Document 14064078

W A A Tennis Tournament
Dominates Sports Program
Twenty Girls Enter;
W A A Rules
Weather Remains Fair Newly-Interpreted
Bert Kiley-
Herb Gives With
Beats W/nche// By Months
He may not have been a football hero—in fact he wasn't. But
Herbert wielded a mean typewriter. Have a sample. Since
Herebert Leneker was ribbed
here; here he will be vindicated.
From the V column, June 16,
Remember, each one o/ us
ERC8 going in will release a
WAAC for more active duly . .
From Walter Winchell's column June 16, 1943:
The clowns claim a certain
whoop—m'dear is being drafted
.so that a WAAC can be released
for active duty.
There, in the New York idiom
Open Tourney
Into Semi-Finals;
One Man Left
Giavelli Defeats Cote;
Ferber Next Opponent
The open tennis tournament enOnce more tennis takes the spotKit Herdman, '44, president of
ters the semi-final round this week,
light in the WAA sports program. WAA, reviewed in an interview this
with Bob Ferber left to uphold the
Girls have signed up in gratifying week credit and award rules in orhonor of State's males against the
numbers to compete in the tourna- der tc clarify the situation for
sizzling raqucttes of Flo Garfall,
ment. Twenty women are now j freshmen and many of the upperNora Giavelli, and Josie Simon.
taking part. A schedule has been clnssmcn.
posted on the WAA bulletin board
Ferber clashes with Giavelli in
with the Information that all first
a best-out-of-three match, while
round matches are to be complete
Simon meets Garfall in an allby today. Weather is an unknown of the periods that the sport is offemale encounter.
quantity in the set-up of the tour- fered. Tennis and riding are spein June, is what the STATU COLNora disposed of Freshman Ed
sunament. A rainy season effectively
i.noio NfflWH carried in March.
Cote handily last Friday on the
addicurtailed last year's activities. So
And which puts W. W. just
Washington Park courts, 6-1, 6-0.
far this fall there Is reason to hope tional hours.
three months behind our own
Nora's baseline barrage proved
that the present fair weather will
H. L. . . .
too much for the rusty cx-Rcnsselall
aer High's—it must be tho NKWH continue long enough to assure a
aer star, and he succumbed 6-1, 6-0.
office phone.
successful termination of the tour- in four sports throughout the year.
Ferber won his first set handily.
Credit in four sports a year for
Secondly, In a burst of poetic nament this season.
(i-0, from Mark Blunt; but tired
three years merits a gold key. Nufancy, we compared Pfc. Leneker
The line-up for the first round
badly in the second and was exto Alan Hale. A refresher course of matches is dominated numeri- merals and keys are given out at
tended to a 7-5 set. Both Glavelli
in History C shows it to be Nathan cally by the class of '47. Twelve
and Ferber drew first round "byes."
Hale we had in mind.
freshmen have signed up to play.
Jos'e Simon drew a default into
WAA council is made up of two
Freshman Star Leaves
With a majority of the contestants
semi-final bracket when her
The saddest part about obituaries making a maiden appearance in a representatives from each class In
opponent-to-be, Dutch
is that the deceased has little op- State College sports event, it is addition to the officers of the
A weekend at Cam]) Johnson is was called into the service. In a
portunity to read the nice things difficult to make accurate predic- organization.
tentatively scheduled for October first round match, Josie disposed
Honor Council is elected by WAA 9 under the direction of Helen Slack of Al Bininatl 6-0, 6-2.
said about him. We are going to de- tions as to the possible outcome.
vote today's column to saying some
and Bobbie Van Auken, SophoArlenc Polsky, '4(i, Josephine
Flo Garfall finds herself in flic
nice things about some nice guys. Simon, '45, Flo Garfall, '45, Eileen one to four Junior women who have mores. WAA is anxious to have at position of being in the semi-finals
Just about half the athletic Shoup, '46, Sunna Cooper, '45 and
least one weekend this fall but the without having swung a raquette.
ability in the school left this week Leah Tischler, '45, are the veterans ; names of members of this body are food problem may be insurmount- Flo drew a free ticket into the secwhen freshman Kenny George of former tennis tournaments who announced on Movl.)g-up Day. able as the girls themselves must ond round and then kept on going
withdrew from college to don the are entered in this year's contest. ! White honor jackets are awarded. contribute ration points for the into the semi-final when Jim Miner
O.D. Kenny was a "natural," be- Marie Scudder, '46, is the only up- i Kit Herdman and Leda LaSalle eatables required.
withdrew from the tournament.
ing able to carry his coordination perclassman who is competing for i were the two members of WAA
Any suggestion for a solution of
Ferber and Giavelli meet in the
and blinding speed from one sport the first time. Garfall's name ap- | chosen for Honor Council this year. this difficulty may be offered by
All women who have paid Student camping enthusiasts. Watch the next round in what promises to be
to another with facility. You could pears on the tennis cup for the
come away from a conversation 1941 season while Garfall and I Tax are members of WAA. Voting bulletin board in the lower hall of a hard-fought match. Both playwith Ken, knowing that here was Glavelli progressed to tho finals in ; privileges in elections for officers Draper for further developments on ers are strong and a close battle
seems In the offing. Glavelli, in
a fellow who played and loved last year's tourney. These two are restricted to those members the Camp Johnson weekends.
sports, but you would have no idea players are recognized as the j who have earned credit that year WAA reports that the hockey field her match with Cote, did not show
anv signs of tiring. Nora's energy
just how well Ken played them. It strongest contendants for the cup in at least one sport.
behind Pierce Hall has been lined will be an advantage to her over
is a welcome relief from the annual but an upset may well be in the
and Is ready for play.
Ferber, who appeared tired In his
crop of frosh acting as their own offing.
The chances for a hiking program second set with Blunt.
press agent to find a real star who
are slim unless more Interest is
preferred playing to talking.
Though having suffered previous
shown. Contact Kit Herdman if
practice lately. Flo Garfall de- Re Activities Day Table
When the boys depart in droves clares, "Nora Is playing the best
hiking is one of your pet recrea- defeats at the hands of Garfall,
Josie Simon's impressive victory
for the fronts, the place looks tennis I have ever seen her play.
Tomorrow WAA, along with most tions.
Bininati indicates a close
strange for a day or so, then once She is in top form." On the other of tho other activities and organiRiding has one of the largest fol- ivcr
more seems familiar.
However, hand, Flo is a bit rusty from lack zations of the college, will be rep- lowings among the fall sports. It match here.
there are a few whom we miss more of recent practice and forsees a resented by a table in the commons. is advisable to sign up on the WAA
With both semi-final matches
than others, fellows that without hard fight ahead If she and Nora All women are asked to sign up bulletin board some time during the scheduled to be run off next week, a
whom the place doesn't seem like do meet.
for any sport in which they are week if you wish to go riding the completed tournament by the second
As the schedule now stands, a Interested. Sign-up sheets will be coming Saturday. Otherwise a suf- week of October seems certain.
This September we looked for- bye is Indicated In the second j provided for the winter and spring ficient number of mounts may not
ward to seeing Stolboff, Erbsteln round.
I season sports as well as those offered be available.
La Salle Replaces Devine
and Terho again. Their particular
this fall.
In previous years WAA has rereserve, Air Corps Ground Crew,
While it Is not aboslutely neces- funded a full 50''! of the total cost
Leda La Salle has been appointed
had been the only one spared in M A A Football Plans
sary to sign up in order to partici- of riding if credit in the sport has the new Vice-President of WAA by
the great exodus.
To Be Formulated Today pate in any sport, it would aid the been obtained. It will again do this a unanimous vote of the Council.
Despite heavy teaching and schocaptains and officers of WAA in If the budget allows. Whether or She succeeds Kay Devine, '44, who
lastic loads, the boys were anxious
guaging the Interests of the student not the refunds will be a full 50% has accepted a permanent position
to play football, both lor their own
body. Their principal aim when depends on the number of parti- in Civil Service in Albany.
enjoyment, and so that a success- are still very vague and formative making out the sports calendar for cipants. Cost of riding is on dolMiss La Salle was one of the few
ful league would be possible.
be provided. A tentative the year, is giving the women of lar an hour at the Ranch or Sun- members of tho student body who
Well, the Army needed the boys definitely
obtained credit In four sports last
Includes the setting up of State a program that is satisfactory
quicker than It had thought, and program
throe teams of five or six members to tho majority. Cooperation is re- responsibility for accidents result- year and has been active in WAA
they're going.
ing from riding.
throughout her college career.
each—according to the number of quested by Kit Herdman.
Terho played frosh basketball and men available. The Page Hall Held
intramural basketball. Though out- has been set aside throe days a
shone by some of his flashy team- week for the use of MAA. Games
mates Al always played hard, well, are to be played at either 3:30 or
and clean. He was the sort of 4:30, depending on which time will
player that makes an intramural be the more convenient.
A meeting of the league, to be
Dutchy Erbsteln was one of the held Immediately following assemlesser lights on State's chess team bly today, will deckle on definite
when such outllts as Yale and Col- limes anil days.
gate fell before their Inspired pawn
Despite the fact the the proposed
pushing. He didn't play sports, not
being needed by the perennially | program received a blow this week
strong KB outfits. This year, how- when Ken George, '47, Saul Stolbof,
ever, Dutch responded to MAA's '44, and George Erbsteln, '44, three
request for victims and was willing of the mainstays of the athletic setto sacrifice an arm or leg so that, up, received their call to the service,
league direclor Hammond remains
we could have a league.
And now we come to Saul Stol-1
bolf. Saul won the IM award last j
yoar for the best sportsmanship,
It was his; lie had earned It. Saul
Emil J. Nagengast
was one big reason why KB was i
always a contender for IM honors,
Your College Florisf
Saul and Dutchy were also big j
reasons why everyone liked KB, |
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
So long Ken, Dutch, Al and Saul I
—light Just us hard as you played.
Thanks, girls.
We wish to thank the Woman $
Sports Staff lor taking over the
reins last week while the Oat Binner was home amongst the hot
lemonades and mustard
With the exception of the Oat Bin,
the entire page ivas taken over
by Margo, Joan and Marie.
So Solly Department
As they seem to do, a few errors
crept into the pages last week. First,
Ed Cote did not play number one
on RPI's tennis team, but Renssel-
Girls Launch
Autumn Program
Have a Coca-Cola = Howdy, Neighbor
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , PROP.
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Try Our Uusiiu'ssman's laini-h
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At home or abroad, when die American soldier (.ays lUvo a
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olis to Melbourne) Coca-Coin stands for tbepausv that njrmbe*
—has become the mark of tin- {food neighbor.
State College News
Last week the STATE
published a letter directed
the Alumni residence halls. T h e letter aroused numerous
All State Special, against
comments of both agreement and indignation. Few realize however,
that the fault lies with both student
residents and dormitory
First of Big Ten', administrators.
For two years inhabitants of the Alumni Residence
Halls have indulged in the time-honored past-time of "griping" —
Will be Oct. 30about
the food and the heat. Much of it was good natured joking,
To Be A t Main Dorms
Plans lor the All-State Special,
the first of the presentations under
the Big Ten Program to aid in the
war effort, have been disclosed by
Student Council who is sponsoring
the event. The adjoining dorms,
Pierce and Sayles Halls, have been
procured for the evening's entertainment on October 30.
Dancing and games will be the
main features of the affair. At
Sayles Hall, a swing band composed
of Slate students, is expected to
make its debut, while across the
lawn at Pierce, tables for bridge and
other games will be set up. A section for instruction to beginners at
bridge will be provided. In addition there will be table prizes, a
door prize, and raffles.
All-State Special has been arranged in an attempt to keep as
much of the spirit of tho All-State
semi-formal, inaugurated two years
ago. The expense of a hired orchestra has been eliminated, and
an informal non-date affair has
been made necessary. This affair is
taking the place of the All-State
Dance, which has been held at the
two dormitories In October for the
past two years.
General chairman for the event
is Patricia Latimer, '44. Assisting
her are Fred Shoemaker, '44, In
charge of Arrangements; Publicity,
Florence Garfall; tickets, Evelyn
Wolfe and Prlscilla Hayes, Sophomores; Clean-up, Robert Sullivan,
'46; Entertainment, Barbara Putnam, '45; Prizes, Lucille Grants, '44;
Refreshments, Jcanette Buyck, '45.
but other comments were well-founded criticisms. If the students
had directed I heir complaints to the proper authorities, undoubtedly
action would have been taken before now. Even during the past week
there was a general meeting of dormitory residents, yet no one voiced
any of the criticisms heard so often before. In all fairness to the
any of the criticisms heard so often"before. In all fairness to the directors of the Halls, someone should have brought the issue to the fore
by stating exactly how the students felt about their living conditions.
Apparently it is expected that the NEWS will take Ihe initiative in
expressing the views of these students. Wartime economic conditions
limit meal-planning in any institution, yet other group houses on the
campus have been able to provide better meals than those found at
Ihe Alumni Residence Halls. And still board rales remain the same
if not slightly lower. If there is an explanation of this discrepancy,
surely the students are entitled to know of il. None of (hem are so
selfish as to refuse to understand explainable situations.
If no plausable explanation is offered, it is up to the students
to lake definite action upon Ihe mailer. If they feel Ihat they are
being treated unfairly, il is their right to demand that something
be done about Ihe situation. Otherwise, by letting the matter slide
the way of so many other "issues," the students will be relinquishing
their right to express opinion. Criticism is permissible only so long
as it is constructive.
Perhaps conditions are such Ihat no definite
action can be taken, yet even an explanation of this would satisfy
the residents.
The IJormtories are owned and run by the Alumni Association
for students attending Stale College. This means that close cooperalion is in order. Regardless of complaints, it is only fair to recall
that but for the Alumni Association, there might be no such group
houses. But since the students are paying for all they receive, they
are participants in the housing venture, and as such they are entitled
lo be dealt with immediately.
War Work Registration
Scheduled For Next Week
W A C Seeks 100% Enrollment;
Students To Register in Rotunda
War Activities Council will officially begin its '43-'44
program Monday, with student registration in the Rotunda
for all College-sponsored war activities. Since Registration
will last throughout the week, students will be able to sign
up any clay between 9 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. for active participation in the war activities for which they are best
War activities on Campus include
Office Work, Poster Making, Typing, Stamp Booth, Knitting, and
Voting Procedure
courses in Home Nursing, and EleThe inauguration of the pref- mentary and Advanced First Aid.
Off-Campus affiliations will conerential ballot in Student Association elections necessitates sist of Nurses' Aide, Blood Donor,
definite instructions as to voting War Records, and Nursery School
procedure. Today's voting will work.
Volunteers for War Records
be carried out as follows:
After distributing ballots to
Dr. Arthur Pound, New York
each member of Student Asso- State Historian, has asked for volciation, members of Myskania unteers from State College to assist
will scat themselves at tables In collecting war records for Alplaced in tlie back of the audi- bany. This staff of volunteers, aftorium and in the balcony. There ter a period of training, will then
is to be one table apiece for have an important role In compiling
each of the three upper classes the local war-time sacrifices and
and two for the freshman class. contributions — all a part of the
Students are to file out by rows records of the war on the hometo their class tables where Mys- front.
kania class guardians will verify
Letters from the men and wotheir having paid Student Tax. men in the armed forces, letters
When the distinctive Myskania from migrants from this locality to
stamp has been placed upon the the defense factories in other cenballot, each student is to deposit ters, complete files and clippings
his vote in the designated box. from local newspapers, Red Cross
The entire student body is re- and USO bulletins, as well as requested to follow carefully di- ports of special programs and
rections from the chair and to drives, are all war records that must
cooperate with class marshals be gathered.
assisting at the election. This
The underlying purpose of this
will eliminate confusion and activity Is to provide factual data
will accelerate the voting.
for local and community histories,
With the Student Association other seeks an appropriation of
to create a fund of material for
slated approximately $100 to cover the cost
later selection by libraries and muBallad Singers at Art Institute
for today's assembly, the recently of curtains for the Cafeteria, the
seums, to provide all members of
approved voting amendment will Niows Office and the Commons.
the armed forces with correct InOctober 20, the Albany Institute have its first practical application.
formation available for later supAlso on the morning program is
of History and Art is presenting In addition to balloting for a new a brief discussion of war activities
port of just claims, and to enlighten
Elie Slcfgmelslcr's American Ballad Vice-President, the student body ollered at Slate and a plea for
future community leaders in the
will make written nominations for 100% registration for war work next
lessons of experience as revealed in
The general admission Is $1.50. Campus Queen.
this conflict.
week in the rotunda. Ruth Hines,
However, if those students InterTwo formal requests for money '45, Student Chairman of War Ac- Advanced Dramatics will offer two
Tills War Records group, now inested In attending this program will are to be submitted to the associa- tivities Council is to speak on be- plays next Tuesday at 8:30 P.M. in cluded in the College war activities,
contact Dr. Jones before Tuesday, tion In the form of resolutions. One half ol' the Council.
Page Hall Auditorium: a tragedy replaces tlie Research division.
he will secure student tickets for comes from the Vic Committee ask- Campus Queen Nominations
directed by Mary Dorothy Alden, '45,
Last year, over GO',', of the student
them at 50 cents each.
ing for $15 from the surplus; the
Nominations for Campus Queen and a comedy directed by Ruth Fine, body registered with War Council.
will precede the V.P. election. All
"Since this Is our second year of
students who have paid student tax Kenny, '45, and Miss Fine's play war," says Dr. Ellen Stokes, Dean of
may nominate any Senior woman stars James McFeeley, '45, and Eliza- Women and Faculty Chairman tor
as their choice for queen. Tradi- beth I. McGrath, '40.
the Council, "we expect to exceed
tionally, nominations are based
The scond group of two plays will last year's enrollment. Wo need the
upon popularity.
be presented Tuesday, October 2(1. support of everyone and we hope to
The V.P. election is to come at These are under the direction of enroll 100'/; student participation."
Alter work at the Curtis Institute the end of the assembly program. Elaine Drooz and Peggy Schlofl, Hines Chosen Student Chairman
by K i t Kendall
The names of the live candidates
From radio program to radio pro- of Music In Philadelphia, recogni- iMargaret, Dee, Nora Giavelli, Bar- Juniors.
At the War Council meeting Tuesgroin, Conrad Thlbault Jumps, and tion finally came. The leading bara Putnam, John Smith and Leah
Miss Drooz's play—a sophisticated dav, Ruth Hines, '45, was elected to
arranges his schedule so he can visit. baritone of the Philadelphia Opera Tischler) will appear on the mim- comedy—has two characters, Trece assist Dean Stokes as Co-chairmen.
Stale between times, Continuing ils Company became ill just, before a eographed ballots distributed by Aney, '44, and Fred Fanchcr, '47, who Marie Lolbl, 'Hi, was chosen Secrepolicy ot presenting outstanding performance and us In the fictional members of Myskuniu, Senior Hon- depict a couple co-starring on Broad- tary, and Frederick Shoemaker, '44,
personalities to I lie student body, success stories, Mr. Tliibaull, stepped orary Leadership Society. Mem- way. The action lakes place back- will continue in ills post as TreasMusic Council will bring the con- info the part- and recognition,
of Ihe student body will then sage In n theater.
11 is teacher was Emlllo de Go- bers
cert unit radio singer to Page Hall
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of
gursso, and even now, Conrad Tlii- of preference.
next Friday at 11:15 P.M.
After Myskania
College, will appoint two faculty
Mr. Thlbault's radio programs are baull continues to study with him. members seal themselves at the a wealthy couple who decide to the
members to fill tho vacancies creI he "American Melody Hour" and Says Mr. Thlbault, "A singer never class tables, students will (lie out by treat their servants to a theater ated
by Dr. Robert Reinow, former
parly. The part of the wife Is play"Manhattan Merry - Qo - 'Round." slops learning."
rows to have their ballots stamped
Music Council's guest artist has after Myskania checks each voter's ed by Edna Marsh, '45; husband, Assist ant Professor of Social Studies,
lie also appeared on such commerand Mrs. Anna K. Bnrsani of the
cial shuws as Maxwell House "Show- a loud all'ecilon for tlie French name against the student tax list. Clyde Cook, '47; cook, Martha Joyce, Milne
boat," Coca-Cola, A Si P Gypsies,
Those who have not, paid tax will housemaid, Gertrude Myers, '44; useA new plan has been formulated
Phillip Morris, Lucky Strike, KCA- nl Annfole Prance, flic great French lie barred from voting. Although
Vlctor's "Magic Key,'' Packard, and wilier. Among Conrad Thlbuult's each student will receive a ballot ful maid, Rosanne Hayden, '4(1; and in regard to the Stamp Booth. Since
talents is composing music. He and even number It, no vote is leNewman Club, AEPhl, Forum, and
Ihe Class of '40 have ollered their
Boasting perfect pronunciation in recently wrote u song called, "Sol- gal unless stamped by Myskania.
services, volunteer groups will hencelive dill'erenl languages and prom- d e r ol Fighting France"—a dediStudents who are legally absent Season Tickets O n Sale
iContinual on imge Hi
ising versatility In his selections, cation lo the home of his ancestry.
Receiving approximately 500 fan from assembly will be given an
Mr. Thlbault will Include well-loved
American folk-songs and opera letters a month, Mr. Thlbuult's opportunity to vote from 12 noon to For D & A Activities
airs on his program next Friday, iline is almost not tils own. Hut 1 P.M. In tlie Page Hall auditorium.
Commerce Club Reception
lie will sing everything from "Old it you ask him who his favorite fan Practice leaching, during the assemDramatics
bly period constitutes a "legal" extils mother)
Polks At lliiiue" lo an aria from Is, he'll toll you
The Commerce Club recent Ion for
the direction of Trece Aney, '44, will
one o| Verdi's operas.
Al the railroad station there will cuse.
sell season's tickets to the three D &. freshmen will be held Wednesday
Starting his singing career in a be representatives of Music Council
A presentation takelng place this evening from 7:30 lo 0:110 In the
Lounge. All freshmen and upperchurch choir, Conrad Thlbault has i lucky Music Council 11 to welcome
The tickets will cost $2.75.
classmen In the Commerce Departhud a slow, steady climb to fame. Mr. Tliibaull and Mr. Mowbray, his Dean Calls Meeting of Men
This plan was devised so that the ment are Invited.
With the same perseverance that accompanist, when they arrive on
Milton Q, Nelson, Dean of the Col- faculty would have a chance lo see The dale has been changed from
has marked many "rags to riches" Friday afternoon.
The AVic York Punt says of Mr. lege, requests that all college men the presentations without the trouble October 12 lo October 13 since tho
stories, Mr. Thlbault has often had
sol-barks to his career. At times Thlbault, "He Is one of the most attend an Important meeting to bo of gelling new tickets each time.
A.D. plays are scheduled for Octhe singer resorted to being a floor- completely satisfying artists to be held Monday, at noon, in Room 20(1.
Students who wish to purchase tober 12.
walker In a department store, line- heard at present. He Is also one Advice will be given concerning Ihe tickets for their parents or for houseSylvia Trop, '48, is General Chairman in a telephone company, and of the few of whom It can bo said Army-Navy Qualifying Test (A-12 or mothers may do so next week by man for the reception, Helen D'Apeven a soda jerker . . . all to earn that he Is an artist first and a V-12' which will be given on Novem- dropping in at the D & A office lii rlx, '44, and Helen Elgin, '44, are in
singer second."
enough to continue his studies.
ber I).
the Commons.
charge of refreshments,
SA Election ForVice-President
Scheduled For Today's Assembly
AD To Present
Plays onTuesday
Conrad Thibault, Concert Singer
And Radio Star, Comes to State
State of Affairs
by O h m Nlpotent
Eittbllihtd May 1916
By the Clan o M 918
No. 4
October 8, 1943
Vol. X X V I I
AisotiUtfcd Gollogirtrc P r e s s
Collo«iitto Dlgasl
T h e iiiKlcrgriuliliitc fleWSnopor of the New York Slate College for 'lOIICliers;
DUIIIIHIHMI everv Krlclii.v of the Colleire yeiir by the .MOWS Bonril for Ihe Stuilenl
Pltonosi Office, r>-M7!S | llaxler, 2-H645; Stengel, R-2S04I Pteltevr,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers
4 2 0 MADISON A V I .
New YORK, N. Y.
The News Board
riffil* a
Ml colli liuinieitt lolls fholllll >"' aililresscil fo Hie eilllm unit lllllsl he slulll'll.
:0 NIOW'S iissiimi's
4 will he wllhlielil iinciii reipiasl. T h e STATU CO
no ri'MPiinsllillliy for cinltilons exnresseil in lis col
x nr <• iiniiiiliilenl Ions ns
such esnrrs-'lnn* tlu not n
ssnrll.v rolleet tin view,
Commuting Problem
All students in t h e College a r e
houses, with t h e exception of commutors. Commutors a r e confronted
with two obstacles. They don't get
around much, because the majority
of t h e m live some distance away.
Commutors w h o a r e Independents
are hadicapped even more so because
they miss t h e sense of security a n d
belonging t h a t comes from a tightlywoven group.
Last year, a Commutors Club was
formed, but it fizzled. No one seemed to hear of it. Some did not even
know it existed, including commutors.
As a result of this, these people
are forced to a t t e n d College merely
for the courses. They have just as
much right as t h e rest to the benefits
of College. Enough variety in personality is among them, b u t they
are n o t utilizing it. They are merely
remaining a mass of passiveness.
T h e answer to this problem is to
put t h e cards on t h e table, although
they may seem to be stacked against
t h e m . T h e commutors should get
together, a n d a t t e m p t a solution, for
their own good as well as t h e welfare
of t h e rest of t h e College.
Let somebody show some leadership to coagulate all these commutors. If Internal leadership is not
evident, some faculty member or
m e m b e r of Myskania would gladly
lend a hand.
As t h e situation stands, this h a n d i capped group of S t a t e Is Just getting
further into the r u t . Are they satisfied with their status or status quo?
If not, it's high time they were
T h e r e are some outstanding personalities In the ranks
of t h e commutors, if they will but
stop to look for them.
Have special programs planned.
E n t e r into politics. When It comes to
an election, let them p u t up a candid a t e . Let t h e m hnve a concession a t
t h e S t a t e Pair. They are not considered an integral part of the extraclass phase of S t a t e . Let their aim
be to make themselves a solid block
In the College!
Our W a r
It need never be said t h a t students
at S t a t e College a r e incapable of expressing their opinions.
bull sessions a n d semi-erudite discussions have always occupied a
large part of our time. However,
when It comes to taking definite
action upon all t h a t we declaim, we
suddenly became apathetic.
T h u s it h a s been with t h e war
effort a t College. We talk about
the war; we feel sorry lor ourselves; we proffer sweeping promises; we reminisce sentimentally;
most of us rarely advance beyond
the stage of profound volubility. If
we feel truly responsible in regard
to t h e war, we should avail ourselves
of every opportunity to participate
in war activities at Sidle.
Registration for war activities is
scheduled for next week.
100 per cent participation should
be totally unnecessary If all t h a t
we h a v e said h a s been sincere.
W a r Activities Council provides o p portunities for each of us no m a t t e r
how limited our ubilltles.
is n o schedule into which some
aspect of war work c a n n o t be fit.
We m a n a g e to find time for many,
many things outside of classes—
extra-curricular organizations, d a n c ing, bridge, "rushing." These need
not be eliminated—they a r e import a n t parts of college life. We must
consider the i m p o r t a n c e of doing
our s h a r e in t h e w a r effort a n d
budget our time in accordance with
its importance.
Attending college in w a r time
d e m a n d s justification. We a r e p a r a sites if we a r e going to college
merely for a good time. We must
prove our worth as potential teachers—yes. We must participate in
college activities—yes. And one of
State's main activities this year
involves our doing our s h a r e of
war work.
Our course h a s been mapped out.
Let us give our wholehearted s u p port to the "Big T e n , " a n d register
judiciously next week.
The Time Is Now
The State
Orchestra is being revived.
an auspicious beginning in 1938
the organization h a s h a d to be r e organized
a n d rejuvenated
years after its inception. Loss of
personnel h a s m a d e t h e task of the
conductor doubly h a r d for the past
few years.
Absenteeism from t h e orchestra
may all too easily be blamed upon
the loss of t h e m e n from t h e College. Things a r e different, we a d mit, but lack of interest h a s p r o b a bly accounted for more absentees
Uncle S a m .
George Seifert, then freshmen instituted the S t a t e College S y m phony Orchestra in t h e Pall or 1938
they achieved something c o m p a r able with the founding of t h e New
or Music Council. In its formation
were t h e seeds of something which
might grow to bo as big a p a r t a n d
as representative of t h e College
as the other two organizations.
enough to help form the first o r chestra.
S t a t e College, a teacher training
institution, h a s been fortunate In
having outstanding music a n d d r a matic d e p a r t m e n t s .
Interest in
these two, outside the necessary
curriculum, h a s always been lively,
a tribute to the versatility of the
students here. T h e AD plays a n d
the Operetta each year a d d a zest
and variety to college life.
T h e formation of t h e Orchestra
marked a further a d v a n c e m e n t in
ihe field and place of music in the
College. Under t h e leadership of
Porlman for four years It furnished
the student body with t h e music
they liked.
It promised fo continue when Perlman handed his
baton to .Snow upon g r a d u a t i n g .
Earl Snow never h a d u chance to
continue Perlman's work. He, like
many others was called to oilier
Yes. circumstances change plans
and the best laid plans of mice
and men oft gang agley, B u t this
Is not the tlmo to lament over
things that might have been. A
low have determined t h a t t h e O r chestra will not die. They a r e d e termined to do t h e best with t h e
material at h a n d . They feel, a s
should we all, t h a t t h e lime Is NOW.
Of b u t one t h i n g are we s u r e :
t h e light will come, for thus we have
been promised.
Of m a n y things
shall we be negligent, for t h e p a t h
of fulfillment is dim, a n d t h e neon
rays a r e losing their iridescence. Of
one t h i n g shall we t h e n wonder: who
or w h a t Is t h e pilot of our d r e a m ?
For we must be led; sufficient u n t o
ourselves we have never become, for
always t h e r e were others.
Now we a r e alone. T h e sure footing • • ' •• mir feet h a s become quick santi, a n .
: halo crown upon our
heads has ,
l i d itself back into
the mist f m
,ich it sprung. T h e
groping hai i avails nought, for
wheresoever it might touch there is
T h e documents set for us by our
s t a r s a r e intangible as their origins,
a n d t h e key to t h e stars is forever
lost. Visions were our goals. Half
sisters to mirages, they spent t h e m selves within t h e boundaries of our
T h e r e is a m o u n t a i n a h e a d ; our
myopic vision accredits its presence.
T h u s far it h a s manifested itself only
by its crescent peaks, but as time
trails past, its nebular nature shall
vanish a n d it shall become crystalized. T h e n , we believe, shall t h e
answer be inevitably ours.
Moral: Seniors, let not your faith
in your exalted s t a t e keep you from
the prosaic achievement of your a l lotted aims. Exams shall be upon
you, a n d t h e time for c r a m m i n g .
Beware, lest a lachry-most interlude
To t h e Editor:
Gee, it's just like Old Home Week
around t h e place! No kidding, with
all t h e uniforms drifting around
this week, I'm beginning to think
t h a t once again S t a t e h a s a ratio.
It's wonderful.
Sure, but w h a t I also want, to know
—don't these uniformed presences
m a k e people realize t h a t it's our
boys who a r e in this mess t h a t those
r a t s over there cooked up? Don't
they realize t h a t it's our boys we're
helping when we talk about W a r
Activities a n d t h e Big Ten? And if
they do, well, don't they also realize
t h a t our chance is a t h a n d to really
do a lot?
W h a t I a m endeavoring to say is
just this—let's all get behind this
idea t h a t Myskania and S t u d e n t
Council dreamed up a n d really show
our boys t h a t we miss 'em a n d w a n t
'em back just like t h e good old days.
Corny s e n t i m e n t ? O K . But. by gosh,
I want to see S t a t e t h e way it used
to be a n d a n y t h i n g we do is going to
count a lot. So t h e r e !
I M Patriotic
i l l l | i n l ' l ; l l l t lUCI'lillg w i l l
h i ' In-Ill
mi Mimiliiv i
n. UeKilier II. HI U
iiVloek, Honin ".(111, in nilvis'i
IliU Ihe Army Nnv.v College I j u u l l f y l n i !
Tesl IA III nr V I'Ji in he given mi
November II.
M. (i. Wis,,n,
II,'.in of Hi,' College,
Interviews I'm' ihose si ml,'ill* who
would like ntirl I line employment
I h i ' ( •.'< l.'l ,-l'ill
lir lielil
in A.M. in noon.
M. V. Sliortliiy, Mgr.
Any girl wishing In i
Ive ei'eilll
for rlilliig win, has in,I l'lililrii willi
ii supervise,! (fi'imp shoulil Mini In a
slip I,, ellher
Ki'hlnll or
ll.'ll.v ('lough in verify Hie II
peeltve of ellliri'll itlTIIIlllloll, lire Wei riilili'ii.
lieglsl n i l inn I'm' |,:i n i in, > . 11. | . I . . \
ill,-III lint) h i ' III.hie i l l III,' ofl'lee
III,' Mr.Ill nf W o m e n
( III I d II I \ \ I I \ I H I S
All sillllellls , , l ' Stole College, ll'l'es
|,e,'llve of eliiireli affiliation are wel
• •niiir lo i he -ii-v lens ,ii Si A m l i r u 's
Kplsenpiil Chui'i'li. ei.rner of Main ami
\ l nils,Ml A v e n u e s , i m i r IlineUs VM'-I nf
Mi, eollege
I 'a III ,'l'h ll l'.\ CSllli
I A I . I N I I Alt
Nm'iirin (l]n>ii
n w
II. 7 I' M
In li I.',
Chi Sin oi.l
K . i p p i l I'll t. a m i Until /.eta
T i l e T e m p l e s .111,1 N.v I I I (inn lies
,,l Alli.lll.v
w i l l Wele
,' S l a l e Col
I,'lie s i l l l l e l l l s f n | ' | | i e ^ m i l K i p p u r
I.' Cnlillilel'ee ( ' l u l l l l e l ' e | i l l n l l f o r
,11 I'fe-lllllell
i l l I lie l . n l l l l g e , 7 .'III
to ii :iu r \ i
1 Ii I
I'J \ i l \ a l l , v i l i l l a m . i l h'H lll'l'sellls
I »'n |,la \ - i l l r e e l e l l l l ) Mlll'V l l n l ' i l l l l V
Allien ami l l i l l l i
A m l i l n i i i i i i i . s |' \ l
NeM II,.III I 'till, III I I I ill), 7 '10
I' M Newman II,ill. 711 Minllsmi Ave.
(let In Mimic Coiiiiell presents Colirilil
I'nge Hall
A miil ni'iuoi.
SI,". I'.M.
•By K I P P Y
lEd. Note: We are only too glad to turn the column over this
for better or for worse to one, who in those nostalgic days not long gone
and not so long hence, wielded a mean pen along with the best of them
on the N E W S . His Incredible sense of humor, and equally incredible
personality should be good meat for a column. Our best wishes, J,
F u r l o u g h s sure a r e wonderful things, a n d speaking for every e x - S t a t e
serviceman, let's have more of them. Despite t h e strictly feminine tinge
so p r e v e l a n t in Ye Olde P O, t h e huge bevy of feminine beauty which
greets o n e in place of frigid Minerva, a n d t h e absence of m a n y of t h e
faculty longing for a furlough of their own, there's something about t h e
old dive t h a t isn't changed. And t h a t Is an indefinable something t h a t
m a k e s long past grads, flunkies, a n d guys like us w a n t to come back again
a n d again.
B u t to m a k e this JARGON strictly G I, a n d hereby sounding off with
some bits of info on the boys . . . a n d girl. Recent visitors include Curt
Pfaff from C a m p Hale, Coolrado, who will s t a r t high altitude skiing soon.
Gil Snyder, transferring from engineering to pre-med. Ray Verrcy a n d
Ned T i m p a n e , in ASTP engineering a t t h e U. of Alabama. Pete D a h o t a
now wearing an Ensignship. W a r r e n Kullman all the way from R P I .
W a r r e n Wagner, also of the slide rule batallion a t NYU. Gene McLaren,
NYU meteorology. Paul Barsclou, soon to take to t h e a i r in t h e S u n n y
S o u t h . Sgt. Jack Kirchcr, in advanced ASTP engineering south of t h e
line. Bill Tucker Marining a t D a r t m o u t h . All equally astonished a t
swirling skirts, smeared lipstick, a n d such, which sends t h e h e a r t t h u m p ping to t h e tune "Why Don't We Do T h i s More Often" . . . .
B u t from the ruling class at State. Yeo 3/c Marian Sovik, one sweet
sack of sizzling sex appeal, also put in a n a p p e a r a n c e to a d d to t h e c h a r m .
Doing recruiting in t h e environs of Chi, she is shown below signing up
Victor M a t u r e for t h e S P A R S .
For further details see Kiley . . .
In t h e Orchid G a r d e n . . . Ensign
Pete Fulvio, convoying in t h e
South Atlantic, burst forth with
what, appears to be a book. Story
deals with life a t college. H a s a
publisher nibbling a t it now. with
approval of opening a n d closing
chapters, which make or break
the efforts of the best of t h e m . . .
And h e a p s of roses to you ahl.
T h e Dean, Oh G r e a t Nameless
One. commenting to m e t h a t t h e
corridors now look neat etc. as
they should, but adding that t h e
female species still retain t h e
lead in Most Messy . . .
Tom O'Connor a t Cookerville, Tennessee, taking pre-flight. 2nd Lt.
Allen Woodel (What frosh hasn't copied one of his book reports for
hygiene?) a t Orlando, Fla., whetting a finger to t h e wind . . . Acls-Ack
A e k e r m a n a t J B Mo. soon to undergo t h e trials a n d tribulations of ASTP
. . . . Sgt. Lou Pink recovering from an appendectomy in North Africa . . . .
Sgt. George Kun/. again refused overseas duty from Avon Park, F l a . in
competition with Doc Jones by putting out a newsletter of his own . . . .
P e r l m a n teaching a n d Collins learning radio a t Scott Field, 111. . . .Speed
Koblenz studying Japanese a t Stanford . . . . Norm Finer a t Maxwell
Field, Ala. a n d Fred Beyer a t Albany, G a . ready to sprout m i n i a t u r e wings.
. . . . Herb Lenekcr, a clerical c o m m a n d o a t S a n B e m a d i n o , Cal. . . .
S e a - G o i n g - B e l l h o p s Pete Marchctta a n d Walt Grzywacz a t Quantico, Va. .
Ding Dong, Ding Dong . . . Ron Slote and Gordon Hastings will lie
knotted sometime
today after which Ihe latter will don Die pants in the
family as well as Ihe shirt- all Khaki . . . . Congrats . . . . from me and
the gang
And so I lay aside this dusty typewriter to take slide rule in h a n d for
a n o t h e r period of concentrated education "by t h e numbers." W h e n it
gifts m i t a p e r m a n e n t vacation, all of us will be back to take up where
we left off. In the meantime it's up to you to keep t h a t old spark alive
on t h e home front. T h a n k s for listening
Pvt. .1. M. Hipplck, BS, T S , a n d (1)1).
War Fronts
T o d a y I want to exercise the time-honored prerogative of all
c o l u m n i s t s , and write about something that's been on my mind. I
d o n ' t see w h y I should always have to write ti s u m m a r y of t h e news,
because you r e a d e r s (if, surprise, I have a n y ) can get t h a t in live
m i n u t e s of listening to a radio. 1 w a n t to spend more time on a few
t h i n g s , a n d skip the hasty resume of t h e news.
Anil now 1 get to the point. And t h a t is
1 hah Burton K. W h e e l e r !
B u r t o n is a bungling Incompetent, a n d a criminally stupid public
s e r v a n t . Ah, you say, those are s t r o n g words, Ryan. Well, we'll take
j u s t this one example of Wheeler's usual way of h a n d l i n g a situation
Wheeler, a s you all know, lias been t r y i n g to p r e v e n t t h e d r a f t i n g
of fathers. Everyone knows that in t h e smaller c o m m u n i t i e s fathers
have been being drafted since Inst J a n u a r y , Wheeler h a s been trying
to prevent the drafting of pro-Pearl Harbor fathers, though
t h i s is Homthlng that couldn't lie criticized, Hut when n m a n proposes
such a bill in ihe National Congress, t a x p a y e r s have every right to
expect him to he prepared with facts a n d figures. We simple-hearted
voters usually believe what our congressmen say, thinking they know
m o r e t h a n we do about it.
So when Wheeler announced thai t h e r e were t h o u s a n d s of available
men hiding in g o v e r n m e n t jobs in W a s h i n g t o n , we thought, now isn't
t h a t a terrible Hung, Mm here's Ihe story that didn't m a k e the front
page. An official ol one of Ihe government bureaus challenged Wheeler
to <piote figures. And you guessed il, Morton hadn't a n y ligurcs at all
on t h e situation, l i e , I just struck out blindly, a n d didn't really know
what he w a s talking about. You see what I mean about his 'being a
bungling I n c o m p e t e n t ?
Well, when Die whole thing cleared up, il appeared Ihal only 10',
nl t h e g o v e r n m e n t w o r k e r s a r e eligible for the draft, a n d a r e steadily
be g d i a l l e d and id a r e classified, a n d pigeon-holed by Ihe Army, a n d
t h i n g s a r e all according lo Hoyle. B u r t o n ' s s t a t e m e n t made the first
page. I h e relutation made about the twentieth
T h e best 1 can say for him is, at least he's always good for a laugh
I h a l is when you don t think about how d a n g e r o u s his stupidity a n d
incredible vanity m a k e s him.
Freshmen Buy Assembly Seats;
Smug Sophs Snicker Loudest
by J o a n Berberich
"Step r i g h t up, folks, a n d b u y
your seat for the weekly assemblies!
Only 15 cents per person! Sign your
n a m e here for y o u r seat in t h e S t a t e
College a u d i t o r i u m ! Line forms a t
the right!"
Over 150 S t a t e College s t u d e n t s
"lined up a t t h e right," signed their
names a n d meekly offered their fifteen cent contributions.
happening a t S t a t e ? " a n d "Since
when do we pay for seats in assembly?" were t h e mumbled, incoherent
grumblings of upperclassmen as they
tramped by t h e booth, but m a n y
freshmen, a few scattered transfers
and one lone senior were caught In
the meshes of t h e unwieldy net laid
by a few " o l d - t i m e r s ! "
Yes, this happened a t State College. Some over-exuberant upperclassmen set up a booth on Activities
Day advertising t h e sale of seats in
assembly a t 15 cents per seat. Did t h e
s t u d e n t body fall for it? . . . Over
150 of t h e m d i d ! Did t h e "gay,
young sophs" get a laugh out of t h e
freshmen's m i s t a k e ? Will anyone
ever forget the single Senior who, in
his fourth year a t State, w a s ready
to hand over fifteen cents for a
place in a s s e m b l y ?
Who, by t h e
way, is this bright young senior? I s
it a light-headed young lady with
her mind on her date of t h e night
before . . . or a blithe young t h i n g
dancing hither a n d thither? No! It
is one of the few men left a t S t a t e
Stokes Reveals
Orientation Plans
Ped To Sponsor Frosh Enter Inner Sanctums
Picture Contest See The House Behind the Girl
— J a c k Daly, '44! W h a t ' s t h e m a t ter, J a c k ? H a s t h e awful ratio of
men to women a t S t a t e left you completely befuddled?
Nor is t h e selling of assembly
seats t h e only playful endeavor
of S t a t e College students this year.
Activities D a y s a w a n o t h e r s t r a n g e
and novel booth erected in t h e Comm o n s soliciting freshmen to sign
up for t h a t venerable a n d select
group — Myskania.
blushing, modest freshmen shyly
a d m i t t e d they were ready to p a y
their dues for t h e privilege of being
allowed to wear a black c a p a n d
gown a t Friday assemblies. Poor
d e a r s ! W h a t a s h a m e to s h a t t e r
their hopes of " t r y i n g - o u t " for t h e
senior leadership society.
Who were the m a s t e r - m i n d s behind these intricate plans? Ozzie
Serabian certainly could not plead
She disappeared
r a t h e r ostenatiously when we a p pealed to h e r for facts a n d figures!
As for the o t h e r s let them b e w a r e !
Student Tax Ticket Sale
St'll Below 100 < Goal
The" ol approximately lilt)
student ins tickets indicates that
there are 115 students who have not
yel purchased I heir cards.
According In Dr. Edward L. Cooper.
Faculty Adviser to inance Hoard,
there h a s been very little increase
in Hie ticket Miles over a period of
Ihe lasl two weeks, making an addition of only $9(1 lo t h e previous total
of »'9,720.
The $12 fee may be paid to Dr.
Cooper. .Supervisor of Commerce in
Millie, or Mr. York, Professor of
Two Prizes Offered
For Best Photographs
M a r y D o m a n n , '44, Editor of t h e
a n n o u n c e s a scoop of
t h e year. T h e 1944 Pedagogue
sponsoring two contests.
F i r s t of all, from all t h e pictures
s u b m i t t e d for entry in t h e Ped,
one will be chosen a s t h e best r e p resentative of college life.
picture will be of o n e m e m b e r of
one of t h e four classes h e r e a t
S t a t e , a n d t h e prize will be $2.50.
T h e second contest will be for
t h e purpose of choosing t h e picture
most r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of life a t one
of t h e group houses, or a t t h e dorm.
A prize of $2.50 will be given to
t h e winner of this contest also.
Miss D o m a n n , in speaking of t h e
pictures to bo submitted, says, "All
pictures become t h e p r o p e r t y of the
a n d m a y be used by
t h e m a s such, w i t h o u t t h e recognition of t h e persons w h o submitted
T h e contests a r e open to all students as of now, a n d will close on
Monday, December 13, 1943.
P e r t a i n i n g to the individual pictures for t h e Ped, Miss D o m a n n
says t h a t no pictures will be taken
next week, b u t all those who signed
up to have their pictures t a k e n
next week, will be scheduled for
the week after next.
If a n y o n e wishes to use last year's
picture for this year's Ped, he m a y
do so, but t h e cost will be $1.50.
Freshmen Cub Classes
S t u d e n t s m a y sign for a p p o i n t m e n t s on t h e slip provided, across
W i l l Beg in Tuesday
from t h e girls' locker room, a n d
Miss D o m a n n will post t h e schedCub classes for all freshmen inter- ule for t h e actual picture-taking.
e a r t h their n a m e s ! !
And so Activities D a y ended
150 disappointed freshmen a n d one
r a t h e r disgruntled senior wearily
r e t u r n e d to d o r m s a n d cottages to
renew their confidence a n d ego.
T h e words on their lips were—
"Semper pro me." No longer will
they be e n t r a p p e d
in unlikely
schemes. They're s m a r t now.
ested in the STATU COI.I.KOK N E W S will
According to Dr. Ellen C. Stokes,
Dean of Women, the Orientation
Course for freshmen will include
lectures a n d discussions by guest
speakers, faculty, a n d students.
This year, because of requests by
some of t h e freshmen, study t e c h niques are being given early in t h e
term. These lectures are devised to
help students regulate their time
and give a master plan for study
For those students not taking
Hygiene this term, some of t h e
main health problems will bo discussed in brief.
Within the next few weeks c a n didates for class officers will be
nominated a n d voted upon under
the guidance of Myskania.
In the early p a r t of November,
questions relating to sororities, p a r ties, a n d bids will be discussed so
the freshmen will be acquainted
with the facts a n d procedure followed a t S t a l e before the time for
Included in Orientation will be
discussions a n d advice witli regard
to manners, social conduct, a n d
good grooming.
Talks on college traditions will be
given to inform new students of
the activities a t S t a t e College so
they, too, may become a p a r t of t h e
In order to help the freshmen
decide on Hie organizations in
which to participate, lectures a n d
discussions will be held on e x t r a curricular activities. By this m e thod the students will know t h e
functlonings of t h e club, a n d confusion as to what lo join will Le
II there are any special problems
or m a t t e r s which Hie freshmen
want discussed, t h e faculty will t r y
to lit them in t h e course if there
are enough students interested to
warrant Hie lime.
be held in Room 111 in Draper, t h e
first of which is next Tuesday at
noon. Tills includes those freshmen
who signed up for the editorial a n d
sports d e p a r t m e n t in Ihe Commons
on Activities Day. Dorothy Meyers.
J a n e Heath a n d S u n n a Cooper. Associate Edilaors of the NKW.S, will
give the instructions, alternating
every week.
Here is an opportunity for the stud e n t s to learn the intricate p a r t s of
n e w s p a p e r w r i t i n g including a r r a n g i n g m a k e - u p , writing headlines
and feature stories. Next s e m e s t e r
the freshmen will begin active work
on the NEWS by coming down to the
Publications Office on Tuesday a n d
W e d n e s d a y nights.
J a n e Pickert, '44, Business M a n a ger, a n d Lillian Gross, '44, Circulation Manager, will contact t h e freshmen who registered for t h e business
staff through t h e student mail.
S t u d e n t s interested in this p a r t of
the paper, but w h o failed to sign up
Activities Day a r c requested to
get in touch with either of t h e m by
dropping a note in the mail boxes.
Dr. Jones Sends Firsf Letter
To Men in Armed Forces
Slate's service men and women know what's going on
around the College—thanks to
Dr. Jones. T h e l a t t e r h a s a s sumed the duties left, h i m by
D. V. Smith in keeping State's
fighting men a n d women posted.
He h a s sent out copies of Ids
first letter, consisting of over
five-thousand words, to over
a n d seventy
College men a n d women in t h e
In those five-thousand words,
he brings these students back to
State, with her remodeled Commons, her freshly painted P.O.,
her new floors, a n d her new
batch of freshmen.
T h e .second letter will be sent
out around November 1. Any
students wlio have names, addresses, or other informal ion
i' mcernlng S t a t e men unci wonii n in the service are asked to
contact Dr. Jones.
S E rl Meeting Foi Seniois
All Seniors a n d G r a d u a t e S t u dents who are interested in registering with Student
Bureau for positions In June, 1944
are Invited to attend a meeting to
be held Wednesday, October 13, a t
3:30 in room 20. T h i s is in accordance wilh a message from Miss
Doris Kelly of t h e S.E.B. office.
by Sonya Kadlsh
They h a d a d a t e last night — all
of them. T h e y brushed velvets a n d
curls, borrowed pearls from third
floor Sayles, shoes from roommates,
and hurried, scurried a n d were
ready. T h e n they went out to find
their dates waiting a t t h e P h i Delt,
K a p p a Delt, a n d Psi G a m houses.
Those with curiosity, open hearts,
without Greek knowledge, were out
to "see w h a t they could see." At
Western Ave., S o u t h Lake, a n d
Myrtle each m i n u t e was j a m m e d
with all trying to make t h e most
of this last opportunity
Frosh girls were swirled off their
feet along t h e polished
R h y t h m was smoothly beat out by
Harry J a m e s , t h e Dorseys a n d Glen
Miller . . . music a n d laughter, t h e
theme to which typical frosh faux
pas were reiterated. Frosh for t h e
first time saw t h e house behind the
girl, behind t h e pin.
Between stops they
"Golly, I d i d n ' t know s h e was Delta
K a p p a P h i " or " T h a t ' s Ihe sorority
for me." T h e evening slipped along
when they suddenly realized t h a t
the next stop w a s t h e last. T h e
Intermingled a r o m a of p u n c h a n d
cookies seemed to table w a r a n d
politics, studies a n d work, Giggles
were t h e vogue until —
Until freshmen began t o notice
the smiling m e n in t h e p i c t u r e
frames, when they learned t h a t t h e
smiles came from Africa, China,
Sicily — the smiles of S t a t e m e n ,
all. It h a d been easy to forget t h e
war amidst lights, friendship a n d
gaiety, Too easy? Realization c u t
a transition in their thoughts.
, . . T h e r e were n o t d a t e s for
sorority after t h e party last n i g h t
and there will be none tonight; t h e
frosh girls will r u n all t h e way
home — home t o t h e usual d o r m s
and to Potter Club a n d Sayles Hall,
where t h e c h a t t e r , laughter a n d
tears of future sorority members
will re-echo dimly through t h e corridors where football a n d fraternity
dances once were t h e m a i n subjects
of discussion.
Tonight t h e m e r r y - g o - r o u n d of
friendliness, l a u g h t e r a n d gay r e p artee will resume its p a t t e r n a t C h i
Slg, G a m m a K a p a n d B Z .
Pictures Requested For
Draper Photo Exhibit
SCA Frosh Chorus
Schedule Meeting Today
A photo exhibit under the direction of Miss R u t h Hutchins, Assistant Professor of Art, is scheduled
for December 6 to December 16 on
the second floor of Draper Hall.
Pictures may be on a n y subject,
provided they a r e clear a n d of good
T h e y must be a t
least 2x3 or larger.
Contributions must be enclosed
in an envelope with the donor's
name clearly written on t h e outside. They should be placed in the
box opposite t h e P.O. or in t h e
box before
Nov. 29.
Mary Betty Stengel, '44, and Leah
Tischler, '45, a r e in charge of collecting t h e pictures, with t h e entire
Intcrclass B a n n e r Rivalry will Art 7 class a t work on the exhibit.
officially begin on Campus Day,
Faculty m e m b e r s a n d t h e student
S a t u r d a y , October 16, as S t a t e Col- body are invited.
lege resumes this traditional feature of Rivalry, abandoned last year
because of t h e war. Patricia L a - D & A Tickets on Sale
timer, '44, i -esident of S t u d e n t
Tickets for all three D & A p r e Council, a n n o u n c e s t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s of Gloria Baker a n d A r t h u r sentations for this year are now
K a u f m a n , freshmen, a n d Robert available. They m a y be purchased
Sullivan, '4G, as C h a i r m a n of the for $2.75. Those interested should
see Trece Aney, '44.
banner hunt.
green b a n n e r during t h e Activities
Day p r o g r a m last week. By 10 A.M.
on C a m p u s Day, both banners are
to be h i d d e n anywhere t h r o u g h o u t
the College buildings, with the exception of t h e executive offices. T h e
h u n t will go on from 12:30 P.M.
to 5:30 P.M.
In a Friendly,
awarded to t h e class which obtains
and keeps t h e b a n n e r of t h e rival
class until t h e close of t h e contest.
T h e close of t h e contest will be
Day. W h e n e v e r a banner is placed
in t h e building or removed, S t u d e n t
Council m u s t be notified in writing.
Miss Latimer also a n n o u n c e s t h e
m a n a g e r s of t h e Rivalry obstacle
races, which will be held between
the Sophomores a n d freshmen on
C a m p u s Day. They a r e Doris P a t terson, '47, a n d Georgette Dunn,
'40. T h r e e points will be credited
fo the class whose girls win these
races. However, the three points
may be split between t h e two classes, since one point will be awarded
to the victor of each race.
O t h e r a p p o i n t m e n t s include: H i s W E S T E R N AT
toric committee, to assist B a r b a r a
P u t n a m . '45, previously announced
C h a i r m a n ; Rosann Hayden, '45;
Anita Leone, '45; a n d Peggy P a l maleer, '47.
Sophs, Frosh Hunt
Banners Oct. 16
SCA's Frosh Chorus will have
its second meeting today at 3:30 P.M.
in t h e Lounge u n d e r t h e direction of
Helen Elgin, '44, a n d H a r r i e t B r i n k man, '46. T h e meeting is open to
all freshmen interested. Over forty
have signed up so far.
Frosh Chorus will sing a t all of
SCA's musical affairs. Among these
are the Frosh Chapel in t h e fall,
SCA Sunday, Thanksgiving Service and t h e C h r i s t m a s Service.
Also the group will sing a t a series
of Lenten Services.
Meetings for t h e Frosh Chorus will
be held every Friday a t 3:30 P.M.
War Activities
from Page 11
forth m a i n t a i n the S t a m p Booth for
a month a t a time Newman Club will
take over t h e selling of stamps for
War Council stresses t h e need for
more students in making posters.
Those interested a r e requested to
contact Trece Aney, '44, immediately.
Among W a r Council's tentative
plans is a method whereby each student will be assigned t h e n a m e a n d
address of a soldier with whom to
keep in contact. T h e Council is also
considering t h e setting aside of
funds with which to purchase t h e
yarn for t h e knitting groups.
The State Fair, again sponsored
by War Council, is scheduled for
February 1. This event was instigated last year for t h e purpose of
unifying the faculty a n d t h e s t u d e n t
body in a social event, as well as t o
raise money for war activities on
— Open
£ *
Ramblers Score; Now, Shoupie Give Their All
Falcons Triumph; For Cause of Hockey At State
3y Marie De Chene
They spent their time playing
Sheiks Lose 2
"Ground Sticks,
hockey four hours a day, and la-
crosse—a game very similar to, but
Mai-go Byrne
more brutal than, hockey—for two
l-M League Underway
hours each day. Then, if they
At the risk of being repetitious,
weren't too worn out, they went we again decry the procrastination
As Hammond Scores
1Bert Klley
boating, swimming, or hiking in which has unpardonably often t a their spare time—how they did it, ken possession of the women's tenAll this talk about Frank Sinatra
Last Wednesday the Ramblers
we'll never know—just
thinking nis tournament.
being as good as Bing Crosby is scored a victory in the second game
about it gets us tired. A nice, restvery fine, but just wait and see if of the newly formed football league.
As you have so frequently been
ful week!! Nevertheless, the gals told, WAA owns a cup which is prethirteen years from now Sinatra Led by Hammond they triumphed
owns a horse that xvins the Subur- 25-6.
sented to the winner of the tourney.
cramps in their legs, which Shoupie This cup, at present, has two names
ban Handicap.
All of the Ramblers scoring was
The fascinating game of hide and done before the Shieks succeeded
on it. But the cup is not, by any
The camp, which is for women means, new. Ah, no, it is artistically
seek in the gym continues. There in putting across a tally. The first
only, is the only one of its kind in more valuable for the fine, natural
are four doors leading directly into touchdown came as Hammond went
the country. Miss Appleby, the patina of years, and more interestthe gym and two into the MAA office across from the three-yard line.
woman who introduced and devel- ing for the bloomeriness of the
mezzanine. Each day a different Then Hammond sliced off tackle
oped women's hockey in America, slightly outdated statuette attached.
door is left unlocked. The boys con- and slithered 60 yards for the secis the director. She's about seventy, This means, that in the past seven
sider it great fun to tramp up and ond score. A pass from Hammond
and Mary gasped "You ought to or eight years, exactly two tournadown the three flights of stairs that to Kiley netted the third 6 points.
see her run up and down that ments have been completed.
lead to the sacrosanct timbers. Des- The final count came as a pass from
hockey field—she's as fast as a kid!"
It is ridiculous, that in as large
pite long trekst hat end in locked Dickinson found Hammond in the
Coaches, teachers, hockey enthu- a women's athletic association as
doors, the intrepid adventurers carry end zone.
siasts journey here for an intensi- this college possesses, participation
on. It is partly in the hope of findThen, late in the fourth period,
fied period of hockey. Many All- in the main event of the fall season
ing the door on the first attempt the Shieks found themselves. A
Americans have been trained by is so lukewarm that the phrase
that keeps the young athletes eager succession of short passes from
Miss Appleby, so, who knows, could "WAA tennis tournament" has a
to start afresh each day. They have Stolboff to Cote gained 50 yards and
be that Now or Shoup will make hopeless connotation.
never yet got it on try number one, the Ramblers goal line.
Kiornan's column some day in the Who Takes the Rap?
but on a few occasions after consultfuture.
And who is accountable for this
ing ouija boards, crystal balls, astroitate of affairs? The responsibility
logical charts, tea leaves, and The W e e k l y Schedule
Tues.—Falcons vs. Sheiks
should be shared by both the conOat-bin; thoy got it on the second
Wed.—Ramblers vs. Sheiks
testants and those in charge. No,
try. Since three is considered par
Thurs.—Falcons vs, Ramblers
we are not blaming WAA exclufor the course, a two is hence a
sively. But we do think that a
"birdie"—which is what the boys
is u n e - f o i i r t l i 1 l / l 1 1 lie l e n g t h o f t h e
It till! I
closer supervision of the particiSi'i'iiuii I, (inlj cnnviiH slmi's willi Held.
invariably get for their pains.
The football season at State was
Itnle VII
pants is called for.
111:1 v he worn.
Super Wall-Scaling
ushered in last Tuesday by a rousing sut'l rulilier solesIt II11)
T u c k i n g 11111I Blocking
We take this case as an example.
As well as being stimulating to 18-0 victory for the Falcons.
SiTtiitn I. A clonr imsH is mil' in
Section I. Actual blocking is perA freshman complained that she
their mental processes, the condiwhich llii1 liilll is in (light, II rluurly mitted.
Al Read drew first blood with an visible
Section :;. T a c k l i n g is done willi had written several notes to her
tioning the would-be basketeers get end sweep from the 30 yard line on
p a s s e r ' s IIIIIMIS.
ItOTlI H A N D S lilOKIMTKLV ON TIIIO scheduled opponent trying to arin scramblng up the nine foot wall the second scrimmage play.
It 1111) III
IlKAH, U K I . u W TIIIO MIOI.'I'. G r u b b i n g range a time for a match, but the
to the MAA office is invaluable. The
Scciliin 1. The luntfth of plny'ini: in front with one hand a n d h o l d i n g
In the second period, Daly went lime
shall he US millllles, lllvlllell lulu is not periiiilteil a n d will he |iena ll/.ed notes remained unanswered. The
cuts, bruises, torn clothing, etc. thus
equal 7-minute (j 11 Uriel's).
Tliei'e HI y a r n s , plus a llrsl down al lite spol match has not yet been arranged.
acquired aid in toughening them up
Khali lie 11 111- ininnle between <| 11.1 rtITS. nf 1 In- foul nr optionally at I lie orig- This should have been called to
and accustoming them to hardships. for the second score.
There shall he a ."1 minute intermis- inal line of seriininage.
the attention of the captain immeOne of the highlights of the en- sion
It is interesting to note that while
helweeii I lie seennil mill llllril
S e c t i o n '{.
T h e r e s h a l l he 110 s l i f f diately. It was not, however, and
the wall of the late-lamented comit serves well as an illustration of
Section L'. The (IITieials shall he a
Ituli- VIM
mando course measured but eight jaunt on a pass interception by referee
anil heai! linesman.
\ snhstiSi'i'liniiuigi' mid Down
the lack of cohesion in the organifeet, the corrugated steel mezzanine Fancher.
Inle shall repnrl his name anil the
Seelinn 1. After snap a n d d u r i n g zation.
The Sheiks threatened only once, mime 11I' I he player he Is replacing In the piny, any player of A may c a r r y
balcony goes better than nine feet
I„ is our belief that schedules
in the second quarter, when they the referee hel'iire hi' Is 11 part nf tlm the ball across Hie line of s c r i m m a g e .
from the floor.
An eligible
substitute may
Sect inn [i. Team A must have t h r e e should be arranged by the captains,
The stern moral lesson of "cheatr e t u r n In the game at a n y lime when or inure men on the line of s c r i m m a g e , with the assistance of the particiSeel ion !!. Tlie necessary distance to
ing shows, never goes" was brought yards out, three of them for the last lime is nut anil pruviiieil unit play lias
allien his wit lnlra wal.
lie gained d u r i n g a series of d o w n s is pants. Then, insistence on keeping
home to the youthful minds when
the appointments is imperative.
Itiile IV
In y a r d s in four downs.
Ken George injv.ed his knee as a
If a second or mure forward pilHH
Seelinn I. All p l a y e r s a r e eligible to The captains must hold the conresult of running into a gymnastic badly handled by receivers.
From behind I lie line nf s e r i m m a n e receive fiirwaril passes.
testants to their obligations.
Ramblers s t r i k e s Hie g r o u n d or goes nut of
Kule IV
"horse" placed under the balcony
Simon Steps In
b o u n d s behind 1 lie line, II is treated
for the reprensible purpose of fasas a tumble.
II p o i n t s
This year there was difficulty in
cilating the climbing.
Kule V
I point getting a captain for tennis. Josie
A successful I r.v-for-point
'1 p o i n t s
Action Common to 11 li'rcc-Kick or
Of course this new sport takes so
Simon stepped into the position late
HcrinimiiKc Down
Kule X
McCarthy Coulter
much out of the boys that they are Bininati
in the season. Now that there is a
Seellnii I. When a haeliward p a s s
too tired to play basketball—wniob Stolboff
or fumble striken the g r o u n d aiul is t i f f Side
0 y a r d s definite executive head, the games
saves valuable leather and rubber for
il UUI)' he advanced
by H o l d i n g (Defense)—(other t h a n
may proceed with more efficiency.
either side.
ball c a r r i e r )
5 yards
the war effort.
Let it not be, "Too little, too late."
Seel Inn L'. A blocked Kiel; may hi' H o l d i n g I Defense in laekling) . . . .
One question: Why are a basketiidvan
I by ell her team.
Simon made the statement that
1st down 011 spot of
ball players shoes considered more
Itulo VI
line of scrininiage all the contestants who have not
Free Kicks noil t h e Free Kick-Down H o l d i n g (Offense)
Ill y a r d s played their first round matches by
harmful to a gym floor than the W A A Riding
The kick-olT shall he T r i p p i n g . . '
In y a r d s
scuff lings of a few hundred jittermade I'm 111 one hull' lite distance of S l u g g i n g . .. .disiiualillent inn
'.j ills- Monday, will be dropped from the
Gains Popularity
A'H portion of lite Held. T h e safetytournament. If this had been done
latiee In glial line
kick front A's Kl-yard line.
I'M necessary delay id' game . . fi y a r d s a week ago, a more favorable progSeel ion 1'. When a kick-off is o u t Not report Ing
5 y a r d s ' nosis as regards this year's tourney
I.i y a r d s front line
A survey of the WAA fall sport nf bounds' between the goal lines, the St iff a rm ing
Camp Johnston Opens
might be expected.
calendar shows all sports now oper- optional i 111111111111 spin for tin- receivers
ating smoothly.
For W A A Members
Riding has proved to be the surCamp Johnston will become the prise of the season. What used to
scene of a real old-time weekend in be a minor sport has become, this
the woods tomorrow when State's year, a very popular one w th many
fairer sex don slacks and dungarees enthusiastic followers. So large has
and board the train for Chatham been the attendance, for the last
two weeks that not enough horses
tomorrow morning.
Camp Johnston provides an ex- were available. Peg Schlott, '45, will
cellent opportunity for all girls call a meeting soon to draw up a
with an interest in camping and schedule, arranging times and makout-door activities to get together. ing provisions for an adequate numThere will be plenty of fun, frolic, ber of mounts. In this way supervised
and food for all. Hiking and soft- hours and proper credit can be obball will be in the sports high-light. tained. All those interested should
There will also be a chance for those contact Schlott through Student
with the pioneer spirit to break loose Mail.
and indulge in other activities.
All women belonging to WAA, are
invited. Sorority members may attend with freshmen women.
Emit J. Nagengast
Bobby Van Auken and Helen Slack,
sophomores, are in charge of arYour College Florist
rangements. Mary Kate MacKay,
"Coke"= Coca-Cola
'44, is in charge of food. Those going
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
It's n a t u r a l for p o p u l a r n a m e s t o
are expected to supply their own
acquire friendly abbreviations. T h a t ' s
ration points.
Intramural Football Rules
Have a "Coke"= Come, be blessed and be happy
why you hear Coca-Cola called "Coke".
Try Our HusineHsman's Lunch
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
.. .from Idaho to Iceland
Have a "Coke", says the American soldier in Iceland, and in three
words he has made a friend. It works in Reykjavic as it does in
Rochester. 'Round the globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes—has become the ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers.
, 0 1943 The C-C Co..
State College News
Ground sticks,
Ground sticks,
And to this charming refrain,
Mary Now, '45, and Eileen Shoup,
'46, spent a week this past summer.
Where? At "The Hockey Camp,"
in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. When? The week of
August 27—and from all reports,
that was some week!!
Every year, WAA sends a couple
of hockey enthusiasts to the camp,
to learn the latest techniques, new
rules of play, and to get lots of
practice—both playing and refereeing, in order to instruct State's
fair stick-wielders. Last year Kit
Herdman, '44, WAA's present head,
and Marion Duffy, '45, went to learn
all about hockey. This year, Now
and Shoupie were the lucky (?) gals.
However, Mary says that they just
learned all they didn't know about
the sport. Miss Herdman believes
the expense is justified, for the girls
do learn a great deal of valuable
hockey lore which is passed along
to the other girls.
Putnam Is Vice-President; Music Council Coronation of 1943 Queen
409 Votes in Landslide PresentsThibault Will Highlight Campus Day
lonight at 8:15
2 Distributions Give
Rivalry Begins Tomorrow in Front of Page Hall;
Conrad Thibault, radio and conFrosh Meet Sophs in Races, Banner Hunt and Skits
Smith Second Place
cert star, will appear on the stage of
Page Hall Auditorium at 8:15 P.M.
The climactic event of State's twenty-third Campus Day
tonight as the guest of Music CounAfter amassing almost half of the
cil. His program of songs will in- will be the coronation of the 1943 Campus Queen, Student
entire number of votes cast, Barbara
clude old melodies and popular Association's choice for the popularity title, tomorrow night
Putnam went well over the establishoperatic airs.
in Page Hall at 8:30. Vieing for the title are Trece Aney,
ed quota in the second distribution
Nancy Wilcox, '44, President of Kathryn Herdman, Patricia Latimer, Osnif Serabian and
of Vice-Presidential ballots to capMusic Council explains that this
ture the Student Association office
concert is a combination of the Mildred Wirosloff.
made vacant by Harold Goldstein,
policy begun last year to present
The identity of "Her Majesty" is to be kept secret after
outstanding personalities to the stuIn the first election held under
dent audience. The Council present- today's ballots are counted until tomorrow evening when the
the preferential ballot system. 749
ed Don Cossacks and Percy Grainger queen and her court enter the auditorium. Two of the revotes were cast. Three hundred
last year.
maining four candidates will attend the new queen and two
and seventy votes fell to Miss PutThe evening's program is as fol- are to accompany the old queen.
nam in the first distribution, six
_. _
„__. „_
T l i e campus Day program opens
short of the quota of 376. As a
the Rivalry Obstacle races folresult the second choices of Peggy
Plasir D'Amour Martini
lowed by the Banner Hunt in the
Dee's ballots were re-distributed
Star Vecino- Rosa
afternoon. The evening program
among the remaining four candiMy Lovely Celia (Old English)
also includes rivalry skits and dancdates, Miss Dee having polled the
ing. Co-chairmen for the entire
fewest votes witli her total of 87.
My Old Nag Ned— arr. by Somerprogram are Mary Domann and
The election, with a total of 409 votes
Nancy Wilcox, Seniors.
then fell to Miss Putnam.
Nature's Adoration- Beethoven
Forum will inaugurate a new Rivalry Obstacle Races
No Severe Competition
policy this year by centering all its
At 10:30 tomorrow morning, the
. .
Les Berceaux--Fa?/re
Although Leah Tischler placed
activities around the war effort. Obstacle Races between the SophoLa Belle Jeunesse—Poulene
second in the first distribution, with
Proceeds from drives, stamp sales, m o r e a l l d freshmen women will take
La Partida- Alvarez
105 votes, the second distribution
Barbara Putnam, new Viceand campaigns are to be used for the P l a c e °» t h e f r o n t l a w n °{ P a & e H a l 1 gave the runner-up position to Joan PresHent of Student Association
benefit of war work. In cooperation ° n ? Point for Rivalry will be awardSmith, with 122 votes. Nora GiaDi Provenza (Aria from opera La ... ,,,
. .. ... _
., _
ed for each race. There wil be three
velli held fourth place in both disTraviatta) —Verdi
aceg aIto
tnree Rlv.
tributions. Miss Putnam, however,
members will serve at the stamp a l r y p o i n t s . Katherine Herdman,'44,
was never challenged severely, holdNocturne Curran
President of WAA, is Chairman of
ing a lead of 265 in the first tabuThe Stuttering Lovers arr. by booth for one month.
The content of Forum meetings the races. Georgette Dunn, '46, and
lation and 287 in the final counting.
will be altered to provide variety Doris Patterson, '47, are Chairmen
Dreamer Malotte
and interest. Replacing the usual for their respective classes,
The Blind Ploughman- Clarke
F o r m u l a \ n . Vnles can't
book report form, discussions of new
An. i i l l l e e s t u
will be conducted. Movlie e l e e l e i l 4 . 1
10:30 A. M.—Rivalry
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
Sing A Song of Sixpence—Malotte ies, debates, panel discussions, and
Races, Page Hall
Women will address this morning's
S n l i s t i t i i l i o n : Till
Old Folks At Home—Stephen outside lecturers are scheduled for
Assembly. Her topic will be "What
1 + T"" ' = •'"'
future meetings throughout the year.
12:30—5:30 P. M.—Rivalry BanIs Your Contribution?"
ner Hunt.
the address by Miss Stokes, the
De Glory Road—Wolfe
IliNtrtliiitloil Histrihiitlnii official
8:30 P. M.—Crowning of Campus
announcements will be
Mr. Thibault began his musical urer of Forum will be held all day
Queen, Sophomore
made concerning the new Vice career as a member of a church Wednesday in the lower hall of
and freshman skits
President of Student Association choir. He has studied tit the Curtis Draper opposite the mailboxes. JeanI'litimin
Page Hall AuditorSmith
and the Campus Queen nominees. Institute of Music in Philadelphia ne Bailey, '44, and Rosario Trusso,
Balloting for Campus Queen is to after first receiving recognition as
be conducted this morning also. a baritone of the Philadelphia Opera Betty Hamilton, Judith Gerofsky,
Dr. Stokes' talk will deal not Company. He is continuing his
only with student contributions to studies at the present time which Sophomores, will compete for the Banner Hunt Revived
T h e traditional Rivalry
Voting for Campus Queen in to- the war effort but also student were begun under Emilio de Gogarzo. office of Treasurer. Only Forum
day's assembly will also be conducted contributions to the College. Her
Tickets for the affair are priced at members who have paid their dues H u n t , which was disco) mued last
y e a r w i l l b e r e v j V ed once again.
by means of the preferential ballot. speech will be directed mainly to $1.10. Students will be admitted by are eligible to vote.
The next meeting of Forum will
Banner Hunt will begin tomorrow
All freshman class offices also go the women.
the presentation of their student tax
be held October 27 at 3:30 in the at 12:30 P.M. and last until 5:30 P.M.
under this system. Myskania will
tickets at the door.
Lounge. At this time information Five points shall be awarded to the
The official announcement of the
begin the organization of the class
Committee heads for the program will be given regarding proper vot- class successful in obtaining and
Associaof 1947 Monday in Orientation when
are as follows: Mary-Dorothy Alden,
nominations for class offices will be tion will be made by Patricia Lati- '45, tickets: Jean Chapman, '45, ing procedure in state and national keeping the banner of the rival class
Asociaheld, with elections tentatively
house; Peggy Casey, '46; ushers; elections. Students who still wish until the close of the contest on
scheduled for the following Monday. tlon. Barbara Putnam, as a mem- Elaine Drooz, '45; publicity; Jane to join may come to the meeting or Moving-Up Day. Robert Sullivan,
ber of student council will receive Southwick, '44, programs; Eunice contact Jeanne Bailey, '44, Speaker '46, and Gloria Baker and Arthur
the key customarily awarded to Wood, '45, reception. These com- pro-tern, or Sunna Cooper, '45, Kaufman, freshmen, are in charge of
the Hunt. Two members of Myscouncil members on Moving-Up mittee heads have as their assistants Scribe.
Miss Bailey stresses, "Forum Is kania will be present at all times to
Day. She will replace Harold Gold- freshmen trying out for Music Counnot restricted to a certain few. All clarify any issues which may arise,
stein, the selection of last spring.
who are interested may join."
(Continued on Page S)
^l?^!*?-' ''
Forum to Center
PIans onwar
Stokes to Speok
To Assembly
.ampus Chest
'43 Drive 1943 Popularity Parade Gets Flying Start; Crowning Finish Ahead
Students in charge of Campus
ll.V llllXtlT 1111(1 Ktwitfl'l
Chest are now making plans for the
Miss America, 1943, could be
annual drive which will begin early
the athletic type. She could be the
in December.
tall, bolnde Nordic—or, oh, la, la,
The committee in charge is com- Ires French! Or dark and sultry
posed of the President and Vice- —or the all round "swell fella." But
President of Student Association, what will Miss State College, also
and the Presidents of the three '43 vintage, be?
religious organizations, Student
To be prosaic and also alphaChristian Association, Hillel, and betical, we'll begin with La Aney—
Newman Club. Patricia Latimer, Hie illimitable Trece, She switches
Eunice Baird, Ada Snyder, Seniors, from French to Southern, then to
and Margin et Bostwick, Juniors, Viennese without the slightest difficulty. She acts, she has ideas, she
are this year's members.
organizes so much for Aney? (Our
The purpose of (.'ampus Chest is tongue in our cheek).
to hold une intensive drive each
She's small, Is Herdman, but our
year and contribute the proceeds to
can swing a mean hockey stick.
the various charitable organiza- Kit
Anything in the athletic line is Kit's
tions in accordance witli the wishes meat,
obviously she is WAA's gift
of the student body. Campus Cheat to thefor
list of candidates. (P.S. She
was established in 1041 to do away has dimples,
flush In the
with soliciting of funds for charity pan, however. too—no
Ouch 11
by individual associations during
Pres. Pat has beauty—Prom Queen,
the school year.
remember? Also brains (see the
Lust year Campus Chest amount- Dean's List). And brawn—S.A.'s
ed to $327.13 of which $7S went ot Latimer is no slouch when it conies
Madame Chiang Kai Shek for the to sports, either.
She presides
relief of Chinese students, $25 to the pleasantly and practically. Any chalWorld Student Service Fund, $25 to lenges?
Candidates for Campus Queen, left to right I Trece Aney, Mildred
the Tuberculosis Association, $100
We come, ut last, to Serubiun—
to the the Red Cross mid $100 to the long may she wave! Osnif? Heavens
Wirosloff, Patricia Latimer, Osnif Serabian and Kathryn llerdmaii.
STATU COLUKJH NEWS SO that copies forbid!
"Don't call me namesi"
of the publication could be sent to She's Ozzie to all her many f a n s the State College men in service.
peppy, pleasant, polsonable (oops,
more names!i. Susceptible m a l e s line forms at the right for "Oh You
Beautiful Man" act. 'Sniff said.
End of the alphabet—and are we
Weary! But never let it be said that
we slighted a Senior Class Marshal.
Especially when her name is Wirosloff. She's tall, she's tan, she's
torrid—and don't kid us, Millie, those
A's don't grow on trees! Dark horse
in the beauty-brains competition.
Campus Queen? Who knows?
Put them nil together--they won't
spell "Mother," but what do you want
for a student tax ticket? You could
try pulling them out of a hat, but
none of you ure magicians so don't
expect rabbits.
Lei's try a synthesis of hyacinth
und biscuits with apologies to Carl
Sandburg, Finally, seriously and sincerely—combine Herdman's dimples,
Pat's golden curls, Alley's Rooshian
accent, Wirosloff's expressive eyes
und Ozaie's Jocularity — composite
Campus Queen.
But, you sigh, there can be but
one Campus Queen! We sympathize,
we sololiquize—tough one! Ah lml
The preferential ballot will solve all
your difficulties. All you need is a
Nominees for Campus Queen
will be requested to sit on the stage
during assembly.