Document 14064117

Thomas More
Defeats Stokes
In Overtime Lap
-. Ey Joan Hyllnd
Not snow, nor coal shortages, nor
lack of news can stop the Sports
staff from completion of its accustomed round of duties—the news
must go through.
A tough break for the WAA winter program is the coal shortage and
resulting cancellation of basketball
and bowling contests. The loss of
a week's time from an already
crowded schedule presents serious
difficulties. Maybe last year's dire
prediction that team members would
have to stay on for summer school
In order to finish up the tourney,
may yet come true.
The Silver Lining
The only consolation we can see
for WAA is that at least this is one
thing that nasty Sports editor won't
be able to blame on them. Even a
person so obviously unintelligent
must come to the same conclusion
on the subject as did Mark Twain.
Seriously though, we sympathize
with te WAA program makers. News
that the gym will be open tomorrow
and that games can be made up at
that time is an encouraging note.
We're sure that everything will
work out all right. There are some
mighty energetic gals in charge of
the basketball league.
So Sorry
It seems as if we were slightly off
In our predictions concerning the
outcome of the league. . .Apologies
to the Gamma Kap squad for their
being overlooked in the list of possible cup-winners. Anyone who has
seen these gals burning up the
boards must admit that they are a
remarkably smooth and powerful
team. Their victory over KD has
raised their stock and been the
cause for considerable juggling of
odds and probabilities. Locker room
gossip has it that the cup will grace
the Gamma Kap livingroom at the
end of the season. We would not be
at all surprised, but still hold out
for Newman Hall's chances. At
least they will give them a good run
for their money.
Game Time
The Myskania - freshman game
proved just once more what a great
drawing card sports events can be.
It is our thesis for the year that
sports are important and should become more a part of general college
life. What we are loking forward to
with great interest is the proposed
Milne vs. Practice Teachers game.
If it does come off, we bet that
Madison Square Garden alone would
be able to do justice to the crowd.
This week, due to the fuel shortage, WAA has been forced to post
pone its schedule of league games.
However, n Monday one of the
scheduled games was able to be
played off. This proved to be fast
moving and exciting contest between
the girls from Stokes Hall and the
Tommis More lassies. Prom the
very first whistle both squads began
a determined fight for final honors.
The contest finally resulted in a
16-16 tie. I n the two minute overtime period Sylvestrl broke the
deadlock by tossing up two points
for the Tommy More team leading
her squad to an 18-16 victory.
Revised Schedule
The new schedule for the WAA
basketball league games is as
Saturday, February 10
1:00—AEPhi vs. Whiz Kids.
1:45—BZ vs. Newman.
2:30—Phi Delta vs. Sayles.
3:15—Wren vs. KD.
Monday, February 12
4:15—Moreland vs. Chi Sig.
4:50—Dynamiters vs. Gamma Kap
Tuesday, February 13
7:00—Psi Gam vs. Tommy More.
7:50—BZ vs. Whiz Kids.
8:40—Rares vs. Stokes.
Wednesday, February 14
7:00—AEPhi vs. Newman.
7:50—Phi Delt vs. Gamma Kap.
8:40—Wren vs. Moreland.
Thursday, February 15
4:15—Dynamiters vs. Moreland.
4:50—Sayles vs. Chi Sig.
Saturday, February 17
General practice for everybody
from 2:00 to 4:00, unless notified
Myskania Warns Frosh
Two freshmen, Dorothy Bird and
Dorothy Causse, have been reported
to Myskania as having broken rivalry tradition number seven of Satte
College which states: freshmen shall
not wear any high school insignia,
such as rings, pins, keys, athletic
awards, etc., until Moving-up Day.
Miss Bird has committed three
offenses and will make an apology
in public before the Student Association. This is the second offense
for Miss Causse.
Weatherman On Rampage
And We're Not Fueling!
Two determined optimists decided to brave the wilds of Washington Park in one last attempt
to discover some good in continual snow. They strolled leisurely through ten-foot drifts,
were knocked down seven times
by toboggan enthusiasts and lost
five essential pounds.
The ski-run was the last resort. —All those books and pictures. All those healthy-looking
speed demons. A fragile ghoul
of fourteen zoomed by, steering
himself with two vicious-looking
spears. In a flash he was systematically wrapped around a
large maple tree. One ski disappeared over the horizon.
Visions of nourishing food and
a warm fire loomed as our heroines fingered the icicles on their
noses and chin, but . . . .
Sayles Explains
Partial Shutdown
In cooperation with the statewide
effort to conserve rapidly dwindling
fuel supplies, the college buildings
will not be heated in the evening
until further notice and all activities scheduled for this time have
been cancelled. In addition, the
gymnasium and library were closed
the first two days of the week.
Statement to Press
Dr. John M. Sayles, President,
sent a statement to the newspapers
last week in answer to those who
had criticized State College for remaining open during the emergency
period when all other schools were
The statement explained that
exams were in progress all week, and
that the heat was turned off every
day as soon as possible. It said also
that the closing of the school would
have further complicated the transportation problem, for the students
would have to return to their homes
on the already over-crowded railroads.
Dr. Sayles added that our fuel
supply was adequate, and anyone
bearing proper authorization would
be welcome to a share of it.
Art Exhibit At Institute
Ping Pong To Start
Betty Rose Hilt, '47, captain of
Ping Pong has announced taht all
those who wish to participate in
the Ping Pong tournament should
sign up on the WAA bulletin board.
Several people signed up last semester but during the rennovation of
the bulletin board the old list was
misplaced. All those who are interested must sign up before next Wednesday. A schedule of the matches
will be posted and the contestants
will be notified about the matches
by student mail.
As soon as the tournament begins,
The welcome mat is out for Prank matches must be played on time,
Woodworth, formerly of class of '45 in order to finish the tourney beand the U. S. Navy. Frank was a fore the end of the season.
mainstay of MAA and we are glad
to see him back.
KD is having a bit of hard luck
in the injury to Sandy's knee, —
and Incidentally so Is Mary. Sympathy goes to both and the hope
that Sandy will be back on the
court again soon.
Just about the most energetic
frosh to hit State—In the athletic
field, that is, is Adrienne Iorio.
Already she has credit in four
sports — tennis, badminton, hockey
and volley-ball. Nice going. Would
that more people would show as
much enthusiasm. WAA would
benefit materially,
Miss Ruth Hitchins, assistant professor of fine arts, announces an
exceptionally fine art exhibit is now
on display at the Albany Institute
of Art.'
The exhibit of paintings will be
on display for at least a week more.
Bowling League Student Union
(Continued from page 1, column
Loses Top Men Amendments Proposed
Delicious Sandwiches
Steuks unci Chops
Soft Drinks*
Todo marcha perfectamente... Have a Coke
Nelson Releases
Tentative Plans
For Summer, '45
English, Math Courses
Included In Curriculum
Nelson Nullifies ^Rumors,School To Recess In Spring
The rumor floating around the
halls of State to the effect that
Easter vacation will be eliminated
this year has been "spiked" by
Dr. Milton Nelson, Dean.
Dean Nelson said Wednesday
that present plans call for adherence to the schedule in the
catalog—that is, spring recess
from noon, March 28, to 8:10 A.M.
April 9. There is, however, a
possibility of a change in the
Washington's Birthday, which
is on Thursday this year, will
not be a holiday. The Dean explained that the holiday would
be too short to warrant the strain
on the railroads which would
result from students going home
for the long week-end.
The speculation about Easter
vacation was also based on the
transportation problem, and it
was suggested that keeping students in classes during the Easter
season would further relieve the
Alden, Marshall
To Play Leads
In Comic Opera
Debate Council
Formulates Plans
Cokes Coca-Cola
It'a natural for punular names
to uci|iiirc friendly ahbtevig*
dotUi That a why you hear
Cocu-Colu culled Coke,
Thomas, Social Lecturer,
Slated To Speak Today
The annual operetta which will
be presented March 22 and 23 for
the first time in the history of the
Operettic Society will not be a
Gilbert and Sullivan. Planquette's
The Chimes of Normandy will be
given in Page Hall at 8 P.M. with
the following cast:
Serpolette, the Good-for-Nothing,
Agnes Young, '46; Germaine, the
Lost Marchioness, Mary D. Alden,
'45; Gertrude, Dorothea Silvernail,
'47; Jeanne, Justine Maloney, '48;
Manette, Sheila Watkins, '47; Suzanne, Mary Telian, '47; Henri, the
Marquis of Corneville, Verne Marshall, Albany Med School; Jean
Grcnicheux, a fisherman, James
Crandell, '46; Gaspard, the Miser,
Al Reed, '47; and the Notary, Bill
Schieff, '47.
Henri, Marquis of Corneville, who
has been an exile since childhood,
returns to his ancestral home on the
occasion of the great annual fair.
Scandal and Scheme
In the first act the curtain rises
on a gathering of village gossips,
.'jpreading scandal. Serpolette is
the chief topic of conversation
among the belles of Corneville. She
comes in just in time to turn the
Hillel has scheduled their Purim
tables on the others, and to change
their sneers to expressions of rage. party for Sunday, March 11, at the
Gaspard, an old miser, wishes to Tfireth Israel Synagogue on Partmarry his niece, Germaine, to the ridge Street. The other Hillels in
principle magistrate of the district, Albany are all invited to this party,
The Bailli. This does not, however, Moily Kramer, '47, and Charlotte
suit Gremaine nor a young fisher- Goldstein, '48, are chairmen of the
man named Jean Grenicheux, who affair, assisted by Irma Rosen, Ruth
pretends to have saved her from
drowning. To escape the power of Bessel and Rita Shapiro, freshmen.
Purim, which means 'by lot,' celeold Gaspard, Germaine takes advan- brates
the . . . ^ Z.._.?".
tage of the privileges of the fair and king drew by lot the appointed day
becomes a servant of the Marquis, for the slaughter of the Jews. HowHer example is followed by Greni- ever, they were saved, and thus the
holiday is celebrated.
cheux and Serpolette.
Desire Dance
Treasure And Tunes
Hillet will hold a 'suppressed
Supernatural visitors who for a desire' dance at the gym on March
long time have made the Castle of 17. All are urged to cavort in the
Corneville an object of dread appear costume habitual to the realization
in the second act. Henri determines of their suppressed desire. There will
to find out the real character of be entertainment and refreshments;
these ghostly appearances anci
and dis
dis- music will be furnished by a victrola.
covers that the old miser h , n d . k ? ' ? t
Harriet Greenburg, '45, president
the castle haunted to protect his 0 f Hillel, has announced the fol
hidden treasures.
lowing committees; chairmen, Sun
The third act is the grand fete, na Cooper, '45 and Shirley Gross, '47
Serpolette arrives with some papers entertainment, Priscilla Weinstein,
found in the chateau which she '47; tickets, Blanche Packer, '46 and
claims indicate that she is the lost Lelia Sontz, '46; and refreshments,
heiress. The miser, however, re- Irma Rosen, Rita Shapiro and Ruth
covers his reason in lime and shows Bessel, freshmen..
that Germaine is (lie true MarA barn dance had originally been
chioness, A love duet between Ger- scheduled for this date but due to
maine and Henri and the reconcilia- I he preponderance of barn dances
tion of all parties brings the three the plans were canceled in favor of
net comic opera to a close.
the "suppressed desire" idea.
The schedule for the eight-week
accelerated program for summer,
1945, has been announced by Milton
G. Nelson, Dean. This schedule is
quite definite as it stands and will
be subject to almost no change.
Classes will begin on June 25 and
examinations will be held on August
17 and 18, with July 4 a holiday.
Last semester accelerated students
were asked to indicate whether or
not they planned to attend the summer session. Those who thought
they would attend were sent a tentative schedule and instructed to mark
the subjects they would take.
Summer Schedule
As a result "bf the information collected the present program was
evolved, and it varies only slightly
from the proposed schedule. Dean
Nelson said that students who have
not signed up for the summer session but decide to attend before it
begins can probably be accomodated.
No fees or other charges are levied
for the accelerated session.
Six-Hour Courses
Cornell, Clark, Elmira
Each student should register for
one of the following courses:
Among College Rivals
Ch. 18—Inorganic Chemistry
Jane Rooth, '45, president of DeEd. 10—Jr. Psychology and Ed.
Eng. 3—Gen. Survey of Eng Lit. bate Council, has announced a tenEng 113—Poetry and Prose of the tative schedule of six debates to be
Romantic and Victorian Periods.
held here and at surrounding colThe above courses will meet Mon- leges during the next three months.
day through Thursday from 11:10 to Feb. 28—with Castleton, a round
12:30 and 1:10 to 2, and Friday from table discussion on Juvenile Delin11:10 to 12:30 Each course will give quency. The State debaters will be
Gerhard Weinberg, '47, Jane Rooth,
six hours credit,
'45, and Marianne Davis, '46, at
Two-Hour Courses
In addition to the six-hour credit Castleton-on-Hudson.
course, each student should register
March 12—with Skidmore, at
for two of the following courses: home.
(if Bi 22 is chosen, this course alone
March 26—with Elmira, at home.
is to be checked I:
March 27—with Wells, a radio disBi. 22—Plant Biology (8:10 to 10:00). cussion on Federal Aid to Education.
Co. 6A—Problems in Business Law. State Debaters will be Dorothy Falk
Hy. 4A—Am. Political and Social and Jane Rooth, Seniors, at Auburn.
April 11—with Cornell; debaters,
Hy. 115A—Oriental Civilization.
Gerhard Weinberg, '47, and Arline
Ma. 25—Plane Analytic Geometry.
Belkin, '46, at Cornell.
(Above courses from 8:10 to 9:10),
April 26, 27 or 28 (choice of dates)
Co. 6B—Problems in Business Law. with Clark; debaters, Rosario TrusHy. 115—Oriental Civilizations.
so, '45, and Jean Groden, '46, at
Hy. 145A—American Biography.
Ma. 26—Differential Calculus.
Discussions will include a five to
Above courses from 9:10 to 10:00) ten minute speech from each of the
Bi. 101—Genetics.
participants, after which the quesCo. 109—Bus. Correspondence.
tion will be open for discussion from
Hy. 145B—American Biography.
the floor.
Ma. 27—Integral Calculus.
All Sophomores who are interest(Above courses from 10:10 to 11:00). ed in trying out for Debate Council
Courses Dropped
are requested (o report to the Debate
Two courses on the tentative Council office in the Commons today
schedule were dropped because of at 3:30 P.M.
insufficient registration. These are
Sp. 2. (i hours, and PSc. 262, 2 hours.
Each of the courses offered for one
hour each clay will give two hours
credit. Bi. 22 will give four hours
"Calling all cars . . . calling all born of frustration, they turn toward
cars . . . proceed to State College each other and shrug a so-what
Dean Nelson stated that if enough on Western Avenue . . . general riot shrug.
people sign up for Ma. 17, Mathe- in progress from Commons lo HueAs they creep along behind the
matics of Navigation, it may be sled Hall . . . chorus girls, fortune masses, Hie two flntfoots are amaztellers,
offered in place of Ma. 25.
ed lo view on either side of them a
loose . . . investigate and make re- myriad of candy, soda and cake
port . . . that is all."
booths, auction stalls, side shows,
Frosh W i l l Compete
And so, I heir hi lie hearts and musicals, a penny arcade, and n o flowers embroidered while police il can't be it is. Greenwich VilAn excited, carnival-like
car careening around the comers, lage!
Mike and Pal arrive on I lie scene, festivity scintillates over all, defyCub clussos for freshmen tryouts breathless and firey-eyed, their ing anyone to reject It. Their guns
for the STATU CUI.I.KUU Nuns are held pistols drawn. Al I he door of Page pul away and gaiety in place of fire
Tuesdays at 12 noon in room 20(1, Hall Ihey are sucked iiilo a mud, in their eyes are proof of Mike and
Draper. These classes are con- rushing crowd, lilted up and carried Pal's inability to escape the magic
ducted lor tIn.- purposu of acquaint- along like two life bonis on Hie of STATE FAIR!
ing freshnum in the policies of tho swelling, soaring sea.
"Hut I thought this was a teachNiows and the atmosphere in which
Al res! finally on the middle chan- ers' college," suddenly exclaims Pal,
they may later work.
delier, Mike and Pal find themselves as he turns lo Mike. Mike is no
Starting this week the freshmen in Hie midst of a jazz-time, sizzling longer at his side. Pushing his waj
will lie allowed tn work on the Nuws musical show starring some beau- through a heap of bobby sox, Pat
Tuesday ami Wednesday evenings. tiful chorus girls called the Slitles- finds him on the edge of an attenDuring this lime they will have Ihu un a. They laugh heartily through- tive congregation listening avidly
actual experience of working with out in spile of themselves. As the lo a mammoth-voiced barker.
the stall'. All freshmen may appear program ends. Mike and Pat, sud"Ladeez and gentlemen — step
at the Nuws on these evenings.
denly remembering I heir sacred right up, See the gtt-reutest little
From this group of try-outs will duly, swing down from the chun- show this side of Broadway I
he chosen the sopliomore desk delier and follow the roaring crowd, "Come on, Mister, take the little
editors for 1945-16. Those editors who completely ignore their shouts gi.l through the tunnel of love
are selected on the basis of interest of "OrderI Everyone hero Is under waltz her around the Commons to
and ability.
arrest." In complacency suddenly the music of her favorite top band
In the famed Xochlinllco Hardens of Mexico, the pause that
refreshes with ice-colJ Coca-Cola is aa old established custom.
Across the border, as in your own living room, Coca-Cola stands
for a refreshing interlude, a symbol of good will wherever it
is served,
Discussion Will Include
Postwar Racial Aims
Hillel Schedules
Purim Celebration
''Mike And Pai" To Join Mirth And Madness At State Fair
PHONE 5.0O55
State College News
When Florence Garfall, *45, PresiUncle Sam blew the whistle again
dent of the Student Association, prelast week and four of MAA's sented the motion to the students
howlers were whisked away. Bob at the last assembly, Shirley PasSorensen, Cliff Thome, Bob Horse- sow, '46, proposed the following
man and Bill Barrington, all fresh- amendment to the motion:
men, are the ones who have left
In order that the Student Associathe holes in the MAA bowling tion may retain as much control
teams. The Flashes were hit the over the finances and affairs of thJ
hardest. They lost Thome and proposed State Cllege U n i o n ,
their captain Sorensen, who was through its representatives, the Stuleading the league with an average dent Union Board, which will be
of 154.3. Horseman was a consis- working with the Benevolent Assotant performer for the Whiz Kids, ciation, I propose that the student
and Barrington was a mainstay of members be elected by the Student
Association; that election be on the
the Strikers. All four are going basis
of a major office; and that
into the navy.
the students best qualified to fill
The last match before exams these posts be sought.
found Bruce Hansen's Whiz Kids
Also, I propose that one member
taking undisputed possession of of each class from 1945 to the year
first place. They took four games the Student Union is constructed, be
from Dave Lehman's Thunderbolts elected to the Student Union Board.
in that team's first league ap- It is likely that this board will not
pearance. There was some very poor exceed 20 members, if the Student
bowling on both sides, but the Whiz Union is constructed at the end of
ten years.
Kids hung on and won easily. The
Martha Sprenger then proposed
caliber of the matches can best
amendment to the above amendbe shown by the high games of the ment
stated as follows: I propose
night.' Jim Crandell turned in the that the members elected from each
best efforts for the Whiz Kids with class of 1945 to the year the Student
a single game of 153 and three Union is constructed, act only in an
game total of 389. Lehman was advisory position.
high for his team with 133 and 340. Revisions
Using the original motion and the
The other match of the evening
also ended in a shut-out. Bob Sul- amendments, the new motion to be
livan's AU-Americans turned on submitted will read as follows:
Article I:
the heat to take four games from
That a Student Union Board be
Bob Sorensen's Plashes. The bowling was better in this match than established consisting of:
A. Five students (two Seniors, two
in the other. The team scores were
higher as were the individual Juniors, one Sophomore) nominated
scores. Weber had the high game by their respective classes and electof the night with 188, and Sullivan ed by Student Association In the
had the high total for his team Spring election,
B. Two faculty members selected
with 464. Sorensen's 163 and 436
by the five elected incoming stuwere the best for his squad.
Pet. C. One alumnus to be elected by
1. Whiz Kids
1 .875 the Alumni Association.
D. The two Senior members upon
2. Strikers
1 .750
3. All Americans
.625 graduation shall become exofficio
4. Plashes
.125 members of the Board in an advis5. Thunderbolts
.000 ory capacity.
Article IV.
The highest averages based on
G. To act in conjunction with the
five or more games are:
1. Sorensen
154.3 Student Union Board in formulat2. Sullivan
150.5 ing and submitting to the Student
for final approval, the
3. Hess
146. Association,
budget for the Student
4. Whytock
143. annual
5. Crandell
H. To carry out the provisions of
this budget.
The MAA bowling teams will roll
Monday night on the Playdium
lanes. The Strikers will oppose the
Thunderbolts while the Whiz Kids
will face the All Americans. Because of the loss of four men, the
teams will be subject to revision.
The new line-ups will be posted on
the MAA bulletin board.
. . . or enjoying a friendly pause in Mexico
leader . . . have your fortunes told
by a jenuwine gypsy. Step right
Seeing Mike trot off in the direction of the "jenuwine" gypsy, Pat
turns away in disgust at such superstition, only to be greeted by another
barker acclaiming the merits of
"Death Valley Daze," a thrilling
western show.
Meeting afterward and excitedly
comparing notes on what they'd
seen. Hie two stroll over lo the sidewalk cafe for a bit of refreshment.
Their thirst satiated, Pat and Mike
look for some of those elusive cigarel tes. To their added amazement,
they niusi have I heir shoes shined
by some grcon-chapeuued people
called "TQIF's" before obtaining the
coveted weed.
Exhausted but In high spirits,
Mike and Pat finally fall into the
111 lie embroidered police car, their
arms loaded with prizes and souvenirs. The next day the Chief of
Police found I he following report on
his spacious desk:
Dear Chiefie:
Tins case requires further consideration. Send us to STATE FAIR
again next yearl
Student Christian Association will
present Julius A. Thomas, Director
of the Department of Industrial
Relations in the National Urban
League, as the principal speaker in
this morning's assembly. His topic
for discussion concerns "Social Goals
for Postwar America, a foremost
problem in world events of today.
Eleanor Hayeslip, '45, President of
SCA, will introduce Mr. Thomas.
Engaged in social work for twenty
years as a staff member of the
Urban League, he has served as
Executive Secretary of local affiliates in Atlanta, Georgia; Jacksonville, Florida; and Louisville, Kentucky. He was appointed Director
of the Department of Industrial
Relations for the national organization in 1943.
Articles on Negro Life
In addition to a varied and successful experience in community
organization for social welfare, he
has been closely identified with progressive interracial programs and
activities throughout the nation. A
frequent contributor to magazines
newspapers, he has written several articles on various aspects of
Negro life in America. He is also
a popular speaker and lecturer on
these social and economic problems,
particularly as they affect race relations and the Negro population.
Born In South
M r . Thomas is well qualified to
stl ess t h e
Negro problem, having
been born hr°North"carollna"and
having received his education in the
public schools of Charleston, West
Virginia. A graduate of Howard
University, he did additional work
at Columbia University.
Race relations and social problems
are ever increasing in this civilization of today and there has been
world-wide discussion of this grow! S J l H W ! ; J l M a s *'" u n '
In this same relationship, Forum's
speaker of last Wednesday who discussed a particular locality and its
racial prejudice, should be mentioned. Mr. Paul de Albuquerque
from RPI, a native of Latin America
stressed such troubles arising in
Brazil alone.
Student Union Passed
With a unanimous vote of the
student body the final motion for
setting up a definite Student Union
Plan was passed in last week's assembly, ending a long and careful
period of research by the Student
Investigating Committee.
Winyall, '45. a member of the Cornmil tec, clarified the objectionable
clauses af the preceding week's discussion and introduced the motion
in its final form. James Whytock,
'47, proposed a new amendment
which would give the Student Association power to challenge or veto
an act of the Student Board but the
amendment was defeated in the
resulting vote. The Student Body
fell that enough elastic powers had
already been given lo Student Association to enable them to nullify an
act of the Board and that further
amendment of the motion would
only cripple the Initiative of the
Board itself,
Student Union Hoard
Hence there will be set up an
active Student Union Board and
funds will be accumulated and turned over to the New York State College for Teachers Benevolent Association, Inc., as a trust fund for
safe-keeping. Pledges will be collected and campaigns held for further funds. Control of the budget
will keep most of the legislative
power in the hands of the students
through Student Association.
By Mindy W a r s h a w
Ed Note: Kiwi)
Marsh, forced by
beyond her control to relinquish
her column (the circumstances
include a broken finger and a tribe of
small people who inhabit a red brick building
hereby bequeaths
this "space" for the remainder of
the year to Mindy Warshaw,
dere stoodents
you a l n t h e a r d from m e In a cats age so t h o u g h t
id drop a little n o t e friday i will see m y n a m e in p r i n t
it does m y old h e a r t good i love publicity d o you know
i a m now a n o r p h a n my m o t h e r deserted m e for those
kids i n m i l n e t h e very s a m e ones t h e y used t o sit o n
m y h e a d a n d pull m y tail w h a t do you t h i n k of a
m o t h e r w h o left m e for t h e m t h e first t h i n g i know
s h e buys herself a pair of purple shoes a n d now i a m
a n o r p h a n some people h a v e all t h e luck i d o n t know
wot goz on h e r e anyway i d o n t like m y new m o t h e r a t
all some sofomore squirt h e r h a i r a i n t blond like E d n a
Maize sheez s h o r t homely h e r h a i r it h a n g s down to
h e r eyebrows do y u t h i n k im being c a t t y i should
worry i know you only r e a d t h i s t o find o u t about
t h e m h a n d s o m fellers in t h e a r m e d surface all rite
so you like t h e m b e t t e r n m e i d i d n t ask t o be born
a c a t d i d i if you w a n t i will go o u t a n d m a k e a w a r
with some superdog youll be sorry w h e n i get t h e
purple c a t biscuit h e a r i a m a t t h e e n d of m y litter
a n d w h a t i write t h i s for w a s to tell y a I D O N T L I K E
Alex M a r s h W a r s h a w
Pfc. E d i t h Trelease Aney of t h e W A C h a d pledged
to give 100 dollars to t h e S t u d e n t Union fund, s t a r t i n g
F e b r u a r y , 1946. Obviously r e - i n s p i r e d o n h e r recent
visit back t o t h e Little R e d Schoolhouse, s h e h a s
s t a r t e d h e r p a y m e n t s a year a h e a d of time by sending in a $10 check . . . Elizabeth Peabody, S l / c WAVE
a n d also of t h e Class of '43, s t a t i o n e d in W a s h i n g t o n ,
D. C. . . . m a r r i e d in Florida . . . o u r best rice a n d
confetti t o you. H e r h u s b a n d h a s gone overseas . . .
On Wolinsky
serious first half giving M r . Wolinsky a c h a n c e to show a g r e a t deal
of brilliancy which a p p e a r s in t h e
r o m a n t i c composer. T h e S c h u b e r t
in A flat Major showed
t h a t M r . Wolinsky could play in a
delicate m a n n e r a s well a s t h e m o r e
brilliant a n d heavier p a s s a g e s a n d
yet lose none of his excellent tonal
quality. Of this t h i r d g r o u p t h e
Rhapsody in G minor w a s t h e best
i n t e r p r e t a t i o n for M r . W o l i n s k y
seemed to h a v e given m o r e feeling
for t h e deeper emotions of B r a h m s
t h a n t h e lighter a n d showier S c h u m a n n o r Debussy.
T h e last g r o u p of t h e concert w a s
a g r o u p of Chopin. H e r e Mr. W o l i n s k y c a p t u r e d t h e spirit of Chopin
with h i s pianistic fireworks intermingled with beautiful melodies
l e a n i n g t o w a r d t h e senticental. T h e
in B flat minor w a s t h e
m o s t brilliantly executed of t h e
g r o u p a n d a fitting conclusion to a
s u p e r b concert.
F o r h i s encores, and h e w a s called
u p o n t o play three, Mr, W o l i n s k y
played The Ritual Fire Dance by de
F a l l a w h i c h is familiar to all S t a t e
s t u d e n t s w h o h a v e h e a r d F r e d play
before, t h e very familiar a n d b e loved Claire de Lune by Claude
Debussy, a n d Arioso by B a c h . W h e n
Mr. Wolinsky left t h e s t a g e h e
k n e w t h a t his audience h a d a p p r e ciated h i s efforts a n d t h a t h e h a d
done a good night's work. I t w a s
a g r e a t job, F r e d ! C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !
To F r a n k Woodworth, formerly of '45, we lay down
t h e Welcome M a t . After being everywhere, seeing
everything, h e r e t u r n t o t h e o l d s t a m p i n g grounds.
By Shirley Siegel Passow
I t e n e r a r y — H o n d e b r a s Islands, Sololmons, New C a l e donia . . . we're glad he's back w i t h u s . . .
F r a n k l i n D . Roosevelt is a m a n m a n leadership. B u t t h e so-called
who h a s seen, m a d e a n d understood "Free G e r m a n " officers committee
S t a n Abrams, frosh president of '46, now somewhere history. H e w a t c h e d a n i m m o r t a l a p p a r e n t l y h a s been dumped by t h e
in Luxembourg . . . far away, maybe, b u t close in idealist ruined, a n d t h e forces which Soviet Union. Concensus seems t o
t h o u g h t s as h e writes "Tell a n y of t h e '46ers you see defeated h i m bring chaos again t o agree t h e r e is n o such t h i n g as a n
t h a t I t h i n k of t h e m often—whenever we get o u r t h e world. H e saw Woodrow Wilson ex-Nazi, yet. T h e conference plans
m o m e n t s to d o s u c h t h i n g s a s t h a t . " . . . J o e Francello, nail h i s s t a n d a r d t o peace a n d j u s - p a r t i t i o n of G e r m a n y , a n d F r a n c e
S 2 / c U.S.N.A.T.C. in Pensacola, F l a . a n d '47's president tice, a n d t h e s t a n d a r d c r a s h b e n e a t h will be invited to stop sulking a n d
last year w a n t s t o know " w h a t goes" with h i s class . . . n a t i o n a l greeds, internecine politics join a s a major power in policing
a n d a fatal American fear: t h e fear h e r a n c i e n t enemy,
rivalry a n d stuff . . . mostly rivalry. . .
of E u r o p e a n embroilment. Today,
I t was Sen. V a n d e n b u r g (R, Mich.)
Wilson's Assistant Secretary of Navy
. . M a n n y Miller, '47, U.S.N., S a m p s o n , N. Y. back visit- faces t h e s a m e terrible challenge who recently advocated treaties dising t h e College . . . j u s t received medical discharge . . . w h i c h destroyed h i s chief. Roosevelt a r m i n g t h e Axis nations p e r m a n e n t Abe Sherer S 2/c Q u a r t e r m a s t e r School in Bainbridge h a s accepted t h e c h a r g e of guiding ly. Before h e left for t h e Crimea,
M a r y l a n d (My M a r y l a n d ) overjoyed a t receiving t h e world reconstruction.
P r e s i d e n t Roosevelt promised t o
N E W S . M i g h t be home F r i d a y for h i s own . . . S / S g t .
"explore" t h e former isolationist's
Louis Francello, Class of '40, somewhere i n Italy with
T h e Big T h r e e conference a t Y a l - proposals — another c o n t r a s t w i t h
t h e Army Air Corps . . . M a x B r a u n of t h e Class of '45 ta in t h e Soviet Union's C r i m e a t h e Wilson-Sen. Lodge feud which
touring t h e Old Country, stopping off in E n g l a n d a n d h i n t s how sensitive h e r e m a i n s to wrecked t h e United S t a t e s ' accepnow Somewhere in F r a n c e . . .
Wilson's tactics, ideals a n d glorious t a n c e of t h e League of Nations.
failure. T h e P r e s i d e n t h a s c o m m i t ACK ACK ACK ACK
G r e e c e, Yugoslavia a n d
Pfc. Marshall Ackerman, '46, o u t fighting t h e Nazis ted this country to a one-third r e —wounded in t h e a r m (you shoulda seen t h e other sponsibility for Europe's welfare. H e Czechoslovakia, native governments
guyJ . . . expects to be sent back to t h e front as soon could do this, knowing t h a t Congress a r e being helped back into business.
as he's better a l t h o u g h he's n o t "especially looking a n d t h e n a t i o n — with vociferous, M a r t i a l rule ended Wednesday in
forward to it" . . . Pvt. David Slavin, ex-dictator of minor exceptions — have r e p u d i a t e d Athens, a n d t h e EAM a n d governt h e P.O. expected back on furlough b u t .suddenly call- turtle-shell politics. Ho says frank- m e n t a r e a t peace. Tito a n d Prime
ly t h a t U. S. p a r t n e r s h i p will kill Minister Subasitch have agreed to
ed to Washington . . ,
two perennial seeds of world w a r : coalesce their governments, u n i t i n g
power grabs by Britain a n d t h e S o - the Resistance a n d conservative
A group of war-conscious S t a t e women, with t h e viet Union, a n d civil war in t h e exile forces. M. a n d Mme. Benes
permission of t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a r e organizing a liberated nations. No peace pow- expect to r e t u r n soon to t h e liberatt r o u p e to e n t e r t a i n wounded servlcement. T h e wow, t h e Y a l t a round tabic grasped ed section of Czechoslovakia.
idea originated with a few of our women, who have most of t h e bristling problems of
already travelled with a n Albany troupe which e n t e r - our time a n d by its inflexible d e - While G e r m a n and J a p a n e s e fighttained a t t h e Saratoga a n d R h o d e s Hospitals.
cision, s t r e n g t h e n e d t h e fighting ing m o u n t s in cruel desperation,
Before t h e curtain went up on their regular .show, will of t h e Allies as well as prospects the peace goals a r e being shaped in
specially numbers were presented in certain wards lor for t h e u l t i m a t e peace conclusions. concrete terms. T h e aims a r e such
t h e more seriously wounded, w h o h a d to r e m a i n in
as c a n h e a r t e n Europe's survivors,
Poland is symbolic of t h e unity far from I he bright slogans of 1019
bed. Later, t h e regular shows included acts displaying
singing, (lancing, a n d acting t a l e n t s . T h e performers being welded. M a r s h a l Stalin wit la- which blinded a n d confused t h e
as well as a n u m b e r of hostesses w h o h a d come along drew h i s p a t r o n a g e from t h e Lublin weary millions all over I he world.
lor t h e special occasion, also served refreshments, committee in Warsaw a n d agreed to Hul Yalta was nut infallible. W h a t
presented books they h a d bought, a n d conversed with the e s t a b l i s h m e n t of u broader pro- about S p a i n ? Soviet forces fought
visional government.
A Brltish- f r a n c o in li)37, a n d we, w h o stood
these wounded servicemen.
on upuft, today a r e trading with Spain,
T h e State girls who were a m o n g this group, realizing Amorlcan-Sovlot
the uplifting effects these visits h a d upon tin; ser- which W. Avorill H n r r i m a n serves a l t h o u g h we know G e r m a n provicemen's morale, decided to organize a troupe c o m - as our delegate, will supervise a n d cures valuable war m a t e r i a l from
g u a r a n t e e popular election of a I hose same channels. W h a t about
prised exclusively of S t a t e ' s women.
In today's assembly, a n a n n o u n c e m e n t will be m a d e peoples' government In Poland. S o - the Jews? Anti-Semitism was t h e
with reference to t h e d a t e of t r y - o u t s , which are open viet influence will naturally p r e - weapon which warped t h e G e r m a n
to everyone. T h e purpose of t h i s is to aohive a n idea d o m i n a t e for some time to come, mind; glossed war a n d racial conof t h e variety of talent here so t h a t t h e show will since tlie Lublin leaders a r e more quest as a sane way of life for G e r representative t h a n any other or- m a n y ; spread indecency a n d horror
be complete in every sense of t h e word.
ganized unit in Poland, b u t single throughout t h e continent. Nobody
control h a s been voted out of t h e spoke for t h e Jews then. Zionist
Palestine has sent its Jewish B r i gade into the war for two purposes:
iii I I'. M. .ui.l x I'. M in
< ' i Ml.
Details of t h e military a n d poli- to fight Nazism a n d to secure a seat
1'itlfu Hull AiHllliirluiu
i n . , M i n n Hi s I'. M. In Hi..
tical decisions on G e r m a n y a r e lack- at t h e Peace table. What, of t h e
alurriiiii Mli'lii'li' Mni'itaii.
ing for obvious reasons. T h e general Arabs in t h e Middle East, whose
I'YIi IT : I '..iiiiiiul.-r'n Chili
All UMiJvr-vrinliiiiUin wim s t a t e m e n t reinforces T e h e r a n ' s proilnn•••!• In i In1 i 'miniums, h in
war contribution consisted chiefly
JU m i d n i g h t ,
clamation of unconditional
sur- of n o t sabotaging t h e Allies, when
IlilVt' l i l ' l ' l l n^Kl'il III COllli)
I'VI). •JU: MU« AguoH Kulrender a n d promises t h e e x t e r m i n a - Axis defeat loomed as a possibility.
lurur will HIIBUH mi tlritiiiuIn III.' iifrluu ..I III.' lii-uii
llir iiriiiliirlliiii. Tlnifl nnil
..I w.mi.-ii, (minor Ma. Ii.!- tion Of Na/.liiin, T h e official distinc- T h e Arabs today a r e meeting again,
| . | a . v will In. i
-.1 nil Hi.'
I'.iri' Siiiiiriluy, I'Vlii'iinr.v til tion between Nazism a n d t h e G e r - in hopes of forming a n Arab fedeJiniHiiillrs InillMiii Imni'.l.
in mi <mi II -i.Mi'i hiiink m a n people is a possible opening ration.
I'Vli. till: Kivncli I'lnli will
I'liiiilnj- for s u r r e n d e r by segments of G e r llUVU II PUIVlu, "Ul'llliillillii."
The Weekly Bulletin—
Forbidden Fruit . . .
By Doris F l e i s h m a n —
T o n i g h t t o a full house, F r e d r l k
Wolinsky m a d e h i s concert debut.
I t is a testimony t o h i s popularity
in t h e c o m m u n i t y of Albany a s well
as in t h e college t h a t t h e house w a s
composed of almost as m a n y i n t e r ested outsiders as college s t u d e n t s .
F r o m h i s first a p p e a r a n c e on t h e
stage until h i s final bow, Mr. Wolinsky gave a completely professional
a p p e a r a n c e . Certainly h e h a d t h e
poise a n d stage presence of a professional.
Mr. Wolinsky's choice of selections
followed t h e usual p a t t e r n of s u c h
concerts going from t h e classicism of
Bach through to t h e romanticism
of Chopin. T h e difficult a n d p o n d e r o u s B a c h Prelude and Fugue in
A Minor w a s played t o technical
(perfection w i t h o u t t h e f a u l t of
m a k i n g it sound like a finger exercise.
T h e o t h e r n u m b e r in this e a r l y
classical g r o u p w a s t h e M o z a r t
Fantasia in C. I t w a s played w i t h
t h e delicacy needed for M o z a r t b u t
Mr. W o l i n s k y seemed m o r e in s y m p a t h y with B a c h . T h e g r e a t m a s t e r
Beethoven w a s r e p r e s e n t e d by t h e
familiar S o n a t a quasi una Fantasia
more commonly known a s t h e
T h e mood of
t h e adagio w a s c a p t u r e d a n d held
t h e sustained
Again, in t h e p r e s t o agitato, M r .
W o l i n s k y showed a g r e a t technical
T h e second half of t h e p r o g r a m
w a s a good c o n t r a s t to t h e m o r e
A college newspaper e d i t o r c r e a t e d a furor
week with a n editorial which s u g g e s t e d t h a t N e g r o e s
should a t t e n d t h e college, f r a t e r n i z e
and "marry
a m o n g u s . " T h e college w a s W i l l i a m a n d M a r y iii
W i l l i a m s b u r g , Virginia a n d t h e e d i t o r w a s M a r y
K a e m e r l e w h o , because of h e r e d i t o r i a l , c a u s e d t h e
n e w s p a p e r The Plat
Hat to b e s u s p e n d e d b y t h e
colloge a u t h o r i t i e s .
S t u d e n t s of t h e college h a v e held a p r o t e s t m e e t ing a t which it was stated t h a t t h e q u e s t i o n w a s n o t
one of a p p r o v a l of t h e editorial w h i c h m a n y of t h e
s t u d e n t s d i d n o t agree w i t h , b u t r a t h e r a q u e s t i o n
of w h e t h e r s t u d e n t s w a n t e d a c e n s o r e d p u b l i c a t i o n .
T h e p r e s i d e n t of t h e college, D r . J o h n E . P o m fret
expressed t h e viewpoint of t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n in
m a k i n g t h e action, t h a t t h e e d i t o r i a l r a i s e d a furor,
t h a t t h e college was s u p p o r t e d b y a n d w a s a p a r t of
t h e S t a t e a n d t h a t when it a r o u s e d t h e c o m m u n i t y
g r e a t h a r m w a s done.
I n t h e m e a n t i m e , t h e n e w s p a p e r is s u s p e n d e d
a n d a c t i o n b y a Board of Visitors is p e n d i n g t o c o n sider " s u c h corrective a n d d i s c i p l i n a r y a c t i o n a s
m a y b e necessary,"
T h i s issue brings u p a l a r g e r issue w h i c h confronts college s t u d e n t s a n d t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
Specifically this is exactly h o w m u c h freedom of
t h o u g h t a n d action should or will college a u t h o r i t i e s
give t h e s t u d e n t s a t t e n d i n g t h e i r i n s t i t u t i o n s ? College s t u d e n t s a r e theoretically p r e p a r i n g t h e m s e l v e s
to b e c o m e t h e leaders of t h e i r g e n e r a t i o n .
a r e e n c o u r a g e d to think freely a n d i n d i v i d u a l l y .
Such m o t i v a t i o n often leads t o i d e a s w h i c h m a y n o t
be in conjunction with t h e ideas of t h e s a m e p e o p l e
w h o e n c o u r a g e d t h e free t h i n k i n g . S u c h a s i t u a t i o n
p r e s e n t s a problem, one of t h e m a n i f e s t a t i o n s of
which is recorded above. E i t h e r t h e o f f e n d i n g s t u d e n t s a r e shown t h e error of t h e i r w a y s o r t h e y a r e
left to m a k e their own w a y a n d d i s c o v e r for t h e m selves t h e right or wrong of t h e i r belief.
O u t of this point grows a n o t h e r q u e s t i o n , n a m e l y ,
d o college s t u d e n t s k n o w w h a t is b e s t for t h e m ?
T h e older person will n a t u r a l l y s a y " N o . " T h e
college s t u d e n t will s a y t h a t t h i s is for h e himself
to find o u t . Another a s p e c t w a s p r e s e n t e d b y D r .
P o m f r e t w h e n he explained t h e a c t i o n of t h e W i l liam a n d M a r y administration w a s p r o m p t e d by
t h e belief t h a t t h e editorial w a s h a r m f u l t o t h e
college. T h e harm evidently l a y in t h e fact t h a t it
expressed ideas which were n o t held b y a m a j o r i t y
of p e r s o n s in t h e town or s t a t e . Since t h e college
is s u p p o r t e d b y t h e S t a t e it w a s a q u e s t i o n of
" B u c k i n g " a n organized m a j o r i t y .
A college administration h a s t h e j o b of k e e p i n g
a college functioning well a n d to t h e b e s t a d v a n t a g e
of t h e s t u d e n t s . In t h a t c a p a c i t y t h e i r decisions
a r e colored b y their r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . I t is necess a r y to distinguish between valid a n d invalid
In this case, we d o n o t feel thai t h e
corrective action w a s justified b y t h e d u t i e s of t h e
1 ill H l ' l l ' ^ i
Established May 1916
By the Class of 1918
February 16, 1945
A K S I I C I I I I I M I ('
Inj.,,,. [,,.,.,„
No. IS
'''';: |"a|''''Ki;;iiln.ii.' n,,
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,''-'' -V;;"' ' " I'"' M'iWS lln,ml I',,,. '
Sin'.i.'i.i A — .....
" " " • I'll
- : Oll'li',., fi-IM:i| M.-.n-s •' 1:1:17 l i m n
The News Board
E D N A M. M A R S H
M A N A . . I II
lil'OH I S
t i l l IOU
5* 2
All I'niiimiiiili'iiiliiiis „|
|,| |,„ nililivrfM.,1 ,„ i|,„ m | | | , „ . an,I
TI10 STATU c o l , I , K m - ; sHWti
UKMIIIIIOH ,,„ ruupoIIHIliillt.\
tor o|ilnluii.s lupruHsuil In lis uuhmuid or UUIIIMIIIIII-IIIIMIIH
IIIUHI Im slguoil, Niinn's win I,,, withhold upon I'UIJIIOHI.
ua such oxiiriiHsluiis .in
uuiiusHiU'lly rol'luut lln vluw.
Gallant Filipino Guerillas Praised
By Former State Man O n Leave
Btudtnt CxfxUuttl Nafi Piopafanda On Cye-WitneU Account
— B y
Out of all t h e war news, o n e fact
s t a n d s out—the G e r m a n s a r e c a r rying on. I say tire G e r m a n s for i t
is useless to argue t h a t only a few
"One w a r story which h a s y e t t o
"Before we attacked, we knew fanatical J u n k e r s , Nazis, a n d g e n be told is t h e g r e a t job d o n e by exactly w h a t J a p air s t r e n g t h w a s , erals w a n t to g o on. T h e millions
t h e Filipino guerillas," L t . (jg) where t h e J a p s were based a n d how of soldiers a n d war-workers, S t o r m G e r a l d Sadcllemire (State, '41) said much e q u i p m e n t they h a d , T h e Troopers a n d Brownshirts, Gestapo
t h i s week, shortly after h i s r e t u r n Filipinos used to row a r o u n d i n men a n d P a r t y officials a r e n o t
from active d u t y in t h e Pacific fishing boats. W h e n they were meteorites, they a r e G e r m a n s . W h a t
n e a r t h e J a p s , they hoist a J a p keeps t h e m going? I do n o t b e " T h e Filipinos' devotion to t h e flag; n e a r Americans, they'd r u n lieve t h a t fear alone drives t h e m
on. Negative factors alone a r e n o t
A m e r i c a n forces w a s very great. up their own flag.
T h e y protected a n d fed Americans ."MacArthur kept t h e m supplied enough. T h e r e m u s t be s o m e t h i n g
w h o otherwise m i g h t have fallen with food a n d arms, though t h e else; I t h i n k it is t h e effects of
i n t o J a p h a n d s . M a c A r t h u r is a J a p s never knew how. At n i g h t Nazi p r o p a g a n d a .
h e r o to t h e m for keeping h i s word each guerilla would go down to
by D r .
the shore with a stick o n his back. S t a n d i n g
and returning."
as biased
Saddlemire, w h o visited t h e col- They'd build every temporary pier scientfically disseminated, m u s t b e
lege this week, was stationed on a n d our submarine would move in, a t t u n e d t o those whom it is to aft h e d e s t r o y e r Hale
d u r i n g t h e unload cargo a n d disappear. I n t h e fect. Therefore, before e x a m i n i n g
Philippines' invasion last October. morning, no pier, no submarine, b u t Nazi propaganda, we m u s t delve
His first experience with guerillas the guerillas h a d enough t o keep into G e r m a n history. This is a brief
was on Leyte D-Day, October 20, going. T h e campaign w a s a p u s h - outline of those facts which m u s t
be kept in mind.
when shore signals s e n t an. S O S to over, on t h e whole."
t h e ship.
Besides Leyte, t h e e x - S t a t e ColDuring t h e n i n e years from 1862"We d i d n ' t know whether to t r u s t lege basketball player wears battle 1871 G e r m a n y was cemented into
t h e blinker or not. They asked u s stars for t h e M a r s h a l l Islands, New one nation. Before this period a
to send o u t a boat to pick u p Guinea a n d t h e M a r i a n n a s . B u t it strong G e r m a n n a t i o n a l feeling a l Commander
X, b u t since we was not always exciting, h e says:
ready existed; during it, victory i n
"Pretty monotonous, a t times. three wars, t u r n e d t h i s feeling i n t o
d i d n ' t know t h e m a n , we t h o u g h t
it might be a J a p trick. They m i g h t T h e r e a r e no liberty ports in t h e a great n a t i o n a l p r i d e ; a n d t h e
w a n t to m a c h i n e g u n us, or some- Pacific a n d often we w e n t w i t h o u t amazing economic advances which
thing. T h e Admiral gave u s p e r - mail for some months. I w a s i n followed changed this pride i n t o
mission to go after Parsons, so we charge of t h e a u t o m a t i c battery— something approaching a n a t i o n a l
s e n t a n officer a n d five or six m e n small guns. I t got so, t h e m e n b e - superiority complex. Near t h e e n d
o u t in a m o t o r w h a l e boat," S a d - g a n calling o u r ship ' t h e lucky of t h e 19th Century, G e r m a n y w a s
Hale,' because she never got a the acknowledged a n d feared leader
dlemire recalled.
of t h e c o n t i n e n t ; a n d h e r n a t i o n a l
"They were Filippinos, all right, scratch on h e r . "
W h e n h i s leave ends, Lt. S a d d l e - pride, stimulated by success a n d by
a n d several A m e r i c a n officers whom
M a c A r t h u r h a d assigned to work mire's next assignment is A n n a p o - writers like Treitschke, w a s e n o r Soon t h e scales
w i t h t h e guerillas. O n e of t h e m e n lis, where h e will take t h e post mous.
against h e r , as, with w h a t t h e G e r w a s Col., n o w Brig.-Gen. Kangleon, g r a d u a t e course.
m a n s m u s t have t h o u g h t s t a r t l i n g
Filipino organizer a n d head of t h e
rapidity, t h e E n t e n t e was formed.
guerilla forces o n Leyte. You m a y
I n a n all-out a t t e m p t to regain a n d
h a v e seen t h e Life article a b o u t
maintain her dominant
h i m recently.
" T h e guerillas were a well-educated b u n c h , b u t being junior officers, most of t h e m didn't say
m u c h . K a n g l e o n w a s r rough old
hoy, though, a real f i g h u r . We h a d
t h e group aboard for a couple of
h o u r s before transferring t h e m t o
a n o t h e r ship."
Besides p e n n i n g t h e J a p s into
pockets o n t h e s o u t h e r n tip of Leyte
t h e guerillas secured invaluable i n telligence, t h e l i e u t e n a n t disclosed.
Fine Arts Exhibit
Displays Posters
R u t h E. H u t c h i n s , Assistant P r o fessors of F i n e Arts, h a s a n n o u n c e d
t h a t t h e exhibit in t h e second
floor hall of D r a p e r will c o n t i n u e
until February 29. T h e posters were
m a d e by a r t classes 3, 4, 6, 18 a n d
T h e purpose of these classes is to
aid prospective teachers of a l l s u b jects in lettering, in displaying illustrative m a t e r i a l a n d in m a k i n g
t h e classroom attractive.
Pi Omega Pi To Hold Tea
Included a m o n g t h e posters a r e
P i O m e g a P i will hold a t e a artistic signs a n d illustrations of
F e b r u a r y 22 in t h e Lounge from the poetry a n d literature of E u r o 3:30 to 6 P. M. All Juniors who pean countries, principally E n g l a n d
are Commerce m a j o r s a r e invited. a n d F r a n c e . F o r Social S t u d i e s
H e a d i n g committees for t h e af- there a r e illustrations of t h e backfair a r e t h e following people: A r - there a r e illustrations of t h e c u l t u r e
r a n g e m e n t s , Hazel Kevelle, '45; I n of t h e various countries. T h e posters
vitations, Florence G r a h a m , '45; also illustrate room a r r a n g e m e n t
Reception, Sonya Kadish, '46; E n - and interior decoration. Others a r e
t e r t a i n m e n t , Helen Elgin, '44; R e - still life paintings, scenes of t h e
freshments, J a n e t Mather, '45; Vic, interior a n d exterior of t h e college,
D o r o t h y Falk, '45; a n d Publicity, and illustrations of t h e repetitive
effect of design.
Marie H u n t e r , '45.
Jones Edits First Quarterly /
State Students Contribute Folklore
At t h e last meeting of t h e New
York Folklorr Association, Harold
T h o m p s o n , a u t h o r of "Body, Boots
and B r i t c h e s " and teacher ai. S t a t e
Colloge lor twenty-five years, was
elected President, a n d Dr. Louis C.
Jones, Assistant Professor of E n g lish, was elected Editor of I he newly
formed New York Folklore Society.
Yesterday I he first issue ol Hi"
"Folklore Q u a r t e r l y " was placed in
circulation, T h e r e a r e - linilar State
publications in California. Tennesee.
Indiana and I lie South, bill nothing
of the kind h a s ever existed in the
Northeast. Dr. J o i n s intends that
the "Folklore Q u a r t e r l y " published
four limes a year, will fulfill the
need for recording a n d preserving
New York folklore. Cornell University, where Dr. Thompson is now
teaching, contributed t h e n e e ssary
funds for the publication.
The magazine will be lln; central
agency by which oral stories, songs,
beliefs, a n d customs ol New York
S t a t e can be permanently enjoyed
by everybody. Folklore h a s always
been 11 wonderment to many people
because they do not reuhze t h e Implications of it. Pull realization that
il is in everyday life h a s not yet
.struck. T h e wealth of folk material
in New York State is only now being
presented In a n interesting, o r g a n ized m a n n e r .
In t h e first issue of t h e "Folklore
Quarterly," t h e content h a s been
chiefly contributed by State College
students, ililali F o o t s Newton, '30,
now leaching in Glens Falls, wrote
a long article on t h e folklore a n d
folk customs of Lake Champlain e n titled, "Horses a n d S t e a m b o a t s on
Lake C h a m p l a i n . "
"Slicks a n d
Stones," a folk article on children's
leasing r h y m e s is authored by
Eugenia Mellaril, a State g r a d u a t e .
The third main leal live was contributed by Reverend Quenton Webb,
who delivered the Baccalaureate
sermon for graduation lasl J u n e .
Elizabeth Culling, also contributed,
Dr. Jen. -- .-1 ales, " T h e material
all Ihrough the "Qnurlt rlii" from
now .111 will be drawing upon t h e
files ol t h e Archives to which all
students who have taken the English
in course contributed, For example,
I here may lie an article oil Weather
ii.lkli.ic. for winch materiul will be
taken Iron) t h e collections made by
„';i or 311 different students who have
taken English 40."
All t h e students who studied Folklore under either Dr. Jones or Dr.
Thompson know the interest a n d
enthusiasm t h e course creates. S t u dents 111 English 40 have really done
a super job. T h e "Fotklon
Quarterly" could not have been published
If it h a d not been for t h e S t a t e
students who have been collecting
avidly for the past fifteen years.
In editing I he magazine, Dr. J o n e s
is keeping In mind the use that c a n
be made of Folklore In high schools,
II is hoped Hun high school libraries
will subscribe to the magazine for
I he use ol il in English and Social
HI tidies courses.
State Students
Visit Legislature
A visit to t h e S t a t e Legislature
Monday evening, u n d e r t h e sponsorship of t h e League of W o m e n voters,
gave over 50 S t a t e s t u d e n t s a n o p portunity to observe f i r s t - h a n d t h e
l a w - m a k i n g body of New York. T h e
a r r a n g e m e n t s here a t school were
made through F o r u m .
T h e League president, Miss Z o r a r d a Weeks, will speak a t t h e F o r u m
meeting, F e b r u a r y 28. T h e visit to
t h e Capitol included a discussion o n
education legislation with Assemblym a n Milmoe, C h a i r m a n of t h e Committee on Public Education. T h i s
was followed by h a l f - h o u r visits to
the Assembly C h a m b e r a n d t h e
S e n a t e C h a m b e r , where there w a s
opportunity to observe t h e actual
process of law-making.
Miss Maris T r a p a s s o a n d Anita
Leone, Seniors, both members of
Forum board, spoke a t a Rotary
Club luncheon a t R a v e n a , Monday.
Mickey Navy Announces-The Bottom Half's Gone!
Cigarettes a r e gone!
I ires a r c gone! Nylons too! T h e
stiaw thai broke Mickey Navy's
hack h a s been snapped.
was blissful for this Miss; s h e
had a life a major chords, grand
slams a n d Big 11
. rehearsals until
thai fateful n i g h t !
Her most
precious creation was gone—-a
bridge-crazed thief h a d absconded with the bottom half of a
bridgi poster.
Bridge- is serious! Victory is
sweet, bill there is a n easier way
to win. Though t h e thief's head
be swimming with g r a n d slams,
and singletons, though he be
reeking with t h e little trophies
ol the bridge battle—-a stray lock
of h u m a n hair, a battered foot
and hoarse, rasps from bids—
let him return to t h e same
world by r e t u r n i n g t h e bottom
Recovery Is urgent!
UA1N: One bridge t o u r n a m e n t !
LOSS: O n e Mickey Navy I
G e r m a n y a n d h e r ally dragged t h e
world into war. I n this war, G e r
m a n y was u t t e r l y defeated. T h e
s t a b - i n - t h e - b a c k Idea came later-—
at t h a t time t h e G e r m a n s t h o u g h t
only of their Seven Million casualties. . . I t Is difficult to imagine
what this defeat d i d t o G e r m a n y ' s
pride: instead of prosperity, inflation; instead of s t r e n g t h , d i s a r m a m e n t a n d foreign occupation.
T h e n come t h e Nazis. T h e y offer jobs in w a r factories a n d i n t h e
a r m y ; t h e industrialists see t h e
unions destroyed; t h e m e r c h a n t s
see their property secure; t h e veterans can take it o u t o n t h e Jews;
the young a r e given uniforms; t h e
people as a whole see r e p a r a t i o n s
cancelled, t h e T r e a t y of Versailles
torn up, territory grabbed h e r e a n d
there, a n d , above all, t h e Nazis
make sure they see it. T h e i r selfrespect a n d pride r e t u r n . P r o p a g a n d a t u r n s this p r i d e into a sup e r i o r l y complex.
I c a n n o t go into all t h e devices
used; h e r e a r e a few. First, t h a t
super-race business. Consider yourself a G e r m a n . Remember, a l l you
h e a r o r see, r e a d o r say is controlled. Now you a r e told you a r e
a member of t h e s u p e r - r a c e , somet h i n g history h a s m a d e you suspect
already. T h e first t i m e you h e a r
it, you laugh a t a bit of nonsense;
the second t i m e y o u chuckle a t a
poor a t t e m p t to f l a t t e r ; t h e third
time you smile; t h e fourth time you
believe it. I t isn't a s simple a s t h a t ,
but t h a t is t h e general ida. Everything is r e p e a t e d a t h o u s a n d times,
and n o - o n e contradicts. As for t h e
other devices—have you ever felt a
chill when w a t c h i n g a p a r a d e ?
Have you ever screamed a t S i n a t r a
when other girls were doing It a n d
you felt a b n o r m a l because h e d i d n ' t
affect you in quite t h e s a m e way?
Probably you h a v e . All people a r e
t h a t way. R e p e a t these tricks a
hundred times a n d they a r e n o
longer tricks, t h e y a r e n o r m a l s i t u ations evoking a n o r m a l response.
Naturally all this goes over best
with t h e young because t h e i r t e n dencies h a v e been modified t h e
least. Soon this p r o p a g a n d a creates
a special world, o n e in which t h e
emphasis is o n w a r . Armies a r e
such p r e t t y toys!
Such a g r e a t
This p r o p a g a n d a is often selfcontradictory,
but that
worry a n y one. P r o p a g a n d a , though
put o u t i n t h e form of a stream,
really consists of a series of pills,
each one of which is t o b e swallowed a n d digested, a n d n o t t a k e n
out of t h e s t o m a c h afterwards so
t h a t its color m a y be compared
with t h e color on a n o t h e r pill. They
are all fed in, fib, lie, whopper—
the bigger t h e better, for we a r e
more a p t t o believe t h e e x t r a v a g a n t
claim t h a n t h e modest one ( t h e first
we think m u s t c o n t a i n some t r u t h ,
the second is probably t h e result
of a misreading of t h e scales.) All
these pills become a p a r t of t h e i n dividual. Artificial reflexes become
normal a t t i t u d e s .
I n t h e 12 years of Nazi rule,
lots h a s s u n k i n a n d been d i n n e d
in t h a t c a n n o t quickly be bombed
out. Certainly fear h a s become m o r e
important, b u t it is n o t fuel. A n d
please remember, this fear is a n
e m e r g e n y factor, It Will
T h e o t h e r factors, namely t h e effects of p r o p a g a n d a , Will
until really blotted o u t ; a n d they
will, unless we act, precipitate a n other war. T h e y d i d last time.
The Polette And Easel
For t h e p a s t few weeks, t h e r e h a s
been s o m e t h i n g very fine a n d lovely
up in a c e r t a i n room o n t h e second
floor of D r a p e r . Y e s , we're referring to t h e p a i n t i n g s of T h e r e s a
Six altogether, r a n g i n g i n s u b ject m a t t e r from landscapes a n d
still life to p o r t r a i t u r e , this alone
indicates t h e versatility of t h e a r t ist. T h e effectiveness of h e r work
speaks for h e r u n u s u a l capability.
T h e first p i c t u r e we'd like to
dwell on is called "Landscape," a n d
it belongs to Dr. Hicks. T h e scene
consists of trees o n a cliff n e a r a
river with rolling hills in t h e background. Of t h e two landscapes, this
is t h e superior. I t h a s more deli-
cate coloring, a n d t h e application of
p a i n t reflects n o t h i n g of t h e a m a teur. T h e o i c t u r e gets i t s w a r m t h
from t h e L g h t copper coloring of
the soil. T h e color is u n u s u a l —
something like a bright n e w p e n n y .
I n "Still Life," h e r w o r k m a n s h i p
comes t o t h e fore. T h r o u g h o u t i t
are these varied geometric forms.
T h e pears a r e d o n e so well you w a n t
to pick t h e m o u t a n d e a t t h e m . I t
seems as if t h e vase i n t h e corner
m i g h t have h a d better perspective if
similar s h a d i n g h a d been followed
through o n t h e wall behind it. T h e
contrast of colors, however, is lovely a n d seems to outweigh everything else.
T h e r e s a McGinnis is a t h e r best
in p o r t r a i t u r e . I n addition to d u p licating t h e individual o n canvas,
she uses color in a n almost u n c a n n y
way to e n h a n c e t h e person a n d r e veal his personality. T h e first portrait we come to is t h a t of Dr. C. C.
S m i t h . H e r technique is excellent,
a n d t h e r e s u l t Is a simple, direct,
S t u d e n t C h r i s t i a n Association will and well-done p o r t r a i t . S h e catches
conduct a second lenten service a t a characteristic facial expression of
t h e U n i t a r i a n Chapel, Wednesday our E d 10 prof—ruddy checks et al.
at 12 noon. T h e service is to bo a
Now for t h e last a n d best of t h e
responsive worship service based on paintings — t h e portrait of Dean
the "Lord's P r a y e r . " Mary D. Alden, Nelson!
F r o m all angles, it is
'45, is leading t h e ceremony. Special the most finished a n d precise of
musical responses will be provided the six. T h e r e is a sensitiveness of
by Alice Williams, '48. J u s t i n e coloring with beautiful contrast of
Moloney, '48, will be t h e organist.
black a n d white. This was done
Eleanor Hayeslip, '45, announces when T h e r e s a McGinnis was fifSCA's observance of World Chris- teen, a n d s h e worked from a p h o tian Fcredation Day of Prayer for tograph. T h e d a r k colors evoke
stuednls will be held at 3:00 P.M., ,1 dignified a n d stern atmosphere.
February 18 at K a p p a Delia sorority
This p a i n t i n g is so realistic t h a t
11 is impcasible to criticize one feaOnce a year all s t u d e n t christian ture as not meeting t h e excellent
groups a r o u n d t h e world unite in par of t h e others. T h i s p o r t r a i t h a s
celebrating t h e World Student. Fed- the precision of a p h o t o g r a p h .
Theresa McGinnis h a s received
eration Day of Prayer for students.
William McConaghy, pastor of no formal education in painting. I t
the Madison Avenue Presbyterian is regrettable t h a t h e r a r t h a d n o t
Church will speak. Kay Booth, '47, been brought before S t a t e College
will lead t h e group discussion.
SCA To Hold
Lenten Services
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
H. F. Iffionikel & Son
Gamma Kap, BZ, Stokes,
Dynamiters, Phi Delt Lead
Psi Gam and Chi Sig
Gain First Victories
Ey Joan Hylind
We are chagrined. The defeat of
Newman by BZ finds us stranded
on a rather cold limb. The evil that
has befallen our avowed favorite
brings reminiscences of Kiley, Wurtz
and Kiss of Death Inc. We might
even be forced to give up predicting
for the duration. The only consolation we have is that Maggio, one
of Newman's star forwards, was not
in the line-up that fateful day. The
break-up of a powerful combination
of forwards can undermine any
team. This beautiful piece of rationalization breaks down, however,
when we discover that Blake and
Bushnell were missing from the BZ
team. Could be they're just good?
Black vs. Yellow
There may be some discussion on
the question of whether the Myskaia-Frosh game belongs on the
sports page. But if TGIP can be
represented—so can Myskania. Seriously, it was a game well worth
watching. The black-robed ones
made a better showing than anyone
thought they would—including Myskania. Smith, Garfall, Now and
Cooper, the "regulars" of the team,
were right in there. Meyers, of the
"conscripted" members was the surprise of the day. Her guarding and
smooth interceptions helped save the
venerable seniors from worse than
a 53-21 defeat. In the freshman
lineup all members distinguished
themselves. By the way, does Tilden
ever miss?
Myskania's provision of
stretcher-bearers turned out to be
more grim than anyone intended.
Kippy's broken finger and the difficulty connected with having it set
go to illustrate once more the point
made in an earlier column that
State College students do not receive
adequate medical protection.
Winter Wonderland
For the last month or so we have
been watching the little ones romp
in the snow—skiis and sleds flying
—no cares. Washington Park has
become a miniature Sun Valley, offering all the winter sports. State
students might be able to use the
facilities if they can negotiate a
non-aggression pact with the juveniles who are now undisputed masters of the scene.
Then there was the little boy who
preferred to use the icy sidewalk
for his sleigh-run. We stopped to
give him a lecture on consideration
of the rights of others — but we
really didn't mind walking in the
About Milne
Last week-end we saw our first
Milne basketball game—but not the
last. Those kids really put on a
good show. One thing that impressed us about the game was
the enthusiasm of the audience.
They were never still. After growing up on the utter passivity of
State College spectators, it was
quite a shock. There are only two
or three times wu can remember
when the Eagles received the vocal
.support they deserved.
Yea Lincoln!
One more item has been added to
the long list of reasons why we
honor Lincoln. His birthday enabled Kiley to leave the thriving
metropolis of Heuvelton to come to
us. But times have changed. When
asked to write a guest column,
George Bertram replied, "I have
nothing to say." What one year
in Huevelton can do.
Tout Note
Before Christmas vacation there
was considerable furor raised concerning the policies of the Sports
page. Ah that time we made a suggestion that representatives from
the Athletic associations be appointed to give news to the Sports
page. The public may be interested in knowing that so far this has
not been done,
103 C E N T R A L AVE.
This past week the basketball
league was brought to the fore once
again after a brief respite due to
the fuel shortage.
On Saturday afternoon the Dynamiters went into action against the
powerful Whiz Kids, defeating them
by a score of 19-17. The contest was
a close and steady one from the
start but the Commuters, sparked
by Herllhy's fourteen points, succeeded in emerging victorious over
„„„. Whiz
....«, Kids.
_..„_ the_ frosh
mainstay, led her squad with ten
The second game of the afternoon
between Newman Hall and Beta
Zeta displayed very little of the
steadiness seen in the first contest
and at the final whistle Beta Zeta
held a decisive lead of 24-7 over the
Newmanites. Both teams failed to
settle down to their usual even style
of playing. The Newman Hall squad
rallied several times but were
thwarted in every attempt by the
competent Dunn, Diffon and Jennings of the BZ defense. The Newman guards were off their usual
steady form and were unable to
check the strong Baker-McGinnisRopke combination. Guido seemed
to be the mainstay on the Newman
defense while Russo led the offense
with four points. Baker gamed scoring honors for the BZ quintet.
A spirited session between Phi
Delt and Sayles resulted in a 30-22
win for the Phi Delts. Both teams
put up a valiant struggle last year
to remain on the list of those chosen
for league championship. Phi Delt
has retained much of its former
strength in the person of Hamilton,
Seymour and Barnhart while Lengyel, a newcomer on the Sayles squad,
adds to its powerful offense. Seymour was high scorer for Phi Delt
with 16 points and Lengyel tossed up
14 for the losers.
Activity was resumed on Monday
afternoon with Chi Sig and Moreland battling for court honors. The
Madison Avenue lassies took their
first victory of the season in a 17-10
lead over the Morelanders. Garfall
came through for the Chi Sigs with
15 of the total points.
Gamma Kap Strong
Gamma Kap continues to hold its
place in the league limelight by de
feating the AEPhi girls to the tune
of 16-4. The Gamma Kaps displayed a well co-ordinated quintet and
the AEPhi squad was unable to gain
more than two baskets before such
a strong defense. The losers made
several attempts to hold down their
opponents but Pedisich and Young
remained undaunted scoring 7 and
6 points respectively.
Psi Gam succeeded in gaining
their first victory in a hard fought
tilt with the Tommy More girls
The final score was 12-4.
Beta Zeta slammed through to
their second victory of the week by
defeating the Whiz Kids 37-10.
Stokes And Hares Tie
The final game proved to bo the
most exciting. It got off to a poor
start witli both teams failing to get
settled. The Rares were leading by
a narrow margin but in the last
frame the Stokes squad gained momentum and brought the game to
an 11-11 deadlock. In the overtime
match tin; squads went wild. Griffin
and Bishop on the Stokes defense
set up an Impenetrable zone forcing
the bull info play on their own
court. Boynton and Engdahl scored
for the Stokes team and the overtime lap ended in u 15-12 triumph
for Stokes.
Rivalry Game
To Be Played
In Page Today
The invincible Green Gremlins
armed with their baskets and balls
and the best line-up State has seen
in years, will meet the "48" daffies
In the gym this afternoon, to disprove the theory "length makes
stren tn
B >"
Yes—that's one thing the frosh do
have—length! According to Shapiro
their captain, the guards average
all of 5 feet 8 inches! Well that's
good! They'll need it against Dunlay's speed and Baker's and Russo's
perfect shots. Anyone who saw these
Sophs play last year against such
"vets" as Seymour, Shoup and SlacMe know how effortlessly they piled
P the points. Sweeney and Margot
famed guards, also of last year's
rivalry team, are expected to be in
Soph line-up with Van Vrank
en, to watch for and guard against
any possible baskets the frosh might
try '"
to make.
Now let's take a look at the frosh
line-up. One of their forewards is
Tilden — her team-mates call her
Dead-eye Dan. This means she has
only one eye she can use when
shooting baskets—what can you expect there? Then there's Quinn
who is—again according to Shapiro
— their shifty forward." Here
Sophs you'll naturally have to look
out for "shifty playing," And then
there's McGinnis—but those frosh
are going to need a lot more than
^mXtZa'ivteh spirit, to help
insnrivalry game.
them *ifenung
through this
As their guards, the frosh boast
Diehl, Diffin, and Shapiro. Well any
basketball team has to have guards
—it says so in the rules, and if
you're playing in a game it must
be played according to the rules.
Here then nothing much can be
said, except that these three will
probably try—in their own small
frosh way—to keep the three Soph
"super mainstays" from making too
many baskets,
However looking at it from an
unbiased viewpoint-as only a Soph
can, it should be an exciting game.
So come on
frosh—come and be
there to pick up the remains of
y ° u r courageous team! !
Ed. Note: The above was written
by an unprejudiced Sophomore.
Sports Draft Makes fikld
For Examination, Research
A good theme for a doctoral
disertation, a term project—or
what have you, would be, "Spur
of the moment Athletes in State
College History."
A few more subjects were added
to the list in the Myskania-Frosh
game—but there has been a long
line of people who have been
pressed into service to make a
sixth in basketball or a ninth in
What could be included in a
work of this kind is the psychology of the phenomenon—the reaction on both spectators and
the impressed one—results of
such activity as compared with
results obtained by regular athletes, lasting effects etc. The
possibilities are endlses.
Bowling League
Resumes Action
Lack O f Smokes
Scored By All
We decided to disgress from the
field of sports this week and write on
a matter of universal interest. We,
like all other fiends, have been run
ragged trying to find cigarettes.
Time after time we have arrived too
late. "Sorry, Mac. Just sold the last
pack," has rung in our ears so often
that we are growing just a bit tired
of it.
Rumors, Facts
In the back of our mind was
always a nagging little thought. We
were always trying to figure just
where all the cigarettes were disappearing to. There were lots of
hints and rumors, but no definite
information. Then Monday night
we saw an item about a new cigarette that is to make its appearance
soon. Quoted in the article, as an
afterthought, were a couple of
figures on current cigarette production.
Terrific Production
We learned that Phillip Morris
produces no less than 33 billion
cigarettes each year, and that Liggett & Meyers (Chesterfields) makes
just twice that many. With these
figures to work on we decided that
R. J. Reynolds (Camels) whipped
out 75 billion; American Tobacco
Company (Lucky Strikes), 65 billion;
and P. Lorillard Company (Old
Gold), 22 billion. This makes a total
of 261 billion popular brand cigarettes produced in this country in
one year. Then we used 130 million
population to determine the number
consumed. If fifty percent of the
people in this country, 65 million,
were to smoke a pack a day for a
year 23,725,000,000 packs would go
up in smoke.
By dividing 261 billion by 20 we
discovered that only 13,050,000,000
packs were produced. This leaves a
deficit of 10,675,000,000 packs a year
and, seemingly, a solution to the
shortage. But, and here is the hitch,
we haven't even tried to estimate
the number of lesser known brands
that are produced. There are so
many small sellers on the market
that they must make up the discrepancy between production and
consumption of popular makes. And
another factor is the figure we used
for tire smoking public. There are
many men who will never touch a
fag, sticking faithfully to pipe or
The MAA bowling league was
launched again Monday night after
its disruption by Uncle Sam. Three
members were lost to the navy,
which makes the number printed in
last week's News wrong,
has only four
teams competing. Harry Inglis'
broken up and split
a m o n g . the three remaining teams
" because of
This °move was made
Inglis' completion of his graduate
work and withdrawing from college.
All four teams saw action In
Monday night's session.
Hansen's Whiz Kids took the alleys
against Bob Sullivan's All Americans and took three out of four
games. Both teams were bowling
with blinds, but Hansen's boys were
a little more consistent. Jim Crandell was the big gun for the Whiz
Kids, wacking out a single of 181.
His three game total of 467 was also
high for his team. Jim Whytock
gained top honors for the AllAmericans with 163 and 421.
In the second match of the night
the Flashes took it on the chin
from Dave Lehman's renovated
Thunderbolts. The
served notice on the rest of the
league that they are out for blood
by winning four games. The Flashes
were handicapped by the absence of
Cal Zippen, one of their top men.
Even with Zippen the Flashes would
have had a hard time overhauling
the Thunderbolts because Lehman
himself turned in the highest three
game total of the year. His total
was 521, and his 187 was the high Got A Butt, Pal?
The foregoing still leaves us with
single for his team. Hess' 164 and
Barrington's 427 wore high for the Hie perennial question: WHERE
Acompanenos... Have a Coke
IOI | j
A L B A N Y , N. Y.
Western & Quail
15c a game for school leagues
from 0 A.M. to 0 P.M.
In Puerto Rico, as in Punxsutawncy or Pasadena, Coca-Cola is a
friend-maker your American soldier can count on. To natives and
to his buddies alike, Have aCoka says llowya doiii',pal, It's a simple
gesture of friendly courtesy. Yes, Coca-Cola is truly an American
symbol of a refreshing way to make friends.
Coke rr Coca-Cola
It's niiturjil for popular numci
to acquire friendly abbreviations. Tl •i,'J wliy you hear
Coca-Cola culled Coku.
Tomorrow Night's Features W i l l Include
Big 10 Proceeds
Subject Today
For D iscussion
McGrath To Propose
Motion To Use Money
For Student Union Fund
Three financial motions will be
the order of the day in student
assembly this morning. Several important announcements will follow
the voting and discussion.
The first motion concerns that
presented by Leah Tischler, '45, in
last week's assembly—Be it resolved
that: "Ten dollars be taken from the
Student Association Surplus Fund
and be appropriated to Campus
Commission for the purpose of expenses, such as to pay for keys for
the strong box. the duplication of
drawer keys for members of the
Commission, cord for Moving Up
Day, and any other expenses that
might be incurred during this semester."
BiS Eight Motion
Betty J. McGrath, '46. chairman of
the Big Eight Committee, will introduce a resolution to rescind the
following motion passed by Student
Association last March—"That upon
maturity the 4'; interest on the
$2500 bond purchased by the Big
Ten proceeds be used to establish a
scholarship fund for returning veterans or for their descendants."
The Big Eight Committee feels that
returning veterans arc already provided for in the G.I. Bill of Rights.
In addition the bond would give
impetus to the Student Union Fund
and more people would benefit if
the maturity value of the $2500 were
turned over in this manner. If the
above motion is rescinded by the
2/3 vote necessary for this action,
the new resolution will read: "The
Big Eight Committee moves that
upon maturity the $2500 bond purchased by the proceeds of last year's
Big Ten programs be turned over to
Student Union."
Sullivan Proposes . , .
Robert Sullivan, '4G, Vice-President of Student Association, will
present the motion sponsored by
Student Council stating: "I move
that all bills of an amount under
$20 be taken directly to the Board
of Audit and Control." This would
eliminate unimportant
(Continued on page 3 column 5)
S C A Lenten Program
,,,or how to he hep in Puerto Rico
S t a t e Fair W i l l O r g a n i z e Campus Talent
T o G a i n F o u r t h Big 8 G o a l O f $ 3 0 0
Hayeslip Announces
Vacuum Repair Shop
State College News
— By George Hess —
Eleanor Hayeslip, '45, President
of Student Christian Association,
has announced that the religious
club's Lenten program is "well
under way." A second Lenten lecture will be held on Sunday
Beta Zeta House at 3 P.M. On
Wednesday, the second in a series
of noon Lenten services is scheduled in the Unitarian Chapel.
At 3 P.M. on Sunday, the Reverend McCanaghy will speak on
"Prayer." An informal discussion
will follow the talk and refreshments will be served.
Miss Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
Women, will be guest speaker at
the noon service on Wednesday.
Betty Brewster, '47, will lead the
players and Justine Maloney, '40,
will accompany soloist Phyllis Witt
Perm, '4ti, on the organ. In charge
Booti), '47.
All State students are invited to
attend these weekly lectures and
services, regardless of denomination.
Work Wave Witnessed
As Students Fill Library
Excuse me please! I'm sorry
it's already been taken! Try the
vertical file for that subject. The
library closes now. I'm sorry!
Students swarmin'! Magazines
are whisked off shelves before
first nighters can even make
contact. Reference books are absolutely not available and newspapers are out of question.
Even the treacherous stairs
hold no fears for State's enlightened intelligentsia the past
few weeks. In spite of constant
stumbling, falling and tripping
students still surmount such obstacles and delve into the deep.
Librarians are puzzled beyor.d
comprehension. New Year resolutions are expected but this
constant increase—it's unbelievable! Please someone tell us why?
F o r m a l Initiation
Variety Show, Arcade, Canteen, Statemen
Climax Pledging
In Six Sororities
Tomorrow evening, amid gala and quaint customs of
any and all periods and places, the State Fair will begin at
7:30 P. M., with the Statesmen presentation in Page Hall.
The "Big 8" goal for other presentations has been $200, but
due to the universal interest displayed in the Fair the goal
Four sororities, Kappa Delta, Psi
Gamma, Chi Sigma Theta and Phi
Delta, held formal initiations for
their newly pledged members during this week, and two others, Beta
Zeta and Gamma Kappa Phi, have
scheduled theirs for Sunday afternoon and Monday evening respectively.
On Monday at 8 P.M., Kappa
Delta admitted sixteen new members. They are: Janet Brady, Betty
Cavanaugh, Frances Child, Barbara Dunker, Muriel Gardner, Sue
Hildreth, Vivian Hillier, Barbara
Harris, Marcia Moss, Olga Podmajersky, Alice Prindle, Jean Wilcox,
Phyllis Witt Penn and Virginia
Youi.g, freshmen, and Janet Taylor,
'47. and Eleanora Johnson, '46.
Psi Gamma initiated the following twelve members: Margaret
Daley, Wilma Diehl, Virginia Dowel,
Mary Emmett, Janet Johnson,
Helen Kiescl, Marjorie Lotz, Lorraine Malo, Katherine Tronsor,
Shirley Van Popering and Alice
Williams, freshmen, and Edna Van
Popering, '47.
On Sunday evening at 8 P. M.,
Chi Sigma Theta inducted thirteen
pledges: Rita Coleman, Mary Frisk,
Jean Hansen, Dorcne Holland, Jane
O'Brien, Sue O'Connell,
Powers, Dorothy Skellon, Dorothy
Walesjio and Nancy Walsh, freshmen, and Jeanne Dormandy, Mary
Hayes and Marge Pender. Sophomores.
Twelve new members will be admitted to Gamma Kappa Phi on
Sunday afternoon at 3 P.M. They
are: Charlene Brennan, Dorothy
Bird. Mary Cooper, Mary Jane
(Continued on Paye :i, column J/i
" a s b e e n r a i s e d t o $o(JU.
The purpose of the State Fair is to unite the various
group in the interest of contributing to the War
effort. It was begun two years ago when the War was in
its infancy, and, an integral part of the "Big 8" series, is
destined to remain in the extra-curricular life of State College.
The following is the program for
the evening:
7:30 P.M.—Statesmen's show in
Page Hall.
8:30 P.M.—Official
opening of
State Fair Concessions.
11:30 P.M.—official closing of concessions, and everySophs W i l l Celebrate
one goes to the Com
Tonight at Ten Eyck
12:00 M —Announcements of results by judges.
The class of '47 will celebrate its
The Statesmen have named their
second year at State by banquetshow "The Statesmen Variety." I t
ing tonight at 7 P.M. in the four- will include James Crandell, '46,
teenth floor ballroom of the Ten rendering serious songs and a comic
Seniors Must Utiiize
Main attraction of the number in collaboration with Wilbur Sheiff, '47. Other singers on
Milne Stairway Fridays
evening will be Dr. J. Allan Hicks, the
program are: William Mallery,
Professor of Guidance, as speaker. '47, Robert Sullivan, '46, and Clyde
Leah Tischler, '45, Campus ComDr. Louis C. Jones, Assistant Pro- Cooke, '47, Harold Vaughn, and
mission head, announced that a
new ruling was made during the
fessor of English, Agnes Futterer, James Brophy, freshmen, as the
Andrew Sisters.
commission meeting last Tuesday.
Assistant Professor of English, and Cowboys,
Soldiers, Food
The ruling states that practice
Newman Hall, first prize winners
teachers should utilize the Milne
English, has also accepted an in- for two years, will have a cowboy
stairway that passes through the
girl's locker room instead of in
vitation to be guests of the Sopho- theme, "Death Valley Daze." Current songs of the West will be featerrupting assembly by passage
more class.
tured with ballads, stories, and
through the auditorium. The rul"The Lone Ranger."
ing was enacted so that assembly
Maloney General Chairman
programs will not be interrupted
The tragic story of a typical serEllen Maloney, '47, general chair- viceman
by undue noise.
will be the central idea
man of the affair, says, "A first of
"Sayles Canteen." There
Campus Commission urges all
class dinner and lots of fun awaits will the
also be a special attraction for
organizations and individuals to
every '47'er who comes." Marjorie all males
in the audience.
take careful notice of the new
O'Grady, '47, is Mistress of CerePierce Hall will have a bingo
poster rules.
The commissions
monies for the evening. Enteralso requests that all posters be
tainment under the direction of game, with many interesting and
called for as soon as possible after
Philip Lashinsky, '47, will include a valuable prizes to be won.
Moreland Hall's food booth will
they are taken clown.
fairy tale skit entitled "Little Red
The new poster rules are as
Riding Hood" or "She Shoulda provide "snacks" for the hungry,
Stayed in Bed," enacted by the while Stokes Hall will cater to the
Before leaving your poster be
T.G.I.F.'ers, Muriel Ruben and thirsty.
Wren's dart-throwing concession
sure that—
Mary Tolian, Sophomores will sing;
1. It is one-half regular poster
At the New York State Assembly n monologue, "The Butcher, the and Nelson's novelties, nick-nacks,
size paper for meetings. Regular open meeting held last Tuesday at Baker, the Candlestick Maker; and and notions, are places of relaxsize otherwise.
1 P.M., at the Capitol, Speaker of Albert Read, Harold Weber and ation.
There are two fortune-telling
2. It is not on green, grey or blue the House I v s , in conjunction with Shirley
'47, will give
Assemblyman Quinn, introduced an William M a 11 e r y, Sophomores, booths, St. Thomas More house and
3. It contains:
Anti-Discrimination bill. This bill in the Annex trio. Dorothea Sil- the Commuter's Club, but they will
a. Name of organization spon- would set up a five-man commis- vernail, Sopli class song-leader, be run along different lines.
Kappa Delta will have a "Truth
soring event.
sion to bar discrimination in em- will lead the songs and Betty
b. Time,
ployment in the state by using per- Brennan, '47, will conduct cheers. or Consequences" show, which will
be run similiar to the one on the
suasions and penalties, to influence
c. Place.
The menu for dinner is as radio.
the spirit of follows:
d. Date.
Cafe, Auction, Arcade
e. Other important information brotherhood. It has as its objecHalf grapefruit, celery and olives,
The "Psi's Gam House" will have
such as admission if any. tive the concept of freedom from potage
mongol, broiled half chicken singing waitresses mingled with
all racial and religious discrimina4. It is neat and clear.
or roast, French fried potatoes, good service, entertainment, and
5. It is of college level.
fresh string beans, combination food.
Special permission will be given
Arguments against the Anti-Dis- salad with French dressing, pineDances and odd reminders of
to put up banners and oversize crimination bill include that It apple mousse, assorted cake, demivarious professors will be auctioned
would set up a Gestapo, would en- tasse.
off in the Chi Sigma Theta AucThe poster approval commission courage black-mail to employers
$1.25 paid any time before Friday tion.
consists of Marianne Davis, '4(i and by members of the racial groups
or at the door before the banquet
Dorothy Caughran, '47.
Greenwich Village as presented
discriminated against, and would is the admission price. All Sophdrive business out of the state be- omores are urged to attend and by Alpha Epsilon Phi will have portrait painters, "spot" poetry, and
New York would be the only join in the affair.
Student Council Chooses cause
state where this bill would apply
Gamma Kappa Phi's penny arcade
Committee For Collection and business men would take their
will include a human nickelodlan,
business elsewhere.
Those who
portrait painters, and pitching
The Student Council Appointment favor the proposed bill say that French Club Presents Movie/
Committee has chosen the following it would not in any way compel "Gribouille" In Page Today
people to act on the Collection the employer to hire anyone he
Beta Zeta's concession will be a
Committee for Student Union:
doesn't want but that it would
Constance Titterington, '46, presi- Fish Pond with many interesting
Katherine Kendall, '46, chairman, prevent any discrimination in hir- dent of French Club, has announ- prizes for the contestants.
Eleanor O'Brien, '4(i, Katherine ing because of race, creed or color. ced that "Gribouille," a movie starPhi Delta will have a "Chamber
Guido and Carol Berg, Sophomores,
,v ghosts and
Governor Dewey, Mayor La- ring Michele Morgan, and Raimu of Horrors," with many
Jane O'Brien and Alice Williams, Guardlo and Eric Johnson, presi- will be presented in Page Hall hobgoblins to frighten patrons.
A special attraction will be the
dent of the United States Chamber today. There will be two performThe duties of the committee are of Commerce, have all spoken in ances, one at 4 P.M. this afternoon shoe-shine booth of the T.O.I.F.'s
as follows:
favor of tills bill. Dewey endorsed and one at 8 P.M. The admission To each customer will be given one
1. To send letters out to those it saying, "that it will insure equal- price is 35c (including tax). The cigarette.
students who pledged to the Student ity of opportunity to all" and "will movie will be in French with Eng- Total Proceeds
Union in '44.
place our state in the forefront of lish sub-titles.
The Big 8 Committee has com
2. To solicit those students in '44 the nation in the handling of this
Attendance is compulsory for pitted the proceeds of the first
who did not pledge.
vital issue."
French students as the French three in the series: Seniors, $220.50;
3. To prepare a campaign for soliAbout twenty-five State students department will issue no home Faculty, $174.33; Religious Clubs,
citing other past classes.
attended tire meeting.
work over the week end.
$144.62. This totals $539.58,
.ommission Sets
New Regulation
Students Attend
State Legislature
Hicks To Speak
A t '47 Banquet