State VOL. ege Ne ws XXI, No. 10 STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, Residence Halls To Have Second Holiday Dance Lew Rider and His Orchestra Will Furnish Music for Dormitory ' N E W S ' LISTS COUPLES Students will be Hostesses to College Men Tonight At Fall Formal Lew Rider it in] his orchestra w i l l f u r n i s h tlic music I'm' I lie second nil m i n i f u l l f o r m a l nl' tlic A l u m n i Residence hulls, in he conducted in the Ingle m i in t o n i g h t , according tn Agnes T I I I T I I I V . '.'17, |il''.'siili'i>1. Decorations hnve been planned In c u r r y out :i Vulotide theme I'm' (lie dlUlcc which w i l l I:iyI ('null H:tHI unt i l I :IKI it'cluck. Outsiders ni.-iy tittend the a f f a i r us guests ol' H i " students nl' Ihr Rcsideuce hulls. Sully Johnson, '117, tuid Molly H o w l i n g , 'lis, ure co-chairmen of the dance. Residence hulls students miij their guests i n c l u d e : IIopo Rogers, ','17, and James Z i i b u i i , ','IH; Norma D i x o n , '88, iinil W a r r e n Densiunre, '.'!S ; .leiiu K d g c u m b c , "AH, mill Raymond Disk, '.'17; unil M o r r i u i n ( l o u l d , 'AH, iiiul L o u i s W i l s o n , g r a d u a t e student. Hilah Footo, '.'19, mid Arthur S c h u y l e r , o f C o r n e l l ; Charlotte Fox, Mil, ' lind (loorgo S h u | . i n i , K.I'.I.; Harriet (Ireeu, '.ill, find Lawrence •SI l a t l i n T , ' : i ! i ; Region M u r p h y , '.'HI, and A l S t c i n e r t , R . I ' . I . ; Rita I'oinero.v, Ml), unil Dick Ochsner, R . l ' . l . ; R u t h Sax by, 'Ad, unil .liimes Jnhnsoii, ','IH; Jean S t r o n g , 'AH, find John K a r l Bloom, U n i o n ; V i r g i n i a S t r o n g , ','lil, nn.l Al . l i i r r e t , R . l ' . l . ; niul V i r giniii Wegener, '.'!!', mid .lack H l i n d e l l of A l h i u i y . Hetty Dennilirk, 'Ml, mid John W n s i l e w s k i , '-III; Rosalind Prey, '40, a n d .Tack IL'ilstoail o f Poughkoepsie; Miiriii (ICIIOVII, 'In, and (ioorgc Slangier, '4(1; Helen ( f r i l i b i n , '111, and Mill Mallhcws, I'ninii; unil (liiirlolti! Xielsen, '4(1, and Paul Hawkins, B.P.I. M a r i e O ' M e a r i l , ' - I " , ami Irn Fink o f lloosick F u l l s ; Doris I'm i/.nl. ' I d , and I r u in S| illger, '.'17 ; (Vcile Pockross, '10, ami A n l l i s k i u of A H u i i i y ; Florence Przyboruvvskn, '4<l, and Dull M i i r t i a , ' I I I : L i l l i a n liiv k i n d , ' I d , uinl Nullum Lewis. ' : ; s ; Alice Riishiuer, '-Id, ami ('hmles S i i n a i i l uf A l l u i n y ; Fay S.-l r, ' I d , uinl I I n man llnskill uf Puiighkeepsio ; K i i i h e r i n e S m i t h , '-III, I Arthur I'hil.l..-, ' I d : I'hyliis S r u t l . ' H - , and (lay \i|iiiliiin, uraihiatc si uileiil ; Iv'ila S u l l i i an, ' I n , and Denier i . i a f t u i i o f \\ aid,-n : ami Victoria VmikuHski, '•Id, and .1 oh II W i i n i e , ' I n . ( ( nn I null il ml flllHl -, riillllllll .'I I V a n d e r p o e l , Densmore To D e b a t e at Colgate dailies Vnndel'i I, '.",7, ami \\ ali e n Del - ure, 'AH, menilier.s u I' the Vil 1'siIy deliille squad, will allelic! a round tnlilc cnlll'erelice al Colgate I ' I I i \ i-IMIIy in I l i i i i i i l l o i i , \ i - « Vnrk, no Tlllll'Silliy, December III. Mi Louis ('. ,lours, delude conch, will Ucroinpllll.V the debaters. The slidjeel I'm discussion is: ' ' R e s o h e d : T h a i Hie Extension of Cons u m e r ' s Conpeinl ivrs W i l l llelielll the (ieuerul I'uldic.1' Htuduuts from P r i n c e t o n I ' l i i v e r s i l y , Colgate Uiiivel'sit.V, Hlld Slate college w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e i i i the dim-nasi on. Assembly Will Vote On 'Mosts', Delegate R.P.I. Rivalry Battle Tomorrow Will Open College Court Season On the assembly p r o g r a m l i t i s m o r n i n g w i l l lie votes f o r I'rda()i>!)iii " M o s t s " f o r the class o f I il.".". The yearbook hoard w i l l continue the policy of h a v i n g the ' • M o s t s " votes in the f u l l . A l l members of the student association w i l l vote for eight seniors. The " M o s t s " w i l l i n clude; most popular man, most popular girl: most handsome man, mosl b e a u t i f u l g i r l ; most versatile man, most versatile g i r l ; I he man who has dune most fin- State college, and the g i r l who hus done must f o r State. Optimists Favor BUSES WILL LEAVE State Over FOR TROY AT 7:00 Address by Coach Hatfield Will Climax Pep Meet In Assembly Buses attend U'evotes will also be taken lodiiy In determine S t a t e ' s delegate to X.S.F.A, national convention. The three highest in last week's balloting were Warren Densmore, Herbert Drooz, and Leslie Knox, j u n i o r s . the college an motion Benin rd students opportunity picture R. lecture Hubbard, lo by will be attend the S.,1., a Rev. Thurs- day evening at 8:30 o'clock, in l'age hall. Father Hubbard w i l l speak under I he sponsorship o f the Newman club and its Alumnae association, l i e w i l l have an entirely new p r o g r a m , his topic being; ''('limbing to The S p i r i t ' s H o m e " , the story of his latest expedition. The lilins lo be shown g r a p h i c a l l y p o r t r a y the hazards undergone by the expedition as well as d e p i c t i n g I lie scenic beauties of Alaska and I lie newly developed colony in the Malilalitlskn valley. It was d u r i n g ilns t r i p thai Father H u b b a r d met w i l l i an accident that nearly cosl Iii III his l i f e , when his boat was crushed. The (Hinder Priest, as he is known, has now finished ten years of study in tin 1 ice Hue area. Members nl' the Newman A l u m n a e nssociiit ion lire in charge of the presentation, Admission w i l l be one «li.liar. at 7:00 at Troy avenue I he ne. esl igut inn, including a si inly uf elementary ediicaliou, vvilh a view tu the provision of a u x i l i a r y services, - m i l as Uinse fur handicapped chil(lieu, mid n study uf all types o f seconilury edllcatiull vvilh p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n In their ailcuiiney fur the t r a i n i n g of youth, W i l l i a view In determining Ihe f u t u r e rule uf teacher t r a i n i n g in s l i l i i l i n n s , a study uf the selection, t r a i n i n g , q u a l i t y , and s i m u l a n t s o f cnmpeiisnt inn uf the teaching pcrson- wish will to leave entrance o'clock. to Today's will feature a pep meeting tu up college fur the Hatfield will work spirit Couch ( I . Klliot the assembly. A l l who wish to go to the game by bus must sign up on I he main b u l l e t i n board in the rotunda before I 2 : 3 o o'clock today. Bus fare is thirty-five rents mid admission tickets at It. P. 1. w i l l be f i f t y cents. The assembly this m o r n i n g will include mass cheering by the student body led by the student association cheerleaders and a pep talk on sportsmanship by Couch Hatfield. The r i v a l r y debate between the sophomore and freshman classes, o r i g i n a l l y planned fin today, has been postponed u n t i l J a n u a r y L'L'. R.P.I. State To Face Engineer Team In Traditional Encounter J o h n Demi, '.'17, " S t a t e in a closely contested game. Veteran strength should give us the n o d , " Evelyn I l a i n n n n , '.'17, ' ' I refuse to commit myself but R . l ' . l . will win the post-game dance marathon," John .Murphy, '.'17, " T r a d i t i o n makes me pick H . P . I . " Fred Dexter, '37, "State. Hetting odds ure - - ! , with no takers." Thomas llreen, 'H7, " T h e best I en in w i l l w i n . " Nun Emory, ','IH, " 1 t h i n k State will win. Why? I just think they w i l l , t h a t ' s a l l . " Fd l l u l i h a n , ','17, " 1 pick State. R . l ' . l . has. lost f o u r o f its last y e a r ' s regulars while we hnve lost only o n e . " I la IT Gall'licy, 'Itil, " I 'II go otll mi Hie l i m b fur R . l ' . l . " Kveryliody else hopes that State w i l l w i n , anyway. Respective Freshman Squads To Meet In Preliminary To Main Game E. E. Potter Club Pledges Fifteen; Kappa Delta Rho, Thirteen; Interfraternity Council Completes First Task T w e n t y eight freshmen pledged membership to S l a t e ' s two f r a t e r n i t i e s Alnnduy, to conclude the first organized rushing season under the d i r e c t i o n o f the I n t e l f r a t e r n i t y council. Fifteen freshmen were pledged tu the E d w a r d E l d r v d Putter club, and thirteen tu (lamina chapter u f K a p p a Delia "Rho. The fifteen freshmen pledges lo Potter club a r e : Norman A r n o l d , L a r r y Malog, W i l l i a m B a r r e t t , Joseph Cuppiollii, Angelo Cherro, Hubert Cogger, Richard Donley, W i l l a r i l F r i l i i i c l i l , K e n n e t h Ilaser, L l o y d K e l l y , Homer Bureau Announces G r a d u a t e Placements The appointment bureau announces tin- placements of four State college g radnales. They a r e : John Peck, '.in, cum merce, ( i r a n v i l l e Oollegialo center: Enid liiitcher, '3(1, physical education, Chadwicks; I ' h y l i i s (Irossiuan, \'l(i, commerce, Orleans Business i n s t i t u t e , A l b i o n ; Augusta Shoor, " l > , English, Win-rest cr. Here i m l is included in the survey, as well i l i v e s l i g a l i u i i of the demands : a-- an ; ami f a c i l i t i e s f u r higher ('ducal ion ; and adllll edllcatiull al public expense, | Dr. Charles I I . J i n b l , head of the ! depart nielli of eilurul inn al the I'ni , versily uf Chicago, directed the , divisiuii investigating the teacher j t r a i n i n g ami personnel. The iiumbeis I uf his Haff vv hu visiled Stale college j vv i re: Dr. Zens Smith, assislanl | professor uf ediicul ion al the I'nivcr sily of ('hiciign : Dr. I'eik, pro lessor uf education al the I'liiversily nl' M iuiiesula ; Dr. Orvill l(. L a t h a m , president uf Iowa Slate Teachers' college; Dr. W a l l e r I'. M o r g a n , president uf Western I l l i n o i s Slate Tench ers' college; Dr. .lames L. Mc ( oliiiugliy, president of Wcsloyuu university, Middleluvvn, Cuuneclieul | and Dr. I I . A. Sprague, president uf Muntclair Teachers' college, who addressed the 11:111 assembly on November L'l. TECH COURT AT TROY TO BE SCENE OF TILT Prc-giinic sentiment was r u n n i n g almost to optimism t h r o u g h the halls o f State this week. Various shining l i g h t s t h i n k the f o l l o w i n g things about tomorrow night 's tussle w i t h R.P.I.i Fraternities End Rushing As 28 Freshmen Pledge Members of Regents Inquiry End Survey of Facilities Seven iiiriiibers uI' lite Regents inquiry i i i l u In character ami cost of public c d i t c i l iuu in Ihr -.lair uf New Viuk visited M a l e i-nllege during the pasi month. Their liudings w i l l be iiiciu pointed in a blanket survey uf the , d u r a t i o n syslnn uf New V n r k , the u l t i m a t e results uf which will lead In a revision uf Hie s t a l e Education Law. " • e v i l main divisions have been mil lined by Ihe Hoard of Regenls fur who assembly address of Famed Cleric night Washington game. Newman Club Alumnae Group To Sponsor Appearance students the State c o l l e g e - R . I ' . l . game college Father Hubbard To Speak Here Slate for tomorrow The ('(inference w i l l be conducted in Dallas, Texas, this year. given $2,00 Per Year, 32 Weekly Issues 1936 Leggett, John Moore, Roger M o r n n , .lames Q u i n i i , and W i l b u r Valley. The Kappa Helta Iv'hu pledges a r e : Paul Culver, David Dickson, O t t o Howe, Joseph M r K e i m , Robert M a r t i n , John Xewsteail, Jnhn Ryan, John Shearer, Walter Simmons, Stewart S m i t h , Roberl Stevens, Max Sykes and W i l l i a m Mr K r a c k e i i . The 1 n l e r f r a l e r a i t y council is still in the experimental stage and this rushing period marks Ihe lirsl lime thai Hie two f r a t e r n i t i e s have r'nl lowed a c o n s t i t u t i o n and cuupernted I in their rushing a c t i v i t i e s . The council was started las' year al tin' combined sprin:; banquet uf Ihr Ivvu f r a t e r n i t i e s , al which a run I si il nl inn was f o r m a l l y adopted. Tim enlist i t u l i o u uf Hu uinl slates I ha! no bidding be done before ihe Monday preceding Thauksgiv ing ami Ihe b i i l i I I I I I - I bu returned the Monday aflei the ThniiksgivhiL; I'ecess. Tin- I n t e l I'ralei nily ruiim il I'm bids either f l a f e r i l i l y In bid any f u r t h e r freshmen mil il Mm second semester. The council w i l l also I'oslei the n l a l ions uf all I lu> mi n in the m l lege and w i l l promote cooperation between the Ivvu I'raternil ii s. A. E. Phi Will Sell Seals Alpha Epsiluii Phi s u n n i l y will coiniueiice selling Christinas seals on Monthly, The sale is to be conducted in front of the College Annex u u l i l Christmas m e n t i o n . M a r i o n Cohen, ','17, w i l l be chair mail o f this I r n d i t i o u a l event which has been carried oil here at college f u r many yours. The surority urges everyone to buy the seals as they are for a w o r t h w h i l e cause. At 9:00 O'clock DANCING TO FOLLOW A fast, well-experienced State basketball quintet, will open its 1936-37 season tomorrow night by journeying to B.P.I, where they will seek revenge for a decisive 30-20 loss handed them by the diminutive hut fast Engineers last year. A similar diminutive quintet will face State tomorrow night with five of last year's varsity squad seeing action. Coach Donald has lost through graduation seven of his varsity letlerinen. However three o f the four vacant berths w i l l be capably filled by lelterinen o f last season's campaign. On account o f the s t r a i n and tiresomeness uf ten minute periods, Ihe R . l ' . l . mentor w i l l probably use two quintets, each p l a y i n g live consecutive minutes to bo relieved by a fresh quintet tu finish the period. Whether Cuach Hatfield w i l l use I wo quintets for each period is unknown. Hut. to the " l o c k e r room b o y s " it w i l l make no difference, as they " f e e l " that State has one of the strongest quintets in its b r i e f history of basketball and v i c t o r y is Ihe inevitable. Whether the Donaldcoach aggregation will be s t r o n g enough defensively to check the quickly-executed offensive which the Purple and Cold have been w o r k i n g strenously, f o r the post weeks to perfect remains a deciding factor. R . l ' . l . ' s quintet w i l l suffer ihe loss uf Powers, s h i f t y f o r w a r d , who caplured scoring honors in last y e a r ' s t i l l : Mar Feelers, lanky b u l l - t a p p e r ; Ma m i I le ami Duelling, two uf the best defensive men the Engineers had: ami llovey ami Wesley, both varsity lottermen. However, tu both fill these massive gaps and tu cuiiulerhiilailce a lack o f height w i l l be a fast and s h i f t y squad coupled vvilh ihe uncanny shooting t y p i c a l uf lie i o j a n squait ft 'out in in it />".'/' I'nllllllll u ) Council To Initiate Annual Fall Formal Lew Rider and his leu piece oicheslrn w i l l furnish the music fur lie Interfraternity formal next siiini'day night, according in Fred Hester and John Murphy, seniors, rn chairmen. Dancing will be f r !I:3U to I - :.'lii in l he Lounge uf Richardsun H a l l . A l l i l m ariaiigeiueiils are in charge uf ihe uicmln is uf I nier f r a t e r n i t y council. The pledges of each fraternity will take charge of refreshments, lloor, and i" leu u up, This w i l l be Ihe lirsl f o r m a l social event sponsored by ihe I i i l e r f r a l e r u i t y council. The f i n ternities hope tn make this mi annual event uf the f a l l sucial season. The lirsl nuclei t a k i n g o f this new council was the sioukel' fur the freshman men. The supervision o f the rushing season jusl cumpleled was the lirst m a j o r lask uf this new group. Ilids f o r the f o r m a l two dollars per couple. will be STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 4, 1936 Page 2 State College N e w s Established by thu Class of 11)18 The midertfrndunto Newspaper of New York College for Teachers The Commentstater Stnte W e hoard this little fable in class the other day, and couldn't help handing it on as an indication of the s t a t u s of woman in those vague ages B.C. However, we can't let you read without tt bit of personal comment. Published every Friday of the college year by the NBWS Board representing the Student Association Telephones: Office, 5-0373; Ciumaer, 2-0121; 2-4314; Seld, 2-1)7111; (inylord, 2-1314 Dexter, Entered as second class matter in the Albany, A'. Y„ postoflicc T H E N E W S BOARD HAIIKV T. GUMAER Edilor-in-CUef FRED E. DEXTER Managing Editor Managing Editor WARREN 1. DENSMORE Associate DAVID 1!, S M I T H Associate Managing Editor SOPHIE Associate Managing Editor WOLZOK LAUIUTA SELD CHARLES W. GAYLORD Business MILDRED E, NlOHTINOALE THE Oiuiu.cs N. Manager Circulation Manager N E W S STAFF MORRIS H E L E N CLYDE Women's Sophomore Charles Manager Advertising Desk Sports Editor Sports Editor Editors Ettinger, Robert Ilertwig, Kdgar •ionn S t r o n g , Charles Walsh Associate O'lioru, Editors Kliznbcth Hooding', Mary Lam, Uobert Murgisou, Virginia Stool, seniors; Muriel Goldberg, iiamuua Van Wie, juniors Assistant Charles Franklin, Sports Editors William Bran, Clement Business Wolff Staff Business, Grace Castiglione, Koland W a t e r m a n ; advertising, J o a n Byron, Gordon T a b n e r ; circulation, Victoria Bilzi, Margaret Horn, J u n e Palmer PRINTED UY BOYD PRINTING Co., I N C . , ALBANY, N. Y. There Goes the Whistle State's major sport basketball, assumes the. number one position in college life for the next three months as tlie Purple and (!old ball chasers gallop over the R.P.I, court to I lie tune of the referee's whistle. And the schedule, which could well be the envy of many a college, .should briny delight to the followers of the Teachers. Let's start the season off with the whole school behind our most potent representatives in the intercollegiate world. The assembly cheering this morning should he more than a few discordant sounds, and tomorrow night should witness a whole line of buses on the route to Troy. Members of the varsity have been undergoing daily routine for over a month now, and their efforts should be backed up by attendance during the season. On the eve of the lirst battle— the best of luck, boys. Thirty-Six Days Left Now that Thanksgiving vacation is a matter of the past, and the gauntlet of mid-semester exams has been run, we wonder—have I hey been in vain ? A sane analysis of both will leach a lesson to those conscious freshmen still anxious to make a scholastic success. We regret that the majority of iipperclassnicn arc tun far gone to change now, Whether or not you raise your present tirade* the final exams depends upon the amount of work you will do beginning today. There arc fourteen days left until the Christmas recess. .Make every one count. Don'l j u s ! mark lime between vacations, but spend a few less evenings going fraternity or sorority, a few less hours in the Commons, a few more Saturday afternoons in (food intensive work, and get thai term paper or back reading done. We don'l advocate your becoming a grind, but we do urge moderation. Don'I kid yourself into thinking you will accomplish wonders over the Christinas vacation. A review of the amounl of work accomplished, over the Thanksgiving recess in proportion to the wealth of intentions, adequately proves how vacations lend themselves to peaceful iiiopiilence. (Jet the work done now. lieincmher, after vacation there are but twentytwo davs to the .January final exams. As handed to us, i t contained a l i t t l e s t a t e m e n t a t the t o p of t h e page t o the effect t h a t i t was a S a n s k r i t tale i l l u s t r a t i n g tile ' O r i e n t a l a t t i t u d e o f h o w woman's m e r i t s were chiefly physical a n d her defects chiefly moral." W e have been interested i n observing the reaction of numerous S l a t e collegians, of b o t h sexes, to the c o m p o s i t i o n . We discovered t h a t a number of s t r o n g - m i n d e d f e m i n i s t s I m m e d i a t e l y arose in a n u s on discovering t h a t no m e n t i o n had been made of Woman's ( w i t h a c a p i t a l ) i n t e l l e c t u a l m e r i t s . Vet gentlemen of o u r acquaintance have since rem a r k e d upon the exactness of (lie a n a l y s i s . W o m a n , they s l a t e d t r i u m p h a n t l y , is e t e r n a l l y t h e same. F r o m t h i s , the a p t conclusion m i g h t be d r a w n t h a t , t h o u g h (he s t a t u s of woman may have advanced t r e m e n d o u s l y , the a t t i t u d e of men ( o f S l a t e men, a t least) remains unchanged; l l i i i s man is s t i l l l i v i n g in t h e d a r k of ",()() ]>.('. As for (he women, they have declared Unit the o n l y constant in the tale is its relleetion of t h e inconstancy of m a n . Here's the t a l e : " I n (he b e g i n n i n g when T w a s h t r i came to the creat i o n of w o m a n , he found t h a t he had exhausted his m a t e r i a l s in t lie m a k i n g of man ami t h a t no solid elements were l e f t . In t h i s d i l e m m a , a f t e r p r o f o u n d m e d i t a t i o n , be ilid as f o l l o w s : He l o o k t h e r o t u n d i t y o f the nioim, and the curves of the creepers, anil the c l i n g i n g of t i n 1 t e n d r i l s , and the t r e m b l i n g of the g r n - s , ami the slenderness of the reed, and t h e bloom of he (lowers, and (he lightness of the leaves, and ihe t i m i d i t y of t h e hare, a m i t h e v a n i t y o f the peacock, ami the clustering of rows of bees, a m i the joyous gaiety of the sunbeams, ami the weeping of the clouds, and the licklciless of the winds, and (lie softness of honey, anil the c r u e l t y of the t i g e r , and the w a r m glow o f lire, a n d the coldness of snow, anil the c h a t t e r i n g of j a y s , niul the cooing of the cuckoo, and the hypocrisy of the crane, ami the l i d e l i t y of the e h u k r a w a k a , and compounding a l l these together, he made woman and gave her to m a n . lint a f t e r one week, man came to h i m ami said, ' l a i r d . t h i - creature y u i i have given me iiuikcs my life miserable. She chatters incessantly and lenses me beyond eniliirtiuec, never leu v i l l i ! me a l o n e : and -lie requires incessant a t t e n t i o n , and l a k e - up a l l my t i m e ; ami - l i e cries about n o t h i n g and is a l w a y s idle: ami so I have e e In give her buck again, as I can not live w i t h her.' " Su T w n s h l r i said. ' V e r y w e l l ' and lie took her back. T h r u a f t e r another week, man runic again to him and said. ' Lord, I find m y life is very lonely since I gave y o u back this c r e a t u r e . I remember how she used In dance and sing I n me. and look nl me out of the corner of her eye, and play w i t h inc. and cling to me; a m i her l a u g h t e r was music, anil she was b e a u t i f u l lu look a t , and soft I n t o u c h ; so give her back a g a i n . ' Then a l t e r only three d a y - , man came bach t o h i m again and said, ' Lord, I k i m w Hot how i l i s ; hut a f t e r all I have come to the conclusion that -he is more of a t r o u b l e than a pleasure to m e ; su please t a k e Iter back a g a i n . ' " lint T w n s h l r i said, ' O u t mi y o u ! lie nil'! I w i l l have on mure of this. Von must manage how y o u can!' And T w a s l i t r i replied. ' N e i t h e r eouhl y o u live w i t h o u t her.' And lie t u r n e d his hark on m a n . and went mi w i t h his Work. Then man said. ' W h a t i - to be dune? f u r I ean m i l live either w i t h her or w i t h o u t her'.'"' Thomas, ' Smirci Hook fur Social (hit/ins' Cover To Cover Two Books For Children ( On sale in tin1 i n o/i) Fierce Face, by Dlinn Copal M u k e r j i . K. I'. D u i t m i Cuiupntiy, New S i n k . $ I ,'i'i, i n pages. Fierce Face i - the story nf a tiger ctili a m i h i - t r a i n nie Ii\ h i - liiulliei l i a g u i . A l l Ihe l i i - t (In i l l - uf I I iug, s t a l k i n g , k i l l i n g a r c related, Pierce Pace learn-tu avoid the d r o u g h t , I n k i l l snakes, i n admire ele plaint-. T l u 1 line day liagui disappears, and Fierce Knee - e l s m i l mi (rails nf h i - n w n , More a i U e n l i i r e I'.illow. T " a d u l t s ; i - well as t u l i e children, t h i s honk i Ullimble in illteresl and in education. Dorothy l.athl'op i l l u s t r a t i o n * add much tu the reader's pleasure in the honk. Bouncing Betsy, by Dorothy Lnthrop, Marniillnii Company, N'cw V o r k . $i.:i.",. 17 page.. Here i - a d e l i g h t f u l - t o r v nf a frolicsome lamb ami hi- adventures in the w o r l d . M a r t hit, his l i t t l e g i r l mother, tines In a p a l l y and t u r n s Hetsy loom' in Ihe Held.-. Hetsy meets m u m strange people, and d e - p i l e -nine - I - . I i \ events, h a - an enjoyable day u n t i l - u p p e r time arrives Hetsy, cold, h u n g r y , and worn m i l , cries her.-elf to -I p l u be found llici'e by M a r t h a r e t u r n ing fi'u'i le parly. ' Cliildi 'I \ ill h u e B o u n c i n g Betsy nut u n l \ I'm ihe e x c i t i n g event- but also for the graceful and a l t r i i e l i v e d r a w i n g - by ihe a r t i s t , For children live to ten years old a more pleasant bunk could hardly be f o u n d . Ronan, Katz Present Advice to Young Men State's Stage To love-lorn advocates comes a post-holiday hook Advice to a Doting Beau, by two of S t a t e ' s better known informants on the issue, Frances Ronan and Augusta K a t z . Three Newcomers Fourth Curtain Four Stars PLAYGORH F i r s t aisle to your l e f t , sir. Curt a i n rises in t w o minutes. Yes, sir, i t ' s the Advanced Dramatics class's f o u r t h presentation of the season. Experienced critics maintain: " R o n a n and Katz in this, the first of a series of books of advice to young lovers, have met a great need. College students should find this volume extremely helpful as well as entertaining. "Advice to a Doling Beau is a hook of wholesome advice on technique, accompanied by explanatory pictures posed by some of the world's loveliest models, The illustrations alone make this book worth your time and 1 rouble, especially trouble The book varies in procedure from simple lo couple calling with a recipe for contented life. " T h i s is a book that no young man between seventeen and twenty-seven can afford lo miss. Take it home lo Pad fur Christinas; he'll enjoy il l o o . " Hellenics 11;1111111;i Kappa Phi provides (he headline nl' the week. .Marina Burns, \!S, now ex-MS, is the T h a n k s g i v i n g bride uf W i l l i a m M a r k o v , g r a d u a t e student o f last year. ('hi Sigma Theta w i l l lie at home liiilay f r o m .'! :0(l In 5.-nil u 'clock for its members ami Tamil v. Week end guests at 1:7s included l i i l n Kane ami W i l h e l m i m i I'nlkovic uf the class nf '.'ill. Sapper and dinner are Ihe order nl' (In' d a y . .Mr. ami M r s . I.unis (', Junes entertained Kin I'lii at a h i i l l ' d .'upper. Phi Delta conducted a I'ni'imi! Thanksgiving dinner on X i u e i u l i e r L'l. I'si (rilllllliu news includes the a In I il n i r u i d p a r t y of Xoveinber g' I : Week end guest l l a r r i " t l e lluodeiiow, ' , ' i l : .-IIIII the formal i n i t i a t i o n nf .lane Sehwei'zman, M!). T i m nluniuac n f Kappa Pelta w i l l sponsor their annual card p a r l y fur alumnae and members lonighl ai I he • n r n r i l y house. Sigma Alpha has received into pledge on inliership K'lIn I i i f f o r d , '.'Is ; ami Hetty liliuce, b'ose K i l t e r , ami I •unit li v T r a v e l , sophomores, Kpsilon lietn I'lii welcomes into pledge membership Klinor l.iclilel, '.'IS. State sman Last year the Man nf Slate failed In come through once because he was ill ; I his last Week end I he college was home sleeping. Sole news of the w i ek, outside uf l iaiunia K a p \s in r a p i i i i l a l i n i i through Hums, r m l c r s ar I t i n ' I in fin b'e.'ol llie list of surprises mi page one, column one, ami w i cp. N e \ l Mei k we shall ill i lllge l i e secret uf Ihe T e r r o r now iiiily I lie shadow k new -, ;i nd not r\ en I In' - hadowei -. Vmir I I'ldy, . . . T i l t ! \l \ \ ( I f s'l'ATK C o u p l e s Will A t t e n d R e s i d e n c e Halls Dane e I I 'mil nun il from pilili I , cii'miiii I Virginia Stocl, '!I7, ami Hob Finery, t ' l i i u u ; M i l d r e d K i n g , '39, niul .luck I f y u u , ' i n ; i'riedn i s i i r i , hill, '.'iH, niul I. / r u n , A l b a n y ; Klniuc Morse, Ml), ami Turn I'M11<--. Kvi'nciise; Margai'el S m i t h , '!!!), ami H a r r i s o n r a t t e n , U n i o n ; Jayuo W i l l r a t h , '.'ID, and t ' r r d Zwick, H . l ' . l . ; Klinor Dibble, Mo, ami Murhlnu I'lilriiinn, A l b a n y I ' h a n i i i i c y ; Frances Field, ' i n , and .Veil K u g a i n . ';;;i • Marian Kiugsley, Mil, ami ,lames * .'imlcrpiiel, ' ; ! 7 ; Harriet Sprague, ' I " , and Hob Margisoa, '!17; Jane Wilson, MO, and Christopher l . y t t l e , Syracuse: Agnes Torreils, ':I7, and Fred Dexter, M 7 ; and M a r i a n His liett, Ms, and .loseph l.eese, Iil), The first play of Ihe evening deservedly gets our four stars, both for Ihe choice (congratulations, T o m ) , and Ihe work the class put on the set. The set was a new a t t e m p t and c e r t a i n l y impressed Hie audience. I f seemed, however, to be s l i g h t l y large, c r o w d i n g (lie a c t i o n and m i n i m i z i n g the characters. The lines of the stones were loo white. We welcomed three newcomers in this play. Dee desse was Ilu- t y p i c a l I'enunc du inomlc. We could d e l e d no Haw in her chnrarlerizat ion. Peter H u r t is lo be c o n g r a t u l a t e d — a hard part, especially in f a r c i c a l satire, vol there were no apparent slips f r o m character. The third newcomer, banker Karl Cleaves, needs a l i t t l e mure experience before he w i l l be at rase un I hi' slage. He a p p e a r e d nervous and made many pointless moves ami gestures which detracted Prom Ihe singe picture. At limes lie seemed ludicrous and :i bit helpless. Slate directors, remember that ,i j u d i c i o u s and non-repetitious use nf gestures is ns important as y o u r singe action. Xow to our veterans. Irwin Stinger gave a solid, respectable performance hardly up to son f his former parts, l i e often slipped m i l nf character and in un effort to regain il mumbled his speeches b a d l y . We d i l l l l 'I gel some of his lines, .lulin Kdge was passable, Our main c r i t i c i s m is Hint he could have utIililied Ihe exaggeration of his p u r l in the audience without b l a s t i n g n i l his speeches. The hauler I lie line, I lie inure we saw .John Kdge ami not I he personality nf the judge. The other men were i n m l i Inn bombastic. J o h n Kdwnrds was the suiuc .lohu K d w a r d s . I f the director knows enough l u Iil Ihe p u r l In J o h n and mil .lohu In the p a r t , Kdwards w i l l always be good. A g a i n , congrntlllnt inns In y o u , Tom K e l l y , f u r a successful play. The second piny of the evening was a decided let d o w n . I l is n mediocre I'hi.v, ami was badly handled, The -el was g I, all hough minor details were overlooked. A l i p In the class when using Ihe ' ' e y e s ' ' , make sure Ihey are fastened together over doors, lireplnces, etc. We have said enough about T o m Mechlin previously In repeal il now, but w e ' r e wondering when our d i rectors will realize that T is always just Tom and stop eiiiluir Hissing hi in iiml the audience. .I.'iliel Dibble wiis ton l l u l l e r y iiml uncertain tu give an enjoyable per fiirnmiice. She obviously d i d nut feel the part, in which she i n i g h l have dune much l u speed the action of llr play, due l.eese WHS 1111 d m i b l e d l y Ihe mainstny uf the play, U'l he Inn has a r e r t u i n slowness in his speerh that see i| a bit iu.'ip p r o p r i a t e lu his part. However, he gave nn excellent elmracleri'/iil ion o f (lie self possessed burglar. Ko Hi Do ran did nut convince us nf his calling, probably we could not hear his lines. Me was just ie tIn• i churucler un the .singe. Noti ices Mathematics club: Christ mas pai l \ . Thursday . S:im o'clock, lounge, Mimic c o u n c i l : leu fur freshmen, Monday. ID.'ill o'clock, h ge. Classical club: Christinas i ling. Mollibn . i : l."i o'clock, lounge. G r a d u a t e s : Christmas p a r l y , Tims d a y , December 1,1, S :()() |a :lll) o'clock, Inn'ige, dancing Santii Clans gift-. Peace c l u b : meeting. Wednesday al C I O o'clock. Professor Joseph l i o l undo, d i v i s i o n of social studies at I ' n i u i i college w i l l |)|i guest .speaker. T u p l e : T h e Spanish crisis its - i g nil' IIIII'II ami i m p l i c a t i o n s . A p p o i n t m e n t b u r e a u : deadline f o r fee of $1,00, J a n u a r y H. Deadline f u r pictures, December 11, STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 4, 1936 Page 3 Hatfield Will Put in Veteran Courtsters Against /?. P. I. ARE CO-CAPTAINS OF BASKETBALL Canute's Corner Engulf Engineers . . . Engineers Suffer Graduation Losses Repulse R.P.I, (Continued from payc 1, column 5) Topple The Trojans Coach -C.N.M.- Ilatlield will be severely handicapped as the result o f Initialinjr our weekly utterance with an advance estimate, we foretell a four-point victory for State in the engagement with the ll.P.I. engineers. As to the total score of each team, we offer no pre-gamc opinion. Our preference leans toward postdiction rather than prediction, anyway. Initial Victory Lends Confidence for Tough Schedule Ahead A crowded I'age freshmen hull quintet court off to saw n good .stud n week ago lust I'Yulay night, The victory margin was double that which heal Milne High school last . .A ,, , . . , . , l i g h t i n g l i n i s i loiind -Id " lung end ol a ^li-L'L' score. " year. oil the The gi was throughout and one sided and holly not any Until Harrington's n l K at affair. ' " " ' '"" point \ revenge : a rlid, diaries showed . half slimv It 11 '"' itself in Margison 's ; l i . l ' . l . "' il1 " 1 ' and revenue Ihe sweet, last little I'd shaky about -citing l''rainenl Stale Ihe leain was high with a bui'sl second period man for I• v a scare of KSA. . seconds uf play. nl' - | which twelve points, led the line jnsl I in helped final r a t i n g of eighteen |ioiuls. wilh in another Ihe •'' hi- Tal'l. school. Until was Milne ers were Ihings lliel, very wilh renil much Stale |7,'(l|( s in I'ur their pill lo well eoaidiod The the seiiedule.' ivill down the seasoned trams to be ' Willi the list, ihe.v ' la 'K<-' cou °ys Jllsl Ullt ; 't » a r c o f I'1'1^'1 Im| . •", b'.l'.l. line, u freshmen al Hec. |L' aided in Tiny. w i " ,S lleatlv at (ireeii s i n c e ' s W'' loi at W( most of I"' b'eiisselaer. sboiibl lie • Ian. L'.'! Troy t'eb. "i Husiness b'eiisselaer college. f'el,. I.'l lleatley, feb. Hi Amsterdam Fob. l11 L'H Mont nl' Ihe not. I'leasaul I g ' ' '- -'[ li-l'-l- I'reshiuen, '''''!'• - ' Ainslerdam, March .", Mont I'leasaul at s, he be in in store I'ur ('o capl llill Ihe Hick I'm ward wall, an e.V anil, in Huucrul'l depends, is " nil " or lime is of crises usually ihe I ' a i r i n g up at I be guard berths will I Hike I lershkow it/, and en eapiain lohn Winter Season lliiliU on I lake is a lower uf some- the defense man under the baskel. s \ i r,v Basketball of Snow Sports u,, fast, little tales are The I,all and repute. ready In a and the Johnny long ('nl hbcl't 's and gave most L'ynu Capable man substi unds. cohorts WCI , gl II,-i mi plav males al allolme Ihe I'age hall r o i i r l I' I so thev Graduates, Juniors Win • on The graduate si udeiils defeale,I ihe ran piar sopl tire | heir d r i b b l e s ami uv, llieail -hols Willi the opening season mi of Momlav, Ihe is get ling mil her arnica in preparation for a i nun,I el' llnor The ineiil. are limbering for snpliouiorcs in ppiug the The inlerrlass juniors will up up seniors will toils of dear old right up and besl anyone skaling ami note lo ( We has sinivv Helen Ihe ( I , A . A . do voiir ban Athletic its winter spurts will be athletic l.olla appointees in pro Hunkers. charge Klhel Utile, Irani of Ihe Ades, llarhnw, ':;:•. bowline, rap -lean ,|ran Strong '.",s, ining ^ • #-> credit, Delia riding served which welcoming members into as had of I he the 11 iris ' Jiidilh I\111ii 111ii:111 and son, Jean Marjorie •polls big for were part icip.'itiun presellled member-: belli Morrow •eiiinrs; liana I., an Second N g, Ades. I'Tances I'hyllis Dolan, Arnold, b'ita Sullivan, Marjorie b'oirkle, Virginia Harrows, florenre Mac sopho 'III. Ilnrkey SI rung, MeXair, Anderson, I'nnl, Smith, W'il Alice Ui/abeth Kalhryn llei It, of inlerrlass Wednesday baskelball evening. Decern and Ward, Saf- forwards; Ihe pivot Levonian is Ihe sole man in ing lineup mil the of lasl only Pillows, of a However, Sall'ord Hawh-ss, Klhel I i race Kiilliryn lOngiueers' machine. uct uf intramural Trojan's though tdizabelii Alien, .leanette Harlow, fiirev, florcnce Kabrhiiian, Howry, Ades, Arnold, llitll H u l / g y , Delhi Virginia llaberer, Anne King. Helen Mildred Dorothy Heuedicl, Dolan, MacHeau, .Marion b' o r k e f e l l e r , sophomores ; Harrows, Marjorie lOllen Haird, llest, (iriice Culleii, (''raniM's frey, bin, Hilliau Hetty Callinaci, Hardy, Mitchell, Marion Hitman, florcnce lOvelyn Dorothy I'r/.yborovvska, Helen Crib llartliuiu, Kingsley, .lanei Pangborii, Helen Hunce, Hosnliud Helen I'.'luise I.niiise llesuey, Marion ginia J line florenre Hilly field, Vir Monll'ort, b'ila Sullivan, Alice Thomas, Sally Young, Lorraine Mary Soccer Ksther Utile Audrey V'aisily, finals, and riuluia XcIV, and Klda fay Stewart, Tliurer, Trainer and freshmen. one pivot Helly \iiginia Miller, Klhel Oslr Hlllll sopho EAT AT JOHN'S LUNCH Dinners 25f and up Delicious Sandwiches and Sundaes 7:30 A.M.—11:00 P.M. Opp. the High School ' ' " ' r -• Ceorge Hunrofl, Dick or ijiiintot Margison, fred Hemes berths; Co captain b'van, ' ' D u k e " Harrington Charlie starling Co eapiain Ihe forward under- see action. l l e r s h k o w i l z , or at Hie Morris, guard Tom Tom post; and Ryan, or Mike Walko at the " lap-position. " Eddie Irwin, llurd, (leorge Amyot, Merrill and Carrol Lehman w i l l be in reserve. C o-eitplains b'yan and of Margison, last saw Engineers lust season, as did Ceorge Bancroft, well- seasoned previous cam- paigns, forward made lasl year. lon, Tom of "Duke1' ami who fred the season his debut Although K'yau, llershkiiwitz, as a freshman Tom Harriug- Eddie Irwin, and Byrnes were on the Ihey failed to see action. I 'harlie Morris, like the s h i f t y Angell, sipiad, of li.l'.l,, Lehman, is an intramural Amyot, Walko, form the nucleus around Amyot luiill his varsity product. and llurd which Jerry freshman ipiintel of ';i,"i- '.'!li. In Ihe preliminary, swing under way at (Tosh sipiad HUM. yearlings. Harrington's avenge a will (dash Like proteges L'!' I.'l which will 7 Hid o'clock, the wilh Ihe will the varsity, be out set back of lo lasl -Waldorffor Top Hat, White Tie and Tails To Hire New OPTICIANS. FREDETTES 65 Columbia J£.??<*t»-Mo* Pead CONAPL€Tt OPTICAL SfcRVKt WALDORF TUXEDO CO. "Men's Formal WuurBxclutively" 452 Broadway Opp. Post Office 2nd Floor Phone 4-5011 OPEN TILL 6:30 See "BOB" MARGISON, '37 for for Step skiing tobogganing sports drop ','17, and bullet inn Dial 5-1913 Ihe besl woman ). shoeing Ceo. D. Jeoney, Prop. failh nl' money on the ineiiii Clyde, in j Ionian a The Department Store of Albany That Is Ever Anxious to Be of Service — Meeting the Merchandise Demands of the College Woman. look board. • at John Complete with Dress Shirt, Collar, Tie and Studs. . . . $3.50 Dress Suits, Cutaways To Hire juniors; strong, llatlield's be: the man, al- $2.50 Hellliett, Haves, the A n g e l l , a prod- TUXEDOS and I'resluneii. Alice and in I'olctren, florenre Kingsley, Silvers I'riteluird, lloickel. School, Helen Sinykla, Kuby will against Miller, I'hyllis did cogs (lilcoyue, Mac f e e l e r ' s notion Jobsnn, Christine fracas. man, basketball, is number (iif- juniors. Adams, the worthy veterans K n l z , Marion L i t t l e , Thelma Vol key. start- although letter both proved varsity (lallik, Marjorie I'hyllis Jobson, Mildred remaining season, veteran although mid position. Hie Engineer's Inna 101 In Dusiall, Julia llobhie, lot h i d lOlizabcth seniors; fli/.abclh Helen suplio- .lane Slrmig, Christ ine Hainl, I V/. v bo ro w ska, '.'17; Anne creilil. Sue Caldwell, Hielianlsoii. sophomores; Mitchell, Marion Utile, A lien, varsily, I lella I'di/.a- Caldwell, Dorothy field, Hockey '.'17 ; follow Klhel Howry, Kli/abel h mores, and fall I'hyllis Jnbson, and Helm ami Sue l.allik, Anders the varsity, and Julia juniors; In hockey in b'ogers, llirkok, freshuieii. A mnchcr, A I lllel ie assneiat inn. Awards i. • Dolan, Margarel (Ih'dys bani|ile| the cap '.'111, and Kli/abelli I' the captain, swimming L'llgcilinbe, Iheine assistant, fencing Strung, ,.|iaii mi ils "Ml; ':',7: as an,I Vi.rkey, j u n i o r s ; rhrisliii., '.'IS; Anderson Ihe i Hah! i a yen snowy nut their I Hall! put other lo stagger M7. mail, If on Milne round and probably have a strong leain, and a Jew fill log : games, Silvern Inn us and bruises. frrsbnieii preparation I'ealcd the freshlllcil, L'H H, in Ihe upeli ba-kel ball A uastasia es, L'l LlL', ami Ihe juniors de toand not see net ion in the Slate game hist I', i A uastasia's a ileceul I'll 11 award winter euplaias, Sn\by, li. Slate besl shot till gaps at o iniii'cs; Ihe eapiain, j lain, (rood The offer , Klsii ; i;,..,,.,. prime ur- Mori'ovv, is | captain, I way le i fencing, riding ami I | •, i 11, for who consistently well kail How, . I'Ji/abeih ! \|ary Either Mike Walko or Tom Ryan at the center position. W,U start Ry;111 j H t | l e m o r e lloijslied player, but Walko is the better scrapper. •I,adv. lead the in the i n i t i a l game of the season. Kesliner, as iiliVnsive well Inn. f o r i illintely, like niiumil innugiiruled in fri simian '.;;. a • . Monday, the ( i i r l ' s Ihe game, j I. i 11 i.- i • Shapiro. I l e u , nil whether llancrnl't lunnyi. uighl g r a m : baskel ball, huvv liny, swimming, uielii , rcptionally tawayi. R y a n , seniors, who w i l l Appointments Wmter Sports Captains of its fall sports of mores, and Jane Wilson, ' I d ; swim fallowing lor is it- lasl the affair, a hard and un .iel'1 is wmking j liveia'ss A A ! .jslinil by ' n - clearly player as far ; two all ';;7, veteran l.M"' of ",,11" These not w e man torn nli lie, him. Island. and John leain l i u u n r n i w W i t hAnnounce the climax ; we meet prob- Levonian al year. nil', re,I ' player, plays his best only \v hen Han • Ian. college eiuirl The no small when llaiicrofl, : Margisnn, Milne. Margison Then, loo, tin.' i winter spurls program i n c l u d e : basket night. during or fetlle Lnnsiugburgh. Richard j , , , , 1 1 - ' season, An will .State Cilcoyno, varsity , nssneial ion T r o y handicapped our i l '•* He »"i'l< season : Kliuendorl' ipicl nut- schedule. mentioned e x c u s e "on" schedlll 't as I ionise and Trojan be; forwards; Coach tin lidterman. which against will Lon Paul m a n ; and Seb varsity action night tilt; man; study, wall undoubtedly peaall,\ lliaile a who llasseiiplug and Orfliint, g u a r d s ; I 30-20, m Ihe our Amyot successful Hec. on tomorrow Ks w a y be fared. freshman I (Kill :I7 to b lhm hat t'oi-wanl In -i loiioh remaining game I h e m I heir veteran P a r l the R.P.I, cause. the swine, of under luugh a setup on hard year, a injury support support ,,,.,,,„. season' a n, f a for rniupaul. representatives. Vl,.ir| out than and a lustv Win II,,, more way. see fellows, 'S apiece. toppled our v a r s i t y second Interest that two g; H.P.I, pivot also and season f o r d , guards; and A n g e l l , center; and Annual Award Banquet Climaxes G.A.A. Season it I before Ihe g u n , la « n o M a l i victory the slellar morrow -essl'iil l'rmu Ihe in last The two quintets Milch dropped ! „cusn|i at lor -Ian,I al Last lit s of Bulger, varsity u t i l i t y 'I'hen Cliff hill injured ably gradua- A m y o t , a capable guard Albrecht, bv m r a v .I in Hoi, the M closing I c one point "'lies pin,tin minute Jerry Waller, *'"& il»' ii'1'! Imskfi Hint started : Women Honor Fall Sports' Participants and Name Varsities; •'' i '' started, and uncertain in their laetics. itself was leading lute in Ihe see !cehni(|Ue which could lie classed as State on a belated - r . slinky T h e tinw otheir teams pus, w,,-e a j| lied rallv. il A m l i l t h ' i I'il work, up foul al shut .TJ I d a was " «asu I u n t i l I!),1.1, (he year o| n,,, , , , , . . ,, , , , , , '., Hi'' in•xt eiuirl lussle lietwcen Ihe two „,,„.,,i . , ' . . i u, , i i i sipinils, I m l M u l e hail a chance In contested of effective The R.P.I.-State feud began twenty long years ago at Troy, when on the tenth of December, 1916, the Engineer basketball squad downed State 21-10. In a return game in February of the same season, the Teachers found revenge in a 22-21 victory. The good natured antipathy fomented only sporadically as the years slipped by. In 1921, R.P.I. j took a 2-1 lead in the series by | virtue of a decisive victory. •' i, ....,.,, ( ; , .,,.,- ., Freshman Quintet Defeats Milne Five the tion Boulevard and 188-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Cafeteria Qrill ALBANY, N. Y. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 4, 1936 fcage 4 Men To Participate In Large Program Intramural Athletics Include Diversified Winter Sports The Men's Athletic association plans nn ambitious and far-reachiiig program of intramural sports for the coming winter season. As ninny activities as the facilities and portieipants will permit will be scheduled for the cold weather months. Interclass basketball is already under way, rounds of games having been played on Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week. The other pre-Christmns vacation dates for games are December 10 and December 16. Unusually keen competition is expected in the five-team race for the coveted trophy. A little later in the season, the foul shooting contest will bo conducted to determine the owner of the best eye for the hoop. Rivalry in this new event promises to be spirited. Another project which, although still in its embryonic stage, is receiving the attention of M.A.A. and Coach Hatfield is tho securing of n swimming pool. Attempts arc being made to secure a pool that a larger number of persons can use. If successful, instruction will he given in swimming and life saving and the I season will culminate in an interclass swimming meet. Also, under the direction of Ed lfulihun, '37, boxing has been inaugurated. The boxing class, held each Thursday afternoon, has attracted the attention of ;i few would-be boxers and the manly art of self defense seems to be on the up grade. Bowling, too, will be part of the program, with meetings held once a week for those who are interested. Following the precedent of tho Inst two years a ping pong tournament will be held to decide who is master of the art of table tennis. Along with this will be run a paddle tennis tournament. This game although inaugurated only n few weeks ago has proved enormously popular and with some of our husky young nmazons playing, the sponge ball should take quite a beating. Intro-mural contests will also be run in volleyball and any other sport for which there is a demand. With the enlarged program, a successful winter season seems a certainty. WITH VARSITY The photographer will return for Pedariojiiir, pictures next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, according to • nn announcement received from Thomas llrecn, '37, editor-in-chief. This will bo positively the last time that pictures will be taken for the year book. All students who have not yot. had their pictures taken are requested to sign up on the poster on the main bulletin board in the rotunda of Draper hall. The Pedagogno also announced that agency pictures have come and have been forwarded to the Appointment bureau. Students who expected extra pictures are requested to call in the Pedagogvo office. The deadline for signing cards for advance orders for the Pedagogue will be next Friday. Seniors are asked to fill in their activities on the cards whether they wish a year book or not. Graduates Organize George Bancroft, \'l(i, captain of last year's team, who is one of the veterans to start in this year's line-up. The graduate students of the college organized themselves and elected officers at a mooting conducted Thursday, November 10. Tho officers are: president, Evan Pritehnrd; vice-president, Klonnore G rovers; secretary, Dixon j and treasurer, McXnmiirn. William Pnvidgc, '35, and lionriette Francois, '29, were married on October 10. l!oth are members of tho VVnhlen high school faculty. Wh en I'm for a thing I'm all for it! I like Chesterfields... I like 'em a lot .. .we all go for 'em around here. Chesterfields are milder...and when it comes to taste—they're SWELL! for the good things smoking can give you... CopTfiuhl 1956, Ll&CiTT & MVMS Toiurro Cr>. 'Pedagogue' Announces Deadline For Orders Marriage Announced Erskine to Appear in Troy John Erskine, the author of " T h e Private Life of Helen of Troy," will appear in the Music Hall at 8:30 o'clock tonight as a presentation of Troy Town Hall. Mr. Erskino will lecture on the subject, "Music in America." Student tiokols may bo obtained in the Co-op. Varsity Will Meet Ontario Basketeers Freshmen To Meet Lansingburg In Wednesday's Contests The night of Wednesday, December !>, will find the State varsity in action for the second time this season. The Teachers quintet will play hosts to Western Ontario on the Page hnll court in the first home game of tho year. A preliminary contest between the State freshman team and Lansingburg high school will get under way at 7:30 p.m., with tho main game commencing about 9:00 o'clock. Western Ontario is in a section of Canada whore basketball is stressed and where tho. calibre of the playing is equal to or superior to American ball playing. Eligibility rules do not cut into the squad of tho Canadian institution and they usually put a big, fast, team on the court. Then, too, a school that will send a team such a distance to play a game must be justly proud of the team. The State starting line-up for this second encounter depends entirely upon the playing of the squad members in the K.I'.I. game, according to Conch Hatfield.