first J i m Coles lul.ned i na f i n e g a m c h a v e n o t y e t ^^^ a n n o u n c e d i season, and now the Softball a n a a n d w a s high scorer with 12 points, .espectiv^gtearn £gj*°>*™ & ^ S S « K « t^J^U^l °ht?*?Z*' and Walt F a r m e r while the "Blue i n t r a m u r a l basketball . . . J o h n M i football trophies, same season, will "Sy" Fersh h i t the double figures with ten. Kurilak a n d Magnarelli the Sophomores, R u t h Mattison, J a ya s " uofl '50 have "Bullet" Bob S o - rola, erstwhile Hartwick footballer, also e n t e r the parade. So far they've were big guns for Oswago with 11 WAA Manager, h a s listed Adams, ua * "" " a , c " u " c \ , " " " "u~ .,...,.. ^,-_,.,„„i T-w„l,„^^ Preel, IJ„O D I woiu_ Bas K a r t a k e n football and bowling b u t a n d 10 points respectively Cookingham, Dubert, Kelle- renson a n d Piei-ce M c G r a t h leading pacing the Ramblers piak silent about his rumored t r a n s her, Koch, Hotaling, Mattison, t h e way. come spring and softball and its J.V.'s Victorious a s possible By way of the | g r a p e v i n £ ' we f e r t 0 C o i o r a d o A & M t o p i a y b a s In the preliminary contest, the S m i t h , a n d Weber anybody's guess. J . V ' s downed t h e Finks. T h e frosh starters T h e B l u e - J a y s a r e being h e a r t h a t Phil Leonard is going_to ^ ^ referee t h e i m p o r t a n t contest. J u d g Russell Sage—WAA has been in- took a scanty 20-19 lead a t half- coached by P a t Tilden '48 „, . . „ ing from tine names on t h e rosters Jim Hines proud of his "promovited by Russell Sage to a basket- time, outscored the F i n k s in t h e h e freshman team, u n d e r t h e dl- a n d observing t h e practices i t ball play-day on Saturday, F e b r u - third quarter, a n d held their lead ^ T ^ n "of" J u n i o r s J u a n l t a Evans ^ o u W t u r n ' o u t to'be a ' r o u g T a n d " o n " from Drew U. varsity t o ary 21. Several of the local colleges I O r „ „ . „ , . . SitUg. ,,„„ „ n„ u„ mm bWe r „ D U t l „ has^a G e n t s dltt0 S a m R a u b from " 44-3 a^d T e ^ r V h U e -_ _d J Beverly ^ f &*«&* Y^c have been asked to send a team of W a r d e n P ','„ prospective players. T h e starters watch Notre D a m e Princeton was top scorer for (i or 8 to participate in the event. Marsland will "be chosen from Cellnas, B e n e T h e rivalry score now s t a n d s a t stad, Deremberger, Grouse, Harris, 23 to 9 in favor of the Sophs. This dump N.Y.U. next week in G a r d e n Honor Council has picked t h e STATE Hi/.t'= Jai, Trunks. Loucks, NTewhold. Newbold, PPaatt-- contest is worth three rivalry points m a t c h . . . Facing the varsity w h e n Hicks .Tni S t a t e team — Forwards — Cooper. F G F P T P erson Pojcewicz, and Skidmore. so let's h a v e a big turn out and they meet Hartwick n e x t week will 3 5 Q u l n n , Sittig, Hotaling; Guards— Q e o r K e .1 show the fellows t h a t we're behind be Zeke Zellie and Rod Sagendorf, 0 Diehl, Tichy, Moberg, Mntteson. high school rivals of Sy Fersh Marzello 2 4 Due to a full g y m n a s i u m sched- them. 2 Dick Fabozzi, kid brother of Siena's Schick 0 2 ule, neither team h a s been able t o 2 T o date, S t a t e has attended phiy- Kirby 0 Tony, is a n o t h e r Hartwick first do intensive pre-game practice. T h e dayt. a t both Russell Sage and Skid- Fersh 2 stringer . . . we're anxious to h e a r IjJ Sophs, with more experience t o 2 mure but we have never, in t h e 4 O'Brien 0 opinions o n the new i n t r a m u r a l gether, will be at a n advantage, but years we've seen, had such an event Lansky 4 point schedule . . . speak now o r * the frosh, with many players in the here on home territory. It would be Coles 2 forever hold your gripes . . . W i t h ** i n t r a m u r a l league, may be expected u nice gesture to show "the girls" any luck a t all on t h e i r first half to give t h e Blue-Jays a h a r d game. our h e a r t s are in the right places pops Friday, t h e varsity might h a v e 13 41 Totals 14 if WAA sponsored a play-day. given t h e Oswegoans a r u n for their S o m e t h i n g to keep on our minds at money . . . Forward Krawczk of t h e OSWEGO least, besides water . . . Knocking-off Siena i n t h r e e visitors one of t h e best o n e - h a n d e r s FG FP TP games Wednesday night, t h e Varsity to perform on Page this season . . . 1 11 Kuriluk 5 Page Hall, WAA — Referees arc 0 Bowling t e a m gained undisputed the Oswegoans did all r i g h t on t h e 0 S c h m a n 0 swell when they keep well. Let's not possession of first place in t h e I n - foul line and even better on the stag 7 1 3 let a n y t h i n g happen lo the few Kroawizyck tercollegiate Bowling League. T h e line a t t h e WAA party . . . Leo 0 0 Goroff 0 "good"ones we have!! S t a t e s m e n made a clean sweep of Callahan, S i e n a baseball m e n t o r a n d 7 3 Hill 2 the tie-breaking match, taking the reffing p a r t n e r k e p t t h e game m o v 0 0 Howard 0 Loudonvillers 3-0. ing all the time . . . and t h a t ' s a lot 10 2 Magnarelli 4 An undefeated Pierce Hall quin4 0 Cappolletti 2 more t h a n can be said of most of 9 tet rolled into the lead in t h e WAA 1 Barna 4 Rolling their best m a t c h of the the refs we've seen on Page t h i s Bowling T o u r n a m e n t this week. „ . , . , , „ , , , 1 1 Murphy 0 senson > t n e S t a t e Keglers finished y e a r Close behind Pierce a r e G a m m a witli for t h"ZZL'",—T" e match Once again the power of Potter J *2521 * 0 " 4pin " " total "v""",","'. 49 K a p p a P h i and Psl G a m m a , with " " " " a Totals 20 one loss apiece. Paced by J o e Carosella s 225 single, h a s been shown—this time by the t h e S t a t e team easily took t h e first ^ 9 5 0 T a k e s 4 P o i n t s score of 62-19. T h e unfortunates In games bowled on Tuesday, Phi game of t h e match 865-763 a n d the were the men from KDR. Opening Delta was downed by S o u t h Hall in middle g a m e 852-735. ui) a 13-0 lead Potter was never in a two game match while Sayles trouble as F r a n Mullin hit the nets Hall nosed out t h e K a p p a Delts in B o r t n c k High Man T h e Playdlum Alleys on Friday, lor 16 points. w l h th Tuesday a n d Wednesday nights a t h r e e - g a m e series. T h i s loss will ' , Ji f l m t w o Barnes sewed the 13th, were the scene of the B l u e T h a t same night the G e n t s sot • u_ elimination „ u m i „ „ t l r t „ of „f K TO-> fmm • up, the S t a t e s m e n made It t h r e e Bowling j n y s defeat of '51 Tin downfall of the •unbeaten m e a n the D from matches. h e themenRivalry took back the Hi. Alary Angels by the saw the basketball league, the t o u r n a m e n t . 808 ^ M a X ^ e n e f f i t " B o ' r t Z two long leads in their gomes t o in t h e WAA e.niut of ;iti-L'ti after VanDei7.ee hud (.lamina Kap bowed once t o Beta Other teams which have been celebrated his honeymoon by lead- win by scores of 834-754 and 808upset the Ramblers, 24-21. Rapacz had the high double Zola and Sayles Hull dropped two eliminated are Chi Sigma T h e t a and ing the S t a t e team with a 203 single. 751. for the match, 382, with a 212 sincm lasl Monday night KB beat to Phi Delta and G a m m a Kup, t o Wren Hall. Those t e a m s still In 3 To. 1 2 STATE gle in the second. tiie Angels m a game ilint saw big leave Phi Dolt in possession of first the riming ore Pierce. P h i Delta, 153 181 147 483 Dickinson ... Tom l.isker iliruw in 23 points. The place with a record of 4 and 0. G a m K a p , Newman, Sayles, a n d Carosella .... 551 155 On the girls' alleys Barber's 154 1(31 In Tuesday night's contests Pierce South. game ended with a 'IH-21 score. 147 153 104 464 paced the first game and Lossard Farley defeated North Hull 111 the opener However, the Ramblers, who lost 180 178 203 561 rolled over a 160 in the second for Angle Ricci '48, Captain of the Bortnick that one, came back Monday night by a score of 20-3, with Duborl toss158 179 175 512 the high single for the match and WAA Bowling T o u r n a m e n t , has an- Mullin to win with only lour men. T h e i n ; in 12 points, two straight wins for the Sophs. T h e second tilt was the one in nounced that it should be noted Shamrock.-, were victims for (lie sec865 852 842 2561 Brush, with 145 In the second g a m e which Beta Zotu tumbled G a m m a that now substitutes of t h e group Totals .. ond nine in sueeession lo a sliol'twas high for the '51 girls. Kap lo second place. With the score houses and sororities may bowl for „,„.. sided lean), losing 39-3U. To. 3 2 1 lied at 8-8 In the last h a l l minute „ U u r ( 1 g a n l e w h e n necessitated. *>"'- NA 157 141! 131 464 To keep in the running for first oi play s u t u j took a fife throw and Formerly, members who h a d bowled S c h e m e r h o r n 1 130 126 160 416 place of tin " B " league, VanUor/ee lumped it lor the deciding point. l l u , first two games, must complete Briskle 111 Tuesday night also saw Sayles t n e t n l r d g n m e i T n i r d g u m e s d o M „ ff , . . . took an easy one I rum I ho Pills by Pharmacists undo „ o t l m v e lo be bowled a t 3:30 as * WOVJUUB ^ 587 11 ln,m the ranks of the undoi he count ot 34-15. 178 176 foaled us a strong Phi Delt team [ o n g as the scores for t h e third u v u a u Established 1905 P h o n e 4-2030 " 133 " 151 142 426 Wednesday eve the (iisi gumo was racked up 32 points to their 15 fame are given t o t h e captain by Wilt 157 Central Ave. 303 167 136 Ostu played oil for first pi.ue m the p.e'ed by Tihlon's 14 ami Evans ' - T h u r s d a y . ALBANY, N. Y. minor circuit. The Ramblers met points. Totals 703 735 808 2307 Team standings to d a t e : and heal llie Curpetbaggeis 30-18 Kappa Delta defeated the Comin a game which ended as u one- muters by a count of 24-17 with No. Losses sided contest. Wall Farmer and Al Jean Hotaling putting In 11 for the Team 0 U. S. L I F E AGENT F O B Pierce Z i m m e r m a n led their team to vic- Western Avenue girls. tory wiih their floor play ami scorOn Wednesday night Sayles foil G a m m a Kappa P h i 1 ing. If tile men from VauDoi'.'.ee win Into a four-way tie with BZ, K D ™ 9 „ a ! n l m i their next game they will have to and Pierce Hall. T h e i r defeat on Phi Doha Also play the Ramblers for first place of Hit* liiih w a s administered by Newman ALL T Y P E S OF INSURANCE .Sayles the Junior league. T h e winner of (lamina Kap to lite tune of 22 ANNUITIES S.IFK this gumo will |>luy the "A" league counters to 13. T h i s enabled the Houth .... FIRE whiner for the championship of Washington Avenue aggregation to BURGLARY AUTOMOBILE i n t r a m u r a l basketball. lake full possession of second place. lu other games on Wednesday To keep the basketball season going there will be a n elimination eve Phi Delt defeated Beta SJeta to rn« C O L L I * * JCWKLIN t o u r n a m e n t in ouch league, T e a m stretch their undefeated skein and captains will draw for tlu teams drop BZ to a third place tie; t h e 103 CENTRAL AVE 75 STATE ST. 5-U71 they will oppose hi the first giuuo. remaining g a m e seeing Pierce take T h i s t o u r n a m e n t s t a r t s on March the measure of KD 25-0 with frosh *(•>• J c m u i c t t e Zclunis hitting for 10. day Pierce Leads WAA Tourney In Bowling ^^S^^LffZSSSo, next week t h e two t e a m s wiu hold State Keglers Lead Bowling In College Loop Season Nears End; Potter-Ramblers Lead Phi Dclt Takes First In W A A Basketball Wins Rivalry Bowling H. F. Honikel & Son Student Medical Expense OTTO R. MENDE ARTHUR R. KAPNER STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEB. 2 0 , 1 8 4 8 PAOE A Mile. To Open Annual College Fiction Contest B**i Notu (Continued from Page 3, OoUmnS) keep and appearance at all times. In addition, Grand Marshal Helen Kisiel '48 has announced that such organizations should mark their re(Continued from Page S, Column 5) spective desks and files for permanent Identification as soon as notiof eighteen and thirty, is anxious fications are received from the not only to reflect their point of Commission. view, but to publish fiction by authors of real merit in that age Doctor Wesley Childers, Professor group. of Spanish, announced that the Language Department has acquired Past college issues of Mademoi- a Soundmirror. This magnetic reselle have published short stories by corder will be used in all language undergraduates from Wellesley, classes dealing with composition, Sarah Lawrence, Radcliffe, Vassar, conversation and phonetics. Cornell, Stratford, Bennington, There are many advantages in UCLA, Simmons, Sacramento Junior College, University of Alabama, having this type of machine availRosary, Western and San Diego able for the classes. Speeches and conversation will be recorded and State. replayed for each student, in order The Mademoiselle editors will be that improvement may be noted. the judges, and their decision will According to Dr. Childers, this rebe final. The magazine assumes no corder will be put into use immediaresponsibility for manuscripts, and tely. will return only those accompanied by stamped, self-addressed enveIZFA, State's Zionist group, held lopes. a "Kumeltz" last night at the Washington 9venue Synagogue. State's Smiles To Sponsor Program delegates to the regional seminal-, On W R O W Wednesday Adele Gerow '50, Carol Lebow, Gloria SMILES is planning a party and Silverstein and Judith Oxenhandradio broadcast over WROW on ler, freshmen, told of their experiFebruary 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. ac- ences there. cording to Charles Miller '48, chairman of the organization. The proInterviews are now being conductgram will feature the Men's Glee ed for all applicants who wish to Club, addresses, and men's solos. enter State College in September The children at the Home will help '48 according to an announcement with the program. made by Paul G. Bulger, Coordina- BOOKS tor of Field Services and Public Re- act as speaker, discussing Electrolations. These interviews will con- waves. He will demonstrate his subect while speaking. tinue until March 24. Members of the Association interested in attending the meeting The Eastern Branch of the Alum- should make reservations with ni Association of State College will Blanche Avery '15, Treasurer. hold its anual luncheon meeting on March 6 at 12:30 p.m. in Sayles Milton G. Nelson, Dean and ActHall, according to an announcement ing President, has been in Atlantic made by Mrs. Bertha Brimmer, Ex- City for the past week attending the ecutive Secretary. Dr. Charles L. meeting of the American AssociaAndrews, Professor of Physics, will tion of School Administrators. QommuMicatiOHi Roger Nielsen '48 " I ' V E TRIED THEM ALL, CHESTERFIELD IS MY FAVORITE CIGARETTE" Dramatics and Art Council will present Eddie Dowling, star of stage and radio, tonight in Page Hall auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Dowling, actor, director, producer and playwright, considered one of the most versatile personalities in the theatrical world today, is available this season for the first time in solo appearances. Mr. Dowling will appear on two local radio programs. He will be interviewed by Paul Pettit, Instructor in English, on Mr. Pettit's daily radio critique program of dramatic, artistic and literary review. In addition, Miss Rice of Station WABY, will make a wire recording of a personal inferview with Mr. Dowling Friday afternoon. The recording will be played on her program "Mask and Wig Show" on Monday afternon at 2:15 p. m. For his program tonight, Mi-. Dowling will begin by discussing for the State College audience the great contemporary playwrights Shaw, O'neil, Barrie, Williams, O'Casey and others. Later, he will work into the dramatic section of his program, in which he will do the high spots from "Time of Your Life", "Glass Menagerie", "Shadow and Substance", "Hello Out there" and "The Iceman Cometh". Mr. Dowling has been awarded the Pulitzer prize twice and the Drama Critics Award four times for his activities. This year he is the producer of three new plays, "Heaven Help the Angels", "Our Lan" and the Abbey prize play, "The Righteous Are Eold". He discovered some of the most outstanding names in the theatre today, including Kate Smith, Maurice Evens, Dorothy McGuire, and Gene Kelly. Mr. Dovvling has now turned to radio. His new program, "The Big Break", is heard every Sunday over the National Broadcasting Company Network a I 10:30 p.m. STARRING IN A TRIANGLE PRODUCTION "SLEEP, MY LOVE" RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS GIFTS BOULEVARD CAFETERIA PHONE 5-1913 "MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" ALBANY. N. Y. Colleges Receive IGC Newsletter The first edition of (lie Intercollegiate Newsletter on Inter-group Relations has been sent to 100 colleges of tlie nation, continuing Inter-Group Council activities for the second semester. Speakers' Panel for the Council has been chosen and a new seminar program lias been planned. Tlie Newsletter includes an editorial on inter-group relations by C. Rogers Nielsen '48, Member of Intercollegiate Board, and an article on Inter-group activities at. State written by Joyce Simon '49, Intercollegiate Chairman. Speakers' Panel cousins of John Jennings '48, President of IGC; Robert Hardt, Joyce Simon and Patricia Devlin, Juniors; and Molly Mulligan 'SO. They will speak at the College of Saint Rose Wednesday at li p. m. on "Inter-group Relations: Education, Employment, Legislation." One week from that date, March 10, they will speak at a meeting at the VWCA in Troy, 5U66E5TCP By KENNETH E.H0D6e REN55ELAER POIY. INST. (Continued on Page 4, Column 4) Receive Tables For Commons "I also installed tasting equipment so he could enjoy Dentyne Chewing Gum!" j "Wire me for sound, and I'll tell the world— Dentyne 1 * delicious! With 1each mechanical m u n c h and muscle, I really enjoy Dentyne'* refreshing, long-lasting flavor I Dentyne ia keen chewing g u m ! Helps keep teeth white, smiles bright!" Dentyne G u m - M a d e Only By Adam* VOL. XXXII NO. t 7 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1948 Producer-Director Frats, Sororities g t a t e Fair T o Feature M i n s t r e l s , Pettit, State Instructor, To Interview Dowling On Radio Broadcast STATE COLLEGE COOP 1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE 2444 TO STATE PAIR W i l l Dramatize To Return Funds ^ 1 £»i k A , pi L #*" ± i Parts From Plays Of Individuals CjeeKOhOW^ISSOhUSh^OnteStS STATIONERY CARDS State College News {Continued from Page 4, Column 4) from I Kings, 21, and I I Samuel, 11,12. These readings are very short, but they are basic to modern concepts of property rights, human rights, and equality of man, and the sanctity of marriage. COME iUWAYS MILDER HJKTTKll TASTING @OOlEH SMOKING Copyrifb itt», boomfcMvw TOMOO Co. New tables for the Commons have arrived, according to Helen Kisiel '48, Grand Marshal of Campus Commission. If the chairs arrive within a week the furniture will be set up immediately in the Commons; if they do not, however, the tables will be s;t up alone. Representatives of the sororities and fraternities and individual members of Student Association who pledged funds for backing the Inter • Fraternity - Inter - Sorority Ball, have decided that the refund on pledges made will be paid first in full to the individual pledges and eventually to the fraternities and sororities. Originally $935 was pledged by the organizations and individuals. Pledges of sororities and fraternities were as follows: Sigma Lamda Sigma, $100; Potter Club, $100; and $50 each from Kappa Delta Rho, Beta Zeta, Kappa Delta, Gamma Kappa Phi, Psi Gamma, Phi Delta, and Alpha Epsilon Phi. Individuals contributing were William Marsland and Arthur Cornwall, Graduates; Stanley Abrams, Eugene McLaren and Lewis Sumberg, Seniors; Nolan Powell and Donald Lansky, Juniors; and Austin Monroe and Heinz Engel, Sophomores. After the individual pledges have been paid in full, the fraternal organizations will be repaid as far as possible with the remaining funds. The Council is planning to sponsor some event in the future which will enable them to repay all pledges in full. Tentative Plans Set For Contest To Select Orator Tentative plans are now being made for a contest to be held here at State from which a student will be chosen to represent the college at the Albany division of the sixth annual Hearst Newspapers National Oratorical Contest to be held on April 21, at tlie Albany Law School Auditorium. The topic of tlie orations will be Benjamin Franklin, Patriot and Statesman. Students may concentrate on one particular phase of his life and accomplishments instead of covering the complete topic. The orations, which must be delivered without the use of notes, may not exceed six minutes in length. The Albany Times Union is offering three prizes in saving bonds of one hundred fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, and fifty dollars. The grand national prize of a thousand dollars and an expense paid trip of historic: interest will be awarded to the winner of the National Finals. For the first time Albany will be the scene of the Eastern Zone event of the contest, in which Albany finalists will compete with finalists from New York, Boston, and Baltimore for the Eastern championship on Thursday, May 6th. Catalog Requirements Clarified By Nelson An announcement has been posted on the bulletin board outside the Registrar's Office by Milton G. Nelson, Acting President, advising all students that courses numbered 200 to 21)0 are closed to freshmen, Sophomores anil Juniors in accordance with Page 33 of tlie official catalog for the year 1047. Further reference was made to Page 23, Section 2, which gives the basis for class rating of students. Any student for whom a faculty member reports a grade for any subject in which the student does not meet requirements stated in the catalog will result in a cancellation of such grades, due to the fact that official registration was never completed. Donnelly Directs Concession Plans Bulger Reports Teacher Groups Join Association In what was acclaimed as a milestone in the history of American education, the three leading national teacher organizations began functioning as a single, unified organizato be known as the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, it was reported in a communique from Mr. Paul G. Bulger, Coordinator of Field Services, who is in attendance at the conference in Atlantic City. State College is represented in the new association by Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Acting President. Officials estimated that 75 per cent of all teachers entering the profession will be prepared by colleges in the new association which will expand services formerly carried on by the American Association of Teachers Colleges, the National Association of Colleges and Departments of Education and the National Association of Teacher Education Institutions in Metropolitan Districts. The new organization, which will operate as a department of the National Education Association, will be headed by Dr. Walter E. Hager, president of Wilson Teachers College, Washington, D. C. The newly-elected vice president of the united organization is Dr. William S. Taylor, Dean of the Collefv of Education, University of Kentucky, Dr. Diemer, who was president during the past year of the American Association of Teachers Colleges emphasized that new standards are to be initiated for the preparation of teachers. Election Returns Sh ow Riber Wins Rhoda Riber, '50, was elected Secretary of Student Association as a result, of elections held last Thursday and Friday. Miss Riber won over her closest opponent, Marie DeCarlo, on the second distribution. Tabulations are as follows: 351 x 100 - + 1 17,551 Quota 1 + 14700 De Carlo Morgan Riber Blanks 12800 5400 16900 Total 35100 35100 13800 600 Miss Riber will replace Rosemary Wjllscy '.r>0, former Secretary of Student Association, who left college at the end of first semester. The duties of the new secretary, which Include act ing as secretary to Student Council as well as Student Association, will begin immediately. Futterer Releases A . D. Plans For Production Of Spring Play Miss Agnes E. Futterer, Assistant Professor of English, lias announced that Advanced Dramatics Class has chosen the play which will be presented by members of the class on May 20 and 21. The spring performence will be "You Can't Take It With You", by Kaufman and Hart, Members of tlie cast and committees will be decided upon later, To Present Awards At Finale In Commons CATHERINE DONNELLY Chairman State Fair Classes Schedule Rivalry Debate For Assembly The freshman and Sophomore classes will vie for rivalry points in today's assembly in a debate, resolved: That Bald Headed Men Are More Intelligent Than Men With Hair. The challenge to a debate made by Gerald Dunn, President of the freshman class, to the class of 1950 was accepted at the time by President of tlie Sophomore Class, Anthony Prochilo. The Sophomores elected to take the affirmative side and tlie team will be comprised of Lorice Schain, and James Cafaro, Speakers with Heinz Engel presenting the rebuttal. Freshmen Walter Farmer and Susan Panek will speak on the negative side with George Reynolds making the rebuttal. The faculty judges are Mr, Clarence A. Hidley, Assistant Professor of History, Mr. Graham Duncan, Instructor in English, and Mrs. Jeanne C. Cook, Instructor in English. Student judges are Stanley Abrams '48 and Mary Odak '49. The decision will be based on four factors: humor, presentation, subject matter and rebuttal. Each phase will be credited on five points to each set of speakers. Newman Club, IZFA Schedule Meetings This week Newman Club and IZFA will hold business meentings. IZFA will also conduct a dance-group meeting on March 4, at 8 p.m. in the Washington Avenue Synagogue. Nt ' " ! . . , C . l u l L w m Uold lts ",eelin« on February 29. The Newman Club meeting will consist of a Holy Hour at 4 p.m. in the small Grotto of Vincentian Institute followed by a business meeting and entertainment at Newman Hall. The dance group meeting of IZFA will feature an evening of Palestinian folk-dancing. According to Use Gluckstadt '49, it is open to all students of the college. On Sunday, February 29, Sue Kinbei'g '51 will attend tlie Convention of the Empire State Zionists here in Albany. Kappa Delta Rho will present the opening act of State Fair—an old fashioned minstrel show—tomorrow night at 7:30 in Page Hall. Cathrine Donnelly '49, General Chairman of State Fair, has also announced that immediately following this show all organizations will open their booths and concessions to the student body and remain open, until 10:30 p. m. when Sayles Hall will present the Finale in the Commons. The chaperones who will also serve as judges for the occasion are: Dr. Charles Andrews, Professor of Physics, and Mrs. Andrews; Harry S. Price, Instructor in Social Studies, and Mrs. Price; and Dr. Ralph Clausen, Professor of Biology, and Mrs. Clausen. Prizes will be awarded to the best concession and decisions will be based on originality and appropriateness. A prize will also be awarded to the concession reporting the highest financial returns. Heusted Hall will be the scene of Potter Club's Variety Vanities and Kappa Beta's "Geek" show. Gamma Kappa Phi will present their show, the Slave Market, in Heusted together with Psi Gamma's Horse-racing concession and the fun house of Newman Club. Food will be provided in Draper Hall by Beta Zeta and IZFA. A.E. Follies and Fashion Show staged by Alpha Epsilon Phi, Kappa Delta's Gypsy Cafe, and WAA's Strength Tests will also be presented in Draper while Van Derzee Hall will have an airplane ride concession. Dancing, games and a Penny Arcade set up by Pierce Hall will constitute the activities in the Com(Continmd on Page 4, Column 5J // // Pinafore Music To Be Broadcast State College will appear on the Inter-College program of WROW on Friay, March 5, at 4:15 p.m., with selections from the Operetta "Pinafore", directed by Dr. Charles F . Stokes and Mr. Karl Peterson of the Music Department. The program, with some selections from the dialogue of the operetta, will be under the supervision of Edith Dell '48. The dialogue will be read by members of the Student Radio Committee. The selections to be used include "Over the Bright Blue Sea", by the women's chorus, and "Sir Joseph's Barge Is Seen" by the Men's Chorus; the finale of Act One, sung by Clarence Olsen and Charles Chase, Graduates and Justine Maloney and Stuart Campbell, Seniors; the finale of Act Two, "Oh Rapture Unforeseen'*! by a quintet; and solos by Earle Snow, Graduate, Jean Hoffman and Harold Mills, Juniors. Tlie College production of "Pinafore"' will be given March 12 and 13 in Page Hall. Freshmen Receive Warnings Tlie following freshmen have r e ceived their second warnings: Jean Sawyer, Jean Newbold, Caroline Williams, Eugene Rohr, Charlotte Skolnick, Jean Sandberg, Jane Cook, Belva McLaurin, Patricia Montana and Ann Bradshaw, A third warning from Myskania will result In a public apology in assembly.