Document 14048375

Incentive program details — pages 6 & 7
At home and away — pages 9,10,11,16
You can protect many benefits — page 12
Official Publication of The Civil
Service Employees Association
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees AFL-CIO
Vol. 5, No. 12
Friday, March 25,1983
(ISSN 0164 9949)
McGOWAN leads a large demonstration
against state layoffs in Long Island recently. McGowan appeared at several rallys
across the state recently to encourage state
workers dismayed over the budget crisis.
ALBANY — For the first time in years it appears the State of New York will have a new
budget in place when its new fiscal year begins
on April 1. Still in doubt, however, is how many
state employees will be a part of it.
After weeks of lobbying, demonstrations,
meetings and more than a little chaos. Gov.
Mario M. Cuomo and the leaders of the state
legislature announced March 18 that they had
reached "conceptual agreement" on a $31.6
billion spending plan.
There was good news for state employees that
the budget deal would mean "far fewer" layoffs
(Continued on Page 2)
ALBANY — The state's budget is still not
passed, few of the thousands of layoff notices
sent out to state employees have taken effect, but
already efforts are underway to minimize
unemployment resulting from the state's budget
CSEA and the Cuomo Administration have
been cooperating on several measures to
minimize disruptions, even while the union is
publicly and politically fighting against any
Several very positive actions have already
resulted from the cooperative efforts.
After meeting with CSEA President William L.
ALBANY — As the state's political leadership
was still sorting out its agreement to resolve
New York's latest fiscal calamity, a massive
information effort was underway throughout the
state to spread the word about an early
retirement incentive program that is expected to
reduce layoffs and enrich the pensions of
thousands of state workers.
While controversy was a cornerstone of most
of Gov. Mario Cuomo's proposed state budget for
the fiscal year beginning April 1, there was one
proposal affecting state workers that drew
nearly unanimous support, a plan to encourage
eligible state workers to retire early.
While lawmakers were still sorting out their
"conceptual" agreement on a state budget, the
early retirement incentive program bills were
moving along rapidly in the legislature. By
March 23 the Assembly had already passed
enabling legislation (A. 4225) and the Senate was
expected to act on a slightly modified version (S.
3425) by the end of this week.
The only revision made to the governor's
proposed legislation to create the state's first
early retirement incentive program was the
addition of the Legislative Bill Drafting
Commission and the Legislative Library as
employers eligible to participate in the
program's benefits.
Observers at the capitol were predicting at
mid-week that the early retirement program
would be signed into law by the end of March.
CSEA, meanwhile, was working closely with
officials of the New York State Employees
Retirement System and the Governors Office of
Employee Relations to ensure that CSEA
members eligible to participate in the program
are aware of its benefits.
The union says that only an individual can
decide if his or her personal circumstances allow
retirement, but all eligible employees should be
aware of the special benefits of this program
since it offers what probably will be a once in a
lifetime opportunity to improve pension benefits
for service.
Basically the plan gives eligible employees
three additional years of service credits if they
retire in a "window period" between March 1,
1983 and May 31,1983. The idea is to encourage as
many active employees as possible to retire now,
when the state is trying to reduce its work force.
(Continued on Page 6)
McGowan, Gov. Cuomo told the press that if the
proposed early retirement incentive program
p r o d u c e d m o r e r e t i r e m e n t s than the
administration estimated, the additional savings
would be applied to reduce layoffs and/or speed
up the rehiring of any workers targeted to be laid
CSEA has taken steps, including a massive
membership information effort, to make sure
that all of its members eligible to participate in
the early retirement program are aware of its
benefits. While the union will not encourage
people to retire — retirement decisions must be
based on an individual's financial circumstances
— by advising its members of the many benefits
of t h e p r o g r a m , CSEA b e l i e v e s t h e
administration's target can be easily exceeded.
In recognition of the union's assistance and
early employee interest in the program, the
administration has agreed to delay the effective
date of many of the outstanding layoff notices
from April 7 to May 5. Precisely which layoff
notices are to be delayed has not yet been
determined. The state is expected to make that
decision within one week.
Meanwhile the Cuomo Administration itself is
putting many of its promises into practice. In
announcing the planned layoffs, Gov. Cuomo
said that the adniinistration would do whatever
it could to minimize the impact. Now its making
(Continued on Page 8)
I WESTCHESTER COUNTY LOCAL 860 President Pat Mascioli, left photo, recently used a public
hearing held by area state legislators to make a pitch against any state layoffs. The CSEA leader
also expressed opposition to a possible state takeover of county courts and the Motor Vehicle Bureau.
The hearing was held in Yonkers by, from left, State Sen. John Flynn, Assemblyman Nick Spano and
Assemblyman Gordon Burrows.
Union scores major victory over DFY in Sciiool case
ALBANY — Fed up with the Division for Youth's flagrant disregard of
Civil Service Law, CSEA and Local 559 President Dominic Ruggeri challenged
the agency in court and this month won an important legal victory.
In a strongly worded decision. New York Supreme Court Justice John H.
Pennock ordered DFY to remove Rose Washington from her position as director of the Tryon State School and to comply with Section 65 of the Civil Service
Law governing provisional appointments.
"It's an important decision because the court recognized the subterfuge involved and essentially said to the Division for Youth 'you can't play these
games,' " commented Dona Bulluck of Roemer and Featherstonhaugh, who
argued the case for the union.
In October 1980, DFY appointed Rose Washington to the director III position at Tryon State School. A provisional appointment was made after the promotion list, upon which her name did not appear, was declared non-viable after
being reduced to a slate of only two acceptors.
"She wasn't on the list because she was not eligible to take the examination," Bulluck explained. "And DFY discouraged people on the list from accepting, in one case sending the applicant a pre-typed letter of declination for his
"If they were going to make a provisional appointment, they could have
appointed one of the two acceptors on the list, botii of whom expressed an interest in the position. But instead, they appointed someone who did not meet
eligibility requirements. Then they kept her in that position for 20 months, in
violation of the nine-month limitation in Section 65 of the Civil Service Law."
Justice Pennock called DFY's appointment of Washington in preference to
the two qualified acceptors "totally arbitrary and capricious without any rational basis . . . The abuse of discretion, in the appointment of one who could
not take the examination over two others who passed it, is incredible," he
When CSEA officials began to question the appointment, and increased
pressure by instituting the legal proceedings, DFY appointed Washington to
another title — district supervisor for Youth Rehabilitation Services.
Bullock commented: "Changing her title did not work in this instance,
because it was apparent that she was still running the facility. Normally, a
change of job duties and responsibilities go along with the change in title, but in
her case, the change was in title only."
The judge termed this subterfuge "a flagrant attempt to circumvent Section 65," adding that "if one acts like a director, performs the duties of the
director, fulfills the responsibilities of the director, holds oneself out to be the
director, and is perceived by others to be the d i r e c t o r . . . then it is safe for one
to assume that she is the director."
The judge's order also called for all other employees of Tryon holding provisional appointments in violation of Section 65 to be removed and replaced
from eligible lists in compliance with the law.
Jubilant over othe victory. Local President Ruggeri noted, "This kind of
thing goes on all the time, not just here but all over the state. But people don't
always have the neiye to stand up and challenge it."
Ruggeri acknowledged the efforts of Local Grievance Chairman Gary
Hulbert, Field Representative Joe Bakarian and others who prepared the
groundwork for submitting the case to CSEA's Legal Assistance Program.
How many will be around fo be part of new budget?
(Continued from Page 1)
than the 9,000 originally targeted by Cuomo and
later trimmed to 7,500. Just how many fewer
layoffs was not clear and as of Public Sector
press time, that number remained unresolved.
The governor was quoted by news media
reports as predicting there would be "fewer than
3,500" layoffs. A top legislative aide was quoted
as predicting "about 2,000." But one week after
the conceptual agreement was announced, there
still was no formal word on what the final
number would be.
The lack of information kept more than 7,000
state employees perched on the ends of their
seats. These were the people who received layoff
notices — some verbally and some formally —
beginning in early March. There was no way for
any of those facing termination to know if they
would be among those fortunate enough to
escape the laypff threat. ,
The Governor's Press Office said today that
the details of the remaining layoffs would be announced as soon as those details were complete.
They still were not complete.
The legislative agreement to reduce layoffs
was the end result of several weeks of massive
lobbying efforts by thousands of CSEA members
statewide. In demonstrations across the state,
often at sites where Gov. Cuomo was to make
appearances, and through thousands and
thousands of letters, petitions and phone calls,
CSEA members made it clear that 9,000 layoffs
were out of the question.
Meetings between CSEA officials and various
administration officials also offered the promise
of even fewer layoffs before terminations actualPage 2
ly begin.
Gov. Cuomo, following a meeting with CSEA
President William L. McGowan, announced
publicly that should his goals for the state's early
retirement incentive program be exceeded, any
excess savings would be applied to reducing
layoffs or accelerating rehiring of displaced
Other progress was made in an administration
pledge to restrict outside hiring by state agencies until displaced workers are offered employment — even if some retraining is necessary —
and an agreement to encourage state agencies to
canvass employees on preferred lists for jobs
that are comparable, although not identical, to
jobs lost through layoffs.
"The layoffs will ultimately fall into two
categories," said CSEA President McGowan.
"There will programmatic layoffs, where the
state simply discontinues a particular operation,
and there vi}i\ be 'across the board' layoffs, those
caused by not having enough money despite the
desire to continue a service.
"It is likely that most of the programmatic
layoffs will occur. We won't know exactly who is
affected or how many will be terminated until
the governor and the legislature sort out their
agreement. The 'across the board' layoffs will be
delayed to May 5, this will allow us to assess the
impact of early retirement. If the early retirement program is as successful as we believe it
might be, the number of 'across the board'
layoffs should be reduced," Mr. McGowan said.
"The biggest problem at this time is that no
one can say who will or won't be laid off or even
when. This is a terrible ordeal for those who have
been targeted for layoff. We are trying to ex-
THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Friday. March 25, 1983
pedite these decisions, but there are very real
limits on what anyone can do until the governor
and legislature decide what they have agreed
to," he said.
Meanwhile the union is gearing up to protect
the rights of any employees who still may be
displaced as a result of the budget crisis. Union
officials are also meeting with state officials to
explore different approaches to reduce the
number of "necessary" layoffs and to expedite
the return of displaced workers to the payroll.
"The situation is a hell of a lot better than it
was two weeks ago," President McGowan said,
"but if anyone thinks this problem is over they
are dead wrong. There are seven thousand people out there wondering if they will still have jobs
two weeks from now. Thousands of them will,
thank God, but a lot of them won't. We haven't
stopped fighting these layoffs and we won't, not
until every one of the people who are put out of
work are back on the job."
And despite the significant progress in reducing layoffs, the state budget agreement still provides for the reduction of some 14,000 jobs over
the next twelve months through attrition.
"Our members have done a magnificent job in
putting on the pressure to reduce these senseless
layoffs," Mr. McGowan said, "and we are continuing to work with the administration to achieve
further reductions, protect the rights of those
who will be affected, and to assure their speedy
return to work."
More details concerning the layoff situation
will be distributed to CSEA Regional Offices
and state CSEA Local Presidents as soon as that
information becomes available.
In West Seneca:
Pact! impasse prompts picket
Jamestown employees
complete food drive
honoring MclHinougli
Jamestown employees unit of
Chautauqua County Local 807 has
become the first in Region VI to
complete collecting food donations
for the needy in a region-wide drive
in memory of the late Thomas
McDonough, former CSEA executive vice president.
Unit President Frank Kaluza and
Field Representative Mark Higgins reported more than a dozen
boxes of food, mostly canned
goods, have been turned over to the
Salvation Army for further
and white collar employees of the
Town of West Seneca recently
picketed a town board meeting to
push for an end to the impasse in
their contract talks. Among them
were John Langdon, on crutches in
photo above left, standing with
Leonard Wisniewski. An unidentified member shows his support in
photo above right. At right, Tom
Blake of the blue collar unit,
holding sign, is joined by Danny
Jinks, CSEA collective bargaining
"Everyone's aware of the great
needs due to the economic crunch,
so there were no problems getting
folks to pitch in," said Higgins.
"Some were just sorry they
couldn't help more. But we're sure
those receiving these donations
wiU be appreciative."
Kaluza said the drive was aided
by CSEA members from the
Jamestown Hospital and City Hall,
in a conmiittee that included
Virginia AUette, Bob Rizzuto, Lee
Ho^, Bea Liddy, Bea Kinear,
Dorothy Thompson, Barry Mason
and Cindy Kiefner.
Stewards and volunteers are being asked to spread the word so
that all may have the opportunity
to donate to the cause.
Info Center on
preferred lists
opened to help
layoff victims
ALBANY — Th« Department of Civil Service has set up a Preferred List Information
Center for state employees facing April 1
layoffs. Counselors will be available 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. to answer telephone questions.
The phone number Is (518) 457-2973.
The Center, In Room 119 In Building 1 of
the State Office Building Campus In Albany,
will also provide Information on a walk-In
basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. dally.
THETuBLlt ^Ett'OR, Friday,' JVie.rch
^ö^e 3
Official publication of
The Civil Service Employees Association
Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CiO
33 Elk Street, Albany, New York 12224
The Public Sector (445010) is published every
other Friday by the Civil Service Employees
Association, 33 Elk Street, Albany, New York
Publication office, 1 Columbia Place, Albany,
New York 12207.
Second Class Postage paid at Post Office,
Albany, New York.
GARY G. FRYER — Publisher
ROGER A. COLE — Editor
TINA LINGER FIRST — Associate Editor
GWENN M. BELLCOURT — Assistant Editor
Address changes should be sent to Civil Service Employees Association, The Public Sector,
33 Elk Street, Albany, New York 12224.
1*"' »•«,. t
McGowan at Marcy:
Layoffs reduced; union
opposes prison plan
MARCY — Statewide CSEA President Bill
McGowan made a special visit to Central Region
V recently to deliver some optimistic news for
state employees and to reconfirm the union's
support for the CSEA Task Force and Mohawk
Valley area groups opposed to the co-location of
a prison at Marcy Psychiatric Center.
Speaking to some 400 CSEA members and
other state employees gathered at the assembly
hall on the Marcy campus, McGowan explained
that an "eleventh-hour" budget agreement by
Gov. Mario Cuomo and leaders of the state
Legislature will greatly reduce the number of
state employee layoffs. Some layoff notices will
be delayed until May 5, he said.
"We are confident that with normal employee
attrition by retirement, and the unknown
number of state employees who will opt for the
early retirement plan, the end result will be very
few layoffs, if any," McGowan said.
He added that the union also has a binding
agreement with the state regarding a preferred
list for rehiring any layoffs.
Turning attention to the prison issue,
McGowan reinforced the union position to do
everything possible to stop the state plan to colocate a prison on the Marcy Psychiatric Center
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS — €SEA President William McGowan listens as Central New
York newscasters ask for a statement concerning the layoff of state employees and the proposed
co-location of a prison at the Marcy Psychiatric Center.
"It makes absolutely no sense to discard the
Psychiatric Center."
millions of dojlars spent for a prison at Pilgrim
McGowan made the special Marcy visit at the
and then waste additional millions of taxpayer request of Region V President Jim Moore and
dollars upstate," he said.
Local 414 President Bud Mulchy.
Mulchy, chairman of the CSEA task force
"The state seems to have more concern for the
welfare of prisoners who have broken laws than fighting the co-location of a prison, reported that
it does for the hundreds of helpless clients who some 50 state and other public officials, citizens'
need the continuation of quality mental health groups, local businesses and unions are now supcare provided by the employees here at Marcy porting the task force.
CSEA staff openings
ALBANY — CSEA is now accepting applications
for two vacancies on its Headquarters staff. The
two positions are:
Director of Education — administers the
statewide education and training program, supervises a staff of education and training specialists,
and coordinates with educational institutions to
meet the education needs of the membership.
Meeting Coordinator — responsible for
establishing conventions, workshops, delegates
meetings and monthly board meetings; maintains
liaisons with hotels. A substantial amount of travel
is required.
Resumes should be submitted by April 4 to the
Personnel Office of CSEA, 33 Elk Street, Albany,
N.Y. 12207.
Page 25
The dates of the annual Northeastern Summer
School for Union Women, sponsored by the AFLCIO Education Department, have been set for
July 31 through August 5.
Union women
summer sciiooi
program announced
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 11, 1983
The program this year will be conducted at the
McKeesport campus of Penn State University,
near Pittsburgh. Unionists planning to attend
should make reservations by June 15. The cost
per person is $157.50 for double accommodations,
and $167.50 for single acconmiodations.
Additional information may be obtained by
contacting CSEA Statewide Secretary Irene
Carr at CSEA headquarters in Albany (518)
434-0191, or Ms. Freda Rosen, Cdlege of Labor
Studies, Penn State University, McKeesport, Pa.
PETITION SIGNERS above and below, were
among more than 1,000 people who penned
their signatures to protest.
ALBANY — Thousands of people, public
workers and the general public alike, recently
had the opportunity to learn that CSEA is,
indeed, a full service labor union providing
unique services to its membership.
The occasion was the highly successful twoday State Employees' Information Days
sponsored by CSEA in the concourse of the huge
Empire State Plaza complex here.
And the program provided the format to pick
up more than 1,000 more signatures on union
petitions opposing any state employee layoffs or
service reductions under the next state budget.
Several hundred CSEA postcards addressed to
Senate Majority Leader Warren Anderson and
Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink were also signed
and collected.
Among the thousands of people who passed
through the display area where the union had set
up numerous information tables was Gov. Mario
"No one can say that CSEA wasn't flying the
flag and out fighting for its members," C. Allen
Mead, president of the Capital Region, said.
"Members had an opportunity to get up-to-the
minute information on every type of service
CSEA provides on all levels. And our information
area served as a staging area for lobby efforts by
CSEA and other public employee unions. No one,
not even the governor, coiüd cross from the
Capitol to the Legislative building without
seeing, hearing and knowing that CSEA was
against the layoffs and being supported by the
general public."
"When times are tough, the tough get going,"
Jack Corcoran, CSEA Capital Region director
noted. "We are out to convince the governor and
the Legislature that the public workforce is not
going to be the whipping boy any longer for
budgetary problems. This display showed the
ranges of services and the depth of CSEA
strength in serving the needs of its members."
Participants in the two-day event ranged from
AFSCME International union representatives, to
the Mechanics Exchange Division of Dime Bank.
Representatives of the various participating
services were unanimous in their praise of the
informational effort.
"The general member doesn't realize all the
services that a dynamic union like CSEA
provides. Activities such as this let the member
see the variety of union services, contractual
benefits and even community social activities
which are available to them tiirough the efforts
of their union," Steve Fantauzzo, AFSCME area
CAPITAL REGION PRESIDE! C. ALAN MEAD, second from left, cuts symbolic ribbon of CSEA
bumperstickers to officially open the two-day information program. At left is Region IV Director
John Corcoran, and at right is Frank Ricupero, chairman of the union's downtown committee.
Watching the ribbon cutting is Region IV Second Vice President Barbara Skelly.
ONE OF more than 20 info tables which distributed union-related material to thousands of people.
THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Friday, March 25. 1983
Page 5
Who is eligible for
early retirement ??
Check with personnel
ALBANY — With a great deal of media coverage
and a lot of rumors flying around, some people are
wondering just who is eligible to participate in the
recently announced early retirement incentive
As information from the New York State
Employees Retirement System puts it (see related
story), the program is only for state employees. But
what does that mean? In some cases, it's not easy to
The state has numerous authorities and quasistate agencies where the distinctions are a little
vague. For example, can an employee of the Office
of Court Administration be eligible to participate in
the early retirement incentive program? Unfortunately the answer is a definite "maybe."
The legislation implementing the program would
allow the administrators of certain organizations to
decide. In the case of the Office of Court Administration, the Legislative Bill Drafting Commission, Senate and Assembly staffs, etc., they can
participate only if the administrators of those
organizations say so. In the case of the Office of
Court Administration, participation will be decided
after action is taken on the legislation.
In the case of the New York State Thruway
Authority, Health Research Institute, and
numerous other quasi-state agencies, the program
is not available. The best way to be certain is to contact your personnel office.
One very common question CSEA officials are
hearing is, "How can early retirement be offered to
some members of the State Employees Retirement
System and not others? How is that fair?"
The answer is, of course, that money is the key.
For every employee that retires early the
employer, in this case the State of New York, must
pay a substantial amount of money to the New York
State Employees' Retirement System to cover the
cost of the early retirement. That is to be paid in installments over the next five years.
In essence, the state is willing to pay an extra cost
to provide an extra benefit to encourage people to
retire early. Ultimately the state will save money
since not all of those retiring will be replaced.
Expect retirement bill signing
(Continued from Page 1)
The program is part of an effort to avert layoffs.
But not only those who would otherwise be laid
off benefit from the program. For the eligible
employee, the extra three years of service
credits means higher pension benefits. If an
employee with 17 years of service retires under
the program, for example, the employee's
pension is calculated as if the employee actually
worked 20 instead of 17 years.
The improvement in pension benefits is
permanent, so long as the employee does not
reenter the State Employees Retirement System
as an active employee within two years. If an
employee did return to active service within the
two year period, the extra service credits would
simply be forfeited.
The biggest problems with the early
retirement incentive program seemed to be the
very tight time limitations involved.
Since the program is designed to maximize
personnel savings to reduce layoffs, it must
encourage retirements at the start of the state's
fiscal year. The legislation establishes March 1,
1983 through May 31, 1983, as the period during
which a state employee must retire to receive
the three years of additional service credits.
Retirement System regulations, however,
require that a retirement application must be
filed at least 30 days prior to the date it takes
effect. In this case, to meet the May 31 deadline
an employee's retirement application must be
received by the State Employees Retirement
System by no later than the close of business on
May 2, 1983!
If that sounds pretty tight, planners have found
that in practice the problem gets worse.
A common practice for employees planning to
retire is to file for an official estimate of their
pension benefits. While most employees have
calculated their benefits independently some
iJfogp 6
25, 11983
still await official estimates before proceeding.
With the early retirement program underway
and thousands of additional state employees now
seriously considering retiring immediately,
people wanting official estimates are confronted
by another potential time problem.
While the State Employees Retirement System
is working long hours to keep up with demand, its
expected that a backlog for estimates may
develop. Should that happen, some employees
may find the eligibility period for participation
in the program waning while they are still
waiting for an estimate. To avoid this problem,
the Retirement System is advising any eligible
employees who will seek an official estimate to
apply for their estimate immediately.
Employees who already have estimates, even
if they aic a few years old, can receive a rough
update on the improvement in benefits they can
expect from the early retirement program by
bringing their estimate and data of their last
three years of earnings (W-2 forms are best) to
meetings with Employees' Retirement System
information representatives. The locations and
schedules for those representatives are printed
elsewhere in this edition of The Public Sector.
CSEA was expected to make a mass mailing of
information concerning the early retirement
incentive program — including applications for
official estimates — to state employees in CSEA
bargaining units identified by the Retirement
System as eligible to participate in the program.
That mailing was expected to be made by
March 25 and should be received by the 13,000
state CSEA members eligible to participate in
the program by the end of March.
The State Employees Retirement System,
meanwhile, was reporting a dramatic increase
in inquiries, requests for pension estimates, and
consultations as a result of the program.
EarlySeveral points
you should keep
in mind when
thinking about
retiring early
If you are one of the thousands of New
York State employees considering participating in the special early retirement i n |
centive program, there are several points
that you should keep in mind.
• To participate, your retirement
must take effect prior to May 31, 1983!
To be effective by that date, your
notarized retirement application must
be received by the state employees'
retirement system by no later than May
2, 1983!
• If you apply for an official estimate
of your pension benefits, that will not
be considered as an application for
retirement. An ''application for service
retirement," form RS-6037 must also
be filed. To be effective by the May 31,
1983 deadline, the retirement application form must be received by the
retirement system no later than May 2,
1983 whether you have received your
estimate or not! You may, of course, apply for retirement without requesting
an estimate.
• CSEA is mailing letters to the
13,000 state workers represented by
CSEA who have been identified by the
state employees' retirement system as
eligible to participate in this program.
The letter contains more information on
the program and an official estimate application. If you receive this letter and
want an estimate before making your
decision, you must file your estimate
application immediately in order to
receive a response in time to meet the
May 2 deadline for filing your retirement application. Whether you receive
your estimate in time or not, if you wish
to participate in the program you must
be sure your retirement application is
received by the retirement system on or
before May 2!
• As of March 23, 1983, the legisiation to implement the early retirement
incentive program had not yet been
enacted. The Assembly had passed a
bill, the Senate was expected to pass
Its bill late this week and the Governor
was expected to sign the bill as early as
next week.
• The state retirement process is
separate and distinct from any potential benefits to which you may be entitied from the Social Security Administration. While you are pursuing your options with the early retirement incentive program you should also be examining your options for social security
• Keep in
reading each
touch about further
In this program by
issue of The Public
fight deadlines
for participation
Mere impertant infermatioii abeut the
proposed retirement incentive program
Generally, the proposed legislation provides an
additional three years of service credit for State
employees who:
(1) are members of the New York State
Employees' Retirement System
(2) were in the paid service of the State on
January 31, 1983
(3) are eligible for service retirement
(4) attain age 55 on or before their effective retirement date, and
(5) whose effective retirement date is on or after
March 1, 1983 and on or before May 31, 1983.
Employees are encouraged to discuss the proposed Incentive Program in person with our information representatives in our main office in Albany
(first floor, Governor Smith Building) or at any of
our 21 field locations throughout the State.
Employees should bring to these interviews as
much information about their work history as
possible i.e.: recent retirement estimates, annual
Retirement Member Statements, and data on their
last three years of earnings (W-2 forms are best).
We strongly urge all who are considering retirement under the proposed Incentive Program to immediately file an estimate request (form RS 6030).
We are prepared to accommodate these requests
on short notice and the detailed estimates will include the increases the proposed legislation
would provide.
First P a y m e n t s
The proposed Incentive Program is limited to
employees whose effective retirement date is on
or after March 1, 1983 and on or before May 31,
1983. it is important to remember that a retirement
application (form RS 6037) must be on file at least
30 days but no more than 90 days before it can
become effective. In order to qualify for the proposed Incentive Program, retirement applications
would have to be d e l i v e r e d t o a n d r e c e i v e d by
t l i e R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m no l a t e r t l i a n t l i e
c l o s e of b u s i n e s s , M o n d a y , M a y 2 , 1 9 8 3 . A
member who files for retirement and later wishes
to cancel it and remain actively employed, must
file written notice of the withdrawal with the
Retirement System b y c l o s e of b u s i n e s s o n
t l i e d a y i m m e d i a t e l y preceeding the effective
retirement date.
We realize that many employees who will be retiring have not planned for the normal delay from
their date of retirement to receipt of their first
retirement check. In addition, the Retirement
System will have a much larger number of
benefits to calculate. Consequently, we have
made arrangements to make partial advance
payments to persons who retire under the proposed Retirement Incentive Program. The advance
checks for March retirees will be mailed April 28;
for April retirees. May 30; and for May retirees,
June 29.
Frantic activify over
layoffs showing some
significant progress
Those of Social Security age or those wishing to
know the effect of early retirement on their Social
Security benefit should contact their local Social
Security Office. All questions regarding the Survivor Benefit Program or Health Insurance benefits
should be answered by Agency Personnel
The following units and telephone numbers are
best equipped to handle telephone inquiries
regarding the proposed Incentive Program:
Information Services
(518) 474-7736
Service Retirements
(518) 474-4932
(518) 474-3621
General Estimates
(518) 474-7699
(518) 474-4467
Retirement information Service Sclieduie
The schedule below shows the present locations and visiting days for
Retirement System information representatives.
These services are offered on a ''First come, first served" basis. You
need not make an appointment. However, in order to accommodate as
many consultations as possible, these representatives are not able to accept telephone calls or conduct interviews by phone.
if you wish information by telephone, please call the Albany office
City or
Gov. Smith State Office
Broome County Center
Buffalo State Office Bfdg.
(66 Court Street)
County Courthouse
County Center
Slate Office Building
Little Valley
County Office Building
Municipal Building
Chaufäuqua County
Health and
Social Service BuildTng'^
222 Willis Ave.
New York City State Office Building
270 Broadway (23rd
II world Trade Center
(44tli Floor)
Coumy Center
Couhty Health Complex
(BIdg. A)
P p u g h H e e p s i o DOT Headquarters
County Center
Rochester City Hall
County Courthouse
State Office Building
White Plains
State Office Building
Westchester County
Monthly Visiting Days
Every Business Day
First and Third Wednesday
First, Second, Third & Fourth
Wednesday and Friday
First Thursday
Third Thursday
First and Fdurth
Wednesday *
Second anfd Fourth Tuesday
Second and Fourth Monday
First and Third Monday
First Tuesday
First and Fourth Monday
First and Third Tuesday
Second and Fourth Tuesday
Third Thursday
First and Third Friday
First Thursday
Third Wednesday
Second and Fourth
Second and Fourth Friday
First, Second, Third and
Fourth Tuesday
First Friday
Second and Third Monday
(except July)
ALBANY — When Gov. Mario Cuomo and legislative leaders announced
agreement on a proposed state budget, it marked the end of several weeks of
often frantic activity aimed at limiting the number of state employees
targeted for layoffs. While full details of the success of that effort remain
unclear, significant progress had obviously been made.
In his Executive Budget proposal unveiled February 1, Cuomo stunned
state workers by announcing plans to layoff more than 9,000 active state
employees as part of a program to cut the state work force by 14,000 jobs by
the close of the fiscal year beginning April 1. The reason, the governor said,
' ' ^'tH^ P \ j B l \ d SeCTÖR, * = V i d ö y i 983
> Pbyb 7
LAKE PIACID — The Village of Lake Placid will remain the VILLAGE of
Lake Placid due mainly to the efforts of 26 CSEA represented village
In a vote last week to dissolve the village form of government and have its
powers and responsibilities absorbed by the Town of North Elba, village
residents rejected the Proposal 964-56, a near 18 to 1 victory for the worker's
position on the issue.
"We did everything possible to inform the village residents of the dangers of
dissolving the village government," Jim St. Louis, president of the CSEA unit
"The Region Political Action Committee funded a very professional and well
coordinated media campaign which put the issue right in front of every village
resident. And our raerabej-^ conducted a very successfuLdoqr-to-door
campaign to make sure that the citizens knew how important their
participation in this situation was."
Region II seminar April 9-10
NEW YORK CITY — The CSEA Labor Institute has set the weekend of
April 9 & 10 for an education and training seminar for members in
Metropolitan Region II.
The seminar, to be held at the 57th St. Holiday Inn in Manhattan, will offer
three courses: the Basic Steward, the American Labor Movement and Internal
Registration forms for the seminar are available through Region II local
presidents and the regional office and must be returned by March 31 to assure
President Jim St. Louis and
Lake Placid Mayor Robert J.
Peacock congratulate each
other last week after village
resHients i^ted overwhdmiiigly
to retain their village form of
Layoff procedures now on Yideotape
ALBANY — A 55-minute videotape has been produced to give state
local presidents and other union representatives a fuller understanding of
layoff procedures.
Titled, "The Layoff Procedures for State Employees as Described by
the New York State Civil Service Law," the tape was a joint effort by
CSEA, the Public Employee Federation and the state Civil Service
Copies, in both 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch formats, have been sent to each
CSEA regional office.
Cooperation results in several positive actions
(Continued from Page 1)
policy to implement the pledge.
Legislation has been introduced by the
administration to encourage agencies to canvass
displaced e m p l o y e e s for "comparable"
In instances where an employee was eligible
for a "comparable" title vacancy rather than the
same title from which they were laid off, the
state could take any of the three most senior
employees for the "comparable" job and the
employee chosen would serve a probation period
as if the employee were promoted. Should the
employee not complete probation, he or she
would be returned to the preferred list.
The normal "one for one" rule for direct
appointment from the preferred list — without
probation — will still apply for vacancies in the
same title as the laid off employee and also for
positions in direct line of promotion.
The effect of this change is to encourage
a g e n c i e s to e x p a n d the a p p o i n t m e n t
opportunities for displaced employees to
"comparable" titles as well as the same title. In
those appointments to "comparable" titles,
however, the "rule of three" would apply as
would a probationary period. Despite the latter
provisions, the "bottom line" is more rehiring
opportunities for displaced workers.
A n o t h e r i n i t i a t i v e f r o m the Cuomo
Administration came in a March 16 memo to
state department and agency heads. While the
memo primarily dealt with setting up reporting
procedures for vacancies, it also directed
agencies to give first priority in any hiring to
displaced workers, even if appropriate
retraining was needed to qualify the displaced
employee for the vacancy.
"It is the policy of the state that qualified
members of the present and or displaced work
force be given first preference for all
appointments to competitive, non-competitive
and labor class positions that become available
during the fiscal year," the directive states.
More importantly, it includes a pointed order,
"No agency will be permitted to hire staff in
these classes from outside the existing work
force until it has shown to the satisfaction of the
liaison groups (Division of the Budget, Civil
Service, and OER) that it is not possible to find
or develop a qualified candidate from within the
existing work force.".
Agencies were given until April 4 to report
back on anticipated vacancies in their ranks in
the coming fiscal year.
While many of the layoff problems remain
unresolved even as the effective date of layoff
notices rapidly approaches, clearly major
progress has been made to avert thousands of
layoffs. Equally as unportant, substantial
progress has been made to ensure that any
workers who are actually displaced are offered
reemployment in state service.
Union efforts to reduce layoffs bear fruit
(Continued from Page 7)
was a $1.8 billion deficit, the largest in New York State history.
CSEA efforts to fight the plan were initially hampered by the apparent
inability of the administration to specify which jobs it intended to cut or how
it intended to make cuts. Agencies were given until March 1 to formulate
specific personnel reduction plans. Rumors ran rampant and efforts to point
out the damage caused by the proposed cuts were restricted since without
specific information, no one could say precisely what damage could result
from the cuts.
An analysis of the budget and alternate revenue proposals was begun at
the direction of CSEA President William L. McGowan who told reporters on
February 2 that the union would fight the cuts and would propose tax
increases for higher income New Yorkers instead.
Gradually, as more specific information became available, a
comprehensive information effort began, spearheaded by CSEA's Research
Department, to distribute any information obtained by the statewide union
to local leaders. High level discussions also began between union
representatives and the administration to explore alternate means of
reducing the work force without mass layoffs.
Thousands of (^EA members, meanwhile, were providing major
support for the anti-layoff campaign through grass roots lobbying effort and
demonstrations across the state. A letter writing campaign initiated by
Page 8
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 25, 1983
CISE A produced thousands of appeals to Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink and
Senate Majority Leader Warren Anderson to save jobs.
As budget negotiations began in earnest between lawmakers and the
governor, more help for state employees came from Senate Minority Leader
Manfred Ohrenstein. To the delight of C!SEA, Senator Ohrenstein, whose
Democratic votes in the Senate are critical to Cuomo's budget plans,
forcefully and publicly opposed the proposed layoffs of state employees. His
support was to prove critical as negotiations progressed.
All of the efforts came together on March 18 when Gov. Cuomo met with
reporters at the capitol to announce "conceptual agreement" on a new state
Even a week later, many of the details of that agreement and its impact
on state employees was still unclear, but there appeared to be significant
progress toward reducing layoffs. From the original layoff estimate of over
9,000, Cuomo told reporters the agreement would reduce layoffs to "less
than 3,500". Some legislative sources told reporters actual layoffs would
number "closer to 2,000".
CSEA officials continued to meet with administration officials to clarify
the actual layoff details and propose still more alternative actions to reduce
layoffs or at least minimize the amount of time before displaced workers
could expect to be recalled by the state.
SEN. ANTHONY MASIELLO, second from left, studies CSEA publication
concerning proposed state budget in his district office in Buffalo. He was
visited by CSEA Political Action Liaisons MariJean Nichols, left, of Erie
County Local 815; Region VI Political Action Committee Co-chairman
Dominic Savarino, and Barbara Justinger of Local 815.
Driving home a point — at home
As time began running down for the state to have a new budget in place
for the fiscal year beginning April 1, CSEA stepped up its campaign to
have state legislators enact a budget substantially different from the
executive budget proposed by Gov^Mario Cuomo. Over the past couple
of weeks, that campaign has been directed squarely at the people who
can achieve a final budget without the large layoffs or service reductions proposed — the state legislators themselves. Constantly being
visited by CSEA representatives while in their Albany offices, state
legislators now find themselves being visited when they return to their
district offices back home. These photos taken in CSEA's Western
Region VI are typical of activities taking place throughout the state.
Meanwhile, the lobby effort has intensified on
the Albany scene. Photos, story on following
ELAINE MOOTRY, president of West Seneca Developmental Center Local
427, discussed problems caused by proposed state budget with Assembly
Deputy Speaker Arthur O. Eve, who is also a member of the important Ways
and Means Committee.
THE PUBLIC SEdTÖR'/FricJayVÄAdrch' 2 5 / 1 9 8 3
jobs and justice' in All}« ny:
ALBANY — The battle against the budget mounted last week
as nearly 140 union members filed into their legislator's Albany
office in an all-out lobbying campaign to defeat the governor's
layoff proposal.
CSE A Political Action Liaisons (PALS) instead offered an
alternative to the layoffs. Entitled "Saving Jobs and Justice,"
the highly-detailed union proposal is an elaboration of one offered
Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink.
The proposal maintains that by imposing a sales tax on professional fees charged by attorneys, engineers, architects and
other high income professionals (except doctors), over $500
million would be raised in state and local revenues.
This sales tax measure has received strong support in the
Assembly, but has met some opposition in the Senate, according
islative and Political Action Director Bernard Ryan,
pril 1 budget deadline nears, Ryan said legislators
ded and receptive to the PALS lobbying effort,
well-prepared with packets and a supply of perts in favor of the tax proposal,
t really reached the legislators were the "horror
e layoffs, and how they affect their constituents,"
e PALS) told the stories of the castrophies which lie
leir brothers and sisters. These true-to-life tales had
" the political action director added.
continue to lobby these same representatives in
districts, right up until the state Legislature
gain in Albany to vote on the Executive Budget
THE JIST OF IT — Senator James Donovan (R-47th Dist.) sums up his feeling on the governor's
layoff proposals with two PALS from Region V: Local 822 President Mary Sullivan, left, and Local
833 President Dorothy Penner.
MORNING BRIEFING — PALS gathered before they met with their
legislators to receive last minute instructions from Tom Haley, CSEIA's
assistant director of legislative and political action.
JOBS CAN BE SAVED — Local 674's Joseph LaFreniere, right, convinces freshman Assemblyman James Tedisco (R-107th Dist.) that the
sales tax proposal would produce enough revenues to avert the 7,600
layoffs called for in Gov. Cuomo's budget proposal. At left is Local 674's
Evelyn Leon.
LINE FOR LINE — Lou Alteri, center, and Connie Colangelo, right, both
from Schenectady County, go over the alternative proposal with
Assemblyman James Tedisco.
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION — PALS from Region II met with Senator Olga Mendez (D-30th Dist.)
center, during lunch in Albany last week. From left are Local 413's Edward Worten, Judy Harrison,
Senator Mendez, President Floyd Payne and First Vice President Fred Daniels.
r a g e 10
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 11, 1983
LAYOFF TALES TOLD — Assemblyman Robert Connor (D-92nd Dist.), left, talks about the
devastating effects of layoffs in his district with Local 421's Doris Josephson, center, and Local 844
President Patsy Spicci.
ARGUMENTS PRESENTED — Statewide Pol cal Action Chairman Joe Conway outlines the
arguments in favor of the professional sales tax p posal as an alternative to the layoffs called for in
Gov. Cuomo's 1983-84 budget package.
A LIGHTER MOMENT — Assemblyman Gary Proud (D-131st Dist.), center, Local 420's Wilma
Hasser and Herrn parson take a break from a discussion on the governor's proposed budget in
Albany last week.
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 11, 1983
Page 11
Some facts you should know if you are facing job uncertainty
The question of how many layoffs, if any, and who wili actually
be affected under the next state budget is still unresolved at press
What is known is that thousands of state workers recently
received layoff notices, but the final number of layoffs, if any, will
not be as large as the number of notices actually sent out.
Too, due to the bumping process involved in a layoff situation.
the person receiving a notice may not in fact be the person
eventually laid off.
For anyone facing the prospect of going off the payroll, there
are a great many things to consider, insurance and benefits are
certainly among those concerns.
The following information should be beneficial to everyone
facing Job uncertainty during the budget crisis.
Answers to some common questions about health insurance
ALBANY — What happens to my health insurance if I go off the payroll?
Although the number of state layoffs is expected to be less than once
feared, many employees are still asking that question. To set the record
straight, the Employee Insurance Section of the Civil Service Department has
provided answers to the following questions:
(1 Am I eligible to continue coverage in the New Yorlc State Health Insurance Program if my job is abolished?
If you have been separated from service with the state and your name has
been placed on a Civil Service Preferred List, you are eligible to continue your
enrollment in the Health Insurance Program. If you are a state employee not
eligible for preferred list status, but you were employed on a permanent fulltime basis and are separated from service as a result of the abolition of your
position, you are also eligible to continue your health insurance coverage.
(2) Vi^at if I don't meet the requirements described in Answer No. 1?
Your coverage in the State Health Insurance Program will end 28 days
following the last day of the last payroll period in which you worked. You will
automatically receive a written notice to convert your health insurance
coverage to direct-payment contracts with the health insurance companies.
(3) If I continue coverage in the State Health Insurance Plan, what type of
coverage will I be offered?
Your benefits will remain the same as when you were in active service with
the exception of coverage for prescription drugs. Your coverage under the
CSEA Employee Benefit Fund will cease 28 days following the last day of the
last payroll period in which you worked. Coverage for prescription drugs under
the State Program will begin the day following the date coverage under the
CSEA Employee Benefit Fund program ceased.
(4) What is the cost to continue my State Health Insurance coverage?
If you are eligible to continue your health insurance coverage, you may do
so by paying the employee's required contribution, if any. The State of New
York will continue to contribute 90 percent of the cost of your coverage and 75
percent of the cost of any dependent's coverage. The Employee Insurance
Section will bill you on a quarterly basis any premium charge you may owe.
(5) How long am I eligible to continue my State Health Insurance
How to make direct
premium payments
ALBANY — If you are a CSEA member who is
separated from employment, then you can still
continue to participate in CSEA-sponsored
insurance by arranging to pay premiums
directly to the insurance carrier.
CSEA, through Jardine Ter Bush & Powell^
provides Basic Group Life Insurance (Code 305),
Sui»Iemental Life Insurance (Code 306) and an
Accident and Sickness Plan (Code 307),
The first step for any laid-o0 employee who
wishes to continue the supplemental insurance is
to apply to the union for dues>£ree membership.
(See accompanying article.)
Once the dues-free membership is appi^ved by
CSEA, Jardine Ter Bush & Powell will be
notifi^. Insurance premiums will be billed
directly and once payment is made, you will be
put on a direct billing system and receive
quarterly statements for up to one year.
Meanwhile, anyone who is laid off and who
p a r t i c i p a t e s in the CSEA M a s t e r P l a n
(Homeowners and Automobile Insurance) or the
Family Protection Plan should contact Jardine
Ter Bush & Powell at this special toll-free
number ~ 1-800462-2636 — and arrange to make
direct payments to the Travelers Insurance Co.
Questions concerning CSEA-sponsored
insurance programs should be directed to
Jardine Ter Bush & Powell by calling, toll-free,
Questions regarding the Basic Group Life
Insurance Plan should be directed to (2SEA's
Insurance Department in Albany.
Yeu may lie
eligible for
You may continue coverage for a maximum period of one year or until you
are re-employed on a full-time basis by a private or public employer,
whichever comes first.
- (What must I do to have my state coverage continued?
Your agency will notify the Employee Insurance Section that you are
eligible to continue your coverage. You will then receive a letter informing you
how long you are eligible to continue coverage, what benefits you will receive
and procedures to follow when filing claims. You must also complete an
eligibility certificate concerning your current employment status and return it
to the Employee Insurance Section with your quarterly premium.
(7) Prior to my position being abolished, I met the service requirements
for retirement. May I continue my health insurance as a retiree?
If your most recent date of employment in state service is prior to April 1,
1975, you may retire and continue coverage as a retiree, or may defer any
retirement allowance due and continue coverage on a direct-pay basis until
such time as your retirement is effective. At that time, you may then continue
as a retiree on a deduction basis. In either case, you are only required to
contribute the employee's share of health insurance premium.
(8) Prior to my position being abolished, I had 10 years of state service
credited with the Retirement System, but I am under retirement age. Am I
eligible to continue health insurance as a vested employee?
You would be eligible to continue coverage for a maximum of one year or
until re-employed by a public or private employer by contributing only the
employee's share of premium charge. If you reach retirement age on or before
that date, you may continue coverage as a retiree. If you do not qualify for
retirement by that date, you may continue in vested status until attainment of
retirement age and then continue coverage as a retiree. Vested enrollees must
pay both the employee's and employer's share of premium until they are
eligible to retire.
Other questions concerning continuation of health insurance coverage
should be directed to your Personnel Office or the Employee Insurance
Section, Department of Civil Service, State Office Building Campus, Albany,
N.Y. 12239.
ALBANY — A year's dues-free membership is available to any CJSEA J;
member who is laid off and placed on a Civil Service Preferred List.
Applications, available at C^SEA Headquarters or any of the six regional ;
offices, require the signature of the employee's personnel officer to verify ^
layoff status.
Once completed, the forms should be returned promptly to: CSEA, 33^
Elk St., Albany, N.Y. 12224.
Dues free membersip expires if an employee is returned to the payroll, i
How to continue EBF
coverage if you are
on a Preferred List
As an employee currently covered by the CSEA
Employee Benefit Fund, I hereby request an
application for direct-pay coverage while off the
ALBANY — State employees who currently
receive benefits under the CSEA Employee Benefit
Fund may continue coverage if they are laid off and I
placed on a Civil Service Preferred List.
It should be noted that dues free membership I CITY
does not entitle a person to EBF benefits. Instead,
you have the option of making direct payments to | s o c . SEC. NO.
the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund to maintain (for I
up to one year) participation in dental, optical and
prescription drug plans.
Anyone interested in the option should fill out the
following form and return it to: CSEA Employee
Benefit Fund, 14 Corporate Woods Blvd., Albany,
N.Y. 12211.
Mail to: CSEA Employee Benefit Fund
14 Corporate Woods Blvd.
Albany, NY 12211
The EBF will notify you of the cost of coverage,
which must include all three plans.
(Do not send payment at this time)
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 25, 1983
Mandatory surgical opinion program to iiogin
ALBANY — Public employees who belong to the Statewide Health
(Metropolitan) Option are reminded that the mandatory second surgical
opinion progam goes into effect April 1.
Second medical opinions will, thereafter, be reqtured to receive maximum benefits for the following elective procedures: bunionectomy,
cataract removal, deviated septum, hysterectomy, knee surgery and
The cost of the second opinion will be paid in full by the Health Plan, and
the medical consultant will be an independent expert certified by the State
Civil Service Department. Arrangements should be made at least two weeks
before the surgery is scheduled.
To arrange for the second surgical consultation, or to get answers to any
Employee Benefit
Fmnl moves
The CSEA Employee Benefit
Fund has moved its offices from
One Park Place, Albany, to 14
Corporate Woods Boulevard,
Albany, N.Y. 12211.
The main telephone number is
now (518) 4634555.
The toll-free number remains
the same. It is:
questions about the program, call one of the following toll-free telephone
New York City area (including Long Island and Rockland/Westchester
counties): 1-800-832-4650.
Other areas: 1-600-342-3726.
If, after the second opinion is given, a person decides to have the elective surgery, hospital expenses will be paid in full by Blue Cross, and
Metropolitan medical/surgical will pay 80 percent of covered charges for
surgery, anesthesia and other related expenses.
Payments will be made regardless of whether or not the second opinion
confirmed the need for surgery. But, if a person does not arrange for a second opinion, then only 50 percent of covered hospital and surgical/medical
charges will be paid.
Tuition reimbursements for woricers
-expedited unJerneiiL program
ALBANY — Tom Quimby, director of CSEA's Labor
Education Action Program, reports that reimbursements for tuition fees are "ready, set, go."
Reimbursements are funded under Article 14 of the
CSEA/state contracts, and cover employees in the three
major bargaining units (admmistrative services, institutional services and operational services).
• Tuition fees for both credit and non-credit courses
are reimburseable.
• Registration fees up to $75 and lab fees up to $40 are
considered covered tuition expenses in any fiscal year.
Career-related courses are ones which: directly
related to the employee's current job assignments,
duties and/or position; increase the employee's opportunity for advancement within job title series; increase
the employee's opportunity for promotions; and enable the employee to acquire knowledge or skills for
which there exists a need in state service.
To seek tuition reimbursements, a two-part process is
• Form CSEA 101 is filled out and submitted to the
employer who determines if the coursework is careerrelated. A decision must be made within 10 working days.
• Form CSEA 102 is filed at course completion along
with proof of tuition payment and proof of a satisfactory
Anyone who filed for reimbursements using the old
form must resubmit using the new form.
Copies of program guidelines and application forms
are available by contacting personnel and staff development offices. Copies will also be made available shortly
to CSEA state local presidents of the three bargaining
The tuition support program assists CSE A-represented
workers in improving job performance by acquiring new
skills and knowledge that will also prepare them for
career advancement. It is administered jointly by the
union and the Governor's Office of Employee Relations
There is now a centrally-located processing unit to expedite applications and reimbursements. The telephone
number of the Tuition Reimbursement Processing Unit
is (518) 474-7176.
Quimby says the new s p t e m will be "more responsive" and believes new guidelines are "more flexible."
Highlights of the program are as follows:
• Employees working half-time or more are eligible for
50 percent reimbursements up to a maximum of $300 in
any fiscal year.
• Employees working less than half-time are eligible
for 25 percent reimbursements up to a maximum of $150 u n i t ^
The tuition support program will be in effect during the
in any fiscal year.
• C # r s e s must be career-related and are subject to life of the current CSEA/state contracts and is retroactive to courses beginning after April 1,1982.
availability of funds.
State Police begin drive
to recruit troopers
right, administers the oath to newly-elected
officers of Seneca County Local 850. Pictured in front row, from left to right, are,
Jannette Monterville, president and Jean
Horton, first vice president. In second row,
left to right, are Ed Callahan, delegate;
Julia Crough, secretary; Doris Durso,
treasurer; Frank McDonald, second vice
president; and Dave Christopher, Board of
Directors representative.
The New York State Police have begun a drive to enroll
people to take a statewide examination May 14, 1983 for the
position of trooper. ,
State Police Superintendent William G. Connelie said
recruiters would seek the best-qualified candidates. Special
emphasis will be placed upon attracting women and minority
male candidates in order to meet the mandate of a federal
court which imposed hiring quotas on the Division of State
To obtain a job application, write to: Director of Personnel, New York State Police State Campus, Albany N.Y. 12226,
or visit any State Police station. Applications must be
postmarked by April 22,1983.
The job pays $16,018 while in training, and after one year on
the job, is increased to $18,529, with a salary of $23,498 after
five years. Troopers may retire at half pay after 20 years of
Applicants must be U.S. citizens and New York state
residents at the time of appointment. Candidates must be at
least 20 years old on the date of the exam (May 14), and between 21 and 29 at the time of appointment. However, the maximum age may be extended to age 35 in consideration of
military service.
Applicants must possess a high school diploma or an
equivalency diplomat and a valid driver's license at the time of
appointment. A felony conviction automatically disqualifies
an applicant. For additional information, telephone
/ State
Police station or contact the State Police Academy at (518)
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 25, 1983
Page 13
Newest instructienal beeklets ideal ffer
OMH, OMRDD preme exams ceming up in May
ALBANY — The many CSEA members who plan
to take the May promotional exams for positions in
OMH and OMRDD should also plan to study two
new instructional booklets soon to be available
form CSEA.
The booklets have been specially written to assist
those taking the following exams: ParaProfessional Careers in Mental Hygiene, Mental
Hygiene Staff Development Specialist I and mental
Hygiene Therapy Assistant I. Closing date to apply
for the exams is March 28.
The new study materials are the latest in the
series being prepared for CSEA by the New York
State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. Together with a videotaped instruction series, they are part of a program funded by
the Committee on the Work Environment and Productivity (CWEP) and designed to help improve
performance on Civil Service exams.
Each of the two newest booklets in the series
covers two topics. Booket *9 deals with concepts
and principles of normalization and therapeutic approaches used with the mentally regarded and
developmentally disabled. Booklet *10 covers principles and practices in the treatment and problems
of the mentally ill and emotionally disturbed.
Each reviews important areas to be covered on
the exams and also includes sample questions with
full explanations.
People taking these promotional exams will also
find useful Booklet *5, Preparing Written Material.
And those taking the Mental Hygiene Therapy
Assistant I exame should also study Booklet
Supervision. These two booklets are already
avilable and miay be ordered at any time.
Booklets *9 and
will not be available for
distribution until April 13, and orders including
those booklets will not be processed until then. So
members also wishing to order other booklets in the
series would be advised to place separate orders
and avoid delays. Each of the 10 booklets in the
series costs $1.^.
Watching TV can improve lest results
ALBANY — Plan to spend some time in front series on WCFE in Plattsburgh beginning April
of your television set in April, when most of the 30.
Additional broadcast schedules are expected
public television stations in the state will broadcast the four-part television series designed to to be announced soon by other public television
help improve your Civil Service promotional ex- stations and cable outlets around the state.
Those schedules will be announced in future
am scores.
In most areas, CSEA members can view the issues of The Public Sector.
Designed to supplement instructional booklets
series 11:30 a,m. to noon, April 5-8. Stations carryng the histructional programs at that time now available to CSEA members, the videotape
are: WMHT, Channel 17 in Schenectady; WCFE, presentation was developed by The New York
Channel 57 in Plattsburgh, WNPE, Channel 18 in Network and written by Cornell University's
Watertown; WSKG, Channel 46 in Binghamton; New York State School of Industrial and Labor
WCNY, Channel 24 in Syracuse; W C a , Channel Relations.
21 in Rochester; and WNED, Channel 17 in'
The .four half-hour programs discuss in
general terms how to prepare lor a 0 v i l Service
Viewers in the Capital area will get still promotional e:xamination. Special att^tion is
another diance to see the CSElA-sponsored pro- paid to preparing for an oral examination and for
grams when WMHT Channel 17 repeats the the math portion of the tests.
series on Saturday raoniings ll:30 a.m. to noon,
The series was funded by the Joint CSEA/State
beginning on April 23.
labor-fnanagement Committee on the Work EnNorth Country viewers can see a repeat of the vironment mid Productivity (CWEP).
CSEA STATEWIDE SECRETARY Irene Cansmiles after Siena College Associate Professor Thomas D. Paolucci, left, gave her an
A-plus for her presentation in the classroom.
Please send me the booklet(s) indicated. I understand the price is $1.50 (includes postage) for
EACH booklet ordered, and I have enclosed a
check or money order for $
to cover the
cost of this order.
Send to:
Social Security Number.
CSEA Local.
Carr's lecture gets
high marks at Siena
LOUDONVILLE — CSEA Statewide Secretary Irene Carr recently
lectured before two classes of labor-management relations students at
Siena College, and although it was her first experience in such a
classroom setting, she received strong grades.
"Irene brought the human element into the discussions... she did ai.
excellent job," was the assessment of Siena College Associate Professor
Thomas D. Paolucci. Secretary Carr made her presentations to balance
presentations made by representatives of the Governor's Office of
Employee Relations and the state's Public Employment Relations
"I told the students the truth, that unions are only as strong as the
membership makes them. And that the membership often doesn't realize
all the various services available to them," she said. "I realized that the
students wanted the facts of labor relations, not the textbook theory. I explained that often management forgets that it is resolving problems that
concern real people, and not numbers in a computer or pins in a
geographic location map."
Says Professor Paolucci: "After her presentation, many students felt
confident enough to approach her with questions concerning their own
careers. That's something that did not happen with the other speakers."
Region VI
focuses on
ticipants formed small mock groups of labor and
management to study hypothetical cases.
Asked whether hling a grievance is considered a
negative or positive action, Bouton said, "It can be
positive when the strength of the local has been built to
the proper point. It should not be perceived as negative
because every time a grievance is won, it builds respect
for the contract and the union in management's perception, as well as in union members.
"This can only strengthen the union and lessen
negative situations that bring on the filing of a
grievance," Bouton continued. "Eliminating the fear of
filing a grievance is a very important educational
The instructors stressed that ammunition and
knowledge for dealing with union problems can be found
beyond the contract. They referred the stewards and of'Evety time a grievance is won,
ficers to past practice procedures, the CSEA stewards'
it builds respect for the conmanual and New York civil service law, as well as to
tract and the union ..
federal laws regarding such things as OSHA directives,
affirmative action, equal employment opportunities and
—Sally Bouton,
minimum wage act.
"The key is to force communication between
ment instructors Sean Turley and Peg Wilson, pointed management and the union with knowledge that they
out that labor-management relations require positive know that you know they are not necessarily the final
and assertive actions with both sides working honestly answer to the problem," because there are various levels
of appeals.
towards a fair resolution.
Types of grievances, such as class action, group or
"But it's important to be aware of past management
out-of-title and disciplinary were explored, as
practices to determine if the proper attitude is present,"
Bouton said. "When employees are frightened into not fil- were techniques for solving workplace problems. In
ing a grievance, the union — through the steward — must order to maintain a proper perspective on matters,
educate the employees of their rights. This is an ongoing grievances must be viewed as part of the total working
situtation, the instructors stressed.
process that will eventually show positive results."
Those members who attended the seminar will
Effective communications, including investigative
and writing skills, is essential to successful steward ac- receive a CSEA Labor Institute certificate for both adtivities, the instructors noted. To underscore this, par- vanced stewardship and internal organizing.
ROCHESTER — The nuts and bolts of preparing a
grievance and advanced techniques for internal organizing were featured in a special two-day senniinar presented
to Region VI stewards and officers here recently. The
sessions, which attracted more than 100 participants,
were put on by the CSEA Education and Training
"A grievance is a communications tool for both the
union and management," said instructor Sally Bouton in
a session for advanced steward training. "The aggrieved
member is sending a message to management
which, when properly handled, will be given direct attention in accordance with the contract and civil service
Bouton, who was joined by fellow training depart-
Jamestown unit approves 2-year agreement
JAMESTOWN — The City of Jamestown unit of vacation leave and part-time employees will now
Local 807 has reached agreement on a two-year receive sick leave.
The 150-day limitation on sick leave has been
contract that boosts wages and increases other
benefits, including medical coverage for its 240 dropped and bereavement leave has been broadened. Full, semi-private, hospitalization coverage has
In 1983, a 6 percent wage increase effective Jan. 1 been raised from 70 days to 120 days.
The contract also guarantees that any laid-off
will be augmented by a 2 percent boost on July L
The pay scale will be upped by another six percent employee will receive first consideration for any
new job titles created while on layoff. Any change
on Jan. 1,1984.
Longevity pay was increased by 20 cents and shift in the list of job titles in the bargaining unit will now
differential pay will rise two cents in both years of be negotiated with the union, including upgrading
or downgrading.
the pact.
Monthly labor-management meetings on comSenior employees will receive an increase in
.A bit of politicking.
pany time have been introduced, along with
language improvements governing worker's compensation leave and the reimbursement of sick
Incumbents in job titles of dispatcher, senior
dispatcher, housekeeper aide II, utilization review
technician, laboratory technician and medical
transcriber will receive an additional 10 cents per
hour in the first year of the contract.
Field representative Mark Higgins was chief
negotiator for a committee that included Frank
Kaluza, unit president, Cindy Keefner, Sue
Johnson, Barry Mason, Jan Strickroth and Virginia
Chautauqua guilty of
failure to negotiate
WESTCHESTER COUNTY CSEA Local 860 President Pat Mascioli, left, and Local 860 Political Action Chairwoman Eleanor McDonald, second from right, talk with Assemblyman John Branca from
Mt. Vernon, second from left. Secretary of State Gail Shaffer and Lt. Gov. Alfred Delbello at a recent
^breakfast program held in Westchester County.
MAYVILLE — The County of Chautauqua has
been found guilty of attempting to circumvent
the Taylor Law by failing to negotiate with CSEA
regarding a choice between layoffs or reduced
An arbitrator's ruling, in an improper practice
charge filed by CSEA, found that the county, by
issuing "ballots" in the pay envelopes of Home
and Infirmary employees, asking them to choose
between layoff or a reduced workweek, was a
The "opinion pool," issued in December, gave
members a choice between "37^ hours a week
with no staff cuts" or "40 hours a week and
probably staff cuts."
The "ballot" instructed employees not to sign
their name and to place their opinions in a box
near an employee entrance at the home.
Regional Director Lee Frank and Field
Representative Mark Higgins said the county
was ordered to place in the pay envelopes of the
employees a message which states that any such
collective bargaining negotiations must take
place only with CSEA, the certified negotiating
No layoffs have been reported for the unit of
Chautauqua County Local 807.
PU^IC S^TOR^ fridpy, March^
Page 15
McGOWAN . . . 'the n e e d s of the
n e e d y are being neglected . .
legislative arena
limited to Albany nor to a
d i s t r i c t o f f i c e b a c k in t h e
h o m e district. A
may occur at any time a
s t a t e legislator a n d a constit u e n t g e t t o g e t h e r . T h e recent inaugural
C S E A M e t r o p o l i t a n R e g i o n 11
in N e w Y o r k C i t y is a p e r f e c t
legislators from the
York City a r e a a t t e n d e d to
m e e t with union officials,
and CSEA leaders u s e d t h e
forum to argue the union
position on t h e n u m b e r one
topic on everyone's mind —
the impending state budget.
At t h e t i m e , Gov. Cuomo's
proposed Executive Budget
w a s calling for m a s s i v e s t a t e
worker layoffs and severe
r e d u c t i o n s in m a n y p u b l i c
service programs.
afterwards, the governor and
legislative leaders r e a c h e d
tentative a g r e e m e n t on a
budget that would modify the
e f f e c t
u p o n
p u b l i c
e m p l o y e e s a n d public service programs.
SENATOR LEON BOGUES, LEFT, and Manhattan Psychiatric Center
Local 413 Second Vice President Charles Perry share thoughts on budget.
eus of Region legislative breakfust
N E W Y O R K CITY — L a y o f f s , a n d t h e d e v a s t a t i n g e f f e c t s t h e y would h a v e
on C S E A m e m b e r s a n d t h e s t a t e ' s a b i l i t y to d e l i v e r v i t a l p u b l i c s e r v i c e s , w a s
t h e topic of d i s c u s s i o n r e c e n t l y a t t h e f i r s t - e v e r l e g i s l a t i v e b r e a k f a s t h o s t e d by
CSEA Metropolitan Region IL
Union l e a d e r s , i n c l u d i n g S t a t e w i d e P r e s i d e n t W i l l i a m L. M c G o w a n , local
o f f i c e r s a n d political a c t i o n c h a i r p e r s o n s , e x p r e s s e d t h e i r c o n c e r n o v e r t h i s
v i t a l i s s u e to N e w Y o r k City s e n a t o r s a n d a s s e m b l y m e n in a p r o g r a m t h a t
a l l o w e d f o r a n i n f o r m a l e x c h a n g e of i d e a s a n d opinions.
In a s c a t h i n g a t t a c k on t h e a n n o u n c e d l a y o f f s a n d t h e r e s u l t a n t s e r v i c e
c u t s . P r e s i d e n t M c G o w a n e x p r e s s e d his b e w i l d e r m e n t with w h e r e " t h i s n a t i o n ' s p r i o r i t i e s a r e s t a r t i n g t o lie a t a t i m e w h e n t h e n e e d s of t h e n e e d y a r e so
" T h e n e e d s of t h e n e e d y , " h e s a i d , " a r e b e i n g n e g l e c t e d . "
M c G o w a n n o t e d t h a t t h e s t a t e r i g h t n o w is b a r e l y m e e t i n g its obligation to
p r o v i d e e s s e n t i a l p u b l i c s e r v i c e s . H e c h a l l e n g e d t h e a s s e m b l e d l e g i s l a t o r s to
t r y to h a v e s o m e o n e a d m i t t e d to a s t a t e p s y c h i a t r i c c e n t e r . " T h e d o o r s , " h e
s a i d , " h a v e b e e n closed a n d l o c k e d t i g h t . "
Recognizing the need to reduce state spending, McGowan said, "We h a v e a
lot of r e s o u r c e s in t h i s s t a t e b u t t h e r e is one r e s o u r c e w e d o n ' t u s e — CSEA
m e m b e r s . " H e c a l l e d on t h e l e g i s l a t o r s to look to union m e m b e r s , who " w o r k
d a y - i n a n d d a y - o u t " in s t a t e p r o g r a m s , f o r h e l p in f i n d i n g a r e a s of w a s t e in t h e
s t a t e b u d g e t . " T h e y c a n tell you w h e r e t h e w a s t e is, w h e r e t h e f a t is. L e t ' s
utilize e v e r y b o d y . "
M c G o w a n c o n c l u d e d h i s a d d r e s s by a s k i n g t h e C S E A m e m b e r s in a t t e n -
left, talks to Local
413 Secretary Judy Harrison.
Page 16
THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Friday, March 25, 1983
d a n c e t o s i g n u p f i v e n e w political a c t i o n l i a i s o n s f o r l o b b y i n g a g a i n s t t h e proposed layoffs.
M e t r o p o l i t a n R e g i o n I I P r e s i d e n t G e o r g e C a l o u m e n o s a i d t h e l a y o f f s called f o r in t h e E x e c u t i v e B u d g e t " t h r e a t e n t h e s t a t e ' s a b i l i t y to p r o v i d e e s s e n t i a l
public s e r v i c e s . "
H e w e n t on to i t e m i z e v a r i o u s j o b s p e r f o r m e d b y CSEA m e m b e r s , w h o
f o r m t h e " f r o n t - l i n e s in t h e s t a t e ' s d e l i v e r y of s e r v i c e s t o t h e p u b l i c , " a n d a s k e d t h e l e g i s l a t o r s t o c o n s i d e r t h e i m p a c t t h a t l a y i n g off C S E A m e m b e r s would
h a v e on t h o s e s e r v i c e s .
On a p o s i t i v e n o t e , C a l o u m e n o p r o m i s e d t h a t t h e R e g i o n I I l e g i s l a t i v e
b r e a k f a s t will b e c o m e " a t r a d i t i o n t h a t will i n c r e a s e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a l o n g
t h e t w o - w a y s t r e e t " b e t w e e n l e g i s l a t o r s a n d t h e 25,000 CSEA m e m b e r s a n d
t h e i r f a m i l i e s in N e w Y o r k City.
R e g i o n I I P o l i t i c a l Action C h a i r m a n R o b e r t N u r s e c o n c l u d e d t h e f o r m a l
p r o g r a m b y s e t t i n g f o r t h t h e r e a l i t i e s of political life.
" W e ( C S E A ) c a n b e a p o w e r f u l a l l y , " h e told t h e l e g i s l a t o r s . " W e c a n ,
q u i t e f r a n k l y , m a k e a r e a l d i f f e r e n c e c o m e election t i m e . "
N u r s e p o i n t e d out t h a t C S E A is p r e p a r e d to h e l p l e g i s l a t o r s in t h e i r r e election b i d s if, in t u r n , t h e l e g i s l a t o r s " h e l p us, not a s a political d e b t , b u t
because we r e p r e s e n t people who a r e too often ignored by politicians — working p e o p l e , m a n y of w h o m a r e B l a c k or H i s p a n i c , m a n y of w h o m a r e w o m e n ,
people s t r u g g l i n g t o m a k e e n d s m e e t , to p a y t h e r e n t , t o f e e d t h e i r f a m i l i e s , to
s e n d t h e i r k i d s t o c o l l e g e so t h e y will b e a b l e t o live a b e t t e r life t h a n us.
" W e ' r e g e t t i n g r a p e d by W a s h i n g t o n r i g h t n o w , " h e c o n c l u d e d . " W e
deserve better from Albany."
SENATOR LEONARD STAVISKY, left, explains his position on an issue to Region n
President George Caloumeno, seated, and Metropolitan Department of Labor Local 350
Treasurer John Cianguercio as Mrs. Stavislty Iwiks m.
Failure to pay increments could become
costly mistake for Schenectady taxpayers
SCHENECTADY — Schenectady County taxpayers may end up paying a 5 percent interest penalty on increments due county workers.
The county has failed to pay service increments due to some of the 750
county workers represented by CSEA under the terms of their recently
expired agreed. CSEA has filed an improper practice charge against the
county for violating the terms of the Triborough Decision.
The Triborough Decision, which was signed into law by former
Gov. Hugh Carey, prohibits the unilateral changing of the terms and
conditions of expired agreements and also makes provisions for increment and longevity payments due to workers under the terms of the expired agreement until a new contract is negotiated.
In February, CSEA learned that the increments due to the workers,
which range from $175 to $748, had not been paid by the county.
In March at a mediation session concerning the contract, CSEA asked the county to correct the non-payment situation under the terms of the
Triborough Decision. The county refused, forcing the union to file an improper practice charge.
In order to protect the interest of its members, the union is seeking a 5
percent interest penalty on the increments due the employees. This would
add several thousands of dollars to the amount being withheld illegally by
the county.
"County Manager Robert McEvoy is acting for the county legislators
in this matter. Maybe the county legislators can explain to the taxpayers
where the interest penalty funds are going to come from once the county
is found guilty of illegally withholding the employees' increments," Dan
Campbell, CSEA spokesperson, said.
In past instances, PERB has directed that interest penalties in the 3
percent range be added to funds illegally withheld from public workers.
Fulton unit members approve
salary hikes, benefit gains
FULTON — A new two-year contract calling for salary increases and
other important benefits was recently ratified by the City of Fulton Service Unit of CSEA Local 838 Oswego County.
According to Ron Smith, CSEA field representative and chief
negotiator for the unit which represents nearly 100 Fulton employees, the
new agreement is retroactive to Jan. 1,1983 and was reached as a result
of PERB mediation.
Contract terms include:
• An 8 percent salary increase each year of the agreement.
• Increased shift differential.
• Five weeks of vacation after 25 years of service.
• Effective July 1,1983 a basic paid-in-full dental plan for employees
and their families.
• Effective Jan. 1,1984 an improved dental plan to include periodontics, prosthetics and orthodontics.
• Medical insurance provided to retired employees with 25 years of
service up to age 65.
In citing the new contract terms Smith also called special attention to
language changes that pertain to the definition of a grievance.
"It's a good contract, not only from the standpoint of increased
wages, but other benefits and language that will improve the job security
for the employees," Smith said.
Smith also praised the dedication and hard work of the unit
negotiating team which included: Unit President John Allen, Beverly
Downs, Don Davis, tom Dann, Ed Whelsky and Lynn Vero.
(State employees only)
Detailed announcements and applications may be obtained from the following locations:
ALBANY: Examinations Information, Department of Civil Service, State Office Building
Campus, Albany, NY 12239.
BUFFALO: State Department of Civil Service, Room 303, 65 Court Street, Buffalo, NY
NEW YORK: State Department of Civil Service, 55th Floor, 2 World Trade Center, New
York, NY 10047 or Harlem State Office Building, 163 West 125th Street, New York, NY
LOCAL OFFICES: New York State Employment Service (no mail handled or applications
Special Test Arrangements Will Be Made For Saturday Religious Observers
And Handicapped Persons When A ritten Test Is Held.
Principal Bank Examiner G-27
Principal Overseas Branch Bank Examiner G - 2 9 . . . BANKING
Principal Drafting Technician (Electrical) G-15
o-r oo^
Principal Drafting Technician (Mechanical) G-15
Senior Drafting Technician (Electrical) G-11
Senior Drafting Technician (Mechanical) G-11
Senior Medical Conduct Investigator G-18
HEALTH. .37-883
Senior Social Services Planning Specialist G-23
Chief Social Services Management Specialist M-4
SERVICES. .39-718
License Inspector Trainee I
$11,500 . . . State
License Inspector Trainee I (Spanish Speaking)
EAST IRONDEQUOIT Central Schools employees have become the newest
unit of Monroe County CSEA Local 828. The unit's Sam Orlando goes over
CSEA constitution and by-laws with CSEA Region VI Organizer Tom Mullen.
open competitive
Drafting Technician (Electrical), Principal
Drafting Technician (Electrical), Senior
Drafting Technician (Mechanical), Principal
Drafting Technician (Mechanical), Senior
Funeral Directing Investigator
Health Department Investigator I
Medical Conduct Investigator
Medical Conduct Investigator, Senior
Public Work Wage Investigator
Social Services Representative
Social Services Planning Specialist, Senior
Medical Conduct Investigator, Chief
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 25, 19^83
Exam. No.
P a g e 17
After 18 years with state, mechanic Willie Irby
may lose the job he loves
By Richard Chernela
CSEA Communications Associate
NEW YORK CITY — The world Willie Irby built for himself and his family
is about to be shattered. After 18 years of working for the state Willie Irby got a
layoff notice.
"I had a dream world," he says. "Now I have to sell out."
Irby, literally, will have to "sell out" to provide for himself, his wife,
12-year-old daughter and for the baby due in July. The house he saved for and
planned for over so many years, the house he bought just a year ago, is going
on the market.
"I can't support my family on $125 a week unemployment insurance. The
house," he says sadly, "will have to be sold."
Irby loves his family. He also loves the job that enabled him to build his
"dream world."
As a general mechanic at a substance abuse research facility in Brooklyn,
Irby has responsibility for the facility's physical plant, a responsibility he
takes seriously and enjoys. "I like working with my hands and using my head
to find new and better ways to do things," he says with pride.
Hallock union's pick for 105th Assembly
ALBANY — CSEA's Capital Region Political Action Committee has
endorsed Eugene Hallock in the April 12 special election for the 105th
Assembly District.
"Gene Hallock's 35 years of service to the people of Schoharie County
speaks for itself," said John Francisco, Region IV PAC chairman. His
experience as county clerk, town supervisor and school board member gives
him broad experience in many areas of government which will enable him
to represent all of the people in the 105th Assembly District."
The district is composed of Schoharie County and parts of Montgomery,
Schenectady and Albany counties. The Capital Region covers 14 counties
including all of the 105th Assembly District. More than 2,500 public
employees represented by the union reside in the district.
Hallock has been endorsed by both the Republican and Conservative
Page 18
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday^ March 25, 1983'
A key aspect of his job is to maintain the facility's heating system. "You
have to make sure the animals in research are kept in the right temperature,"
he explains.
Facing unemployment in a depressed economy, Irby wonders if he will be
able to find another job. If he does, he doubts he will find co-workers he likes as
much as his fellow state employees.
"I love the workers here," he says. "Everybody's family. We do our jobs
and get along just fine. It's hard to find that environment anywhere."
Irby uses the word "hurt" often when talking about the prospects of losing
his job and his house. And hurt is what he felt when he broke the bad news to his
wife. "She cried a little bit, but I told her to keep the faith."
Irby is keeping the faith, hoping that the state "can find some way of
resolving this layoff problem," but he is understandably bitter, especially at
Gov. Mario Cuomo. "I voted for Cuomo and that hurts," he says. "He promised
us certain things and he didn't meet those promises.
"Is he going to do anything about these layoffs, anything for the people he's
throwing out of work? Is he going to move us into his house and feed us?" he
asks sarcastically.
"I don't understand why it's happening," Irby says, "especially to a
person with 18 years experience. No one can tell you."
Frustrated by the complexities of budget figures which reduce him to a
statistic in the eyes of state bureaucrats, forced to sell his house to provide for
a pregnant wife and a daughter, and facing unemployment, Willie Irby can
only "try to hold onto God and my willpower, but I really don't know where I'm
going from here."
Apply now for CSEA scholarships
ALBANY — April 29 is the deadline for high school seniors to apply for $500
CSEA scholarships.
Each year, the union awards 18 scholarships — three in each of the six
regions — to the dependents of CSEA members to help students and parents
meet the spiraling costs of higher education.
Financial need, academic performance, class rank, test scores and outside
activities are the primary factors which determine winners.
Applications for the one-time award are available by calling the regional
offices, contacting local presidents, or writing to: Scholarship Committee, 33
Elk St., Albany, N.Y. 12224.
Local presidents who have not yet received applications are advised to
contact CSEA Headquarters immediately.
CSEAP offers free courses
on career advancement
ALBANY — Where do I go from here? How can I
get ahead? Do I need a resume? Can I survive an
The answers to these questions are now available
for state Administrative Service Unit employees
through the Clerical and Secretarial Employee
Advancement Program (CSEAP).
This spring CSEAP is offering, at no charge,
three courses which Collective Bargaining
Specialist John Conoby describes as, "career
development training for people, especially at the
entry level, who may not have had as much
exposure to career planning and movement."
Courses offered on a first-come first-served basis
Will help you set career goals, identify strengths
and weaknesses, and prepare an individual career
RESUME PREPARATION — Your resume and
covering letter can either open doors or close them.
Learn how to present yourself effectively on paper
by using the right information, format and words to
describe your achievements.
Designed to help you research and dress for an interview, respond to an interviewer's questions and
nonverbal cues, and deal with nervousness. Course includes practice interviews and other "real life"
Here is the schedule:
Preparing for the Job Interview — Room 115,
Whitman Hall, Farmingdale
Qass begins Wednesday, May 18, 6:30^:30 p.m.
Every Wednesday until June 15, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Resume Preparation — Room 115, Whitman Hall
Qass begins Thursday, May 19, 6:30^:30 p.m.
Continues Thursdays May 26 and June 2, 6:00-8:30
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Room 115,
Whitman HaU
Qass begins Monday, May 16, 6:30-«: 30 p.m.
Continues Mondays May 23, June 6, 13 and 20,
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Preparing for the Job Interview—229 Park Ave.,
New York, New York
Class begins Monday, May 16, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
CSEA Local 408 at
Gowanda Psychiatric
Center recently conducted their latest in
a series of information picketing to protest state plans to
convert part of the
facility into prison
wards. The latest
demonstration was to
protest revised state
plans to expand the
space originally planned to be used as a
prison facility.
Employees say the
plan would further
reduce the space for
psychiatric clients.
Continues Thursday, May 19, Monday, May 23,
Thursday, May 26 and Tuesday, May 31, 5:30-8:30
Resume Preparation — 229 Park Ave., New York,
New York
Qass begins Thursday, June 2, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Continues Monday, June 6 and Thursday, June 9,
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Staff
Training Academy, Room 3495, 2 World Trade
Center, New York, New York
Qass begins Tuesday, May 3, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Continues every Tuesday until May 31, 5:30-8:30
Preparing for the Job Interview — Blodgett
House, Fishkill
Qass Begins Thursday, May 12, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Continues Thursdays on May 19 and 26 and June 2,
6:00-9:00 p.m. and Thursday, June 9,6:00^:00 p.m.^
Resume Preparation — Blodgett House, Fishkill'
Qass begins on Monday, May 9, 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Continues on Monday, May 16, 6:00-8:30 p.m. and
Monday, May 23, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Blodgett
House, Fishkill
Qass begins on Wednesday, May 11, 6:00-9:00
p.m. Continues on Wednesdays, May 18 and 25, and
June 1, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Preparing for the Job Interview — Academic
Building No. 1
Qass begins on Wednesday, May 11, 5:30-8:00
p.m. Continues on Monday, May 16, Wednesday,
May 18, Monday, May 23 and Wednesday, May 25,
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Resume Preparation — Academic Building No. 1
Class begins on Monday, May 2, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Continues on Wednesday, May 4, 5:30-9:00 p.m.,
and Monday, May 9, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Hutchings
Psychiatric Center, 620 Madison Ave., Syracuse
Qass begins on Tuesday, May 17, 5:30^:30 p.m.
Continues Tuesdays, May 24 and 31, June 7 and 14,
5:30^:30 p.m.
Preparing for the Job Interview — Career
Development Center, Library North Ground 500
Class begiis on Tuesday, May 10, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Continues on Thursday, May 12, Tuesday, May 17,
Thursday, Mt y 19 and Tuesday, May 24, 6:00-9:00
Resume Preparation — Career Development.
Center, Library North Ground 500
Class begins Wednesday, May 4, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Continues Wednesdays, May 11 and 18, 6:00-8:00
p.m. and Wednesday, May 25, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Career
Development Center, Library North Ground 500
Class begins Monday, May 2, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Continues Wednesday, May 4, Monday, May 9 and
Wednesday, May 11, 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Monday,
May 16, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
TTie following CSEAP courses were recently
added to the schedule and appear in THE PUBLIC
SECTOR for the first time:
Goal Setting and Career Planning — The Center,
Room 125
Course begins Monday, May 16, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Continues Thursday, May 19, Monday, May 23,
Thursday, May 26 and Thursday, June 2, 6:30-9:30
Resume Preparation — Medical Surgical
Building, Lecture Room No. 2, Elmwood Ave. (near
South Ave.)
Course begins Tuesday, May 24, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Continues Thursday, May 26, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Preparing for the Job Interview Medical Surgical
Building, Lecture Room No. 2, Ehnwood Ave. (near
South Ave.)
Class begins Tuesday, May 31, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Continues Thursday, June 2, Tuesday, June 7 and
Thursday, June 9, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Goal Setting and Career Planning — Erie
Community College, City Campus, 121 EUicot St.,
Course begins Tuesday, May 10, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Continues Tuesdays, May 17, 24 and 31 and June 7,
5:30-8:30 p.m.
Resume Preparation — School located in
Kenmore, N.Y.
Course begins Monday, May 16, 6:00-8:20 p.m.
Continues Mondays, May 23 and June 6, 6:00-8:20
Preparing for the Job Interview — School located
in Kenmore, N.Y.
Course begins Wednesday, May 18,6:00-8:50 p.m.
Continues Wednesdays, May 25, and June 1, 8 and
15, 6:00^:50 p.m.
To register, fill out the following form and mail it
to: Betty Kurtik, CSEAP Coordinator, Suite 2008,
Twin Towers, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y.
12210. Telephone No. is (518) 473-3416.
Clerical and Secretarial Employee
Advancement Program
Administrative Services Unit
My first choice is:.
My second choice is:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Social Security No
Business Phone:.
Local No.__
THE PUBLIC SECTpIl, Frj<^ay, March 25, 1983
, ^, Page 19
1,000 STRONG — More than 1,000 CSEA
members marched in Hauppauge recently to
voice opposition to proposed layoffs of state
workers. At left, rain-drenched members
listen intently to addresses by speakers;
above, CSEA President William L. McGowan;
at right. Region I President Danny Donohue
speaks out.
Long Island protests layoffs
'Keep up the pressure'
O r ; : '
ittmJ^Wi^riafiWfjitTi i « • i W i i i m iinnii iliiillii m i iiiii
HAUPPAUGE — Despite a soaking winter
rain, more than 1,000 CSEA demonstrators
picketed outside the state office building here
March 18 and gained public avowals of support
against layoffs from 10 area state legislators.
Statewide CSEA President William L.
McGowan was on hand to tell the crowd that the
protests of union lobbyists and by the rank and
file were being felt in the chambers of the governor and the Legislature. But, he pleaded, "Keep
up the pressure."
McGowan told the crowd that Gov. Cuomo had
admitted that state employees had already
"done their share" to help the state meet the
fiscal crises induced by recession and federal aid
The pickets — although soaked, chilled and
bedraggled — showed high spirits. They
chanted: "Hell no, Mario," and "Governor says
cut back — We say fight back."
They marched in a paved drive in front of the
major public-access state installation in the
Long Island Region chanting and displaying
placards. "Who will serve the clients?" asked
one picket sign. Many read: "Layoffs don't work
— People do."
Long Island Region I President Danny
Donohue noted that 27 different state offices
serve the public from the Hauppauge Office
Building. Thousands of members of the public
witnessed the demonstration, which attracted
wide coverage from the local media.
Donohue noted the bipartisan mixture of state
legislators who were introduced and spoke. "It's
not a Democratic or Republican issue," he
declared. "You can't run New York State
without the employees."
At the time of the rally, it was not clear how
far negotiations in Albany had progressed
against the proposed state layoffs.
But State Senator James Lack told the CSEA
pickets that "layoffs should not happen," and rePage 20
TAKING IT TO ALBANY — A few days prior
to the big demonstration against layoffs and
service reductions, this large contingent of
political action liaisons (PALS) from Long
Island Region I, pictured below, flew to
Albany to personally visit with every Long
Island state legislator to lobby against
passage of the governor's original budget
nounced the state's completed action on the proposed budget. Assemblyman John Cochrane said
the proposed layoffs would be trimmed, but was
unable to say by how much.
Assemblyman Pat Halpin said "there are
ways" of increasing state revenues to avoid
layoffs, and Assemblyman I. William Bianchi
proposed a gasoline-tax increase.
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Friday, March 25, 1983
All spoke of the impact of CSEA lobbying.
Assemblywoman Antonia Rettaliata said, "Your
union has been knocking on our doors every
Others who pledged support were Senator
Caesar Trunzo, Assemblymen Paul Harenberg,
George Hochbrueckner, Thomas Barraqa, and
Philip Healey.