STATE Page 4 COLLEGE NEWS, MAY 12, 1939 form a n o t h e r unit in a proposed "allS t a t e " quadrangle. A new c a m p a i g n idea was instituted this year t o secure support T h e State college chemistry club from seniors for this fund. R a t h e r will hold its a n n u a l picnic T h u r s t h a n pledging $100, which h a s been Senior Class Supports Drive day, May 25, a t I n d i a n Ladder. t h e customary a m o u n t in p a s t years, for S t u d e n t Union Building Charles Shafer, '39, president, is i n t h e seniors have been asked to m a k e charge of the affair. With over $6,000 pledged t o t h e t h e participation record of t h e class All members planning t o a t t e n d D o r m fund, t h e class of 1939 is wind- of 1939 100 p e r cent. Pledges r u n the picnic must sign up on t h e c h e m ing up i t s a n n u a l drive to secure from $5 t o $200. Although t h e first club bulletin board. Busses fur- pledges for t h e erection of a S t u d e n t installment of t h e pledge is n o t due nishing transportation will leave Union building. until February, 1940, some pledgers from t h e school a t 4:00 o'clock i n J. E d m o r e Melanson, '39, c h a i r m a n have already completed p a y m e n t i n the afternoon a n d r e t u r n a t 8:00h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t May 16 is t o full or in p a r t . o'clock in t h e evening. T h e r e will be t h e closing d a t e for t h e drive. be a n admission fee of fifty cents, T h e drive w a s i n a u g u r a t e d by D r . which will cover transportation a n d J o h n M. Sayles, principal of Milne food. High, a t a n assembly p r o g r a m i n Besides promising to provide a n F e b r u a r y . "Better Specialty Shop" afternoon of fun, the picnic will also T h i s is t h e fifth year t h a t t h e 231 CENTRAL AVE. ALBANY be t h e scene of a n i m p r o m p t u club senior classes h a v e been pledging Between Robin & Lake meeting for t h e election of officers money to a building t o be used a s a for t h e coming school year. combined m e n ' s d o r m and recreation IFOR MOVING-UPDAY center. I n h i s speech to t h e a s - 1 • S p a n i s h C l u b Lists H e a d s sembly, D r . Sayles a n n o u n c e d t h a t White Skirts $1.98 if this y e a r ' s fund w a s sizeable, Spanish club announces i t s offiLinen—Sharkskin plans would be d r a w n for t h e buildcers for the coming year: president, • Leslie Gerdts, '41; vice president, ing, a n d s t e p s would be t a k e n to 2-Piece J a m e s Snove.r, '41; secretary, Helen commence work o n t h e construction. White Suits $1.98 u p T h e n e w d o r m will be built on Miller, '41; treasurer, Walter D a n i l e • P a r t r i d g e street, t o t h e rear of t h e | wicz, '40, a n d reporter, Marjorie White Dresses . . $1.98 u p Alumni Residence halls, a n d will Tims, '42. S p u n Rayon • Dial 5-1913 " M O M S " T HE WORD Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop For M O T H E R ' S D A Y State Chemistry Club Will Conduct Outing Smith Announces Greeks Make Plans Dates for Tests For Spring Formals (Continued from page 1, column SJ Dr. D. V. S m i t h , professor of social studies, a n n o u n c e s t h a t t h e freshments, Helen Bailey, '40, c h a i r qualifying comprehensive exam in man, Helen Lasher a n d Shirley Mysocial studies will be given o n May ers, sophomores; orchestra, H a t t i e 23, 24, a n d 25 i n rooms 20 a n dConklin, '41, and G e r a l d i n e T h o m p 28 of Richardson hall. All sopho- son, '40; clean-up, Shirley Kyle, '42. Pi Alpha T a u : general c h a i r m a n , more students who a r e expecting t o '39; orchestra, major or minor i n this d e p a r t m e n t Mildred Streifer, a r e requested t o be present o n allCecile Pockross, '40; invitations, Beatrice Marashinsky, ' 4 1 ; refreshdays. T h e e x a m i n a t i o n will be given o n ments, Beatrice Koblenz, '39. P h i D e l t a : general chairman, Tuesday a n d T h u r s d a y , May 23 a n d 25, respectively, from 3:30 to Helen Lowry, '39; a r r a n g e m e n t s , 5:00 o'clock. O n Wednesday t h e Marie Metz, '40; music, Lillian Hines, exam will s t a r t a t 7:30 o'clock in '39; refreshments, Carolyn Emery, t h e evening. I n case a n y s t u d e n t '41; programs, J a y n e W a l r a t h , '39. Alpha R h o : flowers, Eleanor h a s conflicting classes o n Tuesday Wise, '39; orchestra, H a r r i e t Green, or Thursday, they a r e requested t o '39; refreshments, L e a h Mekeel a n d get i n touch with D r . S m i t h i m Hope Sweet, seniors; decorations, mediately, so t h a t a r r a n g e m e n t s can Philomena I a n n o t t i , '40. be made. Sigma Alpha: general c h a i r m a n , It is necessary t h a t t h e e>am be Adeline Kadgis, '41; refreshments, given a t this time so t h a t junior Rose Ritter, '40, c h a i r m a n , Hilda schedules m a y be m a d e o u t . As Ashman, '40, Betty Hiller, '41; p r o soon a s t h e e x a m i n a t i o n is finished, grams, Justine H e r m a n n , '39, Agnes preceptors will be announced. Bennett, Lorraine Patterson, a n d This e x a m i n a t i o n is being given Mary Dunning, freshmen. for t h e first time, instituting t h e P h i L a m b d a : music, Mabel F a r new system of t h e social studies rell, '39; decorations, J e a n e t t e Lawdepartment. Only sophomore c a n - son, '39; invitations, Mildred L a didates are t o be permitted e n t r a n c e brum, '40; programs. Betty Hardie, to t h e exam. '40; clean-up, Mildred Leach, '39. The new p r o g r a m devised under the direction of D r . S m i t h is d e signed to meet the individual needs Flowers for t h e Weekend of students. Since t h e c o m p r e h e n sive test will cover every phase of the social studies field, it will r e veal w h a t phases t h e s t u d e n t knows K I, O B I S T S the least about, a n d t h e preceptor will advise h i m to take courses along li. Frledliinilor, 'S9 I,. KowulNky, 'ID these lines in t h e future. Melanson Reports Total Of Dormitory Pledges MADISON'S Boulevard Cafeteria and Grill ARKAY ALBANY, N. Y. 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Washable Cotton Frocks Sizes 12-20 — 38-46 $1.00 u p • HOSIERY—2-3-4 Thread Crepe Finished 59c u p • New W h i t e Bags and Gloves $1.00 u p id show you yd O^Lfl cow NVBINAUON pleasure . V, W .V.', *.V AVAV >.". V A V>< mmr , . „ one of * • ^ <m Sh0 *n in the ""> k i n 9 ,ro»ion« U ^ E v e r y year thousands of visitors to the Chesterfield factories see the infinite care with which the world's best tobaccos are combined to give you Chesterfield's can't-be-copied blend. It is this wonderful blend that makes Chesterfield so refreshingly different. . . milder, better-tasting, with a more pleasing aroma. When you try them you will see why Chesterfield gives millions of men and women more smoking pleasure... why THEY SATISFY . o u t or * ° n e y Everything s buy " m«der' i v™**mwHSM# •••$/&•> Copyxiglu 1939, llGWsn & Mines TODM <0 Co, iX\ -^ State College-N^ws EXTRA EDITION STATE COLLEGE FOR TKACIIKKS, ALBANY, N. Y., MONDAY, APRIL 24, ""^Vjpi/^jp^li 1939 STUDENT BODY WILL PROTEST BUDGET CUT! Friday Assembly Protests Budget Slash by State President of Explains Money LEADERS O F STUDENT PROTEST ACTION President B r u b a c h e r Will Excuse 11:00 o'Clock Classes to Allow Organization of Student Protest; Edge a n d Friedlander to Lead SPECIAL Students to Revision COMMITTEE T O MEET A T NINE O'CLOCK Will C o n d u c t M o c k I n t e r v i e w of a L e g i s l a t o r E x p l a i n Details of S t u d e n t P r o c e d u r e at State Capitol Session T o n i g h t Allotment T h i s morning, all 11 o'clock classes will be dismissed to enable students to a t t e n d the special assembly called by J o h n Edge, president of the S t u d e n t association, for t h e purpose of further considering t h e budget budget revision bill. At t h e meeting, plans will be discussed concernDr. Abram R. Brubacher, presi^ i n g the method of procedure t h a t the dent, appeared before t h e .student /I II IT 1 111 student, body will follow tonight a t body last Friday to di.selose the presI nnHll/n N A ^ H D I I " " ' Legislature, a n d additional i n ent crisis in the S l a t e college budget VilllUljll, llUIUCU formation which the special protest as affected by t h e proposed budget committee h a s been investigating now before t h e legislature of the will be presented. S t a l e of New York. Taking precedent over all scheduled business, the Tonight the entire s t u d e n t body president pointed out t h e effect of will a t t e n d t h e evening session of the 8 V ! cut on both maintenance the Legislature. Only t h e delegates and personnel a n d urged the stuM u s i c C o u n c i l W i l l S p o n s o r chosen to represent their respective dents to form protesting associations. counties will interview their senaProduction of ' M i k a d o ' Dr. Robert Rienow. instructor In tors a n d assemblymen, b u t every social studies, supplemented the Thursday, Fridav student is urged to be present. T o president by stating t h a t it was not | morrow I h e protest committee will only t h e duty b u t the right of all In response to popular request {again go down to t h e Capitol to s t u d e n t s to protest t h e budget. J o h n Edge, '39. president of t h e S t u d e n t association, a n d Leonard " T h e Mikado" by Gilbert a n d S u l - finish up a n y business t h a t is n o t Friedlander, '39, president of Debate council, who have organized t h e livan will once more be given on completed tonight a n d to further Explains Budget C u t T h e president, showed how thecurrent movement to protest Lire proposed budget cut of State college. State's stage by the Operatic society | investigate t h e pending budget r e proposed cut would mean the dis- Edge will conduct the special meeting of t h e Student association today in conjunction with Music council, i vision bill. T h e presentation will take place 111 1 A l morning's assembly, missal of a t least twelve members at 11:10 o'clock. Uli.s the auditorium of Page hall T h u r s - "mock Interviews" will be presented of t h e faculty a n d a slash of $5,100 day a n d Friday evenings a t 8:30in order to demonstrate how one from t h e $00,000 m a i n t e n a n c e fund. o'clock. With the smaller appropriation State should go about interviewing his college would accept only two h u n T h e members of t h e Operatic so- senator a n d assemblyman tonight. dred freshmen out of nine hundred ciety, a o n e - h o u r course, have worked Committee to Make Report applicants next year. At present the entire school year u n d e r t h e T h e committee appointed a t F r i three h u n d r e d a r e accepted each direction of Dr. T. F . H. Candlyn, day's special meeting a t 4:30 o'clock year. No transfer students would assistant professor of music, a n d h a s been making investigations conbe taken a n d t h e enrollment would J o h n Nordell, '3D, to reproduce this cerning t h e bill a n d will make its (As a result oj tin Stair cnllegi muss meeting tit 4:.?0 o'clock be reduced to less t h a n one thousand. operetta which met with such great report in assembly today on t h e president, lias written the following success a t its first presentation here decisions made a t their D:0() o'clock Acting immediately on Dr. Bru- Friday, Dr. Abram R. hrubuchcr, in March, 1935. bacher's suggestion, J o h n Edge, meeting this morning. T h e special president of the s t u d e n t association, open letter jor this extra edit inn of I hi N'KWS.j T h e play, Nordell has explained, is committee includes: J o h n Edge, called a special meeting of the stu"truly Gilbert-Sullivan" with its gay president "of the S t u d e n t association; dents for 4:30 o'clock to further ll is a heaitening" e x p e r i e n c e in see i h e intense interest of t h e| light music a n d complicated b u t Leonard Friedlander. president of organize t h e protest drive a n d to humorous plot. T h e scene Is laid Debute council; Richard Lonsdale, obtain more information on the S l a t e college s t u d e n t b o d y in t h e processes of s t a l e g o v e r n m e n t . in picturesque old J a p a n in the days J e a n Strong, Beflv Hayford, J . Edmethods to be employed, Edge then when young men. especially of t h e more Melanson, seniors; Robert appointed Leonard Priedlander, '39, Y o u r i m m e d i a t e interest is m o t i v a t e d b y t h e d e s t r u c t i v e effects of royal court, did not marry beneath j Cogger, speaker of t h e F o r u m of and Robert Cogger, '40, to assist the proposed budget on o u r own college but mil ol ibis will ^I'IIW, lheir station. I Politics; Janice Friedman, Frederic him in getting the drive under way Weed, juniors; and Louise Snell, '41. Favorites Return in Lead and in choosing t h e remainder of I a m confident, a p e r m a n e n t c o n c e r n for t h e welfare of t h e people To Interview Legislators the committee. A few of tlie leading parts will t h r o u g h (lie m i n i s t r a t i o n s of g o v e r n m e n t . :be enacted by old favorites. Charles Tonight the entire college will Special Meeting In considering the p r e s e n t s l a t e b u d g e t , s o u will d o well l o l a k e Matthews, '37, w h o played In Journey to t h e Legislature, while t h e Handbills with Information on the "H.M.S, Pinafore" in 193G and "The representatives of the various counbudget were passed out as the stu- for g r a n t e d t h e right m o t i v e s of those w h o present it. T h e legisdents filed in for the special assem- lative leaders a r e s e e k i n g e c o n o m y because I hey believe e c o n o m y Sorcerer" last year returns in the ties will attempt to secure interI male lead, Nankl-Pooh. David views with their respective senators bly. After calling t h e meeting to W e a g r e e j K r o m a n who came back last year and assemblymen. S t u d e n t are a d oider. Edge thanking the students, is now a f u n d a m e n t a l need of t h e people ol t h e s t a l e . who occupied t h e whole main floor, with them in lheir d e s i r e lo live within o u r m e a n s . W e believe lo appear In "The Sorcerer" is r e - ' v i s e d t h a i the best time to sec their turning to take p a r t in the o p e r e t t a . ' s e n a t o r s Is between 7:00 a n d 8:00 for Lheir cooperation. He then outlined the following plan of action: however llial I he budget is ill-conceived, unscientific, a n d d e s t r u c t i v e I The female love Interest. Y u m - Y u m , j o'clock In t h e evening, will be played by C a t h e r i n e Krien, Tlie recommendations for t h e All s t u d e n t s were Lo write home to tlie best itilcresis of t h e people. '39. Other members of t h e cast' budget revision proposition will to their parents a n d to ask them Kdiiraiion is i n d i s p e n s a b l e in a d e m o c r a c y . are Robert Karpeii a n d C h a r l o t t e [ probably be presented in t h e leg Islo voice then protest. These proNielson, juniors; K a t h r i n e Happel | lature lonight. but 11 is difficult to tests could be m a d e most effective by Well e d u c a t e d t e a c h e r s must be t h e firs I c o n s i d e r a t i o n , and Donald Ames, seniors; Carol j say when the bill will be acted the use of three methods: T h e high schools a r e b u i l d e r s of c i t i z e n s h i p . Golden a n d Clarence Olsen, sopho- upon. I n t h e meantime, Edge a n d 1. Writing letters to assemblyhave been making T h e S l a t e College for T e a c h e r s is t h e s t a l e ' s i n s t r u m e n t a l i t y mores; a n d a chorus of forty-eight Friedlander men and senators. members, [negotiations for obtaining t h e u s 2. P u n n i n g their own protest1 for t h e e d u c a t i o n of high school t e a c h e r s . Cotincil Heads Arrangements sis timet of one senator, who will lug organizations. Arrangements for the presentation make tlie necessary motion for putT h e S l a t e College for T e a c h e r s m a i n t a i n s educational s t a n d a r d s :i. (lei ling Parent -Teacher Ashave been under Ihe direction of U'llB S t a l e college's $30,000 approsocial ions a n d similar organi/.aihai h a w wnii t h e emphatic a p p r o v a l of all t h e highest s t a n d a r d i z - Music council. General c h a i r m a n is l s prlallon back on (lie1 budget. lions |o protest. Elizabeth Baker. '39, assisled by T h e students of .State college were ing agent ies of Amcrii a. the following committees: tickets, In form protesting associations a c Nominates T h e S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s cannot m a i n t a i n these s t a n d a r d s Alice Brown, '40, and Carolyn M a t - A s s e m b l y cording lo counties. Meetings of each A s s o c i a tion Officials lice. '39; publicity, Lillian Rivklnd, u n d e r t h e d r a s t i c budget c u t s proposed, county were to be held after the •III, a r r a n g e m e n t s , Lima Powell a n d As pari ol ihe business of last F r i special meeting lo choose two or lis library c a n n o t be m a i n t a i n e d : Rosemary Brucker, sophomores; day's assembly, nominations were three Irom each group to represent sets, Carol Golden, '41; m a k e - u p , made for student association officers Its l a b o r a t o r i e s bet o m e ineffective: Ihein before lliejr assemblymen and Marion Mlnst. 'Ill); a n d lights, Wil- lor Ihe year 1939-40. T h e followsenators lonight. Its faculty b e c o m e s d e m o r a l i z e d ; liam liogiisla, "ill ing is a II.M ol i h e nominees: Tickets may be secured Monday 11- eiliu at ioiial ei|iiipnicni delerioi a l e s . President: Joseph Mclveon, Lloyd D a n dA Will Present through Friday ol next week in Ihe Kelley, Robert Cogger, Rita SulliIts school nl l e a c h i n g p r a c t i c e is p a r a l y z e d : rotunda. Admission for students is Traveling Troubadours van. Roswell Fairbanks, Albert P a r k Ihe student lax ticket, lea' outsiders er. Waller Harper, Waller Simmons, lis i e n her s t u d e n t ratio becomes indefensible; On Tuesday evening at H:30 o'clock $.50, T h e r e will be no reserved seats. Juniors. In Page hall auditorium, Dramatics Its place a m o n g tin- college's of America is c o m p r o m i s e d . Betty Baker announced that and An association will present Joan Vice-president: Slophen Bull, You a r e justified in d e m a n d i n g of t h e budget officials that t h e ushers will be chosen Irom the and Belly Rtiynor, troubadours, In a Stanley Smith, Roy McCreary, S t e freshmen iryouts for Music counvaried program of ballads, songs, leg- c e n n o n n which is sought shall not d e s l r o \ t h e institution, T h e phen Kiisuk. C a t h e r i n e O'Hryun, cil. ends, d r a m a s , dances and mime. Louise Snell, Merrill W a l r a t h , sophocollege b u d g e t s between l'-MO a n d I'Msi h a s been p a r e d to t h e very Among ihe members of ihe chorus Like the HI rolling Players of olden mores. times who acted, sang, and fold their bone each year. T h i s t u t of m o r e i h a u S ' •_, <; , in c u t l i n g the faculty are Kuy Adams, Madeline Berg, HelS e c r e t a r y ; Joseph Lurko. Maxon en Bernard, Marlon Dayton, Malvlnu stories In t h e palaces of Europe, d o w n , u n d e r m i n e s t h e very s t r u c t u r e of t h e college a n d will d e s t r o y Grossman, Christine Ades, Hiiuh Reeves, William Matthews, Virgil these two girls have traveled from Scull, Ralph Tlbbotts, Paul Merritt, the p o i n t s of s t r e n g t h o n which t h e r e p u t a t i o n of t h e college rests. Foote, Faye Fornmn, Richard Rlbner, country to country. Joseph Rowland, K e n n e t h Doran, Alice Packer, Ira Hlrsch, freshmen. M a y we not hope, s t u d e n t s a n d faculty t o g e t h e r , t h a t t h e legislature Neil Fogurty, Leonard F r e e m a n , und Mr, George M. York, professor of Poatpones Seoul Meeting will in is wisdom, r e c o n s i d e r i t s work aial restore those sources of Edmore Melanson, seniors; Nelson commerce, was unanimously reelectDue lo tlie special assembly, t h e Keublos, grad.; Claribel Doihsler, ed a s tlie faculty member of Finance Boy Scout meeting, regularly sched- s t r e n g t h in which we believe I lit* people of t h e s t a l e h a v e c a u s e for Bernice Martowicz, J e a n Mitchell, Board. uled for tills noon, is postponed until p r i d e a n d confidence? Isubel Raniel, Stilly Young, B a r b a r a Voting will lake place according T h u r s d a y noon a n d will be in room Van P a t t e n , J e a n De Fillppo, Rose to tlie new procedure a t a time speciDr. A b r a m R. Brubacher, President. 200. Flore, juniors. fied by Mysktuiiti. to State College i, Nordell Direct Operetta President Sends Open Letter LIBHAKV JTATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS STATE COLLEGE NEWS, APRIL 24, 1939 Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Communication Established by the Class of 1918 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by t h e News Board representing the Student Association How Important Is this proposed reduction of eight Telephones: Office, 5-9373; O'Hora, 3-2843; Strong, and one-half per cent in our State College budget? 2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bllzl, 3-9538 How Important is It for all of us to "get behind" our Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. president In his struggle to have this $36,000 reinpostoffice stated In the budget? Why must we redouble our alMPIHSlNTlD ran NATIONAL A D V I R T I S I N O » y ready effective National Advertising Service, Inc. that we cannot fail? College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON A V E . CHICAGO ' OOJTOII N e w Y O R K , N . Y. ' L O S A H U I I . I 1 - SAN FRANCISCO THE NEWS BOARD JEAN STRONO EDGAR B. O'HORA ROBERT E, HERTWIO OTTO J. HOWE LEONARD E, KOWALSKY SALLY E. YOUNO VICTORIA A. BILZI JOAN M. BYRON GRACE B. CASTIOLINE campaign Editor-in-Chief Co-Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Circulation Manager The Crime of 39 I Dr. Robert Rienow, instructor in social studies, who appeared before the student assembly last Friday, has sent this open letter to the NKWH to put all the facts before the student body. It is hoped that this information will be used by the students who contact their legislators tonight.) To the Editor of the STATU COLLEQK NEWS: We, the faculty, students and administration, of State college are dumbfounded. For without notice, without discussion, and without open hearing the political forces of the state stand menacingly brandishing their budget-cutting axes which threaten to dislodge the supporting beams of our institution. in order to make certain Here's why: We who have been studying at State for the past four years know all too well that we are understaffed, even no v. The ratio of students-to-facuity is one to seventeen, whereas, under the proposed reduction the ratio would be one to twenty-three. With almost no exceptions, the faculty now are working to capacity, some carrying as many as twenty hours of classes each week. (Students on the Dean's List are allowed a maximum of eighteen hours, with special permission.) Picture the condition that would exist should the budget reduction be effected. For years, the NEWS has been campaigning for better conditions for studying, better lighting, more equipment, special courses, and countless necessary repairs. A reduction of $5,100 is to be made In our maintenance fund under the proposed budget. It is highly evident that next year any suggestion of repairs, or the amelioration of conditions, would be "out of the question" If $5,100 is "lopped off" the maintenance fund. ALBANY. H. Y. News Publishes Office Numbers Of Legislators County Delegation to Appear Before Assemblymen at State Capitol For over a score of years, President Brubaeher has been fighting to place State among the highest ranking colleges in the country. Last year the Regent's survey gave us the first rating among teacher training colleges in t h e United States, and placed us l i l i ' l n l i - l i l . I ' h l l i p M . among the first three liberal arts colleges on the basis Miihuiie.v, W a l t e r J . of our high standard of admission. Three weeks ago Marl In, W i l l i a m C. . Mi ( n i l . John 'I' a delegation of three university deans visited Us with M e X t i l i n e , J o h n J . the purpose of findine, out just what a teacher's college . M u r r a y , W i l l i a m J . . should offer. Stale, according to the deans, is to be N u i i a n , J r . , J o N r p h I I . I'licli, C a r l used as the mea-furing stick in a survey of other I'llBe, llo.v M teacher training instutlons. This high rating is made I'i'i'r.v, C h a r l e s I). . . . possible only through the fact that we have laboratory I'llelpx, I ' l i f l p s ( I n i n n . I'lltncr I*' facilities, library materials, and particularly an ade- I d l e s , .liimi's W . . . . quate and efficient faculty. The dismissal of twelve l i n v o l n , I ' e l e r II. . . . faculty members would prima facie mean a decline It* llll, J r . , A l l a n A. . . S c l i u lli'l / u a i d , J a e o l i . in our educational rating., (illlierl 'I'. . . . SOiKK. ('. Ti'tiee.v II waste be Die charge It Is ridiculous fault I:, 11 litt we have been 100 holiesl ni 11111• i• 11 Ihe sludliier? our only Second, I.'. the legislature proposing I lit1 withdrawal of educational opportunity lor the youth ol Ihe Hiule ol New York'.' II ihe inonej appropriated for Hits iiistltiulon In the past bus been used judiciously, wisely ami elllclontty in Hie service ol educating 14(H) young people a year, II there is 110 Witsle, there ran he bill ohe other ground for this legislative challenge to our existence The legislature believes llml Ihe people ol New York are opposetl lo maintaining established standards ol educulloii. Since ihere is no waste, die appropriation cut ol $;i(i,()U0 means llml Hie stale Is withdrawing the educational opportunities lor New York youth. There Will be I wo hundred iewer students In this college next year and Ihe years alter. It this be the stand ol the legislature let Litem lake II, L'Jtthen be n i false Issues. Lei then be not attack under a smoke screen. The advocates of the budget-cut, of the dismissal ot fifteen instructors, are the advocates of less educational opportunity for New York youth, .supporting I ll 11 ll II il' I We would indeed be remiss in our duties it we did I IIKMI'I.I . I ' l l l l ' l l ' l i l . I u l . II Hi' \ \ . mil extend every effort In publicize our plight Pile Fl-iimer, I'nul lorniiiliilors ol this budget have invited response ( n l l l s , J l l l i l l s .1. They have asked thai cases of injustice be brought lo I,iii-i'la K e i e i ' i . ( i s t i i i I.Ill, li. U h l l i i e l . 1 . their attention IF STATE COLLEGE IS EXPECTED I . i i i r i l l l i i n , l l o l l e r l TO PROVIDE THE ACCUSTOMED QUANTITY AND 1.1,1111 M . \\ i l l i l l l l l . 1 . (ililltheru, Meier QUALITY OP EDUCATION ON THIS HUDOl'l'i l u i l i l s t e i i i . Varan I AS IT HAH IN THE PAST THIS IS INJUSTICE. I, l l | ; l l i n , I 1,1 II I, V We are eoillldeill the people ol New York do hill and will nut support such educational retrenchment We are confident the legislative leader.-, know it Hubert Kli'iiew I'M Ill) I I .-• l:e; and effort in approaching the various members of tlie legislature. Tlie facetious suggestion was made in ir, the Orange county meeting that tlie . .•Ml picket the local offices , . . I ' l l members .. n ; 'carrying oranges. Humorous though .:II i the suggestion was, it shows Ihe lobby. . . I - A sincerity of the attempted mi- \ j Two Slate college graduates have 'been appointed to supervisory posi1 . .ft'ill-A lions In Milne hiiili school next full, 1:1,1 according lo an announcement from mi John M. Sayles, director of training iitj . . . . 1 0 1 and principal of Milne hiidi school. in Wllclred P. Allard, ':ir>. will sucin Mrs. Prances ll. Crellln as . . . . lii.i ceed . . . T i l l - A French supervisor in Milne high. .... nn Allard has been teaching 'n East Hampton high school previous lo his . . i - 1 ' j appointment, Tlie other appoint. I ' a r l o r ment in Milne has been given lo Warren I, Densmore, '38, who will ' i l l liil replace Miss Eleanor Wiilerbury as . . . . nn supervisor in English. Densmore has leaching in East Islip, New . . . Illll been . . l - ( . York. . . . ,,1'JII ... I l l III) III Illll III . .1 ill . I'arlor II : ill I llu mi .'i ,'u urn llll I IH mi \ l,iilil,i. (• i i l i i i . i u , I In n i f I Illilllll I , I I l l i l l l l l i ' l II III l l . I Illll I. s N H a n l i l u s , ( i n n O n il \ \ Ha.M's. J o h n I'. H e , I, l l s n i l h l II. Nol often in our lives do we have such u clear opportunity lo light for a cause so obviously right It Is HIM, . l l . , I h e m l i n e II,,Ilei It'll II no wonder that this siiuteni body lias been aroused H i , I I , H I , II I reds . to furious activity. Having spent one two, three or lies. I n Inn M even lour years here this student body feels II Is an . l i l l ' i ' l i i n . S t e p h e n . 1 . II a s / i i l i u i i s k i . J o s e p h s . injustice lo deflate the value ol Ihe degree they are M l l K s l i l l l ' . l . \ \ l l l l a u i II K ll'llllll. » illiiun earning. A degree Is only so good as lhe institution li l e l n h e i l e r , J e r u I •A Dull grunts It. |,like, Heiiluii II. The bud'el nil ni $30,000 would cripple New York State College lor Teachers, it. Is this fact ujxiu which we must prosecute our campaign of unremitting publicity, When Ihe people, yes, when the legislature is assured of that, the appropriation will be restored .. Ill ...."ill The Governor In his budget mesIIH-II . . .ISH I sage tliis year sla'.ed that the apn l l - A jpriations for the normal operating . . I-C . . I'll expenses of the State government .. . l:l:i were so low that they could not be . . . i ' i l l cut without crippling the departllll-l' ments. . . I'M •li !• * i . . I'M .. .aIn The organization of committees ..III) . . i::i from the various counties has called II I I I forth the' maximum of originality . . ,.. . . . . I n n rellee, ( lll'lstuplii r I.IIII r e i i e e , I,en A louts. Finest J, l . u p l o l l . I'.il III ll ll il I t . |..\ o i l s . J l l l l l l ' s ( i Mil, l i e n / l e , \\ i l l i l l l l l I I . Malller. l e e I I Miiiilseaho, Allien V. M i i n i i l l l h ' , 1.1 n i n e I 111 i ;u nn II ' lui I (. nn III nn nn .no II .'n ,1'JII ,'ilU mi \ inn HI .Vill A III Mil \ ion i II ,V.'li Mariiseii. ( imnliie ,1 Mai'lile, I I , n i l II Mi llniii, John Mel nllre.i, Jr., Francis .1. MeCunuell, 1 hai'les I I . . . M e l I'eel'.l. M e d l l el'll, \\ llllam (1 ir e n Mel.iiiiiihllu, Mil It lien J . I I . Milium'. \\ 1 leiMill hell. MniSell . . . . ul Aliliul lain Miiiilii. Moriui, MliHtl, M in in.I . . III.', Ill llll ..llll ins ( llll . . mil in ul-: I l e i i u i r i l .1 llilmii' 1 1 red (,. . J r . , I.llll r e n e e . 1 . OslcHait, Harold 1 On ells, Jiiuies F I'II r-.ii ns Arthur 1 I'lll'solls, I.eul'Ke I I . I'euse, I'n.lelle I I . I ' e u n . l , N l l I ' l l U I I I 1 •'. . . . I ' e l e l s i i i i , l l u l l i i i , s,. in; in nn i i llll I I nn 1' i , l l . Foster I'l'oii'in i, I'al 1 I| I'eler V Uapp, llerherl \ K m Ilei, 1 | . Ileum. IIIIITI \ Kllilil, Km I I i in ,Y.'n 1 ( i n n . Leslie 1. N, I I I I I I I I I I I I Mir,,li,mi inn .', ,'u 11; II! snhnai'U, llnliili Selliiia.ier, Jr., Frank .1 sinner, 1. James M u m , Maiilej ( - l i l.l• 1.1- n i l l ! .1 s leuslii, .I,,liu Sll'illlllll . l i itlu -ii|ilnii, | l ll i l l i i n - l e n i l l 1. \ \ l l l l , n n \ l -ulliir II.mi II .'• .'n 1 in :, Si \ nn 11' HI \ In, i ni 1 lilnmil i Illll 111 Illll II1 - a l l i u m , I'al • n 1, it leaule. Jusepli 1' I humiisuu, Jiiliu l o i l i l , June II 1 ni -inn , lieul'ui' 1 II1 1 III llll I'lll'shell, Ihii M \ a n 1lii'l, I n n re lire \\ 1 . J'III \ .VI n W i n h l e l . \ i l It il l' \ \ l l l l s l l l l l ' l l l , J u l l l e s ,1 VI n u i u ' l . J l . I i n l , e l l 1 H u l l . . I I I I I I I .1 Mailers, liiliiai d \\ \\ iishlnirn. I r e i l e i l i l , \ Wehl. Willi,nil 1 \\ h i t l i e ) . I l i l l i l l . e \ W i l l i e - -liel,Inn | W h Inns, Waller I I W llll s ( . lie,,,, Willi,nn- William II W ilsou, Maliolni Wiuilil Itiissell STATK COLLROE FOR TKACIII'RS, ALBANY, N . Y,, FRIDAY, A P R I L 28, 1939 Z-443 L.E.F. Approximately three months ago Governor Lehman submitted a new budget to the State Legislature For the convenience of the counamounting to 415 million dollars. At ty delegations from the student that time, he suggested the raising body who are appearing at the of additional revenue to meet the Capitol tonight, the NEWS lists t h e budget by Increasing taxes on liquor room numbers of the senators and assemblymen in the Capitol build- and real estate as well as a cigarette tax. The Republicans, with their ing: eyes on the 1940 and 1942 elections, SENATR immediately took exception to the (ll|lltlll OffllfM tf 1111) 418 budget and the flame of their enKill! K 1111-15 llfl'lltlllll . . . I l l ) thusiasm was fanned by the wind lli'wlr.v, W i l l i a m . . . n i l from protesting tax payers' assoclaUlickle.v, J o h n I . llll-l) I. . . . C11111I1111, William After three months of de. . I - C I tlons. I'tniNtiiK . Corning, "ml, l l l l - A I liberation, Coiillrrt, J r . , the Republicans sugI'Vl'lll'lir It. . ,4'iM Kilwiml J . ('iillfflilin, gested a program calling for a 30 1 . . .ft 115 Jllllll * , 1 , Crawford, . . . M i l million dollars cut and 33 millions ('. Di'NiiHtnil, TIHIIIIIIH . . . : I : I O of Diniiiilniii, John J . dollars in taxes, including the Kjrhori, HanJ ...I!l Governor's suggested liquor tax, a I'Nii i i i r n l , J o s e p h . I l l FlirrHI, I'l'liy T . . 1-H cigarette tax, and an income tax l-Yllllli'l'tf, H i ' l l j l i n i i i i I . . . III .I j for Federal employees. The proF o l d , A . S|ll'lU'«'l' ... . .. II) (imvi'H, Itliodn F o x . . . Till posed 30 million dollar cut would (Irimili, Henry W. . . . I'JH slash $9,710,000,000 for public schools Hampton, William I I . III A from the budget.. Besides educaHIS-A Ilaiili'.v, J o e It Ulll-A tion, these cuts will seriously affect H I I H I I I I K S , C l i f f o r d C. n l l - A tlie State Police, state Howard, John J highways, Jiiiii's, l i m i n e , ! It I III-A and Civil Service employees. J o s e p h , l.a'/.ni'tiN Tonight, we. the 1,200 Statesmen, will have our S t o k e s , M a i l e r \\ . . This is unprovoked aggression. Swart/. Arthur I last-chance opportunity to fight for the retention of Spokesmen have been selected to T t l n i n p M i i i , ( i r o i ' K r I , , To defend their action the legislative leaders must this vital $30,000. T i l nnii'.v, J e r e m i a h F , openly espouse one of the two charges against, the represent us to the legislators, letters have boon sent, W a r n e r , K i i r l y S . . . . Wieks. Arthur I I . . . . New York State College lor Teachers. It is not publicity has been mailed throughout the state, and Williamson. I'lllnj \\ enough for them to advance against us under the a great number of students have devoted many hours W i i . i l I n , u I n k . S t e p h e n . banner of tax reduction any more than the Hitler of work to this campaign. Your work. Mr. Freshman, V n i i i i K . F r e d A thrusts can be Justified by land-hunger. The choice Sophomore, Junior, Senior, is just beginning. We owe between less taxes and eflclent teacher training was it to our President, we owe it to ourselves, to voice ASSIIMKH made when this institution was founded; It has been our disapproval to the legislature TONIGHT. Do A Him, M.irini II repeated each year since 1844 and always the decision not hesitate to let your representatives know Unit you Allen, Howard N of the people of New York lias favored keeping and are opposed to this reduction. Ainlieiis, William I. A r n i s l muff, Harold even expanding the services we render. I repeal, It you have done your part so far, we thank you, \ us! In, lleriiiiril then, that the political leaders must specifically justify and urge you to redouble your work. If you have been A i e r l l l , H a r r y I our budget cut witli one of two reasons. l l a l K o i k , I.IO.MI .1 unable lo help, start NOW! Attend the assembly I l l l i l u i s , C h e s t e r ' I ' First, are they charging us with the wasl. ol $30,000 meeting at. eleven o'clock, "pitch in" and do your I l a r r e t l , F l i s h a I Hui'thnlmuew, llerherl A. a year? utmost, but most important, SEE YOUR LEGIS- I l e e l i i u e l l u , ( llili'les ,1. If so, where Is the bill of particulars? There was LATOR AND OBJECT TO THE CUT. Ilei I t . J o h n I) I t e n u e l l , I.mils no Investigation. We invite such an investigation. SEE YOU AT THE LEGISLATURE, TONIGHT. I l o i i ' l a , J o s e p h A We ask for the bill of particulars. If they have not Ilnrmnnu, < hurles BE THERE! sought out the facts they must be assuming waste. Hired, I.e.i H J. Eclmore Melanson Hreilliarl, Charles II. . Is this how the legislature and the pepole of New llurne.i, J r., Charles (>. . York will punish our honesty and self .sacrifice of the no state university, New York oilers but little enough Hurrows, Itiiulel I Illlller, \\ llllam J past? Had we padded our budget In bygone years higher education to its worthy high school graduates. C a u i i e > , A u l h o a , \ ,1 we could lake this slash without a whimper. But we ( allii/./.lill, L o u i s J have tried to save the money of the state. We have Here Is a proposal for less. Cnrlelhi, Mario J Casey, I'liillp J We are not here H^hling for selliisli ends. Were gone without a gymnasium. We have strained to ( hase, Janes I I hear the lecture In crammed and impossible lecture it so. lew of our voices would be heard in protest. C l i e n e j . (ill,* \\ halls, We have crowded our facility three to an office; I.easi of all would the highly respected presldenl of ( ,,ii M I I I , J . I lit m i I'd we have learned to conduct, three interviews to the this institution have enlisted us in the cause. We ( i i s l e l l o , F r a n k J (real, Haloid I symphonic background ol a staccato typewriter. We struggle for a principle: Ilia! the people of this slate ( ri'n s, Kiiherl .1. . file our papers in egg-crates, How unfair I hen such a n i e l s , (, I'll llI I shall be made aware of Ihe evil consequences nt tin.'. D D i i u i i - l s , \ \ a r r e a (> an assumption ol waste! proposed legislative action. DurlillK, t art F . I l l l l l l l s i l l l , I I'll 111 H Is tlie waste In personnel? The ultimatum of the We cannot strike fear In their hearts as can the I l e l a n j . K i l i i i i n i i l .1 solons calls for I lie dismissal of III teen of our Instructlie Ill'lljilllllll II ors. Either, then, our classes are too small now, or department of correction with prophecies ol escaped I l e i m i . i . .1 c , J o h n A , We cannot as can IheO o l i t e , W i l l i a m I . . our faculty Is at present loafing. The charge is pitiful. criminals harassing them, II,UlliiKer. Isidore We are the past-masters of mass education. We have Stale Police threaten tlieni with death by accident HoolliiK, ' l a m e s .1 two and three hundred students in n class now. It because ol a smaller patrol. But we can show thai II,m n n , John \ .. . . Is already embarrassing. We must exert all our pow- an Institution of education In which they have long H u l l l l l l i u . M a l l l ' l e e I'l. I hilull H a r o l d II. We can ers of persuasion lo convince our visitors thai Hie taken pride will full from its high position Iiirlisielii, Leonard explain that four hundred hopeful parents must re classi s they visit are not student assemblies. I eeli . J a m e s \\ . I i i n l . J u l i a II. sign themselves to the rejection ol their children's Where, in a recognised college, doe;, every faculty I He, F.iuersoii II. member, iprofessors conducting graduate courses as applications lor admittance next year I il r | l l l l I'll l i . I l i i i t i ' l I well as instructors) bear a teaching load hours? Ten is much more usual. Where i ciil load computed In the hundreds per li State College News State of Affairs I'll I'll i l l l l ' I 1,1 III Illll III Illll .VIII A . . ,M» A Ill llll VOL. XXFII, N O . 24 Legislature to Consider State to Attend Music Council to Present NSFA Conference Proposed Cuts in Budget At Union College Spring Concert Thursday Student Body A w a i t s A n s w e r of Local Legislators to Protest A c t i o n ASSEMBLY VOTES T O D A Y Edge Sends To Clear ExpIanatoryNote Misconception Of M o n d a y Night Slate college waits for the answer the legislature will make to its protest, as the revised budget, comes to a vote in the assembly today. Brought upon the floor of the assembly after serious and intensive protests against the cuts in the budget, the assemblymen will make the first definite decision concerning the budget today. The action of the student body to dale has vested largely in an organized protest in the legislature Monday evening, when nearly all of the senators and assemblymen were visited by student groups from their respective constituencies, wiiere they attempted lo stale Slate's ease to their representatives. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK April 28 Campaign speeches In assembly. 28 NSFA conference, Union. 28 Kappa B e t a Spring dance. 29 Baseball, RPI. 30 I n t e r collegiate CYO conference, N e w m a n hall. May 1 Commencement, intramural soft.ball program. 2 Forum Politics meeting. 2 Marriage commis s i o n meeting. 2 Sophomore banquet. :i Spanish club meeting. Tennis, Middlebury. u •1 Choral society broadcast. •1 MAA "Rte" testimonial banquet. 4 Music council spring concert. Camp Directors Plan New System COUNCIL PRESIDENT Frament, Kelly, and Sullivan to Attend Convention with Cappiello Dr. Candlyn Will Direct Chorus in Chancellors Hall at 8:30 o'Clock BAKER IS CHAIRMAN This weekend, delegates from State college will attend the Middle Atlantic regional conference of the National Student Federation of America. The gathering will be conducted at Union college under the leadership of David Yunlcli, president of the Union college student council. Miss Grace Weymer, Harpist, Will Appear on Program as Guest Artist State college Music council will present its annual spring concert Thursday evening in Chancellors hall, at 8:30 o'clock, according to an annoucement by Elizabeth Baker, '39. president. Dr. T. Frederick H. Candlyn, assistant professor of music, will direct the State college choral society, assisted by Miss Grace Weymer, harpist, as guest artist. The theme of the conference will be "The Role of the Student Government in Student Welfare." Delegates will attend sessions devoted to discussions of various types of election systems, adjustment to social standards, currlcular revision, and various other matters pertaining to student life. Represent Region Grace Weymer is recognized as "outstanding among young women harpists of America" She has concertlzed extensively, in solo recitals and as guest soloist with symphony orchestras. Teacher at Syracuse Miss Weymer is also firmly established as a teacher, being a member of the faculty of the College of Flnc , ' Arts, Syracuse university, as Present at the various sessions will be student, leaders in the Middle Atlantic Region, which Includes stu-1 dents from colleges in New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware. West Virginia, Maryland, and the District, of Columbia. Tlie confer., ence will open with the registration Voice Criticism . ,, , ,.,„ , , ,„ Following immediately the activh ities of the evening (esslon came n of delegates from 9:00 to 11:00 J oullc!l J . 3 . w X o'is L P i S ttm^? t5?,.°f ^ ^ r pd e , w t l n 6 n f c I n c . •. , c , . o'clock todav and will close at 12-00 f, ', ™'*> geneial cnaliman of: addition. Miss Weymer has turned sharp criticism of the protest in j r a c h Fraternity t o S e l e c t OUOCK toctaj.anci wilt ciosi at u . u u t l u , s | ) n n f , c o n c e r t i her talent to ihe develoomeni nf tim !1! the capitoi. noon on Sunday. ' " " " aoveiopnu m <>i the F i v e M e n t o Represent harp and is active in national circles State college representatives inAccording to John Edge, a letter , ,t for that purpose. T* h F"a l " l hus been sent to Ihe body of legis* e" m " " 'N ' ' CeJ x ' • » elude Joseph Cappiello, '40, permaThe committees assisting for the n r n l N S F A Ialors in an attempt to clarify any representative, and the SnoflifSiOC i n A c c f t m h l w e v e n l a l ' o : C ; h l l i l ' l l l ! l ». Miss Baker; misconception with regard to our Dr. Ralph G. Clausen, assistant recently elected Willard Frament, i3|JUeUieb 111 rtbSemUiy publicity, Carolyn Matlice, '1)9; door, ; , | | | u , legislature, and its or- professor of science and faculty di- Lloyd Kelly, and Kiln .Sullivan, Vls ii Alice Brown, '40; ushers, Lillian n.;in. To quote l-ldge in purl, "We are rector ol the men's freshmen rump, juniors, Committee Will Distribute Rivkind, '40; tickets. Lona Powell not opposing the nine million dollar "'"I Willard Frament, '40, student Lehman May Attend a m l I'crtagngue Questionnaire Rosemary Brucker, sophomores. cut in education. We are in no way director, arc prepared Lo inaugurate' It Is expected that such people Varied Program opposing Ihe inlerisi and effort ol a i"*\v system In organizing the camp as the honorable Herbert II. I.eli ne ii... isiii; III , m rt'iluci tlie stuti' fur the coming w a r . num. governoi n! ol New New York, York and John Edge, :(!), president of Ihe The chorus will offer a varied probudget!'However, w, do I,-, I Hun n Under ihe new plan approximate- l ) " 1 ' > T h I!""" w"l "•' I'n'sent «'ddenl association, will conducl the gram of English songs, folk songs, cut m !i|i!ir..|.ii.i!i..ii: ..I this col- h luiudrcd uiul sixty men will ; " " " ' ''"iH'crenec. «>'nera business meeting scheduled and run,positions by Handel. The :,,i„„i i„ i,„ nil,,,,,,',! in , , , „ii„,„,:,!,• HUII-IIIV'.', Tnwii Mceiiug is to lea • !<"' ^ moi'iuiiMs assembly. The program will include the following In mi iilleiiiiil eliminiiii lege Is lllljll, lined mill would pro- allend. l l v ' ' • | ' h l I'linute nilks eoiieeniiii'-', ">osl Important order ol business will selection.-,: I lie hunter and his duee liiinnlul ell'ei !>!' il, ,„,' .ilniiiv of 'inv "IIIIIM linn" " I,], h | ..• ( ,. u .|, fnieniitv Will n'leei' Hie eouterence b,\ Richard Lonsdale, ! i < ' Ihe speeches by managers and career. Grainger: The silver swan, I: I ;!i) : lx,ih s J l a M r K i l v (>n A n nlllrll(laU s r 1 l h l l l l l r ( ,',,", „„.',', ,|',. ,,,,„,' | n , ,,' , fi-i-iunen ""' ' ' " " ' '' " ' ' " " presi- Griffin: My love dwell inn Northern 1 ,r,l'l i e II.MIIIS Fue'tiiher iia-ii will be i'luwen ( ' " n ' " J ' r : 'l'raimim for Oemocralie dent. \ lee-presideni and secretary ol land, Elgar; In these delightful III ei li! .inn'., III : n;, I Inn ! h e a e ,..,,,,,, ii„ n , H„, nun h i i e r n i u r r o u u b v lieiidership'.'" i n . Dixon Ryan Fox. Ihe Sludenl as-,, cmiion. A (pies- pleasunl grove Purcell; Down l KUI tnki n .' II, i i m p l e u i : .-,! iidenl t ,|| il,,. CIIIIII, iKi'ird The board lur Ihh - i " " enilei'.,' president, is lo be tionnaire prepared by the Pedagogue among the dead men, Cnncllyn; The l n l! I: i! i 11 i i i 11 i • 11 i! a n d ! i •, I,, l l u ' " ihuiiii'iiii I,I ih,. discus.'.inn winch investigation committee will also be turtle dove, Van Williams; Hush a I I'.isoll., U| inn V. i Irli I lie : i i d e n l', \. .ir consists nl i lie follow inn Wilbye balrnie; Swansea town, Hollst; lard ['Yanienl. direct or; Jolin Hnka\ will ! ' • hroiiileasi ihroimh Station passed out ul ihis lime. lui cil it.-, di.' e. ill In -I :l)l) o'clock. file chairman ul Hie Elections Czecho-Slovtikian dunce sunt;; Then 'iinl Harold Dull;.. : ophonion s, as- W H Y Iron Adilil lull.ll ;11 I h a s b e e n i n h e i omnussion will Introduce ihe speak- round about the slurry throne, isiiini ilin elm'. . I,,,) Mel .'Ivan , '41, l>\ | l.i- si m i " . , ; I,IHI\ I hrnUKii p.u e n l r I'cpri" enl ui". each candidate The limulel eliuirtiiiin ol • ports; and Arnold Kla n d iiniiii i o',\,, (iri.'.n m a i l ion ni ipoi speaker in turn will introduce his '•'ailicrine Krien, '39, will be so' I Is Icriii 'II prni'iiiiu iiirei ior in i I 'II i ul « l i i e h , ll li i . p a s : eil eaudidale. Each speaker uiul can Piano soloist with Hie chorus, and I'll C i i i I I I ' ' ' l l l l l l ' l l t s \\ ill ell! bi '111 I lie luell!', , ol I h e enl didale will be , iwn minutes; W l " s n w a Ki'oup ol selections, l i ' l l e l l l l l l U s I l l ' . ' l ' l l l lllKl.S I , I ' M \ e i l l 1 lie I iiiii!1! i will n 1 n liioo,' e l Weill \ m Ihe malinger will uddicss Ihe stuMiss Weymer Will play the gavotte i udeii .. I I m i l i he : ehool ut large. Siiiuiai liel nn, I i.i . in ' ii i iiken h> dent body for one minute and a half l l ' " m " T h l ' Teinplc of Glory." RaI lie mil IIIII I . iiniiii. an,I Hie .siui r l l n i i' si iiiii ills de: trill ; In b e e o u miil ihe candidate will speak for the '"euu; Ciigu, ('nielli; and Imprompiu itlt'i I'll w ill : i: • 1111 \ l t u n ' i n l e n l ion enlli'lie ,il lilllliiln, nl.u \\ ill In ul remaining lime allotted, Only can- ''"I'l'lee by Pierne. li-'iniii' upon i he M A A bullet in liiliii h.\ I he pi npiisi il i, 'iliu i H -ii P o r Monday nighl Ihe members of the didnies for the oflices ol iire'sideiil her second appearance on the liinii'il. Stale College Newman club are plan- vice-president and secretary will Program, Miss Weymer will play two " " eliiiioiiite pin' imii is iieiiii; ,,,,,,, , , , mit'iul ihe second annual speak French songs arranged by QrandP^nnied lo eliehralc ihe tenlh an- p,,,„,,, | i a l | y ,,, n„. College ol Saint i, i s l ('„ n ,ij,| n i,. s .iany; Clianson duns In Null; and ni\\ ol the iiiuiiiliiie. nl Hie u,,M.. T| u , m llv will start at B:00| ,.,, ,, three songs by Carlos Snlzedo ; n.nip The lirsi cuinp was held in ( ,.,.| 0 ,| C „„,, w l 1 be held on the ,, ' " l '' \ ' "' ' " ; a l " .'''l M ll K, lly M) Ihe yenr luau. li will be coudiieled euinpus outdoors, weather permit - , ' ' ' ' , ' " « * ' ' " ' , , ' „ ; ^ Candidates to Present Newman Members Forensic Delegates Depart for Cornell Ihls Miir o n I h e w e e k e n d nl Seplelil- I-111 . i n i l e l e g i i l c s tell I in llluieii h ,.,. i , . 7 yesli'i'duj allernonii m represent \ } l ., , i,,,,,, , , . , , , , , . , , ,., , , , , , , . . . , ...... Slale college ill 111 m l ', N .\u 'linn 111.,to ,,111111 10 .nn 11, 1 w 111 expected pay aii deposit ol one York Stale Debate conlcreuce wind, ,,„,,.,, .,, , h h . , , „ . , . , „ t ' , , , , . , , . , , , , is being coniliicieil todu.\ uiul to Dr. J. Allan Hicks, proles morrow on the eamptis ol Cornell h,„. ,,, ..„„,.,,„,, ,,. , . . r i l ! u ,,,,,,,.,,„ university, Mi William (1. Hardy, debate conch uiul president ol Ihe conference will preside over ihe sesIrosli llifjii's Increase sions Willi Ti'tiiin'raturt' Rimi Delegates from Ihe various colleges in attendance will convene In gen"lis spring and what do you eral session tliis morning, and, lolknow Ireshmcn are beginning to lowing a luncheon, will conduct comlake rivalry seriously, in fact mittee meetings on the three topics I here Is actually talk ul their before the conference: Tax Rev overtaking the (!'•.• point lead sion. Hoiiali/ed Medicine, anil Add(possibly 11'a points due lo the ing of the Kith and 14th year to unofficial ii lor Uniting frosli banIlin public high schools. ner) lliul the sophs now hold. Recently, Hardy was complimented Tsk-lsk Hint's awfully potent in a letter from Herbert II. Lehman, language ye verdant, frosh are governor of New York, in which using, but Ihere'd be some hearty I lie exeeullve praised the choice of cheering If they made good their topics for the conference and wished threat. success to the authorities 111 charge. At this point the cocky sophs The following members of the can't be too sure of themselves State delegation were nominated for especially wllh mascot hunt comconference offices this morning: ing up In a few weeks. This Joseph Leese, '3D, general chairman; year Myskanla does the "hide" Leonard Friedlander, '30, chairman and both classes "go seek." ReTax Revision committee; Franklin member, kidlets, "the statuette Is Kehiig, '30, chairman of the Educawhere you find It and so Is dust— tion committee; and Leu Duiiing, '41, and so Is dust." as parliamentarian. ,,,„, '|'|u. 11 , e „ i e nl I h e e v e l i i i m i s ^''' '' M l Kl "11' A " K " ' 1 U Ul ''' a l U Students to Receive Inquiry on Pedagogue l ""k' " " ' " " " '" ' , , , , , ' Rita Sullivan, iuniurs; vlee-presiI " " ' 1 •|lll«««;»»' ! » « ' • »'lnli'ilu' l»m- ( k , l U , Bull. Call erln. Btpj)lu-n o'Bi'vun. Stanley Smith, and Louise [JI'HUI will consist ot speeches by pnesls and studeuls. The alfnir has Snell, sophomores; secretary, Ira I been planned lis the Pence nssoeiaSeveral weeks ago a resolution was , l i m ,,, ,|„, CiAhr.r ot Saint Rose, Ilirsch, Joseph Larko. William Maithews, Alice Pucker, Maxnn Reeves, brought before the Student nsseinuiul approved by the intercollegiate Vil'gil Scott, and Ralph Tlbbetls, lily to the clfeel thai tlie Pedagogue Catholic Youth Organization, freshmen, I be made a publication of the student, Fred Ferris, '4'J. will be Slate's The elections commission lias llm-I association. If this were passed official representative, and will speak on justice uiul charily as they eon- lied each candidates to two posters, each member would be provided with ecru international peace. A largo one to be placed on Ihe main b u l l o - a copy, at all approximate cost, of $1200 to the association. delegation from this college is ex-tin board. A commit lee, with Hall Downey, peeled to attend. Delegates I rum Russell Sage, Siena, R.P.I., SI. Peter's, Mildred Elley, St. Rose, and Stale will bo present, while the school band of Vlncentian Institute Will furnish music during ihe rally. On Sunday, State college will play host to the intercollegiate CYO forum at Newman hall. The meeting will begin at 3:00 o'clock and all students are Invited to attend. Kappa Delta R h o to Move Members of tlie Gamma chapter of Kappa Delta Bho announce that they will move from their present residence, 117 South Lake avenue, to the house formerly occupied by the Eta Phi sorority at 30G Western avenue. Professors Will Attend Psychologist Conclave Dr, E. B. South, assistant professor of education, will attend two conferences at Cornell university, Ithaca, New York, today and tomorrow. The first meeting will be that of the Upper New York Psychologists at which Dr. South will present a study of NY.A. students in a teacher's college which he has prepared In conjunction with Dean Moreland. The meeting of the second day is that of the National Applied Psychologists and includes people in all fields of applied psychology besides teachers. 'SB. « chairman,tainvesUgaUng the possibility ol this resolution and wishes to find out the student majority opinion. Questionnaires will be passed out In assembly containing the following questions: 1. Do you want the Pedagogue to be Included among t h e publications of tlie student association? a. Below are three possible methods of securing the necessary funds: a. Raise (lie Student Tax $1.00. b. Cut the necessary percentage of the total tax receipts from each activity. c. Cut only certain activities. '