State College News NEW YORK S T A T E C O L L E G E F O R TEACHERS v ui/i .«\.i. n u , /lliliAWY, O't n i ' c i n i n WILL INITIATE 1928 MYSKANIA IN JUNE Wardell Weds On Moving-Up Day; Then Returns To Hear Her Song Moving l ' p Day, which is also "moving «iiit day" for (lie seniors, \fcns a iiiiiiiieiiioiis dav for one of Hum. Dorothy Wardell, '27, became The Twelve Include Editors Of| Mrs, Van N'ess l„ Boice Insl Friday. News, Quarterly, Presidents The ceremony was performed on the afternoon o-f Moving Up day by the Of Y . W . C . A . G . A . A . Rev, Joint Shaw McLean, minister of the Park United Presbyterian church, C U R T I S IS T A P P E D FIRST Smith Lake and Western avenues. Mrs. li dec attended Moving Up day Lane Chosen President, Graves events in the morning and in the evening was ai the Step sing where Vice President, of Student she heard the words of her poeni Association snug bv the .seniors. Mr. Iloiee's The twelve members of the 1928 My- home is at Millhook in 'Dutchess county, which is near Dover Plains skania, lapped at Movlrig-Up day Friday where Mrs. Boice will leach next will he initiated at some dale, not to he year, Mrs. Ilnicc is an associate Im rnry editor r:l the Quarter!) uoiiniinced publicly, before the end of the school year. The new members a r e : ( IIRISSIE CURTIS K \TIILEKX DOUGHTY F R A N C I S E, G R I F F I N VIRGINIA IIIGGIXS R I C H A R D A. | E N S EN ( I I VRLOTTE J O N E S CM, 1 . , I' III D A Y , J I A Y ]il 29 MORE SENIORS GET TEACHING JOBS M e l l o n To Teach A t Fort A n n , Duell A t Redwood, Grant At W e s t Leydon DOYLE GOESTO W I L L S B O R O M a r g a r e t Flanagan W i l l Work For Frigidaire Company In Albany 10 c e n t s p e r c o p y , 8 2 . 2 5 p e r y e a r 25 Percent Cut In Subscription Price Of The News Effective Now A cut of twenty-five percent in the subscription price of the STATICoi.i.KnR Xnws, effective immediately, is a n n o u n c e d today by the NKWS board. T h e present price of $3.00 per year will be dropped t o $2.25, a n d seniors w h o are g r a d u a t ing will be given the opportunity to subscribe for next year at the n e w price. Seniors w h o wish t o subscribe are ashed to leave their name, home address, mailing a d d r e s s for next IIOOSENIORSTEACF IN FIRST SEMESTER Sayles A n n o u n c e s Subjects, Teachers For M i l n e High School 22 HAVE 8 : 1 0 C L A S S E S S 17 To Instruct A t 9 : 0 5 ; 2 2 A t 10:00; 17 A t 10:55; 22 A t 11:50 witn Thelnia T e m p l e , '28, subscripTwenty-nine more senior.-, have secured One hundred seniors will begin praction m a n a g e r . leaching positions for nest year, accord tice teaching during the opening semester ng to Professor J o h n M. Sayles, chairnext fall, The students and the subjects which they will leach, as announced hy man of ihe placement board. T h e senProfessor John M. Sayles, principal of iors and iheir positions a r e : V'erna Milne I linh school, a r e : ,'islicr, grades I to -I al I aniian ; lllanchi Ai SiloyJiOO ..'clock: Dorothy Dev. .''.upland, English and French al Elba; Franees Plowmen, English I ; Esther Laura Baessler, ( ormtierce al \\ oodDouglas, English I I ; Elizabeth Mae'lire. X. J . ; Mary Moll French and Mullen, Ruth Kelley, English I I I : Dora I'.nglish al Fori A n n ; Blanche Robins, Griffin A n d W h i s t o n To Form (ierke and l.ina Johnson, Alice Browning and Elizabeth I'hetleplace, biology; RUTH L A N E ' French and mathematics al Broadalbin; Battery For Last Game Grace Hopper and Miriam Rich, elemenR U T H (i. M O O R E Original Manuscript's M u s i c Li W is I loyle, Latin and historj al Wills At Ridgefield tary algebra; Seward Dodge and |oseFLORENCE POTTER R e q u i r e m e n t s Will Be mro; Lillian Duell, English and French phiue Lawrence, Florence Poller' and K A T H E R I N E SAXTON St;i,t Followed ii Redwood; Bernice Brown, French and I ' < • •!If;^. will play Cortland Xor Gilbert Gaiiong, in'crmediate algebra; M A R G A R E T STOl'TF.XBF.KGI I il l in a r,.w afternoon al Ridgelield Richard Jensen, plane geometry; Helen BEATRICE WRIGHT history at .Akron; Dorothv \ \ ickwire, I'ark in the final baseball game of tin Daugr.cmond, Latin I I ; Dorothy llaciis•mmercc al Inmestown; Mildred . , They were lapped in that order Fri \ Original music by Marion Coitklin, '.'''. day, before an audience of State College | will feature the advanced dramatics class Sclmtitter, French and commerrc ni H a n >'''"'' ' ' " ' l l a l l t is cxpec.ed to put a ser, commercial geography; Anna Lackey, students, faculty and friends that jammed : production of "The Trmpes 1 ,'' luuc .1 ford; X u a Handy, chemistry and alge- ;,,.''";;• ,.'' "'J!': .,,',',, , " • ! , ' ' ! " 'ii 1 '' Mice Fisher, (iracc Glasier, Eleanor "ie auditorium to i's doors. Included !, IMI | |, n c r „. ( |i„ H p, \\\M Mary Grahn, ' " ' ' ; " l ; nlrp..rt; Beatrice Clapper home C n d i f I T « • I " i ! n n "' Linn, history A, m Nine O'Clock T e a c h e r s amoiig iheir number are the v ce-presi- I. , • ,. ,- , , ,. , ,• „ economics at Great Neck; D o r s S nnoit, •, ' ," v r , \ ' At 0:03-0:55: Doris Arnold, Marion i , .- ,, , . u . . . . , ... , ' . , , nisiructor ni r.niD i-h and ( r e c t o r o he , , •, .,, , , • •„ , , , vieorv over Sta e, fi o ,3, fl. Zap!', Ruth G. Moore, Carolyn Scott, dents fit the Y. W. I , A. and I oris Ath- , .,., . ,, . , . home economics al (Jssiiuug; Gerlnulc , ' , ,, , , , ,, u lllM the Cot.l.KtiRthe XKWS, the presidents title, New, commerce York city; Jean Arnold leiic STATU association, editor-in-chief of i directed llLn' l in ' the original musical nunuiscripl re<|uiremeulswill as Sweltim at Packard ins'i-1,, ' " , , " , I U s - 1 " 1 , " l s -'~'l"''"i English I ; Josephine Newton, English I I : Eli • Ostrandcr and Mary Martin, of the Dramatic and Art association, the !«• carried mil she said V far as pos- [ I'Teiieh at Fort Plain; Marion Tilly, r ""ti'i , ' ' ' ugh ' , | ' ' . aim '• isl u > practice since it wafeateil S hy continued Gertrude Myers and Lela Van Schaiek, studeid association a n d , , , , Girls' A t h ; .,,,,,. „„. „ . „ „ „ „ . , h A nr»,tf%™m«^ u ! , llamiliou. „ . . , , , , ,The , civics; E'hel l.escheu, Anna Stttpplorain during ihe pa-1 two weeks has p n letic association, the business manager oi breu, plane geometry; L. A. Johnson. i o'lliin u 11 slari on the nioiiu.l the STATU COLUOR X K U S , the president I'' lapieil for modern use bj Miss ( onk- | Young, grade work at Colonic; Julia if ihe Y. W. C. A. and the editor-in- i Nn, will be used. Titus, church secretary work at Sche- ing l i an aim •ptiiieemciil made by l o a c h Latin 4 ; Genevieve White, advanced chiei of the 1028 Pedagogue. I'wo of the songs ;, c to be insl as ueclady; Flizahelh Benway. iiiatheinalic Baker. \\ ilh better work in the held stenography; Margaretta Smyth, SpanGriflin should bring a win to Stale in ish I I ; Dorothy llradt and Evclyna Saria, DuBois T a p p e d T w o ... M mill, an.- ill (he theater ' " Rllicotlvlllr; Mary Maslriauui, French is final game of the season, Wlii-ton history C; Esther Chuckrow, bookkeepEthel DuBois, '27. was the first 1027 , . , i Cambridge; Dorothy llandloii, the receiving end of ihe ing I. ui llie original llterce al Solvoy; Melanie Grant, music •A ill hi Myskania member to tap a junior Fri- ".' , N i M i ' ! " ' " At 1(1:00-10:5a: Ague, Hoffman and lay. and she aKo tapped the twelfth | l-.U/Tthctliun settings by Johnson. They F,ngli>h, and drawing al West Leydon hall cry, hale'lineup will he ihe same as ill Anne Ifolroyd. Katherine llammcrslev. Ariel's well known song; ' W h e r e Ruth Lockard, Englisii at Grosse Pointt junior. The audience, which had been are: ,,' '.', , " ' . , . ; , , ' ,..' ', i I,• , M I , i it i • i , Is nrevi u- game. Nephew will hold English l i l ; Dorothy Terrill, Darolhy enjoying the speeches of the four class 1 Il1 11 •'.' ,'>«>' *»*»:. ' ' L l " k " i '»'<! -Mi h.; Marjone t a m p b e I, history an.l , „ « . ,A|| , (. , Rabid, l.a'in I ; Betty Kirkpatrick anil representatives, and had followed the |l 11 , , mh ,m t V m H v ia ' piece • ,• , , ' ' ^ '-11 'alTHallston; u , 'Edna V ' i Henry. ','? •" !<«"• second p e c \iina Minich, Lillian MacGicgor and oilier events of the program with inter- • ; . M I | S' "I'avaue, ,,i• ,Eli/.abetl h iVg ni. «tcommerce • , •viiski ,1 \ .i t,' on .,, , and , , third . . . . , , re•,'.,,. . . , , i , 1 1 * 1 1 i \ i , 11 \ ' I \ , 11 '., 11 I MI. i ', M | . n I n <-)|), 1 , 1 . Ethel Van Emluirg, French I ; Helen est, epiieted until Ihe assembly was aliv music, i , being aoapted for the e e h I, grade al l l j g i l a n l . Margaret | u | . ( , m . ; m i | ( . J ^. {I , u , i n \ h , ,„,", Klady and Dorothy Gurlt, French I I ; most silent as Myskania stood, waiting j masipie scene, along wi'h a selling oi Flanagan will be employed by the Fri .. , , Clara Ha gey, French III special; Elealo make its first choice. Then Miss Bach In Bauer. Miss Conklin is also idaire Co., Albany. J . , i . i • o nor Smith and Vivian Sheals, French I IT; DuBois lel'l her place, walked to th composing the song for this scene. X a much can he expected ni this Dorothy Humesion and Elsie Potter, : junior sec'ion and called out "Chrissie ir's train due to ls lack of practice. lurlIu r original compositions by Miss hisory C ; Florence Rlumenittock and ( in lis." In the same manner each of ( oiiklin include (lie drinking song, and aril Baker ha- some good material lo Esther Turner, Kaihryn Connelly and the ten other Myskania members lapped a sec nd s o u ; h\ Ariel. She is also arrk with, hut 'he weather has prevented Agnes Connor, history A ; Dorothy a junior. i lice. Stale has played only three rang ng the e r e for the orchestra of Lasher, shorthand I ; Margaret Wilson, There was a pause. Then applause Iriuged and wind iiistrutllenls, in which lies so far this year and according lo eleinen'ary business training, hurst out aga.'u as Miss DuBois left her I he is io plaj the pian The Rev. J. V. Moldenhawcr will give j :'»p;ain Kiuvynski" the sipiad has had Teach at 10:55 place a second lime. She tapped Beatrice I — _ Ihe haccalaureale address al commence- j ml) s's pond practice sessii us -ince the At 10:55-11:45; Helen Mortice and m e n . | tine \'K President A. R. Bru - : -easoii opened. Wright. Myskania rules are that eleven. - i f i . . . . . . . . c u / r , D thJ Mary Lee. civics; Helena Flickinger and hacher has announced. Dr. Molden : Ralph J. Stanley, manager, is especl twelve or lllirteei. juniors may be tapped, ZAJAN WILL SWEAR IN Lee Dellahoy. John Kinsella and Viola h.iuer i- pa>|or ol ihe Wcliu'iisier Pres • ing a large crowd for tin final came. bin no thirteenth was chosen. llranche, Katherine Angerami and Anna Miss Lane was announced as president1 MCV , 11 1 lt 5 Eagan. elementary algebra; Mildred elect of the student association, Evelyn Beswick, Latin I: Alva Pietschkor, Eclitli ( i r a w s , _''), Albany, as vice-president, harge in Xeu York city, Iwle Lu el will ump.I c Ten Rroeck, Margaret Stoiilenburgh, iati .u w II be sworn and installed at the and Grace M. Brady, 'all, Albany, as Ihe new officersatof10:50 the student Latin I I : Dorothv Arnold. Latin H I ; ingle as einhly o'clock assothis secretary. Oilier officers announced Emily Williams Is". E Wheeling. Engwere: faculty cha'rman of the student uiornui::, Bertha / a j a n , 27, retiring lish I V ; Mollie Erlich, commercial finance hoard. Professor George M. pi'salenl. will administer the oaths ol arithmetic; Marion Stanley, commercial York; cheerleaders. Hamilton Acbeson, oll.ce t o ; Ruth Lane. 2H, new president; y English. '.«) a n ] Marjoric Youngs, '28; song Ewdyit (,ra\es, 2>), vice-president; , _ . , . . \t 11:50-12:35: Marietta Miller and leader, Doro'hy Rabie, '2fi. tiraee M. Brady, .ill, secretary, and to Bertha Xajan. '27, president ol the -In ( oiistance Laumanu. 27, is editor-in Alter all classes had passed from the j be "ilicr associat'oii officials. , clcnl association, has been announced chief of the Pedagogue and Janet G..w. Mabel Berg; Matilda Keeler and Madeline Mattcrsou biology; Merle Hocka.aliu.rium and formed part of the line, ! . f i e meeting is expected to he ihe final . '_7, is hu.siues, manager. Ihe new and old Myskania marched he- " I the year, no program being now , , . ' . " „ , , . . I , ' , . , , „ „ „„ : . „ . , . ; , , , , .,,.,.,-,., i ,,.„ ;„ strater and Mabel Ramcr, elementary :l tweeii them as the students sang, "We'll 1 f a' n n e d ' for • next 'Frida • sludinl body as the s.udeul who h a s : I'ulcli Ihinie i. e-.peci.ill) e.n I led out in algebra ; Jeanne Amos and Frances Muel•|. .si for Stale College" when 700 he n i l - and birder.-,. One border i.- ler. Helen Kilhuru and Florence Gaudet. ( beer Myskania." .-. pies of the l'J27 Pedagogue senior taken fn in (Jueeii Anne'- prayer hook French 1; Wanda Starr. Editli Bowman, \ear hook, arrived at College for distri- and an .tlier from Washington I r\ ing's French I I ; Howard Goff and Marjoric Preceding the tapping, the audience had Young, physics: Helena Wauner, chemiiuliiiu. Sketch Bo ik, Mi • llaiunann said. istry; Marion Passino, Spanish I ; DoroF.lhel DuBois, '27, president lit" the Sprague. '2'J, presented $50 to the ath- j 'hy Geilney and Norma Milano. history I Hilch \lbaii) is the central theme of N'oiing Woiinn's Chri-'iau association, letic field fund for the Troubadours, l i e ; ... , , , , ,, i ,, i i i . i . Sis games have heeu arrange! lor the was elected 'most popular girl student ihe l')J7 Pedagogue, dis'rihulioii of ('; Katherine Saxton. Davis Shulles, auiiouuced Ihe group had also made a , , , , , . , , . •; , , ,, ,, donation for relief of the Mississippi . - 7 - ' » menr varsity haskelhall season, hy the student body. ivhieh was c niplete I late this week. English I I ; Miss Sheffield, public speak! Hood sufferers. "...mas P. ha Ion, 2'J, manager, has a„Edwin Van Kleeek, '27, editor-in- The c iver represents an old Dutch d ' ing ; Willard Relallick, music. 1 A tht |U wl l,c 1 15 1 chief of the STATU GOI.I.KOI-: X'I-'WS, was with a c .Milestone background. T h e Praising Dean Anna E. Pierce as a !''""'.V' ' " " «''" ^ " I' ' '' elected "most popular m a n " by Ihe borders of ihe Kceuie section - h o w a woman who had visioned adeiuiate hous- "',,.', I>'"1^. ATTENTION OF STUDENTS ing facil'ties for Slate College young i , I lie g a n g , lor which contracts have student vole. ireel in i Id Albany, l 1 l lu 1 pr A copy of a I hitch woodcut was used women, Louise D. "' \''" ^"*") " '' "•',"'". and ihe I), Gunii. (.uiiu, '27, 27, presented '" V" dates '",", a , -.- ' ... , l Ludora I'.iulorii Lampman, l.ampman, '27, _/, pre.s.oeiu oi Tl ree hundr •d e xtra copies of toan oil pain'iug of Dean Pierce to the ^ l a u v d l Iriitii.iiK S d w l l m ' a - , , , , „ , , . , , , . ; , C l l U l u . i l w ; i s ( . U r l , ( | .. ||II1S| for tin sophomore division page. The dav'- XKWS It eve been printed, of ! S: 1 lld,ild )cc •harae'er on the organization section College on behalf of the senior class. : ,'•"• "'''•, ' ' • , • '"' ^ ^, . , '• , heautil.,1." whic l 250 will he mailed to senior Accepting the gift for the College, Hartni.,.ilh. De'-. 7; Oswego S a e Xo ,, p',-,,,;,,,;,,,, ,,f . | l a i h a m . edilor i„- page is Ihe I bitch god. Pan. The slreel class •s of high scl ools in the stale, e n t e r in the activities' organization cut President A. R. Brubaeber paid high »?"' ilI ir'"ll .'•?: S l : . ^"lavenltire s, Jan. 2 1 ; ; .. hi|i| . ( | . | | u . L i u l | | , -..JK-KI- humor magaThe remaining lilt • extra copies are trihute to Mean Pierce, whom he said . ' ' " ' l ' ' " ' " " ' ' j /.me, was chosen lor tbe third cousecu is a reproduction of Pearl and State avail ihle for s tick tits who wish to had given all of her life to Stale College i live v.-ar as ' best dressed.'' drieis n old .\lbauy, The border on M I S S S T O K E S IM H O S P I T A L send a copy to eac i of one or more 'ind its students Margaret Knapp, '2<>, was elected the represeu'ative section is an adaptafriends or acquaintances who are posAs die representative of the College, j Miss Ellen C. Stokes,, instructor in J * illege grind." f an illuminated border from Queen Slate Col eye students. Please sible Ihe STATU COI.I.KOF. NKWS is an enter- mathematics, had an operation for mas- | The hook was dedica'ed to Dean \ \ il- i Ainu-'-. Prayer Book. The joke division get hese conic s 1 mil the suhseripA frontispiece hi j page shows two characters from Wash prise of major importance, Dr. Bru- loidi'L al Ihe Albany hospital Thursday, i liam I I . Metzler. lion manager, Tin Ima Temple, '27, baeber said, presenting gold Ni-:ws keys May l'». "She is doing well," a report c 1 irs was a reproduction of the oil j iupimi living's Sketch Book, hut | lease do utit tt ke them from the to the four members of next year's from ihe hospital this week said. Il is miinliiw of Dean Anna E, Pierce b y ! Another interesting point is that tin I'CgU ill' place o tli trihution. hoard. They were: Miss ITiggins, cdi- expected that she will not he able lo | David l.ithgow, which is one of the two I p c l i n c , for 'he representative seetloi return to her work this semester. gifts of the senior class lo the College, were taken in Dutch costume. (I'uuv tlirao, Column One) CORTLAND TO PLAY VARSITY TOMORROW CONRLIH COMPOSES "TEMPEST" SCORES MOLDENHAWER SPEAKS AT '27 COMMENCEMENT NEW OFFICERS TODAY > f ' V T' ,,"" "" " ''.'"".X Vim ^2$ ' ' "''""' Zajan Does Most For College, DuBois Most Popular Lampman State Beauty, Says Ped 6 BASKETBALL GAMES WILL BE PLAYED HERE STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MAY 27, 1927 State College News KSTAIILISIIKP IIV THE CLASS OP 1918 The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Tl-lli NEWS BOARD EDWIN VAN KLEECK Kappa Editor-in-Chief Delta Uho Mouse, West 4314 HBI.EM ZIMMEKMAN llusiiiess Manager 858 Madison Avenue, 4010-R VIRGINIA I[ICOINS Managing Editor 650 WasHlng-lon Avenue, West 2090-J p Associate Managing Editor SARA BAHKLKV 39 So, Lake Avenue, West 16'J5-J TIIEI.MA TEMPLE Subscription Manager I'sl (lamina Mouse, West 2752 SKNIOK ASSOCIATK EIHTOHS J U L I A FAV, '27 K A T H A R I N E R I . B N I S , '27 TIIILMA L. HRF.ZEE, '27 LOUISE I). O U N N , '27 JUNIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS ADIII.AIHE HOLI.ISTER, '28 LEI.A VAN SGIIAICK, '28 MARY J U D I T H LANODON, '28 DOROTHY W A T T S , '28 REPORTERS R U T H M. M C N U T T , '27 K E N T PEASE, '27 MAROARET I'ROVOST, '27 DERTIIA Z A J A N , '27 K A T H L E E N UOUOIITV, '28 R U T H EI.ANAOAN, '28 MILDRED GAIIBL, '28 R U T H ('!, MOORE, '28 CIERTRUDE MUASI.OW, '29 L. EHWIN THOMAS I'RANCIS MAKER, ROSE DRANSKY, '29 MOLI.IK K A U F M A N , '29 ., , . , .. , M r ) I^LIWEN, *29 1'I.OKHHCI'. KOKN, '29 llussiu LAI'EDES, '29 LOHENA MARCUS, '29 ELIZAIILTII I'ULVER, '29 CAROLINE S C H L E I C I I , '29 M A V VERA UHLI.K WEI.I.OTT, '29 ASSISTANT IIUSINESS MANAGERS '27 IliitiorilY IIANDI.ON, I'. IMI.I.ON, '29 15, U R I F E I N , '28 '27 A N N E IIOI.ROYII, '28 MII.UHKD I,ANSI.EY, '29 K.'THKHINK SAXTON, '28 RUTH KEI.I.EY, Asslstnnf. Subscription Manager M. [''BENCH, Direct.0' of Headline anil Copy-Kcadlllg C a s s i s SAIIA IIAHKI.KY, Director of News Writing Class W I L L I A M M. FRENCH, Desk Editor TIIEI.MA I.. HREZEE, I'resident, News Club; UIITII M VicePresident; ANNE MTAKFOIIII,'!.'!!, Secretary-Treasurer WILLIAM Published every Eridav in the college year by tile Editorial Hoard Subscription, $3,00 per representing the Student Association, year, single copies, tell ccnls, Delivered 1, lywbere in the United Stairs, Entered ,-n second class malter at postoltlee, Albany, N. Y. The News docs Hot necessarily endorse sentiments expressed In contributions S" euiuuiiiniciitioiis will be printed unless lilt- writers' names arc left with the Editor-in-Chief of the News. Anonymity will lie preserved if HO desired, SECOND PRIZE AS "AMERICA'S BEST TEACHERS NEWSPAPER," C. S. P. A., 1927. I'RiNTiiii IIV M I L L S ART I'HESS, 391-390 COLLEGE Hrnadway CONGRATULATIONS, BERTHA ZAJAN! It is a glorious title tlint Stale College has bestowed it|)nii ymi, riertha Xnjmi. To be chosen by the vole of your fellows as she who has done most for her alma mater Would scum to be fho crowning honor of a career tlevoted unselfishly to work for others. None bul will feel how fitting the student body's choice has been; none but will applaud litis public and general recognition of what has lung been the private and individual belle! of all. The evidence of h"\v well you have earned Ibis tribute is not completed by the long antl honorable lisl of tasks printed beneath your name in the book published today, It is noi finished until one recognizes with what a measure of good neer, of kindliness and of genuine friendliness you nave accomplished all this work Slate College congratulates yon, Bertha Zajan. "GETTING THE GATE" Tlie first material realization of President Brubacher's buig-cherishcd plan for a fence about the campus has come with the senior class's decision to give a memorial gale. The seniors will add this to their splendid gift of Dean Pierce's portrait, already arranged for. The portrait is planned to he presented a week from today at Moving Up Day, The money for the gate may lie presented at class day. The class of 1027 in future years will be proud to have these two memorials, one at College, the other in the Alumni Residence Hall. S T U D E N T BOX MR. KAPLAN ON LOGIC EDITOR, T H E NEWS: In a letter in last week's N E W S , Mr. French wrote: " M r liuike, I believe, declared iii last week's assembly that since the registration here has mown from about 600 ti double thill number, we should have a Mvskaniu of twenty or twenty-five IllM e the population of this nation has i • 1789 we si,,,old now have ten or each slate should have ten senato "My tile Ml d Rather a witty piece of satire if true. Hut is i! true? I will now quote a few lines from th same copy of T H E N E W S , an extract from |!ie account of the last business assembly: " T h e p r c e i i t method, he said ( M r , I'.urkc). was designed to lit a college of 600 students. Since Stale now lias 1,300 students, lie •aid, eleven, twelve or thirteen members is not a large enough number, and thirteen or fifteen should be chosen." Is this a radical p r o p o r t i o n ? Is it deservin;! of Hie satire M r . Ereneh has tried to bring to hear upon it? Is it just for Mr. Erench to misrepresent Mr. Uurkc's arguments in such an ex- e D 1 Co/'V. 1927. $2.00. 3-10 PP, New -York-; Applcton. This hook, like ils predecessors, is made up front the published work of the Writers' club of Columbia university, All the material is by advanced students in the courses in creative writing at the university, This unique anthology contains a selection of short stories, essays, poems and one-act plays. The writings are nearly all of outstanding excellence. The short stories, poems.and articles have appeared in various well-known magazines and each play has been produced. The selection was made by It committee of Columbia facility headed liy Miss Helen Hull. A Man Could Stand [if. By fonl Madox Ford. .$2,50, 347 pp. New York: A. and C. Boni. The memory of Ford Madox Ford's "No More Parades" is still as firnily in our minds as on the day a year or so ago when we completed reading that book, bul even (lie itigli and magnificent standard it set does nol make the more recent "A Man Could Stand Up" seem little. For the new bonk, while lacking somewhat the terrible dramatic intensity of the other, preserves its triteness to ils Iheme, and its development is consummated with the same attention to detail, and with the same unified result. Ford, we think, is of the modern writers one who is worth following, lie has shown by these two books, and by their predecessor, "Some Do Not," thai his genius is nol shallow, "A Man Could Stand I'p" will give you something to remember. .Your Hut flit* li'mtH, By Arthur Sehfiitzlcr, Translated from the German by Richard L. Simon. $1.25. 71 pp. This profoundly diverting story is done in dramaile dialogue, The hero, (insil by name, is om- of those Atis Irian lieutenants who is forever waiting to he insulted. What more natural then, that an insult cmnes bis way; We find Gust! at an oratorio, bored to death by the music, and speculating on Anti-Semitism, Music, Women, Cigars antl tomorrow's duel with the doctor. The eon-ei'l ended, another insult comes, Schnilzler's solution of Gusli's waj imi of the diflicultv furnishes half an hour ,.r so of diversion. Vol. XI, No, 34 AI.DANY, N. Y., May 27, 1027 THE military exploits, .miraculous though they seemed, are his ideas as a statesman and legislator, his reactions toward revolution and legitimacy, his ideas about the European problem as a whole, and these are set forth with great power, There is hardly a page without t|tio!alioiis from Napoleon's never-ending letters, or from his .memoirs, his public papers or from reminiscences of his associates. n , p c E ' i S b ' ou,. {?0r o7t^n^.vST'a „g ,T„- has grown since 17H9. At present, I believe that a representative is granted to a Male for each lot of 212,000 people. No. Mr. Ereneh, we still have one president, and ninety-six senators; but oni I Ions, of epreseniatives has grown. tfully submitted, IIAIIK KAPLAN, '.10. LUDWIG'S "NAPOLEON" MAGNIFICENT; F. M FORD'S NEWEST NOVEL PLEASES Sapoleon. liy Kmil Ltidwig. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 707 pp. $3.00, New York: I'.oni and l.tveright. Seldom in the work being done today by authors does our iin I a hook so uniformly good, so eminently well done thai adjectives to tell about it seem lacking. Such a book is "Napoleon, the Man of Destiny," We are unable to comment on the hook comparatively with oilier treatments of Napoleon's life. We can speak only of what this bitigraphj itself is, a book which, despite ils length, never falters m its hold upon the reader's attention, never grows dull, and, expert commentators have said, is historically an t Melleiit picture, More important than Napoleon's "FIRED" (The Alllelopu. Nebraska Stale Teachers College I I. O. EiiMlemai! and David Corson have been fired! Why? At first their respective hoards of education refused I" tell. Tlie newspapers of T i n e llaule give these veibalun explanation-, for Mr. Engeluian's dismissal: " l i e conducted h i . office for tiebenefit of the people and net for the politicians on the board:" "he refused in make appointments, promotions or dismissals •.,, please individual board members;" " t h e klai. insist,,I 1 one ,,i their own be eiven the place." The new-papers of Newark and New Vork explain in the follow inn statements Dr. Cnr-Um's removal as superintendent of Helmuts in Newark: "Newark's citizens want Doctor Corson at ihe head ol their schools because he is a superintendent of eiirrny, ability, pro Miessivenes.; and clhcicucy;" "lie is considered inferior n, no school executive in the c o u n t r y ; " " b e is not a yes m a n ; " " h i s niniMKe mem of an industrial concern of the -i/e of our school svsi.-m would have made him a millionaire;" " h e ' s no bvpoerilr or boot lieker," "strong, delei mined, stubborn. In bis Insisl-nep upon eihieai conduct and honest treatment of workers in die di n a r i m c n t ; " "lie has refused to soil his notable record by pal lieipalioti in the petulant personalities of the board." Engicmnn and Corson were fired because they had Ihu courage Stimuli, to stand for what they knew to be right III education, was dismissed from the presidency of the I'niirrsilv of Washinunm for the same reason. The politicians dared the,,, 'i„ take th,. c m sequences of living up to their professional Ideals, pinch of them. as many another educator ha- done, took the dure, an,I the polio villus executed their threats of vengeance upon them. In an editorial 111 the current issue of Educational Review, Superintendent McAndrew of Chicago, explains Ihe inilueuees that is responsible for educators doing as Emdciuan, l'oi-.,„, and Suzrabi have done. Here arc bis words: "I think die teachers' colleges are res| ihle, and these depart nielli* of education in the universities, and the a m i n o s ,,f •.!„• numerous hunks on education. Thev have h e m gelling the notion into schoolmen's heads that education is a dilhculi and important Il is process requiring peculiar skill and long and caielnl -iinh. as dangerous to leave it to unprofessional direction a- il is i,, |,-i politicians run the internal management of a In pilal. Win ( llagb-y has been tilling the heads of si rintciid, nts with Ihe l a d he lias gathered showing Unit American schools c.-„u- more of ihe lives of growing children than do ihe schools of Denmark. Holland. Norway, Swcd.o or Oveeho-Slovakia. C u b s , »,- plan, direct, and follow up the leaching process in our school,, they remain in the flabby condition of a volunteer lire departmenl or an unorganised sanitary sconce anli.piiiics which no progressive city will endure, lint laymen school hoards, unenlightened as lo the discoveries and advancement made in the procedure of leaching, beset by impor (unities ol powerful politicians, love tlie old came of electing lexts, buying apparatus, and posing as 'teachers' friends.' I remember a complimentary dinner we gave, in the old clays, h, a lovely white-haired patriarch who said in bis mod, applauded speech 'no widow, no orphan, to, woman in distress ever applied to tile for whom [ failed lo get ,, position in the scl Is, They send „„• Dowers on mv birthday. My declining vears are sweetened b , the loving friends I have made.' Ecu SI layer and and (list and ISarr and liurton and line kinghaui and Morrison and | , „ h | and Welsh and (lenient and Anueiilrout and Douglas and Cnbi.erly and Anderson and Dearborn and Seavcr and Alma, k and l.ang and Ereelaiid and Counts and Chapman lo put superintendents up to taking away these pleasures from board members is the refinement ccf cruelly. T h e character training enthusiasts h a w much to answer for. They have injected into school procedure the idea that the teachers should train the coming citizens lo set ihe general welfare above personal popularity." What will become of Englcman, Corson, and Sui-zalo? So far as society is concerned that matters little. The nll-iinpoiiaiii question is tlie welfare .if die schools and the rights „f the children. Superintendent MeAiidrews slates the ease in ibis way: What we should be most concerned about is our main business: Ihe rescue of the nation's most importune service fiom the blighi ,,| selfish politics, the salvage of a profession from il rupi control of ignorant laymen. Mauv stales have move'.I so far a- to forbid school boards from -eleeling superintendents u-illmul the permission of competent educational authority. In such eases local ciiinmiiteis may nol choose- a school manager unless lie holds a ccriilieale of competency issued by an authority independent of the board, When the best people of ihe- slate awake- lo the value of professional supervision we shall have law- forbid.ling boa,,Is i,, throw out superintendents except by consent of the authority which determined Ihe original Illness and eligibility We- are advancing in t h e matter of insuring tenure for teachers, The lime must c m . - when ihetenure of superintendents will be as surely safeIt is Imped that many a Kearney studeiu lias been preparing himself to engage effectively in die struggle I ike the schools of the land safe for children of lb,- nation. No greater honor can come to our alma maler than lo have graduates who possess lite insight and the coinage t,, take their places with Engfcmaii, Co.son, and Suzzido. THE STUDENT FORUM ()re(,on university—hive dollar lines are inflicted here for failure to take a regular examination. John Hopkins university The university is importing .?() persons from the Himalaya mountains to lie used in tlie study of evolution, Some Public Correspondence as lo be Intimately connected with the "attack on Myski personal character, This was a clever evasion of the ethics of the question - by rirc/iimea/,,,,, ml hominem; and there is no reason to believe tin students of Stale College will regard ^ [ ^ T ^ \ T « J ^ ^ Z X ^ May 1.1, t o , revoke, Myskania's actio,, in removing from nllioo M.-sers, Wulncr, llerncy and Crumb for 'violation of freshman tradition," I heard Mr. linrke say, "Thai- motion must be /,,;/,•,/." And It was Mr, Nephew who made the necessary motion, (President lirubaeher w II recall that M r . Nephew, Mr linrke, and myself, were Ihe three students who first talked wllll hull concerning ways and means of corrceling obvious elillicullies in the present Myskania system. I , reporter. I asked Mr. lairke III Ihe nine just what his purpose was, l i e said, " I am not trying to stir up actual revolt. Hut tile attitude this student assembly maintains toward school oolicics is extremely passive. want lo sting il into wakefulness. I want to get everybody thinking." Whether Mr, lltiikc's particular me d of getting " thinking" was the wisest one or not, I'll not attempt I.; say; although if thereby the student assembly was urged to think about student problems, '" H '[^"chapel, "mi l M,i'v l 'l!i',' !\l!-'.''fiiiek!-"n.n.lV"'(""'motion which introduced the Myskania problem to the assembly, and recommended that a committee lie appointed by Dr. lirubaeher lo consider the issues involved. Nothing very " r a d i c a l " about Ihal. The ultimate piirpon' of Mr. Uurkc's motion was as follows: first, to definitely state, in Ihe student assembly constitution, the "duties and powers" of Myskania; and, second, lo devise a more democratic plan of electing Myskania. " I n the I asked Mr, linrke why he thought Mvskania should be more democratic first place-," he- said. "Democracy is an ideal- not always most economic or efficient in practice, perhaps bin nevertheless an Ideal which helps to raise mankind lo a higher standard. Here in State College Myskania has actually become legislative and executive in intent. The students of Slate College will profit by die election of its own governing bodv. Mvskania will lie made more responsive to die slu.leni will. Hut understand Mvskania is al-o ait honorary group. I'or Ihal reason not more than half should l„< elected liy popular vol.-." lie then went on to say thai lie II ghl Myskania should he enlarged by three or four, because the huge Increase of student enrollment has caused a parallel increase in the number of those deserving membership, I then submitted lo "agitator" linrke the following questions: Shotihl nol Mvskania licr-elf be requesled lo name Ihose powers which she desires to receive under lite revised cons!!!iillou? Should not the resigning Myskania, each year, net as a nominating committee lo scle-cl a panel of nominees, before noiuinaliotis from (he lloor are received thus making certain Mint the list Include men of real proven ability? Should nol a definite he mil code for violali if tradition be drawn up h a v i n g Myskania merely a judicial bodv, in that field, mid freeing her of tin- disagreeable necessity i,r Imposing Iter own penalties? "I mink those are all excellent suggestion* -especially the second," suited "aultalor" linrke on May 12. This is Ihe hislorv of lb,- Mvskania case as il has c ly nlletlllnii, Mr, linrke wishes lo ihank Till! News for ll lip,rial in the May |u issue, i l l is desirable dial ihe- question be settled ill a practical, comtruclive, and satisfactory mnniiei with unfailing eeippoit from [he ami, nl assembly. I W M . I AC r: HoWRfl S i m vi-i i., '."i. ,\l\ Dis.vit Mu. SIKL-VHI.I.: liy a perusal of whal follows. y„u, ami the sindeni hotly g c o - i a l h , will perhaps i„ able to form t e definite idea of lust how surprised Mr. linrke w •- when, to quote x leOer, "t limi w.,s made in chapel on May 1.1 to revoke Myskani,'s action in removing front office Meo-rs. Wolitei llerncy and Criinih." Mr. linrke, von endeavor lo have- os believe, was u e of Ih, 'radicals" who had anything lo do with the motion to revoke Mvskania's penalties. True, lie hod po-ted llu -cries of lath,-,- radical question,, and charges on the bulletin board. T r i o . In- /„„/ m n ,|,. " '• nol loo-eoliservalive eluil'ges speeches, etc, Hut all dial: was oiilv lo "sling the -Indent ()/ etnrse Mi bodv mi,i wakefulness,' lo "help raise mankind to n higher standard," I'.uike- would ,i,-:,-i have- anything to th, with the radical move to revoke the Mvskania penallles. I'll, No ' Sou will remember dial when Mr. linrke maele his mntl nve a c mlltee a, neat, ihe . h a i r , quite properly, asked for a copy ,,t die liiolion, Now, cvidenlh the young disciples „l (ieueriil U lis who were trying t„ gain prneliee iu parliaiueulaii pio ceditrc nt Ihe expense ol die slutleut rissoeltilloii; time and energy had Hot cone so f.n 111 die 'Utiles ,,l ureter i he nwaiu that when a lengthy motion is read In in assembly a copy in willing should lie handed to the chair. I'm win n the chair asked Mr, liuike a copy ol bis million, he had only one. So In- Landed that in T h , . Slime copy of ihe motion, now- in the files of the slu'dcni association, is wtilleu lie side It is iu Mr. Ilink,-', familiar haiulw riling. he side on win, I, "I a "bed id paper. the mi n is written there- are in addition otilj these- words, "Some g i r l " Hot ,,u Ih. other side and [hereby hangs ih,| „, this [eltei is thefollowing, also in Mr.' Ilnrke's n billidw riling: "I. "Ill"IV. I move dial iin- siu,|,-„i ussoelntloii revoke the action ,.f Mv-k in removing l.ouis \\ „i,„. r I,,,,,, , | „ . presidency of the freshman class. SlnllinuMxe, Sec-,,nd by Kaftan. Debale. Table- Motion, I move to lav II Second bv Taylor. Nephew','program. Second by ue-ti „ (ho table So. you see, of course. M". liuike knew nothing about the mod revoke lie would hav, never eveni thouuhl of such „ procedure lor placing on the aluileul body's sentun.-uis „/ course, l i e would never have reasoned dial if he had someone make a .a,Ileal 11 I i"""" ' " " " " ' " b'nis.-ll scd It, he would thus convince the- slu.leni boil, ll is own Picas wen- not radical, thus paving the way for a better acccp e ,,( his other proposition. It is too bad, Mr. Slrevell, that ai III,- time when Mr. Uurkc's prog,an, called f„i us attenip l„ table the moli, evoke- he was unexpected!, absent ,„ l,„ Mr. idle, an, ,„,„,.,„„. else had to make the move t„ t, - ,,„ him. Thai rniher upsei l l, ,IR 1 , l nl u lll; been ,lnnnl"f) " '''" ' " " ' " " ""•'" " " / ' " » ' " ' had not \uu say 'something in your letter, Mr, S t r e v d l , i tit "argnmeiilum a. oein " What does die program „f legislali |„„tc,| above, indicate if it does „ „, ., oymg will, student sentiment? Vou mention "argtonentum ad hominem." W, w e r e ; 1 ,|v V! ' argiiiueuiuin ad popullliu, ' bul, iindei Ihe c ireiinisianccs "arguiiiciilinn d id- onlo •e-c-ins more approprlale, Tin-: EniroH, PLAYS PRIZE SELECTION "I- I'Vcderiel; If, (.'atldlyil, iiistiiiclot' in music, played his prize organ compo.icon "Sonata Dramalica" at St. Paul's I'i'cdeslaiil hqiisaqial church in Troy \\ edin sday evellill'f. The recital was preceded by a dinner I'.iven Mr. (.'aiidlyn at the I fendricl. Hudson by the American Ciuild of Or- HERODOTUS WELCOMES 8 MEMBERS AT DINNER FENCING CLUB ADOPTS MUSKETEERS AS NAME Musketeers is Ihe new name adopted by th • fencing and archery club which had its lir-t lesson in fencing yesterday aflcrn ion at S o'clock. I lenn'etle b'raiicois, '2V, is president .1 llie orgatLzatioii. Other ofliccrs are: l.imied Sodermau, 'Ml. secretary; Kose Handler, '.it), treasurer, and Dorothy llrimmer, '.id. reporter. Lessons will ihe members twenty-five ccnls each. ' i'Aeryoiie is welcome." Miss I'Vaucois Kight new members were welcomed mu full membership of Herodotus soCANTERBURY ELECTS ciety, Ihe honorary history organization, Mrs. Henry I). Rodgcrs of 150 South -il a dinner at the New Kenmore hotel Pine avenue entertained Canterbury club I evening, May 16. Kleclioii of The new members are: Dorothy last evening at supper. I'.tadt, knslyn Chapman, Klinor IMUII, oliicc-is for next year was held. Horolhy tiedney, N'ornia Milano and Klinor Oslrander, all juniors; Margaret I'.rewsler, a graduate stiideiil, and Wil "Seniors Give Gate' Says News; I'mi M. I'l-ciich, a sophomore, "And Get It Too," Says "F. P. A." I Jr. Adna W. Uisley, head of tlie his"Seniors Will (iiv e Hate to t'ol'orv ile|iat'linenl, spoke at the dinner. lege" reads a headline published reVriluir Layman, '27, a charter member cently in tin* \ i - : \ s. " A n d the I lite organi/alion, was toastmasier. College Will keci| locate" is Ihe Y. W. INSTALLS CABINET Tiu new Y. \V. ('. A, cabinet for next year which was inslalled last Wednesday nielil, lias taken up ils duties. The Y. \Y. C. A. conducted .'! rummage sale at J_'l South Pearl street Siilurday, comment made liy 'I'', P. A . " the columnist who cond lets "The Conning Tower" iu t ic Xew York World. Mr, Adams i noted the headline and its source, and made the comment. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MAY 27, 1927 Auditorium Is Jammed To Doors As Big Crowd Listens To Moving - Up J)ay Speakers PRESENTS KEYS TO FOUR NEWS HEADS Twelve New Myskania Members Active In College Activities; NOWHITElWEAmS G.A.A., Y.W.C.A., College News Are Represented Most Often AWARDED THIS YEAR I'lic twelve new Mvskania members , Heel. Slicd* twenty, llycs n i l Vlttinr, ami -whs T U . A N C f S "CiUtPr'.tN, now vire-mcsftteiii of llie Mmlciil nssiiei.-ilion, pri-iinret] fur fIIIICRC v a r i e d and active College r n - \ ^ f t t H m M T O U T K ' A T I I K I K V I I^SSJi ffo« llriarelilT Manor High seln Higgins, Saxton, French And havei s . baa dsurvey conducted this week by llyi|e.|'ark.on.||u,|si.ii, She is a Kinduale of IHirini! bis freshman year al Stale, (iriliii PhetteplaceTo Direct lli«h sell,ml. She attended played basketball on the varsity leant and n N K W S r e p o r t e r s indicates, l i v e r y type o f Pi.iichkeepsie eel veil his Idler, l i e was a member of 111. V. W. C. A. Silver Hay conference and this ;'11111• • •,i• e x t r a - c l a s s w o r k is rcpreseuled ' 2 8 Paper lite year was ailverllsiiiK manager of tin Onarlerlv. in t h e i r records, T h e G i r l s A t h l e t i c as- She is n nieniher of the .New York Stale ill'i II, n c i a l m i i the Y . W . C. A . and the S T A T U enttnell of the V. VV. {', A. and was a repie 'Hie a w a r d o f lite w h i t e sweater f o r (('(tutIIIIKMI f r o m I'wco One) III, N K W S , besides class a c t i y i l i e s , selitalive of Ihe t'nllcRC V. W. ('. A. at llle orchestra, and tried membership in t h e ( i i r l s ' A t h l e t i c assoNational Slndeiil eunferciice al Milwaukee. editorial slall's of the NKWS, 1 tor-in-chief; Miss Saxton, business iniiii- 'oi.u'.iw 'Olii I i he most f r e q u e n t l y mentioned. She will he president of the Y. \V, ('. A. two letters in llie close of his sophomore vein . ' a l i o i l Ii ,n :r c t i n c i l was not made this agerj William M, French, '29, Elmira, '•Villmviitg a r e t h u m b - n a i l sketches o f next year. She lieloiias to Kin Phi. She Is for varsity basketlm!! and baseball. This year, Ciriflin was vice-p.rcsident of tin year, O n l y j u n i o r s are e l i g i b l e t o receive managing eel tor; Elizabeth Phelicplace, .acll o f tlic new m e m b e r s . None o f the. .'inleiil association, an assistaui business man lie a w a r d . 'I be h o n o r coltn.'il w a s '28, Norwich, associate managing editor. ecni'cls is complete. acei of llie NEWS, euaeh of the Millie High I I K A T K I C K W K I C I I T is editor-in-chief fleet sdmol haskelhall loam, chairman of the flow KA'I'IIIJ'.I'.N l i o t ' O I I T V , is twenty rind N founded Avo years ago b y I h c ( i . A . A . Miss J. Isabella Johnston and Dr.(in Allmny I H K I I «cl I KfncttiiUn. 11 I T home of Hie 1928 Pedagogue. She will lie an .-..iiiuiillee for the junior prom, ami played literary editor nf the Quiirlerly uexi in (he orchestra fm the Troubadours. ' I I . v i l l i live m e m b e r s : Plorcuce Cracidock, Ciii'ieltiii E, Power, licitli of the faculty, is in Alfmiiv. She has been elected vice, assoeiale prcsldi'til of ihc V. W, ('. A. ami of f i e year ami will serve on the f l , A. A. council. •vnj again awarded two Idlers I'm varslh ..'5: l i i . t i . i b y I b . y i , ' 2 5 ; D o r o t h y T a y presented a t h l e t i c a w a r d s I n m e n a m (i, i askelhnll and baseball. A. A. for next ycrir, As a f(< site- In PU.| .she was captain of class haskelhall Last year she was on the CI. A, A. council Nexl year, I'.rilliti will he a-si lain business to till! dormitory drive committee. i.r, ' 2 5 ; l i l i a a h c l i i M i l m i u e , '26, a n d women, The four class speakers, Louis bclotmerl l i e is majoring ii She was reporter for the (iirls Allih-lie (tssii- and was al-o manager of elass haskelhall. She •auager' of the NKWS. in one of Ihe advanced dramatics class chemistry and niinoi ing in biology and edit l.orcna S h a f f e r , '26, Last year, i w o j u J. Wnliicr, freshman; Gertrude Hall, elntlmi, Stic served oil itic- enntpus day eoin- played plavs this year and had charge of costumes aiion. l i e is twenty years old. " l i e belong* liors w e r e chosen, p j l i e l D u B o i s , '27, nlltee and the conuuillee for the Imst-exnin She is a snplu nioiv; Edna Wolfe, junior; Mar- iubllec. , Kappa Hella Kim" and Kappa Phi Kappa. She was a member of Hie V. \V. C. A. and aeted in ihe January plays. md ( i e . i r g i a n u a M a a r , '11, nliiuel and is ehnirinan of ils enininillce on member of Kappa Helta. c'ciTil S t r e e t , senior, spoke. KATIIKK'INK SAX'I'ON was graduated '(inferences and conventions, l-asl year site 'Hie w h i l e sweater a w a r d is Ihe h i g l i t I I I U S S I K C U R T I S ennies friim fieneva, from Albany High sehool, Her home is now Mueh enthusiasm and applause greeted was secretary of her elitsa, Miss Doughty is She is twenty-one years of age d w h ' e h may he g i v e n I n any g i r l w h o ,hi- year a reporter on tile NKWS and next and was graduated from the high school there. al llu'falo, [lie appearauee of Louis Woliier, MO, t-enr will lie a senior nssnclnte editor. She is twenty. .Miss Citriis was vice.presidciil When she „.a, a freshman she was chairman a' Ihe freshman hoolll al the ( i , A. A. -Haw • a member o f the ( i . A . A . of her el.-es this vear and was general ehair f r e s b l l l a i l speaker al lite M m in..; I fp day VIRGINIA 1111 ;<; INS will he edltnr-lii- nan of the junior prom and of llie junior tea I.-I i v fe lival, chairman of Ihc freshman slum T h e members sit m i ' l i e association She was business manager In charge for Ihe gymnasium frolic, a member of ihc exercises F r i d a y m o r n i n g . h'irsl o f the hlef next year of the Xicws, of which she dance, His heen a staff nu'lilher since eiitcriilK Coll.asl year Kite was u-sideiiee hall campaign committee and of Ihc if the lanuarv plays, •iitincil a n d f o r m an a d v i s o r y b o a r d , t o class r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , he gave a h ' s t o r j rship committee. In hei .peaker for her class at Moving t ' p Hay. She V. \ \ . ('. A. inei an ved this year and last on Ihe junior debate . .plin mire year she was firm presidenl of lb. .vllicl any questions c n c e r n i t i g Ihe iissoo i the a e l i i i ' v e i n e i i i s o f his elass this leant, and ibis year she was alleinale on III, \ i ws d u b , chairman and loasimishes, f,„- ihc ktiifitl l i n y be b r o t i g l u f o r advice. year, o f w h i c h he said : College debate team. She Is an Knglish major News club dinner, ebaiinian of refreshments She belongs In oi the Y. W. C A. chihlreii's party, am and a mathematics minor. Hi Id haskelballs w i l l be a w a r d e d b y Wolncr Greets Classes ..',' 'li',l''iM'«''n\h--'l,'.''|1|'i"a!"l"li,'- 'iill'ir'l"iii-iii!l M I n.inbci of llle eollimlltl-es foi Movitig l ' r Hal Kin Plil. " I I has indeed been a very happy y e n CM,ehi aii.l Miss Inneo, Miss lliwdns was ostiiui. -. Moving I'p Hay stunt, Y. \Y. ! ' . A', lp' fiirls' Athletic association to iitliel f o r us. A - l i m e w e n ! o n we began i n ,ii ili,- ilniniitory drive roiiiniittee In lu'i k and Y. W. I t t ' T I I I.AXK is pre.nleiil i led of Ihe sin itfinbciship, lii-diiiian liandl D i l l l o l s , U'uih iMtipie, M a r y S. N e v i l l e , fieshinan year and on ihe stunt eoinniiltee I n n association. She has been ll e x p e r i e n c e t h a i feeling, w h i c h is coin Sin- was " i i I,,i nmviiiM up da\ last S'enr. ierlrmli! Sweiiniatiu and Helen T o u t p llloiily called school spirit . . . a j ! l " " < " " " ','•.'" "•.•.-nil..", J'"';;- • " " ' , ' " ; " " he in,mil miillfc of Ihc jilnim luiiehe in, in,I A i l council and ill her soplmiimie y'eal i . . , ,- i ,• i - '• 'iiiiiiiilli'i - Mil- year. M i r Is clans l e m i i e i ivna ils neerrlary. This vein she was n- n.-nhcr ..I' ihc inn,or dehali Lain and of tin : i i n f o r p l a y i n g bnslce'ball f o u r years. Spll'll Which eael e feels l o r h i m s e l f , J p,;* y ,.„,•, sin- was nriieriil eliuirimiii fnr I hi' reasuier. She I Miss I •« weif tin i.ioeiatic eomillltlei. foi llle 11. \ . \ . mu-ical i l i b e r (,. A . a w a r d s announced W a v a s p i r i i w h i c h makes us realize thai w oined) She served on ibc S', \V, I'. A ontieil .lel.-y.ale- this inolllll' to Ihe eotivell ing I ' P D a y by M i s s J . Isabelle J o b n s II, l i o n o f Ihc A m e i i e a i l l - e . b r a l i , f Wis. In pill p i-o. her freshman year Miss Urn- was elass Ireas in,! p, 'i'h-'"xi w'V.'" sit,' bebmr, i,,"I'l.'.'iia | ' "»• i n s t r t l c l o r i l l p h y s ' r a l education a r e : urer and served on Ihe dorinilnr) diive an.I " I hear I n y o u a l l a message f r o m i n j I I A K I . O T T K JONKS, president next • Itideni diieelory conimitlee.s, last yeai -he T h r e e years h a s k e l h a l l , l o b'alle, l l a r l class S o p h o m o r e s may w say i l i a ! \vi the llrainaiie and Art Asanciiiliou, served again ill the -In.lint dlreclor) coin have been very glad to engage in l l i i K l ' l I I t,. Mi ll INK i-. nineteen years o|,|, maiiu, Maar, Scegcr, kowlaud ami inillee and on Ihe soiree enimiiiliee, T l n ,.,| ...i Us eomtcll -he iwis cia.luaicl from lb.high school at yeai's rival)') will) you. I l l l l l n r b r o t h e r s I fu-shuuin, she was eiiiiirintin iff the l-rem-h i-ear she worked mi Ihe Klltileul die l i v e When -he was aW r i g l i l . and s-sters, please believe us w h e n we \ ^ ^ Z . ^ T n ^ t Z i n n V l i o m e eoiiiinillee again, .eivlng also on the Y. \\, -elne,. when I i . Iiiiien -.lie wa- class treinmrei l.asi w-,o , , ,,, T w o years b a s k e t b a l l , to Klnrici, A n say I h i l l WC a r e t r u l y g r a t e l l l l l o r the |.-,.,',„,,,„„., eoniniillees and was in elass basket be « a , one of iln- elass niar«hiih at Moving t i m e a n i l h e l p y o l l have g i v e n lis i b i s j ball laist year she was eluilriniui of lite Home al the Xalional Student eonfereme at Mil I'p Hay. Sin- was lie,- presidenl of the N i ; , \ . Irews, t . i o k , I'.atoii, H a r t . A . M c t i a r l y Miss Johnston Presents Gold Basketballs, Prizes To Girl Athletes IftitCs L;^; ffl." Z ;^,V Y.-W'""' '(' She is inajoriug in Knglish and , bib Ibis >-,.„! and - e i v e d a , a l e p o r l e l on I I I , n i N ''*", '","'; i " " 1 ' ' ' - -;""l »' « c 1 " l ". m l | 1 ."' ' ' " ' \\]'' wattkee. Nexl c a r will b. senior ass,, [ . , , , '. .... , • , ,. I ' n l l tenl >l'leticc cltlll IMHVHIlt, seivniK nil llle in I'reiicb. Xesi year she n ill aUo Niws. f the membership eonmiiltec ,.i , laie editor, She has done much pnsioi woik he glatl to lleglll yolU l i l t ' s Work. W e y \ \ c, \ nieiul>etslii|i and social service, be ehairim ami «a- a member of the l.lon n i l -oiil' i h i realize also t h a t y o u r p a r t i n g f r o m tlic lli'e •..•'pi'c soiree. (iel-Wisc party, Y. W, the Y . W . ( ' . A. Miss l.ane is i w e n l l llle .eai and « l l | he a i l editol in \\ •,,-.ii Sin lives at (llenwood. I.. I., and was gradiialed A l m a M i l t e r is l a m e d w i l l , a l i t t l e r e g r e t , •'• - ^ ^ " V T o n l i n n u u e m i T n l " " " ' " ^ ' ' ' ' ^ ^ froin the Sea t'llff l l . , I.) High sehool. has aeled in elementary and advanced dra malic, plays. Sin- belongs In I'si liaucns, l)||| We hope that ottr wishes f o r y o u r tlimmf\•'«•',' h.'i? soldid i^iiu'iiilltee iin'd a« sophoK I C I I A K I ) AI.I'UI-'.H JKiVSEN of Norih SIICCCSS w i l l m o r e l l l . l l l Cnmpensate ynt n upresentnilve " " llie ciinipus coitneil. I ' I . U K K M I' |M1'I"I'|-.K I , piesnleiil , - ! . , ! o i prepared for college al f.aiisliigburs ,',,.. .,,,.,. I,,. „ " I'hi, venr she was elialnnan of the eniiiinitlees I'loj \thlciic association. she will be lie is twenty-one years ..Id ihc (iirls l l i 11 • ) , , ,1 I le'eoilili f u r I h e j l l l l i n l - f l e s h party, llle High .school l i e i l r i i d e H a l l , 29, was the s o p l i n m o r t , , „ „ <u ,\p \u<im>rta1 clock, the KIUIII foi lie was treasurer in his sophomore yen president l,,-M .vein of lice s o r o l l t y , liela M i , - was e i a d n a l e . l l i o n , I h c D r i l l ) I presi.lenl in his junior year. l i e Wa>Zela. class speaker. Along w i t h a b i t o f j t h e -indent faenliy luisketlinll gnme, Hie deeoShe at i.,.,ill,. " i - ' i ' / i m i " she e m i . i l - i t n l i l e i l (he onions for Intel sorority hall, the advertising ••ecretary of the sludenl iissoclntioii in Ills High -cl I, North Adam-, Ma.,, feietiec ,upborn,,re year and was on ihe varsity fool (elided the V. W I . A. Silvei Hay I- " '"* "ii,m a n i l . o i o o n . . " \ . ( ' t i e r " vovaee and the llratnati 1 I.a-I year she was volley ball cap This year hi in I').: I. \ , , ' reuiiiuii She' served on Home hall lean, when a freshman. f r e l u n e i i n i l k e e p i n g their o w n a n d the 1 1 1 ( ) ,| unittei- fm the in-lain and this M-ai has been a member of the sophomore banners in the i n ' e r c l a ' |..e.,iimiiies initiation ami Y. \V, ( , A. nienilier- was chairman of tin I,II and ha/aai eoimnittees, She pailieipated stallation of a student Y. M. I'. A. here, lie Ii. A. ,\. council. She was .bairuian of the r i v a l r y , v \ l i i c l i she a l l o w n l was o n l y f a i r in el,is. haskeiliall, Millevlmll and lieldhal!. She I- a nieinbei of Kappa Helta Kim, l i e i- a Y. W. (', A. I.enlen and of ils run c s nee h e r class had kepi the I'U.N banner. aeled In advaner.l .Iraniaiies elass plays this candidate foi an A.II. degree. c.nominee. Sin p b . i d class haskelhall and Sin u ill serve also She c ' a i m e d h o i i u r s f o r her class as w i n - M.e When In- was a freshman, In- represented ••.a- capiaiu of Had,. She was a,I direct,,!- for ihe |timinr\ Sin- taiiii in Ihe women's and mixed Ins class as Moving l ' | , Hay speaker. l i e neM icai on the \ ' . \ \ I'. \ . cabinet lis ners n i ' | h i - f r e s b m a n - s o p h o i u o r e s i m ; ,-p plajs, chanuiaii of eonveulb.iland conferences. She belongs also to Kappa Phi Kappa, professional choruses all lliiee veai-. She is n niemhcr of the same t i m e reassuring her attdienci Helta i i en of which she is vlce-presldeiil education fraternity. i- I w e n l i a m i now 11s. •- in A l b a n y . Ihal n i a t t e m p t W'ouUI be made t>> p r o v e ibeir singing ability. T o ' h e seniors, ihe class " m o v i n g out," w h o w e r e j till I > I" sisters to 1'' _' 7 she c \ Icinled I h a n k s a m i the w i - l t t h a i her o w n .-lass m ' g h t a i m I n be as m i n d i n n i o r sisters n e s t year. H e r final w o r d was, "may llie hesl lock in ihe w o r l d he yntirs ami may y o u never forget us.' I lytic S l o c t i m , '28, h a - been clecled year, Seniors, we know that \ AWARD LETTERS TO ^ S ^ a u s 29 AWARDED FIRST ON VARSITIES OTHER GROVPS ELECT PLACE FOR STUNT junior'idis's' ' s h e eiHi'tncrulecf the events I N n p h e w ,,f ihe class rivalry with the sophomores. iiisisiiue lhai her class won the iss„e j T o d i e seniors she e x p r , ssed t h e r e g r c i n f her class a l t h e i r g o i i m and i h e w i s h e s ! fur their success and happiness in I Wins Blockl Letter S _ ___ ^ , |i|H, t]|l. M l ) d . president year. For Sixth Time; Griffin, Kuczynski Honored etle epli _ ,-,„. ,,„. .,;,,,, of Other Chemistry vYiildbiilig, llcrney, club f o r nest officers elected a r e : Jean '28, v i c e - p r e s i d e n t ; Jo '2-J, treasurer, Mildred Seniors Take Second Honors For A Presentation Of "Ellis Island" md I. due Mctiarly. year ha-kf'ball lo (haves ami l.'insley, Track awards Ha Ii Cohen, A . Moore, ami I In k c f i a l l a r e as f o l l o w s : throw -Potter, Dtiliois. Duliois and Ilasebnll ibrow -l.uysier, Poller and Kuntiing lily li jump Duliois, COIKU, \lo ie ami Watktns. Running broad jump—DtiUois, M. S m i t h and Cohen. S i a n d b t g broad j u m p - — L a w l e s s , D i t '' and M i tore. H u l ' . n . held first place i n the t r a c k neei ; Cohen, s e c o n d ; and I ' o ' t e r , t h i r d . Those w h o w i l l receive gold hasketi l l - f u r places m i i h e v a r s i t y teams f o r me ye i r a r e ; D o u g h t y l i a v k o , Lasher, l . i i y - i e r , M c ( i n r t y and M n o r e , Those w h o have held places o i l i h e varsity team f o r t w o years w i l l receive their second g o l d h a s k e l h a l l . T h e y a r e : D u l i o i s , N e v i l l e and S w e t ' m a i l i l , Those who are l o receive t h e i r t h i r d h a s k e l h a l l are b j n p i e and M a a r . "A-CHEE" PROFIT IS $123.95; $69.95 WILL GO TO FLOOD BENEFIT T h e snpl)nlllure, w e n awarded lirst place f o r i h e sltinl given in the a u d i t o r I lie election was held d u r i n g an exworld Hillside. m i l M . u i m ; I ' l l day, l a - l b r i d a y . T h e V l l c r s l b , i n a n y a t h l e t e n o w in S l a t e etii'siiin on the Hudson r i v e r S a t u r d a y . Wolfe Lauds Seniors ela-.s presented a c reus w ' t h a cast o f Ilea rice ( l a i l g l i a n w i l l be presidenl o f f i f t y , A n t h o n y I''. K u c z y n s k i , ' 2 n , and Mis W o l f e also v. .iced i h e aspira | C n l l r K C I I n w n s , h n x i i i g bears, a n d i Iber A pr l i i o f $123 95 was realized a f t e r l i , us o f h e r o w n class Ui f i l l Ihe pl-'«V1t'%' t-V:im-is !•'.. ( i r ' . l l i u , '28, collie the nearest 'he H o m e lu'niininic.s club next year. a n i m a l s paraded t h r o u g h the audience 1 •spoil es 11 id been paid b y the voyage o f b e f o r e llie stunt b m a n . lel'l vacant by i h c retirim, si-nmrs. S h e I.. N e p h e w ' s r e c o r d , h a v i n g w o n l l t e i r O t h e r newly clecled ollicers a r e : vice he "A-Cbee" ti Hawaii, conduced "b'.l'is I s l a n d . ' the ' l i u i l presellteil by closed w i l l i llie r e m a r k l o the sludenl letter I'm' and f o u r limes respectively. p r e s i d e n l , Mary K o s s ; secretary, K u r e t l a I'bnrsday n i g h t , M a y 10, by the h o m e llie seniors, was a w a r d e d second place. bi.dv: " | ) n y . n i r e a l i z e Ihal w h e n n e x l y e a r ( l i b e r s n c e i v i i i H t h e a w a r d s o f t h e L l o y d ; treasurer, Ksther K i m b a l l ; senior M e l a m e l o a m an I M a n i l l a S l r e e l pre.' ii'oiuics d e p a r l m e n l . O f litis amount, |:ia L a n g s c b u r ; junior editor, sented a nny el d nice, and were w e l l ap- si'in.S w i l l be udveu l o the f u n d f o r t h e there w i l l be a new f r e s h m a n class m i l l ISIo k S a r e : H o w a r d Coff, '28, a n de I ' l o r , iuif n l o I b i s C o l l c e , there w i l l he i m relief o f the M i s s i s s i p p i Hood s u f f e r e r s , l . a V i - u c C a r r , '2'), each f o r liis t h i r d ( i r a c e S e a m a n ; r e p n r l e r . Cecil H a r r i s o n ; plauded. D o n l i i a n t o greet i h e f a i r o n e s ? " ( a n d T h e j u n i o r stiuil s l e w e d l o w " l > r . l i n | . l i e lones, '28, c h a i r m a n o f a d v e r Mareia (lardner and k t i ' b l i m e ; Louis K l e i n . '2<J, and Joseph l l e r - m a r s h a l s , -be u e s l u r c d l o \ \ i l l i a m I. C l a r k e . I 'sino said. H u n k ' s C u r e A l l " was used f o r a l l a i l ( \'lack. Clyde Can T h e address " i v e n by M a n i l l a S l r e e l , ney, '2 1, each f o r his s e c n i l t i m e . \ c r o w d ' h a l filled the g y m n a s i u m a l ments w i t h s i t r p r i s m; results. '27, f o r the senior class was w h i m s i c a l l y S l n c u m . '28, was a w a r d e d an S f n r being O l l i c e r s o f ' h e P o l i t i c a l Science club Stunts a n d The freshmen presented a cabaret ien.led the e n t e r t a i n m e n t . h u m o r o u s a n d at l i m e s l i e j i t l y touched i i i a n a . e r n f h a s k e l h a l l in ihe l'J2fi-27 f o r n e x l year a r e : i ue n i w e n - presented under the c h a i r president, M a r y J u - scene in S p a i n w i l l i a bull l i g h ' . w i t h a sentiment n f sadness, b u r her nun hip o f K l ' z a b e l h L e n d e r . '27. V i r f : ch s l i m : la- led about t h i r t y minutes. d i t h l . a u i ' d i i u , ' 2 8 ; first vice-president, o w n c l a - s she sugyesled the l l l o l l o , " T o .easoll. inia l l i i : " , ' i i s was general c h a i r m a n . T h e a u d i t o r i u m was filled to capacity, I ir. ( ai k l in I'".. P o w e r , c h a i r m a n o f W i l l i a m M . b'rench, '2'); second vices t r i v e , I n s c k, I n find and not I n y i e l d . " l'r. fe-snr b l o r e i u e K. W i n c b e l l , betid mil several pc pie stood. Many visiting T i i U ' n n l b . ' mode i>\ CNpressinti f r o n t 'he men's a l d e t i c c o u n c i l , announced a l p r e s ' d c n ' , C a r o l y n Scott, ' 2 ' ) ; secretary- r c h t i w s an 1 fr end . were present. i lite t l e p a r t m c n t , said that the receipts ihe M n v i n g - l ' p day exercises t h a i e i g h t l l a r r i e she closed w i t h these w o r d s . •\ eeded e x p e c t a t i o n s and that ihe a f f a i r t r e a s u r e r , M i l d r e d l l a i g h l , '29. ' " Y o n have been to us, A l m a M a t e r , ' e t i e r s , live b a s k e t b a l l sweaters and one ' r i d b en considered a decided success. NEWS QUARTERLY DINE l i k e an o l d f a s h i o n e d g a r d e n , f u l l o f Ihe onlil an I s i l v e r S were earned i n limit $16 was realized o n ' l i e sale o f burly members n f t h e X'l-'.ws and men's b a s k e t b a l l tliis year. N e p h e w , Mowers I h a l students love best, because . . n i " eeiiuine H a w a i i a n a r t ' d e s , donated Q u a r t e r l y staffs attended the d i n n e r o f K u c z y n s k i , Gol'f, C a r r , Klein, TO VISIT NEW YORK they h a v e k n o w n them l o i n j e s ' . T h e l . i i l i i i i , ir the Hood r e l i e f fund A small Ihe publications, in the c a f e t e r i a W e d p r i m r o s e t h a i stands f o r s i n c e r i t y , i h e l l c r n e y and S l o c t i m were a w a r d e d t h e i r inoiiui o f a d d i t i o n a l proceeds is s t i l l t o Mean A n n a K. I'ierce w i l l spend this- ' ' " ' , l ; i > evcll'n.U. A r r a i m e i n e u l s were in S l o c i l t n also w a s a w a r d e d a d a i i y f o r l o y a l l y and the w h i l e rose f n r letters, e rep irted i 11. •hai-.-e o f 'I liehna I.. Ih'ezee, p r e - i d e i i l e l v e r S coven l o m e n w h o have w o n week' end in N e w Y o r k . honor, if tb - New s club. " I n years t n come when w e a r e f a r •heir letter in basketball l o r Ihe first f r o m here, w e w i l l s t r i v e l o keep i h e l i m e . ( i r i l l i n was a w a r d e d a Hold S g i v e n I n T i l l ' . 1027-28 \ T A V S A T A Ul-'.l H ' C b d ) I'KICb'. ideals and s t a n d a r d s w h i c h y o u have es ' a h l i s h e o f o r u s , f o r y o u a r e n u n c I n letter m e n w h o have w o n f o u r letters. S u r e , I want next year's N K W S , at $2.25. H e r e ' s t h e cash. M y a n d K u i v y i i s k i are llie o n l y us t h a n m e m o r i e s o f the f a c u l t y , you a r e N e p h e w Constance Haiunann, '27, in her ivy ilber holders o f this I d l e r now i l l C o l friends" h n i i i e address is but i iMt'ott Movitig-Up day said. "The lege. i^,livf\ and Xinubeil u'ii'.'i planting of the ivy is symbolic of the Sweaters were given to ( m i l , Carr, '28 LION PLANS FOUR ISSUES •est because we are like others before1 These a r e send my NKWS in .. , T h e I.ion w i l l be issued l o u r nines l l c r n e y , K l e ' n a n d S l n c u m . us. It is symbolic of Ihe present lie(Str-e-t -in.I \ i i i n ! . . D n e x l y e a r , i n O c t o b e r , at C h r i s t m a s a l a w a r d e d t o m e n w h o have w o n t h e i r cause of our uudviujr love, ft is syml e ' l e r f o r t w o years i n h a s k e i l i a l l . K u s l e r , ;uu\ in M a y . A l u m n i may con bolic of the future because il is a baekIlasebnll letters w i l l he a w a r d e d f o l I r a r l n o w l o have t h e i r copies seid l o (alyXa'ine) lii'uliitd of College lo make the future l i t e m . B e l i i n a A z z a r i l o , t h e n e w e d i t o r - l o w i n g the o f the present season, aehelpful." ei inline, i n D r . P o w e r . in-chief, has announced. lime, Clarence s Nephew, '28, holds \\ ahrmaii, '28, - e e r e ' a r y . more IVY SYMBOLIZE PAST, MISS BAUMANN AVERS , STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MAY '27, 1927 ANNOUNCE MEMBERS THE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF NEWMAN COUNCIL Board Will Meet Tuesday At '** TheNewman House; Fifty Attend Communion Newly elected and retiring members of the Newman council will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at Newman house. The following are the new members of Hie council: Ann I'lagen and Florence (.•mulct, senior councilors; Elizabeth Smith and Helen Daley, junior councilors; Margaret Fortune, Agnes McUafty, Kathryn Mitlrjuccii and Jennie Conhoy, junior councilors to freshmen; Alice Coining and Doris Williams, sophomore councilors, Fifty members of Newman club attended the final quarterly communion hreal<fas' of the year at the Academy of the Duly Names Sunday. At (he breakfast the Rev. F.dward Maginn, chancellor of the Catholic diocese of Albany, sp ike mi "Catholic Thought," 'Ihc committee in charge of the breakfa'I w a s : .Margaretta Smyth, '-'8; Marriiret Martin, '27; Eleanor Finn, '28; Man- Unit, '2'); Catherine McCowali, '20; [.'ranees Heltr, 'Mi; and Doris Williams, 'Ml KiiKlish 2fi KnKle-l, ..'5 (iuvenim-.'iil Mallo oialies I I Physiography I Stmiilnii I.I 2 I'. M. ICilucfllloii l IIOIIIL. I' I .fit if A Lniiii I Hi; i" < KUfDAV, J U N K 10 German IS |.'.Hiii..inicK I T l ' K S I i A V , .ll'Xl'. 7 <) A. M. i S ' i ' l ' i ' ft ' lovni'li .1 MnllloimillcH .1 - IMryslus <) ' J I1. M. lilhhjfry ft IIM.H'V ft r ristury , v r ; !'• ioh!!-'-!i!!!!l ;'< in, Physics SATI'k'liAV. JfSffl" MiiXhW. u NiHiiii ISO I in 2(50 Chemistry 5,A .'1,(1 CnlllllleO'i' I MtithiMimtlrs i H Boston, 3Ualj0 for Special Attention to Sorority W e s t 1837 Given - Underwear know LELAND it c o m e s from C. 3M\ $c (Ho. Shampooing CLINTON SQUARE EXCLUSIVE PICTURES H. B U C K L E Y , Owner Now Playing Lilian Playing Gish Gene Stratton Porter "The Massage 10 N o . P e a r l S t . "Laddie" Scarlet Letter" J. & B . K O B L E N Z DIAMONDS — WATCHES — JEWELRY AND IVORY and other attractions B. H a w t h o r n ' s g r e a t A m e r i c a n classic- CLOCKS All MAKKS 133 S o . P e a r l S t . At Madison Ave. 8444 State Gloves Now Manicuring Main AFTER T H E SHOW for SODA OR LIGHT LUNCH HOME OF FILM CLASSICS just 1 00 -*- HERE South Pearl Street near Dresses You HCSE THE) B R A N C H H DRUG S T O R E 244 L a r k Street Phone SILK TOP GUARANTEED Mass. STOP Mrs. Peters - - - ,''ace PURE SILK THAT b y P h o n e Main 4558 Waving I". HA.SKINS, V I >. .Secretary The Lark Beauty Shop Mured $3.95 and $5.00 to Pro a. or I'R.W'K Hosiery - uffly 416 H u n t i n g t o n Avenue "There will be some kind of a junior sister committee next year, I believe, as the girls (if the class seem to desire H very much," was the opinion of l.aVerne Carr, newly elected president of the class of 1930, in response to the rumor thai the system is to be discontinued, "However, there will probably he no junior hro'her committee," he said. The freshman hand hook committee will he appointed at a class meeting iuiineilialelv after the single assembly today. Treatment Moderately Priced at WII.I.IWI RICK, LULU. Ilisl.irv 7 11,uin- REPIH. Ilmiir I'Vi.m, u i Spanish 7 '29 TO APPOINT HAND BOOK BOARD AT NOON Sailf NEW SPORT FELTS MASS. I'or information Malhrninlies I II VIII llll In \ lllsli.lT I l.alin '7 BOSTON, R e g i s t e r e d liy t h e H o a r d of U c g c n l s of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of ( h e S t a l e of N e w Y o r k . IliS^ i:,iin, : !h"i i, English ,tn Appointment 542 B r o a d w a y Dental School I I ' M ' , 1.1 Mimic .1 Miss H i t c h c o c k <73%®F"TB^te Tufts College lllslery iiin P E N S OF AI.I. STANDARD RELIABLE MEATS and FRESH KILLED POULTRY If.VK II A •I (illVClllll TIH'KSIi.W. JUNK " ') A. M There will be a short meeting of Meliorali society Wednesday in room T! at •I o'clock for the installation of the new ollicers, Y, M, C, A. T O E L E C T The College Y. M. C, A. will elect officers Wednesday evening at a dinner al ibe Central Y. M. C, A. T h e constitution will he voted on a t t h i s meeting. According to this constitution any College man may become a m e m b e r of the organization. .Miilliemalles .1 rhil,..-n|.llV 7 l.ilirnrv SnVinv II l.ilira VVKDNKSDAV, J U N K H 9 A. NT. GREEKS ENTERTAIN, .1 CHOOSE NEW HEADS, llfolttjiy lllnlngy 7 WELCOME MEMBERS L. A. BOOKHIEM I'ri'llin Zajan, '27, president of the student association, has received the following: "To the student body liy publication or aiiiioiiiK'ciiiciii wish to absolve Arvid JViirke of all blame for failure to pay las-. I failed to keep my part of agreement made last fall, Burke has shown sportsmanship in shouldering my blame ill bis own expense, l i e should be complimented ratlin- than criticized. Accept IM 150 my sincere apologies. 200 R, ('. Ciilcli'rist" lift (ivm Mr. Gllehrisl is a former student here. I Oil A member of the finance hoard said Gym 'lu's week that the action of the student issneialiiiii president ill refusing 1'urkc Room flym the flooi' at the association meeting had (Ivm been in accordance with a direction the board had sent the president, notifying her ilia! Burke was not then a member if the association because his student tax was not paid and that he should therefore he refused the floor. 301, .III 25(1, 2(i0 ' 0 ' " 1 Kiliic-iliuii m l KiiMlish 1,1 Library Sellout P'reach A Kin, llll It lii-riwin ') ticiinaii HI limn- !•;,• .iiiics I'i Del'a Omega gave its annual senior farewell party Mmtday evening. Din Iter WHS served at the house. I ar'j.e Delia Omega pillows of yellow fell with while kid letters were given lie- seniors. II !'•". J. Sarr. '27, entertained Saturday af'ernoon at the Colony Plaza with a "bridge luncheon for the members of I'si (iamma Miss Sarr is [lie retiring president of the sorority, The guests included Carolyn Pollock, '2fi; MarjoCc Bellows, '26, Ksther Crowley, and the senior members of the sorority, hem Xcla elee'ed Florence Potter, '28, presiden' of the sorority at a meeting Monday night, Oilier officers are as follows; vice-president, Evelyn Travis, '28; secretary, Doris Crosby, ' 2 8 ; treasurer, Gladys Vadiiey, '29; reporter, Margaret Wadsworth. MO; song leader, Aime Holroyd. '28; chaplain, Mildred Shaver, '28; marshals, F.dua Kashirt, '.'0, and Florence Lawless, '.ill. Alumnae secretary, F.vaimclinc Calkins, '29. Ik-cause of the weather Kappa Delta's annual picnic has been postponed until Tuesday, leauelle Waldbillig, '28, the chairman, has announced, Sophomore members of I'si Gamma will conduct a picnic Tuesday at McKown's Grove for the upper classmen and freshmen members of the sorority. Kappa Delta entertained the following guests over the week-end: Gladys Mer•ereaii, '25. of Cauajoharie; Carolyn Coleman '26, of Burnt Hills; Alice Clair, '26 of Schenectady; Pauline (ieorge. '21, of Gcrinantown. Installation of officers of Gamma Kappa Phi fur the coming year look place lasi night. Kappa Delta Rim welcomes into full membership Anthony P. Kuezynski, '2 f !, and Civile Slocum, '28. flym Ciym 210, 211 250, 2ft() 10,1 S'tulenls having conflicts in examina- llinliifiy I IliiiliW ,! tions permitted by instructors must re- Illnlofty S port to the instructor permitting the con- Chemistry miles flicts for assignment to an examination, Ki KiiKlish I'• Miss Elizabeth Van Denbttrgh, registrar, ICilKllsli 21 has announced, The examination schedule follows: MONDAV, JUNK f. ') A, M, Woom GILCHRIST FAILS BURKE MENORAH TO INSTALL IN TAX PAYMENT PACT NEW OFFICERS JUNE 2 Albany, "£ N i g h t s 2 5 c — M a t i n e e s 15c 25c. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS S t u d e n t s and Groups will ; "£ - N . Y. HEWITT'S SILK SHOP 80-82 North Pearl Street, Cor. Columbia St. A Reliable Place T o Huy Reliable Silks And Woolens Day at the State be given special College for Teachers attention Agents l or McCall Patterns Also For Elite Patterns House* Creators and Originators of Personality Bobs 846 M a d i s o n A v e , Cor. O n t a r i o St. C o m p l e t e Line o f CANDY, CARDS and GIFTS for GRADUATION DAY At 7 Master Barbers 9 Beauticians P h o n e Main 6280 PALLAD1NO Oriental and Occidental liUstarmit The College Pharmacy AMERICAN Albany, N.Y. AND CHINESE AlMr \ l l P r o s * I I C S S D a n c i n g 10:30 till I A . M „ E x c e p t S u n d a y 44 State St. Phone Main 7187 394-396 B r o a d w a y M a i n 2287 Printers of State College News Example serves where precept fails! Patronize our Advertisers and Benefit Yourself Open 11 until 2 A. M. W e s t e r n & Lake Aves. T e l , W e s t J 959 a n d W e s t 3951 Permanent Waving 133 N o . Pearl St. IMillc IVlUlb STATE COLLEGE NEWS Business Department STATE COLLEGE NEWS, PICTORIAL SITI'LiaiKNT, MAY 27, 1027 eJ » S'l'K'loUS, indeed, to find I'aci 1 y disRifiscd as rilinve. Sans makemi, you'd reenjtntec (left In rijilil) Miss Marf.'arel Myers, Miss Mare K. Cohli, Professor Am a Randolph Kcini, and (believe il or not) T. Frederick II. Caudlyn. <mgg GUSTAVE LOREY 91 STATE STREET PHOTOGRAPHER OF 1927 PEDAGOGUE Just Keep A'corning We'll' here and ready when yon'r hiiiitfiy to help yon uui with tile same i••.iirtion • attention mid services we hove always given you. High Grade Delicatessen and Lunch 811-A Madison Ave. Between Quail and Ontario Sts, CLOTHES The NEWEST in SANDALS THX-YK AN -OLD'S w e r e \tim Stafford, '''>, (left I and Sara 11. Ilarkley, '27, when die STATK Cni.u-ta j STKAN'OK THINGS w e r e d o n e XKWH'celebrated it-, tenth hirtliday. whuM the Joseph Henry club entertained the College, Dr. C, I1', l i n k head of the physics department (above at right), looked on with interest while Adelaide The ST VII I'ot.l.l-'.til' \iw> uiaki• < r n t c f it I iirkninvledfftneiil In tin ! hdli-i. r, '27 (left), a u ,1 M a r j o ri e Album Kveitini! News, the Album Votings, '2H, manipulated ' h e magicTimes'-t'tiinii, and the Kniekerhoeket ninkinu materials. Press, whieh hj their Meiierons loan of eiiKraviiiKs helped make pussihh this >i pplemet.t. fUady-mado And Cut to Order ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. High and low heels, all leather $7.00 and $7.50 FEAREY'S 44 No. Pearl :(JUwter louse Suits and Topcoats THE IDEAL FOOD STORE •40, *45, *50 152 Western Avenue Phone West 6745 WV specialize in material for light lunches Delicatessen Fruit and Vegetables WE DELIVER THE GOODS Groceries Bernie's Drug Store A GIFT P h o n e W . 144 from Madison A v e . at Quail St. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT OUR STORE IS THE Albany, N . Y. At Your Service The Van Heusen Charles Co. (Jtotvter louse MEANS MORE ' 'Depen da ble Flowers We Telegraph Flower* to all Parts Geo. D. Jeoney OF A L B A N Y . Phone West 7613 The character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter Houst will earn your most sincere liking. Of the World t X rLOWIR CHOP 1 ||attlgtmrft (g^fefgria STEUBEN STREET Corner James 198 Central Avenue- at Robin Albany, N. Y. Phone Main 3775 Branch of the Boulevard Restaurant 108-1 10 State Street Steefel Brothers INC. : Mm Mi j STATE COLLEGE KIBW8, PICTORIAL f'UTPLNMENT, MAY 27, 1.927 VV.MRN' '30 won (he Hi if (if war. I. e f t , t r i p , [ l i e ' yearling team all primed for action mi iVI o v i li g U p Day eve.'l. Il <• I II VV, S i M l l C o f I h e sailor- lassies who made up i he crew of the S. S. "A-Chcc" when il sailed for Hawaii in the gymnasium ihc same night. TIIK College Edmund home is ONLY WOMAN' mi Ih li•••aril of trustees is Mrs X. Ffuvek (above), lie in Albany. DANKER "Say it with Flowers" 40 and 42 Maiden Lane COMMENCEMENT is nca r and Stale's eighty-third gradtia linn program will find Presidcn A. R, Rrubaehcr (above) in llii appropriate academic garb, COTRELL & LEONARD Albany, N. Y. GOWNS CAPS ETHEL DUBOIS president of V. VV. C. A, (rifflit) is State's IIHIHI popular cn-ed, the sfudenl bo d y veiled. She Is ils cli.'unpion athlete, and i s a n officer o f the Xatimial Y, VV. C. A. HOODS FOR ALL DEGREES - NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK <><> S T A T E STREET A L I L V N Y , N. Y. PATRONI/T: THE American Cicii users anit SHjers We Clean and Dye all kinds of Ladies' and IVlen's Wearing Apparel 811A MADISON AVENUE PhoneWest723 EXCLUSIVE PRINTING .J. W. WUYKMdH BARBER B 299 ONTARIO ST. * * Special attention to college students Kleirv M a r k e t 331 C E N T R A L 336 C E N T R A L A V E MOST BEAUTIFUL, Slate College voted Eudora Lanipman, '17, (above). She was campus queen and president of lutersorority eouneil too. A four-page news section is included with ibis .Moving Up Pictorial Supplement, You lack a complete paper if you do not have both, model College Stop Chlkn that art bMimiivi tut ml fapmslvt EVERY TEACHER Should Visit the Home of Boulevard AVENUE Vlwior Mfulx, I'oillvy and VcijclableH Hprchil Allmlion To Srlnml On/miisulhni* If you see ONE You'll Know It's a "We Understand Eyes LEONE at 18 Steuben St. Whether it's a Shingle Bob EYEGLASSES A Swirl Bob or A Peacock Bob OPTOMETRIST 50 N. Pearl St. Albany, N.YOPTICIAN We Specialize in Hot Oil Scalp and 58 Columbia St. Cor. No. Pearl St. Albany, N. Y. Hair Treatment Expert picot Hemstitching, all kinds of Pleating, Buttons covered, Two (2) Expert Marcellers Always in Button holes, Rhinestones set in garments and hand embroidery. Attendance Special attention given to our Mail Order Department. For Appointment, Call Main 7034 ARTISTIC PLEATING & STITCHING CO. This company extends an especially cordial invitation to those engaged in educational work. Our plant is one of the most modern and complete in the country a truly model dairy of unique interest to you personally as well as professionally. JMmtft -H. $rmn*s Boulevard Dairy Co., Inc. 231 Third St., Albany Telephone West 1314 "The Sunlight Dairy" 845 Madison Ave. u DRUGS And PHARMACEUTICALS Telephone West 3462-3463 LIMMEY'S Kleen-Maid BREAD Holsum MOVING UP EDITION State College News PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT NEW YORK S T A T E COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS V<»i„ XT, N o , ,'SI Section 2 FRIDAY, JfAv 27, 1!)'^ 10 coiitH |K»r copy, %2M ftfirf|B' MVSKANJA, senior honor society, for 1927-28,s ;ts lapped at MoVing Up flay Kriday,, comprises' (left lb' right) li ea I r i c e VVright, Margaret S I o ii I e n h c r g h , Kathcrhic Saxton, Florence: Pottfer*; H n I li (i. M'oqre, Knili Lane, Charlotte Jones, Richart! A, J e n s e n , Virginia lliggins, l'"raneis K, Griffin, Kathleen Doughty, ('hrissie Curtis, I'lioiii hy Pliiilnn, Kiilckprboultpr l'»*w STATE COLLEGE NEWS, PrCTORIAL STJPPLKMENT, MAY 27, 1927 XTIHODY was "n n t li e f c n c e" ahoiil liking these knllege kickers of •'On (lie Ivcncc," l.i fl In right, 11 Icy arc: G e r I r n d e lall. •„"!: Mildred (niiianl.'.id; Kallirvn Mul(|lteeii, 'JU ; Mary Calvin, '27. la-'iTKISTIC vv a s lite d r a p e vv'liielj Marguerite \ andcrvoort, '- 7, 'tinted as pari of le S;C I I'll f t !l c • I rHI i'ii l ;i r\- (Ira • unties class' jilav, .iclrdrc." I) K I D R E (K'nili I a ue, '283 a n d li c r jover (Ruth K lli-%. ' IS i in the elementary drainatics class's prod n e t i o u o i Keats' play. I Right I WhE.V THE .NEWS took second place at CoI u in ii i a. Edwin V a n Kleeck, '.'7, X e w s editor-inclifcf, is at right in the picture t > the right, I'lX'l HX'S kro] in's im longer, willi Charles a n d I li e c ft 111 |i II coitimiSiioii (lu'lnw ) luisy. I . c l ' l t o pi g ll t .fioldetui Hillt, '«'8, Mildred \Y'ilson,'J7 (eh a i n n an i ;! harles i himself I ; M argil ret P a l i s t , '17: and Esther W'olcn, '30, (Copyright; Pacific ami Allmil "$_ % /• D E A N IX' Y E A R S of serv i c e of the faculty, is Dr. Leonard Woods Richardson. (Left) V %%