State College News NEW VORK S T A T E COLLEGE FOR ESTABLISHED BY THE CLASS OP VOL, II No. 25 INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT HAS NEW INSTRUCTOR Paul W. Weaver Added to College Faculty 1 The College is very fortunate in securing tlie services of Mr. Paul W.. Weaver as instructor in lite Industrial department. Mr, Weaver has already taken up his duties as mechihe shop instructor in the science building, lie is a graduate of the Lancaster High School, and of the Williams Trade School, After graduating, Mr. Weaver worked for one year at the William Sellers Machine Tool Works, and one year with the Independent Foundry Co., on special moulding machines, Mr. Weaver's teaching experience began nearly live years ago : at T Paver ford College,-at which institution, he has ever since been an instructor until coming to State College. The News extends greetings to, Mr. Weaver, with cordial wishes for his success. INTER-SORORITY PARTY The most novel eatless, decoratjcw.iciss,' cxpeuseless,' and allaround lloovcrizcd social function of the year occurred Friday evening, April 19, when the members of the six S, C. T. sororities held a joint party in the gym. Since one must always be conventional, there was, of course, a faculty receiving line, consisting of Dr. , Bruhacher and Mrs, Brubather, Dean Horner and Mrs. Homer., Professor Rislcy and Mrs. Rislcy, M.iss Springsteed, and several, .others: The unfortunate fact that those, faculty members were not really present did not mar-tho-reality of the occasion, as they'•" 'Were represented by able substitutes, Perhaps the most! • popular professor of the evening was Dr. Fainter. His well-known eloquence and social ability surpassed themselves. Tlie" greater part of the evening was.'.spent in (lancing. The ex' pen'sc-less ' music was furnished by several of the girls, who played the piano for two dances each. ' The program was as-follows: Reading—Edith Morrison. Vocal-Solo—'Marian Raskins. Reading—Mary Grahn, Violin Solo—Gertrude Southard, accompanied by Alberta Silkvvorth. Reading.—Florence Stubbs. .Reading—Elizabeth Gardner. The members of the,programme! committee Were, Ruth Patterson, Edith Morrison, Marian Baldwin, Mildred Oatey, Marian Smith, and Pauline Kinney. The partv ended with the singing of sorority songs, Alma Mater, and the Star Spangled Banner., SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE NEWS Student Assistance Needed Tn conjunction with -the Press Club, the board of editors of the News is planning to publish a special issue of about twelve pages. The date for this issue has not been set, but it will probably ap- ALBANY, N. Y., pear before June first. This number will include a resume of college athletics; social activities, and all student interests, The purpose of the undertaking is to give to the public a worthy representation of State College—to show that we are not a "normal.'' A copy will be sent to every high school in the State, in an effort to interest prospective college, students in Stale Colleger ... ••• To make this issue the best possible, much student and faculty assistance will be needed. Each organization, club, fraternity or sorority is urged to send some account of its purposes, and accomplishments, terms of membership and interesting material concerning it. Every phase of college life must be represented. The editors ask' each and every student to send' in some write-up for this issue. If you can think of. anything which properly belongs in this special issue, write, it up. Cooperate, one and all! LIBERTY LOAN HONOR ROLL Class of 1919, $50 Bond. Class of 1921 have voted to give tin its party scheduled for May 4th. . ' Newman Club, $50 Bond. Faculty, including every member, $7,750, Alpha Epsilon Phi, $50 Bond. Kappa Delta, $50 Bond. Delta Omega, cancels dance of April 20th. Delta Omcaxa,' $50 Bond. Dramatics Class, $50 Bond. Class of 1920, $50 Bond. Kappa Delta Rho, 150 Bond. Class of 1918, $50 Bond. STUDENT ASSEMBLY Student Assembly on Friday, April nineteenth, was conducted by Myskania. After current announcements had been made, the meeting was given over in part to consideration of Red Cross activities in College. Miss Agnes. . Futterer of the faculty appealed to the students present to do more in-the way of actual service for Red Cross. She asked for a rising pledge and received- a- generous response. Tn conclusion, Miss Futterer read the following poem by Emilc Cammaerts, published in "Belgian Patriotic Poems:" "Sing, Belgians, Sing! "Although our wounds may bleed, Although our voices break, Louder than the storm, louder than the guns, Sing of the pride of our defeats 'Neath this bright autumn sun, And sing of the joy of honor When cowardice might be sweet. To the sound of the bugle, the sound of the drum, On the ruins of Aerschot; of Dinant and Termonde. "Dance, Belgians, dance, And our glory sing. Although our eyes" may bum, Although our brain may turn Join in the ring! "With branches of beech, of flaming beech, Continued on page 4 TEACHERS 1918 APRIL 24, 1918 $1.50 PER YEAR Pres. Brubacher Makes Sixth Address of Democracy Series "Education in a Democracy " subject of lecture Commemorating Patriot's Day. The sixth lecture of the scries on Democracy, being given at the college by the faculty, was given by President A. R. Bruhacher last Friday afternoon. The subject was "Education in a Democracy," The speaker took a few moments at the beginning of the hour to discuss the relation of Patriots' Day to the development of democracy in America. On April 19th, one hundred forty-three years ago, a few Massachusetts farmers insisted on their individual liberty to the extent of openly fighting the British army in the village of Lexington. They' thereby demonstrated that the government in the United States must rest in the consent of the governed. This act was >a demonstration of unity made significant in the Declaration of Independence on July 4th of the following year, and laid the foundation for a democratic form of government in the United States. Early in the lecture, Dr. Bruhacher defined three phases of democracy and later showed that each phase has a special significance for education. He said: "It is first a philosophy of life; then it is a form of government established solely for tlie purpose of giving full force and expression to that democracy; and finally it is a distinctive social consciousness by which a people knows that the government to which it consents gives concrete expression to that people's philosophy, f go to our own Jefferson for a definition of that philosophy: 'That all men are created equal, that they arc endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' T go to the prophet and high priest of democracy, the martyred Lincoln, for the formula of government:- 'Government of the people, by the people, and for the people,' and T go to an' American poet f and patriot, James Russel Lowell, or the social credo: 'Every man has a chance and knows that he has it.'" "After the philosophy of freedom and inalienable rights finds formal expression in a. government 'of the people, for' the people' and by the people' established to secure the rights of this philosophy, it follows inevitably that such government cannot endure, unless the mass of the people is confident its rights are secure," continued the speaker. "The social consciousness that each has a chance is the real test of democracy. The con-' dition of social justice must he insured by a government if it is to be an enduring formula. As a mere philosophy, democracy may endure even in the minds o f sorclv oppressed people under autocratic governments. Witness, the Russian and even German democratic pr.nnps.: As a troveni'iient it can endure only as it justifies itself to the people and becomes a means of social satisfaction throughput the populace," The speaker next made note of the fact that wherever men exist in groups, there naturally springs up some form of unity in government. He spoke of examples in half- civilized clans and tribes, where sonic definite ritual and ceremonial observances are common. Democracy' has developed certain rituals and observances on which it subsists, The Business of Education to Prepare Youth for Democracy Dr. Brii'hsvcher, proceeding toward the object of the lecture, said: "It is the business of education to prepare the youth for clanlife, to understand its peculiar significance, to learn loyal service to its requirements, Education .Is, therefore, charged with the specific duty to induct the young into the ranks of citizens by giving them a complete knowledge of all the ideals, institutions, and observances for which democracy stands. Adjusting to the clan-life of democracy is the chief business of education, determining the contents of its program, and ' its methods of procedure. Democracy differs from,other forms of government in the demands it makes upon individuals. 'Tt gives him rights and demands from him heavy duties and responsibilities. For example, it gives him liberty and expects from him voluntary service and observance of law and order. Education in a democracy must, therefore, adjust the individual to these peculiar conditions, How may this be done? "Public health is paramount. Every citizen is a part of the state, a potential ruler, a protective agent. That he may be useful to himself, an efficient social unit, self-respecting, fit to do his, part, he must know how to conserve his health, which is his capital in stock and trade, Accordingly, education must acquaint him with the laws of hygiene, in order that he may come to his task of citizenship and community responsibility with a sound body. The most democratic tendency in education is compulsorv health service in the public schools." The speaker further pointed out that :edtication must discover all the talents and capacities which make the individual what "he is. Tt must reveal men an (J women to them selves, and enable them to give.their own particular their best, to their environment. After dwelling upon the training of ' the•' individual at some length, the speaker emphasized the • necessity for the training of society as a wlhole. The natural method in this field is civics. Tt is the science of community service, Tn conclusion, he said: "Educa-. tion needs but to look-about itself for a profusion of means to teach cooperation and responsiveness in the social unit." STATE COLLEGE NEWS, APRIL 24,1918 Page Two STATE COLLEGE NEWS April 24, 1918 Vol. II No, 25 . Published weekly, on Wednesdays, during the college year, by the Committee on'Publishing a College Weekly Newspaper, New Vork State College for Teachers, Albany, N. Y. The subscription rate is one dollar and a half a year. Advertising rates may be had on application. Articles, manuscripts, etc., intended for publication must be in the News Box before Saturdays of the week preceding publication. SENIOR EDITORS Stanley Heason, ,'18 , Kathryn Cole, Mildred L. McEwan, 't8 REPORTERS Dorothy Banner, '20 Bemice Bronner, '19 Edward Springmann, '21 Caroline E. Lipes, '19 Dorothy Wakerly, '20 Donald Tower, 'io Managing editors of this issue: K. M. Cole, '18. D. M. B. 'S.'Bronner, '19. EDITORIALS WORDS 'How much we admire a person who has the facility of expressing just exactly what he means!How few of us can do ill What woeful examples of this inability to use our own language do we hnd every day! In recitation's; students wlio really have ideas1 which are valuable are pitifully handicapped because, they cannot-find the words with which to convey their meaning' -to the others. Again and again we hear the hesitating "Well—," the embarrassed "Why—," the hackneyed'1 "introductory "Now—." In chiss meetings it is often'iiripossible to reach satisfactory '/'conclusions concern-' ing matters of real importance for thi!.- simple reason that the members of the class cither do not have the ambition: to say what they think, or they are too diffident to brave the hostile glances of their classmates. Afterward, however, dissatisfaction and. dis-, gust are ably expressed in .no am-' certain terms to a group! 6Lassociates in the corridOryfor /locker room. Would it not be much more .sensibly ,to dev'cio'p'a vocabulary, sv'ttjahle for use' in larger "asscm,plages,,or,.:put the orte'you have in .wcjrkhjg"order? ' ji'.Aljnos't we hear some ' profe'ssor's reference1 to the undch'iable fact "that we are being j trained to'lie teachers. In what ' o t h e r profession-is there greater need for 'efficiency in the handling of words? If'we college students could'better-"ourselves in but one wayi'durirtg the four years here, is there anything -more indispensable jtftat' we" can'.,acquire than the '^ability' : to sayrclearly and ade'1 qtfately what we- mean? ."'Jiet!s' learn 'to talk! "•*' ' • • -. F; M. M., '19. ,To the :Editon,of;.the State Col' ! lege New9:: . Inasmuch as the students are expected Jo be somewhat familiar with'citrren't'topics :and with events which ; arc found in the daily papers, it would'seem no more .than 'right that they should have access to. ' at least one Albany newspaper, The majority of stu. dertts probably are unable to sub• scribe to one of the local papers. Students: are often.-:-.blamed for'a lack of' knowledge 0/1,-daily events, J am, #ure, that these... students would only lie too willing to spend a few .minutes eacli day 111 reading a newspaper if one were available. As far as I am able to ascertain at present J do not know of a normal school in the Slate which does not furnish at least one paper for the use of the students. One of these schools receives three N. Y. newspapers, the Times, the Tribune, and the Sun, which are placed in the school reading room as soon as received, not the day after. If some attention were given to this mailer at State. College the students, I am sure, would be most grateful. D. L. B. To the Editor:1 Just as an expression of opinion concerning the'.jgiying up of college social .affairs, I would like to say that. I consider it a splendid plan Io slop needless expenses' in ibis,.direction. Certainly the spirit behind the movement is to lie commended. But we need some outlet. It is an old adage that says,. "All work and no play make .Tack a dull boy." And this is singularly applicable here. With social functions removed college will mean nothing lo students but drudgery—and that will kill the college spirit we are striving so bard . to obtain. There is one remedy—or rather, means of prevention—and that is sitnnle. Can we not arrange to have the gymnasium open an hour or two during each day, for those who care to dance to have .this opportunity? Volunteer pianists are eas'v to find, and the expense would be absolutely' nihil. It seems that prosncctive'.teacihers could be a'lowed this privilege,' even without a chaperon, if one could not be found. At least we should be ffi'veh a trial; This has been done here in past years, and no great calamity occurred. Cannot something be done in this direction— and done at once? JUNIOR, To the. Editor of the News: In the last issue of the News von asked the views of individuals in the student body concerning our social life here as affected by the war. Mv opinion is that it would be decidedly unwise to stop the dances all -together. The college people, being human, need some recreation'. If it is denied them in one place, they often seek it in one more objectionable. Of course I am'hot defending expensive dances, or even as expensive ones ns they had here in the last few years! At the Senior Hop and the Soph Soiree the only expense was the music; in neither, case did that exceed twenty dollars. Those present had a line time, I admire the patriotic spirit wliich induces a fraternity or a sorority to give up a dance, but what if the individuals of that society then plan to attend a more expensive dance outside of college instead? Why not have at least one big dance 11 year which any N. Y. S. C, T. student might alend and invite an outside guest? Let the expense of this dance be fairly heavy, say about three dollars, and the proceeds given to I he Red Cross or some patriotic work, Surely there would be enough students glad to attend such a dance, Another suggestion—if the gym were open for informal dances on Friday evenings just for college people and a nominal sum were charged for admission, the proceeds to 1)0 divided between musir and Red Cross, perhaps there would be less dissatisfaction about the quality and quantity of our dances. B.; '20. To the Editor: I say, why have college rings at all? Of course, 1 realize that t'hey mean a great deal to most of us—we would be very proud of them when we are alumni. But a golden circlet about the linger will not mean anything for our country and "our boys" while six golden dollars would put a halo around the head of anyone who sacrificed them for a Liberty Bond or Thrift Stamp. In the first place we don't need these rings and most of us are agreed that luxuries should be "cut out" till we "win the war." In ancient times a seal ring was used in sealing documents, but now we have not even that excuse. Secondly, many people will never wear their rings after they leave college and they will lie mislaid and lost and thus be worthless. Again, probably we wouldn't give; six dollars toward a Liberty Bond if we didn't buy a ring, but isn't that evidence of our selfishness? Fnallv. what a spirit is ours when we will let "our bovs" sacrifice all—their courses wliich we have, the peaceful opportunity to continue, their friends, their homes, their verv lives, and we pay six dollars for a bit of gold for1 vanity's sake? Can't you bea ' them calling across the waters? stiff-necked "For shame I ye people." C. Si; '19. A $50 BOND NEW YORK BRANCH OF ALUMNI HOLD MEETING APRIL 20th The animal meeting of the New York branch of the Alumni Association took place Saturday, April 20th. at the Hotel Astor in New York city, Pros, Brtibacher, Dean Pierce, Professor Van Licw and Miss McClelland, formerly of the faculty, attended the meeting. Among the addresses of greatest interest were:- "The-War Work of the" College," by Dr. Brubacher; "My Experiences tis an Ambulance Driver," by Corporal Walsh; "Patriotic Music," by James J. McCabeanj "Life at Camp Dix as it Professor of Bumming," by Lieutenant Jesse Jones, '18. Samuel J. Slawson of Bridgeport, Conn., was elected president of tihis association for 'the following year. f STEP SINGING The college sing will be held at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. The use of the college sing bonk will be supplemented by a leaflet containing about 100 songs compiled by Mr. G. D. El well. These selections are made from songs tl ;.!t most of us already know or have known, The leaflets have proven very popular and it is expected will aid the college sing very much. These leaflets are to be handed o'lt and returned a(v each sum-in order that there will, be a sufficient number on hand for use whenever they are needed. ff the weather will permit, the sing will be held on the college steps., so let everyone come out to enjoy the sing, < ! ' • ' • » Y. W. C. A. SWIMMING CLASSES Fri„ April 26—5-6 p. m. Sat, April 27—9:45-11 a Tues,, April 30—5-6 p, in GYM EXHIBITION The annual exhibition of gymnasium work will be held Friday, May 3, at S:00 p. m. under the .direction of Miss Cray and Mr. Maroncy. The exhibition will be larger than in past years, and a large attendance is exoected. ft will lake place in the Albany Hicrb School gym. Juniors, Sophomores; and Freshmen will take part. V FRENCH CLUB TO HAVE NEW BIRTH The French Club which was last It will protect 1.000 soldiers from smallpox and 666 from ty- year, but has not been since then, phoid. It will assure the saftcy is again to be. This in everyday of 139 wounded soldiers from lock- English means that some of ns jaw, 'be irerms of which swarm in who are mightily interested in French are going to get together Belgian soil. It will render painless 400 opera- to-day and on succeeding Wednesdays at 4 o'clock for little informal tions, supply 2 miles of bandages' —enough to bandage 555 wounds. 1. visits in French, Some of us who' It will care for 160 iniuries in have "godsons" will tell the others about them, with the 'hope that the way of "first-aid packets." It will furnish adhesive plaster fhev will want to share in this and surgical gauze enough to' work too. At our first meeting to-dav (in benefit thousands of wounded Room 1001, we will elect officers; soldiers, for the remainder of the year. Every purchaser of a Liberty l o a n Bond performs a distinct in- After this M. Simonin will speak dividual service to his country and to us, to our .-boys lighting in France,— Every French student in college Exchange. is cordially invitedt it s. ± m > STATE COLLEGE NEWS, APRIL 24, 1918 Fearey's for S h o e s OFFICIAL NOTICES OFFICIAL CALENDAR 23 No. Pearl St. W E D . A P R . 2 4 . - 3 : 5 5 p. m., Democracy Discussion Group, Room 108; 3:55 p , tn., D e m o c r a c y D i s c u s sion G r o u p , R o o m 100; 4:50 p . m., Y. W . C. A. Meeting, Auditorium. College Supplies Engraved C a r d s a n d Booklets (or all o c c a s i o n s Fine Stationery, Magazines) and • ' • Confectionery T H U R S . A P R . 2 5 . - 1 : 0 0 p. m.-5:00 p . m., R e d C r o s s , Surgical Dressings, Room B - l ; 11:00 a. m., D e m o c racy Discussion Group, A u d i t o r i u m ; 2:00 p . m., Y. W . C. A, D e m o c r a c y D i s cussion G r o u p , R o o m 100; 3:00 p . m., Y, W . C. A . Democracy Discussion G r o u p , R o o m 109. Br en nan's Stationery Store Washington and No. Lake Aves. Near Slat* Collage Cotrell & Leonard Maker's of F R I . A P R . 26.— 9:00 a. m., S t u d e n t A s s e m b l y , Audit o r i u m ; 1:45 p. m., D e m o c racy D.scussion Group, R o o m 109; 3:15 p . m., D e mocracy Discussion Group, Room 108; 4:00 p. m,, Lecture, "Utopian Democr a c y , " Professor R i c h m o n d H. Kirtland, Auditorium; 5:00 p. m., D e m o c r a c y D i s rusn'.on Group, Auditorium. GAPS, GOWN5, and Hoods Broadway, Albany Neckwear our Specialty JOHN H. ^tAUSEN,Jr. Gents Open Evening! Furnither SAT., A P R . 2 7 . - 2 : 0 0 p . m., Dancing Class, Gymnasium; 8:00 K a p p a Nu Dance, Gymnasium. 1 5 5 ^ CENTRAL AVE. Freshmen, Sophomores and Jiiniors a r e u r g e n t l y requested to consult the official bulletin board for information c o n c e r n i n g p l a i n for r e g i s t r a t i o n for next year. Blank trial s c h e d u l e sheet's are now ready for distribution a t t h e R e g i s t r a r ' s office. T h e s e blanks should be lilted o u t and presented to the Dean for a p p r o v a l on the following d a y s ; Freshmen—Monday, Tuesday and W e d n e s d a y , M a y 6-8. Sophomores—Thursday, Friday and S a t u r d a y , M a y 9-11. S t u d e n t s are requested to read the official notices on the 'bulletin carefully and to follow the t hoard l directions literally in order to complete the work of registration p r o m p t l y and in an o r d e r l y m a n n e r . It is desirable for s t u d e n t s to consult their major a n d minor officers at the first o p p o r t u n i t y . I M e m b e r s of the Senior Class, who do n o t expect to complete the requirements for graduation in J u n e , 1918, and w h o expect to return to complete the r e q u i r e m e n t s in the S u m m e r Session or in the first s e m e s t e r next year, a r e requested to register with the Dean on T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y and Saturday, May 16-18. PROFESSOR BRONSON PRESENTS INTERESTING LECTURE ON BIRDS PRICE. SERVICE AND QUALITY PRINTERS T h e College A u d i t o r i u m was alm o s t filled last W e d n e s d a y evening when Professor Brouson gave an illustrated lecture on " B i r d s , " T h e time of the singing of birds is n o w literally a t hand, each day now brings to us new accessions to o u r n u m b e r s . T h e arrival of the first m i g r a n t s of spring dep e n d s largely upon t h e ' weather and • t e m p e r a t u r e ; conditions and varies g r e a t l y with the seasons. As the . season advances and the w e a t h e r conditions become m o r e settled we find m o r e regularity in the bird m o v e m e n t s . B i r d s m o s t l y m i g r a t e by night for the protection t h a t t h e darkness affords. U s u a l l y they travel in Hocks and on d a r k nights, fly so low that their calls as they maintain their g r o u p s m a y be plainly heard. There Prof, Bronson gave statistics c o n c e r n i n g t h e length of trips taken by different species of birds and explained their routes. H e also emphasized t h e unestimable value of birds to humanity, giving definite d a t a to prove, his statements. T h e l o w e s t estimate c o n c e r n i n g t h e s a v i n g of birds to agricultural interests is $1,250,000. F o r economical r e a s o n s as well as s e n t i m e n t a l ones, o u r birds should receive p r o t e c t i o n . T h e lecture w a s s u p p l e m e n t e d by l a n t e r n slides of colored birds, the discriminate m a r k i n g s ^and c o l o r a t i o n s being clearly defined. 4H. BIOLOGY EXCURSIONS Phone W e i t 2 8 2 3 M O N . A P R . 2 9 . - 3 : 0 0 p . m.5 p. m., R e d C r o s s Sewing, R o o m B - l ; 3:55 p. m., Music Club, A u d i t o r i u m ; 4:00 p. m., W a r C o o k e r y Demonstration, Room T ; 7:30 p . m., R e d C r o s s Sewing, R o o m A ; 7:45 p . m., Faculty Women, Red Cross, Green Room. P. H. RIDER CLEANSER AND DYER " T h e Cleaner that C l e a n s " 105 Central A v e . Albany, N. Y. Agents For H a r t , Shaffner & M a r x Clothes KAPPA DELTA RcL'al S h o e s ^avari^Qc.Umm H e n r i e t t a F i t c h , '11, a n d Marguerite S t e w a r t , '17, .were visitors at the H o u s e last week. Louise Burleson has been called to h e r h o m e in 'Niagara Fulls on a c c o u n t of t h e critical illness of h e r sister. John J. Ccmkey NEWS DEALER Ruth Lib'by had as h e r guest over the week-end, H e l e n a Gibbon of Clinton. Cigars, C a n d y a n d Stationery PRINTING and DEVELOPING the Last Saturday evening ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CAMERA FILMS J u n i o r s of KA w e r e e n t e r t a i n e d by 215 Central A v e . N. Y. Phone W«t 3937 D o r o t h y R o b e r t s at h e r h o m e . PRINTING 2 4 0 HAMILTON STREET JOTTINGS W e learn with r e g r e t of t h e r e cent severe illness of Lieutenant Alfred E. Dcdicke, w h o is in t h e service of his c o u n t r y and stat i o n e d . a t W a s h i n g t o n , D. C. Mr. Claude II. H u b b a r d of last year's faculty is in t o w n on a t w o weeks' ifurlough. Mr, H u b b a r d has been at C a m p Devens, Ayer, Mass. A t t e n t i o n is called t o the notice of the p r e s e n t a t i o n by the Union College D r a m a t i c Club of the c o m e d y " A Full H o u s e , " The p e r f o r m a n c e will lie given in the College g y m n a s i u m on Saturday, April t w e n t y - s e v e n t h , a t cightliftccn o'clock. T h e admission fee is one dollar, At t h e close of the e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h e r e will be dancing. Dean H o m e r spoke at a Liberty Loan m e e t i n g at C o r i n t h , Sunday evening. P r o f e s s o r Saylcs m a d e a business trip t o Buffalo over the weekend. W a l l e r Vernon, of t h e Industrial Department, has contracted to teach in Beacon, N. Y., during tHe coming year. Mr. V e r n o n ' s work will consist in equipping- and organizing a course in vocal industrial training. Private David A a r o n , ex-'!9, from Fort J a y , N. Y„ spent a few days in Albany this week. T h e S a t u r d a y afternoon dancing class is still being held in g y m n a s i u m . D o n ' t miss y o u r o p p o r t u n i t y to i m p r o v e your dancing before the s u m m e r vacation... DEPARTMENT OF ,"" HOME ECONOMICS Dean a n d M r s . H o r n e r were e n tertained last F r i d a y evening a t the Practice H o u s e a t dinner. D r . and Mrs. B r u b a c h e r will be guests this c o m i n g F r i d a y evening. T h e Practice H o u s e is to be vacated on M a y first. O n account of t h e difficulty of m e e t i n g e x penses d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r , a n o t h e r house will n o t be taken until October. , Miss Wilson entertained last Sunday evening at the House. T h e g u e s t s w e r e t h e Seniors from the Home Economics Department. . Miss Steele is p l a n n i n g a scries of afternoon t e a s t o be given b y the J u n i o r C o o k e r y Class. T h e first occurred o n F r i d a y afternoon, April n i n e t e e n t h . T h e D e p a r t m e n t will m a k e a special feature of t h e reunion of Home Economics graduates at Commencement time. Saturday m o r n i n g of A l u m n i D a y will be given over t o t w o - m i n u t e r e p o r t s from returning . graduates, and talks b y the faculty on H o m e E c o n o m i c s as it is affected by t h e war. NEWMAN CLUB 'Printers of Stale College (Kfim HAMILTON Page Three COMPANY A L B A N Y . N. Y. With t h e c o m i n g of spring w e a t h e r , the a n n u a l Biology exc u r s i o n s will c o m m e n c e . Notices as to time and place will be posted on t h e main hall bulletin board. T h e s e hikes are open t o the stiir d e n t body, and a cordial invitation is e x t e n d e d to a n y o n e interested, especially t o those w h o were linkable to register in B o t a n y 4, b u t w h o a r e desirous of t a k i n g some w o r k in identification. All m e m b e r s o f t h e . N e w m a n Club are r e q u e s t e d id; have their s o n g s r e a d y within t h r e e weeks. R e m e m b e r , it m e a n * $20 in gold t o t h e winner. Tt'is n o t n e c e s s a r y t o c o m p o s e both the w o r d s a n d music. J u s t " h a p p e n " t h e w o r d s and after you g e t y o u r $20 s o m e one will a r r a n g e music for you. S h o w s o m e spirit a n d g e t a hustle on. M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n will b e given later. WM. C, M E R C H A N T , ATLEEN RUSSELL. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, APRIL 24,1918 Page Four STUDENT ASSEMBLY Cotrell & Leonard STUDENTS KAPPA NU If you with a Really Fine Suit See v No news but war news Is of imContinued fromfing*I portance nowadays, so our notes, To the sound of the (truth, too, must take-that trend. We are We'll cover tile graves of our .chil- • glad to announce that Kappa Nu Hats and Shoes for Men dren, ' lias decided to give up its annual TAILOR "We'll choose a (lay like this week-end festivities -titis year, due Womens Outer and 235 Central Ave., Albany, N. Y. When the poplars tremble softly to the war, In tlie brce/.e, , Helen Clohosy, '17, spent part Under Garments And .all.the woods are scented of last week at the sorority house the smell of dying leaves, (in her way back to Lowell, VerWoman's Footwear, Furs With WANTED That thev may bcur with them be- mont. ' yond We arc glad to welcome Marand Fur Goats A Shoe Salesman for The perfume of our land, garet Vangura, Gertrude Burns, Fine Qualities — Reasonable Prices We'll ask the earth they loved so fk'len O'Brien, [Catherine McSaturdays Only :'"': : • well, fiarahan, Helen TaalTe and Edna at To rock them in her great arms, Maniicth, '21 as fully initiated Bring Your Prescriptions to To warm them on her mighty members of KN. breast, And send them dreams of other PSI GAMMA NOTES SCHNEIBLE'S fights, :. • Retaking Lcige, Malines, Brussels, We extend deepest sympathy to Louvain and Namur, COLLEGE PHARMACY And of their triumphal entry, at Lillian King, '18. in the loss of her brother, who was striken last, in Berlin! Western and Lake Avea. fatally with spinal meningitis "Sinir. Belgians, sing! Jflnturra Although ottr wounds may.bleed, • while with bis regiment in France, !She is Spending the week with her although our voices break,: Compare our Candies with others and -parents in Haverstraw, Louder than the storm, louder 106 STATE ST, ALBANY, N. Y. Taste the difference Marjoric Mitchell spent the than the guns, Although onr wounds may bleed, 'week-end at her home in Hillsdale, Olive M o r n i n g , '17, visited at • although, onr hearts may .'the House last week-end. break, HOME-MADE Psi Gamma welcomes as initiated Sing of hope and fiercest hate, ICE CREAM and CANDIES •'Neath this bricrht autumn stin, sisters Emily Kelly, '19, Pauline A L B A N Y D R U G C O . Feeney, Gertrude c outhard, Edith Smg of the pride of charity 129 Central Avenue 251 Central Avenue When vengeance woiild be so Parrott; Amy Clubley, Alberta We Make Our Ice Cream' Silkworth. '21, sweet!',' . We Make Our Candy The remainder of the available KAP time was devoted to awarding FRESH EVERY DAY symbols of b o n e s wbitih the men The second degree of initiation on the basketball team have attained* Professor A. W'.' Risley, was conferred Saturday evening chairman of -the-Athletic Council, htoon James Wilbur, '20. Kenneth . Teat end Coffee* a Specialty He Holden, '20, and Martin Barry, '21. made the presentations. T.I.BIKH.. 253 Central Aw. snoke of the siirnificanre of the KAP has another star added to Marston & Seaman date, and asked that the feeling the fifteen already in its service which Americans have for the flafj. Brother George Gordon, '21 JeuieUr* historic April nineteenth be trans- is in the service. We extend congratulations to ferred trt feeling of pride in the 20 So. Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y. the "letter men'* of the fraternity, Th» Rutaurant rWoreef ky men who were to come forward.' Stanley '18. Dewitt Those whof received their major Townsend,'Heason, '18. Earle Sutherland, Colhgm atudtnta "S" at this t me were: 19. Gerald Curtin, '19, Hugo Polt, Caotain F. Fitzgerald. '19. Edward Sprincmanri. '20, Four Hundred College Graduates Milnauer W. E. Sutherland, '19, '20, Central A v e n u e Lawrence McMahon, '20, and: Mar-' Beniamin Co*en, '18. tin Barry, '21. Wanted Immediately a block* from RoMnaHj—t T'li«r0 Pnlt. *20. The fraternity has voted to for high salaried high school positions C-vrtfA Curtin '19. give un its annual spring danrc, in some of the best schools in the east Edwin Nicholson. '20. s-chediiled for May 3rd at t.hf»i No fee unless appointed. Write at once Martin T. Barry, '21. Yacht Club,., and to buy a- $S0 EMPIRE TEACHERS' AGENCY For Laundry Work quickly Mr. Cohen, '18, recently left Liberty Bond. University BniMiai • Syracuse, N. Y. and well done cease to college to serve in the National Ariri>, and hence was not present Planting garden's fiin, to receive his letter. When his Helps to beat the Hun; name was read and no response Wilts your collars 71 Central Ave. came, Professor Rislcy placed, the But saves dollars. ."S" on the Stars and Stripes. Get him on the run. ,. Professor Riscley then prea watch and fob to Coach THE UNION TRUST CO. sented W. S, S. might mean We Sourn Photographer to the Class of Maroney as a token of appreciaShirkers! it signifies that slacker 1918 the student body for the t i o n from OF ALBANY, N Y . Special rales to all ttudtnli Work Mr. Maroney has done here. dollars ought to be at work for Liberty fn the purchase of War Professor Risley expressed con176 State St., Albany, N. Y. /rrW/es Your Personal Accounli fidence in Mr, Maroney's judgment Savings Stamps. and in his ability as a coach. Mr. Main Office Park Branch Maroney responded, speaking of 47 State Street 200 Washington Ave, his pleasure in working here and gratification in the support given the team. Last fall similar awards of watch fobs were made to W, E. Sutherland, '19, and Martin Barry, '21, • winners of cross-country race. These awards were given through Manufacturer* and Retailers of the generosity of Dean Horner, and _ Coach Maroney, who thus manifested their . interest in athletics, Short class meetings were held and at the conclusion of the assembly. 472 to 478 Broadway SIDNEY GARBER FEAREY'S EYRES KRAEMER'S M. S. KEENHOLTS Groceries, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. - — ^ . . : • . •,.. • ) • ! - ' ESSEX LUNCH STUDENTS CHARLEY JIM Gustave Lorey ALBANY UP-TO-DATE CLOAK MFG. CO. Cloaks, Suits, Waists Neclcwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Sweaters and Gloves Dawson's Men's Shop 259 Central Ave. Nam Laka Avenue There was a foolish man, And he bought a foolish block Of Yaki Hula'Common A foolish mining stock, And now he dines on field mice And pals with other tramps, Which never would have happened ff He'd bought War Savings 1 Stamps, High Grade Furs 63 and 63H N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y.