State ege ews State Sororities Pledge

XXI, No. 14.
12, 19:57.
$2.00 Per Year, 32 Weekly Issues
Educators Leave Students Must Pay Tax
State Sororities Pledge
Eighty-Two New Members For New Orleans
To Have Recommendation
Dean Nelson Will Head Group
Gamma Kappa Phi Heads List
After Rushing Week-end
With Thirteen
Dean Helen Hall Moreland
Announces Decrease
Of Twenty-two
Eighty-two women students, including eighty freshmen and two
upporohissnicn, became pledge members of Ntnte college sororities this
week. Pledge services brought, to :i
close the minimi formal rushing
week-end supervised by Intersorority
council and Miss Helen Hall Moreland, dean of women. This number
shows a decrease of twenty-two as
compared with last year's number,
when one hundred anil four were
Gamma Kappa Phi, with thirteen
pledges, ranks lirst, followed closely
by Knppa Delta with twelve. Heta
Zeta was listed third with ten new
The official pledge list, us released
by the olllee of the dean of women,
is as follows:
Delta Omega: June Anmehcr, Klizubctli ( l a r k , Lois Kerguson, Ida May
Hacker, Doris Parizot, Dorothea Pesson, ami Alice UushiniT, freshmen.
Eta P h i : Hetty Denmark, and
Phyllis Scott, freshmen.
Klleil Rest, Helen Bloke. Knsalinil
I'Yoy, Marion Isingsley, Virginia Mitchell, Janet Mont ford, K. Lorraine
Wagoner, and Nonna Wells, freshmen, ami Hazel lliiugh, "Mi.
Psi Gamma: J a n e t Byrne, Ruth
Donnelly, Kloreiioc (lelie, Lorraine
Theiirer, Janet Thomas, ami .lane
Wilson, freshmen.
Chi Sigma T h e t a : Mary A null,
Alice Brown, Frances liueci, Helen
(Iribbin, Klennor droll, Catherine
Maloiiy, and Rita Sullivan, freshmen.
Alpha Epsilon P h i : Yvette llytnan,
Lillian Rivkiml, and Miriam Shapiro,
freshmen, and Barbara Levy, '38.
Gamma Kappa Phi: Jane Barrett,
Audrey Connor, (Iraco Cullcn, Elinor
Dibble, Prances Kield, Lois tonne,
Ksllier Lane, Marie (I'Meaia, Dorothy
Pritelmrd, Harriet Sprague, and Helm
Stanton, freshmen,
Beta Zeta: Alice Crouuse, Hi leu
Bailey, Virginia KINCIII, Mildred llullock, Marjorie McN'air, Jean Mitchell,
Charlotte Mummery, Kvelyn Huberts,
K. Doris Saunders, ami (leraliline
Thouipson, freshmen.
Phi Delta: (Jerndine Kwiug, W'ilinu
Mohlunhiioher, Marie Mctz, Kleunor
Pratt, and KlniH Smith, freshmen,
Epsilon Beta Phi: Kllen dcbbcU,
Gamma Phi Sigma: Helen Cashman, Maria (ienova, Kvelyn Palcbiu,
ami Peggy Kay, freshmen.
Sigma Alpha: Florence Bin rows,
Alice Barllow, Margaret
Helen (ircgniv, Yoluuda Richardson,
Klennor Sliter, Ifarbnni Vim Put (en,
and Victoria Vankowski, freshmen,
Phi Lambda: Mary llardic, Louise
llessnev, mill Uuth W'al/.ka, fresh
Will Control
In keeping with tlic spiril of
junior weekend, next week's edition of the NKWH will he edited
by the junior aieinhers of the
They will he assisted
by the juniors members of Hie
sin If and the sophomore desk
The junior issue, this year,
will consist of ,six pages, in
eluding a two page section of
news and pictures relative to tlie
junior class.
Assembly Will Wait
For No Man— Deno
There'll be no more lagging
about Friday mornings a t eleven
o'clock, in'lads and lassies. New
regulations arc going into effect
for the second semester, according to an announcement by John
Deno, '37, president of the student association.
The new rules call for the
doors to be closed a t 11:10
o'clock. After this time, no one
will he allowed to leave or enter
until 12:00 o'clock, when the
doors will be reopened. Anyone
not in the assembly at the time
the doors are closed will he
marked absent.
Practice teachers, coming from
Milne High school, will not he
allowed lo use the back of the
auditorium as :i passageway.
The new regulations came
about as a result of the announcement by William Young,
'37, marshal of the senior class,
of tlio rules formulated by the
various class marshals.
Assembly To Vote
On N.S.F.A. Proposal
Lester Rubin T o M a k e Report
Of Committee O n Elections
The student assembly this morning
at I I : III o'clock will feature the first
business meeting of the second semester.
Discussion of the proposed
N'.l-i.l'\A. amendment ami referendum
will lake place then. The report of
the recently appointed Committee on
Elections will also be given by Lester
Rubin, '.'17, chairman of the cum
The amendment regards the cluing
ing of the wording of Article 1, section 3, point 5, of the constitution so
that the winds " N a t i o n a l C o n g r e s s "
would he stricken nut and replaced by
the words " Regional Conference."
By this change, all regional chair
men will be elected at their respective regional meetings rather than at
the national congress. To pass, the
amendment mast he ratified by two
thirds of Ibo student councils of
member colleges.
The student as
semlily will decide S l a t e ' s stand on
the amendment this morning.
The Middle Atlantic region, in pro
posing the ainendnient, cited the fact
that, by the change, it would he possible In make a wiser choice of can
delate, due to Hie larger number of
colleges represented.
Other advantages noted were that more time can
he devoted to the election, and the
change would cilltwe a senior nominee
lo think twice before accepting the
iiomiiint ion, thus favoring the elec
lion of undergraduate chairmen
i ('outturn il 'Hi I'III/I
I. nit a in it
I t
Classes in Journalism
Will Resume Sessions
Classes fur the cubs of the State
college NKUK will resume session on
Momhiv ami Thursday in room I in
1:2:0(1 o'clock.
The Monday
class will he taught by David Smith,
Ms, and the class mi Thursday by
Muriel lloldliel'g, '38,
All those cubs who utlclldeil the
lirsl Homester e l i t e s nre required to
III telltl those uf the second semester
also. Work mi (lie fundamentals of
journalism will be continued from
the point where the lectures let oil'
last semester.
Stress will he placed in this semes
ter's work, on practical application.
Cadet journalism will be practiced
by the cubs through work on the
State Faculty Members
Will Be Present
Educators from all parts of the
country will meet Thursday at New
Orleans for the annual convention
of the National Education association. State college representatives
at the convention will be Dean Milton
(I. Nelson, and Professor John M.
Sayles, principal of Milne High
school and head of the appointment
bureau. Delegates to the convention
from New York state will leave for
(be convention on a special train
from Albany on Wednesday.
Dean Nelson will take an active
part in the convention program when
lie will preside over a forum of the
department of superintendence on
February 2-1 which will have for its
discussion topic, " P r o b l e m s Facing
Adult E d u c a t i o n , " Also during his
stay al the convention he will attend
meetings of the national department
of secondary school principals and of
the American educational research
association, and on February 2l)th
and 30th he will represen 1 State college at the convention of American
Teachers' Colleges association.
Professor Sayles who will also be
the official delegate of the Associated
Academic Principals of New York
Stale, will attend the meetings of the
association of secondary school principals on Thursday, Friday and Sat
unlay and will take part in a forum
for the discussion of the Report
of the Committee on the Orientation
of Secondary Education of which
Professor Thomas II. Brigg.s of
Teachers College, Columbia University, will be chairman. He will also
attend the main meeting of the National Education association on Sun
day afternoon ami subsequent meet
ings through Wednesday.
S t u d e n t s Will Meet
For D e b a t e T r y o u t s
Try outs for varsity debate squad
will be held Wednesday in Room 28
nl 1:1(1 o'clock. Each student wishing to compete for a position on ibe
team must prepare a short speech on
the topic, " S i t down S t r i k e s . "
Present members of the squad will
mil have In try out again. Those
students who ale likely lo be forbidden by the Dean to debate need
mil apply.
Statement Announces Record
Of Student Payment
Will Be Filed
John M. Sayles, principal of
Milne llijjh School, who will attend the New Orleans meeting
of the National L'diicution association as representative of the
Associated Academic Principals
of the State of New Vork.
Juniors Make Plans
For Gala Weekend
Prom, Tea Dance and L u n c h e o n
F e a t u r e on F e b r u a r y 19-20
Arrangements for the junior week
cad, opening one week from tonight
wilh the Prom at the Ten Kyck roof
garden, are well under way, according to Dorothy Cain, '38, general
Frank Dniley and his
baud will furnish Ihe music. Bids
will sell at $3,50,
The luncheon, which will be held in
Ihe Roger Williams Tea Room at
1.2 ;00 o'clock, Sal unlay, February 20,
ami Ihe junior lea dance will complete tin' weekend's festivities, The
lea dunce is lo lie in the Ingle room
of the Alumni Residence Hall, Saturday, from ^:ini to 5:00 o'clock.
Music will he furnished by (lordie
Randall and his iircheslra. I'.ids are
Increase in Schedule Affirms
State's Interest in Debating
Stole college has become definitely
locker room wrangles to highly for
iniil debates "ii the rostrum, State
students are manifesting a greater
interest in Ihe forensic ait.
A completed schedule of six de
hales and two round lable discussions
marked ihe offoris of the lirsl
Cor the second semester,
nine interiollegialc debutes loom
before Ihe Stale varsity, At present
a total of fifteen debaters are mem
hers of Ihe debate squad.
schedule and the size of the squad
are Ihe largest in the history of the
Mr. Jones, debate couch, II111'lblll es
this growing interest lo the increased
work of Slate students in I lie Held
of social Htudies,
Social studies
bring the student in closer contact
wilh Ihe practical problems of today
and awaken in linn a desire to Hud
solutions to these problems.
A direct manifestation of Ibis desire is the round table discussions
which recenlly have become so popu
bar. In these discussions, all partici-
Administration Feels Activity
In College Is Requisite
Of Citizenship
pants work together offering information and opinions for the purpose
of arriving at some tangible solution,
while in formal debate the participants take sides ami offer supporting
informal ion in order to obtain a win
ning decision, In famuli debute little
attempt is made lo reach a solution
lo I he problem ill quest ion.
In addition to varsity debating,
Male has organized a program of
i II I in 11111 r. 11 competition,
last year, inl niiniii'iil debate was or
gani/ed along definite content lines,
with a cup awarded to Ihe winning
class. The debate subjects have been
light and lie' debates delightfully ill
This form of debuting,
now a definite part of our assembly
program, bus done much to stimulate
debate interest in Slate.
Several I'oruiu discussions have been
conducted during which students
openly exchanged views en coulrovei'
siul issues. One of the most success
fill of these was the political forum
conducted just before Ihe presidential
election. The iilloudaace allested to
the popularity of such programs.
Acting on the principle that participation in college student uffnirs
is a prerequisite of good community
citizenship, Dr. A. R. Brubacher,
president, this week announced that
from this date forward students who
have not puiil student Uix and class
dues will not be recommended for
teaching positions by the Appointment bureau.
The rule will not be ex post facto
but will apply from this school year
on. Seniors will be held responsible
for tax and dues for this year, juniors
for their last two years, sophomores
for three. Records for the class of
1040 and till ensuing classes will be
kept for their whole nndergradute
The official statement by Dr. Brubacher and the faculty committee on
appointments follows:
" T h e purpose of the College Employment bureau is to assist all
seniors in their efforts to secure positions to teach next year. Employing
officers, superintendents and trustees,
are demanding evidence of competency, skill and character.
bureau and the various faculty department heads arc asked to vouch
for the student's social, and professional integrity. Is be loyal to
his group'.' Is he cooperative? Especially important is the students
standing in his student relations. Is
he a g 1 citizen in the student
" T h e r e are now more than ono
hundred seniors who have not paid
their senior class dues; yet a larger
number who have not paid any student lax this year. These citizenship delinquencies seriously prejudice
the case uf the student in the estimation of the employing officers. A
superintendenl will not engage a
(Coittinurd on jmye -I, column 1)
Men Guard
As Rivalry
Don't become frightened if,
on s e sunny day in the near
future, perudventiire, you should
chance lo encounter a group of
S t a t e ' s stalwarts, engaged in
lislicuffinl pursuits, or chasing
one another up and down the
It just means that the
men of the freshman and sophomore classes have taken over
banner rivalry for the second
Yes, and
council in so decreeing has
added that any interference on
the part of members of the opposite sex would be held II serious
Male members of both classes,
solicitous for the future, have
entered upon a hard and fast
training schedule.
Popeye en
Ihusiasts are having their daily
spinach, while some couscrvalives are slicking
" Whealies ''. Some of the mure
mathematically inclined urn busy
figuring out the best angles of
rebound, so Hint books (and
other missiles of such nature)
when tossed, may have a most
satisfactory resull,
The janitors and the medical
department have promised their
ready aid and cooperation in
lending to any eveulualities that
may occur.
Page 2
State College News
•tUbllihed by the Class of 1918
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State
College for Teachers
May We Have An Answer?
A Plea For Facts
Published everj Friday of the college year by the Naws
-CommentstaterBoard representing the Student Association
We uro worried. Frankly worried. And, as a result
Telephones: Office, 5-9173; Qumaer, 2-0424; Dexter,
of ull this mental headache, we want to ask a few ques2-4314; Seld, 2-8761; Gaylord, 2-4314
Enlertd at ttcond clan mailer in the Albany, K. ¥,, poitoffice tions . . . just a few, not many. You sco, we have
been rending over the report of the committeo which
was to draw up an elections plan. Wo found that the
report provided for an Election Commission. We were
agreeable. Wc read on. And when we had finished,
Associate Managing
wc sat back and thought. The fnllowing is the result
Associate Managing
of our cogitations:
Sophomore Desk Editors
Charles Ettinger, Robert Hertwig, Edgar O'Hora,
Jean Strong, Charles Walsh
Elizabeth Gooding, Mary Lam, ltobort Margiaon,
Virginia Stool, seniors; Muriel Goldberg,
Kamona Van Wie, juniors
Assistant Sports
Charles Franklin, William Ryan, Clement Wolff
Business Staff
Business, Grace Castiglione, Roland Waterman; adver
Using, Joan Byron, Gordon Tabner; circulation,
Victoria Bilzi, Margaret Hora, June Palmer
Student Affairs Test
Good Citizenship
The administration rule that students must
have paid student tax and class dues in order to
secure the services of the Appointment bureau
should put an end to a condition long lamented
by the activities and the extra-class conscious
students of State college. No longer should
student activities be forced to cut their programs because of the failure of disinterested
students to pay for them.
The fairness of the new ruling will not be contested by those who realize that interest in the
affairs of one's community is a prime requisite
of a teacher. Extra-class affairs are the student's community life for four years, and there
is no reason why the record of one's support of
them should not be available to principals looking for teachers. One's mark in citizenship is
certainly of as much weight as one's mark
in subject matter or professional educational
The ruling should have a dual effect, both
increasing participation in student, affairs and
making these affairs able to run on a full time
The Last Straw
Scooters, paper airplanes, or anything else you
wish to call them, should be the main topic of
conversation of every State college student.
If you were one of Hie few who failed to notice
the utterly naive and disgustingly juvenile action of some of your fellow students in their
form of amusement at the splendid elementary
class production, it should be called In your
attention at once.
This is tin; second time that this outrage has
taken place in I'uge hall. People paid good
money for the reserved seats, and what do they
got during the intermission '/ The sense of humor
of the paper airplane enthusiasts drives them to
hurl their childish toys down upon the beads of
those below the balcony.
State college as a professional training school
cannot afford In obtain the reputation which
such action would presuppose, When the opportunity affords itself for us lo present entertainment of the caliber of this production, it's a
erime that the name of the school must be subjected to ridicule.
There is one way to prevent repetition, united
Student censorship. Isn't it enough that the
irnbeeilic laugh of some who cannot respect the
efforts of our actors should disrupt plays? This,
together with the airplane episodes, is about the
last straw.
First of all, and most important, wha, h-'ions does
this commission take care of? Doe., it
ply only to
student association elections, or to election
i all organizations, or to elections of elass officers? If to all of
these, it is a big undertaking. If only to the student
association, it seems a reasonable project. Inasmuch as
Myskania, senior honorary society, supervises all class
elections, these are automatically ruled out.
Now, then, what are the powers of this commission?
Ono definite duty is given: the supervision of assembly
programs at which nominating speeches are given. Ono
vague duty is mentioned: the regulation and supervision of pro-voting activities. We d o n ' t quite know
what this moans. Are these one and the same thing?
What are the "pro-voting a c t i v i t i e s " ? And are these
the only duties? If so, Student Council should care for
them adequately. It doesn 't seem quite reasonable to
spend so much thought and effort on such minor matters.
Perhaps a little elucidation would help here. We'd
like it.
And, just as a point of parliamentary procedure, does
the student association wish to give to five of its moriibers, be they the most honorable of its number, such
powers, so indefinitely stated, which they can veto only
by the exercise of a two-thirds vote?
Would not n
majority bo sufficient? A vote of two-thirds is a thing
seldom required, and only in matters of great importance.
Such acts as the reversal of the decision of tho chair,
tho reconsideration of a motion, or an amendment to
the constitution rightly require this vote.
As wo said before, we're worried. There is undoubtedly amplo reason for the existence of this commission.
There is, of course, some reason for the committee's
report. But what is it? We hope it is explained.
Have you read Yang and Yin, by Alice Tisdalo
If you haven't you really must, and soon.
Hy the author of Oil for the Lamps of China, this book,
like its predecessor, tells of contemporary life in China
from the American point of view.
In this case the
Americans arc tho members of a missionary unit including school, church, and hospital. Their lives, their reaction to Chinese traditional customs and beliefs, the difficulties encountered in trying to help somewhat the
appalling disease and ignorance of tho people, and the
resistance of tho inhabitants of tho country to new
ideas, are all faithfully recounted. The book gives to
one tin' sense of great strength and perseverance; it
reassures one as lo the necessity of the progress of
civilization. Incidentally, students of Education T will
find it especially valuable for its accounts of the methods
and traditions of Oriental education.
We hail thought, after much ado about the ('ominous,
to find conditions permanently improved. Were we cor
rect, or only unduly certain uf our faith in human
nature? Of late, perhaps because of Hie extremely de
generating effects of I wo weeks uf examinations, the
Commons lias once inure been littered until the middle
of the morning, when the cloud of ashes attendant upon
swooping causes annoyance to all ami sundry. Oui
illusions, poor things, are shattered, as the very dust
which arises before the broom, ' ' a n nothing lie dune'.'
Cover To Cover
(On Htilp in tin' Co-op)
Story Parade, published monthly by Story I'nnidc,
Inc., Camden, New Jersey. $l,n() per year.
Story Parade is a magazine I'm' children three to
fourteen years uf age. lis publication is sponsored by
the Association I'm- Arts in Childhood Inc., whose aim
Is lo cultivate Hie appreciation uf the a r t s among children, ii in I expression in I hem by children.
It. is H
magazine t lift t children will read avidly; slill it is
a magazine Unit is mure limn interesting to adult*,
State's Stage
Elementary Dramatics Plays
Outstanding Sets
Big Success
With the beginning of second
semester, we turn over a new leaf , , .
and you can turn over the page and
read the ads if you dislike our idea
PLAYGOEIl _ _ _ _ _ _
of reform . . . all complaints may be
Stato college can well be proud of
left for the editor in the large white
this yeur's Blemontary Dramatics
receptacles labeled " r u b b i s h " .
class. One of the finest presentations
So rushing is over for another year,
in its history wus made to an appregirls? . . . isn't that too bod! . . .
ciative audience through their annual
judging from the lists, most of you
one-act plays. Competent direction
made out quite well in the annual eyeand supervised stage management gouge and hair-pull , . . we've heard
the usual complaints of " d i r t y "
made us realize what can really he
rushing, and have seon the welldone with our elementary students,
known tears flow. . . . ifou freshmen
especially with a class as promising
asked for i t ; let's hope you're satisas this year's.
The first play of the evening gave lied. . . . Sigma Alpha i s n ' t content
us yet; they've bought a new " v i e "
us what we most hoped for—-Hutli
. . . and several other bouses are being
Binovoy's chaneo to display her unre-decorated in hopes of appealing to
usual talent,
Her characterization
more freshmen . . . we're speechless!
was an outstanding part of tho ovoTo prove it, we'll dish out the dirt
ning. Her accent was good, the charof the last few weeks. . . . Santi claus
acterization complete, and above all,
is still here . . . looking for some
her easy, assured stage presence was
ades, she's glad he
a pleasure to everyone. At times the kram-er you ? . . . and if you glance
action as a whole slipped, making the down the hall, you'll sec the " s o u p ' s
excellent comedy lose some interest. o n ! " . . . ( i t ' s Campbell's soup, too)
We felt that a quicker slipping of
can it be that blossoms d o n ' t lit in
cues, especially after Peter Hart's with the February landscape? . . .
lines, would have suitably hastened
with the approach of Friday a-glenn,
the tempo. His lines, although somelietty sings, " I ' v e got you ungerer
times a little too drawled, were mostly
my k i n , " sounds like the seven y e a r ' s
in keeping with his character.
In Miss Jesse's role we found ourThe basketball team is budly in
selves viewing a typical New York need of repair . . . perhaps they wan" g a l " . She played her part to the dered into one of last week's sorority
finish, aided by smart lines and exmeetings. . . . Ilyrnes insists he didn't,
cellent costume and make-up.
get hit in the eye with a potatoe
(murphy to you) . . . and Harrington
Tho only let-down in the cast was
Joe Leese. He was seldom at ease on just scowls . . . we're not any athlete,
the stage, and forgot, to do the but we would like to have our ques" s m a r t - a l e c k " suitor when he faced tions answered . . . since they say
they had an accident some of the
his audience.
Tho brother didn't
come up to the best, either, in his weaker sex are believing them and are
natural style. However, we are al- getting careful about cars . . . hayways anxious to watch our sopho- ford may change her vehicle to hayfranklin any day . . . we wonder if
mores' development, and wc do hope
she'll chuck him over when she ban
they will continue their efforts.
her phil.
Probably tho only drawback to the
Second semester brought back some
set was the fact that, when entrances
were made from tho stairs, we were of our war-scrapped veterans, and wo
annoyed to have to share the nervous greet them with open arms . . . we'ru
I old .some of your pals greeted you
tension of the actors who had to wait
with open mouths, lOthel . . . hope
at the head of the stairs until their
no one got s(chl)iek . . . can the
cues were given. It was quite awk" d e - l o v e l y " alice be getting deward.
serinus over the ex-college house
' ' S u c h A Charming Young M a n ' ' man? . . . and just how often may
had an unusual self creative set which we expect llardmeyer to pop up? . . .
met our eyes as the lights were raised. while we're asking questions, what
For a smart, sophisticated comedy, relation is baueroft to Gamma K a p
tho opening lines were superb. Hetty this year?
Hayford immediately drew the audi
Last Monday we heard much jeerdice's attention, all hough she did slip ing laughter ua Ihe part of the lirsl
a little later. Joe Wells played his semester teachers as Ihe second semes
part nicely for a beginner. At limes ter stooges plodded ever lo niilne . . .
lie wasn't as flexible as a iiimclwibin! wc guess I hey brought themselves
mini about town should lie but we back alive . . . they looked spick and
realize it, was his first public appear
•span; even ye editor Uumuur had his
once at Stale. We liked Miss Hall hair combed . . . (note: if he cut bis
in a natural rule, as did we Ken hair as much us he cuts this column,
Ibirun. With mure practice lie pmb
we 'd both be bald).
ably would have improved greatly.
We can't let you start another
but we dun 'I condemn him. lie could
dreary week without a thought from
Well have used his hands In a mure
us; so here il is: . . . early to bed
exaggerated extent, literally drawiou
and late In rise wears mil all Ihe
pictures in I 111' air lo lei us in nil Insheets . . nuw you can stop reading
j u r i e s . Al thai plll'licltllir pciitll in
and send us a valentine.
Ihe play I here was a innuoloiiy I'eil
made even Hie audience nervous, Wi
wanted In hurrv everyone's act inn.
her mir,
have be
Ilian by
''gorgeous c r e a t u r e " ,
lined, i l l bred speech, coiihln '1
•il inure effectively portrayed
.lean l.ichensleiii. 11 was an
rule, mill filled nl Hie last
Jean, however, conquered
every possible difficulty.
We enjoyed Ihe second play, espe
dally for set, props (allhoiigli wi
wondered about the ugly chest in the
background), and costumes, Lack ul'
drill did seem evident but we have
nnly encouragement for such n |>miii
The February 11) .'17 issue is n« engrossing as the ising cast.
picture "'Deer nuil Fawn " on llle cover prumises il
The Playgoer en mini give adequate
will be. MiilgUlet Kiiyiu
|'» " T h e Weaver's S u n g " ionise In " T h e Madonna S p e a k s "
is a story ,i^ loll uf magic as all the "once iipon-a
Mis. ('arson deserves much applause
t i m e " stories tluil children h u e . There are three for an unusual anil gripping phiv
tunes iii the -tors Hud fairly scream In be played, l l i sei linn, characters, and plot HIIOW
.mil I lie llliistiatiiiiiH me appropriately piquant.
Ihe iiiilhnr 's widening ability ami un
derstaiidliig of dramatic techniques
Hon Lang's " Nibs A Little Deer uf The Adiron
pared with her lirsl play of last
d u c k s " is the fascinating story uf a fawn who becomes i
duinestieateed nuil his adventures when he is again year, The setting of the singe spoke
It. was different
tinned loose in the forest. The illustrations ai'o by I'm
yet perfectly sulti
In Ihe mood of
Kurt W'iese, who drew the cover,
Ihe play. May wi suggest, however,
There are book reviews and poetry in Story Parade Hint in Ihe future the classes study
also and an excellent article on marionettes which the lighting difficulties carefully be
makes your lingers itch. In the back uf the book is forehand.
The click oll'slago broke
the " O u r O w n " department, made up of contributions an otherwise tense and exciting climax.
sent in by young readers of tho magazine.
Throughout, tho audience uncon
sciuusly awaited for Ihe Madonna In
spcilk. U hen the climax was reached
and the yuung mother gave up her
child, Ihe audience lusl III in- Ii uf Ihe
beauty and siguilicaiice ul' Ihe scene,
watching Ihe .shrine ami wailing fur
Ihe Madonna's voice,
The climax,
unce reached, passed much tun quickly
and left Hie audience unsatisfied ami
a littlu puzzled.
The members ul' tLis cast deserve
Ihe highest cunimciidiitiuii. Tine, IT
mnined in ehaiucter Ihruughuiil Ihe
ililllcllll slage inclines. We give Mp(,
cinl bouquets | „ |',.|,. r Mart , ( | l ,|
Jeanne Chrisler.
Mr. Marl's work
was far superior in this play. Me
gave the audience ihe feeling thai he
was actually living Ihe rule.
^ .leaiine
was excellent.
From our pasl nliservaliuiis we predict
1,1,11 NI
"' "''» go far in dramatics.
Hood luck In her!
We also w ish In c mend Virginia
Fnrey, Il is the lirsl lime ue iinve
Although her pari was small, she held
the audience from hoi entrance In her
»Jtlt, Few people can cry convincingly
and have the audience join them.
Page 3
Canute's Corner
Major Sport
c. N. M.
A superficial perusal of the results
of S t a t e ' s basketball efforts so far
this season would produce no adm i r a t o r y exclamations from one unacquainted with things hereabouts.
But we who like to refer to ourselves a s homesters can find much
to salvage from what might be
termed the wreckage.
Games won to date are few, we
grant. Norwicli and Toronto alone
have fallen before the sword of the
Minervitcs. 'flic Maple Leafs, our
second international opponent of the
season, had much more scoring success against Union than against us.
And our defeat of Norwich was their
initial setback of the year.
Our first three games resulted in
defeat. RPI, Western Ontario, and
Brooklyn Poly slapped us down by
narrow margins.
Each of these
games has been classified under the
head " should have won," and possibly righteously so. Yet these were
far from weak opponents. RPI defeated Williams, Brooklyn Poly defeated RPI by a larger score than
t h a t by which they defeated us, and
Western Ontario—well, they gave
Canisius a good run.
iVext the purple and gold mushed
into the Green Mountains where they
lirst extended their losing streak to
four and then snapped it at that
ligure. St. Michael's proved to be u
Gibraltar, u nemesis, and a Tartar.
Their baskets hail a certain lure for
a ball from their Mngertips. They
moved away from a late-gtunu 28all knotted count to a 42-31 victory.
Against Norwich, the next night, was
garnered the first, win of the season,
a 2li-l 7 victory.
Back home again, State showed
good basketball against Pratt—the
best of the season in the first twothirds of the beginning half. We j
dropped that one, 40-32, but it was
a well played game. Regular class
session over for the lirst semester,
the team engaged Niagara and Toronto in pseudo-celebration.
night, the cataract city team won
the first half and State won the
second half; Niagara was awarded
the game on points. Toronto, after
giving Union a battle failed again
against us. Their offense was much
less effective in the game with us
than in their contest with the
Schenectady college.
Quintet To Face State Subscribes
Hartwick Squad To Relief Funds
State Will Battle Tomorrow College Groups Collect $158
With Oneonta Cagers
To Assist Red Cross
On Page Court
In Flood Areas
State's purple and gold basketeers
will be out to break back into the
winning column tomorrow night when
they play host to the shifty Hartwick aggregation on the Page Hall
court in what should bo the " h o t t e s t "
game of the season.
Last season State split with the
Oneonta cagers in their two engagements.
At Oneonta Coach Johnson 's squad ekod out a narrow 27-25
victory after a hotly contested battle
which was climaxed by Hartwick's
second encounter State ' ' went to
t o w n " in probably what was the
bitterest fought contest of their
1935-36 campaign when they completely smothered the Blue and White
live 40-22.
The fracas was wellmarked with fouls, every minute being a bloody one.
Thus Saturday night, with the
memoirs of hist year's
trouncing in mind, the Hartwick
would find
victory and
revenge sweet sounding music in their
Tonight the fast-improving Hartwick squad will be bust to the Ithaca
College quintet. Both " D u t c h " La
Duke and " H a l " Church, two veterans, will add new strength to the
Blue and White forces. La Duke, a
Ciiopcrstowu exponent, has recovered
from a football injury and the big
guard will probably see considerable
net ion against Ithaca.
It was LaDuke's entrance into the Susquehanna game last week, in which he
saw action for the first time this
season, that was partially responsible
for the rally that brought Hartwick
" H a l ' ' Church appears lit after
an ankle injury and should see considerable action against State as
well as Ithaca over the week-end. The
loss of Church's height and uncanny
shooting has handicapped the Blue
and White squad severely in their
past engagements.
I.asl Thursday the University of
Western Ontario fell victim lo Hie
Rochester Mechanics institute the folluwing night.
basketeers as a result, of their Western
Irip, will be forced to the limit in
their bid for victory. Coach Hat
field's starling live will probably be
Tommy Ryan and Duke llcrsbltuwit/.
forwards, Tom Harrington, George
Annul or John Hyan at the guard
posts, and George Bancroft at the
lapping berth.
In accord with the fine display of
Americanism being shown throughout the United States today to help
our loss-fortunate countrymen in the
flood areas, the various organizations
and classes of State College have all
contributed to the Kcd Cross relief
funds. A total of $158.50 has been
Ten of the contributors—including
the four classes, the Girls' and
Men's Athletic Associations, Intcrfraternity Council, and some of the
publications—each gave five dollars.
Twenty one contributors each donated two and a half dollars to this
worth-while cause, while the remainder of the collection came in
amounts ranging from two to ifteen
Following is the complete list of
subscribers to date:
Senior Class, Junior CI iss, Sophomore Class, Freshman < lass, Pedagogue, News, Lion, M'.n's Athletic
Association, Girl's Athletic Association, lnlerfraternity Council.
Phi Delta, Chi Sigma, Psi Gamma,
l'i Alpha Tau, Delta Omega, Alpha
Kpsilon Phi, A'pha Rho, Kappa Delta
Rho, K. K. i'otter Club, Myskania,
Student Coi.ncil, (lamina I'hi Sigma,
Bela Zelc, Lta Phi, Junipers, Phi
Club, Kpsilon Beta Phi, Kcho, Intersororily Council.
Gumma Kappa Phi, $4.00; Kappa
Delta, $4.30; College House, $4.40;
Spencer Hall, $2.80; Newman Hull,
$10.00; Wren Hall, $7.00; Residence
Halls, $15.00; Dramatics and Arts,
$2.00; V. W. C. A., $3.00; Individuals, $3.25.
January Games Net
State One Victory
T o r o n t o Bows T o State M e n t o r s
But Niagara and P r a t t W i n
The purple and gold basketeers
engaged in three games, all home encounters, in the two weeks immediately preceding examination weeks.
This trio of contests probably furThe western Irip ii better donished some of the best basketball
scribed in another article mi the page. I
nf the season. Beaten by Fratt and
What we are accustomed to rcter
Niagara, in particularly well played
In us the opportunity laden part of
games, Slate came back to whip
I.In• season looms ahead. Kl'l and |
Toronto I 'uiveisity.
St Michael's are to be rcinel, and v\e
enu'l help bill inI el piiM-, are I n be j
January If!, Frail was the visit
• illr-,. A new anil bel lei' Hall M ii'U Class of '40 Initiates
ing team. The Teachers set a tor
tonm engages us in a home ami home
pace during the lirst half, dis
Active Dues Campaign rilir
lories wit b I he \ ii tui \ noil I o ;;n to I
playing tin1 classiest basketball they
l.biyd Kelle\, 'III. I reasui-er nf the had shown to date.
the team thai hug* I he iim-l lui-kcl-..
10-7 was the
enuill in Slate 's favor when I he tide
Hard college mid the Miiuii
mplelc , I'i cshmitii class, announces t lull an in
lelishe drive i» being made for class of Ihe rally was turned. I'ratl was
the ichediilc,
Intramural basketball swings into due-,. The iillicers of the class have leading 22 III at the half. The Stale
action again this week, with the as their gual the collection of two team was plainly fatigued bill fought
hundred dollars by March I.
hard lo overcome the lead. Unsuclirst half o( the schedule already comfreshmen may pay I heir dues, I wo cessful, they went down, -10- 32.
pleted. The sophs have one leg on
dollars, In any uflleurs of the class, Fratt beul lil'l by a bigger margin
the Thomas M. Barrington Cup for
Basketball or to the captains appointed at the Ihe next night.
Team during the 193(1 1937 Season. lirst of the vear.
Niagara, the awfulcst team on the
schedule, furnished the opposition
Friday, January 22. The Furple
Fugles lost no time ill pouring on
the power.
The teams took turns
at initial spurts by way of prolix to
Niagara's early game scoring spree
Frank Dnilcy and his "orchid gum i 'I iMiy one and I dun 'I like lo which nettI'd them it 35 17 advanlage
r h y t h m s " are expected to show Slate nuns it, even though ' h e ' isn't going
lit half time. Stnte gained during
lo be in ton n. ' '
something thrilling in dance music at
Ihe hitter half, playing lop llighl
Huh lli'iieilicl 's only reply to the
tlie Junior From on Friday, February
Bui Ihe handicap was
was, ' ' (luoss'.'''.
nineteenth, at llie Ten Kyck hotel. question
too much. Niagara won, 5(1 43,
Maybe t h a t ' s the reason most sill
SauipMiii, '38, is going " b e c a u s e I
Toronto, defeated fit i l l by Union
dents ale going lo Ihe From, but
like to Inn e a good t ion1.
Hie previous night, met the Furple
Fred Dexter, '37, says that he's
N'uui reporter asked Kca I,a (irua,
going ' ' lo see if the Juniors can put
'.'17, lor her reason, and lasl year's and Gold Salurday, January 23.
on as good a I'ruiu as the Senior Junior From queen replied, " W e l l , Stale emerged top team in this con
lost. Il was a low scoring game, the
'twill lie a crowning s i t u a t i o n . ' '
tally at Ihe halfway mark being
I'aul Srlimit/., '38, has a well
Chris Ades and Sanli l'orcino,
III-7, in favor of Stale.
sophomores, an: going " t o d a n c e . " thought (iiif reason for
brought it lo 1 1 1 1 early in the
But, Mary Fain, '37, doesn't know
From. To quote him, " 1 live fur
second half, but State moved away
why except " g u e s s 'cause somebody d a n c i n g , ' '
from that point to the 2-1-111 lead
asked me, ' '
As for the Juniors—they say, " O i l ,
they held at the end of the game.
Betty Morrow, '37, says, " I ' v e promise us you'll como to P r o m . "
Prom-trotters State Motives
For Attending Junior Dance
Purple and Gold Is Loser
In Three Western Games
Yearling* to Retume
Milne Feud Tonight
Tho ancient rivalry of State's
Milne high guinea pigs will
break into a rash tonight when
the high schoolers step out again
in their never ceasing effort to
win a basketball game.
John Ryan, Milne's new coach,
tuts not announced his squad yet,
but Taft will probably place at
center while Casey and Walker
tie down the forward berths.
Guards will be chosen from Sipperley, Beagle and Ilartigan.
The freshman five will probably play Simmons at center,
Balog and Leggctt as forwards,
and Frament, Quinn or Tuttle
at the guarding positions.
Milne high with three wins
is one up on the freshman. They
the underdogs
through their loss to the freshmen earlier in the season.
A preliminary will be played
between the freshman intramural
team and the Milne jayvecs.
Dancing will follow the varsity
The battle of the furies is over
and the pledgling wings are already
beginning to move in style.
At A10 Phi, Bertha' Frost Heed,
Anne Korea, Florence lOllen, and
Bess llartman,
'3f>, Lillian Bislein, Ailene Muff sen and lOsthcr
Ktthli, '30, and Kuth Louber, 30,
came back for the parties. So did
Nina Laube, '3(1, to Epsiion Betu
I'hi, and Chi Sig welcomed Wilhelniina Palkovic and Kita Kane, '30.
Doris Bnird, '30, and Louis Underwood, '38, took in the parties at KD.
The pledging spirit hit the frosh
. . . and others. Sigma Alpha received Justine Herman, '30, into
pledge membership, and Phi Lambda
pinned Josephine Pesco, '38, unci
Esther Mason, '39. Mildred Mosier,
'30, is now a full fledged DO and
Betty Austin, '39, a Gamma Kap.
At AE Phi, Esther Siegel, '37, is the
newest pledge.
All of our best wishes to Eta Phi's
Janice Nierman, '38, who was married
to Frederick J u n g , Delta Phi from
Union college.
Sigma Alphu announces the marriage of Die/. Litis,
'35, lo It. L. Lafferly of Camden.
Guests at Alpha Hho over the
week-end were Mildred Cjualye, '20,
Hester Higby, '32, Doris Shaver,
Betty Slawson, and Margaret Willsworth, '3,r>, Betty Steel and Betty
Moab, ','14, and Judy Merchant and
Marion Tvmosou, '30.
Hobart Wins By Single Goal;
Niagara, Buffalo Top State
By Wide Margins
Tho State college basket tossera
journeyed into tho land of the setting sun last weekend to engage the
cage teams representing Niagara,
Buffalo State, and Hobart, major
opponents all. As a result of an accident while enrouto gameward, and
injuries received in rough contests,
a bruised and battered team took the
lloor for the Teachers against each
of tho enemy squads.
The Niagaru university
Eagles, always power-packed, and
conquerors of the Instructors in a
previous game, felled the State live
by a 44^-24 count.
The would-be
teachers from the other extremity of
the state, the Buffalo State Bisons,
showed the way tho night of Friday,
February 5, by a 40-27 score. The
next night, Hobart, after assuming
a big lead during the initial half,
squeezed out a narrow victory, 32-30.
The State squad barely arrived in
time for the Niagara game. They
took the court fresh from an accident, but were generously accorded
tho waiving of all substitution and
time-out rules by the home team.
Tho halfway tally was 19-9, in
Niagaru's favor, which score represented a creditable showing on the
purt of State. In the second half,
the Roaring Cataracts added another
ten points to their margin, bringing
the score to 44-24 at tho final
whistle. Byrnes was high man for
State with seven points, while the
Niagara point-getting was divided.
The Buffalo Teachers emerged victorious in the second contest of the
tour, a rough encounter. The flour
city youths led all the way, 17-9 at
the half and 40-27 at the closing
Bancroft and Byrnes each
netted seven points for State, while
Witmeyer was tops for Buffalo with
The Hobart game produced the
closest battle of the invasion, Hobart managing to eke out a two-point
win after seeing its big first half
advantage taken away.
State was
without spirit during the primary
cliukker, sinking only two field baskets and three foul shots for a total
of seven points as arrayed against
twenty for Hobart. Toward the end
of the second half, State came within
a point of the Genovnns at 29-28.
Hobart then tallied a field basket
and foul shot, which Tom Ryan's
field goal failed to match.
-WaldorfFOR T H E PROM
To Hire
Complete with Dress
Shirt, Collar, Tie and
Studs. . . .
Full Dress Suits
"Men'i Furnuil Wear Exclusively"
452 Broadway
Opp. Post Office
2nd Floor
Phone 4-5011
The Department Store of Albany That
Is Ever Anxious to Be of Service —
Meeting the Merchandise Demands of
the College Woman.
Page 4
Y.W.CX Will Start DenoWill Conduct
Bureau To Consider Freshmen To Feast
Business Meeting
Paid Student Taxes At Banquet Tuesday Semester's Program
(Continued from page 1, column 5)
teacher who has failed to meet his
student obligation because he considers loyalty to the student group
and a spirit of ready cooperation as
the basis of character.
' ' Those seniors who wish to have
their applications go to superintendents without predjudice should at
once square their accounts in the
college community.
They should
clear these records so that we can
have pride in presenting these records
to inquiring school officers.
"From this date forward, delinquencies will be cumulative from
freshman year on. Seniors of 1937
will be held accountable for senior
year only.
" A good citizen in any community
meets all his community obligations.
"The Student Finance board will
consider special appeals, privately
presented, of those who wish to make
such appeals. The delinquent list is
now in the hands of the Appointment
bureau. It will be corrected from
time to time as payments are made
to the finance board and to the class
The new ruling is expected to increase the present 65 per cent student
tax payment and 20-70 per cent class
dues collection. Exemptions for students who are financially unable to
conform to this rule will be considered by the Student Board of
Finance. Appeals for exemption will
be privately made through Mr.
Clarence A. Hidley, professor of history and treasurer of the student
association and the board.
(Continued from page 1, column 2)
Field and Newstead Head Affair;
Dancing Follows in Commons
Philosophy of Teaching To Be
Topic of Group Discussion
The members of the freshmen class
will meet together for the first time
at a social function of their own on
Tuesday at the Freshmen Banquet.
Dinner will he served at 0:00 o'clock
in the college cafeteria, where admission may be secured by paying sixty
cents at the door. There will bo dancing iii the Commons after the banquet.
Francis Field and John Newstead
are co-chairmen of the affnir. .Assisting them, are the following committees: accomodations, Jean Mitchell
and Kenneth llaser; tickets, Florence
Lux; publicity, Harriet Sprague;
arrangements, Robert Cogger and
Beba Stanton; serving, Dorothy Pritchard and Joseph Cappiollo; decorations, Elinor Dibble and John
Shearer; entertainment, Eleanor Qroll
and Roswell Fairbanks.
The Young Women's Christian association will begin its program for
the second semester with a discussion
group meeting Thursday at 4:10
o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson
hall, according to Virginia Stool,
A series of discussions is being arranged about the general topic, " M y
Vocation: Teaching". Groups of
students will discuss the philosophy
underlying the profession, the opportunities for advancement, the ethical
and religious aspects, the social
aspect, and the personality adjustment necessary.
The Thursday meeting will be a
preliminary step toward the final
planning program. Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president, will open the series
with a discussion, on March 4, of the
philosophy underlying the profession
of teaching and of State college in
The referendum to be discussed
concerns the invitation extended to
N.S.F.A. to join the American Youth
Congress. A resolution recommending this move was made by the Committee on Action at the Twelfth
Annual Congress of the N.S.F.A.
Following this, it was referred directly
to member schools. An affirmative
vote by a majority of the member
schools is necessary for confirmation.
The committee on election has submitted the following report:
Resolved: That an election commission be established under the following provisions:
ginning of his senior year to serve
for one year.
B—At least two members of the
commission shall not be fraternity
or sorority members.
C—The members arc to be appointed by the president of the student association with the approval
of student council.
D—The commission shall regulate
and supervise pro-voting activities.
E—The Student association shall
have, by a two-thirds (y3) vote, the
power of veto over the acts of the
F—The commission shall be formed
immediately by the appointment, as
provided, of three seniors and two
G—Candidates for election shall
be nominated in a speech not to exceed four minutes, and shall respond
with an acceptance speech not exA—It is to consist of five (5) ceeding two minutes in length. The
members, two of whom are to be ap- portion of the assembly programs
pointed at the beginning of their during which these speeches take
junior year, to serve for two years, place shall also be under the superand one to bo appointed at the be- vision of the election commission.
News Stops Distribution
The NEWS will be distributed on
Fridays from 9:00 to 10:50 o'clock
and from 12:00 until 12:35 o'clock.
In conjunction with the closing of
the assembly doors at 11:10 o'clock
will not
between 10:50 and 12:00 o'clock in
order that students may arrive at
the assembly on time.
Present seniors are urged to make
their payments immediately because
the Appointment bureau will operate
on the new rule beginning today.
Brubacher To Pay Visit
To College in Florida
Dr, A. It. Brubacher, president of
the college, will take a trip south beginning next week, and on this trip
will pay a visit to Rollins college at
Winterpark, Florida. Here he will
talk with Professor Hamilton Holt,
president, on current day problems
of the college.
Rollins college is one of the foremost progressive higher education
institutions of the United States.
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop.
Dial 5-1913
and Qrill
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room... at every stage in the making of Chesterfield Cigarettes . . .
Job Number One is to see t!m
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Copyright 1937, LIGGETT & Mviiis TOBACCO C O .