Document 14063956

Page 4
Student Clubs
Will Be Active
Next Few Weeks
New Student Patriot League
Will Conduct Meeting
This Afternoon
Clubs and other student organizations of State college will be busy
during the next few weeks, despite
the break in the school calendar provided by Easter vacation. The leaders of the various groups report
several activities.
The Student Patriot League will
conduct its first meeting today at
3:30 o'clock in room 109 of Draper
S.P.L. has been recently
formed, and this first meeting will
be devoted to better organization
of the group. The ideal of the organization, according to its founders,
is to "stimulate a more intelligent
patriotism and a deeper appreciation of American democratic ideals
among the red-blooded youth of
SCA Easter Service
The Students and Religion commission of the Student Christian
association will sponsor an Easter
service on Tuesday at 12:00 o'clock
in the Unitarian chapel. The service will be under the direction of
Jean Mitchell, '40. She will be assisted by Mary Miller and Merrill
Walrath, sophomores, in charge of
music; Robert Karpen and Douglas
Rector, juniors, and Donald Minturn, '41, in charge of publicity; and
Eloise Hartmann, '40, Douglas Dillenbeck, '41, and Roy Carlson,
graduate student, in charge of arrangements. Dr. Caroline Croasdale,
professor of hygiene, will lead the
Discussion on Religion
Students and Religion commission
of S.C.A. will also sponsor a round
table discussion of Psychology in Religion, on Thursday, April 20, from
3:30 until 7:30 o'clock in the Lounge
of Richardson hall. Dr. Ligon of
Union college will lead the discussion. Dr. Ligon is an authority on
both religion and science, since, in
addition to being an ordained minister, he is also an experimenting
psychologist, specializing in preschool age children. A buffet supper will be served in the Lounge for
the fee of 35 cents per person. This
will be the last round table sponsored by S.C.A. this year. Robert Martin, '40, is general chairman.
Chemistry Club Meeting
The last meeting of the Chem club
was conducted Thursday, March 23.
At this meeting, Marcella Sackett,
'40, led a very interesting discussion
on the amount and use of starch
which is obtained from sweet potatoes raised in the South. At the
next meeting, on Thursday, April
20, Max Sykes, '40, will talk on the
conversion of matter into energy,
and its possibilities a.s a future
source of power. At tills meeting,
plans for a trip through the Carbonic acid gas plant, and lor the
annual Chem club picnic will be
The Commerce club, under President William D. Ryan, '39, Will conduct its annual banquet Thursday,
April 20, at the Charleen Restaurant,
The annual Commerce club award
for the person who has done the
most for the organization during the
school year will be announced,
Ryan was the recipient of the 1938
Mr. Clinton A. Reed, acting chief
of the Bureau of Business Education, will be the guest speaker.
Tickets will be 50 cents for
members, and 65 cents for nonmembers.
e College News
Alumni Councillor
Myskania Requests Lists
W e e k l y Radio Program
will serve as
Will Feature Milne H i g h lists of their extra-curricular activ- the permanentMelanson
representative of the
State college's weekly radio pro- ities to Myskania by Tuesday.
gram will take place Thursday, April
6, at 4:00 o'clock, in spite of the
Easter recess. The entire program
Geo. D. Jconey, Prop
will center around Milne high school
and will depict its classroom and
extra-curricular activities.
The broadcast will not consist of
separate scenes, nor will it include
any long, individual speeches. I t
will be conducted in a conversational
form, and the purpose of the presentation is to acquaint the average
radio listener with the school.
In charge of the program are Dr.
John M. Sayles, director of training;
Dr. J. Allan Hicks, professor of guid198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE
ance; and Dr. Robert W. Frederick,
professor of education.
senior class on alumni council.
Dial 5-1913
Boulevard Cafeteria
and Grill
Leese Will Offer
Point Revisions
Varsity Debaters
To Visit Cornell
For Conference
VOL. XXIII, No. 22
Operatic Society to Give
Gilbert-Sullivan Operetta
April 21 Point System report in
21 Chess in Lounge with
New York university
21 Prosh-Syracuse debate
22 Sigma Lambda Sigma Committee Will Recommend
Entirely New System
24 Marriage commission
Today at Eleven
25 Dramatic and Arts preMusic Council Will Sponsor
Freshmen to Meet Syracuse;
Authoress to Address
sents "Troubadours."
A complete scrapping of the presProduction of 'Mikado'
Varsity to Encounter
26 C l a s s meetings for
F.P.A. Student
ent system of allocating points and
Thursday, Friday
nomination of officers
St. Rose Here
a new point system will be recomThe afternoon session of the
26 Interfraternity banquet mended
Secondary School Student insti26 State-St. Rose debate
Attendance at the Cornell conFRESHMEN TO USHER
during this morning's assembly as tute sponsored by the Foreign
26 Foreign Policy associa- chairman Joseph Leese, '39, presents
clave of the New York State Detion, meeting in audi- the annual report of the Point Re- Policy association will be con- Candlyn, Nordell to Direct;
bate conference, two debates on
ducted on April 26 in Page hall
pump-priming with Hartwick, a
vision committee. Nominations for
Matthews and Krien
27 "Mikado" — presented j all student association offices and a auditorium from 2 : 0 0 until
general discussion of the wisdom of
Will Have Lead
by the Operatic society report from the committee studying 4:30 o'clock. The main speaker
adding a 13th and 14th year to the
public high schools, and a freshthe method of choosing cheerleaders will be Vera Micheles Dean, reIn response to popular request
search director of F.P.A.
man debate with Syracuse univerare also included in the calendar.
Following a welcoming speech "The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sulsity on the problem of the British
The unexpected decision of the by Dr. John M. Sayles, principal livan will once more be given on
alliance, are included in the proPoint System committee was decided of Milne high, Mrs. Dean, who State's stage by the Operatic society
gram for this the last busy week
upon only after its members were wrote "Europe in Retreat," will in conjunction with Music council.
of the semester for State debaters.
convinced by exhaustive investiga- talk on some phase of the general The presentation will take place in
Eighteen Delegates
tion that the present system "just topic in discussion "Challenge to the auditorium of Page hall ThursEighteen delegates will leave
wasn't working." As a result, three Democracy." Her talk will be fol- day and Friday evenings at 8:30
Thursday for Ithaca to represent Central N e w York Province resolutions and a skeleton plan will
lowed by an hour discussion o'clock.
State college at the annual New
The members of the Operatic sobe
and summarizations of the
to Conduct Convention
York State Debate conference to be
Proposed Resolutions
entire days session by student ciety, a one-hour course, have worked
This Weekend
conducted Thursday, Friday, and
the entire school year under t h e
The first resolution recommends delegates.
Saturday at Cornell university. Three
that "no changes be made in the For Mrs. Dean's address a sec- direction of Dr. T. F. H. Candlyn,
The State College Newman club point system this year" while the
questions will be discussed: Socialtion of the auditorium will be re- assistant professor of music, and
ized Medicine, Tax Revision, and will be represented at the conven- second provides "that the present served for college students at no John Nordell, '39, to reproduce this
the Adding of the 13th and 14th tion of the Central New York prov- system be scrapped and a new syscharge. Others will be admitted operetta which met with such great
ince of the Newman Club federation tem of allocating points be devised." to the balcony for a small fee.
success at its first presentation here
year to the public high school.
in March, 1935.
Tonight at 8:00 o'clock in room I to be conducted today, tomorrow,i The final resolution calls for the
The play, Nordell has explained, is
28 freshmen debaters Harry Passow ;and Sunday at Rensselaer Polytech- ; formation of such a plan by the
"truly Gilbert-Sullivan" with its gay
and Lothar Scluiltze will defend nic institute. Mary Agnes Metzger, I1 "immediate appointment of a new
light music and complicated but
the affirmative of the resolution, | '39, chairman of the Central New committee that would work with the
humorous plot. The scene is laid
"Resolved: That the United States York province, will conduct the gen- present committee in perfecting a
in picturesque old Japan in the days
should form an alliance with Great eral meeting tomorrow. Other events new system."
when young men, especially of the
Britain." The negative will be up- scheduled for the three day conferAccording to Leese, this action of
ence include receptions, dances.
royal court, did not marry beneath
held by Syracuse university.
their station.
| luncheons, mass, and communion the committee was prompted by a
The postponed debates with Hart- breakfast.
' number of reasons. In the first
Favorites Return in Lead
wick at Oneonta, originally schedThe program will open tonight place, students have given the group
A few of the leading parts will
uled for April 14. will be conducted with
, little or no cooperation in gathering
Monday. At 4:00 o'clock, Louise
i material. This year's reports are The Forum of Politics cleared its be enacted by old favorites. Charles
Matthews, '37, who played in
Snell and Dorothy Johnson, sopho- staged at the Phi Kappa fraternity woefully incomplete and obviously
morncalendar of three important resolu- "H.M.S. Pinafore" in 1936 and "The
mores, will present the affirmative
tions at its regular meeting Tuesday Sorcerer" last year returns in the
of pump-priming and at 8:00 o'clock, ing will be followed by a luncheon. . years are little better.
Meeting Follows Luncheon
i afternoon in room 206. Approval male lead, Nanki-Pooh.
Lawrence Strattner, '39. and John
After the luncheon the meeting
Mathematical Difficulties
was given to a purchase of Kroman who came back last year
Murray, '41, will support the negawill
tive of the same proposition.
utilities and President Roosevelt's to appear in "The Sorcerer" is reger. The meeting will consist of
The only home encounter fea- reports from delegates of each club, ratings arc arrived at through the i peace plan. The Forum also went turning to take part in the operetta.
use of a mathematical formula
The female love interest, Yum-Yum,
turing a general discussion on the
and an address by which ha,s varying multiples for the j on record as opposed to the state will be played by Catherine Krien,
wisdom of adding 13th and 14th discussion,
years to the public high schools is Father John Collins, national chap- different types of offices: executive,
The Forum favored the following '39. Other members of the cast
planned for Wednesday evening at lain of the Newman Club federation. major, associate major, and minor. 1 resolution a s presented by Ethel are Robert Karpen and Charlotte
experiNielson, juniors; Kathrine Happel
8:00 o'clock in the Ingle room. Debaters from the College of St. Rose will present a skit, "The Catholic enced in attempting to discern into [Long, '40, chairman of the T.V.A. and Donald Ames, seniors; Carol
folwhat classification each office falls
and State will be present and all
Golden and Clarence Olsen, sophoand the exact manner by which the j Forum of Politics of the Hew York mores; and a chorus of forty-eight
others interested are invited to at- low.
I State College for Teachers go on
The dance tomorrow night will be basic formula was derived is untend.
record as favoring the purchase by
conducted in the Clubhouse on the known.
Council Heads Arrangements
Cornell Conference
R.P.I, campus. The Campus SereThe report also condemns the
Arrangements for the presentation
Debaters in attendance at thetraders will furnish the music and present procedure as inexcusably in- through the T.V.A., of the utility
Cornell conference will convene in the program will be broadcast over consistent. Calculating with the operating companies with which the have been under the direction of
Music council. General chairman is
general session Friday noon at which station WABY.
present figures would give a person T.V.A. competes."
Elizabeth Baker, '39, assisted by
time there will be a luncheon. DurA motion asking for tlie Forum's the following committees: tickets,
holding an executive office and
Bishop to Say Mass
ing the afternoon there will be
His excellency, Edward F. Gibmeetings of the various subsidiary bons, bishop of the Albany Diocese, working 139 hours yearly, ten points. recent peace plea to Germany and Alice Brown, '40, and Carolyn Matcommittees wherein the proposals will say mass on Sunday and will A similar rating must be given a Italy was presented by Leonard tice, '39; publicity, Lillian Rivkind,
before Lhe conference will be dis- be guest speaker at the Communion person claiming to work 1836 hours! Friedlander, '39. The discussion on '40; arrangements, Lona Powell and
cussed. Officers for the general breakfast in Catholic Central high The committee feels that the mal- this issue was focused on theRosemary
body and sub-divisions will be school. Other speakers include Dr. distribution of points is obvious and policy of the plan as outlined by sets, Carol Golden, '41; make-up,
that a new system should be devised
Marion Minst, '39; and lights, Wilelected at an organization meeting William
Holchkiss, director of keeping the following suggestions President Roosevelt, rather than on liam Bogosta, '39.
Friday morning.
what results might or might not
R.P.I., and Dr. Meader. president under consideration,
in tlie future. After serious Tickets may be secured Monday
The closing session Saturday of Russell Sage college.
(Continued to page 2, column !)) ensue
deliberation, the Forum voted in through Friday of next week in the
morning will include committee refavor of the motion. Letters of the rotunda. Admission for students is
ports after which attempts will be
Forum's endorsement of the peace the student tax ticket, for outsiders
made to formulate conclusions conplan will be sent to President Roose- $.50. There will be no reserved seats.
cerning the propositions. The anBetty Baker announced
velt and to the New York state
nual dinner-dance will be conducted
ushers will be chosen from the
Friday evening.
freshmen tryouts for Music counState will be represented by a
The Forum then debated on the cil.
student delegation of sixteen and
Last Tuesday marked the intro- own initiative, as shown by thepro's and con's of a state retail
two faculty members, Mr. William
of an entirely new system comparatively .small returns." This sales tax. At the present time the
O. Hardy, debate coach, and Mr. duction
ballot easting In State college difficulty, however, according to state legislature is considering the
Louis C. Jones, Instructor in Eng- of
Students voting for Howard Anderson of tlie freshman sales tax as a means of new revlish. Slate's debaters have tentatively N.S.F.A.
given ranks, might be remedied by theenue, Republican opposition to such
divided a.s follows: Socialized Medi- tlie opportunity to cast were
bal- use of more publicity at the time a bill Is said to be very strong.
cine: Janice Friedman, '40, John lots in complete secrecytheir
Although the Forum was divided in
on theof eacli election.
Interfraternity council will sponMurray, Dorothy Peak, and Louise Commons balcony under the
offiStudents are quick to list the ad- its opinion of the motion, it fin- sor its third annual Interfraternity
Snell, sophomores, and Jane Wilson, cial direction of Myskania. Anxious
vantages of the new election sysbanquet, Wednesday, at 6:00 o'clock,
to discover the reaction of the stu- tem. "Secret balloting eliminates tax.
in the college cafeteria. Charles
Tax Revision: John Edge, Leonard dent body to this innovation, your dirty politics," was the opinion of
Among the committee reports Shafer, '39, will act as general chairFriedlander, Richard Lonsdale, and inquiring reporter has therefore at- both Ray Wallers, '39, and Robert which are to be discussed at theman and toastmaster for tlie event.
tempted a cross-section of college Ague, '41.
Gordon Tabner, seniors.
next regular business meeting of tlie
This will be the first banquet
Adifion of 13th and 14th year: ! opinion.
"Tlie fact that the voters must Forum are included those on r e -in which all four of State's fraterButty Denmark, '40, Lee Durllng, 1 The majority of students seem, come and cast their ballots of their ciprocal trade agreements and on nities will participate, according to
'41, Betty Haylord and Franklin to be in favor of tlie new measure. own initiative helps in the govern- the National Labor Relations act.
Gordon Tabner, '39, president of the
Kehrig, seniors, and Anne Lomnitzer "It is an excellent move and ament of their college," states Rita
Robert Cogger, '40, speaker, an- council. The banquet will act as
and Rita Sullivan, juniors.
democratic one," states Ruth Don- Sullivan, '40. Also, "By this plan, nounced that nominations for thea formal initiation of Sigma Lambda
nelly, '40, and "It is an Innovation! all the hasty decisions made in the offices of speaker, clerk and treas- Sigma into Interfraternity council.
that should be made a tradition," former assembly method of voting urer, for the next school year, will
Smoking Restrictions
Committee chairmen
are eliminated," Arnold Ellerin, '41, be in order at the next meeting of Shafer are as follows: arrangements,
Charles Shafer, '30, chairman of maintains Otto J. Howe, '40.
George Stangler, '40; entertainment,
Nevertheless, there are a few points out.
tlie Forum,
campus commission, announces that
Stanley Smith, '41; publicity, Stesmoking is limited to tile Commons minor objections to tlie plan. Ac- j On the whole, Stale seems to apphen Kusak, '41; and tickets, Wilof Hawlcy hall, the cafeteria, and cording to Alice Abelove and Paul prove decidedly tlie results of the
Classes to Meet
liam Brophy, '41.
tlie room in the Annex. It is not Grattan, sophomores, and Winifred measure which it passed almost unAll class meetings for the nominato be done in the peristyles or Baer, '42, "The idea is good in animously several weeks back. "At
Faculty members of Kappa Delta
outside the . ,„ , s. President Bru- theory, but not In practice. Too any rate," says Robert Martin, '40, tion of officers for next year will be Rho, Edward Eldred Potter club,
bacher requests .hat all rules be few students of State college have "any change from the old system conducted Wednesday noon, in rooms Kappa Beta, and Sigma Lambda
bothered to go and vote of their would certainly be an advantage." I to be announced in assembly.
strictly obeyed.
Sigma will attend,
Metzger to Lead
Newman Conclave
Forum Gives Assent
To Utilities Purchase
Lutheran club will conduct a regular supper meeting Monday, ui 5:30
o'clock in the Friendship house. A
communion service will follow the
The German club announces that
the pictures showing life in Germany, decided upon in the last
meeting, will be shown soon after
Easter vacation.
Before and after seeing BETTE DAVIS in "DARK VICTORY" ^ M ^ I ' Z ^
enjoy Chesterfield's Happy Combination
of the world's best cigarette tobaccos
Thanks to their can't-be-copied blend Chesterfields are refreshingly milder, taste better and have a more pleasing aroma.
Chesterfield gives you just what you want in a cigarette.
When you try them you will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more
smoking pleasure . .. why THEY
Purchase of Property
Will Aid State College
Last Tuesday a bill was Introduced
In the Senate and Assembly for an
appropriation of $57,500 to purchase
the James Fcnlmore Cooper home
for the use of Stale college. The
property is situated directly opposite
from Draper hall on Western avenue. In Introducing the bill, the
legislators pointed out the need for
increased facilities with the adoption
of the five-year plan.
If the Cooper property is purchased, there will be avallablo ten
large rooms for office space, a basement for the safe-keeping of records,
a dozen small rooms for offices, another room for records and files,
and a large garage which may be remodeled to serve as a cafeteria or
social room.
Commercial Club
To Conduct Banquet
<<.|.,M, ; IU lyj'j, I J M . I U & M u m I O I I A U X I C O
of the world's best cigarette tobaccos, They're Milder.. They Taste Better
Student Opinion Survey Shows
Approval of New Voting System
State Fraternities
To Sponsor Banquet
S.C.A. to Entertain Nineteen Seniors
Democracy and Americanism
Church Delegates Become Members
Of Signum Laudis
E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e Class of 1918
T h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e N e w s p a p e r of N e w York S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
P u b l i s h e d every F r i d a y of t h e college y e a r by t h e
N e w s B o a r d r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e S t u d e n t Association
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-9373; O'Hora, 3-2843; Strong,
2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bilzi, 3-9538
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
I t seems to u s t h a t . t h e students of S t a t e p r a t e
a lot about democracy a n d then forget its m e a n i n g .
This week, after m u c h argumentation, a n e w a n d
more democratic system of elections went i n t o operation. T o t h e polls S t a t e voters came—in very small
n u m b e r s . A t a time w h e n democracy is being so
sorely tested, t h e future teachers seem to drift away
from it. If we d o n o t live up to our tasks today,
will we meet t h e m later?
Today t h e r e a r e revotes for t h e N.S.P.A. elections
in t h e Commons. Well, be there.
* * *
National Advertising Service, Inc.
State Students to Describe
Association Activities
to Dinner Guests
T h e S t a t e college Student Christian association will give a dinner
Tuesday n i g h t a t 6:00 o'clock in
t h e cafeteria of Husted hall for
representatives of twelve Albany
churches, w h o support this organization, a n d t h e faculty of t h e college. T h e purpose of this dinner is
to i n t e r p r e t t h e S.CA. program to
those who a r e n o t acquainted with
its work.
B r u b a c h e r to I n d u c t S t u d e n t s
at University Club Dinner;
Douglas Will Talk
Nineteen seniors, constituting t h e
remaining six p e r cent of t h e " h i g h est t e n per cent of t h e senior class"
will be received in m e m b e r s h i p into
Signum Laudis, n a t i o n a l scholastic
fraternity, a t 6:30 o'clock tomorrow
night a t t h e University club. Dr.
A. R. Brubacher, president of t h e
Miss Helen Hall Moreland, dean college, will induct these s t u d e n t s .
and I were eating sundaes in Murray's w h e n Bing
of students, will welcome t h e guests
After this ceremony, R u t h Butler,
Crosby's recording of "God Bless America" s t a r t e d a n d will introduce Marion Rockefel- president of t h e fraternity, will d e LEONARD E . KOWALSKY
to play on t h e coin vie. "You know," Leon said, ler, '39, president of t h e associa- liver a speech of welcome which will
be followed by a n acceptance speech
"America is a great place when you really stop tion.
T h e guest speaker is to be "Dick" of J . Edmore Melanson in behalf
to t h i n k about it. If I were in Germany or Italy
of t h e newly Inducted members.
today, you a n d I wouldn't even be able to be friends. Edwards, a direct descendant of
J o n o t h a n Edwards, the former d i T h e evening's program features
And yet, Ed, you a n d all t h e rest of my liberal rector of t h e religious program a t
an address on "Why t h e Antipodes"
friends a r e forever criticizing our set-up
I should Cornell university. Edwards, who h a s by Dr. Gertrude Douglas, assistant
Men's Sports
Charles F r a n k l i n
I traveled widely, is very well known professor of biology. S h e will base
Women's Sports
Editor think you'd be happy to be free."
Betty Clark
William R y a n
"Ves, Leon, I a m happy to be free. And I wouldn't j " * ^ j T o S c e d ^ s ^ w i ' l l T e her talk upon h e r recent visit
'"down under." T h e r e will also be
Editor be alive today in a Fascist or Soviet g o v e r n m e n t ;
Joseph Bosley
s t u d e n t s a n d religion. He a brief talk on "Comparative S t a C0]iege
to Business
but d o n ' t you see our n a t i o n isn't completely free I will be introduced by Dr. A. R. tistics" by Dr. Harold G. T h o m p s o n ,
Assistant Business Manager
H a r r i e t Sprague from prejudice, race hatred, slums, unemployment 'Brubacher, president of t h e college. professor of English.
Assistant Advertising Manager
K e n n e t h Haser and all t h e other evils of t h e modern world? My ; Several college students will give
Richard Lonsdale will act as
Assistant Circulation Manager
Mary Gabriel liberal friends a n d myself don't want a n America sl}°f1t talks describing various phases toastmaster and will be assisted by
. .
. .
., .,
Among t h e the following: Betty Arthur, J a n e
T . of t h e S t a t e program.
on h e r knees a n d bound by all these fetters.
I t s t u d e n t s w n 0 w i l l s p e a k a r e C a r o - Crawford, Charlotte F o x , Eileen
doesn't m a t t e r w h e t h e r t h e rest of t h e world is j lyn Mattice, G o r d o n
Tabner, Hansett, Betty Hayford, Dorothy
McLean, a n d J a n e Schultz.
StuYou h a v e h e a r d o u r s e n t i m e n t s r e g a r d i n g t h e flat o n its face with a dictator, or the like, with seniors, marriage commission; J a n e t dents
to be inducted
his foot o n its neck. We want the United S t a t e s jGiirney, '39, worship; a n d Marion
._ _
p o i n t s y s t e m . Briefly we t h i n k it w a s well-intended qMnriini? fall and fair to h a shlnlne- examnlp K i n S s l e y . ' 4 ° . community relations. ! Ruth Cass, Frances Fallon, K a t h
>42, will talk about erine Happel. Peter Hart, F r a n k l i n
b u t u n w i e l d y , a n d t h a t , a l t h o u g h s o u n d in t h e o r y , s t a n d i n g tall a n d fail to be a shining example , p a u l Uerrittt
of good democracy to t h e entire world."
Richard 'Kehrig, Olive King, Beatrice K o b its a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is necessarily ineffectual,
I t is
I a n d all liberals m a y sound a bit confused in j Lonsdale, '39, will discuss t h e re-1 lenz, F a n n i e
the w h i t e e l e p h a n t of t h e S t u d e n t association, a n d our ideals, b u t nevertheless we want America n o t hgion round tables, a n d Robert j Leese, J. Edmore Melanson, R u t h
Communistic, Fascist, or a n y other type. W e ' d like iMartin '40, will represent tlie strong iPekarsky^ Adonna Rector, Charles
we h o p e t h a t this editorial will b e m o r e t h a n j u s t
S t a t e S t u d e n t Christian Movement. Rundle, Ruth sinovoy, J e a n Strong,
^ e o m m i U e e C Q n s i s t s Q f ; R a y w a i t e r s . Sylvia Weiss, a n d An" a voice c r y i n g in t h e w i l d e r n e s s , " a n d t h a t t h e to see a fine democracy here. A nation with n o slums, j T h ( j ^
thony Wilczynski.
M r s M a r t h a Egelston. instructor in
s i t u a t i o n will n o t only c o m e to a h e a d , b u t will
employment, sounds like Utopia, but when America history; Dr. Caroline Lester, instrucbe settled o n c e a n d for all in t h e a s s e m b l y t o d a y .
a t state, we liberals will have new ideals lis,
tor oftraveling
m a t h e m a tsecretary
i c s ; Miss Helen
of S.C.A.;
to work t hwith.
Miss Mary Morton, social director of
N o o n e q u e s t i o n s t h e need for a n d t h e d e m o the Alumni Residence halls; Miss
c r a t i c p u r p o s e of a point s y s t e m .
T h e fact t h a t
Rockefeller; M a r t i n ; t h e faculty; and
one p e r s o n c a n d o only w h a t c o m e s within t h e r a n g e
s t u d e n t s who a r e representing State
a t t h e dinner.
Alice Packer, '42, j
of h u m a n l i m i t a t i o n s p r o v e s t h e need for t h e s y s t e m
" F i n e , t h a n k s , I slept all week." T h a t is by will head t h e committee on wait- |
i Continued from page 1, cot.
a n d t h e i d e a of s p r e a d i n g offices a n d a c t i v i t i e s a m o n g far t h e most c o m m o n a n s w e r to a n y q u e r i e s re- ; r e ™ e s Suggested Plan
A s t r i n g quartet. composed of
as m a n y s t u d e n t s a s possible is a d m i r a b l e .
„ „ . „ „ „ would
„ „ u , u be separated
g a r d i n g t h e E a s i e r recess, a n d to us it s e e m s all
George S t a n g l e r a n d Frederic Weed,: divisions according to t h e a m o u n t of
W e n e e d a p o i n t s y s t e m , b u t w e need a simpli- too c o n t r a r y to W e b s t e r ' s definition of t h e w o r d ,
juniors, a n d R u t h Muldover and j work involved and t h e position's n a fied, efficient, a n d w o r k a b l e a d a p t a t i o n , of t h e pres- a n d t o its collegiate i n t e r p r e t a t i o n ,
A v a c a t i o n , Bernard P e r l m a n , freshman, will ' ture a n d prestige. T h e l a t t e r would
! be determined by a court of three
e n t s y s t e m . W h a t i n f o r m a t i o n h a s been g a t h e r e d , literally i n t e r p r e t e d , m e a n s freedom from r e s p o n - play during t h e dinner.
: committee members who would hold
a n d w h a t e x p e r i e n c e h a s been g a i n e d should b e used sibility a n d r o u t i n e , b u t w i t h the proper c o n n o t a j hearings early in t h e fall.
office would be given some n a t u r e to help u s in s e c u r i n g a really good s y s t e m .
tion it m e a n s a period of relaxation a n d t h e m o r e
prestige rating on a basis of 0-10.
L e t u s build on w h a t e v e r good w e c a n find in p l e a s u r a b l e social a c t i v i t i e s .
How inconsistent
Hours for all positions would also
be compiled and a distribution
the old s y s t e m , a n d r e m e m b e r t h a t t h e p r o b l e m then a r e t h e t h e o r y a n d t h e practice!
chart prepared. This would be dibefore us is not o n e of t h e o r y b u t o n e of finding a
vided into ten units a n d each office
W h e n those of us w h o have not a l r e a d y been
would secure a rating m a d e a t t h e
practical w a y to enforce t h e s y s t e m so a s t o achieve excused b y t h e h y g i e n e office for various r e a s o n s
discretion of the committee.
t h e goal w h i c h t h e founders of t h e s y s t e m set u p .
r e t u r n h o m e for E a s t e r vacation, we soon learn
T h e final points rating would be
the result obtained by dividing the
t h a t o u r friends h a v e a l r e a d y returned to college
sum of the hours a n d n a t u r e - p r e s We
after t h e i r s p r i n g v a c a t i o n s and the h o m e t o w n
never thought that, of all i tige rating by two. T e n points
has hit a new low in social life. W h e n o u r families people, we'd find ourselves in agree- would be the maximum n u m b e r of
ment with t h e Nazis on any issue., points that any one person could
T h i s week we h a d a n election.
Of course, it i t a k e a look a t us, t h e y decide we need a good rest, But we learned last week t h a t even 1 have.
can happen.
T h e G e r m a n , T h e report closes with t h e cautions
was i m p o r t a n t because we were t r y i n g o u t a new j a n d t h e y a r e right.
F a r be it from us to corn- that
press cited something to the effect j that t h e success of any such system
s y s t e m of v o t i n g . O u r p r e s e n t c o n c e r n is t h a t t h e plain of too much sleep. However, we resent t h e t h a t there was no need to alarm i is absolutely dependent upon t h e
novelty of t h e m e t h o d of election took a w a y from | fact t h a t o u r leisure t i m e must be spent in en- the American people or excite them cooperation of the student associato w a r hysteria. We're heartily in I lion a n d the realization t h a t a new
the i m p o r t a n c e of t h e election itself.
D i d y o u forced rest because we a r e so completely worn accord
We s a y : Let t h e Hon be |system must be Introduced gradually
guide, a n d if we're going to and on a tentative basis.
k n o w t h e d u t i e s of t h e offices to which y o u were out b y t h e long J a n u a r y to April stretch.
have a war, have it over here, for
electing m e m b e r s of o u r s t u d e n t b o d y ? We'feel t h a t
And to heck with foreign
We w a t c h over o u r vacation d a y s as a c a t profit.
it w a s a s t r o k e of blind luck t h a t such efficient w a t c h e s a m o u s e . E a c h o n e is sel aside for meet- (or domestic) diplomats who whine
of t h e inevitability of America's
c a n d i d a t e s were n o m i n a t e d b e c a u s e so m u c h of t h e ing old f r i e n d s ; r e a d i n g too long neglected b o o k s ; getting into a war t h a t hasn't even
affair w a s c a r r i e d on without a p r o p e r degree of for movies a n d d a n c i n g , a n d t h e countless o d d j o b s started y e t !
College Publishers
4 2 0 ' M A D I S O N AVE,
Practice Rather Than Theory
Point Committee
To Offer Plans
How Was Your Vacation?
What is the N. S. F. A?
Commercial Students
Honor York at Dinner
r e g a r d i n g either t h e N a t i o n a l Studenl a n d e n g a g e m e n t s t h a t o u r p r o c r a s t i n a t i n g n a t u r e s
S t a l e Is again unique! What with! Professor George M. York was
the goldfish-gulping, eel-engorging, honored last evening by t h e C o m F e d e r a t i o n itself or t h e c o n v e n t i o n to which we a r e h a v e p u t off " u n t i l v a c a t i o n . "
a n d disc-devouring derbies t h a t have m e n : e ( , | u l j a l !1 testimonial dinner
s e n d i n g four delegates.
Yes, we have p u t things off, with t h e result been m a k i n g t h e rounds of col- conducted at the Charleen r e s t a u Hu
was presented a desk
Briefly, t h e N . S . F . A . is a union of r e p r e s e n t a - t h a t t h e y a r e never accomplished. How m u c h bet- legiate circles, investigation proves | r a n l that t e a c h e r - t o - b e diversions have fountain pea set by William l).
tives from colleges all over t h e U n i t e d S t a l e s , w h o ter it would be if o u r traditional Easter v a c a t i o n undergone little change. Most l m - ! R y a n ' "i0< ('resident of the club,
meet a n d d i s c u s s not only t h e p r o b l e m s t h a i a r e
of local i n t e r e s t , b u t those p r o b l e m s which
y o u t h all over
t h e world, a n d which, a s citizens,
c o n c e r n u s vitally.
M o r e t h a n t h a t , t h e organiza-
tion is a m e e t i n g place for t h e l e a d e r s of s t u d e n t
t h o u g h t t o a c t a s a p r e s s u r e g r o u p in n a t i o n - w i d e
q u e s t i o n s , a n d a m e l t i n g p o t for ideas.
This year,
t h e colleges of t h e c a p i t a l
were r e p l a c e d
by a s p r i n g vacation earlier in t h e
year, when we h a d t h e s t a m i n a and the c o m p a n i o n s h i p to m a k e it profitable a n d enjoyable.
conies early
T o be
hut we a r e
t h i n k i n g of 1941, 1942, a n d t h e years that follow.
d o not c o m p l a i n
our scholastic
e x t r a - c l a s s load is t o o h e a v y ; we don't w a n t
to b e c o m e t h e c i n e m a t i c 'College C o u n t r y c l u b , b u t
a r e e s p e c i a l l y f o r t u n a t e in t h a t t h e c o n v e n t i o n is
we do p r o t e s t against a c a l e n d a r that forcibly en-
being c o n d u c t e d
T h i s is y o u r
c r o a c h e s u p o n our d e a r l y won a n d held v a c a t i o n .
y e a r t o a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g s , a n d c o m e in c o n t a c t
C a e s a r c h a n g e d h i s c a l e n d a r . Gregory c h a n g e d it
the widest
in t h e c o u n t r y .
a t Union
cross section of s t u d e n t
C e r t a i n l y we lack neither t h e p r e c e d e n t n o r
t h e reason
for c h a n g i n g o u r s .
fuel brought to light:
Ryan made the award
"in u p Jacks h a s been supplanted by l " ' ' ' ( ' l a t i o u f o '' all he has done for
m m m ; u
bridge us t h e C o m m o n s indoor sport i
. °
d e p a r t m e n t In the
» •
• i past, tor all the valuable time ol
New books of the week'
'if ' ' ? ? « i v e n Willingly a n d
Crrupcs of Wrath, latest opus of I I fish n i l T ' " ' " ' l " i " " 'V"!
muchly u n d e r r a t e d J o h n Stelnbe k 0 e el
VUI' ' ' ' ^ . " o
is off Hie presses a n d bids lair to
'V "
"' ";" u m l
become on of our modern ^
"H. G. Wells takes you Into t h e in
following this presentation t h e
limale side oi a dictator's life in
annual award to " t h e outstanding
The Holy Terror, but don't ask us member of t h e Commerce club" was
much more about It.
made to J. Edmore Melanson, '39.
Ryan ,vas the i-eoipient of this award
Aside to undergraduates: Keep last year.
your eyes o n this legislative giveTlie program concluded with e n a n d - l a k e on s t a t e aid to schools.
It's liable to m e a n more to you tertainment, directed by Carl M a r otto, '4a, which included individual
t h a n you think,
acts a n d group singing.
Tentative Net Schedule
Lists Opener April 28
Facility Five Flatten
Seniors in Spare Spree
Page 3
State Will Play Opener
Against Middlebury Nine
T h e faculty bowling team rolled
and bowled over a team of s e n iors a t t h e Palace Recreation a l May Play Eleven Matches;
leys on April 1, a n d emerged with
Postpone Hamilton Contest;
Open Heavy Schedule
a 2-1 victory. T h e faculty won
Bad W e a t h e r Prevents
the first two games easily a n d
A g a i n s t R.P.I.
O u t d o o r Drills
eased u p in t h e third, allowing
the seniors to triumph in order
According to a schedule passed
Barring further interference from
to make t h e victory not too d e Tuesday by M.A.A. council and j
the weather, t h e S t a t e college d i a cisive.
s u b m i t t e d to Dean Nelson for final |
mond squad will open its season
approval, t h e S t a t e tennis squad's
T h e faculty soup bones were in
T h u r s d a y against Middlebury a t
rare form as they sent the balls
1939 season will be inaugurated on
home. T h e g a m e originally scheddown t h e glistening alley to regApril 28 a t Troy, where t h e Purple
uled for Bleecker s t a d i u m probably
ister strike after spare. Especially
a n d Gold n e t m e n will clash with
will be played a t Beverwyck park a s
adept was C. Currien Smith, w h o
old J u p i t e r Pluvius h a s t u r n e d t h e
led his team to victory with a
Siena New Opponent
stadium into a quagmire.
' C. V. F.
B. C.
high individual game of 234, a n d
A perusal of t h e current schedule
Weather Shapes Future
a high triple of 557. Charlie Deyo,
a p p e a r i n g in full below reveals m a n y
T h u s far, t h e weather h a s played
drafted from t h e treasurer's ofRussell S a g e - S t a t e women's play day
new adversaries a n d three a d d i - j have given to our little minor crisis
fice, was close behind with a
was t h a t n o date could be decided hob with practice plans, a n d if a n d
tional m a t c h e s as compared to last a t S t a t e might well m a k e a slighted
triple of 535,
Other faculty
which was suitable to all three \vhen t h e season does start, little
year's bookings. Prominent among
bowlers were DoBell, Hicks, a n d
schools. Later It w a s agreed t h a t j in t h e way of polished play c a n be
the new o p p o n e n t s will be t h e squad
T h e original
Power. T h e seniors were r e p r e play day was t o be May 6, barring (expected a t first.
have no doubt t h a t each o n e would
from recently established Siena col- nr
sented by Coppolino, Holmes, Van
unforeseen accidents, acts of God, | opener with H a m i l t o n college, sched,lege,
. „ „ sciieduied
c a m r i n w i ior
fv,,. two
i,„„ meetings
.... . , , ,
, ,
, *
Etten,. Lawton and Peper.
etc. Now comes t h e news t h a t t h e uled for tomorrow h a d to be posti which h a d no defense to speak of,
whole thing is off — because t h e poned to some future date, a n d if
land gorge himself—on t h e house—
the first athletic clashes between t h e
Skidmoronians will be involved in the team is able to open Thursday,
j into a stupor of forgetfulness of t h e tomorrow a t t h e Palace alleys.
rival vicinity Institutions.
a psychology field trip (yes, they it can have h a d n o more t h a n three
' w a n t o n oblivion into which he h a d
over t h e
take T H O S E courses, too!) during or four workouts. Up to Wednesday,
schedule of t h e 1938 season will be
the first week or so of May. Council only one short workout h a s been
On the other hand, if t h e two
the increased opportunities for S t a t e
threw u p its collective h a n d s in held. T h e battery m e n have done
could find no outlet for their lonenet fans to witness the team in a c despair a n d decided t h a t either it some work indoors.
someness, France would be only too
tion. Among t h e eight tilts listed for
was Fate, or t h a t someone h a d
glad to welcome t h e m both into its
The team this year shapes u p as
last year, only two were to be played
passed a law b a n r ' u g all play days an unknown quantity. Gaping holes
Foreign Legion.
on t h e h o m e courts, a number which
left a t first, third, a n d behind t h e
Because of t h e lapse in school
wet weather dwindled to a single
life, caused by the intervention of
As a n alternative plan, a n d also j platter must be filled. If these spots
Plans for t h e men's i n t r a m u r a l
vacation, t h e strained feeling which sports program were released T u e s - as a sequel to last year's popular can be plugged up, a good wellT h e new schedule gives S t a l e t h e
pervaded upon t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of day by Jimmy Quinn, council direc- b a r n dance, t h e governing bodies rounded ball-club should represent
host position on live out of eleven
the Faculty Advisory Committee's tor. Sports tentatively listed were of both MAA a n d WAA a r e consider- State.
matches. However, officials of t h e
foreign policy h a s receded somewhat. softball, tennis, horseshoes, golf, ing a joint outing for m e m b e r s of
Starling Lineups Doubtful
team emphasize t h e lact that t h e | E a s t e r a n c , l l s d a y s o f , ) R a c e m u s t
both organizations. MAA is so e n schedule is still tentative, pending h a v e h i K , m 0 ] . ( , o f a l e v c l i n g e f r e c t pool, tumbling, volleyball, and, as a thusiastic t h a t S t a n K u l l m a n h a s a l - First base, occupied by "Toad"
action by D e a n Nelson.
hereabouts t h a n on t h e Black finale, the i n t r a m u r a l track meet. ready been appointed to a c t as a Fairbank last year, is a wide open
Because of t h e loss of
T h e softball league will be r u n c o - c h a i r m a n of t h e day. T e n t a t i v e position.
Six Veterans Back
S h i r t s of fair Italy.
on t h e same basis as the present, plans Include a trip to I n d i a n lad- Larry Balog, second baseman a year
Among t h e veterans of last season
Council of War Ceded
basketball league, with teams r e p - der, basket lunches, afternoon recre- ago, "Toad" will probably have to
who a r e r e t u r n i n g for service a r e
Upon t h e beginning of school
resenting t h e various fraternities ations a n d a n evening b a r n dance. move over to this position, leaving
C a p t a i n - m a n a g e r K e n Doran, Will again this week, it was decided t h a t and group houses. Negotiations a r e
no one with a n y experience to take
F r a m e n t , Gordon R a n d , S t a n S m i t h , a s close in t h e future as possible under way to secure permission to Although t h e plans have y e t to be :Over first. Paul Merritt stands o u t
Edward T o m a s i a n , and Cy Kllb. t h e situation which confronted us play all t h e games on the campus in
| as t h e best freshman possibility for
F r a m e n l filled t h e No. 1 position should be settled about a council front of Page hall. Entries should general feeling of approval t h r o u g h - this position. At short, Walt Danileon t h e 1938 squad.
Karl Sense, j table in as amicable a way as pos- be m a d e as soon as possible to out t h e association.
wicz will take u p where h e left off
* * *
'39, is trying out for a varsity ; sible,
Monday, a self appointed Quinn, a n d t h e schedule will be
i last year, a n d should have a good
post this year.
committee of three seniors visited posted as soon as entries are comNotes on t h e spring c a l e n d a r — j season. T h i r d base, a weak point
F r e s h m e n who have voiced their j Doctor Brubacher, president of t h e plete.
swimming will s t a r t next week, on t last year, again presents a problem.
! J o h n n y S h e a r e r a n d Bill T h o m a s
Intentions of joining the ranks i n - | college, to ask t h a t a meeting be
Incidentally, the basketball league the usual Tuesday a n d T h u r s d a y shared the duties a year ago a n d
elude H e n r y Brainier, J o h n Vava- arranged between MAA a n d FAC
wound up last night and the winner evenings a t B a t h No. 3. If it c a n seem to have t h e inside track. Ed
sour, Virgil Scott. Irving Bliss, a n d in order t h a t the seven points which
will be announced in next week's be iirranged, swimming periods will ; Casler of the frosh is also a promiswere advanced by t h e FAC be fully NEWS.
Paul M e r r i l l
An All-Slate
i n t r a m u r a l be conducted in t h e afternoons, as
di: cussed in the presence of both basketball team will also be p u b - requested by several of t h e a r d e n t ing candidate for third. T h e g r a d u Home Work at Ridfrcfield
ation of Captain O'Brien last year
T h e m a n a g e m e n t hopes to secure groups before these points were i n - lished at, t h a i lime, as chosen by "aqualiennes."
left t h e very i m p o r t a n t catching
participants in the sport.
(Ed. I
the Ridgefield courts on Partridge
Lspot vacant. Either Bill Brophy or
note: In case you are missed by j
street for home contests, though
Doctor Brubacher was more t h a n the wandering reporter, please com- j occupied classrooms. Muddy fields Gordon Peatlie will probably handle
this possibility still remains in doubt.
gracious. He professed only a n u n - municate your choice of a first a n d Ia n d courts have necessitated t h e i n - Ihe receivers duties.
D o r a n reports t h a t his squad h a s
official interest in t h e two groups second team lo the NKWS.I
troduction of training classes into
n o t y e t h a d t h e opportunity for t h e ,
T h e outfield is one of t h e strong
T h e tennis tournament will b e , the regular schedules of t h e i n - points of t h e team. Last year's three
w a r m i n g - u p t h a t h e feels is vital.
, »J { {
under t h e direction of Norm De j
regulars, Captain F r a n k Quattrochi,
are combining actual practice in each
w ^ 1 1 a s U t h u s 1 f a r M n n p e d e r S c V faculty
" ^ a
" dl ° student
"* M
° committees.
° f " » Neef, a n d will be run under t h e sport with a good foundation of t h e •"Wimp" Barrett, a n d Merrill Hurd
are all back. T h e only question here
tice, t h e team finds Itself with a T h e trio was informed t h a t there same general play as the fall t o u r governing is whether Q u a t t r o c h i , who h a s
T h e winner and other rules a n d regulations
m a x i m u m workout period of but a was no necessity of seeking presi- nament.
a n injured knee, will be able to play.
week before next Friday's starter dential benediction on t h e a r r a n g e - likely prospects will be Invited t o ' playing.
try out for t h e varsity tennis team. I And have you h e a r d about t h e His loss will be a serious blow to
at Troy.
ment of a meeting, nor would there
T h e first home encounter will be be any censoring of what t h e meet- Varsity players are not allowed to new dancing class? Every Tuesday the team's chances.
take p a r t in this tournament. T h e and T h u r s d a y a t 3:30 o'clock in t h e ! T h e squad seems well fortified in
held on Wednesday, May 3, when ing should decide.
Washington Park courts open on gym, all those interested will be the pitching d e p a r t m e n t . D a r Van
Middlebury will be met as a return
May 1. a n d t h e tournament will g e t ! given t h e opportunity to learn t h e Keuran, number one pitcher of last
War Fear Fruitless
match to t h e game played on VerI elements of modern dancing from a year, is back, as is "Wheeze" LehBy these gentle words, we were under way on that day.
mont grounds t h e previous weekprofessional. So here's your chance, man who h a s also seen plenty of
taken off the barbed wire at the
all you T e d S h a w n devotees.
action. From t h e frosh J i m Gillen
T h e tentative schedule lor t h e sea- orink of war a n d left on a clear
and " I v " Williams seem like t h e
Held for a level-headed bit of counson is as 1 ollnws:
cil tablework in just t h e spirit we
calendar seems to be t h e weekend a t
cooperation. Willi these
Middlebury U n k n o w n Quantity
i there) 1 wanted
April 28 R.P.I.
C a m p Johnston, a n d we're looking
Little is known about Middlebury,
itherei j words, in fact, we were practlcallj
29 Middlebury
i forward lo seeing a big aggregation but it is safe to say t h a t a ragged
.lilting al the table with all a r m a May 3 Middlebury
i hero
Next, weekend, April 28, 29, a n d of you gals. Come out a n d give those game should be expected, neither
ments left outside -which is just
5 Siena
where the;, .should be according to 3ti. W.A.A. will conduct iis first Beautyrest mattresses their spring team having had sufficient practice.
12 Hobart
I he president ol a certain great n a - spring weekend at Camp Johnston, initiation! Come out a n d help coniherei
13 Bard
II is improbable t h a t any fresht h e cabin just outside C h a t h a m , sume all t h e good things F r a n promtion.
1!) Conn. Teachers i there)
N. Y., will be Ihe scene of one of ises to have on t h e m e n u ! And, m a n will be in t h e starting lineup
as Coach Hat Held will not have
20 Brooklyn Poly.. there)
trio for yesterday afternoon.
Bj I lie largest weekend trips sponsored best, ol all, come out a n d get back enough lime before t h e opener to
24 Conn. Teachers iherei
by t h e association, according to to nature—and the trees a n d the
observe yearling prospects closely.
11 here i
28 Siena
a p a n of history, we hope. If not Frances Rlanl, '41. general chairman. brooks and t h e boldies! It's spring.
J u n o 2 St, Michael's
already so, it should become such in
sign up next week on the W.A.A. laxation or romping (underline your
T o Include Golf
near-future meetings.
bulletin board. If enough persons choice) should prove a n antidote
of golf in this year's
conChessmen Tackle NYU
sign up, Ihe campers will leave Al- for t h e worst cases of spring fever, spring program is a direct result
stituents whom MAA must face day
In Encounter Tonight alter day after day, without the be made by train. W.A.A. pays tiredness. So g e t yer gang together of t h e expression of interest in such
Willi Its intercollegiate record benefit ol being situated some liiin- one-half i h e transportation cost fori and plan on taking it in. May we a sport by several m e n of t h e college. It will not come under i n slanding tit a n even .50(1 average, i dreds ol miles away where the each person.
even venture to .suggest t h a t you
tramural's financial outlay, but it is
the S t a l e chess team's Ihird college trungesi thing that could reach the
A lull weekend ol tun has been
expected t h a t reduced rales will be
match will be played in the Lounge senators would be a vituperative letplanned lo suil both those seeking Instead of Friday, a n d t h u s enjoy obtained at t h e municipal links
of Richardson hall at 7:30 o'clock ter, conic into your own.
an active program of sports. T h e r e your lull three days at c a m p ? We where ihe m a t c h e s a r e to bo played.
Invisible ICncmy Feared
this evening aganisi Ihe crack agW a t c h i h e W.A.A.
will be hikes led by those who need ain't kiddin'.
A barnyard golf t o u r n a m e n t will
gregation from New York university.
leadership credit lor I,oil a Bunkers. bulletin board lor notices, a n d don't also be Included In i h e spring proN.Y.U., now on un upstate lour, any inisplans. or ii they seem lo The approximate cost of tin' entire lorget to sign u p .
has chalked up a remarkable rec- be bowing to an.\ insidious forces n i p will be $1.25.
ord this year, hu\ uig met and van- :t will be your privilege to take one
Committees for the weekend a r e
quished leading college teams ol the MAA ol'lieial lor each mistake made, a.s follows: publicity, Elizabeth Elm
eastern seaboard
T h e New York
son, '41. chairman, Dorothy BerkoGood Food and a Friendly Fire
i it coin .e. we .should warn you
group has also iwice trimmed the
wilz a n d Frances Wood, sophomores,
hat there are sonic pretty husky
same Aim,\ t r a m thai downed Hlati
ill ( h e
Janet K r a a l z and Katharine Petercon- n u n on MAA Perhaps Ihe better son, freshmen; transportation, Viron April 1 in a close 3
thing to do would be to wain them ginia Bison, '40; mid loud Frances
Representing S t a l e tonight will bi ol your ideas about Ihe m a t t e r be- Hiani, '41.
Then, il they did not
Art Fox, J o h n House. Steve Shaw forehund.
Bob I'ation. lioj
Hummers and conic through, we would gladly aeBill cede to a demand some cheer-leaders
Franccllo uj
Eat at John's Lunch
Lust evening's regular , made a little while ago, a n d cheerDinners 35c ami lip
meeting of t h e Chess club was e n - lead a mob into a deadly, cold sweat,
Delicious Sandwiches anil
tirely devoted to a special practice after which a frenzied a t t a c k could
session lor tonight's match.
be m a d e on t h e whole council, while
Manager J o h n Hoose a n n o u n c e s , We continued to beat o u t t h e war
7:30 A.M. — U:«0 P.M.
t h a t mutches with Rutgers a n d d r u m s from the side lines in t h e
()|)j). (he High School
Colgate a r e in t h e offing.
'midst of sipping Coco-Colas.
Quinn Releases
Spring Program
W.A.A. Will Conduct
Chatham Weekend
I Kctftrrn at Quail
Page 4
Langmuir, Nobel Prize Winner,
D and A to Present
Lectures on Protein Research
Singing Troubadours
AL»ANY. H. Y. /
Appointment Bureau
Lists New Placements
Those who have received positions from the class of 1939 inBayner Sisters to Entertain
Probably one of the most inter- before the British Association for
clude: John Dorman, commerce at
with Musical Program
esting lectures which State college the Advancement of Science.
Greeneville; Carolyn Mattice, Engstudents have had an opportunity to Dr. Langmuir, in his address, dislish and Latin at Allentown; Arnold
hear was that given last Tuesday cussed proteins, a class of subOn Tuesday evening at 8:30 Paladin, science and mathematics at
in the auditorium of Page hall. The stances composed of more elemental o'clock in Page hall auditorium, Ludlowville; Jane Schultz, matheoccasion was the monthly meeting of chemical compounds, the amino Dramatics and Arts association will matics at Bellmore; William Sivers,
the eastern division of the American acids.
present Joan and Betty Rayner,
Chemical society and the guest
troubadours, in a varied program commerce at Wellsville, and RoThe
speaker was Dr. Irving Langmuir,
of ballads, songs, legends, dramas, land Waterman, commerce at Adam
a man recognized as one of the most talk concerned various characteris- dances and mime.
remarkable scientist of the present tics of proteins. Among these was Like the Strolling Players of olden Those graduate students and
that each protein—and there are times who acted, sang and told their graduates who have been placed are:
We were just a bit curious as to thousands — has specific properties stories in the palaces of Europe, Arnold Bookheim, '32, principal at
whether the evening would offer and acts in a way peculiar to itself. these two girls have traveled from Mountaindale; F. B. Clark, '32, supanything out of the ordinary, and A particularly interesting property country to country, encircling the ervising principal at Tioga Center;
we weren't disappointed. The au- is that of forming monolayers. That globe three times. Their perform- Doris Coffin, grad., English and lidience itself — and there was a is, proteins in solution have the ances have been lauded in London, brary at Galway; Franklyn Converse,
grad., science and coaching at Earlgood-sized crowd — was interesting, ability to spread out in a layer a Paris, Berlin and New York.
for the majority there were out- single molecule thick. These films This will be the last presentation ville; Louise Grunewald, '38, comof D and A until the Advanced merce at Mayfield; Mildred Katz,
siders, students, college professors, are absolutely invisible.
'38, commerce at Highland Falls;
laboratory workers, and well known A third point Dr. Langmuir ex- Dramatics production in May.
Jessica Koch, grad., English and lifigures of science from the capital plained was the fact that the molebrary at Highland Falls; Patricia
cules of proteins are extremely huge. Marriage Commission
Markham, '38, English at Monticello;
Dr. Langmuir's record is a bril- They are thousands and some milTo Conduct Discussion and Phillip Moore, grad., mathemaliant one. Since 1906 he has been lions of times larger than the usual The series of talks and discussions tics and science at South Onondaga.
associated with the physico-chemical molecule with which the scientist Is conducted by Marriage commission
research department of the General accustomed to deal.
and sponsored by S.C.A. will culElectric Company in Schenectady This last fact led Dr. Langmuir minate
with a panel discussion on
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop
and Is now assistant director there. to say that the study of proteins "Steps
to a Successful Marriage."
His work has resulted in several may be thought of as new division The discussion
will take place In the
important inventions such as the
organic chemistry—the field of Lounge of Richardson hall, Monday,
gas-filled Tungsten lamp and atomic of
magna-molecules. For the present, at 3:30 o'clock.
hydrogen welding.
science is concerned primarily with Those participating in the discusIn recognition of his work, Dr. satisfying that eternal scientific cur- sion are: Miss Helen Hall Moreland,
Langmuir has received marks of dis- iosity of "what," "where," and "why" dean of students, chairman; Dr.
tinction in degrees from universities, In finding out more facts about new Ralph G. Clausen, assistant profesand in medals and prizes. In 1932 fields. However, just as other scien- sor of science; Virginia Hall and
he received the Nobel prize for his tific research that began with curi- Gordon Tabner, seniors; Harriet
work in surface chemistry — the osity has led to important applica- Sprague, Mary Trainor, and Saul
second American chemist to receive tions so we may reasonably expect Greenwald, juniors.
the Nobel award. Just recently he. that the- further
—».™ study of proteins j All members of Marriage commis1(18-200 CENTRAL AVENUE
returned from England as an ex-j will lead to important contributions slon are urged to attend, and other
change professor chosen to speak j for the betterment of living.
faculty and students.
Frederick Receives Honor
In the April issue of the Journal
of the National Education association, Dr. Robert W. Frederick's book
on "Directed Learning" appeared
among the sixty outstanding educational books of 1938. Out of the
900 publications examined, Dr. Frederick's book received a place on this
list for his outstanding work on
educational psychology.
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State College News*
Seniors, Juniors
Plan Traditional
Annual Banquets
Upperclass Presidents Select
Committees to M a k e
Last Preparations
The annual banquets of the senior
and junior classes will be conducted
this week at Jack's and Panetta's
restaurants respectively on Thursday evening at 6:00 o'clock.
Senior Banquet
The traditional senior banquet will
be conducted on Thursday evening,
at Jack's restaurant at 6:00 o'clock.
Speakers for the occasion are Mr.
Louis C. Jones and Mr. William G.
Hardy, instructors in English. The
speakers will be introduced by
Charlie Sharer in his capacity as
Guests who will attend the banquet include: Helen Hall Moreland,
clean of students, Milton G. Nelson,
dean, Dr. Abratn R. Brubacher,
president, Mrs. Bertha Brimmer, executive secretary of the Alumni association. Mr. Paul Bulger, personnel
director, and Mrs. Bulger.
Committees named by Miss Hayford are: guests and speakers, Kay
Maloney, chairman, Nat Grossman,
Neil Fogarty, and Joe Bosley; promotion, Eleanor McGreevy, chairman, Charlotte Pox, Harriet Green,
Lawrence Strattner, and Charles
Franklin; decorations and arrangements, Justine Hermann, chairman,
Brita Decormier, Bernice Moseby,
Robert Gorman, Frank Quattrocchi,
and Hall Downey.
Panetta's restaurant will be the
scene of the junior banquet, scheduled to lake place Thursday evening at 6:00 o'clock. Betty Denmark will be the general chairman,
and Rita Sullivan will act as toastmistress.
Bulger to Speak
Paul Bulger, personnel director,
will be the speaker, followed by an
enjoyable program of entertainment.
Guests of the juniors will be Dr.
and Mrs. Brubacher, Dr. and Mrs.
Nelson, and Dean Moreland.
The following are on the various
committees for the banquet: arrangements, Francis Field, Florence
Weiss; programs, Mary Koonz;
speaker and faculty, Kenneth Haser,
Marjorie Baird; tickets, Stewart
Smith, Lillian Rivkind; entertainment, Marion Walker, Frank Kluge,
Gordon Peattie.
May 12 Assembly, 11:10 o'clock.
12 Rivalry football game,
3:30 o'clock.
12 Intersororlty ball, Aurania club, 10:00 o'clock.
13 Tennis, Bard.
13 House dances.
14 Lutheran Area Conference. Friendship house,
First Lutheran Church.
15 Service fraternity meeting, room 206, 12:00
16 Interclass track meet,
4:00 o'clock.
17 Baseball, Hamilton.
17 Interclass debate, seniors vs. juniors, Lounge.
18 Senior and Junior banquets, 6:00 o'clock.
Four Fraternities
Choose Officers
Junior Class Breaks Tradition
by Disclosing Results
of Late Elections
Another tradition of State college has been broken by the members of the class of 1940. Formerly,
it was the custom to keep secret the
officers of the various fraternities.
This year, however, through the cooperation of the two older fraternities and the two newer fraternities,
fraternities will be published.
Those officers that were selected
at the meetings in the earlier part
of this week are: Gamma Chapter
of Kappa Delta Rho, president, Otto
Howe, '40; vice-president, Robert
Martin, '40; secretary, William
Brophy, '41; treasurer, John Bakay,
'41; members to Interfraternity council, Otto Howe, and Walter Simmons,
juniors, and Stephen Kusak, '41.
Edward Eld red Potter club, president, Theron Powell, '40; secretary,
Virgil Scott, '42; treasurer, William
Haller, '41; members of Interfraternity council, Willard Frament and
Theron Powell, juniors, and Paul
Grattan, '41.
Kappa Beta, president, Haskell
Rosenberg, '40; vice-president, Gadlin Bodner, '41; secretary, Harry
Passow, '42; treasurer, Herman
Kleinc, '41; members to Interfraternity council, Haskell Rosenberg and
George Stangler, juniors, and Arnold
Ellcrin, '41. Sigma Lambda Sigma,
president, William McCracken, '40;
vice-president, Edward Simmons, '40;
secretary, Dclfio Mancuso, '41;
members to Interfraternity council,
McCracken and Simmons, juniors.
VOL. XXIII, No. 25
State College Sororities to Present
Annual Dance at Aurania Club Tonight
Sorority P r e s i d e n t s A n n o u n c e
Committee Members
for H o u s e D a n c e s
The college sororities will conclude their weekend activities with
formal spring house dances tomorrow night from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock.
The committees for the dances include:
Delta Omega: orchestra, Grace
Castigline, '39; refreshments, Janet
Busacker, '41; chaperones, rloreen
Cappiello, '41.
Kappa Delta: general chairman,
Mary Trainor, '40; orchestra, Ellen
Best, '40; programs, Shirley Van
Shirley Tooker, '41; arrangements,
Barbara Ferree, '41; clean-up, Mary
Grace Leggett, '41.
Psi Gamma: general chairman,
Janet Thomas, '40; chaperones,
Lydia Bond, '41; music, Lorraine
Theurer, '40; decorations, Jeanette
Evans, '41; flowers, Virginia McDermott, '41; refreshments, Lena Drapalski, '41; and programs, Laura
Frost, '41.
Chi Sigma Theta: general chairman, Mary Margaret Pappa, '39;
music. Elizabeth Baker, '39; arrangements, Helen Bifarella, '39,
chairman, Irene Poger and Mildred
Foley, sophomores, Ann Cashman,
'42; programs, Alice Brown, '40,
chairman, Edna Fuller, '39, Elizabeth
Kennedy, Beatrice Dower, Helen
Clark and Elizabeth Donahue, sophomores, Doris Barrett, Betty Burke,
Shirley Wurz and Mary Gauthler,
Alpha Epsilon Phi: general chairman, Miriam Shapiro, '40; decorations, Fay Scheer, '40; refreshments,
Lillian Rivkind, '40; programs, Estelle Englehart and Ethel Cohen,
sophomores; arrangements, Shirley Kaplan, '40; music, Helen Rubin,
Gamma Kappa Phi: general
chairman, Dorothy Pritchard, '40;
music, Bettye Gorgan, '40; decorations, Virginia Davis, 41, chairman,
Bertha Petit, '41, Barbara Howard
and Irma Inglis, freshmen; refreshments, Jane Barrett and Betty Denmark, juniors; clean-up, Gertrude
Lehman, '41.
Beta Zeta: general chairman,
Virginia Strong, '39; arrangements,
Doris Saunders, '40 and Patricia Culver, '41; decorations, Eloise Hartmann, '40. chairman, Elizabeth Elson. '41, Charlotte Crosby, '40; re-
' Ted Black and His Orchestra
Mrs. Poletti Addresses
Will Provide Rhythm
Group on Government
for Spring Event
Last Wednesday, Mrs. Charles
Poletti, wife of the Lieutenant
Governor of New York state, addressed a group of State college
students In the Lounge of Richardson hall. Her topic was a discussion of the workings of our
state and national governments.
She was sponsored by the Lounge
committee and Miss Helen Moreland, dean of students..
Mrs. Poletti talked informally
for about a half hour, and then
entertained questions from the
students present. She spent
some time in reviewing briefly
the meaning of the word, democracy. She then explained the
workings of our state legislature,
and showed a copy of the legislative index, a booklet published
weekly, showing current legislation. Some of her talk was centered around pressure groups, and
their influence in legislatures.
State to Select
Faculty Leader
State college sorority girls and
their guests will open their weekend
festivities tonight with the annual
Intersororlty ball. The affair will
be conducted at the Aurania club
from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock, according
to Mary Agnes Metzger, '39, president of Intersorority council and
general chairman.
Music will be furnished by Ted
Black and his orchestra.
The remainder of the weekend
will feature luncheons conducted by
the individual sororities tomorrow
noon and house dances tomorrow
Faculty guests and chaperones include:
Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of
the college, and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr.
Milton G. Nelson, dean, and Mrs.
Nelson; Miss Helen Hall Moreland,
dean of students; Mr. Paul G. Bulger, personnel director, and Mrs.
Bulger; Mr. Edward Cooper, instructor in commerce, and Mrs. Cooper;
Mr. Daniel W. Snader, assistant professor and supervisor of mathematics, and Mrs. Snader.
Faculty guests will include: Dr.
D. V. Smith, professor of social studies, and Mrs. Smith; Dr. Carleton
E. Power, professor of science, and
Mrs. Power; Dr. Robert Frederick,
professor of education, and Mrs.
Frederick; Dr. Edith O. Wallace, assistant professor of Latin; Miss
Agnes Futterer, assistant professor
of English; Mr. Wallace Taylor, assistant professor and supervisor in
social studies; Dr. Matie Green, assistant professor of hygiene; Mrs.
Egleston, instructor in history, and
Mr. Egleston.
Committees for the ball are as follows: general chairman, Mary Agnes
Metzger, '39, Chi Sigma Theta; music, Margaret Hora, '39, Delta Omega,
and Ruth Lewis, '39, Phi Delta; decorations, Virginia Furey, '39, Kappa
Delta; flowers, Kathryn E. O'Brien,
'39, Alpha Rho; taxis, Lois Wester,
'39, Phi Lambda; refreshments, Harriet Papemaler, '39, Sigma Alpha;
programs, Christine Ades, '39, Gamma Kappa Phi; invitations and bids,
Jane Schwerzmann, '39, Psl Gamma;
chaperones, Pearl Sandberg, '39, Alpha Epsilon Phi; publicity, Charlotte
Fox, '39, Pi Alpha Tau; arrangements, Betty Sherwood, '39, Beta
In today's regular assembly, students of State college will be given
the opportunity to select one member of the faculty on whom will be
bestowed the Pi Gamma Mu Citation for faculty leadership.
The entire student body is eligible to vote, in order to choose the
"member of the faculty who has
done the most to stimulate intellectual life at State College."
Students will name their first, second, and third choices, and the
votes will be tallied by the weighted
ballot method. The faculty member
having the largest vote Will be
awarded the Pi Gamma Mu Citation
on Moving-up day by Thomas Laverne, '39. This will be made an
annual Moving-up day occurrence.
Describe Award
The award will consist of a bronze
plaque. If the winner is a man, he
will be given lapel ribbons similar
to those given in the French Legion
of Honor, while if a woman Is
chosen, she will be given a gold rosette. This designation is to be worn
on i>t:<i< /y, column 2> around college in order to set the
selecled teacher aside as a leader
of the faculty.
Delta chapter of Pi Gamma Mu,
national honorary social studies society, was founded in State College
in 1927. Its purpose is to foster
<$• Despite the fact that the hunt
Red is supposed to be the soph
Increased Interest in the field of
John Murray, '41, will serve as
was short lived there wus never a
claws color but circumstances as is— dull moment. The fun-filled frosh morning's assembly will be a dis- social studies and education in gen- editor-in-chief of the 1943 Freshman
Handbook as a result of the recent
the color would be more suitable for walked oil with the ladder leaving cussion and vote on the Pedagogue eral.
sophomore class elections.
the frosh class or even Myskanla. a lew sophs stranded on the roof resolution according to John Edge,
The Freshman Handbook is an
As rivalry points gradually pile up o{ Drape,'"; cries were sent out to '39, president of the Student asso- Cast of "Cradle Song"
annual publication sponsored and
in favor of the spirited '41ers the o t n e r . 4 i e r s w n o c a m e t 0 l h e l r c l a s s . ciation. Other scheduled business
Progress in Rehearsal financed by the student association,
will include the N.S.F.A. delegate
poor frosh are beginning to see mates' rescue
the casting of "Cradle Song" and published by the incoming junreports
loo much red. And as for MyskanlaSo ' the' mascot was found - so
a few weeks ago, the work of the ior class. It contains information
their face is vermillion! They blush | w n a t | I s everybody happy? NO! The day exercises,
The last assembly passed a mo- cast and committees has progressed which will aid entering freshmen
to think that their hiding place was disgruntled frosh who sat back
transfer students in becoming
discovered In what can go on the hitherto and watched sophs walk tion that discussion and voting on under the direction of Agnes Fut- and
with the traditions, activibooks as a Stale college record. o f l w l t h m l i l c a f e w p o l n U s a r e n o w the Pedagogue resolution be made lerer, assistant professor of Eng- familiar
ties, and regulations of the college.
An hour and fifty minutes after I squawking cause It looks as if sophs the first order of business today to lish.
The committees in charge of pro- The cover of the '43 handbook will
the hunt started it ended when have rivalry in the bag. Myskanla insure a thorough consideration of
are as follows: sets and be green with gold embossing.
delighted Dower and wondering is aggravated because their noble atMurray 1ms selected the following
Brown, '40, chairman,
Walrath pounced upon the unsus- j tempt to hide the mascot for the
pectins doggie, The funny part of I first time under the new system has as follows; "Resolved: That the Joseph Wells and William Bogosta, sophomores to assist him as assoit Is, the frosh were searching fran- been criticized. And the gay young year-book, Pedagogue, be made a seniors; house, Jane Wilson, chair- ciate editors: Alice Abelove, Wiltically while the sophs were resling j sophs who should be walking on air student publication, and that the man, and Ruth Donnelly, Juniors; liam Cameron, Beatrice Dower,
when the mascot was actually dis- with five more points chalked up to student tax be raised one dollar to costumes, Lorraine Theurer, chair- Carol Golden, Sylvia Oreenblatt,
man, Rita Sullivan, Mary Arndt, and Stephen Kusak, Norman Levy,
covered. Walrath was taking a short their credit are unhappy 'cause the cover the additional cost."
Delegates to Report
Ruby Stewart, Juniors; advertising, James Maloney, Rosemary McCarbreathing spell as he leaned against hunt is over. As Bucci put it,
The State college delegates to the Nan Emery, '39, chairman, Betty thy, and Robert Patton.
the wastebaskel between the mall-1"'Tain't no fun unless you can crawl
Heads of all clubs or other orNational
Student Federation of Clark, Eleanor droll, and Louis
boxes conniving with Dower on a
ganizations, whose activities were
plan of attack. Just for something
not reviewed in the 1942 handbook
to do, the two decided to search the didn't rehide the mascot just to keep last weekend will each give a three dict, '39, chairman, Rose De Cotis edition, are requested to contact
container. When they actually saw the freshmen In an active mood. At minute report. The delegates to be and Mary Koonz, juniors; and stage Murray through student mail by
the mascot, they were so surprised any rate you can't deny that the heard at this time include: Joseph manager, Al Weiss, '40.
This play is also being produced Moving-up day if they desire to have
and excited that they both rushed sophs certainly have spirit. They Cappiello, Willard Frament, Lloyd
year in Vassar and New a summary of their activity inmade
into the girls' locker room to put It
In the twenties, during cluded in the current edition. Work
marIn safety until Myskania arrived.
run, it was the lead- on the handbook has already comund
Of course Walrath was slightly out
popular play of the menced and the book will be sent
of place but almost anything was
to the printer on or before June 11.
excusable under these conditions.
Doggie Practically Begs Sophs
Student Body to Vote
To Scrutinize Rubbish Baskets
On Pedagogue Today
1941 Elects Murray
As Handbook Editor