Document 14063945

Page 4
State Will Cooperate in Drive
For Chinese Student Aid Fund
• the
Would you walk a t h o u s a n d miles
across m o u n t a i n s for a c h a n c e a t a
college education? Could you take
lecture notes in a bomb-proof cellar,
o r a n examination during a n air
r a i d ? C a n you imagine a s t u d e n t
body using caves as classrooms a n d
dugouts as dormitories?
s t u d e n t s actually have been doing
j u s t such things since t h e opening
of t h e present C h i n o - J a p a n e s e War,
A t N a n k i n g and other universities,
t h o u s a n d s of students have h a d to
live a n d work in caves a n d dugouts.
M a n y h a v e h a d to leave their d e stroyed universities a n d move m a n y
miles inland in order to continue
t h e i r studies.
Out of one h u n d r e d colleges a n d
universities in China,
h a v e been totally or partially d e stroyed, a n d others a r e being used
as barracks by J a p a n e s e troops. By
ox-cart a n d on foot, entire s t u d e n t
bodies have moved inland from t h e
w a r zone. They have traveled t h o u s a n d s of miles t h r o u g h w a r - h a r assed country to frontier cities such
as Sian, Chengtu, a n d Kwenming,
where colleges are now re-opening.
This m a s s migration of s t u d e n t s
u n d e r t h e press of war conditions
h a s created a situation which needs
remedying immediately. T h e cities
Into which they are moving a r e
totally unprepared to receive them, j
T h e y need food, clothing a n d shelter.
m u s t be provided to keep t h e m from
b r e a k i n g under the strain. T h e C h i nese government a n d private institutions a r e doing all they can u n d e r
circumstances, but obviously,
they still need help.
Last year the P a r E a s t e r n S t u d e n t
Emergency F u n d raised $18,808 for
Chinese student relief. This year
t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t Service
a n d t h e National
C h r i s t i a n Council, with the cooperation of t h e National S t u d e n t F e d eration of America, of which S t a t e
college is a member, a n d other n a tional s t u d e n t organizations
m a k i n g a united appeal to all colleges to raise $50,000 in order to
carry on the work of rehabilitating
these Chinese students.
W i t h t h e help of American college
students, these t h i n g s c a n be p r o vided. Always, of course, the bulk
of t h e money will be used to provide
t h e m i n i m u m necessities of life. Two
American dollars will provide board
for a Chinese s t u d e n t for five weeks.
T w e n t y dollars will cover his room
a n d board for the whole college year.
S t a t e college will cooperate in
t h e F a r Eastern Service F u n d drive
this year. An a n n o u n c e m e n t will be
m a d e in assembly one week from
Friday, a t which time a collection
w::i be t a k e n a m o n g our student
body for the fund.
Don't Look Now But—Mailboxes Are Moving
Oh, gee! I wonder where t h a t
mail box can be—so do we,
so do we, so do we."
This is going to be State's
now version of a " T i s k e t - a T a s k e t " very shortly for the s t u d e n t mailboxes are about to disa p p e a r from their familiar position opposite the lockers in
D r a p e r hall before we go home
for t h e C h r i s t m a j holidays.
W h e r e is the new domicile of
those "letter bearers," guys and
galses? It will be moved to t h e
corridor on the first floor of
H a s t e d hall near the Hygiene
office. And still more wonderful is t h a t there will now be
four sections to the mailbox instead of the present two. Progress h a s at last reached State.
Now when "billet-doux" and
w a r n i n g s come out and t h e r e is
a general "plop" of students, t h e
Hygiene office will be very convenient, don't you think?
D e l t a O m e g a : refreshments, Doris
Palmer, '39; decorations, J a n e t B u s acker, '41; gifts, Noreen Cappiello,
from page 1, column 5) '41; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Rose P a s t o r e ,
afternoon t h e sororities will learn '41.
w h a t freshmen t h a t t h e y bid h a v e
likewise stated their preference to
join t h a t sorority. Monday n i g h t t h e
sororities will send out their formal
bids which t h e freshmen will r e "Better Specialty Shop"
ceive Wednesday morning.
I n former years formal r u s h i n g
Between Robin & Lake
took place t h e weekend following
final examinations. T h i s year the
faculty h a s g r a n t e d approval to this
"For Gifts That Multiply
tentative a r r a n g e m e n t , which, if sucYour Giving"
cessful, will be incorporated in t h e
regular Intersorority r u s h rules.
Sororities to Conduct
Annual Rushing Events
Greek Will Celebrate
Yuletide with Parties
from page 1, column 3)
r a n g e m e n t s , Delia Dolan, Regina
Murphy, R u t h Dillon, seniors; R i t a
Sullivan, '40, Mildred Foley, J a n e
Hanford, Marie Lalonde, sophomores;
Brucker. Beatrice Dower, Enes Novelli, Frances Riani, sophomores.
Dial 5-1913
D. Jeoney, Prop
Boulevard Cafeteria
and Grill
Excellent Shoe Rebuilding
Fabric, Woo!, and Pigskin, from
Flannel, Shetland, Wool
Crepe, Rabbits
Every Style and Shade
Desired, from
P h o n e 2-6802
from $1.59
Crepe and Satin
2-3-4 T h r e a d in G l a m orous Shades....59c to $1.35
per pair
All Gifts Appropriately Boxed
State College Ne^rs
Mailbox Perusal Shows Presence
Greeks Receive
Of Student Believer in Santa
Ninety Freshmen
Into Pledgeship
Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority
Gains Seventeen Girls;
Highest Number
Miss Helen Hall Moreland, d e a n of
s t u d e n t s , who supervised t h e new
period of formal rushing on December 7, 8, and 9, instead of the customary m i d - t e r m weekend in F e b r u ary, a n n o u n c e s t h a t ninety freshmen
women a n d one junior will be
pledged to eleven of S t a t e college's sororities. T h e results were
d e t e r m i n e d Monday after the class
of 1942 and the sorority women h a d
h a n d e d in their preferences to t h e
d e a n of student's office.
G a m m a K a p p a Phi heads the list
a s to number, receiving seventeen
new m e m b e r s . ' Chi Sigma T h e t a is
second with fifteen and K a p p a Delta
third with fourteen new pledges. Alp h a Epsilon Phi runs a close fourth
with twelve pledges.
Official Pledge List
T h e official pledge list, as released by the office of the clean of
s t u d e n t s is as follows:
Delta O m e g a :
Madeline Evans,
Arlene Sadler. Marjorie Tims. K a t h erine E. Trowbridge, and Jerline
K a p p a Delta: Armede Black, J a n e t
Brown, Betty Cummings, J u n e H a u shaltcr,
Holm. Mary Klein, Margaret, Ledbefter, {Catherine Peterson, Prances
Shapley, Elizabeth Simmons, Virginia Surdafn, J a n e Wilson, and
K a t h i T i n e Wilson.
Psi G a m m a : Marie Cramer, G e r aldine Grinter, J a n at Kraut/, [Catherine Richards and J a n e Williams.
Chi S i g m a T h e t a : Hose DeCotis.
Doris Barret, Mary
Brennan, Betty Burke, Anne C a s h man..
G a u t h i e r , Elaine Harvey, Helen A.
Krizka, Elizabeth J a n e Maid, Ann
M o n a g h a n , Ruth O'Donnell, Mary
Ozmon, J e a n n e t t e Ryerson and S h i r ley Wui'z, freshmen.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Pauline Bronstein, R u t h Edwards, Elsie Fcrber,
Edylhe Friedman, Florence Halbi'ieeh, Beatrice Hirsch, Selma Lois,
Bcruiee Lenowitz. Blanche Navy,
Muriel Rapftport, J o a n n e M. Scheier,
anil Dorothy Smolensky.
G a m m a K a p p a Phi: Doris M a u e r s berger, '41, Ethel Appelton, Mary
Brierton, lona Cole, Harriet DeForrest, Marion Dully, Mary J a n e
(Colt 11 II ii fd nil iitu/c If, column
I.B.A. ilvilli Announces
New Business Contest
All through the year
and all around the clock Chesterfield's milder better taste gives
At Christmas time send these pleasure-giving cartons of (Chesterfields
—packaged in gay holiday colorswelcomed by smokers everywhere.
. . . the blend that can V he copied
Copyrijjlit |MH, |.
o n « Mvuxi TOBACCO Co.
best cigarette
You'll find Chesterfields a better cigarette because of what they give you—more
smoking pleasure than any cigarette yon
ever tried—the right combination of wild
ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish
tobaccos rolled in pure cigarette paper,
Announcemenl of the details
ol the l.B.A. Essay awards,
which were established by the
Invrslmenl Hankers association
of America ai its recent convention at While Hulphur Springs,
was made yesterday by J e a n C.
Wilier, president of the association.
T i n s competition is open to all
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s in American colleges or universities, uash prizes
ol $300, $150. and $50 will be
awarded for the best essays,
which, in the judgment ol the
J u r y of Awards, will contribute
lo a bet iIT public understanding
ol Ihe business of investment
banking. Papers must be submitted to this jury not later t h a n
July 1, 1939
It is hoped thai some of Ihe
contributions will bo suitable for
Banking," Ihe journal ol Ihe a s sociation. T h e essays are in no
way restricted as to scope or
"Students may treat
the subject in its general aspects
or concentrato on some special
phase. P a p e r s may deal witli one
or more of t h e economic or social factors Involved, present
proposals for changes in t h e
technique of business, or consider phases of the regulatory
measures of recent years."
Friday, December 16, 8:10 o'clock
A. M.—lower corridor of Draper
h a l l — ' C section of t h e mailbox:
Carapezza, Casper, Cassidy, Castigllne, Chrisler, Clark, Claus. I d i d n ' t
know there was any s t u d e n t by t h a t
n a m e ? Oh I S a n t a Claus.
No students, the age of m a k e - b e lieve is not past. T h e r e r e m a i n s
here a t S t a t e a t least one s t u d e n t
whose impact with science a n d realism h a s not destroyed all of the
beauties of childhood. S t r a n g e , isn't
it, t h a t I should open this letter by
mistake? Let's read it a n d see w h a t
the writer has to say.
S t a t e College
December 1C, 1938.
S a n t a Claus Esq.
North Pole Hdq,
Skidmore, N. Y.
Deai' Chris.
I realize St. Nick, t h a t you're not
accustomed to receiving letters from
students enrolled in teacher t r a i n ing institutions. Of course, at my
age I'm not supposed to believe t h a t
you exist exci pt as a m y t h created
by those selfish Central avenue m e r -
Kappa Phi Kappa
To Hear Cooper
Graves Will
Fraternity Members
at Next Meeting
Chi chapter of Kappa Phi Kappa,
national education fraternity, will
hold iis firs I meeting of the new
year, Thursday night. J a n u a r y 5, at
7:00 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall.
The early part of the meeting is
to be devoted to a discussion of recommendations made in a bulletin
recently issued by the national executive council.
T h e guest speaker ai this meeting
will be Dr. H e r m a n n Cooper, assistant commissioner for teachers' education and certification. T h e subject
nl his address is not known ai present.
Under Ihe supervision of ils president, Lawrence S t r a t t n o r , '39, fraternity leaders have laid most a m bitious plans lor Ihe next
months. Dr. Warren W. Coxes, dire elur of educational research for
ihe state d e p a r t m e n t of education,
is scheduled to address the underg r a d u a t e members al ihe February
HI meeting. He will tell: "What we
may expect of education in the next
twenty-live years." A I. this same
conclave, a delegate will be elected
to represent S t a t e college al Kappa
Phi Kappa's National Assembly to
be conducted this year at Cleveland,
Plans for the a n n u a l spring ban(|iiel are also under consideration. Il
is lo be staged March 31 at the
Wellington hotel. Dr. Frank Pierrepout Graves, commissioner of e d u c a tion and a member of Kappa Phi
Kappa, will be guesl speaker.
Students Will Prepare
For French Oral Test
Special classes will !>.• held for studenls who plan lo take the Oral
Credit examination in French in
February, There will be two scheduled classes.
Classes in translation will meet
Hull Will meet every Tuesday and
T h u r s d a y al 4:3(1 o'clock in room
Classes In translation will meet
every Monday and Wednesday a t
3:30 o'clock in room 21 of R i c h a r d son hall.
S t u d e n t s who wish help in p r e p a r ing for this examination a n d c a n n o t
a t t e n d these classes, may m a k e a p p o i n t m e n t s with Mr. J o h n A. M a har, professor of F r e n c h , or Dr.
T h o m a s Q. Bergin, professor of r o m a n c e languages.
chants. I must admit t h a t my faitli
in you was s h a k e n r a t h e r sadly last
"billet-doux" day but now with a t tendance warnings just released to
everybody but me, a n d Melanson,
I've reaffirmed my faith in you,
Some of my friends t h i n k you're
a hoax
handicaps. O t h e r s think you hinder
the m a t u r a t i o n process. I know
you'll put coal in their stocking's but
how about including t h e following
in mine?
1. I'd like to have you abolish t h e
so very a p p r o p r i a t e adjective if I
wasn't supposed to be a good little
girl i system of examinations. I realize, however, the impossibility of
this so I'll be content with your
withholding of some of t h a t C h r i s t mas cheer you're delivering to t h e
fa illy until the week of J a n u a r y 23.
2. Many of my friends would like
to have you bring the Lion some new
jokes. I'll be satisfied if you just
bring the Lion—jokes; better still,
a smaller Lion, or even better, no
3. Please intercede with
Show and have him reconsider his
refusal to play at Soph Soiree.
4. Concerning our basketball (?i
team—don't give its m e m b e r s anything. J u s t take away their snowshoes.
5. I'm not old fashioned.
I do
appreciate art. I'm not a n old fogy,
nor behind the limes but will you
please put a drape on Minerva?
(i. Hey I I asked you last year
to fix t h a t wobbly railing a t o p the
Commons. How's about it?
Incidentally, do you think you can fix
something up with the a d m i n i s t r a tion lor me? I'm cutting Economics
103 in order lo get Ibis letter oil' to
you on time.
7. There's a n o t h e r little m a t t e r I'd
like lo have you s t r a i g h t e n out.
Please get my name correctly in
next year's directory.
H. Everything I \ e asked for so far
is u n i m p o r t a n t . This last request is
whal 1 really want for C h r i s t m a s : —
Presently yours.
CAROL D I C K E N S , '41.
Futterer to Direct
Elementary Plays
On Tuesday, J a n u a r y 11. at 8:15
o'clock. Elementary Dramatics class
will present three one-act plays.
A farce, "A Cup of Tea," by A. F.
liyerson, and a folk comedy, " T h e
Kelly Kid," by K. Norris and D.
Totherch, and a tragic
"The Shoes
been chosen lor presentation. T h e
plays a r e under the direction of Miss
Agnes Futterer, assistant professor
of English,
T h e casts for these plays are chosen from members of Ihe Elementary
Dramatics class. T h e cast for "A
Cup of T e a " will include Francis
Cassidy and Marilyn Gruff, sophomores, and Catherine S m i t h and
j Louis Pink, juniors. T h e cast chosen
for "The Kelly Kid" is as follows:
Jeiuiitte Evans, Anne R a t t r a y , Beatrice Dower. Lona Powell, William
I Cameron, and J o h n G a r d e p h e , sophomores, and Douglas Rector, '40.
' T h e east for "The Shoes that D a n c ed" will include Douglas Dlllenbeek,
Ernest Case, Miriam Newell, Hyman
Melt/,, Shirley Van Valkenburgh,
Robert Ague, J a n e Himford, Mary
Miller, and Dorothy Johnson, sophomores, and Doris Shultes, '40.
T h e following committee c h a i r m e n
have been appointed to assist In the
production of the plays: lights, William Miller, '41; sets, Hatlle Conklin, '41; props, Douglas Rector, '40;
costumes, Irene Poger, '41; advertising, T h o m a s Vassilliw, '41; house,
J a n e t MacDonald, '41.
Tickets will be on stile after
Christmas vacation, and will be obtainable from any member of Elementary Dramatics class.
VOL. XXIII, N f t S i
Student Council Falls—
But Not A Coup d'Etat
S t u d e n t council topples I Ten
people injured! Yes, it is true.
T h e biggest accident in S t a t e
college's history occurred last
Tuesday night when the S t u d e n t
council cabinet crumpled to the
floor in t h e NHWS office while
some of those fantastic "jitterbugs" were d e m o n s t r a t i n g their
skill with t h e aid of Benny
Goodman's swing music.
Blood a n d gory, emaciated
bodies were strewn over t h e
floor a n d n e a r the doors. Broken
bones, broken spines, bruises and
even scratches were sustained in
the accident. W h e n t h e a m b u lance arrived to take the victims
to the hospital, there was on
h a n d t h e largest a t t e n d a n c e a t
any public function t h a t ever occured at this institution,
B u t folks, don't let us fool
you. T h e cabinet did really
topple over a n d several people
who were leaning on the cabinet
received a few bruises. Anything
can h a p p e n in t h e activities
office these days. So when you
come there for loitering purposes, beware!
Bad luck follows in your footsteps.
1942 to Discuss
State Traditions
M e r r i t t to
F r e s h m a n Commission will hold
ils first meeting of the new year
Thursday, J a n u a r y 5, at, 3:30 o'clock
in the Lounge of Richardson hall.
This meeting, which will lake the
form of a r o u n d - t a b l e discussion, will
be devoted entirely to traditions and
customs of S t a t e college.
T h e Commission advisors have
planned the program to enlighten
the freshmen on questions such a s :
when a n d w h a t is the mascot h u n t ;
what h a p p e n s on Moving-tip day;
how do freshmen know what to do
for b a n n e r h u n t ; just w h a t is there
lo rivalry; and what does the' song
Great Fires s t a n d for? Many other
questions, which are brought up
from the floor, will be discussed.
Paul Merritt, president of the
Commission, will act as c h a i r m a n
of the round table group, which consists of former Dean Anna E. Pierce,
Dr. Edith O. Wallace, assistant professor in Latin, a n d Dr. Minnie B.
Scotland, assistant professor of biology; Betty Hayford will represent Myskanla.
State Students
To Hear Chorus
In 11:10 Assembly
Edge and Cappiello to Head
Drive to Aid Students
in War-Torn China
T h e assembly program today will
be a varied a n d an enjoyable one. F o r
the first time this year, students of
S t a l e college will have t h e opportunity to hear State's combined
choral society, numbering about 120
men and women students.
I n keeping with t h e C h r i s t m a s
spirit season, the chorus will p r e sent a program of carols.
Hoclie Christu.s Natus Est
Noel Nouvelet
T h e March of the T h r e e Kings
T h e Angels and the S h e p h e r d s
Czochoslovakian Folk Carol
In Dulci Jubilo....German Folk Carol
Following t h e rendition of these
carols, the chorus will lead the entire
audience in singing such popular a n d
Christmas songs
Adcste Fideles, H a r k t h e Herald
Angels Sing, Silent Night, O' Little
Town of Bethlehem, We T h r e e
Kings, a n d T h e First Noel.
Collection for Chinese
T h e holiday spirit will be further
brought out in assembly w h e n a
collection is taken up for the relief
of students in w a r - t o r n China, to
enable t h e m to go on with their
education. This project is sponsored
by t h e National S t u d e n t Federation
of America and has t h e approval of
Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of the
college. J o h n Edge, '39, president of
s t u d e n t association, and Joseph C a p piello, '40, are supervising t h e carrying out of the project at S t a t e college.
L a s t year the For Eastern S t u d e n t
Emergency fund raised money for
Chinese student relief. This year,
the International S t u d e n t Service
a n d the National
Christian council, with N.S.F.A., are
trying lo raise $50,000 to aid t h e
thousands of college students who
need money for the m i n i m u m necessities of life, food, clothing a n d shelter, so t h a t they may carry on their
education in the caves and dugouts
which are taking the place of their
destroyed universities.
At ihe beginning of the assembly,
women students will pass out collections boxes lor these Chinese s t u dents. You are asked to contribute
whatever you feel you are able to
give for the support of this work.
"Dawn of a New Day" Message
To Ring Forth New Year's Eve
Next New Year's eve, every city,
town, h a m l e t a n d household will
unite to celebrate the New York
World's Fair of 1930, heralding Ihe
"Dawn of a New Day"—a day of
peace and progress in Ihe lives of
nations and peoples.
Grover A. Wbalen, president of the
New York World's Fair corporation.
Ihe greatest showman in United
States' history, calls for a gigantic
"get-together" of Ihe country thai
will radiate from the brilliant display of lights in Times Square.
It wilt be a coordinated d e m o n s t r a tion, planned to unite ihe millions
of Americans in ihe service ol an
enterprise devoted to ihe advancement of international peace, goodwill, and a better u n d e r s t a n d i n g
among all the peoples of the world,
Ships at sea, American embassies
and colonies abroad will also p a r ticipate In t h e World's Fair parties,
To simplify the m a n a g e m e n t of
the program the a r r a n g e m e n t s will
be handled by forty-eight Fair committees representing every state in
the Union.
Promptly a t midnight, local electric signs, all timed to t h e second,
will flash t h e Fair's "Dawn of a New
Day" message ol the trylons and
perispheres which symbolize the exposition. Al Ihe same time, orchestras anil bands of Ihe nation will
strike up the Fair's theme song,
written by the late George GerSiTwln, al all parlies, clubs, hotels, all
gala with party concepts ol orange
and blue which are ihe Fair colors.
College, university, and alumni organizations will participate in the
gala festivities,
Musicians, artists
and craftsmen will make the New
Year a happy one lor members of
trades and guilds all over Ihe country. Even local ministers and leclurers will sound the "Dawn of a
New Day," tidings of hope ami optimism, in religious ceremonies In
every American community on the
morning of J a n u a r y 1. As a titling
conclusion to this giant spectacle, the
Fair will broadcast its message of
peace and good will toward all men
over a world-encircling network.
Tills "salute" will sustain the theme
of fellowship and hope, of amity
and faitli which, only a few hours
before, h a d welded into one great
vocal unit t h e United S t a t e s of
Established by t h e Class of 1918
T h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e N e w s p a p e r of N e w York S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
P u b l i s h e d every F r i d a y of t h e college year by t h e
N e w s Board r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e S t u d e n t Asociation
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-9373; 0 ' I I o r a , 3-2843; Strong,
2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bilzl, 3-9538
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4 2 0 MADISON A V E .
N E W Y O R K . N . Y.
S T A T E COLLEGE NEWS, D E C E M B E R 16, 19.38
. Associate Managing
Associate Managing
. Associate Managing
Glad Tidings?
A n i l who H I I I I I I NII,V Hint tlii'.v urn not liiipiiii't* in their
vuln lint linoi'l'iil i|ui'sl (luin \viHt»r d u l l e r folk who sit ui
I I O I I I I ' . voiltlll'lllK niitliliiK n o d w i t l i Hour I I I I I K I I S dorlllliiK
the Ni'Oki'i'.s for that I'nliti'il tlinrutlfflifikro—tlint punui'tii'ii Tor
nil t h i ' n f f l l i t l o n s of it h i i i i i d r i i i n w o r l d .
We'd like to write a cheerful editorial
this week. — All about the glad Christmas
season and how the world and we students
will just have a 'peachy' vacation. Somehow, we can't make ourselves do this. Possibly because we feel too strongiy about
some existing situations that seem likely to
explode the peace of the world.
Munich has come and the hope for results are gone. Once again we begin to
doubt Mr. Chamberlain's sanity when he
threw the Czech nation into the dictators'
fangs to demolish. Perhaps, Mr. Chamberlain is trying to right the wrong accomplished by the treaty of Versailles, Perhaps—but to our minds two wrongs never
made a right.
With the war hysteria and fear that
existed then, there is little, perhaps, that
Mr. Chamberlain could have done, but
there exists the feeling in everyone's mind
that he sold a nation down the river. And
with another crisis already arising in
Europe, we wonder what nation will be the
next victim.
And if Hitler moves farther and farther
west, as hi; proposes in ,\/,••/';/ Ktiinpf, there
is little doubt that the two opposites, Russia
and Germany, must meet. And when that
day comes the biggest war in history will
take place. And all Neville's meamlerings
will not stop it.
Then, to us idealists, what is the solution—collective security—that, is a doubtful solution—rail the dictators' bluff—the
situation is now too far avalanched lor
that. We American idealists can only fight
for the peace of our nation—we cannot
allow ourselves to be dragged into (he
muddle that is steadily developing. We
must work lor the freedom of this western
world — freedom from both Communism
and Fascism.
Il is not an easy job we have, but perhaps before another hundred years have
passed, the ideals that this season inspires
shall be wrought. And we who talk feebly,
perhaps our little mouthings will accomplish more than all the silent intellectuals.
And when we buy those German and
Japanese toys, with the proceeds going to
their war chests, remember we are only
fostering that old Christinas spirit—"Peace
on earth, good will toward men." Or are
we 7
' Then Silence is Golden ? '
is given the widest
latitude as author oj this column, though his viewpoints do not necessarily
always reflect those of the
It seems ungrateful, even i m p e r t i n e n t , t h a t we
should criticize Intersorority council after all the r e forms t h a t august a n d admirable body h a s instituted
this year. Yes, indeed, starting out on a pleasant note,
the feminine element on all sides is praising Allah a n d
t h e afore-mentioned council for moving up t h e a n n u a l
r u s h parties from February to last weekend.
T h e a d v a n t a g e s of this reform a r e n u m e r o u s and
a p p a r e n t . I n the first place, the sorority girl a n d the
f r e s h m a n are spared the toil of rush parties a n d
pledge parties, intermingled with final examinations.
I n t h e second place, t h e week between e x a m s a n d t h e
second semester will be a sort of p r e - s p r i n g vacation to
break up the monotonous a n d nerve-wracking stretch
between C h r i s t m a s a n d Easter vacations.
In the third place, girls, think of all t h e Christmas
cards you'll save—or is t h a t unduly catty?
However, our complaint is this, chronologically
s t a t e d : Rush parties were last weekend; at twelve
o'clock on Monday, t h e freshmen had signed on t h e
dotted line; at four-thirty or thereabouts, t h e various
sororities had received the final election returns.
Therefore, why t h e great silence? We concede that
a silent period from t h e last function of rushing weekend up to the four-thirty expose is a fine thing. Last
m i n u t e persuasion a n d frantic rushing m i g h t be a n
undesirable a n d disastrous result of a free a n d easy
policy, but we cannot understand the c o n t i n u a n c e of
t h e deaf and d u m b show on into t h e week.
We might quote O m a r K h a y y a m : " T h e Moving
Finger writes; a n d , having writ, moves on; nor all
your Piety a n d Wit shall lure it back to cancel half a
Line, nor all your T e a r s wosh out a Word of it." After
a freshman h a s t u r n e d in her preference list, t h e
fearful deed is done, n o r can it be easily undone, and
so, we complain, why must h i t h e r - t o close friends pass
silently in t h e halls, with only a knowing glance or a
meaningful "Hello"?
State's Stage
Good Acting
Costumes ?
Well, pushed hard enough, those
Advanced Dramatics lads a n d lassies
will show their mettle.
brought two more plays, both of
t h e m fine—
T h e first, Miss DeCotis' offering,
proved herself a deft h a n d a t creating moods. Her fantasy actually
stayed in t h e realm of fantasy for
its duration.
Miss Donnelly a n d Mr. Walters
had most to do with this, probably.
Theirs were finished performances.
Mr. Walters was a t his best, as he
usually Is in t h a t type of role.
T h e other c h a r a c t e r parts of
Miss Theurer and Miss Clark were
also keyed to the play. T h e latter
was certainly a perfect neighbor.
Mr. Cassidy, of course, had a role
all to himself in t h e second play.
It might have been written for him.
He played it lo t h e hilt. Mr. Fink
was good but he could nave made
more of some of his lines. Mfts
Stewart was a n endearing ' m a m a '
lo perfection. Miss A r n d t was a precocious little fourteen year old, but
we liked her performance.
One thing we did notice in both
plays—you've got to watch technical
details. T h e lights in the first play
worked havoc on Miss Donnelly's
features and weren't at all suited to
the mood. T h e ends of t h e stage
were In total darkness throughout
the second play, in spite of occasional action.
(EGO is given the widest latitude as author of this
though his viewpoints
do not
necessarily always reflect
of the
Incongruity, oh incongruity!
T h a t ' s our thought as wo scan
things athletic this week. T h e
first bit comes as a result of
last week's ill-fated game. I n
the papers' write-up of the fray,
we sure did find out stuff a n d
For instance, the R P I boys,
we are told, 'had the spectators
in stitches' with their antics,
calling t h e State contingent—
"Oh, you Teachers!"—accompanied by a wave of their h a n d kerchiefs—
Wasn't t h a t cute?
They h a d a few more u n c o m plimentary cracks t h a t we'll ignore here. T h e point is, we'd
like to start preparing for t h e
Engineers' trip here right now.
Maybe we can make it warm
enough for them that those
handkerchiefs will be handy as
fans. Maybe we can lick them
so badly they'll never recover.
Maybe—but why talk of m a y be's?
E G O is wholeheartedly
behind any move for more school
spirit, and while we don't condone revenge as policy, we think
we're mad enough to make a n
exception this time.
Incongruity number two! W h a t
on earth has a clipping dealing
with fraternities doing on t h e
M.A.A. bulletin
thought that was to be used for
M.A.A. and Press Bureau a n nouncements.—if we're wrong,
correct us!
About the only place for a
clipping of t h a t nature, would be
in our news columns—cither as
a digest or a feature.
choose lo believe t h a t the clipping was posled by mistake—if
not, then we suggest t h a t t h e
subtle propagandist responsible
please refrain from cluttering
needed space with his a n n o u n c e ments in the future.
Props, too, have been neglected.
To get clown to ihe bare truth, those
stage furnishings we saw Tuesday
looked like something t h a t had been
thrown together a few hours before
the performance.
It's gelling so bad t h a t you don't
even bother changing furniture. We
Of course t h a t t h e r e is always the possibility t h a t get t h e same t h i c k - a r m e d antiques
poor sport sororities might a t t e m p t to c h a n g e the other —week after week.
You've got to be careful.
sororities' pledges' minds before pledge service on Wednesday evening. I t m i g h t be suggested: why wait for talented acting, a n d t h e plays could
have been lost—and merely because
Wednesday evening for this service? W h y not con- of leclmical deficiency. Let's have a
duct it on Monday evening, and thus have a silent little time and care spent on this
period of only one day? It seems t h a t a system such b e h i n d - t h e - e u r t a i n , little-publicized
part of stage production.
as this would eliminate all the petty bickering t h a t
iN.B. And at t h a t we think we're
goes on a m o n g t h e Greeks at this time. Under this
being nice, by just not mentioning
system events could be wound up on Monday, the costumes! i
Well, here we are. back again after
a gamboling (including Ihe pledgefreshman women would be safe in the sorority fold,
We've got acting a n d m a k e - u p
pins i weekend. Much news of Ihe
a n d everybody would be happy. Here is a sound idea talent, so get. in there a n d develop
Weekend is included on other pages
the rest of your techniques,
girls. Why not think it over?
of the paper.
Chi Sigma Theta conducted a buffel supper and Christmas parly for
its members and honorary faculty
members. Four new facility m e m bers were pledged. They were: Miss
Marion Clancy, Miss C a t h e r i n e E.
Wheeling, .supervisor of English in
Beyond Dark Hills by Jesse .Stuart, K. P. Out ton and
Milne high school, William Clark,
Co.. Inc., New York, 193H, 399 pages, $3.7f>
S t a t e college alumni will conduct instructor in English and Wallace
Its a n n u a l banquet in the Chamber Taylor, supervisor ol .social studies
it)u sale in Ihe co-op)
Here is the autobiography of a m o u n t a i n port, born of Commerce building, Syracuse, in Milne high school
and raised in the hills and whose poetry springs from New York, on Wednesday evening,
Sigma Alpha entertained Elizabeth
these hills. His lite is typical ol a mountaineer's - t h e December LiB, al (1:15 o'clock.
Driseoll. '33, Mary Sweeney. "17 and
country school t h e tobacco crop the h u n t i n g . ProbThis banquet is conducted in con- Linwilla Saver, '311, Weekending il,
ably this author is as honest and as e a r t h y us any nection with the associated academic al Alpha Kito were Esther Iligby. '33,
of the modern American writers.
is Mary Curr, formerly ••1(1, and Maxlne
A person of t h e outdoors, sensitive to all its c h a r m liven in Syracuse on December 2" Robinson I,iinn. ','tti
and feeling, its poetry, S t u a r t passes his childhood in and 1>K.
Psi l,annua recently pinned a
a life ot hard wink a n d with no .sophisticated pleasures.
T h e members of I he S l a t e college pledge pin on Florence PrzyunrowHis rural schooling is ol the old red schoolhouse type facility ami al! men are invited to skil, '-ID T h e following alums were
and sensitive lad that he is, he appreciates all the attend. Those interested in a t t e n d - hack Slella Sumps, n. Florence Nelpoints, line a n d crude, nl such a training.
ing should .-end their reservations lo buch. I.izelte Parshall, 'HHcrs, J a n e
He makes you feel the lack of necessities that his G. LaVerne Cart', lied Hook, New Miller J a n e Andrews. Marjorie C a r family and all oilier families of that area suffered York, not later than December 31 negie, and Helen Murphy all el the
m schooling, in housing, in clothing, a n d food,
class of '37
Lite was not hi be treated lightly and slid this did
!'( Alpha Tail Initiated S a r a h
not create a shell about Jesse S t u a r t , lie appreciates
Horowitz, 'II, recently. T h e welthe natural things a n d feel.', the pulse, a n d beauty ol conference, there will be u Place- i e aiie sign luis been hung tan recenthis wilderness. Mr also see,', the tumble down homes, meni Director's meeting at Syracuse ly for Ida Mllslein and G e r t r u d e
and the eoalpil ami t h e disease and the starvation, but (Hi December 37. This meeting will Hoffman Cohen, '3D, Margaret J a discuss ihe supply and demand ol
then he is a realist too, and tell.-, of these
cobs Held and Ada Bet'kowilz 1 uric,
Ills lite was a b o \ e average lor these persons because
'•">. Belly Jacob;, Silverman and Lee
C o l l e g e s I l o i n nil p a r t s ol
lie fought to gel himsell a high school a n d college eduCuller!. "tiers. Matlulde Centner. ':U
In college he gained Weight but only because York Mat,- will m i , nd Including s y - Until Katz Pliieiiian '35 J e a n n e
lie drunk MI much water to keep his sloiimeh lull laettse and Columbia universities, Jacobs. '37, and Florence l.elllang
He gained his d e g r e e , and taught in his old home town Paul lilllger. secretary ol [|)e Ap- •Jit,
Later, he was counts superintendent lor Ins old school pointmeiil bureau, will be the repieHush weekend Visitors al AKl'lu
He found graft r a m p a n t and the schools that were selilallYe of Slate college.
were Mrs Cuplun, Mrs Marx, and
open ottering little cultural udwintuges. On a n inMr llulger announi s the dales of Mrs Haiimau. honorary members,
ndei|uate salary a n d with a completely undersized bud- meetings for the Appointment buUntil l.ober '28, Martini Holniek
get he reorganized the system to an efficient peak.
reau committees: committee on In- Plot nick, '37, and Muriel Goldberg,
T h a n , his stories and poems are accepted by m a g a - ten-lews and Applications will meet Until Frost, tioidie Weininuib. Ruth
zines, and a publishing company plans to issue a col- on J a n u a r y 3, at 3:30 o'clock; com- Cohen. Rose Herkowit/, ami Sylvia
lection of his poems. Alter this Jesse r e t u r n s lo live mittee on Letters of Inquiry and Ap- Mulls, all of year's class
lit his hills, freer t h a n his family has ever been before. plication will meet on J a n u a r y -1. at
We'll finish up with the Beta Zetn
We believe t h a t Mr. Hluarl Is probably t h e top 3:30 o'clock; a n d committee on
news. Betty llecrall. '40, was reshort story a u t h o r in America today and by all m e a n s Ethics will meet on J a m i e ry ii, al
ei'litly made a pledgling of B/,
the most nulunil poet and should broac .'ii enough to 3:30 o'clock. All meetings will take
Hush-Weekending it was Minn linggo on to became one of the greatest of all American place in room 121 B, the Appointers, '3(i, and Huniunu VunWle '31!
men of letters speaking with his voice from t h e hills, ment bureau office.
has also visited at BZ of late
Book of the Week:
A Mountain Poet
R.P.I. Freshmen
Edge Out State
In Close Contest
Winter Seezon
Scott F e a t u r e s i n S c o r i n g
Amyot—senior. This is George's
as Yearlings S u c c u m b
Dcre m o m :
f o u r t h year of basketball . . . Made
to Trojan Rally
frosh squad In his first year and
varsity in his second . . . Half-coach
of last year's frosh squad . . . S t a r t e d
basketball in Cohoes high school
w i t h two years of jayvee work a n d
o n e year with t h e varsity a t forward . . . Other high school sports
included cross country a n d track,
"Bill's" second
y e a r of varsity ball . . . Made frosh
s q u a d . . . plays held on Slate's varsity baseball nine. . . Goes in for
boxing . . .
Danielwicz—junior. " W a l l " played frosh ball his first year . . . Made
varsity his second . . . F e a t u r e s at
s h o r t on t h e diamond . . . Varsity
forward for Pierson high school . . .
Also jayvees . . . Other high school
sports—baseball, soccer, tennis.
E l l e r i n - s o p h o m o r e . "Arnie's" first
year with the varsity .
. Played
varsity forward and guard for Mlddletown high school . . . Other high
school sports- -baseball.
"Bill's" second
year with the varsity . . . Played
frosh ball . . . Starred in varsity tennis competition since his first year
a t S t a t e . . . Varsity basketball at
Cohoes high school at forward . . .
C a p t a i n e d the tennis squad . . ,
Played end a l football.
Hersh, T e a m Captain
"Duke" was Ihe
only m a n on State's present squad lo
in his
year . . . C a p t a i n of t h e '38-'39
quintet . . . coaches frosh squad . . .
g u a r d for the Peekskill high school
varsity a n d jayvees . . . G a t h e r e d
two more letters at football a n d
Htll'd— senior. Frosh and varsityball . . . Merrill couches Ihe Milne
high "five" . . . Plays field on the
diamond . . three years of varsity
ball with Pulaski high school a t
guard . , . Made his high school
letters total four by participating in
football, baseball and cress country.
This is F r a n k ' s
first year of varsity ball . . . Played
i n t r a m u r a l ball a l Slate and at Bay
S h o r e high school.
Lehman—s e n l o r .
s t a r r e d on the frosh squad of '3T>-':i()
a l center . . pitching prowess gave
him great share of work in last
year's baseball campaign , . . At
Worcester high school helped win
four championships for the Alma
M a t e r with the Trl-Valley league . . .
Also took in cross country and four
years of baseball.
MeCreury- -sophomore. Hoy played
frosh ball inst year . . . Places on the
baseball squad at the sending end ol
the batteries . . . Played i n t r a m u r a l
basketball for Spring Valley high
school . . Also worked at football
a n d track.
Suddlemlre sophomore. "Gerry's"
first year on the varsity . . Played
frosh ball last year . . . Had one
year at the forward berth tor Draper
high school in Schenectady . . Also
doled on tennis
Simmons junior " W a i f
for HulTitlgtiil) m his first year al
Did well al center lor
lasl yeui s varsity
. One ol Milne
II S 's mainstays at center lor two
yeai 's
Also gathered in varsity
tennis tin two y ears as number Iwo
Played Intriiinuriil tenuis
T h e R.P.I, freshmen tripped the
S l a t e frosh on t h e neyv R.P.I, gym
lasl Saturday night by a score of
24-22. Playing t h e best ball thus far
this season t h e S t a t e m e n h a d t h e
spectators in a frenzy t h r o u g h o u t die
contest. Time really defeated them.
This was a g a m e marked by a fine
and b e a u t i f u l
handling and passwork. As for the
defense of the S t a t e frosh, it was
a trifle confused in shifting from a
zone defense lo a m a n for m a n . F u r thermore, mental lapses in defensive
play brought about their downfall.
Leading by four points with only
two minutes left lo play. S t a t e paved
its own way to defeat by foiling to
stall properly. Instead of moving the
ball continually a n d thus keeping it
away from R.P.I., t h e boys stood still
and lost if. R.P.I, took a d v a n t a g e
of this bogging down and surged on
to triumph.
Lehman nearly evened t h e score
when one of his long shots rolled
and looped around the basket, a n d
finally popped out as t h e gun ended
the game.
Despite t h e lapses and carelessness
i n the p a r t of t h e team at times, t h e
game was fast, exciting, well-played,
and extremely hard-fought.
The highlights of t h e fracas were
by Virgil Scott, who
totaled one third of the team's
State to Tackle
Hamilton Tonight
This afternoon the S t a l e varsity
and frosh teams take to t h e road
and journey to Clinton where they
will meet Hamilton college in provocation contests.
No information is available concerning t h e Hamillon team but they
have put on a very strong team in
past years. Rumor h a s it t h a t this
year's squad is as strong as usual.
Last night, the S t a l e Owls opened
their home season in intercollegiate
competition by meeting the strong
Brooklyn Poly five in I lie first game
of Brooklyn upstate trip.
Up to this lime Brooklyn Poly had
won all three of its games, defeating
its Alumni, Queens college, and
Newark Engineers. Led by their high
scoring captain, Rabbit. Rabinoir,
they rolled up, large scores in all
three games, while their light defense shilling from zone lo m a n for
man, has kept their opponents well
in cheek.
Last year, Brooklyn Poly defeated
the Statesmen 39-35 in a tight game,
undecided until Ihe final whistle.
Faculty Members
iday Trips
Several members ol our faculty
will spend their holiday away from
Three of these members
plan strictly pleasure trips while two
others will combine business With
ami MillhaM
llr Mill, n li Nelson dean ol Ihe
TOITOU; ' 1 inoi
bolstered college will leine at 1(1:0(1 o'clock
Uu' Iriisli h -u" ui hi-, hi si \ ear
lonlght lor Hisean Park where he
Ucl 111 ned in basketball lasl year lot will board ihe Pun-American clip(In' \ iii'stl'.
ha-, li .11111 ill as one pei lor Nassau. B a h a m a s Islands Al
ol Slate's pair ol "tumbling Hills" Nassau I >r Nelson will loin Mis.
1 add Ilopke' Mliee hi-s li'eshman Nelson who is spending six weeks in
A: New burgh Free Acad- tin Bahamas
1 )r J o h n M Navies, director ol
', i raining w ill journey to Texas. He
T u l l l e 11111101
"Harney' played : will visit ihe University ol Texas
I and I raining schools in Corpus
frosh ball
Skippi d a \ ear
Sun Antonio, and other
became vursll.y malei lal lasl year
Willi New Hartford's jayvees three ell les 111 I h e l.olle S t a r . S l a t e .
Ill Caroline Croasdale. professor
yeui s
also play ed bin eba II
Walko senior "Mike" has played ot hygiene w ill al lend a conference
varsity ball two years
played ol ihe College Health association to
frosh ball
Was the other hall be conducted in New York city on
ol Ihe Irtish coach duo lasl y ear . . December 2D
Miss Agnes Fulierer. assistant proPlayed with the Cohoes high school
Jayvees for three years
Heaved lessor of English, will visit her
the shot put and discus lor the brother in Toronto, C a n a d a . .Miss
Murthu P r i i e h a i d , professor ol litrack team . . played football.
And that, gang, is what Ihe var- briunship. is to spend her vacation
in California,
sity squad is made of
-B. C-
clew i hafta cum home fer crismuss? jes think of awl t h e mune
id sav if 1 dint! ! a n besidz, wot
t h a hek is ther lo dew home ennyway? heres t h e way i l'iggered it
awl out. if 1 s t a in awlbanee over
vacashun iill sav m u n n e e id hafta
spend fer carfair as i sed befor.
and then i rud fix it up with t h a
Janiter la let me sneke inta the
gim an praclis basketbawl so . n a t
wen evrybuddy kums bak after vacashun 1 kin sapriz cm by bein
so gud at baskilbawl t h a t thayll
put me on the best teme. a n then
1 kin go la the publik b a t h a n p r a c lis swimmin so mabe 1 kin get in
t h a swimmin mele if thay hav one.
a n then i'kud go over to t h a boling
alleez an try ta get a littul better
a l il. (honiss. mom. i try so hard
ta gel a gud skore boling a n i never
kin gel any belter t h a n thirtee three,
sumliines i donf even get t h a t much,
gee, its awful dlscuragin. i think
thay alwecz shuv me off on a
Ki-ookid alloc jes to be shur i wont
sho em up by gettin a bigger skore
t h a n thay deyv!) ennyway i think ill
be a lot better olT if i sta here an
get ayvl sel fer a lotla alhaletics
fer the rest of t h e winter seezon
and the rest of t h a yere. im gonna
sho Ihccz peepul around here t h a t
im jes as gud in alhaletics as ennybuddy els.
ill see ya a t eeslcr,
yure hiving doter,
p. s. hey. mom, sapose it snos over
vakashun? i h a v n t got enny skates
or skeez or stuff a n il wudnt be
enny fun without em. watll 1 deyv?
pssst: mom, dya think mabe i kud
get sum skeez a n d skates and mabe
snoshus fer krismuss? it wild be swell
if 1 kud. lemme kno rite awa. i
gess ill kum horn after awl, if i
kin hav em as a krissmuss presnil.
gee. mery krismuss m o m ! ! ! !
W.A.A. to Attend
Basketball Day
Allen. '3D, president of
W.A.A., announced that Skidmore
has Invited Russell Sage and State
college to a basketball pla.vda.v lo
be conducted on S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y
7, 1(13!) at Skidmore in Saratoga.
This pla.vda.v will be similar lo the
hockey meet of lasl fall Bill instead
of Inuring ihe command "keep your
stick on the ground!", players will
he told lo "follow that shot!"
The meet at Skidmore will offer
a good opportunity lor our basketball players to observe new points
of playing and may provide new
ideas for Ihe S t a t e basKetbulI courts
The number of girls to represent
s t a t e in the basketball meet has
not yet been decided upon, However, about twelve girls, lo be chosen
from ihe cream of this year's crop
ol basketball players will be senl
lo Skidmore lor ihe playday Color
tcuius selected from the represent u l h e s of three colleges will play
against each oilier
An honorary
team w ill be elm; en on the basis ol
the showing made in these color
Alter ihe games hu\ e been played
oil', all the play er w 111 lie elilerlailled
at a lea al which ret I'esluilcllls will
he served T h e lea is scheduled for
Salillday allernoun and will lake
l he place ot a supper. T h e pluydoy
w ill conic lo an end a l t e r ihe tea
In ihe meantime, nilerelass games
are still going on. What could well
be called the battle of the century
was staged Wednesday night when
ihe soph-junior til was played off,
Hi- 1-1 ill favor of t h e sophs. T h e
frosh and the seniors also enjoyed u
last game of bull, which ended in
favor of the freshmen with a score
of in-12 T h e sophs a n d frosh will
Page 3
State Five Opens Season
With Loss to Engineers
R.P.I.-State Box S core
. ..
•1 >
>> R.P.I. Clicks in Last Half
to Swamp State Five
to Tune of 29-22
Poor Passwork in Addition
to Wild Shooting Aids
in Owl's Defeat
College House Five
Defeats Commuters
College house defeated the C o m muters in their i n t r a m u r a l basketball g a m e in Page hall gymnasium
Tuesday night by a score of 33-13.
T h e Potter club-Kappa Beta game,
originally scheduled as the second
half of a double-header, was postponed in deference lo t h e Advanced
D r a m a t i c s play.
College house appeared with a
height, a n d deception. I n contrast,
the Commuters were somewhat disorganized and could not seem to g e t
J o h n Edge chalked up seven field
goals a n d two fouls for a total of sixteen points, a neyv high for t h e season. However, Lyle Lawton seemed
lo be t h e keystone of the team, setting up numerous plays a n d baskets,
In addition, he managed to net nine
points for himself.
For t h e Commuters, Patsy T u r i n o
was t h e only one who seemed to have
his shooting eye. He dropped in t e n
points to g a t h e r in almost all of
iiis team's laurels.
T h e next scheduled game will not
be played until after New Year's
when College house will meel Avalon-Spencer oncl t h e Albanions will
engage SLS, on J a n u a r y 3.
Grad Bowlers Lead
In Intramural Race
With a victory over Potler club
Monday afternoon, the Grad bowlers
lightened (heir grip on first place
in the I n t r a m u r a l loop, while College house in bowing to Sigma
Lambda Sigma sank deeper in
the other extreme. T h e Extras won
over the Commuters in the only
ther scheduled lilt.
Norm DcNeef, director ol bowling,
announces that Ken Holmes, '39, a n d
Jimmy allien, '-12. hold top honors
in the league for individual averages.
Fencing and boxing, brought to a
hall recently because of the inability lo secure the gym, have l e e c h e d
new impetus, in the form of the
dean's permission to use the Commons lor their activities
Home basketball funs are promised something new in e n t e r t a i n m e n t
by Bill Ilopke who is planning to
present between the halves programs
ol tumbling and aerobatics as soon
as his charges have been placed in
eondll ion Ilopke further urges that
more men lom the meager turnout
already in training
by Joe Boslcy
T h e S t a t e varsity squad dropped
its first intercollegiate game to
Rensselaer Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e last
S a t u r d a y night by a score of 29-22.
Dropped is the proper word too, b e cause they let It slip as if it were a
r e d - h o t iron. They were defeated
by a team t h a t couldn't hold its own
In a fast game of holly-golly.
Stale's passwork was terrible but
their shots were worse. Things got
so bad t h a t spectators began to
duck when R.P.I, lost t h e ball. There
was no teamwork whatsoever shown
by our quintet; they j u s t threw t h e
ball in t h e general direction of a
yellow jersey.
T h e boys did have some tough
luck with their shots.
Many of
t h e m rolled around the hoop and
just dribbled back to t h e playing
court but too many a t t e m p t s were
missed by a city block. Some of t h e
lads didn't know enough to stop
throwing when they weren't coming
S l a t e had a 12-8 lead a t the half,
only because the T r o j a n s were a
little worse a t everything. However,
at t h e start of the third quarter
R.P.I, began to work more smoothly
and shot into t h e lead. Their t e a m ,
work clicked sufficiently to pass a
demoralized squad.
Ludke, who
amassed eight points for t h e winners,
led t h e attack against t h e State lads.
Fazioli, captain of t h e R.P.I, outfit,
saw very little action in t h e game.
T h e starting lineup for State was
composed of Simmons, Hersh, F r a menl, L e h m a n a n d Ellerin.
five h a d enough fight b u t couldn't
seem to do a n y t h i n g right. Captain
Hersh played a beautiful defensive
game but offensively he was way off.
Ellerin played the finest game of any
of the Slate men. He fought plenty
h a r d a n d passed nicely in a n a t tempt to get the offense started. But
the offense never did get started.
T h e pay-off came mid-way in t h e
third quarter. "Elmer Layden" H a t field threw in his second squad "en
mess" to stem the T r o j a n tide. It
was t h e poorest bit of substituting
we have ever seen; fifteen year old
Joe Jones from Podunk Center could
have done better. Any of the five
or ten men t h a t played t h e second
half could have gone well with four
of Ihe regulars but all together they
didn'l have a chance. They were too
small lo get the ball a n d too nervous
to do anything about it when they
did get it. They did well by slipping
only a few points behind t h e R.P.I.'s
but that didn't win the ball game.
During the lust few minutes, some of
the Slate rooters were on the point
of asking Coach for a game, while
G r a n t e d , the starling five didn't play
basketball but there was always the
chance that they would snap out of
their lethargy. It's one thing to fight
lor a gaiiie against odds, but it's a
horse of a different color to throw It
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Page 4
SLS Serenades Faculty
Will Move Mailboxes
Louis Jones Consents
Sororities Receive
Last Wednesday evening, members
To Coach '42 Debaters of Sigma Lambda Sigma and their
Opposite Locker Room
guests entertained members of the
Ninety New Pledges Hear ye, hear ye! You can go
by Leonard Friedlander
faculty at the latters' homes in the
(Continued from page 1, column II
Howard, Jane Jarrard, Gladys Klug,
Jane Lamar, Jean Lown, Mildred
Maasch, Ruth Nlesen, Alice Packer
and Marlon Vanderpoel.
Beta Zeta: Dorothea Mclsaac and
Elizabeth Pedley.
PI Alpha Tau: Goldy Clopman,
Ruth Freeman, Beatrice Ginsburg,
Arline Greenfield, Eleanor Harris,
Estelle Nathanson, Elinor Schlesinger and Pearl Starr.
Phi Delta: Dorothy Dougherty,
Elizabeth Gilmore, Feme Grenier,
Mary Elizabeth Horn, Helen Jackson, Bernice Olcott and Ruth Wiggins.
Alpha Rho: Anne Rapacz and Virginia Thomas.
Sigma Alpha: Agnes Bennett,
Mary Dunning, Doris French and
Lorraine Patterson.
to the recovery room after getting your mail if you want to,
but you won't have to be t^ere,
or in the vicinity. According to
the latest, most authentic report,
the student mailboxes will not
be moved to the first floor or
Husted hall, as previously
planned and stated. Due to unfavorable student opinion, the
actors of Campus Commission
and Myskania, it was decided
that the mailboxes should remain close to familiar haunts.
When you come back from
your Christmas vacation, you'll
find the mailboxes moved, but
not far away. No indeed, they're
going to be placed in the corridors on either side of the middle staircases coming down
from the Rotunda of Draper
hall, opposite the girls' locker
rooms. This will relieve the congestion, and at the same time
please unhappy students.
Results of the try-outs for the
freshman debate squad held on
Wednesday, December 7, have been
announced. Those who succeeded
in making the team are: Thomas
Augustine, Dorothea Devins, Fred
Ferris, Ira Hirsch, Edward Holstein,
David Kreher, Selma Leis, Dorothea
Mclsaac, Harry Passow, Jeanette
Ryerson, Lothar Schultze, Ralph J.
Tibbetts, Eivion Williams.
Four of the freshman debaters
will represent the freshman class in
the rivalry debate in assembly on
Friday, January 6. They are: Augustine, Passow, Miss Ryerson, and
Devins. Mr. Louis Jones, instructor
of English, will coach them.
vicinity, as well as the various
fraternities and sororities with a
carol program rendered in front of
each house. The carrollers were
directed by Jack Gardephe, '41. Illumination by candlelight added to
"Ye Olde Yuletide Spirit."
' 4 0 Elects K l u g e to M.A.A.
Frank Kluge, '40, has been elected
representative to M.A.A. from the
junior class, according to Rita Sullivan, class president.
Christmas Tree in Rotunda
The Christmas tree in the Rotunda of Draper hall has been given
to the student body by the Interfraternity council. The decorations
and labor that went into the trimming of the Christmas tree were
furnished by the members of the
Student council. It is traditional that
State have a tree in the rotunda at
Christmas time.
Geo. D. Jconey, Prop
Dial 5-1913
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