NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Comprehensive Goal 1: Student Achievement – All students demonstrate high levels of achievement that provide pathways for college and career success Strategy #1- Expand learning options for students through the use of digital resources and technology tools. Curriculum Goal in support of Comprehensive Goal 1, Strategy #1 - To integrate technology integration as part of the instructional process as well as defining key technology skills and programs that support the knowledge and skill development. The primary reason for any technology integration component of curriculum development is to increase and facilitate student learning. The following are examples of actions taken this year in support of the district comprehensive plan. Elementary Reading • Reading a-z / Raz Kids - All K-3 / ESL / Sp. Ed. teachers have access to the Raz Kids resource where students are “assigned” texts to their portfolio. Students can annotate and regularly engage in digital texts at their level. Accessible on iPads / laptops. • Newslea - All 3-6 / ESL / Sp. Ed. teachers have access to Newslea which houses informational texts written about current events at a variety of Lexile levels. Students can engage in text digitally. Teachers can use the resource to differentiate instruction within the informational text structure. Accessible on iPads / laptops. Secondary Reading • READ 180 and SYSTEM 44 – Learning curriculum and instructional framework based on a technology model used for station rotation lesson design. • Reading Grade 7 - Collections Resource o One-to-one laptops in Reading 7 classes o This is a digital first resource. Students engage in multiple levels and a variety of genres and text-structures on-line. o Differentiated and individualized through the use of technology. o Annotation and written work stored within each student’s dashboard. Secondary Mathematics • High School Mathematics - Texas Instruments new calculators now include robust software for engaging students in problem solving and even for classroom management. • The middle school Strategic Math teachers received training to become familiar with the Number Worlds resources. These online resources support project based learning and interactive games for learning. Online assessments support immediate feedback for student learning. • Use of computer adaptive models of programs to reinforce individualized learning. These programs include ALEKS Math, Agile Mind, and Catch Up Math. Elementary Math With the completion of Go Math! implementation in Grades 4-6, Elementary teachers continue to receive training in Go Math! online resources including the Animated Math modules, online PD videos and the electronic glossary. Also, Go Math! online resources supported in class instruction through animated math manipulatives and the Animated Math modules. Secondary Social Studies Grade 7 Social Studies - World Geography Course. Use of the Discovery Education Tech Book supports (1) current events in relationship to Geography and understanding of different nations/ cultures, (2) increased primary source documents and use of nonfiction text in an electronic medium that uses hyperlinks and multi-media, (3) heightened and interaction global maps for greater understanding of geography and curriculum. World Languages • French 1 and 2 - With the implementation of new textbooks, the accompanying technology resources like News and Noteworthy extend the learning to global sites in the target language Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Health/PE • Fitness Grams is an instructional software that supports Health and PE curriculum with students. Specifically, students can track their own wellness data for improvement of fitness and wellness goals. Page 1 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Goal 1: Student Achievement – All students demonstrate high levels of achievement that provide pathways for college and career success Strategy #2 – Increase student achievement through rigorous instruction preparing students for college and career success. Curriculum Goal in Support of Strategy #2 Increased Student Achievement through PA Core Standards Implementation - To develop and implement curriculum and instruction aligned to ELA and Mathematics PA Core Standards at both the elementary and secondary levels. The PA Core Standards were developed in order to prepare students for college and career success. The following represents actions taken in support of implementing the PA Core Standards. English Language Arts The following represent key instructional elements of the PA Core Standards in English Language Arts: ● Instructional Shifts Elementary - Continuing work in Year 2 of “Bites to the Core” at the elementary level. Each month Reading Specialists and Principals receive a “Bite” sized focused on specific implementation of an instructional shift in the classroom. This “Bite’ is then turned around back in the building via faculty meetings and PLCs. All resources are housed on a wikispace. Concentrated efforts this year are on the implementation and application to the classrooms. Teams are building close reading lessons around text-dependent questions using complex texts. Secondary - Content specific training for the ELA instructional shifts in Health, FCS, English, Social Studies through internal personnel as well as through Discovery Ed trainings. ● Close Reading Strategies As an integral part of TDA process, Close Reading instructional process supported at both elementary and secondary levels. Coaches are working to provide the guided practice in close reading lesson planning. Use of Beers’ Notice and Note and Fisher &Frey’s Rigorous Reading are part of the PD implementation plan. ● Text Dependent Analysis Elementary 4-part Faculty Mtg series focused on changes in PSSA and test component constructs/ follow-up meetings focused on application in PLC/small groups. After-school Workshops are being offered to further support application and development of TDAs / classroom implementation. Literacy coaches integral in this effort at all 13 elementary buildings. Secondary TDA – Text Dependent Analysis coach worked with all 7th and 8th grade PLCs in English and Social Studies with developing and implementing TDAs with classroom instruction. ● Argumentative Writing Elementary - Embedded argumentative writing skills within the “Bite to the Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Mathematics o The following represent key elements of the PA Core Standards in Mathematics: Mathematical Practices Elementary teachers received training on the instructional shifts and received the new curriculum frameworks to review with their grade level team members who developed the frameworks Teachers received a half -day pull-out in-service to discuss the instructional shifts and focus on the practice standards K-3 teachers received in-service time to study the math practice standards through a book study. Teachers were able to collaborate with grade level teachers district wide. Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge Teachers from grades K-3 met in grade level groups to reflect and meet in cross-level groups to discuss the progression of skills across grade levels K-3 teachers received a hands-on workshop to develop more teaching learning materials to supplement instruction aligned with the standards Emphasis on Mastery of Mathematical Learnings and Application Grade 6 teachers will receive a full-day workshop in January 2015 to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical content in Statistics and Probability. They will receive a follow up training in February to receive additional training in the application of the content An instructional math coach meets with teachers individually and in small groups when contacted by teachers to help them plan, implement, and reflect on individual math lessons. Based on teacher survey results, a workshop will be offered after school for teachers to reflect on their instruction by answering the following Page 2 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Core” work. Reading Specialists and Coaches working with 6th grade to grow specific understanding of mode via PLCs. Opinion Writing continues to be a focus 3-5. Secondary - Year 2 work continues with an articulated writing program that outlines writing requirements, including Argumentative Writing. ● Text Complexity Elementary - Expanding the use of RAZ Kids / Newslea / Anchor Comprehension to supplement current classroom resources with additional complex text. Secondary - Anchor Units support an increase with Text Complexity. Lexile study had been done on English curriculum. Additional works added to curriculum now include more rigorous texts. • Foundational Skills Elementary - Use of Fountas and Pinnell’s The Continuum of Literacy Learning to further expand teachers’ understanding of the complexities of foundational skills and targeted reading behaviors that emerge at each level of growth. ● Academic Vocabulary Elementary - embedded within the “Bite to the Core” work. Reading Specialists / Coaches working on developing instructional support with the teaching of Academic Vocabulary and embedding language into close reading lessons. Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 questions: What would we ideally see in a classroom in which instruction is aligned to the Standards? What are the greatest challenges for your students and how might they be overcome? In what types of activities would the children be engaged? How would differentiation be apparent? Coherence - Stronger linkages between mathematical concepts The math coach visited Knapp Elementary school to present a review of curriculum frameworks and a study of progressions in Algebra, Concepts of 10, and the distributive property across grade levels (If provided more PD time, this workshop could be offered district-wide). • Practical application of mathematical concepts to real world situations • Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) Training In support of increasing conceptual knowledge as well as application. Elementary Ed. received training in September 2014 with Brad Weitzel on this. Additional training in CRA through Pattan. Page 3 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Goal 1: Student Achievement – All students demonstrate high levels of achievement that provide pathways for college and career success Strategy #2 – Increase student achievement through rigorous instruction preparing students for college and career success. Curriculum Action Plan in Support of Strategy #2 Increased Student Achievement through Rigorous Instruction and Assessment To increase rigor in curriculum, instruction, and assessment programs through tools such as Webb’s Depth of Knowledge ● To promote higher level questioning in Curriculum, Assessment and Classroom Instruction ● To develop a curriculum-based assessment program that targets higher level questions and application of knowledge and skills ● To continue to develop rigorous enrichment programs and higher level courses in order to promote Advanced Placement participation and success Curriculum Frameworks Curriculum Frameworks were developed K-12 based on the PA core standards with increased rigor throughout all content areas. Reading, Writing and Thinking in Science Science teachers who participated in the MISE Leadership Academy will be offering Peer Teacher Workshops through the Merck Grant funds monthly to fifty teachers K-12 about the implementation of science practices in ELA and mathematics. This professional development will continue yearly, if funding allows to provide professional development to a larger population of teachers districtwide Elementary Mathematics – Unit Assessments Elementary Mathematics teachers developed unit exams. These assessments include the rigor and higher level questioning reflecting the PA core standards and increased rigor. Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Secondary Mathematics Math teachers developed new mid-term and final exams to reflect the Keystone Anchors/ Eligible Content as well as Pa Core standards with the use of Webb’s DOK. Secondary Science Secondary Science teachers developed new mid-term, final exams, and unit assessments with the use of Webb’s DOK. Secondary English Language Arts Development of Assessment Blueprint, which articulates the use of “cold reads” and higher DOK 2 and 3 questions on mid-terms and final examinations. Page 4 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Goal 1: Student Achievement – All students demonstrate high levels of achievement that provide pathways for college and career success Strategy #3 - Ensure equity and access to all aspects of the academic program. Curriculum Goals in Support of Strategy #3 – Closing the Achievement Gap. Review and revise course placement processes to ensure equity and access for all students. Ensure that instructional expectations and student supports at all grade levels K through 12 provide learning that allows mastery of content and skills. Continued development of curriculum and instructional activities that embraces diversity. Course Levels and Placement To review secondary course levels and course placement process Analyze data for sub-group population representation in all course levels Develop specific guidelines for improved course level recommendation based upon competencies and levels or proficiency Ensure ways in which students can successfully move to higher course levels Culturally Diverse Curriculum To continue to implement cultural diversity curriculum tool to support an understanding of cultural diversity - Curriculum, Materials/ Resources, Instruction Continue to expand the representation of culturally diverse materials and resources in content areas (i.e., English course literature, Social Studies resources, etc.) Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Rigorous, Standards-Based Curriculum Develop specific curriculum expectations of performance, rigor for all course levels to ensure high levels of student proficiency in that content areas Vertical Articulation of Skills Continued work to ensure that skills represented within the curriculum are aligned. Page 5 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Goal 1: Student Achievement – All students demonstrate high levels of achievement that provide pathways for college and career success Strategy #5 – Align the local assessment system to the revised state standards and higher order thinking skills. Curriculum Goals in Support of Strategy #5 ● Revise the curriculum-based assessments and benchmark assessments to align with standards and expected level of rigor. ● Continue to review and analyze student achievement data at the district, building, and teacher levels to monitor and adjust instruction. Curriculum-Based Assessments – Alignment to Standards • All secondary mid-terms, semester finals, and final exams have item alignment to national or state standards. Newly aligned in 2014-15 are the PA Core Standards with ELA and Mathematics assessments. • By providing an item alignment, teachers are able to determine from assessments areas of student strengths and needs based upon standards. This, in turn, supports greater student achievement. • Teachers also use assessment data to provide areas of instructional and curriculum improvement for the ensuing school time or next school year. This helps to improve programming. • At the elementary level, new mathematics units and end-of-year examinations have item alignment to standards. This supports student achievement through the identification of areas of student strengths and needs in the attainment of mathematical concepts. Data Analysis Protocol • In support of RtII, elementary teachers and administrators use a specific data analysis protocol to support the identification of students into the tiered groups. Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Page 6 NPSD Curriculum Department Update 2014-15 Snapshot of Upcoming Curriculum Department Goals and Activities in Support of the District’s Comprehensive Plan Elementary ELA • Newly revised curriculum framework documents and unit plans aligned to PA Core Standards – New curriculum supports more rigorous instructional expectations of PA Core Standards. • New textbook, materials and resources adoption planned for 2015-16 school year, pending board approval Elementary Mathematics • Continued work on new PA Core Standards Mathematics curriculum and use of Go Math! materials and resources • Content specific focused professional development Elementary Technology Integration with Curriculum • Continued implementation of current resources • Expansion of online resources through new ELA adoption, pending board approval District-Wide Curriculum-Based Assessments • Exploration of use of online assessment tools at both elementary and secondary levels • Continued work on use of item analysis and other data analysis of curriculum-based assessments to support student achievement needs Curriculum Department – Update 1.8.15 Secondary ELA • Continued work with Anchor Units (multi-genre thematic approach to teaching literature and literary analysis) • Continued development of rigorous curriculum-based assessments and writing program • New textbook adoption anticipated in the 2016-17 school year, pending board approval Secondary Mathematics • Continued refinement of mathematics assessments • Implementation of new calculators and online technology resources to support student engagement, learning and problem solving Secondary Technology Integration with Curriculum • Continued implementation of current resources • Expansion of online resources through new curriculum adoptions, pending board approval Closing the Achievement Gap Measures • Continued work with course outcomes and alignment • Continued work with course placement processes • Improvement of effectiveness of intervention programs targeted to get students to proficiency • Continued work with diversity in the curriculum Page 7