State College News VOL. XIV. No. 10 GRAFT RUMOR IS FALSEJUCR SAYS STA TIC COLLEKI; FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER. 22 Smiths Outnumber All Names In College Directory With 13 1929 82.25 Per Year, M2 Weekly Issues CITY MAY INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS GREET PLAYER IS VETERAN OF WAR T h e Smiths are victors in this year's lap of the Smith-Jones Directory endurance race, the Engineer W i l l Survey Site President Denies Charge That Smiths leading 13-8. If the t w o Arthur Thorndike, Novelist, This Week To Discover S m y t h e s are counted, the score Sophomores Mishandled Was Singer At Funeral is 15-8. T h e Moorcs are r u n Need At Crossing Funds Of Class i Of Queen Victoria ners-up for third place with 7 Efforts of the student council to n a m e s listed and the Williams "The rumor to the effect that memArthur Russell Thorndike, who will provide for better traffic facilities in bers of the sophomore class have arc a close fourth with 6 candiplay the role of Sir Toby Belch in front of D r a p e r hall on Western dates. T h e Robinsons and misappropriated class funds is absothe Ben Greet Players' presentation avenue, culminated in t h e promise B r o w n s have five n a m e s each. lutely without any foundation whatof F r a n k Lasch, commissioner of of "Twelfth Night" in the auditorium soever," George P. Rice, president of public safety, to send an engineer of page hall at 2:25 o'clock this afterthe class, declared today. to the site in o r d e r to determine "During this week the rumor has noon, served with the First Westwhether or not additional facilities been circulating around the locker minster Dragoons in Egypt at the ire needed. rooms and corridors. 1 f the actual outbreak of the World W a r . J a m e s J. Kirwin, assistant comcircumstances surrounding the appromissioner of public safety, will visit After being invalided in 1916, he val of the appropriation were known, the spot before t h e end of this everyone could easily see how groundA six hundred dollar scholarship in joined the Did Vic company under week, and will report to Commisless the rumor is," Rice said. aviation is offered by the Canadian Ben Greet. sioner Lasch. The rumor began when an approColonial Airways Co. to any State If his survey w a r r a n t s the introAs a boy, Thorndike sang in the priation of S10 was recently granted duction of new equipment, it will for the expenses of the sophomore college woman student who is inter- choir at the Chapel Royal, Windsor Castle. He was boy soloist to Queen be installed early next year, accordfootball team. At the time, no speci- ested in flying. Victoria, and last sang at Windsor on ing to Commissioner Lasch. NothJvtiSS.KnrmiNE WATKWS " fic manner of spending the money In order to stimulate interest in the occasion of her funeral. Katherine T . W a t k i n s , *30, ing can be done this year, he said, was outlined. Members of the class because n o provision has been aviation in general and the Albany Thorndike is author of "The who announces that nobody will spent the money for shoulder pads be admitted to the entertain- made in this year's budget for the and other football equipment, accord- airport in particular, the Canadian Slype" and " T h e Vandekeers." both erection of additional traffic sigment unless he is masked. ing to Kenneth E. Miller, sophomore Colonial company is conducting a con- novels. He is also biographer of his nals. T h e m o n e y for n e w traffic sister's life, Sybil Thorndike, Engmanager of men's athletics. test sponsored by The Albany Times- land's greatest tragic actress. This equipment will be included in t h e C o a c h Baker Loaned Ball new budget to be presented at the Union to find the girl in Albany most book has recently been published with Coach Rutherford R. Raker loaned close of this year, according t o the a ball to the men of both the fresh- suited educationally and physically to large sales both in England and in commissioner. America. man and sophomore classes for their become a private pilot. Previous Attempt Made Thea H o l m e , w h o will play the role football game. During one of the Coupons are printed daily in The of Olivia, made her stage debut in If Mr. Kirwin finds that signals practice sessions, the ball was hooted Times-Union which arc to be signed are unnecessary, no action will be W2A with the Ben Greet Players. up into a tree and lost. Arlton Bush, Five prizes will be awarded at the freshman manager of men's athletics, and mailed to the Colonial company She is descended, on her farther'* Voting W o m e n ' s Christian associa- taken, Mr. Lasch announced. side, from Nance Oldficld, the famThe present a t t e m p t to obtain purchased a new football, costing $10. or to The Times-Union. The wintion masquerade tomorrow night in After the game, this new ball was ner will be chosen partly by chance ous actress of Queen Anne's reign, ihe gymnasium of Page hall, accord- crossing signals is not the first to who herself appeared in several of he made. Last year, Professor given to Coach Baker to replace the and partly by appraisal of physical the parts now played by Miss ing io Katherine Watkins, '30, mas- Winfred C. Decker, head of the one which the men had lost. querade chairman. There will be first German department, made an unHolme. and mental characteristics. T h e question at issue at the present and second prizes for the best-lookSigning the entry slip does not ob- Miss Holme learned to play the ing and die most comical costumes. successful attempt for traffic equiptime is whether the classes shall apment. propriate the m o n e y or w h e t h e r the ligate the entrant in any way. There virginals with her uncle, Arnold Dol- A prize will also be given for the T h e need of traffic facilities at men of the two classes shall individ- is no essay to be written, no money netseh, authority on old instruments faculty. the site was shown by the acciually contribute to reimburse Bush to pay, no stated hours to be spent and music, who appeared with Ben dents which caused the death of Greet on his first .American tour. for the purchase of the new football. working (or the scholarship. No students will be admitted unless The student chosen among the first Alison Pickard who will act Viola they are dressed in costumes and two people within a short period of "Myskania has no knowledge of time. any such misappropriation and so far 25, picked by chance from the num- began playing leading parts with the masks, Miss Watkins announced. T h e results of M r . Kirwin's reas it knows, the rumor is without ber entered in the contest, will be company last year. She was born in Dancing will begin at K o'clock in port will be printed in the next isLeicester, England, and attended Poexamined for mental and physical foundation," said Anna T . Moore, the gymnasium. Prizes will he A r e p o r t on the sue of the N E W S . capacities and given a chance to he 'an ball. Darlington, a Quaker school. '30, a member of Myskania. awarded at eight-thirty o'clock. subject will also be given to the selected as one of the final nine enThere will be no classes after 2:15 A feature of the program will be student association this morning, trants who will he specially examined o'clock today to allow students to atthe afternoon performance, an entertainment in the auditorium of according to Marion E. Botto, '30, for "air capacities" before the win- tend sidenl A. I\. Brubacher has an- Page hall under the direction of president of the student association. ner is announced. The scholarship includes complete nounced. "Hamlet" will be presented Carolyn Kellcy, '31. The cast inc l u d e s Edythe Cairns, .Alice Beimel, ground school instruction and 10 ai 8:15 .,'clock tonight. label Smith, Dorothy Kline, Lucia hours in the air in one of the latest Stevens, Florence Linindoll, Catherapproved type of planes with Captain ()iie hundred men are expected to ine K. X'oiris, W'ilhelmina Schneiattend the Young Men's Christian as- Hale l-'raneisco, division superintender, Ardith Down, Mildred Hall, Nutrition experiments with white sociation's dinner to freshmen men dent for Canadian Colonial Airways, Norma Butler, Anne Savercool, and rats are being conducted by the sevand hear Dr. J a m e s Ellcnwood, for- superintending the instruction. This Jean Minkin, juniors. enth grade boys of the junior departqualifies the sludeiii fur application tu Two hundred and fifty students, mer chaplain of the Navy a n d presMarjorie Longmuir, Audrey Sulli- ment of Milne High school under the ent chaplain of the State Police, ac- be examined for a private pilot's li- representing colleges and universities van, Frances Siman, Eleanor Gage, supervision of the home economics cording to Harold Haswell, '3J, cense. all over the United Slates, will con- Helen Mead. Isabel Pcard, Kuth Is department. T h e purpose of these exThe contest closes on Sunday. All vene at the fifth annual congress of general chairman. entrants must have signed up by mid- ihe National Student Federation of herwood, Margaret Sherman, Mag- periments, according to Beatrice 0 . Both meat and fish will be served deleue French, Asenalh Van Buren, Gaughan, '30, who is in charge, is to night, Sunday. America al Stanford university, Cali- sophomores, and Henrietta Miller, '?i^. enable the boys to find out the best to accommodate all seels. The dinfornia, on January 1, 2, 3, and 4, ac- Josephine I loll, '32, is in charge of possible diet for a growing boy or ner will be finished before the percording lo information received by properties and Winifred Primeau, '31, girl. formance of "Hamlet" by the Ben Marion E. Botto, '30, president of is in charge of music. Al the close Greet players begins, Haswell allIn discussion periods, the boys disium need. the student association. of the entertainment, the audience covered many facts about their diet Dr. Ellcnwood, who has just reto Ihe gymnasium where may return which are being used in the experiA practice hockey game will be $13,250 C O L L E C T E D turned from the Holy Land, is an played tomorrow m o r n i n g at ten dancing will continue for the rest of ment. Five rats a r e used, two for unusually popular speaker, Haswell o'clock between the w o m e n ' s hockey A total of approximately $13,250 the night. a control, one is fed a diet deficient said. Last year, he had 16,000 re- team and the Albany High school had been collected by the student F.ach class will maintain a mystery in milk, another a meatless diet, and quests to speak to audiences of Roboard of finance up to Tuesday night, tent. Tents will be open to anyone, the fifth rat getting nothing but cartary and Kiwanis' clubs and Cham- team at Bcversvyck park, Ethel according to Warren R. Cochrane, and refreshments will he sold during bohydrate foods. bers of Commerce and church groups, [ M. Grundhofer, '30, president of senior member. the night. The experiments are being conducand he has addressed hundreds of men the Girls' Athletic association anted for a period of three weeks. and boys in the Last. At a discussion nounced today. "Differences in weight, in appetite, Margaret Cussler, '31, is captain group which Dr. Ellenwood conducts and slighi changes in appearance are in Norwich, Conn., attendance has of the team. O t h e r members a r e : expected," Miss Gaughan said. The Ethel Grundhofer, Mildred Appleuever been less than 500, all being rats arc kept in room 1 of Richards ion, and Katherine W a t k i n s , senbusiness men. hall, and everyone is welcome to inThe dinner will begin promptly at iors; Frances V. Peck, Beatrice spect them and the daily records i,/inln/ fry Ihe NKWf 5:30 o'clock. Warren R. Cochrane, Van Steenburgh, Ardith Down, and which the boys are keeping." ./ It-1-luirJs h, ,./ /*•• .V '30, president of the Y. M. C. A., Marion Gilbert, j u n i o r s ; Virginia >',>!/.' „n,l / o i , / Hawkins, Kuth Isherwood and (Continued on 1'aiu- 2 Column .1) Alice Giglin, s o p h o m o r e s ; Gertrude Did the linger of Earl Bloomingdale, revenue agent, pull the trigger which Spurbeek and Katherine Moore, released Ihe fatal bullet tin.ills found lodged in the heart of Michael Tcpcfreshmen. ilino, alleged "bootlegging k i n g ? " If Bloomingdale fired ihe shot, was il Two games in volley ball were done in ihe pursuil of duly or was it another case of trigger-loose law enThere will he a short assembly toplayed between the two women's forcement? On the answers which the jury will find to these questions, day ai II :1() o'clock in the auditor( )IIC of the best plays written by i c o n s , "I'eckey's Pushers," cap depends ihe life of the big, burl)' res enue agent nosv being held without bail ium oi Page hall to elect the State George Bernard Shaw will he pre lamed by Frances \ • I'eek, '.II, and on a charge of fust degree murder college representative to the National "Grundy's Grahl.ers," oi win, h M licensed inurdcr- Sin.lent Federation of America. The I'lr toila mrder was conn Mill Moth gan . with loaded reclass I m-das night at eight ..'clock i ii iiudliofer is captain .beer leader will also be chosen, a madhouse .. gcr he allowed lo Marion E. Boil,,, '3(1, president of on lis tl in the audili.iiiim ol I'age hall, ae d, during ,i I.I I I, in v, and even kill ihe student association, announced. cording I,,> Gooclelle, "31, chair Hey ball dal nli ih • two gai HI. id i w i . olhci ,. ii-ine Ihe laws ol man ,.i advertising. "Shaw's wit, hu The following list of candidates 'SI V. I el. ak. We inn ml to was submitted by the student council. mi ir .ui.l n u k e thy play < Liu lis tin I'VIIIH 1 i oi ilie liisl panel i ipercl, il Blooming.laic." Candidates are named alphabetically IOII,U amusing," Miss (, M L said b e n e colli c u d b.s Distiii i An attornes for the and not in the order of preference, todas Allied I) Ba-ch, '31, and his slall, district attorney';. Miss Botto said. 'I he ca.-l is as follow-.: Shakespeare ami Blool iigdah's aliomcss. I league wiih the Mill be pla.sed lis kuth Edmonds, '31. The candidates a r e : Warren K. Bloomingdale . : i wlni h I -pe- Cochrane, Ml); Russell W. Liidluin, \ l l d n s Sullivan, '3'., ss ill porlray i I Ilegger linn of llcnii s Mel The Heel cater is (Jllccn Elizabeth ,1 I Lawrence C. Nessconib, Catherine K. as -aid lo b, tite head. eigne. District attorucj Ba.sch svill ICiiili l l r c a c , \U, and Audiv\ ( )'se hounds . if the Stale," he Noiris, and Wilhehniu.i Schneider, "The tabulation of rules used by be assisted bs assistant district itttor •ai.l, arc Using I. . lake the life of juniors. Is', '31, will be ihe Dark I.adv. Wilhchnina Sebesta, '.ill, is direct- o t h e r c< d l e g e s t o |i j o v e r n i h e eon ueys Lawrence Newcoinb and Ellis HI in H I III 1 1 1 . I I I . A, sve svill prove Miss Botto requests all members ing ihe play. Chairmen oi her com- duel of w o m e n In is not yet been Kolodnv. Judge David Hutchinson is il llr trial, thia i uoi the first at- of the student association to attend mittees in. hide Hazel Goodell • '30, . o i u p l e i iill." said 1 'can .Anna E. presiding. tempt to do away with Bloomingdale. early in order that the business may -eiling ; Belly l.undy, '3(1, costumes; Pierce 1 o d a y . " W e are still work"We can promise an interesting reWhen Boomiiigdale was asked lo be completed in time to allow the Helen Henderson, '31, properties; ing on the m a t t e r. A s soon at velation of ihe svild life sshich some suy something for the press, he re- Ben Greet company lo prepare the Eleanor Stephenson, '30, make-up; sve hast • our final results, sve w i l . of our moral bigots, miscalled revenue marked, "1 have nothing to say. See stage for their afternoon performand Miss Goodcllu, clean-up. have tincm publishijil," she said. agents, lead," said the district atior- ' my lawyer," WINNING AVIATRIX WILL BE AWARDED $600 SCHOLARSHIP 5 Y.W.C.A. PRJZES WILL BE AWARDED TOMORROW NIGHT 100 MEN EXPECTED AT Y.M.C.A. DINNER IN COLLEGE TODAY 250 Students Will Go To N.S.F.A. Convention Mice Are Fed To Find What Boys Should Eat Women's Hockey Team Will Play Tomorrow Did Bloomingdale Pull Death Gun Trigger? Big, Burley R e v e n u e A gent P u t On Trial Students Will Choose N.S.F.A. Delegate Today Students To Present Play By Shaw Tuesday Dean Pierce Collects Rules For Tabulation d T A T E COLLEGE N E W S , NOVEMBER 22, 1929 [ Governor, "it is not my function to decide what the proC<4- r i i* A f ^ o l l flffp ,^J £k f V ' G | posed tax changes shall take. I have appointed a conimission to study the matter and to submit recommendations. W h e n it s u b m i t s its r e p o r t , I shall call a listablishcd in 1916 by the Class of 1918 special session of the legislature to place a p r o p o s e d The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York c o n s t i t u t i o n a l a m e n d m e n t before the people of t h e State College for Tcacliers state." W h a t h a p p e n s to the s c h o o l s in t h e m e a n time, one m a y infer, is not within the p r o v i n c e of t h e T H E NEWS BOARD L o u t s J. WOI.NER Editor in Chief G o v e r n o r ' s c o n c e r n . 54 West Street, Dial 6-3595R Nevertheless, the Governor, and others who are close MARGARET H E J J N I N G E . . '. Advertising Manager to the problem which confronts Chicago, might suffer a 781 Park Avenue, Dial 6-23S2-J reminder at this time of the views which Alfred E, TANK J. FORM A NEK — Finance Manager Smith as Governor of New York expressed upon the Chi Sigma Theta House, 302 Quail Street, Dial fi-6255 In education, he observed, there Managing Editor schools of the state. At,FHEDi D. BASCH is no such thing a s ' recovering lost time. : W o r k may SI I Madison Avenue, Dial u-2004-J DOROTHY' BRIMMER Associate Managing Editor be dropped for a time on a building, business functions may suspend temporarily, be resumed and completed .. • 7 Sard Road, Dial 4-0095 But educaMARGARET I. STEELE Feature Editor without any effects of the delay remaining. 224 Jay Street, Dial 6-6484 tion cannot be dropped and picked up again without permanent effect being marked upon both the individual and the schools. Time which is lost in education is lost irrevocably and forever. It cannot be caught up at some Gladys Hales, Gertrude Hcrschberg, '30; Margaret Cussler, Jean convenient' future time. S t a t e college w o m e n "will g o up in the air" if, Evelyn 'Pitts, Samuel Ilr;ii.^ky,_ Uessie T-eviue^ Kohert t h e y a c c e p t t h e aviation offer s p o n s o r e d by the i n flowers. 12. IHSINESS STVKF Abet V' ilsh. .10 Josephine T i n i e s - U n i o n . • Il.'iwlmi.l, Ml; Marion Weinberg. l--|-auces Mazar, Hetty Ray. ( rime n e v e r pays, it is said. It appears that .Michael T e p e d i n o w h o killed Clinton W a l l w o r k last \ e a r w a s recently m u r d e r e d by F.arl B l o o m i n g d a l e . O'-r vcar single copies, ten nuts. Delivereil anywhere in l/iiited Stal.-. Kutered as second class matter at posto ,.->;pl "D f^CWS" I n ^ m Y r t C u n ^ " ^ •i ,oinuiiiiih-aimiis will he printed .unless tin left wiih the Kdllovili-Chief of tile NKVVSAnonymMv prtser-v,,l if 5:i i j i r . J I u NKWS uV:, ,,, guarantee to print any or all cmnuiniiatiims. ' ., # V •TlifNTF.n nv Mif:i PKESS, 394-.'% Urnadwa; -Dii Question: W h a t safety measures would you recommend t o make the crossings at the front and rear entrances of Draper hall safe? Dorothy W . Heath, '30: I can t h i n k of n o b e t t e r w a y to prevent accidents at these crossings, than to install traffic signs prohibiting the p a r k i n g of cars within certain distances of the b u s terminals. Mildred Hall, '31: 1 doubt w h e t h e r signs p r o h i b i t i n g p a r k i n g would d o any good. M o r e o v e r , il s t u d e n t s are cautious, signs are unnecessary. 1 suggest that a light system be installed at the crossings. T h i s would make crossing •asier and safer, and would prevent drivers from driving at too .last a rate., Miss Elizabeth Cobb, college librarian, who is on sabbatical leave this year, is conducting a study of the library facilities of State college. Students have been asked to fill out questionnaires, the answers to which will he representative of general difficulties involved in obtaining books and .magazines for collateral reading. Students are asked to compare facilities and difficulties encountered in each of the College, State, and public libraries. The questionnaire seeks to discover the average number of hours per course spent in eollcratcral reading, and from what source the books or magazines are derived. The number and price of textbooks bought by individual students are asked, and also the number of bonks for recreaand periodicals bought tional reading. The report starts with S u n d a y , November 1(1 a n d will continue until the first week of December. SWES L a u r a Brierley, '32: I think that from peopli should be prevented parking I Inir ears in front of the C . i.AKi.Y CANDLELIGHT D U - U K O . I , Miss Cobb Is Studying Library Facilities Here ,,<nNT,F,< STORY '•'«/•/v Caiidleliulil. I'.y Maude 11 art l.oveacc. The John I Jay i oinpany. New \ ork city. S2.50. • •bey ob-rucl the view of . ar- rone ng to and I'm. STAGE Jt : -•-l-AM a r g a r e t Cussler, ' 3 1 : I -uggc.-l The author of "The Mack Angel." here pre.-eutUs .i three light s.v-tenl he installed-. ,_ ' (fei 4 * ;;:i"|"';.i. KKADIN'ij T O !.!•'..\U\' vith a view of the frontier life in Minnesota a hundred T h i s would be heller for ,-tudenU years ago so inlcrestingly that we want to go hack there ami driver-. " 'J'lit-'inipils in our schools receive more hours of inand live in the log cabins around the general store, with * sifuctioii in rite three K's than ever before, says Dr. the mail coming into the village only three times each T h o m a s Kinsella, '30: T h e ' im "The 'Kellcy • Kid" by Kathleen .^'arjttoii, II, Mann of Aslieville, Nortli Carolina, who year, and'the- men leaving for the long hunting season mediate solution of the traffic probNorris was- presented Tuesday nigln ^recently completed a study of the time allotted to the MI the woods, during ihe fall, and the logging season 'ein seems to be a strictly enforced in Page hall by the advanced dramTiring the winter. n o n - p a r k i n g regulation within liitv atics class. teaching of the different grade school subjects in 444 Thai is about all that hi this lovely portrait which is like a miniature for feel of the crossing and some alcities of the United States. The study begins with 1826 . . can lie said. clearness on the small points of the life along the lenipl lo enforce the speed 1,1,11 ivvness thai was It moved will and shows the trends for 10(1 years. American frontier. Mrs. Lovelace introduces us to lovely within the school / o n e s at lea | bothersome all the time and more Contrary to ihe commonly expressed opinion that the characters who step from their frames to find that the than that some of the time. The Alice Splain, ' 3 1 : Since much of schools tend to neglect the three K's while placing electric railroad has replaced the travel by horseback change of attitude on the part of the uid canoe which they were used to, and that the kcro- the danger results from parked more e m p h a s i s upon subjects styled "fads ami frills." three Irish matrons towards "The ,eue lamps winch they praised so highly have long since •;ii's. ii might be well lo enforce a Kelley Kid" was tint developed in Dr. Mann found that "The children of the nation now been -cut to the scrap heap in favor of electricity which p a r k i n g rule in the school block. show to the fullesl extent the parreceive twice as many hours of instruction in the three also cooks our food and brings its music from the air. odoxical behavior in be found in 1 ri-h We find thai in those days, there was one fiddler in R's as they did in 1800 and almost four limes that K a t h e r i n e W a t k i n s , '30: 1 doubt natives. ihe village, and if he refused to play there was no danc- w h e t h e r a light system would be which they received in lK2fi." The best thing in the plav wa- tin ing no matter who decreed that there should be. practical in the front entrance of work i'\ Anne Dnunigan, '32, w h o Throughout his school career in 1820 a pupil studied The overseer of the hitmen and trappers who livid Draper hall as this is nm a corner played the pari of Mrs, Flannigan. 'readin', 'ritin', a.nd 'rithmelic :i total of lU4 hours. In ill llteir lives among the Indian- in the forests |o the l l o w e v e r "Slow D o w n " signs might It wa- one of the best piece- of charl„(,b he was spending 1,603 hour- on those tool subjects, north of the settlement which is depicted, i- an educaled be creeled and a p a r k i n g rule enacter work done since Mi-s lulia l-':n , iian who reads Greek, Latin. French, and Spanish with while in 1920 he »"b rei|uired to put in a total oi 3,o'o '28, left the college stage. the -ante fluency thai the litlle daughter of the village hours on the same branches of learniiiK. Ellen Mali-nr}, '3.?, also »:,- apiiitc.i-t wi-hes to learn to read her native tongue -nine preciated in her role i.f a young I ri h While Ihe amount of time spent today on the three lay. In spite of this, however, the womanly qualities of R's is greatly increased, the change in the emu. tit oi die little girl whom w, watch grow up to maturity come There i- nne thing we have w -il these subjects is much greater than the difference m In the fore and conquer whatever obstacles of race or to speak about for a long lime. Tin re 'ducatioii miglil have exi-ted in the beginning, The time spent in studying them, hi earlier time-, books are spunkin the auditorium mi play •ovel ha.- a delightful ending with the outcast eating will introduce the speak Alter nights. Yes sir, as -non as the audi were scarce and school libraries were of necessity small. liuner at the table of the overseer in the village again cure begins lo arrive, ('.man Dovlc'Frequently °nc school reader furnished the material for Trough the marriage of his daughter l" ihe over-eer. • mpanied by an orchestr; w'lV, ind -.IJ.-O.-I j Huh- playmates -tart pu-hiug the curThe problem of frontier marriage- with the Indians a whole year's study in reading. When the class bad • : l'r,,V,i,-k i 'rniiil,, tain. The.v jab il hen ami t h r u . finished the reader, ii began going through it a second i- treated in Ihe bonk to the extern that one of the oitl\""r.iiil,',''K' |,.b'u""'l'-'*' " ! " ' " ; l ; i ' < ' " n i c h e s , t h r o w g r i s t - n l •a-t's sons, who has been especially lawbreaking during liiaif. K.i'-.i,o.,,.i ( u l - a i r ; ' i h w h i c h c a u s e ii i n billow o u t time, and even a third time, until the next year brought ii- life in the village, goes into the wood- and bccoiniU.-iy. i.l T. II) ill g r e a t T a p e - . a new reader of ihe grade higher up. nie ul the red tribe on the strength that, after all, be Tlu - nne of them since his mother wa- an Indian -ipiaw. Today, pupils even of the second and third grade- read !•."••,'-'v:'vi-i!i!'i":i?' '"' 1""t bc'f"n' l h r ;irl"'- "i"n it- thev give it ; ,\ la-t pokes and The frontier daughter, Delia, strung, deliberate, and TIP as many as twcnty-iive or thirty book- a year ov ing, assumes the burdei ilv her lanulv, nut I ., .1 I n-liurn. W.-dier i skip back In the wing- where the) books are designed not only to offer practice in i if all those who cuttle I'm cabin at ihe edg ' ' ','.',",'.','V...'"I'.'I""' V'I',1.1"',Uro'c il an occasional pluck during the ,,,. j perlormaiice iu-l to be • trry information ol value to Hie n 1i:„'I'l-i but the\ ' M o l ihe v i l l a g e , and la-per Pare himself, Ihe audience isn't giving t. tiiii'h at tislory, ami and the science-. The etnpl geography, history, I lie empna-ii - . ,,.,-r. eotne- al la-t lo learn a n - - o n in bumble liuiuDieue— ami ; \,„h%.„ \ n , ., ,-.,,. . , ,,; , '•:Xj£any, X- v . y°v>:»'ljy.':A2J i°-'", V"'- x i v . N... 10 ': -v'By^rt|^Baygber 100 Men Will Attend YMC.A. Dinner Today placed not so much on learning to read upon reading to learn something. MKKTIXd something T\\< i NI-.KDS as pride which he could not have found in anv of the proud i •„,, \\.,II„,„'K. i.p.ol \'l,',relau.| 'lliin.hi j 'a,lie- off the fori wb.o whose main purpo-e in life -eeiued p . | ll.,-... r. I .•. Iilnn., K.-.m.-ib Mill.-i, J.,l„, | p. the fashions fumi die oiu-ide world and e 'r,'."". ' " ' , ' | l ' ; , - v ' » l ; nave |„.en waiting p, loplasiti ,.r hear low moans. Inn il-,. i 't;:Jrv"\"-n::zx<<^ ! : , , «, , '" r . , ' ,l ' il " '»""''«• - i , r cme .„ i, Ihe nill\ gooil nature, the picliire.-qtie language, ilie I one actress who was almost readv in The growth oi College house has been so rapid that : l i i n . l ' l - l . 0 |j'fL. , , , , | u , fmniier eolonv i- pictured bv Mi-. William Siimleilaii.l, Jnhii | slip into her Costtllllc. it almost escapes attention. Beginning in small quarters | , , , u . | : u . ( . j , , . , . , , n w ; l s u ; , | , , , , , eiubellishmeiils, no ex"".' (I'i'i'.it, v'.'i'!'.' n'i'i"h, Wants "Skull-sawing" which could house about ten men, u has iranslerred t 11 , . , . ^ | , : ( t . K a K l . , | , j l M u , | | s ;i s t , , r ) ; ,.. |, i s ; m , | i|K. result j 0,'ip.inMi l,.«ral,am C l a > : |-'o||ovving ('l,ri-t, ipher '.Morlev'a, new home where it can accommodate at least forty | ^ ,j,.|j,_>|,t f(11. I I'.'-VV*. «'»«"llillK over ill lln'inken, Ihere h.i .1 K,.,l„-I, i . K.-ilpl, K,men. Il is meeting the difficulties of the housing pmh- j Mrs. I.nvelace, in doing research work for this novel Ralph I been a general swerving t o w a r d - tin lem which faces the college and ii is supplying th lecided upon a rather novel procedure which has been ;•;"„' ,",,",;;,;) ,,;:;",',.•;:• ,-,;.'i,'"-''' .''•': revival of ihe good „|,| Melodrama i .Htied'd'or, a means of social contact among the men. followed throughout the volume. She has used wherever I - U l 1 . | , ,1 :> I I I .1 I , i|i i H i I ; i 11 • , 1 I i - , l | ' l l i ,; , , | | i 11 , \l • i | . ., . T h e hpuse is a challenge lo those who underrate the pos-ible the actual names of the persons about whom I ' . u i v v i l l I U K K ' H I S , I ' . i a d u n t , M i n i m i I , U l ' u0U.ld like to see some good "skull -awing", and villian shnoti ability, of college students. The men are living under -he is, talking, making the bunk, rather a collection of 00, h.ool just for old time's sake. It would be l l . i i n l d l l . i - w . l l , Kah, a form .of. self government, the discipline being wholly actual biographical scenes than a novel. impractical lo try a three ail pro KIHII l'inli-,iil< AppMnii, M jl),charge of the students On them is thrown the redill'tion, but it seem- to Us that a .,sj>onsib,i-Jit.v of managing a bouse, a job which is usually good one act melodrama with muCALENDAR reserved, for adults. And on them is placed the task T\V( ) YKAKS \(;< i AT ST ATI-'. C'OI.I.KCK taches and ,|uit K u n s would go Today of meting our punishment m a tactful manner. The h'lom the Ides of the Ni vv - for November 25, 1027 over biu. Studeiil assembly. 11:111 , \ , M ability of a group of students to take c u e of themselves A ml il > Tin in I'age ball. One hundred and sixty siv students and guests atis a counter challenge to those who undere-tiinale the Mock Trial 12:35 | \ M Umitn tended the annual -enior Imp m the gymnasium Friday worth of college .students. 2K, Kiebards ball night. ( l a s s , - dismissed 1 :^ I1. M, 1 ,-'()K \ D O T O h ' (,( l | . | ) . ' I ' " Is.vnniasiini w i i s d e c r a t e . l it, HIM-, and in the c,,flien (heel presentation of i idol's ol llu-led. llawliv, and Drapei ball- were placed \ "Twelfth N i g h t . " Auditorium, "• ' , l h ' KNICKKI KM i'KKhsi -ellees, d i v a n - and bridge l a m p Peru- ,,ud p a l m s I'age hall. 2:25 IV M. Probably Chicago will lind some other v\av l mend „,.,., , l M . , | , . d e c o r a t i o n s ...i V i » M e n - dinner Cafeteria, l l u s t e d its broken finances than bv the closing «\ its school-, I hall 5:30 I'. M. , 1 , , - - . o-almiiB thai Ill,- Il .Ml. HO' which i- the pi',,,peel now in view. The announcement | \ ifesbniau Slate college , , , , , 1 win- a S'(Ml nati Communications of ihe board of edueatioii thai a two tnoulhs' shutdown 1 1 ) r i / , / ol the -il I- and the di-aui -id oi KOI) leacher- will he Thinking the eaile-a over ami tin p n / e s awarded, neee-satv follow- upon the I (iovennu' | j,„-j s j |otte-, '.111, received notice in I line that she I F.lllinei'son ihat llo tax rebel can be had until ihe -tat, | | M , | I,,,'-,, " . l A ; l , |,.,| the S2(l() Normal and State College anielid- its cou-lilulioii. I prize for an e--av on cheiui-liv bv ihe \iiiericau ('belli The lax rale, (ioverunr luuiueisou hold-, already j ; . , , | eiv , , | New Vi.rk cilv places upon teal e late as heavy a biuihu a- U c m In j expected to bear. It r a l l i e s Ks pel cent ol the slate U,,., \, '20, deleated I) el l - a i . ' 3 1 ; Her ! taxes. T h e reined), as he sees il, he in ihe ena> tmei.t , . , , , , | , \ n , r | , . „ l i , 'Jo, defeated Pr„niis Duiicoinbe, ' 2 8 ; of a provision for the taxing ot "iniangibles," l,v w l u c h | , , r , | Mtehael Tepedino, '2K, detealed h'udolph W u r l h , | the eiioi'inoti- wealth re|ileseuled Hi -eeuritie-. roidd be ',;o, m thiee Uviiuiiliute boxing bonis more equitably levied upon. T o bring tlii.- about, a con in,,kei and diniur in ihe i ollegi cafeteria Man-,I stilutional anieiidmelit would be required, and while thi- i i-lit slow process i- under way, apparent!) the schools, m Chicago inu-l suffer for the % 12,1)1)0,11011 deficit which class ,,i '31. does nm vet fully realize th, need corrupt and inefficient administration has rolled up. Pinaiii study and high pressure application. T h e r e will doubtless be considerable scrambling, among | I | H --e are absolutely essential ii the amount ,,f work the various official groups concerned, to evade re»jH)li»l- a l i g n e d to ihe average Stale college -indent is to be bilily for the closing of the schools, if such a pas- i- done," Kiehlliond II. Kiriland, professor of education, permitted (iovernor ICmmvrsoii ha- proclaimed that as .,;ii<|. Hen ( ,1,-el presentation of " | Litnlet " \uililoiiiiin, I'age ball K.I5 I1 M Tomorrow \\ I \ llilisqueiadc. liyuiI..I 011111, I'age hall X 110 1'. M Sunday Men,nab meeting I , n i n e , . Kiel, a i d s hall M - I' M Monday I loithadoui - nieelitig I niuigi Kiebards hall, 7 15 I' \ | . " Tuesday \ d v a i h e,l diauiatics class plav. \ u«lit.u inni. I'age hall. 8;(M) ..I lie , 1 a - n - i - ,, i -.ii ii,.,i N ''• M - , p'.i ,','i',.'',','. •'"i l | 1 " l ' l 1 ""|' I "l" »!!>' P"'" 1, ' ' |i,"adi " I I Mpha I'hi Camma initiation, whu-h i Lounge, Richards hall, M S H 0" 1 11 M |p„-, a Wednesday ,l„ ,, I-, h o , 1.,, . iln i, i.,a.,,,..,, .a On . 8TVTE COLLEGE NEWS. NOVEMBER 22,'1W29 Firms Give Estimates Short News Notes For Freshman Banner Several firms have submitted estimates for the freshmen banner, but Fencing club conducted its first none lias been accepted, according in meeting recently in the men's gymThorley E. DuRose, freshman class nasium in Hawley hall. About 15 president. "There will be a fresh- students were present, Mr. Russell man class banner soon after Thanks- La Grange is teaching fencing. giving recess," DuRose announced. Announces Chapter Class rivalry will begin the first week in December. Men will have Pi Alpha Tan announces the estabcharge of the banners for the rest lishment of Thcta chapter at Long of the first semester. Women will Island university. have possession of them during the Become Honorary Members lecoiul semester until Moving Up day Sigma Alpha welcomes into honwhen rivalry ends. orary membership Miss Helcne Crooks, supervisor of French, and Miss Margaret Bet/., instructor in chemistry. YARSITY POSITIONS NOT YET DECIDED ENGLISH METHODS Miss Lapedes Advises CLASSES TO VISIT Redwood School Paper Bessie Lapedes, '29, a senior assoIN ALBANY SCHOOL ciate editor of the STATE COLLEGE Students who are enrolled in theNEWS last year, is faculty advisor, to English methods courses will observe the Redwood High School Racket, 12 Men WhoReceiveUniforms the teaching of English in Albany mimeograph newspaper published by High school this month, according to the students of Redwood High school, Will Constitute Court Miss Katherinc E. Wheeling, super- Redwood. Squad, Coach Says visor of practice teaching in Milne This is the first year that the school High school. has issued a newspaper. The publica"The. twelve men who receive regu"Arrangements have been made tion was organized under the direclar varsity uniforms the clay before with Dr. Harry E. Pratt, principal, tion of Miss Lapedes. our opening contest will Maxwell and Ray C. Carter, head of the EngELECTED SECRETARY Training school of Brooklyn, will be lish department, to have those enrolled in the methods courses observe Sally Shapiro, '29, has been elected the varsity scjttad," Coach Rutherford methods of the typical large high secretary of Grand council of Pi R, Baker said today. Because of the school as well as the smaller high Alpha Tan. necessity of experimenting with the school of which Milne is an examdifferent candidates at the various ple," Miss Wheeling said. The arrangement of the methods positions on the team, Coach Baker classes into separate groups whose 'has not been able to announce defin- major and minor subject is English Five Alumnae Visit Mildred Sillcn, '27, Leah Cohen, itely the line-up a) the present lime. makes it possible to give theory with '28, Ellen Effron, '28, Gertrude HrazThe men who seem likely to be practice, in both the junior and senInw '2'», and Mildred Parvel Halpcrior departments of Milne High school •in, '27, visited at Alpha • Epsilon Phi chosen for the varsity squad a r e : this year, according to Miss WheelCaptain Richard Whiston, l,co Allan, ing. •• n o r i i y bouse recently. AT VAN DYK'S NEW I ndcr dir.iti n ; u h I nglish n : and Vincent IV-tn, seniors; Charles Recess T o Begin At Noon jor student enrolled in this course will I.yon- and Frank < )lt, juniors, and LUNCHENETT Thanksgiving recess will begin at \ plan a Itsson and teach one day in li7"has"l)ee 12 ..'clock Wednesday. Classes will Robert Goodrich. Charles Kissam, j \£"eiaSS'"'il'r\vTiicb SERVING hi resumed Monday, December 2, at \ iiicent l.iivignc, 1- His Kol'.di aihjeel serving. 1 hose wine Boulevard Golden Guernsey S:ltl i.Vlock, according to Miss Jack SarofT. sophomores. HOME MADE is English need oith in the l-'li/'nbelh Van DenlUlfgh, registrar. Milk benefits b y everything The preponderant c of si iplv more* Milne High classes.' SANDWICHES, PIE, that science a n d m o d e r n d e on the varsit* squad is in keeping CAKE AND A MOST velopment provide. Try with Coach linker's customary plan B o u l e v a r d Milk. of developing a quintet from the secDELICIOUS CUP OF ond year men with the idea if havWrT<; here and ready when you're ing that same combination tor at least hungry lo help you out with the DUCHESS three season- as die varsity team or same courteous attention and serat least the gienter part of the team. vices we have always given you. — COFFEE — BOULEVARD DAIRY GO,, Inc. The of the schedule, announced by manager P'rederick W. Crumb, '.11), " T h e S u n l i g h t D a i r y " 231 Third St is: December 1-1. Teachers College ot II v It With Flowers, Newark, New Jersey: January 1(1, Telephone Teachers College of J a m a i c a : Janu4-4158 4C-42 Maiden Lane ary 15, Clarkson College of Technol167 CENTRAL AVE 811A Madison A v e . ogy of Postdam; l a n u u r v 18,. Cooper Albany, N . Y . Just Below Robin Street Union; February 5-6-7-8, New York B e t w e e n Quail and Ontario Sts. T r i p : Pebruarv I I . Lowell Institute of Lowell, Massachusetts; February A GIFT FROM PRESENT YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ON PERSONAL 12. Alumni; March 1, Webb In-ti lute. Xew Vnrlc March 7 or 8, \ Y u CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Paltz Normal school. Secured at Half Rates with Coupons Sold at the State College Co-op Shop MEANS MORE OBENAUS S T U D I O I'rom a I in\. dark niche in tin ci ' 1 Over Grant's Store lege walls and a meagre shelf of text 57 No. Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y. hooks to the large, airy, well lighted 17(1 11 road way Albany, N . Vi t n-op that is, in outline, the history of the rise and growth of the College Co-operative Hook Shop, in its out it ard aspects, | r ans one interEMD1COTT-JOHNSON CORP. ested in -e, iug hel.wt and beyond the Reliable Meats a n d Fresh Killed P o u l t r y or i ace of things, however, there is NOW SHOWING $46 M a d i s o n A v e n u e ii.other stoi t of an inner, subP h o n e 6-1837 Cor. O n t a r i o S t r e e t tle, and inni h nil ire significant growth "Evening Slippers" in Gold and Silver Kid ill II thai ..1 mere space ; and that cmii i MIS a growth in understanding A T $5.95 sort u e |o the students and faculty MORRIS CANDY SHOP ol State college Formerly Ames Aswad The ( n u t , seeks to fulfill tour every 2 2 2 Central Avenue DOWNTOWN STORE need ihoughl full) and efficiently : you UPTOWN STORE W e s p e c i a l i z e in t o a s t e d s a n d w i c h e s hate bill to make it known. To those 97 So. Pearl Street 87 Central Avenue among ton who still thing of the CoSodas and Sundaes op as a place interested only in text books and the other appurtenances of sunt) necessary, to he sure, and the W e s t e r n Beef H o u s e inn reason for its existence--the invitation is always open to visit the HOME OF CHOICE MEATS i n o p and brow -e around. The gift Personality Bobs-Finger W a v i n g - P e r m a n e n t W a v i n g honk department of modern literature 7 8 3 Madison Ave and beautiful editions of the classics 86 S. Pearl St. H o m e Savings Bank Bldn Strand Phone 6-2092 will d'scoter to ton row upon mw Phone 3-1529 U N . Pearl St. 133 N . Pearl St. ol eii'diaiitmeul. And there arc other 3-3632 4-6280 surprises in the mane delightful things that the still tm\', but still growing Co-op can somehow contrite in hold i Hmc i n - and browse /0 around ! LUNCH Boulevard Golden Guernsey WITH UJ MILK JUST KEEP A'COMING High Grade Delicatessen & Lunch Van Dyk Tea Store VAN HEUSEN CHARLES The Van Heusen Charles Company L. A. BOOKHEIM'S PALLADINO Wagar's Sandwich Shop Western HI Quail ,SAI,.\I)S SAX 1 AVICI 1 K - SOliAS - SI'NDAKS I ndcr Miin.igcinciu ol \\ ugar's, I n . . Makers of Real Home- Made let Cream We Understand Eyes'' - ^ EAT At The EYEGLASSES OPTOMETRIST r >(> N . Pearl St. A l b a n y , J N . Y . OPTICIAN College Pharmacy 7d I I FRANK H. tico. P . leoiic EVORY & CO. Jf^mtlnutri* (gafrtwla A GOOD HABIT TO FORM One special service wheih the Co-op offers is extended to you by the "C T h e H a b i t o f Thrift f o r m e d i n Y o u t h & C A N N E X , " the new cookje and candy shop run by the Cafeteria and uOmpOUnOBO \s l a s t i n g . A little p r a c t i c e e a c h w e e k the Co-op in partnership. The Annex sells Wagar's delicious t'skimo W QU3rtGTtV >H t e a c h y o u a v a l u a b l e l e s s o n . pies, and will be glad to take orders for Wagar's home made1 ice cream By ordering for your parties. through the Annex, student organiCITY SAVINGS BANK zations and group bouses will he able to obtain the best in ice cream at the 1 0 0 S T A T E S T R E E T AI.IIANY, N. Y. lowest prices. Adv WEST LAWRENCE PHARMACY WF, INVITE YOU TV l.l'Nf'll AT OUR FOUNTAIN MORTON'S N. Y. ICE CREAM SERVED EXCLUSIVELY IN ALBANY AT OUR FOUNTAIN UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MR. W. H. REA PRINTING OF ALL KINDS S W i - w s inni Gumps ut tin' Slaw College foi IVufht'rs u ill I'I.' jjiivn s/vcial (KU'ritJun General Printers '« 1(> and 18 Beaver Street 198 Ci'ntml Avenue Albany. N. Y. i»t Uobin ')1 Steps Kast of Pearl Street Mills Art lVllUb r \ l L l 1V.BS Press y ) 4 3 % Broildwil ' v 4 '"87 Printers of State Qilleue News, STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMEBB 22, 192» 4 Chemistry Students CANTERBURY CLVB Freshmen May Sign Up Menorah Makes Plans ART DEPARTMENT To Initate December 2 TO HAVE MEETING For Debate Tryoats For Card Party Scon EXHIBITS FLEMISH Chemistry club initiations will be All freshman women may sign up AT ALBANY HOME conducted Monday December 2, acfor a card party to be given Canterbury club has accepted the cording to Edward T h o m p s o n , '30, to try out for the women's debating PAINTINGS HERE byPlans Menorah society before the ChristThe State college art department is showing an exhibit of Flemish paintings during this week and next, according to Miss Eunice A. Perine., instructor in fine arts, This exhibit is presented to draw the attention of students to the gallery of Flemish paintings now being shown in New York city, Miss Perine said. The proceeds of this showing at the Klcinberger gallery in New York will be devoted to buying milk for poor children in the city, Miss Perine announced. mas holidays are being completed by a committee composed of Dorothy Hirschfeld, '32, chairman; Dorothy Warshaw, '30, and Anna Guertzman, '33. The next meeting of Menorah society will be conducted Sunday night in the Lounge in Richards hall. Dolgeville Appoints Auerbach Science Head Bernard Auerbach, '29, is now head of the science department in the high school at Dolgeville. Auerbach was a member of the varsity "It is possible that students may basketball team when he was a "He also go to New York city over the holi- senior here last year. day, and it will be a fine opportunity played in the men's orchestra. for them to see portraits gathered TO HAVE BRIDGE TEA from the homes of millionaires for Chi Sigma Theta will have a bridge this particular purpose," Miss Perine tea, Saturday, December 7. Condeclared. stance de Guzman is general chairThe present showing of paintings man. is the first of a series which will be exhibited by the college art department, according to Miss Perine, All Wt TeUfraph Flowtrt to all exhibitions will be on the second floor Part* oftht World of Draper hall, either in the art studio or in the hall adjoining, Miss Perine said. "Dependable Flowers'' Invitation of Mrs. William llayard president. T h e members of the enVan Rennsseaer, 385 State street, tertainment committee are: Agnes Albany, to conduct its next meeting at her home, according to Helen Altro, '30, Irving McConhell, and Winter, '31, president o fthe club. The meeting will be Monday, December 2. Canterbury club has completed its plans for a Christmas party to be given in conjunction with Trinity Institute, for the children of the TrinEvery sandwich made up ity settlement, according to Helen Winter, '31, president. COLLEGE CANDY SHOP 203 Central Avenue (near Robin) Homemade'Fie and Cake Toasted Sandwiches Steuben Street Corner James College Pharmacy P h o n a 4-3771 LUCILLE BEALTY iALCN LUCILLE ALTOPEDA 208 QUAIL ST. (Rice Bldg) Dial 6-5787 Direction Warner Bros. A TJUJUHt Qtttstlt- MARK TRAN RAN U HAIR DRESSERS IRENE BORDINI Permanent Waving using only scientific methods and the best preparations obtainable. R. Louis Facial and all other branches of Beauty Culture. SO N. Pearl St. — IN — "PARIS" ALL TALKING R TED LEWIS Phone 4 - 5 4 1 6 C. H. B U C K L E Y MABK™7 — IN — THEATRICAL "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY" ENTERPRISES ALL TALKING WEEK, NOV. 2 5 to 3 0 MADISON LELAND BLEECKEB HALL MADISON AND MAIN MONDAY—TUESDAY THE SCREEN'S BREEZIEST STAR WILLIAM ALL SINGING, TALKING A N D DANCING MUSICAL ROMANCE SENSATION "THE MYSTERIOUS DR. FU MANCHU" HAINES Willird W. Andrewi.Prei. F.Wayland Bailey,SK "SUNNYSIDE UP" "SPEEDWAY" Albany Teachers' WITH CHARLES FARRELL and JANET GAYNOR 100% ALL TALKING MYSTERY D R A M A WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY WITH ANITA PAGE EDWARD EVERETT HORTON 74 Chapel St. Albany, N.Y. SPECIAL Nestle Permanent Wave Regular $10 for$7.50 Free Shampoo and FingerWave Shampooing and Waving for LongHair - |1.fs For Bobbed Hair - $1.50 Manicuring 50c Facial Massage$l fresh to individual order R K 0 PROCTOR* HARMANUS DRUGS At The team, Anna T. Moore, '30, president of the debate council, announced toclay. — IN — A SYNCHRONIZED — IN — PICTURE "HOTTENTOT" ALL TALKING FRIDAY—SATURDAY THE FINEST PROGRAMS IN ALBANY "FOUR FEATHERS" We need teachers for appointment* at all seasons of the year Write for information or call at the office. Smart Coats - Hats - Dresses For Girls and Misses PAUSE ANt> Gym Togs - Hosiery miKlsn Steefel Brothers, Inc. T H E R E ARE AND PAUSES PAUSES. BUTCH, T H E AND DEMON TACKLE, WOULD READILY ADMIT THAT SOMETIMES IT'S A MATTER OF TOO MUCH PAUSE AND NOT ENOUGH REFRESHMENT. ESTABLISHED ENGLISH U N I V E R S I T Y STVLES. T A I L O H E D OVER Y O U T H F U L C H A R T S SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES 3tL Atlanta, C J . fdlmrtev louse Suit* * 4 0 , * 4 5 t ' 5 0 T h e rest of us are more fortunate. W e can takeour pauses as w e want them. And to refresh us, CocaCola is ready, ice-cold, around the corner from anywhere. T h e wholesome refreshment of this pure drink of naturul flavors m a k e s any 1 i ct minute long enough for a big rest. Overcoat* YOU CAN'T BEAT THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES W H E R E