State College News State's Delegates to Silver Bay 1922 STATE MEN GET TOGETHER

State College News
VII No. 3
ALBANY, N. Y., OCTOBER 5, 1922
Prof. Risley Makes a Hit
Last Thursday evening- the Athletic
Council played host to the mien of
the faculty and student body at the
first smoker of the year. A goodly
representation of the faculty was on
hand at 8 o'clock. About two score
of men from the student body were
ready to greet them. On tables
throughout the gym were packs of
cards and cigarettes. Corn cobs filled
with good tobacco were also available.
The card sharks among the faculty
and students enjoyed quiet little
games, wFile those not so adept
found amusement
in impromptu
basketball games. After an hour or
more of these indoor sports Dr.
Power, chairman of the Athletic
Council, announced the main feature
of the evening, the speech program.
After being insufficiently introduced by the chairman, Prof. Risley,
a national authority on football and
a referee of note, gave a most interesting talk on the American College
Besides being an expert's
opinion on football, it also was a
masterpiece of description. Prof. Risley must be something of a poet' as
well as a historian and athlete, His
versatility of expression made) a great
hit with the frosh, History 2 people
and incidently with everyone else.
Dr. Brubacber was next introduced.
He expressed the ambitions of t'he
faculty'in hoping that State's prowess
on the athletic field would soon
spread to every place where college
athletics are talked of. As president
of the college he welcomed the men,
especially the new men. In closing
he hoped that the event would be the
forerunner of many similar events.
Coach Suavely was then presented
as the best known member of the
faculty. He took up the athletic possibilities of the year. In closing Dr.
Powers set forth the aims and purposes of the Athletic Council. When
all the smokes were gone the crowd
began to break up. The janitors getting tired of waiting, then gave a
gentle hint to get out by turning out
the lights.
Delegates to Silver Bay
Far up Lake George in a pleasant
little cove is a spot called Silver Bay.
To most folks this is merely a name,
an ordinary place where tiresome conventions are held; but to the seventeen girls who journeyed up there
last spring and lo the thousands and
thousands who have gone there from
other colleges, it is far more. It is
rather a sacred shrine to w'hich weary
pilgrims may turn for rest after a
strenuous year, a place of fine fellowship and new friendships, a place of
high ideals, of a broad outlook.
Every day was full of good things.
The official rising hell rang at seven
o'clock, hut when Vic Peterson's
trusty alarm went off at six, Vic and
Ruth Kimmcy routed the whole dele-
gation out of bed; and, dressed in
middies and bloomers, we hurried
down to the dock, where for full
sixty minutes Dot Dangremond kept
us practicing our college songs and
one particular song with which we
expected to win a beautiful silver loving cup. But you have not seen it?
Well, upon reconsideration, we decided to leave it there that HCNI year's
delegation might bring it home.
When we were sufficiently hoarse,
we were permitted to go to breakfast
if we were the fortunate possessors
of while buttons; but if the buttons
were green, we wandered about for a
half-hour trying to forget our hunger.
(Continued on page 3)
Sophomores Serve
Junior-Frosh Hike Proves
Summons on Freshmen
Initiation to College Tradition Plan
As yet, the activities of the sophomore class toward intimidating '26
have not been remarkably noticeable.
The knee of State's youngest class is
still held proudly rigid, and a goodly
number of high
school insignia
adorns her person.
However, gigantic plans, (he nature
of which has not been revealed, are
under way for the sophomore getwise meeting. This is scheduled to
take place in the gymnasium on the
evening of October 6. Miss Pierce
and Miss Pillingham will act as
chaperons. The members of both
classes are urged to avail themselves
of this opportunity to show thetr
st.'ong class spirit and loyalty to college tradition.
Dr. Clarke Addresses
Student Body
Dr. Clarke, director of the State
Museum, gave a talk in student assembly Friday morning on the place
of scholarship. He very interestingCOLLEGE CALENDAR
ly outlined the effect of the teachings
of the past on the modern education.
Tuesday, October 3
He explained, with the help of many
Y. W. C. A. Meeting, Auditorium, amusing jokes and anecdotes, the absurdity of trying to learn everything
3:00 P. M.
that is to be known. His advice to
Wednesday, October 4
all true seekers of scholastic attainNewman Club Meeting, Room 210, ment, and true happiness, was to accumulate all the worth-while wisdom
4:00 P. M.
of the past and present, and to be
ever discontented with the amount of
Friday, October 6
Soph-Frosh Get Wise Party, Gym- knowledge we have. The continual
nasium, 8:00 P. M.
(Continued on page 4)
Schuyler and Yankee Doodle Houses
About fifty freshmen and juniors
assembled at College for their hike
on Saturday afternoon, September .30.
After wailing half an hour for a few
straggling freshmen and several busy
ittniors, the hikers started for Schuyler Mansion. The route of march
was down State street to Eagle, past
the Governor's Mansion, across the
lower cud of Lincoln Park, and on
downtown, It was a relief to reach
t'he Mansion where one could sit
under the trees or wander about the
house, thrilled by the stereotyped
voice of the guide saying: "And this
is the room General liurgoyne occupied as a prisoner; and this notch
was cut by an Indian tomahawk.
Yes, girls, please notice ——," After
everyone had
antiriues, tried to open locked doors,
handled the wool on the spinning
wheel in the at'ic, signed t'he register
and climbed pear trees to pose for
pictures, the party went on to Rensselaer, to view the outside of Yankee
Doodle house.
About dinner lime, the hikers returned by ones and twos, better acnuainted with t'he juniors and with
their own classmates.
The Xew York State League of
Women Voters will conduct a
"Sc'hool of Citizenship" in the State
College Auditorium on Thursday,
Fridav and Saturday, October 12,
13, 14.
The Convocation held in the Education Building begins Thursday, October 19, The student body is welcome and should go to hear speakers
of Ir'gh merit.
$3.00 per year
Unusual Stunts a Feature
Y. W. received the Class of '20 on
Friday evening, September 29, and
what a splendid reception it was!
Never did the freshmen have so much
fun and their junior sisters were not
far behind. Y. W. revealed herself as
a most charming hostess and as an
entertainer—she is par excellence.
Everything went off just right, and
everybody enjoyed everybody else—•
so how could the affair help but be a
howling success!
We did not mind the receiving line
a bit. In fact it was great fun to
greet Dean Pierce and a few smiling
members of the faculty. The rest ot
the line was composed of fellow students, and what could be more satisfying than 'hearty handshakes with
old friends?
To make us more fully realize the
"esprit dc corps" of the evening,
Dorothy Dantfremond, '23, entertained
us with some music, and it was real
music! Music of the classical' type,
which was appreciated to such an extent that all syncopated rhythms
were absolutely forgotten for the
And then Ruth Kimmcy, speaking
in be'half of V, W. as its president,
formally (or should we say informally?) welcomed the Class of 1926.
She appealingly recalled the days ol
our youth in which our adventuresome, reckless spirit destroyed even
furniture and clothing- to attain its
end. As we developed in physique
and mentality and learned to inhibit
our erratic aims, we became more
rational and turned to the quieter
pursuit of reading. Now that we
have advanced to the stage at which
we arc appreciative of the " Idylls of
the King," let us consider our (inn
short years in college as a quest, And
the adventure on that quest will be
the adventure of friendship.
Then came the stunts, and to all
those who did. not
see them, we extend our heartfelk regret and sorrow
because the performance has never
been quite equaled in all our college
career and 'there never can be an exact reproduction of it. One would
hardly suspect Eleanor BueII as filling the role of Dr. Thompson, but she
did, and did it efficiently, too. She
used her handkerchief and watch in a
manner so peculiar to that familiar
Then she introduced
President Brubacber.
No words
could half describe Margaret Eaton
as the impersonator of " our Bruby."
fine would almost believe that the
derivative had become the prototype,
even in such minute details as the carriage of the head, the movement of
the eyes, and the tilting of the eyebrows. Strange to relate, the language and mannerisms of speech
were almost exact reproductions of
those h e r d a week ago at faculty reception. No one could have presented
(Continued on pagc4)
Page Two
Slat* (Enllup Sfauui
Vol. VII
October 5,
No. 3
Published weekly during the college
year by the Student Hotly of the New
York State College for Teachers at
Albany, New York.
The subscription rate is three dollars per year. Advertising rates may
be had on application to the business
(Articles, manuscripts, etc., must be
in the hands of the editors before Monday of the week of publication.)
Managing Editor
Business Manager
Subscription Manager
Assistant Subscription Manager
Assistant Business Managers
Annie Olson, '24
Associate Editors
Dorothy V. Bennit, '24
The opening of the college year, like
the first of January, is characterized by
a host o£ good resolutions. But collegiate resolutions arc formed as a result of
previous experience and a certain
amount of earnest thought, whereas
New Year's resolutions are often a consequence of watching the old year out
and the new vear in. Resolutions that
are as serious as our collegiate reforms
should consequently last longer and
show greater results than the " new
leaf" of the new year. When we say
that we intend to keep our work caught
.up this year let us at least not leave the
first week's work—just because it is
easy— until the following week. When
a junior says that he intends to be a
real friend to his frosh sister or brother,
let him not forget this injunction, although bis tasks are many and heavy.
And when the sophs say that they intend to chastise the frosh let it not be
an idle boast whose vagueness of purpose will be seen long before Movirigup Day. So let us each and everyone
make our resolutions—few or many as
we choose—but let us stick to them like
a fly to molasses.
At the receptions lately, when timid
freshmen have pointed out an attractive senior ami asked their junior sisters, "Who is that?" Ihey have been
baffled by the reply, " Why, that's
Grace Fox; she's on Myskania," Or
when they come running hack to a
waiting junior to proclaim " I just
met Betty Rentier; isn't she nice?"
they hear again, "Of course she is;
she's on Myskania." In the hall they
hear vague comments—" Dot has a
new chain for her Myskania l<cy," or
" There goes May Wood—Myskania
member." And naturally the freshmen wonder just what Myskania
Myskania, dear freshmen, is an honorary body composed of not less than
eleven and not more than thirteen
seniors chosen annually for high
scholarship, leadership, college spirit,
and general popularity. From the day
they enter college these students have
stood out for sincere effort in raising
the standards of State College in any
and every way. On Moviiig-up Day,
when juniors become seniors, the new
Myskania is chosen from the new senior
class. It is one of our highest rites, and
everyone sits very tense and still while
the old Mvskania members, one by one,
choose their successors. And when
Myskania has been chosen, it becomes a
great and quietly active power in our
college world. No one, perhaps, se-'S
its influence directly, but one always
feels it when eager scholarship rises;
when athletics, sports, and social events
stand out particularly line, clean, and
happy; when college publications become truly literary; and when the spirit
of sincere friendliness is most evident.
Sometimes Myskania appears in assembly, arrayed on the nlatform in cap
and gown, with the Myskania key, symbol of the honor due, gleaming against
the black gown. And when they appear
so before us we realize most deeply the
extent of their silent Influence, We
like to see them there. We would like
to see them there every Friday morning. Why not? Let's ask them to come
in cap and gown and sit on the platform every week this year.
Have you noticed Ulrich Ncuner's
('26) new hair cut? We hear that he
was in such a hurry Friday that some
" friends" trimmed him so that he
would not have to wait in a barber
shop. I low about it, Neuiier, more
speed, less hair.
Father—"Arc you sure he loves you?
That it isn't your money?"
Daughter—" He swore he worshipped
.lie since he first saw me."
" Where was that? "
" At the beach last summer."
" Were you in a bathing suit? "
" Why, yes."
"lie's after your money."—Carnegie
In dayes of olde, whenne nyghts were
A girlc, whenne wythe a feller,
If she hade sande, woulde holde hys
And thynke she was a heller.
But nowe a dayes, whenne ice does
Ye lakes ancle alio that bounds them—
Ve daymes get mad if every ladde
Don'te wrappc themselves arounde
Willie—"I looked through the
hole last night when May's fellow
calluig on her."
Father—" And what did you
out? "
"The electric lamp."—Michigan
Salesman—" Pardon me, sir; 1 have
an attachment for your typewriter."
Manager—" Well, don't bather her
during working hours."—Notre Dame
" Hence we derive this theory—"
" 1 lair-nets are not selling well,"
Elopements are certainly becoming
" When I said that you really were the rage. Just this morning we read
here he
of a horse running away with a young
" Said that you weren't quite so widow.—Dartmouth Jack o' Lantern,
"Mauve and the sleeves arc in
" The co-ed has really some rights! '• She—" Hello, Jack, going my way ? "
" Just as we got in the den a
He—" Righto, Where ya goin' ? "—
" Dumbbell turned on all the lights." Dartmouth Jack o' Lantern.
—Chicago Phoenix.
A special class in Intermediate
Algebra for students who arc conditioned in that subject will be held
on Mondays and Fridays, in Room
201, at 3:55 P. M. The first meeting
will be on Monday, October 9. The
fee for the course will be $10. Students who wish to enroll should give
their names to the Registrar at once
and report at the class room at the
lime and place designated.
" I fence we derive this theory—"
" For the women's building, you
" I lonest her eyes were all bleary,"
"Tipped over right in the snow! "
"Took her roommate to the Follies I"
" Hence we derive this theory—"
" Wear that old nink one of Dollic's,
" He'll never notice it, dearie."
"She said you told her he told me?"
" Who is the eule one in front?"
"What if he did try to hold me—"
" We have to put on a stunt,"
" Hence we derive this theory—"
"Where are your Fine Arts notes?"
" I made my eyes look all teary—"
"The cutest men—in fur coats!"
" Prof, said he surely would pass inc."
" She needn't look quite so sneery."
" Wouldn't have gone if he'd asked
me! "
" Hence we derive this theory—"
The class In H. E, 8, Home Nursing,
visited the wards and laboratories of
flio Albany Hospital Thursday morning
as a basis for further study of equipment in nursing.
Sycldtim Hall house organization
elected tilie following officers for the
year: President, Gladys Mcrscreau;
vicc-nrcsident, Joyce Dwyer; secretary,
Madeline b'inch; treasurer, Adelaide
Gruesciiow. There are twenty-seven
girls living at the house this year, under
the supervision of Mrs. Slade, who is
(he social director,
Winifred Wcmplc, '19, was a guest at
the Psi Gamma bouse Wednesday
I'si Gamma has as house girls this
year: Ruth Tcfft, Ma-bells Jochumsen,
Queene I-toman, Glcnnon Ensman, May
Wood,-Clarissa lluyek, Katiierinc Ship-
man, Dorothy Jones, Elizabeth Stroiipe,
Ruth Ellis, Elizabeth Nagle, Mildred
White-giver, Gwendolyn Jones, Jessie
Waynian, Elise Dowers, lleulah Eekcrson,
Mrs. Arthur Prosper, nee Catherine
Tail, '21, spent Sunday afternoon ;i ' Psl
Marcha Parry, '22, and Anna O'Neill,
22, snenl the week-end at the Chi Sigma
Thotil house.
Margaret Vangura, '21, has entered
the convent at Rensselaer.
Chi Surma Thela extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. II. McCaffrey
on the birth of a daughter, Kegina
Anne. Mrs. McCaffrey was formerly
Edna Maticth, '21.
Kafchrlnc Beslel, 'IS, and Jane Schnitzler, '20, were guests at the Chi Sigma
Thela house recently.
under observation and usually uiulei
suspicion. He is something like the
minister's son in thai when he slips
everybody knows il, and many people
gladly say, " I told you so." He caniiol play unless be keeps out of trouble and stands well in his classes, nor
be keeps bis body clean and
li1. And yet be spends his time
imong those who are sometimes lazy
students, and sometimes foolish in
their ideas of manliness and manly
amusement, and is constantly subject
to the insidious influence of hero
worship, which frequently has a fai
worse effect on the object of reverence than on the worshiper.
Remember, too, that the football
player as a rule is still a boy in
years, and that he has all the natural
weaknesses and impulses of any normal, healthy youngster.
Nothing will help that boy show
sense and discretion like the right
ilmosphere in the college. The moment public opinion is taught to expect and demand of him I hat kind of
behavior which is pendant lo bis
imminence and popularity, (he job of
keeping out of nuischicf and staying
sound iir mind and body is enormous'y simplified for him.
The right football spirit in any
school requires that every man who
even hopes to play on the team shall
stand well in bis classes and behave
hiimiself outside of them, in season
and out, and public sentiment will
accomplish this with those on whom
nothing else under the sun will have
any visible influence. I have seen it
work like a miracle on men who,
wanting the support and 'Tstraint of
their fellows' opinions, has proved impossible for faculty or coach to manage.
Take as an example the question of
smoking. The coach at the beginning of the season will naturally tell
his squad that smoking is against the
training rules. This is as far as he
can go with the players themselves.
Even if it were good policy, which it
B" W. W. (Bill) Roper
Princeton Coach
Twenty-live years of football as
player, fan and coach- and I am not
sure Which description fits me b e s t have convinced me that foot-ball is a
mass ganvc. 11 is not played by the
eleven men on the field alone. But
by eleven hundred or eleven thousand
—by the whole student and graduate
bodv of the institution, large or
small, which those eleven men represent.
I shall never forget one of my
early coaching engagements in which
I found a college where the football
atmosphere did not exist, and where
I undertook to get along without it.
Once was quite enough.
T do not like to remember what
happened to that learn, although so
far as material went I ought to have
had a splendid season. There was
from the first game to the last a
clearly perceptive defect, which I can
only describe as listlessness, although
it was something less tangible than
that; a failure, rather, to give the last
ounce, to light for the last inch, which
was and still is an absolute necessity
for a winning football team.
I have become convinced that it
is a stark impossibility to develop a
winning combination on the field unless there is or there is developed a
winning atmosphere in the institution.
Football demands courage, heart and
lightning intelligence, but even these
requisites will fail unless there is
spirit and enthusiasm behind the
team. The coach's job begins right
Much Required of Players
Modern college laws require a little
more in actual fact, from an athlete
than from any other student, both as
regards conduct and study. The athlete, even when the faculty control is
conspicuously benevolent, is always
Conserve your vioion
(Continued on page 4)
Have your eyes examined
Francis E. Cox
171 Central Avenue
Phone Wett 3 756-J
''Continued from page 1)
Breakfast over, we went to the
chapel for morning worship, the most
beautiful service of the whole day,
You can begin to appreciate it when
you hear that one girl said she loved
lo sit in the gallery for she could
fairly sec (he prayers
heavenward like smoke.
After chapel we had discussion
groups followed by oilier meetings of
various types, and then dinner. The
dining ball was furnished wit 11 round
tables just Iv'g enough for four; and
usually two of us would bunt around
Until we found two girls from some
other college with whom we would
cat, thus making many acquaintances
and bearing the hows of other
After dinner our time was our own
and all varieties of recreation" were
in vogue.
Intercollegiate baseball
unci basketball games were staged;
hikes lo all the mountain lops were
organized; and yacht trips to Ticonderoga and Paradise Hay were cnioyed by many. Then there was
boating and tennis and swimming.
This occupied us till the supper hour,
which was always a welcome time,
for exercise will put edge on appetite.
Then came an hour's sing in (he
open, Six hundred girls formed a
hollow square, college banners were
Hying and every college vicing with
all the others to see which had most
college spirit Stale bad it in abundance, lint it was not easy to prove it
when all the larger colleges had fifty
or sixly delegates. But we'll have
sixty next year. Then we'll show
'em! As might came on we calmed
down somewhat and all together we
sang Silver Bay songs, " Follow the
Gleam" and " As we sing together
'nealh old Sunrise Mountain,
And the moon comes stealing near
o'er the silvery water,
We sing songs that cheer us,
We have dear friends near us,
We all love thy spirit, Silver Bay."
We could sec the moon rising over
I he mountain tops and gilding the
calm smooth lake, and old Sunrise
Mountain outlined against the sky.
And we were fairly caught by the
spirit of Silver P>ay.
Then we flocked into the auditorium lo bear some of the most aide
speakers in America. The messages
brought to the conference by Dr.
Coffin and Dr. Fosdick, both of New
York City, were helpful and inspiring.
After the evening meeting we had
a delegation meeting in someone's
bedroom or on the roof under the
State College
Luncheon or dinner 12:00—1:00
Page Three
Here Betty Rennet, our
" dele " leader, passed on any bits of
information she had heard at "dele"
leaders' meeting during the day,
while the rest of us consumed ginger
snaps and cheese, nabiscos, cheese
tidbits and any other edible thing we
could buy, borrow or steal, to stave
off threatened starvation. Then, with
blessings on the man who invented
sleep, we sought rest either in the appointed rooms or on a slanting,
gravel-covered roof and after some
hours dropped off to dreamless
The most unique event was the
dedication of a chapel in memory of
Helen Hughes, daughter of lion,
Charles E. Hughes. The chapel holds
only three hundred; so the girls who
could not gain entrance dressed in
while and formed an avenue through
which passed Secretary Hughes and
his family, the leaders of the conference and the choir singing "All Hail
our King Eternal." It was certainly
a beautiful and impressive ceremony
that will not soon fade from our
There was a humorous side to our
trip as well as a serious side. Imagine
planning a party witli your roommates, only to find all the refreshments, such appetizing things as
crackers and more crackers, had been
broken up and sprinkled between the
sheets of your beds. Or picture, if
you can, two girls, one quite tall and
the other somewhat shorter, emerging from their room in one pair of
slippers and one bathrobe and encountering, not a mad bull, nor a
bear, nor even a stern-faced matron,
but a huge night watchman with a
mammoth spotlight,
And then try to imagine the feelings of fifteen weary girls anxious to
reljre w'hen they discovered, bedsteads sans blankets, sans sheets,
sans pillows, in fact sans everything
but a mattress and a spread. Two of
our numbers had confiscated all our
comforts. But—let me whisper it so
the unfeeling culprits will not bear—
we had a better sleep that night than
on any other.
And so the days sped by, each one
richer and fuller than the day before,
until the last morning came, when we
discovered that there were so many
places we had meant to visit, so
many nooks that had become so dear
to us that we hated to leave them.
But we comforted ourselves with the
hope that perhaps next year we may
nil be permitted to go again to Silver
Bay, and we are hoping that we may
be permitted to take You with us.
Park Lunch
J, LUDWIG, Prop.
DINNER FROM 32 A. M. lo 3 P. M.
Oysters, Steaks, Chopi and Short Orders.
1'ry our daily
specials. Lunches put up lo take heme.
Page Fout
(Continued from page 3)
(Continued from page I)
desire for further information is what
makes for a life full of happiness and
service, And it is up to the scholars
of the present generation to solve the
problem of scholarship and happiness,
Ruth Teff't made several announcements concerning the 1923 Pedagogue. Instead of individual pictures
of members of college organizations,
there will be group pictures of ail
sororities, clubs, and associations,
(Professor Kirtland will take the
group pictures and Mr. Lorcy will
take the individual pictures.) Groups
to have individual pictures are the
senior class, Myskania, Onuicron Nu,
Finance Board, class presidents and
the officers of Student Association.
is not it would be a physical impossibility to watch the members of the
team to sec if they are observing this
very simple but necessary rule,
It has been my experience that the
coach who turns detective tosses
most of his influence away, and no
coach can afford to forget that a
good football player means a pretty
good citizen, and that it is impossible
to develop the one without some intelligent effort to develop the other.
But if the football coach has taken
the trouble to develop or started to
develop, the proper football spirit in
the institution, he will find that the
non-football players will do this work
for him; though in the vast majority
of instances it won't be necessary.
They will see to it that a football
player caught smoking becomes so
(Continued from page 1)
unpopular that once is enough, as far
and more amusing impersonas this player is concerned.
ation. Dean Horner next appeared,
Football is distinctly a game of interpreted by Laura E'bell, There
sclfis'h were the well-known characteristics,
such as glaucimr over the eyeglasses
motive to the cause of the team, and
the low whispers of the voice.
which in reality personifies the school Mutt and Jeff followed on the proor university behind it, And the gram—wc gazed at Dr. Hastings,
coach who docs not realize it is mere- played by Emily Belding, and Prof.
ly inviting defeat for himself and his Kirtland, played by Mary Congdon.
These two honored members of the
team. But once the proper spirit is faculty proved to be most human and
developed in the college, the job is entertaining in their musical dialogue.
Little did the frosh suspect the jolly
half done.
humor of our profs. And last but not
Don't Overlook Unpromising Men least, P'risailla Jones as one of our
The task of stirring enthusiasm be- janitresses with pail and broom in
hind a team during the playing sea- hand bustled out on the stairs and
son is a relatively simple affair if sputtered at us in angry, shrill voice.
gone about in the proper manner, Thus ended six reels of snappy fun,
During the remainder of the evenThe excitement of the game itself
makes it fairly easy to wake an up- ing wc ate orange ice and danced.
When eleven o'clock struck, we did
roar of cheers and songs at mass not want to leave the hospitality of
meetings and parades at practice Y. W., but in this world " there is an
games and these all have their share end to everything," and the best of
ill producing the winning football friends mmst part, so necessity forced
us to follow the 'homeward trail.
Sometimes I hear well-meaning Some of the best players ever develpeople—people who know a little oped were drawn from this class of
about the surface of the game itself— candidates — men who failed to make
speak slightingly of this enthusiasm. prep school teams because of rela" Sideline and grandstand spirit " tively slow development, and who as
they call it, and if it were true that fres'limcn or sophomores were still
such an atmosphere bred a tendency well behind their mates in football
to take one's only exercise on the knowledge and experience.
bleachers I should agree with them,
Such men are sometimes slow to
in part at least. But 1 have found it take hold on the field, and the first
strongly effective in exactly the op- impulse of a coach, overwhelmed with
posite direction, The more the foot- the distraction of trying to distinguish
ball coach can arouse enthusiasm in between a hundred strange faces, is
a man utterly unable to play the to clarify his problem by eliminating
game, the easier it becomes to them at once.
persuade that man to develop his
There could hardly be a more seribody and keep it in decent running
ous blunder. The experienced and
confident player is sure of himself,
It certainly needs the right football While the beginner feels shy at the
atmosphere to make the players real- best of it and needs encouragement,
ize their obligation to themselves am*, not only for his own sake, but for the
to their schools. This spirit, once effect on the rest of the squad and
wakened, will bring out a squad of the undergraduate body behind it.
candidates which includes every posNo coach can afford to give anysible piece of football timber.
body a legitimate reason for feeling
It is of the utmost importance that slighted. Such grievances damage
every candidate who comes out for the morale more effectively than anythe team be given a warm welcome, thing else.
and the coach should certainly try to
trying to pick an eleven on the
put careful and special effort on those first day or in the first week is imshowing little immediate promise. possible and unwise.
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