StateCollege News $2.25 Per Year, 32 Weekly Issues. STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y., FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1930 VOL. X I V . No. 18 DEAN IS APPOINTED COLLEGE TRUSTEE TO GET 1 OF 12 STUDENT STUDENTS COMMITTEE GAINS TRANSFER TICKETS SEES BALL GAMES AT DOOR TONIGHT LIBRARY PROMIS A b r a h a m Lincoln University N a m e s Dr. M e t z l e r Board M e m b e r Park Too Far Away 6 0 People W r i t e In Questionnaire Of Newspaper Students changed for ing of Alia of Dean William named ham a trustee Lincoln conducted in 11. New of Metzler the new university at at the H o t e l York, a dinner Wednesday, 12. L i n c o l n ' s birthday. was t h e anniversary first oi t h e idea Only of one of serve Dr. Metzler with trustees. These professor Columbia "(Juest nett of university Hall, president Millar, \'ew Churchc.-; lessor of William I university ; Smith, head master at ,, ler, brother 1). of J. Dwight Sampson, lucky; tle. York; George has trustees of the coin iniiversitv • Roy Curtis, hain Lincoln Dr. I nrlis both original three ceived the Lincoln idea university among to its be the student to c niuiiilv world The in an ideal is parts of after leaders due the u n i v e r s i t y other higher learning, according d'he d e v e l o p m e n t Metzler. will be a specifn Mi,- board of oi trustees of the was Di |), Mel.-l,-r, ,,,,,| I), ap Woollev. In I'i Di reor The said notice { " l i k l ' con- Di i have Hall, I m l , v. •.. -aid. ' lln act he for on we hop, and -,ek Ten 3(1 stated time and muled the that Ilv „io|,t II..' \i Ih. , , | S all m i , , ol I in Mow ! 1 w, , I,'- \ ,,, pla) pieliunnarv t h . - same p, I ib, I tin I- I,,on, ge," added contests. they had not come lav spirit I of lie e l i m i n a t e d -III.', in 11 >'. i > ed o n ' i - m - oi all oi -line this (hi ol ol will, b Male I in men's , ouiposed stars ol lionKhin. Joseph Bein,ml Slate college h.ul.a- m i mle-. bv College veai, he m l , i, ollegiate Ih will l o i mei i aggrega I hided hall. It \1 in will afternoon JK o l the i at live llow.od . m lb, the ba.-keiuall playing mi i) will ||„ |„,ai,l I itimh, n bv I hi ipuuoii \ , was u ihioiigh - 'lb, '30. basketball i bv l'i"l of :V ha ' to pi,, i this with - ol their ceremonies tin! ^"ll 'vo-l'",'.',„'"n,'n Hui-l'-li-ii'! II.I,n ' L' Paul, v ,,,,,„,. item, a com lung lo argil , ','.' ,,,,-: ture. cuts ..f argued b\ lo a ..m ben, fit m nr.-cu l'i mi i -in bv •• now," i g of, ihe ,i i ' kail, • I noil. ,„ i i „ „ , bitt'li le-ilpng '|i n w helped '„,, l - „ ,.,,-, i la -, could iniintain ;' , „, budget, the be legisla- and the item time Mr. would after last being The other were very not being no budget have the bill entered is A. President the we that there the bill's "In on little passed K. B r u - fifteen item years, w h i c h was printed." members of Emanuel the c o m - Green, with I). lo make tin proper '30, around which A l Wednes- ' 3 1 , is c h a i r m a n , for be will submitting authorities t,, juniors. of Brubacher plans $10,000 lantic their used to petition to build a the College. ( itv I' ' " I i I.I i ' l'»o. I l l I'-'" I, ^ ''-" ' w r r k I r K,,o, ,,,„l l l u to ( l a . em e A . profe.--or llu ' ' " ' Imdgel caused Slate students n said bv to ol notice depletion lilt.pav I lidley, history, -ludelil neglect their asand board uf of $"80 of seventy $14 t a x , will blank o| ol be 1 ' ' I', editi at i n n ,,i lea, h e r - ' the u--ocia- women'.iltd,del colby ' ' ' ' Albany attend ' i oillei i diica the (oaves, educasessions Commis- oi education ; and George M- ;'~l I \ \ iL y. commissioner of secondary , ., . : i 1 1 of M High l ( ollege received I' proniiiieiit ho K,,,., .-..i j l „ r ,1! I i , ' various have 1 will \ II I1II - . ,, i . , . , , I ,„kl,,,,.,,,. It, m \ ' ' d u c a i i o u , Coo,,. dean- w i n . I, Di -loin i i,ill,HI i n n ling tin gi-, (lib.i "I »' ' I"' " " ' " " ' " '"idgcl l a i ia op i ip s r, o xw ha n the ! ) is $1,000, dm- t oaca j ' It i ni n itp i oi im oi'ling loin Milne I I , , l i , II.,1 „ , • H' . I I I Ill, I I I A i i hi tin Hon i.l I h. . 1 \li.i... l. • 1. . - , -s ol " nine I he d i - i l i - - national ,1, • ' , in,hug , lll I'rof.-sor principal tfi iv d i 11, 1 l l : Hughes, Dr. Basch, dav ".'Iv',','' D u e ' " ' - • ' •'"•• ' Ruth T h e fence c o m m i t t e e , ' olh ge-. It w i-he.l | " " m b e r iii'.'.v d i ' V com v', l'u, b .,' ,- , u l ,,Mg | , - , of has been and of Sayl.-. llano, I n . - ! . . i i.ln I ' mil I- ; !. , | -,, I ' l o v|.„,.|.o , , , t l , i . • rg.ini/atn.ns ihe la, k 'enlung ,d, first is now the 4 Members Of Faculty Attending Conference Ma, -hall 'i in, n the Mr. eventually assurance uiitee ' j fine ' Pe . , ,-lanl loll,, in a form and Hewitt that declared know altered i , ,. , I,, I „.. via, , ..„ II., I •','.- \ , l , I ,,.!, ' ,n \,,.,,lii.g the "' '"'""''""•"• - ' r ^ ' " 1 ''»••»!''"'"«Vii ^ ' ,'',";/, l'i ,,, . |, Hi. nuuihers n cotu- commit- guarantee in will fell form of bacher. I for I oai I ol it Mr. books, danger I will the vote is proper the - r , ,„;' thai abolition the Hewitt printed definite fred to -ub expeli-, villi in the committee, he Both coiifer o n e . " he said, the ill, F.berly accepted. in I,r'''V,'.,'.',','',',' ""k'-.o ' i " | '',,. . ' , , in..--. ! i „ I i. I and dclav Mr. form "This baseball.I class, senate, J. eotll- .m. lo, , " ; l ,";• ' pel Honed for Charles the finaiicv the College to Hutchinson ! - . ' • • I, If, -I VI]-li., has plan of which for winch be ,,,,,,.„, .,,1 slum,, i, <•"••'-• • " . • ! ! ' • bv fortunate. finding ' ' . H' I " ' ' " " , . , . Man. Ju.1,1. I' - •• K,,,_. I Law,.,,... K-'l, K. • , President A . R. B r u b a c h e r is t o I ,.,,„, K.. , | . ml VI, ii, \ \ , il a.\ ; i ! 11n- c o n f e r e n c e of the N a l M U l l i . i I I., l.i i- ,,| Mall- , i M li.1.1 , F.duciitioii a s s o c i a l i o n at A t - |,,,s,.|,,,l| was aided class a-•,'',',, ! ' . ' • , an, ~b'i'-'. I, ill I was uhmi'.led week, and have ';•'*; II II, tin repairs Draper, and was very in the I lutchinson initiation-. will | , „ T who ,|, Id • support i.ip.oi- F n deiick j , , , , , manager 1 '-o- a motion decision beuilii ,, Ih, The conducted formal Mill, i. ,',', f,fr\ inn heal, d to o r g a n i / i , , „, .u ! .liiuiiil,,i ol v it,ad Baker want •poii wa- n i.l ,,l attempt baseball ,11 o i i i n k I nialerial puicba-ed . , was f o r o f die I n i - i u e - - of t i n D e l t a ; ready winch in- hrst proposed, "ii ihe men Organizations Receive 7 Percent Budget Cut not ihiuu ., lln ,| of The old bill I law lev. chairman librarv l-.lll- a coaching oiolii ! , , , I he apparatus athlein | lt<on -- Moinhiv Rutin l lord I toinoiiow M a t , c l h ge , a i ,|,.,,, ,,f , ,b,- ah punha-nl itinong b-,,i,| lirsi rtlnnlln ,,,,,, M-,ai u - Decision I , , I , . two lack slitute anient Game Tomorrow Night To Have Score-Board \ | w ithdiawal In not I ' ..I -indent association be lolish varsitv baseball. the minutes ,|K, " ' )"j I.iv in t h e i m d i i l . 14 men who attended 'Ibis Richard announced. loi the be M ;"' in , , ! , , , of on the presence members. said, -uggestcd Wain,„,,,. . i , -l„,„n -aid A Iter •in nt, m, d i n g Moore --I , | | Mill,,' an m e n ' - team -peak id, , , | I | jj j Ii | | possibl. Used 1.o I I., I, I I ll.ll l,,r is l ,\" ,„ , „ ' . - , . : vi.u , nlid | be room he M..,.'.' adopted inav 15 | I m mi'mi,',','-hi|!'-" I i.'.'iuiln' B, I. „ \ ., • ai be ' ^ ' - K l 11 .pie ,1, hale. lln- M i - eithi r |..i (oilbu up ..Kid Ion, ' lot I,, Id the no him- while , l , llu '30, tee. Sigma number services initiation n No in the §40,000 There the the one I'hi sororities ami I I . H O . - M . , ! dav j will II ion I G. L a V e i n e Alleibach, l . ' R, -ul,|,,| Rea, h was entered k together. of by is '3u, In M a i , -. eveepl same .mdidat, - w i l l oil is a l l u n i l Cousins, way • „i ! l \ \ mil team Heiucv, I poll, e plan,I Cochrane, year eleven. sororities about \lb.uiv Maul. Ken Ihi- I hnl i bv 1 lamihoii c n v ba-e ol .11 ---I games I pr. .posit lollow nig basketball Flainis bv I the lln S, ,|i a i n i a l i i e u l livollts be basketball Mueiiiau lollege Male and plaved ,| 4 15 o'clock association I u.ic ,ilin,mi the Anthouv lair, Coll ol according i u t e n olh-giale Athletic loi \pnl to ,,i U lllll - Saturday. ; the lack ol n o l o i l l , \ ' i w - h'lidav in e \ ., nee, led ,1,1,.,I, | adequate '30, president v.o sits bv the lln- M ...ii . I of c o u n t i pletion •.11 li K.lnioinU. M l , Kile Ilinei-n, ColliSink Ma.k-lun- Mi Ki \ n.l. i I'IIPI.-UH, I i a u , , \p \ | „ | „ „ , H I , , ,„m-v. ( h.-,,l.,u, Cli lias, ami l l a o u t n - \ h „ | , | , n . h , - l „ , i , n teams.'" lime in halls. i uiitlee col- ' M f o r absence ! VVi"i*l manager qileslioii the for State inferior the cau-es > \\ I be , - and at be r e m e d i e d , a c c o r d i n g ,,,in,eil mglil, nl,p, I i l l , ,1 w o m e n ' s 1 the ,1a., in Is. committee Hewitt, _' c o i n l o o late in vc a r . " , . . . . thought ol going. Not g i r l - a t t e n d , " a n d " W e olllv Several tin-1 ! " '. | > I chosen l l a n n l p n ,,,11 poll, v 7 :.I0 o ' c l o i k j Athlc'i. the o n l y -i I too worked games, iii because w e p l a y , .nlinued , , i , will, Saluidav \ i i o t l u i j In to I in .villi I In la-l M I - ill al ! ,.n le.,hi \ I, l plaved all u..| \ in., rea- and facilities" the committee. correction Cochrane I lamina Raima I'lii ,,i :i formal |-|niis.|in ninlit ucl.uiiinl int.. full m.-iii I,,-,' I-'ISHllal.eoek. Helen l-l„ri-n<-i llinlin, r, I ainlyl. Clu islians.-n, Minimi ( l i u n l i , Lois l.oiil, KiKiiiii I'arki i , .•sill M., , « i | | ,-oniliict formal inilia 11. li ,.kll|. Those win. m o - wel,.,,„,I , „ , . , ,.l..,lm. ,mii,h,rslii|, MUII,lav air: Naomi Albr.-i lit, Doioilij Crunk, Kl,..:,!„ ih Cunlon, Kosaliml Ka|,|,-, K.litli included, of that had "Comes .Never Hough intent project, , , | ,1,-1,.,I, ,1, ban l o , - on i, bv gymnasium, piohlbiled I. r e m . llu the ilruiulholer, w o i n . n's ,oe l„ i l l , II i,ni-' I bis the ol when contest in oi ah gvm hopine in. i ,|,i I I b, Wa-bliig lilting will mghl in a pi, row !h. pi i l,,i n i . o n e game ,,,,.now in -li , i i g l l u lied hue ahniini loi l.colge I,nihil.iv b, , n w.oiioi In. ball. .III.I a n I,a:' the . a.lmc < „>ld , , ' , |o, 1-. I'.ILM mm nn.iati has : - , ii,,,,i' and -iln a total in largest had a State college, a c c o r d - Warren , man, and collegiate Men I'm p i , The neophytes, have for repairs, r e - windows, library of the roofs to in '"'J:'1! y w, , , lac the calls for have I in conference this to Gamma pledged losing | Twelve distri- to d o , 4 the could read per- Ireshmeii taken pledge and' two c societies Thirteen Besides l o i ei I I I,, 4j were a l l been work of the sororities week. thirteen be library. reworded, the committee Reasons not to 1 lusted letter Omega state will Uuld dl lir I AST YFARl ' ' ' ™ " " ' <lu- ways LHJI IC/in ""-"";ll](1 ] | | ( .. l | l s ( . , 1 I l l m i l U r ,,( , h l . i i s s c n l b l v , i lo eleven. was no | t h e i r had -Indents college the alter members pledged seats, game, assembly. from from e.unes, t o the actress according this dred staved no there PURPLE AND GOLD Varsity Debaters Get -nun inWARRIORS TO FACE 2 Contests For Teams 1. \^:^;::,::^IMI ALUMNI TOMORROW ,,,;;•;.;•,'•••;;,;.'il;'iil11;1 ;,;•,;!•,;:":' wiii new did live la-l. t h e M ireek companions staled above had speak pledged taken while the q u e s t i o n n a i r e absence pels, iheir lie get where the Add several Seven lotallv fact, lure." not simplv college the thai much council,' be alter Russia hall secretary's Russian. I'wenlv i - I been the games. because reasons these, a- "In will did to to as of chairman the club new go State in sons -Indent- Mu-ic conductor in, "7 of t h e i n - ! were of of back-stage native' formal printed services, will to away The at re- of to hi- voiced the oi no ing by Theatre and D r . ten M v -k.uu.i. support -indent to the a total and there Thre produced Naziniova THAN ' n / 1 " teams. attendance at rehear- as of the game, had whom because A student bead agreed down alreadv In failed support. and oi 1'ascbali. because entertainment I meet year rehearsal orchestra ot or had end Fortv-two Hawley S0P0RITJES TAKE 25 MORE PLEDGES be day t h e g a m e thev "Th This part a new "provision The oi the d i d not k n o w Students students withdrew organize sanction last Schad first o| her j than stayed '30, p r o - will student department, Candlvn I ' u p i n , J to lord.oi. u with college, -Indent Candlyn, Since a same from hall appropriation llooring, '30, w h o was b o r n Madame go "The into bill, C.'li city. Maslan. formance din time away because of will the for commuted awav was. awav for an orchestra was f o r the M i s - Schad llu an- a Twenty-five " T h e new a d v i s o r y I to t i n - i oimnitiee to orchestra, but Miss dwindled |)r. oi f o i n i d a l ion. t n r > \ t attempt. ... was made Frederick music of char- by t h e e d u c a t i o n a l D,w,v, by stayed York the and were The $40,000 night Hawley on year, Anton Keportorv Monday that - a i d the the before time field. their from which which Last of appointed gained as- officials has vaude- "Katcrinc," Orchard." Civic Sim.HI attend- three committee association remodelled America Theatre library the student surance fam- performed stage. in plavs, New as late at making stayed convenient L i f t State group to insufficient 4 work sufficient year Schad, -elect attempt ! independent coinmittee iiiember- to awav too either to buted ported iiisti nction pointed this a symphonv D r . i .,,].. purpose Frieda ol o f G inductor. to and they field two made in ,)rcvious , . . colleague-. dil-• institutions in be will to initiated idea is atper the 5') p e o p l e over 44 . - i n d e n t s , - s m tune second endeavor their the not not of Mann-, who Lin- F O R orchestra ,,, An T. from an , form their in spreading fereiit the twelve ductor. of which all third attempt '"ember* character body the ganize peace. a i m oi acler lor c o n - I Wednesday Lincoln's were go for that Twentv-fonr With Abraham back be ^,^r-»«,..^ , the The kov's Sisters, plaved. A T T E M P T were r on from ot ORCHESTRA A l > r a - 1 accor<liiiK first is t o b u i l d a n d sent graduation ,,1 of ago. recruited world of they university a year birthday the men, one Abraham WILL MAKE THIRD president president for marked staving game, lo w nnrnrCTD A Company; incorporators. other named STATE New Foundation and Dr. M i l l a r for Fifty-four Ken- of M. Ycrrity, Mill been H . Metzler pro- 11. T u t - attorney Rolling William C o l !, . . . Flynii of Charles Slates American and Morrow; Honorable i'nited an D e Morrow, Governor 17 played to by and world Art also The Graham, in the cinema, has legitimate she were reasons distance However, ause of ('. u n i t y Johnson the T. Dramatics came Moscow here and Three I Cherry reasons _' reason the 3.S h a d i he s c h o oo l ;f MM ao r yu n tK n ul lnoal v o\k\e, . a lcl eoyl. Ceiieral chief games president lege; about people eason Kamloll Heaver regularly. noti-attcndcrs or »,-h gillie. the I'upin, r iigcnc in the q u e s t i o n n a i r e , the ville, at 8:30 o ' c l o c k at t h e d o o r , ac- the who Budget Reworded To Include C o m p l e t e Remodelling Of Hawley Hall by auditorium Naziniova, actress in The ing H. of electro-mechanics ,. umlna council. from < >f 2\ 1 s i i d e u t s attended by Sixty Stan- 1', d e r a t i o n Michael oi Art of ex- tickets House" the tonight yet tax to the read- Katherine president appeared ques- person. Jordan, secretary York the not "Doll in transfers to '30, ous g a m e s , ae- on seventy-seen tending, Ben- I.elaud university; mineral (•re.iter given I'niversity Starr emeritus Junior Dav of Arnold of thev John and author hall make the o n the board at David -aid twelve by t h e N K W S Friday. hundred will philosophy president tally conducted answered of pro- life include for C e r t a i n t y " ; Oregon; ford business out baseball the who and educational, and Dewey, men distinguished woman of to tionnaire the uni- student varsity ording of the assembly fessional, of one attends The din- versity, Twelve Page Madame Febru- ary Ibsen's cording Commodore ner inauguration Abra- have student of admission Naziniova may M e n M e e t Monday For Long Talk Session, B u t Fail To M a k e Decision was who their tickets is | ol and all ihe the o t h e r educalion mem department Professor York Will Address Students In Assembly Today Professor George M. York, head of Ihecommerce departmint, will a h h e s s the student a-seniblv lo lav, according t o Malum 1 1 otto, '.III, president ,,| the -nub- i association. ile will -p, .,k on the necessity fin the broad si kind o| training 11«Mil the ph, menial, a n d feeling sides "Too many people Han, along, , uly on, hue," P r o ic-soi » o i k aid. " 1 hi y become silelltlsl-, in ,1 ui.iilu mat ii" ians. and fail t o n i nine human beillgS," he col Imued. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 Dr. Metzler among the other original contributions made by mathematicians of the whole world. One of Dr. Metzler's theories has been incorporated in "Lehrbuch Established In 1916 by the Class of 1918 Der Combinatorik," a German university textbook, and The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers is known as the Metzler theorem. Abraham Lincoln university is fortunate in numbering THE NEWS BOARD Dr. Metzler among its trustees. Mis contributions to the Editor in Chief Louis J. WOI-NEH educational thought of the university's program will be 54 West Street, Telephone 4-5449 MARGARET H E N N I N G E Advertising Manager a dynamic impulse in advancing a theory of character building which has lacked distinctive emphasis in higher 503 Washington Ave., Telephone 4-5602 J A N E J. FORMANEK Finance Manager education. Chi Sigma Thcta House, 302 Quail Street, Dial 6-6255 State College N e w s ALFRED D. BASCH Managing Editor 811 Madison Avenue, Dial 6-2004-J DOROTHY BRIMMER Associate Managing 7 Sard Road, Dial 4-0095 Editor THE NEW SPIRIT IN ACTIVITIES A new type of activity at State college was this year placed on the calendar of extra-curricular events when MARGARET J. STEELE Feature Editor eighteen women recently volunteered to do social ser224 Jay Street, Telephone 3-1780 vice work under the auspices of the Young Women's This form of student effort is SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Caroline Kotrba, '30; Genevieve Christian association. Winslow, Jewel Johnson, juniors. DESK EDITORS: Nctta .Miller, an abrupt departure from the self-satisfying activity '31, George P. Uicc, '32. JUNIOH ASSIICIATK EDITORS: Catherine enjoyed in oilier lines. Broderick, Mildred Hall, Martha Nord, juniors. REPORTERS: There is no chance for personal glory. The student Gladys Hates, Gertrude Herschberg, '30; Margaret Cussler, Jean Gillcspy, Virginia Pratesi, Lilly Nelson, lleaticc Samuels,' Alex- j who engages ill musical programs at the Martha Washandcr Schqor, juniors; Frances Keller, Sarah _ Caplan, Kuth ington Mouse for aged women lacks the opportunity of Ilrezee, Evelyn Pitts, Samuel Dransky, Bessie Lcvfne, Robert J. Floody, sophomores. ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER: Aud- the student in the chorus for making a College name. rey Flowers, '32. BUSINESS STAFF: Alice Walsh, '30; Josephine Likewise, students who present plays before these women Howland, '31; Marion Weinberg, Frances Mazar, ilt-tty Ray- will lose the chance of the member of the dramatics mond, Helen Rolicl, sophomores. class who can advertise herself in College circles even Published every Friday in the college year by the Editorial if she is given the role of a Swedish cook. Neither Board representing the Student Association. Subscriptions, $2.25 will the student who gives a reading have the chance per year, single copies, ten cents. Delivered anywhere in the of the student announcer in assembly who can win a United States, Entered as second class matter at posloflice, College reputation by re-hashing stale news. The work Albany, N. Y. of these members of the Y. \Y. C. A. will he practically The NEWS does not necessarily endorse sentiments cxpicssc! unknown in State gossip. in contributions. No communications will lie printed unless the The new activity docs not even provide for the usual writers' names are left with the Editor-in-Chief of the NEWS. Anonymity will he preserved if so desired. The NEWS docs not | eniohunenl given lo students in other kind- of exlra1 guarantee to print any or all communications. curricula!' work. There will he no pin to be worn on lo be displayed upon the PRINTED BY M I L L S ART PRESS, 394-396 liroac way—Dial -1 2287 j the dress and no emblem sweater except the insigna of a happy face which reAlbany, N. Y. February 21, 1930 Vo . XIV, Nl 18. flects a mind contented in its altruism. The College world, loo often wrapped up in ii-. eager pursuit to KINDERGARTEN ANTICS satisfy a greedy egoism, will little appreciate the work Some of the students have been treating the (oilcue of students who see more in an activih than a dang to their Kindergarden antics this week. The mustache ling key. The mottoes and the purpose of an organization are of an entering freshman appeared very attractive, and often a set of verbose symbols, bill the aim of the the men turned the locker room into a barber shop, hot Young Women's Christian association "to understand lacking either soap or penknives, they left their job half Jesus and follow him" becomes only a shorthand expresfinished. sion of what is being accomplished by these eighteen The local fraternity, perhaps thinking that the College women. was fishy, dressed up freshman candidates as Simple Simons who sat all day in the lower corridor-, trying to catch herring in an empty pail. D U U I A U , Woods And New York Not to be outdone by the men, the sororities have been carefully tutoring their candidates in children's 7Vic Incredible Year. Bv Faith llaldwin. 298 pp. New York: Dodd, Mead c. Co. ?2. games. Perhaps in a few years, "Dairy Maid" will he Out ni the North Woods, like a breath of pine-scented come quite as popular among the little tots as king wind, came Julie Montgomery, lo bring to jaded New aronnd-the rosies. The only rule of the name is that York society a freshness ami an honesty no| known to the person carry her hooks in a scrub pail. The mop its cocktail and petting parlies. Julie was a beautifill child of nature, more at home with a rifle than with and the scrubbing brush need not he included. One wonders why such drollery appeals to students a cigarette holder, more at ease on skiis than on French in a teacher's training institution. Shaving a mustache heels. She knew neither artifice nor intrigue in her may be a rare accomplishment for student barbers, hut sheltered life, but both of these elements of more civilthey might have given the freshman full service bj ized society were thriisi upon her, and when she returned completing their job. Half a mustache is as useful to to her woods a year later she returned, not as tl u . girl a freshman as one hair is to a bald-headed man. The she had left, but as the woman she had become. This is the outline of Miss Baldwin's plot, a plan far Izaac Waltons, dressed or rather undressed, in their fishing costumes did not appear to he v e n attractive as from original and never unexpected. One is never long specimens of the Creek athlete, and some of the prettj in doubt as to the outcome of Julie's problems, for Julie Butter and Milk maids might have been supplied with is not so much a person as a pari of a design, the whole pattern nf which is inevitable. One knows at the very cleaner pails. The member of one sorority probably isolated the first thai Mr, Montgomery is about to die. When he biggest, and perhaps the only reason, for this annual meets the Desmonds iii Paris, one knows immediately side show when she said. "I don't know win we initiate, Ilia! he is going to eillrilsl lulie to their care, and when j Julie goes to New York, she Could do nothing less than hut it seems to he the style." On the contrary, hazing, and fraternity and sorority public initiations are becoming passe in American uni ri\ 1. P t, I1UI-.I ad\is Inhc In b. versities and colleges, according to the reporl of State like the rowd, in ord college's delegate to the National Student Federation oi I •I- cotnpan America. The (ircck societies niav intend llieir iuilia mid i i - e 1 er charm in ll • I Ihe in.II lions to be confined within the College walls, bin thev j 1. Illll lllldei In become public news when the phoiographer "i a daily | 1 hoibed 1 .in s|,e has newspaper \- ai mind the . orni r. blel and In drinking .. The public '- impression ol an in -linili • u- lull. i molded In the publii II , m a i l i i . i l e n . . mine, the I - l i r e , j ( i l i / c n . m ncrallv skip ..vcr l a w . s i n . up-, win, I. -!; ubl i give ., p a r l i a l K accurate p i . t i n . ..i ihe I ..||, ee h i t . I.m ' ihcv eamioi help b e a n , , i , t , t | n, ;, ph..:..ei „ p h . I ! -ludelil teachers who u „ ., nihhei i m h.,u .. thev fish ior h u l l h i . i d - in an . mptv pail H a z i n g and i u i l i a l i o n pi:,en, , nughl be , ' .: mi ilcrl; • I b, Ipe.l Women May Keep Both Job And Husband Wedded Teacher Best, Debaters Claim Women teachers whose husbands earn more than $2,000 annually will not be forced to resign if the decision given to the negative team debating in the English 31 class conducted by Dr. Harold W . Thompson, professor in English, is any indication. This resolution was introduced in the State assembly last week bv Assemblyman Brietcnbach. Claiming that the earning power of husbands in no w a y affects the ability of a teacher, the negative upheld by Catherine Crovvdcr and Raymond Collins, seniors, defeated the affirmative team composed of Samuel Dransky and Bernard E l lenhogeu, sophomores. The affirmative contended that over-crowded conditions in the teaching profession and the inahilily of a woman teacher to do justice to both a home and a career warranted the abolition of economically independent female teachers who are married. Klleiibogen declared that "a woman teat her will not work so hard at her position when the proceeds are Used only for spending money." I haiisky pointed on! that married teachers whose husbands earned more than $2,(1110 annually were in a position to accept lower rales for their servii es and would thereby lower wage standards in the leaching profession. This, he said, kepi many men away from llie proles sion because of the small pay. Miss Crowder of the negative countered by showing that married teachers were often more efficient than their single rivals. She showed that those who love to teach will pay as much interest in their work even though the wages are not needed for maintenance. Collins refuted the argument that a career and home could not be mixed by showing that maids could be hired to do the routine work of the home. "The argument of overcrowdedness is unfounded," he said, "because authorities claim that 3,300 more teachers will he needed in 1932 and 1933." Listener-in I he State College Women's Chorus maintained the high standard of past years at its concert last Thursday. They furnished the music lovers of Albany and State college with a delightful evening. The first group, two numbers of which were sacred, was done with dignity and power. The violin obli gato of Bach's "Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring," played by Frieda Schad. '30, added to the grace of the sclec lion. The high point of the evening came in the second group with the "Beat hire Smoor Prayer." The mellowness of the contraltos, ;l surprise to many of the audience, was even more impressive because of the mystic airiness of the sopranos. As the chant swelled in volume and then died away to a memory the listeners sat spellbound, and the moQuite a hit of undue criticism ol ment of silence before the applause the icfcrceing was voiced after the paid tribute to the dramatic power Lowell game. In the opinion ol of Dr. Candlyn and the chorus. this writer. Hell Becker, who hanThe rollicking rhythm of the dled the contest, did a line piece "Skye Float Song," with the solo by of work, and called all violations Esther Waters, '30, was also worthy as be saw them, in a fair and im- of mention. The college always en partial manner. Il is a hollow vic- jovs snbi work done hv its own mem tory which is achieved as a result hers. of a rank decision. The chorus seemed lo have caught admirably in the last group the mel It will be just like Old Home aiicholy longing and joyous abandon Week to once again see familiar which characterize the negro. faces in State college when The entire program seemed lo re State's graduates revisit the ret the variant personality of Dr. vered scenes of " t h o s e happy | Candlvn and was a demonstration o days" tonight to see if the athit> lo interpret the many letes of today, men and women, f song, ranging from tin type.are as strong as those that have stalely church music to ihe carefree gone before. folksongs. h would be difficult ti find a conductor whose stage presence rd at hint is more gracious. II future basketball gal will Miss Elizabeth Charles played d u e . Tiling groups of harp solos with a clear. lie score, similar to w firm touch. The audience appreciated iirreuce, In mi ai ising. 11 o will having a harpi.-l as the assisting art eep the spectators inform, if Ihe ist. am's pi .igr.-s al all - t a g .1 the The only regrel of ll evening w.iihe many empty seals •specially ii Ihe student section. Ii eeiiis a pily T h e sentiment of the men of dial die college student-, do not the College is strongly against porl llieir own friends and acti the abolition of baseball, a.; was shown by the a i g u m e n t s presented at a mass meeting held Monday night to discuss the mallei. Thus America's national paslime will be prevented from suliering (lie ignominous late ol lo ill-ell ai Slate. T h e wriici heariilv . h u e s this sentiment. SHORT PASSES Class Will Present 2 Plays Tuesday Night Team To Face Alumni Five Tomorrow Night d up b iii .in i,d'. i distort, d vi, .. .,i ih, pi, mi-. w inh t ill •Ul-.fl e- 1 a t l e n l i o i i ol lin publi, i- o n il, ai d i h •p d i n hand- ol ad Ii.u gl iring l o l o ir in g 1 . I l l l ai • upon a r.illn i h-. i 1, puhl ;l V of lie In . edin nun .... lied Willi I I . w er ha tinu Tin .p d |.h CALENDAR Today "Mlldi 1,1 .i 1,1 v \ml i I'n-i ! .ill I I In \ \l '.illb.l - l , e l l , . , l | ...llli, A •I l | ( ) | . \ l . IS IH CM i K F D appoiiitmt inn in m oi .0 In I u Mi .Mi l/ler l/lei ., ,i n u o A b r a h a m Lincoln iinivt i-aly I, . .i.l-. national .eholai bin likewi i i h e < .Ih I T m ,i lb. I. is a dean. 'I o b. a nit nib. which nuinhei I n c h e men an.I . In. Ii b 1 \\'() YI.AKS In .1 a l<l i . ni, p n , II the educational, professional, ,, rare distinction . and lo he ini hid feasor Devuy President Hall .1 il Oregon, and Pi.•-idem Emeritus Jordan ordai o | 1,1.,mld M a n ford university L tin leeogniiion of a. plibhinent The appo miu oi Dr. Meizlei to -mli .. p silion i not unexpei led. Dr Melzlcr is nil. i na illy fainoii for his wolf, a- a matin main Ian. lit i- HI, ol I hi five or six Americans who are fellows ,.i il, Society ol Edinburgh 'I hv Koyal Socutv oi ( ana.I. has numbered bun among it> honorary iillovv,. ami Ih. London Mathematics Soiicly include bun on its roll of eight members from the Cubed Stales. Dr. Metzler has made valuable contributions to matin maties in his work on determinants. The book of Muir, "Theory of Determinants," a resume of the history and literature of determinants, includes the theorems of k . p i a led I I . . I , ih, Ton \v \(i() Ni iv i 1 in . h be v ill Ihe h.illv i ,1)11-11 1111.11. \l York, head ol lb. in. nib, i ... I vest ill, I . I..I..1 ll IIV l l . It.l .11 III holll ,ll s w. 1, Man Kellehe \ll.l Dovl, W.i .mil rispoudnig I oiiise Spnug- • K i t •e,| , , l . l o g •a lo sh, 3U, Man emhelship; d ble.'inoi Miorgansteili, Ai ig ib ill II.. < lail.l.iib. '.'. Uoiolhy II,,.. 1. '..'Eiuih H.l.hng, '25;' („•,,,,,.,„, , M.iar. '27. Mane \ \ uislow, 27 M a i g a i . i Doughirv, '28; M m . •u, , i Poller, '2K; ami V velyii Mi Nieble ! -''I Miss Labclle lohllslon, ill ' l i u . l o i in pby ,|, ial edllcalioil, win I has re, i ived a b a v e of absence Ii j at ( olinnbia imivei-Mly, is e \ I pei led lo be present. Miss John low ,ui official organization, having I-stou is also a graduate of Stale col n/ed bj Mvskaiua. 'lege. P.lg. ball l'..g. h ,11 5 Illl p , s,„ \| H 15 p \\ T o i n o i i ow l l . i w b .. ball i p. p \| l l a - k e l b a l l n a m , ... .,,, , , , | h e , 1 AI 0 (.Mill,, '.,,., ball ,s in p M . Monthly <'lll> 1,.,-bell,all u , l l M l . S,,p II.IMUIII, Page hall 5 HO P M Weiluesi.ay •Men - ha kelhall g a m e Sen llawl'ey CirU' hall 1 15 p ' \ i ' " baskelhall g a m . Seu- min. Page hall. 5 III) P. M . 1 1' m i l club i n e e l i n g . L o u n g e , K i c l i a i d s o n hall. 8 : 0 0 P M . STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 11 Students Will Visit THREE DEBATERS Sororities Pledge 25 New York Next Week WITH EXPERIENCE More Than Last Year (Continued from page 1, column 4) Eleven students in the nrt deWILL MEET 1933 Monday night. p a r t m e n t a r e planning to visit the art galleries in N e w York city over the week-end of February 28 to March 2, according to Miss Eunice. A. Perine, instructor in fine a^ts. Accompanied by Miss ferine, they will study the works of art in (lie Metropolitan Museum of Modern A n . Saturday, March 1. They also will attend I he dinner, given by tlii- Xew York City Alumni of Slate college at the I'icadilly hotel. Those w h o have already signed Three experienced debaters will represent the sophomore class when its debate team meets the freshman representatives in Page hall in assembly, Friday, March 7, at 11:15 o'clock. The date is tentative, according to Marion E. Botto, '30, president of student association. Kenneth A. Miller, Ruth Kroninan, (ienrge P. Rice, and Andrew llritz will compose the sophomore team, Robert f. Floody, '32, chairman of ,| R , f | c g a t c c n m m i U e C | announced today. Miller is alternate on the varup for the trip a r e : (llaclys Bradley sity and Miss Kroninan was a memFlorence I 'avis. Ilertha Harris, ber of the sophomore team last year. Lena Keiger. Esther W a t e r - . Ethel Rice is first speaker on the men's Moore, seniors; Eunice Hodley, Ml; varsity and was a member of the llritz, Winifred Lansing. Marion Larbcy, sophomore team last year. 1 j the alternate, lias had experience in Catherine Riegel. s o p h o m o r e s ; | hiuh school debating, Katherine \ncler.«.nn, '.>.'. i Vs soon as the freshmen debaters I are chosen, they will meet with the J M.phnmore team to decide upon a I subject, time oi speeches, and sides. Juniors To Meet 1930 For Title Wednesday ilu ,ri sh ; ™1' <"m «•'" >; cllosC11 ' this week, hut the name' ol the memI lie i n n . o r I Will bers were not available as the Ki:ws rs W e . l n e s d 4:15 o'clock went to press. Ilu g y m n a s i u m ol ilawley hall in JUNIOR WOMEN WIN The juniors defeated the sophogame I hat w ill determine the ehai imre women Wednesday night pionship ol the upperclasse-. T ?D-I4 in the second game of the juniors have defeated the soph nterelass chatiipionslii|i series. mores twice and the seniors om The juniors defeated the freshnan team by a score of .12-8, and while t h e seniors beat the soph . .vill meet t h e seniors Monday. Each m o r e s twice and lost to the juniors. ,,,.,,„ | ] ] U s ( p | ; l y ( . v o r y ( ) | K ; r d a s s If they will from the juniors Wed- team twice to decide the champion nesflay, they will be tied with three wins ami one loss each. T h e winner of the interclass tour nameiit will play the freshman team .i preliminary garni 1 to the New lersev Law encounter March 7. t h e freshmen this year have n stronger team than Stale college has seen for four years Kpsilon Beta Phi welcomed into pledge membership Tuesday night: Ruth Hubbell, '32i Marion Schmaling, Vivian Lang, Kathleen Millis, Helen Vrooman, Gladys McInlyre, and Jane MacGaughall, freshmen. These pledges will be formally initiated Sunday. Sigma Alpha will formally initiate its pledges Monday night. Those who were pledged Tuesday night are: Iva Swartz Ml: Alice Anderson, and Elisabeth MacCoombs, freshmen. Ilcla Zeta will welcome into full membership Sun.lay those who were pledged Wednesday night. They arc: Alice Vaughn, Carol Ccdcrqnist, Pel-sis Foster, Marjorie Domscr, Laura Styn, Ruth Harter, and Dorothy Sevens. Gamma I'l.i Sigma, Wednesday night, pledged: Berenice Morelle. Ml; Marjorie Wade, Mildred Ouiek, Margaret Cannon, Lillian, Sferccdcs Martin, Isabel I', Carita Smyth, Mary Gill. Mollie l.indsey, Man, fessie., Mary Kelleller and Lucy frclnn'eii. These pledges will he welcr I into lull membership M „> „iK|„. I'l" Lambda conducted it, pledge secies Uedues.lay night. The formal initinu. Their li"n will he S.n.dav aflei [.ledges are: Ruth Conger, M l ; Lucille N.shitt, '.|_>; („,,,-,,,!,• lilac, Dorothy MadiRan, Beatrice Wagner, freshmen. DRUGS AtThe College Pharmacy LUCILLE LCALTy /ALCN EAT At The LUCILLE ALTOPEDA 208 Q U A I L S T . i R i c e Bldg) Dial 6-5787 S P E C I A L Nestle Perman e n t W a v e R e g u l a r $10 for.$7.50 Free S h a m p o o a n d Finger W a v e S h a m o o o i n g a n d W a v i n g for Lonq H a i r - £i.75 For B o b b e d H a i r - $1.50 ManicurlngSOc Facial Mas.sageSl College Pharmacy Willard W.Andrews,Prcs. F.Wayland Bailey.Sec Albany Teachers'Agency, nc , 74 Chapel St. Albany, N.Y. Soy It With Flows, W e n e e d t e a c h e r s for a p p o i n t m e n t s at all s e a s o n s ] of t h e y e a r W r i t e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n o r call at t h e office 10-42 Maiden Lane A l b a n y , N . Y. rrDrink am Delicious and Refreshing Geo. U. Iconc ||iutUnutri) hL t^'fi | | | ,\\ Put the ^grin" in Grind (^atVtiuia ,\\ ,| air , ,! K'i ) | j t | i U k u i v . N . Y. " O n e ail there is which every m a n can be master of the art of saving." INTEREST CITY SAVINGS li.VMv inn s i A I I : STWKKT A I . I I A W , \ . v. 5" W0 Smart Coats - Hats - Dresses •"^Jm^' i •o ror Girls andiMisses 9 (iym I ui>± I iwhici \ M I L L I O N that refreshes W h e n m u c h s l u d y i s a w e a r i n e s s t o 111<• flesh. W h e n y o u Innl y o u r s c l l {{cltiii|r now l i c i t ' — l a s t . I'i|i<«. d o w n ! D o n ' t l a k e a n y n i o i v p u n i s h m e n t ! I . c l (i o e v i l \ lliiiiff! P a u»o f u r a m o m e n t a m i refresh yourself, Tliut'x j i u t t h e t i m e a m i p l a n ' w h e n a n ice. c o l d I ml l i e o r {i la SB o f ( i o c a - C o l a >\ ill d o y o u t h e iiuisi {iouil, A r c u u l a r c h e e r l e a d e r w i t h its l).i|.|.\ s p a r k l e a m i d e l i c i o u s flavor, w Idle its (IIIIC, v w i o l c s o m e r e f r e s h m e n t p u c k s a big i i - i i n t o a lilt J < - m i n u t e a n d gels y o u off lu a f r e s h s t a r t , a day Steefel Brothers, Inc. I I II A l» it i: ii (I O II I O <> V. T « II K I I K 1 T STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 75 Pledges To Attend TROUBADOURS BEGIN G.A.A. Show Has Cast 1 Out Of 12 Students Of One Act Not Chosen Council Tea Tomorrow TO REHEARSE FOR Sees Baseball Games T h e cast for one act of the vaude- • Seventy-five i pledges will attend (Continued from page 1, column 3) ANNUAL MINSTRELville which is to be presented under the post-pledge tea tomorrow aftercollege prestige among other colleges. Abolition of the sport might lead to a movement to eliminate basketball, the only other intercollegiate major sport at State college, they argued. Baseball's defenders claimed that if five percent of the new students were interested in baseball, it would justify the expenditure of five percent of the student association budget. This was denied by some of the other men, w h o said that this five percent of the money was not being paid by the interested men, but by the entire association. T h e question of a coaching class was vetoed on the grounds of impracticability. It would require three afternoons a week, and according to one speaker, this time could better be spent in education classes, or classes of his major subject, to fit him for a teaching position. The proposition of having a coaching class besides a varsity baseball team received favorable comment, but was vetoed by Coach Baker who claimed that the strain of coaching a baseball team would not allow him to undertake the added burden of conducting a coaching class. After two hours of debate, a vote was taken on the motion to eliminate baseball, and was voted down. A new motion was presented to "recommend to the student association that baseball be retained in State college as a major sport," but was declared out of order by the chairman of the meeting because it moved something already in effect. A motion to appoint a committee to investigate the athletic situation in State college was lost when speakers declared that the fixed opinion of the chair might prevent the appointment of a representative committee. A motion to reconsider the original motion to appoint a committee with the amendment that the appoint ments should be approved by the assembly was lost when Coach Baker declared that he would not care confer with the members of such a committee. The meeting was then adjourned. Rehearsals for the annual public the auspices of the Girls' Athletic performance of the Troubadours, association still remains to be chosen, men's minstrel organization, were according to Ruth Hughes, '31, genbegun Tuesday, according to Royal eral chairman. T h e leading parts are VV. Knox, 31, director. Most of the to he taken by Wilhcmina Scheidcr, cast has been selected, Knox said. Edythe Cairns, Dorothy Brandow, The circle which has been rehears- Ardith Down, juniors; Isabel Peard, ing all week, is composed of Raymond Ruth Isherwood and Elizabeth JackCollins, Vincent Festa, John Kennedy, son, sophomores; Mildred Quick, Jack Widger, Rudolph VVurth, Rich- Carolyn Christianson, May Gilmore ard Whiston, and Edward A. Burke, and Frances Root, freshmen. seniors; Alfred Basch, Karl Bloomingdale, Norman Collins, Daniel Corr, T h e rest of the cast will include Arthur Jones, Maxwell Knapp, Law- Cornelia Van Klceck, Mildred Coutrence Newcomb, Horace Myers, and and, Virginia Shultes, Emma Ackley, W a r d Cole, juniors; Walter Ander- Anne Moore, Mary Nelson, Dora son, Duane Baker, Harold Haswcll, McGillivray and Katherine Graham, Carl Tarbox, Gordon Hughes, Rob- seniors; Catherine R. Norris, Lucia ert Rankins, and Anthony Sroka, Stephens, Alice Bennett, Florence sophomores; and William Collins and Linindoll, Mildred Hall, Carolyn Arlton Bush, freshmen. Kelley, Ethel Smith, Edith Hunt, The saxophone chorus has also been Jean Minkin, Annabellc McConnell, practicing, according to Knox. It is juniors. composed of Charles Kissam, '32, Helen Mead, Eleanor Gage, Evelyn Conwell Higgins, Frank Ott, '31, ami I'itts, Marjorie Longmuir, Selma Ormand Gttyer, '33. Sims, Madeline Green, Anne NesSeveral of the men have been ap- bitt, and Margaret Hilton, sophopointed to take charge of various mores; Abbie Dineen, and Vera I'er departments to aid the success of the hen, freshmen. minstrel, Knox reported. Lawrence C. Newcomb, '31, is in charge of TO ELECT COUNCILLOR publicity; James Cassidy, '30, is in "The senior class will elect a councharge of costumes; Walter Driscoll, cillor to represent it in the Alumni '31. of properties; and Russell l.ud- association," said Alice Walsh, '30. liun, '31, will play the piano. president of the senior class, today. "The parts of the show will re- "A senior meeting will be conducted hearse separately in small groups," soon for the purpose of selecting the Knox said. "1 believe a greater re- representative," Miss Walsh said. turn for time expended can be obtained by this method. Irving McConnell is handling the orchestra, and Charles Kissam is directing the saxophone quartet," be said. BOULEVARD Dr. Harbinson To Talk}* GOLDEN GUERNSEY On] Marriage Tuesday H I Ll\ Dr. C II. Harbinson, professor of a n a t o m y at Albany Medical college, will address the men of State college T u e s d a y night at 8:00 o'clock in the first of a series of lectures on marriage relationships, which a r e being conducted by the Y o u n g Men's Christian association at College house, 134 Central avenue. DANCE ducted a Lincoln-Valentine-Wash- ington birthday dance Wednesday noon in the gymnasium of Hawley evening in the Lounge of Richardhall, according to Jeannette Harrison, '30, president of lutcrsorority son hall. council. The tea will be in honor of the pledges of sororities which have membership in the council, she said. Jfftatjd IK- (Srnura "Dependable Flowers'' We Telegraph Flowers to all Parts of the World 845 Mad ison Ave. DRUGS And PHARMACEUTICALS Telephone 6-3462 Steuben Street Corner James Phone 4-3775 Direction Warner Bros. STRAND I WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21 | WINNIE LIGHTNER I IN "She Couldn't Say No" RITZ WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21 ! "The Mysterious Island" WITH LIONEL BARRYMORE T h e Students of the State College for Teachers are especially invited t o visit the h o m e of Boulevard ATTEND CONFERENCE Pauline L. Bader, '31, and Hilda M. Laubenstein, '32, left yesterday for Wagner college, Staten Island, to attend the tenth annual conference of the Lutheran Student Association of America. Golden G u e r n s e y Milk. MADISON MADISON AND MAIN WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24 MON-TUES "HEARTS IN EXILE" Boulevard Dairy Co.,lnc. Two Stores: Normanskill Farm Dairy CONDUCT The faculty of State college eon- 27 South Pearl Street 231 THIRD ST. ALBANY TELEPHONE 4 4 1 5 8 aw—With Vodvil WED-THUR-FR1SAT "SHOW OF SHOWS" &K-0 PROCTOR C. H. BUCKLEY THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES 201 Central Ave. NOW SHOWING PATRONIZE T H E Bottled Milk and Cream Velvet ICE CREAM American Cleaners attfc Byers We Clean and Dye all kinds of Ladies' and IVien's Wearing Apparel 811A MADISON AVENUE Phone 6-0273 COLLEGE CANDY SHOP 203 Central A v e n u e (near Robin) Toasted Sandwiches H memade I ie and Cake Kvery WITH UJ AT VAN DYK'S NEW LUNCHENETT SERVING HOME MADE s a n d w i c h m a d e u p fresh t o individual o r d e r 167 CENTRAL AVE Ju»l Below Rubin Street "THE PARTY GIRL" WITH WITH TOM MOORE AND BLANCHE SWEET DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. MARIE PREVOST PALLADINO Home Savings Hank lUdg 13 N. Pearl St. 3-3642 Strand I.U N. PearLSt •I-02H0 PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Ntikl. M(\ urn! Groups at the" Suite Colleev j<» Teachers "IF IT'S MADE OF RUBBER WE HAVE IT" will he jjivi'ti special attention Al I I N O CUEBCC CC 451—BROADWAY—453 Mills A r t Press ^ ^ ^ v , , *-"" I rimers ul State I ullcu.e News, Wagar's Sandwich Shop Western at Cloud .W'lAVK'HKS Van Dyk Tea Store THRILLS "WOMAN RACKET" Personality Hons-Kin^er Waving - Permanent Waving CAKE AND A MOST DUCHESS — COFFEE — A DRAMA OF THE MOST DARING JEANETE LOFF SANDWICHES, PIE, DELICIOUS CUP OF LELAND RLEKCKER HALL PICTURE EVER MADE W h o l e s a l e Price to P a r t i e s LUNCH HARMANUS .SALADS - SODAS - I nder Munujjemeni ol Wutfui \ In., Maitrs'oj Uvul UurnvWudt /<v dream M'NDAK FLORIST,anc. Hott-i ton Eyek Blda. zi,..u ™ , , . „ Phone 4 - 0 3 2 4 P h o n e 3-2330 Al.B*NY, N. Y. W« T e l e g r a p h Flower. A n y w h e r e