State College News A WEEKLY VOL. I JOURNAL No. 25 FRIDAY, JUNE 15: Senior Class Day. SATURDAY, JUNE 16: Alumni Day; Registration begins 8.30 a.m.; Class Meetings, 10 a. m.; Annual Alumni Meeting, Auditorium, 11.30a. m.; Alumii Luncheon, Gymnasium, 1 p. m.; Alumni Parade and Patriotic Addresses, College Campus, 2.30 p. m.; Reception by President and Mrs. Brubacber to Alumni, Faculty and Class of 1917, Gymnasium, 5 to 7 p. m.; Campus Sing, 7 p. m. SUNDAY, JUNE 17: Evensong and Baccalaureate Address by President A. R. Brubacher, Auditorium, 4.30 p.m. MONDAY, JUNE 18: 73rd Annual Commencement Exercises, Address by Dr. James H. Sullivan, State Historian, Auditorium, 10.30 a. m.; Senior Reception and Ball, Gymnasium, 8 p. m. MYSKANIA. This issue of t'lio " News" offers a last opportunity to set before t h e students the purpose of Myskania. It is especially lilting to do this here, because the past year has brought us, with many other advantages, Myskania. For the benefit of the alumni, we would say that Myskania is an honorary student council consisting of not more than twelve or less than ten members, live of whom are chosen by the faculty and the rest by the retiring council. The purpose of Myskania is to regulate student activities such as class and college elections, sorority and fraternity matters, certain athletic questions, and other interests of the same kind. Many other colleges have bodies of this sort, and we feel that the organization of Myskania is a decided step forward in our colleee life. COLLEGE CLUB. The meeting of College Clu'b on Friday, May 18th, which was the last meeting of the year, was particularly interesting. Dr. Wyer, State Librarian, spoke and read about literature of the war. Dr. Wyer said that war fills our minds now, and for some time to come. It thrills the mind of the poet and gives him inspiration for what is called " war NEW ifORK STAT E COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS ALBANY, N. Y., J U N E 13, work will stand the test of years. Dr. Wyer read some of the best O'f the war poems, written during the present struggle: "The Soldier," 'by Rupert Brooks; "August, 1914," by John Mascfickl, and " Searchlights," 'by Alfred Noycs. Dr. Myer, then spoke of the relation and attitude of French Canadians to the present war, and read several poems in the charming Canadian dialect. COLLEGE SONG BOOK. The long-talkcd-of Slate College Song Book is at last a reality. Five hundred copies are here for immediate sale. Only half this numibcr has been sold. It is essential to the success of the undertaking that more books ib/c sold immediately. The book should be of interest to even' State College graduate, old and new, and to every student in the college, and even to the friends of the college. The selling price is $1 at college, $1.25 when mailed. Buy a copy now. STATE COLLEGE SOLDIERS. As the year draws to a close State College numbers among its undergraduates the following men who have entered some form of the military service: David Aaron, U. S. infantry, Fort Ethan Allen; Albert Luff, mounted orderly, New Paltz, N. Y.; Jesse Smith, U. S. infantry, Hoboken; Allan L. Gillette, U. S. infantry, Fort Ethan Allen. Vt.; Vernon Clutc, National Guard, Kecseville. N. Y.; Nicholas Cltite, U. S. marines; Alfred Dedike, Stanley Fitzgerald, Jesse Jones, Irving Govvey, Willard Pcarsall, Edw, Potter and Roy Schneible all in the officers' reserve corps at 'Madison Barracks. . ALUMNI, ATTENTION. With the exception of the Liberty Loan, no better investment exists than a subscription to the " N e w s " at $r.50 per year. Subscriptions are being taken by Miss Lillian Magil- literature." Unfortunately, ton, acting treasurer and busithough, only a little of this ness manager. 1917 $1,50 PER YEAR Excellent Speakers To Feature Commencement Dr. James Sullivan, State Historian to Give Commencement Day Address —Judge Talbott and Superintendent Edsall to make Alumni Day Addresses One of the most pleasing features of this year's commencement program is the excellence of the speakers who have ibeen chosen for the occasion. Dr. James Sullivan, State Historian, will give the Commencement Day address in the chapel on Monday morning, June 1S, at 10.30 o'clock. It is doubtful if Slate College could have secured for this occasion a man who has played a, greater or more useful part in the affairs of the educational world. Me was born in Baltimore Feb. 13, 1S73; entered Harvard in 1800 and graduated in i8o-| with the degree of A. T. 1le did post-graduate work the next year and received the degree of A, M. lie then studied abroad, doing work at the universities of Paris and Berlin. In [897 he 'became assistant instructor in history at Harvard and was granted the degree of Ph. D. the following year. Since that time he has specialized in the teaching of history, filling from lime to time important positions in some of the 'best known educational institution in the State, among which arc Dc Witt Clinton High School, High School of Commerce, Brooklyn Boys' High .School and Columbia University. He has also lectured in summer schools at Cornell, Harvard and Columbia. During the coming summer he will conduct a course in local history at Cornell. lie was appointed State Historian last year, and is carrying out the duties of his office with rare executive talent. Besides contributing to practically all of the best known historical reviews and encyclopedias, he is the author of several text ibooks. Among these are "An Elementary History of England " and " The Government of New York State." Dr. Sullivan will speak to the students upon " The Dangers of Leisure." He is known to be an eloquent and entertaining speaker, and his teaching experience should insure for this year's graduates a treat long to 'be remembered. The college is further to be congratulated in securing for Alumni Day addresses, Judge Frank Talbott, of Gloversville, and Supt. James Edsall, of Brooklyn. Both of these men have 'been most loyal to their college during the years that have sped 'by since their graduation. Never'have they failed to respond to any call for service thai the college has addressed to them. Slate College students may well look with reverence to these 'brilliant men who arc in themselves an exemplification of what college spirit and college loyalty should be. Judge Talbot was born in the town of Burlington, August 10, 1864. lie secured his elementary education in district schools and the Burlington Flats Academy. In r882 lie entered the State Normal at Albany and was graduated with the class of 1886. For the following two years he was principal of the union school at Schuyler Lake, N. Y„ at the end of which lime, he took up the study of law, spending the following two years in the law office O'f J. B. Rafter at Mohawk, N. Y. Since his admission to the bar, in 1890, he has conducted an active legal practice in the city of Gloversville, serving the city for three years in the capacity of city attorney, and the county seven years as district attorney. In the fall of r9T3 he was elected to the judgeship of Fulton county, to which office he is now rendering most able services. Supt. Edsall has'been closely connected with tilie teaching profession since his graduation from the State Normal in 1884. His first principalship was at Roxbury, N. Y., which was followed iby positions, all of increasing prestige, at High Falls, 'Tottenville, and Bath Beach. In 'February, 1901, he was elected Associate Superintendent of the Borough of Brooklyn 'and has since been elevated to the important post of a District Superintendence wide range of college and of Greater New York, ALUMNI NUMBER STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JUNE 13, 1917 Page Two persevere in'maintaining them, We shall continue to speak frankly in our condemnation of irregularities, misconduct and No. 25 student inertia, but we shall do So only when we arc reasonably June 13,1917 Vol. I sure that we have just and sufficient cause for reibttke. On the Published weekly, on Wednesdays, during the college year, by the Com- other hand, we shall welcome criticism of ourselves um\ will mittee on Publishing a College Weekly Newspaper, Class of 1918, New York strive to rectify whatever may be worthy of censure. " Progress " State College for Teachers, Albany, N. Y. The subscription rate is one dollar and a half a year, Advertising rates is the watchword of the " N e w s ; " blessed arc both you and we may be had on application. Articles, manuscripts, etc., intended for publica- if mutually we aid each other in its attainment, tion must be in the News Box before Saturdays of the week preceding publication. FINANCIAL REPORT. T h e Committee on Publishing a College Weekly Newspaper, Class of 1918. Submitted J.unc 2, 1917, .by Lillian G, Magiltoii, Bus, Mgr. Joseph A. Walker, Acting' Editor-in-Chief Receipts Subcommittees 336 subscriptions $504 00 Committee on Finance Single copies 9 44 Editorial Committee Lillian G. Magilton Partly paid subscriptions 5 05 Alfred E. Dedickc Advertisement 104 96 Committee on Advertising Jos. A. Walker Stanley Hcason Committee on Subscriptions Henry L. Greenblatt ' $623 45 Alfred E, Dedickc Dorothy Austin Expenditures Committee on News Kathryn Cole Printing ,,, , $562 50 Mildred McEwan Committee on Circulation Supplies ..-. 46 42 Stanley Heason Mildred McEwan Eloisc Lansing Henry L. Greenblatt Kathryn Cole Total expenditures $608 92 Kathryn Cole Elmctta Van Deloo Total receipts $623 45 Committee on Cartoons Ray Townsend Balance '4 53 Maud Rose Benj. Cohen STATE COLLEGE NEWS $623 45 A LAST WORD This is the last issue of the " News " for the year 1916-17. Intensely grateful to the students who have given us their support, financial and otherwise, during a year that 'has been fraught with most trying difficulties, we bring our work to a close, offering at the same time our most hearty thanks and pledging ourselves in the year to conic to put forth the same unstinted efforts, to endeavor to maintain and improve t'lie standard that has been set, and to serve the needs of the College to the fullest extent of our ability. Next year several persons who have been actively connected with the paper will be replaced by members of other classes. This is as it should be. While it fell to the lot of the class of '18 to pilot the " N e w s " through its first year, that it cannot continue to so pilot it indefinitely, is obvious. The " News " was intended to 'be,, and is, we trust, a calendar of College thought, College opinion, College activity and sentiment. We have felt many times during the year the need of a closer touch with the best minds of other classes, and we hope that the "new iblood " that has been added to our staff may enable us to rebuild and strengthen any weakness that that need occasioned. We arc free to confess that there have 'been certain weaknesses, certain failings, certain shortcomings in our management of the paper. But they have been principally sins of omission and have been occasioned many times by the fact that there were those who turned a deaf ear to our pleas for better support of the project, by the fact that some students who promised their support failed to regard their promises as binding, by the fact that we felt, at times, that we were fighting a hopeless battle and that the necessary spirit for t'he success of the undertaking did not exist in State College. We arc glad to admit now, however, that, while we were compelled to omit several issues because of insufficient funds, we have been splendidly backed by a large number of enthusiastic students, and that, on the whole, we have won a fair degree of success. The statement below will s'how just what it has cost to run the " News." during the twenty-five issues that it has appeared. Confident now that the paper is safely established, we are planning to' surpass this year's achievements worthy as we feel they have been. Editorially we .believe the " N e w s " has stood steadfastly for better college spirit in athletics, in the classrooms, in our attitude toward our instructors and toward each other; we believe we have 'been loyal to the principles of justice and fair play in so far as it was given us to know and understand; we believe we have ibeen an influence toward' arousing a true sense of responsibility and duty 'both to our College and to our country. We have pointed out wrong where we understood wrong to exist; we have praised earnest endeavor where we considered praise to be due, We have striven to awaken students to a complete realization of the exalted calling to which they arc aspiring and have endeavored to help them so shape their lives as to make that calling proud of them, These have been the ideals of this paper, and in the future we shall $(>23 45 STANDARD RING Eor many years it has been the custom of the graduating class to get class rings. Each year these rings have had the College seal modified in some way. Sometimes this modification has been but slight. Still these changes caused the ring to fail in its purpose — namely — a means of identification. The class of 1918 in making arrangements for their ring took these things into consideration and thought it would ibe advisable to have a standard ring for the College. T'he committee, composed of Agnes Moore, Ruth Mur.ta.ugh, Lillian King and Lillian Magiltoii, added to their ntimiber three members from 1919—Bcrnicc Broimer, Ernest Pudcnbaugh and Margaret Flynn—and from 1920 Elizabeth Osborne, Ernest Tripp and Emily Lecurman, At student assembly it was voted that a standard ring be adopted and so the committee are making arrangements to award the bid this week. The final step in selecting the design will be taken just as soon as College opens in the fall. A SKETCH OF 1917. Eadh departing class leaves something of tradition and experience to its successors. " ffe who has never made a mistake has never made anything." 1917 claims leniency for its shortcomings, in so far as they may be warnings to the coming generations. In certain directions our pride is pardonable, 'because it is equally the pride of the whole college. The year's successful Friday mornings is an instance. A well-planned Moving-up Day is another. Under sturdy and wideawake leadership " The Echo " has taken its new place as the purely literary expression of the college. We 'have ibeen in great need of a collection of songs, and the College Song Book is the result of two years of planning and solid labor. The class of 1917 has been peculiarly honored, because the faculty plan for a Senior Coun- cil has originated during this year. Myskania will be one of the most permanent and influential college traditions. 19r7 thanks the college, 'both faculty and students, for four happy years and thanks " The College News" for this opportunity to speak a word of farewell. RED CROSS. Much interest has been manifested in t'he red cross work which has 'been taken up recently. Up to date there are 148 signatures of membership. Registration is still open for all those who wish to join. The kinds of membership arc: Annual, $1; Contributing, $5; Life, $25; Subscriber, $2; Sustaining, $10; Patron, $ioo. Kappa Nu has contributed $8 and Eta Phi $10 to the Red Cross Fund from' the proceeds of their annual spring dances. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JUNE 13, 1917 OP INTEREST TO ALUMNI. SCHOOL JOURNALISM. Paper Read by James Wingate, Dist, Supt, of Schools, SchenecDuring- the present year tady, N. Y., before Press Club there have been 1,027 students of the State College for Teachers, March 17, 1917. in attendance at the college. (•Continued froln last issue.) The faculty now numbers fifty-seven. Next year a phyAnother department in the sician who will organize the organization of a modern newshealth service and conduct paper is the editorial departcourses in anatomy and hy- ment. Numerically speaking, giene will be added. this department has fewer emMiss Florence E, Burt, sec- ployees than the news departretary to the president, has re- ment and, comparatively, it is signed to become the bride of of less importance, The ediMr. Frederick ilyuson, of torial demands an entirely different style of writing. It Mount Vernon, Va. should be less factual, taking a During' the year the follow- [(articular subject and using a ing organizations have been few basal facts, making an apestablished in the college: A peal to the reason with the aim branch of the Y. iM. € . ' A „ the of influencing the reader lo Newman ' Cltilb, the Industrial reach .the conclusion you would Club, the Music Club, the have him reach through your Spanish Club, discussion of the few facts. . This has been a 'banner year Your conclusions should not be for State College in basketball. definitely stated in the editoThe varsity met this year the rial. You must give the reader strong teams of Colgate. credit for sufficient intelligence Springfield Y. M. C. A., St. lo reach the conclusion that John's, Union, R. P. L, St. you would have him reach through your editorial discusLawrence, and Niagara. sion. Tile editorial should be A. per capita tax has been free from personal bias, its voted by the students to meet subject should be treated in a the expenses of maintaining broad general way, In this dethe various athletic activities, partment, as in the news deThe Y, \V. C. A, now has partment, the reading public no about 350 mcmibers, longer tolerates long-winded A suntfner session for high articles. In fact, in general school teachers will'be given at newspapcrdom, the editorial has declined in influence, The State College this year. time was when the Weekly A course in military instruc- Tribune, the Toledo Blade tion is planned lor next year. and other papers of their class The report of the Education exerted through their editorial Department, Vol. 2, pages 103- columns, a powerful influence 205, contains an interesting in molding public opinion. discourse upon the college, its But to-day the reader desires history, officers, curricula and to form his own conclusion progress. The report is mailed after reading the news items. Of course we must admit that free upon application. we have not the powerful An event most in keeping editorial writers to-day that the with the spirit of the times was preceeding had. the reorganization of the H, E, Greely, Weedgeneration and Dana were department this spring-. Imme- strong and potent writers, diately after the declaration of and I know of no editorial war, the attention of the classes writers to-da}'" that can be comwas turned toward economy with I hem. Their inand efficiency in the produc- pared fluence was personal through tion of food and clothing. By their own editorials; But the making over of clothing, limes have changed, and the inproper preservation of food, fluence a paper to-day is imand contributions to red cross personal,of leaving its readers to work, the 11. E. students have think and conclude for themalready chine a valuable "bit." selves through the fairness of The following students of the general news, rather than State College were chosen as through the editorials of an inprize winners in the recent dividual. The editorials, thereessay contest given by the fore, in each issue should be Civic League: Rheiivhard Ho- short and few in number. I haus, Katherinc Shatters, M, D, would suggest that a good way Sweeney, Allan Gillette, Kath- to stimulate interest in your paper would be to have one erinc Pollock, signed editorial in each issue Places on next year's written by a person interested " News " board have been as- in the college and generally signed to Caroline Lipes, Dor- known to the readers of your othy Banner, Donald Tower, paper. For instance, I would Arnold Noldc, Alfred Miller, suggest that one issue contain Kathryn Linchan. P*le1%fee a short editorial over the sig- my work is largely a labor of nature of your efficient presi- love." The advertising mandent, another over the signa- ager of the book firm stood up, ture of the Commissioner of presented his hand and said, Education, of your dean, of the " The Lord bless you. I have heads of departments, of the as- been laboring for love all my sistant commissioners of edu- life. VVc will exchange complication in the State. You might ments and cancel any obligaeven perstlc this further and tions," and he bid the solicitor secure a short signed editorial good day. The appeal was from persons prominent in the wrong for the very reason that State government. There I have indicated above. He should be no difficulty in secur- should have said, " O u r paper ing signed editorials that would reaches a large number of be worth while for each num- readers who buy your goods. ber. This would prove, in my It will pay your firm to place judgment, an attractive and an add in our paper, and I. will valuable feature of a school show you how it pays." Your paper and the reader upon re- advertising manager should ceipt of his paper would 'turn scan your exchanges and other at once to sec who had written school papers. Make out a list the. leading signed editorial and of the names of firms and merwould desire to know the sub- chants who advertise in other stance of it. papers, Place on your list the The condition of the financial firms and merchants in your affairs of any great daily de- city whom your student body, pends largely upon the effi- your faculty and the college ciency of its advertising depart- officers patronize. You should ment. No newspaper to-day never be satisfied with the could continue to exist without amount of advertising you the income derived from ad- have, but should strive to invertising, This is a legitimate crease it in the next issue. The field of service for a newspaper, more you can show in your a service which brings the paper the more easy will it be buyer in touch with the seller, to secure additional advertisSo. too, any school journal or ing. Success brings more sucnewspaper should see to it that cess. This particular departits advertising department is ment should be an excellent well organized. A school paper field for business training. You would, therefore, do well to will ,0 meeting business men. have an advertising department You will learn how to approach presided over by an advertis- them upon a business proposiing manager. He should have tion and you will get much enthe assistance of several of his joyment from making' this decolleagues. There arc many partment more and more sucfirms and merchants whose cessful, The circulation department business it is to sell goods that your college needs, in the line is another important departof books, equipment, pictures ment of a successful daily and apparatus; poods that your paper. It is relatively importstudents need in 'the line of ant for a successful school wearing apparel, banners, pins, paper. Here is another field school supplies, etc. There is for organization and business a lame variety of needs and efficiency and many plans may your appeal could be made to a be formulated which would inlarge number of advertisers. crease your circulation. For a In soliciting your advertising, school paper it is fundamental do not make (the mistake of ask- that a large percentage of the ing for it out of sympathy, giv- student body subscribe to your ing as a reason that your paper paper. This is a field for peris not a paying imposition, that the advertise ought to help the college, and various STATE COLLEGE other svmnathctic anpcals. No person to-dav docs business on KRAZY KATS sympathy, ^ ' s a piHin busi$1.50 ness proposition. Convince vour advertisers that it will pav See Cash Logan and he will ihtm them to advertise with vou and them to you if vou can make it pay them to do so there will be no doubt about vour n-etHncr the business. T recall beni"" with a repkSti. resent a five of a school paoer 70 N. Pearl St. Slate an when he solicited advertising from the manager of a larp-c H. MILLER 1-iook com on 11 v. Tn prcsentinc his proposition thp solicitor LADIES' AND GENTS; TAILOR made thi« remade "You know, Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Mr. Blank, that our Paper is SPECIAL PRICES TO COLLEGE STUDENTS not a paying proposition, that I 211 Ctatral A I « H Near Eutx Lunch R.F.CLAPP,JR. Pale Four sonal canvass, It is important not only to the success of the paper, but to the success and growth of the college itself that a large percentage of the alumni subscribe to the paper. This fact should be impressed upon the various senior classes as they are about to leave the college and join the ranks of the alumni. Your appeal to the large body of alumni, however, must necessarily be made through correspondence and the sending of sample copies. This is another field for business management and for the application of your knowledge of successful business correspondence. Your letters to the alumni should not be ordinary. There should be some feature about each letter which will attract the attention and make its recipient feel that it is his duty both to himself and the college to subscribe to the paper. Advertisers demand circulation. Your school paper becomes of more value to each subscriber as its circulation increases. There is another valuable feature of school journalism which should not be overlooked in any discussion of this sulv ject. Your press committee should sec to it that the various daily papers, at least those published in the Capital District, as well as the great New York dailies receive news items regularly. These items should be well written and in a style and manner that would be acceptable by such papers without further editing. Here again they should be short, clear and concise. Another field for the application of your English training and perhaps a field for another department in your organization. This would prove a valuable means of keeping your college and its work before the public through the medium of the daily newspapers. I have attempted to outline to you in this discussion the organization of a successful daily newspaper and to point out to you that the same organization is applicable to a school paper. If you will organize your work of publishing a school journal along the lines indicated, I feel confident that vou will produce a paper that will vitally function in the life of the institution and approach the aims indicated in the beginning of this paper, namely: you will disseminate news, attractively, clearly and concisely written which will appeal to your circulation; you will stimulaft; and strengthen a wholesome college spirit; you will develop an enthusiasm for the college and an interest in all of its varied activities that STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JUNE 13, 1917 may reach even beyond your fondest hopes; you will furnis'h an opportunity for a ! large number of students to make practical application of their English training; you will stimulate an interest in the fascinating subject of general journalism, and with it all you will be giving courses in business and business administration which can not help but equal in intercri and in value any formal course in business administration. Marshman-Beebe Company MUSIC CLUB. PRINTERS **. BROWN'S « SHOES At Medium Price* PHONE W-2230-J 149 CENTRAL AVE. 7HE COLLEGE SHOE STORE licorponltd 1908 The Music Club, one of many clubs started during the past year, was begun in December. Its purpose is to develop and train appreciation of good music as well as to provide intellectual benefit iby occasional literature studies. Programs arc given every other Monday afternoon. The club has rented its own piano during the year and next year, it is planned to buy mi sic as well. The year's work has been satisfactory and tin: end of another year will see the cluib firmly established. 414 Broadway, « r . Bta«tr St., ALBANY, N. Y. N . Y . Photic Mnin 514-J ETA PHI. ESSEX LUNCH At a recent meeting the following officers were elected for next term : President — Florence Lansing. Vice-President — Pauline Kinnc. Secretary — Hazel Byers. Treasurer — Arlenc Beardslcy, Chaplain — Olive Wood worth. Corresponding Secretary — Elmetta Van Deloo. Marshal — Florence Van Ness. Cv i tic — Jennie iMuhlemanrt. Reporter —• Ruth Kimmey. Eta Phi congratulates Vcrna MciCann, 'i8, upon her selection for Myskania, and Harriet Church, '19, upon her election as treasurer of the Junior class, and as secretary of the Consumer's League. "Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your Photograph." College Rates $3.50 per dozen and up Reference the Senior Class THE PEARSALL STUDIO Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Sweaters a n d Gloves Dawson's Men's Shop 2 5 9 Central Ave. Near Lake Avenue 2 9 No. Pearl St. John J. Ccmkey NEWS DEALER The Restaurant College favored by students Cigars, Candy and Stationery PRINTING and DEVELOPING Central Avenue ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 2 blocks from Robin Street 2 1 5 Central A v e . CAMERA FILMS N. Y. Phut Weil 3973 SCHNEIBLE'S Developing, Kodak Filmi, Printing We develop any size of six exposure films for ten cents, and prices for printing arc the lowest in the city ••• and the work is the best. HYud-lo Foul Clothiers 73 Slote Slrcol. SCHNEIBLE'S PHARMACY AlU/NY Corner Western and Lake Avenue* SIDNEY GARBER bailor CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN Special Attention a n d Prices given to College Men All suits made here are pressed free of charge for one year COLLEGE CLUB OFFICERS, 1917-18. President — Christian Christensen. Vice-President — Helen Fay. Secretary — Margaret Shevlin. Reporter—• Florence Van Ness. Program Committee — Elizabeth MacMachen, Rachael Lee, Elizabeth Makin, B E T W E E N LAKE AVE. AND ROBIN ST. 235 CENTRAL AVE, PRICE, SERVICE AND QUALITY PRINTERS =a Wm 'Printers of Slate College 5V>n>i HAMILTON PRINTING COMPANY 2 4 0 HAMILTON STREET ALBANY. N. Y.