Gamma Kap Leads League To Meet BZ Tuesday

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A! M N Y , N. Y.
Gamma Kap Leads League Softball Returns
Tilt With Siena
To Meet BZ Tuesday Set For Sunday
Phi Dclt Topples BZ
Upsets League Standing
This is the time for all good
Staters to ccme to the aid of a
varsity basketball team for next
year. If the student body really
wants one, will support it—both
financially and with moral backing—there can be a team representing State in intercollegiate
circles. Impossible? No, there is
already a movement under way
to form a team and arrange a
A great deal has been missing
from college life with the absence of a team to root for. It
has been recognized that athletics play an important part in
creating a spirit and lifting the
morale of any group. Anyone who
knew State before the war agrees
that something has been lacking
since varsity basketball was discontinued.
State students can have a team
next year if they show the interest and the enthusiasm NOW!
With vigor stored from a prolonged vacation, and with vitality
brought forth by the unseasonable
' A clean, fast game between NewHy Joan Hylind
weather, the men of State College
man and Psi Oam Tuesday night,
Surprised to find us over on this
have been unlimberlng their creaky
opened the final round for the leaside of the page? It isn't May first;
gue teams. It was a play-off match, The rivalry swimming meet, muscles in the ancient game of
we decided to move a little early.
because the last time these teams which proved to be a popular inno- softball. The dorm field has been
For a wild moment, considered movmet careless scoring left the final vation on the rivalry sports sched- the scene of their spring training
ing to the sixth colum, but gave up
result in doubt. Maggio spearhead- ule last year, will again make an efforts. This has been no easy task
that idea.
ed the Newman drive and O'Neil appearance on the WAA program. because spring training has long
How We Know
was high scorer for Psi Gam with The meet is slated to be held on been the most gruelling of all workSigns of Springs seen since the
the final score, 12-6, in Newman's next Monday at 3:30 at the Public outs. It is even rougher than footBath No. 3. Two and a half rivalry ball because the kinks of the winter
return to Albany—girls playing softfavor.
points will be awarded to the class must be worked out of their tenball on the Page Hall field, rowboats
The undefeated BZ squad dropped whose contestants are victorious in dons.
on the lake, little boys who should be
from first place in the league three of the five events.
Even Charley Horses
in school out in the rowboats, a marstanding as the Phi Delt team Program
ble on a desk in the P.O., classes on
downed them 21-13 in one of the
the lawn, nominations in today's asbecause of the curtailed winmost surprising upsets of the sea- It has been announced that the State
sports program. Basketball was
son. Seymour's handling of the ball program of events will consist of a ter
and bowling was the only
Concerning the above-mentioned
was the despair of the BZ sextet. speed relay between two members outlawed
thing open from an athletic standsoftball—prospects look good for an
Making all but two of Phi Oelt's from each of the rival classes, a point.
It must also be considered
active season. Before the season ofpoints, she made basket after bas- straight race and two novelty races, that now
ficially began, kids were out practicone
ket and the half found the score,
Statesmen have other extraing and just generally having a good
15-8. In the last half the BZ for- participants swim the length of the the
activities to demand
time. Interest in softball at State
wards tried vainly to stem the Phi pool while reading the State College curricular
has been steadily growing in recent
Delt assault and added five more News and the other that they jump their time and efforts.
points to their score but Seymour into the water with their clothes on, For the past week the boys have The WAA Ping Pong tournament years. All that's needed now it seems
undaunted dropped in six more be- undress and hand all their clothing been diligently practicing all phases will soon be in the semi-final is the cooperation of the weather
fore the final whistle blew. The to the referee. The first person to of the game in preparation for the stages. Eileen Shoup's smashing man—a very unpredictable fellow in
final result was for Phi Delt, 21-13. be out of the pool with their clothes first home game on Sunday, April victory over Tommy Raymond Albany circles,
15th. Their worthy opponents will brings her to the table to contend Ancient History Now
This decisive victory left Gamma will be the winner.
Kappa the only undefeated team on Although the Class of '47 was de- be the Siena Gaels and they show with Ray Weiss in the semi-final It's all over but the shouting in
campus with BZ and Newman feated In last year's contest, the promise of bringing a strong team matches. There is still one match the basketball league. Phi Delt's desharing second honors with one de- outcome seems to be pretty hopeful to State. The Statesmen are confi- left in the second round to be play- feat of BZ was the major upset of
dent that they can put ten men on
feat each.
for them this year. Many of their the field who will endeavor to carry ed between Helen Bushnell and the saeson. But then, that's nothing
Helen Lengyel. The winners of the for the Phi Delt gals. Last year they
participants are now experienced State's banner to a triumphant Shoup-Welss
and Bushnell-Lengyel spioled the record of the unbeaten
It looked as if Gamma Kappa swimmers and all-round sport de- start in the softball season. The
was going to be the victim of the mons. Jane Mills, '47, although a team boasts some heavy hitters and frames will vie for the Ping Pong KD team thereby knotting the
league all up into a four way tie for
second surprise attack of the even- beginner in last year's meet, dis- a fine array of defensive talent. championship.
Betty Rose Hilt, '47, captain of first place. The resulting play-off
ing when the Stokes squad played played a great deal of aquatic Johnnie Bolles and Hank Farley
them a close contest. Regularly a prowess in a "neck and neck" race have showed up good In batting Ping Pong, announces that all wo- made basketball history.
guard, Mahoney played forward in with '46's powerful Groden. This practice and Jim Miner and Jim men interested in receiving credit Now, with a tear in our eye, we
Boylngton's absence and made three year she will undoubtedly star for Brophy handle the ball well in the for Ping Pong should play all their report the defeat of Newman Hall
hours this week. All credit by Gamma Kap. You did a swell
of Stokes' seven points in the first the Gremlins. Jean Davidson and
Bob Sullivan, captain and required
will be turned in next week. Credit job though, kids and have justified
half. The second half opened with Jinny Day also appear on the list field.
the score 10-7 in favor of Gamma of hopefuls and should add plenty the starting .lineup but it is pretty will be given after three hours of all our faith in you. We do not
in the Commons and seven mean to minimize the efforts of
Kap and the Quail Street squad of strength to the Soph team.
certain that the following men will playing
hours of outside playing.
was determined to make it a more Soph Loss
Gamma Kap—they have a superb
decisive victory. Young led her
Many of the people in the tourna- team. Their passwork and plays are
team with five baskets and Gamma
Brophy, Hank Farley, John ment have not bothered to obtain worked down to a science that has
Kappa emerged victorious with the the Gremlins will have to face is Jim
Phil Lashinsky, Sparky the other hours necessary. It is not been seen on a State court in
final score, 24-9,
suggested that they do so since
a year,
At last year's meet Russo came Vaughn, Bill Barrington, Bill Mal- credit In one sport enables mem- many
bang-up finish of the league
Wednesday night's games started through with flying colors. However, and that's about all.
bers to vote in the WAA election of is reminiscent of last year's struggle.
out quite uneventfully with the Dy- due to a sprained back, Russo has Free Admission
Anyone who comes to the Gamma
namiters bowing to the powerful been compelled to drop all sports
If possible, play-offs will be held Kap-BZ tiff is bound to come away
BZ quintet to the tune of 26-4. The
Monday. The time for these knowing that they have witnessed
Dynamiters tried hard, but they Kay Booth, Janet Inglehart and greater proportion of the male pop- matches will be posted today on some excellent basketball,
ulation of State. They have turned the WAA bulletin board.
were checked before they could get
underway. Baker led the BZ offen- Sophs who will take part in the out in such droves to prove that
Deadline for WAA Credits
they are still as good as anyone. If
sive by tossing in 12 points and contests.
Fencers Meet Tomorrow
WAA would like to remind everythey are willing to put forth the
Herllhy chalked up 4 for the Dy- Frosh Team.
one outside credit in a winter
namiters, It was a hard-fought Very little has been said about
mid-winter sport that they must
game all the way, but BZ held a the frosh squad, but perhaps there the least the girls could do is to ing, announced that there would be or
out in droves to cheer the a fencing meeting in the Milne gym give their names to the sports capsteady edge.
are a few dark horses in store for come
boys on. In the past State's ath- tomorrow, Saturday morning. At- tain by next Friday. Credits must
us. We find that Tilden's name ap- letic
efforts have been rather poorly tendance is compulsory. Plans for be filed with the captains so that
The Gamma Kap-Newman ball pears on the frosh line-up and that
game was perhaps the most excit- should prove to be a deciding factor supported. Softball last year rep- another fencing bout will be discus- nil those deserving credit will reing game to be played on the court for the frosh. Fedler and Osborne resented the epitome of lonesome- tad. The date for the match is ten- ceive it. Anyone having credit in
so far this season. It was a close also show great promise. On the ness of the players. Let's make it a tatively scheduled for April 21, a four sports is eligible for class
numerals on Moving-Up Day,
week from this Saturday.
game all the way, and both teams whole very few predictions can be bit different this time.
put everything they had into the made at this stage.
game. Not even the final whistle
gave any indication of the superiority of either team, The score was
18-18. A three-minute overtime Flash! WAA Sojourns
was decided upon, and once again
the battle began. Young tossed in Destination:Camp Shangri-la
four more points for Gamma Kap
Have you heard about the
bringing her total score up to 15, blessed
event? WAA and the
Newman failed to score during the Sports Department
overtime. Cooper led the losers by and the result willgotbetogether
tossing In 12 points for Newman.
week-end. The time?
Maggio was kept down by Cheney Johnston
who is one of the best guards this Well, It's expected around Friseason, The loss of Russo is also day, April 13, If all goes well.
As yes, Camp Johnston, the
believed to have affected the close
clicking Newman combination. Hon- heavenly haven of escapists from
orable mention goes to Mary Straub college toll and drudgery. There
of Newman, and to Louise Winters the girls get a chance to have
of Gamma Kap. Both played a complete relaxation, Not a care
splendid game and were invaluable in the world! All they have to do
in recovering and passing the ball is chop their own wood, do dishes
three times a clay, sleep on nice,
to their teammates.
soft, rustic planks, and carrying
on the good old WAA tradition
The defeat of the Newmanites puts of participation in at least thirGamma Kap on top of the league teen sports a day. There's plenty
with only ono game left to challenge of running water for all. Just
their lead. If BZ should win over pray fervently every night for
Gamma Kap Tuesday night, the two rain, hold a pall under the oaves,
teams will bo tied for first place. and the water runs right in I
However, a Gamma Kap win will
Of course, the girls never mind
establish their unrivaled supremlittle
acy, and will mean for them an these
undefeated season. This should Think of their <i-mmunlon with
They come back so retrove to be. the best game of the Nature,
At fiesta time the gay little isle of Cubu is a mighty cosmopolitan
they can lick their
eason, a,rid „WAA would like to seo weight in psychology
corner of the ((lobe—where the familiar American greeting Have
all the fans out to cheer for their
favorite teams. AH oviclence points
a Coke is just as happily understood us their own native Salad,
tjo an evening of excitement, and a
Chance to seo some of the best basFrom Hunover to Havana, the pause that refreshes with friendly
ketball players at State In action,
Coca-Cola has become a symbol of the good-neighbor spirit,
l You itiilurtilly lioor I'lHii-l'olo
Newman and KD are to tangle,
ICUIIIKI by IU friendly •bbrevlillon
I Gi W. Wuih IIHHIII tlui t|uuUly i««l.
but this game is important only in
I uc| of 'llit- I'ora•ColJ Coinpuny,
deciding Newman's place In the big I I T A B L I I H C O KIOB
three—Gamma- Kap, BZ and Newman, und KD's place farther down
nj -i.','
an -th* M»t> «• •**» »m • i
Frosh, Sophs In
Rivalry Swim
Ping Pong Contests
Approaching Finals
Miiska Maestro... Have a Coke
... or the cue to making friends in Cuba
H. F. Honikel & Son
Qla&k. .
Student Council Sororities Combine Talent
Assembly Will Open
With Campaign Speeches Discusses Plans To Present Sixth Big 8
Crandell, Shure, Sullivan
Nominees For President
With New Group
Program Includes
Dancing, Bridge
Representatives of a new State
College organization, a committee
of 15 interested in inter-cultural
problems, appeared before Student
Council Wednesday night to outline their plans and explain why
offices in today's assembly, the
they believe they should have a
NEWS has secured statements of the
Refreshments, Variety
Noted Arab, Zionist, place on the budget. The group,
platforms of the various candidates
Supplement Orchestra
for President and Vice-President.
Uphold Different Views was indorsed by the Council memJames Crandell, Helen Shure, and
The sororities on campus will sponand r.dvised to submit their
Robert Sullivan, Juniors, are the Two unusual and contrasting bers
budget to the Student Board of
sor an evening of dancing and bridge
nominees for President of Student speakers, one an Arab, the other Finance.
for the sixth Big Eight Program
a Zionist, will present a discussion Formation Explained
will be presented tomorrow
of the Zionist situation in Palestine
night at 8:00 p. m. in Page Hall.
In his statement to the NEWS, at the next meeting of Forum to be Jean Groden, '46, explained that
According to Betty Carmany, '45,
James Crandell stated: "Abraham held Wednesday in the Lounge at the committee was formed when
President of Intersorority Council
Lincoln once said: 'A man who 3:30 p. m. A member of the New nine students and six faculty memand general chairman of the social,
makes campaign promises is York District Zionist Organization bers met last semester to discuss
men from Union, Sienna and Albany
as worthless as his promises.'
Medical School will be guestsforthe
groups. Some of the work done unWe, as fellow students, have come to for a Jewish state in Palestine, while officially
by the committee includes
know one another too well to place Peter George, President of the In- the securing
speakers such as
Doc Zanello's orchestra, already
our combined integrities in the bal- stitute of Arab-American Relations Julius Thomas,of who
addressed the
well known to State, will furnish the
ance by insisting upon childish pro- will uphold the Arab point of view. assembly, and a legislator
musical entertainment for the evemises. We might better discuss our About twenty-five years ago the Harlem who explained the Ivesning. In contrast to last year's forMandate
combined responsibilities for next
Quinn Bill.
mal hop, this year's dance will be
year and that necessitates a 100% the Balfour Declaration guaranteed Radio In Lounge
a more informal affair with bridge
interest and attendance at Student a national home for the Jewish peo- Dr. John M. Sayles, who met with
offered in the Lounge throughout
Assembly to handle, 1. New Constitu- ple in Palestine. According to the the Council Tuesday, announced
the evening.
tion, 2. Firmly guide Student Union Zionists the Arab leaders promised that a new radio could not be seElizabeth Carmany, Chairman
Plans. I am Independent — expect full cooperation; however, through cured for the Lounge and has ofno favors—but rather a fair admin- the past few years strong opposition fered the radio now in his office
A fashion revue, including women,
has arisen, especially among the in its place.
songs, and costumes from the 1920's
Arab terrorists and aristocrats. The Arbitration Report
to the future will be presented unHelen Shure's platform states: movement has now spread until to- It was decided at Wednesday's
der the directorship of Julie Boxer,
"In response to the request which
meeting that starting next semester
'47, chairman of entertainment. The
you sent me, I submit the following
the mimeograph machine and the
first number includes the ever popuas principles of student government except the ordinary laborer.
unlar bloomer girls, Jan Goodrich, Lee
Zionists vs. Arabs
which I endorse:
der the supervision of Campus
Braun, Janet Inglehart, and other
Carrying out the decisions of the It cannot be overlooked that the Commission, instead of being unSpeakers Will Stress
Sophomores. A split skirt and cloche
majority, and protecting the interests Zionists built up Palestine to the der the direct control of Student
will reveal Flora Conca, '46 in
Aims In Social Studies hat
of the minority.
flourishing nation of today. They Council. A feature of the evening
memorable number, "Talk of
Encouraging participations by the drained the unyielding marshes, be- was an informal report on the AmTown." The heralded zoot suit
many rather than delegation to the gan a collective farm organization erican Arbitration Association Con- The State College faculty will the
sponsor a Social Studies Institute routine includes Sue Hildreth and
and in addition to boosting shipping ference, held in New York over vaall teachers in this locality to- Mary Jane Giovannone, freshmen.
Striving to insure and protect a and commerce, fostered a "back to cation. Florence Garfall, president for
from 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. The future debs Betty Brennan, Vivdemocratic form of student govern- the soil" movement to insure Pales- of Student Association, and Cecile morrow
here at State College. Dr. Donnal V. ien Nielsen and Marilyn Warshaw,
tine production. On the other hand
Smith, President of Cortland State Sopohomores, will bring out the fuSullivan
the Arabs claim they are being Sullivan, '46, will attend a meeting College for Teachers and a former ture fashions in a clever dance rouIn his platform statement, Robert driven out of their country, they sup- in Syracuse over the weekend for professor on the State College fac- tine. The finale presents a colorful
Sullivan says: "The platform I am port their somewhat primitive civil- a further discussion of Arbitration ulty will deliver the luncheon ad- picture of these fashion ladies.
proposing In my candidacy for Pres- ization, and the wealthier men do with representatives of other State dress concerning "Social Studies
ident of the Student Association is not enjoy the looming Jewish compe- Colleges of New York.
Outside the Classroom,"
a three point program dealing with tition which this growth of Zionism The Student Council Banquet Morning's Program
Refreshments will be served
1. Student Council, 2. Assemblies, 3. will bring about.
will be held Wednesday, May 9, the The morning's program will in- throughout the evening with Sally
State College's position among the
last meeting before the new council clude a panel discussion on "Prob- Johnson, '47, in charge of the coke
other colleges of the States. It is Relation to Future Peace
is announced on Moving Up Day, lems and Trends in the Social Stu- bar. Tickets for the dance may be
dismy opinion that in the past StuMay 11.
dies" from 1:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.purchased for 35 cents.
contenddent Council has only warily used
and a consultation period to dis- All sororities are taking part In
the lew powers, granted to it under ing viewpoints. Mr. George is a
cuss the teachers' various problems committee arrangements, a member
the Constitution. The plan I shall former Palestinian Arab and his
from 10:15 A.M. to 10:45 A.M.of each sorority making up the varipresent in my campaign speech will alms on this matter are well estab- Student Council Announces Members
of the Panel and the So- ous committees.
call for a powerful executive coun- lished.
Department will meet Committees
cil which will in time become also
to discuss these
a kg.slative body.
Student Council has announc- special problems. Those making up The following committees with
Fredrick, Seniors Will Meet
the Panel group are: Seward Salis- their respective chairmen have been
In regard to assembly programs, Dr. Robert Fredrick, principal of
speakers for this year. Martha bury, Chairman of the Department set up: Arrangements, Alice Prindle,
my plan will call for a more varied Milne
High School, and Miss Mary Joyce will represent the Seniors, of Social Studies at Oswego State '48; Refreshments, Sally Johnson,
and interesting program. Prom the D. Alberts,
head of the Student Em- Eileen Moody, the Juniors, Betty College for Teachers, Gladys Newell, '47; Publicity, Gloria Gilbert, '48;
few conferences I have attended I ployment Bureau,
announced Rose Hilt, the Sophomores and Fourth Vice-President of the State Entertainment, Julie Boxer, '47;
have discovered that State Is per- that they will meethave
today with all Elolse Worth, the freshmen.
Education Association and Super- Decorations, Dorothea Silvernail,
haps the leading college in regards Seniors who haven't signed
The class speakers, as is cus- visor of Social Studies at the Beth- '47; Tickets, Doris Jenks, '46; Chapto Student government in the State. but who are interested In a contracts
teaching tomary, will open the Assembly lehem High School in Delmar, erones, Mary MacLaren, '47.
I am sponsoring a plan to amplify job. The meeting, which will
begin which signalizes the beginning of Douglas W. Lincoln, Departmental
this position and to keep state al- nt noon, is scheduled for the Little
the Movlng-Up Day activities.
Supervisor of Social Studies in Albany and the following from the
(Continned on pane •', column St Theatre in Milne,
State College faculty: Theodore G.
Standing, Professor of Sociology and Interviews Scheduled
Economics, George M. York, Professor of Commerce, Ethel Ewing, For Incoming Freshmen
Edgar Ansel Mowrcr, one of the
Assistant Professor of Social Stumany
many sitting on the platform, could
dies, and Watt Stewart, Professor Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the
be easily distinguished, for ho look- no one man can do it for him, ing of time, Mr. Movvrer feels that of History and Panel chairman.
college, has announced that freshed the part of a foreign correspon- The Dumbarton Oaks proposals, the amending process is too rigid, Luncheon
men throughout the state will soon
dent — dark hair slightly tossled, continued Mr. Mowror, represent a since any one of the five big powers
be interviewed for admission next
Luncheon will be served In the fall.
nonchalant attitude, weather-beaten, compromise between the powerful of the Security Council can stop tho
Only those who already have
yet vigorous in appearance. He had super-state and the voluntary organ- passage of an amendment. He pro- college cafeteria from 12:00 noon to their applications In will be interbeen a correspondent in Paris, Rome, ization resembling the League of Na- poses a standing committee to sug- 1:15 P.M. at which time Dr. Stewart viewed, so students of the college
gest changes and that the whole will address the group. Members of aro urged to advise any present high
Berlin, had covered the Spanish Civil tions,
PI Gamma Mu, National Honorary school student who is interested in
War, visited Russia and China, had Ono of the reasons that Russia procedure be loosened.
boon a United States delegate to is holding out for her promised three Aro wo going to go notionalist Social Studies Fraternity, will help entering Slate College to get his apthe Dumbarton Oaks and the Mexico votes at the San Francisco Confer- again? asks Mr. Mowror. National- with the luncheon and act as guides plication In at once.
City Conferences, and, finally, is to ence Is her fonr that the American ism, In this age, is the opposite of throughout the Institute.
The proposed schedule is as folbe n delegate to the San Francisco nations will vote as a block, follow- patriotism. If tho organization is to Afternoon Program
ing the example of the United States. work we will have to stop our con- The afternoon program Includes lows:
The meeting In Chancellor's Hall Mr. Mowror, having had practical descending attitude toward racial a visual education hour from 1:30 Poughkeepsle — May 9; Mlneola,
was appropriately opened by a trib- experience with those republics at minorities, How can wo hove com- P.M. to 2:30 P.M. During this time Long Island—May 10; Hotel Comute to our late President, Franklin the Mexico City Conference, stated plete cooperation with a people who Dr. Floyd Hendrlckson, Assistant modore, Now York City-—May 11;
Delano Roosevelt, and taps sounded that this Is untrue. These small will not bo allowed In our best ho- Professor of Education at the col- Parker High, Utica—May 21; Syralege, will present a movie on "Visual cuse Central—May 22; No, 4, State
states have only their soverlgnty on tels?
In his honor.
the Social Studies Class- Office Bldg,, Buffalo—May 23; Arwhich
"freeAs Mr. Mowror began to speak, dom to wage war." It will take great Peace Is indivisible; prosperity room."in Following
this picture Dr. lington Hotel, Binghampton — May
his wide knowledge, analytical pow- diplomacy,
and probably years and democracy are becoming Indi- Douglas Ensminger, Social Science 24; at the college—by appointment.
ers, and keen judgment became more besides to tact,
accustom them to the visible. Freedom cannot bo allowed Analyst in the Bureau of Agriculevident. Ho pointed out that a good idea of a powerful
international or- to be suppressed anywhere. Tho fu- tural Economics from the United Dr. Louis O, Jones, Assistant pronewspaperman's place was at that ganisation.
ture is in tho hands of Youth,
States Department of Agriculture, fessor in English, and Dr. Earl J.
time in Washington, but now more
speak to the assembly on Dorwaldt, Instructor in hygiene, will
than ever tho nation needed under- Because oven tho final plans for The ringing applause announced will
"Trends of Change in the American accompany the Dean on the tour
standing in the Ideals of F.D.R. this security organization will be that the speech was one of the best Community."
of interviews.
so that everyone can help In formu- weak, due to pressure from small heard in Albany In the past season.
Racial Problems
To underscore the speeches of the
nominees for Student Association Topic For Forum
College To Hold
Teacher Institute
Edgar A/iowrer Discusses Peace Plans At Chancellor's Hall
f»AOI 1
Not since December 7, 1941, have Americans felt so
united by common tragedy and need for spiritual
dedication. The President is dead—the friend of the
world is dead. Not in our lifetime, not in the memories of most living citizens, has a death so stirred the
sorrow, tears and sense of loss throughout the United
States and the world. Since April 12, we have been
in mourning, yet our mourning is in company with
the great and little people of every freedom-loving
nation. Our leader is gone.. How great a leader was
Franklin Roosevelt, how greatly beloved, we have
known irrevocably since the bitter word came out
from Warm Springs, Oa.
The clearest proof of his leadership is the thought
that coupled instantly with our grief: he would have
us carry on his ideals. He gave his life fighting for
world peace, as he would have us do, too, if need be.
He gave his country a faith in destiny for world leadership which is matched only by the confidence other
nations put In America. Along with their condolences,
Churchill, Stalin, Chiang, Camacho and others promised* President Harry S. Truman their continued cooperation in forging tomorrow's world. Of all those
great spirits present at the building of the international security organization, Franklin D. Roosevelt
will have the most right to lay the cornerstone. Yet
it is we who must lay his hand to that building made
not of stone or brick but of human respect and mutual exchange.
He had hoped to see it in his time: the end of wars,
economic exploitation and racial hate which blinded
the peoples to their real enemies; the birth of intelligent world government, which protected the small
people who are the world; the acceptance of arbitration as the 20th century way to settle misunderstandings and grievances. He expected to welcome
the era of a creative life in which men and nations
will give to each other instead of grabbing and imprisoning wealth, each for himself and the devil take the
have-nots. That world has been coming a long time.
It is closer today than it may be for centuries, if we
let it slip again.
There will be books and poems and, in the unseen
places, prayers to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. You
didn't have to vote the Democratic ticket last fall to
know this. We who have spent more than 12 years
of our lives under his administration know that he
was no saint—but we will never forget him, nor perhaps ever know his equal again. He made mistakes,
yes: he was a man. The Roosevelt-haters, silent today, will slowly enter the obscure ranks of those who
hated Moses, who discovered One God; Jesus, who
caught the vision of one humanity; Lincoln, who
taught that we were one free nation; Wilson, who
nearly formed the League; and Wilkie, who reminded
us of the vision of one world of free men. History
will soon add FDR to the legion of dreamer-fighters,
The night before his death in the cottage on Pine
Mountain, his last speech was written. Faint records
of that magically warm, commanding voice, his final,
unspoken words sum up his life's work:
"Today we are faced with the pre-eminent fact
that, if civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the
science of human relationships—the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together and work together,
in the same world, at peace.
"Let me assure you that my hand is the steadier for
the work that Is to be done, that I move more firmly
into the task, knowing that you—millions and millions of you—are joined with me in the resolve to
make this work endure,
"The work, my friends, is peace, more than an end
of this war—an end to the beginnings of all wars,
yes, an end, forever, to this impractical, unrealistic
settlement of the differences between governments
by the mass killing of peoples,
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will
be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with
strong and active faith,"
Shall we raise a memorial to President Roosevelt?
Then let it be something alive, creative and fighting,
so that it will indeed memorialize him. Let it bo
ourselves, the teachers of this year and of many years
to come.
Let us swear to open our eyes and hearts to the
world and to be constantly on guard for the welfare
of America as part of that world. Let us meet the
petty Irritations of school teaching and overcome
them by keeping our mind forever on our contribution
to America—that which we give to every youngster
who will sit in our classroom. Let us by-pass the dry
ruts and plateaus of the profession and work to stay
in the front-line fight for postwar democracy. This
Is no $30-a-week job in a hick schoolhouse. This will
be our memorial to America's great man.
Point Of Information
You are a freshman. You worked
for the yearbook in high school. You
want to try out for the Pedagogue.
They tell you to sign up on Activities Day, and let nature take its
course. You want to know what your
chances are for advancement, you
wonder just what the set-up is and
how it works, you'd like to ask a
Senior member questions but you
either don't want to seem
1. too dumb
2. too eager
so you don't say nothin', you don't
do nothin', and two years later you
could kick yourself.
As in most organizations, you try
out for the Ped in your frosh year
doing odd jobs and stuff. It is not,
however, until November of your
Sophomore year that you are made a
member of the Sophomore Staff.
You have the opportunity to be appointed to either the Business Staff,
Literary Staff, Photography Staff,
Advertising Staff, or Art staff (if
they are having an Art Staff that
If you're a Sophomore, don't get
discouraged. They select five people
for each staff, and that means 25 of
the Sophomores trying out will be
But what's this? MoVing-Up Day
is already coming around, and they-
're going to eliminate some of you
and promote others to the incoming
Junior Staff.
Chapter I is called "How To Get
On The Junior Staff." The Junior
Staff has the exact same set-up as
the Sophomore Staff, except it's
about two sizes smaller. For example :
Literary Staff—3 to 5 members
Photography Staff—2 members
Advertising Staff—2 members
Business Staff—2 members
Art Staff—2 members
All right, let's suppose that you
were one of the fortunate thirteen.
Your Job, as a Junior Staff member,
is to take charge of assigning topics
to the Sophomores and improving
and approving the work that they
hand in.
The Editor-in-Chief can be chosen
from any Junior Editor, regardless
of whether he worked on photography, advertising, literary.
The Senior Board runs the organization and there are five members
altogether: Editor-in-Chief, Business
Manager, and Advertising Manager.
(If there is a fully developed Art
staff, the Art Editor will also be a
member of the Board.)
Those who are not elected to the
Board automatically become Senior
Staff members.
Wok Qnantl
The zest of writing "War Fronts"
is gone this week. Our griping and
viewing-with-alarm were bolstered
during the past six months by the
knowledge that America's'best leadership sat in the White House. Although that security is lacking for
the first time in 12 years, we are
putting our trust in President Truman, as, indeed, we must. FDR's
successor has pledged himself to
maintaining the same policy as the
late president, and he seems to
mean business. Status quo will prevail on the military leadership and
the cabinet, at least for the time
being. Rumors that Secretary Stettlnius, Madame Perkins, and Secretary Morgenlhau would get the new
broom treatment have been quashed by Mr. Truman. In his first
press conference, the President gave
unequivocal support to the Bretton
Woods agreement. Thus, Truman
proves that he concurs in Mr.
Roosevelt's belief that economic
stabilization Is the basis lor world
peace. He has yet to win Congress
over to practical agreement, along
lines of reduced trade tariffs, support for Bretton Woods, etc.
A neophyte in foreign policy,
President Truman's Initial .step was
a triumph. He persuaded Marshal
Stalin to send Foreign Minister
Molotoff to the San Francisco conference. Originally, Molotoffs subordinate, Washington Ambassador
Gromyko, wus slated for the post,
although Molotoffs counterparts,
Stettlnlus and Eden, were their respective countries' delegates.
The Polish question still hangs
fire, Moscow favors the Warsaw
government, London hesitates and
wo have said we will not favor delegates of that group at San Francisco. This week end In Washington, Sir Archibald
Averill Harrlman and Molotoff will
attempt to reach a solution on representation.
Pvt. David Slavin, '43, is now home on leave. His
interpretation of what the death of President Roosevelt means to him seems to be typical of the American
serviceman's reaction all over the world. Says Pvt.
Slavin: "I can't believe it yet. This is certainly a
shock to the people of the world. He was a great man
and only a great man could be as close to the common
man as he was. Mentioning his name is like mentioning human kindness, and his greatness inspired
greatness in others. Speaking for a soldier who is
about to go across, all I can,say is the death of our
Commander-in-Chief makes a soldier feel at a loss—
but only temporarily—for then he feels like going
ahead with a greater determination. A trust has been
placed in him."
The other night, Eddie Cantor gave a fitting tribute
to our late President by saying that the songs a nation sings reflect the trend of the times. When President Roosevelt began his administration, indicated
Mr. Cantor, the nation was singing, "Brother, Can You
Spare A Dime?" and now, after the progress made by
Roosevelt, the country hums, "My Dreams Are Getting
Better All The Time."
Lt. Mike Wahlrath, '41, who escaped from the
German Prisoner of War Camp, is already back in
the USA.
Pvt. Pat Latimer, 44, describes a beautiful Spring in
England . . . says this time of year makes her do a
lot of reminiscing about State . . . S 2 / C George Poulos, '47, has left California and is now in the Hawaiian
Islands . . . Cpl. Bernie Perlman, '42, is spending his
time these days in France . . . the gold of Lt. Harry
Passow's bars has turned to silver (and not from tarnishing, either)
D. V. Smith, former Social Studies Prof., who is now
President of Cortland State, was visited by a couple
of N.Y.S.C.T. Seniors last week. We have been asked
NOT to mention any names in regard to the visit.
All right. Trop and Cooper were NOT the two seniors
who went to see D.V. Well, anyhow, Dr. Smith sends
his regards to all of us, along with the following choice
morsels concerning our servicemen with whom he
has kept a steady correspondence:
Roy McCreary, '41, Is a weather man for Bell Army
Weather Station, Niagara Falls. . . . now you know
where all the sunshine has been coming from of late.
. . . Warren Kulman, '45, now at sea, is a radar operator (he's also a father) . . . another couple who's now
passing out the cigars is Ira and Shirley Hirsch, '42.
. . . Harley Dingman, 43, has received the Purple Heart.
. . . both Gus Casper, '39 and Ben Frank Evans are
reported to be Prisoners of War. . . . Dale Wood, '46,
is sailing around somewhere in the Pacific waters.
. . . ditto Jack Gardephe, '41. . . . Mike Gross, '42, is
parlez-vousing in France. . . . Bolo Marsland, '44, is
heard from in England. . . . Capt. Robert Margison, '37,
was last heard of in India . . . and for those who don't
already know, Winnie Bacr, '42, is a Lady Marine.
Rich Young, '44, has been shot down—for the third
time—over Warsaw, Poland. And for the third time,
he has not been hurt. He's got the luck of a State's
Sgt. George Kunz, '43, had the most interesting experience breaking up a street brawl in Germany. .
and by the way, the Sgt. has received his Staff.
The question is not whether Poland
is to be restored as a power in Europe—rather, what kind of Poland
and which Poles shall rule.
Poland has been a headache in
Europe for the past two centuries.
A liberal and prosperous state in
the Middle Ages, she declined to
helplessness in the 18th century. In
a day of power politics, she was
easy prey for Russia, Austria and
Prussia, surgeons of the partition
of 1772. Not until after the World
War was Poland restored as an independent nation. Partition left
Poland's rulers with a deep hatred
of Russia. After the World War,
taking advantage of the Allies' hostility to the Bolshevik regime, PoEstablished May 1916
land conducted a two-year war
against the Soviet Union. This gave
By the Class of 1910
her extensive land acquisitions and
the absorption of minority peoples
which posed a problem her governApril 20, 1045
No. 22
ment was never able to solve. Poland's Ukrainian, German and JcwMi'iiilicr
l>. i r.l.n'.'i
ish minorities constitute almost Anxucliitiwl I'ulli'ifliiiu I ' r c s
folli'irliih' liisj
one-third of her population. Her I'llO l l l l i l H ' u r i l l l l l l l l l ! lli-WS|p;i|irr (if l l i r \ | . u - ' | , , r l .
for 'IYIICIIUI'H; IMIIIIUIIUII ovurv Piiilny ill' llir
sole policy has been repression and ('iiilcKc
Biff .VOUI- by Hi,. MOWS liunrrl I'oi' 'tile Slilili-nl Aspersecution in varying degrees. This HIIU [MiiinoH: Officii, 6-0370; Moyorn, 2-1!i:i7; Drui'V "
paid back in the form of a nation
divided against Itself, which fell
ews Board
like a rood before the Nazi blitzkrieg.
From 1020 on, the Polish republic SUNNA E. COOPER /
stood like a child between two top- EDNA M. MARSH
pling buildings, trying to hold back LOIS DRURY
the walls with its hands. Poland's DOROTHEA SMITH
leaders guessed wrong: they threw JOAN HYLIND
In their lot with Nazi Germany, In
the expectation that Russia would JOAN BKRBRICH
be crushed and partitioned. These ELIZABETH O'NEIL
are the leaders who today sit in
London and demand recognition by
the United Nations, They represent
«m» 2
Poland's ruling gentry, which was
about 5% of the total population. All coinmtilik'iitluiiH allQUlu liu aililrussud to the uilliui' mill
Warsaw's government, on the other Vila STATH CQLLHBB NIHWS ussumus no raaponaibUlty
hand, Is a cross-section of most of
the other political parties, who fur opinions ecpraitsi] in its dolmans or communications
muni bo sljjnuii. Niinios will ho withhold upon requsit.
favor co-oporatlon with Russia.
as snoli exiiroosioiu an not imuussurlly rofloot Its vluw.
Delegates Report
On Conference
A t Russell Sage
All'a Fair In love. In War,
In Coming Sfafe Election
Freshman-Sophomore rivalry
has taken a back seat in State's
competitions as nominations for
Student Association leaders and
Class officers bring to the fore
traditional campaigning and filibustering.
This year's elections to fill Student Association offices for next
year will be less confusing since
for President, the number of
candidates has settled down to
three. However, Staters expect
fireworks ahead as the "Fighting Irish" vie with each other.
For Vice-President, candidates
number four and so it goes for
all the offices. Resignations have
limited the choice to those best
fitted for the positions.
With campaign speeches coming up next week in Assembly
and friendly fighting for candidates, politics have taken the
spotlight once again. Democracy
is working and may the best man
Student Platforms Surprise, Suspicion, Suspense:
'48 To Sponsor "Angel Street"
Of Candidates
Death and Disaster, high stakes Charmed by her beauty, he deterin a game of chancel The light mines to ultimately prove to her
For S. A . Posts burns
low, the clock ticks its invita- that her husband is a maniacal
(Continued from page l, column 1) tion to murder. The deal of decadence begins. Wile shuffles and cunways on top."
ning cuts the deck. The bid is inV.-P. Candidates
sanity! Diamonds are trump!
The candidates for Vice-President The game is on as is "Angel
of Student Association are Lorna Street," the play adaptation of "Gas
Kunz, Philip Lashinsky, Gertrude Light" by Patrick Hamilton. A
Smith, and Gerhard Weinberg, gloomy and unfashionable quarter
To discuss methods of leadership
of London in the latter part of the
and the role of the leader in the
last century is the atmosphere in
school and community, four deleLorna
which this three-act psychological
gates from State College met with
candidate for Vice-President of study is laid.
representatives from eight eastern
Student Association, my platform
It tells the fanatical story of the
colleges at Russell Sage last Saturconsists chiefly of the following:
Manninghams of Angel Street. Unday.. The results effected by a com1.
toder the guise of kindliness, handparison between State and other
wards strengthening and furthering some Mr. Manningham is slowly
colleges were enlightening,
plans for the Student Union.
torturing his wife into insanity. He
Harriet Brinkman
2. Strong Student Council. I shall accuses her of petty forgetfulness
State in the Interfaith Conference.
work to strengthen Student Organ- that he himself has previously arThe general discussion revealed
ization with the confidence of the ranged.
that, on the average, State's reliStudent Body.
As in the card game, his tricks
gious organizations sponsor more
3. Promote better inter-racial re- are subtle, his victory is sure. Flickreligious activities than those of
lations. I will back and promote ering jets of gaslight, a misplaced
the other colleges. This is due, in
the activities of the Committee of brooch, a stolen picture are his high
part, to the;'r fear of having reliFifteen.
cards. He stacks them well and
gious events sponsored by a colle4. Impartiality in appointing com- plays them to win.
giate group. In most of these colmittees. As co-chairman of the
leges, the religious clubs sponsor
While her diabolical husband is
Sophomore Big 8, my policy was to
individual war activities, while at
out of the house, a benign police
State, the entire student body paron the basis of ability and interest inspector visits Mrs. Manningham.
and this shall continue to be my
State's Student Council, took part
5. Work for the school. All these S. A . Platforms
in the Student Government discuswill be culminated by an all-out
sion group. Once again, State diseffort for an all-around betterment True, we have donated blood, have
covered many real differences bebought war stamps, have contri"This has become one world, a of the school."
tween its method of operation and world in which all people are inter- Lashinsky
buted to the old clothes drive, but
those of other colleges. Our sys- dependent; therefore, we of varying
Philip Lashinsky says: "Since I compared to the sacrifice President
tem of universal nominations is un- races, creeds and color must learn do not believe in stating abstract Roosevelt made it seems we can add
known to Hunter College. There, a to live together in harmony and ideas which are soon to be forgotten, a great deal more to our contribustudent must have a petition signed understanding." So spoke Dr. Ever- after the election is past, I would tions. We must give our all and get
by fifty students before he may run ett Clinchey, President of the Na- like to present this concrete plat- behind the war effort, not 50%, not
for office.
tional Conference of Christians and form for my candidacy for Vice- 75%, but 100% and I will work toAlthough there is much complain- Jews, at a Tuesday evening dinner President of Student Association. ward seeing this accomplished."
ing because of the lack of campaign- meeting with eight members of the
1. The Commuters which make up Weinberg
ing in State, other colleges have still new College inter-racial organiza- one-third of the student body have
less. One college admitted that it tion, the Committee of Fifteen.
tried hard to participate in all the reads: "My whole platform is built
was quite possible to "buy" an ofThe Committee, a group spontan- social activities but have found lit- around the theme of better Student
fice under their set-up. State seems
started by several interested tle co-operation among the other Government. Here are a few of the
to be one of the few colleges in this
and faculty members, in- two-thirds of the student body. I things that I should like to see acsection to use the preferential balcomplished. 1. That the Student
Clinchey to discuss ways pledge more co-operation and a Board
of Finance, Election Commisnew
Another strong point of contrast and means of furthering harmoni- which I will present in my cam- sion, and Campus Commission be
Prowas in the duties of the vice-presicontrolled by Student Council. 2.
paign speech.
dent of Student Association. Here testant, Jewish and Negro State stu2. I feel that the health facilities That all organizations desiring exdents.
organat State, the vice-president has defat State College are inadequate and tra money must come before Stuinite political and governmental ization is working with these same I have a group hospitalization plan dent Association. 3. That the system
duties. In the other colleges, the
of counting the preferential ballots
prejudices worked out that I feel will be the be reformed. 4. That the freshmen
"vice-president has charge of social that elimination of
events. This is no doubt due to the among future teachers is an all3. Because of the importance of a be encouraged to take a larger part
fact that the other colleges repre- important step in the democratiza- new group house for the men of in Student Association meetings. 5.
sented were girls' schools. Sullivan tion of America's future genera- State College, I have already start- That all condidates for an office
was temporarily lost as the girls tions.
ed an investigation and the propos- that would place them on Student
plied him with questions concern- Knowledge of Cultures
ed plan hinges on those who are Council take a qualifying examinaing blind dates, what formals to When asked to illustrate methods willing to see it through.
tion on the constitution and by•wear to what dance, and others of carrying out this program, Dr.
Clinchey suggested incorporating social functions in which a larger
"This may seem visionary or imThe publications conference was the cultural contributions of all na- number of students can participate. practical to some. I should like to
again a source of amazement to all tionalities and races in history,
Because of the lack of men and ask them where democracy can
delegates. Elizabeth O'Neil and Joan music, art, geography, science and the5. need
for more men's athletics I work if not in a college. If elected,
Berbrich represented the State Col- language courses; that is to better have formulated
a plan that may I will work to make democracy
le-.'e News, and also spoke for the understand and appreciate the cul- bring- more fellows
as well as an function and function well in State
ether State publications. The NEWS ture of peoples other than ourselves intercollegiate basketball
schedule." College."
was the reservoir of greatest differ- through actual contact with it. He Smith
Other Nominations
ence. Unaer our Major-Minor of- also suggested social work projects
Additional nominations are: SecIn
fice plan, the NBWS is staffed by with people of varying religions,
retary: Hilda Fiedler, Gloria Gilsays:
students who may not take part in nationalities and races,
come suddenly for which we hope bert, Justine Maloney, Jane O'Brien,
other activities. The purpose of
Those attending the mooting were and pray, let us not think the war freshmen.
this is to cause the student to conGrand Marshal: Marianne Davis,
faculty members Dr. Louis C. Jones, is over. All over the Pacific our boys
centrate his time on the NEWS.
Betty Hamilton, Josephine Maggio,
The satisfactory result of this
Mary Straub, Juniors.
was obvious in the discussion. The Standing, and Miss Elizabeth Conk- tasks, and, for this reason, we
Cheerleader: Betty Brennan, Mary
NEWS delegates were acquainted lin student members, Edna Marsh, should not fall back on our jobs
with all phases of newspaper work, '45, Shirley Pa.ssow, '46, Celena Axel- here on the home front. I don't be- Carey, Judith Dube, Marion Vltulo,
from composition of the original nid and Kay Hagerty, '47, and Phyl- lieve we have been doing all we can Sophomores; Rita Coleman, Gladys
do to help In our own small way. Hawk, Mary Quinn, Dorothy Skel/Continued on Page. 3, column II) lis Witt Penn, '48.
ton, Elaine Tepper, freshmen.
Student Board of Finance: Judith
Gerofsky, Prlscilla Hayes, Georgene
" H e Brings To People
Lovecky, Gloria McPerran, Gene/.//
vieve Niles, Anita Pedisich, Betty J.
McGrath, Joe Palevsky, Juniors;
A n Awakening Accou nt O f The Doings O f Those W h o Don't
Helen Jennings, Anne Luscok, Ellen
"Earl Wilson, Saloon Editor of tho the Jekyll and Hyde sort of style, Sheridan, Grace Moore, Belly Hut- Maloney, Dick Smith, Calvin Zippin,
New York Post, earns his living by writing under two names: "H. Earl ton, Gertrude Lawrence, Jimmy Du- Sophomores.
bringing to the people who go to Wilson" on his political articles and rante, Spenser Tracy, Prank Sinatra
Song Leader: Mary Casey, Elinor
bed at a decent hour an account of "Chub Bealy" on his masterpieces —and a few other young hopefuls O'Brien, Juniors; Dorothea Silverwho
Wilthe doings of those who don't." So
In the 182 pages found between nail, Mary Telian, Sophomores;
begins the Introduction to Earl Wil- son started this job, an INS saleshod misrepresented the salary the (wo covers of Mr. Wilson's re- Helen Kisiel, Anne Rieer, freshmen,
son's now book, "I Am Gazing Into man
paid by the Hearst publication, and cently published book, "I Am GazMv 8-Ball,"
after a lime, H. Earl, accompan- ing Into My 8-Ball," he has sumHaving read and been Impressed so,
ied by his Other Half, Chub, left, marized his interviews and personal
by Mr. Wilson's book and daily col- and,
Wilson emphatically experiences in a manner befitting a
umn in the Post, we tried enthusias- states, as"I Mr.
it distinctly under- true red-blooded journalist.
tically to get an Interview from this stood T waswant
not fired I"
Walter Winohell said upon giving a ESTABLISHED IOOB
PHONE 4 - 2 0 3 6
Witty reporter who resides-like a
review of Mr. Wilson's book (*).
Latin -In Manhattan.
He then got a job on the Akron
Mr. Wilson answered our ques- Deacon-Journal and later progros :• d * This purl to be orally Interpreted
A L B A N Y , N. Y.
tions graciously, being himself an to the copy desk of the Washington by the reader by means of a long,
interviewer, and told us how he Post, and alter much perseverance
first got into the newspaper busi- he landed a rewrite Job on the Newness.
York Post. Ruth McKenny, author
When he was about fifteen years of "My Sister Eileen" was a copyold, Mrs. Wilson's little boy Earl writer for the Post at that time.
wrote articles about his gang's baseMr, Wilson's dally column, which
ball team which were printed by
the Rockford, Ohio Press. After he eventually worked up to, is engraduating Ohio State, he wrote for titled, "It Happened Last Nile." In
PHONE 4 - 0 2 4 7
the Columbus, Ohio bureau of Inter- it, he has interviewed Greta Garbo, 210 Central Avenue Albany, N. V.
national News Service Here he used Lana Turner, Betty Graule, Ann
Northeastern Colleges
Send Representatives
To Leadership Meeting
Committee Meets
Social Educator
criminal suspected of a murder
committed fifteen yean ago in the
same house.
In his anxiety for her safety the
young inspector discovers that this
mad man is also preparing to dispose of her. Then starts the last
and decisive hand of the game, trying to uncover the necessary evidence against Mr. Manningham. It
is a thrilling and 'exciting melodramatic game in which the stakes
soar and the winnings rotate with
the drawing of each card or clue.
This Victorian thriller, a masterpiece of suspense, and for months
an orchid receiver on Broadway, is
being brought from the "toast of
the town" back to the farm or more
precisely to college.
The "Wee Theater" Players, a
select group of Albanian amateur
actors, will re-enact this deep melodrama in Page Hall on Friday,
April 27, at 8:30 P.M.
The freshman class will act as
banker at this timely and unusual
card game with Ellen Fay playing
the role of dealer. Being a bornand-bred native of Albany, Ellen is
a member of the "Angel Street"
cast in the portrayal of the young,
vivacious maid in the play.
Through the enviable efforts and
inimitable influence of the frosh,
they have obtained this professionally re-enacted drama, directed
by a former Broadway producer,
now living in this area.
The play performance is being
patriotically sponsored for the benefit of War Activities Council by
war-conscious '48.
Russell Sage Conference
(Continued from page 3, Col. 1)
dummy to putting the paper to bed.
This is not true in most of the
other colleges represented. In State,
the staff of the NEWS is whittled
down year by year. In other colleges, this problem is not in existence because of the few upperclassmen who retain interest.
According to our methods at
State, each college publication elects
its own staff and editors. In one
college represented, a board made
up of students and faculty members appoints the staffs and editors.
Perhaps the way in. which State
differs most from other colleges is
in the lack of faculty advisors. All
State organizations are completely
run by student heads, councils, or
boards. In other colleges, faculty
advisors belong, and in many cases,
control by prestige, all student organizations.
The conference ended with a
general meeting in the Little Theater. As the State delegates left
Troy for Albany, each felt a sure
pride in belonging to State, and
all were well-assured that State was
well-advanced in all fields.
Editor's Note: This is the combined report of the four State delegates.
Iii ii F r i e n d l y ,
H. F. Honikel & Son
Barber Shop
Vacuum Repair Shop
CnmmmM kar> T o n s L e a a u e State Takei Two State Campers Do A Slow Burn
W»h Fin J Defeat O f BZ'" S ^ 1 1 T *
A c
* °""> ; °'"" , o n
State College News
Roberta Van Aukens' in an i m |\ /
. , C ' „ , o K 1 7 O "JWe
l / C r C a t S 9 i e n a , D- ., 3- /•l # - * p
Me merry
merri/ little
HttJe Iband— promptu ball game with an old stick
r o c taime(i the
Newman Upset By KD;
Finishes In Third Place
««« atu
Last Friday, (the Thirteenth!) and a soggy ball, but victory was not
Softball League
dawned dlsarmingly fair, and stal- too sweet Tllden kept trlpptag over
Showing hitting, fielding and team wart representatives of WAA em- rocta.and "ran" into first base on
BZ conceeded Its claim to the basspfrit that was amazing State Col- barked upon a great adventure, her Jands^
ketball title when it was defeated
lege's softball team got off to a rous- Outwardly they bore a n air of bra- Having learned
P e n e f
Wednesday night by Oammft Kap ^
11-*. The game started off fiercely P r n f » f i p p
M ^ a f t e r a m t a u t e o f t h e t o s t ^ q u w - riUCTIUS
I U U U /
tag start Sunday afternoon with a vado and scoffed at superstition
rinnhlp vlctorv over Sienna. The but accidentally, they managed to
cfmded, P comwuS?S^ymo , urtocall
Softball practice^starts today on ^'shoddVerrors"; "suiilvan pitched
Stae out. Thep Baker set the pace the Dorm field at, L ^ and from ^ e n t l r e g a m e f o r state He was
_ _.i
« | I M | g g |
Aiier engaging in a quiet game oi
a-nA offered
nfforoH toasted
tnasteri marshmalmnrahmalflre and
i appease the gods. The greatof Spring house-cleaning
„ change of heart and a
the best when the game started, mi gue«i w « « • ™ c h Z L d V i t h Fate r e v e r s M r order ^ t o ^ '
his fast b a
lie mew < » - « . . - » - - - X t f & f i i i
" i ° ° n " t f 1? W ? - t & nfirfirin* fire B^t "time will tell And thus their ship was mannedThe BZ guards h a d held the Quail w h o , B w h o
fire B u t time wiu t e u
w a 8 h i n d e r e d a t all times by t h e puruging
Street forwards scoreless, thei G a m - t m a n t n e R o t h great posstt)Ul- w e a k s u p p o r t g l v e „ h i m by h i s team a n d ' a t o wUl o u t a n d J e a r , T h o r n
wo o
mm K a p points being m a d e on foul t l e s a r e ^ n l n D l e h l andTilden for m a t e s .
hM s n»s? might wear out before it »
d l d t h e dishes
homeruns; Quinn a n d Skelton for s l e n a o p e n e d t h e scoring t h e first finishes peeling.
^ other
work Indeed a
G a m m a K a p Leads
catching t h e opponents occasional t l m e t h e y came t o bat. Hcue filed t o wading semed so tempting that
t l m e w a s h a d b y a l l d e s p l t e t h e warnO a n u n a K a p p u s h e d a h e a d in t h e h i t s a n d most a n y Frosh t o flu in H a n 8 e n m s h o r t field to open t h e Mermaids ventured from the land— m g o f t h e f a t e g a n d t n e l r w l u b e a
second quarter with Quinn putting their gaps.
game, b u t walks t o Baker a n d M a r p e r h a p s this daring group thought flood o f a p p i i c a t i 0 n s for t h e next
t h e ball t h r o u g h t h e hoop for 2 Margot should lead t h e Sophs t o c e l l e followed by hits by Aiken P i - t h e i r chances would be better if they C a m p J o n n s t o n expedition, which,
points BZ's Baker scored to keep v i c tory with Baker, Sweeney, Hilt, d e n e shoved three runs across the d e s e r t e d the unrelenting sun for the incidentally, will not begin on Friday
the game at a tie. I n quick succes- Davidson, Day and Mills to support r u D ber. State was held scoreless in c o o llng waters of the bubbling brook, t h e Thirteenth!
sion Baker, Maginess and then Bak- n e r They have last year's experience t heir
of t h euui «u> mnv
first. *"»» »»» bszareK
u t water
n y m p hus mcaught
o«eii «*» Irene
er again „msised
foul shots awarded a_rosh
b u t tne
t hto
e upperciassmeu
give not onlytoo.
the the
t e ground
Its first
in szarek
One sign
n d intend
s t a second
tation unawares.
was the clothes
on of
by the Gamma in
but ^came
e j i p pin
r c l a ^ e last
n j oyei
. ^ the
second stanza
j m d tation
R g D O r t S
teich put"her"team
as prosh
" •46
ine second
got onwhen
by errors
f 0 r thewas
days.on the line U / A A
h e greatest
h r e a t with
i t n Farley
n Lashinsky's
u p tt.h*>
t h e half ended.
,i* up
neatest tthreat
with SeySey- wo/ith
Fai-iev scoring
scorine oon
Lashinsky's Fate
wnta wou
have her
her justice
Baker tied t h e score a n d set both m o u r , Bullock, Dunn, Elgie, Buetow s l n g i e to left. Sienna went down in Sent them groveling in the sand—
teams fighting w h e n t h e whistle being among t h e h o m e - r u n kings o r d e r to their half.
Saturday could n o t stay t h e wheels
blew signifying t h e opening of t h e with n o errors.
Sienna added t o its lead In t h e 0 f fortune t h a t h a d been set in m o With the coming of spring, also
second half. A double foul was com- A n d t h e n t h e Seniors with three third on h i t s by Baker a n d Liken, tion. P a t Tllden's t e a m nosed out comes WAA's schedule of spring
mitted by Bushnell a n d Pedisich. y e a r s behind them are rather skill- state didn't score again until the
sports. For those who have not seen
Pedlsich matched Baker's shot keep- I l U i Have you h e a r d about Joyce, fourth inning. Bolles w a s safe o n
Mindy Warshaw's display on the
tag t h e game a t a tie. Blake a n d c r u m m , Garfall, Bushnell a n d Now? a n error, advanced o n Woodworth's Ray Weiss Captures
WAA bulletin board, it really would
Dunn, fouled Cheney a n d Quinn r e - They have a lucky eleven t h a t usu- infield single a n d scored on Brophy's
be worth your while to look (even
spectively b u t only Young made t h e a n y comes out o n t h e right end of j 0 ng single t o center.
you don't sign up for any
Ping Pong Tournament ofthough
point putting G a m m a K a p ahead, t h e score.
State Cops
the sports.)
9-8. T h e score remained there as S o remember—Dorm field every
Trailing 4-2 as they went into t h e
Softball practice is scheduled for
tuhr ce Hquarter
me ~
t o a close.
Mon., Wed.
Wed. and
a n dFri.
F r i . at
a t 3:30.
Inning State
State put
p u t the
t h e game
game on D i ^ 7 t h e Ptag Pong league. Most Monday, Wednesday and Friday
, u »xon.,
H » ~ . -c a—
evenly matchmatch
Both teams
teams were
were so
so evenly
The league games will be played i c e by scortag four r u n s on only one £ " » f u " f s / 0 b f e r v e r s Dicked h e r as afternoons from 3:30-5:00 on t h e
ed t h a t several j u m p - u p s were called o n Mon. and Wed. in the evening hit. Lehman was safe on an error X t a n e r r i e h t from the start, be- d o r m f i e W a n d l e a S u e « a m e s will
but was forced by Sullivan's ground- * a u „
COol con- be played on Mondays and Wednesby
to 8:30 at the Dorm field, but
by advanced
Sullivan's by
ground! 2 ^ hh I«r n f feonatatenUv cool
Mondays and
r o m 6:45
er. was
Mln- *? . ,?L°L
' con- be
a- foul
a m m a fLeague
TVIPSB crotnps
i i ^ was hurt
u . . H » and
A H < 4 time
t i m o was
MJ.I_ m » « n '
er's single and scored when Hansen's wouea piaymg.
w m b g b e t w e e n t n e classes,
vs Seniors
infield h i t w a s bobbed. Bolles
I n t h e finaljound Shoup, 48, lost
Blcycling will be offered
May 9th—Soph vs Juniors
called. With only a minute to play
struck-out„ b u t another error scored a h a r d m a t c h t o Weiss, i n i s l e u e n d s u s u a ] l y o n S a t u r d a y s , when
May 14th—Frosh vs Juniors
BZ made a final attempt at winboth Hansen a n d Miner a n d p u t Weiss to oppose t h e wtaner of t h e m
^ t h e w a t e r w o r k s o r ThatchMay 16th—Soph vs Seniors
ning, but the game ended, 11-8 in
Farley on first. He scored when Lengye -Bushnell set. Helen Leng- a p a r k w m b e m a d e
May 21st—Juniors vs Seniors
Gamma Kap's favor.
Weber was safe on a fielder's choice, yel took t h e n r s t two games n a T Q t h Q s e w h Q h a y e r e , ^ ^ 1 0
May 23rd—Frosh vs Soph
For anyU further details or ques- Weber ended the inning when he hot battle that looked like touchThe most surprising upset of the
sea^on S
tioTconU Bakerr'47""or Sho*upTe, waTVaughT off Third" basi.
and-go from the teginning.
BZ defeated G a m m a K a p 21-17, ln '46' captains of softball.
T h e second game was more i n - Deciding Match
made usually amounting to half of
what everyone t h o u g h t would be t h e
formal t h a n t h e first. Woodworth
i n t h e deciding m a t c h of t h e sea- t h e a m o u n t paid out. Credit earnfinal basketball game of t h e season, several set shots, lost t h e ball, a n d threw a nice game for State, b u t son, Lengyel came u p against Weiss ed in any of these sports may be
The unbeaten G a m m a K a p sextet Maginess mdae two points for t h e Fidelle w h o hurled for Sienna was only to be defeated 11-0 in t h e first counted a s credit earned towards
lost t o a fast traveling group w h o Madison Ave. team. Young then h i t repeatedly.
game. Ray Weiss was t h e ultimate class numerals.
took advantage of all their oppon- scored h e r only basket of t h e game. Highlights
victor. T h e vanquished Lengyel a t - Sport Captains
ents mistakes
T h e pace h a d been such a fast one Bruce Hansen was t h e fielding tributed her defeat to t h e calm methT h e following captains have been
' _
_ „ n „ , „ „ . , , t h a t Sweeney called time with only s t a r of t h e first game. He made odical playing of h e r opponent. Weiss announced:
Even though G a m m a K a p pusnea & m i n u t e i e f t w h e n play was r e - s e V e r a l running catches t h a t pulled did not resort t o trick shots or lightSoftball: Shoup and Baker
ahead a t t h e begtaning witn a ioui g u m e d
serves, she merely returned
Archery: Palmatier.
n m a d ( J a l a y _ u p a n d Sullivan out of deep holes. T h e best ning
shot by Pedisich, Baker macte a
rasTennis: Callahan and Tomasik.
g e n t i n ft f o u l s n o t a s t h e h J t o f t h e a f t e r n o o n c a m e when Sul- everything that came her way.
et and then a foul P ^ I c h , fouled
Riding: Clough and Koehn.
g n d e d w l f c h B z t n e v J c t o r U y a n d r o y e ft l o n g s m a g h l n t o r i g h t
T h e r e w e r e 2 6 participants in t h e
by Diffin, tallied for G a m m a K a p . B *
^ ^ ^
Bicycling: Griffen and Jennings.
bases loaded
T h e tournament who displayed a variety
Badminton ana
and Volleyball,
Baker made a lay-up a n a BiaKe ioi'
HAflnitPiv ennsiened Sienna right fielder just managed of skills and accomplishments. Most
voueyutw, also
aiso to
lowed her with one. Quinn put one N e w m a n i . w a s d e l t a i t e ^ M g J n g g e r a a ngn? ne
^ c o m b'i n' e d ' yVan
matches ^
a n
ung out couldn't hold it and Sulll- played. Seventeen people have credit Vranken and Diehl will be co^ ^ S S t a f f f l f f l f i
BZ T ^ X A ^ p o l m e u n r a e :
van circled the bases.
ahead 8-4. The Gamma Kap team the Newman team had a hard time
was set back on its heels by a fast, keeping up with the fast pace set by
team-clicking combination.
BZ captured the ball as the second About Referees
quarter began and aMginess took a
Seymour and Sweeney refereed all
long side shot which countered two games and credit must be given them
points. The game was getting rough for keeping the teams in good order
and a double foul was called on throughout the fierce fight for the
Bushnell and Pedisich.
Baker and Pedisich exchanged
foul shots, which both missed, as
the half ended 11-4 with BZ still Bowling News
Only one more game is left in the
When the second half began, Baker
made a foul shot awarded her by bowling tournament before final deYoung. The ball changed hands ciding play-offs. Phi Delt is schedfrequently in this quarter until Pe- uled to play Gama Kappa, and if
disich sunk one for Gamma Kap. they win this game they will be tied
Baker put in a foul and Blake sent a with KD for first place since both
shot through as the quarter ended teams have lost one game. This game
if necessary, will be played next
with BZ ahead 17-8.
Gamma Kap came out fighting in Tuesday at Rices bowling alley.
There are 71 people who have credthe final quarter and Quinn tallied
with a lay-up. Maginess matched it for bowling. All those who have
her with one from the side. Cheney the encessary 10 hours in order to
had the air knocked out of her and receive a refund are asked to see
time was called. Gamma Kap missed Jude Dube, '47.
Varied Program
La moda Americana... Have a Coca-Cola
DIAL 5 - 1 9 1 3
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , PROP.
Try Our liusinvssmairs Lunch
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL, AVENUE
.,. an American custom as seen in Italy
People overseas are impressed by the American fighting man's
friendliness among his fellows. They see his home-witys and
c u s t o m s - h i s good humor. Have a Coke they hear him say to his
buddies, and they begin to understand America. Yes, this pause
that rejmbes with ice-cold Coca-Cola speaks of the friendliness
of Main Street and the family fireside.
i Yini riQturully hear Coca<Co!a
Irullt'il by it'i Cnt-mlly quuri'Viution
T'Cokw". Both im>an iho quality prodI uct ai Tho CUL'U'CUU Company.
Committee Frames
Maj(ijor Changes
In Constitution
Student Solves Enigma
Have You Decided How To Vote?
With Patriotism Plus Spirit
Everyone's heard t h e old saying
about killing two birds with one
stone, but it took a wise Sophomore to prove it can be done!
Last September this Gremlin
began buying war stamps to back
the attack.. As t h e blank squares
in her stamp book disappeared,
however, enthusiasm mounted in
the school about another great
undertaking — State's own S t u dent Union. W h a t a problem! I t
was her duty to get behind t h e
war effort, but she also wanted
to do everything possible to make
the Student Union a reality.
As she pasted t h e last r e d
stamp in h e r book, the inspiration struck. She fought h e r way
through t h e Seniors who were
lined u p three deep to sign
pledges, and turned her book over
to t h e Student Union Fund.
In the working process of democratic elections, there are three
essential stages, ' l h e first is the nomination of candidates. The second is the campaigning of said candidates, with the official declaration of platforms. The third, perhaps the major one, is the voting for
these candidates by the student body. In order to be a truly successful democratic election, the students must be considered, theoretically
at least, as voters, who will be objective and will cast their ballots for
the welfare of the college.
To do this, the voters must have in mind the characteristics most
desirable for a leader. The most obvious one is, to put it tritely but
correctly, devotion to a cause—the cause in this case is the improvement and welfare of State College. T h e second is courage — the
courage to understand one's principles and stand by them.
A leader without the use of imagination is a poor leader, for it is
he who must see where improvement is needed and improvise methods
of carrying out those improvements.
f a prospective leader has these qualities, plus a genuine liking
and respect for people and a strong sense of integrity, his chances for
being a good leader are excellent. If in addition to this, he has shown
c u i
i u
u i
his willingness for hard work and has had pertinent experience, his
ability is ensured.
When casting your vote in assembly this morning for your officers
for next year, weigh each candidate according to these qualities . . .
then vote. Voting wisely in a democracy is a duty, not just a privilege.
Final Nominees
Listed For Voting
Students Will Select
Class, College Officers
Voting for the elections of S t u dent Association officers for next
year will be held in assembly today.
Students will use t h e preferential
ballot, numbering all the names in
Soveral i m p o r t a n t changes have
f order of choice,
been made in t h e Student AssociaWhen the ballot is marked, t h e
tion Constitution by t h e Constitustudents should file out orderly, call
tion Revision Committee a t their
out their name a t the Myskania
table, wait to have t h e ballot s t a m p meetings so far. Major revisions
ed, a n d then place it in t h e ballot
are as follows:
Student Council h a s been given
Absentee votes can be cast today
additional powers, including confrom 12:30 to 4:30 P. M. a t a table
trol over t h e Student Board of P i in t h e lower hall of Draper. Only
nance, C a m p u s Commission and
students with legitimate excuses,
Election Commission. I t h a s also
y ' illness, practice teaching
been included t h a t t h e candidates
in the Co-op or Annex
for offices of Student Council will
have to pass a qualification exama t t h e t l m f o f assembly may vote
ination on t h e Student Association
j n this way. An absentee ballot
Constitution a n d by-laws.
may be taken home to persons who
Duties Clarified
ar i11
l ',
The duties of various officers of
o f the
organizations have been combined in
freshmen, Sophomore and Junior
different sections clarifying t h e
_ _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ classes are as follows:
meaning considerably.
W e e Theater Players
Student Association
Election Commission will be a
President: James Crandall, Helen
group of students chosen from SigSlack Shure and Robert Sullivan;
num Laudis a n d presided over by
Myskania announces the rivalry Vice-President: Lorna Kunz, Philip
The Class of '48 will sponsor a perthe resident of t h a t body.
score to be now 22',{. to 4% in favor Lashinsky, Gertrude Smith, and Gerformance of "Angel Street," a psyof the Sophomore Class. The re- hard Weinberg; Secretary: Hilda
Leah Tishler, '45, G r a n d Marshall, chological mystery of the Victorian
maining events are:
Fiedler, Justine Maloney and Jane
has aided t h e Commission, on their era, tonight a t 8:30 P . M. in Page
April 27—Baseball
3 O'Brien; Grand Marshall: Marianne
request, in arranging t h e section on Hall as its first extra War Activity.
Debate Council announces t h a t a
Campus Commission.
Each of the rivalry classes may con- debate
Anril 28—Bannpr Bnnt
^ 0 a v i s ' B e t t y H a m i l t ° n . Josephine
will be held with Colgate
At their last meeting, t h e commit- duet additional activities for the University at 3:30 P. M. today in the Api il 28 Bannei H u n t
5 Mnggio am, M
s t r a u b ; cheel._
tee revised t h e section on Myskania. W a r Fund to earn rivalry points.
May 2—Swimming
lender: Betty Brennan, Mary Carey,
Lounge. T h e topic for debate is
Definite judicial powers have been
T h e cast is composed of members "Compulsory Military Training" with Moving-Up Day
Rita Coleman, Judy Dube, Gladys
given to Myskania who will h a n d of the Wee Theater Players, a small State upholding t h e negative. R o Field Events ...
7 Hawk, Mary Quinn, Genevieve Sadown a final decision on disputes be- group of amateurs from Albany who sario Trusso, '45, and Jean Groden,
batini, Dorothy Skeleton, Elaine Tepskjt
tween Student Council a n d organiz- present plays in t h e basement of a '46, will speak and Isabelle Jewett,
per, and Marian Vittulo; RepreSln
ations. Veto Power will lie in a two- private home. Their stage measures Instructor in English, will judge the
2'i sentatives to the Board of Finance:
thirds vote of Student Association 13 by 13 feet a n d the "theater" seats debate. T h e students representing
There are twenty points to be an- Judy Gerofsky, Priscilla Hayes,
Oeol e
if this action is requested by a p e Colgate will be chosen from the civil'6 ne Lovecky, Gloria McFerran,
Mr. a n d Mrs. Robert R. Johnson as ian and naval students now enrolled nounced on Moving-Up Day. They
tition of 100 Students.
' Elizabeth J. McGrath, Dorothy
at the university.
Meeting Tomorrow
Myles, Joseph Palevsky and Anita
Dickinson as Elizabeth, the houseThe next open meeting of t h e ,
Z" '
Pedisich, Juniors, Helen Jennings,
,.,„ ,_, ,,
On the following evening, State
Constitution Revision Committee keeper, Ellen Fay, '48, as Nancy, a n d will debate Clark University at 8:30
'B a
7 Ann Lusok, Ellen Maloney, Richard
will be held tomorrow a t 10 a. in. in Charles Leo Miller as Detective P. M. Ellen Maloney, Gerhardt
Other Attractions
3 Smith, and Calvin Zlppin, Sophothe Ingle room of Pierce Hall to Rough.
Stamp Booth
3 mores; Songleader: Mary Louise
Weinberg, Sophomores, will uphold
discuss preferential ballot voting a n d Formerly "Gaslight"
the affirmative on the question of
All other Droleor'q
9 C n s e y ' E l e n n o r O'Brien, Juniors,
the Major-Minor office plan. Heads
"Angel Street," written by P a t - "Post-war Conscription." Chairman
Ail otnei piojects
2 D o rothea Silvernail and Mary Teof various organizations have been rick Hamilton, was originally called for the event will be Rosario Trusso,
Han, Sophomores, Helen Kisiel and
invited to a t t e n d and all other stu- "Gaslight" a n d was set in t h e home '45. Seven members of the Clark d e '
Anne Ricer, freshmen;
of the Manninghams ln the London bating squad have made plans to a t dents who wish to do so.
, ,
p i
Union Board: Florence Conca, Kathof
tend the debate as guests of Debate
Members of t h e Constitution CornOrOritieS
t l £ C t
Kendall, and Jean Whitney,
mittee are as follows: Gerhard h a s been changed to New York, but Council. T h e main speeches in the
Albert Balk, Carol Berg,
Weinberg, '47, President, Cellna Axel- all other circumstances are the same, contest are to be of an 8-minute dur.
Gloria Brecklin, Katherine Guido,
rod, '47, secretary, Cecile Goldberger, T h e story was also adapted as a ation with rebuttals of 2-minutes I
Mallory a n d Paul Penrose,
Edna Mae Marsh a n d Gertrude movie under the original name.
Sophomores, John Boles, Mary E m Yanovvitz, Seniors, Helen Slack
T h e plot concerns an apparently
Officers for the coming year have m e t ' R r obo . 1 ' t H a r d t a n d A l i c e w i l "
There arc plans pending for d e Share, Shirley Passow and Robert devoted husband, Mr. Manningham,
elected by four sororities, The l l a n ] s ' £™shmen,
Sullivan, Juniors, James Why took, w h o is really striving to drive his
are the results obtained to J u ' , l o r , V ! i S T
. n „ ,
•47, Robert H a r d t and John Boles, w ife insane by subtle, psychological
President: James Crandall, Prisfreshmen.
suggestion. Detective Rough, at- lo have return debates with Wells, cjnte
„ '. „
cilia Hayes, Gloria McFerran and
tempting to gain proof and save Skidmore, Colgate, Clark, Syracuse,
Psi Gammas President, Genevieve J a m e s M l n e r ; vice-president: Betty
Mrs. Manningham, visits the house Temple and Cornell.
Sabatini, 46; Vice-President, Mary Hamilton and Eileen Shoup; Secrewhen the husband is In his study.
Religious Organizations
Debate Council intends to enlarge Oarey, 47; Recording Secretary, tary; Ruth Elgie, Anita Pedisich a n d
Rough knows he mast leave when
the gaslights grow bright, for this its membership by supplementing K a t h r y n Kendall, 46; Correspond- Marv Boss Vernoy; Treasurer: GeorRelease Week's PI ans
menns the lights in the study have the Council with a squad as well as ing Secretary, Lynn Wolfe, '46; g e m e Lovecky and Agnes Young;
the original council. All those s t u - Treasurer, Dauphine Carpenter, '46; songleader: Mary Louise Casey a n d
Two religious organizations have been turned down and the master dents
interested in debating are to Marshals, Lorraine Malo, a n d Alice Eleanor O'Brien; Publicity Director:
of the house will soon come downannounced plans for the coming stairs. This Is the basis for the or- sign up for topics which (hey may Williams, freshmen; House Presi- Bcttv Rose Diamond und'Katherine
week. Clara Mae Ryder, '45, Presi- iginal title of the production.
later have a chance to debate upon. dent, Margaret Pohl, '40; Stewardess, Kendall; Student Council RepresonDebate Council is interested ln or- Mary MaoLaren, '48,
tatlves: Harriet Brinkman, Shirley
dent 01 i lie rnUr-Vursity Christian Play Committees
Chi Sigma Theta: President, Joyce Ford, Josephine Maggio, Joyce McFellowship, lias reported two conBarbara Jean Schoonmaker is in ganizing this varsity squad to reprethe student body apart from McDonuld,
'46; Vice-President, Donald, Eileen Moody, Shirley P a s ferences l,o be held tomorrow at 4 charge of Sets and Lights. Members sent
lhe Council. This squad will conduct Sarali
'47; Secretary, sow, Louise Slryker, Robert Sullivan
BaldP. M. in Room 211 and at II P. M. In
Intor-colleglote and intra-coliogiate Nancy Walsh, '.|8; Treasurer, M a r - and Margaret Worsley; WAA Manwin,
the Green Room of the Wellington
debates. Plans are also underway
Joan Sittner, Ellen Rochford, Marie for lnter-class debates other than illa Dunlay, '47; Alumnae Secretary, agcr: Natalie Bullock a n d Mary
Gloria McFerran, '46; House Presi- Seymour,
Agnow, C. Rogers Neilson, Elaine
dent and Stewardess, J o a n Matlior, Sophomore Class
The members ol the Inter-Varsity Navy, and Frances Chllds, who will rivalry debates.
' 4(i '
President: Betty Jane Bittner,
Christian Fellowship will meet with be in charge of lights. All committee
Alpha Ensilon P h i : Dean, Muriel James Conley, Clyde Cook, Connie
student;, from Russell Sage, Union, members are freshmen, Tickets will
Navy, '46; Sub-Dean, J u d i t h Ger- Lessler and Ellen Maloney; ViceHIM. mill Albany Medical School at be sold through the group houses.
ofsky, '46; Treasurer, Julia Boxer, President: Belly Rose Hilt, Marjorie
their two conferences. Paul BeokPress Bureau Asks Photos
Commit'47; Alumnae Secretary, Molly Kra-' O'Grady and Connie Zumbo; Secrewiili, IniIT-Varsity national staff
are Alice! Fisher, Shirley Fornuin,
secretary, and Konneth Kuntzor, a tee
Vera Kozak, '45, President of mor, '47; Scribe, Florence Grode, '47; tary: Judy Dube, Martha Dunlay,
Princeton graduate now studying at Colcinun, Dorothy Skelton., Mary Press Bureau, urges all Seniors lo Rush Captain, Judith Dube, '47; Annette Koehn and Richard Smith;
Harvard University, will uld in the Quinn, Muriel Gardner, Joan Han- submit one or two photographs to House President, Judith Gerofsky, '1'reasurer; Alice Knapp and Ann L u discussion of student problems. All sen,
sock; WAA Manager: Gloria Baker,
Ann May, Ruth SeeJbaoit, Alice the Bureau in order t h a t these pic- '46.
students are Invited to attend,
Beta / e t a 1 President, Jean Whit- H l l l ! Campbell, Jean Davidson, Edna
tures may be submitted to the local
Ncwmun Voting
ney,'46; Vice-President, Marv Louise Sweeney; WAA Representatives:
Shapiro, Jean Muloney, Franoes papers of S t a t e students,
Callahan, Betty Margot,
Press Bureau h a s recently aided Casey, '46; Secretary, Ruth Bentloy, AOeraldino
All members who have paid dues Sown, Barbara Otto, Dorothy Dil'fln,
'47; Treasurer, Georgene Lovoky, l i n Mastrangelo, Gloria Russo a n d
.should vote at the Newman Club Janet Hammond, Ellen Fay, and in publicizing the clubs and organ- •46;
Alumnae Secretary, Elizabeth Virginia Van Vranken; Cheerleader:
table In tlio lower hall of Draper Ruth Osborne. James Brophy.Pres- ization of Statu by submitting
toduy. Any necessary revollng will idunt of tho freshman class, will news of this type to t h e Albany Nuylor, '48; Marshals, Cecelia Cole- t e e Braun, Betty Brennan, Virginia
man und Shirley Forman, freshmen; Day, Janice Goodrich a n d Paula
be held April 30.
head tho committee,
House President, Doris Junks, '46; Nosal; Songleader; Audrey Oox,
Vice - Pres dor„
a n d Secretary, Louise Roelma, Muriel Rubin, DoroGeorgettti u m m , '46.
iContiiiiwd on page 3, 0oJ. 5)
Student Council Gains
A d d e d Power, Prestige
Frosh Sponsor
Angel Street
Military Training
Topic of Debate
In Lounge Today