p 1 •? STATE COLLEGE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 Page 4 Junior Reception To Honor Sayles Debaters to Form 1939-40 Schedule At the organization meeting of Debate council conducted recently, plans were formulated for the 1939'40 season. The meeting was markex) by the election of Paul Grattan, '41, as member of council. Orattan has been elected to the council to take the place of Lee Durling, who did not return to college this year. This appointment automatically made Orattan treasurer of the council. Orattan was a member of the varsity debate squad last year and now is clerk of the Forum of Politics. The debate schedule for this year Is now being prepared. This schedule will call for the squad to make trips through southern Massachusetts, Connecticut and the western part of New York State. The squad will begin debating in November and continue until April or May. The council plans to schedule more debates during the first semester. Tryouts for the varsity debate squad were conducted yesterday and the results will be announced next week in the NEWS. Debate seminar is required of all members of the varsity squad. The seminar is scheduled for every Thursday at 3:30 during the first semester. The first class begins Thursday. Tryouts for the freshman squad are to be conducted in the near future. The squad debates several debaters attended several debate home and away. PTEB Offers Students Numerous Opportunities Junior Reception Tonight After six days of active service to the student body the PTEB offers the following report: applications filed to date, 128; opportunities on record foj(*men, 32; opportunities on record for women, 57; total 89. There are opportunities for soda jerkers, experienced sales girls, experienced barber, office help and stock room help. Those who are interested in any of these positions should register with PTEB in the dean of students office. To reach the bureau through the mail, drop a note in the box behind the main bulletin board in the basement of Draper hall. 'Continued from page 1, column 5) line Scesny, chairman of the arrangements committee, has given a statement concerning the handling of name-cards and introductions to Chapell. The captain of each junior guide group will supply the members of his group with name tags, and, at the receiving line will introduce them to Chapell. The committees who have planned tonight's entertainment: music, Lydia Bond; refreshments, William Brophy; arrangements, Madeline Scesny; clean-up, Stanley Smith; entertainment, Cyril Kilb. G r e e k s to List M e m b e r s Student council requests all fraternity and sorority presidents to submit a complete list of active members as soon as possible. Lists should be placed in the Student council section of the mailbox. Paul Grattan, general chairman, and Merrill Walrath, class president, in charge of tonight's combined Junior and President's reception. '43 Learn to Dance! Prosh! DON'T let your faltering feet give you an inferiority complex! DON'T slither past the Commons door each noon with that hangdog expression on your face! Join freshman dancing classes, and let Rita Sullivan and her aides show you what's new along terpsichorean lines. Sororities Will Fete Freshmen Tomorrow (Continued from Page 1, Column 1>> ments, Gamma Kappa Phi, headed by Prances Field, '40; flowers, Beta Zeta, headed by Geraldine Thompson, '40; music, Phi Delta, Marie Metz, '40; printing, Pi Alpha Tau, Bella Lashinsky, '41; clean-up, Psi Gamma, Ruth Donnelly, '40. M e n a n d W o m e n of S t a t s Have your Laundry Called for and Delivered REASONABLE RATES STATE STUDENTS . . . Eat and Save at the . . . IDEAL RESTAURANT 1 Central Ave., Cor. Lark MADISON SWEET SHOP Home Made Ice Cream and Lunches WILLIAMS LAUNDRY 785 Madison Avenue 3-5482 See "Eiv" Williams, '42 for particulars 3 Doors from Quail St. A COMBINATION offJbeAest-4^ Jort/ieffest 2-9733 We Deliver TUNE IN WITH PAUL WHITEMAN Every Wednesday night, C B S stations. LISTEN TO FRED WARING • n d his Pennsylvanlans 5 nights a week NBC stations. State College News Z-443 Student Assembly To Select Choice Of Poll Systems STATE COU.K(;K FOR TKACIIKKS, AI.HANV, N. No Classes Thursday Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939 VOL. XXIV, No. 3 Sophomore Class to Greet Freshmen At Eight o'clock Tonight in Page Hall State college classes will not meet Thursday, October 12. This has been arranged to enable the teaching staff to attend a meeting in Albany of the Association of Teacher college and Normal school faculties. However, since Milne high school will operate as S t u d e n t C o u n c i l I n v e s t i g a t i o n a demonstration center for visitArt Cardney's ' K i n g s Cadets' ing teachers of the association, Reveals N e w Method T o Provide Dance Music senior practice teachers will meet Meets Approval After Reception their classes on that day. Dr. Harry Hastings, professor Lloyd Kelly. '40, president of the P A C K E R " IS C H A I R M A N Student association, announces that of English, is in charge of arrangements for the banquet at today's business assembly will InMyskania t o Clarify Rules the Ten Eyck hotel Thursday D e l e g a t e s W i l l A t t e n d S t a t e clude in the agenda the question of evening. Dr. Hastings represents A s Inter-class Rivalry the new voting .system which was State college on the executive Conference a t Cornell presented last year by Myskania. Officially Begins O c t o b e r 1 3 to 1 5 committee of the association. Present System Although classes will not be in Tile Student Christian association The sophomores will officially The system required payment of session Thursday, the administraclass clues and student tax to be eligreet the class of 1943 tonight in tion has announced that the col- I will launch its commission program gible to vote or run for office. The Page hall at 8:00 o'clock. The evenlege library will be open for study j for the year on Tuesday when the I "Club X", the newly created SCA voter was required to present his on this clay. ing's program, according to Alice commission for commuters, will student tax card and was then given Packer, general chairman, will conjmeet for the first time. The program an official ballot. Voting took place sist of a welcoming address by Paul I for the rest of the week includes a on the Commans balcony, which was Merritt, president of the class of 1942, faculty-student panel discussion, a divided into three sections. Thus reading of the rivalry rules by memguest speaker at the Social Action three voters could be accommodated bers of Myskania, a skit and danccommission meeting, and a stateat one time without loss of secrecy. wide week-end conference at Cornell ing and refreshments in the gymnaThe votes were then dropped into university. sium. the ballot box. There was no proxy voting. The "Club X" will have its initial Myskania will open the program As this system was only set up for C o m m i t t e e s t o G i v e R e p o r t s ; meeting at noon on Tuesday. Comby filing on the stage of the Page muters will meet in the Lounge of a trial period of one year, ending | Students t o Select hall auditorium in the traditional Richardson hall where they will elect manner. Merritt will then welcome June, 1939, Myskania was forced I p n t officers, select a name for their club the freshmen on the part of the this year to return to the old system : c a m p u s Deauty and make plans for the coming year. hosts, the sophomore class. Desigof voting which required the voter's! Mary Jane McNamara and Edgar name to be signed to the ballot. This morning's assembly will fea- Perretz, seniors, will head this group. Paul Merritt, president of the nated members of Myskania will second year class, who will greet clarify the rules, regulations and ture a Council Investigates I regular business meeting acSchedule Discussions the freshmen tonight. customs governing college traditions Upon Myskania's request, the Stud- I cording to Lloyd Kelly, '40, president On Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock, the for the benefit of the freshmen. ent council investigated the students''of the Student association, Included In the agenda will be consideration Student and Religion commission Sommers is Author of Skit wi11 opinion on the new voting system This investigation was conducted of the voting system and voting for j sponsor a faculty-student panel Roy Sommers has written the with the aid of the three class presi- campus queen. Several of the com- discussion on the subject, "What j welcoming skit, Ira Hirsh will dents, the Forum of politics, and missions will also present reports to '? an Adequate Philosophy for Moj direct the stunt. The skit is a "takeStudent council officers. In its re- the student body. dern Living?" Miss Margaret Hayes, off" on "Green Pastures" and State port to Myskania It was revealed assistant professor of guidance, Dr I college life. It offers the freshmen Senior women competing for the Milton G. Nelson, Dean, and Dr. that popular sentiment is in favor of a moral choice between heaven and the new system with minor changes. honor of campus queen are Mary Ralph G. Clausen, assistant profesChapters of Kappa Phi Kappa, hell. The cast includes Glen WalA resolution, sponsored by Robert Arndt. Dorothy Pritchard, Rita Sul- sor of science, will speak for the fa- professional educational fraternity rath, Roy Sommers, Paul Merritt, Ague, '41, providing for these livan. Mary Trainor, and Jane Wil- culty, while Mary Miller and Merrill of New York and the New England Carmen Capollo and Carl Marotto changes will be introduced in the as- son. Myskania, senior campus id Walrath, juniors, talk for the stud- states, will conduct a regional con- in the leading roles. Hirsh ansembly this morning. It reads as fol- ership society, will supervise the vol ents. ference here tomorrow. The local Chi nounces that, "Sommers has writ]ow s 'ing, Voting will be done on ballots Mr. Bertram Atwood will address chapter is planning a supper after ten a masterpiece, one of the best A. Hi' it rcMilnul Unit Myhkiliilu distributed by Myskania. students at the first Social Action file meeting for a general get-to skits ever to be presented at State. We I M l l l l l c l . Y |M»hl fill" lit 1,'llst t h r e e (llt.YN t h e t ' o n i p l f t t t ! i i u i n c r i n i l ri*MlltN o f a l l H U N S The revision of the systems of commission meeting on Thursday at gether of the local members and t h e iU11S anticipated saving it for Cam 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Atwood is the assisvisitors. I day, but the sophomores can assure S , ! * ! ; : * ' ; ! uT&Bft,|votIn« a n d n m k i n y announcements tant minister at the First Reformed There will be two sessions of the ,f01 .V01' of even a better stunt iiiii'atai to Mid. fieri IOIIN, with I In- ex- Will be discussed. Haskell Rosenberg, Church of Albany. His subject will conference. The first will meet In | ' inter-class rivalry." copilot! that final rrMillh wliirh would '40, chairman of Campus commisbe "The Opportunities and Values j the morning from 10:00 to 12:30 nnrnnill.v nut lie aaiuiliiiri'il prior to1 Dancing In Gym \l«i intf-np day, shall hi' poNtwl ia tin sion, will give instructions concern- of Community Social Action." o'clock. The second will convene at lirrscrihi'il mam r hy iinoii of tin' Moo-, jng ii H . posting of all notices. A list Following the skit, the reception Will Attend Conference 2:00 o'clock and last until approxii l a y limiii'illiiti'l I n l l i i u I N K MII i IIIK- u p will adjourn lo the Page hall gymof these rules appears elsewhere in The annual Fall Student Christian 'mutely 5:00 o'clock. liny . nasium where Arthur Cardney's 11. That fillullftllti'M l o r HUNK a n i l the NKWS, conference will meet at Cornell uni Topics to be discussed come un- "King's Cadets" will provide music Stlllll'llt llhhtlf llltlflll nl'ficrs III1 s i ' i i ' l i r l l Paul Merritt, VI, president of the Tversity on October 13, 14 and 15. de>' the following heads: ill pro- for dancing. Cardney has recently lor riMiiti's In tin1 followiiiK manlier: ne conference is composed of an grams, practices and policies of cam- returned from a summer's engagel-'rom a list of raiiilillali's arrant;i'<l sophomore class, will Introduce a l from tup lo hottom In the tlfhrrmlliiK resolution to the effect that the iniCtmlinurd on pane /,, column i/i pus chapters; <2i ways in which the m e n t at Silver Bay, Lake George order of their niimi'i'ii-iil vote, the MIIIIII- coming sophomores shall purchase national organization can better o n e of the more popular spots on the I'NI n a m l l e r o f I'll m i l dill I'M h i l l i n g i l l a banner before Activities day for thi'lr total \<ile a clear majority of all F a c u l t y to A t t e n d M e e t i n g serve the interests ol the campus l n k t , T n l s l s h ] / f £ s t p r a n c e at witch rant, shall he selei'ti'il from the the incoming freshman class. A meeting of delegates from chapters; 3; national problems and state, he has played previously a tup of tile lUt I'm- rcvotCK. Among the resolutions to be incalling or the support and b o t n sienn and St. Rose colleges the colleges and universities of policies troduced during this morning's ascooperation of the campus chapters. Cardney's " orchestra alms to please New York slate is to be conductsembly is one calling for the incluThe supper which the local chap- both sweet and swing music fans. ed today and tomorrow at Lake sion of advertising In future editer is planning will be conducted at tions of the student directory, The Mohawk. Dr. Fox of Union Col- the Princess Pat tea room at 6:30 The chairman of the committees lege will preside over the confor the reception are Kay Peterson, text of the resolution follows: vention. Acting president Dr. o'clock tomorrow night. publicity; Betty Simmons, orchestra; "Resolved that Student council .John M. Sayles, Dean Milton G. Dolores Havellck, refreshmentsOn Friday, October 13, the conn shall appoint a Directory board not Nelson and Dean of Students Magazine Will Appear Henry Brauner, door; Harry Pasell will begin its activities with the later than March 15 unci that this Helen Moreliind will represent sow, arrangements. presentation of Oliver St. John j board be enlarged lo include an ad- State. Week of Thanksgiving to Merritt, sophomores Gogarty, famous Dublin wit poet, vcrtising staff". The first issue of The Statesman, According rigidly enforce all college tradidoctor, statesman and raconteur. the new college magazine, will will tonight. Since there Dr. Gogarty is especially well come out during the week of tion beginning been complaints that freshmen known for his vivid commentaries Thanksgiving. This Is tho tenta- have college tradition, on Dublin life and society and is tive date announced by Harriet have been violating will henceforth reportcharacteristically Irish — robust, Sprague and Marcia Brown, seniors, sophomores all such violations to Myskania. alert, and eternally youthful. co-editors of the publication. His poetry Is in the classic tradiThe two college magazines, Tho tion and his prose Includes, among Cam pus Com m ins ion The Student association today will have the opportunity to restore Lion and Tho Echo, were combined others, such works as "Tumbling In last spring by a vote of the student the Hay" and "I Follow St. Patrick." Ol aholisli the voting system which was presented last spring by the assembly, the boards of both magaRules Classified by William Butler Yeats, zines being consolidated into one I'MO Myskania. At I hat time, the assembly adopted a resolution proCampus commission has set (onions English pool as "one of the unit, Both publications were merged greatest lyric poets of our ago," Dr. viding for the setting up of a new balloting procedure for a trial period. to make an entirely different edi- the following rules governing the use of the mailbox: Gogarty, on his first American tour. t, Itlon. The magazine will feature Notes must be at least 3 by 5 is expected by the council to afford This morning marks the end of that period; a final decision is lo ' commentaries, editorials, brief artiInches In size. excellent entertainment to nil State made. cles, stories, poems, faculty coin-; Notes must be dated so that college students. in meets the imantl |*' <llu'lo011H' and illustrations. | mail A survey nof student opinion shows that, the new. systei will not accumulate, , . , , ' , I ^ u classes have been organized A change In the method ol tryRules governing the bulletin nuts for Dramatics and Art council Ippioval ol all, !•> ingestions also have been made for the further in creative writing, art. and business board: : has been announced by Janu Wilson, wjU to facilitate the production of a bet- i No posters or notices are to go '40, president of the council. Miss democratization of ibis procedure, and resolutions lo this effec ler publication. The creative writing i on bulletin board unless approvWilson states that candidates will be presented today in student assembly. (Masses will be conducted on Thursed by a member of Campus combe judged on their dramatic critidays nt 3:30 o'clock. They will be mission. Tile system inaugurated last spring brought more democracy into cism and ability. conducted by Mr, Louis Jones, inLocker Rooms: As In previous years, the Dramatic mii' student government, To revert to the old system of voting in structor in English. Anyone interest No smoking or eating in looker and Arts council will continue to assembly not only is detrimental lo the best interests of the student ed may secure further information! rooms. sponsor Its annual presentation of i I, i ,,, i , ,i i , i , , . I by dropping a note to Janice FriedNo Smoking In Lounge: plays. These performances by the body but also negates the work ol those who have fostered lt.! an, '40, or Robert Ague, '41. stum smoking is allowed only \\\ Advanced Dramatics class will be W'c therefore firmly urge every member of the student body to excr-|dents interested in art cub classes i Commons, Cafeteria and small conducted every other Tuesday and ,i„. u . ,.',,1,, , , , , . ' , ,. ,i, , ' : , , ! ' 'should contact Alice Abolove or 1 room oil Annex. will commence in the near future. i tse Ins light lo restore the voting system today. ! JoJau Aldeu, juniors, SCA Program Begins Tuesday Kelly to Conduct Business Meeting Kappa Phi Kappa To Convene Here D and A to Present Dr. Gogarty, Irish Wit or those who want the best in cigarette pleasure S Cof>yfi#hi \W>, li«GOT * Mmi TOBACCO CO. You'!! find in Chesterfield's RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best homegrown and aromatic Turkish tobaccos a more refreshing mildness, better taste and a more pleasing aroma than you'll find anywhere else. It's a combination entirely different from any other cigarette... a good reason why smokers every day are getting more plea* sure from Chesterfields, You'll like them. 0- ] Restore The Voting System "*•"" - •' IMIMBJII — — I .- — •-»• . • m Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established by the Class of 1918 Member Distributor of Golle6ialeDi6est Tlie uiidcrgriiddiite Newspaper of Now Vork Stale (JollegU f»r Teiiclier.s I'IIIIIIHIHMI every Friday of the college year by the News Board representing the Student Association Telephoned; Office, B-0878: Howe, 2-4:114; Fvowalsky, 2-12411; Y o u n g , 2-1)7(11; O a h r l e l , :i-tl.-i:is Entered aa second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice • • n i l l N H D FOR NATIONAL ADVINTIIINO SJY National Advertising Service, Inc. College PMisbtn 420 MAOIION AVI. Representative N e w Y O R K . N. Y. CHICAGO • tOlTOH • LOI AlHH.ll • SAD FMISCIKO THE NEWS BOARD LEONARD E. KOWALSKY OTTO J. Howu SALLY E. YOUNG BHATRICB DOWKR ,..,. STKPHBN KUSAK JOHN MURRAY SAUL GRBBNWALD BITTY CLARK MARY GABRIEL KENNETH HASKK Editor-in-Chief Co-Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor News Editor Sports Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager THE NEWS STAFF JAMES MALONBY Men's Sports FRANK AUOUSTINB Assistant Sports ARNOLD ELLERIN Assistant Sports JUNIOR BUSINESS STAFF Ralph Clark, Beth Donahue, Miriam Newell, Olivet, Betty Parrott. Communications cThr Diplomat T i m N K W S IIHHIIIIK'H n o r<>ninniHllillltii'H f o r eoniiniiiiicatloiiH p r i n t e d in ( h i * column. A l l communlcntionit milHt Imiir the Nlgmitlire of the a u t h o r w h i c h w i l l he w i t h h e l d u p o n reci lien t . Paying Propositions Associated GoUefiiale Press Editor Editor Editor Evelyn War in Our Time The inception of the second World W a r came as a distinct shock to the many of us who firmly believed that another major conflict would not occur again in our time. T h e destruction, the chaos, the suffering of the last war, we thought, had taught a severe and sorrowful lesson to its participants. Evidently we were mistaken. Our European neighbors seem to have forgotten the far-reaching consequences that war brings. They seem to have forgotten that war ultimately solves no problems, and one war only stirs up new hatreds and breeds others which bring more havoc and suffering to the people. War is the normal state of mankind, peace the abnormal, some historians maintain. T h e European situation is no exception to this theory. The war of the democracies versus the dictatorships began suddenly. T h e purpose of the latter in flinging themselves into the embroilment is obvious—national aggrandizement. T h e objective of the Allies, on the other hand, has been enunciated by Neville Chamberlain, who a year ago last week returned to England from a conference with Hitler to proclaim "Peace in our time." In a speech before the House of Commons on September 20, this man said: "Our general purpose in this country is well known. It is to redeem Europe from the perpetual and recurring fear of German aggression and enable the peoples of Europe to preserve their independence and their liberty." Everyone will agree that the purpose of the Allies is a noble one, in view of the great cost of the undertaking. They probably will win the war. But whether they will ultimately attain their objective of freeing Europe from aggression by Germany or any other nation is questionable, The reason for this last statement, we think, is obvious after a study of the last war, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin rose in countries where the effects of war left the people demoralized and disorganized, Helpless and wartorn, they were eager to follow the lead of these individuals who were shrewd enough to gain complete control. Today in Germany, Italy and Russia we see the final outcome of that demoralization and disorganization. When the present war is ended, similar circumstances will exist. If the Allies win, Naziism and Communism will be wiped out, but other isms will spring up to lake their place. The peoples, again bewildered and war-weary, will fall prey to new Hitlers and new Mussolini's, and then a vicious circle will prevail. Once more the diplomatic horizon of Europe will cloud with the menaces of aggression by new dictators; wars will eventually recur, and another World War will have been fought in vain. This week we've been running around in circles . . . diplomatic circles. We circled around from table to table at Intersorority tea . . . we weren't like some freshmen who Dear Editor: Each year the freshman class Commentataterdidn't get around , . . and elects officers during the first month learned that possession is nine Several weeks ago, the Student association unanof classes, a time at which few of imously passed a motion that the college directory b'e points of the law. Me-ville know them know each other or their abilibetter next time . .. . maybe along made a student publication. At the time the motion in June, eh? ties in executive positions. There is no accurate information on the canwas introduced, it was stated that approximately one And no wonder we've been going didate except hearsay. hundred dollars was needed to publish the directory. This immediately brings to our mind the following in circles. We hate to harp(er) on The president, then, is a stranger this question . . . boot we can't question: Why can't this expense be cut in half or, figure out if the carneyville at KDR to the class which he is expected to for that matter, be entirely eliminated by throwing the Saturday nite was on the square. lead, The success of the election is entirely dependent on fortune. pages open to advertisers? Wilson one please tell us? To insure a more efficient adminThe directory offers to Albany merchants one of But the quinn-tessence of all istration would it not be more senthe best possible advertising mediums. It is a book questions this week is how twosible to postpone the freshman elecwhich is constantly used over a comparatively long sophs can take their Jim together tions until such a time when the period of time. at nlte. Got to give them credit freshmen know college, their classSince the directory is a student publication, why tho . . . it must be more fend). mates and themselves better. couldn't an advertising board similar to those of other House about it? . . . (Editor's note: To replace the present system, I propose that Myskania or a commitpublications be established? The work of the board This is a hard one, kids.) would be short-lived, but the money saved would be Seen darting here and there . . . tee of upperclassmen appointed by two seniors . . . looking board . . . Myskania conduct the business of well worth the effort. The Freshman Handbook presents a similar op- but leggett go. We can't be too frank the freshman class. Then between Christmas and the end of the first portunity. Consider, for example, one of New York in these matters. semester conduct freshman elecIt's been wal-rath his time to state's leading universities whose student body is no tions. The result of this plan would larger than ours, and yet it manages to obtain close to stick around . . . the frost seems to not be infallible, but its chance of be warming up, and mikelng things three hundred dollars worth of advertising for Its pleasanter. success is much better than the prehandbook. On the other hand, consider the cost to our sent system. A reader. And-er-son person who's been up Student association for this year's publication. It was on KD's fire escape, so the story estimated at $237, a sum which might easily have been goes. Was he in the wrong Haus Dear Editor: obtained through a well planned canvassing drive. If the duties of the class reporter (halter)? We gussy was, Advertising space in the handbook would be in de- Something should be said about were as you described them, I too mand for many reasons. First, there Is the undeniable the Junior reception . . . we think would agree that the office is "mere fact that the handbook is kept and referred to con- It was worth talking about. Some excess baggage." stantly by the average student throughout his four day, if we're not a fred, we'll take However, the class of 1942 has deyears in college. (Under the new plan, five years). someone off gard-e-phe will let us, veloped this office into one of its Secondly, the freshman, when he receives his book, and tell him we think that stunt most useful ones. The duty of the class reporter is not to report class tries to learn all there is to know about his school and was of very Hy quality . . . the activities to the NKWS for there are the city which is to be his home for the next few memory of it won't meltz away very enough sophomore reporters for that years. It is at this stage that he focuses his attention soon. The other part of the bill was function. Making posters for all octo ads which read "Eat at Joe's and save money" or kil (b)ing too. Very grattanfyng casions, sending out notices for "Have your laundry done by Chlng Wing." The stud- we'd say . . . Anne while we were meeting's and publicizing all the ent finds himself referring to it when he wants wheezing around downstairs after- events of the class of 1942 constitutes to purchase a pair of shoes, to see a movie, or to wards, we smelled a ratt(ray). She enough work to keep the class reget his glasses fixed. His handbook then becomes a didn't seem to carol at all that he porter as busy as almost any officer. was back. Another thing, we hertel handbook in the true sense of the word. If the other classes were to asthat . . . a certain junior boy still The above suggestions are offered to the student goes for the Irish. It looked that sign to their class reporter the same duty, that of getting people to all body as a challenge. Now is the time for action!! Now, way. functions and meetings and deprivnot next spring, the opportunity presents itself to It's o kay with us . . . but Merrltt ing them of the alibi, "I didn't know economize in the budget. Let's really do something should be given where merrltt Is that there was a meeting," it is my due . . . and It's appauling how belief that the office of class reabout it. much he is due at the Dorm lately. porter justifies its continuance as a Arndt you tired of all this tab-u- class office. On the other hand, if the position is merely a name, a sulatlng? Seeing as how Vavasour things our perfluous office, it should be abolpuns are pretty punk, we hereby ished by all means. Harry Passow, '42. (The NKWS herewith inaugurates a neio column put the following little query in which will be devoted to a consideration of aesthetic good American English for his benefit: Just exactly where does Marotinterests.) to come in Methinks Al-ice not well "Nurse Edith Cuvcll" is a movie of serious Interest . . . sorry, sorry. this winter. It may be classed with "Journey's End" It Gib-son people pleasure to have and "All Quiet on the Western Front," however it a little Jack, and makes things look Five Years Ago: will be received much differently due to the present Bradt, too. The singing of "Life is Very Difsituation In Europe. Many will earnestly desire to see The bicycle dot usually adorns the ferent" In assembly by freshmen was it while others will Just as earnestly try to avoid it. STUSiu asain Sitrouads s\ ipjod uuop added to the list of college tradiTen Years Ago: It may possibly act as a thermometer of public opinion over at the frat house on the North tions. end of Ontario. Well, can you Pete Freshmen women will wear midin the United States. dles, skirts, red ties, and black cotThe picture has been handled excellently. The that, Pretty lowdown business. So no ton stockings. Freshmen men will characters portray a fairly accurate photograph of more for this week, except that the wear black socks and black ties. England and the World War, despite the excessive freshmen are certainly organizTwenty Years Ago propaganda pressure of the dialogue. For all its glam- ing . . . it's feeney, but they've got our this cinema runs too smoothly to be dogmatic. a ticket all drawn up for elections Campus sentiment favors some There Is a mathematical balance of tragedy, suspense next week. Starting a president sort of traffic cop at the landing of the second flight of stairs In Huestand humor that suggests a well constructed play of maybe? ecl at 4:50 o'clock. stupendous showmanship, so much so, that you will not question the integrity until you walk out of the theatre, The role of Edith Cavell is one that should have been given to one of the tragediennes of the This bulletin will be the medium for all announcements of an official theatre. Anna Neagle l.s Impressive but uninspired; | she is dignified but unemotional. In her scrutiny not 'nature. Students and faculty are requested to look to the bulletin for Notices for the bulletin muni lie in the NBW3 mailbox to overact she has become an Immobile martyr to a information. ! not later than f>:tm o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week, patriotic myth. May Robson, Edna May Oliver and Zasu Pitts c u n t s w h o o r e K h c u ICIIIIN II.V H i n t o i student Employment Bureau have tossed aside their usual comic antics to become l i e r t o r e p o r t Illicit I n tlie I ' T I C H us sunn s i i i i l i . i i t * H i l l c o m e l o r I n t e r v i e w * „ n l i c l h e r o r not t l t c \ lime emotional characters, The smuggling scenes are highly nt t h e b u r e a u o n t h e l n l l i m Init i l i i . i h , , „ ,„, . , ,,n,s>,llili> ,,,,,, | (1,(1 j „ | , „ , . | „ | , h ( l l u U , . „ | | 1 M I , dramatic and are photographed efficiently and na- u c c o i ' i l i i i u l o t l Ipliuliellciil iimiiiKe- T i l l * is in»ce»»iir> in order l o keep turally In every detail. "Nurse Edith Cavell" Is "Class in,.nt n t I h e i r n a m e * : l i ' i t l i i ) , t l e t o l r e c o r d * c l e a r unit t o hsuiw H I I C I | A". It will be of Interest to everyone tit a critical per- il, M's, V » , i i n i l O ' s . M o n t h l y , O c t n l i e r , i „ K , „ , „ ) c a i i c e l l i i l l u n * e x i s t . s , l | ' s , mill I t ' s . T u e s i l i o . O c t o h e r ' , iod of history such tis we are experiencing now. Some II,It), l "H'». \ V e i l n e * « l i i } , t l c t o h c r I I , I'-/,. ( l i e I ' T N I I 11 Isln-s II c l e i i r l j innler of you may fear it, some will bo curious about It, Throw " I '•' l l l i a h l c In i i h t i i i n i n t e r - , | l m , | ( h u t a l l lends I I C I I H I K o M ' l u n h e l . 1 The Critic In Past Years THE WEEKLY BULLETIN Variety and musical mastery no to but this fall with Whltoman and Waring hitting 11)00 for the Chesterfield league, Waring Is featured on the new "Pleasure Time" program, broadcast from Monday through Friday evenings, NBO network. With him are the stars Donna Dae, lil-yeur-old ballad singer. Palsy Garret and Jane Wilson; tenors, Stuart Churchill and Gordon Goodman, baritone Jimmy Atkins, Poley McClintoek, comedy drummer, and the "Two Bees and a Honey" trio, The Paul Wlillcmnn program, broadcast every Wednesday, sets a brilliant pace as it goes Into another season as one of radio's outstanding entertainments. Lovely, talented Joan Edwards, the Four Modernaires and Olark Dennes, tenor, are the featured vocalists, Probably never before have as many outstanding musicians appeared on one popular program. With Whlteman are Roy Bargy, pianist, Charlie Teagtirden, one of the finest "hat" trumpeters of all times, A) Uullodoro, America's top saxophonist, and many other names famous to lovers of jazz and swing. , v i e w s n o t h e dn.is i i | i | i o l n l e d i t l l l he | „ | | „ , | M >r» U ||ii i n w h o m Hie o f f i c e « h e s t o k e n c u r e n f I ' V u l i l J , O c t o b e r |:t m i l l , h m , | | |,. u ,| h , , „ , ( , | m ( ||, I I H 1 , „ h h i K , , n i , UiniiliiA, O H " • III, So I n l e r i l m v * a r e no m o r e t r i l u » f I i l r Hutu nti.i t y p e n i l l he c o n d i t e t e i l o n I h u r i i i l i u , O c t o b e r ,,i i i r n e i i i l i i l i l e l e t t e r of r e c o m m e n d a t i o n . I'.', e i i n l i i i i ' . i I n p e r i l a n n o u n c e m e n t . |>'I*KII i t u p l l c u i i U o r e t i n l l i c r request eil Miss I r V. seiiiMiiek, ' I I I , bus lieen | „ ,|,.(,|, l e t , , | | „ , <tl't'l<<< In Hie o u t e r s e i OKilKi'il ii»_l>iinkk|.|.|ii-i' I m | | „ . Nlinlenl jinn "i',V 'iVi'iil'i Miireluiiil's office m i l l Miniilii.i n i e i i t l i u r e u i i . I o n a l l y , If f o r any reusun t h r j lime i'lllll l l l l l u e r , SerreliilA "en c o n t a c t e d h> t h e b u r e a u , KllKiir I'rlTrt/.. ' I l l , Assembly SclltiiiK Mlll'.l i l l l l l e McNnimii'ii, Assembly sent* have been u s s i ^ n e i l Mil m i - . n n i l t h e s e i i l i o u c l i u r t limited m i t h e Social Calendar niiilii b u l l e t i n board, llt'itliinliii; Ibis I I — A s s e m b l y , 11:111 u ' o l o e l i . i i i i i r n l i i l i , n l l e i i i l n l i c e at ilNsenibl,\ will Oil. '1-Knillltillliire ltcec|illou. I'lllffU lie r e q u i r e d . bull, 81(III I I ' C I I I C H . O i l . 1 — l i u p p a I'lil l i i i p i m eunl'ercnii' 1030-40 Registration m i l l sii|i|ier, I t e g l i l n i l I n n l o r t h e y e a r 111,111-111 In Oct. i — H A A l u d l m i I , m l i l e r l l l l i e . iiliuiil loo below lust .ICIII-'H I'IKIII'CS. Oil. 1 — I ' l ' i i i i i i o r e Cuoper o p e n b o u s e , T h e K i c o l c r p a r t o f t h e r e d u c t i o n bus HlOtl n ' c h i i ' h . been h i t h e I r e s l i i i i i i n i l m , * w h e r e (tin , . . H—(until limy tilth (iiipurule I l n n i d u f Iteiceiiln c u t t h e n u m b e r of t ' o i u l i i l l u l t i n . Hitlll o Y l u e l l . l o c o n i i o K si i n t e n t s ( r u i l l <hlll l u jj(S|), (| I I — T o u c h I ' n o t h u l l H I ' I I M H I opeiiN. 'Chore o r e n o w IIIU K i u d i i i i l e s t u d e n t X" mnctlntf u o o ll, !!!^S8i mid U ftA3X"™«ili2!? Mil freshmen cniollcd rn"l'lm"."n7 Part-Time Employment I'TKII reiiiie»l« thill « « * ' l»-.iil..r.,.,'tl..,.,U In ( b o c o l - | Im'iwMii v.iu i^nbui'sh, iimutrnr. The Page 3 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 6, 1939 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 6, 1939 Kmlul Kclencc Itcll.lliins Club nud Meelliltf, | 0 ,,,, lu-lVMl^^aisimeeiMuir, IHUM, loo. i M f e u j ' P l u l i all uppll-1 Hi ijflj uutstia*, uwm. Touch-tackier s Schedule Games For Coming Week Jupe Pluvius Frowns On Tennis Tournament Yak, Harvard, Cornell Top State's Runners Tentative Chess Schedule Round Into Shape Women Will Conduct For First Meet Old Jupiter Pluvius and his deputy rainmen were evidently intent that Intramural council's All hail to the State college masaim of last week to break a "halterminds. Without the aid of a footlowed State tradition" by finishball team, they seem destined to ing the tennis tourney should reach topflight competition. Our excome to naught. F r e s h m e n C o o k e a n d D e n i k e ponents of the queen's gambit, the Potter-Kappa Beta, AvalonFaced only with muddy WashS h o w P r o m i s e i n First chess masters of State, have just reWell, girls, everything's all set. SLS to Begin Football ington Park courts, during the leased their schedule, and—brace Everything's all planned. We're just Season Workout first three days of scheduled Play on Monday yourself. waiting for ten o'clock tomorrow matches, Jimmy Quinn; '40t IntraWe start with a breather, R.P.I., morning and the signal to go! Where With but two weeks remaining beThe footballs begin to fly again mural council president, decided this month—the date at are we going? Why, to the famed Monday afternoon as Intramural this week to cancel the tourna- fore their first meet, State's harriers some time undecided. After this tune- Annual Indian Ladder Outing of coucil opens another six-man touch ment entirely instead of extend- have settled down to serious run- present we rush headlong into a "sui- WAA, of course. Everyone in charge tackle season. The openers Monday ing it on intermittently into ning on the Washington Park course. up, Delhi's Aggies provide the competi- cide" schedule. Pending matches in- has been busy all week getting the pit SLS against Avalon-Spencer in colder weather. clude contests with three-eighths of plans formulated. what should be a hard fought battle The cancellation means that it tion for the Purple and Gold when Ivy league: Yale, Harvard and First of all, who can go? Any girl and Potter Club against Kappa will be varsity tennis time next they meet here in Albany on Octo- the Renewals of last year's tilts in the college. Two busses will be Beta. Potter will be favorite in the May before State racquets start ber 21. Last season the Delhi aggre- Cornell. gation nosed out the teachers in a call for matches with Army and Col- in the rear of Draper hall a t ten second contest and the game should i swinging. close meet at Delhi. The outlook is gate, while Rutgers may also be met. o'clock ready to transport all hiking be a tip off on their probable Last year, Colgate was defeated enthusiasts to the scene of advenbright for State to avenge that destrength. The games will be played handily, and West Point was held to ture, the Indian Ladder. feat in the coming season. between 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock. a narrow one point victory. Three New Harriers After arriving, aH interested can KDR should run rampant TuesAs yet, no definite time trials have close matches were played with the participate in the three hikes which day over the weak Robin Hall outbeen conducted which will furnish Schenectady Chess club, two going have been planned. One is through fit, while a green College House i conclusive evidence of the ability of to the opposition and the other Fat Man's Misery, another is Down team will attempt to hold off the j the team. However, several of the match being won by the home forces. the Ladder, and since you'll want Voting Will Be Wednesday, strong Albanian aggregation. candidates traveled over the full These contests afforded ample ex- to come up, there's a third hike Eight Seek Presidency Throughout the season games will I course last week. This race showed perience for a first-year outfit, and planned, up the Ladder. be played Monday through Thurs- j that Cooke is ready to step into the now the boys are primed to go. Dodge ball and baseball have alThe freshman class conducted its shoes vacated by Walt Russ, who day each week. The team Is in excellent condition. so been included in the program, first meeting of the year, September graduated last year. Cooke, who capKDR Powerful wits are sharpened to a knife's and one of the most important Reviewing the squad, KDR is 27 at which time nominations were tained the CBA aggregation of last Their by three weeks of classes. It's things is food, of which there'll be found to have a powerhouse team. made for class officers. Elections year, was up in front of the pack edge an all-veteran squad that awaits plenty. Singing will be one of the They lost only Porcino and Quat- will be held Wednesday. alongside of Manager Louis Fran- the call to the wars on the boards, main features also, so be sure and trochi from last year's championThe nominations for president cello. Gene Agnello also proved barring nervous breakdowns, the have your vocal cords well limbered ship outfit, and will have capable are: Bryant Taylor, Tom Feeney, ready for competition and he mayand team should go places. up. replacements In big "Red" Stevens, William Phipps, Weiner Miiller, be expected to take over the other We should mention that at the The girls who have been in charge a bulwark on any line, and Howie Herbert Brock, Van Ellis and George varsity post left vacant by Tony number one board is Arthur Fox, of planning this day of fun are Fay Anderson. Last year's holdovers in- Kunz. Wilcynski, who also graduated last '40, Chairman; Mary Miller, clude "Toad" Fairbanks, an excel- Those nominated for vice-presi- June. The performance of these two '42, who topped the competitive lad- Scheer, '41, assistant; entertainment, Zoolent passer and all-around man, dent are: Mildred Mattice, Shirley brightened up the cross-country pic- der all last year. All freshmen with intellectual in- die Foley, '41, chairman, Lois GlenSteve Bull and Bill Brophy, power- Seigel, Emily Blaslar, Reglna Roth, ture considerably. clinations or with excess "gray mat- ar, Marion Keables, juniors, Fran ful blockers, and Herb Oksala and Jean Tracy, Betty Barden, Shirley Denike, another freshman candi- ter" are invited to contend for posi- Shapley, '42; food, Winnie Baer, 42, Roy McCreary, good men in every Eastman, Helen Leahey, Mary Mcchairman, Betty Elson, '41, Ken department. The team has excellent Can, Howard Lynch, Betty Bailey, date, also showed up very well in tions on the team. The present chess Carey, '42, Lucy King, '40; faculty, replacements in Johnny Havko and Jane Churchill, Harry Kolker, and this informal race. This is his first ladder is subject to change at any Iris Barnett, '41; busses Hattie Deattempt at cross-country Inasmuch time if anyone can challenge and Paul Merritt. Frankly there doesn't Esther Tein. Forest, '42; advertising, Anne Noras he participated mainly in soccer defeat a man on the team. seem to be much chance for any The candidates for secretary are That Is, new men who show abil- ber, '41, chairman, Doris Dygert, Ada other team against this outfit, with as follows: Ellen Swartout, Shirley throughout high school. Incidentally, Denike is a native of Saugerties, ity may challenge the last man onParshall, Juniors, Jane Williams, '42; the possible exception of the Alban- Mosher, Nancy Walko, Irene Anniand clean-up, Dottle Berkowltz. the home of Walt Russ and Mana- the ladder and take his place. ians. bal, Jack Bradt, Ruth Dee, John ger Francello. The same Albanians that tied two Kircher, Shirley Ott, Elizabeth PeaTime Trials games and won all the rest are in- body, and Esther Bartley. General A definite opinion of the prowess tact again. "Wimp" Barrett, Vince Those running for treasurer are: of the hill and dalers will be formed Electric Gillen, Walt Simmons, and Gorden Arthur Flax, Alma Jewell, Frank Carryabout Peattie fill five out of tho six spots Hansen, Robert Walters, Rolf Toep- after the first time trials which will perfectly. The last position will be ifer, Grant Hermans, Leo Flax, and be run off next Tuesday afternoon. Radio Coach Hatfield will be present at probably filled by easier, Ray, or' Harry Bora. these trials. Paris. This aggregation should sweep Manager Francello is trying to all of its games with the exception schedule a meet with Colgate, but as Music Council P r o g r a m of the KDR tilt and lias a good chance to take that one also. Music council has planned an ex- yet no definite plans have been Potter's Squad Large tensive program for this year, ac- reached. Meets with Bard and CoblePotter Club will probably be built cording to an announcement made skill are also being arranged. around Will Frament with Frank ; by Alice Brown, '40, president of the The race with Delhi will be run Kluge, Bill Haller, Larry Balog, t council. The first program will over a shortened course of 2.6 miles All-wovo. No aorlol, no ground, no plufl-ln. Playi outdoor!, InBob Hilton, Dan Bucci, Bill Dick- feature the Albany Symphony or- In comparison with the regular [course of 3.8 miles. doorl, anywhflre. A Portable son, and Leo Griffen, all good men, chestra in assembly Friday, NovemBattery Set. Every iludent can for the other spots. Here Is quality j ber 10. On December 5, the worlduie one. in large quantities, and if this team renowned Don Cossacks, under the You shall have mulic wherever can work well as a unit, it can be direction of Serge Jaroff, will make you aol Dance anywhere. Fine the real "dark horse" of the league. another appearance at State college. on long evenlngi, alone or nol, College House, tied with KDR un-[The annual winter concert will be Take ll ikatlng, hiking, travellngl til the last game of the 1938 season, given by the Choral society on Jan"Better Specialty S h o p " lost heavily by graduation. All- uary 12. The operetta and spring ALBANY League halfback Bill Torrens Is concert will conclude the activities 231 CENTRAL AVE. Y H I I D C to Ike student who belt completes this sentence gone as is "Wheeze" Lehman and of Music council for '39-'40. Between Robin & Lake 1 V V I l « in SO words or loss; "Shtaffei'f " " " " ' Finalln* * • - " P*nJohn Edge. However, Tom Auguscil Is best l o l classroom work because tine, Walt Harper, and Max Sykes form a capable line and Les Graves U | K I T C on Flneline Facts to help you w i l l * the winning SPORTSWEAR n i n e ? |,| n d o | entry: " . . . because Flneline'. double and Barney Tuttle will fill two spots length, Ihin, strong leads are permanently sharp" " . , . because In the backfield. "Snuffy" Quinn, lis balance and litmly-hold point enables me l o make graphs, "Square" Carney, and Phil Kaufskolckes, mechanical drawings, faultlessly." " . . . because Si man should alternate at the sixth long leads seem never lo wear out—great stuff In c l a s s " " . . . NEW FALL FASHIONS because so lino a line makes small notations and Interlining spot. "Shorty" Benton, all u"f)" of easy." " . . . because Its same-weight hairline is perfect for ll'vlconw llw Students of him, might turn into a real threat • accurate shorthand and figuring" " . . . because It has a 3 9 % as a pass snatcher. smaller willing point." " . . . because It's the first real improvetin' C.uUtUlf lo ,/lhiiity ment In pencil willing in J4 years." G O T O ITI W I N , and Skirts KB, SLS, Avalon Spencer H A V E FUNI Kappa Beta has only Hank Sweaters + * * Brainier, George Pearson, Al Stiller. MAKE 50 ENTRIES IF YOU LIKE! Jackets and Arnio Ellerin as a nucleus for Contest rules: A l your dealer, save tho sales slip you gel Its club and very few others. when you make a Shoaffer putchaso of 10c or more We hope wui will Inul it Blouses SLS also was weakened consider(SKRIP, loads, adhesives, pens, pencils, etc.). Wrllo your H a n d B a g s nun iiiii'iit ;iinl sensible lo entry on any piece of paper and send il and tho sales ably when '39 moved out and musl slip lo Cartyaboul Radio Contest, W . A . Sheaffer Pen / W ( , 7 depend wholly on Al Parker, HaiHosiery make Wlnliu'\ 's \ our shopCo., Foil Madison, Iowa. Send as many as you like— to, .'•#) ry Jordan, Del Muncuso and Noun each has a chance l o wlnl Judges' decision final. L?*f\riM, ping he;nlt|uarters this seaJudges; A n ad export, a lawvor, a minister. Remember \ f De Neef, Avalon Spencer is some—you aro competing with students on your own cam\ / what of a question mark. They have sun. pus only. Winner will receive \ '/»B1J| two capable nosh in Jim Port ley We welcome you back to College hiiradlo on November 1 from ^_._ . n W and and Van Ellis and may turn up dealo, indicated an sales slip. &j utfafijtoVxJL' *10 U and invite you Lo come in to \\ I W l l I III ( il.AH i n with oilier freshman muU'i'lal. Clay Know S l i e a f f e r ' s look over our latest selections, Si K\ I V o l ' , Sprawls itiiti Al Buhner should spark Feutliei touch 0 pen liy t h e t w o - t o n e this team. 1 Indian Ladder Hike Freshmen Nominate Officers at Meeting FREE! STATE MADISON'S fMtfi SHEAFFERS Eat at John's Lunch Dinners iJ5e and Up Delicious Sandwiches ami Sundaes 7:U(I A. IM. — 11:00 P.M. Opp, (he High School C. P. LOWRY Jeweler • WATCH REPAIRING 171 Central Ave., Albany (,rti. I ) . .Iciine.v, Dial 5-1013 Prop Boulevard Cafeteria and Grill Il)8-!i00 t'KNTKAL AVION UK point trade-mark " r • FROM PENCILS FROM $ 1 -FROM PENS ^*^ $2.75-ENStMBLES $3.05 S 2 . SKRIP 7 5 - E NWELL SE""' " r o " " " n s SKRIP-WEI PHHA IASIIH the NEW way to iMste; iloos not curl thin nest sliseti; 15u up. C H E M O PURE SKRIP, successor to Ink, 15c. Economy tlie, 2So ALBANY, N. X. «ll6i. U, 8. I'll, 0 « SPI1JAl'Gfllf> N*W t h i n U t d d i e o o v e r y l PtrmonMUlMrpnoMl Worttft • M l M t , J i i t t t l , tineathMt ptMilwrlUnsUlup. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 6, 1939 Page 4 Wilfred Allard Spends Summer In Europe During Recent Crisis by Sally Young (this is the first part of a story of the summer European travels of Wilfred Allard, who was in Italy when the recent crisis arose and broke.<) "New York looked mighty good to me." That was the reaction of Wilfred Allard, new supervisor of French in Milne high school, upon his arrival in New York after two and one half months of travel in England, France, and Italy. Allard started out, three months ago, via the Normandie, for a trip to Europe. He spent two weeks in London, saw the tennis finals at Wimbledon, then went to France; the trip across the English channel to Paris was made in seventy-five minutes by air. When he arrived in Paris on the night before July 14, he found it brilliantly lighted for the occasion. The next day he saw a magnificient revue, which represented the entire French empire. Troops from Algeria, Indo-China, Morocco, the French Foreign Legion, and a group from England, and a Scottish reg* Cyr were present. The King's Guards from England, and a Scottich regiment also participated. Hundreds of bombers and pursuit planes flew overhead, displaying the air might of Great Britain and France. A performance of Faust at the Opera, the Comedie Francaise with its "Cyrano de Bergerac", visits to the Louvre and other places of interest to the Parisian traveler, filled three weeks in Paris. From Paris, Allard made a three week's tour to the south of France, including Avignon—the home of the Popes, Nimes, Carcassonne, Marseilles, the French Riviera, Monte Carlo, Cannes, and Nice, in his itinerary. (Concluded in next week's issue) I Fairer Sex Of State To Become Beautiful Do you think you're an incomparable combination of Hedy LaMarr, Miss America and the best dressed woman in the world? Is your appearance perfect? If you are one of those who answer "yes", then you need read no further. But for all the rest of the population, the following information should prove a blessing. The Dean of Student's office is sponsoring a "grooming clinic" for girls every Thursday in the Lounge from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. Here, through individual conferences, you may obtain advice and assistance in your own particular grooming problems. The clinic is under the direction of Mrs. Edward Cooper, wife of our own Mr. Cooper, and Mrs. Quinn. Come on down and let them make a new woman of you. SCA Releases Tentative Symphony Orchestra Plans for New Season Begins New Activities (Continued from page 1, column S) intercollegiate groups. Representing about fifteen colleges which send delegates to discuss important matters confronting students. Discussions are led«by experienced and noted speakers. At the close of the conference, the Silver Bay Intercollegiate committee will meet to make plans for Silver Bay week to be held in June. Robert Martin, '40, is State's representative to this committee. Manhattan Hatters The State college symphony orchestra elected the following officers at its first meeting last Tuesday: conductors, Bernard Perlman and Ira Hirsh, sophomores; Ruth Moldover, '42, secretary; and George Seifert, '42, librarian. Rehearsals for the brass section are at 4:30 o'clock on Mondays; for the strings, Tuesdays at 3:30 o'clock; and for the woodwinds Wednesdays at 3:30 o'clock, in Room 28. Shirts Interwoven "WHAT'S NEW —WE SHOW'' MEN'S 'SHOP &Bfk ADAM HATS 221 Central Ave. Socks Haberdashers STETSON HATS 1 1 7 S o . P e a r l St. STATE COLLEGE FOR T E A C H E R S , ALBANY, N . V., Z-443 Debate Council Makes New Plans Dance Classes to Begin For Green "Statelites" One, two, step, slide! And a "dig, dig, dig — well, alright!" No, I'm not ridiculing your dancing by any means! I'm just "hoy-hoying" you frosh to come out of your "recluses" and learn how to swing your limbs to the new jittery tempos. You too can learn to "rip up the rug"—or, if you're one of those few who like to hold your balance (and might I suggest your dinners, too) on the dance floor, you can learn how to do the more conservative fox trot or waltz without exciting your innermost mechanisms too greatly. Classes will begin Friday, October 21 under the supervision of Rita Sullivan, member of Myskania. But wait!—That's only the first step. Next, be sure that you attend the meetings, at which timely tunes will be furnished by the rippling fingers of Esther Stuhlmaker, '43. Student Association to H e a r First Rivalry D e b a t e During Assembly Janice Friedman, '40, president of Debate council, has announced the selection of nineteen new members to be added to the regular squad which now brings the total up to thirty-two. Wlliam G. Hardy, debate coach, was the judge for the tryouts. On October 7, Mr. Hardy attended the conference for Debate Coaches of New York state at Colgate university. At the conference possible topics for collegiate debates were discussed and selected. Among those decided upon are the "Isolation of the United States," "PanAmerican relations," "Ownership of public utilities," and "War referendum." Assembly Debate A tentative schedule has been drawn up which arranges for the first inter-class debate to be fought out before the student assembly between the sophomores and the seniors this morning. The proposiRepeal of Embargo Measure ton reads: "Resolved that the NeuTopic of Heated Debate trality Act should be amended to provide for the sale of war materA poll to determine student opinials on a cash-and-carry basis." "Cash-and-carry" is defined as ion on the repeal of the Arms Emstrictly cash, no ninety-day credit. bargo, now before Congress, will "War materials" are defined as any- be conducted Monday and Tuesday. thing the belligerents classify as After a heated discussion of an contraband. Upholding the affirm- amendment to that effect introative for the sophomores are Rita duced at the previous meeting by Kell, Peter Fulvio and Dorothea John Murray, '41, the Forum decidMclsaac. On the negative side for the seniors are Harriet Sprague, ed to defor action until the next regular meeting. In the meantime, Stewart Smith and Mary Arndt. it is desirous to obtain the genPlans have been made to send eral student opinion on the subject. delegates to the annual spring State The table with the ballots will Debate conference which will be held at Colgate university lasting be in front of the annex between eleven and four o'clock Monday and two full days. Tuesday. Meets Arranged Last Tuesday the Democratic The teams will also be sent to Rochester where they will meet with Club of Rensselaer conducted a the University of Rochester, Ni- panel discussion on United States agara university and Nazareth col- neutrality sponsored by the Forum lege, sometime in March. Louise of Politics. The discussion was unSnell, '41, secretary of Debate coun- der the directorship of Sadie Flax, cil, is endeavoring to get college '40. competition from out of state, nameThe panel consisted of Robert ly southern Massachusetts, and Martin, '40, history of the question; Connecticut. The schedule also in- j Beatrice Shufelt, '40, comparison eludes the usual encounters with of the two neutrality bills; Janice Skidmore, Bard, Hamilton. St. Law- Friedman, '40, the administration rence and the University of Buf- side of the Pittman Bill; Richard falo. Blackburn, '40, opponents' side of (Continued on vwjc 4, column SI I the present neutrality act. Forum Will Conduct Student Opinion Poll FRED ASTAIRE has the right combination of great acting and dancing to give you more pleasure N^V* THEY HAVE THE Right State College News Nosey Newshound Scours State For Sentiment on Vote System FOR MORE PLEASURE (chesterfield blends the Right Combination of the finest American and Turkish tobaccos to give you a milder, better-tasting smoke with a more pleasing a r o m a . . . A n d when you try them you'll find that these are the qualities Chesterfield has above all others in giving you More Smoking Pleasure. THEY SATISFY. hesterfield Copynjjlic 1939, LiGoliii & MvtRS TOBACCO CO. "What is your opinion of the Ague amendment to the voting system'.'", an inquiring reporter asked Bob Ague, himself, in a search for a cross-section of student opinion on this issue. "I have no opinion for publication." replied Ague, "but I don't think it's good publicity culling it the Ague voting .system. The title doesn't augment its chances of passing." Your reporter then hailed a prominent senior who .said, "The new system concerning revotes is very worthwhile, bul the publication of results will be ol no benefit to anyone and Will only hurt those people who don i iniue up for revotes." To our question, "You oppose publication ol the nuinerieu! results, then?" "Yes." he replied, "bill this is strictly off the record." With a promise that we would keei> the public in the dark as to his identity, we sailed away. Next we picked out an interesting group of freshmen, both male and female. "What do you think of the new voting system?", we asked the freshmen. "What new voting system?" | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, Student Council Revises Rivalry 1939 D AND A GUEST Rules for B a n n e r , Mascot, a n d Athletic Contests Undergo Changes The rules governing inter-class rivalry were recently revised and clarified by Student council as was predicted in the 1943 handbook. The major changes were made in section B—banner rivalry, section C—challenging, and section F— athletic events. Under the new ruling in banner rivalry, the contest shall close at midnight preceding Moving-up day and not before. Both banners must be given to the president of Student council between midnight and 8:00 o'clock on Moving-up day. The old rules demanded that the banners Dr. Oliver St. John Gogarty, Irish be given to the president at midpoet and writer, who will be the night when the contest closed. guest of D and A council. New Rules for Sing In the section on challenging, a new sub-heading was added to part three which states that, "in the event of a sing, the contest shall be judged on the singing of the class song to the Alma Mater, which song shall be original in words and music." This is an entirely new ruling designed to facilitate the judging of the contest and to enable the classes to concentrate on one song for the contest. The rules governing athletic events have been changed so that section 1 — interclass basketball, part (c), now reads, "three points shall be awarded to the class whose men's team is successful in games played between the two rival classes." The specification about following the inter-class basketball schedule and the procedure in the event of a tie was deleted because there is no schedule and there can be no tie in basketball. Mascot Hunt A minor change under A—freshman welcome, has been enacted, substituting the sophomore reception for the freshmen for section 1, part (a). Thus the freshmen will be instructed in the traditions and and inter-ciass rivalry rules at the sophomore reception instead of the first Friday of school. Under D— mascot hunt, section five, part (b) has been revised so that the mascot must be presented to a member of Myskania instead of Student council. A change in section three under athletic events specifies that the women's obstacle races will be conducted on Campus day. One point will be awarded to the victor of each race allowing for a division of points. State SCA Delegates To Attend Conference New Pedagogue Board Will Start Activities Marie Metz, '40, editor-in-chief of the Pedagogue, and Stephen Bull, '40, photography editor, announce that the photographer for the Pedagogue and agency pictures will be taken in the Commons of Hawley hall, starting Monday. All are asked to sign up on the main bulletin board immediately. In regard to agency pictures Mr. Paul G. Bulger, director of the Student Employment bureau, asks that senior women wear anything that is becoming without overdressing so that interest will not be detracted from the face of the subject. Senior men are asked to wear coats and ties. A feature of this year's Ped pictures will be the removal of formality, no more drapes. For the sorority pages t h e undergraduate women will wear light colored sweaters with or without pearls or white collars. The women who do not have light sweaters may secure them from the photographer's supply. The senior women and undergraduate men may wear either sweaters or whatever Is convenient. The prices for the pictures will be the same as usual, one dollar for undergraduates and two dollars for seniors including twelve agency pictures. Graduates who wish agency pictures may have them for the same rate. VOL. X X I V , N o . 4 D and A to Offer Oliver Gogarty, Noted Irish Wit World Famous Writer, Poet t o A p p e a r in P a g e H a l l Wednesday Night Students and faculty of State college and the general public of Albany will have the opportunity of hearing Doctor Oliver St. John Gogarty of Dublin, Ireland Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in Page hall auditorium. He will be presented by the Dramatics and Arts council as their first guest of the school year. Doctor Gogarty, tall, blue-eyed, and distinguished in his bearing is famous for his interesting and witty comentaries on Dublin life and Ireland's famous literary figures. Jane Wilson, '40, president of D and A, is confident that "his quips, puns, stories of Dublin life and word portraits of great men in Irish literary society will provide an evening of entertainment well worth hearing." Native of Ireland Born in the latter half of the nineteenth century, Dr. Gogarty grew into manhood at the time of Ireland's great literary revival. His intimate friends were most of Ireland's great statesmen and literary figures, in fact, his town house and country estate were favorite gathering places for such personages as George Russell Moor, Lady Gregory, Shaw, Yeats, Joyce and others. Not only is Dr. Gogarty famous for his wit but for his many occomplishments as a surgeon, sportsman, statesman and poet. As a statesman he served as a member of the Irish Senate from 1922 to 1936 when the body was abolished by De Valera. As a writer he ranks as one of the greatest lyric poets in modern English literature and has been compared to Heyrick, Waller and Heine. When William Butler Yeats edited his famous anthology, "Oxford Book of Verse" several years ago, he chose Dr Grogarty as the contemporty poet. Best Known Works Perhaps Dr. Gogarty is best known to Americans for his prose works, "I Followed St. Patrick," "As I Was Going Down Sackville Street," and "Tumbling in the Hay." "Going Down Sackville Street" is composed of his reminiscences of Dublin's great and near-great during the past fifty years—the leading figures of the Irish literary Rcnnaissance, all of whom were (Continued un page 4, column 1) Dr. Sayles} Rounded Interests Give Him Fame in Many Fields "I don't know anything about the old one!" Several delegates of the Student "I don't think!" by Anita IS. Holm We almost went down under this Christian association will attend the i zation for high school principals. Had the committee which ap deluge of mass ignorance. Realiz- annual Full Student Christian conHe is chairman of the Benevopointed Dr. John M. Sayles succesference at Cornell university today, | ing that there would be no pearls lent Association which built tho sor to Dr. A. H. Brubacher tried' tomorrow and Sunday. Other acof opinion coming from the frosh, Alumni Residenee hulls for women. tivities of SCA scheduled for to gel in touch with him twenty-1I As soon as the debts on those buildwe departed. 1 We then accosted an intelligent- this week will be Freshman coin-1 lour hours later, they would not ings are paid off, he plans to start looking sophomore and popped the mission, Marriage commission and have found him. He would have a drive for a dormitory for the men been in C a n a d a — fishing ! ! Of State. question. He replied, "I prefer post- dancing class. ing of numerical results, because i Stale students expecting to par- Dr. Sayles is noted for the broad Dr. Sayles received his education I'd like to know just how much stllfl ticipate in the conference are scope oi his interests and tor his in Mexico academy, New York, it guy actually has on the ball." Robert Martin, Mary Tralnor, John : line discrimination of value. Keystone academy, Pennsylvania, This was a bit loo calloused for Wulden, seniors; Robert Ague, i NIXI lo his family winch consists and Colgate university, from which Robert Patton, Ada Parshull, ju- of "a son, three grandchildren audi he was graduated in 11)00. In 1902 our ears Wi thrust ourselves upon Fred niors; Helen Ivloss, Benson Ty- a dog,' Dr. Sayles' thoughts have j lie received his degree us Bachelor May, '41, relaxing in 1 iu; Activities brlng, Alice Pucker, Bernice Duel, been chiefly concerned with Milne of Pedagogy from the State Normal office. He emphasized. "I am against Fred Wholstein, sophomores, and I High school. Ii is. according to Dr. College at Albany, During the H because what we don't know won't Miss Helen Curtis, advisor to SCA. 1Frederick, "his monument." He! period from 11)02 to 1000 ho was hurl us. If I got only two votes, I Freshman commission will have! nurtured and brought it up from a I acting principal of Glens Fulls High wouldn't want to know about it." Its first meeting Tuesday ut 3:30 small practice school to one of the , school, in 1900 he became associDay's remarks mirrored the senti- o'clock in the Lounge of Richard- outstanding high schools in New ated with State Normal College at ment of numerous students thai son hull. Marion Kingsley, '40, will York state, even in the United j Albany as professor of education the ego of unsuccessful candidates be in charge of the program and States. Dr. Sayles has done his and later as supervisor of tho pracwill be needlessly hurt. Miss Helen Hull Morelund, dean work so exceptionally well in build- tice school. More recently, until Bill Dorrance, '42, who had over- of students, will speak. ing a practice school with a fuculty his appointment as acting president heard everything that Day hud said, On Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock, renowned for creative thinking as of NYSCT, Dr. Sayles was princinow countered, "If a candidate ob- Marriage commission under the well us for teaching skill that par- pal of Milne High school. jects to having his name published guidance of Theron Powell, '40, ents file applications for their chilWhen asked about his plans for with his numerical results, let him and Dorothy Johnson, '41, will meet dren five and six years in advance. the ensuing year, our genial presiwithdraw," In the Lounge. Discussion will center During his twenty-five years at dent replied, "I'm just one of the Tis seldom a reporter can find about "The Place of the Family Milne, Dr. Sayles has gained a men hired to get the Job done. We prominent place In the organi- are all working together." i Continued on page 4, column 4J in Civilization."