Temperature Inversions - increasing temperature with height - we’ll look at low-level inversions near surface Inversion Layer Schematic Temperature Increasing with Height Inversion Layer Schematic Temperature Increasing with Height Surface-Based (Radiation) Inversion (Zbase = 0) Subsidence Inversion Temperature Increasing with Height Weather Balloons (Radiosondes) - Obtain vertical profile of temperature, humidity, wind, and pressure - Routinely launched in California at Oakland, Vandenberg and San Diego 12Z (4am local) and 00Z (4pm local) KSAN Radiosonde July - August 650 00GMT (4PM) 06GMT (10PM) 12GMT (4AM) 18GMT (10AM) 700 Pressure 750 800 850 900 950 1000 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Temperature ( C) Mean temperature profile at San Diego as a function of time of day. Temperature Inversion Measures KSAN Radiosonde July - August 650 Possible Measures: 700 DTINV = TTOP - TBASE T850 = Temperature at 850 mb DTDZ = lapse rate within inversion PBASE = Inversion base pressure 750 Pressure DT850 = T850 - T2M 00GMT (4PM) 06GMT (10PM) 12GMT (4AM) 18GMT (10AM) 800 850 900 950 1000 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Temperature ( C) Mean temperature profile at San Diego as a function of time of day. Temperature Inversion Measures KSAN Radiosonde July - August 650 Possible Measures: 700 DTINV = TTOP - TBASE DTINV - actual temp diff across inversion - hard to obtain from GCM results - undefined when no inversion present 750 Pressure DT850 = T850 - T2M 00GMT (4PM) 06GMT (10PM) 12GMT (4AM) 18GMT (10AM) 800 850 900 950 DT850 - somewhat of an approximation - easily obtained from GCM results - always yields a defined value 1000 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Temperature ( C) Mean temperature profile at San Diego as a function of time of day. Sample Temperature Profile DTINV 3500 Original Algorithm: - looked for “largest” inversion with no inflection points ==> A - A’ 3000 Height (m) 2500 2000 1500 1000 A’ A 500 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 Temperature -3 -2 -1 Sample Temperature Profile DTINV 3500 Original Algorithm: - looked for “largest” inversion with no inflection points ==> A - A’ 3000 Height (m) 2500 2000 B’ 1500 1000 New Algorithm: - use all radiosonde levels and scan all possible values of DT to find largest inversion that could include infection points ==> B - B’ A’ Minor difference in results using New Algorithm A 500 B 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 Temperature -3 -2 -1 Inversions vary seasonally, but are a dominant feature in California air basins B) Inversion Frequency KOAK00Z 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) A) Inversion Frequency KOAK12Z 100 60 40 20 40 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AUG SEP OCT C) Inversion Frequency KVBG12Z D) Inversion Frequency KVBG00Z 80 80 60 40 20 NOV DEC Subsidence Inversions All Inversions 60 40 20 0 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Month JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NOV DEC Month E) Inversion Frequency KSAN12Z F) Inversion Frequency KSAN00Z 100 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) JUL Month 100 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 JAN JUN Month 100 JAN Radiation Inversions 0 FEB Frequency (%) Frequency (%) 60 20 0 JAN Based on DTINV 1960-2007 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT Inversions vary seasonally, but are a dominant feature in California air basins B) Inversion Frequency KOAK00Z 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) A) Inversion Frequency KOAK12Z 100 60 40 20 40 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AUG SEP OCT C) Inversion Frequency KVBG12Z D) Inversion Frequency KVBG00Z 80 80 60 40 20 NOV DEC Subsidence Inversions All Inversions 60 40 20 0 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Month JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NOV DEC Month E) Inversion Frequency KSAN12Z F) Inversion Frequency KSAN00Z 100 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) JUL Month 100 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 JAN JUN Month 100 JAN Radiation Inversions 0 FEB Frequency (%) Frequency (%) 60 20 0 JAN Based on DTINV 1960-2007 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT Inversions vary seasonally, but are a dominant feature in California air basins B) Inversion Frequency KOAK00Z 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) A) Inversion Frequency KOAK12Z 100 60 40 20 40 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AUG SEP OCT C) Inversion Frequency KVBG12Z D) Inversion Frequency KVBG00Z 80 80 60 40 20 NOV DEC Subsidence Inversions All Inversions 60 40 20 0 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Month JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NOV DEC Month E) Inversion Frequency KSAN12Z F) Inversion Frequency KSAN00Z 100 100 80 80 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) JUL Month 100 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 JAN JUN Month 100 JAN Radiation Inversions 0 FEB Frequency (%) Frequency (%) 60 20 0 JAN Based on DTINV 1960-2007 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Month AUG SEP OCT Distribution of Daily Values B) San Diego / SC Dθ850 DTINV ZBASE DZINV Red = 00Z (local afternoon) Blue = 12Z (local morning) Distribution of Daily Values B) San Diego / SC Dθ850 DTINV ZBASE DZINV Red = 00Z (local afternoon) Blue = 12Z (local morning) Oakland / SJV San Diego / SoCal Dθ850 => DTINV => Seasonal variations differ between the 2 temperature measures DTINV vs Dθ850 (Daily Anomaly) DTINV vs DTH850 KOAK12Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC DTINV vs DTH850 KSAN12Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC 20 15 15 DTH850 Anomaly (°C) Better agreement at 12Z (local morning) R = 0.7 to 0.8 DTH850 Anomaly (°C) Correlations > 0.60 10 10 5 0 -5 5 0 -5 -10 -10 -15 -15 y = -0.090241 + 1.1487x R= 0.73203 y = -0.63132 + 1.1409x R= 0.8018 -20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -10 -5 DTINV Anomaly (°C) During afternoon, better comparison if limit to lower inversions ZBASE < 1000m 0 5 10 15 DTINV Anomaly (°C) DTINV vs DTH850 KOAK00Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC DTINV vs DTH850 KSAN00Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC 20 20 15 15 DTH850 Anomaly (°C) DTH850 Anomaly (°C) 10 5 0 -5 10 5 0 -5 -10 -10 -15 y = -1.3967 + 0.93754x R= 0.64775 y = -1.1489 + 0.86642x R= 0.61116 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -10 -5 DTINV Anomaly (°C) DTINV vs DTH850 KOAK00Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC ZBASE < 1000m 20 0 5 10 15 20 DTINV Anomaly (°C) DTINV vs DTH850 KSAN00Z DAILY ANOMALIES JAN-DEC ZBASE < 1000m 20 15 15 DTH850 Anomaly (°C) DTH850 Anomaly (°C) 10 5 0 -5 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -10 y = -0.30943 + 1.0388x R= 0.82244 y = -0.36939 + 0.97538x R= 0.7865 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 DTINV Anomaly (°C) 15 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 DTINV Anomaly (°C) 15 20 Oakland San Joaquin Air Basin Vandenberg South Coast Air Basin San Diego Question: How representative are radiosondes at San Diego and Oakland to South Coast and San Joaquin Air Basins? Oakland San Joaquin Air Basin Vandenberg South Coast Air Basin San Diego Note on Dθ850: Dθ850 = T850 - T2M ==> Sounding locations not in air basins of interest T2M obtained from available coop stations in each air basin ==> should be more representative Compared surface temperatures from several coop stations within each air basin - temps are well correlated throughout each air basin Table 1. Maximum/Minimum inter-station θ2M correlations for both daily values and monthly means. Surface temperatures are from available cooperative observer stations within Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley. Daily Monthly NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS SC θ2M 00Z 89/68 88/54 91/77 84/56 SC θ2M 12Z 82/69 79/58 83/76 80/64 SJV θ2M 00Z 90/73 94/83 93/85 90/80 SJV θ2M 12Z 87/72 83/64 92/83 83/50 Compared 850 hPa temperatures from available radiosondes. - some limited radiosonde records at Los Angeles (Long Beach and Santa Monica) and Merced - temps are again very well correlated throughout Table 2. Correlations of T850 between radiosonde locations for both daily values and monthly means. No overlap (NO) indicates there were less than 30 days in common between a particular station pair. Daily Values Los Angeles Vandenb erg Oakland Merced NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS San Diego 94 92 88 84 75 65 83 N.O. Los Angeles N.O. N.O. 82 73 87 N.O. Vandenb erg 87 85 N.O. N.O. Oakland 94 N.O. High correlations also for Monthly Values Compared 850 hPa temperatures from available radiosondes. - some limited radiosonde records at Los Angeles (Long Beach and Santa Monica) and Merced - temps are again very well correlated throughout Table 2. Correlations of T850 between radiosonde locations for both daily values and monthly means. No overlap (NO) indicates there were less than 30 days in common between a particular station pair. Daily Values Los Angeles Vandenb erg Oakland Merced NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS NDJF JJAS San Diego 94 92 88 84 75 65 83 N.O. Los Angeles N.O. N.O. 82 73 87 N.O. Vandenb erg 87 85 N.O. N.O. Oakland 94 N.O. High correlations also for Monthly Values California Reanalysis Downscaling at 10-km (CaRD10) Cross-Correlation (Spatial Coherence) of daily mean values of Dθ850 California Reanalysis Downscaling at 10-km (CaRD10) Cross-Correlation (Spatial Coherence) of daily mean values of Dθ850 Inversion Magnitude vs. Pollutant Concentration Pollution measurements from California Air Resources Board (CARB) website at: www.arb.ca.gov/aqmis2/aqinfo.php Must view results with caution, as some pollutants like ozone are temperature dependent. Dθ850 vs Pollution Concentration Temperature inversions and pollution 0.8 Correlation of Daily Means Inversion Measure vs Pollutant Month ==JUNE June MONTH Ozone 0.7 PM-SO4 Correlation 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DTINV DT850 T850 PBASE Inversion Measure DTDZ Relationship of inversion strength to large-scale circulation Model data from: • NCEP Reanalysis 2 (2.5° x 2.5°) - similar resolution to most climate models - hindcast - incorporates available observations - represents best estimate of atmospheric state 1979-present Composite Daily Atmospheric Patterns During Strong/Weak Inversion Events - examine weather balloon data at Oakland (Jun-Aug 1979-2001) - find the 30 events with largest/smallest inversion magnitudes - examine mean large-scale circulation for these 30 events - consider anomalies (departure from long-term average) 500mb Height and Wind Anomalies Strong Inversions at Oakland Weak Inversions at Oakland - Strong inversions associated with above normal 500mb heights (large-scale high pressure systems) - Weak inversions associated with below normal 500mb heights (large-scale low pressure systems) ===> Inversions in California associated with large-scale circulation Relationship of inversion strength to large-scale and regional-scale circulation Model data from: • NCEP Reanalysis 2 (2.5° x 2.5°) - similar resolution to most climate models - hindcast - incorporates available observations - represents best estimate of atmospheric state 1979-present • California Reanalysis Downscaling at 10km (CaRD10) - dynamical downscaling DOWNSCALED COMPOSITE MEANS JUN-AUG SURFACE WIND AND INVERSION MAGNITUDE ACTUAL VALUES (NOT ANOMALIES) STRONG INVERSIONS AT OAKLAND WEAK INVERSIONS AT OAKLAND Large-Scale 500mb Height Difference 2 2 1 Define DH500 = H500,reg1 - H500,reg2 using historical analysis data How does this large-scale variable relate to local inversion measures throughout California? On daily timescales? Monthly timescales? HOW DO LOCAL INVERSION MAGNITUDES COMPARE TO LARGE-SCALE FEATURES? CORRELATION OF DAILY MEANS Downscaled Inversion Magnitude vs. Large-Scale 500mb Height Difference • KOAK R = 0.55 • KOAK R = 0.57 • KSAN R = 0.51 Correlation • KSAN R = 0.34 Correlation California Inversion Index GFDL A2 500hPa height diff, Elko minus Churchill 25 20 n 15 10 5 0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 yr Figure 9. Frequency (5-year running total) of positive ² h500 anomalies exceeding 1.0 standard deviations from the SRES A2 runs of the GFDL CM2.1 model. Here ²h 500 is defined as the difference in 500 mb height between 42°N, 115°W (Elko) and 60°N, 95°W (Churchill). The anomalies are referenced to the 1961-1990 climatology. TRENDS OVER 48 YEARS (1960-2007) ( ) = CHANGE OVER 48 YEARS / STANDARD DEV OF ANNUAL MEANS dtinv dzinv ztop zbase Site 00Z 12Z 00Z 12Z 00Z 12Z 00Z 12Z brownsville -0.3(149 %) -0.4(145 %) -118.9(279 %) -97.0(253 %) -79.5(133 %) -97.7(109 %) 39.4( 74 %) -0.7( %) tucson -0.3( 84%) 0.9(153 %) -142.9(214 %) -132.0(189 %) -158.2( 84%) -456.6(190 %) -15.3( 9%) -324.6(168 %) amarillo -0.1( 24%) 0.2( 43%) -142.0(254 %) -114.4(258 %) -165.7(145 %) -156.1(232 %) -23.7( 27 %) -41.7(100 %) albuquerque -0.1( 20%) 0.2( 68%) -94.5(191 %) -87.4(188 %) -104.2(131 %) -169.4(211 %) -9.7( 18 %) -82.0(145%) dodge city -0.3( 85%) -0.4( 85%) -109.7(245 %) -121.3(235 %) -99.8(176 %) -118.1(204 %) 9.9( 18%) 3.2( 7%) denver -0.3( 63%) 0.2( 41%) -95.6(182 %) -76.4(177 %) -116.2(142 %) -78.4(114 %) -20.6( 37%) -2.3( 4%) grand junct -0.1( 30%) -0.2( 57%) -154.9(195 %) -116.5(146 %) -155.6(150 %) -182.9(117 %) -25.9( 30 %) -67.6( 64 %) north platt -0.2( 71%) -0.1( 29%) -96.9(239 %) -128.3(246 %) -70.8(128 %) -171.4(221 %) 26.0( 51 %) -43.1( 87%) saltlake c 0.2( 19%) 0.4( 36%) -155.7(198 %) -97.2(162 %) -143.7(130 %) -111.4(121 %) 12.0( 12 %) -14.2( 25 %) medford -0.6(187 %) -1.2(235 %) -140.3(242 %) -109.4(214 %) -262.8(227 %) -339.5(227 %) -123.8(138 %) -230.0(198 %) rapid city -0.2( 40%) -0.1( 29%) -119.4(249 %) -107.8(244 %) -228.6(246 %) -154.6(236 %) -111.3(163 %) -46.8(117 %) boise -0.3( 48%) 0.7(136 %) -160.5(173 %) -190.1(224 %) -228.9(175 %) -339.4(191 %) -68.7( 63 %) -150.5(117 %) salem 0.0( 1%) -0.2( 42%) -206.8(204 %) -198.2(199 %) -156.4(174 %) -384.3(272 %) 50.4( 68 %) -186.3(169 %) glasgow -0.9(177 %) -0.8(163 %) -150.8(253 %) -109.5(207 %) -186.8(188 %) -162.1(184 %) -36.0( 40%) -52.6( 89 %) great falls -1.2(132 %) -0.2( 21%) -75.0(164 %) -49.7(105 %) -123.1(115 %) -152.0(143 %) -48.1( 52 %) -102.3(114 %) spokane -0.1( 50%) -0.1( 20%) -91.9(221 %) -72.0(200 %) -134.6(147 %) -93.8(140 %) -42.8( 50%) -21.8( 44%) desert rock 0.5(103 %) -0.3( 46%) -75.9(159 %) -119.5(186 %) 24.2( 18 %) -358.2(215 %) 92.2( 74 %) -238.7(194 %) miramar -0.6(136 %) -0.6(105 %) -117.1(242 %) -78.1(205 %) -23.8( 41 %) -64.8(101 %) 93.3(149%) 13.3( 19%) oakland -0.6(148 %) -0.5( 96%) -78.7(210 %) -50.4(182 %) -22.3( 36 %) -64.7(103%) 56.7( 89% ) -14.9( 24%) greensboro 0.0( 10%) -0.6(203 %) -102.5(256 %) -84.2(210 %) -190.0(220 %) -206.9(208 %) -87.5(116 %) -122.7(156 %) charleston -0.3( 33%) -0.2( 91%) -73.9(107 %) -81.2(215 %) -189.3(160 %) -218.0(208 %) -115.4( 79 %) -137.2(162 %) nashville -0.3(131 %) -0.3(100 %) -116.9(264 %) -116.7(245 %) -110.4(148 %) -204.7(194 %) 6.5( 9%) -88.1(118 %) caribou -0.3(159 %) -0.1( 60%) -111.7(250 %) -91.5(225 %) -164.2(224 %) -160.7(202 %) -53.2(106 %) -69.1(117 %) buffalo -0.4(128 %) -0.3(106 %) -99.1(208 %) -92.1(189 %) -162.1(193 %) -177.8(194 %) -63.0(111 %) -85.9(147%) green bay -0.3(136 %) -0.4(155 %) -96.9(228 %) -114.2(254 %) -74.6(134 %) -134.6(174 %) 22.3( 45 %) -20.1( 33 %) intnlfalls -0.2(109 %) -0.5(152 %) -153.2(284 %) -156.5(275 %) -135.7(236 %) -142.1(181 %) 17.5( 42 %) 14.4( 26 %) bismarck -0.6(164 %) -0.5(151 %) -112.7(227 %) -125.9(241 %) -122.7(213 %) -121.5(186 %) -11.6( 23%) 4.0( 9 %) dulles a.p. -0.4(123 %) -0.2(107 %) -125.6(251 %) -124.6(262 %) -137.2(176 %) -205.7(182 %) -12.3( 18%) -81.1( 86 %) pittsburgh -0.3(166 %) -0.2( 62%) -116.4(270 %) -116.6(242 %) -154.4(227 %) -195.1(193 %) -38.0( 70 %) -78.4( 92 %) lakecharles -0.5(222 %) -0.6(153 %) -140.0(307 %) -126.1(266 %) -139.2(152 %) -231.3(210 %) 0.8( 1%) -105.2(116 %) topeka -0.2( 87%) -0.2( 57%) -115.0(254 %) -115.8(244 %) -94.0(188 %) -132.7(203 %) 21.0( 44 %) -16.9( 42%) midland 0.2( 59%) -0.2( 49%) -80.8(208 %) -60.6(191 %) -184.1(185 %) -107.4(194 %) -103.7(115 %) -46.8(118 %) jackson -0.2( 63%) -0.2( 53%) -83.1(110 %) -70.5(188 %) -14.0( 12 %) -95.3(148%) 69.1( 43% ) -24.7( 44%) little rock -0.5(192 %) -0.6(176 %) -112.9(242 %) -140.2(264 %) -162.0(195 %) -250.1(214 %) -49.1( 88 %) -109.8(139 %) quillayute -0.6(221 %) -0.5(173 %) -125.7(267 %) -84.6(222 %) -307.6(300 %) -331.2(284 %) -181.9(223 %) -246.7(253 %) albany -0.3(136 %) 0.4( 55%) -122.5(253 %) -108.4(222 %) -235.2(239 %) -222.6(232 %) -112.8(163 %) -114.7(175 %) Examination of Radiosonde Metadata (1960-1983) C = Change Computer S = Change Sonde Model L = Station Location Change R = Change to R H G = Change Gravity D = Change Data Cutoffs E = Change Ground Equip I = Change Station ID M = Miscellaneous 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1 E R C 2 L L SR S R C SR 3 R R C R 4 E R R C SR 5 E L R R C R 6 E R R C R 7 S R L L R C SR 8 S R L L R C SR 9 E R R C SR 10 RS R C SR 11 LE R R C R 12 R L L R C SR 13 E R R C R 14 E R R 15 E R L LR R SR 16 L R L L R C SR 17 L 18 R L S R C M R S 19 R R C M SR 20 E R L R C LR 21 R R C SR 22 E L E SR R C SR 23 SR S R C R 24 LE R R C M R 25 E L L R R C R 26 E R L R SR 27 R LS L R C SR 28 L E R R C R S 29 LE L RS L R C SR 30 E L R R R 31 E R L L R C R 32 EL R R L C SR 33 L R L R C L R 34 L LE E L R R LC R 35 ERL R SR M 36 R R C R Examination of Radiosonde Metadata (1984-2007) C = Change Computer S = Change Sonde Model L = Station Location Change R = Change to R H G = Change Gravity D = Change Data Cutoffs E = Change Ground Equip I = Change Station ID M = Miscellaneous 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1 C S C GDR S C 2 LC S S C S 3 C S S C S 4 C S S C S 5 C S C DGR L S C 6 C S C DRG S 7 C S S C S 8 C S C RGD 9 C S CS S 10 L C S C GDR S C 11 C S C RGD 12 C S C S S 13 C S C RGD 14 C S C DRG 15 C C S C RGD L S C 16 C S C RGD 17 C C RGD 18 C S C RGD 19 C S CLI RGD S C S 20 C S C DRG 21 C S C RDG 22 C S C GRD 23 C C S C RGD 24 C S C GRD 25 C S C GDR 26 C S C RGD S 27 C S SC S S C 28 C S C RGD S C L S 29 C S C RGD S C 30 C S C RGD 31 C C S C RGD 32 C S S C S S 33 C S C RGD 34 S C DGR 35 C S C RGD 36 C S C GDR post 1996 updates only at a few sites Annual Mean Values of 12Z sounding from all stations used in EOF analysis (36 total) No of Levels (Srf to 700mb) 18 Number of Radiosonde Levels (Surface to 700mb) (with Temperature reading) 16 14 12 10 8 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year 2000 Annual Mean Values of 12Z sounding from all stations used in EOF analysis (36 total) No of Levels (Srf to 700mb) 18 Number of Radiosonde Levels (Surface to 700mb) (with Temperature reading) 16 14 12 10 8 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year No longer mandatory levels at 950, 900, 800, and 750 Temperature no longer included at significant levels that were due to inflection points in wind speed or direction. Annual Mean Values of 12Z sounding from all stations used in EOF analysis (36 total) No of Levels (Srf to 700mb) 18 Number of Radiosonde Levels (Surface to 700mb) 16 14 12 10 8 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Inversion Frequency Inversion Frequency (%) 98 96 94 92 90 88 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Inversion Thickness Inversion Thickness (m) 400 380 360 340 320 300 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year 2000