Document 14063937

Page 4
Chorus to Tell
History in Song
(Continued from page 1, column 5)
been p u t into song, and will be p r e sented as p a r t of their p r o g r a m
Monday night.
Offer Varied Program
T h e i r program will incliiue t h e
following n u m b e r s :
a. T h e Creed
b. Praised Be Thou, O Lord
c. We Sing of Thee
d. T h e Responsory
From t h e Evening Liturgy
e. Have Mercy Upon Us, O Lord....
a. History in song of S. Jaroff and
his Don Cossack chorus..Schwedoff
b. J u s t one note of t h e horse bell
rings softly
A I T . by Jaroff
c. T h e Captive Cossacks
J a n i c e Friedman, general c h a i r m a n of t h e junior reception, a n d
d. My Lady
Rita Sullivan, president of the class, who will be in charge of the freshe. T h e Song about Stenka Rasin....
m a n reception tonight.
a. T w o soldiers' infantry songs
Hartman, Kullman Plan
Arr. by Jaroff
Meeting Of Commission
b. Two White Russian songs
On Thursday, October 13. F r e s h T h e M a t h club will conduct its
Arr. by Jaroff
c. Lesglnca
Schwedoff first meeting of t h e school year m a n Commission will h a v e its first
T h u r s d a y night. Dorothy W a r r e n , meeting in t h e lounge of Richardson
d. T h e Song of A t a m a n Platev ....
Arr. by Jaroff '39, president of the club, h a s stated hall according to a n a n n o u n c e m e n t
Following is t h e Music council t h a t plans for t h e coming year will made by Eloise H a r t m a n a n d Stanley
Kullman, junior advisors of t h e orcommittee for t h e event: Betty B a k - be discussed.
Members a r e requested to watch ganization.
er, '39, general c h a i r m a n ; Carolyn
T h i s year t h e F r e s h m a n CommisMattice, '39, a r r a n g e m e n t s ; Lillian the bulletin board outside t h e
Rivkind, '40, publicity; Alice Brown, m a t h e m a t i c s office for a n a n n o u n c e - sion is sponsored by Miss Helen
'40, door; Lona Powell a n d Rosemary ment of the exact time a n d place Hall Moreland, dean of students,
and Student Christian association.
of meeting.
Brucker, sophomores, tickets.
Math Club Will Meet
To Discuss New Plans
State Graduates Fill
College German Posts
Five positions in the field of
G e r m a n have been filled d u r i n g
t h e past year by S t a t e students.
Hugo Pold, P h . D., was promoted to assistant professor a t
Western Reserve university,
Helen O t t accepted a position
as teacher of a G e r m a n methods
and demonstration class a t the
s u m m e r school of Middlebury
Henry G r o e n w a s chosen in
competition with students of all
other colleges as g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t assistant in G e r m a n a t t h e
University of Louisiana,
A n n a E, Josefek, i n n a t i o n wide competition, was awarded a
G e r m a n House scholarship for
g r a d u a t e study a t t h e University
of Wisconsin.
Rudolf Syring, P h . D., was
given a professorship a t t h e
Western College ior Women a t
Oxford, Ohio.
Spanish Club to Have
First Meeting of Year
T h e S p a n i s h club of S t a t e college will conduce its introductory
meeting Tuesday, a t 8:00 o'clock in
the Lounge of Richardson hall.
T h e r e will be a business m e e t ing followed by a program of e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d refreshments. All students of t h e college a r e welcome,
1941 Will Collect Dues
Sophomore class dues will be collected next week on Monday, T u e s day, a n d Wednesday, October 3, 4,
a n d 5. A table will be placed in t h e
R o t u n d a of Draper hall for their
collection. All sophomores a r e urged
to pay dues promptly.
1942 Nominates
Class Officers
(Continued from Pago 1, Column If)
nette Ryerson, Lorraine Rowe, Elsie
J o h n s o n , Marjorie Gaylord, J a n e
Ferris, Betty Mird, J a n e Wilson.
Nominations for treasurer: Milton
Ray, Robert Meek, Elaine Harvey,
Leo Giladett, Mary Cooley, Robert
Lally, A n n C a s h m a n , Goldie C l a p man, J a n e Read, Nicholas Marsillo,
Mary Elizabeth Horn, Robert Leilels,
Al Stiller.
Nominations for reporter w n - e :
Shirley Wurz, Theodora Hoornbeck,
Edward Colmar, Anita Holm, Peter
Fulvio, Dorothy Smolensky, R u t h
Mons, Elinor Schlesinger, Edwin
Holstein, Betty Burke, R u t h Wiggins.
F u r t h e r nominations for a n y of
these offices may be made by placing
the n a m e cf the nominee in a sealed
envelope a n d sending it to Myskania
via t h e s t u d e n t mailbox.
And His Orchestra
Adm. Women 40c
Men GOc
" N a m e Bands Every Week"
State College News
Freshman Class
Will Designate
Officers Tuesday
Class Advisors to Supervise
Balloting as 1942 Fills
Eight Positions
Student Aid
Perhaps few of you know it,
but the n a t i o n a l government
makes it possible for over 120
people to a t t e n d S t a t e college.
During t h e last Congress, $75,000,000 was appropriated for t h e
National Youth Administration.
Of this fund over £1,800 a m o n t h
will be distributed to those students in financial need a t S t a t e .
NYA students a r e selected on
a basis of character, family r e sources, a n d abilities by a committee composed of members of
the faculty a n d J o h n Edge, '39,
NYA administrator. Those students registered for less t h a n
12 hours of courses a n d those
on probation a r e ineligible.
NYA students a r c engaged in
all sorts of activities including
clerical work, laboratory a n d
clinical work, tutoring, a n d even
T h e clas.s oi" 1942 will conduct its
election for officers lor this year
a t a meeting Tuesday noon a t 12:00
o'clock in room 200, under t h e d i rection of Betty Hayford a n d Robert
Hcrtwig, senior Myskania advisors
to trie freshmen,
Any additions to t h e lisl of n o m i nations may be made by placing
nominal ions in a sealed envelope,
addressed to Myskania W i t h d r a w a l s
may be effected in the same way.
Presidential Nominations
Following is the complete list of
nominations which appeared in t h e
Ni:ws last week: president. T h o m a s
Augustine, William Dickson. P r a n k
Evans, T h o m a s George, Ralph G i b bets, J a m e s Gillen, Ira Hlrsch, J o s eph Larko, William Matthews, Paul
Merritt. Herbert Moore. T h o m a s
Schultz, Eivion Williams.
Marie Coarscy, F r a n k Evans, M a r lin Ewing. Florence Halbreich, Anita
Holm, Edward Holstein, B a r b a r a
An address by Dr. Milton G. NelHoward, Joseph Larko, Selma Leis,
son, d e a n of t h e college, a n d voting
William Matthews, Paul Merritt,
Nicholas Morslllo, R u t h Nieson, J e a n for campus queen will constitute t h e
Sears, a n d J o h n Vavasour; secre-j assembly program this morning.
tary, Armede Black, J a n e Evans, J a n e
All nominations for campus queen
Ferris, Marjorie Gaylord, Betty G i l - will be made by secret ballot under
more. Elsie Johnson, Betty Maid, the direction of Myskania, senior
Lorraine Rowe, J e a n n e t t e Ryerson, campus leadership society. Only senL a u r e t t a Servatius, a n d J a n e Wilson. ior girls are eligible for the distincTreasurer:
Burke, Ann tion a n d those five who receive t h e
C a s h m a n , Goldie Clopman, Edward
highest number of votes will hold
Colmar, Mary Cooley, Peter Folvio,
Leo Giladett, Elaine Harvey, Anita sway over Campus day activities.
Alter the five girls a r e chosen,
Holm, Edward Holstein, Mary Elizabeth Horn, Theodora Hornbeek, R o b - revotes a r e conducted a n d t h e girl
ert Lally, Robert Leilels, Robert who receives t h e highest number of
Meeks, R u t h Mons, Nicholas M o r - votes becomes queen, with the other
sillo, Milton Ray. J a n e Real, Elinor four serving as a t t e n d a n t s .
S t u d e n t s are asked to sign I heir
All rt Stiller, R u t h Wiggins, a n d
ballots With their names a n d .stuShirley Wurz.
dent tax number a n d class numerals.
/Continued on pttyc '/, column if)
Vol., XXIII, No. 3
Sophomores Will Welcome Freshmen
At Reception in Page Hall this Evening
Walrath, Ferree Receive
Rivals with Program
of Talks, Skit
Myskania Will Explain Rules
of Interclass Rivalry
to Both Classes
This evening from 8:00 until 11:30
o'clock, (he class of 1941 will officially welcome t h e freshman class to
S t a t e college, B a r b a r a Ferree, general c h a i r m a n for t h e event, h a s a n nounced the program. I t will consist of a short greeting by Merrill
Walrath, president of tlie sophomore
class, a skit, to be presented in
Page hall auditorium, dancing in
the gymnasium, a n d refreshments.
Frederick Day. '41, is directing
the skit. T h e plot h a s to do with
the life of a typical S t a t e freshman, from the time of his e n t r a n c e
into the world, until his graduation
from S t a t e . T h e members of t h e
cast include Beatrice Dower, Betty
Parrott, Alma Knowles, Madeline
Merrill W a l r a t h , president of the sophomore class, a n d Barbara Scesny, Rosemary McCarthy, S t a n ley Smith, S t e p h e n Bull, Clarence
Ferree, c h a i r m a n of t h e sophomore reception to t h e freshmen.
Olson, Gerald Saddlemire, Daniel
Bucci, Louis Pasquini, Paul G r a t t a n ,
J a c k G a r d e p h e , a n d Dennis Dole.
Day asserts t h a t his cast will be
in excellent form tonight, a n d t h a t
the freshmen will see a n example
of d r a m a t i c a r t such as they have
never seen before.
Leonard Friedlander Announces
Changed Rivalry Rules
New Varsity Debate T e a m
In addition to tlie regular program
Classical a n d French Clubs
Leonard Friedlander. ")!), presi- of t h e reception, Myskania will exPlan Formal Reception
plain interclass rivalry rules to the
of Debate council a n n o u n c e s
to C l a s s of 1 9 4 2
sophomore a n d freshman classes.
t h a t the weekly meetings of debate
Tills will take place just proceeding
seminal- will be on Wednesday afterA new event lias been
Four d e p a r t m e n t a l clubs of S t a t e noon al 3:30 o'clock in Room 5 of tlie skit.
added to rivalry this year, namely,
college thai have delayed r e s u m p Richardson hall.
a men's tug of war contest. T h e
tion of their activities until the
T h e debate sajnlnar is open to all rules concerning t h e mascot h u n t
last of the hectic first days laid gone
It is
by, awakened I his week as a n - members of t h e varsity debate squad. have also been changed.
nouncements of two receptions and R is further stated t h a t any m e m - therefore quite important t h a t all
two organization meetings were r e - ber falling to a t t e n d t h e seminar sophomores a n d freshmen be presmeetings will not be eligible lo p a r - ent for tills explanation.
t i c i p a t e in intercollegiate debate.
Guests a n d chaperons a t t h e r e Both Ihe Classical a n d French
T h e seminar will discuss all de- ception will include the members of
clubs will formally receive ihe freshbate topics a n d will present lecturers Myskania; William R. Clark, instrucman class al, receptions to he conthat are authorities on questions a t tor in English, and Mrs. Clark; Dr.
ducted this week in Ihe Lounge of
issue. T h e subject thai will receive Caroline Croasdaie, professor of
Richardson hall. Tlie French club's
attention at the firs I few meetings hygiene; Dr, Matie E. Greene, a s reception will be presented on Wedis as follows: Resolved: T h a t the sistant professor of hygiene; Dr.
As we walk down .Stale's pedagogi- I n u i ( ' " ' H-OUHLTH. colored brown, green nesday evening from 7::s() to 10:00 United .Stales should cease lo
ciil corridors, we are rascinated bv or even yellow. Willi a grey, checker- o'clock, while I lie Classical club will public funds for the purpose use Caroline Lester, instructor in m a t h e the varlelv of color combinations « Mineoat. T h e n lie puis his entertain Ihe class of 1042 at the priming business. This is one oi of matics; Dr. J. Allen Hicks, professor
the of guidance, and Mr. Dork V. Tleszen,
displaved bv the male members of t l l J 1 » « . color-wracking, red and grey same lime Ihe following evening.
intercollegiate debate topics.
instructor in chemistry. Music will
the college.' On a l.vpicul morning » « ' k U e « » t«P " ' his two-toned shirt,
Chili Keccptions
T h e new members of the debate he provided by Bob Reid and his
we c a m e across O'Hora, displaying a '• OI course, Hie junior class lias a
green still Willi a big. flashy, r e d - good representative member in C a p - Marie Peel/,. '39, president of the varsity squad are as follows: Betty
Committees in Charge
spotted winged butterfly al his j ]>lell<). His dress is always smart French club, will welcome the fresh- Denmark, a n d George
Tin' following committees have
throat, contrasted againsl an inky looking, according to i he gals. Ultru- men She is lo be assisted by Flor- juniors: Lee Durling, Paul G r a t i a n ,
ence Dwyer, "ill, programs, a n d John Murray. Dorothy J o h n s o n , Eve- been a p p o i n t e d : reception, Roseblack shirt.
T h e n a little later, conservative in his lasle.s. lie creates
Evelyn Pureed, '39, refreshments,
lyn Olivet, Dorothy Peak, Joseph mary McCarthy, chairman, William
Fricdlauder almosl knocks us down a good Impression wilh all the powT h e program of Ihe Classical club Schwartz, a n d Louise Snell, sopho- Mailer, Madeline Scesny, Lee DurlWilli Ins Scotch plaid shirt combin- der puff-el's ill the college
(I mi j)(i(t< !h column '/)
ell with thai flying h a n d - m a d e inNow we must pay our respects to will be led by Eleanor Wise, '39,
si el which, after several liniin b e - ' t h e representative members ol the
the general direction ol
gins III look like some water-soaked sophomore class. T h e r e comes S t a n under
lepidnplcni. with wings folded al its Smith and Merrill Wnlralli, dressed Minion Kiiilansik, '.'ill, assisted by
[alike, with a conservative sail and oilier club members,
To dale, fitly si talents have signed
(Hi ;,e.,. we don'l want lo forget somehow thai winged lepidnptera is
the mure conservalive dressers of even al their ailams apple, bobbing for ('las? leal club. All those interHie grand old senior class. 'Pake J up a n d down as llle spii'll moves ested in Ihe classics a r e invlled lo
The lights grow dim, a hush which carried tlie chorus from ihe
•|',,l ner lor mslanee There's a m a n " " ' i n . 'I he pretty little beasl brighl- alleiul
comes over the audience, a n d Ihe depths oi melancholy lo ihe heights
Chemistry Club
fnr i o n Always in a b u r n and ill- ens up their disparaging dispositions
ways spick a n d spall iroin his which have sunk to new depths beT h e oldesl and largest ol the d e - packed S t a t e college assembly Wit- of frivolity.
Two of the most outstanding
Miioolhl} slicked hair lo hi: polished cause ol Hie man poWi r ol p a r t m e n t a l chilis. Chemistry club, nessed a first nlghter program ol ihe
will conduct lis organization meet- Don Cossack chorus comparable lo hymns ol llle liturgical selections
.shoes, ih; clothes have always been Ilic Crush class.
T w e n t j -three nothing in Ihe hlslon ol Ihe college were, "Praised Be Thou. () Lord,"
immactllale and .some ol his i w o - Yes. llle Irush clas.s has made an ing on Thursday.
Tlii' clouds, ihe chatter, the h u b loiicd shirts have been Ilic envj ol Iimpression
Hill clothes don'l n e r - freshmen and over thirty upper- bub, all Were silenced bj llieir first which resembled one long chord In
which Ihe basses were contrasted
llie homo .',a|iieiis Girls, heller look jessanly make Ihe m a n as far lis Hie elassmen will be inducted into mem- greal chord.
against the tenor voices, and " T h e
this m a n u p !
Ireshmen men are concerned for bership.
As the tall, black-robed Cossacks Responsory," which was like a
Hill bcioi'e you look T a b n e r up, I m a n power is t h e key t o their probFollowing a discussion ol plans for formed
I wo
semi-circles huge organ responding lo the touch
yotl belter give Hay Wallers the once table success. Yes gals, llieir h a n d - Hie annual banquet, there will be across (he stage, I heir leader, a of its master.
over, He pills .sonic swell clothes on ! some aspeel Is lasciiialing lo all a report oi a speech, concerning I diminutive individual, stopped to tlie
All of tlie Russian folk songs made
ilie importance of organic cheinis- j forefront to lead Ihe chorus. T h e
thai lull, handsome ligure ol his, feminity.
special hit with the audience
and when he docs, watch the "WillFrom the commentaries above, we l iv on life today, given by Dr. audience leaned forward lor Ihe as
as wilh
Ihe music
Ict-soekers" gape agog. |i seems have reached several definite con- Whiliuoic a t Troy last. week. All opening selection, a n d Its expecta- critics. Two oi these songs should
thai none ol tlie boys sland a chance elusions. First, men a r e going ufler iippcirlassmcn thai wish to join t h e tions were fully realized,
be given especial attention. T h e
when Wallers shows up with thai colors giving Hie girls competition Chemistry club are requested to conTlie tones of tile chorus were lull. first was " t h e history in song,"
Gable profile, iNo cracks intended!. lo brighten up their attractiveness i
volume which portrayed to tlie audience
As we leave our seniors, we meet and dispositions. (Secondly, men are Or T h o m a s G, Bergin, professor that filled t h e farthest
corners the long suffering; a n d troubles of
one ol the more "dignified" juniors a n d dispositions, o u r last comment of Romance Languages, will be the of the assembly. T h e two o u t s t a n d - tlie Russian people; their d i m i n u who is displaying a combination of is t h a t those winged fleas are be- guest of the Italian club when Louis ing characteristics of the perform- endos a n d crescoudos in this song
colors that would make a zebra or coming more a n d more popular, a c - Francello, '40, calls Ihe first meeting ance were t h e sweet tenor voice were superb.
T h o other, "My
a leopard look small. When Kowal- cording to our s m a r t set. Howso- of Hie current school year to order (almost soprano)
carried Lady," was sung with such a buoyant
sk.V struts down Draper hall, t h e e v e r - J e t those who dress conserva- on Tuesday. Dr, Bergin Is to speak through all tlie songs giving them spirit t h a t (ho audienco itself w a s
frosli women sit on edge a n d Just tively, worry little, lor tlie females of ids recent European tours. Other an ethereal air, a n d t h e deep bassos, moved by It,
melodious to t h e fullest
extent, (Continued
stare. Sometimes lie shows a bright still go for "silent" m e n .
on page 3, column 41
entertainment will be provided,
Nelson to Speak
At 11:10 Today
Four State Clubs
Resume Activities
Forensic Seminar
To Meet Weekly
Color Diversity Craze Captures
State College "Beau Brommels'
Hraight to more pleasure
. . . that's where Chesterfield
makes a solid hit every time
Don Cossack Chorus
Vivid Musical Pictures of Russia
. . . gives smokers what they want
. . . refreshing mildness and better
taste and here's the big reason . . .
livery Wednesday livening
// takes good things to make a good product. That's why we use the best ingredients a cigarette can have... mild ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper... to make
Chesterfield the cigarette that SA TISFItiS.
Copyright 1938, IIGGBTT & M r m TOIMCLO CO,
.. more pleasure
for millions
livery Irhluy livening
All (.'. II. S. Stations
1'oothull Highlight!!
livery Thursday and Saturday
52 Leading N. It. <.'. Stations
Page 2
E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e Class of 1918
T h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e N e w s p a p e r of N e w Y o r k S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
P u b l i s h e d e v e r y F r i d a y of t h e college year by t h e
N e w s B o a r d r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e S t u d e n t Asociation
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 6-9373; O'Hora, 3-2843; Strong,
2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bilzi, 3-9538
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
Essays on Privacy
• CommentstatertTHE C0MMENT8TATER
is given the icidest
latitude as author of this column, though his viewpoints do not necessarily
always reflect those of the
National Advertising Service, Inc.
(EGO is given the widest latitude as author of this
his viewpoints
do not
necessarily always reflect
Pictures! P i c t u r e s ! Pictures!
and how do you think yours
will come out? T h i s is the time
of year when all good students
come to t h e a i d of t h e photographer. Yes, frosh, t h a t ' s what
t h a t m a n in t h e Commons was
doing this week. We didn't know
t h a t there was so much to this
picture business. S i t straight,
hold your h a n d s on your knees,
straighten your shirt, get t h a t
wrinkle out of your shoulders—
and what have you got? Some
B u t have
R u m o r h a t h it t h a t those pictured shall see t h e fruit of their
endeavor sooner t h a n Ihey expect.
Reception time is with us again. T h e juniors
have feted t h e incoming class, a n d t h e sophomores
N E W Y O R K , N . Y.
will do likewise tonight. We a t t e n d e d t h e reception
last week, a n d h a d a very fine time, thank you. However, a s is usual to our critical n a t u r e , there was one
fly in t h e o i n t m e n t . W e didn't t h i n k we would know
Editor-in-Chief all three h u n d r e d odd members of t h e class of 1942,
Co-Editor-in-Ch ief but we didn't expect to r u n into so m a n y total
. . Managing
Editor strangers. I t was evident t h a t Law school, Medical
Associate Managing
Associate Managing
Editor school, P h a r m a c y school, Union, a n d Albany High
Associate Managing
Editor school, as well a s various a n d sundry lone gate
Manager crashers were there in a b u n d a n c e .
I t seems t h a t a grape-vine telegraph spreads t h e
And a word about newspapers.
news all over Albany t h a t S t a t e is throwing a party,
As prospective
teachers we
and t h e foreign delegations invade the gym en masse.
should become a w a r e of t h e pitWe are. happy t h a t o u r hospitality h a s become so
falls of talking for publication.
Certain of our s t u d e n t s blushed
. Men's Sports
Editor well a n d so widely known, but it certainly complicated
Charles F r a n k l i n
profusely last week when they
Women's Sports
Editor tin; problem of e n t e r t a i n i n g .
Betty Clark
saw the evening paper. There,
Assistant Sports
William Ryan
In t h e first place t h e dance floor becomes so
staring them in t h e face, were
Assistant sports
Editor crowded t h a t t h e pleasure of dancing becomes comJ o s e p h Bosley
their comments on our involveparable to a football game, or t h e biological theory I ment in t h e European situaAssociate
tion—comments t h a t they had
Albert Architzel, Charles Ettinger, Joyce May cock, of the survival of t h e fittest. In t h e second place, t h e
been I old were lor print, but
J. Edmore Melanson, Charles Walsh, Alice
consumption of ice-cream or punch is enough to give
which they h a d n ' t regarded as
Bartlow, Robert Cogger, Saul Greenwald
any refreshment committee a nervous breakdown or
important, Mind you, this is not
to Business
wreck havoc upon a n unsuspecting class budget.
a tirade against a tree press.
A free press is p a r t of o u r AmerAssistant Business Manager
Harriet Sprague
W h a t do we suggest? We might hire a couple of
ican heritage, a n d it is t h e
Assistant Advertising M a n a g e r
Kenneth Haser bouncers, or then again, we might have a secret
prerogative of a newspaper to
Assistant Circulation M a n a g e r
Mary Gabriel
password. However, we a r e serious about t h e whole
quote citizens (Ed. note:—Even
the Lion does!). So let's r e thing, a n d we do think that S t u d e n t council or t h e
Marion Ayotte, Ray Carroll, Elizabeth Donahue, Normember t h a t when we give out
individual classes a n d organizations should institute
m a n Levy, Miriam Newell, Betty Parrott, Enes
items for public consumption
some practical plan of identification so t h a t S t a t e
Novelli, Madeline Scesny, Catherine Schafcr
thai, they don't reflect so much
college parties may be j u s t that, in fact a.s well as in
on J o h n or J a n e Doe personally,
but as a n embyro teacher a n d
s t u d e n t of S t a t e college,
* «•
Early in t h e semester, a council of war was conC'cst tout, at least for this
ducted in t h e Activities office by t h e heads of t h e
(Itti l i l l r l y
llllrl.v's i l o n c . "
various activities q u a r t e r e d there. Don't get excited!
When the hurly burly of first semester We've been doing t h a t for years! This year, as usual,
exams is over, the sorority girls start the we decided to close ( a n d lock) t h e door to t h e genholacaust of formal rushing. After two eral public so t h a i the staffs a n d councils could do
some serious a n d u n h a m p e r e d work there.
weeks of cramming and jittery nerves, the we really have been quite successful. Now only those
'sisters' put on their best company smiles people who have keys, (about thirty-five), their inand attempt to be nice to the freshman timate friends, sorority sisters, fraternity brothers,
women. The greenies have, themselves, the visiting alums, a n d nearest relatives can come in. T h e Greeks arc still going strong,
a n d here's t h e latest.
just completed the most trying interlude It's very exclusive!
Kappa Delta: K D a n n o u n c e s two
We can't help it, 'though. T h e r e a r e loo many activiof their first semester. These two groups ties centered there. Did you realize that a t least engagements- t h a t of E m m a Meade,
to Raymond King of D a r t m o u t h ,
combine and both expect to make wise eleven i m p o r t a n t activities a r e a t t e m p t i n g to function '36,
and Zella Winter, also '30', to George
choices. We do not feel that this can be simultaneously, in one small room? You c a n see t h a t Wright of Mountain Lake, New J e r this variety of duties a n d business gives almost a n y - sey.
true under these trying conditions.
Psi G a m m a : Six new members
one a n entree to the office.
One of the reasons for the sad work
We were looking all a r o u n d t h e school for a quiet, were formally initialed Sunday
Ruth Donnelly a n d Win Jones,
of some sorority girls on these examinations secluded spot to place our typewriters a n d copy paper, Juniors, J e a n n e t l e Evans, Mary
is that they have spent too much time or- and we found one—the Lounge! W h a t purpose does Sharpies, Betty Wessels, and Lena
the Lounge serve t h a t isn't already duplicated by
ganizing and worrying about these formal some other place? W h a t important functions could Drapolski,
AEPhi: Six pledges were also
functions. We believe that there are two not be conducted iwlth a slight r e a r r a n g e m e n t ) in formally initiated into membership
t h e AEPhl house recently. They
solutions to the problem. The first—post- some other purl of t h e college? We welcome your at
were: Henrietta Gold, Ethel Cohen,
pone these functions two weeks or so. The ideas, tor and against, our plan, and next week we Eslelle Engleluirdf, Doris Grossman,
Eleanor Oreunglass, a n d Til lie Stern,
second and, we feel, the best rule would be intend to analyze t h e situation further,
.sophomores. Weekend guests at the
to hold the rush parties the weekend behouse were Ruth
Wellltriuib, and Hose Herkowilz, all
fore Thanksgiving recess. Friday, Saturof the class of '38.
Rushing Aspirin
day, and Sunday would be the ideal days,
wit? the next week a silent period. This
would allow the freshmen to go home and
chat with their family about the sorority
Then there would be no danger of anyone's seriously slighting studies at a crucial
time. The minds of all concerned would be
clear and everyone would be able to choose
more wisely.
At that time the women should know
each other well enough to decide on this
serious question,
It would enable the
sorority girls to concentrate on other subjects beside rushing and would allow the
freshmen to quit worrying.
We offer this as a suggestion for Intersoroi'ity council to consider seriously.
There may be better solutions to the evil,
but the present system is an evil and should
be corrected, We hate to see our friends
go slowly insane from the strain again this
Magazine of the Week:
Adolescent Abbreviations
"Youth Digest" edited by Joseph Elliot Moonoy, Philadelphia, Pa., III! pages, 25 cents.
i On
in tin
"Clear-Vigorous-Contemporary," is the slogan ol
Ihis really new magazine edited with the high school
and junior college .student chiefly in mind,
A handy, pocket-sized magazine, smacking ol a
"Readers Digest," style, il makes easy reading anil a
convenient t line-passer.
T h e editors have a t t e m p t e d , and quite successfully,
to present abbreviated essays on many phases ol
interesi in an attempt to cater to youthful tastes.
T h e hobby-popular fields of sailing, music, newspapers,
photography, and weaving are covered in I he second
One cannot help bill notice t h e "Readers Digest'
standing out all over t h e magazine ycl n has Its
own style and own yollthlul m a n n e r about il, II.,
complete deficit of commercialism, in the form ol
advertising, Is refreshing.
"Youth's Digest" appeal cannot be described as
limited in s t u d e n t s alone; lor its m a n n e r ol presenting
the "inside-truck" on adolescent youth makes it w o r t h .
while reading lor the s t u d e n t teacher,
"We a r e opening new possibilities from t h e world
of print," say the editors. "Our 'Youth's Digest' Is
a new magic carpet for young a n d old alike who revel
in t h e realness of living; who l o w t h e quality of surprise a n d unexpectedness; who see beuuty, wonder a n d
humor a n d who enjoy Journuys with scientists, explorers, poets a n d makers of o u r world of work."
"tea" as in torture
T h e knock-down, d r a g - o u t affair
is over for a n o t h e r year. Gosh, gals,
why n o t throw o u t as unenjoyable
and miserable a tradition as t h e d e a r
old intcrsorority (sore feet, breaking
back, etc.) tea? Or, why n o t j u s t
drink tea a n d gab? Personally, I
had a helluva time last S a t u r d a y
our forest friends
First we heard of t h e G r e e n
Wolves—then we s a w them. S o m e body rounded u p t h e Wolverines,
little girls who want to get a r o u n d
but not tied down, Now comes word
t h a t Dick Cox, '38, Myskania a n d
w h a t - n o t , is a member of t h e Wolf
Patrol a t Whitney point where h e is
a " t e a c h " a n d a scout master.
mumblings a n d grumblings
Orchids to somebody
in t h e
Operatic Society for being a n o p portunist a n d a n artist to boot; t h e
signs a r e clever and attractive.
Stinkweeds lo the bowling sign in
ihc commons . . . a n d some o t h e r
posters around, too. Scandal m o n gers, a l l : we could hardly s t a n d
whispering a n d talking t h a t way
right In Iron; of us. While t h e
Cossacks a r e in mind, doesn't it irk
the oldsters around thai S l a t e men
Just can't keep up a dandy venture
like t h e Troubadours, those happy
singers not so far back? Won't we
ever grow up? . . . A sign at t h e
Washington avenue e n t r a n c e to
Draper hall reads, "School Zone
Children Crossing." . , , A n n u a l - h u e and-cry d e p a r t m e n t :
Geez, do I
look like t h a t ? Crlpes, what, lousy
pictures I take! . . . You r a n sec
Elissa Land! for a halved dollar
t h a n k s lo t h e charitability of h e r
Russell Sage sponsors whose r e p r e sentative said she realized t h a t S t a t e
s t u d e n t s haven't much money, a n d
that t h e girls h a d decided to m a k e
a special price on this account, a n d
something else we couldn't u n d e r stand because h e r chin got in t h e
way. .
. T r e a s u r e r look.s like t h e
treasured frosh office: 24 nominees!
phoo! d e p a r t m e n t
Speaking of two-thirds of t h e j u n ior stunt, last Friday, confidentially,
it (see You Can't Take il Willi
Now let's not g e t t h e frosh
in bad habits. Last Moving-up d a y
we saw some s t u n t s . . . some good
stunts. Let's see some more C a m p u s
day . . . a n d maybe a student a d visor for all stunts, a senior, would
be a good idea again.
of t h e future
J'ever notice the mailbox outside
the Activities office?
ft'.s labeled
"News" but it's for everybody inside,
but Hull's beside the point; t h e point
is, if you have suggestions or items
lor t h e S t a t e s m a n , why nut. drop
therein? S t a t e s m a n
gladly use .some personality bits, b i n
gosh, two eyes, I wo ears, and a nose
are Statesman's, just like you a n d
me. Well, do something dumb, a n d
we'll fix you up. Amusedly,
G a m m a Kappa P h i : New pledges
at ( l a m i n a K u p a r e Betty Denmark,
it), Gertrude L e h m a n a n d .loan
Lovelaud, sophomores.
guests weiv Mildred
Lillian Kiisliineyer, Prances Wolak,
Bureau a n and Kiithryn Hobble, 'IIH'ers.
nounces 11 itiI senior (aiders may Or
Bela Zeta; B / . also announces the oblaini d Irom the Millie office, room
formal Initiation of fourteen pledges. ' - ' A, anytime iilier Monday. These
p October 124.
T h e new members a r e :
Dorothy folders a r e ill
MaeLeiin and J a n e Similes, seniors, Seniors HIT requested lo sign a card
Luella Hess and Churlotle Crosby, lor 11 it iii and Me iheiu in Hie box
,\ eonJuniors, anil Lioise l l a i i n i a n , Ada provided tin Mu. purpose
Parshail, frail Wood. J a n e t Mac- Itribution ul nnr don,,,- i;, payable
doniild, Dorothy Mix .Shirley Myers, lo (he bureau up i,, November ::n
Isabelle Robinson, Julia Tunnolf
Seniors are especially requested to
l.ois Gleimr, and Madalyii Beers, ''heck on Ihelr schedule cards, nil sophomores
nu: III i \ a e | information about their
win reaboiils each hour ol Ihc school
Pi Alpha Tun Illlci'sororilJ lea (,l|
.v, including room numbers, r u l brought several alums back In the
PAT told over I he weekend, among ing place:, offices ol aeln ilies, a n d
place:, where lhe.\ might |„.
them EM her D a n e s , i
Putiiskner, "iber
including u i . phone numbers,
and Esther I'Vluer. ul | h e class of '""
'•he bun'an hsis ihc following
ill. and Jean Jacobs a n d I'iorence
Placements John Bedford, graduate,
Lellluni!, ul lasl vein's class.
parochial school, icochcsl'er English '
Phi Lambda
In nine with the Virginia Whitloek, g r a d u a t e Rodtunes, Phi Lambda also received lioltl, history, Ereneh. a n d L a t i n '
pledges into membership in formal Mary (i. Sweeney, "17. Walei'vllot
Initiation services lor Beiilah Qlf- substitute, commerce, Leah Dorgan
lord a n d Bernlee Kreyiueyer. Juniors. '32, Waiervllei. business training•'
J e u n u t i i c l a w s o n , "ill, was pledged Mrs. Irene M. Muhoiiey. "Il, Waferrecently.
jvllot, English a n d civics; a n d FlorShinchuk,
'3ft. Waiervllei,
T h a t ' s all until next week, J r l s ! e n c e
mathematics ami science
Be good!
Page 3
Fourteen Gain
All Phenomena Indicate
Fall Season
Second Round
Successful Sports Year Recreationals
In Net Tourney
State's varsity teams last y e a r | | i r
A V\l
breezed along with mlddlin' success.! ffl A A
Baseball, basketball, cross c o u n t r y ' « • * » • " • * i t t i i o
i . I
1 1
F o r f e i t u r e N o t C o m p e t i t i o n and tennis were the principal interB. C
collegiate sports in which S t a t e p a r A f l|tf|lSIIt I JUlflAlf
Exactly one week ago today we s a t
Earmarks Intramural
ticipated a n d t h e year closed with
of t h e constitution
us down and dashed us off a full colSport Program
the athletes sporting about a .500
of t h e Women's Athletic associau m n of stuff,
O n Friday last t h e N E W S a p Palmer
to Direct
O u t i n g ; tion states, in effect, t h a t t h e p u r It seems t h a t t h e tennis t o u r n a T h e harriers a n d tennis teams
pose of t h e organization is to foster
peared in all its glory with t h e stuff ment is progressing like t h e provermanaged to ooze out enough vicBusses Leave Draper
an interest in sports which will
playing its own humble p a r t of t h e bial house-afire. However, we c a n
tories to a d d u p to a successful
e n d u r e long after college years a r e
not sec any ashes on t h e tennis
i season. Both squads will be vetover. As we see t h e proposition,
I n t h e early part of i h e same aft- courts. O u t of a list of 56 e n t r a n t s erans this year a n d show promise
sports after college, especially for
T h e call of t h e great outdoors pedagogues, must of necessity be
ernoon on which the N E W S appeared only 14 have advanced into t h e sec- | for greater success. Both sports could
in all its glory, we were accosted ond round. Of these, six have a d - I become centers of greater interest echoes iis clarion note t h r o u g h o u t confined to t h e type usually labeled
by t h e two vanced through competition a n d t h e[should S t a l e put successful squads the halls of S t a t e this weekend— I "recreational."
remainder through "byes." If those
people who read our column.
the outdoors being condensed for
fellows who have n o t played out t h e into competition,
Although both sports stressing
T h e basketball squad upheld the convenience within t h e c o m p a r a - I team activity and those stressing
These Lwo people told us t h a t our first round will gel some ambition
column was very muddy—in Ihe
| honor of S t a t e last season with a tively limited confines of T h a t c h e r
sense of not being clear a n d wanted I a m l complete it, this t o u r n a m e n t very successful season. T h e y com- park. Tomorrow all t h e well-known | individual activity a r e offered d u r i ing each season, there h a s always
to know what t h e - — we were u i k - j niay yet be over by t h e time f h a n k s - pleted their season with a record of trails in t h e environs of t h e park
'seemed to be more emphasis placed
| giving rolls around.
ten victories and five defeats. T h e will be thronged with enthusiastic Ion t e a m - s p o r t s . Last year, however,
Certainly, there is no excuse lor Mads stalled with a terrific bang members of W. A, A.'s Annual I n - the newly inaugurated "mid-season"
Inasmuch as these two people were | l l u , ennioiuiers to lag. One per- that fizzled out to a puny pop. Howdian Ladder Outing.
Hikers will I was devoted entirely to a n indigood enough to inquire info t h e m a t - : , , „ , ( . . m , ( ) 1 ( | ,,,,,.,. ., tournament a
tcr, we a r e only loo glad lo destro.\ l j | l k , b u | ,.,„,,, ., f o w ( , . m n,nUs ,h._ ever, it must be remembered that go trooping u p t h e steep ascent v i d u a l i z e d program, a n d this fall's
i"!-"1-:-'" a n u L i p p u . . - t h e ( , s m ; y j | s purpose.
It Is I r r i t a t i n g lo two games came during (lie second In the Ladder, up t h e Ladder, down 'schedule includes a new recreational
same stroke,
hear players say thai their oppo- week o| exams T h e lei-down dur- ihe Ladder, through perilous F a t I sport—badminton. And most a m a z T h e lark ol understanding con- uenis can not agree upon a n appro- ing this period did nothing to aid Man's Misery a n d into t h e d a r k I Ing to some W. A, A.'ers, Is t h e fact
cerned the lirsl pari ol ihe column priate time lo finish t h e mulch. Keep either the mental or physical con- cave of i h e Underground Lake. For I t h a t t h e lure of the shuttlecock h a s
we a r e given to u n d e r s t a n d .
II il up. m e n ! T h e r e is always a dilioii of t h e team. Willi a team the benefit of candidates for Lotta j enticed over forty persons into
spending their free periods in t h e
everyone is all set, then, we shall forfeiture to contend with, Somi of veterans - - S t a t e losl but one Bunkers credit, any two of these gym, which i to say the least) offers
varsity m a n lasl year t h e nut look
endeavor in make thai pari of t h e body must win eventually.
no esthetic attractions.
It is o u r
mud as clear as we c a n . Are we
This same .situation applies to golf, is rosy tor this year. Incidentally, hike on the list of requirements.
sincere hope t h a i this evidence of
understood so lar?
Only one m a n h a s advanced into Ihe schedule which will be released
As a part of t h e alternative recre- interest in recreational sports will
O. K. We mentioned thai there t h e second round a n d that is duv later will show a few Interesting
the e n t e r t a i n m e n t committee prompt Council lo introduce more
was something wrong with t h e p i c - to t h e absence ol a n opponent,
such as dodge-ball a n d and more of t h e m into t h e schedule
lure Ilia! appeared on t h e sports These
m e n should
as Ihe year fears on.
page ol that date,
i matches immediately. T h e Mtinieiyear
Don't mistake us—we don't think
Costume in order for the clay Is
T h e something wrong, which we i pal Golf course is not open just lo
classified in our humble attempt a t | S t a t e m e n a n d therefore one can teresting lhat S t a l e h a s ever wit- the oldest, warmest a n d most com- il would be good policy to crowd
fortable obtainable.
rein- team-sports entirely out of t h e picwit as a "negro In t h e molasses | not play a t any old lime,
I forcemenls
a n d flashlights — are ture. Not a t all. We won't pull
barrel'' (an adaptation Irom the old
T h e baseball team was not quite particularly recommended for clam- t h a t trite line about t e a m - s p o r t s
folk-song, "There's a nigger in t h e
Perhaps t h e players in i n t r a m u r a l
developing sportsmanship, etc. etc.
woodpilc'i was simply thai t h e sub- s p o r t s should see t h e trophies thai as successful. In f a d , t h e opposi- I berlng around in Halle's Cave.
jeet of the picture was not what il n n ; to be awarded lo i h e winners tion made tilings very difficult for | T h e busses (Which always seem to There's something to it, however,
should be.
This would undoubtedly lurnish an ihe S t a t e nine which was very for- provoke so much derision in assem- a n d furthermore, there a r e people
t u n a t e lo win two games. T h e boys blies) will leave from the rear of who enjoy nothing better t h a n being
! incentive lo t h e participators.
seemed to develop a case of palsy Draper hall a t 10:00 o'clock, a n d will a perfectly placed cog in a perfectly
Now, t h e rest of our mud described
u j . s our contention that never
before Ihe games; this was d e t r i - r e t u r n from T h a t c h e r p a r k a t 4:00 functioning machine.
just what we llioughl should be in | u l V ( . S l a t e college men seen such
inenlal lo Ihelr ability lo hang on o'clock, arriving in Albany a t 5:00
But we like to believe that there
t h a t picture. We offered two possi- beautiful awards a.s those which
to Ihe ball. T h e boys h a d lo fight o'clock.
Immediately upon arriv- Is a greater number of people who
bilitics in fact.
j M . A. A. h a s purchased lor this
not only t h e other teams but they ing at the Ladder, hike leaders will enjoy t h e skill-games; whose only
football Again
year. Awards in basketball and track
had lo light themselves, t h e ball, conduct one hike a r o u n d t h e ladder desires in t h e way of competition
T h e first of the possibilities was had been offered before, but scarceand t h e w e a t h e r m a n . T h e r e was no and one through F a t Man's Misery. arc to better their own abilities, a n d
t h a t it .should be a picture of a ly a n y one knew t h a t any such
solace in Ihe season for anyone. A short sing a n d lunch, consisting scores.
couple of bloonhn' 200 pound guards trophies existed, This will not be
However, il is always possible to ol ihe traditional frankfurters and
Since there a r e regulations p r o knocking over a tackling dummy. the case any longer. Prizes will be
hope for greater success a n d it seems sundry embellishments, will follow. hibiting inter-school competitions in
T h u s , we used a simple figure of awarded every year in Ihe future.
that t h e lads must have s h a k e n all T h e rest of t h e afternoon will be any of t h e team sports now o r g a n speech, which Ye Ed assures us, is
M. A. A. h a s spent over sixty
lb" boots from their system.
devoted to hiking and t h e recrea- ized by W. A. A,, we believe t h e
called a metaphor.
dollars for trophies, a n d rules govpolicy of t h a t group should be to
In this period of welcome a n d tional games.
Instead of coining right o u t a n d erning Ihe issuance of these prizes to
play such athletics clown, a n d play
saying thai we were referring to t h e winners a r e simple, fn bowling t h e felicitations and stuff it might be
fact that football should be in ex- learn thai clinches Ihe champion well to express t h e sentiments of tin: J u n e Palmer, '30, who will be a s - up recreational ones.
* ^ * *
istenco a t Stale, we simply let you ship will have its n a m e engraved students by extending best wishes sisted by Betty Clark, '4u, e n t e r t a i n Archery, (which is a recreational
assume thai we were referring lo on t h e bronze plate beneath Ihe for athletic success this year. Any- ment; Florence Przyborowska. '40,
such a thing by describing t h e fact statue, As for t h e tennis trophy how, success or failure, let's stand faculty; Madeline Hunt, '41, t r a n s - sport, in case you think we're getting
off t h e subject) is still as big a h i t
t h a t there was something wrong only Ihc winning tennis player's behind t h e m !
p o r t a t i o n ; Charlotte Ritchie, '41, a.s ever. T h e mob which throngs
with a picture in Ihe season when i n a m e will appear on Ihe plate. T h e
food; a n d Catherine O'Bryan, '41, the dorm field to pull t h e William
every m a n deserving of t h e title h a s team winning the basketball trophy
Tell act is so large that t h e captains
t h a t thing uppermost in his mind, will see its n a m e printed on the long
arc frantically requisitioning new
and then mentioning that thing di- plaque a t t a c h e d to t h e bakelile base
equipment—new arrows, new bows,
rectly afterwards.
of Ihe trophy,
new targets.
We hope interest
Truck As'iiin
doesn't wane when t o u r n a m e n t time
The second ol Ihe possibilities was
comes 'round. Heretofore captains
I n t r a m u r a l council a n n o u n c e s
I hat I his picture could be a picture
have h a d to plead a n d persuade a n d
thai Ihe touch football season
of a group ol men i uguged in a
beseech in order to get enough people
group ol acHvilles such as running
got, underway Wednesday afterAnd maybe
from page I. column ii) to make one round.
and broad-jumping Instead of ihe
noon. T h e following a r e Ihe
Alter ihe third intermission, t h e new equipment will be conducive
single pari of the muscle-buiklerrules of play as announced by
songs took on a new aspect. They to high scoring, which everybody
uppcr domain thai was actually
I n t r a m u r a l council:
were light, ycl Ihey portrayed t h e bill S t a l e seemed to be making last
1. A team will consist of six
feeling of Ihe soldiers, Ihe peasants, year in Ihe Telegraphic Meet.
men who shall elect a captain
Instead ol coming right oul and
T h e "Song of A t a m a n
* * * *
saying I hid I here should be a group watchful supervision of captainresponsible lor Ihe team.
Plalov" was a true climax to Ihe
Have YOU ever ridden on moonmanager Tony Wllezynski lhe cross I
2. T h e games Will be divided
performance. T h e two dancers dis- light trails, a n d come galloping in
of men mil for fall practice for u j e o u n t r y .quail is being g r a d u a l l y ' into lour eii,hi -minute quarters.
played typical Russian skill in their to enjoy a delicious late evening
T R A C K TEAM, we doubled Ihe force I h a i d c n c d into ihe long minds that
:t. Sneaks will be ihe only
folk dances.
snack? If you haven't, you've never
ior doubly weakened II i of the m e u i . uwiiil u upon the sliui ol Its sehedlool near allowed on Ihe Held.
While praise is being 'dished oul." lived. Bui il's never loo late lo wake
phor by placing in ii this .second ule on October :").
•I Players
may noi
Music council and Us associates may up a n d die right. Mr. Anspach, way
thing which
thai the
isn't, should be there bill tic- liel's
will cumstales
mile regular
" breakglasses.
be given a ureal hand for carrying oul on Western avenue, h a s volunUnderstood?
i ing-iu" workouts for about a n o t h e r
a. Scoring will be on ihis
out such a tremendous undertaking teered lo provide both t h e horses
week before the really slilf trotting
basis, six point:, lor a touchw llhotil ihe slightest mishap on ils and t h e snack, for any group of six
VVe noliee that ihlraiiuiruls are ol Ihe lime trials gels under way,
down, lwo points lor a safety,
p a n in handling ol Ihe crowd and or eight couples or so which goes
going in for Ihe eery lulesl thing in II will be from Hie lime trials thai
and one point lor the point a l t e r
ihc sealing ol Ihe students and for night-riding.
e u r o lug through the program lot Ihe "crctiin ol Ihe crop' will be
a touchdown
guests, T h e red. while, blue, black,
the .\enr, whin with awards Hull are culled and molded into a team lo
(i. A team must gain ui leusl
green and pink contrasted beautireally IIH.IIIII bein,.; offered, a n d six lace t h e Delhi Aggies in Ihe lirsl
fully wilh the dark suits of Ihe
lilieen yards in lour consecutive
man tool ball in llu oil lie1,
! meet.
plays lor a lirsl down.
Alter gelling a look al i h e awards
Newcomers Show Promise
(12 Robin Street
7. T o he "downed" Ihe player
A slight b u n lo lulure performIhe other day, we made u p our mind
running with ihe ball must be
ances: dim Hie lwo huge lights in
lo gel out i he old sneak', a n d : hurts I Wllezynski, Wall Russ, and Louis
touched iai ihe "fail" by a memIhe balcony because Ihey distracted
and do our dariulesl foi Ihe sake ol j Eralieiilo. the rosier Irom which Ihis
films Developed
ber ol t h e opposing learn iwho
Ihe attention of Ihc audience by
good old ('. P. E.
'season's varsity will be selected, in:ie Per Print
need use only one h a n d ) .
Ihelr power
i i n s murks Hie second year in chides J o h n n y Netihs, '30, Louis Fink,
II. Unnecessary roughness will
which six man football h a s actually a n d Steve Szawlowski, juniors, a n d
result in a 111 teen yard penally
enjoyed any sort ol popularity. So Lloyd Chun, Stephen Godfrey, Doug
I). Either leain may recover
lar il h a s been used iiiaiuh in high Manli'v. .Jim S i n n e r , and J o h n
(Jen. I). Juonuy, Prop
Dial 5-1013
and i mi w u h a tumble
school', who:,,' population., are hot I loose, sophomores ()l I hese, Nelihs,
hi. Forward passing
very ureal.
Mauley, and
man is eligible lo reeeh e a puss,
The big advantage ol such a leain S i n n e r ran in lasl season's compellA leain may pass from any point
i.s of course Mini six men ol hurly Hon II is expected that the I rushbehind t h e line ol scrimmage.
good iniilcrliil a r e lunch more easily man class will also be well I'eprcA leain may pass as often as il
seiiled when ihe hill and dulej's
obtainable than eleven such men
by reason of simple liiallieiimlles. Initiate their formal practice.
11, A team is to be divided
Allied Scheduled
T h e style of play which naturally
into a lliree m a n line a n d a
I'hls year's meet against Alfred,
follows Irom the six m a n leain setup
three iiuin buck flu Id.
Substilends more lo the open Held with ; previously listed only leiilatively h a s
tutions may be made at will
been dellnllcly scheduled lor Novempassing utid bull handling stressed.
12. T h e games will be governed
T h e open style of attack leads to- ber ID. As yet, the rest ol the schedby orthodox football rules unless
ward higher scoring, lor close a n - ule which Ihe S l a t e trotters Will have
.U.HAN V, N. V.
otherwise specified herein or by
alysis shows that Ihe a d v a n t a g e is lo face, remains without fun her
very much lor the offense,
additions or change.
-C. F. F.-
States Runners
Train for Meets i
Male Chorus Thrills
Crowded Auditorium
Page 4
Noted Library Authority Advises
Commerce Club
To Have Exhibit Personal Collections by Students
S. C. A. Will Sponsor
Freshmen to Elect
Candlelight Service
Officials Tuesday
Miss Alice Kirkpatrick, assistants,
Dr. Brubachcr Will Address
instructor in library service, h a s | ti nh ea t mention
of various exhibitions (Continued from page 1, column 1)
had bee
The remainder of the complete list
" arranged to instruct
Freshman Commission
William D, Ryan, '39, president of returned from a meeting conducted
of nominations is as follows: reprethe Commerce club, announced to- recently by the New York Library , students on this subject
Included on the program was a
day plans for a business show, to association at Lake Mahonk, Miss
Tuesday night, Student Christian
be conducted by the State college Kirkpatrick represented the State competition with prizes for the best Dougherty, Edith Friedman, Marion association is sponsoring a candleLeary,
commerce club, in the Commons of
light service in the chapel of the
Haw ley hall, October 27, 28, and 29. she stated that a very educational were working their way through col- sentative on M. A. A., Henry Braun- Unitarian church, which is located
er, William Dorrance, Leslie Graves,
program was presented. She was lege won these awards.
behind the college. This is to be
Second Business Show
particularly interested in a talk
Students who have some inter- Carl Marroto and Virgil Scott.
the first of a series of candlelight
According to Ryan's announce- given by Miss Ludington of Mt. esting
Songleader: Thomas Augustine, services which will occur during the
books may have an opporment, the show will be the second Holyoke college.
Henry Brainier, Ira Hirsch, Rita year. All of the student body is
business machine show sponsored
Miss Ludington stated that all stu- All interested are urged to contact Kell, Ruth O'Donnell, Ben Tybring; invited to attend this chapel service
by the commerce students.
cheerleaders, Winifred Baer, Pauline at 8:00 o'clock.
should collect personal librar- Miss Helen Jones.
previous show, in 1935, displayed
During the summer months the Bronstein, William Dorrance, Eve$19,500 worth of machines and ies while in college where they
The first meeting of the Freshman
equipment, in addition to several would learn of the subject matter stacks of the college library were lyn Doyle, Feme Grenler, Dolores commission will be Thursday afterHavlick,
partidemonstrations of speed typing and
could be done despite financial lim- tioning off a sizable portion of the Navy, Mary Ozman, Milton Ray, noon from 3:30 to 4:45 o'clock in
shorthand by world champions.
provided that a wise selec- Commons. This action was prompted Joan Scheier and Josephine Trum- the Lounge of Richardson hall. Dr.
Michael Walko, '39, chairman of tion of reprints
Brubacher will speak on "The Social
of the better books by an ever increasing demand for bull.
arrangements, has already contacted was made. She concluded
Philosophy of State College." At
business firms in the capital disthis meeting the freshmen will also
trict; he promises a larger disRival Classes to Meet
meet the student advisors of the
Howe, Kowalsky Direct
play of equipment, in addition to
At Reception Tonight commission and will be introduced
numerous demonstrations.
Freshman Cub Classes (Continued from pane 1, column SI to the year's program.
Zoubek to Demonstrate
Cub classes are now being con- ing; arrangements, Charles Quinn,
Headlining the Friday, October
ducted every Monday and Tuesday chairman, Enes Novelli, Herbert Club to Have Open House
28, show will be Charles E. Zoubek,
in room 111 of Draper hall at 12:00 Oksala, Beth Donahue, Helmuth
one of the recognized champion
Virginia Bolton, '39, president of o'clock. Otto J. Howe and Leonard Schocn; entertainment, Frederick
The Edward Eldred Potter club
shorthand writers, and editor of the Dramatics and Arts association, an- Kowalsky, junior associate manag- Day, chairman, Daniel Bucci, Jean- will conduct an open house at its
Gregg News Letter.
nounces the coming appearance of ing editors of the STATU COLLEGE nette Evans; music, John Gardephe, new home at 495 State street tomorCommittee heads for the display Wilfred Walter, famed English ac- NEWS, will each instruct the Mon- chairman, Robert Mesek, Betty Parinclude George Amyot, '39, chairman tor, on Monday, November 7, in the day and Tuesday classes respective- rott; refreshments, Tillie Stern, row night, according to Ray Walters,
of the committee on contacting auditorium of Page hall.
ly. All freshmen who seek positions chairman, Anne Rattray, Eleanor '39, house president. All the stuschools; Otto J. Howe, '40, chairman
The advertising campaign is now on the editorial staff must attend Greenglass, Shirley Van Valkenburgh. dents and faculty of State college
of publicity; Dell*. Dolan, '39, chair- in progress under the direction of one class per week lor the entire Estelle Englehart, Arnold Ellerin. are invited.
man of program committee; and Virginia Furey, '39, and Jane Wil- year.
Joseph Schwartz; publicity, William
Florence Gebe, '40, chairman of'son, '40. Ruby Stewart, '40, Vivian
Sophomores aspiring to the posi- Cameron, chairman, Alice Abelove, N e w s Deadline Is Tuesday
the committee on contacting special Livingston, and Mary Miller, sopho- tions of sophomore desk editors are William Miller.
mores are in charge of tickets.
All organizations wishing a n
required to work on the Nuws two
Upon their entrance freshmen will
It is expected that over fifty high
Miss Bolton also announces that nights a week. They may report be given blue name cards, in keeping article in the NEWS must hand it to
schools will be invited to attend the Miss Ruth Hutchins, assistant pro- Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday with their class colors. Upperclass- a reporter or drop it in the NEWS
three-day show, in addition to all the fessor of art has been named an nights at 7:30 o'clock. All work will men will also receive name cards mail box before Tuesday, 5:00
students of the college.
honorary member of the association, be done at this time.
In their respective class colors.
Famed English Actor
Will Give Sketches
State College
Vacation Change
Gives Students
Surprise Holiday
Student Council Moves D a l e
of Campus Day A h e a d
to October 2 9
Hickory Dickory DockState Gets New Clock
State college students awoke
last Monday morning to find a
new clock installed in Draper
hall. The new timepiece was
installed just above room X last
Saturday morning by an efficient staff of State college electricians under the diiection of
John E. Hunt, chief engineer.
An unusual feature of this latest improvement is the fact that
it will operate on a circuit all its
own. It will be impossible,
therefore, for the current supplying it to be accidentally or
purposely cut off.
The student reaction to the
new clock seemed to be decidedly
favorable although many wondered why it was not installed in
the Commons. Mr. Hunt stated
that the present location was
chosen because it would benefit
the greatest number of students.
N. Y'.,
I University Opens
1938 Convocation
uefoftER 14, 19js
Commemoration Ceremonies
to Feature Addresses
by Educators
VoVftXtfl, No. 4
Edge to^iiilpct
Business Meeting
Of Student Body
Chinese Youths Will Speak
The University of the State of
on War-stricken China
New York will conduct its seventyfourth convocation to commemorate
at 11:10 Today
Dr. Abram R. Brubacher, president
the three hundredth anniversary of
of the college, recently announced
the founding of the first common
that, due to the meeting of the
John Edge, '39, president of stuschool in New York state. The conState Teachers' association which
dent association, will direct a regular
vocation will be conducted today in
will be conducted in the college
business meeting in assembly toChancellors hall of the State Educabuildings on Friday, October 21,
This is in accordance with
State students will have a holiday
the constitution which requires
on that day. The holiday which had
The convocation will be divided
that one assembly out of every six
been slated for November 11 will be
into two sessions. The first session,
be devoted to the business affecttaken at this time.
which will be opened by the Honoring the student body.
able Thomas J. Mangan, chancellor
Consequently student council anTwo Chinese delegates from the
of the university, will begin at 2:15
nounces that Campus day activities
World Peace Conference, Dr. Paoo'clock. The guest speakers are Dr.
will be conducted on Friday, OctoYu Yin and Pearl Teh-Wei Liu, will
George B. Stoddard, dean of the
ber 29, instead of on October 22.
speak briefly. It is their aim to
graduate school, State university
The festivities will include stunts
promote friendship and good-will
of Iowa, Dr. Ernest O. Melby, dean
presented by each of the four classes,
between the young people of China
Northunder the general direction of Vir- j
and the United States, as well as to
western university, and Dr. Harold
ginia Furey, '39.
J. Laski, University of London. The John Edge, '39, president of the gain help for the relief of war
Directors of the various class
I session will be closed by Regent student association, who will conduct stricken civilians, children and
today's first student association busi- youth of China.
skits are as follows: Peter Hart, '39;
Susan Brandeis.
ness meeting.
Louis Francello, '40; Catherine
Miss Liu, teacher of English at
The evening session will open at
O'Bryan, '41; and Frank Evans, '42.
Hangkow Municipal Girl's school,
8:00 o'clock. Addresses will be dePreparations for these stunts, which
has had to conduct her classes in
livered by Dr. Payson Smith of
will be given after the crowning of
dugouts and windowless rooms durSponsors Return j Harvard university, Dr. James R.
the queen, are already underway, Newman
ing air raids on Hangkow. She has
Angell, president of Yale university,
and some excellent productions are
of Federal Orchestra
worked among the refugees and
1921-37, and Dr. Frank P. Graves,
wounded soldiers as superintendent
of the Nien-Tu Tao Dressing staNomination for Queen
School Bands to Play
Dr. Arvie Eldred to Receive i lion and superintendent of St.
The campus queen, who is to be
proHilda's camp for children in WuNewman club will present the
elected in this morning's assembly,
Honorary Membership
vide music for the convocation. The
will reign with her court throughout Knickerbocker symphony orchestra Georgetown central rural band will
in Chi Chapter
the evening. The candidates for of the federal music project of the play the following selections: "Le
Her activities in the Y.W.C.A.
campus queen are the same ones Federal Works Progress Administra- Regiment de Sambre et Meuse" by
Chi chapter of Kappa Phi Kappa, have been widely recognized. She
who were selected for Junior prom tion in a program of varied light
national honorary educational frat- lias served both as president of the
the "Three Kings" by Smith, ernity,
will conduct its annual fall Professional Women's club of the
nominations last February. The five classical melodies on Tuesday eve- Turlet,
Midbanquet tonight at the Wellington Hangkow Y.W.C.A. and as Chinese
nominated are: Christine Ades, Betty ning at 8:00 o'clock in Page hall.
Hayford, Carolyn Mattice, Regina
National Christian Federation deleThe Knickerbocker Symphony Or- will play three marches: "WashingMurphy,
and Pearl
Sandberg. chestra
The feature of the program will gate to the World Youth Congress.
apseniors. Two court attendants will pearance at State college on March I ton Post" by John Phillip Sousa, I be the conferring of an honorary Dr. Yin, who holds a Ph.D. in
be chosen from each class by stu- 4, when Music council engaged the Coronation March from "Le Pro- membership on Dr. Arvie Eldred, political science from John Hopkins
phele" by Meyerbeer, "National Emdent council; the two girls who re- group
to play before the student blem" by Bagby, and the selection, principal speaker of the evening. Dr. university, has been political atceive Lhe next highest number of assembly.
Eldred is executive secretary of the tache of the military headquarters
The enthusiastic recep-1 "Caliph of Bagdad" by Boleldieu.
votes, after campus queen has been Lion tendered
New York Stale Teachers' associa- of the central government both in
elected, will .serve as senior court at- student body prompted Newman
A reception in the rotunda will I lion and editor of "New York State Shanghai and Nanking since the
club, under the direction of Lawrence climax the day's activities. No tickets Education." He will be introduced outbreak of the war.
'39, president, to sponsor arc necessary for either session ol by Dr. Abram R. Brubacher. presiMrs, Roosevelt to Speak
A strong advocate of peace, upon
dent of the college.
the convocation.
this concert free of charge.
Stale college Will have classes on
Lawrence Straltner, '39, president his return to China he will act as
Friday, November 11, contrary to
The orchestral group is composed
of Chi chapter, is to act as toast- International Peace campaign repthe statement in the college calen- of talented musicians and will be
master for the affair. He lias an- resentative in Hongkong. His strong
dar of the Annual Catalog and the conducted by Ole Windingstad. It
nounced that eighteen new mem- I desire for peace has probably been handbook. Mrs. Franklin has secured an enviable reputation
bers have been pledged to Kappa emphasized by his many narrow
Delano Roosevelt, wife oi Lhe presi- j through its numerous radio and perPhi Kappa. The banquet will be escapes under heavy shell fire.
dent of the United States, will ad- sonal appearances.
the culmination of initiation cereAny funds which may be raised
dress the students in weekly assemThe music: project was sponsored
to the latest report from I monies for these men and will serve by these (wo delegates will be sent
bly on that day, This is the firs! by the Works Progress Administra- ih,.'According
finance board, there need be ! to introduce them to the faculty and to a special committee of Y.W.C.A.
time Mrs. Roosevelt has ever ad- tion to gratify the wishes of vicin- no fear
of curtailing expenditures Capital District alumni of the frat- and Y.M.C.A. workers, advised by
dressed a group of State college stu- ity music lovers of symphonic music. for
year. At pres- ernity. The list of pledges follows: Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, to be
dents, and li"r speech will be broad- The orchestra is available for ap- ent the sale ofthis
tickets I Lawrence Balog, Joseph Cappiello, used for aiding children and youth
east from the auditorium, possibly pearances before other organiza- Lotals 10(59. leading last tax
fig- Herbert Frankel, Frank Kluge, Leon- victims of the war.
over a nation wide hookup.
i ures by 59. The freshman are main- 'ard Kowalsky, Stanley Kullman, |
Students will cast their ballots for
taining the tradition of holding first [Cecil Marino, Walter Simmons,
I Campus Queen under the supervision
paratively close on the heels of '42 Roswell Fairbanks, Walter Harper, of Myskania. The candidates for
come the sophomores Willi a score Merill Hurd, Joseph McKeon, John the position are Christine Ades,
of 256, while the seniors have netted Shearer, Barney Tuttle, Darwin Van Betty Hayford, Carolyn Mattice,
Regina Murphy and Pearl Sandoerg,
>> a total of 254 tickets sold. The | Keuren and Alvin Weiss.
"jolly juniors" are in last place witli
a sale of 220. These figures toOne of state's most helpful but scription, when and where lost, and gether witli the sale of graduate
least glorified institutions "swung"
tickets add up to the grand total
into action last week. Under the di- II you are lucky enough to find of 1009.
rection of Robert Ague, '41, the Lost on the lost and found board. Instead
Tills year, as has been done in i
and Found department is now in drop a note to Ague to tell him the other years, students were allowed I
operation for the convenience ol good news. He will then place the to pay a half Lax of five dollars for
those suffering from constant losses. detail.'-' of it in Lhe proper column.
"Wee, cow'rin', slinkin', timorous, the Lion board, in the person of its
the first semester. According to the
editor. The main purpose of his
Already displaying unprecedented
Then drop the article in the report given, 57 took advantage of beestie"—at least, that is what it pouncing
seemed to be the approefficiency, the department has for- Lost and Found box near the stu- this opportunity.
reminded us of when we first saw
priation of the mouse as a Lion
mulated definite points of strategy dent mail-box in Draper hall.
For those of the student body who
mascot. The captors, having enfor combatting the hysteria and pan- (WarningI apple cores, second-hand! may still be interested in the num- i —Shades of Walter Disney!—it's the joyed
the fame of their deed, generdemonium that reign whenever cer- chewing gum, old shoes, and battered bers racket, we present some of the Lion'a new mascot, a rodent of ously gave in, and the 'beestie' was
tain unfortunates find precious posunusual and coveted tickets num- mousy-grey hirsute adornment— I conveyed to the arms of Dennie, the
sessions among the missing. Should i Please return everything found. bers: 1 to Jack Ryan, '40, 2 to Joseph (fur, to you, guysO, tenatively j cubs' mama.
you be fated to lose anything tomor- I The department notes with regret Muggleton, '39, 4 to Joseph McKeon, named after the NKWH editor,
She immediately became mouserow — and we have a feeling you that lost articles of any value are '40, 5 to Coastandino Paris, '41, all It has been classified as one of tress of the situation and the new
are going to lose something tomor- and make the department happy as members of the finance board. Hllah many different varieties, but your mascot, after exhibition, was treated
Foote, and Richard
Lonsdale, reporter got It from a math major, to a dinner of crumbs and chocorow, besides your health—the depart- well as those suffering the losses.
seniors, hold the lucky numbers 3 who Is a cousin of a French minor, late milk. (From the Annex. Advt.),
ment urges you to adopt the followVarious and sundry articles have and 13 respectively.
whose roommate works around the
Forgotten for the moment were
ing procedure:
| been left over from last year still
Students who haven't already paid biology lab that tile cute little fel- cares of the world as awestruck stuunclaimed.
If you should lose an article,
dents gazed at the phenomenon of a
their student tax are advised to do low is a specimen of Fleldmouse.
look on the Lost and Found bulletin miscellaneous items as one five-year so immediately. Seniors must have
The long-tailed bit of animated mouse bearding the Lion in his
board almost opposite the Co-op, If
paid the student tax before they fur was picked up while he was den. Comment filled the air, and
prized possession Is listed there un- reading material), one hairnet, one will receive a recommendation from touring the stately corridors of Imany students wanted to give him
der the found column, write to Agne i
the college for a teaching position, Draper. The Prank Bucks who ac- some. One girl asked coyly, "Can
via student mall-box and he will get set In gold (?), and two cents.
Payments may be made to Clarence complished the daring deed were al- he dance?"
The Lost and Found department Hidley, faculty advisor of the finance
It for you.
But, enough of this fol-de-ro) and
legedly a couple of freshmen, who
will culminate the activities of the
If article is not listed keep year with a college-wide auction of board, or to any of the members pursued the Itsy-bitsy mousle-wousie stuff. The mascot has taken up his
room abode in the lower left-hand drawer
cool. Instead of writing to Agne, list unclaimed articles, W a t c h this who Include: Hllah Foote and from the girl's locker
of the Lion desk, and will Welcome
lost on the lost list which Is on the paper or Bob Agne for further de- Joseph Muggleton, seniors; Jack (Ed. note:?) to the Commons.
Ryan and Joseph McKeon, Juniors,
visitors, though we caution anyene
bulletin board giving complete de- tails.
No sooner had the frosh cornered against invading the sanctity o/ his
and Constandino Paris, '41.
it than they were pounced on by private quarters.
(Symphony Group
To Play Tuesday
Kappa Phi Kappa
To Have Banquet
. . . you could
man a fleet with the
fellows asking for
Chesterfields today!"
Millions of smokers are
signing up with Chesterfields
. . . glad to find a cigarette
that has what they want. . .
refreshing MILDNESS
better TASTE
pleasing AROMA
livery H'ednesday livening
livery I rtduy livening
And here's why... Chesterfields
give you the best ingredients a
cigarette can have... mild ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper.
• Ml C. It. S. Stations
Football Highlight*
livery Thursday and Saturday
52 Leading N. II. C. Stations
Copyuglit 1958, LICCITT 4 Mvms TOBACCO CO.
for millions
Student Tax Sales
Reach Highest Level
Lost and Found" Elucidates
On New Methods of "Recovery
New Mascot Creates Sensation
As Pets Invade Activities Office