State College" V.

OLYMPIC V I L L A G E OF 1936 » A n artist's drawing of the stadia and quarters which w i l l be constructed for the Olympic games to be held at Doeberitz, near Berlin, Germany, n e r t y e a r . ^
State College"
X I X , No. 20
G.A.A. To Present
Musical Comedy
Original Words and Music Lend
Interest to Production
Tomorrow Night
P R O M LEADERS » Carta Meacham and Sherman Pease lead the
colorful grand march at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
Junior Ball. Miss Meacham is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority, while Mr. Pease is a member of Chi Psi fraternity.
IT'S A HAPPY T H R O N G that crowds the popular student dances held at
Randolph-Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Va.).
'I'll.- Girls' Athletic iissni'luiiuii will
present "The Fanner in the Dell", an
original musical cutnedy, Umnirrtiw night
in the auditorium of Page hall, according
to Frances Suidi-liaker, '36, co-author
and co-director of the production. This
will mark the climax and conclusion of
tin- annual -Alumnae week-end sponsored
hy the association. The worths, lyrics,
and musical score for this production
were written hy Miss Studcbaker in collaboration with her sister, h'lizahelh
Studehakcr, '37.
The theme of the musical comed> concerns a resl cure farm lor worn-out
professors and students, and is interpreted hy the following east: liirani
lliggins, the proprietor, William Nelson,
.15; the line, William Hitker, 'Mi; the
Girl, Hester Price, '.!K: the jilted night
ehih hostess, Mary Lain. '37; the four
errant professors, John Hills and Kenneth
Christian, seniors, h'rank llarthneyer,
'3I>, and lames Zillion, '37: Toots, Vera
Shiiineis. Mfii and Arabella, played by
the mysterious Arabella.
Committees assisting in the production
are: sets, Helen Rich, '35; props, Klisubeth llohbie, '3o; costumes, Elaine
llninl, '3o: advertising, Sarah Logan,
'.15; house, Charlotte Uockow, '36.
College Alumni
To Have Annual
Spring Luncheon
"STOPI Y O U DASTARDI " » A n d the crowd roared its approval when Culver-Stockton College (Canton, M o . ) students
presented Ten Nights in a Bar Room.
The eastern brunch of the Stale College Alumni association will conduct its
annual spring luncheon tomorrow at
12:3(1 o'clock, immediately following
the Round Table conference at the college, at the Candle Light lull. "II the
corner of Dove and Stale Streets, according to Mrs. Dorothy Urimmer Ten
livck, president.
Speakers for the luncheon are as
follows: Mr. A. R. Urnbaeher, president
of the college. Dr. M. G, Nelson, dean of
the college, Miss Helen I I . Morcland,
dean of women, Miss Anna K. Pierce,
former dean of women, Miss Minnie B,
Scotland, assistant professor of biology,
Mrs. Ilerlhn K. Brimmer, Executive Secretary of the Alumni association, and
Mr. I I . (). h'tillerioii, architect of the
Residence hall now in construction.
\ i 3:011 o'clock, the Councillors of the
association will assemble in the Lounge
,o' Richardson hall, to discuss work for
the year. Miss II. Russell will lalk
,-ihnui plans for the annual Alumni Day;
Mrs. K. R- Messeni, instructor in English, will speak about the Alumni j
Quarterly ami Professor .1 M. Sayles
professor of education, will give a talk,
illustraled by slides, on the dormitory.
A three-tiered set
recently constructed
for a RKO-Radio
FIVE I N O N E F A M I L Y attend Northern Montana College
(Havre). They're the five Kegel brothers and sisters — and they
claim they have five more brothers and sisters who w i l l enroll
there in the future.
i'lij^Vis =•-,'—'-:-'. W&T. **•#•**
• B H H H H H B B M B H I
MASCOT IN TRAINING • Phil Shannon takes
Butch, the University of N e w Hampshire.(Durham) mascot, out for exercise.
CORRELATING EYE A N D VOICE'» Movements of the eye in reading aloud are recorded
by this device developed by University of Iowa
(Iowa City) scientists.
Lutheran club will conduct a supper
meeting Thursday afternoon at 5:30
,,'clock at the Friendship House, according to Helen Smith, MS, president.
Miss Helen I I . Morcland, dean of
women will address the club. Her
topic will be "Kaslcr Week ill Jerusalem." Carta Nielsen, '35, and Paul
Schmlu, '.18, will be co-chairmen.
Rule for Formal Dances
A new rule for formal dances
conducted by State college organizations has been formulated by
the Administration.
Dr. A. R.
Brubacher, president, issues the
following statement to the NEWS
and to the student body:
'Annual Conference
Convenes Tonight
Round Table Meeting To Continue
Tomorrow at 10:00 O'clock
With Discussions
N e w R u l e for F o r m a l D a n c e s
"All forma! dances will observe
the following hours: begin at
nine; close at two,
"The closing hour is to be observed with promptness and finality.
'After dances' cannot be
staged under any pretenses whatever."
Nineteen Students
Secure Positions
For September
Placements uf seniors and graduate
students hy the Employment Bureau
have loaded nineteen since MR- last publication uf those who ha\ c secured
teaching positions I'm- next year. The
list, released by Miss Edna Lowerree,
secretary (if the personnel bureau, follows :
Charles Connelly will teach commerce
at Whitney Point"; Ruth l l i l k c r l , commerce, ai Oneonta; Evelyn Rich, commerce at Camillas; Helen Rich, commerce, at Berlin; Evelyn Stachle, commerce at Bedford Hills; George Story,
commerce at Canajoharie; I lilda Do
Camp, commerce, at Sharon Springs;
Oliver York, commerce, ai Ithaca;
Edith Garrison, English ami history,
at llobart,
Wilfred Allard. Erench, at Wabb'n;
George Pratt, Erench ami history, at
Canaseragn: Lorna I Jrowne, Latin and
history, at Windham; Lillian Paine, historv .ind i unerce, at Maltiliick; Rosemary 1'Joylc. Latin ami Erench, at Central' Islip; Margaret Hill, English, histnry, library, al Richiuondville; Helena
Gnnzs, mathematics, ai I'raiiklinvillc;
Thurston Paul, mathematics and science,
at Richmondville; George Bush, mathematics and science, ;it Lisbon; Cains
Hoffman, Erench, at Ih.bart.
$2.25 Per Year. 32 Weekly Issues
Professor John M , Sayles, principal of .Milne High school, who is general chairman of the eleventh annual
Round Table conference,
Library To Carry
N.S.F.A. Publication
The National Student's
News Service, a weekly publication
issued hy the National Student's Federation ni America, will be available to
all students, according in John Deno
'.]?. secretary of the student association,
Current issues of the News Service,
a weekly publication carrying reports on
student life ami activities'in all parts of
the United Stales ami in foreign countries, will be kept on the magazine rack
in the library. Obi issues will be on file
in ilit- student association desk in the
Activities office, and may be had Upon
Erench club will conduct an importnul
business meeting Tuesday afternoon in
room JO of Richardson ball.
Bureau Completes Milk Survey
To Aid Farmers In Sale Of Products
".Moo, moo, a thousand times no, I'd I sumption survey. Students from the
rather die than be milked".
Sorry universities of Buffalo, Rochester, and
I folks, 1ml that's tin- wrong theme song Syracuse and Vassal' college conducted
for ila- cows of New York State; in surveys in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse,
fact, it's ipiile the opposite, Volt see, it's; ami Poiighkeepsie, respectively.
Bureati of milk publicity in Albany asked
this way a milk survey in tin- Cit
Mr. Adam A. Walker, professor of
Albany has just been completed
economics, to head the milk survey in
le Collegi
A year ago ijt.SOIl.OOll was appropriated
Slate college students employed under
by ilk- Stale legislature for ihe purpose
of advertising milk as a food ami to ibc K. I-:. R. A . found the work as a
induce more people to use inexpensive "socially desirable activity", Mr. Walker
high grade food. Indirectly, the con- reported, as the investigation came to a
sumption and '•ale of milk would in- close this week. The survey covered
crease and benefit the farmers who seven distrids, from the poorest, such
complained of the small market for as the river front, to some of the best,
such a< Pine Hills. Out of 3030 housetlu-ir dairy products,
The State Department of Agriculture holds listed, Lull) were interviewed bv
and Markets found it necessary to make one of the sixteen students employed.
ii survey of the different classes of people Return visits were not made even though
using milk and milk products. In order contact was not made on the first visitio carry oui its plans, the department The students testified Io a general agreeselected several cities in which there ableness of their visits ami reported
lire institutes of education as victims dreadful conditions existing in Mime
of the milk and dairy products eoit- districts, M,-. Walker concluded.
The eleventh annual Round Table
conference will In- inaugurated tonight
! at 8:00 o'clock in the Page hall audij fori tun with an address hy Dr. A . K,
Brubacher, president, the subject of
which will be "Education—Latest Mode,"
: according to Professor John M. Sayles.
j principal of the Milne High school, gen! era! chairman.
The address by Dr. Brubacher is
: planned as being especially interesting
j to parents, and everyone is invited to
attend. Personal invitations have been
extended to all parents of students al
IIIL- Milne school.
The conference which will he continued all day tomorrow, will he attended by superintendents and teachers
from the Capitol district and surrounding
country within a radius of about 20(1
miles. The program will include group
discussions covering the various subjects
in the high school curriculum. The program of discussions ami conferences includes the following departments with
their speakers.
Ai 111:00 o'clock in Room 11 Mr.
Harlan W. Raymond will lead the industrial arts conference. Mr. Robert A.
Campbell, from the State department of
Public Instruction in Trenton, New |ersey, will also speak. Also al 10:00
o'clock, the hoineconomics depart . R D L
o'clock, the home economics department, with Mrs. Anna K. Barsam, assistant instructor in clothing, as chairman, will meet. Guest speakers will
include Miss Myrtle L. Johnston, director of home economics department of
Russell Sage college.
The modern
(Continued on fuiifc 3, ealunin 2)
Budget Discussion
Will Be Continued
In 11:10 Assembly
A continuation of the discussion on
the propose.! "'SO', ballot" motion recommended by Myskania, senior honorary society, in last week's assembly, and
voting on the proposed changes in the
coiiEbiulion as submitted by the Constitutional Investigation committee two
weeks ago, will take place in tins morning's assembly at 11 :l<) o'clock in the
auditorium of Page ball, according" to
Clifford Rail, '35, president of student
The motion now before tin- assembly
would reipiire, if passed, that flOCf of
the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors
pledge themselves to support an activity
before it is included in the budget for
Time permitting, discussion and voting
on the proposed changes in the constitution as announced in (he last issue of
the N'I.WS will take place, Rail added.
A l l seniors desiring graduation announcements and personal engraved cards
should sign up for them on the main
bulletin board, according to Catharine
Kearney, MS, chairman of the announce"
ments committee.
State College
Established by the Class of 1918
The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College Tor Teachers
lu'ps, my dear I . . .
I hear that
Mtitty refused to hand across a few to
. Chi Sig
580 Madison Arenue, 2-1)2(1(1
South Lake AYODUB, 2-4314
seems tu he having a mcasley time of
Associate Managing Editors
late . . . 1 sec thai Thorn McCann has
hired some new floorwalkers for HawE M M A A. ROGERS
fey . . . Deno suggests red carnations
680 Madianc ' renu*. 2-3200
11? South Lake Aronuc, :
. . . 'lis said that McCIusky, the wrestAdvertising
Manager ler, is doing duty at K D , , . I have it
Finance Manager
good faith that there will be no unfi.'
8 Spragna Place
21 North Main Avonuo, 2-4144
winding uf the Ray-Kv affair . . . .
cabbages and grapefruit lo the Page
hall girls win J were frustrated to a
^ciocinttd QMtaimtt U r n s
panting condition (get CJussle Katz
next time) . . . an orchid to Gamma
Phi's " Tud" who is Mexi
Published every Friday in the college year by the Editorial Board representing (.Kane)-ing ii at Agua Calientc . . .
the Student Association. Subscriptions, $2.25 per year, single copies, ten cents. KD still refuses to join N R A because
Delivered anywhere in the United States. Entered as second class matter at post- , of their affiliation with the Schenectady
office, Albany, N . Y.
i Union . . . KD's Laura Clark is writ. ing her biography and naming it "PlaT h e N E W S does not necessarily endorse sentiments expressed in contributions.
N o communications will be printed unless the writers' names are left with the Edi- tonic" , . . I''or a liil of prognosticator-in-Chief of the N E W S . Anonymity will be preserved if so desired. The N E W S t1 i o n , I will venture to say that the
Spanish Carnival will lie a reeling sucdoes not guarantee to print any or all communications.
I cess . . .
I hour that Ed Irwin is
hanging his hat regularly ai 202 Western . . . Seh and Milly, the personality
Vol. XIX, No. 20
April 5, IMS
Albany, X. V. girl from Page, are hitting the high
spots . . . his name is Uau Van Leuvan and his soiree drag, he swears, is
to he none other than Angna Enters
Since college deans so often face the unpleasant task of sending so-called . . . J have it on authentic report that
'•billets doux" tu students, it is a pleasure to both parties when occasion arises three prominent Slate men were seen
to send a missile bearing glad tidings. On Tuesday, March 12, Dean Nelson in a very clandestine conference at ihe
issued letters to 176 State college students. These were not the usual "billets Capitol's VYomlcrhar . . . I hear that
doux," but letters of congratulation.
The recipients read, in part, in their Qlltc is teaching in Ithaca next year
letters, "Your scholasic achievements and attendance record justify release . . . he and Hush will probably need
from the regulation that requires the Piling of an excuse form for each absence. plenty of elbow grease . . . reports
T h i s privilege is granted to you fur the spring semester. IMS. I am sure that show that three Eta Phi's passed their
you will continue to perform your College duties, class anil assembly, in a manner
bar exams lasi week . . , so did I,
satisfactory to yourself and to your College."
R U T H E,
T h i s is it new idea which Dean Nelson has instigated at State college. Therefore, it : s quite experimental in nature at the present time; and, as with all
experiments, necessitates considerable observation in order to ascertain the results
At this point, data are not yet sufficient to predict the conclusions,
T h e group which received Ibis privilege has been carefully selected. From tht
213 students named on the Dean's List, 17b. or 82.5',c, of these are nut requested
lo file excuses. Absences from assembly during the pasl semester account for
the fact that 1° of those named on the Dean's List for scholastic achievement
must still file excuses. The remaining IK were not grunted the privilege due
to other reasons.
T o date, it has been deemed wise to check on several of this select group in
order to inquire whether or not the increase in number uf absences over those
of last semester is due to a misconstruing of the meaning carried by the letter.
Arc those students able to attend perhaps only one class per week and still
"make the grade"!' If so, ii may be that they are justilied in their absence
from that particular course in case the class holds no particular interest for
them. However, since the College docs have standards lo maintain, should
students not regard them seriously? If a trust has been placed in them, should
they not guard it as they would a personal possession? Should they not keep
their classroom appointments?
At this point no one can say whether the
suits and
experiment will give positive results and
he discontinued.
Dean Nelson believes thai responsibilitj can be given no more rapidly than
very true, 'file question remains,
persons can assume it. This statement
sponsihility ?"
" H o w rapidly can State college students
More thought given ir. all angles of the problem righl now might mean the
coninuing of a very worth while experiment. Now is the time to think and to act.
A new rule for formal dances ai State college has been inaugurated by the
College administration, as announced on page one of thi^ issue. This rule will
be regarded as one lo be upheld by rverv State college student. It goes into
effect Immediately and will be enforced at the next formal dance. Sophomore
Soiree. Students should not regard this as something which has been placed
mi them willl no jiM cause behind il. When siudcnls are given as much liberty
in conducting all of their affairs as students ai ibis college have enjoyed, il is
believed that thev are capable of using proper judgment in their self-administration, However.'when the privileges, are abused lo the extent that the conduct
of a few studellls is siillieienl to place blame upon the whole College, il is time
thill something is done.
f o r m a l dances have had tune limits set upon them.
I hesc limits are not
unreasonable, in fact, tiny are always agreed upon by the stiideni committees
in charge. It appears dial a custom has arisen whereby ihe dancing is merely
transferred at the closing hour from the original dance floor lo others aboui
Ihe city. News such as has been broadcast concerning student conduct at parties
and daiiccs at State, whether true or not, does not place Stale graduates in an
eligible posiiiou to receive a teaching post in any community, We can enjoy
our fun and have our dances and siill maintain the professional init'Rrity of State
college. Wliy lower the possibilities of receiving a leaching position for everyone
simply for a few extra hours of dancing?
T l l h : MAX ()l- S T A T E
K D R D O W N S P O T T E R , 28-21
President Franklin D. Rouse veil
White House
Washington, D, C.
Dear Mr. President:
We transmit herewith the following
resolution which was passed by the
student assembly of ihe New York Stair
College for Teachers on March 22, 1935.
"Resolved, that this student assorialion petition the President nf ihe United
Slates to withhold the naval maneuvers
from the Aleutian Islands,"
It is the deliberate judgment of 1.300
college students. We respectfully call
upon you to maintain friendly relations
with our neighbors across the Pacific
Respectful I v submitted,
Senior Students
Teach Commerce
In City Schools
Practice-leaching of commercial subjects by senium is distributed amoiiu
four high schools in Albany outside of
the Milne High school, according Pi Professor George M. Y*urk, head of the
merce department, The following siudents are teaching al the Albany High
school; Josephine llrille. typewriting ;
Ruth Brooks, bus iicss English; Ruth
Katz, eeonomh
ography; Ruth Van
teaching in the Albany High school
annex include: Mildred Johnson, shorthand 1: Ruth Jenkins, business arithmetic; Lillian Hay, business arithmetic,
The following arc at Philip Schuyler
High school: George Story, bookkeeping :
Agnes Salmon, bookkeeping I ; Jenny
Trauiontaua, shorthand I and economic
geography; Oliver York, shorthand I and
business arithmetic. At Philip Livingston High school, ihe following are
teaching: Rosemary Miggi, introduction
to business; and Dorothy McKnlght,
typewriting I.
A Kappa Helta Khn team defeated an
Edward ISldrcd Potter club live on ihe
The State College Choral society wd
Page hall court Wednesday night, 2S-2I. conduct its annual spring concert oi
It was an even game with each team in ! 'Thursday, May U, in Chancellor's hall
ihe lead pari of the lime. The game under ihe auspices of the Music Associa
followed an iulerfralcrniiv dinner in the tion, according to Susan Smith, '35
cafeteria of Rusted hall.
A P i c t u r e of L i v i n g T h i n g s
-R. E. W.
Biology for E v e r y m a n , by Sir I. Arthur Thomson. Two volumes of 1,60(1
IWSes. IS. I'. Dutton and Co., Int., New York. $5.00.
Lnii a Inn ever he a pel? Most laymen would say emphatically, " N o ; " but
Mr Arthur I honison shows how bats have been made such, and why there is
no reason to lear bats. What are the answers lo millions of biologic questions
which have cume lo the minds uf laymen? Simple questions cannot easily be
answered without ihe aid of biologic principles. What causes hair In he a
certain color and why are mammals ihe only animals which have hair? How
can coral called "dead men's lingers" he beautiful? Such questions are answered
scientifically and concisely by Thomson.
I winy, evolutlun, heredity, and man's position in relation iu other organism''
in the world are much discussed lopics. In a clear and fascinating way, Thomson
pins furth the main ideas about them.
The lirsi volume deals with the animal kingdom touching on all the major
groups. Prom the simplest of animals, the amoeba, lo ihe highest class mammals.
sou carries ihe story of life.
Volume two begins will; "The Drama uf Life." He explains such phenomena
lis the orniation nl pearls due to irritations brought lo a living mollusc. He
lells nrlelly llic theories of animal behavior, mimicry, mutual aid, and other
activities. Ihe discussion of plants is as vilal and interesting as that of animals
l lie latest scicutilic discoveries and theories are included.
Man Is the topic of the las; book. What a r e m n n ' s n a t i o n s ,„ other organisms,
plant and animal? What relation is there between man and silk, alligator farms,
rats, lleas. and Ills domestic animals111 these 1,600 pages wiih 50
mirations are set forth the facts of life in
,7,,,, m
" W . f P e r ' U l i o u s beliefs brought in iu prove the fallacies
I ',
,',' ii"
l 1' i " ' ? , aM«Stion», "When we remember Hull lite has
„. •
, : ; " "! W i l ', 1 N ! , t l l r ° f D r »»n<ln»ls of millions nl
" ' ,?, x » c c l 'I 1 ''" , l » r e should be hints for man's encourngeinenl
and dauger-llags
' • ' hi
'"• warning.
Staff To Add New
Summer Courses
Dr. P a l m e r A n n o u n c e s A d d i t i o n s
T o Curriculum and Lists
Resident Faculty
With several courses thai have never
before been offered at Slate college included in a varied curriculum, the nineteenth annual summer session ol the New
York Stale College for Teachers will
lake place from July 1 to August 13.
Dr. James It. Palmer, professor of education and director of the summer session, has announced the members of die
resident and visiting faculty for this year.
The courses offered that are entirely
new a r e : Latin S112, Caesar, Mis Life
and Tinies; history Slid, HispanicAmerican history; history S150, Reconstruction of the Social Studies; end
commerce S5, tJflice Machine Practice.
Members of the resilient faculty who
will teach at the summer session include:
Dr. A. k . Urubneher, president; Dr.
.Milton (J. Nelson, dean; Mr. Harry
llirchenollgh, professor of malheniatics;
Mr. Winfred C, Decker, professor of
German; Mr. David Hutchison, professor of government; Dr. A. W. Kisley,
professor of history; Dr. George M.
York, professor of commerce;
Arthur K. Iteik. professor of education;
Miss M a n i l a C. I'rilchard, professor ol
lilirari.inship; Dr. James II. rainier,
professor of education; Dr. ('. I'Power, professor of science; .Mr. Clarence A. Ilidley, assislanl professor of
history; Miss Mary h'.lizabetli Cobb,
assislanl professor of library science;
Dr. Earl It. South, assistant professor ol
education; Dr. Doiuial V. Smith, assislanl professor of history; Miss Margarei
Klizahclh Hayes, assislanl professor ol
child development; Mr. Charles .1. I er
rill, assistant professor of commerce;
Mr. II. M. Tcnvilligrr. assistant professor id' commerce; Dr. Ralph A.
Heaver, assistant professor of mathematics; Dr. T. Frederick II. Candlyn,
instructor in music; Miss Marian Chese
hrough, instructor in Latin; Miss Annie
I''. Preston, instructor in brencji; Mr.
Donald C. Ilryant, instructor in llllglisll;
Miss Mary Osborne Bryant, instructor
in English: Mr. b.dward I.. Cooper, instructor in commerce; Dr. Ralphi u .
Clausen, instructor in science; .Miss
Helen C. lames, assislanl instructor m
library science; Mr. Paul II. Sheats.
in physical cducajinn; Dr. William M
French, instructor in education; Dr. Louis
C. lones, instructor in I'.nghsh; iMiss
Thelma Union, supervisor in library
service; Miss Mary Elizabeth t onklm,
supervisor iu English: Miss Grace Martin, instructor in art: Miss Ruth I .
Dudley, assislanl insli'lielor in library
L o u n g e C o m m i t t e e Declares
New Deal For Weekly
A merry duel will probably be fought
ill assembly today. The quibblers and
hecklers will be hi Ihere with botli barrels blazing as the budget is presented.
W e feel n o t at all abashed a b o u t
c o m m i t t i n g o u r s e l v e s at this p o i n t .
W e feel it our humble mission in life
to do w h a t we can t o s e e t h a t s p o r t s
( v a r s i t y , i n t r a m u r a l , m a l e and fem a l e ) are a d e q u a t e l y r e p r e s e n t e d .
As a teachers' college, we are about
ihe top—scholastically. We swing very
nearly ihe olhcr way—•athletically. Nol
so much so in Ihe direction of varsity
inter-collegiale competition, bin very
much so in regard to spoils for everybody.
O u r w o m e n do fairly well for
t h e m s e l v e s . G. A. A. is t h e r e a s o n .
T h e r e f o r e , we u r g e e v e r y b o d y to
v o t e for G. A. A. D o n ' t s t i n t , m y
m a t e s . D o it h a n d s o m e l y .
Our men are nol so well oil. The illtnunural system helps somewhat. M. A.
V will help much more. They need
money. We suggesl giving il 1" them.
Lots of ii.
Round Table Will
Discuss Problems
In Group Meetings
/rmii /'".'«' 1. column
foreign languages department willl Mr,
Winfred C. Decker, professor uf German as chairman, will have as gucsl
speakers Mr. George W. Spaine, principal uf Ihe Mount Pleasant High school,
Schencciady, and Mr. Harold P. French,
district superintendent of schools, Albiiny eollillv. Dr. Harry W. 11 lutings,
chairman uf the English department,
will direct ihe English conference. Miss
Ella Robinson, head of ihe English department of the Albany Girls' academy,
and Mr. 1'rcderick W. Crumb will
-peak. Mr. Crumb is a popular radio
speaker on subjects of local history.
Miss L, Antoinette Johnson, supervisor iu l.alin. will be chairman of the
classics conference.
This group will
feature a demonstration leaching sight
translation to a beginning Latin class,
The niaiheiiiaiics conference will be
lead by Professor Harry Uirchinough,
head of the maibeiuaiics department.
Professor Ailna VY. Risley, head nf the
history and social sciences department,
will he chairman of that group conference. Mr. Harry J. Linton, assislanl superilileildellt of schools ill Schcuecladv and a former member of the
college faculty, will speak. The science
group will have Mr. Carlelon Moose,
supervisor in science, as chairman. Professor George M. York, head of the
be _ in
charge of the commerce group.
library group will have Miss I hclina
F.lllon, librarian iu Milne High school.
i- chairman.
Dr. Allan I licks, professor of child development, will bead
die guidance group.
Men's Intramural
League Will Have
Dinner Wednesday
The Slate college Intramural League
will conduct a dinner meeting in the
eolleue cafeteria on Wednesday, April
lu, ai 5:30 o'clock, lo discus's plans
for an improved program in men's athletics, according to Alex Jadick. '35.
manager uf iniranuiral sports.
I'IM' some years there has been a
definite trend inward more and more
Intramural sports, and now the idea
is culminating in an organization to
secure a broader sports program than
has ever been inaugural ed
'['rack, swimming, soccer, baseball, pushball, basketball, tenuis, and possibly
badminton are in be Included in the
new program.
flans are being made now for an
iniranuiral (rack meet, in be conducted
after the Master vacation- John Ryan.
'S7, and George Story, '35, are in
charge of the details. Il is planned lo
have eleven events, with two men from
each class in each evenl. It is not yet
decided whether awards will be given.
ICvery man interested in athletics at
State college is invited to attend the
dinner-meeting. The charge will be fifty
Baseball Practice
To Begin April 29
Schedule I n c l u d e s T h r e e H o m e
C o n t e s t s and T w o A w a y ;
T o Open May i l
Varsity baseball practice will begin
.Monday, April 29, according lo Rutherford baker, coach. Weather conditions
and vacation will prevent the aspirants
for the spring pastime to report any
earlier and the delay will leave but two
weeks of practice before the opening
Several varsity men of last year will
be on hand around which.Coach Maker
will build ibis year's team. John Culleu.
'37, will bold down the mound position.
Freddie Byrnes, another sophomore, will
likely he seen around the initial sack.
Ken Drake, '35, captain, will round out
his College career with four years service in the "hot corner." Jerry Amyol
and James Quigley, juniors, will undoubtedly secure two of the outfield
This year's schedule includes three
home games and two away, according
In Karl libers, '36, manager.
The contests booked a r e :
May 11 Oswego
" ' IS llarlwick
I lamilton
The Young Women's Christian association will conduct an Easter card party
Tuesday night at K:UU o'clock iu the
Lounge of Richardson ball to raise funds
for Silver Hay delegates. Lisa Smith.
W, general chairman, announced today.
Refreshments will be served and prizes
The charge is twenty-five cents
a person.
Committees for the card party are as
follows: tables. Dorothy Clapp, '38;
refreshments, Julia Merchant. '3o; decorations, Anne Rand. '37; prizes. Kathleen Strevell, '37; and publicity, Katherine Cnuklin, '38.
Laura Styn, f33t was a house guest of
Ileta Zeta sorority last week-end.
A Non-Profit M a k i n g E n t e r p r i s e
Special S t u d e n t s ' L u n c h e o n 20c
llutter Portrait* 'I'll Help Von Toward Suceeiis
.Stiuliii Conveiltunt lo Stilt" Collortu
Eor Appointment Tultiplinnti 2-4541
C o r n e r M a d i s o n Ave. a n d Q u u l l
Dial 5-1913
" 5-9212
D. J e o n e y , P r o p .
61 Cfllumbiaiifeffdoorobo* f&i
Y.W.C.A. To Conduct
Easter Card Party
Ritxi I i v Becomes V iolc l i t
I n D i s a b l i n g '37 B a n n e r
Wl v (lint h irassed loo i ol Ihe
sophs a c e s ; a e they hud m g l)OUl
u s s i n g CI riier o l thei ' bai n e t ?
hey d i s l i rbeil hi cans e it m a r s
mlurnl 1 entity w l l i l Il i
ordiu irily he d i s p l a y i tl a S, i r e e . '
Mayl e some ' ( the r e s h m a n g i r l s
c o u l d tell them something l l i o l l
Jack Murphy seems o 1 link thev
i what i n i l o r g i tiahl e CX
c l u e makes h i m sus| ICIOl s o f
girls of '38)? Well. the blue and
w h i l e has see l i e d ,1 plei e o l Ihe
limine r
and sub hied Ihe
w< n d e r
p i esidenl - - n o
sophi nore
d i 1 (h SI 1 •cshl.esli, Knox i^
man women.
New deals everywhere—it's the
style. Why not? What's the latest
new deal?
Come down to the
Lounge sonic Wednesday afternoon
about 3:15 o'clock, and discover what
the new deal has done for State students and faculty members.
the same tea, the same brand of
cookies, but the social atmosphere has
been thoroughly renovated; witness
the tea Wednesday, at which Dean
Moreland and Miss Lester, aided by
Kli/abeih Griffin, Mo, initiated talks
and conversation between faculty and
students, the prime purpose of the
Everyone iu attendance enjoyed the social contact with students and faculty.
The leas will lie continued fur several weeks. Come to I be Lounge;
meet your faculty on a non-classroom basis; learn lo know them as
friends, not as automatons before
a class. The new State college motto
will be, "I'll see you at the Lounge
Boulevard Cafeteria
and Qrill
198-200 C E N T R A L
D I N N E R , $1,00
A L B A N Y , N . Y.
S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S , A P R I L 5, 1935
Alumnae Activities
To Be Tomorrow
Sororities To Have
Teas Over Week-end
I'he Physics, Cllemistrv, and Hiology
clubs will' repeal their exhibitions of
Thursday afternoon and evening tomorrow morning for the benefit of the
visitors to the Round Tabic conference
according to John liawes. '35. president
of the Physics club. The exhibits include photo-electric effects, gyroscopic
phenomena, and electrostatic experi-
Intramural Sports
To Include Track
Two sororities will conduct studentIntramural sports will continue its
spring program with class track meets,
faculty leas over the week-end.
according to John Ryan, '37, manager.
Phi sorority will he at home tomorrow
Class captains have been appointed to
afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock at
assist the class managers in the selecBasktball Games, Award Dinner
366 Western Avenue. Mrs. A. \V. Ristion
of candidates for each team.
and Musical
ley and Mrs. M. Iigelston will pour.
The field events will include running
Constitute Program
Delta Omega will conduct its tea
high jump, running broad jump, polt
Sunday afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00
vault, shot put and possibly disco-.
All organization
budgets for
the Track events will consist of inn vard
o'clock- at the sorority house at 473
Basket hull games in I he afternoon, Western Avenue. Carolyn Johnson and 1335-36 student tax must be in the hands dash. .'_'() vard dash. -Ml vard dash,' 880
of the finance board by April Hi.
vard run. and 8S0 yard 'relay.
and a dinner and musical comedy hi Ruth Brady will pour.
the evening will constitute the program
for the annual Alumnae day to he conducted tomorrow by the Girl's Athletic
association, nccording to Janet Norris,
'35, general chairman of the program.
There will-lie two basketball games,
Recording ,lo Elisabeth llohbie, '36, in
charge of basketball. At 2:30 o'clock
there will he a game between the freshmen of Stale and the alumnae of Cornwall High school, and at 3:30 o'clock
the Stale varsity will play against the
one thlttif c
line about
nevet act tittle ctumh
or tobacco in mil mouth
State alumnae.
Following the games
there will be a stunt for which the cast
t .unit out and
Elizabeth Appcldoom, Katherine
Conklin, Christine
that tt'j a ntttdet
cictatette — and «r>* vc
ai(ds a tot to inn jnea.uttc or smoklna
Edgecumbe, and Charlotte Peck, freshm e n : Sue Caldwell, Helen Clyde, Ida
J a n e 11 am moil d, and Elizabeth Scott,
fteatd a luunbez or peojne Jan ttte Jame thina
. . . e x ' notice mote and mote or mtf
sophomores; Mary Elmemlorf, Elisabeth
llnlibie. and Charlotte Rockow, j u n i o r s ;
and Daisy Bryson, Hilda Heines, Sally
Logan, Janet Morris, and Harriet Ten
Eyck, seniors.
The award dinner-meeting will be
conducted in the cafeteria of Hustcd
hall at 5:30 o'clock. Miss Isabelle Johnsion. instructor in physical education,
will present the awards earned for
pari icipat ion in winter sports, Lois
Mclnlyre, '35, is general chairman and
committees to assist her a r e : entertainment. Elsa Smith, '37: decorations, Anne
Rand, '37; waitresses. Hilda Heines,
programs, Virginia Stoel,
faculty, Irma Anderson, '38; and cleanup, Jean Edgecumbe, '38.
Tile original musical comedy; "The
Farmer in the Dell" will he presented
in the auditorium of Page hall at 8:15
o'clock. Dancing will follow the play in
Page hall gymnasium.
Committees assisting Miss Xorris for
lite Alumnae day include: business
manager, Sally Logan, '35; announccmenls, Elsa Smith. '37: basketball,
Elisabeth llobbie, '36, chairman, Mary
Elmendorf ami Ruth DuflV, juniors;
reception. Emily t-Jurlbut, '35, chairman,
and Charlotte Peck, '38; and publicity,
Dornihv Cain. '38. chairman, and Margaret llnf and Evelyn O'Brien, juniors.
HTeres somemiing about a diestcriielcl
News I
N o j o b t o o small for us t o call
f o r — a n d d e l i v e r , . . even
a shine 1
Dyeing all shacks
J O F F T. F I . K S I I M A X ,
axe -/rlUdet
*Jade ttScllct
State Collegel
Y u t . . X I X , Net. 2 1
S T A T E C O L L E G E FOR T E A C H E R S , A L B A N Y ,
Spanish Carnival
[To Be Tomorrow
G u a t t e r y , '36, is C h a i r m a n ;
(en's P r o c e s s i o n t o O p e n
Five-Act Program
W ^ H g a y "eaballcros" and "scnoritas,
the j f i - n t m i i h annual Spanish Carni
be the concluding high-light of
i lu> week-end tomorrow night in the
auditorium of Page hall, Emma Gnattery, '36, is general chairman of the
program which is being sponsored by
the Spanish' club.
The evening's festivities will he inaugurated with a procession at 8:JO
o'clock, led by die Spanish Queen who
was elected in the student assembly
two weeks ago. Her identity is a secret: the candidates for queen arc Evelyn
Crulchley, Ailecn Dexter, and Julia Reil.
seniors. The two candidates who received the next highest votes will be attendants to the queen.
Following the procession the general
program of entertainment will consist of
five acts, the themes of which arc as
Act 1. A program <>f singing with
flie theme "The Street Singer." directed
bv Kathrvn Crowd!, '35.
Act IT. A ,hort play in Spanish.
"Careless Love," directed by Betty
Gregory. '35.
Act 111. A program of guest artists
including a trio of three women members of the Albany Women's club, and a
guest dancer, Evelyn Bf twins, who has
studied under several noted New York
Act IV. A comedy, with a theme developed around the idea of a "puppet"
show, entitled "The Dreamer."
Act V. A program of dancing directed by Lois Mclutyre, MS, the theme
of which will he "Carnival in Valencia."
Additional features of the evening will
he balloon men, flower pirls, and candy
girls, who will contribute to the carnival
Committees who will assist Miss
Guattery are as follows:
Sam Silverman, '3d; queen, Dorothy
Schumacher, '37: and finance, Ruth
Rouse, '37,
As the sophomore smoothies dip to
the strains of Gene Sammarco's orchestra at the annual sophomore
Soiree tonight, trains and flounces of
pastel shades will sweep the doors.
Among the best-dressed dancers favorite fabrics will be nuitelasse, satin
and organdies. Pink, white and blue
will predominate as colors, while a
few of the more patriotic will wear
red for their class.
sandals will he almost exclusively
Amid the golden or raven locks,
stars and bars of brilliants will gleam
to be reflected in sparkling earrings
ami crystal necklaces, We even have
it in strictest confidence that one
young miss is going to keep her curls
in place with a coy blue ribbon,
Early M o r n i n g Swim
|day, May 1
will conduct a dinay, May 1, in the
nail at 0:15 o'clock.
Dr. A. N. liru. Dr. Domini V.
lessor of history.
ttend include: Dr.
mi of the College,
Moreland, dean of
S o i r e e t o be f r o m 9:00 t o 2 : 0 0 ;
Sammarco's Californians to
Furnish Music
The class of 1937's first major social
event will begin tonight at 9:00 o'clock
in the ballroom of the Aurania club,
when members of the sophomore class
and their guests open the spring social
season with their Soiree. Alice Allard,
vice-president of the class, is general
chairman of the event.
Gene Samtnarco and his N B C orchestra will be the featured artists for
the dance.
also furnished the music for Junior Tea
Decorations, which will include the
sophomore banner, will he in the class
colors, red and white. Banner rivalry
has been suspended for the entire weekend, from 8 :l)0 o'clock last night until
8:00 o'clock Monday morning.
Bids for the Soiree are $2.75, and
may he secured in room X all day today,
or at the Aurania club tonight.
The dance will continue from 9:00 to
2:00 o'clock, in accordance with the
rules for formal dances announced
A l ice Allard,
i ce- president of the
by the college administration last week.
Soph. H11C •re class. w llo
enernl chairThe faculty guest's of the Sophomore
man t o r Soiree.
class will include: Dr. A, R. Brubacher,
president, and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr. MilANNOUNCES VACATION
ton G. Nelson, dean, and Mrs. Nelson;
The annual spring
(Continued on pane 3, column I)
'I'lie committee for the dinner includes:
Helen Williams, chairman,
Zulires, Grace Vorkey, Harold Rcissig,
and Elton Murphy.
All freshmen intending to he at the
dinner arc to sign up on the bulletin
hoard •! the rotunda of Draper hall at 8:10 o'elocl
beth Van Denhni
before ,'ucsday, April .10.
The debate between the teams from
E x c u s e f o r m s fc
the sophomore and freshman classes, c u r r i n g on A p r i l 1
part of the intcrclass rivalry in which the E a s t e r r e c e s s ) ,
the two classes are competing, originally d a y f o l l o w i n g the E
scheduled to take place in assembly this I m u s t be p r e s e n t e d to D
morning, has been postponed until May 3. p e r s o n not l a t e r than
Three Subjects
To Hold Interest
In 11:10 Assembly
The interest of die student body will
he centered around three important matters to be taken up in the 11:10 o'clock
student assembly in Page ball auditorium
morning, according to Clifford Rail.
'35, president of the student association,
The first business in order will be
consideration of (he proposed amendments to I he constitution, which were
debated at the last meeting, and which
are to come up again at this meeting for
further discussion,
for the replacing of the sidewalk within
A vote will also be taken on the resothe sjuadranglc between the buildings lution introduced at a previous meeting
and new sodding where needed.
No to drop from the college budget any
sidewalk is to he widened, as it appears item not supported by 80% of the student
to be along the south side of Richardson body. It is felt by
hall. To be enlightening and specific, the high percentage, and ke
planks arc merely to widen the roadbed ticipated on this mcasui
for the trucks,
Lastly, there will he ndminatiil
Hie work 7s being accomplished l>y | student aassociation officers for n<
relief labor, supervised by Mr. According to the constitution, i
n i„le
J. B. Hunt, superintendent and chief en- dent will he nominated from J
gineer of the College buildings. There bers of the incoming senior!^ • s s ,
are three crews of twenty each working vice-president from the incomfl
on the project in succeeding intervals.
Each laborer is employed three days class, a secretary from t h e f l
class, a faculty meuH• of the
out of nine as set up by the state relief sophomore
finance board, and a song I c w l f l3 men's
cheer leader, and a women's c l H
The reason for the seemingly long Each class will submit two H
period for a small construction job is for office of song leader, aiitPVWk- man
m this fact that there is entire use of and one woman for the office < if cheer
band labor instead of machinery. All leader. Election of the above officers
use of compression machines has been will take place on .May .1, t he first
cut out. Tn this way there is much less meeting after the spring recess,
noise, a fact greatly appreciated by the
The freshman-sophomore deba (e, origprofessors and students working in the inally scheduled for this morni
ng, has
immediate vicinity.
been postponed.
Classes Will Move Up And
Bat No Sidewalks For May 17
"No, it's not to he a swimming pool
guess again."
"Well, it might he for shufllchoard,
or else to keep us off the grass."
"Wrong again, your guess was as
good as mine until 1 became curious
and Inquired from Ben Lock wood, who
is in charge of the workmen on the big
excavation out in front of Page hall."
Here's news what is news! Straight
goods, too. The replacing of the expansive crisscrossing sidewalks between
Richardson and Milne buildings will not
be completed for another six or eight
weeks—probably some time in June.
And itisl think, Moving-up day is scheduled for Friday, May 17. There's where
tlu- problem comes in. It looks as if
we'll have to walk the straight and narrow paths that morning and stay within
i be red lanterns at night. However, the
work is being done by sections, and the
center strip will he untouched until
after that colorful day.
The contract made by the state calls
$2.25 P e r Year. 32 W e e k l y
Sophomores Will Conduct First Major
Social Event Tonight At Aurania Club
The rest of the Frosh thought the
rumor was a joke. Knox didn't know
what to make of it. The sophomores were sure something was going
to happen. So—Knox got ducked.
A group of sophomore men, undaunted by their long (1 :()()) vigil
the night before which was unsuccessful because of the activities of the
stool-pigeons, arose at (i:(K) o'clock
yesterday morning, apprehended the
freshman president on his way to
school, tossed him in Washington
park lake.
Al Dumont, '37, the chief abolut inner, extended congratulations on
the sportsmanlike manner in which
Knox look die baptism.
Occasion for the deed: the sophomore desk editors needed a feature
for their edition of the X u u s ,