Document 14063944

Page 4
Red Cross Campaign
Annual Formal Hen Players Revive
Nets $135 This Year
Old Temperance Play
To Be Tomorrow
(Continued from page 1, column S)
and Paul Orattan, '41; Doris Dygert and Robert Patton, '41; Barbara
Ferree and Karl Keppler, Union;
Mary Grace Leggett and Alfred
Parker, '40; Madeline Hunt and
Thomas Laverne, '39.
Lois Olenar and Bud Newell,
R.P.I.; Virginia Davis and Albert
Doxsey, R.P.I.; Maria Tripp and
Matthew Oadziala, '41; Roberta Wilhelm and Raymond Grigor, Wilkes
Barre, Pa.; Victoria Woiciek and Edmond Kokalas, Johnson City; Alene
Cromle and John Arthur, R.P.I.;
Florence Halsey and Edwin Scholz,
R.P.I.; Dorothy Johnson and Eugene
Halsey, R.P.I.; Frances Riani and
Warren Stone, Pharmacy.
Freshmen: Pauline Bronstein and
Leonard Kowalsky, '40; Frances
Shapley and Robert Murphy, Union.
(Continued from page 1, column V
still more numerous tears, three
foul murders, and three gloriously
staged fights will be provided.
The play will be presented in three
acts and eleven scenes with a ten
minute intermission between acts II
and III, The original manuscript
will be in no way abridged and as a
result, the uplifting revival is expected to require at least two hours.
All the feminine parts will be portrayer by males but it is not believed
that this will mar the performances.
Last week's three-day campaign
for the sale of Red Grots buttons
proved a most successful one. A
total sum of $135.91 was netted,
showing an increase over last year's
collection of $125.00.
Marion Rockefeller, "39, chairman
of the campaign, wishes to thank
all those participating in the drive.
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Initiation to Follow
Chemistry Club Dinner
On Tuesday the Chemistry club
will have its annual banquet in the
college oaf eteria. This banquet will be
followed by the formal initiation of
six freshmen and thirty-five upperclassmen. All members and candidate must sign up for the banquet on
the Chem club bulletin board before
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-VOL.'XXIII, No. 10
to Have Greeks to Rush Freshmen
State to Clash with R. P. I. Sororities
Yule Festivities
During Weekend Program
In Annual Court Battle
Last Year's Games Reveal
Trojan Team Easy Prey
to Owl Quintet
Freshman Quintet to Meet
with Trojan Yearlings
in Preliminaries
Tomorrow night a rivalry that began way back in 1916 will come to
a head again when Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy sends its
varsity squad against State on the
Engineer's new court.
The court rivalry between State
and R.P.I, did not run steadily
through the years for there was a
long break in basketball relations
between 1921 and 1935. However, It
runs just as strongly and deeply.
Separated by a mere few miles,
State and R.P.I, men have been at
dagger points over everything from
basketball to sorority dates.
Last year the squads met in two
bitter struggles. In the first, the
Engineers caught State on a hot
evening and succumbed to the tune
of 30-28. R.P.I, came to State for
the second encounter confident of
victory, because State had lost five
straight games. However, our squad
had a tremendous reversal of form
and swept the Trojans from the
court with a terrific barrage of
points that netted a total of fiftyseven counts to twenty-eight for
U.P.I. Loses Veterans
Prom the outfit that dropped two
to our lads last year, Ward and
Ahlefeld have been taken by graduation. These two men will be sorely missed, but Coach Ed Donald has
six lettermen returning to form the
nucleus of this year's squad. Includefl among these players is Chris
Fassioli, a .speedy and reliable man
who will lead the Engineers on the
court. Fa/.ioli was a thorn in Slate's
side last year and is Lhe man to
watch tomorrow. Ludke, Preston,
Scholz, Henry, and Lomas complete
the list of Troy vets. The rest of
the squad will bo composed of Carman, Coleman, Knuobel, Lomas,
Mueller, Nadler, Nugent, Wicko,
Winkler, and Zirkuly. Seven of these
stalwarts have reached the six-loot
mark so that the squad will have
plenty of altitude. Coach Donalu
isn't making any predictions utter
lust year's trouncings hut he feels
that his .squad is strong and will
give stale a healthy struggle,
Slate Loses One Mini
To oil'set the Engineers, Couch
Hatfield has a squad weakened by
the loss of but one man from last
year's learn. The boys also have
the advantage of the experience
gained from last week's Alumni
game. The men who finished that
game will probably take the lloor to
(Continued mi page :l, column ,ii
Debaters to Convene
At Saratoga Parley
Debaters from three vicinity colleges will convene on Wcdnesduy
night til H:()() o'clock at Saratoga
Springs to discuss "pump priming,"
The meeting Is to be conducted at
Skidmore college and representatives
from Klule, Union, and Skidmore
colleges will attend.
The discussion is to center around
the resolution: "Resolved, that the
federal government should cease to
use public funds for the purpose of
stliiiuliiilng business."
professors from each of lhe colleges
will lecture on the subject and then
be subjected to periods of informal
questioning by the members of the
various debute squads which are to
attend. Representing State college at
tills forum will bo Mr. Adam A.
Walker, professor of economics and
Duke Hersh, '39, captain of basketball, who will lead State's Owls in
tonight's traditional encounter with
Advanced Dramatics
Will Present Plays
DeCotis and Walsh to Direct
Fantasy, English Comedy
Advanced dramatics will present
the last in this year's series of plays
Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock in
Page hall auditorium.
The first play is to be a fantasy
directed by Rose DeCotis, '40. The
cast of characters includes: Ray
Walters, '39, Betty Clark, Ruth Donnelly, and Lorraine Thcurer, juniors.
Committees for Miss DeCotis' play
are as follows: props and sets, Joseph Wells, '39: make-up and costumes, Marcia Brown, advertising,
Eleanor Groll, house, Mary Koonz,
The second presentation is an
English war comedy. It will be directed by Theresa Walsh, '40. The
Mary Arndt, Louis Pink, and Ruby
Stewart, juniors, and Prank Cassidy, '41.
The following will assist Miss
Walsh In the production of her play:
advertising, Rita Benedict, '39; sets,
I,mils Prancello, costumes. Eleanor
Groll and Jane Wilson, and house,
Rita Sullivan, juniors.
State Women Plan Parties;
Will H a v e Late Hours
for Celebration
Thursday evening, December 15,
will be a gala one when the sororities and women's group houses of
State college have their annual parties in celebration of the coming
Christmas holiday. In keeping with
the holiday mood, all girls can go to
the different house parties until
2:00 o'clock. However, all men are
to leave the group houses at 12:00
The various sororities and group
houses have completed all plans for
the parties. The committees for
the affairs are:
Psi Gamma: general chairmen,
Jeannette Evans and Virginia McDermott, sophomores.
Phi Lambda: entertainment, Mildred Labrum, '40, and Mildred
Leach, '39; refreshments, Betty
Hardie, '40, and Betty Hulka, '39;
clean-up, Mabel Parrell, and Jeannette Lawson, seniors.
Kappa Delta: general chairman,
Norma Wells, '40; food, Ellen Best,
'40; arrangements, Mary Grace Leggett, '41, Vic, Helen Dunning, '39.
Pi Alpha Tau: general chairman,
Eve Bialeck, '40; food, Cecile Pockross, '40; entertainment, Beatrice
Koblenz, '39; music, Anne Kalichman, '39; clean-up, Sylvia Greenblatt, '41.
Sigma Alpha: general chairmen,
Madeline Block, '40, and Marion
Ayotte, '41; decorations, Marie
Southard, '41; refreshments, Betty
Bunco and Mary Pasko, juniors;
clean-up, Helen Pitman, Florence
Reddish, and Adeline Kadgis, sophomores.
Beta Zeta: food (for vie party),
Betty Sherwood, '39, and Betty Becraft, '40; food (for sorority party
following), Miss Sherwood, and
Shirley Myers, '41; decorations,
Shirley Myers and Dorothy Mix,
Alpha Rho: decorations, Agusta
Shumann, '39; refreshments, Philomena lannottl, '40; entertainment,
Katrine Rayes, '41; and Leah Mokcel,
'39; clmperones, Kay O'Brien, '39.
Phi Delta: general chairman,
Helen Lowry, '39; entertainment,
Harriet Davis, '41; music, Bernice
Lamberton '39; refreshments, Alma
Smith, '40.
Gamma Kappa Phi: faculty presents, Joyce Maycock and Muriel
Barry, seniors. A buffet supper will
take the place of a regular party.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: general chairman, Henrietta Grid, '41; entertainment, Henrietta Halbrlech, '39; refreshments, Lillian Rivkind, '40.
Chi Sigma Theln: general chairman, Eleanor McGreevy, '39; ari Con tinned on page- >/, column i/i
Marriage Discussion Meetings
Entertain, Educate Students
Look out below I! An avalanchc*have proved startling, to say the
Is hilling State collogel For the least. What do you Ihink of the
past month, Marriage commission ol determined young lady who swore
S.CA. has been sponsoring a series she'd never marry u man who didn't
of discussions In lhe Lounge of Rich- play good bridge? Or the sweet,
ardson hall. What? Don't tell us blushing damsel who asserted that
you've been missing thetnl Don't tell .such arguing and analyzing spoiled
us thin you, I'ulure mommas and all ihe beauty of love? Especially
poppas of tomorrow's generation, appreciated was a certain manhave been passing up this colossal aboul-town's candid opinion thai In
mognlflceut opportunity to further this day and ugo he believed that
your education I
kissing u girl goodnight has come
These parleys, sometimes lulling in be considered no more unusual
the form of faculty-supervised dis- I linn .shaking hands. Wow—what
cussions or boiler yet, student bull fun he must have In a receiving
sessions, have certainly never fulled line I
to uroiise the interest and enthusiMarriage commission has proved an
asm of everyone lucky enough to be extremely entertaining us well as
present. Tho questions settled, or educational feature of s.C.A.'s curut least thoroughly debated upon ut ricula. Just ihink of ull the valuthe meetings, have been on such able Information our lads and
intriguing subjeots as how to choose lassies are storing up, ull the estabyour better half, lhe career woman lished Ideas that are being blasted,
vs, lhe homebody, lhe best com- and all the lives whose very courses
parative ages for boy and girl, the may be Ihus changed I Come to the
advantages and disadvantages of next meeting and see for yourselves,
"going steady," the harm petting can youse guys and gals who signed up
or can't do—need We go on?
for the commission on activities day
In the heat of some of the ar- and still haven't trucked on down
guments, several opinions unearthed [to the Lounge.
Sororities Will Inaugurate
Student Body To Hear
New Rushing Period
Rabbi Bernstein Today
Beginning Tonight
Today's assembly will feature
Rabbi Philip Bernstein, pastor
of the Temple B'rith Kodesh
in Rochester. He will speak to
the student body on the implications of peace for the student of
Rabbi Bernstein is quite an
authority on current affairs and
is very prominent in Jewish circles in Rochester. Those students who attended the Silver
Bay conference last summer
heard him when he led a discussion group there.
Yesterday afternoon Rabbi
Bernstein addressed the Student
Christian association on "The
Jewish-Christian Heritage." The
round table discussion which followed proved very interesting
and educational.
In next week's assembly program the State college chorus
will present a selection of Christmas carols.
Kappa Phi Kappa
To Have Roundup
Five School Administrators
to Conduct Discussion
at Annual Parley
The second annual roundup of
Kappa Phi Kappa, national educa
tional fraternity, is to be conducted
tonight at 8:00 o'clock in the Com
mons of Hawley hall.
The roundup is a get-together
meeting of the forty undergraduate
members of the fraternity and the
various graduate members in the
capital district. Last year, this re
union featured a panel discussion
among five school officials. This was
so successful that a similar discussion has been planned for tonight's
Five school administrators, all
Kappa Phi Kappa members, will discuss this question: "What should a
Kuppu Phi Kappa member know in
order to make his first year in the
teaching field a success?" The secondary school officials who are to
take part in this discuss! n follow:
Lu Verne Carr, principal, Red Hook
high school; Raymond Collins, principal, Wappinger Falls high school;
Harold French, district superintendent of schools, Loudonville; F.
Edward Thomson, principal, Berne
central school; and Clyde Slocuin,
principal, Cobleskill central school.
After these speakers have concluded,
the topic will be thrashed out In a
bull session.
During the meeting, copies of the
fraternity's recently prepared handbook will be distributed. This handbook outlines the purpose, history
and activity of Kappa Phi Kappa.
It was compiled by a committee under the supervision of Michael Wulko, '39. He was assisted by: George
Amyot and William Sivers, seniors,
Joseph Cuppiello, Herbert Frankel,
Stewart Smith, and Darwin Vun
Keureli, Juniors.
The reunion will bo In charge of
the president, Lawrence Struttner,
'39. Thomas Lu Verne, '39, is general ehulrinnn of the affair and his
associates include: mimeograph, William sivers, '39; arrangements and
refreshments, James Spence, '39;
correspondence, Carol Lehman, '39;
and entertainment, Charles Shafer,
To Conduct Yule Party
The Spanish club will hold its
annual Christinas party on Monday,
December 12, at 7:30 o'clock. The
program will consist of games, refreshments,
Everybody is welcome.
Silent Period Will Follow
Tea Dance on Sunday;
Ends Wednesday
Beginning this evening at 6:00
o'clock, Intersorority council will effect its new formal rush period to
last until Wednesday at 5:30 o'clock
at which time a number of freshmen women will be pledged to the
various sororities.
The program for the weekend will
begin with an informal buffet supper which will last from 6:00 until
8:00 o'clock tonight, at which time
all freshmen women will leave the
house promptly.
Formal Dinner
Tomorrow night will be the formal
dinner, the most important affair of
the rush period. Sorority women
will call for the freshmen at their
group houses or homes and bring
them to the sorority house. Commuters are requested to remain in
town that evening and to inform
the sorority, whose dinner they are
attending, where they may be found.
The dinner and program for the
evening will last from 7:00 until
12:00 o'clock at which time freshmen
must be back at their group houses.
The freshmen women will be presented with corsages and favors at
this party.
On Sunday afternoon from 3:00
until 5:00 o'clock the sororities will
have their final affair, a tea dance.
At 5:00 o'clock, when freshmen leave
the sorority house, the silent period
will begin. Sorority girls are not to
speak or communicate with freshmen except by formal bid until Wednesday ut 5:30 o'clock at which time
sororities will hold a pledge supper
and party for the freshmen who
have joined.
Bidding Procedure
On Monday morning, before noon,
freshmen arc to fill In their preference blanks in the manner prescribed last week at their meeting
with Miss Helen Hall Moreland,
dean of students, and Mary Agnes
Meizger, '39, president of Intersorority council. At the same time
the soiorities are to hand in their
list of freshmen desired. The dean
will compare sorority lists and
freshmen blanks. At 5:00 o'clock that
(Continued on page /,, column if)
State to Play Host
To Hi-Y Conference
Tomorrow morning at 9:45 o'clock
the Hl-Y Leaders' Training conference will convene in the Lounge of
Richardson hall. This one-day conference for college and normal
school Juniors who are preparing
to teach in high schools Is sponsored by the Student Christian
Movement in New York state in cooperation with the Hi-Y clubs.
Tlie conference will open in our
Lounge, in which time, four speakers
will address the group on the various aspects of lhe Hi-Y clubs.
Luncheon In the Ten Broeck restaurant will follow ut 12:30 o'clock and
Dr. James Ellenwood of New York
city will be lhe speaker, The group
will then attend the general session
and committee meetings of the Hi-Y
assembly in the senate and assembly
ehumbers of HUH Capitol. At 4:00
o'clock the final session will be culled
in Page hull and the conference will
be addressed by Mr. Robert H.
Smith on "Hi-Y Clubs and the
Each person attending the conference will be expected to pay a
registration fee of seventy-five cents.
Further information may be obtained from Marie Metz, '10.
Established by the Class of 1918
The u n d e r g r a d u a t e N e w s p a p e r of New Y o r k S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
Published every F r i d a y of the college y e a r by the
N e w s Board r e p r e s e n t i n g the S t u d e n t Asociation
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-9373; O'Hora, 3-2843; Strong,
2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bilzi, 3-9538
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4 2 0 MADISON A V E .
N E W Y O R K , N . Y.
Associate Managing
Associate Managing
Associate Managing
L e o n a r d E. K o w a l s k y
Food Cooperative for State
Lessons in Etiquette
is given the widest
latitude as author of this column, though his viewpoints do not necessarily
always reflect those of the
It seems t h a t the s t u d e n t association is not a p p r e ciative of the efforts of members of its body. If last
week's assembly is indicative of the way S t a t e students
conduct themselves at assembly programs, the Advanced Dramatics class should n o t prcduce any of its
plays before such a n inconsiderate audience, but, instead, should present t h e m before people who are a t
least cognizant of the work a n d effort t h a t goes into
these performances.
T h e least t h a t we could do was to be quiet and
give our best a t t e n t i o n to the actors who were striving
to put across a difficult play in spite of many adverse
circumstances. Do you think the talking and snickering in the assembly during the lines encouraged the
actors to give the best they h a d ? It h a d just the
opposite effect. It tended to discourage their performance because the students belittled their art. It
takes a long time, with much rehearsing, to r e m e m ber your lines, and, after that, a great deal of time
is spent acting out the play itself. It seems t h a t the
association should take a course on "How to behave
in company." •
Perhaps the greatest
of all was
Among the many issues that were dis- opening and closing of doors in the back of the a s cussed at the last national congress of the sembly. Not only was t h e lighting effect spoiled, but
also many of the lines became a meaningless jumble
N.S.F.A. was that of student food coopera- of words. T h e m a r s h a l s were not doing their duty,
tives, a proposition for State which we feel and as a result these distractions tended to disorganize
would be well worth looking into at this the players all the more.
* *
t in t h e N E W S " has beUnder this system, a group of students
come a regular feature in assembly a n n o u n c e m e n t s .
form an organization to buy food on a coopTo the people who are making these a n n o u n c e m e n t s ,
erative basis so that the purchase of large this sounds very humorous but to those who gather
quantities will reduce the original cost per a n d compile the news, it is a n y t h i n g but funny. When
person. After the food is purchased, it is one of our reporters, after chasing a r o u n d for two
either prepared for the table at some cen- days, meets the "newsgiver", the material is "tossed"
tral point and then distributed to the in- a t t h e m haphazardly a n d often incorrectly.
Of course, the a n n o u n c e m e n t is a n y t h i n g but accudividual members, or else it is delivered rate. When the so-called "news" is printed, these
directly to the group house. This depends "activity heads" come crying to the editor because
upon the type of cooperative established their sloppy information is not correct. A little more
cooperation in this m a t t e r would help not only the
on the individual campus.
NEWS but also the upperclassmen who cannot find
The value of these cooperatives has time to come to our assemblies.
been repeatedly shown by the establishment of successful cooperatives on the
various college campuses throughout the Book of the
United States. The cooperative at the Realistic
University of Washington, which distriby Suul Greenwald
butes food from a central kitchen, has Spella Ho, by H. E. Bates. V. Little Brown and Co.,
made possible a saving of $70 per member Boston, 11)38, 382 pages, $2.50.
i 0)1 sale i)i I hi. co-op l
each year. At Lehigh university the InterIt is really a pleasure to read a novel I hat is living
fraternity council has instituted a cooper- and stimulating, a novel t h a t brings life's battles to
ative buying association, which has re- the forefront with characteristic vigor and strength.
Not only does Bates use lew poignant words to comsulted in a thirty-five per cent reduction plete a picture but also he eliminates p a r a g r a p h s and
of food costs. Cornell has a cooperative phrases that are irrevalent to the completion of his
characters. Bales is a writer who is realistic, able to
dining club which supplies meals to each see that readers of today do not can.' lor long involved
member for approximately $5.00 per week. descriptions but really appreciate characters and actions t h a t are clearly understandable.
State college, we feel, offers good possiBales portrays ids central character, Bruno S h a d bilities for the establishment of a food co- bolt, so cleverly and dramatically t h a t the reader is
unaware of any objective except l hat of portraying him
operative among the various group houses. life-like. He exemplifies Bruno as a typical povertyAn organization could be formed, for ex- stricken man ol the late nineteenth century, including his greed for wealth, power and above all women.
ample, of the twelve sororities and four He does not spare Shadbolt or any ol Ins other charfraternities whose purpose would be to pur- acters, so thai il is possible to go out in the street
today and pick mil the described person from Hie
chase and distribute all the food used by crowd.
Shadbolt is a huge, ugly hulk ol a man, who, dethese group houses. The management of
sirous of making his way up the ladder ol fortune,
this cooperative would be in the hands of grasps every straw In his path, anil does Hot care lor
students who of course would be paid for those who are trampled underfoot. From the time
that Bruno stole coal to supply hi at lor his freezing
their work. The latter would contact local mother
from Spella Ho, that huge fifty chimney Engfood merchants and wholesalers who we lish house which personified wealth and luxury to
mini the day that lie actually possessed it, S h a d believe would be more than eager to help him
bull was a man lo be pitied or scorned according in
in this enterprise. An organization would Die emotions thai Bales Instills in us.
Bruno's life is shown through his various love afthus be set up which would not only dis- fairs.
Euch woman in his life, Louise, Oerda, Italian
pose of food-buying problems for the in- Jenny, Lady Virginia, and finally Mrs. Shadbolt, provide him with stepping stones to his eventual success
dividual group houses, but would also and
consequently his downhill. Spella Ho was his
bring substantial reductions in food costs.
Hist starting place and his dying place.
From there his power and wealth increased by deWe feel that it would be much to the ad- grees.
Although his immoral life was known by the
vantage of the students of State college if entire village, the villagers learned to fear and tit the
lime respect this man who had put people in
this system of cooperatives were investi- same
tills community to work and who hud promoted and
gated. It seems quite logical that any financed many industries. Bates describes the basic
u m a n emotion sex which possessed Bruno to ruin
effective money-saving enterprise would be hthe
lives of several people and, al the same time, he
readily accepted by a progressive group of shows the deep morass and self-condemnation Hint
Bruno goes through when d e a t h took the only woman
lie really loved.
State's Stage
(EGO is given the widest latitude as author of this
though his viewpoints
do not
necessarily always reflect
We just can't help thinking of
cur crack-brained friend—poor
little "date bureau." It seems
t h a t business was a trifle too
Our "friends" thought they
had a novel idea when they decided to establish a "date bur e a u " at State.
They were
doomed to disillusionment. S t a t e
students are not so backward
as to be taken in by such a
"phoocy" idea; the students here
are socially minded enough to
secure dates for themselves w i t h out any intermediary party to
stimulate them.
Now to turn to something a bit
more serious. We were glad to
see t h a t State college has a t last
become interested in the refugee
W h e n the student association
gave its consent to appoint a
committee to a t t e n d the conference at Union college, it showed
the finest spirit of a democratic
institution—that is—the preservation of the ideas and ideals of
free speech a n d education.
After all is said and done, we
are all brothers under the skin.
We are all interested in promoting the Christian spirit of peace
throughout the world. Whenever
a "crazed fanatic" a t t e m p t s to
curb a portion of its people,
Therefore it is up to all those
who are interested in keeping
democratic thoughts alive, to
extend aid to those college students of foreign
who wish to continue their education in a country t h a t is free
from all restraint.
Dear Mr. Man of S t a t e :
We, students of State.
Seriously challenge you,
As one scandalmonger to
other . . .
We think we know more
T h a n you,—or do you???
For instance, you list
Names of people who come to
But it's more fun to list
Those who don't . . . Interfraternity
For instance, which wasn't graced
By the a t t e n d a n c e of Walrath.
Who should sue you . . .
Then, too, you miss up
On lots and lots of opportunities . . .
You didn't even notice the Lion
Which is having cub classes—
But we did
And we say -who's teaching the
To teach the cubs?
And another thing . . .
Do you know Xmas is coming?
And parties?
And that Peper will lie
One of those at Chi Sig . . . and
Bosh y loo?
And did yotl know the Psj (Iain's
(iaI o' the snows
Has dually reached a decision?
Breaking that now-il's-your-tiirn
That has kept her ill your column'
Tlie play last Friday, was, to be
as kind as possible, mest unl'orunatc.
It has been presented here before,
and has been an astounding success.
For some reason, this was not tlie
case last week.
O n j reason was, of course, t h a t
the actors could not be heard, save
by a favored few in the first rows.
Tlie rest of the audience lost i n terest, and the rustle, and occasional
laughter—when the lines were far
from tlie comical—were only t h e
natural results.
As regards the acting, Miss C h r i s |ler, at her best, might have saved
I the play—but we have seen h e r
when she was far b : t t e r , Mr. D r y den seemed a bit wooden, a n d we
lost nearly all his lines. Miss Koonz,
on stage for a few minutes, w a s n ' t
just the wife we thought she should
With the exception of the pillar,
which we understand was the work
of an outsider, the set was no more
like a cathedral than the m a n in t h e
benches—or pews—draped in a cloth
t h a t reflected as brightly as did
those of last week. No shrine was
ever such—why didn't someone t h i n k
of t h a t beforehand? As for lights,
they were adequate, but you m u s t
watch those floods t h a t walk over
into the auditorium.
On the whole, we'll wait for a n other set of plays before we m a k e
any generalizations, but you're way
behind in convincing us of your
worth, Advanced Dramatics—You've
set a pace—you've slipped—Now it
remains to be seen whether you can
get back into the groove.
* * * *
College house on the other h a n d
deserved the biggest h a n d we can
give them—We have seen better
acting, heard better singing, b u t
never enjoyed ourselves so m u c h .
And this reviewer a t least has never
seen the walls of Page hall s h a k e n
by such gales of laughter.
The play was dull a t times—what
old melodrama wasn't? But w h e n
the laughs started coming the scenes
were hilarious. All the actors a r e
Messrs. Greenspan, Edge, Weiss,
Augustine, and Marino.
No details were overlooked. T h e
women characters wore as faultlessly portrayed as could be expected.
Costumes were appropriate. T h e
piano playing was a welcome bit of
revival even when it kept missing
The program was a little bit of
genius, doing its bit lo keep the a u dience under control during and before curtain lull—and doing
We understand that Bill Bogosta
(lid the directing and we put it,
mildly when we say he and Joe
Leese did a wonderful production
The impromptu community choruses showed the audience ' feeling
more Ihan any words we could express. They were all having the
time of their lives.
At hast, it proved one point, that,
our audiences appreciate eii!ert.ain" l l ' ! 1 l When they gel eliterlailinienL.
We liked
presentation imllielisely In
ope t h e i r will he'
The Appointment bureau urges
.ill seniors and grad students to
Handbook 2-1. On the leil hand
.• ule ol ihe page the presideiil of
Hie school hoard is listed and on
ihe rlghi hand side Ihe principals
at ihe schools are named. Disl net,
eily and village superintendents are
listed inside. All senior and grad
students should waleh Ihe mail
And you Mild nasty things
boxes lor notices from Ihe bureau.
About Frledlaiider . . .
Because of the kick of lime there
After seeing him last Saturday— will be no more interviews schedWe think he's a lucky stiff!
uled bill all seniors and gratis are
So there you are—
invited lo visit the office whenever
We den';, like your style—
they wish.
Wit like ours . . .
The Appointment bureau has esWhy don't you lei us do your job
tablished three committees, personal
For you?
interviews, ethics, and letters of a p willing.
? ? ? ?
O w l s Show Ragged Passing
and Poor T e a m w o r k
Despite Victory
O V E R W H E L M GRA.DS 5 0 - 3 4
Hatfield Uses T w o S q u a d s
as Purple and Gold
Scores Triumph
plication, which will give their reports at tlie regular bureau meetings.
'42 Quintet Bows
To Business Five
On Local Court
Winter Season
Brauner, Finnegan Feature
as Frosh Drop Opener
by 4 6 - 3 8 T a l l y
B. C.
by .foe Boslry
T h a t first unexpected snowfall
T h e basketball season was inau- had the winter-sport faction scurrygurated last Saturday night — the ing madly around waxing skiis,
c u r t a i n was opened and revealed stringing
a n unfinished product. T h " varsity skates
quintet defeated the Alumni by a Sports captains prayed
score of 50-34. quite adequate to hat the snow would last a Milt
while, bill just as they had all the
be sure, but a sorry exhibition.
Coach Hatfield used two different a r r a n g e m e n t s mad > and everything
I'cm K'c .'.IT.ydt. '.'Ill, and \V:ilf Simmons, '40, veteran members of the
t e a m s in the first hall and continued was oil to a sino; th start—squoosh, (Varsity cuinti t. who aie expccUd to bear the brunt of the Owls offensive
to a l t e r n a t e until the last eight min| n tonight's clash with R.P.I, on the hitter's court.
yoll hi ard?)
utes ol the game.
But W.A.A. is like the U. S. Postal
T h e passwork was very poor and
a in nor catastrophe like
ragged. T h e lads tossed passes an- Servic
li w
heaves melted snow won't alter its detert h r e a t e n e d the safrty ol tlie new mination to put on a gootl winter
scoreboard, and the Alumni was sports program. Since plans have
showered with countless donations already been made, the snow-sport iCoilliititt d lii'iii page 1. coiinnn I
in the form of 1 eaves right into fanatics will have the j u m p on dat
their h a n d s . T h e lack of teamwork ol' debbil weather man. When the start against the T r o j a n s .
w a s obvious; undoubtedly the squads next snowflake drops out of the would put Walko at center. Hersh M a n a g e r s O r g a n i z e T e a m s ;
have learned a system but they blue they can race home for their and F r a m e n t at guard, and S i m Frosh Display Talent
equipment and be out on the ski- mons and L e h m a n at H i ' forward
failed to use it. in the opener.
in P r a c t i c e T i l t s
Most of the players' shooting-eyes trails, toboggan Tides and skating
were off but that is to be expected rinks just as soon as there's enough in last year's games and know what
About fifty people have taken up
in tlie first game. T h e s l u t s from snow to make Telemark in, or lo expect from ihe opposition,
Tlie intense rivalry and spirit t h a t I basketball as a winter sport this
beyond t h e foul circle were accurate enough ice for cutting figure eights.
but the followup work under the Fulilowers to the sports captains for exists make it impossible lo predict year. Virginia Mitchell. '40, basketwhether S t a t e will walk off with ball captain, is particularly proud of
hoop was poor. T h e best dribbling being prepared.
But we'll be prepared to hurl the Trojan's Wooden Horse or if the freshmen turning out for p r a c of tlie g a m e was done by one of
the m a n a g e r s who dribbled the snowballs if Winter Carnival fails R.P.I, will grab the S t a t e Owl. Form t i c e .
Special attention should be
T h e joint or experience m e a n hit I • in such a | given lo the frosh because they are
length of tlie floor between halves. to materialize again.
George Amyot was the outstand- M.A.A. and W. A. A, committees are game because many a traditional j unusually clever in their play. B u t
ing player on the floor. George starting to get plans underway, but game has been settled by sheer since the sophomores are experifight, and the will to win.
played a nice defensive game, his we hope tha,. just because climatic
State squad is convinced that they enced, tlie frosh will have to be
pass-wcrk was up to par and he conditions are not exactly right now,
will tear the Engineers apart and especially good. The rivalry game
chalked up five fields and a foul for they won't be caught napping when come home with their Owl draped between the sophomores and fresha total of eleven points, Lehman an a p p r o p r i a t e carnival-time arrives. with scalps.
men, scheduled lor this Wednesday,
a n d Walko with eight points apiece Frankly, having been disappointed
December 14. should be a h a r d Frosh
a n d S i m m o n s and F r a m e n t with two years in succession, we're a bit
T h e preliminary battle will find fought game.
cynical about ever seeing one—still,
seven followed Amyot's pace.
the frosh of S t a t e engaging the
T h e basketball teams have been
For the Alumni Lansing featured we're willing to be shown.
T h a t medieval hang-over, fencing, R.P.I, .yearlings. In spite t f their organized for the inter-class contest
with eight points secured by four
beautiful pop shots. Jerry Amyot is going snickerty these days down defeat last week a t Ihe h a n d s of Al- with the following as m a n a g e r s for
Herb Frankel, in- bany Business college, the frosh are I heir class t e a m : J u n e Palmer, '39;
a n d George Bancroft, State's great in the gym.
raring lo go, They, too, have the Virginia
of a few years back, contributed structor, is doing an even better
j u m p on R.P.I, frosh as far as ex- Foley. '41; Dorothy Dougherty, '42.
six points apiece to the Alumni job t h a n last year. T h e number
of new fencing devotes necessitated perience u n d e r fire goes and this
T h e games will be played every
may b j a telling factor in the final
T h e Alumni jockeys (lid a sweet an order of new equipment last count.
B r a u n e r . Merrill,
Scolt. Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock.
job from the bench. Rog Bancroft weekend — and imagine the office Dickson, and Hilton are expected to T h i s week two games were played:
ihe senior-liosh game. 8-10, and
contributed plenty with his remarks m a n a g e r ' s surprise when the order start for the frosh.
the junior-sophomore game, 12-14.
such as "First lime in twenty years, was filled soon enough for the new
T h e preliminary game will start at All these cut for basketball credit
fellows' when th" Alumni n a i l e d by foils and protectors to be used this
7:30 o'clock, to be followed by the have been practicing regularly on I
three points late in the second half. week!
A situation has arisen in the bowl- varsity contest al 8:110 o'clock. All Monday, Wednesday, and F r i d a y
In fact. Hog really featured in the
g a m e with his loud groan of anguish ing d e p a r t m e n t ! II has the captain I hose who desire to accompany the afternoons in the gym from 3:30
team may sign up for a bus on the to 4:30 o'clock. The gym is also
as he lifted his frame from the worried, bill bowlers are no end
pleased. T h e number of bowling re- main bulletin board in th • Rotunda open for practice on Saturday morn- |
floor on a jump-ball.
of Draper hall.
ings from 10:0!) to 12:00 o'clock. At
S t a l e seems to have a high-scoring cruits this seas n is comparatively
. - —
this lime biiskeleers may brush up]
out li! with plenty of polentialities. small, and ihe alleys look positively
on I heir playing without running in-I
S m i t h to T a l k at
A little more work anil closer co- bare, compared to ihe usual rush
operation mid teamwork should weld | and bustle. But everybody seems to
Sunday evening, al 11:00 o'clock. to boxers or fencers.
I >r. 1). iiiial V Smith, professor ol
the varsity into a formidable opEach class must piny every other
• oeiai si ndii :• will open I hi' first ol class two I.mi s in Ihe hiliTt'lass
ponent lor anv team mi Ihe sched- A word to . . . . you know.
live public Iniiuii meetings held in contest. To the class winning the
Hie Unitarian Universalis! church. greatest number of games will go
T h e box score for the game is as
IK' will lalk on. "The American the basketball CUD with the numerals
I I , I .< I
i of [lie winning class engraved on il.
to f^ace Ml
On Collar City Court
i n •• i n ^
I i iiiirni
I i I n n MI
I.Oil- n
l \ I If U !•
n . I I I . it
I m i ir
i ni 0
I h.
nun e
And did you know
Where the Irtish women are going?
We do .
till! it's a secrel I
Yoll would nave been
Able to guess
If you had been around last
After the game . . , stleh caperculling!
Varsity Conquers Alumni
In Opening Engagement
Page 3
liurri i m r r
It I! m i i n
It i n . i n
\\ lllIlT
H i in
.1.1,In I,
link, I
Close Contests
Mark Rivalries
T h e S t a t e frosh succumbed to a
fast Albany Business college five F r i day night on the Albany "Y" court
to a score of 46-38,
Coach Hersh started Merritt, Hilton, Brauner, Dickson, a n d Scott.
Before the first quarter was over.
S t a t e led by 11-3. At this point Hersh
inserted his second si ringers. T h e
lads played exceptionally fast, b u t
Albany Business put on the pressure
and a t half lime the host led by
During the first half. Albany Business centered its plays around F i n negan. high scorer of the contest.
T h e r e was no ten-second line a n d
consequently Finnegan laid back
near Mis basket. His team t h r e w
passes to him with Ihe result t h a t
lie s a n k six field goals during t h e
first half.
T h e frosh first team played t h e
entire second half with Scifert and
L e h m a n substituting for just a m i n ute. S t a t e put on a belated drive,
but never could overcome t h a t lead
which the business aggregation h a d
set up earlier in the game.
T h e conspicuous elements in t h e
game consisted of frequent fouling
by the ABC squad. Nearly their e n tire squad saw service because of
penalties. Evident also was the
strategy of Coach Hersh who a l t e r nated his defenses from zone to a
m a n to m a n whenever the occasion
demanded it. It was this factor
which stymied the work of F i n n e gan. T h e business college s t a r t was
unable to really go on a scoring
were B r a u n e r , Dickson, and Scott.
Among t h e m they totaled twentyeight of the thirty-six points, with
B r a u n e r leading the attack with
Potter Club, Extras
Win Bowling Games
Potter Club handed a trimming
in College house
ihe venerable
( i r a d s > ubilued the Commuters, and
Sigma Lambda Sigma fell victim
lo the onslaughts "I Ihe Extras in
a ,-.i i ol Int l a m i n a I bowling matches
Monday nighi al the Palac • Recreation hall. These contests marked
i hr I • url h Wi ek nt iicth it V lor
i he kegli i••• under I he supeiw i; ion ol
Norm 1 leNeel
Bill Hopke leooii I Mill llllllbllli'i
w ill In gin Tuesday al it :i<> o'clock
and will com i• iI11• at ihai lime every
Tuesday and Thill': (lav The director elll| hit.- l/.es ! he lacl I hat the: e
es! Iclls a i r
In I)
I c.l ill
1)1!T<: II OVEN*'S
l( A C ! IIS
ill).? Madison Ave.
Here's a present everybody will appreciate—special excursion tares
for your Holiday travel by Grc-yhouini I Enjoy a Super-Coach trip
in an atmosphere that's as jolly and warm as the Christmas spirit—
at less than half driving cost, Buy extra gifts with your savings!
S a m p l e R o u n d Trip Excursion F a t e s
n i 2-5012
Prompt Delivery
New York
H L > ] Buffalo
Page 4
State Will Cooperate in Drive
For Chinese Student Aid Fund
• the
Would you walk a t h o u s a n d miles
across m o u n t a i n s for a c h a n c e a t a
college education? Could you take
lecture notes in a bomb-proof cellar,
o r a n examination during a n air
r a i d ? C a n you imagine a s t u d e n t
body using caves as classrooms a n d
dugouts as dormitories?
s t u d e n t s actually have been doing
j u s t such things since t h e opening
of t h e present C h i n o - J a p a n e s e War,
A t N a n k i n g and other universities,
t h o u s a n d s of students have h a d to
live a n d work in caves a n d dugouts.
M a n y h a v e h a d to leave their d e stroyed universities a n d move m a n y
miles inland in order to continue
t h e i r studies.
Out of one h u n d r e d colleges a n d
universities in China,
h a v e been totally or partially d e stroyed, a n d others a r e being used
as barracks by J a p a n e s e troops. By
ox-cart a n d on foot, entire s t u d e n t
bodies have moved inland from t h e
w a r zone. They have traveled t h o u s a n d s of miles t h r o u g h w a r - h a r assed country to frontier cities such
as Sian, Chengtu, a n d Kwenming,
where colleges are now re-opening.
This m a s s migration of s t u d e n t s
u n d e r t h e press of war conditions
h a s created a situation which needs
remedying immediately. T h e cities
Into which they are moving a r e
totally unprepared to receive them, j
T h e y need food, clothing a n d shelter.
m u s t be provided to keep t h e m from
b r e a k i n g under the strain. T h e C h i nese government a n d private institutions a r e doing all they can u n d e r
circumstances, but obviously,
they still need help.
Last year the P a r E a s t e r n S t u d e n t
Emergency F u n d raised $18,808 for
Chinese student relief. This year
t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t Service
a n d t h e National
C h r i s t i a n Council, with the cooperation of t h e National S t u d e n t F e d eration of America, of which S t a t e
college is a member, a n d other n a tional s t u d e n t organizations
m a k i n g a united appeal to all colleges to raise $50,000 in order to
carry on the work of rehabilitating
these Chinese students.
W i t h t h e help of American college
students, these t h i n g s c a n be p r o vided. Always, of course, the bulk
of t h e money will be used to provide
t h e m i n i m u m necessities of life. Two
American dollars will provide board
for a Chinese s t u d e n t for five weeks.
T w e n t y dollars will cover his room
a n d board for the whole college year.
S t a t e college will cooperate in
t h e F a r Eastern Service F u n d drive
this year. An a n n o u n c e m e n t will be
m a d e in assembly one week from
Friday, a t which time a collection
w::i be t a k e n a m o n g our student
body for the fund.
Don't Look Now But—Mailboxes Are Moving
Oh, gee! I wonder where t h a t
mail box can be—so do we,
so do we, so do we."
This is going to be State's
now version of a " T i s k e t - a T a s k e t " very shortly for the s t u d e n t mailboxes are about to disa p p e a r from their familiar position opposite the lockers in
D r a p e r hall before we go home
for t h e C h r i s t m a j holidays.
W h e r e is the new domicile of
those "letter bearers," guys and
galses? It will be moved to t h e
corridor on the first floor of
H a s t e d hall near the Hygiene
office. And still more wonderful is t h a t there will now be
four sections to the mailbox instead of the present two. Progress h a s at last reached State.
Now when "billet-doux" and
w a r n i n g s come out and t h e r e is
a general "plop" of students, t h e
Hygiene office will be very convenient, don't you think?
D e l t a O m e g a : refreshments, Doris
Palmer, '39; decorations, J a n e t B u s acker, '41; gifts, Noreen Cappiello,
from page 1, column 5) '41; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Rose P a s t o r e ,
afternoon t h e sororities will learn '41.
w h a t freshmen t h a t t h e y bid h a v e
likewise stated their preference to
join t h a t sorority. Monday n i g h t t h e
sororities will send out their formal
bids which t h e freshmen will r e "Better Specialty Shop"
ceive Wednesday morning.
I n former years formal r u s h i n g
Between Robin & Lake
took place t h e weekend following
final examinations. T h i s year the
faculty h a s g r a n t e d approval to this
"For Gifts That Multiply
tentative a r r a n g e m e n t , which, if sucYour Giving"
cessful, will be incorporated in t h e
regular Intersorority r u s h rules.
Sororities to Conduct
Annual Rushing Events
Greek Will Celebrate
Yuletide with Parties
from page 1, column 3)
r a n g e m e n t s , Delia Dolan, Regina
Murphy, R u t h Dillon, seniors; R i t a
Sullivan, '40, Mildred Foley, J a n e
Hanford, Marie Lalonde, sophomores;
Brucker. Beatrice Dower, Enes Novelli, Frances Riani, sophomores.
Dial 5-1913
D. Jeoney, Prop
Boulevard Cafeteria
and Grill
Excellent Shoe Rebuilding
Fabric, Woo!, and Pigskin, from
Flannel, Shetland, Wool
Crepe, Rabbits
Every Style and Shade
Desired, from
P h o n e 2-6802
from $1.59
Crepe and Satin
2-3-4 T h r e a d in G l a m orous Shades....59c to $1.35
per pair
All Gifts Appropriately Boxed
State College Ne^rs
Mailbox Perusal Shows Presence
Greeks Receive
Of Student Believer in Santa
Ninety Freshmen
Into Pledgeship
Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority
Gains Seventeen Girls;
Highest Number
Miss Helen Hall Moreland, d e a n of
s t u d e n t s , who supervised t h e new
period of formal rushing on December 7, 8, and 9, instead of the customary m i d - t e r m weekend in F e b r u ary, a n n o u n c e s t h a t ninety freshmen
women a n d one junior will be
pledged to eleven of S t a t e college's sororities. T h e results were
d e t e r m i n e d Monday after the class
of 1942 and the sorority women h a d
h a n d e d in their preferences to t h e
d e a n of student's office.
G a m m a K a p p a Phi heads the list
a s to number, receiving seventeen
new m e m b e r s . ' Chi Sigma T h e t a is
second with fifteen and K a p p a Delta
third with fourteen new pledges. Alp h a Epsilon Phi runs a close fourth
with twelve pledges.
Official Pledge List
T h e official pledge list, as released by the office of the clean of
s t u d e n t s is as follows:
Delta O m e g a :
Madeline Evans,
Arlene Sadler. Marjorie Tims. K a t h erine E. Trowbridge, and Jerline
K a p p a Delta: Armede Black, J a n e t
Brown, Betty Cummings, J u n e H a u shaltcr,
Holm. Mary Klein, Margaret, Ledbefter, {Catherine Peterson, Prances
Shapley, Elizabeth Simmons, Virginia Surdafn, J a n e Wilson, and
K a t h i T i n e Wilson.
Psi G a m m a : Marie Cramer, G e r aldine Grinter, J a n at Kraut/, [Catherine Richards and J a n e Williams.
Chi S i g m a T h e t a : Hose DeCotis.
Doris Barret, Mary
Brennan, Betty Burke, Anne C a s h man..
G a u t h i e r , Elaine Harvey, Helen A.
Krizka, Elizabeth J a n e Maid, Ann
M o n a g h a n , Ruth O'Donnell, Mary
Ozmon, J e a n n e t t e Ryerson and S h i r ley Wui'z, freshmen.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Pauline Bronstein, R u t h Edwards, Elsie Fcrber,
Edylhe Friedman, Florence Halbi'ieeh, Beatrice Hirsch, Selma Lois,
Bcruiee Lenowitz. Blanche Navy,
Muriel Rapftport, J o a n n e M. Scheier,
anil Dorothy Smolensky.
G a m m a K a p p a Phi: Doris M a u e r s berger, '41, Ethel Appelton, Mary
Brierton, lona Cole, Harriet DeForrest, Marion Dully, Mary J a n e
(Colt 11 II ii fd nil iitu/c If, column
I.B.A. ilvilli Announces
New Business Contest
All through the year
and all around the clock Chesterfield's milder better taste gives
At Christmas time send these pleasure-giving cartons of (Chesterfields
—packaged in gay holiday colorswelcomed by smokers everywhere.
. . . the blend that can V he copied
Copyrijjlit |MH, |.
o n « Mvuxi TOBACCO Co.
best cigarette
You'll find Chesterfields a better cigarette because of what they give you—more
smoking pleasure than any cigarette yon
ever tried—the right combination of wild
ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish
tobaccos rolled in pure cigarette paper,
Announcemenl of the details
ol the l.B.A. Essay awards,
which were established by the
Invrslmenl Hankers association
of America ai its recent convention at While Hulphur Springs,
was made yesterday by J e a n C.
Wilier, president of the association.
T i n s competition is open to all
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s in American colleges or universities, uash prizes
ol $300, $150. and $50 will be
awarded for the best essays,
which, in the judgment ol the
J u r y of Awards, will contribute
lo a bet iIT public understanding
ol Ihe business of investment
banking. Papers must be submitted to this jury not later t h a n
July 1, 1939
It is hoped thai some of Ihe
contributions will bo suitable for
Banking," Ihe journal ol Ihe a s sociation. T h e essays are in no
way restricted as to scope or
"Students may treat
the subject in its general aspects
or concentrato on some special
phase. P a p e r s may deal witli one
or more of t h e economic or social factors Involved, present
proposals for changes in t h e
technique of business, or consider phases of the regulatory
measures of recent years."
Friday, December 16, 8:10 o'clock
A. M.—lower corridor of Draper
h a l l — ' C section of t h e mailbox:
Carapezza, Casper, Cassidy, Castigllne, Chrisler, Clark, Claus. I d i d n ' t
know there was any s t u d e n t by t h a t
n a m e ? Oh I S a n t a Claus.
No students, the age of m a k e - b e lieve is not past. T h e r e r e m a i n s
here a t S t a t e a t least one s t u d e n t
whose impact with science a n d realism h a s not destroyed all of the
beauties of childhood. S t r a n g e , isn't
it, t h a t I should open this letter by
mistake? Let's read it a n d see w h a t
the writer has to say.
S t a t e College
December 1C, 1938.
S a n t a Claus Esq.
North Pole Hdq,
Skidmore, N. Y.
Deai' Chris.
I realize St. Nick, t h a t you're not
accustomed to receiving letters from
students enrolled in teacher t r a i n ing institutions. Of course, at my
age I'm not supposed to believe t h a t
you exist exci pt as a m y t h created
by those selfish Central avenue m e r -
Kappa Phi Kappa
To Hear Cooper
Graves Will
Fraternity Members
at Next Meeting
Chi chapter of Kappa Phi Kappa,
national education fraternity, will
hold iis firs I meeting of the new
year, Thursday night. J a n u a r y 5, at
7:00 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall.
The early part of the meeting is
to be devoted to a discussion of recommendations made in a bulletin
recently issued by the national executive council.
T h e guest speaker ai this meeting
will be Dr. H e r m a n n Cooper, assistant commissioner for teachers' education and certification. T h e subject
nl his address is not known ai present.
Under Ihe supervision of ils president, Lawrence S t r a t t n o r , '39, fraternity leaders have laid most a m bitious plans lor Ihe next
months. Dr. Warren W. Coxes, dire elur of educational research for
ihe state d e p a r t m e n t of education,
is scheduled to address the underg r a d u a t e members al ihe February
HI meeting. He will tell: "What we
may expect of education in the next
twenty-live years." A I. this same
conclave, a delegate will be elected
to represent S t a t e college al Kappa
Phi Kappa's National Assembly to
be conducted this year at Cleveland,
Plans for the a n n u a l spring ban(|iiel are also under consideration. Il
is lo be staged March 31 at the
Wellington hotel. Dr. Frank Pierrepout Graves, commissioner of e d u c a tion and a member of Kappa Phi
Kappa, will be guesl speaker.
Students Will Prepare
For French Oral Test
Special classes will !>.• held for studenls who plan lo take the Oral
Credit examination in French in
February, There will be two scheduled classes.
Classes in translation will meet
Hull Will meet every Tuesday and
T h u r s d a y al 4:3(1 o'clock in room
Classes In translation will meet
every Monday and Wednesday a t
3:30 o'clock in room 21 of R i c h a r d son hall.
S t u d e n t s who wish help in p r e p a r ing for this examination a n d c a n n o t
a t t e n d these classes, may m a k e a p p o i n t m e n t s with Mr. J o h n A. M a har, professor of F r e n c h , or Dr.
T h o m a s Q. Bergin, professor of r o m a n c e languages.
chants. I must admit t h a t my faitli
in you was s h a k e n r a t h e r sadly last
"billet-doux" day but now with a t tendance warnings just released to
everybody but me, a n d Melanson,
I've reaffirmed my faith in you,
Some of my friends t h i n k you're
a hoax
handicaps. O t h e r s think you hinder
the m a t u r a t i o n process. I know
you'll put coal in their stocking's but
how about including t h e following
in mine?
1. I'd like to have you abolish t h e
so very a p p r o p r i a t e adjective if I
wasn't supposed to be a good little
girl i system of examinations. I realize, however, the impossibility of
this so I'll be content with your
withholding of some of t h a t C h r i s t mas cheer you're delivering to t h e
fa illy until the week of J a n u a r y 23.
2. Many of my friends would like
to have you bring the Lion some new
jokes. I'll be satisfied if you just
bring the Lion—jokes; better still,
a smaller Lion, or even better, no
3. Please intercede with
Show and have him reconsider his
refusal to play at Soph Soiree.
4. Concerning our basketball (?i
team—don't give its m e m b e r s anything. J u s t take away their snowshoes.
5. I'm not old fashioned.
I do
appreciate art. I'm not a n old fogy,
nor behind the limes but will you
please put a drape on Minerva?
(i. Hey I I asked you last year
to fix t h a t wobbly railing a t o p the
Commons. How's about it?
Incidentally, do you think you can fix
something up with the a d m i n i s t r a tion lor me? I'm cutting Economics
103 in order lo get Ibis letter oil' to
you on time.
7. There's a n o t h e r little m a t t e r I'd
like lo have you s t r a i g h t e n out.
Please get my name correctly in
next year's directory.
H. Everything I \ e asked for so far
is u n i m p o r t a n t . This last request is
whal 1 really want for C h r i s t m a s : —
Presently yours.
CAROL D I C K E N S , '41.
Futterer to Direct
Elementary Plays
On Tuesday, J a n u a r y 11. at 8:15
o'clock. Elementary Dramatics class
will present three one-act plays.
A farce, "A Cup of Tea," by A. F.
liyerson, and a folk comedy, " T h e
Kelly Kid," by K. Norris and D.
Totherch, and a tragic
"The Shoes
been chosen lor presentation. T h e
plays a r e under the direction of Miss
Agnes Futterer, assistant professor
of English,
T h e casts for these plays are chosen from members of Ihe Elementary
Dramatics class. T h e cast for "A
Cup of T e a " will include Francis
Cassidy and Marilyn Gruff, sophomores, and Catherine S m i t h and
j Louis Pink, juniors. T h e cast chosen
for "The Kelly Kid" is as follows:
Jeiuiitte Evans, Anne R a t t r a y , Beatrice Dower. Lona Powell, William
I Cameron, and J o h n G a r d e p h e , sophomores, and Douglas Rector, '40.
' T h e east for "The Shoes that D a n c ed" will include Douglas Dlllenbeek,
Ernest Case, Miriam Newell, Hyman
Melt/,, Shirley Van Valkenburgh,
Robert Ague, J a n e Himford, Mary
Miller, and Dorothy Johnson, sophomores, and Doris Shultes, '40.
T h e following committee c h a i r m e n
have been appointed to assist In the
production of the plays: lights, William Miller, '41; sets, Hatlle Conklin, '41; props, Douglas Rector, '40;
costumes, Irene Poger, '41; advertising, T h o m a s Vassilliw, '41; house,
J a n e t MacDonald, '41.
Tickets will be on stile after
Christmas vacation, and will be obtainable from any member of Elementary Dramatics class.
VOL. XXIII, N f t S i
Student Council Falls—
But Not A Coup d'Etat
S t u d e n t council topples I Ten
people injured! Yes, it is true.
T h e biggest accident in S t a t e
college's history occurred last
Tuesday night when the S t u d e n t
council cabinet crumpled to the
floor in t h e NHWS office while
some of those fantastic "jitterbugs" were d e m o n s t r a t i n g their
skill with t h e aid of Benny
Goodman's swing music.
Blood a n d gory, emaciated
bodies were strewn over t h e
floor a n d n e a r the doors. Broken
bones, broken spines, bruises and
even scratches were sustained in
the accident. W h e n t h e a m b u lance arrived to take the victims
to the hospital, there was on
h a n d t h e largest a t t e n d a n c e a t
any public function t h a t ever occured at this institution,
B u t folks, don't let us fool
you. T h e cabinet did really
topple over a n d several people
who were leaning on the cabinet
received a few bruises. Anything
can h a p p e n in t h e activities
office these days. So when you
come there for loitering purposes, beware!
Bad luck follows in your footsteps.
1942 to Discuss
State Traditions
M e r r i t t to
F r e s h m a n Commission will hold
ils first meeting of the new year
Thursday, J a n u a r y 5, at, 3:30 o'clock
in the Lounge of Richardson hall.
This meeting, which will lake the
form of a r o u n d - t a b l e discussion, will
be devoted entirely to traditions and
customs of S t a t e college.
T h e Commission advisors have
planned the program to enlighten
the freshmen on questions such a s :
when a n d w h a t is the mascot h u n t ;
what h a p p e n s on Moving-tip day;
how do freshmen know what to do
for b a n n e r h u n t ; just w h a t is there
lo rivalry; and what does the' song
Great Fires s t a n d for? Many other
questions, which are brought up
from the floor, will be discussed.
Paul Merritt, president of the
Commission, will act as c h a i r m a n
of the round table group, which consists of former Dean Anna E. Pierce,
Dr. Edith O. Wallace, assistant professor in Latin, a n d Dr. Minnie B.
Scotland, assistant professor of biology; Betty Hayford will represent Myskanla.
State Students
To Hear Chorus
In 11:10 Assembly
Edge and Cappiello to Head
Drive to Aid Students
in War-Torn China
T h e assembly program today will
be a varied a n d an enjoyable one. F o r
the first time this year, students of
S t a l e college will have t h e opportunity to hear State's combined
choral society, numbering about 120
men and women students.
I n keeping with t h e C h r i s t m a s
spirit season, the chorus will p r e sent a program of carols.
Hoclie Christu.s Natus Est
Noel Nouvelet
T h e March of the T h r e e Kings
T h e Angels and the S h e p h e r d s
Czochoslovakian Folk Carol
In Dulci Jubilo....German Folk Carol
Following t h e rendition of these
carols, the chorus will lead the entire
audience in singing such popular a n d
Christmas songs
Adcste Fideles, H a r k t h e Herald
Angels Sing, Silent Night, O' Little
Town of Bethlehem, We T h r e e
Kings, a n d T h e First Noel.
Collection for Chinese
T h e holiday spirit will be further
brought out in assembly w h e n a
collection is taken up for the relief
of students in w a r - t o r n China, to
enable t h e m to go on with their
education. This project is sponsored
by t h e National S t u d e n t Federation
of America and has t h e approval of
Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of the
college. J o h n Edge, '39, president of
s t u d e n t association, and Joseph C a p piello, '40, are supervising t h e carrying out of the project at S t a t e college.
L a s t year the For Eastern S t u d e n t
Emergency fund raised money for
Chinese student relief. This year,
the International S t u d e n t Service
a n d the National
Christian council, with N.S.F.A., are
trying lo raise $50,000 to aid t h e
thousands of college students who
need money for the m i n i m u m necessities of life, food, clothing a n d shelter, so t h a t they may carry on their
education in the caves and dugouts
which are taking the place of their
destroyed universities.
At ihe beginning of the assembly,
women students will pass out collections boxes lor these Chinese s t u dents. You are asked to contribute
whatever you feel you are able to
give for the support of this work.
"Dawn of a New Day" Message
To Ring Forth New Year's Eve
Next New Year's eve, every city,
town, h a m l e t a n d household will
unite to celebrate the New York
World's Fair of 1930, heralding Ihe
"Dawn of a New Day"—a day of
peace and progress in Ihe lives of
nations and peoples.
Grover A. Wbalen, president of the
New York World's Fair corporation.
Ihe greatest showman in United
States' history, calls for a gigantic
"get-together" of Ihe country thai
will radiate from the brilliant display of lights in Times Square.
It wilt be a coordinated d e m o n s t r a tion, planned to unite ihe millions
of Americans in ihe service ol an
enterprise devoted to ihe advancement of international peace, goodwill, and a better u n d e r s t a n d i n g
among all the peoples of the world,
Ships at sea, American embassies
and colonies abroad will also p a r ticipate In t h e World's Fair parties,
To simplify the m a n a g e m e n t of
the program the a r r a n g e m e n t s will
be handled by forty-eight Fair committees representing every state in
the Union.
Promptly a t midnight, local electric signs, all timed to t h e second,
will flash t h e Fair's "Dawn of a New
Day" message ol the trylons and
perispheres which symbolize the exposition. Al Ihe same time, orchestras anil bands of Ihe nation will
strike up the Fair's theme song,
written by the late George GerSiTwln, al all parlies, clubs, hotels, all
gala with party concepts ol orange
and blue which are ihe Fair colors.
College, university, and alumni organizations will participate in the
gala festivities,
Musicians, artists
and craftsmen will make the New
Year a happy one lor members of
trades and guilds all over Ihe country. Even local ministers and leclurers will sound the "Dawn of a
New Day," tidings of hope ami optimism, in religious ceremonies In
every American community on the
morning of J a n u a r y 1. As a titling
conclusion to this giant spectacle, the
Fair will broadcast its message of
peace and good will toward all men
over a world-encircling network.
Tills "salute" will sustain the theme
of fellowship and hope, of amity
and faitli which, only a few hours
before, h a d welded into one great
vocal unit t h e United S t a t e s of