State College New* Y NEW YORK STATE C O L L E G E F O R T E A C H R R S VQL.X NO. 14 VICTORIOUS VARSITY PLAYS AGAIN TODAY Squad Won From New Platz Normal And St. Stephen's MET VERMONT YESTERDAY €V. $3.00 pet yBfk 7^BANY7N7Y^7 7RIDAY7DicEMiER 18, 1925 <&• Book Of Verse" Publication Is Now Assured Fact; Subscription Canvass Makes Possible Large Edition "A Book of Student Verse" is to be a reality. This announcement w a s made Monday, when report from t h e twenty committee members w h o a r e canvassing the student body and ''acuity showed a total of m o r e than three hundred subscriptions for the week ending Friday, December 11. I'he intensive canvass, planned to r . a c h every person in college in two weeks, ends today. Results the first week were decisive enough t o w a r r a n t :m edition of at least five; h u n d r e d copies. T h e degree of success d u r i n g the second week will determine whether or not t h e edition is to be enlarged. W o r k on t h e book is being rushed to insure its delivery before t h e close of the College year. T h e selection of material has already been begun, a n d will he nearly completed by the end of C h r i s t m a s vacation. In addition to alumni and students who have already had verse published, several hitherto u n k n o w n poets, discovered in t h e student body, will contribute t o the HAIGHT AT WORK OH WORLDCOURT REPORT Student Conference Began Wall But Delegates Soon Got Excited U. S. ENTRY SUPPORTED S. Niles Haight, president of t h e senior class, will report at a student assembly soon after the vacation, for Stale College's delegation to the N a tional Collegiate W o r l d Court conerence conducted last week at P r i n c e 'on university. Haight and William Delehanty, '26, >ok. attended the convention. H a r r y S. Godfrey, the second delegate elected, was unable to g o . According to t h e N e w Y o r k T i m e s , the first a t t e m p t of the college s t u ienls of the United States to take a part in national a n d international affairs proved s o m e w h a t confusing b e Captain H o r n u n g , N e p h e w , K u c z y n cause of the many different ways they ski, Griffin, Carr, GofT, Kershaw a n d found of voting on this question. Liebich went on the trip, along with Speedy Varsity Captain Likely G. A. A. Council A l s o S t a r t s T h e y proved, however, in their first To Be Graduated Plans For March Coach R. R. Baker and M a n a g e r two polls that t h e y a r c o v e r w h e l m At Mid-Years Vaudeville ingly in favor of t h e United S t a t e s William J. Clarke. State College's varsity basketball At the regular council meeting, held entering the W o r l d Court. 'Two victories to their credit and T h e students voted first as they h a d team m a y be dealt a severe blow in Monday, December 7, new varsity cosplaying with excellent team work, the been instructed by their colleges, a n d varsity faced opponents much s t r o n g e r mid-season, if Herbert K. H o r n u n g , tumes for the women were adopted. m this poll 140 voted to enter t h e its captain, and high-scoring forward, It was voted to have purple serge World Court with t h e H a r d i n g - C o o l than those of previous tilts. s graduated from College. bloomers with a gold stripe on t h e .'ige-lliighes reservations, four voted Both g a m e s last week were satisPossibility that the speedy forward, right and a gold chevron for each .lit to enter, sixteen voted for t h e factory in every way, State t r i m m i n g h a r m o n y peace plan a n d ten voted t o their old rivals, St. Stephen's, Friday who is the only upper-classman mi year of service on the team, on the enter the Court without reservations. night, 20 to 16, in a fast and exciting the Purple and Gold's first string, ieft side, white middies with purple Voting as individuals they registered game. Saturday night the varsity will complete graduation r e q u i r e m e n t s lies a n d head hands and purple and 193 votes for entering the Court with reservations, twelve voted to enter won again easily from N e w Paltz it the mid-year examinations are being white socks. the Court w i t h o u t reservations, ten N o r m a l school, 39 to 23. It was N e w considered by the College basketball 'I'he vaudeville plans were discussed voted against entrance into the Court, P a l t z first loss in eight g a m e s this authorities. Hornung, it is said, may and the following a r r a n g e m e n t s m a d e : and nine were for the h a r m o n y peace •i luplcte the four-year course then, season. date, March 19; a joke act, Leah plan. A.ter expressing their opinion thus and, if he wauls, may leave College. T h e varsity played as a well-workCohen, '28; asthetic and acrobatic I forming has played good ball in dancing, Ruth McNutt, '27; trained fore biy, they became tangled in a ing machine in both g a m e s . Coach mesh of fancy voting on shades of Baker's charges demonstrated a b r a n d dl three games so iar this season, animal show, Helen T o m p k i n s , '27; ipinion which resulted in so m u c h of speed a n d pass-work that were a le showed up best in the g a m e with ..opular song and dancing acts, Metallic infusion that it w a s a l m o s t i m p o s revelation to tlic fans. A c c o r d i n g to New Paltz Normal school, when he Grant, '27; P y r a m i d building, D o r o t h y -; hie to tell what the procedure w a t vicinity sports writers, the outfit is at about. 'I'he original plan proposed b y least as good, possibly a shade better, accounted for sixteen points, caging Rowland, '28; and tumbling, Ethel Lewis Fox, C h a i r m a n of the meeting, than last year's. I t is a y o u n g team. our field goals in each half. Dubois, '27. 'or a vote on a straight expression of T h r e e of the men, Kuczynski, Griffin T h e committee in charge of the ipin'on as to t h e W o r l d Court w a s and N e p h e w arc s o p h o m o r e s . Carr not adhered to, and Harrison Elliott vaudeville is: general chairman, is a freshman. Captain H o r n u n g is of New York, an expert conference the only upper classman on the reguBertha Zajan, '27; Dorothy Rabie, '28; director, wdio w a s m a d e acting Chairlar outiit. Hilda Sarr, '27; tickets a n d p r o g r a m s , man, got t h e collegians to take so T h e s e live men played the entire Fta Phi entertained the children of Georgiatina Maar, '27; ushers, Alice many votes t h a t a t a d j o u r n m e n t s o m e St. Stephen's game, holding up well College faculty members at a Christ- Bingham, '29; props, Madeline Tietjan, of the votes h a d been lost. T h e delegates, y o u n g men a n d w o a g a ' n s t the stpiad of twelve men that mas party Saturday afternoon at the '27; stage set, Mildred Melrose, '26; men, filled M c C o s h H a l l a n d entered F a t h e r Bray, coach of the Rectors, sorority house, 53 South Fake avenue. manager, Helen Elliott, '26; lighting, on their w o r k with t h e seriousness of had confidently brought with him. Professor John M. Saylcs acted as Wilson, '27; advertising, a much older g r o u p of people. T h e y T h e g a m e was a comeback after t h e Santa Claus and distributed gifts to Mildred displayed the rare ability to stop a n d J a m a i c a fiasco the week previous and the children. Children present were Kathleen Doughty, '28. sit down when t h e y were t h r o u g h the work w a s no more like t h a t of the Elizabeth Candlyu, Barbara BircheT h e next g y m frolic will be J a n u a r y talking. F e w of t h e speeches w e r e o p e n i n g g a m e than black and white. nough, Dorothy Birclieuough, Robert Saturday night's game with N e w Birchenougli, Henry Hastings, Alice 8 in the form of a Christmas party more than two or t h r e e minutes l o n g . Paltz b r o u g h t out almost equally good Hastings, Charles Stinard and Mary for the faculty. Plans for the evening W o m e n took their fair share of t h e work. W i t h no great opposition to Stinard. Mrs. Adua VV. Risley, P r o - have not yet been disclosed. T h e com- debate and their a p p e a r a n c e dissipated contend with, the g a m e w a s a trifle fessor and Mrs. Saylcs, M r s . H a r r y mittees in charge of t h e affair a r e : the impression t h a t intellectual y o u n g women are not good looking. S o m e slower, 'but team-play w a s excellent. Birchenougli and Mrs. H a r r y W . entertainment, Elizabeth Milmine, were better than that. Kuczynski w a s high scorer Friday Hastings ass'sted. Felix Cohen, the fiery editor of t h e c h a i r m a n ; Carolyn Josslon, Leah night, while Captain P l o r n u n g led his F t a Phi entertained Myfawney W i l team in point getting Saturday, ac- liams at the sorority house over t h e C o h e n ; refreshments, Mildred Melrose, Campus, from the College of t h e City c o u n t i n g for sixteen points. week-end. She was guest of h o n o r at c h a i r m a n ; Louise Mathewson, Mary of New York, did not get into t h e In the New Paltz game, Coach the Christmas party and dinner held Neville; decorations, M a r g a r e t Pabst, debate on the W o r l d Court, a s h e obeyed the instructions of P r e s i d e n t Baker sent in the second string men Saturday night. Alumnae guests were Betty Eaton, Mildred Mezes to let M a u r i c e P e p p e r speak I,.••-.,. T h e y held the visitors fairly Miss Lucy Hiiyck, '22, Miss M a r g a r e t c h a i r m a n ; (Continued On Page 2) Myers, '22, and Jacqueline Monroe, '24. State's victorious basketball team will meet St. Michael's college tonight at VVinooskl Park, Vt. L a s t night, t h e varsity met the strong team of the University of Vermont, which is a new addition to State's schedule. T h e team left Albany at seven o'clock yesterday, for the journey to Burlington. St. Michael's hopes to avenge the defeat suffered at the hands of State's quintet last season on the Albany court. BASKETBALL OUTFIT GIRL ATHLETES WILL MAY LOSE HORNUMG HAYE NEW COSTUMES SAYLES PLAYS SANTA FOR FACVLTY KIDDIES STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 18, 1925 Page Two ESTAMJIHED I Y THE CLASS OF 1918 H. E. Frosh Tog Out Poor Kiddies For Christmas; Sophomores Have Tree And Presents For Children In accordance with the custom of No. 14 several years' standing, the freshman girls in home economics made dresses Published weekly during the college and suits in Mrs. Frcar's clothing year by the Student Body of the New class for particular children recomYork State College for Teachers at mended to them by the Associated Albany, New York. Charities of Albany. Early in DecemThe subscription rate is three dollars ber, the children were brought to the per year. Advertising rates may be had College, decided upon the kind of on application to the business manager. dresses or suits that they wanted and were measured by the college girls. Editor-in-Chief Under Miss Flemming's direction, the juniors weighed and measured the HARRY S. GODFREV, '26 children to determine how nearly Managing Editor normal they were in weight. EDWIN VAN KLEECK, '27 On Tuesday of this week, the anBusiness Manager nual party was given. The sopho- Vol X Dec. 18,1924 mores, tinder the direction of Miss McLctiaghen, in their meal planning course, prepared and served refreshments, dressed the Christmas tree and conducted the games. Carolyn Josslon impersonated Santa. The committees for the freshman were as follows: Exhibit—Altina Gervin, Ruth Hammond, Eleanor Graves, Ruth Grubel, Marjoflc Waite, Grace Seaman; invitations—Helen Fraser; associated charities—Evelyn Graves, Frances Kellogg. The committees for the sophomores: Entertainment—Beatrice Gaugban, Eleanor Harrison, Cecil Harrison, Esther Luyster. WHALES BEAT CARPS TO WIN SILVER CUP AT G. A . A . SWIM MEET The swimming meet held Tuesday, December ft, in Bath 3, was an entirely new experiment for G. A. A. The contestants were divided between two teams, the "Whales" and the "Carps." The entire meet was won by the "Whales." The following people vvon first, second, and third places in these events: Deadman's Float--first, Schlcich, '29; second, Owens, '29; third, Cole, '29. Back Floating—first, Owens, '29; second, Cole, '29; third, Schlcich, '29. HELEN E. ELLIOTT, '26 Plunge for Distance—first, Tompkins, Subscription Manager 27; second, Zajan, '27; third, ParkHELEN BARCLAY, '26 POLY SCI, COMMERCE ALLIANCE FRANCAISE hurst, '28. Back Stroke—first, ParkCopy Reader CLUBS HAVE PROGRAMS HEAD TO PLAY HERE hurst, '28; second, Lane, '28; third, MARGARET BENJAMIN, '26 Dadinutl, '29. Balloon Race—first, Assistant Business Managers Last Tuesday afternoon at four At a meeting of French Club DeMYRA HARTMAN, '27 o'clock, in Room 101, Political Science cember 9, members of French 4 class Lane, '28; second, Parkhurst, '28; HELEN ZIMMERMAN, '27 Swimming for Club held its last meeting for the year presented a comedy, "Maitre Patbelin," third, .Zajan, '27. Assistant Subscription Manager of 1925. The new constitution of the under the direction of Miss Maude Form—first, Zajan, '27; second, Cook, THELMA TEMPLE, '27 club was discussed, and voted upon, Malcolm. Violet Pierce sang "Cou- 29; third, Dadmun, '29. Peanut Race Assistant Copy Reader also an initiation stunt was staged tiqtic de Noel," accompanied by Cor- —first, Lane, '28; second, McNutt, '27; JULIA FAY, '27 under the chairmanship of Catherine nelia Williams. The social hour was third, Zajan, '27. Diving for Form— Associate Editors first, Lane and Parkhurst, '28; second, Saxton, '28. completed by the serving of ice cream Sara Barklcy, '27 Louise Gunn, '27 Zajan, '27; third, Shaffer, '26. Surface Commerce Club held a special meet- and cakes. Katharine Blenis,'27 Anna Koff '26 Diving—first, Zajan, '27; second, Lane, ing, Tuesday, December 15, The proJoyce Persons, '26 It was decided to present the second gram included a violin solo by Percy annual French play on January 20. '28; third, McNutt, '27. Two relays, Reporters one a magazine-umbrella relay, (the Leah Cohen Elizabeth MacMullen Briggs, carol singing, club songs, and "Lcs Deux Sourds" by Morineau, has contestant had to swim on her back, a novel joke affair. Thelma Brezee Lcla Van Schaick been selected. Mr. Kidder, president Virginia Higgins Katherine Saxton Refreshments were served in the of the Alliance Franchise, has con- holding an umbrella and reading a Adelaide Hollister Dorothy Watts magazine, which the second person cafeteria afterward. sented to take the leading part, that continued to read where the first le.t Elnah Krieg Bertha Zajan of Damoiscau. David Siiuirl will play off, keeping it dry all the while), and A N E W - Y E A R SUGGESTION Placide and Clarence Nephew, Boni- a candle-nightgown relay were both face. Rcgina Perreault completes the won by the "Wl'.alcs." The judges Do students want a clean house? HAIGHT WILL REPORT (Continued From Page One) cast in the role of Eglantine, Isabel were: Miss Johnston, Coach Baker, Do they wish to take bother and thought to make this a clean college? for the college. Cohen was elected Plude, French Club president, will Miss Mabel Talniadge, Florence Scraps of paper decorate the floors. by the student council to represent direct the play. The committees in Craddock, '25, and Dorothy Hoyt, '25. Sometimes, the effect is made more 'hem, but the faculty felt that his ac- charge of the event are: house, They were presented with candy bouartistic by tearing the papers into bits. 'ivities against compulsory military Evelyn Palmer; setting, Ethel Curley; quets. The winning team of the meet, j.Whcn we return after Christmas, raining made him ineligible, and props, Elizabeth McMullen; advertis- was awarded a silver loving cup. trie New Year will be still new. Let Pepper, who had been selected by thfc ing, Thelma Brezee, Katherine Blenis; our New Year's resolution for our Dean, was certified in his stead. This make-up, Helen Quackcnbtish. college be that we will keep it clean. filiation, however, has raised the A banquet will be served at 5:30, in JUNIORS AND SOPHS question of how delegates should be the cafeteria, for club members and Regulations regarding use by stu- chosen, whether by the faculty or the BASKETBALL VICTORS faculty members. Margaret Provost dents of the student opinion columns i.tudcnts, and it is possible that before Saturday morning, two more imis general chairman. of the News forbid the publication of the next conference is held it will be portant games of the series were decommunications which are not signed decided that the delegates should be cided. In the first contest, the juniors scored 21 to the seniors 18. which Wlien they conic to the editors. If elected by the students. makes one loss each to the junior and .desired, the signature will not be pubMISS WILLIAMS HOLDS senior teams. The line-up: seniors, As they went on, the speeches bclished, however. The right is reserved Smith, F„ Tuell, F., Koen, F„ Melrose, AUDIENCE AT READING F., tfe reject any communication or publi- ••amc a little longer, and the questions Shaffer., P., Milniinc, G., Raynor, cation which docs not in the judg- more involved and a meeting which Myfawney Williams, graduate of G., Wright, G.; juniors, Tompkins, F., ment of the editors, advance the best had started out perfectly organized, State College, in the class of '23, and Swetlmann, F„ DuBois, F., Neville, deliberating with emphasis and with- graduate of the American Academy of F., Empie, G., Florio, G., Maar, G. interests of State College. out repetition, became confused and Dramatic Art with honor, was the The sophomores again defeated the 21-6, playing Lasher, n.The State College News will publish rhetorical. They split hairs over the first of our students of dramatics to freshmen, Wright, Seegar, Rowland, forwards, its next issue Friday, January 15. phrasing of resolutions and the differ- come back to us professionally. At and Cohen, Lee, Luyster, Erl'ch, Due to the reopening of college on a ences of opinion. It also became evi- State College, Miss Williams did guards. The freshman players were Tuesday, there will be no edition on dent that many of the colleges which promising work in dramatics, showng Mosher, Walsh, Kellerhouse, Eaton, had sent delegates had given them no unusual talent. Hart, Andrews, forwards; and A. McJanuary 8. Garty, J. McGarty, Schlcich, Radding, instructions as to whether the World Saturday nght, Miss Williams de- Cook and Bingham, guards. The News urges all students to pay Court was to be merely a step toward their student tax immediately after entrance into the League, and that lighted the audience with her reading the Christmas vacation so that cutting r-thcr colleges bad instructed against of "Riders to the Sea," and "Poor ANNUAL GYM MEET ON Madelena." Her flower-like personalof budgets will be unnecessary. Any the League, but for the Court. WEDNESDAY EVENING ity scented the charm of "Poor Madecut in budgets seriously handicaps the The round table discussions took lena" with a Barrie-like whimsicality, The annual gymnasium meet, Wedwork planned by the various depart- up the entire morning Saturday, and ments. The News wishes to be able were productive of some radical views. and wafted us from the Pierot-Pier- nesday evening, December 16, was a competitive meet by the four classes to carry out the plan already adopted In the meeting over which William rette" wonderland of moons on silken in which every form of gymnasium of. putting out extra issues and hopes Hard of Washington presided, one cords, roses without thorns and love work of the year was presented. The the entire student body will lend its delegate was so in favor of the World withut cud through the pink door of judges included the athletic instructors cooperation by prompt payment of Court that he proposed that the Mon- fancy to the land of Italy. The por- of St, Agnes', Albany Girls' Academy, trayal of the characters was done with and Albany High School. January 8, student tax, roe Doctrine be submitted to it. the G. A. A members will give a graceful, delicate touches. Christmas parly f< r the faculty. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 18, 1925 "^'Ptfl^Threfi Millett Wins Law Suit Brought Against FROSH DEFEATED-W * ALMNAEOF NEWMAN Miss HelynHer By Kershaw In Trial For Slander And Libel SOPHS AND JUmWp DURING SAME WEEK CLUB GIVE DANCE Verdict in the case of Kershaw vs. plaintiff's reputation resulting from alleged slanderous statements. Millett, recently tried before Judge these He strongly pleaded with the jury to On Monday, December 7, th&sopfio-*^ At Knight Of Columbus Hall David Hutchinson, has been rendered render a verdict against the defendant, mores whipped their traditional AQP-^ in favor of the defendant, Miss Helyn saying that the plaintiff needed the Quarterly Communion verdict, and had to have it.—Not that ponents, the freshmen with a scorrf' of . R. Millett. January 10 The line-up; sophomores, Mr. Kershaw, prominent teacher of it was the money—that was a mere 16-11, The alumnae association of New- mathematics in the Milne High School trifle which would not even pay his forwards—Lasher, Strong, Seegar; attorney's fees—but that he had to guards—Rowland, Luystcr, Cohen; man Club Rave an informal dance for and well known member of Sigma Nil the active members Friday evening, Kappa fraternity, brought a suit have it to save his reputation and freshmen, forwards—Mosher, Walsh, protect his good name. Kellerhonse, Eaton, Andrews, Hart, December 11, at the Knights of Co- against Miss Millett for slander and Mr. Hriggs, in summing up for the lumbus Hall. Dancing was from libelous statements. These statements defense, admitted that the statements Kellerhouse, ' Eaton, Andrews, Hart; were said to have been uttered in the 9 to 12. Music, was furnished by the rotunda of the State College for had been made by Miss Millett. He guards—A. McGarty, Schleich, BadForrest Willis orchestra. The officers Teachers to a girl friend of the de- pointed out how the defense had pre- ding, J. McGarty, Cook, Bingham. sented evidence to prove that Mr. of the alumnae association were pat- fendant. December 9, the freshmen again Mr. Herbert K, Hornung and Mr. Kershaw and the young lady were enronesses, and the Misses Mary G. Mcgaged; that the plaintiff was fickle, lost to (he juniors, 22-25. Tompkins, J. Rollili Stevenson, the attorneys for Cormick and Catherine Flanigau acted having gone out with two different Swettmanu, Neville and Barber were as cbapcrones. Guests included stu- the plaintiff, endeavored in their evi- girls within .a week shortly after the dence to prove by witnesses that Miss forwards, and F.mpie, Florid, Blenis, dents from R. P. 1., Albany Law M'llett actually made these statements, young lady admitted the engagement; school, Albany College of Pharmacy, The plaintiff, himself, flatly denied that that he was a "ballroom shiek;" that ind Provost, guards for the juniors. The freshmen players were Mosher, and Union college. he had in any way given the young he was so strongly attracted by the iValsh, Kellerhouse, Eaton, Andrews, The last Newman Club meeting of lady of the third part any reason to opposite sex that he could not remain the year took place Tuesday, at four hcl'cvc they were engaged, or that true to one girl. Mr. Hriggs denied '.•id Hart, forwards; A. McGarty, J. o'clock, in Room 211. Father Dunney he was seriously inclined towards her. •hat Miss Millett had "broadcasted" McGarty, Schleich Rad cling, Cook, The atlc rneys for the defense, Mr. the announcement of the engagement !"d Bingham, guards. spoke on the history of the Church and Gertrude Lynch, '2fi, presided in Percy C. Hriggs and Mr. M. Dewitt or the so called slanderous remarks, the absence of Marion M. O'Connor, Landou, took for their grounds of and pointed out that they had only president. The day of the meeting has defense, the fact, not that the state- been uttered in the strictest confidence been changed in an effort to facilitate ments had not actually been tittered, to one who had heard the statements the attendance of a greater number ol Imt that the statements made were ;il the same time that she, herself, had true, and hence not slander or libel. heard them; and that the person to the freshmen members. Plans were discussed at the meeting They carr'ed through this defense by whom the remarks were made had an for the second Quarterly Communion calling forth two witnesses who testi- equal interest and duty in the case to and break-fast on January 10, at the fied that they had heard the young make it a privileged communication. 'I he jury (Esther Jansen, lorenian, Academy of the Holy Names on Madi- 'ady say that she and George Kershaw son avenue. This event will follow a were engaged, They brought forth Vera Rochford, Lois Clarke, Mildred YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN Sullivan, Margaret Reilly, Florence 'videncc showing the character of the three-day retreat at the Academy, wh'ch all .students are urged to make. plaintiff, IT'S strong attachment for Lady, Nellie V. Pierce, Helen Jewell, ASSOCIATION Sarah Lees, Kathleen O'Malley, FlorFurther plans will be announced after members of the fair (weaker?) sex, 5 Lodge Street his inability to reman true to one girl ence Stone, Virgina Masters) remained the Christmas recess. •ven though engaged, his fickleness out only live minutes, and returned Swimming Pool Cafeteria rind faithlessness, his former numcr- with the verdict—"The jury finds that Gymnasium Rooms BARRY, FORMER STATE in love affairs, and his failure to (he Defendant did not slander the Clubs Classes properly prepare himself for teaching laintiff." -Is. For all women and gii MAN JOINS CENTRALShis class in Milne High School, Mr. Hornung, for the plaintiff, imMr Stevenson, in summing up for mediately moved for the reversal of Fire and inspiration, larking in the play ECONOMY l! e decision as contrary to the evi'he plaintiff, placed particular emphaof the Centrals against Boston in the DRESS GOODS STORE opening panic of the American Basket- sis on the harm and injury to the ence and contrary to law, ball league, should he provided by Marty 215 Central Ave. Phona W-3791-M Harry, former State College student, who Silk - Woolen - Cotton:.: has succumbed I.) the lure of the game he has graced so long and capably. It Hemstitching and Trimming Jit Miss Agnes E. Futtcrcr has anHelene B. MacDougall, '25, spent was like a duck trying to keep from OPEN EVENINGS , the week-end at the Psi Gamma house. nounced that Constance Baumann, water, it just couldn't be done. Ruth Teft, '2.3, spent the week-end '27. will be slage manager for the Marty has rejoined the Centrals. Harry plans to hang (ait his own shingle at the Psi Gamma house. Miss Teft plays which the elementary dramatics COTRELL & LEONARD in the eastern part of the state, soon has just returned from a three class will present at the Historical and after the start of next year, but the Albany, N. Y. young barrister will play in all the games months tour of Kentucky, Maryland. Art Museum in January. the Centrals have scheduled for this Virginia and Pennsylvania as PlatClassical Club held its regular meetCaps—Gowns—Hoods month and as many as possible after he form Superintendent of the Swarthing Wednesday, December 16, at four moves from Rochester. niore Chautauqua. o'clock-, in the auditorium. There was Tiarry starred with the State College FOR ALL DEGREES Psi Gamma held its annual Christquintet which won the collegiate chama speaker and a musical program. pionship of New York State. Later he mas party at the house, Thursday, was graduated from Albany Law School. December, 17, from five to eight-thirty Omicron Nu entertained a large He is married. o'clock. A buffet supper was served number of the home economics students and faculty last Thursday, DeTHOMAS GUEST OF H. E. DEPT. cember 3, which was the birthday of Miss Edith Thomas, agent for the Miss Ann Evans, '25, spent the Ellen H, Richards. After a short proFederal Board for Vocational Edu- week-end at Gamma Kappa Phi house. gram, tea was served. cation, spent Wednesday in the I-fome Better Shoes For Less Money Mrs. Frank Sacco, nee Sybil Balme, Economics Department at State ColMiss Futtcrcr read Oscar Wilde's lege on her way to Washington. Miss '20, was a week-end guest at Gamma "Lady Windemcre's Fan" in Lockport, Thomas conducted the conference in Kappa Phi bouse. N. Y., the week before Thanksgiving. Shoes, Overshoes, Hoso Buffalo and spent Monday at Cornell, She was entertained at Hotel Statler, and Tuesday visiting schools in the and House Slippers Buffalo, during her stay in the westneighborhood of Albany. Ethel Pcrsk and Lillian Tarschcs .rn part of our state. are to represent Epsilon Chapter ol Lockport has invited her to return MAKE THE RADIO FANS Pi Alpha Tau at the annual conven- on January 29th. During that same The Physics department will not tion to be held in New York City week her program includes Ilion, MOST PRACTICAL Brockport Normal and Buffalo. give an evening radio course next December 26. semester as was announced a few The Co-op will conduct a special C H R I S T M A S G I F T weeks ago in the News. The Chi Sigma Theta held its annual bargain sale of novels from the rental course will be given in connection with an advanced Physics course and will Christmas party Monday, December shelf on January 5. Below are listed 60 No, Pearl a few of the books which will be sold: 255 Central Ave. be open only to those who have had 14. Among the guests were Miss The Green Hat, The Home Maker, the necessary previous training in the OPEN liVENINGS Y. M.G. A. Bldg. Ariel, Constant Nymph, Haunted Anna Keim, Miss Katherinc Wheeling department. The error in announceHook Shop, Barren Ground. and many alumnae. ment was made by the News. A 3rm\h COLLEGE NEWS n i T AT A GLANCE ENDICOTT-JOHNSON % STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER IS, 1925 Page Four SYDDUM HAS ANNUAL CAROL CONCERT TUES. OUTING CLUB STATE'S CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL NEW ORGANIZATION EVE. VOTED SUCCESS The Christinas Carol concert took place on Tuesday evening, December IS. The chorus sang an eighteenth century Christinas song and "Sleep Holy Babe," by T, Frederick Hi Candlyn. Thyra BeVier and Katherine Harnmcrsley sang solos. Traditional Christmas carols were sung by the audience and the chorus. Among the carols were: The Wassail Song, Adcste Fidelis, The First Noel, Good King Wenceslas, Cod Rest You Merry Gentlemen, We Three Kings of the Orient Are, and Silent Night. Your Printer The Gateway Press QUALITY PRINTERS At your elbow—West 2037 336 Central Ave. West Lawrence Shoe Repairing Shop SHOE SHINE MATTEO LAVENIA Cor. Watt Lawrence & Western Ave FOR iFloyh I t . <&raueo IT'S PRESH - HOME MADE A N D DELIRIOUSLY DIFFERENT M3 MADISON AVE. Luggage UMBRELLAS Albany's Gift Store" Gordon's Luggage Shop Sydcltim hall Iwul its annual Christmas party Wednesday evening. Dean Pierce treated the girls to a most delicious chicken dinner which was followed by an enjoyable hour spent in the parlor around the tree, Dean Pierce was presented with a pillow and Miss Ferine with a bridge set from the girls of the bouse, WM6LEY5 Probably one reason for the popularity of State College Cafeteria 845 Madiion Aft. Telephone West 3462-3463 ModelCollegeShop 14 SaPearl St AuWij.TUj. J CLOTHES OF QUALITY Authentically Collegiate In Style "Clothes that are Dhlinclivt But not Expensive" J. W. WEYRICH BARBER 299 ONTARIO STREET Special attention to college students THE SOLUTION (Driental nnri (Dccidmtnl Upatnurant of the Problem Sand Your J'ictiire at* a OHMISTMAS 44 S T A T E STREET UHEETINU Albany Art Union Dancing Every Evening - h%. Distinctive Photography Cheerful Service Shop 48 North Pearl Street Main 991 Albany, N. Y. JOS. A. WALSH, Prop. Hosiery for People Who NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK and TRUST CO. PARK BRANCH 200 Washington Ave. 5% T o College Students 117 South Pearl St. Have you seen the new fancy silk gloves, and the slipper back hosiery, all shades. At Luries 10% Discount To College 107 Central Ave. Students WOMEN'S PURE THREAD 80-82 So. Pearl St. $1.29 Wm. McEwan Coal Co. DEALERS IN AND SHIPPERS OF ('are LlNQEItlK—GlONTH FuitNIHIIINOB ALBANY, N. Y. SILK, FULL FASHIONED STOCKINGS IN ALL WANTED COLORS ,^^^ "^^i WRIGLEY'S is that It laiti so long and returns such great dividends for to tmall an outlay. * It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, ditjehtion good. Fresh and full-flavored always In Its wax-wrapped package. DRUGS and PHARMACEUTICALS Luncheon or dinner 11:15—1:30 YOUR PARTIES TRY OUR PARK BRANCH WELCOMES OWEN'S the Accounts of State College ICE Students CREAM 1 An outing club will be the newest organization at State College. Winter sports have long been a weak link in G. A. A.'s chain. That skating, skiing and snovvslioeing may approach first rank, a new plan has been adopted which Leah Cohen, the winter sports captain, is carrying out. Opportunity will be given to sign up for membership Whch means a new outlet for energy, enthusiasm, and pep. 7 doors below Lexingto )Ave. MIKES BARBER SHOP WE SPECIALIZE IN LADIES' HAIR BOBBING MOST UP-TO-DATE APARTMENT ON THE HILL PRIVATE ROOM FOR LADIES Hi CENTRAL AVE. PHONE W. M1S-J PATRONIZE THE Amertran <£U*misi*rs and Ehjere HUDSON COAL COMPANY'S LACKAWANNA COAL We Glean and Dye all kinds of Lidies' and Man's Wearing Apparel 811 MADISON AVENUE Phone West 273 31f? Kraft $l|ap MILLS ART PRESS 19 CENTRAL AVENUE Christmas Gifts For Every Member Of The Family SEE OUR HOLIDAY LINE BK.FORE GOING DOWN TOWN AND SAVK MONEY 394-3% BROADWAY Printers of State College ALBANY, N. Y. News Main 2287