Document 14063921

Page 4
Debaters to Have
Panel Discussion
On Monday night the State college
debating squad, represented by Leonard Friedlander, John Edge, Duntan Tynan, and Joseph Leese, juniors, will conduct a panel discussion
on the topic "The Constitution," at
the Y. M. C. A. The discussion will
cover what a constitution is composed of and what it should and
should not contain.
1 The Debate Council also plans to
have twenty intercollegiate debates
JANUARY i 4 l 1938
— — ' i — — — —
In addition to this, State's debate will take place before club audiences educating the public in the discusand eighteen club and radio discussion of the public issues facing them
sions on the coming constitutional squad is preparing to participate in in Albany, The organizations with in the constitutional convention.
convention. The purpose of this is the intercollegiate debates on the which agreements will be made into forward citizen education and in- question: "Resolved that the Nat- clude the Rotary club, the National
formation concerning the conven- ional Relations Board be empowered League of Women Voters, the Zonta
to enforce arbitration in all indus- club, the Monarch club, the Extion.
change club, the Woman's club, the
State will also participate in the trial disputes."
Greyhound Bus Tickets
This is the national forensic quesNew York State Debate Conference
— at the —
which will take place in the spring, tion that Pi Kappa Delta, national Women, and the Y. M. and the Y. W.
April 29-30, at Union college, Schen- forensic honorary society, has decid- C. A.
State is also cooperating with
ectady, New York. The conferenc? ed upon for the coming year.
Whenever it is possible for dates other colleges in New York for the
will be in the form of a model con7 No. Lake Ave. One Block West
ito match, the intercollegiate dates purpose of arousing the interests and
stitutional convention.
Dramatics Class
To Present Plays
State Sororities
Receive Freshmen
Into Pledgeship
Potter Club Christens
A Wooley-haired Perp
Star boarder at 203 Ontario
street these days is Elfrida von
den Felsonburg, for decency called Fritz. Fritz, or "Putzie," as
she was dubbed by constant
companion and chum Bernie
Gaffney. '39, is a German White
Poodle. Potter Clubbers quickly
add that poodle doesn't mean
dust mop. Fritz is as tall and
but a little shorter in overall
length than a Collie.
The wooly haired, sheep-like
canine dominating the house
and Beverwyck Park is nobility.
Her pop, Ago von den ditto, was
a national champion. Several
brothers and sisters have copped
mugs and stuff in New York
shows. Fritz's family are clipped
in the fashion of the French
Poodle pictured in Life, February
4 th.
Physician-in-waiting to the
poised perp is Doc Gleason, '38.
Clipping will be under his direction. The all-white canine
will be kept so by Gordie Rand,
'39, who came with Elfrida. Palsy
Zubon dishes out the rations.
Potter pledges handle the exercise duties.
One hundred and two women students were pledged to State college
sororities this week according to the
announcement of Dean Helen Hall
Moreland who supervised the formal
rushing. This announcement comes
as a result of the three affairs held
on February 3, 4, and 5, when the
upperclass members of sororities entertained members of the class of
1941 and new students.
The total list of one hundred and
two pledges shows an increase of
twenty over last year's total, with
seven upperclassmen and ninety-five
freshmen receiving bids. Chi Sigma
Theta heads the list with twentyfour pledges. Kappa Delta is second
with fifteen, closely followed by
Gamma Kappa Phi with thirteen
new pledges.
The official pledge list, as released
by the office of the dean of women,
is as follows:
Eta Phi: Dorothy North and Jean
This morning's assembly will feaSchaeffer. freshmen.
ture a discussion by Dr. A. R. BruKappa Delta: Dorothy Creifelds j bacher,
of the college, acand Ruth Murray, juniors; Ruth' cording president
to the announcement made
Santway, '40. and Louisa Chapman, j by Warren I. Densmore. president
Barbara Ferree. Dorothy Johnson, of the student association.
Mary Grace Leggett. Mary Miller,
Dr. Brubacher will speak about
Grace Moon, Dorothy Peak, Lona "the
to a five year proPowell. Anne Rattray, Louise Snell,; gram extension
and its general implication to
Shirley Tooker. and Shirley Van the general college curriculum and
Valkenburgh, freshmen.
administration." At this time Dr.
Psi Gamma: Winifred Jones, '40; j Brubacher will attempt to clarify
Lydia Bond. Lena Drapalski, Jean- questions which have been in the
nette Evans, Laura Frost, Alma student's mind since November when
Knowles, Vivian Livingston, Virginia the first news of a five year program
McDermott, Mary Ann Sharpies, | was given to the student body.
Marian Walker, and Betty Wessels,
Dr. Brubacher's address will be
the first official release of any inChi Sigma Theta: Lucy King, '40; formation concerning the new proRosemary Brucker, Helen Clarke,. gram given to the student body. The
Elizabeth Donahue, Beatrice Dower, student body has, however, heard
Mildred Foley, Marilyn Groff. Jane many rumors which will either be
Hanford, Katherlne Hoch. Mary affirmed or denied in this morning's
Continued to page '/, column 2> assembly.
Brubacher to Speak
In Assembly Today
Seidel to Appear
As Guest Artist
very cigarette
features something. . .
Chesterfield features the one
thing that really counts . . . pleasure. It all comes down to this:
Chesterfields are made of mild
ripe tobaccos . . . rolled in pure
cigarette paper. . . the best that
money can buy.
Junior Weekend to Reopen Social Season
Featuring Prom, Luncheon and Tea Dance
Dance Will Culminate
W e e k - e n d Festivities
Of Junior Class
Claude Hopkins'Famed Band
Will Furnish Rhythm
At Aurania Club
Maycock Heads Committees;
Faculty Wives to Pour
At Social Event
The wind-up of a gala week-end
will be the informal Junior Tea
Dance. For those "Promsters" who
still have rhythmical urge, they will
have a chance to dance further tomorrow afternoon from 2:00 to 5:00
o'clock in the Ingle room of the
Alumni Residence halls, according
to Joyce Maycock. '39. general chairma n.
Gordie Randall and his N. B. C.
orchestra will furnish the music.
Randall may be heard over W.G.Y.
in the popular program "Name Your
Number" every Monday night at
10:30. The assessment for the tea
dance is $1.50.
A new style, set by last year's
Junior class, when the women wore
short dresses in place of the tradChristine Ades, vice president of
itional long gowns, will be followed
again this year.
the junior class, who is general
Dr. A. R. Brubacher. president of chairman of the junior week-end.
the college, and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr.
Milton G. Nelson, dean of the college, and Mrs. Nelson; Mr. York,
professor of commerce, and Mrs.
York; and Dr. Walker, professor of
economics, and Mrs. Walker will act
as chaperones.
Assisting Miss Maycock in the preparations for the tea dance are the
following committees: arrangements,
Kay Adams; orchestra, Charles A f f a i r t o B e a t T e n E y c k ;
Franklin; programs, Helen Prusik;
Dorwaldt and Hardy
flowers and taxis. Frances Canaday;
T o Be Speakers
and refreshments, Freida Kurkhill.
Coronation of Prom Queen
Will Climax Evening
Of Festivity
Tonight the juniors and their
guests commence a gay weekend of
fun and festivity as they dance to
! the music of Claude Hopkins and
his orchestra at the Junior Prom in
the Aurania club from 10:00 to 2:00o'clock, according to Christine Ades,
general chairman.
Bids will be on sale until 4:00
o'clock in room X this afternoon,
and at the Aurania club tonight.
They are $3.75. Blanket bids covering the entire weekend can be secured for $5.50.
The climax of the evening will be
reached at midnight when the identity of the Prom Queen will be revealed at her coronation. Following
the ceremonies, a grand march will
take place led by Gordon Tabner,
class treasurer, and his guest. House
rules will allow a late leave until
3:00 o'clock.
The Queen, whose identity has
been kept secret, has already been
chosen by the junior class and will
be one of the following: Christine
Ades, Betty Hayford, Carolyn Mattice, Regina Murphy, and Pearl
The chaperones for the Prom will
be: Dr. Robert Rienow, instructor in
government, and Mrs. Rienow; Dr.
William Salisbury, instructor in social studies, and Mrs. Salisbury; and
Mr. Paul Bulger, secretary of the
Tomorrow noon from 12:30 to 1:45 appointment Bureau.
o'clock the Junior class will conduct
Faculty guests will be: Dr. and
the Junior Luncheon, one of the Mrs. A. R. Brubacher; Dr. and Mrs.
three principal functions of Junior Milton G. Nelson; Miss Helen Hall
Weekend, at the Ten Eyck hotel, Moreland, dean of women; and Mr.
according to Richard Lonsdale, gen- and Mrs. William G. Hardy.
eral chairman. Dr. Earl J. Dorwaldt. The committees arranging for the
instructor in hygiene and Mr. Wil- affair are: orchestra. William Torliam Hardy, instructor in English, rens, c h a i r m a n ; arrangements,
will be the speakers.
Joseph Muggleton; decorations, VirThe guest list includes: Dr. Abram ginia Hall, chairman, Ruth Lewis,
R. Brubacher, president; Miss Helen Ray Walters. Neil Fogarty, Joan
H. Moreland. dean of women; Betty I Byron, and Marion Mlnst arrangeAppeldoorn and J o h n O'Brien,, ments for queen. Virginia Bolton,
seniors, class guardians and mem- j chairman
Kay Maloney, Janet
bers of Myskania.
Wullschlager. and Virginia Furey,
Lonsdale is aided by the following chaperones, Marion Rockefeller; Incommittee: Roland Waterman, ar- vitations and bids, Anne Kalichman,
rangements; J. Edmore Melanson, chairman, Phyllis Arnold, Beatrice
speakers; and Victoria Bilzi, decor- Koblenz, and Dick Ribner; floor and
door, Bernard Gaffney and Joseph
Only juniors and their guests may Bosley, co-chairmen.
attend. Tickets are one dollar.
'Continued to page >,, column V
Juniors to Have
Annual Luncheon
Bureau Releases
First Positions
The appointment bureau announces that the following students have
secured positions: Jean DiBlasi, '36,
Berlin Central School, commerce;
Berden Suydan, '37, Schenectady,
mathematics and science; Irwin
Stinger, '37, Castleton, commerce;
Helen Murphj, '37, Pine Bush, comBy Robert E. Hcrtwig
out effort. Knox climaxed our un- merce and mathematics; Rosetta
Exactly two years, one semester, organized rivalry by agreeing (?) to Ashworth '31, St. Faith's, Saratoga
and one week ago today, three hun- ' forego regulation formal dress and Springs, mathematics; Carol Myers,
dred green freshmen took upon wear an attire of burlap and iodine '37, Canajoharie, social studies; Ada
themselves the class color of green, to Soiree.
Knuppel, '37, Greene, Latin and
organized, and became "we, the class
French; Cannela Di Gioia '36,
As sophomores we followed the Gloversville, c o m m e r c e ; William
of '39." Our first days under the
guidance of junior brothers and :iead of Edge and Ades. Rivalry was Hoole, '37, Surrecy, Georgia, social
sisters from the class of 1937 were ' just as paramount in our minds as studies.
gay carefree ones, punctuated with during the preceding year, but our
Helen Snyder, '33, Massena, commany a reception and party to fur- past experience and superior powers merce; Eleanor LaGrua, '38, Rensmade
vicselaerville. commerce and mathether "orientate" us to the way of
tims. Only three points were they matics; Mildred Grover, '38, Coxcollege.
able to wrest from us.
sackie, library; Helen Knapp, '38,
Then came the first awakening.
Cobleskill, mathematics and civics;
Page after page of standardized tests
By Charles Walsh
Charles Clowe, '35, Painted Post,
were issued to us and we realized
principal of grammar school; Elena
Louis Armstrong picks him out as I numerous occasions at the Princeton
that college life is not all play. When
Gliottone, '38, Tivoli, commerce; the outstanding swing pianist in the j Junior Prom, the Lehigh Senior Ball,
finally we cleared our minds of 'affair; and to Mr. Jones and Mr. George Gleason, '37, Albany High country. He has been a symphony the Dartmouth Freshman Hop, at
standard test questions, we found
School, English; Marjorie Bulkeley, conductor, member of a jazz band, Williams, Yale, Bowdoin, Boston
'38, West Winfield, library and dra- football player, baseball player, track College, and Penn State.
ourselves in the midst of a freshmen of "Mae 39."
April and Solrte! This was our matics; Lois Burghorf, '32, West star, composer, and an arranger of
schedule of mathematics, English,
Before starting his current tour,
language, hygiene, physical educa- first formal function and proudly Winfield, social studies; Helen Mc- no little distinction. Who? Why, he played for an entire season from
stution, and history classes.
Claude Hopkins, maestro for the the Cotton Club, having one of the
dents still talk about the grand time studies; Karl Bohrer, '38, Painted 1939 Prom tonight.
longest engagements of any colored
Between study and "bull" sessions, at Soiree last year "with Bunny Post, commerce.
Strange as it may seem, Hopkins orchestra at any night club. He was
we carried on a determined rivalry Bcrigan."
started his reputation abroad, He heard on the air, being the only
with the class of 1938. Under the
Then came September, 1937 and Cub Classes Resume
and his band starred in u Paris band to broadcast from Harlem.
leadership of Tynan and Baker, we
revue, and when the engagement
Among the maestro's latest cominarched through such battles as we were "upperclassmen." Actual
Monday and Tuesday was over, he toured Europe, playing positions
are "Mississippi River" and
banner rivalry, sings, debates, push- rivalry participation was supplanted
Tlie regular weekly cub classes for
"Harlem Serenade," the song he
ball, basketball, and mascot hunt.
freshmen tryouts for the editorial at a command performance for the wrote as a theme for his studio susVictory seemed near, but a rainy
In December, we Look time out staff of the State College NBWB, late King Albert.
taining program. And by far his
Moving-up day (or over-confidence)
from doing the "big apple" and, which are a continuation from last
Returning to this country, he im- most popular song is "I Would Do
led to defeat. Our opponents receiv- under
the chairmanship of Sanded the decision for the step sing and berg, conducted another successful semester, will start again next week. mediately was featured in the musi- Anything For You," which has come
Students who wish to start should cal show, "Ginger Snaps," and then to be his theme song. It is often
thereby also won the rivalry.
class banquet.
be present at the first meeting of loured with the same company. pointed by authorities as being reDuring the mascot hunt we had
Now at last, we have come to that either section, which will be conduct- Finally, he settled down to a routine sponsible for the revival of swing.
opportunity to explore the unknown climatic time in the social life of ed in loom 111 of Draper hall at of broadcasts and ballroom assignWe don't expect that swing will
and haunted corners of the State every college student—Junior Week- 12:00 o'clock.
have to be revived up at thj Aurcollege buildings, even though the end.
Tonight, the Prom—with
The Monday class will be taught
For several years he was an almost ania tonight, but if you're a devotee
mascot evaded Simond's searching Claude Hopkins; tomorrow, the tea by Charles Walsh, '39, associate permanent feature at the Roseland, of the "killer-diller" school of music,
fingers. In pushball, we proved our dance—with Gordie Randall.
editor of the NKWH, and the Tues- New York's finest ballroom, leaving you won't want to miss Claude Hopsuperior strength over the '38ers and
Two more big successes for the day class by Jean Strong, '39, assoc- only for short tours and college en- kins and his boys swinging it for
won both encounters, but not with- Class of 1939 !!
iate managing editor of the NEWS,
gagements. He has been heard on 1939.
Junior Class Has Past Success
In Dances, Banquets, Pushball
That's why Chesterfield's
milder better taste will
give you mure pleasure.
Vol.. XXII, No. 14
102 W o m e n Join Sororities;
Chi S i g m a T h e t a L e a d s
With 24 Pledges
(Continued from page 1, column 1)
Mildred Hallock, Lorraine Smith,
Helen Blake, and Lorraine Theurer,
Chairman of the props committee
is Teresa Walsh, '40, assisted by Jack
Blackburn and Louise Smith, sophomores. On the committee are: Lillian Hines, '39; Mary Koonz, Mildred
Labrum, Jane Wilson, Betty Clark,
and Eleanor Groll, sophomores.
The group in charge of costumes
and makeup is headed by Mary
Arndt, '40, assisted by Beulah Gifford and Rita Sullivan, sophomores.
Also on the committee are: Madola
Warner, Eloise Hartmann, Elizabeth
Vertucci, Dorothy Posson, Florence
Curtiss, Al Weiss and Barbara Van
Patten, sophomores.
Arthur Phibbs is chairman of the '
advertising committee, assisted by
Audrey Connor, '40, and Frances
Canaday, '39. Members of the committee are: Jean Gosselin, '39, and
Rose De Cotis, William Ryerson,
Doris Parizot, Frances Becker, and
Ruth Donnelly, sophomores.
. Dorothy Pritchard, '40, heads the
house committee assisted by Eleanor
Dibble and Ruby Stewart, sophomores. The committee includes:
Jean Mitchell, Ellen Pederson, Maria
Geriova, Anna-Lisa Swensson, Betty
Denmark, Jean De Pillipo and Marie
OMeara, sophomores.
. As is usually the custom, members
of the Advanced Dramatics class are
assisting with the work of production', acting in an advisory capacity j
to the various committees.
Reserved seats will be seventy-five 1
cents. Regular fifty cent student \
tickets may be turned in with I
twenty-five cents for a reserved seat..
(Continued from page 1, column Sj
a. O, come and let us worship
b. Pxalm J50
Caesar Franck
The Choral Society
In regard to this master artist,
Toscha Seidel, there is much to be
said about his very striking and individual personality, He has a short,
compact figure, with an all embracing smile, a delightful sense of
humor, and eyes that reveal intelligence. Though he has done no composing, he has transcribed many
compositions for the violin. Asked
why he didn't compose. Seidel replied, "Why should I? There are so
many more beautiful things than I
could ever write yet to be played—.
I am always working, seeking unknown compositions, trying to find
out meanings in many works of my
repertoire, and in that I find happiness."
The committee for the concert Include: Miss Goldberg, general chairman; Dorothy Cain, '38, chairman of
arrangements; Betty Baker, tickets;
Margaret Matti.son, publicity; Lillian
Rlvkind and Alice Brown, sophomores, tryouts.
e College News
Hopkins, Harlem Swing Pianist,
Directs Junior Prom Orchestra
Page 2
Established by the Class of 1018
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State
College for Teachers
Published every Friday of the college year by the News
^oard representing the Student Association
Telepiiones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-8752; Smith,
3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
National AdvertisingStrvice, Inc.
Coltelt PtMhktrt Ketmunlativ
Commentstater, Junior
We couldn't think of a topic for this week—our
cohorts have pretty well covered the fields of postexam headaches, rushing, and the glories of the Junior
class, so we thumbed through last year's files in a
desperate attempt to glean some small bits, and this
is what we found:
4 2 0 MADISON A V I .
N « W YORK, N. Y.
First: there was an entertaining bit concerned
with the consumption of cookies and the promulgating of friendships at the Lounge teas. Perhaps we
haven't been very observant but where are the Lounge
Managing Editor teas this year? We managed to shove along with the
Associate Managing Editor crowd for a fleeting glimpse of the Christmas tea, and
Associate Managing Editor the first tea, but that has been the stun total of it.
Associate Managing Editor
Business Manager Mayhap there have been teas, but if so, we don't feel
Manager that they have been sufficiently advertised or enthused
Circulation Manager about. Not only that! We feel that they are friendly, and informal—a real opportunity to meet friends,
both undergraduate and faculty. May we go on recWilliam Ryan
Afen's Sports Editor
Charles Franklin
Assistant Sports Editor ord as entering a plea for more Lounge teas, and more
Betty Clark
Women's Sports Editor advance publicity, because we had such a good time
at them last year!
Sophomore Desk Editors
Robert Cogger
Saul Greenwald
Otto Howe
Second: While we're hunting up the lost causes
Leonard Kowalsky
David Minsberg
Sally Young
of the college, we'd like to know what happened to so
Associate Editors
Muriel Goldberg, Ramona Van Wie, Albert Architzel, many of the clubs around college. We've given up the
Joyce Maycock, Charles Ettinger, Charles Walsh
Troubadours—It was doomed to go the way of our
Assistants to Business Board
little pals, Anastasia and Cuthbert, but where is SpanAssistant Business Manager
Grace Castiglione ish club? We've heard gay tales of Spanish queens
Assistant Advertising Manager
Joan Byron
and carnivals from our alumni friends. But, evidently,
Business Staff
Doris Parizot, Alice Bartlow, Marcia Brown, Kenneth these things were not for our young eyes, and we're
sorry, just as we're sorry to have missed the hey-day
Haser, Harold Haynes, John Newstead, Mary
Gabriel, Elga Schiavi, Harriet Sprague
of W. A. A.-M. A. A. musical shows, and French club I
Robert E. Hertwig
Edgar B. O'Hora
Jean Strong
Junior Advisors
Beginning with the 1937-1938 school
year, the orientation program at State college embodied several changes—outstanding among which was that which turned
junior guides into junior advisors.
In past years entering freshmen had
been escorted through the college buildings, subjected to a few lectures on "advice
and instruction to freshmen" and then left
alone in a maze of new surroundings and
situations to pick their way as best they
could. To be sure, a few of them were
sometimes fortunate enough to locate their
junior brother or sister, but most junior
guides considered their duty completed
after they had written a word of welcome
on a penny postcard arid dropped it into a
mail box.
Then the class of '39 took over the responsibility of orientating the freshmen and
proceeded to carry out the new plans set
up by the administration. The present system divides the entering class into small
groups of approximately ten, and each
group is in charge of an advisory committee composed of one faculty member, two
juniors, and one sophomore. It is the duty
of the advisors to get to know each freshman personally and offer advice or help in
any way that it may be needed.
One of the best features of this plan is
that the freshman student is not left to himself after the firsl week of school. The advisory committee seeks to aid and guide its
freshman group during the entire first year.
Occasional meetings are held to discuss the
freshmen in that group and their success as
college students.
From our observations of the freshmen
during the past semester, the new system of
advisors seems to be successful. Congratulations—to the administration for the welcome changes, and to the juniors for putting them into effect.
Our squawk this week is directed at our perennial amicable
enemies, the sororities and their
official agency, the Intersorority
council. We like sororities, really,
and think they're useful in State
in order to bring out the best
social aspects of the girl. In the
issue omitted before the fortnight of horror embracing examinations, our elder castigator was
going to state views upon what
not to judge a sorority by, but
luckily, perhaps, the sour grape
juice was left in the vat to keep
for further aging. Now, we go
about to cut down the faults
surrounding the council.
The faults of sorority rushing
lie in the fact that the sororities
have too extended a rush period.
During this long duration of
time the sororities begin to
throw more and more of the soft
goo of inkish nature, that is so
bad for friendship between the
groups. Another trouble with
the present system is that the
formal rush period comes at the
world's most inopportune time.
After the hecticism of exam weeks
has caused the sisters to lose
half their hair they must face
the gruelling grind of formal
rushing. Perhaps some of the
girls can face this with a- great
deal of grace, but we know of a
few who could not and did not.
The freshmen women by the
same logic are sick of the whole
matter, and they go into a flurry
of activity, and then decide at a
time when they are able to think
Third; And that's not all. We want to send a i the least.
We've thought for a long time
couple of orchids to the members of the two athletic
that the weekend
associations who have planned the winter carnival
Thanksgiving recess would be an
to be conducted at Camp Van Schoonhoven. We cer- I ideal time for the rushing weekend; with Friday night for fortainly don't want to be wet-blanketish, but we do
mal dinner, Saturday afternoon
hope that the past few days have not been any indicwould be tea dance, and Sunday
ation of the weather for that weekend. We've got our morning would be a pleasant
fingers crossed for some snow and some ice, and wind-up with breakfast. The
freshmen could have until after
we're sure that the athletes will take care of the rest.
vacation to decide on their
choices with a silent period
Fourth: We may be leading with our chins but we
going Into effect at the finish of
can't help remarking about how differently the library
formal rushing.
looked the night before finals and last Monday night.
This plan would interfere with
Before: we had to reserve our table—after: well . . .
the present Interfraternity rushHow was it that we were there? Well, we were just
ing rules, but nevertheless this
passing through.
could be overcome very simply,
by either the men moving their
However we can't let this golden opportunity go
rushing up a week or two, or
leaving it the same and using
by without saluting our classmates. We feel that it
these days to finish up their
is now or never, for Junior Weekend is realization of
winning work on the men.
all that we've been working so hard for during the
Really, we think we have the
past two and one-half years. We're proud of what
kernel of an idea here, and wish
the council would consider it
we, as a class, have done, and even 'though we almost
broke an arm patting ourselves on the back, we like
We've asked a coupie of sorors
to think that this weekend will conclusively prove that
the class of '39 will not be one of "forgotten men" or about this and they say that the
only reason for the length of the
hunting season is because some
fear they will not know their
prey well enough, but most
everyone that Ego Jr. has talked to has said they knew all the
girls they wanted at this time, so
that invalidates the argument.
Here is our idea and we're
open to more suggestions. We
are going to ask all those people
interested in the problem to
The Appointment bureau requests that all seniors
write us in care of the NKWK
and graduate students come to room 121A to fill in
and via the student mail. Then
their schedule cards. By this is meant not only class
we will cull the comments and In
hours but also free periods. A memorandum should be
a short time will write a column
devoted to your viewpoint, Just
made on the cards as to where the candidate exfor a change,
pects to be during week ends and evenings. He should
To end this column may we
specify as to where a message should be left in case
wish all you new pledgelings the
of his absence from his residence.
best there is. In your hands is
Students now seeking positions should acquaint
the molding or remolding of
your group and may you have
themselves with handbook 24 which Is an alphabetical
much fun. To weekend goerslist of all schools in the state under which are named
keep smiling and really have a
ion the left side ol the page; the principal and (on toe-tupping tops of a time. So,
best wishes from--tin- right side of the page) president ol the board of
education oi the umn This handbook may be obE(f» Jr.
tained 111 room 121A ol Milne High School and In the
college library. In writing a letter ol application write Library School T e a
Marks F o u n d e r ' s Day
10 the principal unless instructed 1.0 do otherwise.
In commemoration of the twelfth
Learn the exact and correct name ol the .school and of
year ol its founding, the Library
the principal.
school will conduct a Founder's Day
As rails for applicants come into the appointment tea today in the Lounge of Klehardbureau office notices will be sent to .students via the bOll hall from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock,
student mail box. It is imperative thai these mail according to Frances Wolak. '3fi,
boxes should be inspected lor notices each day as often
Among the guests will be Dr.
as possible.
James I. Myer, head librarian of tiie
Calls for teachers are already coming in and im- New York Stale library.
The Library school will present
mediate interviews are very probuble, therefore perthe first annual book display for
sonal appearance should be flawless at all times of State college students Monday
the day
through Friday In the Lounge from
It Is suggested that ail seniors uttend the library 0:00 to 5:00 o'clock dally. The theme
school annual book display in the Uumge of RJchurd- for the display Is to demonstrate the
types of books chosen for high school
son hall Monday through Friday
Statesman, Jr.
Even the Statesman falls into the
hands of a junior this time as NEWS
becomes from stem to stern a Junior
issue. Issue ready? Then, here are
jottings on the sides of the pages in
the biographies of some '39ers,
Orchids to KDR's ambassadors of
good will, Bosley and Murphy, for
an overnight expedition into the precincts of 203 Ontario street. Reception committee consisted of one B.
Gaffney . . . a congenial host.
Juniors: there was a class meeting Tuesday noon.
Hopping to Hopkins (worthy of
note): Kneel and Viviacious) LrVINGston: Torrens and ???? (go see).
Also released by Baker's publicity
committee: Strong and ? Lowry and
??. And what of our Charlie Franklin?
One little girl may cock her guns
for a final bulls eye on big game.
It's worth shooting for if you can
stand the gaff. The Joyce of Junior
Prom are not all in the music.
Back out of circulation: Barry.
Perhaps Richard Montgomery is
overtaking Cornell: last reports have
it that he will lead a Foote tonight.
The shouting and the tumult
dies; glad and sad tears and flying
arms on Monday at 4:00 o'clock
marked the termination of perhaps
the most climaxic rushing ser.son in
years. There were times when we
wondered who was doing the rushing: the Frosh or the Upperclassmen.
First opportunity for Statesman to
return a bow to the Lion, and there
are enough juniors listed in that
superb literary effort to make it
worth while. It's worth whiling
away your time on.
Now the juniors can start fretting
for fair. With so many tapping on
the door of fame, Miss Kania has
a task on hand in opening the portals.
In the still of the night: Crounse
isn't ducking the Duchess, Not hemming or hawing but (h) edgeing Is
slated for Wilson over the week end.
What senior has a new leese on life?
And what swing silly junior took advantage of the sorority rushing to
rush to New York for a little musical background—all the jam bands
except Hopkins, but Empty will matruck-ulate tonight.
This about winds up the old explosion toy just before Claude swings
out 1 O'Hora put that in) at Aurania.
'Aw, rain ye self some other day).
For a pleasant Prom be PROMt
and PROMise to take her to Tea
Dance tomorrow. I guess I convinced you that your beloved Statesman
whom you slander ridicuously, isn't
so bad. See you next year.
lib* junior members of tin
News board, In aeoordaaoa with
past tradition, present at thatr
contribution (or the week-end
this apodal edition with rotogravure •upplement.
We dedicate theee few pagee
to the olaat of 1QM and to our
fellow student* in the nope that
they may serve as a memento
of Junior Weekend.
We also wish to take this opportunity to thank the other
junior and sophomore members
of the News staff for their
splendid co-operation in this
Hell enics
Now that it's all over let's gather
the frosh into tile fold, heave a sigh,
and settle back until next fall.
There were guests and guests and
guests over the week end.
At Alpha Rho were Doris Shaver,
'34, Betty Slawson and Emma Lenblad, '35, Judy Merchant, '36, and
Phyllis Tucker, '37. Miriam Scott
and Marion Townsend, '37, and Jean
Kerr, '30, hung up their hats at
EBPhi, and Betty Morrow, '37, did
tiie same at Kappa Delta.
The Chi Sigs made room for Dotty
Hedges, '30, and Estelle Murphy, '37,
and Clare Leonard and Juno Winegar were back at Eta Phi.
And still more guests—a trio at
PAT: Betty Silverman, and Ida
Millslcin and "Dutcliy" Lovino, '30.
We might suy the rushing procedure Is a vicious circle because
here are some additions to the list
you'll find on page 01 e: Josephine
Maurice, '30, was Initiated and Ethel
Long and Mary Ruth Kimball, sophomores, were pledged at EBPhi, 'way
up on Western Avenue, while PAT
pledged Harriet Levlne, '40, a couple
of weeks ago.
And Psl Gamma comes through
with two engagements: Nina Ullman,
'30, to whom wo don't know, and
Elizabeth Whitman, '30, to Maurice
Deyo of Albany, Phi Lambda makes
It three in a row by announcing the
Here are the five beauties of
the class of 1030 In alphabetical
order, who are aspiring to the
regal throne of Junior Prom
Queen. They are; (left top)
Christine Adas) (right top) Betty
Hay ford; (cen.ter) Carolyn Hattlce; (lower left) tlegina aliirphyi and (lower right) Pearl
engagement of Nile Clemens, '32, to
Reverend Alan J. Perrlnc, pastor of
Roessleville Presbyterian church.
(Photon courtvty of th* Kntokwbuok* ifmtJ
* "'
:4asSWwte&<^"!'- "••"
C. F.
with It* rotogravure supplement. Left to right are Robert B. Hertwiff,
Jean Strong, and Edgar B. CHora.
Claude Hepfclnc and his Orchestra, nationally known colored swing band, will provide
the music for the Junior Prom tonight, to take place at the Auranla Club.
Hopkins, a favorite with swlngsters everywhere, has broadcast
frequently on the 0. B. S, network during
the past few yean.
R'"" JBB
fffl Hjn| BP^LJr^tf - j ] iwli'-^SB
Joyce Maycobk, above, who la
ohalrman of Tea Dance,
Victoria. Bust, above, fourth junior
member of the New* board, who U
circulation manager.
Leonard Friedlaader, below, prominent member of the Junior class,
and speaker of the Constitutional
Richard Lonsdale, below, ohalrman
of Junior Luncheon.
Varsity Will Meet Vermont, Strongest Foe
State Team Wins
First Eight Games
Winter Carnival Saturday To Be
"Fun Day " For State Students
According to Thelma Miller, '38. hot dogs and rolls, coffee, banana,
The men's intramural program
president of W. A. A., and John potato chips, and a ricn, real home
enters the second phase of the inO'Brien, '38, president of M.A.A., the made cake.
P r a t t b y S c o r e s of
door season with John O'Brien, '38,
plans for the forthcoming winter
All this can be had for the lowly
president, and Patsy Miranda, '38,
39-35 and 37-35
sports carnival have been completed sum of thirty-five cents. However,
manager of M, A. A,, both reissuing
and are ready to be announced.
those who wish to bring their own
calls for support.
Having unsuccessfully invaded the
If the proposed carnival turns out lunches may do so. Round trip
The program, as presented, is the courts of its metropolitan rivals, a to be as successful as it is hoped, transportation will be twenty-five
set up of activities in which the men determined State college quintet re- j there is a possibility that the carnl cents, or a total of sixty cents for
of State have indicated their inten- turned to its own sanctum prepared val will be made an annual event the whole day's outing.
tion to participate and can only be to present a formidable front to the with the prospects of enlarging Its
Sports Program
carried on by participation. Both visiting Hartwick squad this after- scope to include other district schools After lunch
is over, the day's proJohnny and Patsy feel that men noon at 4:30, and to carry the Pur- such as Russell Sage and R. P. I. in gram will get under
way when everyshould not have to be constantly ple and Gold to victory on the its program.
one will participate in whatever
urged to take part in such activities Vermont court tomorrow night.
Date, Time, and Place
sports he or she prefers. Everyone,
especially because of the fact—that
Hartwick, Plattsburg Normal, and
On February 19, Saturday mornmatter how skillful one may be,
they have indicated their desire for Buffalo Teachers fell before the on- ing at 8:45 o'clock (providing cold no
will be taking part in one of the obthem.
slaught of the State team; but mid weather sets in) amateur and skill- stacle races planned. There will be
The fate of intramurals hung in year exams took its toll from State's led winter sports enthusiasts will pile snowshoe and skiing races for the
the balance for a long time on the 1 win column. Pacing the stiffest 1 into the waiting buses in back of beginners and experts, the latter beresult of the manner in which men weekend in the current season, Draper to carry them to Camp Van ing for the most part cross-country.
reinforce their expressed desires by Coach Hatfield found that practice Schoonhoven on Burden lake for a
Also on the program there are Inaction. Yet. intramurals have some sessions which have been few and,day of fun and frolic.
cluded skating races for the men and
how continued Although there has' far between were not exactly en-j On arriving there, everyone will women, with mixed as well as allbeen no official word to the effect, couraging. At no one Lime did the 1 meet in the main lodge hall where men and all-women relay teams.
the flagrant lack of interest will men find time to engage In a con- they will hear a description of their Adding a little more zest to the carrp.sult in little or no future activities. centrated practice and resulted in surroundings, (babes in the woods?), nival will be a hockey game with
Swimming Is now being conducted the braking of a winning streak such 1 the rules and regulations for sign- both teams composed of men and
every Monday, Wednesday, and Sun- as no recent State team has enjoyed, j ing up for the various competitive women. Instead of the regulation
day at 2:00 and 7:30 o'clock at the Pratt nosed out a meager victory sports to be conducted outdoors and hockey sticks, the players will use
Public Baths at Ontario on Central, last Friday night from the State I in. The morning program will con- brooms. Thus, Instead of giving and
with, so far. none of the twelve who boys by a 37-35 score. Brooklyn ;sist of whatever anyone wants to do. receiving lard whacks, the players
have signed up for the sport, In on Poly duplicated the feat the next However, if the snow is suitable, will give and get "love taps."
the conduction.
there will be snow sculpture contests
night, winning 39-35.
prizes that will be awarded to
which will probably bring to light theThe
It Is hoped thai the latest plan
winners of the various competisome
Friday night, January 14. Hart
which is to be developed may entive events will be real surprises.
courage men to take advantage of wick bowed to the Hatfield hoop State students.
Come out one and all and try to get
the benefits offered In the way of sters for the third successive time
one. Everybody has a chance to win.
aquatic efforts. This plan involves
Miss Isabelle Johnston, instructor in
competition between the various victory of the year for the State a g J } ? < B . ! L w ^ e . l ^ 0 l l ! i n * ? m : 1 1 m ? ! t _ i , i : physical education, and Coach Elviting, awaits them. It will consist liott Hatfield will act In the capacity
groups such as those now participat- gregation.
of four family-sized sandwiches, two of judges.
ing in Intramural basketball.
Plattsburg came clown from the
All are urged to dress warmly.
The Ping Pong tournament has north in an admirable fighting mood
Wear at least two pairs of socks —
been concluded by Jim Snover's but fell as others had fallen before Swim Team Conducts
triumph over Carroll Lehman. Sno- them. The visitors' defensive manEliminations for Meet and It Isn't such a bad Idea to bring
pairs for safety.
ver, a freshman, showed a great deal euvers held the home team scoreless
In preparation for the swimming some additional
Indoor Activities
of power in coming to the fore, | for
,., , , ,,
, ,
.,, „ j meet with Onconta, W. A. A.'s swimahead of such challenging opposition first hall and it wasn t until Hi.rd m J n c a p t a l n s ftre h n v l n g eliminaAfter the outdoor contests are
as his rival in the semi-finals, Kahn broke the ice with a foul point that 1 U o m l 0 s e l o c l a s w l m m i n g t e a m , over, the former exuberant Winter
and Lehman In the final game. the State squad emerged from its, E I g n t p
Sports will be glad to go into the
,c w l „ b e c l l o s e n t o
Lehman was no easy competitor, lethargic atmosphere With captain O n e o n t a 011 M n r c h 7 T n e e i i m l n n . lodge, where a warm fire plus the
either, as evidenced by his easy de- i TTom
Ryan »and
prospects of many hilarious games
n m R.«nn
, H »"Wheeze"
- h m n n , ^
feat of Berkingoff, always a strong setting a blistering pace, the team swimming period at the Jewish await them.
began to display the offensive power Community Center Pool, will conman in the table sport.
Under the capable direction of
Bowling is still open for those who which had cut clown its other rivals. sist of a twenty yard free style race, Marion Kingsley, '40, the Winter
signed up for the alley activities, At half time, the Purple and Gold a twenty yard breast stroke race, Sport will either watch or take part
while boxing will be Initln.ecl Mon- led by a mere six points, the score and a twenty yard back stroke race. in the potato, the gunny-sack, the
day night at seven or eight o'clock being 17-11, but there was no mercy
There will also be diving elimina- two-in-one, and many other races.
under the headship of the able Tom shown In the first half. State was tions, judged on the straight front
Besides the games, there will be
Meehan and the assistance of Bill never bested in the last minutes as dive, the running dive and the Jack- square and round dancing to the
Barrett. Both Meehan, a grad, and she rounded out 43 points to the knife dive. The results of these latest tunes that the amplified "vie"
Barrett, a sophomore, are well vers- Plattsburg 22. Lehman ran up 12 eliminations will be posted on the has at its command. In between the
ed in pugillstics. They urge that points for the victors, with Tom association's bulletin board some- square and round numbers there will
the men who turn out continue In Ryan a close second with 11.
time next week. Anyone of suffi- be social dancing.
their attendance through the followcient ability who wishes to particiFinally when It Is all over, the
ing weeks.
With two weeks of examinations pate in the meet should see the weary but happy (?) playboy and
The first half of the basketball before them, the Statesmen took swimming captains, Janet Montfort playglrl will trudge to the buses that
schedule will be completed next week "lime out" from studies to admin- "'id Betty Clark, sophomores, for will carry them home. Back at
with KDR and Albany Upperclass- a decided trouncing to a con- - details.
school, after supper, they have the
men tied for first place. In the com- fident Buffalo State Teachers squad.
Since the swimming season ex- choice of either going to the dance
ing week If KDR wins their game Determined to duplicate its feat ofj tends to March 24, there arc four- in the Commons, or getting a good
against Albany Upperelassmen, they winning the Teachers Championship teen more periods of swimming. night's rest. The dancing will be unwill have undisputed possession of In New York State as it did last i Credit requirements demand attend- der the syncopated music of the local
first place, and If Potter club wins, year, the Buffalo team stepped into | ance for ten periods. A week or "vie" from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock for
they go into second place, a half a a whirlwind pace, but the Albany two of the season will be devoted to the nominal fee of ten cents a head,
game ahead of the Albany Uppers. Peds were not to be taken so easily; eliminations which will select the
In the ovent that Saturday will
If KDR loses, they will be tied for matching the invaders basket for honorary varsity of from four to six turn out to bo warm and sultry, the
second place with Potter club, and basket, sixteen field goals were net- members,
day's trip to Camp Von Schoonhoven
the Albany Uppers will be in first.
,led by each team, but the defenders
will be cancelled, and instead there I'oly
will be a sports dance In the ComThus far, .support has been good t)f the Page ha court outpointed the
in this one sport-—basketball.
opposition by ringing up 13 foul IUTIIBII'III, I'.I
Next week's schedule:
points against 7 for Buffalo.
JllllllHMIl, 1,1'.
Monday's Games
Lust Friday, with the first semes- I 'I I nut 11.r,g c
Potter Club vs. Albany Upperclass. ter of the current year now past, U11I1I11,
Itiililnkul'r, l.g, ,
Avalon-Spencer vs. Tioy-Schenee- the undefeated bearers of the Ped. Hhawuriliijr,
colors motored to the "big city," (liiuwaltlson,
Thursday's Games
where they waged their first unKDH vs. Albany Upperclass.
successful contest of the season.
Avalon-Spencer vs Albany Under- Handicapped by insufficient pracl)'(l |,-|« •!•!•
tice and by a bigger court than that liuiuK, r.l
at home, the State men were nosed I'll I-IN-IIH. l.f,
out by a mere two points by a de- IWl nurlilvultl, <•.
fending Pratt five. Again, Captain A i i i y n l , 1
a I
Ryan led his team by 10 points, but 10 m i . i' >'
the efforts to overcome the two point , l.rliiiiiin, l.f.
lead were futile and Statu sustained , S I I H I I H I I I H , c
Its first defeat, trailing at the final l''i'.iini'iil,
lll'I'HllllOWlU, I.if.
65 Columbia J^." ,AU .v-v, /fo^
One ul the highlight* ol the final gun, 37-35,
week of W A. A.'s basketball season
Brooklyn Poly
was the freshmen -sophomore, rivalry basketball ginne last Monday.
Angered at the heartbreaking loss
After 11 fast, hard fight, the sopho- of the previous night, the Up-stat.ers
more women trounced the freshmen look the floor against Brooklyn on
Good Food and a Friendly Fire
with Die score of 24 to 13. In the ISaturday night, but Fate dealt the
firs I few minutes ol piny the frosli | points to the engineers. An injury
lit the
piled up a score of nine points to to his right leg hampered the offensive
the .sophomore's nunc They held
this lend until the end of the first held to five points throughout the
hull when Die score WII.H 1) to II. In game. Despite the nuver-sfop-lightI he second half the sophomores pull- Ing spirit whi< h if displayed, State
ed ahead of the freshmen and stay- succumbed to a 311-35 score.
ed thorn. Their accuracy In shootLarry Biilog, who has seen little
ing and (heir luck in making prno- notion because of an injured foot,
ilculiy Impossible shots gave them an was grunted a lust minute request
advantage over Hie freshmen, who to accompany (lie squad to the
had to work against a luck of ex- metropolis and saw action in the
Brooklyn Poly game.
perience In playing together.
Sophomore Women
Win Rivalry Game
Duiiton Tynan and John Edge, who have been prominent in claw Activities. Tynan was
president of the freshman class, secretary of Student association, and
chairman of Junior Advisors; Edge served aa president of the
sophomore class, and Is now vice-president of
Student association.
Page 3
\JL[ ttfetftrrn at 0>uni!
W.A.A. and M.A.A.
To Have Program
Participants Will Sign U p
On Bulletin Boards
For A c t i v i t i e s
Immediately following the Winter
Sports carnival, the Women's and
Men's Athletic Associations, will promote an indoor recreational program
in which the men and women students at State will participate together. This will start Monday, February 21, and will continue until
March 26, on which date the program will culminate in a sports night
finale with everybody invited to attend.
The heads of W.A.A. and M.A.A.
emphasize the fact that the program
is not only for the skilled but is for
those who have little or no experience.
Sheets concerning the various
sports will be posted on the W.A.A.
and M.A.A. bulletin boards for the
students to sign. Every day of the
week there will be a different sport
at a given hour starting at 3:30
o'clock. With this In view, it is requested that you sign up so that
there will be no conflicts between
classes and the sports. As soon as
the signing up is completed, the program will be started. Your help in
doing this is asked by signing up immediately for the indoor recreational
The entire program will be under
the supervision of Miss Isabelle
Johnston, Instructor in physical education, and Coach Elliott Hatfield.
The general student chairman is yet
to be announced.
Included in the program will be
volley ball, badminton, basketball,
folk dancing, tumbling, boxing, pyramiding, and fencing. With the exception of the last four, all sports
will consist of teams having men
and women.
With the grand finale in the
Sports night, those who show the
greatest interest in these sports will
be chosen to take part in the show.
The committee for the sports night
will be announced soon. The heads
of committees and their assistants
are as follows: Volley ball, captain,
Earle Cleaves, '38; assistant, Louise
Hessney, '40; badminton, captain,
Marion Rockefeller, '39; assistant,
BUI Thomas, '40; folk dancing, captain, June Palmer, '39; assistant,
Stan Kullman, '40; basketball, captain, Edmore Melanson, '39; assistant, Betty Allen, '39, boxing captain, Paul Schmitz, '38; pyramiding,
captain, Dorothy MacLean '39;
tumbling, captain, Bill Torrens, '39;
and fencing, captain, Ruth Thompson, '38.
Chem Club to H e a r T a l k
The Chemistry club will conduct
a regular meeting Thursday, February 17, at 3:30 o'clock, In room 250
according to William Mollenkopf, '38,
president. At the meeting, Donald
Loomis, '39, will give a talk on water
Better Speciality Shop
Page 4
Hopkins to Play
Tonight at Prom
Sororities Conduct
Rushing Weekend
[iContinued from page i, column 1)
Hogan, Elizabeth Kennedy, Marie
(Continued from page I, column 5) | Lalonde, Helen Leary, Rosemary McJuniors and their guests who will Carthy. Ami McGuiness, Jean Malloney, Jeanne Murray, Enes Novelle,
attend the Prom include:
Betty Hayford, and Philip Carlson, Catherine O'Brien, Irene Pogor,
'36; Christine Ades. and Kenny Helen Powers, Frances Riani, Adele
Snowden, Albany; Duntan Tynan, Ronan, and Marjorie
and Carolyn Mattice; John Edge, and
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Alice Abelove,
Jane Wilson, '40; Gordon Tabner,
and Marie O'Meara, '40; Dick Lons- Ethel Cohen, Estelle Engelhardt.
dale, and Mary Noonan, St. Rose; ner, and Alma Knowles, '41; VirJoseph Bosley, and Marlon Kings- ginia Wegener, and Jerry Sullivan,
ley, '40, Edgar B. O'Hora, and Frances Fordham.
Field, '40; Fred Bowman and MarEleanor Wickham. and Hilton
Dayton, Albany; Clancy Van Etten,
garet Hora.
Leonard Friedlander, and Lillian and Muriel Barry; Henrietta HalRivkind, '40; Ruth Lewis, and Jack breich, and Arthur Rothenburg,
Smolens, Richfield Springs; William R. P. I.; Myndert Crounse, and Doris
Torrens, and Betty Parrott, '41; Parizot, '40; Albert Architzel, and
Charles Franklin, and Rita Sullivan, Ann Wellish, Albany; Don Loomis,
"40; Robert E. Hertwig, and Alice and Mary Ruth Allen, Skidmore;
Bartlow, '40; Clement Wolff, and Gordon Peattle, and Bernice LamMary Burlingame, '38; Larry Stratt- berton.
Eleanor Greenglass, Doris Grossman, Dorothy Mix Shirley Myers, Janette
Blanche Kirshenblum, Miriam New- Parker, Ada Parshall, Betty Pritchell, and Tillle Stern, freshmen.
ard, and Frances Wood.
Phi Delta: Olive Baird, Harriet
Gamma Kappa Phi: Betty Gorgen
and Betty Parrott, sophomores; Davis, Carolyn Emery, Alberta FrieMarion Cahill, Elizabeth Cottenham, knecht. Marion Keables. Marion McVirginia Davis, Carol Golden, Muriel Causland, Mary Neff. Catherine
Howard, Loretta Kelley, Madeline Shafer, and Alicia Vail.
Alpha Rlio: Geraldine Pleat, '41.
Scesny. Doris Sheary, Grace Sussner.
Sigma Alpha: Marion Ayotte,
and Frances White, freshmen.
Beta Zeta: Hattie Conkiln, Patri- ! Madeline Block, Betty Hiller, Adecia Culver, Doris Dygert. Mary Elson i line Kadgis. Helen Pitman, Florence
Helen Lasher, Janet MacDonald I Reddish and Charlotte Theemling.
-HteSe inmaui
flVt NttHW
»ooiw HOW*
Dial 5-1913
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop
VALUES < O 0 0
I, oenison
Vol.. X X I [, No, i S
Juniors to Meet
1941 in Debate
In 11:10 Assembly
„WMWM Be«W»»l
UP TO * / — . ONLY • § y v
State College Nexys
T o p i c of F o r e n s i c B a t t l e t o
Be P r o p o s e d Boycott
Of J a p a n e s e G o o d s
Sophomore Virtuoso
Wins Amateur Contest
Everybody knows that there
are five watering troughs in
Draper hall but how many know
that there is an unknown virtuoso right in our midst?
Aye Aye! (as the egotists say)
there is, and it's none other than
George Stangler, '40. A master
of the violin, this up and coming
virtuoso recently captured a
wrist watch, a trip to New York
city, and an audition over a
major network as first prize in
an amateur contest broadcast
from the stage of the Grand
Stangler will again appear on
the stage of the Grand tonight
in a special contest for prize
winners. Optimism is running
so high that Music council is already negotiating for an engagement.
N. Y„
Nightingale, Cox Will Head Senior Drive
To Obtain Funds For Housing Project
Chairmen t o N a m e Captama
T o Supervise Teams
Of Classmates
The juniors and the freshmen will
Committee t o Suggest Ideas
take part in the second of a series
For P o s s i b l e P r o j e c t s
if intramural debates sponsored by
For Construction
Debate council, at 11:00 o'clock today, according to Warren Densmore,
Richard Cox and Mildred Nightpresident of Student association.
ingale have been appointed as cochairmen of the annual senior drive
The speakers will debate the folto raise funds for future housing'
lowing question: Resolved: that the
projects according to Herbert Drooa,.
people of the United States should
president of the class of 1938.
place an economic boycott against
The plan will be worked as in the,
Japan. The juniors have the afpast with the chairmen appointing
firmative side and the freshmen will
captains to supervise teams of worktake the negative.
ers who Will compete with each other
Bill Bradt, '38, president of Debate
in raising money for the Alumni pro-^
council and chairman of intramural
ject. The drive is carried on in CO-'
debating, will preside. Two conoperation with Miss Bertha Brimmer, secretary of the Alumni assocstructive speakers for each side will |
speak for five minutes. An intermission of five minutes will give each S t a t e D e b a t e s S k i d m o r e a n d
Seniors will be asked to pledge up
side time to prepare the rebuttal N i a g a r a o n S o c i a l R e l a t i o n s
to $100 to be paid in installments
speeches. The rebuttal speakers will
over a period that may range from
And Labor Problems
have six minutes in which to refute
five to ten years in length. These
arguments of the other team and
pledges may be made with the conAccording to William Bradt, '38,
present their best arguments.
Richard Cox and Mildred Nightingale, seniors, who will conduct the class dition that the installments will
president of Debate council, plans
begin "the first February after I seof 1938 in its annual drive to raise money for the alumni
Winners of this debate will meet for five major events will be formucure a position."
residence halls fund.
the sophomores who were the win- lated in the next two weeks.
The chairmen are arranging for
ners of the last intramural debate. Tonight State will meet the
committees to explore the possibiliTo the final winner will go theNiagara team In Room 5 in an
ties of projects to which this money
Debate council intramural cup.
Oregon type debate on the National
should be devoted. In the past the
The junior team is composed of Labor Relations board. Sally Whelan
classes beginning with 1936 have
Ruth Sinovoy. manager; Joe Bosley, and Thomas Lovalenti will uphold
favored the erection of a men's
first speaker; Dee Jesse, second the negative side for State. On the
dormitory similar to that of the
speaker; and Jean Strong, rebuttal. same date, Lizette Parshall, Betty
** Mrs. Elliott to Lead Discussion present Alumni Residence halls for
The frosh squad consists of Bill Hayford, Gar Arthur, and Richard
women. Other projects considered
On Marriage Education
Cameron, manager; Lee Durling, Lonsdale Will speak at a meeting of
are athletic houses for men and
first speaker; Evelyn Olivet, second the American Association of Univer- L e t t e r t o S o p h o m o r e H e a d
night from 7:30 women, an all-college social hall and
0 n Monday
speaker; and Dorothy Peak, rebuttal. sity Women on the subject of social
E x p l a i n s Official S t a n d
o'clock in the Lounge of a swimming pool.
r\c c • D J
Richardson hall, Grace Loucks EllThe fact that the president of the
On Monday, February 21, a forum
Ut Senior Body
i o t t | author of "Sex Life and Youth," senior class has appointed co-chairMyskania Names Eight
will be conducted at the Y. M. C. A.
"Psychology of the Adolescent Girl," men for this drive is an innovation
As Class Guardians on the subject of unicameralism. The Freshmen cannot be required by and co-author with her husband, Dr. for during the past years the presiThe Members of Myskania who speakers will be Charles Walsh, Has- Myskania to wear caps next year Harrison Sackett Elliott, of "Solving dent of the senior class lias acted
will act as class guardians for this kell Rosenberg. Rita Sullivan and according to a communication r e - Personal Problems," will speak. The as chairman of the event. Drooz by
ceived by Lloyd Kelly, president of topic of her talk will be "Education appointing these expects to arouse
semester were announced in assem- Ruth Finkle.
bly last Friday. These guardians act
On February 24, State will parti- the sophomore class, from Myskania, and the Preparation for Marriage." the class more completely in pledgEarlier in the afternoon Mrs. Elliott ing to the fund.
as sponsors for the classes and cipate In an entirely new type of dis- senior honorary society.
supervise their meetings and elec- cussion with Skidmore, which will be
The letter further states that will meet with a faculty committee
he highlight of the debating year. action for the re-establishment of to discuss the subject "Guidance in
of such clashing organi- this tradition must come from a res- Personal Adjustment."
Guardians for the freshman class
Mrs. Elliott is a well known auzations
be presented as the C. I. olution introduced from the floor of
will be Muriel Goldberg and Richard
thority in the field of Eugenics. She
Cox; for the sophomores, Herbert O., A. F. of L., government and labor, Student assembly and that Myskania was chairman of the National StuDrooz and Sophie Wolzok; for theand consumer and employer on thehas no power to revive the tradition dent assembly conducted recently at
The appointment bureau announjuniors. Dorothy Cain and John subject of labor. The speakers will by decree.
Miami university, and she has ledces the following placements: Hilda
O'Brien, and for the seniors, Thelma be Bill Bradt, Roy Irvis, Percy Formany
The reason for this is that the
mal! and Edgar O'Hora.
Heines, '35, High Bridge, New Jersey,
Miller and Sally Whelan.
Student association on May 22, 1931, problems of marriage and the home. library; Dorothy Lurenz, '37, Athens,
French and Latin; Paul Dittman, '38,
abandoned by resolution the wearing
women of the student body will meet Adams Center, commerce; Helen
of caps as a tradition. Therefore, with
Sororities and fraternities are co- iSautin, '37, Johnstown, mathemetics
only the student body has the power
operating by conducting their meet- and science; Lillian Rushmeyer, '38,
to revive it.
ings on other nights next week.
| Bolton Landing, commerce.
According to Kelly, a consideration
of this question will be included in I
by Leonard Kowalsky
adequate investigation of them is the next meeting of the sophomore
Those students who attended necessary. To carry on this work, he class, which petitioned Myskania for
assembly last Friday listened to an has appointed seven faculty commitj
interesting talk delivered by Dr. A.tees among whose members are Dr. this action.
R. Brubacher, president of the col- | J. A. Hicks, Dr. H. W. Hastings, and Following is the letter received by I
lege. The purpose of the discussion Dr. J. M. Sayles, and one student Kelly:
by David Minsbcrg
"To the Sophomore Class:
was to explain to the .student body committee composed of Myskania.
was away from his classroom for
Some men live lives which are ad- only
the details of the proposed five year
three or four days before his
In regard to the request for themired
The work of the various commit- establishment of a tradition involvcurriculum at state college.
tees is to consider questions that
Husted is important to us today
The student body first learned of arise in regard to the proposed ing the wearing of caps, Myskania these was Albert Nathaniel Husted,
the president's plans when a com- changes. For instance, how should pronounces the following: That the in commemoration of whom the not because lie taught for fifty-seven
munication from him to Myskania the curriculum be modified? What establishment of any tradition must science building of State college lias years, but because he embodies all
the qualities a good teacher should
appeared in the NBWH of November should be the relation between the come from the action of the Student been named.
have. He was loyal, to his country
12 of last year. In it, the president liberal arts courses and those of the Association. Traditions do not oriIn 1855, Husted, a young man, in risking his life for it, to his school
suggested to Myskania that they be professional training? What courses ginate by the action of any one class. came
to teach mathematics at thein giving his life services for it. His
Instrumental In expressing to himshould be offered In the fifth year?
Myskania advises that the ques- N. Y. State normal school. He was industry,
ever-present and delightthe sentiment of the student body What should be the place of thetion of the Freshmen caps be successful and well liked and conin regard to this question. In last practice teaching In this curriculum? brought before the Student Associa- tinued in that position. In fact, ful sense of humor, and wise council
mark him as a figure never to be
Friday's assembly, the president was
In conclusion, the p r e s i d e n t tion if desired. According to thefrom that date on, he taught every forgotten. All these traits are atgiven an opportunity to present his
proposition in person to the student strongly urges the student body to minutes of the Student association during the Civil War, when he mus- tested to by his associates and students, who knew him well.
lake an interest in his five year plan, of 1931-32, the wearing of Freshmen
for he feels that only the students caps was abolished by Student Asso- tered a company of normal school
In 1905, in Professor Husted's fuIn explaining his purpose, the themselves can best judge the pres- ciation on May 22, 1931, by a vote of boys under his captaincy and left
tieth year of teaching at State Norto fight for the Union.
president feels that the new regu- ent curriculum and suggest changes. the entire assembly."
mal college, a fellorship fund was
lations In certification and licensing He advises everyone to discuss these
Leaving behind some of his boys started in commemoration of his
el teachers, recently set up by theproblems with the faculty and to exburied on the battlefield, Husted re- services. It has at present about
Stute Board of Regents, demand press his opinion to Myskania
turned tci Albany and taught till $8,000 in its treasury and is expected
various curriculum
adjustments. In an interview with the writer,
1890, when the normal school became in several years to reach its goal of
Slate college will not be in sesMoreover, since a new ruling requires D l . Brubacher stated:
State Normal college. In 1905, he$10,000. In 1934, in the Alumni
the completion of thirty hours of
was made head of the mathematics Quarterly, which was dedicated to
"The college student body has an
graduate work within ten years after oppori unity to share realistically in
Dr. Brubacher, president, a n department. In 1906, when the col- Professor Husted, the late Dean
graduation in order to retain one's curriculum revision.
nounced this week, inasmuch as
lege building on Willett street burn- Anna Pierce, honored his memory in
I earnestly
teaching certificate, a fifth year may solicit recommendations through the
ed down and moved to its present an article about his life and personWashington's
Birthday is a legal
be deemed necessary.
location on Western avenue, Profes- ality. Today a plaque in recogniMyskania Committee. Through this holiday.
sor Husted moved with it. He held tion of his achievements, is placed
Therefore, in order to understand cooperate effort we seek greater
Milne High school will not the position of professor of his de- at the entrance to the building that
iully the resulting curriculum prob- vitality and effectiveness in the propartment until his death in 1912. Hebears his name.
lems, the president feels that an cess of self-education."
have classes on Tuesday.
Debate Council
Plans Program
Myskania Rules
/i u / .
On lap Wearing
Y. WC. A. to Present
Prominent Eugenicist
Appointment Bureau
Announces Positions
President Brubacher Presents
Plans for Five Year Curriculum
Husted Hall Receives Its Name
From Teacher, Civil War Captain
... they light the way to MORE PLEASURE
CefWJfbi i'Ji^i tlSCKTl * M Y I W » T O I M < X O C O ,