Document 14063999

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Survey t o Seek
Status of Jobs
Questionnaire W i l l Be Given
Students A t They Enter
Morning's Assembly
In order to determine the exact
status of the student employment
situation at State College, a questionnaire will be handed to each
student before assembly today. The
questionnaire Is being jointly sponsored by the Part-Time Employment Bureau and the National
Youth Administration officials under the supervision of the Dean of
Speculation Rife
There has been much speculation throughout the college as to
the employment situation. It is believed the survey will give all parties
concerned an accurate cross-section
of the employment activities of State
It Is imperative that every student in school fill out the questionnaire seriously and with thought
since the results will determine the
future policy of both the PTEB and
NYA. The information given will
remain confidential.
Each student will be asked his
name, age, and class. There will be
twenty-eight questions in the survey
and students will be asked in what
sort of work they are now engaged,
how much they work, and what
salary they receive. Those working
will be asked what percent of their
total expenses In college they have
To Question'Unemployed
For those who do not work, questions will be asked about whether
they tried to find work, whether
they applied to the PTEB or for
NYA aid, whether they were offered
jobs, and whether they accepted or
rejected them.
Questions as to hours, type of
work, wages, etc., will also be asked
about summer and vacation employment.
Questionnaires must be returned
to the Dean of Women's office by
Monday. There will be a basket there
to receive them.
Intercollegiate SCA
Convenes at Colgate
Board Will Choose
New NEWS Staff
The NEWS Board will convene
on Monday at 7:00 P. M, in the
library of Newman Hall,
The business of the meeting
will be the matter of personnel
choice for the coming year. The
staff positions under consideration will include appointments to
the sports staff, the junior business staff, the sophomore editorial staff (desk editors), the sophomore sports staff, and the
sophomore business staff,
The choice of Sophomore Desk
Editors is perhaps the most interesting because the group, of
from four to six, chosen to fill
these positions will Include the
Editor or Co-Editors-in-chief of
the News in 1943.
Appointments will appear in
Friday's issue of the NEWS.
P G M to Discuss
Studies Program
Dr. Smith W i l l Explain Plan
A t Professional Society
Conclave Tuesday
The second professional Social
Studies meeting, sponsored by Pi
Gamma Mu, will feature the new
Social Studies program as approved
by the Regents for the secondary
schools of the State of New York.
In seminar last Tuesday night, Pi
Gamma Mu planned this meeting
which is scheduled for November 12
at 8:00 P. M. in the Lounge, Such
was the announcement by Catherine
O' Bryan, president of the honorary
Social Studies fraternity.
Members To Attend
All members of the State College
Social Studies department plan to
be present, and all the Social Studies majors, graduate and undergraduate, are invited to attend.
Dr. Donnal V. Smith, head of the
State College Social Studies department, will explain how the new program was made, what it consists of,
and what problems a teacher must
be prepared to meet. A general discussion will then be followed by a
summary by Mr. Wallace Taylor,
supervisor of social studies in Milne
High School.
Smith Aids In Revision
A member of the State committee
since 1S36, Dr. Smith has devoted
a great deal of time to the new Social Studies plan. From January to
September in 1936, he worked fulltime for the State Department of
Education (which has no division for
Social Studies) in selecting teachers
from throughout the state to act as a
revisory committee. On returning to
State, Dr. Smith published his findings in a volume called Social
Thirteen members of SCA including Miss Helen Curtis, attended the
New York State Convention of the
Student Christian Association last
week-end at Colgate University.
The convention, which lasted three
days, was highlighted by the presence of Mr. Robert C. Mackle of
Geneva, Switzerland, general secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation.
The principal subjects of the dis"The work that Pi Gamma Mu
cussions and lectures which formed
the main feature of the parley were members are doing in executing this
the plight of the students in Europe program deserves the cooperation of
and China and the various problems every major in Social Studies," deconfronting young Americans today. clared Miss O'Bryan.
The student members of SCA attending the convention were Robert
Agne, president of the organization,
Benson Tybrlng, Alice Packer, Ruth
Vincent, Ruperta Simmons, Betty
Knowlton, Katherine Peterson, Paul
Merrltt, Barbara Kerlin, Shirley Ott,
Paul Skerrltt, and Don Vanas.
State Lists Leaders
'Stupid People Happy?'
For '40 Who's Who Paul Grattan, '41, president of
State College this week nominated
nineteen outstanding juniors and
seniors for inclusion in the sixth
edition of the "Who's Who Among
and Colleges, published annually.
There are six renewals, that is,
students still in college who were
listed last year by the nationallyrecognized directory. They are: Harriet Sprague, Rita Sullivan and
Janice Friedman, graduate students;
James Chapell, Merrill Walrath,
president of Student Association, and
Stanley Smith, seniors.
More than 550 colleges and 4,000
students will be represented In this
State's choices are: Robert Agne,
Madalyn Beers, Steve Bull, Beatrice
Dower, Paul Grattan, William Haller, Steve Kusak, Blanche Kirchenblum, Roy McCreary, John Murray,
Mary Miller, Catherine O'Bryan,
and Lona Powell, seniors.
Also Edwin Holstein, Ira Hirsch,
Paul Merritt, Bernard Perlman,
Harry Passow, and Ralph Tibbetts,
Debate Council, announces a senior-junior debate on Thursday,
November 14, at 8:30 P. M. in
the Lounge. This Is the first in a
series of intra-mural debates on
similar "light" subjects.
"Stupid people are happy" is
the subject of the debate. The
heckle style of debating will be
used with the audience Joining
in the discussion for a half hour
at the end. Catherine O'Bryan
and Joseph Schwartz, seniors,
and Sadye Zilinskas and David
Kreher, will debate this subject.
Freshman Clan Leading
as Tax Sale Progresses
Edward L. Cooper, treasurer of the
Finance board, announces that the
sale of student tax tickets has been
progressing well. There remains ft
total of $2,241.60 yet to be collected
to balance the student budget. The
freshman class leads with the highest percentage of members who have
purchased tax tickets, 98.4%. Collections for the other classes are as follows: juniors, 91.2%; sophomores,
90.5%; seniors, 82.7%.
Dial 3-1913
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Phone 4-4169 Albany, N.Y.
•,« tl'H H M ' f *--_-» f t if ,< f •
N E W S Reveals
Sophomore Staff
For Coming Year
Dee, Siegel, Takas, Slavin,
Scovell, Leneker Advance
To Desk Editorship
Freshmen Serenade
In Assembly Today
State frosh of today don't have
to wear two-inch class buttons,
purple and gold skull-caps, or
placards proclaiming their latest
offense. Nope, times have changed
since 1928!
But—this year's freshmen must
croon, melodiously and from
memory, our Alma Mater during
today's assembly. Then the class
of '44 will desert its heavenly
perch, descend to the ground
floor, and parade chain-gang
fashion up and clown the isles
singing their theme song, "Life
Is Very Different."
The upperclassmen will listen
carefully to the discordant serenade; the sophomores in particular will be watching for '44 specimens who do not exhibit the
proper tonal range, enthusiasm,
or high-stepping.
This November sing is a fairly
recent tradition, being only five
years old, but the Black Legion
says that it is prepared to "ensure a correct performance from
the Class of '44."
DeLaney Solicits C o u n c i l W i l l IsSUC B i d s
Poll Cooperation
Passow Points Out 500 Replies
Paint Inaccurate Picture
Of State Employment
p Qr F r a t c r n i t i e s Monday
7fm cant lru<j a'BetttoCtywcttS
Copyi!|ln 1040, Liccrrr 4 Mn»r Toncco Co.
Accept, Reject
After Vacation
Miss Sara Tod DeLaney, Dean of
Women, urged all students who failed to complete and return the questionnaire for the State College EmSLS Holds Annual Firemen's
ployment Survey to do so immediSix sophomores have been adBall !n Elsmere Tonight;
ately. The survey, conducted jointvanced to sophomore desk editorEEP Dances Tomorrow
ships for the remainder of the school
College Employment Bureau, under
year by the NEWS board at its anGadlin Bodner, '41, president of
the supervision of the Dean of Wonual fall election meeting conducted
Council, announces
in the library of Newman Hall Monthat freshmen fraternity bids will
determine the exact status of emday night. John A. Murray, editorbe issued by the council Monday
ployment at State College and serve
in-chief of the NHWS announces the
morning in the Lounge of Richardas a basis for the future operation
list of those promoted as follows:
son Hall. Freshmen will receive a
of the Part-Time Employment BuRuth Dee, Herbert Leneker, Muriel
notice to report to the Lounge bereau.
Scovell, Shirley Siegel, David Slavin.
fore 12:30 P. M. the same day, where
Approximately 500 students or
and Andy Takas.
they will receive their bids.
one-half of the undergraduate body
cooperated with the survey personnel
All bids must be returned, acFour To Six Appointed
and completed and returned the
cepted or rejected, to the Lounge beEach November, as provided for
questionnaire. "500 answers are not
fore 12:30 P. M„ Monday, November
by the constitution of the STATE
enough to give us the accurate in25, the day following Thanksgiving
COLLBOB NEWS, not less than four nor
formation we are seeking. Unless we
vacation. No bids may then be ismore than six sophomore reporters,
receive responses from at least 85%
sued until the first day of next semwho have been competing for these
Gadlin Bodner, '41—President of ester.
or 90% of the undergraduate body,
positions, are selected. The basis for Bulger Tours Schools
we cannot possibly come to any Interfraternity Council, who is genInterfraternity Council was orselection rests on the amount of
valid conclusion," said Harry Pas- eral chairman in charge of distri- ganized in 1936 by Kappa Delta
work done, the quality of the work,
sow, director of the Part-Time Em- buting bids to freshmen Monday Rho and the Edward Eldred Potter
the general interest displayed in
ployment Bureau. "If students do morning.
Club. In the spring of 1938, Kappa
journalism, and the general personnot cooperate and come to the office
Beta was admitted as the third
Trip Through Syracuse Region
and attitude.
for a blank if they failed to receive
member of the council, and more
On Moving-up Day, three assoIncludes Visits to Alumni
one and return it immediately, it
recently Sigma Lambda Sigma was
ciate editors will be selected from
will result in the loss of hours of DeAngelis, Mclsaac
accepted as a fourth member. The
the six sophomore desk editors to
Paul Bulger, vice-principal of the office staff's time. It will necessifour offices of the council rotate
serve in the junior year. Prom the Milne High School, left today on his tate the sending out of individual
among the four fraternities.
associate editors, the editors and annual "good-will" trip throughout invitations to each student who failthe managing editors will be select- various sections of the state. The ed to cooperate to come to the of220 Men Pledged
purpose of such a trip is to make fice and do so. We urge that stuHistorical, Sociological Dramas
In the past five years 220 freshcontacts
Sophomores May Compete
cooperate and save us this
Slated (or Presentation
men were pledged to State fraterniplacements for next year. Mr. Bul- dents
ties. The following tabulation shows
Sophomores not advanced to the ger has planned an educative pro- unnecessary work."
basket has been placed just outAdvanced Dramatics will present how they were distributed:
sophomore desk are eligible to com- gram to inform schools of the work i -A—
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
pete for posts as feature writers. that State College is doing. As he I s l d e U l e entrance to the Dean of two more plays of this year's series
• --- - - " — i Women's
Women's office.
office. Completed
Completed questionquestion26 13 12 25 13
This position may lead to the selec- travels through the various
sections naires may be placed in this basket. Tuesday night at 8:15 p. m. in Page KDB
Hall. The plays, which are under I'ottur Club .. 15 15 22 17 21
tion of a news editor on the follow- of the state, he will visit alumni of
Students who have not received the general supervision of Miss Kappa Uota . . .
8 11
ing Moving-up Day. The post of the college.
questionnaires may get them on the Agnes Putterer, are being directed sr.s
news editor may carry with it a
8 14
Each year Mr. Bulger takes in a table just inside the door.
position on the NEWS board. How- new district where our work as a
by Louise DeAngelis and Dorothea
41 28 34 58 59
ever, attention is called to the con- college isn't too well-known. His
Mclsaac, juniors.
stitution of the NEWS which pro- itinerary for this trip centers around
Rural Atmosphere
On the basis of the above tabulaMiss
vides that these offices may be fill- the Syracuse district. It is planned
act of a historical tragedy, one tion it can be seen that, although
Theme For Dance third
ed or left vacant "at the discretion as follows:
of the most successful of the current comparatively new on the campus,
of the NEWS board."
Tuesday, November 12: Margaretplays. It was written by an outstand- SLS was able to gain more pledges
In case you've been wondering ing American dramatist, and after a last year than the older KDR. It
The sports department announces ville and Roxbury.
the appointment of several new
Wednesday, November 13: Clinton, about the little yellow punkins long run on the stage, it was made will be interesting to see whether
you've seen pinned on people this into a movie. The cast of the act this trend will continue this year.
members to complete the sports staff. Sherrill, and Warners.
The sports department now includes Thursday, November 14: Solvay, week, they're not just ornamen- being presented Tuesday includes:
Potter Club pledged more men in
the following: James Maloney, '41, Camillas, Jordan, Weedsport and tal—they're being worn by people Frank Cassidy and Julia Tunnell, 1939 than any single fraternity.
who have purchased their tickets seniors; Jeanette Ryerson and
sports editor; Robert Patton, '41, as- Port Byron.
-----1 Looking back at the record, it would
sociate sports editor; Virginia PolFriday, November 15: Savannah, for the Newman Club "Punkin Thomas George, juniors; Jennie Seem that a decline one year would
hemus, '42, assistant women's sports Clyde, Manlius, Baldwinsville, Liver- Duster" tonight.
Churchill, Julia Gorman, George j indicate an increase the next, or
The C o m m o n s, disguised by Kunz, and Shirley Long, sopho- vice-versa. Will Potter Club keep
editor; Howard Anderson and Carl pool, Morrisville, Payetteville and
Marotlo, juniors, assistant sports Cato-Meridian.
mores; and Arthur Soderlind, Jack its lead this year? The trend would
will be the scene of the affair. Vose, and Robert White, freshmen. indicate a decline.
editors; and Eugene Guarino and
Bill Grattan's orchestra will play
Peter Marchetta, sophomores, sports
The play under the direction of Fraternities Growing
Thanksgiving Recess
for dancing from 9 to 12. The
Miss DeAngelis is a one act social
Fraternity spirit at State has been
Donahue Circulation Chief
Miss Elizabeth Van Denburgh, col- with several square dances and drama—the story of a woman who growing, and every year sees an inhad 23 cents and who needed a quarBeth Donahue, '41, was named to lege registrar, has announced that Virginia Reels.
crease in numbers. Last year there
the post of circulation manager. the Thanksgiving recess will begin
There's still time to get your ter. Actors in the play are: Thomas was a decrease in men's enrollment
Ralph Clark, '41, business manager, at 12 noon on Wednesday. Classes tickets at the Newman Club ta- Vassilew, '41; Anna Cattuti and Ruth in the college from 100 to 81, yet
Keeler, juniors; Alice Reese, '43;
and Betty Parrott, '41, advertising will be resumed at 8 A. M. on the folble for fifty cents a couple.
the fraternities increased their comand Earl Snow, '44.
manager, announce the addition of lowing Monday.
bined numbers.
two members to the junior business
Interfraternity Council for 1940slair. Harriet DePorest and Hubert
1941 is composed of the following:
Moore, join Madeline Grunwald, Ira
Kappa Beta. Gadlin Bodner, presiHirsch, and Allen Simmons on the
junior business stair. The names of
— : — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ — . — _ — . —
— dent, Arnold Ellerin, seniors, and
doors, the hearty sophomores still Henry Brainier, '42; Sigma Lambda
the appointments to the sophomore
Listen, fellows: You can have i original hiding place would have
business staff will be announced in a your assembly strip tease, cracked made it officially invulnerable to retaining a gasping control of the Sigma, Dennis Hannan, Robert Hertel, vice-president, seniors, and Henany freshman assault . . . but they class symbol.
later issue. The constitution provides heads and public park baptisms.
ry Germond, '42; Kappa Delta Rho,
didn't. Their idea was to round-up
that there be no less than eight nor
widenWhen the women of State's two
more than twelve tryouts named to feuding classes take over rivalry, enough classmates from other parts ed. Somebody dashed over to Feni- Ralph Clark, Stephen Kusak, seniors,
of the school to help them transfer Coo Dorm and rounded-up fresh and Paul Merritt, '42, secretary; Edthe sophomore business staff.
they don't indulge in sissy stuff.
their prize safely.
recruits. Soph men stood around ward Eldred, Potter Club, William
Ml freshmen interested in trying
But give them something like last
nonchalantly shouting encourage- Haller, James Chapell, seniors, and
OUL for the NEWS should attend the Tuesday night's attic-to-back yard
ment at their confreres from the Ralph Tibbetts, '42, treasurer.
cub classes conducted weekly in tussle
hunt) ,
tussle (first
(first official
oniciai banner
oanner nunu
---• -safety of the sidelines.
SLS To Hold Ball
Room 111 of Draper Hall at 12:05
Dot andare
dashed back
they count muddied sweaters, ,a. .' Carroll,
a suspicious
little at
Myskania finally stepped in. Dow Sigma Lambda Sigma will hold its
P. M. Freshmen may attend these and
disjointed nose or a couple of swol. j head
Hjgmn, _ a m o _ „ o i ^ u m win JIUIU lie
r>nt mirl Mqrv Hashed back a t th(
classes even if they failed to signify ten wrists as added seasoning ' n in
j Piremen.s B a U tonlght in t h e
time to clash with the frosh and er and Beers sent in qualified dele- A
their intentions to do so on Activi- the most exciting game of all.
to retrieve
the resurrected banner they were gates
t Elsmere, Delflo M a n .
cuso, '41, is general
chairman for the
ties Day.
If only the Sophs had been a little gripping determinedly.
it, in possession went into a huddle affair. Bill McCracken and his ormore discreet, the whole thing
That signalled blood-shed.
with the freshmen's Carroll and chestra will furnish the music. Busmight never have happened. Dot
Twisting like a mismanaged taffy
Matticc, women leader of ses will leave the SLS House, 203
Students to Vote Today Huyck and Mary Fairchild found pull, the banner made its perilous Mildred
the class of '43.
Ontario Street, at 8:00 P. M.
the corny (yellow) banner of the way down the stairs of Draper.
For Pedagogue's 'Mosts' class of '44 in the (CENSORED) of
Their decision: Because tonight
The Edward Eldred Potter Club's
Up and down the halls, first with
Draper. Their excitement in plan- half a dozen girls from both classes probably would have led to a draw, "Club '44" dance will take place toIn assembly today each student ning to smuggle the precious cloth
It will be discounted; Myskania will morrow night at 9:00 P. M. in the
will receive a ballot to vote for the down and out of the building must pulling enthusiastically in all direc- keep the banner until some time in Commons of Hawley Hall. Jack
PedaQoyw'H "Mosts." On the blank have communicated itself to three tions at once, then more volunteers the future when the sophomores will Bradt, '43, is general chairman, Don
every minute, the banner proceeded
will be a pace for everyone to desig- or four freshmen lurking below.
have another chance to dig it up Killion's orchestra of Schenectady
nate his choice for: most popuRecognizing the clanger, the sophs on its way, until it was impossible and, if possible, hold on to it for will play.
l a r m a n , m o s t versatile man, hurriedly tucked the banner back the imbroglio of arms.
Kappa Beta and Kappa Delta
the rest of the year. Victory will
most handsome man, most popular into a chink in the wall—and
merit five points toward rivalry Rho held their final rush dances
shanggirl, most versatile girl, and most abandoned it. If they'd only realized haied the mangled banner out-of- score.
last week.
that restoring the banner to its
beautiful girl.
Babes Brawl For Banner In Scrappy Battle
New 1941
' v '-•—
, ,
EiUbllihcd May, 1916
By theCUn of 1918
Poplars andjgPickles
W e Like Them
-The Commentstater
Editor's Note:- This is the second in a series of two
Vol. XXV
Friday, November 15, 1040
No, 0 "Commentstaters" concerning the fraternity and sorority system of State College. The negative viewMember
point appeared in the November 8 isstie of the NEWS.
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of the college
The Senate and the House of Representatives in
year by the XKWS Hoard for the Student Association.
this country are viciotts groups that perpetuate themTelephones: Office, 5-0373; Murray, 2-0888; Clark, 4-0373 selves on lobbying and political log-rolling. Under the
Entered a^ second class matter Albany, N. Y., postoflice.
guise of performing a governmental function they
have their unscrupulous fingers in every pie in the
United States. It is time they justified their existence
National Advertising Service, Inc.
or removed themselves from the country.
College Publishers Representative
N e w YORK, N. Y.
The above paragraph is a parody of the sound philCHICAGO • Boston • Lot AnaiLia • SAK FMHCISCO
osophy upon which last week's Commentstater based
its undue and bigoted attack on the fraternities and
The News Board
sororities of State College. This philosophy,
a malignant vocabulary reeking with prejuSTEPHEN A. KUSAK
dice, an inane sense of logical reasoning,
an unmistakable weakness for over and
misplaced emphasis, and a gross ignorWILLIAM DORRANCE
ance of the subject are the arguments which last
week's column advanced against the social set-up at
State. Let us relax a little and look at the situation
from a logical, factual viewpoint, for logic and facts
will tell a different story.
All communications should be addressed to the editor and
In any society (State is a society) individuals make
must be signed. Names will bo withheld upon request,
The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility friends. Groups with common ideas and ideals will
for opinions expressed in Its columns' or communications, assemble. A new individual in the society will look
as such expressions do not iii'cc'.s'snrll.v rplloct its view.
for the group whose principles and attitudes are similar to his own, That is the group he will adhere to
—if the group will accept him as a member. That
Man Bites Dog
is the social arrangement in State College; that is
The t h o r n in tin- CIIHIIIIIII of t h e <•<!iloi-inl ulmlr.
the social arrangement in any democratic society. In
— Thackeray State College the groups are called fraternities and
The STATE COLLEGE N E W S has a three-fold func- sororities. Out in society they are the social institution. Its job is to record, prognosticate, and interpret tions—the churches, the community, etc. Fraternities
and sororities are vicious, black-balling, and backSTUDENT AT THE
all which is connoted by the phrase "State College". biting only as society in general has these abnormal
T h a t task involves the answering of these three traits.
Our informant of last week would have us believe
that all fraternity men are pretty and dumb; all soror1. What is news?
ity women are snobbish cats. These are the social mis2. What news can be published within the nar- fits who do all the dirty rushing. This is the derow confines of a four-page folio?
spicable minority which dominates school
-Robert Herlel and Anne Rattrayby holding key positions. These are the
3. How shall the news thus selected be dis- Let's
trend of ad- about the Tuesday plays, have given
played ?
on ice cubes throwing a mean cold should- vanced dramatics classes has been to way to the well-planned and executWhat is news? Is it " M a n Bites Dog"? Or is it
er at every independent who dares to experiment with the unusual in dra- ed art of this week's display.
all that encompassed by the cryptogram N-orth, look at them. These are the terrible people who have matic effects and techniques. BeginYou and You: The house light dim.
E-ast, W-est, S-outh? In evaluating stories for bull sessions all the time planning how to detract ning with Bogosta's "Corridors of The curtain parts. The actor who
publication in this newspaper, the definition of from the social activities of the college. Every time the Soul" several seasons ago, we speaks the first lines "takes up arms
there is a reception or a basketball game, these or- have seen experimental attempts adnews as formulated by Charles A. Dana when editor ganizations throw a party so as to keep people away. vanced in the staging of "Bury the against a sea of troubles"— the troubles being an audience which is still
of the New York Sun is employed. T h a t makes They don't like basketball—they like lack-ball, and Dead," Thornton Wilder's drama streaming in, still discussing the
news "anything which interests a large part of the they don't like dancing unless it is with a freshman. without scenery, "The Happy Jour- clay's events and rushing developcommunity and which has never been brought to Sounds kind of silly, doesn't it? Is it any sillier than ney" and the second act of "Dear ments or putting away their textBrutus" which was set in the en- books. Between plays the audience
last week's tirade? You judge!
its attention."
The head said "Neutrals Numerous." It alliterates chanted forest of Midsummer Eve. feebly entertains the audience, or it
Like all newspapers, the N E W S each week gathers all right, but it has one drawback—it isn't true. Want The present schedule as it is set up disregards the talents of intermisroughly twice as much material as it can possibly facts? Here they are. Records on file for your in- for this semester seems to have a sion entertainers and reverts to its
publish. Forced, arbitrarily, to evaluate the material spection show that in the present senior class of 317 noticeable lack of this experimenta- former juvenile occupations. Even if
members, 38 are transfers and have had no oppor- tion. Last year's class is continuing
thus gathered, the N E W S must discard almost half. tunity to join State fraternities or sororities. That as an extra-class group with this you don't mind admitting your immaturity, Where's your sense of fairSuch evaluation—since it is a matter of personal leaves 279 possibilities. The records show that from policy in planning a program of ness to the actors? You arc the
opinion—is necessarily highly controversial. In these 279, a total of 170 have affiliations with Greek a little entertainment between pres- losers, since the plays are put on for
you. Shall we use the tactics of the
making his selection, the editor is fully aware of societies. This takes no account of the many who entations.
Advanced dramatics is to be conmust have dropped pledgeships. Interpretation tells
the offense felt by those individuals and organiza- only one thing—61.2% of a typical State College class gratulated for attempting to make Lunts who occasionally step out of
their roles to bow, welcome the latetions whose news is either minimized or excluded.
belong to the class of people who control State Col- the intermission period between comers and explain the play to
plays less interminable by offering them?
In general, the N E W S does not have space to re- lege. Quite natural, isn't it?
Let us for the sake of argument assume that State a little entertainment between preport routine extra-curricular and social activities.
Since the student body will have
had no fraternities or sororities. Social organizations, sentations. May we suggest that the
Sheer physical necessity forces it to curtail evalua- as the name implies, are responsible for much of the string ensemble of last year be the opportunity of seeing two plays
tions of stories concerning fraternities, sororities,
social life of the college; from the facts brought back to play for the audi- on Tuesday evening, let's make it a
big evening by bringing our best girls
presented, may we say 61.2% of the activ- ence?
religious organizations, departmental clubs, and the Keep
to the plays and fill those empty
like. In most cases, this alleged "news" is or at least
posters of several weeks ago which I s e a t s that night. It's certainly worth
should be known to the members and is rarely of
considered a clanger to scholastic endeav- kept people deciphering Chinese i your while to see those plays. Let's
interest to outsides. The committees, decoration or. Imagine, if you will, State College with more puzzles instead of informing them I all go!
scheme, and detailed comment on the orchestra than half of its present social life missing. Take not
selected for a K D R barn-rush-dance cannot qualify much and divide by two. Sounds a little on the dead
as news in a paper of this size. But when the site side, doesn't it?
There it is in three-fourths of a column. A logical
selected for such a dance burns down—as it did—• analysis justifies organized social groups at State.
library staff, has taken the place of
that is news. Advance listing of couples for Senior Fraternities and sororities are a natural social growth;
Headquarters for knitting and Mrs. Shultes.
Hop may be news to the gossip-monger, but space to abolish them would defy established social proceA list of new books has been ansupplies will be opened by
limitations prohibit its publication. Conversely, a dure. Such outbursts of personal prejudice are con- sewing
sistently silly and pointless. The minority which Monday, before Thanksgiving vaca- nounced by the college library, dealstory on the Dean's List without the actual listing allegedly throttles and detracts from the social life tion. There will be posters around ing with fiction, non-fiction, educais of dubious value.
of States does not exist—the "privileged" people are the college, revealing the location tion, science, the fine arts, biography,
of the headquarters. The knitting history, and sociology. These books
Once it is determined what news is to appear, In a majority.
and sewing supplies can be obtained are now available to the student
the third problem—that of display—presents itself,
before vacation for those who wish body.
This editorial was in its genesis a defense of the
to take them home.
Mary E. Cobb,
evaluation of the Senior Hop story as subordinate Statesman Please Copy
All students who are interested in
the first aid course, please sign up
to freshman class elections in the November 1 issue.
Recently read by Don McNeill on his Breakfast on the main bulletin board in the
There are a number of jobs availI t could embody the 101 "reasons" which prompted
Club was the following excerpt from a Memphis lower hall of Draper, before Tues- able and still more soon to be availthat decision. However, such "reasons" would a t
able to students desirous of Thanksnewspaper;
best be manufactured. Reasons were not sought in
Knitting instructions and the first giving and Christmas vacation work.
"INS—Memphis—Dr. Shields Mcllwaine has aid course will begin very shortly Students who desire to work during
making the original evaluation, It was simply a
no trouble keeping up with his hobby. H e collects after Thanksgiving vacation. All these vacations should inform the
question of the known-to-all details of a social event
bad poetry. The worse the poetry the better he students interested in this work, PTEB staff of such intentions imvs. the previously unpublished account of a demoplease sign up before Tuesday.
likes it.
cratic election. Who could doubt the choice?
Lenora Davis,
Harry I'assow,
"This is all strange when you consider it. Dr.
Were another opportunity given to evaluate these
Mcllwaine is a professor of English,"
stories, contrary criticism bordering on outright
Question; Was Dr. Mcllwaine's coming to State
Students are requested to watch Nov. 15—"Pumpkin Duster," Comattack notwithstanding, the decision would have
College prompted in any way by the Statesman/
the art exhibition board on the secmons, 8:30 P. M.
been the same. Similarly both Junior Weekend
ond floor of Draper hall for weekly Nov. 15—SLS "Firemen's Ball" 0:30
and Sophomore Soiree may be subordinated to more
changes in the exhibits which are
P. M.
put up by the art classes and in- Nov. 18—Potter Club, "Club '44"
vital contemporary affairs, just as Campus Day was
overshadowed by the results of the presidential Food for Thought
dunce, Commons, 9:00
Ruth E. Hutchings,
P. M.
straw vote.
"There is no phrase in the Bill of Rights that
Art Department.
Nov. 19—WAA Banquet, Cafeteria,
The STATE COLLEGE N E W S is striving to achieve says that anybody, at any time, has the right to
6:30 P. M.
Emerson's observation in Society and Solitude as speak at a public college"—Harry D. Gideonse,
Mrs. Dorothy Shultes has resigned Nov. 19—Advanced Dramatics Plays,
" T h e newspaper—which does its best to make president of Brooklyn College, warning against abuse from the college library staff as of
Page Hall, 8:15 P. M.
Nov. 20—Thanksgiving V a c a t i o n
every square acre of land and sea give an account of educational privileges by persons wearing "ideo- Friday, November 1.
Mrs. J. D. Mayer of Schenectady,
C o m m e n c e s at 12:00
of itself at your breakfast table (assembly s e a t ) . "
logical blinders".
also formerly of the State college
Thespian Trivia
Chessmen Face
Princeton Tiger
Team W i l l Also Play Rutgers
While on Weekend Trip;
Second Team Formed
Eats, Movies, Talks
Feature WAA Fiesta
Bread, Milk and Fire
Mix at Camp Johnston
Hey, gals! There's agoin' to be
big doings in the cafeteria on the
evening of November 19! Are
you coming?
Where? Why, to the first and
one of the best WAA banquets to
be held this year I
Price? Only thirty-five cents
which includes food, entertainment, and a darn good time,
Time? At 5:30, or in other
words, plenty of time to get
through eating, singing, looking,
and listening; and then to get
over to Page Hall to see the dramatics presentation,
Entertainment? Movies taken
by Beers and Dr. Douglas, Talk
by Dean De Laney. Presentation
of Herdman and Domann, frosh
council members.
Be seein' ya there!
Special to the News:—Dots
and dashes and lots of flashes
from Camp Johnston, Chatham,
N. Y.
Knowlton completed a whole
mitten over the weekend . . .
Twenty-one bottles of milk, and
loaves and loaves of bread were
consumed by the belles of State
during the same period . . .
Stewart became stewed Stewart
after wrestling with the fire for
over an hour to boil some water
for the de-LISH-us spaghetti.
Ginny, the bugler, attempted to
lull the campers to sleep by playing "taps" . . . Three hikers raced two fire engines and an emergency truck to a fire, only to discover it was simply a grass fire.
Memories which make one wish
she were back at Camp Johnston
The State College chess team is
making its long-awaited tour of
down-state and New Jersey this
week-end, meeting Rutgers and
Princeton. The players will leave at
noon Friday.
Teams Evenly Matched
State has been trying for two
years to arrange a match with Rutgers, leader this year in the New
Chess League. This is a striking testimonial of the increased prestige of
State's chess team which is now
ranked by experts as the finest in
New York State. Comparing the
losses of Rutgers and State to New
York University and their wins over
West Point the two teams rank
about evenly.
The other game scheduled pits
State against Princeton, a member
of the Ivy League, acclaimed the
Both the varsity and frosh teams
strongest collegiate chess league in [are rapidly rounding into shape.
the country.
The freshman squad was cut to
The select six who will make the twelve men last Tuesday by Coach
trip are, in order of the boards they G. Elliot Hatfield. The men who will
play: Steve Shaw, Art Fox, John make up the freshman team are:
Hoose, James Gillan, Roy Sommers Hal Ashworth, Bob Coombs, Red
and Henry Kratz.
Evans, Bill Forrest, Bert Kiley, Bill
Miller, Bill JVlarsland, Clarence
NYU To Play Here
The team will play the vaunted Oarr, Hank Ruback, Al Terhoe, Rich
N. Y. U. chess squad at home the 1 Young, and Hank Wise.
At the end of the third week of
week after Thanksgiving. Statr,
which is a member of the R. P. I - practice, It seems that some results
Union-Colgate-State league, ! - as al- arc being obtained. The boys are
ready bested R. P. I. and will play working hard and really seem to be
Union and Colgate Inter In Lire In good shape. The varsity is shaping up a little better than the frosh.
Jim Chapell, manager of basketThe members nl the second learn
are, in order of the boards they bull, has announced that due to the
play: George Erbstein, '44, Clarence fact that nearly all the candidates
Oarr, '44, Jim Wahler, '43, Hob lor assistant manager from the class
French, '43, George Selfert, '42, and of '44 made the freshman team,
Gil Corbin, '44. The team will play (here is a large opening for candiAlbany High's chessmen before dates for the post of assistant managers.
Hatfield Selects
Freshman Squad
Bowling Sequel
This department last week threw
out the proposal that a bowling
league of some sort be organized as
part of Intramural Council's winter
season. We stressed the fact that
such leagues have been the policy of
Councils of the past, with the exception of last year's; that, in our opinion, there exists enough interest to
make a similar program workable
for the coming winter.
Hardly had the ink dried when
Phil Kaufman accosted us breathlessly with a defense of Intramural
Council. According to Phil, he was
entrusted with the task of organizing a bowling league this year, and
proceeded to tack up the usual appeal
on the MAA bulletin board. When
that list remained weatherbeaten
and blank after a reasonable period
had elapsed, Phil took matters into
his own hands and visited the various group houses which might send
teams into a ten-pin loop. The following houses, after a careful check
of their resources, offered to join:
1, Potter Club.
Inasmuch as certain difficulties
would be encountered in organizing
a league on this basis, all plans were
abandoned. Such is the tale of bowling at State this year.
Apparently the interest does not
exist! However, we still maintain
that bowling, a sport rapidly becoming an American institution, and
easily participated in by all, has a
definite spot on every college sports
program. We still maintain that
there are plenty of keglers in the
student body—but what can we do
about it? Is co-ed bowling the
Owls? Nol
Incidentally, with the start of the
1940-41 varsity cage campaign but
a few weeks away, doesn't it seem
appropriate that someone somewhere
should come through with an acceptable name for the team—one with
plenty of—shall we say "punch"?
A few years ago, the basketeers
were somehow regaled with the name
"Owls,'' a name which everyone except the NKWS promptly forgot.
Eventually even the NKWS forgot it.
Now it's history, and although we're
hardly in a position to condemn history, it seems to us that the time has
come to give the team a permanent
Since this department does not
wish to assume dictatorial power in
determining the inevitable new
name, we throw the question into the
lap of the student body. Members of
the sports staff next week will begin
to circulate among the students seeking suggestions. Unsought suggestions may be placed in the Nnws
mailbox. Even faculty proposals will
be considered—on a par with the
The Weekly Bulletin
Coca-Cola w i t h food
is a taste experience millions w e l c o m e . A natural
p a r t n e r of g o o d t h i n g s to
eat, Coca-Cola
you back t o w o r k
that feeling of c o m p l e t e
Intramural basketball has entered
its second week without a hitch. The
current loop goes the local cinema
palaces one better by offering, not
a double feature, but a triple feature
'every playing night under present plans. Feature attractions are
billed for 7, 8, and 9 o'clock.
An innovation in the league is the
independent team known as the
Gardephe Gophers, which made its
bow Tuesday night by ekeing out a
close (?) defeat at the hands of the
Grads. We have been assured that
the distinctive name Is a sincere effort to add color to the sports page.
Grads, CH Tie
For Cage Lead
The intramural basketball league
has seen Ave games in three nights
of action. The Grads and College
House have won two apiece, while
the BAR boys have bagged one.
The Grads played good ball in
defeating Sigma Lambda Sigma by
a score of 34-17 and the Gardephe
Gophers by 27-13. College House ran
into a hornet's nest when they
ColU'lTO UoilHti
ItA It
GnrUGplie O o p h o r s
Kli|»|m Itrdt
Kupint Delta Itlio
S i g m a liiunliila .Sigma
P u t t e r Ctul)
Won LoHt
squeezed a 21-17 victory from Kappa
Beta after two overtime periods. The
KDR game was a different story.
The Central Avenue boys had no
opposition in trouncing them, 33-7.
The BAR boys surprised the prognosticators by upsetting the highly
touted Ramblers by a 13 point
margin. 28-15.
Winter Season
Offers Variety
Been Announces Craft Club,
Bowling, I - M Basketball,
And Winter Handbook
Madalyn Beers, President of WAA,
has announced that the women's
winter sports season will begin Immediately after Thanksgiving vacation. The time and places of the
scheduled activities will be listed in
the winter sports handbook. The
handbook, under the direction of
Anita Holm, will be prepared for
appearance the week of November 25.
Crafts Club
A new recreation to be offered by
WAA this year is the Crafts Club.
This club will offer an opportunity
for ingenious girls to put their
hands to work making woodwork,
metal work, leather goods, and similar products of this nature. Different
council members will supervise this
work each week.
Ruth Rockcastle will be chairman
in charge of winter sports—skiing,
skating and toboganning. She will
be given assistants later in the
Bowling' Again
Bowling, under the direction of
Feme Grenier, will again take place
in Rice's Bowling Alley on the
corner of Quail and Western. This
sport rapidly has been gaining popularity among the ranks of the fair
sex and should keep the gals rolling
for a while.
Eleanor Grounds and Madeline
Hunt will be in charge of basketball
this year. An intramural league will
be formed comprised of teams from
the Dorm, the sororities, Newman,
and other group houses on the campus.
"The College Jeweler"
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You Pick Up Your Phone
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HeprosentatWcs at State
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Co, by
Corner Ontario at Benson St.
-' '
S£. , :
Forum Opposes
'Enforced' Vote
Adopts Resolution Supporting
Eltctorai College Repeal,$30 Added to Treasury
Forum of Politics, overlooking no
eventualities, this week sent to committee a resolution opposed to
any possible law forcing all eligible
citizens to exercise their right of
It adopted also a resolution supporting abolition of the electoral
college, a motion which, it is rumored, may come up before the Congress early in the next session.
Miss Rose Lison, co-chairman of
the recent Election Watch, reported
the body's treasury of 15c had been
enhanced by the addition of more
than $30 as a result of the party.
Attendance totaled 299 paying
guests and about 50 others, including
the military band which was largely
featured all evening.
Alfred Stiller, chairman, announced new regulations for Forum's
bulletin board. He is assisted by
Hilda Graubart, Helen Kriska, Morris Gerber and Frances Bourgeois.
First committee reports, on the
excess profits tax and conscription
of industry, will be given to the
group at the first meeting after
Speaker Janet Sharts has called
a special meeting of the Board for
next week when they will outline a
more specific plan of procedure for
the rest of the year.
Business was considerably obstructed at the last meeting by misunderstanding about the most efficient means of transaction. The
group finally voted to act according
to Roberts' Rules of Order, with Miss
Sharts serving as parliamentarian.
'Teach Children
Not Facts'-P. V .
Children, not facts, are the important thing to be considered in
teaching the new social studies program, according to Dr. Donnal V.
Smith, faculty mentor of Pi Gamma
Mu, honorary social studies fraternity, at Tuesday night's meeting
in the lounge.
Smith described in detail the new
social studies program for secondary
schools, emphasizing teachers should
be prepared to teach children and
not the text's subject matter.
Miss Catheryn O'Bryan, president
of the fraternity, announced at
the meeting Smith would speak to
seniors and other majors interested
in the program for teaching social
studies from the text book procedure
at the meeting on December 4. Social
studies minors are invited to attend.
Statesman Comes
With Thanksgiving
Easter has its bunnies, Christmas its holly and mistletoe, but
Thanksgiving at State College always brings out the first edition
of the Statesman.
Blanche Kirschenblum, editor
of the Statesman, State literary
and humor publication, announces
that the first issue of the magazine for this year will be distributed Monday. Copies may be
obtained in the Rotunda of
Draper hall upon presentation of
Student tax.
Miss Kirschenblum has also
stated that all manuscripts will
be returned by her in the Publications Office after Thanksgiving
Fire Annihilates
KDR's Meadowbrook
Have you heard, or have you?
It seems that things are burning
up these days. Just one week ago
today members of KDR were
planning to attend a barn dance
to be held that evening at that
renowned b a r n , Meadowbrook
(Not to be confused with the
Meadowbrook.) The party was to
begin at 8:00 o'clock.
According to reliable sources,
at approximately 6:00 P. M. the
phone at the KDR house rang. To
the extreme pleasure of the entire
household, it was a young lady.
But lo and behold, this young
lady had some rather startling
news to relate. According to both
the Albany and Slingerlands Fire
Departments, Meadowbrook had
burned to the ground!
What to do? ? ? For the intervening two hours excitement ran
high. After Drs. Nelson, Sayles,
and the janitor had been contacted, and cornstalks had been
procured, the party was held in
the Commons with Jack Ryan's
orchestra providing the music.
Was it sabotage? ? ? Interfraternity Council will investigate.
Plans (or Dorm
Progress Rapidly
Construction on the men's new
dorm, which was started on August
12, is progressing rapidly. According to Dr. John M. Sayles, acting
president of the college, the contractor is confident of having the outside frame of the building completed
by winter.
After a short delay of two weeks
because of excess water found in
the pit, thirty-six trucks transported
cement for several days until a concrete mat was laid on the ground as
a foundation. This mat, which is a
three foot concrete cap over the
clay soil, will solve the difficulty of
the wet condition of this ground.
Wooden frames for the sides of
the basement have been erected,
and Mike Vignola, the contractor,
hopes to have the concrete poured
into these by today.
Work on the interior of the dorm
will continue throughout the winter
and spring. The building will be
ready for its occupants next fall, according to schedule.
The furniture for the new dorm
will be selected soon. Dr. Sayles and
his committee are examining catalogues now before making a definite
There is a possibility that maple
furniture, similar to that found in
the Alumni Residence Hall for Women, will be chosen. Consideration
has also been given to English oak
furniture that would add a masculine touch to the interior. Such furniture is designed to withstand the
wear and tear to which the males
would subject it.
"This America—it's a paradise,"
the refugee sighed in a charming,
"There is so much food, enough for
She was one of the dozen and a
half newcomers to the States at the
Wednesday meetings conducted by
Dorothy Johnson, '41, Pi Gamma Mu
representative, at the Jewish Community Center.
Most of them are German, one
or two, Austrian. Many betray extensive culture in their tone of
voice; some, shy, can murmur no
more than "I'm sorry; I don't speak
All of them, teacher reports, are
cordial and grateful for the United
States and the class in American
History which she conducts one afternoon a week.
"It's not really a history section,
as the schools teach it," Miss Johnson emphasized.
"These women are learning about
Licensed Zotos Shop
805 Madison Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Snappy Men's Shop
Home Made Ice Cream
and Lunehes
785 Madison Avenue
3 Doors from Quail St.
We Deliver
College Musical
Groups to Give
Annual Concert
Tunnell Sings W i t h Orchestra
In December Presentation;
Chorus Also to Perform
Directory on Sale
Through December
How are you at addresses and
phone numbers?
As an answer to all such distressing problems, State College
annually publishes a Director!/,
listing the names, addresses, arid
phone numbers of all students.
Didn't you get your Directory
this year?
Betty Parrott, '41, Editor-inchief, has announced that all
those students who have not yet
purchased the 1940-41 edition of
the State College Directory will
be able to do so any noon until
the beginning of the Christmas
The new, more accurate Director!/ may be obtained any day
from 12:00 to 12:30 P. M. in the
lower hall of Draper.
100 Women Join
In Knit Program
Red Cross W i l l Ship Articles
To War Suffering Nations
First Week in January
Sweaters, socks, and mufflers are
now being knit by more than 100
State College women who have
joined in the knitting program initiated recently at the college by the
Red Cross. Leonora Davis, '43, announced that the yarn which has
been received early this week from
the Red Cross, had been distributed
to the women who had signed up
and that knitting had already begun.
'Dirty Linen' Topic
Of Rienow Speech
Students of the college will hear
in assembly this morning a
speech entitled "Dirty Linen."
The address will be given by Dr.
Robert Rienow, member of the
college Social Studies department
He will speak of American public policy and American educational policy. Dr. Rienow describes his speech as "a reappraisal of American educational
policy in the light of current
world affairs."
Dr. Rienow will explain the
meaning and application of
"Dirty Linen" in his address.
VOL. XXV, NO. 10
Frosh Pledges
To Fraternities
Total 59 Men
'Good Will' Dances Saturday,Innovation Sponsored By
Interfraternity Council
Reinforced this year with new
talent from the class of '44, the
State College Symphony Orchestra
See Page l, for Pledge Lint
will present its third seasonal concert Thursday night, December 12, at
One of the most spirited rushing
8:30 P. M. in Page Hall auditorium.
campaigns conducted since 1935
Bernard Perlman, '42, will conduct
ended Monday when the five-yearand Ira Hirsh, '42, will assist.
old Interfraternity Council reported
For the first time in its history,
Mufflers Chief Articles
59 freshmen accepting bids to memthe orchestra will feature a soloist,
Chief among the articles being
Julia Tunnell, '41. Miss Tunnell, a
knit are mufflers, which, according
soprano, has spent summers touring
Climaxing the two-month-period,
to the Red Cross specifications, must
with various symphonic groups and
Gadlin Bodner, president of the
has assisted in many productions of
Council, has announced the frasize." commented Miss Davis, "rep-'
that kind.
ternities will hold Round Robin
resents two weeks' to a month's work i
The program will include: Over"good will" dances tomorrow night.
on the part of the knitter."
Petit Advises Freshmen Girls
ture to La Gazza Ladra by RosPotter Club tops the pledge tally
The women participating in the
O n Formal Rush Procedure
sini, Mozart's Jupiter
with 23, thereby refuting a NHWS
program were hampered this week I
Miss Tunnell will sing Eha'.i Dream
A s Informal Period Ends
prediction that according to the reby the fact that there was no room |
from Lohengrin by Wagner.
Six Central New York Colleges in which they could work or store
trend, it should fall below last
Mr. Hirsh will conduct the OverState College sororities approached
ture to Marriage of Figaro by Mo- On Itinerary Which W i l l Open supplies. It was finally decided that the end of their rushing for the year year's crop of 21 pledges.
the Myskonia room would be used.
zart and the Praeludium by JarneIntercollegiate Season
This room is now open during the as formal rushing week drew near. SLS Pledges 17
Sigma Lambda Sigma continued
day, and a sewing machine will soon In direct contrast to the fraternities,
State College will open its Inter- be installed there so that women whose efforts to obtain pledges were its steady growth with the addition
The program continues with Night
on Bald Mountain by Moussorgsky. collegiate debate season on Friday, who wish may work there during ended Monday for the duration of of 17 pledges, three more than last
For the finale, Mr. Perlman will December 6, when four members of the day.
the semester, the women were now year. Kappa Delta Rho slipped
conduct the orchestra in the Pro- the State team leave on a trip which
facing the most intensive part of slightly from the place it held with
cessional March from Tannhauser
last year's 13 pledges, when it put
their year's activities.
by Wagner, while Mr. Hirsh directs
its pin on 11 men,
the State College Chorus.
Formal rushing week will start
Ithaca, Wells, and William Smith early in January. The articles knit- Saturday when the freshmen women
Kappa Beta pledged eight men,
Lona Powell, '41, president of Music Colleges. Students representing State ted will be sent lo Finland and
one less than bid. Last year 11 were
will receive their rush invitations.
Council, is general chairman in college will be Evelyn Olivet and Britain.
charge of arrangements. Concert- Janet Sharts, seniors, Ira Hirsh and
These invitations entitle the girls bid and 11 pledged.
First Aid Instruction
master this year is Ruth Moldover, ,.,
Despite the implications of shifts
to the last two parties of the rush
'42, who is also secretary for the | P l e d o l l c k P e r l l s < J u n l o r s Another part of the Red Cross season. Friday evening, December among the brotherhoods, the posiorchestra.
j Friday afternoon, the debaters program, the first aid instruction
t i o n of
fraternities as an institution
Admission to the concert will be !| will lace Cornell on the Pi Kappa drive, has already gotten underway. 8, there will be buffet suppers from apparently
remains constant. Like
by student tax or payment of fifty Delta question: "Resolved: That the During the past week, over 110 stulast
59 freshmen accepted
Sat' western hemisphere form a perman- dents signed up for the course, which
c e n t.s.
urday evening, December 7, from 6 pledge invitations; 65 were bid.
|ent union for defense." Saturday consists of 15 weekly lessons.
However, many more than G5 bids
| afternoon they will debate Hobart
The course will be taught by in- until 11:30 P. M. The usual third!
j on the economic phases of a union structors furnished by the Red Cross party which was a tea dance h a s ; w e r e issued, because duplications
Hartwick Professor
with South America. Saturday eve- headquarters. A meeting of all who i been cancelled by the council.
were generally the rule. For inill AArirocc <\TA l n i n g U v o o f t h 0 s t a t c debaters will have signed up has been called for
To explain formal rushing and stance, SLS, KDR, and Potter all
III ^ \ a u r c S 5 J V . / » discuss dictatorship with William Monday noon in room 200 to begin bidding. Bertha Petit, '41, president bid 1G certain freshmen; Potter and
I Smith College. Their colleagues will organization.
of Intersorority Council, will talk SLS each pledged six of these, while
Dr. Herman Keiter, professor of also debate, but with Keuka Col• to all freshmen girls after assembly KDR pledged four.
religion at Hartwick College, One- lege on "The Cultural Aspects of a
' today.
onta, N. Y„ will be guest speaker at Union with South America." The
EEP Conflicts With SLS
| While preparing to entertain the
a general meeting of the Student I debates with Ithaca and Wells ColKappa Beta and Potter conflicted
Christian Association Monday at I leges will be on literary subjects.
next week, the sororities ar also ] o n t w o l:iici's' b u t ' c a m e on~ w i t n e c l u a l
3:30 P.M. in the Lounge of Richard- j S l a t e w i n d e b a t e
,th R p l
busy with faculty dinners and par- honors, each pledging one. In the
son Hall. Dr. Keiter will speak on Tuesday night, December 10, in the
single conflict between Potter and
I ties.
"What Does it Mean to be a Chris- lounge.
SLS, Potter's pledge pin was the
tian in 1940?"
Three tipperclass pledges were an- victor.
nounced this week by State sororiFollowing the general meeting,
More uneven was the doubling-up
committee at this time, to repeal the ties.
there will be an informal discussion
$2146.60 Deficit
of bids between Potter and Its oldest
and a fireside buffet supper for all
Phi Delta pledged Dolores Brege, contemporary, KDR. Of the fourthose who make reservations in
Finance Board reports that 835 full extension by the United States to
advance with the committee. Dr. student tax tickets have been sold nations defaulting in war debts, led '42, on Monday evening. Psi Gamma j teen boys both groups wanted, Potter
Keiter will aid in the discussion to date. This is one hundred less members of the Forum of Politics has pledged Cornelia Carey, '42, and pledged 11, KDR, 3. SLS and KDR
Kappa Delta has pledged Shirley | duplicated on seven boys, six of
which will last until 7:30 P. M.
than the number sold by December into a heated discussion at this Coddington,
whom took the SLS pledge.
Dorothy Johnson and Douglas 1 of last year. To meet a standing week's meeting.
The strenuous last week rushing
Dillenbeck, seniors, co-chairmen of deficit of $2,14G.G0, the board reMiss Shirley Wurz, '43, chairman
Stewart Enters Kappa Beta
evidenced among fraternity groups
SCA Students' and Religion Com- quests all students who have not of the committee which investigated
was condemned by Interfraternity
mission, are In charge of the meet- purchased their tickets, to do so im- the act. and Nicholas Morsillo, '42,
Dr. Watt Stewart was inducted in- Council in a short statement issued
argued for their recommendation
that Forum defeat the original reso- to membership of Kappa Beta at a last week. Talk of a silent period
lution calling for repeal. Their reso- special service recently. Dr. Stewart such as the one now in effect among
lution was adopted with an amend- [ is a new professor in the Social the sororities, was again revived.
• Studies Department at State Col- ; The question of a silent period is
ment, as follows:
replacing Dr. Charles Barker, | one that has been brought up unsuce "Resolved: That Forum oppose re- lege,
cessfully several times in the past.
peal of the Johnson Act at lliis Who was here last year.
by Flora Gaspary
I waving their banner in the air. Ac- time "
If you think '70 had spirit •v
tually, they found no more than a
should see '43 unci '44!
A further resolution by Bella
few .sophomores. Ever suspicious and Lashinsky,
'•11, urging Forum to
Tuesday night at 7:30 P. M., the keen of mind, the female element of
lower hall of Draper was again bulg- the class of '44 finally discovered they support "repeal of the Act at such
time as England needs our financial
ing with what seemed like hundreds had been drawn from the hunt by a aid,"
by David Sluvin
was defeated.
ol freshmen and sophomore girls .sophomore ruse.
"Black Hole of Calcutta." That possession of the Commons at ex.Speaker
anxiously awaiting the Myskania sigBy this time two sophomores,
was the epithet conferred upon the actly 12 noon on the 18th.
mil to begin once again the hunt lor crawling in the attic of Richardson, two executive board proposals for Commons of Hawley Hall In an artiThe student body was caught comthe coveted yellow banner. The busi- had found I he treasure, and after a Town Hall group and regular panel cle in last year's NKWS. Today, one pletely unaware and cries of disness-like freshmen chid in vari- word had been miraculously passed discussions. Carl Marotto, '42, chair- may call it the "Hole of Calcutta," tress and agony came from the tuncolored slacks and while sweatshirts lo nearby classmates, unsuspected by man of the resolutions committee, bill I he adjective "black" no longer nel leading to the Commons as
refused to lose sight of their orange- the freshmen, plans were made to asked the organization's support of applies.
gentlemen returned with their ladies
the suggested SI. Lawrence Watershirted rivals. Consequently, for dispose of it.
Reason: During the Thanksgiving from their ill-fated dance dates.
every group of sophomores, two vigilvacation six members of State ColHiniill groups of students stood
With a great deal of excitement,
anl and supercilious freshmen were secrecy, and suspense the drama resolution goes into committee tills lege's janitorial force labored for around the corridor of lower Draper
lurking in the background carefully proceeded as one of the women cartwo whole days scrubbing, washing and the locker rooms discussing the
watching every move.
and dusting.
unheralded closing of so vital a
lied I he class emblem, concealed
since the Commons is in constant college artery as the Commons.
After the search had been under under her coal, lo a third story
Statesman Seeks Material
use, and this use guarded jealously Bridge parties were transported to
way for about 20 minutes with no classroom. It was then dropped from
apparent success on either part, the window Into the waiting arms of
Miss Blanche Kirshenblum, '41, by students in the college, it Is many Annex halls, and locker rooms.
there came an urgent cry from the a heroic sophomore, who struggled editor of the Slalenman, college lit- times impossible for the janitorial
An inventory of (he work done
attic of Draper Hall, "Sophs! successfully to overcome a sole fresh- erary and humor magazine, an- force to make necessary cleanings. adds up to this; steamplpes dusted
So - - ophs! Soph - - mores!" At man aggressor. The '44 banner was nounces that contributions of artiThe day before the vacation, Dr. and scrubbed, chandeliers cleaned,
which instant the freshmen thronged then whisked away in a mysterious cles, short stories, and poetry are John M. Sayles, acting president of walls scrubbed, and floors mopped.
en-masse to the third floor Draper. car.
now being accepted for the coming the College, decided that it was
The Publications Office on the
Upon arrival at the scene of the
With this in mind, you can readily issue. The deadline for the articles about time that the Commons had lower lloor of Draper underwent the
commotion, said freshmen did not see that just as '70 comes after '75, will be announced in next week's a bath. With an order from the same treatment with similar pleasfind the villanous sophomores smugly so '44 goes after '43.
president's office, the Janitors took ing results.
Sororities Plan
Formal Weekem
State Debaters
Prepare for Trip
W i t h Chesterfields the smoking
situation is always well in hand—because
Chesterfields have what smokers want.
Chesterfield's right combination of
American and Turkish tobaccos makes it
the smoker's cigarette.
Do you smoke the
cigarette that SATISFIES
' WM
Forum Opposes
Johnson Repea
•Black Hole' (iets Whitewashing
As Students Express Approval
Boulevard Cafeteria
Contested '44 Banner Disappears
Via Sophomore Girls, Autoniobil
For Discriminating
Dial 5-1913
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop.
239 Central Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
"Did they know the expression,
'raising the roof,' got its origin
from the custom of a home builder
to act as host to his work men when
they had completed the rafters?
"That's the sort of thing we hope
will give them an understanding of
their new home. Enthusiasm they
have, but also a profound ignorance
of America."
Miss Johnson has an ancestral
background that makes her an able
interpreter of Americana. Family
headquarters are in historic Easthampton, L. I., which was settled
some 300 years ago.
Give 'em the SMOKER'S cigarette
and watch 'em register
Watchmaker and
the American people and how they
came to be what they are. They'll
get a few dates—1620, 1776, but only
a few; the big thing, as far as
they're concerned, is the description
of custom and tradition.
"What were the earliest homes
like _ and why was the 'salt box'
house such a popular form? Why did
the first colonists come here and
how did they follow through their
search for religious toleration? What
was a typical colonial day like?
Where were the Pilgrim fathers
when the Pilgrim mothers were getting up before dawn to start the
dinner-sized breakfasts going?
Dial 8-9038
State College News
Student Instructs Refugees in Americanism
221 Central Avenue
117 So. Pearl Street
Copyright 1940,1.iccrrr 4 Mm< Tuoiccu Co.
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