State College News XXI, No. 12. VOL Snowy Pachyderms To Sell at Premium Densmore, Knox Will Report To Assembly Today The assembly will ren program consist this II!' reports Dcusinore ami Leslie The 'I't'ii Wednesday nl the regular by t i n ' Young Ami they iiuil ''Judge'' inton- linn (it.V. side jun- nl Fedcrnlinn nl' Am Ins! wci'k in New I Dilutions .IUIIII I it'ini, In '.17, nlsii :it si'iiiurs, llii.s from The Middle N.S.F.A., Alliuitic of which In the j region of the ! Colli j , , , State a nieinlier, is In he i v o r g i i i i i / f d i v specillc olllcer. duties assigned Join, Deiiti Ship is In bring : g colleges. I lie with J The r Holly inber dues ill A p r i l will is general | would '.'ill, is in charge group in I lie volley Iwll, _ f\ Hpi I 111 V Ihf'PP "* " " C t f , W A | X / U I I I I I I I l l C C O ' I T """ gale university was chairman of the Al leges of I 'id elecled as vice j^,, T Miss region, Agues professor t h e r e q u e s t o f i n t e r e s t I'd a commission was set up I I I : i " lion, I IflVQ 0 * ^ J ...... I.. Fultercr, of Knglish, has Ihe i-ijiiiiiiil I its lo assist teachers' Inn the problems of colleges. assistant Acting on the loriuiiinendntion Mrs, from the commission mi internal ioiiul relations, the convention I'i'soliili •ondi'iiiiling adopted loyally " ' oaths ,. ' . . . appointed when John of ' ' The Lounge School, was elected operation Associated in keeping believe centers this of thai place one of college suitable the social such as the Coin,nuns il!> > student' ludd l I'tu' public should be be 'unite.I ing the i l i i \ c held in Syracuse accorded with given in milk- I'rofessor Snyles faculty, nt the University a success. will be day, club, j play ; liancpjot Tuesday I'll, during ."."> w e e present, evening, ihe convention, including :M State college principals ami superintendents. Members faculty of the .State attending college the convention in- cluded I'rofessol' Snyles, Demi (I. Prom to Feature February 19; Luncheon, Tea Dance to be On Following Day address the wns held December Cain To Direct Junior Week-end would also p Nelson, structor Dr. William t h e ol'ielll.'l I ioll The I not announced. dent cation. Ii.-iy IIMIIHI Fisk, '.'.7, \V1 scholar, was also number present of other will also lie for the The purpose i forma I llalvev; ami I I dents ugK Young Man ' ' by " '"""*> • " " " " • ' I exists mid iniob belween I'lictlll V in Ihe presenl , ,| I lie it faculty is Ii friendship I'ruiii will Cain activities I i i and L'n, undergraduates on Friday include Ihe night and the college. ing is vice presi- will dial, have re,nail,ed since twenty years Ihecharges The class of Ml.'IK will fleet recoinn,ended a I'rom ipieeii this year, continuing the prcc- liiriieil edelll started by the class of I'.ITI. mittee gel K .11 In NII Kyan will be chairiuun of lea daai-e. I 'u chair II III $100 a establishment multiplied advocates over tuition threefold to uf the thai over Argu- ago, college have fourfold, now and the scholarships unchanged their luncheon and lea dance on Saturday. u mull thilll although year Ihe stu setup. lock as well us A drive lo double the amount of the class. Junior be for the students, Miss Hubert professor ul' edu- number of Stale scholarships was (he Hicliurd M. Cox, j u n i o r president, bus pl'ogl'ulu Y.M.C.A. of Stale college only l-'ebruary Milton French, i n - in education, and Dr. Frederick, assistaiil a Salurday, Fri- January ill). main issue ul' the convention, group during by Ihe men of the college and The tho Principals of At a state college Alumni and f a c u l h | lo High of A dinner in testimony to the honor inspection." the Campus commission '"1"' Miiokers, president I lie Christmas holidays. for other '"'i:'1 of edu- of Milne Academic convention life The Ni'.w.s is coopeiuling the of Hicliurd principal Campus commission asks your co- started al freshman camp. ill and : Wan of the committee M i Snyles, professor cation of ' • ' " chairmen the Commons, which """Id extend ; / o e Aldus. in slates where thev exist. This ' same resoliil ion s t i l l , al' that the yoitlli the uf Dorothy Cain, Ms, will lie general chainiil f I lie annual junior week, . m | activities lo lie conducted Friday I'aul ' concerning condition • V ,..,ni|| ; l | l.-dtr Cossayuua. These \ would include skiing, -deign riding, , ,||1(| s ' | | 1 i n S p e a k s " by I I . Carson : derliist ' ' by ,,,. ,,., a ' Julia com- Ihe students and the Stale of Xew York at its annual , frc-lntllill Imiiipiel al Ihe begiuiiin. This would In if each fall semestei. Madoiinu of numerous from We with the pro dra,unties class in Ihe following plays: ' ' T h e view The winter spurls program would consist of occasional parlies at Ihe teachers' problems. The ] duel ion of three one-act plays to I'liuirmaii was John presented Tuesday night, January I!'. Deuo. A niolion was niade liy Ilii Miss l-'uttiTcr will direct the c l o n i c commission to sel up a permanent to handle Principals To Sponsor Drive For More Scholarships Within State in • the been bridge and sing. The,, will ulso be occasional in j I'm mill suppers lo w liicli a speaker .-•, ALUMNI A R E P R E S E N T com- following In piny basketball, and " ' I"''111''11'11.1 ""'"''"'" conside, committee gym the administration There session college ill llic | % | In Elementary Class Productions secretary of I lot I in- nflernoon. '37, rep- Campus millets. f T ( I I I i Now the region, is lo be chairman of the Alfred the Durilli, linve Men of Faculty Plan Dinner January 29 To Honor Milne Educator in a pre- for cooperation • ' In f o r 11 dues of two lie u mid week meeting group convent ion. cull while niTHTIlf tpAC Louise liar- L'li'cled Y.M.C.A., f » f •'! Saturday Brunswick, New Jersey. was Clement Ihe makes plaints I dollars which would include the '. privilege of the Y.M.C.A. I'ucililies Jersey College for Women at New N e w l y Appointed Groups H e l p who of the The plans Mnrehmd's # | activity MneQi'ogor, rctpiesi tioil. would man, mill i n progress drive: approved of w i l l , the now condition. mission, will '< i s |dnuneil lo have an occasional ; student ,'ti-tive iii the plans Cur I lie reorganiza- lea. j ^ within at Smith directtir mid gift drive Holier! of history. heen use of the Com- in connection sentable Y.M.C.A. Dr. 'gun for couiiniiiiieulinii be ciinduiicd Albany eon- the event, llayford, of llic Itml Inivol wn.s wiled liv the delegates. The am, regional conference is to of liltiek. year's hut '-'IT, of the pliius f o r of directors the Don I'd physical relation region's to pay chuirninn lo each I chisel A two dollar the region |M , Smith, Hint linve was re clfcti'd ehuirinun of the region, izntinn h'lsii professor stilted I I . More- to keep tills representative center to Dr. reorganization unwniitetl Christnins Smith, Smith (iceording liy liny lust year's ' " ' uccopled ul Demi ofllee.) add reorganized Y.M.C.A. will pre lie sold, til any ( Incidentally, college mill M l - niusi unwelcomed will lie Stiite Domini ii ii t-1 ion Atlantic reports, and The con- the tended us the chairman o f Ihe Middle i region ten, to the mons, resenting entertainment Bdwnrds Sliii|iii'ii, tention yon Dr. National York Chris- gratis. price. Ml lit It'll t sponsored Women's gun run tee vi'isiitiiin, Kvcrythiug t'liiivi'iil inn in Hit' Lounge hour, by Helen land, dean of women, calling at- Dr. Smith Starts Movement To Revive Association Of College Men Elephant School 'Heads Elect Sayles New President This issue' of Hie NBWS prints a stateinont concerted with liny or nil tit' these nrtii'les. iors, State ('allege 's delegates In llic erica White linn nssoi-intion, will supply liv War- Knox, mi ii 11 ii 1 Co-operation Asked For Clean Commons State's Y.M.C.A. Will Reorganize With New Plan Do yon lack a pair of woolies? Are vtni looking for a slightly used second-hand liiintlki'i'i'liii'l' holder.' Dues your soul delight in llic ncquisition tit' n linrgnin nl lower-tliiiu-lmrgnin prices? Middle Atlantic N.S.F.A. Area To Have Reorganization This Year DENO REGIONAL HEAD Teachers' Colleges Will Have Commission to Consider Vital Problems ing $2.00 Per Year, 32 Weekly Issues STATE COLLEGE F O R TKACTIERS, A L B A N Y , N. Y., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1937. campaign Ihe resolution be to the legislative to tlo " a l l ''student com- in its p o w e r ' ' to saving'' scholarships increased. f o r the . . I I I . liiiiclieoii will be Klizabelh Dr. "Ninth belieM-s Hint he has j u n i o r , „ „ , . , ,|ie orgaiii/a A ppehlooi'll and Del bei I DrooZ. h i , „,,,,,,, The delegates unanimously the legislative committee iis opposition directed to continue slum Id 'never i 1 ' 1 " " « ' ' " ' S l ' l s , , , v Virginia Furoy ami ,-„,„ „,.„.,,.,,. | 1 ( , |,,.|i,wes that tin Miss Cain has uaineil the following Virginia H a l l , sophomores. Joseph ^tudi ills should HUH ,-. Hi. coiuinillees for I'roin : music, \ ' i r mil " i n biirders In par again gi 'Ilii, chiiii'iliaii. licipale ia a war. It also liruily ile'Leese, "'''*''' " ' ' • is ' " assistant "BH""'"11 ' • " " " ' " " ' " • jj wink wurk and and consoler Ii s only a ; giniu Travis, chairman, Harold : iiounced Ihe increase ill aruiatuci'ils, ' estate luxes available for schools, de- of the Coiled Tin! States eonvcnli Iso eiidorscd extension uf Ihe National ministraliuii American nlong Yoiitli sage of this The court in every both major college and minor college legiilaliuns another resululion commissi The court college Vole a student to prevent in proposed order to by Ih. I. w o u l d be detei mine '-1'1' '''"lips I i l l . War de , , was reci.iiiiii. a.Ii-.l In tin purl,uenl conimissiou fin l "' on the Federal piogiai-i yiailli. \ l''i d Im'. I Ug is I he I e \ l i n <-i 111111 -i' 1 i 1111 w i t h [.;,(ji (11 - llic d r i v e Si'A'I'i: ( ' ( i l . l . P i i i : ( ' Willi lliatllis I 111' llelive sia-ii IJii'tiiliu-e ,, .. l l i c Iti'si "'"''H' 21 til I Iclll'. ; " "'" hesl work „,, I he n m i . u||| mint i senioi who is a in; ; ' " " " " ' '' ••"• •' "'•' dining the U I M . I H t,-,-,,-, , ,, ..I I In- i\ too. i . u i lu.s pi iv | M . piinlcd on i h . t', 1,-nn piogi.uu nlong wiili the iiiiniiiig " ' Ha' Wheeliick schohir, , T l l i , h i s " " ' l i r M . > ' ' ' " ' | | | : " ;l I " 1 " has been ollered lo studeiitot ,. , ,i . II i (icrinun, and Ihe sel will be a una able addition In a (iei'lliail s l u d e u l ' - libriuy. j I liirr : Ktlen, Marion I,Iran..r Florence walls llic I I'csldclll <>\' l l i c luivc chief liccil A lal'ge nl llic clig-ineer piiinlril, | i f i i| m i l i n n , ipn-ea, , i wlio (iillegc ami lliuil's h i s slulT clciincd a n d l l l l l l l l l g ' c s ell Used t l l i r i l l g ,• , , , I I ' I uiii'S' a n d ex i c c t c d • ' Wll.s ( l l i c II in i n u l ' i IV In llic I licxcll.sillllc lllfgc lilllilhcr ill' nl' llic J sllldcills l l l i l j u l ' l I ,\ are lllliel'cnl I \ \\ 1 If I Use I h i ' ( ' m i l II inns l l \ llic II | ,|lll I'Clll I .'Ii' k W '' lilkl well have ' r r " J-''-"""''' •'''" lil'cil. liecli u f these I a m sure In,III Sl lh ' ' thai Ihe shucked and Clll si a 1111 It la I s o \ I d e l lee, I b y Anne I'algciiuibe, I'hyllis Another and Dorolhy Mary Tallin; Miller, cliairinan, il.res I.,-lller, decorations, Itulh Joseph Kleauor Merrick, La ( I r a l l ; in lliruilgh I he I'urce nl' p l l l i l i e U|lilliuil as u el I as i l c l i v c I n i n s i s t m i I he s l a m l n r d s w h i c h e l l i i l ' l l c l c r i z c in.iii and g . i i i l e w n i i i i i i i d u r i n g l l i i ' i r m m n c i i l s ,. . , Ml|,ei'visiun llic educated ul' leisure'/ \ cry sincere v ytnirs, ' ' ' llclcll llllll g'cittlc Dean of Women, urged Ihe same twelve hours of graduate in approved grade and lit t isury work. Lawrence j .1. Hooker of (loshea, vice president ; The Heaiicll. following Miss airangeiueals, Meeii: luir Nlghl ingale ; ""is, Sophie will, \rllnu. Mai i.ui Louise j ami Wnl/ok ; llainel I'eck ; Hisnell, Harold ' chape, Mm Mowers Kmnineyer; Mulh'iikupf; LIIIIII The progrnms pnhlicity \l and taxis, belli Chrislen, Lucille ( larlie. I I . Klcwurl assistant »e|-e I'lacol, l-'uusl principal School, of treasurer; of Mount, treasurer. David (!, Allen of seci.-lary; and b'ulph of Oswego, nssislilllt -ei-rclary, F f C s h m a n DUBB D r i v e 'I lie Haul paviaenl of the freshinun David j class William | ruled bids, j fall, I'ai'slia 11. for dues, the class Idiza l.ibinnn. a.,,.,ding upon in by Ihe class is due the llrsl I'ebruan, I'aul Ditto,nil llllll Cliarloltc Hugh Charles Molh | and ciiiumUlce wi ok cm I includes: Corzell, High He elected Lake Shaw, decoinliiuis, Uslmiue, Lizetle L. Mildred j \'ernon, rel're.'iliiuenls, I'harlelte will Dlher oflicers elecled were: lea dunce: j Fayel tevil.'e Maijorn- I'risl, music, I'lipemaier, committees hV-in Muriel (Johlberg, co cliail'lllllll ; .Mnl'eluilll, hours reipiireim-nl. : 11 ihlebraiidl, l l su a n d eighteen work high teachers in- \ nations, Ituse K u r k i l l , chairiuaa, and Moor, John O ' l l l ' i e u , III keep a live- beyond In- '• |, asi two years of teaching or si,per- Frank Is i l m i l p n s s l l i l e least courses Smith; slllilellls. the present The coiuenlion : I Kul )i Frusl, chniriuan, Jane Mnlouey, ! at door, I'lil" I l l l favored period dour, William Hradl and j slmulard of cerlillcation for a l l De UIISSII; lluor, Hubert secondury school principals, regardDecker, cliairinan, (ieorge Malli nsoa, less of the si/.e of Ihe school, (lie cer| | „ , . , , | , | Heissii"- or ams and bids iliclltioll In be based in pait upon Mullen: uiHlalnms, j l-.b/nbel h I'lulpoli; I'111'!,, education npp; Joseph Dowllag Hull, Hester I rice, 1 1 resolution of professional niiMiillsh anil illl e n i u l l l e l . ,.,, ' . . , , . . . he ( 11 in I I 11 ii is |s m i e n , ed I n In 1 a I ib-.r-an I a n d a i r . c i n e " coiuniuuilies handicap for secondarv cliairinan, and I eluding I'erry would linan many preparation and I school M ; l r l l l seriously year sultie i m l i v i t l l l l l l s II 11(1 l l \ I lie 11 lie I'll llec 11| a la I'gct' n i tin I ic f I uw II r i l s recti-,, embarrass of real programs. Tel I'll lilt, Mowers on the amount .-hiring thai such a limit and Nelbach, Carolyn Shaver; and to r| assist I'tiulll, l 1 dean I'rsula place a limit cially Melba Fox, Ladriill, idiii perunes, i ^ Kulhuiiuc Couklin ; arrangements for I ' " ' ^ " " ' "'' "''' " ' '*•""""* ''> I Ul ITIIssot I f IS t l l l e u l ' l l l l t l u l l l i l c i 11 \ rl set bound Van rel'i't'shiiicnls, I i ha irman, ('lean": (loud breeding' demands cerium poi'suiial stiimliirils uf elcnnli l ullcyc lolhejiin llic ('illiniums rcplliri'il. I ' II I'tilt 1 Mlill el \ . l l i c ,. ,. , . t l i i i ' i ' l i m n is w e i e n i i i M I I I I I I V ' • .... ,, i . . ,, ,, I In- I ail Si Ion / Minim in I I uuiida linn has . i l l . , . . I a i u i / e of a coiupleii iu,.l\ In " K e e p I n I lie \ i:\VS N'l-AVS: cun|iel'llliull i n j | 1 si I d r i l l s w lit, Use I he T o G e r m a n Stuclent» r: I Invi, Jean n l ' I ) r i i n .Mnrehi n i l ' s s t i l l I ' l i i n i l Vnn will have iini iei'il, I am sine, llic improved a|i|ieiii'aiieo ul' llic Society Offers Prize \\..ik. Iluynes, Clarence Kdwards, ciil'elcsslicss of Schiller's group. j elm ii man. has l l of I In Dean Moreland's Note on Commons A majority 1111- in 1 ii- i s "' l v ':i1 " ' from Ihe siiper\ isi ineiiiber II, in penult ion. T l faculty infractions of was urged undergraduates. necessary I) of : l , . , student governi should consist of o f these rtilumii • i I h i l l : u,range ills, Alfred Trehu , ] eliiiiiiii.'iii, Knlhryn llobbie, Dorothy pending paof T Ihe act. establishment " " /'".''' Youth Ad the lines Act, '''""''"'"'' to legislation const i l u l ional amendment which would accortliag u M -hcdulo early Ihis Thursdav In Lloytl in Kelly treasurer. The I chilli h of the lirsl cull I'm payments was fair. As f,i|- the second inslulbueul, dm- befnre Tluiaksgiviag, no inoniM has a , ye| been turned i n , Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 8, 1937 State College News Letters to the News Established by the Class of 1018 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers The MOWS assumes no responsibility for communications printed In this'column. A l l eo.n.nunlcallons must hear the signature of the author which w i l l lie Withhold on renuest. One anony us Of Cabbages and Kings We have been watching with great glee the manner Published every Friday of the college year by the NEWS Board representing the Student Association in which our friends, one after one, succumb to the Telephones: Office, 5-0373; Gumaer, 2-0424; Dexter, rending of "Clone with tlie W i n d " , after vociferous 2-4314; Seld, 2-0701; Gaylord, 2-4314 and mighty declarations to have nothing to do with a Entered as second class matter in the Albany, A'. Y„ postoffice book of that length. Incidentally, we feel proud that we accomplished tlie reading within the first month of its publication. The book would be noteworthy if only for its portrait of the south during the Reconstruction period, bul is characterization of the beautiful ScarHAUIIY T. GUMAEU Editor-in-Chief lett O ' l l a r n , her colorful story and final subtly tragic F E E D E . DEXTER Managing Editor downfall, make it doubly Important. We noticed that WAIIKEN I. DENSMORE Associate Managing Editor Miss Wheeling recommended it as Ihe ideal Christmas DAVID 13. S M I T H Associate Managing Editor gift. If you failed to do your shopping early, act SOPHIE WOLZOK Associate Managing Editor without delay, and beg, borrow, or steal the book for LAURITA SELD /Justness Manager Immediate perusal. letter Is herewith printed because of lis excellence: nunc will be considered In (he future. Statesman's Sloppy Spelling Ruffles Rural THE NEWS BOARD CHARLES W. GAYLORD MILDRED E . NIGHTINGALE Advertising Circulation Manager Manager the THE NEWS STAFF CHARLES N . MORRIS HELEN CLYDE Women's Sophomore Desk Sports Council is b r i n g i n g We have heard echoes of his last Editor formance, a year or so before our time. ward to hearing the composer with Editors unusual We look of " C o u n t r y tax. As usual, I list for- lie just Gardens" per cent payment usual, organizations on the student association ends meet 111 Julie. A n d . also as usual, we put a plea for payment of the student quarters of the students. That lax by at least be Staff spent in this plays, Choral etc., loom loosen a way 7 When Concerts, large bit neighbor's for of silver? for it not Klementnry basketball games, the semester that shoulder N E W S : don't readily Dramatics publications, looking the calendar you over el' events your in the chisel; pay up. We heartily social agree with reformer cookies at easily the Lounge available with provides a to friends. look at Such Campus commission, in conjunction with the X K W S , is sponsoring a campaign to keep the Commons clean. Both feel thai if students want a room for recreation, every student should feel a personal responsibility in keeping the Commons a college center which is in condition fur public inspection at any time. welcoming is certainly the acquainted more stu- The committee atmosphere, with your of the most conducive Why grab a plate most not favored friends Ihe purpose of the teas, I p r i n t e r ' s fault every If of his. thought When it lii passing, we wish to quote from an editorial in Ihe Kecurd of our sister uf, especially "Looking Slate We are proud the with to think Buffalo. that it I make State athletic expense when budgets appeal1. Saturday that university this College Tniclirrx n well-balanced not night I read fields with notion in college. Whiillington XKWS heartily started by Dr. Donnal V..M.('..\. could endorses the movement V, Smith lo revive the We believe that reduce the present this organization over formal relation ship between the student and the professor, The student at Slate college is preparing for the we believe that the meeting of the faculty and of students i n f o r m a l l y , which is the intention the revived organization, would aid the slu dent greatly lo improve himself for his future Christopher Vnur reviewer connect ion Haunted know, will, look al him. J)uran and Dr. S m i t h . They have set Ihe ma- heard ihe Coop. of too. he ust liefor' lo he went be satisfied f o r a long lime he thought across minor, a corner Il didn 'I hurt \ "lls il yours in Ihe truly library, never us none Viiz it 's I hue In do t lie chores, do wish y o u ' d yolll' duty's I hem Statesman lake l i i and tell me n i l ides Hut IT from just :i ",,"ll'llt M o r e ' l l M until II professor -iiggotcil Morley bookstore Albany lluit in . Book one day he note: • epreeiatcd milted be by This I 'd Ingenious in his earlier The esxiiy Ihe as Morley's from not unwell-read, most of solely with l l i , but w ill only identity is \\ c quote from The uiilhor siibmil n Slui, .mini!. and the uf are rule I'm "' anolhei in a saw Willi a perfect how enormously gestuie of a l i g n , and Hull In huge Hie other man was; suddenly the pislilied || I iew p i , | | | | , l-ollllge "inter leas ;, * ieioiis us no vi a \ negilt i\ e el il i I lei I uf I he |o i|o now n i l 1 my we. \\ ho enjoy -,i thai ( nniinnn-. in the ' il- 1 new i, clean \ei\ I he may I mu Vein broom i -weeping ' ''',I,L A U.KAN I T \H\iK \ IK ~~ Statesman ediloi a Appetites f,-, ainlaiiiiuu ;,,,. | | | r I,, n m n l l , ^ collllllcleil months. If "hill Is t h e pUI'po„o some people would dlllillg ;,,|,,,| lie f,.„„'h bul I nan person i or ulmoi'Vlit ion* thai il i- i, Vear less liuesse. lo v mi u Hope In ; 11 ii -1. -111 thai i on pllllics progressed of Ida! and blind d a l e , . "I history, sorority aniouiit Willi migrating I luce again and suggest u, I hii-lnnitlie ll-uill couples, cole . . . Sunn tlie dale, were not only dumb. blind bul we go iinmodi -I men 'l Slate men good • uoiigh | ' i , | M,u • i,|' ||,esc l e a , be mdiuiucil either with To go back do el - o, , Ni w like i l , miilerslnud Nr w .,: i Happy Our resolul ion : To annoy Till' lacalnoi diaries of some folks aulil 1,1 I"- strange and wonderful to ' " ' I d , i f we c a n b e l l c i e a l l We In III "-erne samples : Murphy and Ming' consume all the cookies .win,., Ihey i in- % can uei oei I read in I lie newspaper H Thai a lady on a Singapore cruise Was standing beside |, more caller-, siigge-l ion- a re in hope And plcllsiinlosl 1'oreetl to admit be d idn 'l look II ngr.v any more. dreamily the am tiling I'm I he aillege sludeiil-. and I I -Ueh bumped lo uf Sli thai crowd h u r r y i n g toward Ihe subway , and he looked loiind quickly '"'n' And the Lounge "lie noon, early the abme i- urgi Kditor sr.\ i n i 'in.i lair high writing. ihe poet i v of Ihe t i l le ehaplei . sou one loan accidentally the ( by me, Ian are to relleel are welcome Mid-Afternoon * top Ihein all. loo l i l e r n n the be rued loo! On by whole I lice lo ouli help 7 I Ii the criticisms N i . " s. to lo circle. be used if the authoi ' Knglish might its revealed oil' the them e\cellenl in I be world of modern informal by excellent service. ten up to is added -oeiubility conl ribul ion, loiters nf the same M I I I an obscnutions books, I hose in Sti iilmtini •mill 1 b r i l l i a n t , --OHM- a bit their " " ' " visitors people Christopher attempt is now. when the Common-, i- I' 'tul and cnuhl because bonk ihoy to Janitorial ' cislns s. I he New s, was sub anonymously printed dealt . . . you the Haunted a Morley filthy " ' ' ' " ' '-mingc. dill what moan. Yours Truly. ZKKK Doitbledav. Although took An active '•miipurahlo IMIIIIII to ! Well, Mr. Kditor, I goltn iptil now l i k e I " k e e p u p w i t h I he I i the vessel's mil When I I Hying lish lieu down the back of her dress And she slapped the face of the gentlemen next |o tier. motion. So do we i i i l c r p r e l Let's make it. h cleiuied Kdilor's in Ihe Coop, until so As il Christopher visits was :.'. More supervision by the Campus commission. Now by j program , College I heir b u l l s in t rays place in a month. at chinery up, all we have to do is to set it into The students can make or break this. the anyhow. Consolidated Vcah, and he's changed wavs In college aliunde lege to finish the task started so well by ' C h i e f because lime we was lucky to got a bath o l i d favored Ill is now iijt to the men students of State col- desire to deposit as such, be Morley. Bookshop . . . Morley shop was just -licit lirst job. It is not important in itsell '. mi ess we <-.-1n keep it that wav. I" ' j stale liriel v, I here are three po-sible ! . • i wavs lo insure the expenditures for ' paint, rehabilitated f u r n i t u r e , and i ' " " ' I" 1 ' 1 " ' " I , U I ' " ' " l ! l " l i l l " , ' : awakening pride of the Com ' G r e a t e rof the student cooperation. T l " s , s l>"««»>^ " ' i l lnot , a have general moils-goers « l i n did t he " " " | s l " " 1 " 1 h r l , ' a " w l " ' n ' h,'.v ' " Icl'cd. there Would lie more ilicent ;\ e lo keep il clean the rest of i he day. I'ol'iui and Compniiy. Now York. IH.'Ki, '."in page,.. $:;,:,(). profession in which the faculty is new engaged and '~ ' I Ins Take his ^ i \ e him a style. The he ( ominous is clean I ... , At Inst we at M a t e can lie proud . . . ; enough lo bring our visiting mends ,fi . . i to the main recreation room of the I moiis, In Prejudice C o m m o n s ,,,. M i tor STATU ( OI.I.KIIK N E W S : ' ' ' i d nun Streamlines, e a n deeper* lie lakes a bath most every night. Why I was age in the wilder in and a knowledge Cn-ll/i j C However Cover To Cover III till ItKKOH.MKU Pride W i t h o u t A themselves benefit, change il every vear.) lie won a i l l l | s , H " ' - V ' " I"' '' ' ' " ' ' " ' " " ' " " " - ' prise as the elia.npeen speller. Now j I " " " 1 ' , " " 1 ' " ' • i i i l u r e " i l l achieve re I Mill they A SOCIAL I j lo offer from the n r d i u n n has a team of a t h l e t i c s . " I till lo lake I I balli every Saturday. intra -mural a wide experience try appetites, but routine, the ! i s p e l l i n ' for instance—when lie gradu- which would scad many more of our men out into teach iug is tennis. . . . College, ami should thai would Now j would derive -renter politics but he should at least spell . , , ,, , , , ,1 better. Hell, I never got past Ihe , . , , i, i , T i i i llni'd grade speller but I could do , , , • belter n he docs. , , , . , . , ;, Another t h i n g — I got average in.... , , , ,, , , , , telligence but 1 can I make heads ncr lails of what he writes. When , . , . , ,, i , •, • ,,. I nst linn to fell me what it is meant, . . 1 , . •,, i i , i he lest looks al me Willi u blank , • ,. I. | i, exspression on his lace winch makes , .... , me wonder. When I was tweatv-one ,, , , , . ,n , ,, inv Dad look me to Albany on tlie shi -lira and I heard a ' preacher there in the pulpit say, " T h e marks his f a c e . " of an eddicated man is written on That boy ain 'I seem 'd lo have from students I I n social relaxation say my grandson oughter write in other schedule, we find many competition of no is something for for such strenuous competition. . . we are n strung ;it over our basketball is competing good enough . college of the fact the was Ihe : curricular bul I guess not. .\ussex County Hc| learned considera- possible has been limited. the wav he writes j mid-afternoon column it of freshmenl, the social progress that Central liui'tll High School, ( I think that's the name now then, fellers ran A Revived Men's Organization for becoming light. seen the lack understand and cooperate with tin Hint ain't what'; though. What is I ultimate aim. which is not to appease me is lirst lo an or take more than their share of re mumbled something. there ated us lo think Many student complaints have been registered about the condition of the Commons, without regard to the fact that most of the damage to furniture was caused by the sheer carelessness of students. As the NEWS goes to press, the Commons already shows the wear ami tear of three days' use. is one of It does seem that in that lo a corner gorge? This of the lighter sort. comment, outside Students returning from vacation found a new Commons—new in the sense of a smoother floor, fresh paint, and reconditioned furniture. All this showed interest and labor on the part of the Administration and Campus Commission. it friendly, to conversation and retire the consumption tens. opportunities our faculty dents should Ihe sentiments voiced by the who deplores Because of looking, don't to come, can't Stop Maw wasn't forth Co., I N C . , ALBANY, N . Y. Keep the Commons Clean his a means not an end in themselves. tion of some, who Inhabit the kitchen, before three Christmas check, or the remnants of tlie scholarship . . . . might .lust and cookies lire end, I near lo him his can so what real writing should be like. are scrimping, t r y i n g to keep expenses down, tn make Editors get tea stomack more him where he got the stun" and that As budget Ilia so strong, Mr. Kditor, bothering me of student N'.S.K.A. expenses had to be cut. lo What's hardly when per- As usual, the N E W S has had to curtail its publication sick he got ill the car to drive us home, and delight. calendar, due to a sixty The election of John M, Sayles as president of tlie Associated Academic Principals of the State of New York at the annual Syracuse conference last week is not only a great personal honor, but one which brings recognition to State college as well. Prof. Sayles has been active in this association for many years, and served ;us vice-president last year. We congratulate him and feel confident of his success. been bothering O'Hora, President Sayles he'd something. breath smelt Percy for tlie Winter Choral Concert. Editor Business, Grace C'astiglione, Roland W a t e r m a n ; advertising, Joan Byron, Gordon Tabnerj circulation, Victoria Bilzi, Margaret Hora, June Palmer PRINTED UY BOYD PRINTING Music Sports Charles Franklin, William Kyan, Clement Wolff Business that Sports Associate Editors Elizabeth Gooding, Mary Lam, Kobort Margison, Virginia Stool, seniors; Muriel Goldberg, liamona Van Wie, juniors Assistant Information Congratulations. Charles Etttnger, Robert Ilertwig, Edgar Juan Strong, Charles Walsh like or couldn't We welcome with loud huzztths and blowing of horns Grainger as guest artist Reader Editor STATE CobbEGE N E W S : 1 wislit you could enlight me on a suject which is been botherin' mc ever since my grandson came home from college for Ninas vacation. You see he's the feller what writes that column in your paper called the state'sman. Well, sir, when he got off the ears over to Spotney's Junction, I seed aj:liange in him. His eyes was sunk and his face was pale green the merriments of .Nature 111 terms of our t r i v i a l etiquette. s " ' " ' " ' " " " ' ^ . v , sad, is „ „ i i i „ . i „ U'ltlliiii o f llu- t-utk-tfu in ofTfriiiH U.iH IU ' " , | U " 1 " ' i l B sludi'llts. The real I'tU'pose is „ plll'IIOSe IS llo o lafford llloill a ccongenial onn,.,,;., I atmosphere for sliidcnis and laciilly to become leisurely butter acquaiiilcd and sociable fushlon, in a The oll ale now men ol principle since ihe,, t r i p , , , Syracuse but Ihcs doughnut believe'nil thei see . When l.e,s sinj-s • • | , „ | | n l , v ' " , he k IOM IIho In, light II.,1.1 ..,,1 ..II .(he 1 . . . infant : . . , ' . , !'s I'urei il out of What Infant I . . , And have you ItUUrd the one about (Continued slippers, on page ;;, autumn "Ho i) They're all ladies-men ^OAX7 P r ' n c e t o n University Triangle Club members begged - M^W the audience to "Take It Away" when they presented their annual musical comedy. Here's a scene from the 1936 production. When Manhattan College basketeers defeated Brooklyn Col' lege, 31 to 22, fast action was featured in almost every minute of play. Here are Capt. Jack McGuirk of Manhattan and Rosenblum of Brooklynfightingunder the Manhattan cage. Pictures, Inc. International Return Onetime friends, classmates and professors of Arlington Brugh declared a college holiday at Pomona College last month when Hollywood's No. 1 lady's man returned to his alma mater as Robert Taylor of the films. He's shown at the left trying to write in the books of each of the mob that fought to get near him. They're seeing chapters at other institutions, too p T A p A These are the initials of the "Two Can Live. As Cheaply , \ j . L i 4 \ i y , / l . Association" that University of Oregon student married couples have formed to promote the interests of their kind. Pounders are (I to r) Reinhart Knudsen, Mrs. Knudsen, Mrs. Howard Kenaler and Mr. Kessler. T This is world's first verse* speaking choir r^p\jir A ft ' m P ° r t a n t among the concert arts developed at U.S. college? " *•*• ** and universities is that of the verse-speaking choir developed at Mundelein College (Chicago) during the three years following first experiments there in 1933. It has gained nation-wide acclaim since that time, and is heard regularly on the airwaves. Page 2 S T A T E COLLEGE N E W S , JANUAjaLS^a33U«««"~«'' Sta H f n r n c ^ n u n U 8 U »l light - and 1 1 U J . 1 1 9 shadow photo of the brass section of the Auburn Cavaliers, popular campus orchestra of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The HI CotuoiATE DMOT Photo by Son Clbtau Published Boa TelephoQi ClVllft Weighted down with solid V - J l v l i o blocks of concrete, the civil crew initiates of Georgia Tech are led on a long and weary march through the streets of Atlanta. Entered as s nve-you. ;un and We'll tavo to Is with lj DAVID B. i SOPHIE W[I LAURITA ^ CHARLES V MILDRED R CilAKLES s, HIIOW- CoiuoiATt DIOUT Photo by H. J. Frtcdaan HAIIRV T.j| FEED E. ]} WAKKEN with a . . liopwitli a NEW HIT ON THE RADIO! Strik Marguerite Bradford, cellar University of Chicago b o w l e r , assumed a sinking pose when t h e photographer arrived to photograph members of the Maroon team N HELEN C'LYI Charles K Elizabeth Internals mil Virgil with a nj; the .lit will o pruc)f time ic your e oiirly (1 vice t'8 till! ! foul U ducted •t. 1:30 interted to ti lias ml rove r y n too ciilion Charles ) : Business, Gr. tising, Jo Yictori PRINTED BY Five Greon game lion. The elect of the Assc State of fi conference 1 honor, but c college as t in this assoo vice-preside! and feel eoi i«l''y :poots 10-Up. M^'Vi-^^- 1 'w-< ; - .Students new Commoj floor, fresh ) All this shoj of the Adinii Many stilt tered about t out regard t< to furniture jiess of studt the ('omnium of three (lays ('ampUN eo \K\VS, is * P 0 T L I G J±'T E R Ruler Campus Stars Now Radio Favorites Kathryii Stewart has just been elected queen of the Ventura Junior College student body in a popular election. Fred Stewart (no relation) was elected king. Keel R Best In the superbtive contest staged by Mississippi State College for Women students, M a r y L u c 11 e Ward was elected most b e a u t i f u l woman on the campus, • spc Coniiiions elei a room for rii a |)ersonal vi nioiis a colled (Ulblir inspect These N«me» Make Newt his wa thr0U h N'KWH y.M.c.A. w Ht a r t Itlllll. and ' Ilia Tool'tulinvo iinst AI*o RENNY GOODMAN'S "Swing" tiEOHGE Hollywood STOLL'S Concert comedian*, -ami-npeeial talent Orehe»tra9 and ringing trom ttand, the the I'CHS Sunt lie iri'H eot- *tar* college* everg Tuendag night I I it I,'10 0 V « '"' State as an announcer at local radio station. They shared in common an en thusiasm for Ohio State's football team of that yeai Now Joan is the heroine _ of "Renfrew of the Mounted" on a national radio hookup and is rescued over and over again. John Weigel has pushed his way forward, too, and is now a Columbia announcer out of the Chicago studios. started by J)i could reduce ship between t siinli'iit at St profession in ' and HC believ'i and iliidents j of the reviveij den I ni'i'uUy t job, Jt is now u lege to finish Duran and I>j ibinery up, al motion. The I Let's muki! it.I it9* a riot-it9* unbelievable -it9* Oahie at hi* be*t! ENFREW OF THE M O U N T E D " is a chillm,: thriller for youngsters who like the cops-ami robber game as played in the Canadian Northwest. In 1935, Joan Baker's interesi in the Canadian North west was very limited. She was a member ot tinStrollers at Ohio State circulation manager of th. Ohio Staler, contribute to the Lantern, and " ithlete in women's intr.i murals. John Weige! i was a classmate, working Joan Baker A Revi' The it the BRE'8 college life, not as it is, but as it ought to be, according to Jack Oakiet Imagine Jack Oakie running a college. Think what would happen—and tune in on this notable occasion—the first radio series of this popular screen star. Along with Jack, H KVKHV TIJKNUAY you get Benny Goodman's " swing" rhythms, George Stoll's concert orchestra, guest stars broadcasting direct from Hollywood, and—here's news—• special talent from the colleges every week. A sparkling full-hour s h o w that you won't want to miss. \IUHT • - They're playing football on snowshocs m Maine o OflOW r* ~ ~ Despite the gain of a sweeping end run made by "Cotton" Hitchinson of the underI j r a m e classmen's team, the seniors defeated them in a football game on snowshoes at Bates C.olui.iAn Photo »> l-<ill.-ie.>n College. AGNES MOORE* * • HEAD went earnestly ahead to take an M.A, at the University of Wisconsin, rend books, played John Weigel serious roles on the Wisconsin stage, only to find herself doing strange thingin radio in order to make a very good living. I''" example she stooges h" that lustiest of ladioclown-N Phil Baker, under the preposterous name of Mr* Heartburn. She is also "Min" of the Gumps, now on the air, and there s plenty of clowning in that, Agnes Moonhead too. Ciw.litit, IM'f, N. I, H.HM.U. Tebuc, U m i i l , W I U I W W H , N. I), "Dean" Oaltie, the diatinguiahed Hollywood educator, photographed in th* full glory of hi* academic robea, ready to diah out a lecture. 9:30 pm E. S.T., 8:30 pm C. S.T., 7:30 pm ML S.T., 6:30 pm P. S.T. W A B C C B S Network. JACK OAKIE, B E N N Y GOODMAN, G E O R G E S T O L L , Hollywood comedians and singing stars. Special college talent every week. All ottorod for your wttortolnmont by MADE FROM FINER, MORE EXPENSIVE T O B A C C O S - T U R K I S H AND D O M E S T I C - T H A N ANY OTHER POPULAR •Mr with a . . hopwlth a :s, snowiive-you. gnu and We'll tjavo t o !ls with HAIIHX- T.j FBED E. D WAHHEN ll DAVID D. t SOPHIE Vf* LAUIUTA 8 ClIAKLES M MILDRED U, with a hiH the mt will ;o prucof time le your ic oiirly id vice CHARLES If HELEN C'LYJ |'s the d foul Cluirlos 15 Klizaboth Virgil The lecture goes in here . . . Charles ! Business, Or Using, J o Victor) And students all over the city and state listen to Prof. F. J. Lazell's lectures on the "History and Ethics of Journalism." His is one offiveregular courses broadcast by WSUI directfromUniversity of Iowa classrooms. A n d comes out here"'for greatest comfort' Florence Barr, in her room at the Alpha Chi Omega house, has her radio bring her early morning class to her bedside And here'"jor utmost freedom in making side comments These students relax while their professor stands before a microphone blocks away. Bill McClanahan takes notes for the group, while Harold Manders and Jack Watson take it easy. Their host is the man with the pipe, Harold Beraing. Here"'for easychair relaxation Ethel Grassfield and Margie Fastenow prefer the comfortable chairs of the Iowa Memorial Union to hard classroom seats. Here'"for the utmost in companionship and ease Edgar Cochrane and Jean Thomp son gofora spin near the campus while she • takes notes so both will "know then tuff" when quiz-section time rolls around. ulnc.ted it 1:30 inter(tod to n has nil reI very n loo I'lition S ** si A PRINTED UY Five ,. \K\VH, ,'>i< T^r''\ "V!M m. start liiniii. i and t tho To.cirtuliavo iiinst W, .J.l»'^&*.-. j^\ t \A, ^u - • : : 500 Mortarboards tfJmt& m,: IS': ri^i •&mi$ \:i' ..V ib More than that number were in the procession which wound across the beautiful Emory University campus in the academic ceremony celebrating Emory's iooth anniversary. •','„' ':• • j ' . ' . 1 . - . ' ^ * " ' - - - Boys Meet Girls ™$&M Kr# ^m&, Vp-J^i"%-, Institute field in Philadelphia, where men have invaded a sport that was hitherto reserved only for the co-eds Notice that they have also adopted the feminine uniforms. intcnutynai is s|) ('ominous elu n room for n a personal r IW i" IIIOIIS a I'olli'i public itispeu A Revi The lighly cpects fio-up. 3t the -frfe** W fi>/ Kee Green game lion. t«« . * **$t«g ... The eleoj of the Asi Statu of i conference honor, but < college as J in this assoi vioo-preside| and feel col .Students new Commoj floor, fresh All this sho of the Admi Many sti; to m l alioul out regard t:i to furniture iii'ss. of slud the Common of three duyi I 'ampus ci "*-^v • % * NKVVK started by IJ V..M.C.A. V eoiild reduee ship between student at S profession in and we belief and -.Indents of (lie revive! d m i greatly job, 11 is now ijj lege to finish J Duron and I chiiii'iy up, motion, Tin !,e! 's make i »* \h MP #s? Mdj* - \ rs v "R o u m p f p r They're playing (or Williams College's Museum of American Music •o £ A. Paul Whitman, famed glorilter of American jazz, is shown holding his baton over hi* own and the J J e i i e t l t Philadelphia Symphony orchestras in a concert that was an artistic mingling of symphonic and classical music Whitman's men are in white dress suits, the Symphony i black. tmmM Northwestern's Prof. Marian Ferrell test a new meter for measuring intensity of ultra-violet rays. It'll lie used to test therapeutic units and intensity of sun. A«w When those northern winds are howling C^ H 7 V P 0 P c o r n ;i,K ' ul1 °P e n ''rc a r e ;l lx)pulai combination on winter Sunday evenings at Colby College in Water' \j\Jlty vs'lle, Maine. Here we find Helen Kelly, James Glover, Alice Dignam and William Deans enjoying a quiet evening in a campus home. Gtawwn mum ft**toj- c. *^* Hie Ires.s So/ lit he liros loot- t u ;: :io Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARYS. Page 3 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 8, 1937 with a ig tlie it will • prac- f time ) your i early 1 vice 's the foul ducted t 1:80 interti'd to 11 lias nd re. very 11 too cutioii Five Green game ition. highly 'xpects inc-up. O r i g i n a l ^ e otSin^XK ^"g novelties that v-JUglHdJ, Van Camp improvises for his regular semiweekly appearances in the Duke University campus theater bring packed houses for every performance. The university junior is shown at the console of the ivunit organ. COLLEGIATE thorn Photo by B. M. Patrick RQH-IP R der ' College TT THAT COMBINATION PROBABLY-A TOMAHAWK AND PIPE METAL.BOWLIS THE INDIANS USED RATHER MUST HAVE SMOKED PRIMITIVE T —^ HOT O d t U C a nd Princeton basketeersfightfor the ball in game won by the tigers, AS A MATTER OF FACT, MY PIPE SMOKES HOT AS BLAZES VOURPIPE WOULD BE OK. WITH THE TOBACCO BUILT FOR COOLNESSPRINCE ALBERT 22-15. sot the 3 start Dluran. 38 and of the . Toiportu1 have gainst lub if the dclreas il Sony at ill bo Airi'H IIIIMit- STEEL TOMAHAWK PIPE SOUNDS PRACTICAL 1 SURE IT I S . P A . IS WHAT'S M O R E — P A . SCIENTIFICALLY tWMPCUT NEVER EMTES THE JUDGE _ IT PACKS SNUGLY IN TONGUE — T H E R E S A PIPE - SMOKES MILD JOY GALORE IN THAT AND MELLOW — TASTY P.A.. FLAVOR iNLl ALHI jM EACH PUFF ADDS VOLUME TO YOUR -, STORY JUDGE M I M ! fNJOV ntlNCfLV S M O K I N O WITH FRIMCf ALffKT. 7. A. TOBACCO* A M MIL* ANP MiLlOW. 7.A. SMOKf* COOL...^6 'tf*(MF CUT! ANP F.A W K W T BlTf TMB TONtHfB. FKlNCf AIMKT 15 THt NATIONAL JOV *MOKt ! luct a 5:30 so. 13 PRINCE ALBERT MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Exercise makes beef meat more tender F Y n ^ r i m e n t ^ ' P ' 0 ™ * » WM-w b*U«f. University of Illinois K A p i i i u v j u (.Qij^ge 0 f agricuJi^ scientists have proven, after exteiuive teat*, that when cattle are exercised tilt meat from them i» more tender. Above are two of the cattle used in the tests and the treadmill apparatus on which they were forced to exercise. u "No, no, a thousand times no! says College President Oafye \MT QW Because he absorbed a lot of "College Rhythm" when he played in a picture of the * * ' ' same name, Cinemactor Jack Oakie, tough guy and no-man, is the college president on a new college Caravan program aired on CBS on Tuesdays. He will be surrounded with numerous young comedian*, and two "name * bands. «•»"** wim O i l y Spanish exchange student in U.S. today I lirlrv Senor J ose Go»ieZ'Hw»ez 's far from his home in wari w U C l v y jorn g pa | n wnere j,j8 fatner j s a professor of mathematics at the University of Madrid, for he is an exchange student this year at Oberlin College. Small* 30 fragrant pipaful> of Prince Albai t. If you don't find il tbe maliaw•it, tattieat pip* tobacco you aver unokad, return the pockat tin with tbe rant of lb* tobacco in il to IH at any lima within a month from tbia data, and wn will ralund full aiHrrhata plica, plua poatofa. iSitntd) R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY ^ uignaai/ n. a, n a i n u w a i u > « w North Carolina jk. Winiten-Selem, I* of fragrant tobacco in a»arr I-ouncn ttn iKIRufc ALHfcRl u j l aaaawc V. He doctors trees for an education 1 Q u r f f o r h f i J™ "Feedo* Bailey, starWestminster College football player, O U r g C U I l j s earning his way through college by curing the sick and ailing trees on the campus of his alma mater, a job at which he is an expert. They settle controversial organization battles P ^ o / ' o m s t o r e T c m P k University has recently organized a committee that L Cd.CcIIldlV.CI o settles all disputes concerning controversial organizations in the social, political and economic fields. Sociology Professor J. Stewart Burgess (left) is chairman of the group that is making much headway in peaceably ending all organization disputes on Temple's metropolitan campus. COLLEGIA™ DWBT Photo by MUm j stmdtr F a r r p ^"^ t0"*8 wnat I dJ. L C Cornell University students think of a state legislator's investigation of "communistic" activities on their campus. Here's part of the mock communist group that burned the freshman ' bible" that contained the "damaging" evidence. A truly international chemical laboratory They're Dartmouth's champion skiers T of-tt»rrY%f*r\ Above are the eleven lettermen that form the backbone of the famous Dartmouth UCvVCl l l l c l l College &ki team. (L to r) Tige Chamberlin, Dick Durrance, Jack Durrance, Steve Bradley, Dave Bradley, Howard Chivers, Coach Walter Prager, Ted Jjun|*r, Ed Meservey, Capt. Warren Chivers, Meservey, John Litchfield. FtcientifttSty***B r i t o i n and- .Germany join hands in the u w i w u u a k o chemical research laboratories of Brown University. C, C, Schmelzer of Jena University, Germany, and Edward G. Taylor, of the University College of Swansea, Wales, are working together on electrolytes in solution STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 8, 1937 Cagers Seek First Win In Two Vermont Games Page 3 WILL ADDRESS ASSEMBLY TODAY Winter Season Weekend Varsity Quint to Meet Strong St. Michael's Team at Winooski; Norwich at Northfield during Weekend Tour Foul Shooting H. P . ('. Hlute College's court Aggregation moves north unci east into the maple sugar stale this weekend for n brace of games with first-rate competition. Friday night, nt Winooski, ;i veteran St. Michaels team will furnish the opposition mid endeavor to add to ii li word, From Winooski the Canute's Corner Glancing Back Gazing Ahead Tumblers Tumble c. N. M. I Mil uvea t o Northfield t a c k l e the N o r w i c h where Soldiers Starling oil the new year with a week-end at Camp Johnson . . . hoping the weather man obliges with a little snow . . . bring your skis, snowshoes, toboggans, and what-havc-you. Council plans to buy a toboggan and ski poles for general use. We'll have winter sports if we have to grease Washington P a r k hills with some of the Annex's butter. they Saturday The local net nudgcrs have yet n i g h t . to register a win in three games. T h e H a t f i e l d t u t o r e d s q u a d has y e t There remain scheduled, however, t o hit i t s s t r i d e . T h r e e g a m e s h a v e fourteen opportunities for victory. '• '• ami gone without a Teacher Next on the list of potential vie- v i c t o r y b e i n g r e c o r d e d . B I T , W e s t e r n tims are the Green Mountain power- \ Ontario and Brooklyn Polytechnic houses, St. Michael's and Norwich. ; Institute have been victors by live, St. M i k e ' s plow politun St. to must under team Francis early downer Francis, of lead. of wieh of on don't but bats ward to verdict was away lirst (much) our court half and the fell the wo to thumbing happen January on L'_ with night. pursued Union team an I'ol dropped in by about a lentil league Pitt, years. eight that lusl ( t h e one that year Roaring the best Cntarnels lei i iii propensity we toward In calibre at least eipinl one of Il making, they h. Having antics furnished are our with linosse of own, Joe ' Itoiindillg the n| ihnirish, T o r n us I'm ll red halves gear's I. u< I r a f f Bill" for last ami 1 ''Jumping t illles their and plan spoi l . i l u l s the S'ingaia The high dill lag game. will Will Sponsor Week-end Outing 1,11 I s ' sponsor Jolinslun llnrbow, of the A l h l e l ic a - s , , e i , l l h i l l an this at Camp week e n d . ','17, is g e n e r a l by seven team the trance of Western Draper Mary chairman transportation to will return Kunduv afternoon Avenue Hall the tu learn the team year. ()n defeated this this Stale hard all. The baseball team representing I \ lllis "' • on <,IK t <U(I - ,'. the should last las l' i i.'iiniiiii "''' " "-' warriors nt (|(l, N| „,„,.,;„,, ,•„,. u|| isu 'I u n t h i n k a b l e , the live w h i c h games lias s t a r t e d prove the inelfeelivt'. nvolve two closely contested en provide camp. afternoon. It Brooklyn Poly T r i u m p h s 35-29 In P r e - H o l i d a y Attraction stale's live in its many starts, as liecember a fast (Ciiiiliniiiil I nun /mil' moving disturb,'' and '' I •• | we're want |,ive Kill; wondering I he world ' ' bulletin caused I lit- . warning written bn.'ird the What ' ' I Inn' I sleep feel ' ' Activities llashl Year's K\c . | w ,ile,l ami Von, IMge ahead back . . Breen date. |,il Ask a him Shapiro's New This game squad's |'la>h fortune again' ||me Chi Vml Mi Nig's Sue pill we ineiilin I llll less Flsa and |.;,|,lie b e f o r e ' : , . . A n d j u d g i n g recent signs, ,IM euuiiug ,a\ a night ii'll,,,;, lUMinaa in gale? g,,i uf Joyce like Ult'llldc a alaiiiiH throbs I he usual extending tu hiluiai ,.,| a h e a d of Helta. palling . . . we in the are conducted Thursday gym. at 1:30 Anyone in c o a c h i n g t e a m s inter- is i n v i t e d Poly quintet victory up the win spotlight terest not Brooklyn but two fireworks early present to Slate started in t h e i n i t i a l tallying ment by pletely opening swept off their aggregation hinted the half an I continued which on count at llnul stanza Willi a attack, the similar onslaught and cagers the highly found end of the with bounce in in- swimming nl any Coach ex- moment. Hatfield bus b e e n a b l e I n s e c u r e a p o o l as y e t , hopes provide to an find one in outlet for our order to aquatic Freshmen Basketeers To Meet Heatley Five visitors of are held I'M opened up shooting w i n over hud RIM, week to The a deadlock, nine minutes of play I lie visitors, led by Waller zcr, stepped out in front which whistle they remaining, and to held Den- take an until the Thursday per class. larger portion gathered tions of basketball. mentor, varies from about seven for is o p e n t o of in State's by Up the to all ath- attracWednes- day n i g h t ' s g a m e , the seniors were the lend with won, were lusl ; none followed with apiece. The record lost. next, juniors Villi, a clean by two the grails freshmen having Inst The with one g a m e three of in two sopho- won, one and the w o n , one lost bring the up Stale inactive, t'olll'RP I'll l l ;i l"T 1' II II II 1 n :: n 1 n 'fmuls 1i b o Tl 1 :: 3 n a r, II u li •J II II •j II fresh, out of in 11 II .liilinsnii. r g l l i i r h b i r o . r.u. i n u n L' n Vllliiiul. I g Mi - I , . , w a n . 1 g i n a n II grads remained played t h e s e n i o r s met the while the s o p h - Wednesday, grads the will the .sen- scrap the will stay the sophomores coming the M a r y Huurdos three weeks where she will Murphy, ago I'm leach from game vacation. Rienow To Address Club Professor Robert government Rienow department the International Relations Science on •t:l(l Club o'clock. '' Neutrality His ami will be of will cial the address and .So- Wednesday subject the will Buenos T h e place o f the nnnoiinced Aires meet- Inter. The Lutheran til. supper meeting •lock in the club will Wednesday conduct at Imus Friei .-, :..- | Is EAT AT JOHN'S LUNCH Dinners 25t- and up Delicious Sandwiches and Sundaes 7:30 A.M.—11:00 P.M. Opp. the High School I luff The Department Store of Albany That Is Ever Anxious to Be of Service — Meeting the Merchandise Demands of the College Woman. Delium' once Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop. Dial 5-1913 loo? I'rtiin in Albany, aiuounl all Willi the il schedule ele., cheery and of Ileal! way from gale in thul Albany. K I Uf etc. thought: The man who laughs loudest isn't always the one who's having the best lime. 'I'll 10 MAN O F STATE. rifitioa OPTICIANS. FREDETTE'S O W U I t OPTICAL 5fcRVKt Boulevard and 198-800 CENTRAL AVENUE a :">:.'!() 0 s C at bo Lutherans To Meet 'M year. Green first The freshmen will endeavor to start their way into the victory column. The present record of two losses and one win is no fair indication of tho potential ability of the squad. Ton i g h t ' s game will present: an opportunity to iron out the (laws which have been in evidence and drilled against by Couch Tom Harrington. Pnl'li for their return ('.inference.'' play. fur The Heatley squad has had a highly successful season so far and expects to furnish a well balanced line-up. It is a team well qualified to meet tho yearling court representatives. Sails For Porto Rico Miss tonight following ing Rico, 1 n II freshmen the Nest ami sailed •uly. :t iors - •_".i and omores, a n n 7 juniors the while freshmen w i l l wander to Island games. sounded. T l l v i i n , r.f. H u n c r i i l ' i , r.f. Byrnes, l.f. M u r a l s . m . I.I'. Morris, e W i l l i ; , , , c. H u n t , I'.g .1 I t v i i u , e.g. i n in 1 :: liiirring 1 g Waller, it I ' l i m n i i . 1 1' ft It 1 > 1 ii. 1 1 4•: I :"i u n - Enlistment instructions Wednesday, Iti Classes at Attendance are mores in established program. letes games fracas an week, a v e r a g i n g listie In the winter every gladiators and d w i n d l e d S t a l e ' s advantage d o w n , place the become Hiilihun. men. the hus der the t e a c h i n g o f a capable 'Jl'-lo w i n c h nn a p r e v i o u s n i g h t g i v e n l hem a ten point pari these in and The Boxing them- a lluwever, passing com- Hatfield the half time, bombard- The up short half a their visitors feet. the the up the kept Brooklyn selves T hnhl zeal. hisses. llCII/.cl' boxing the inen's i n t r a m u r a l I'nfortiinalely, play. against ;il pected and of Bid made to The winter sports program has been organized and captains and requirements will be announced very soon. The weather has been too much like spring to even mention skiing and skating. and from w lull o'clock ested classes Tuesday and twin gum happened to the records, e t c , Our should I'm' t h e chewing A ml from enjoy . . . Tabner Kappa the \,-,i n l n t i i i d eauned or ibe bonking \lka Selt/ei Siaii•'s in,,,,. seems t o MI a s i " n i l sisters Tr„V r< be •'id r i g h t chewing gun ,,ne n\ er " I I US III S e p t e m b e r , MC chalked fourth about thai a tall man with glasses slache would make her happy. Mr. Jones': . . . What made mine back In college two days of time,' . Van K'tten came I'nur days in advance; Muriel's , k i n g must w h u put the .,, n\ to bulletin had when ,'io - ! • for three days! News I,,.,-. mi the . u H I , | ) e i i s i n o r e : he has c o l d |,e that on . Brooklyn of Pool Delays S w i m m i n g ; Boxing Arouses Interest Basketball loss afternoon, f r o m I hem in the liaal m i n u t e of my about note hoard, Friday hard-fought Lack basketball straight I i Jackie"? Anne u advantage '-', i-iiliiiiin third 18, o n Hie P a g e c o u r t , snatched linal mil Purple and (iohl dropped With Statesman Coaching every attend. throughout three In State Squad Drops M.A. A. Will Expand Third Court Tilt Intramural Program earned points. But this year St. Michael's >s spurting a much belter record, lopped oil' h\ a victory over s i . Francis, a strung New York City ll il1 ' "- l " l h l s contest, the \'er at B'lim's forward wall netted twenty j '"'"' pom's. : o f Norwich little is known, except lll: " M"'.v leistered a :i;t-l I d..feat 'Inttsburg Normal. Last season. Sli "" l"'" I*>»11sl.«rK by twelve i l " " " K ''""' , | " 1 " '' I'1".*' Norwich at Also what leave t h i s rest \ ! ' ; event. A bus w i l l from outing them the means that l!i;ill, W a l e i low ii ' G.A.A. outscore during \elerati 7, sum Two weekends later, alter exams are over, the squad goes on its jauntiest jaunt and meets its stiffest concentration of opposition —Niagara again, Buffalo State Teachers, and Hobait on successive nights, Buffalo Slate has an idea that they're lop-hole as far as teacher-training institution basketball goes in New Yoik Stale. Hobart nosed us out last year in our own diggings. Two games with Hartwick, one with the Alumni return contests with R.P.I, and St. Michael's, and a game with Bard complete this most harrowing ol schedules. " year, u h i c h entirely its country. thai points (fowl). bogged tradition, basket are fissured and lop- led have the are Lit-ltl a I A l l t h i n g s c o n s i d e r e d , the t e a m ' s lirsl r e a l e x p e d i t i o n o f t h e season p r o m i s e s would be oiitbnunding propriety In hazard a guess as In To lo's but last Temple, etc.). n u i r y , as b e n e l i t s t h e i r c o u r t the is h o p e d Carnegie includes (leorgolnwn, what Ahead Brooklyn Warren Densmore and Leslie Knox, juniors, delegates to the N.S.F.A. convention in New York, who will report to the assembly today. game the Niagara points Poly game. j same the to C o l g a t e early in Brooklyn eighteen S t , M i c h a e l s h o d ;i s o p h o m o r e is season, but t h i s same Colgate lean s w a m p e d w h a t is s u p j i n s e d l y t h e best Tech, the rcspoe- lirst this time, they seventeen a I March by Toronto margins the uniwrsity Niagara 114-,'H d e c i s i o n I he lei j Slate. card. • A > | | i h schedule Niagara closely engugement lowing the in colors. I" detent Still point I I at a b o u t i by for of true I down sling win. si\ Only the learn show -I i of „,„ glass. pled d'nl . its ' Next on the list of things to do for the cage squad comes the meeting with P r a t t . This is what many of us have been waiting for—a home game, a night game, and a weekend game all rolled into one. The three previous games have each fallen down in one of these respects. To harken back to last season, we recall that P r a t t emerged 40-27 victors over us. The only pretty thoughts we could dig up about the game were that the contest was played in New . W York and that the bankboards were we : way. with and minutes Nor look mooting deteriniuution to unlil about baseball, > six i lively. decisive behind the having in respectful •111-7 its bauds all know too, its merit, Manhattan, of In metro getting X.Y.I'., had a light a minute :i after the final m h i u t e We no dropped Manhattan, an have s o m e t h i n g St. Basketball is in full swing with a foul-shooting contest occupying the Full calendar, Encli contestant will shoot five fouls. Come early to practice so there will be plenty of time left to piny after you've dono your shooting. . . . Remember i t ' s the early bird that gels the worm and vice versa . . . translation . . . i t ' s the early woman that gets the foul Cafeteria Qrill ALBANY, N. Y. Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 8, 1937 Drama Committee Prepare For Plays {Continued from page 1, column 2) Other members of the committee a r c : P e t e r H a r t , E d n a Jessie, Elizabeth Lockwood, Mary Agnes Mctzgcr, E d i t h Cassavant and Jenn Strong, sophomores. Josephine Maurice, '38, is chairman of the committee on lighting and stage effects. Her assistants are August Casper and Catherine Schwartz, sophomores, and the committee includes: Garfield Arthur and James Zubon, juniors; Kenneth Doran, John N o r d e 1 1 , Eleanor Schwartz and Ruth Sinovoy, sophomores. Chairman of the props committee is Virginia Bolton, '39, assisted by Eleanor Schwartz and Kay Walters, sophomores. On the committee a r e : Mary Labin, '38, Charles Walsh, Joseph Wells and Emily White, sophomores. The committeo in charge of costumes and make-up is headed by Vera Haas, '39, chairman, Helen Moore, '38, and Margaret Kinney, '39, assistants, and includes Catherine Lynch, Jeanne Weinberger, J a n e t Wullschlcger and Helen Zeman, sophomores. Edgar O'Hora, '39, is chairman of the advertising committee, with Margaret Smith and Jane Walrath, sophomores as assistants. Members of the committee a r c : N a n Emery, Betty Hayford, Elizabeth McConnell and Jeanne Chrysler, sophomores. Marjorio Dunn, '39, heads the house committee, assisted by Freida Kurkhill and Ruth Pckarsky, sophomores. The committee includes Elaine Morse, '39, and Florence Schneiderich, '38. Members of the advanced dramatics class assisting the committees a r e : sets, Lucille Clark and Jean Lichenstein, juniors; lighting and stage effects, Hester Price and Betty Appeldoorn, juniors; props, Florence Nelbach, ' 3 8 ; costumes and make-up, Marjorio Crist and J n n e t Dibble, juniors; advertising, Charlotte Libman, '38, and house committee, Janice Niermnn and Paul Dittman, juniors. Pretzel, Original Humor Magazine of State Abdicates Under Pressure of Readers' Wrath Even before the day of the State College Lion, students of S t a t e college were funny. So in May of 1924, three students pooled their wits and finances and published n humor magazine, The Pretsel, which was, in their own words, " a college humor magazine published whenever we feel funny." This maiden issue with its bright purple and gold cover, sold for ten cents a copy and began to wend its way to the various students willing to part with a dime. The magazine contained some very spicy stories which were funny,— humorous, so to speak. One clever idea was an alleged reproduction of the first page of the S t a t e College Snoose. The biggest headline spread over the top of the center columns read as follows: •Air ' OP AUTO T I R E POUND IX M E A T LOAF A subhead under that read: ' ' A n other Instance of the automobile replacing the h o r s e , " The story went on to explain how the cafeteria happened to incorporate this particular piece of tire into the meat loaf at t h a t time. Another big story had for its headline the following: MAN S L E E P S ON P S I GAMMA PORCH Oronns Attract Oflicer Ambrose Harrigan of Fifth Precinct It seems that this Oflicer Ambrose was strolling by in the early morning when he thought lie beard a dog growling. Upon investigation he found that the sounds emitted from a masculine individual soundly asleep on a hammock on the Psi Gamma porch. At the left of the page was a mast head which stated that the State College Snoose was published "semioccasionally" and that its editor-inchief was Sleeping Beauty. Cartoons of students were also included. " Big s h o t s " were taken for a ride. After their pictures a brief list of their school activities followed. A selection of these activities is as follows: "Cheerleader of Finance Board, Necking Club ( 1 , 2, 3, 4—president 4 ) , Manager of Puss in the Cornel', Football ( I , 5, 6 ) , Moviug-Up Day balloon committee, Whyskania, Ku Klux Klnn, John Barleycorn Society and Pinochle Club." Alas, though, the I'rrtsrl, was doomed pastry, even while it was hot. Students who " c o u l d n ' t take i t " joined in an opposition which became so bitter that the Pretzel was offered up as a peace sacrifice. The first issue was the last. Those people should have taken to heart the poem at the beginning of the issue whose third stanza read a s follows: " I f you get horsed or razzed herein Don't rise in indignation Hut like a martyr sweetly grin Each knock you get lioosts circulation. " And so the pretzel died, a twisted bit of crust. SAN FRANCISCO on a new cruise carrying more pleasure to more people smokers what they want . . . Chesterfields are off on a new cruise. At three o'clock that afternoon the Chesterfields were on their way. Four t,a s l a t c r b a c k c a m e t h c y message: "CHESTERFIELDS JUST ARRIVED. From Wake Island 5000 miles out in thc Pacific Ocean, Pan American Airways flashed this radio: "RUSH TEN THOUSAND CHESTERFIELDS TODAY'S CHINA CLIPPER." Copyright 1937. Lioein & M v m TOJMU.O CO, FAST WORK. PANAIR WAKE." W h e n smokers find out the good thin g s Chesterfields give them . . . nothing else will do