State College News P. E. Carnival Takes Place of May Exhibit

State College News
VI. No724
N. Y.,
13, 1922
P. E. Carnival Takes Place of May Exhibit
The Alumni bazaar for the benefit of the State College Dormitory Fund will be held April 1, from
2:30 o'clock in the afternoon until
10 o'clock at night in the college
This bazaar is to be something
quite new compared with the bazaars State College has had before.
If you come at 2:30 and become
charmed and fascinated by the
myriads of lovely unusual things
for sale, you will most certainly
desire lo stay until Id in the evening, that you may not miss the
over-changing delights of the
people, things, and
Hut, you will think, how about
my evening meal—and there comes
the happy surprise! Providing you
buy your supper ticket before
Thursday, the thirtieth of March,
you will be able lo enjoy a regular, satisfying, home-cooked supper
for only fifty cents (over and above
the ten cents admission fee). The
supper, under the direction of
Miss Fillingham, will he from 6 to
7 o'clock, and at this time a chance
will be given the present members
of the college organizations, such
as sororities and clubs, to meet the
alumni members of these groups.
Two of the novel booths at the
bazaar will be the flower booth
under the direction of Miss Martinez and that for the sale of groceries under Miss Lansing. The
former requires no advertising because flowers seem to hypnotize
one into buying them. The latter
may lie explained in this way: although the college people do not
themselves buy groceries, each one
can suggest to her mother, if living at home, or to the landlady, if
boarding, that she total her needs
Continued on page 3
4:30 p. m.Mathematics Club, R, 201
3 p. m.
Y. W. C. A. Auditorium
8 p. m.
Men's Meeting, Auditorium
8 p. m.
Joseph Henry Society., R. ISO
4:15 p. m.
Music Association. Room B
8 p. m.
: K , 4 P Festival Dance
8 p. m.
Athletic Carnival. Albany High
Senator Charles J. Hewitt, Chairman of the Semite Finance Committee, and Joseph A. McGuinnies,
Chairman of the Assembly Ways
and Means Committee, called on
Dr, Brubacher, March 6. They inspected the neighboring lot and
found that it was entirely suitable.
The prospect of the bill for buying
this lot seems to have a very good
chance of being passed during the
next week.
President Brubacher went to
Gloversvillc, March 8, where he
addressed the high school students
and the entire body of teachers of
the city. His subject was "The
Teaching Personality."
March 1,3, President Brubacher
will be at Schenectady. Me will
speak in the high school building
for the Phi Mela Kappa society on
"The Promotion of Scholarship,"
Miss Pcrinc, Instructor of Art.
addressed student assembly, March
Id She lectured about the picture
exhibit which is seen in the balls
of I be college.
Professor Rt'sley has had the
honor of being placed on the list
of lecturers at Whcaton College,
N'orton, Massachusetts, lie spoke
to the student body on "Our Heritage" on February 24. Miss Mary
Belle Risley is a freshman at
Whcaton this year.
The sophomore soiree will he
held in the college gymnasium on
March 24 between the hours of 90
and 1. Zita's orchestra will play.
The soiree is to be formal for,'•
girls and semi-formal for men.
Myskauia, officers of the Student1
Association, and all class officerss
are invited to attend The pricej,
Of the bids is $3.00". All the abovec
mentioned officers who wish to0
coine are requested to sign up onn
the lists posted on the large bulletin board.
The committees in charge are.
General Arrangements, Annie Olson; Chaperones and Guests, Chairman, Marion Miller, Marjorie Bayless, Lucy Keller, Elizabeth Bach;'
Refreshments, Chairman, Dorothy1
Davidson; list her Amos, lively n*'
Dutchcr; Decorations, Chairman,!|
Oliver Putnam, Frederick Scott,
Sarah Schoenherg, Rebecca Axelrod; Orders, Chairman, Dorothy
llcnnit, Clara Fahnestock; Music.;'
Chairman, Elizabeth N'agle, Dorothy Jones; Floor, Chairman, Mary
V. B. Wright, Wilhelmina Heine'matin.
Entire Capital District Included
The sophomores will entertain
with a stunt in chapel on March 17.
There is always a great deal of
rivalry between the two underclasses in putting on these annual
stunts, and all arc looking forward to them with eager interest.
The sophomores and freshmen
met in a cage ball battle, Monday
at five. It was not a very thrilling
battle as the sophomores were
greatly outnumbered by the freshmen, much to the credit of the
latter. Florence Bonne acted as
referee. The score was 21-3 in
favor of the fros'h. The sophomores again sallied forth on Wednesday to try their luck against the
juniors. This time, although again
outnumbered, they won their first
victory, the score being 21-15.
There will be a meeting of the
State College. Men's Association
Tuesday evening, March 14, at 8
o'clock. The program arrapge.d for
last Tuesday will be carried out
and an interesting meeting is
Dr. Croasdale has appointed the
following students to serve as an
emergency committee to collect the
unpaid Infirmary Tax fees. Please
respond when the committee members ask you.
Seniors: Frances Reeks
Fela Cackener
Dorothy Dangremond
Agnes Scott Smith
Sophomores: Wilhelmina rieinemann
Eleanor Abrams
Caroline Agan
Emily Harrows
Alma Terpening
Mary Veddcr
Ellen Wheeler
Harvey Fenncr,
The Kappa Delta Rho Festival
Dance promises to be consistent
with the jolly spirit of St. Patrick's Day and she has been permitted to extend a cordial invitation to'the members of the college
sororities* and to all of the "college
men, There will be special music
and entertainment.
The Xorlhcastern New York
Physical Education Association is
planning an athletic carnival to be
held in the gymnasium of the Albanv High School, Saturday evcning, March 18, at 8 o'clock. All
types of schools in the capital distrie! will be represented on the
The gym majors of
Stale Colege will appear in three
numbers: advanced marching tactics, an interpretive dance in costume, and a character dance in costume.
All Stale College people are inviled to attend ibis carnival. ft
will be of special interest to ua because it is lo take the place of I he
final exhibition which we usually
have in May. There will be dancing
after the program.
Tickets are 35 cents and may be
obtained from any of the gym
majors or from Miss Bennett.
Orders for Commencement announcements and programs will be
taken this week for the last time, in
the rotunda. A cash payment of 20
per cent of the total amount must
accompany the order. Have them
all in by March 17!
The committee in charge has
the following members: Helen
Walker, chairman: Georgia Koch,
Mabel White, and John McCluer
As a result of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Philippine
archipelago became the possession
of United States. The Filipinos,
who had their independent republican government with General
Aguinaldo as the president, fought
against the coming of the Americans. While fighting was still going on, American soldiers were detailed as school teachers in the then
existing public schools, and, as one
general! said, " a single teacher
was worth a regiment of soldiers
in so far as winning the sympathy
of the Filipino people to American
ideals was concerned."
When the civil government was
established, with ex-President Taft
. as the governor, the schools were
increasing in number very rapidly.
The Bureau of Education was crei ated with a Director at its' 'head;
the whole archipelago was divided
\ into forty-six school' divisions;
(each of which is in charge of a superintendent, Vvho is a repre'senta-'
tive of the Director. Each of these
Continued on page 2
Page Two
state coiitst news
Vol. VI.
March 13
No. 24
Published weekly, during the college year, by the Student Body of
the New York State College for
Teachers, at Albany, New York.
The subscription rate is three dollars per year. Advertising rates
may be had on application to the
business manager.
[Articles, manuscripts, etc., must
be in the hands of the Editors before Thursday of the week of publication.]
Louise D. Persons, '22
Managing Editor,
Hope D. Persons, '22
Business Manager,
Alice O'Connor, '22
Subscription Manager,
Ethel Huyck, '22
Assistant Business Managers,
Grace Fox, '23
Edith Sanders, '23
Associate Editors,
Robert MacFarlane, '23
Eira Williams, '23
Vera Nolan, '23
Dorothy Bennit, '24
Doris Butler, '23
Dorothy Dangremond, '23
Only a few days ago sonic one
was heard to remark, 'The students
of State College ought not to have
to spend much time in attending
low-grade amusements in Albany
when they have so many advantages right here."
And when one stops to think of
it, isn't it quite true?
First, think of the comparatively
small amount that one has to pay
for student tax tickets in comparison with the high-class things
that we can attend by just showing
that little ticket and often by not
even doing that.
More than one person gasped
over the prospects of attending the
London String Quartet for nothing.
The concert which the Music Association itself gave was of no
small interest and afforded all
those who were wise enough to
go a far pleasanter evening than
the, Grand could have done.
Then there were the fine plays
which the Dramatics and Art Association ,put on.
The lighting
effects and the costumes would
make one think that he was sitting
at the Hall watching Minna Gombcl
do her best bit of acting. The
music furnished by the college
orchestra was certainly as good as
the orchestra that we hear at
The latest privilege which has
been brought to our attention is
the exhibit of paintings which have
been making our halls anything
but bare and unattractive. One
could go other places and see
things just as good, but he couldn't
go out between classes with his
friends and enjoy talking them
How many of you are boy
scouts or girl scouts? Even if you
aren't you've often heard their "Do
a good turn daily." If anyone has
had a job to find one of these good
turns to do, here's a suggestion.
There's going to be a selfish reason
behind it, but nevertheless it will
answer its purpose. You all know
Mary Callahan and the rest, don't
you? Well, they get awfully tired
of running around after us and
picking up all . the papers and
trash that we leave lying around.
Here's the proposition! Let's help
the janitors and janitresses out a
bit and at the same time make our
college buildings look neater. The
basement and the gym arc the
places that suffer most. It's hard
for .the gym teachers to keep the
gym as "'they'd like to have it
when people in their hurry leave
the remains of lunches behind
Yes, the News office is an eyesore sometimes, but we're going
to try the good turn stunt too.
Continued from page 1
divisions, which usually coincides
with the boundary of a province, is
divided into districts composed of
several towns. The head of the district is called the supervising
teacher. He is the direct representative of the superintendent.
The Philippine public school system is patterned after that of the
United States: we have the elementary school, the high school,
and the university. The courses of
study are modified to meet our
needs. Industrial work, gardening
and agriculture arc included. In
vocational education much attention is given to agriculture, in as
much as the prosperity of the
islands depends upon it. We have
several regular agricultural schools
in different parts. Physical education is introduced: for the children
it is mostly calcsthenics and group
games, and for older boys and
girls, athletic sports as baseball,
tenuis, volley ball, indoor baseball,
basketball, high jumping, hurdles,
and other track events. Baseball was
first introduced by the American
soldiers, and it has become the
national game. Annual championship contests are held in each
province, and the winners in each
province compete in the interislands
Every two years the Far Eastern
Olympiad is held, in which the best
athletes of China, Japan and the
Philippines test their strength.
An interesting phase of the educational progress is the co-educational system. Rcforc, a woman's
education was composed of reading, writing, simple arithmetic,
and embroidery.
Her sphere of
influence was largely limited to the
home. The only government position opened to her was teaching.
Xow, she studies pharmacy, law,
medicine, dentistry, and is taking
nearly all kinds of work in the
She participates in
discussion of social and political
nroblems. She takes an active part
in social work.
Women's clubs,
mothers' leagues, and other societies have been organized. There is
now a movement to give them the
right of the ballot. As to the
capacity of our women let me
quote Miss Yule, who for several
years taught in the Philippines.
" Possibly on these lovely isles,
where the lotus blooms and the
cocoanut lifts high its greencrowned head, there may be
evolved the 'height of the vision of
the suffragette, a land of perfect
sex equality with chivalry tipping
the scale in favor of the lovely
We always think highly, with a
feeling of deep gratitude, for the
loyal American teachers who left
all that was dear to them in the
United States to carry the Western
Continued on Page 3
MARCH 13, 1922
' Once upon a time, when the gods
ruled the earth, they endowed each
man with a certain gift.( And one
day they gave to a certain man the
gift of great wind power; and they
said to themselves, " He will be of
great value to the race of men because he can run long distances
for them, and save life by his long
endurance. But the man did not
wait for such an opportunity, he
became impatient and walked long
by the river planning his future,
lie found one day a stiff leaf, and
lie made of it a horn. " Now,"
thought he, " 1. may use my talent."
Rejoicing, he went home, using his
new instrument. And in the streets
all clay long, he played. And behold, a child fell in the river, and
people rushed to the man and cried,
"Save him!" But the man, when
lie saw them coming toward him,
thought, " Let them hear my prowess," and he played so loudly that
he did not hear the cnies.
And again, there was a great
battle, and the land was in Heed of
Billic Heinemann is living at the
Delta Omega house now.
Psi Gamma has received announcement of the marriage of
Ruth Patterson, '19, to Richard
The engagement of Hilda Utlcy,
'24, to Ray D, Jenkins, of forestport, has been announced.
The " Y " House is very glad to
welcome Vcrna Carter, '25, as one
of the House girls for the rest of
the semester.
Frances Lawrence, '21, was a
guest at the " Y " House over the
week end.
• The Y. W, girls extend their
sympathy to Nellie Maxim, '24, on
the death of her grandmother.
The following people have been
pledged to Omicron Nu: Mrs.
Mustainc, Dorothy Baker, Grace
McGuire, and Victoria Peterson.
a manager, The king came unto
the man and said, " I pray thee,
thou canst run; run to ..procure aid
for me." But the man, as he saw
the king approach, thought, " Even
the king is drawn near by my
horn." And he played louder than
ever before. And there was ruin
in the kingdom for they had failed
to get aid. But the man saw it not
and played in the streets. Whereat
the gods were angry and said,
"Mayhap he must listen to us; we
shall give him one chance to leave
ruin." So the messenger of the
gods came to him and said, " The
gods send for you to play on
Olympus. Come!" But the man
blew the harder when he saw someone approach him, and heard not
the voice. And when the messenger had returned, he told that the
man had not listened. Therefore,
the gods smiled, and Zeus gave decree, "Let him be bereft of his
power that he may see the ruin on
earth." And the scribe in writingopposite his name in the book of
men, wrote, beginning, " He that
bloweth his own horn
And again, you know the story
of the woman who refused to believe that the circus-man was right
because she had always thought of
a kangaroo as about the size of a
rabbit, and she preferred to continue thinking so.
Now, aren't a good many conclusions and generalizations made
by the student body of State College about the student body of
State College about as unjustified
as these? Without calling names,
or being impolite, let me ask you
if you are sure that all the statements made about honor systems,
and dormitories, and lack of college
spirit are carefully based on-definite
and complete statistics, or may
they not possibly be a hit weak as
to underpinning? Maybe we'd arrive at the same conclusions eventually, but wouldn't vvc feel a good
deal more justified in those conclusions if we could only say, honestly, "There! These facts say
this; those facts say the contrary;
they are impartially and most carefully collected; these outweigh
those, and, therefore, T conclude
thus and so." Let's be a little more
careful about our underpinning.
To the Editor of the " N e w s ; "
Isn't it remarkable what a faculty
people have for arriving at absurd
conclusions and convincing themselves that their deductions are
quite correct?
Usually we can
blame this to either carelessness
and laziness in gathering enough
actual facts to really test their
final conclusion, or to the unconscious habit of drawing the conclusion they like best from their survey of conditions. If a man has
looked at only half the evidence he
can collect, he is likely to form a
judgment only half just.
In the old reading books there
used to be a poem of the blind men
who went to " see " an elephant ait
the zoo. The first felt of his trunk,
and cried, " The elephant is
mighty like a tree!" Another felt
his ear, and cried, " This wondrous
animal is very like a fan!" A third
fell against the elephant's side and
exclaimed, "Why, the beast • is
nothing but a wall!" So they all
fell to arguing over the matter, because no one of them was seeing
the elephant as a whole.
Mathematics Club
Mathematics Club will hold its
March meetiing this Monday at
4:30 p. m, in room 201. Marjorie
Blythe and Mabel White arc the
Miss Blythe will collect dues
from the initiates in the Rotunda
on Wednesday, March IS, from
9:00 to 11:00 a. m. and from 2:00
to 3:00 p, m.
Y. W. C. A.
Girls I There is a treat in store
for us this week.
Dr. Moldenhauer, the pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, is
coming with a message that will
just fit the needs of each of us.
There is no necessity to invite
those who know Dr. Moldenhauer.
We could not keep them away
from the meeting. But to you people who do not know him so well,
we are offering this special jnvita-
Page Three
tion to come and hear him.
Every year ' Dr, Molclenhauer,
along with a few of the other most
able men of the country, is chosen
to speak at the student conferences
at Silver Bay, But not all of us
can go to Silver Bay, Are we not
honored, then, and fortunate to
have Dr. Moldenhauer come to us?
Be there and help the leader, Elizabeth Renncr, give Dr. Moldenhauer the hearty welcome which is
his due.
Joseph Henry Society
The regular meeting of Joseph
Henry Society will be Wednesday
evening, March 15th, in room 150
at eight o'clock. Mr. MacFarlahc
will speak on " Science in Safe
Building" and " The Rain-Drop
Auto." Miss Petith will describe
the making of tungsten and radiotubes. Come and bring your
Music Association
Tschaikowsky will be studied in
the Music Association meeting on
Friday, March 17. The program
will consist of violin, piano, and
victrola selections. All are welcome in room B at 4.15.
Spanish Club
At the last meeting of the Spanish Club Friday, March 10, Professor Stinard gave a very interesting illustrated talk on some of his
experiences in other countries.
Plans are being made for the Carnival, which will take place some
time during the early part of .May.
According lo plans, the Carnival is
going to be better than ever this
year and is going to be a real
Spanish Carnival,
Let's have
every member interested and make
it a big success!
from an epidemic among the children of central Europe. . Fresh
vegetables are also rich in this
Kappa Delta
Kappa Delta announces the purchase of her home at 380 Western
Avenue, and it is believed that the
cause of dormitories at State College has made a distinct advancement in the actual purchase of one
sorority house. The Alumnae, organized in the New York City and
Capital District Branches have
taken the responsibility and made
this possible. Miss Pattic Stuart,
1919, President of the Capital District Alumnae Association has
acted as chairman of the House
Purchase Committee, and rightfully
gains the appreciation of the active
The other members of
the committee are;
Capital District Association
Anne Boochcver DeBcer, 1912
Henrietta Fitch, 1911
Lavinia Cole Cook, 1905
May Foylc Van Denbergh, 1910
New York City Association
Frances Larmon, 1916
Ruth Moslcy, 1917
Barbara Pratt Jones, 1915
Antoinette Wilson, 1907
Mildred Batey, 1919, Jean Hungcrford, 1920, and Marion Bitmap,
1921, spent the week-end at the
Kappa Delta Mouse.
Continued from page 1
and buy as many groceries as she
can at the bazaar. In this way
bargains for one and help for the
other, will be gained.
The fancy work booth under the
G. A. A.
direction of Miss Kelso will have
On account of the resignation of
real buyable and wearable things;
Grace Fox as swimming captain, the candy booth under the direcBillie lieincmann has been ap- tion of Miss Futtcrer will speak
pointed to succeed her.
for itself; the home baked goods
Swimming parties are to be re- under the direction of Mrs. Consumed in a short time. All are well would tempt any appetite; and
urged to come out. Begin swimthe toilet articles under the direcming in the pool to get in trim for
tion of Miss Stewart will prove' a
this great summer sport.
beguiling place to make money
burn in our slim purses.
Chemistry Club
Besides all this there is to be an
The regular meeting of the
entertainment afternoon and eveChemistry Club was held Wednesning, ice cream, and dancing as a
day evening, March 8, in the Chemclimax.
istry lecture room.
Save your pennies and bring a
Bronson gave a talk on vitamines.
In this way the long
Those who were unable to attend
wished for Dorms will begin to
will probably be interested in a materialize.
few exitracts from his lecture.
Formerly fats, carbohydrates and
proteins alone were considered
necessary for diet, although under
Continued from page 2
conditions of restriction scurvy and
other diseases of dietitlonal origin ideals of civilization to us. One
encounter the tropical clideveloped. In France when scurvy
developed among soldiers _ lemon mate, the different environment,
language, and social
juice was added to the diet and
was found to help prevent the dis- condition. Tt was especially hard
who was sent to
ease. Later, in the East, doctors
found that rice polishings cured the most remote parts of the
beri beri. As a result the workers islands, where he himself could
turned to study what food princi- only understand his own language,
ples were able to cure beri beri and or his only countryman neighbor,
scurvy. They found yeast would about twenty or thirty miles from
cure both diseases and called these his place. T remember quite well
principles in yeast vitamine. Two back in 1903, while I was in a
food principles were found to be neighboring town of my home
necessary for growth, that found town, an American had just arlargely in milk, butter and fat is rived in that place to teach. I was
called vitamine A, and that in green in the municipal building, when the
vegetables and fruits is called vita- American tried to explain to the
mine B, while the vitamine which " Presidente " or the town-head,
his plan and something that he
cures scurvy is called vitamine C.
would like to have done in the
investigation has shown that school building before starting the
only a small amount of food con- class. He was talking with a vesttaining vitamine is necessary to pocket English-Spanish dictionary
produce growth or overcome dis- in his right hand, and made all
ease. Indeed, an almost infinitesi- kinds of gestures and modifications
mal amount of cod liver oil which of his English words to make them
contains vitamine A was found to sound like Spanish. But all was in
overcome the eye disease and vain; there the " Presidente " stood,
stunted growth which resulted
with his mouth open. I was then
picked up by the " Presidente " to
act as an interpreter. I was in the
second grade at that time, so one
can imagine how much help 1 was
able to give.
Central Avenue's Leading
The method of leaching among
the pioneers was from the " u n Confectionery and Ice
known to the known," rather than
following the we'll-known pedaCream Parlor
gogical principle from the " known
to the unknown." When 1 was in
the first grade the first object J A large line of fancy bos
learned was an apple, which vyas
the center of interest in Baldwin's chocolates, booklets, favors,
First Reader. Then I learned the
cherries, snow, and squirrels. All etc.
of them were strange to me. Then
gradually texts suited to our condition were written. The snow
melted and the apples and cherries
disappeared; bananas and oranges
Washington (Sift fchon
took their places.
A scries on
" Philippine History and Civil Gov2 4 4 W A S H I N G T O N AVE.
ernment" and readers now in use
for elementary grades are written
by Filipino authors, products of O P E N E V E N I N G S
PHONE WEST 1 1 3 8 H
the public school.
Another great difficulty of the
pioneers was train assistants. The
process resorted to at first was that
of "take and give." In the afternoon the teacher taught the assistants; the next morning the latter taught what they got. Then
regular teacher training agencies
were introduced.
Summer institutes for teachers were held; a
normal course was given, both in
the intermediate school and in the
Books, Supplies, College
schools were established; and then
the College of Education in the
University of the Philippines was Stationery and College Banners
created. According to the latest
figures !• know we have now about
20,000 Filipino teachers and over
500 Americans teaching in 6,886
public schools, with a total enrollS
ment of 935.678.
And Dress Goods At
Spanish is dying in the PhilipHEWETTS SILK S H O P
pines. English is taught exclusively in the Philippine public ° v , r ,& e « 8 ."J 5 " d
1S-I7 N.. Pent Si.
schools, and the private schools
recognized by the government
classes arc conducted in English,
with one or no subject in Spanish. There are two million people
We Grow
"Say it with
now who can read and write EngOur Own
lish. An American or any English-speaking person does not need
40 «nd 42 Maidan Una
to bring his English-Spanish dictionary in travelling over the
Philippines. The young generation
cannot speak Spanish. It is not
the language in our homes; it is
used in social, official, and business
circles, among the older generation to a very limited extent.
English is destined to be the national language in the Philippines.
Ten years later the Philippine
be composed
wholly of the products of the pubIn fact, at present
lic schools.
there are several such holding responsible positions in the government, with ten in the legislature,
ft is interesting to note that when
the government sent its first 100
students to the United States in
1905 the highest attainment among
that few was not even the completion of the high school. Now, of
over 150 government students, almost all of them are taking postgraduate courses in your leading
Peppermint flavored chewing gum
universities. We have also about
w i t h Peppermint
2,000 private students in the States.
8ugar Coat'
The University of the PhilipSugar jacket
pines is a government institution,
"melts in your
run under a special charter. It
mouth," leaving
was established twelve years aero
the deliriously
with a handful of students in the
flavored gum
School of Medicine, which served
center to aid
as a nucleus. Now it has grown
up to an institution with six colbrighten teeth
and s o o t h e
leges and seven schools with about
mouth and throat.
5,000 students. There are students
from China, India, and Ss'am.
I have been asked several times
Page Four
as to the expenses for the maintenance of the. Philippine government, The country is self-supporting. The United States has not
given a n y financial support, except
the maintenance of the army and
the keeping up of the naval
"Hence a correlation of more
than 70 per cent, between the college grades and anything else
would be a chance result and without
'Distinctive 'Photography
Hawkes, "Since we now have a
correlation of 65 per cent, with the
mental tests it a p p e a r s that we
have proceeded nearly as far in
this direction as is possible until
the g r a d i n g s y s t e m h a s been improved.
" N o t only is the present system
of g r a d i n g unsatisfactory on account of the variation due to the
personal equation noted above, b u t
Special Rates to Students
also owing to the fact that there
is n o agreement, even among m e m bers of the same d e p a r t m e n t in the 4 8 N o . P e a r l S t r e e t
P h o n e Main 9 9
same institution, as to what they
are trying to measure, what units
they p r o p o s e to use, and where
the zero point should be placed.
Figures giving t h e accuracy of the
g r a d e s in certain courses in Columbia College have been prepared a c cording to 'principles accepted by
those most familiar with such
H E L M E S B R O S . , INC.
" I t appears that the accuracy
of the m a r k s during the year 1919W E R E S E R V E T H E R I G H T T O U S E IT F O R
1920 of a large number of students
ran from 35 to 68 per cent, in
the various d e p a r t m e n t s , while the
accuracy of the combined grade
for the entire work of a session
is 70 per cent. Consequently, in
a t t e m p t i n g t o compare the results
of the mental test with the college
marks, we a r e using a scale that is
G . W i l e y (EL B r o .
only 70 per cent, accurate. Hence,
a correlation of more than 70 per
Dealers in All Kinds of
cent, between the college grades
Fresh a n dSalt Meat
An Eversharp pencil' to
and a n y t h i n g else would lie a
and Poultry
chance result and without signifisuit your needs can Abe
cance. Since we now have a cor3 4 8 State Street, Corner Lark
relation of 65 per cent, with the
Telephone S44 and 543
mental tests it appears that we have
great stock. We repair
proceeded nearly as far in this diEversharps^too.
rection as is possible until the
has been imBRENNER'S
<7ff<? PEN CORNER,
" T h i s difficulty has been attacked
by modifying the character of our
Furs, G o w n s , Suits
examinations. T h e kind of examESTABLISHED-1807
-1887 -ld ^^%, ~ a ,| §y»
and Wraps
ination which has been uniformly
used in the more descriptive subS S No. P e a r l S t
A l b a n y , N. Y.
jects like history and economics
may be described as the essay type.
Ideal Service
Ideal Food
A relatively small number of ques$5.00 Maal
Meal Ticket for $4.
tions are presented to the student
$5.00 Maal Ticket for $4.50 to College Student*
who is supposed to write a little
cssay_ in a n s w e r to each of the
1 O
questions, all during the two or
three hours of the examination
period. A n y o n e w h o has spent
208 Washington Ave
days a n d nights in reading the reRegular Dinner
4 0 c Washington
— 1 1 a. m. to 3 Avenue,
p. m
sults of this process docs not need
Albany, N. Y.
to be informed r e g a r d i n g the comRegular Dinner 4 0 c — 1 1 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Supper 4 0 c — 5 p. m. to 8. p. m.
plexities of the problem of grading the student.
" I t is probable that in the essay
type of examination there is a
margin of e r r o r of from 10 to 25
per cent, which is entirely eliminated in the new examination.
F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e n e w examination covers the course to an extent
utterly impossible in the essay
T h e influence of the Philippine
public schools is n o t confined to its
boundaries, 'but reaches t o the
noighoring Oriental countries. E d ucational missions were sent by
Corea, China, and Java to study the
system. There are Filipinio teachers employed by the g o v e r n m e n t of
As to the progress of t h e Philippine puiblic schools, Dr. Paul M u n roe, of Columbia University, after
his personal, thorough investigation of the conditions there, affirmed that " g r e a t e r educational
p r o g r e s s lias been made in the
Philippine Islands in ten or twelve
years than in a n y place in the
history of education,"
•In order to understand the cause
of such rapid development, the
proper foundation is to be noted.
Before the Philippines became an
American possession there were
2,000 " rudimentary public schools,"
seminaries, colleges, and a university. T h e University of S a n t o
T o m a s is twenty-live years older
than H a r v a r d , the oldest American
It can lie said, therefore, when America occupied the
islands she found a people ready
lor flic educational system that she
was to establish. She did n o t find
a savage people, but a nation
eager to learn and anxious to
Essay Type of Tests to Be Supplemented by a Closer Delving for Facts
Steps have been taken by Columbia College to modify the c h a r a c t e r
of examinations in many departments.
Side by side with t h e
traditional essay type of examination a new aid has been introduced,
which, according to Dean H e r b e r t
E. Hawkes, affords no chance for
the bluffer to exercise his a r t s a n d
removes the examination from the
category of sporting propositions.
" T h e clever student," says the
Dean, "whose verbose knowledge of
a few topics can he stretched so as
to appear to advantage whatever
questions may be asked, is left
stranded. With the new examination he is shooting with a rifle instead of a shotgun."
Columbia's departure w a s the
outcome of conditions said t o p r e vail generally in American colleges
and schools, and of which Ben D .
W o o d , assistant to Dean H a w k e s ,
said recently: " I t is a n o t o r i o u s
fact t h a t college grades and high
school m a r k s are highly inaccurate
and unreliable." Mr. W o o d said his
conclusions were based upon e x tensive researches at Columbia a n d
other universities.
Columbia's. plans_ to meet the situation were contained in a report
by D e a n H a w k e s to P r e s i d e n t
Nicholas Murray Butler,
out last week. Owing t o . t h e variation a m o n g instructors' in determ i n i n g t h e grades of students, in afe
tempting t o compare the results of
the m e n t a l tests with the college
m a r k s , Columbia is using a scale
only 70 per cent, accurate.
Ideal Restaurar
Ideal Kestaurant
T h e y o u n g m a n walked down the
street, o n e shoe off and his coat
turned inside out.
A policeman
stopped him.
" W h a t ' s the idea?" he demanded.
"Well, you see, it's this way," replied the y o u n g man. " I ' m taking
a course at a correspondence school
and y e s t e r d a y those darn sophom o r e s wrote to me and told me t o
haze myself."—The O w l .
T h e Prof, had written on the back
of a' theme-: " Please write more
' , • • • •
N e x t day: "Professor, w h a t ' i s
that you put on my t h e m e ? "
'•4SV *
rniNTMitm or THE STATU
STAI o o i x a a a