— C U H A ' d-^AAHfiA. ail M America^g Largest Vol. XXVI, tVo. 45 Weekly for Public -AH'^-AJliliv OI-NSSV SHSAOIdWa |0I ASiS II/^I^'^^S.^^TSS^ If/emo Employee* Tuesday, July 16, 1963 See Page 14 Price Ten Cent* Supervisor Changes Stand Suffolk Board Chairman Pledges Support To CSEA On Health Insurance Plan (From Leader Correspondent) YAPHANK, July 15—Supervisor Evans K. Griffing of Shelter Island, chairman of the Suffolk County Board of Supervisors, has pie dged his full support to members of the Suffolk chapter, Civil Service Employees Association, toward adoption next year of the state health insurance plan. Suffolk CSEA members have been seeking adoption of the program, now in wide use at State and local levels, for several years. GrlfTlng HONORED GUEST — state Senator Ernest I. Hatfield. (R-Dutches:>. Putnam, Columbia Counties) is shown, left, as he received an honorary membership plaque from the Southern New Y o r k State Conference, Civil Service Employees' Association, during the recent annual dinner meeting of the conference in Poughkeepsie. Taking: part in the presentation are, left to right, Charles Lamb, fourth vice president of the State Association; Mrs. Nellie Davis, president of the Hudson River State Hospital CSEA chapter, and William K. HolYmau, retiring president of the conference. See story on Page 3. ^CSEA To Boost Utica Membership; Drive Will Strengthen Program Push Tiie Democrats' Bright Young Men told Suffolk chapter j Presiaent T o m Dobbs and chap- ^ told the chapter that the S u f f o l k ter members, at a recent meeting, Civil Service Commission currentthat he felt that it was time for ly has a study underway to deterthe county to grant the health mine whether county wages ara Insurance coverage to the Suffolk keeping pace with indu-stry and employees, Dobbs reported. G r i f - other municipal levels. T h e report flng's backing for the plan was is due Sept. 1. T h e CSEA has r e considered important and vital quested a general across-tliebecause of his position a-s the board pay boost of 15 percent. chairman of the RepublicanG r i f f i n g . Dobbs also reported, controlled board. G r i f f i n g Is also was agreeable to a suggestion that considered one of the more con- a committee, composed of three servative members and has pre- supervisors and three CSEA o f f i viously opposed the health plan. cials, meet on a regular and continuing basis to discuss employes Waffe Study Reported problems. T h e idea will be purDobbs said that G r i f f i n j also (Continued on P a g e 16) HEN politics as a career appeals to a wide section of "bright young men", the country's political life can be said to be in a healthy and democratic condition. In UTICA, July 15—An all-out membership drive in the the ranks of both Democrats City of Utica, to be launched at a mass meeting of city and Republicans today,; employees iiere tonight and aimed at accomplishing a ambitious, t a l e n t e d and' six-point benefit program, was announced at Leader press time by Joseph A. Matthews, president of the Oneida Coun- f ^ e ^ men are found by the hundreds. We will deal ty chapter of the Civil Service Employees Assn. ALBANY, July 15—The Civil Service Employees Assowith the youthful Democrats T h e drive, with a goal of 1,000 ciation has urged the Department of Correction to expedite this week and, later, give a members, is ut\derway to lend lar to those enjoyed by State emthe payment of new uniform allowances to Correction further strength to the accom- ployees in the Greater Utica area. similar report on the RepubliOfTicers and other eligible State employees and to overplishing of legitimate employee T h e CSEA will appear before the cans. come any obstacles that might cause delay in payment of goals established by tlw Employees Utica Common Council July 24 to On the Democratic side, the Inthe allowances to women correction officers. A>>ociacion for Utica City workers present Its case for employees. <Continued ou Pa^e 2) W Correction Dept. Urged To Expedite Payment Of New Uniform Allowance Joseph F. Peily, CSEA president. In a letter to Correction Commissioner Paul D. McGinnis, said " W a feel that the omission of I m m e diate eligibility f o r payments of these monies to the affected f e male personnel is a most serioua matter and urge you to do all in your power to overcome w h a t ever obstacles are causing this delay." WiiAt Is Wanted Here's what CSEA Ls seeking: 1. Adoption of Sta.t.e health plan. 2. A comprehetusive salary plan. 3. Grievance procedures. 4. Revised and expanded vacation schedules. 5. 40-huai work week with no lo3j la pay (for hourly workers). 6 Attendance rules, Including sick time aud personal leave, simi- W i t h the announcement by G o v ernor Rockefeller earlier thU month that the allowance p a y ment to eligible employees would (Coiitiiiued on F a r e M ) Erie CSEA Aids Figtit To Implement Grievance Procedure BULLETIN A L B A N Y , July 15—At Leader press time, Joseph P . Felly, C S E A president, announced that the D e partment of Correction had i n formed him that female correction officers would "receive t h « first payment under the (uniforia allowance) program at about tha same time that the male o f f i c e r s received same." BUFFALO, July 15—A combined effort by employee groups, including the Erie County chapter of the Civil Service Employees Association, has stopped action to eliminate the thirl step in the proposed grievance procedure for Buffalo city employees. I t h i l been reporttsl that Elmar Stetit^el, BufHalo, Corporation Council attorney, had recommended to thd Co mm oil Couucll that tha third at-ep be deleted before Chief Iniapeotor f V a o ttid utleviuctf procedure waii els B. Looney, left, of (lie Na«MU County Police H e (Cautiuued Fag* I t ) V»r(ai«ut» Aiul Domoolfik SavA»tAtto« iosiKCt ill* CHARTER STUDY: T h e information was contained in a letter to Felly f r o m Deputy Correction Oommlsfiloner John RCain. T h e letter Indicated tli« payments to men and women ous* •barter of the Police Department Chauffers uuit of todlal personnel would be made NatiSau chapter, Civil Service Employees Aitsociation. "as soon as possible." 8 a v » s ( a u « was reoeatijr elected vrealdeut of Uie uuU, CIVIL Page Four SERVICE LEADER Tiies<!ay, July 16, 1963 Friday The Thirteenth Didn't Affect Gerald Knapp; Retired After 37 Years DON'T REPEAT THIS top notch young minds, such as K e a r n y of S t a t e n Island, sparkles President, B\nton K . R o b e r t s , w h o has been w i t h b r i g h t personalities. T h e s e In his last position, Knapp A L B A N Y , July 1 — G e r a l d W. John P . K e n n e d y , a n d the group one of t h e C i t y ' s t o p trial l a w y e r s Include J o h n S. Samuels of F o r e s t had s e r v e d as a hearing e x a miner around h i m In t h e W h i t e House, f o r s o m e IS y e a r s a n d is still Hills, counsel t o t h e Y o u n g D e m o - K n a p p of A l b a n y , retired as asf o r m a n y cases i n v o l v i n g h i g h crats; M a r k V . S h e e h a n of M a s under 40. One m e t h o d by w h i c h sociate grade separation engineer undoubtedly explains the current w a y - r a i l r o a d crossing cases. H e a t t r a c t i o n of p a r t y politics to H o g a n f i n d s these g i f t e d y o u n g sena and M i l d r e d A. C a m p b e l l of f o r the P u b l i c Service C?ommlswas also responsible for the K i n g s t o n , v i c e presidents; J o h n men is t o Invite 15 law students m a n y highly-gifted young men in sion on July 1 a f t e r 37 years of critical review of plans and the country. This la enhanced b y , to w o r k in his o f f i c e during the N . Ti-yon of N i a g a r a Falls, c h a i r specifications f o r m a n y of the m a n of the b o a r d ; Joseph J. S t a t e service. the f a c t that the country's N u m b e r s i m m e r months. B o r n on F r i d a y the t h i r t e e n t h g r a d e crossing e l i m i n a t i o n p r o j e c t s T w o man, A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l Rob- i Justin F e l d m a n , slightly over 40, M a l v a s o , secretai-y; M i c h a e l S h a have been undertaken Greenwich, which e r t F . Kennedy, is only 37. In the c h a i r m a n of the L a w C o m m i t t e e g a n . N e w Y o r k City, executive of August 1897 a t was graduated f r o m throughout the State in the past s a m e a g e bracket Is straight-talk- of the N e w Y o r k County D e m o - s e c r e t a r y ; Louis M . Assenato of K n a p p a n d Shirley Gdnsburg, W a t e r v l i e t h i g h school in 1916 25 years. ing Stephen Smith, the President's c r a t i c O o m m i t t e e , is a n o t h e r I m - B a t a v i a H e was the guest of h o n o r a t national c o m m i t t e e and from Union College In e r t F . Kennedy, Is only 37, as is p o r t a n t p a r t y m a n w h o has r e - B r o o k l y n , (Continued from Page 1) fluence of a youthful brother-in-law trouble and shooter farewell banquet at Tom of S c h e n e c t a d y in 1920 w i t h the a president, degree of B a c h e l o r of on Science S a w y e r M o t e l n e a r A l b a n y June 27. A f t e r his retirement, h e I t must be r e m e m b e r e d also that a n d M a t t h e w L i f f l a n d e r of W e s t - in Civil E n g i n e e r i n g . F o r the n e x t six years, he was plans t o devote his time t o t r a v e l two of the p a r t y ' s f o r e m o s t leaders chester. by General Electric a n d t o his f a v o r i t e h o b b y — t h e T w o y o u n g " c o m e r s " on the e m p l o y e d are still In the " y o u n g e r l e a d e r " of furniture. The ranks. T h e y are W i l l i a m M c K e o n , W a g n e r team are his assistant, C o m p a n y in S c h e n e c t a d y and as construction presidential cruited throughout country. Older Youngsters ( T h i s is n o t to say t h a t a the around when we w r i t e on the ( o O P t h a t brilliant young group members; Raphael Haverstraw, him. first Mertzel vice GovJohn Carro, and the e x t r e m e l y supervisor f o r t h e design of i n ernor R o c k e f e l l e r will rate as an old ( 4 3 ) , c h a i r m a n of the State D e m capable C i t y H i g h w a y s C o m m i s - door switch gear for power m a n because the D e m o c r a t s h a v e ocratic C o m m i t t e e , a n d E d w a r d sioner, John Carroll. plants. Costikyan, 89, chairman of the their "youngish" seniors, too. In 1926, K n a p p joined the S o m e say the D e m o c r a t s have a York County Democratic M a y o r R o b e r t W a g n e r has m o v e d N e w talent f o r recruiting g o o d young s t a f f of the S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of out of the " y o u n g " Democrat Committee. minds. Assemblyman S t a n l e y Public W o r k s as a b r i d g e designer, Notable List ranks these past f e w years, f o r instance, and we about Harold are not Moskovit, talking who has The under or Just barely over 40 group of leading Democrats is headed the A f f i l i a t e d Y o u n g D e m - a ocrats this group, f o r Instance, are such for some 30 years. Two long one today. Included in other "recently young' Democratic well leaders, Bill L u d d y of Westchester as S a m S t r a t t o n , H u g h Carey, Otis and P e t e r CJi'otty of B u f f a l o , would Pike, John like Fitts Ryan. to youth feel they division q u a l i f y in but their the known young Congressmen Murphy and State William Assemblymen friends Steingut, young leader, r e m a i n i n g Brooklyn is v e r y proud f o r Instance, of the "youngsters would John post Bennett, shop Knapp former 1, District Attorney; assistant to George the Brook- lyn Borough President; Assembly- them they are "aging" Donnelly j t i v e assistant t o B i l l M c K e o n . I t a n d I r a H . P e a r c e and Jay G. j was R i c k m a n who conceived the idea of sending the then p r e g Strum, lawyers w i t h the S.E.C. Y o u n g John English, 37, N a s - nant M r s . R o b e r t M . Morgenthau Morrison and sau County D e m o c r a t i c Commit- to B u f f a l o last y e a r to address a tee c h a i r m a n , a n d " o l d s t e r " Eu- meeting gene Nickerson, Ex- Civil ecutive, ing are some (44) said of County to the draw- w h e n young could be best of the Service 110,000-member Employees Assn., her campaigning husband not fit into the date his minds in N e w Y o r k City and State schedule. She drew a b i g g e r — a n d to their ranks in Nassau. unexpected—reaction Manhattan District Frank S. Hogan has known f o r his ability Attorney long to been recruit there than Governor Rockefeller. The New Democrats, York headed State by Young John D. their For further information and applications for positions in New York City service, paste this coupon on a 4-cent post card and mail to Charles S. Lewis, Room 721, 299 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. fare families. wishing only should write P.O. Box 4131, Station. New Personnel Grand York Full only $339. Summer Reprieve For Nassau County Chap. of the Nassau president County chapter, Employees Associa- announced this general chapter the m o n t h s of week meetings July a n d that during August. Address 97 Uuane St., New Vorfc 7, N. T. Member of A u d i t Burea of C i r c u l a t i o n ! • City, Zone State. has Eliza- received Judge of Nassau County. election. has been serving tion Commission. She will serve 31, 1963. T h e 1963 Legi.slature I n creased Court the f r o m t w o to In number judges a ment in Family Family County four. second to of Nassau the Court interim bench. County Governor R o c k e f e l l e r n a m e d District Judge of William Joseph 1 appoint- Nassau Court Dempsey Mineola. Judge serve, as will M r s . G o l d i n g , until Dec. 31, 1963. He district Dempsey is a will former attorney assistant in Nassau County. Spanish employees, Cruise or Drive to Famous MONTAUK YACHT CLUB Municipal will be of- P u b l i c Invited to the s m a r t new Lighthouse B a r & Patio. Dine overlooking beautiful Montauk H a r b o r . Music nightly. Limited rooms available. A l l marina facilities, Phillips 66 products, d o c k a g e f o r yachts to 100 ft. A l s o golf, tennis, riding, ocean beach and pool p r i v i l e g e s . F r e e transportation provided. W r i t e or phone M r . Ward f o r particulars. Montauk Y a c h t Club. Star Island, Montauk, L . I . 516-668-2121. your FREE Pass!... To a Regular 2-Hour DELEHANTY Class •< 4 Official Written Exam on Sept. 14 for Hubverlptlon Price tS.O« Far Tear IndlviduaJ cvplea, ifle < PATROLMAN-$7.978 A G E S : 20 through 28 - M I N . H E I G H T S : 5 ft. 8 In. of N . Y . City Police Officers were Delehanty Students! B E O U R G U E S T A T A R E G U L A R C L A S S SESSION. M A N H A T T A N : T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 18 at 1 P . M . or 6:30 P.M. Classroom A I R C O N D I T I O N E D for Your Comfort! J A M A I C A : M O N D A Y , J U L Y 22 at 6:30 P . M . 80% PRACTICE EXAMS AT EVERY CLASS SESSION! Just Print N a m e & Address and Bring Coupon With You CIVIL SEKVICB LEADBK America'! LeaUing Weekly tor Public tCoaployeea LRADEK FUBLIt'ATIONS, INC. Telephone t BlCckniaa 8-0010 Entered u tecond-clui matter, October a. 1U39 at the poat offica at New York, N. T. and Bridceport, Connunder tha Act ot March 8, 1879 Name 15—Mrs. Central 17, N . Y . Flamenbaum, July Golding under the a p p o i n t m e n t until D e c . m e n t of Personnel, 299 B r o a d w a y , air N e w Y o r k 7, C O 7-8880, E x t . 231 once f o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n . portation via K L M Dutch Airlines, living in as a m e m b e r of the S t a t e C o r r e c - T h e advanced course, w h i c h will the Nassau c h a p t e r would h o l d no tlie examination. If this is not available at the present time, please keep me Informed on future tests. Thank you. Pi'ogram, Bass Mrs. Golding f e r e d this f a l l . price of the round trip j e t trans- tion, I Please send me information and application blanks for f o r City under the C i t y College at son, Erie—residing m a n e n t l y In the f a l l t o Civil Service T i a v e l C o m m i t t e e , Civil Service CHARLES S. LEWIS - Room 721 299 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. course i n a d v a n c e d Conversation for one grandchildren— T h e j u d g e s h i p w i l l be f i l l e d p e r - W r i t e or call the T r a i n i n g D i v i m e m b e r s sion of the N e w Y o r k C i t y D e p a r t - to apply the August an I n t e r i m a p p o n t m e n t as F a m i l y m e m b e r s of the Civil S e r v i c e E m of and Court be thought by M r . Philip Sousk, is able on the August 16 Grand Tour being o f f e r e d f o r the f i r s t t i m e of Europe, It was announced last f o r employees whose w o r k requires week. T h e flight is open only to g r e a t e r f l u e n c y In Spanish. ployees Association and have two ALBANY, beth " A i r f a i e o n l y " seats are avail- Those USE THIS HANDY COUPON TO LEARN OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN NEW YORK CITY CIVIL SERVICE A Air Space Only Left On Aug. 16 European Tour They to on Dutchess Elects Two New Interim Judges in Nassau 1963 Officers Spanish Course Daniel clock Manlius. B u r t o n M . F i n e , I r w i n Brownstein, v e t - i G u y M a n g a n o , P a u l A . W o r l o c k m a n B e r t r a m Podell, Joe L e v i n e , also an assistant D A , and Cliferans. T h i s doesn't keep either of ' and Leonard E. Yoswein are POUGHKEEPSIE, July 15 — them f r o m the enjoyment of a m o n g t h e "ba-ighter young l i g h t s " f o r d A l e x a n d e r , Jr., now an aide bringing their " j u n i o r s " along in I as are S t a t e Senators O w e n M . t o M c G e o r g e B u n d y In the W h i t e R a n d o l p h T r a u d t was reelected president of t h e Dutchess County i m p o r t a n c e and usefulness to the I B e g e l y , Jack E. Bronston, S e y - House. Send Your Nomination chapter, Civil Service Employees party, h o w e v e r . ) j m o u r R . T h a l e r and James L . T h i s l o n g list would h a v e to Association, at a meeting held on Good Recruiters Watson. Include dynamic, young P e t e r June 25 at the Arlington Junior T w o notable younger Democrats, A d d e d t o the list of under-40 Strauss, president of N Y O R a d i o High School. U.S. Attorney R o b e r t M . Morgen- county leaders are G e o r g e F. S t a t i o n W M C A , whose broadcast Others elected w e r e E m e r y Bush thau (43) a n d L l e w e l l y n P . Y o u n g , Scaptura of Schuyler; Francis r e g i o n a l administrator of the S e - C. L a v i g n e , of St. L a w r e n c e , and ' e d i t o r i a l s have e a r n e d h i m a n a - Jr., v i c e president; W i l l i a m E . Dolan, recording s e c r e t a r y ; M a r curities and E x c h a n g e C o m m i s - James J. d y n e s , Jr., of T o m p k i n s . t i o n - w i d e reputation. T h e total, of course. Is far- shall T e m p l e , f i n a n c i a l secretary, sion, are n o t o n l y talented men H o w a r d Samuel, c h a i r m a n of the g r e a t e r t h a n m e n t i o n e d here. W e Joseph H . F l y n n , executive c o m themselves but h a v e the g i f t f o r W h i t e Plains Oity Democratic John M a l c h e r , delegate a t t r a c t i n g brilliant young m e n to C o m m i t t e e , a n d H o w a r d Samuels couldn't possibly t h i n k of all the m i t t e e ; their staffs. This w a s underlined of C a n a n d a l g u a , the young indus- n a m e s and our readers are In- a n d Joseph F . G a l l a g e r , alternate only last w e e k in press stories on itrlallst w h o sought the g u b e r n a - v i t e d t o add to the list b y w r i t i n g delegate. G a r y Perkinson, O S E A public the conviction of t w o m e m b e r of Itorial n o m i n a t i o n last year, are to " D o n ' t R e p e a t T h i s , " Civil S e r v St.,New relations director, sei*ved as Inthe R e f a m i l y , and others, on j two others i n the ranks of rising ice L e a d e r , 97 D u a n e stalling o f f i c e r . T h e n e x t m e e t i n g York 7 N.Y. charges of a m u l t i - m i l l i o n dollar young D e m o c r a t s . Compilation of the list of ris- of the Dutchess chapter w i l l be In stock r i g g i n g f r a u d . T h i s case was Rickman a 'Comer' ing young R e p u b l i c a n s is under S e p t e m b e r . handled by f o u r m e n whose averE x p e c t , too, t o h e a r m o r e of w a y and w e ' l l accept nominations age age was 29.7 years. T h e y were Assistant U.S. A t t o r n i e s P e t e r H. H e r b e r t P . R i c k m a n , young execu- f o r t h a t list, too. tell married Conoved and Janice a was Mae 1922. Paul, the as hobby grandfather be classic. until o r g a n i z a t i o n . " Public Service C?ommission A t t o r n e y g r a d e separation engineer. Jr., Josephine a was w h i c h m a n y observers consider t o include L a g a n a , F r a n k Brasco, an assistBrooks, that 1928 w h e n he t r a n s f e r r e d to in his These ant in m o s t r e c e n t output of his THE D E L E H A N T Y INSTITUTE 115 E A S T 15 ST., near 4th Ave., Manhattan 89-25 M E R R I C K B L V D . , near Jamaica Ave., Jamaica NAME ADDRESS POST OFFICE Is to be admitted F R E E ZONE. to One P A T R O L M A N Class ^ CIVIL Tiie^flay, July 16, 1%3 SERVICE LEADER Pag^ TTire^i Reminder— Busy Southern Conference CSBA Croup Life Plan Elects Officers, Passes Offering Conversion On Numerous Resolutions Privileges To Members (Special to the Leader) POUGHKEEPSIE, July 15—Resolutions, election of oPftcers and payment of tribute to State Sen. Ernest I. Hatfield made for a busy program at the recent meeting here of the ALBANY, July 15—The Civil Service Employees Asso- Southern Conference of the Civil Service Employees Association. ciation's members are reminded that any actively employed Elected president of the Confor years in the State Legislature, Puzziferrl announced that the member of the Group Life Insurance Plan of the Association, ference, and installed that evenwas presented with a special September meeting of the OSEA who became age 50 or older on or before January 1, 1963 ing at the dinner meeting, was plaque to show C S E A apprecia- unit would be at Rockland State or whose 50th birthday Is during 1963, may convert $1,000 or Nicholas Puzziferrl of Rockland tion for his efforts. T h e presentaHospital. He appointed Emil M . R . $2,000 of the group life Insurance to a permanent form ^ Haspital. He succeeds Wil- tion was made by Mrs. Davis at Bollman and Robert Wood as coof individual life insurance which contains cash and paid ^ the dinner, for which Dr. Herman Snow, director of Hudson River State Hospital, wa.s toastmaster. , „ ^u Other officers Installed by Mrs. up values, without medical examination. Group insurance would bo reduced by the amount converted, and the payroll deductions for •uch insurance would be reduced accordingly. T h e amount of insurance an Insured member is entitled to in the future under the group plan would be reduced by the amount converted. Act Before Sept. 1 Request for this conversion on f o r m s furnished by the Civil Service Employees Association, must be received by the Association at its headquarters, 8 Elk Street, Albany, N . Y . prior to September 1. 1963. T h e effective date of the converted Insurance will be November 1, 1963 contingent on premium payments for t h « converted insurance to be made directly by the individual to Travelers Insurance Company. Any insured member interested should secure information and the required request f o r m f o r conversion f r o m CSEA. Nellie Davis, a past president of i the Conference were Elmer Van Listed below ars the current I Wey, Public Works, first vice premiums being charged by the i president; Robert W o o d , Taconic Travelers Insurance Company at State Park, second vice presicertain ages for those whose oc- I dent; Ann Bessette, Harlem V a l cupations do not require extra ley chapter, third vice president; premiums. These premiums are Cecil Brooks, Bridge Authority, for a plan of individual Ufa In- ! fourth vice president; Charles E. surance which will be paid up at : Lamb, secretary; Issy Tessler, age 70. Conversion to other forms New Hampton Training School, of permanent Insurance will be I treasurer, and Ellery MacDougall, allowed and Information ®onsergeant-at-arms. cerning cost at particular ages Workshop Planned will be furnished any insured member who requests same. Table Rate The rates for ages above 50, which are not shown in the following table, are in proportion to those furnished and speoiflo costs particular age furnished at any upon request. miums the for converted will be Pre- insur- ance mu.st be paid on at least a quarterly basis. Feinal* AIIIHI'.II Birtlid«r IMMII) 60 ...$46.50 65 . . . 62.33 60 . . . 94.62 *':(MM> $ 92.40 124.66 189.24 Qiiartrrly l«NH» »-MH»0 $11.97 16.07 24.27 $23.94 32.14 48.54 Any insured member of the C S E A Group L i f e Insurance Plai\ who on or after January 1, 1964 reaches age 50, 55, or 60, may, during the calendar year in which he attains such age, convert the same amounts of Insurance, $1000 or $2000, by filing a request f o r m prior to September 1 of such year with the A.ssociation. T h e converted policy would become e f - CSEA Seeks Reversal Of Park Police Reallocation Ruling ALBANY, July 15 — The State Civil Service Commission iias been asked by tlie Civil Service Employees Assn. to reverse a decision of the Director of Classification and Compensation which denied Long Island Park Police a reallocation In grade. II It IIIII « I (MtO $'.'04>0 $42.95 58.10 88.29 $95.90 116.20 175.58 During its business session, the Conference voted to join the Metropolitan Conference in sponsoriiig a spring workshop next year at Grossinger's Hotel. On departmental and personnel problems, the Conference discussed plans to seek reclassification and reallocation of Institutional clerical aides. T h e group also voted to bring the matter of lost holidays (those that fall on Saturday! before the CSEA Grievance Committee. i Quartnriy «ltMH» S'iOOO $11.16 16.00 22M In memory of the late Francis A. MacDonald, first president of the Conference, Charles E. Lamb presented a scroll to Mrs. M a c Donald which cited the outstanding contributions made to civil service and C S E A by her late husband. Resolution.5 passed covered a non-contributory health plan for $22.30 State employeevs; amending of 80.00 i Civil Service rules to avoid losing 45.32 Saturday holidays; competitive status f o r non-competltlve emfective as of November 1 of such ployees; a 15 percent pay raise year. Accordingly, the amount of for State aides next year, and a Insurance the member Is enthree-point retirement bill that titled to under the group plan is would cover all State employees. reduced by the amount of InsurT h e Conference also voted to seek ance converted. health insurance coverage for During the 24 years the C S E A beneficiaries of deceased emGroup L i f e Plan has operated, It ployees and retired ©mployeefi. has been underwritten by the has Senator Hatfield, who Travelers Insurance Company, bills sponsored important CSEA H a r t f o r d , Connecticut and the agent is T e r Bush and Powell, Inc. T h e plan has grown to cover more than 60,000 C S E A members. T h i r t y per cent ( 3 0 % ) additional insurance has been provided without increase in c o s t premium costs have been reduced —double indemnity f o r accidental death has been added—and a premium waiver in the event of i total disability prior to age 80 has also been added—without additional cost. chairmen of the Resolutions C o m mittee. Other included guests at Joseph F. Feily, CSEA Wenzl, CSEA pee-sident; treasurer; pre-sident Ted George of the the W. meeting DeLong, Western ference; Joe Deasy, Leader; and Thomas from ConThe Luposello, CSEA field representative. CS£A A(ts To Protect Hudson River Aides Working In TB Wards ALBANY, July 15—The Civil Service Employees Association has taken steps to protect tiie interests of approximately 65 employees of the Hudson River State Hospital in the wake of the possible closing of tlie TB treatment section there. T h e Association's action follows reports that a decision has been the paa-enthetical " T B " attached reached to close the T B facility to their title and with the correand transfer the patients to other sponding larger salaries. State institutions equiped to care Felly asked for assurances that for such patients. atiy hardship on the employees I Seeks Assurances involved would be "minimized". I n a letter to Dr. Paul H. Hoch, He ^ald, " W e hope that any the Commissioner of the Department change in composition of of Mental Hygiene, Joseph F. j work force will have been anticiFeily, CSEA president said that Association members at the hospital expressed their concern over possible adverse e f f e c t s from the Department's action. Feily noted that there are approximately 65 employees at the hospital with Insured members Interested In this new conversion privilege should write to CSEA Headquarters promptly to secure the necessary information and request forms which they can use to apThe CSEA action followed after ply for the converted Insurance. request forms rejection of an earlier appeal In Remember—such behalf of the t r a f f i c and park o f - mu.st be filed with the Associaficers, which asked they be up- tion's Albany Headquarters prior graded from Grade 12 to Grade 14. to September 1, 1963, for the conT h e same appeal asked that t r a f - verted insurance to take e f f e c t fic and park sortieant^s be moved on the following November 1. f r o m Grade 15 to Grade IT. In seeking a reversal of the decision by J. Earl Kelly, Compensation and Chussification Director, A L B A N Y , July 15—The Albany the Employees Aiisoclatlon stated chapter, It was seeking "equal pay for equal Commerce Department w o r k " for these officers and could Civil Service Employees Associa— Vemon Tapper. eubstantUate its positions In oral tion, will hold Its annual sunimer arguments before the Commission. picnic August 8 at M c K o w n ' s (left) third vice president of the Civil Service EmT h e CSKA appeal was made at Grove, Hurry Aranove, chapter ployees .Association Is shown with the new officers the request of Barney Avarsano, president, announced laat week. of the Courtland County chapter at the recent inprt'sicicnt of the t u ' "-land Park T h e picnic will get underway At stullutl II dinner d^iue of the cha))t°r. T' • officers PoUctt chapter 1 of CSEA. T4pper iiiiitailed are in front, Uroni l . a ) ; Yii1 p.m. pa ted by the Department in s u f ficient time to enable it to absoi'b the workers into existing vacancie.s . . . and if it seem desirable, to o f f e r transfer opportunity to the employees in order to be able bo retain their pay differential." Commerce Chapter Sets Annual Picnic TAPPER tNSTALLS ginia Coltun, treasurer; Mrs. Clara llebert, president; and Murtha liawrence, correspundinir secretary. In the bick row (from left I are: Carlene Henirick, SI-con<l vice pie-sideiit; Mrs. Bernadine I.eViinix !»>.• r.'lary; and Mrs, Jane Motun, til . W4 ' (^(v.'dent. CIVIL Page Four Where fo Apply For Public Jobs The following directions tell where to apply for public jobs and how to reach destinationi! in New York City on the transit •ystem. ' N E W Y O R K C I T Y - T h e Applications Section of the New York ; City Department of Personnel Is; located at 96 Duane St., New York 7, N . Y . ( M a n h a t t a n ) . I t Ifl two blocks north of City Hall, just west of Broadway, across from The Leader office. Hours are 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays f r o m 9 to 12 noon. Telephone COrtland 7-8880. Mailed requests for application blanks must include a stamped, eelf-addressed business-size envelope and must be received by the Personnel Department at least five days before the closing date for the filing of applications. Completed application forms which are filed by mail must be Bent to the Personnel Department and must be postmarked no later than twelve o'clock midnight on the day following the last day of receipt of applications. LEADER Tiies<!ay, July 16, 1963 executive branches. A series of charts explaining the organization of the Senate, the House of R e p Industrial re.sentatlvefl, the executive de- being sought partmentfl, and the m a j o r indea salaiT of pendent agencies Is also provided. O f interest to the Federal em- annum. T h e Specialist Titles U.S. Service News Items = = = = = By MARY ANN BANKS = f o r all minority groups, including Jewish, Mexican, and Indian, as Expect Insurance a result of the anti-discrimination movement which is currently Premium Increase sweeping the country, It is reBoth Blue Cross-Blue Shield ported. and Aetna L i f e lasurance have agreed to hold insurance premium Government rates f o r the Government-wide Federal health Insurance plans at the Accountant Assn, Elects current rate f o r the next two T h e 4,800 member Federal G o v years. Approximately 80 percent of the Federal employees under ernment Accountants Association the plan are enrolled with these has recently elected Joseph R . Hock, comptroller of the Maritime two companies. T h i s announcement was made Administration, to succeed Donald during a recent meeting between W . Bacon as pre.^ident. T h e F G A A , which was founded the Civil Service Commission and all the insurance carriers involved in Washington in 1950, now has United in the Federal Employee health 47 chapters in m a j o r benefits program. T h e CSC is States cities and overseas points currently negotiating with the where Federal Government activicarriers f o r the new contract year ties are concentrated. CAvil Servants which will begin Can November ployee would be a 45-page section providing brief histories of Federal agencies whose functions have been abolished or transferred since M a r c h 4, 1933. I n the same vein is a section describing quasi-official agencies and selected international organizations; also a list of several hundred publications available f r o m Government agencies and other supplemental m a terial. T h e Manual is compiled by the Federal Register O f f i c e of the General Sei'vices Administration's National Aixhlves and Records Service. Persons Interested in obtaining a copy of this $1.75 publication m a y contact the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing O f f i c e , W a s h i n g ton 25, D.C. 1. A t these meeting.s, it was pointed out that Federal employee I health benefit costs have risen seven percent in the past year and will continue to rise at the same rate. T o this point, a buildi up of reser\'es has enabled the The Applications Section of I program to be continued without the Personnel Department is near ! an increase in premiums but these the Chambers Street stop of the reserves will have been exhausted main subway lines that go through by next year. A number of the plans contain the area. These are the I R T 7th Avenue Line and the I N D 8th liberal features which are too Avenue Line. The I R T Lexington costly to be maintained at the Avenue Line stop to use is the present premium rate. F o r this Brooklyn Bridge stop and the B M T reason, some of the Government Brighton local's stop Is City Hall. employee union health insurance Both lines have exits to Duane plans wish to increase the rates Street, one block f r o m the P e r - as of November L sonnel SERVICE New Manual Wealth To of Federal T O BUY, RENT Offers Knouled^e • Employees T h e General Services A d m i n istration recently announced that the newly revised "United States Government Organization M a n u a l " (1963-64 edition) is available f o r purchase. This publication pre.sents detailed and up-to-date information of the organization and functions of the Federal Government. T h e 782-page manual deals with the creation, authority, organization, and functions of each agency within the legislative, judicial, and OR S E L L A H O M E — P A G E 11 siles, specialists are $6,675 to $8,045 per field.s open are m i s - electronic, electrical Bureau, Labor S T A T E — First floor at 270 Department Ashed To Broadway, New York 7, N. Y., Help CAvil Rights Comm. corner of Chambers St., telephone One of the most highly reBArclay 7-1616; Governor Alfred E. Smith State O f f i c e Building and spected women in Federal GovernT h e State Campus, Albany; State ment, Assistant Secretary of Labor O f f i c e Building, B u f f a l o ; State Esther Peterson, is an initial memO f f i c e Building. Syracuse; and ber of a newly-formed national 500 Midtown Tower, Rochester women's committee for civil rights. Some 200 women attended a (Wednesdays o n l y ) . W h i t e House meeting with PresiAny of these addresses may be dent Kennedy last week in an e f used f o r jobs with the State. T h e f o r t to implement the President's State's New York City O f f i c e is r e q u e s t ' for programs to assure two blocks south on Broadway civil rights f o r all citizens. from the City Personnel DepartThese women voted to authorize ment's Broadway entrance, so the Mildred M c A f e e Horton, former same transportation instructions head of the W A V E S , and Assistapply. Mailed applications need ant Secretary of Labor Peterson not Include return envelopes. to appoint a steering committee Candidates may obtain applica- to act as a clearinghouse f o r ideas tions for State jobs f r o m local and reports already in operation. offices of the New York State T h e y also requested that the Employment Service. Women's Bureau of the D e p a r t ment of Labor cooperate in providing background and resource f e d e r a l — Second U.S. Civil material. Service Region O f f i c e , News Building, 220 Eaat 42nd Street (at 2nd Avn.), New York 17, N. Y., just By-Product of Antiwe&t of the United Nations buildMove ing. T a k e the I R T Lexington Ave. Discrimination Line to Grpnd Central and walk Begins In P.O. Dept. two blocks east, or take the shuttle A n important by-product of the f r o m Times Square to Grand Post O f f i c e Department's move to Central or the I R T Queens-Plushend discrimination against Negroes Ing train f r o m any po:nt on the is an additional e f f o r t to end disline to the Grand Central stop. crimination against any minority Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through F i i d a y . T e l e phone number is Y U 6-2626. Applications are also obtainable at main post offices, except the New York, N.Y.. Post O f f i c e Boards of examiners at the particular Installations o f f e r i n g the tests also may be applied to for further information and application forms. No return envelopes are required with mailed requests for application forms. group In the postal service. M a n y Post O f f i c e Department officials maintain that there is definite evidence of discriminaagainst Jewish employees in the post o f f i c e . T h e r e are more Jews in the lower-level supervisory jobs than there are Negroes, but there are very f e w Jewish people e m I ployed in the higher-level supervisory and administrative positions. T l i e number of Jewish employees In the top-level jobs throughout the country Is disproportionateFREE B O O K L E T by V . S. Gov- ly low, according to members of frnment on Social Security. Mail the higher echelon. Concentrated anly. Leader, 97 Duane Street, I plans are being made to provide New York 7. N. Y . better promotional opportunities ma- chinery and general. T h e positions open are available along the eastern seaboard. F o r further information contact the SupeiTising Inspector of N a v a l Material. Eastern District, 207 W . 34th St., New Y o r k 11, requesting announcement N Y - 1 0 - 1 (1963). Advertisement Cruise or Drive to Famous MONTAUK YACHT CLUB Public invited to the smart new Lighthouse Bar & Patio. Dine overlooking beautiful Montauk Harbor. Music nightly. Limited rooms available. All marina facilities, Phillips 66 products, dockage f o r yachts to 100 ft. Also golf, tennis, riding, ocean beach and pool privileges. F r e e transportation provided. Write or phone M r . Ward for particulars. Montauk Y a c h t Club, Star Island, Montauk, L . I . 516-668-2121. DON'T W>4STE ANOTHER SUMMER | •^ FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME • If lack of high school holds you back, write I for our free booklet. It tells you how! I I ISfil foday AMERICAN SCHOOL. Dept. 9AP<6 130 W. 4Snd St., New York 30, Phone BRynnt O-SOOt ftiy or Night Send me your free 55-page High School Booklet. Name Age Address _Apt._ Cits -Zone. -State- [OUR 66th YEAR I H Department. Women's now in various options at A CSEA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS POLICY PAID THIS MEMBER $7,360.00 OVER THE PAST 64 MONTHS Imagine the relief on this man's face when the postman brings a monthly check for $115.00. Disabled and out of work as a result of a serious car accident, this member has been receiving checks for the past 64 months: checks that help keep his family together until he can return to his job. This money, plus the other Important benefits covered by your State Health Plan, can mean the difference between extreme hardship—with staggering debts—and a normal recovery free from major financial worries. Enroll in the CSEA Accident and Sickness Plan now. Make sure that, if your salary stopped because of a disability, the postman would ring your bell with a check each month. For full details on how you can Join the CSEA Accident and Sickness Plan contact— TER ma/Mc^ I N C . SCHENECTADY NEW YORK BUFFALO EAST NORTHPORT SYRACUSE Tu«s<fay, Jiify 1(5, 1963 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER City Otters 17 Titles Reallocation Hearing On Continuous Basis Rescheduled Aug. 9 Applications are being accepted on a continuous basis for positions in 17 different titles ofTered by the New York City Personnel Department. The examinations, held on an open-competitive basis, are for jobs in various positions and locations. For most of the exams, applications are available at the 'Applications Section, New York City Department of Personnel, 96 Duane St., New York 7. Assistant $8,900 a architect to year. Assistant to $7,100 $8,900 civil a Assistant engineer, $7,100 year. mechanical engineer, (build- engineering $5,750 t o Dental 080 a $7,190 a draftsman, A L B A N Y , July 1 5 — A h e a r i n g on t o the application f o r reallocation $5,- 50 to $6,950 a y e a r . Social Investigator trainee, $5,150 a year. Social case worker, $5,430 to of employment X - r a y technician, $4,000 t o $5,080 a year. Interviewer, un- e m p l o y m e n t Insurance claims ex- aminer has been and building re-scheduled guard for Friday, August 9, at 2:30 p.m. at the S t a t e Department $6,890 a year. of Civil T h e Civil Service Employees A s - engineer, therapist, $6,132 to most date b y J. Earl K e l l y , director of G. Sept. 1. Classification f i e l d representatives. Placement Center, 575 Compensation. L e x i n g t o n Ave., M a n h a t t a n . A f t e r The passing scheduled f o r July 17. be the given test, candidates City application will the application De- of the College 7. been Rogers, CSEA supervisor of R y a n urged the three m a n n o n partisan Appeal Board be com- posed of one m e m b e r of the Re- publican the Party, Democratic Party one and from the third a m e m b e r of the clergy f r o m the P o u g h - area. H e stated t h a t o n l y w i t h non-partisan arrangement keepsle has been r e n a m e d to the this would the board be e f f e c t i v e and unsalaried post of m e m b e r of the M r s . Edna K . Silber of secretarial "A", had Reappointed p a r t m e n t of Personnel, 96 Duane York originally forms which they will then file at section hearing and $4,050 to assistant, $5,450 a $3,500 to a year. $4,580 p o l i c i U l subdivisions in the State, O n the m a t t e r of a salary a n d classification and Oarey study, said both Ryan the OSEA that has received numerous complaints f r o m c i t y employees on Inequities in salaries and classifications. F o r an example they cited the fact that an e m p l o y e e in one city o f f i c e m a y h a v e the same title as an e m - ployee In another city o f f i c e and stressed, " o t h e r w i s e the g r i e v a n c e both m a y p e r f o r m the same duties C o u n t y C o m m u n i t y College by the procedure just w o n ' t w o r k . " w i t h one receiving a h i g h e r s a l Health Plan Urged Governor. ary t h a n the o t h e r . Board year. of Trustees of Dutchess Plan, Ryan said that Insurance the ployees of Rensselaer County GELB SALES HAS THE emwill come under the plan on Sept. 1. Named to Commission H e said Ti'oy should consider the plan f o r its e m p l o y e e s . H e said that $5,- $4,850 Donald T. Pomeroy of East Syracuse has been r e n a m e d aa a a serious m o r a l e problem m a y re- m e m b e r of the C e n t r a l N e w Y o r k sult if the c i t y e m p l o y e e s are not State granted further Governor enjoyed ending J a n u a r y 31, 1968. this stated t h a t a $7,616 • all State e m p l o y e e s and positions apply t o the O f f i c e P e r - t o $6,290 a y e a r . Patrolman, Kelleher sonnel secretarial year. Occupational Mayor Including Rensselaer county as of following $7,190 a y e a r . 670 t o $7,190 a with of the unit; John M . C a r e y , C S E A f i e l d representative, and P a t n c K the $5,- Junior civil engineer, $5,750 to electrical Meeting were F r e d e r i c k K . R y a n , president j by O n the S t a t e H e a l t h $4,000 to year. Junior In a recent meeting with Troy Mayor Neil W. Kelleher, the Troy City unit of the Civil Service Employees Association proposed that the City establish a non-partisan Grievance Appeals Board, adopt the State Health Plan and initiate a salary and job classification study. Service Building, S t a t e Campus, A l b a n y . year. hygienist, CSEA Asks Troy To Initiate Appeals Board And Adopt Health Plan sociation was i n f o r m e d of the new For Stenographer, i n g ) , $7,450 t o $9,250 a y e a r . $5,150 S e n i o r street club worker, Group Assistant plan e x a m i n e r leader, $6,590 a year. St., N e w $7,100 t o $8,900 a y e a r . Civil Recreation Pag* Five benefit. H e this p l a n Is Parks Commission year. Public health nurse, $5,150 to The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE $6,590 a y e a r . M A N H A T T A N : 115 EAST 15 STREET. Near 4 A v e . New Public Service Officers Installed J A M A I C A : 89-25 MERRICK w I Mrs. Steel Renamed A L B A N Y , July 15—Mrs. M a r i a n R . S t e e l of J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y has been reappointed a member t h e Council of the S t a t e City College at Unlver- Visual Training OF C.\M)II).\Ti:S FOR PATROLMAN FIREMAN FOB THK KYKSIGHT TKST OJf POWERFUL Big IY2 horsepower Sunbeam Quality-built motor • COMPACT 14^" in diameter-ONLY J^/i" liigh FREE W H B B L I N O Rolls on large wheels set in a wide-track design. Never tips or catches door sills or rugs. SEE US FOR I niAiccr OUR ODirc LOW EST S u n b e a m Turbine Brush rRlCc (optional) Makes your Sunbeam Dual Deluxe ^^ Vacuum Cleaner a powered brush upright. Cleans rugs and c a r p e t s w i t h r e v o l v i n g brush thoroughness. O O M P L B T B H O M B C L B A N I N O KIT « 3 year guarantee on nylon reinforced hose • R u g and floor nozzle • Dusting brush • Drapery and upholstery nozzle • Crevice tool • V i n y l carrying kit PARK - Cor. a s t u (SW ®SUNSEAM WE CARRY FLOOR POLISHERS street) MU 9-2333 W A 9-5919 WAXERS & VACUUMS BY SUNBEAM SPECIAL CIVIL SERVICE COURTESY RATES NEW HOTEL CHESTERFIELD 130 W . 49 ST., N.Y.C. AT RADIO CITY - TIMES 18 FLOORS • 600 ROOMS I PHONE CO 5-7700 Sp. CLASSROOMS Exams: CLASSES N O W FORMING: To Start in Sept. To Prepare f o r Forthcoming Exams f o r t POLICEWOMAN TRANSIT PATROLMAN CITY PLUMBER MASTER ELECTRICIAN LICENSE MASTER PLUMBER LICENSE Classes Will Commence Later This Fall f o r : REFRIGERATION OPERATOR LICENSE STATIONARY ENGINEER LICENSE Enroll Now f o r Any of A b o v e Classes. Inquire f o r details. • PRACTICAL VOCATIONAL COURSES: Licensed by N.Y. S t a t e — A p p r o v e d f o r Veterans 5-01 46 Road at 5 St., Long Island City Complete Shop Training on " L i v e " Cars with Specialization on Automatic Tran$mlsslon$ OrthopUt AVE., N. Y. C. AIR CONDITIONED Prepare N O W f o r Following AUTO MECHANICS SCHOOL DR. JOHN T. FLYNN Optonii'trUt For Career Opportunities and Personal Advancement F I R E M A N - — N . Y . Fire Dept. • LIGHTWEIGHT Rugged construction yet weiglis only 16 lbs. C I V I L HKKVICK. ItKUVlKE.MENTS U Aves. Be Our Guest at a Class Session of Any Delehanty Course. USE FREE COUPONS PRINTED ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER Or Phone f o r Class Schedules and FREE GUEST CARD. of Oswego. Subways) PATROLMAN— N.Y. Police Dept. BUS DRIVER — N.Y.City Transit Authority HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA Installed as o f f i c e r s of the chapter were: Philip Wexler, president; Edward Block, vice president; Nathan L . Elgot ( r e elected), treasurer; and Maria R o m a n , secretary. Guests at the installation dinn e r included: M a x w e l l L e h m a n , f i r s t deputy C i t y a d m i n i s t r a t o r ; W i l l i a m A l l e n , executive secretary of Public Service Commission, N e w Y o r k City o f f i c e ; Samuel E m m e t t , past president of t h e N e w Y o r k City chapter; and Paul K y e r , editor of Tlie L e a d e r . (All BLVD.. bet. Jamaica & Hillside 50 Years of Success in Specialized Education Joseph F . F e i l y , president of t h e C i v i l Service E m p l o y e e s A s s o c i a t i o n , r e c e n t l y Installed the new o f f i c e r s of the M e t r o p o l i t a n P u b lic Service chapter, C S E A at M i l ler's R e s t a u r a n t , in N e w Y o r k C i t y . DRAFTING SCHOOLS Manhattan: 123 East 12 St. nr. 4 Ave. Jamaica: 89-25 Merrick Blvd. at 90 A v t . Architectural—Mechanical—structural Drafting Piping, Blectrical and Machine Drawing. RADIO. TV & ELECTRONICS SCHOOL 117 East 11 St. nr. 4 Ave.. Manhattaa Radio and TV Service & Repair, Color TV Servicing. "HAM" Llcen$» Preparation. DELEHANTY H I G H SCHOOL CELB SALES CO. 153 ESSEX ST. • GR 5-7940 - 1 * K e w York by Rockefeller for & term Accredited by Board of Regents 91-01 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica A College Preparatory Co'Educational A'cademt« High School. Secretarial Training Availabltf f o r GIrli at an Electlv* Supplement. Special Preparation in Science and Mathematics f o r Students Who Wish to Qualify f o r Technoiogicol and Engineering Colleges. For Information on All Courses Phone GR 3-6900 CIVIL Page Six —CmS, SERVICE TuMflay, July 16, 1963 LEADER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor must Your Public Relations IQ be signed, and names will be withheld Amerit-a's Large»t Weelsly Member tor PubUe Audit Bureau of I'lihlishrd eii-ry Employees from publication They should rnnl Kyer, Etiilor request. long^er than By LFO J. MARGOLIN to edit published letters as seems Tnrs^hiv by f appropriate. Address all letters to: LEADER PUBLICATIONS. INC. 212-BEekman 3-6010 Jerry FiiikelnKeiii, no 300 words and we reserve the right Circulations 97 Duane Street, New York 7, N. Y. upon be The Editor, Civil Rervlpe Leader, New 97 Duane St., N . Y . 7, N . Y . Publisher Joe Deasy, Jr., City Etlitor James T . Lnwlt-ss, AssociiUe Editor Mary Ann Banks, Assistant Editor N. H. jMnger, Diisiruss Manager Adverlising Ri|ir« senlalives: A f J t A N Y — Joseph T. Bellew — 3 0 3 So. Manning Blvd.. IV 2 - S 4 T 4 KIN<;S'l'ON, N.Y. - Charles Andrews -- 2 3 9 Wall Street, FEderal 8 - 8 3 5 0 10c per copy. Subscription Price $ 2 . 2 2 to members of the Civil Service Employees AssoeiaHon. $5.00 to non-members. Mental Hygiene Aides' Problems Need Study,Too E ^ MPLOYEES in the State Department of Mental Hygiene ^ learned recently t h a t the executive set-up of the department had been overhauled to make operations more e f f i c i e n t . New appointments, creation of new posts, and realignment of others will apparently offer more e f f e c t i v e administration, benefitting the patients. What we would like to see now is some streamlining t h a t would benefit Mental Hygiene employees. Clerical e m ployees in the Department, for instance, still work a longer week t h a n their counterparts in other state agencies. Hundreds of employees are still working out title. Even more important t h a n correcting current employm e n t deficiencies, however, is some definite action to provide a more attractive future for personnel such as a t t e n d ants. At present, substantial promotion opportunities are practically non-existent. Yet, these people constitute the m a j or work force of the institutions and the succcessful operation of the Department rides on the quality of personnel serving in this post. A promotion series is not only a corrective action for the present; it is insurance on obtaining good personnel in the future. York University School of Public Administration and is Vic® The views expressed in this column are those of the writer and do not necessarily constitute the views of this newspaper. No Substitute For Truth Leader LYING IS A mortal sin in any facet of the public relations process. In the dissemination of information for public of N e w Y o r k was near the head consumption to achieve a public relations objective, a fib is of the list of enlightened e m p l o y - practically unforgivable. ers w i t h respect to the f r i n g e THAT IS AMONG the principal reasons why we never benefits granted t o its employees. cease to be amazed at the unmitigated gall and dishonesty T h i s , r e g r e t f u l l y , is no longer true. of Soviet Russia's bid to achieve good public relations. O v e r the past decade workers in AT LEAST IN one respect we are indebted to the Rusprivate e m p l o y m e n t have obtained increasing f r i n g e benefits w h i c h sians for one important lesson In. public relations: by studynow exceed those e n j o y e d in pub- ing the Russians' version of public relations, we can learn lic e m p l o y m e n t . And the trend what NOT to do. continues. LET US, FOR example, take the recent incident where T h i s was emphasized about two a Russian intelligence agent made a fatal espionage boo-boo— weeks ago with the conclusion of "he got his hand caught in the cookie jar." That is, he was the collective labor a g r e e m e n t becaught in the act. tween the U n i t e d States Steel IN FACT, HE was photographed by the FBI in the very C o r p o r a t i o n and the Steel W o r k ers Union. A m o n g other items the act of committing an act of espionage. The pictures were a g r e e m e n t provided f o r a three published on the front pages of all newspapers for everyone to see. "^onth vacation with pay every f i v e years f o r those w h o q u a l i f y . SO WHAT DO these diligent international public relaA similar a g r e e m e n t was signed tions operatives do, these fearsome bears, who have scared last year b y the C o n t i n e n t a l Can some of the world's most sophisticated people? They lie and the A m e r i c a n Can companies. about the whole incident while the front-page photographs A recent issue of the N e w Y o r k ' T i m e s summarizes the c o n t r a c t prove beyond all doubt that they are lying. SAID A SOVIET Embassy spokesman: "The statement between the Communication W o r k e r s and the M i c h i g a n Bell (by the U.S. Dept. of State) about improper activities by a T e l e p h o n e C o m p a n y . Besides a Soviet diplomat is completely groundless." w a g e increase, the workers will I T IS NOT the purpose of this column to advise such have their pension p a y m e n t s r e public relations experts as the Russians. But any public reduced, death b e n e f i t s will be paid to surviving f a m i l i e s of retired lations amateur knows that if you can't tell the truth, say employees, the cost of l i f e insur- nothing. There member TllKSDAY, JULY 16, 1963 ~ itftT'iimm President, Public Relations, of A. J. Armstrong Co., Inc. Says Government No Longer Leader In Fringe Benefits Editx)r, T h e > M r . Margolin is Adjunct Professor of Public Relations in the a was time, and It well, w h e n I the re- State The end goal of both the administrative and the workBUT BETTER STILL: the best way to win good public ing sides of the Mental Hygiene D e p a r t m e n t is to assure the ance will be reduced and medical best possible treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The i coverage increased at a lower cost relations Is to act honestly, give good performance in the to the workers. I t was stated t h a t public Interest, then tell the truth of what you are doing. administrative side h a s had its overhaul. It's time the workthe a g r e e m e n t would set the p a t IN THE FIELD of public opinion, an important fact of ing side got the same study in depth of Its needs. tern f o r 750,000 employees of the public relations, there a principle known as familiarity or Bell system in the U n i t e d S t a t e s trust. and Canada. PEOPLE BUY IDEAS only from those they trust. People These developments should cause the public employees of the are Influenced by, or adopt, only those opinions or point;s ot State to pause and r e f l e c t upon view put forward by individuals or corporations or instituways and means of i m p r o v i n g tions In whom they have confidence. their working conditions and b e n e THUS, UNLESS, the person to be persuaded has con(From Leader Correspondent) fits. R e c e n t l y T h e L e a d e r , with ALBANY, July 15—Twenty-four employees of the State clarity and cogency, proclaimed fidence In the source of information, he is not likely to listen Mental Hygiene D e p a r t m e n t have been honored for "out- , the power of the public employee or believe. THE PUBLIC relations moral Is clear: there Is no sub' a s voters. B e t w e e n now and the s t a n d i n g service" to t h e mentally ill. October meeting of the Civil stitute for the truth in any public relations dealings. The employees, all psychiatric aides, m e t here with the 24 Mental Hygiene Employees Cited For Outstanding Service Service Employees Association the Governor last m o n t h . membership should give some R o c k e f e l l e r extended his per- i — . .v, .. » • tonal congratulations to the s t a t e H o s p i t a l ; R a y m o n d C. F i n - t h o u g h t t o m e t h o d s of utilizing a w a r d winners in the o f f i c i a l R e d ger, Sr.. P i l g r i m S t a t e H o s p i t a l ; j t h a t power e f f e c t i v e l y . An a n a l y R o o m of the S t a t e Capitol. A c - James Prince. Rochester S t a t e i sis of the votes in the last gubcompanying Dr. Paul tioner the employees Hoch, of State Mental m e m b e r s of was commis- Hygiene, and his .staff. T h e aides honored were chosen from among more than 20,000 attendants who care f o r the more than 100,000 State'.s patients mental in the institutions. The e w a r d s were given by the N a t i o n e l Association f o r M e n t a l The award winners Health. who were c o m m e n d e d by the G o v e r n o r a r e : Patrick Kilroy. Brooklyn Hospital; Joseph McCormick. Buffalo State Mary McGuire, A. Hospital; State Hospital; mano. A. Btate Mrs. Central State Shattuck, Hospital; Ro- Hospital; Gowanda Ltla Van Valley S t a t e Hos- pital; M a r y O i a i g , Hudson Rlvtr State Hospital; Dyke, Harlem dovano. Kings Mrs. Nell Joteph Park fit^ate pital; Luther H. Wade, tan State Hospital; Rockland State xnond Carville. PaHos- ManhatElmer E M. ALBANY, National State and New York, where would be illuminating and instruc- problems 15—Joseph Bank of the Al- been appointed a m e m b e r of the of County Community succeeds Trustees Harry ton, whose t e r m • l^e delivery. of of to Kings- expired. insure without The State Below are questions readers and answered Conference of Social by a legal expert 1» the field. Anyone a question on Social with Security should write ilt out and send it to the Social Security Editor, Civil Service Leader, 97 Duane St., New York 7, N e w York. **lt ii my will I get my full benefit at age 65?" If you do not return that to work your b e n e f i t p a y m e n t will alwaya remain the same. I f you return to your security work and payment .should toclal is stopped be- cause of your work, your b e n e f i t will be automatically understanding raised t o tain trust funds. Who watches over these trust funds?" There 1« a composed of Board " I am a widow 53 years old. M y Tau^tees (1) the S e c r e t a r y of the T r e a s u r y ; of L a b o r ; of (2) the Secretary and. ( 8 ) the Secretary 12 year old daughter and I have drawn $96.00 a month social security since my husband died in 1957. If I died, would she continuo of H e a l t h , Education and W e l f a r e . to get social security, and if T h e m a n a g i n g trustee is the S e c - how much?" Treasury. • Your « apply for social would continue to get her checks until she i « 18 u n - "1 will be age 62 this fall and will child so, kecurity less work she married or started and her earnings to were too Eyck benefits. I was told that my bene- h i g h to allow any social Hotel. I t waa previously reported fit would be reduced by taking it payments. S h e would continue that the meeting would fctgin at age 62. Will the reduced bene- get f i t JTtiUMiu t b « i'^celvf^s. the Albany Schine-Ten on a higher amount at age 65. social security taxes go into cer- • M a y o r s will begin S e p t e m b e r 16ih )n Security problems sent in by our r e t a r y of the Correction in prompt Shemin Brooklyn He postal zone numbers on mail Henry Ulster College. Rlgby would, First has Boaid and doubt, enlist their support. Highland, Muritl Middltt^^v^ii July f a n o , vice president of your Whitaktr. Utica e m a t o r l a l election in the cities of E d - ' Albany Alfano On Board Guild, M a r c y State H o s p i t a l ; M i s a. I n g r a m . ; Hospital; Hospital; Louise P o f f e n b e r g e r . tive. Willard State Hospital; Mrs. F i n a l l y , there is the m a t t e r of S a r a h E. S m i t h . Psychiatric I n financing these improvements. stitute; John Matusovic, L e t c h I n my view this should not h a v e w o r t h V i l l a g e ; Russell G . K u h l prevented the e n a c t m e n t of m a n y man, N e w a r k S t a t e School; C h a r bills introduced by the Associales M . L e f f e r t . Sr.. R o m e State tion in the last legislative session S c h o o l ; W i l l i a m H . Faust, S y r a and will not stand in the w a y of cuse S t a t e S c h o o l ; Mrs. M a d e l i n e passage i n the n e x t session. A n M. Mistretta, Willowbrook State appropriate publicity campaign School, and M a r n a L y n c h , Craig would be of g r e a t i m p o r t a n c e in Colony and Hospital. helping the public understand our Islip Mrs. B i a n c a Creedmor Frank State Hospital; Mrs. Rosalie D. Questions Answered On Social Security same for life or the same amount «:curity vhe to new CIVIL Tiicsilay, Jufy 16, 1963 SERVICE LEADER Page Seven TwoAppointments In Welfare Dept. A L B A N Y , July 15—State Social Mrs. George fills vacancy created by the promotion of James J. Sullivan to the post of adminisW y m a n has announced two key trative officer of the department. appointments to the department She has served as an associate staff. personnel administrator for the John F. Borre Jr. of W h i t e , department since January. Prior Plains has been named director j to joining the department, Mrs. of the O f f i c e of Ai-chitectural R e - ! George was an associate personview and Plamiing at $11,680 a nel technician for the State Civil year. Service Department. Mrs. Frances O. George has Borre, a private architect f o r been promoted to the position of ten years, will review and approve director of personnel, also at $11,- plans for construction of welfare 680 a year. institutions. Welfare Commissioner George K . AWARD WINNERS — six employees of the Workman's Compensation Board, New York Office, first 1963 winners in the New York Employees' Sug:gestion Prog:ram, are shown being: presented awards and certificates of merit in a ceremony held recently in New York City. They are (from left) with Col. S. E. Senior, chairman right): Haskell Vincent Schwartz, Napolitano, vice Anthony president WCB; DiMatteo, Julian Keller, Walter W. Kutzuck, Sylvia Josefsberg, Irving Langness, and Senior. Men's Fine Clothes • were made also for the chapter's meetings. Initial plans were made f o r the chapter's president and State Employees Retirement delegates to attend the State AsSystem, was guest speaker at sociation's October Convention at the quarterly meeting of the the Park Sheraton Hotel in New Public Works Department No. York City, A nominating committee was 8 chapter, Civil Service Emappointed to prepare a slate of ployees Association, conducted candidates for the upcoming elecrecently at the LaFarge tion of officers. T h e election will House, Lake Mohegan. be prior to the Septemt>er annual meeting and installation of o f Ferlauto, who was Introduced ficers dinner. Plans were begun by Lyman Connors, chapter presalso by the social committee for ident, spoke on the workings and the Fall Masquerade Ball. benefits of the retirement system and conducted a question and answer period. Mrs. Cosgrove Named Faciory To Wearer Plans were made for the District No. 8 program committee to [contact various representatives of the Social Security, Health I n surance Plan and others to appear at the chapter meetings. Plans SEMI-ANNUAL SALE A L B A N Y . July 15 — Governor Rockefeller has named Mrs. Delos M. Cosgrove Jr. of Watertown to new term on the Board of Trustees of Jefferson County Community College. NOW ON N O W OPEN TO THE PUBLIC KELLY 621 RIVER STREET TROY ot t b LtqlilliMe/'' 2 blocks No. of Hoosick St. ortmm rrt'par* Foi Youi $35- HIGH -$35 SCHOOL DIPLOMA ilS 5 GET your Diploma lent of 4-years U School Is of tba High accepted Equivalency lesal equiva- School. for Civil positions and ether purposes. ' SCHOOL ROBERTS This Service 517 W. 57th St., New York 19 PLaza 7-0300 Please send me F R E E information. USL Name , Address :ity TYPWRITER BARGAINS Smith $17.50: Underwood-$22.80: Pearl Broi., 476 Smith. Bkn, T R othen S-30'~>1 Auto Emblems CSEA AtTTO E M B L E M . Attractive BlueSilver. Reflective Scotchllte. 3 Inch Emblem. $1.00. Discount T o Chapters For Resale. Inkwell Printers. Hertel, Buffalo 16. N e w York. Appliance Services Sales Si Service recond. R e l r U s . Stoves Wash Machines, combo ilnks. Guaranteed T R A C Y R E F R I G E R A T I O N — C Y . 2-690O 240 B 140 St. & 1204 CastI* Hills A T . BZ TRACI SERVICING CORP. Adding M o c M b m Typewrittrt Mimeographs Addressing Machines Oiiaranteed. A l i o RentMs. Repairs ALL LANGUAiES TYPEWRITER CO. CHeliM 8-8086 119 W. 23rd ST., MEW YORK 1, N. T. semi-annual FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE K UPTO 50% SAVINGS Y A C H ^ C LUB WEEKS HiffU witlch Diploma 3 lines on rubber stamp. Personalized, your nam® and address, etc., beautifully don* In print f o r Send check or M.O. to Sun Ray P.O. Box 2306, N . Y . 1, N . Y . of showroom floor samples CLOTHES, Inc. ...w— Enjoy cocktails or dancing nightly at the smart, new Lighthouse Bar & Patio (no cover, no m i n i m u m ) . . . lunch or dine in the Yacht Club dining r o o m . . . overlooking beautiful Montauk Harbor. Stay over, at our comfortable Marina Lodge. Limited number of rooms available. Golf, tennis, riding and ocean club beach and pool privileges extended to all guests. Ph HIGH SCHOOl OIPIOM/I € If yoii are over yon can terure • Ulgh School Diplomat Aci-epteJ tor I'lvil HervUe posUluiis. Our cour^ie will prt-pare you In • short lima—ouUtantlhiK f a i u l t r — l o w rat«« — c a l l Mr. Jeruiiie at K1 '^-StiOO- MONROE SCHOOL OP BUSINESS E. Tremont & Botton Rd., Bronx Kl 2.S600 i! ih: WRITE OR PHONE MR. WARD 516-668.2121 Montauk, L . I. > Names & Addresses Sales. Retirement Discussed At District 8 Meeting (From Leader Correspondent) POUGHKEEPSIE, July 15— Joseph A. Ferlauto, field representative for the New York Shoppers Service Guide (far S c j c: 5 ^ ^ ^ m — "L X CIVIL Page Four SERVICE Tiies<!ay, July 16, 1963 LEADER Binghamton, ft«sistant civil engineer, Department of Public Works. 2 7 State Employees W i n Cash Suggestion Awards Other to $26 awards e m p l o y e e s of the were made Department Of M e n t a l H y g i e n e : L i l l i e A . Z e h , Hyde Park, River head State nurse, Hospital; Hudson John O. ALBANY, July 15—Three grants of S50 each topped the most recent lists of cash Joly, M i d d l e t o w n , h e a d nurse, awards made for time-and-money-saving ideas submitted to the New York State Employees { Middletown State Hospital; Merle Hardy, Perrysburg, maintenance Suggestion Program. The 27 awards totaled $585. There were also 15 Certificates of Merit man, Gowanda State Hospital; without cash grants. and L a w r e n c e Joseph L e t a , B u f Recipients of the $50 awards are P e r c y C a p l a n , A l b a n y , clerk. Department Vehicles; senior Dr. of Motor Marvin Green, dentist. Mental Department Hygiene's Hospital, West Thomas W. senior Pilgrim ot State Brentwood; Thomson, and Pawling, laboratory medical motors clinic, barber and X-ray, beautician chairs. Adoption and of his suggestion has extended the usef u l l i f e of obsolete dental equip- m e n t and has resulted in savings estimated at Thomson proposed and tion on the ash hoppers at his institu- Haven tion's Prison. Caplan suggested that motor vehicle owners be n o t i f i e d by postal card form Department of of receipt proof of by the inspec- power regulates their The registration procedure the need f o r much l e t t e r - w r i t i n g and telephoning w h i c h f o r m e r l y exlst- fd. protect the proposal for converting out-dated dental power units and chairs to Taxation FiRen- scriber, D e p a r t m e n t of Civil vice; and Ellis Johnston, Ser- awards Jr., I r e n e There Leazotte, partment; clerk. H e a l t h Helene heimer, T r o y , file Gacken- clerk. Depart- m e n t of State; and Carl J . P e t e r s , Gowanda, head nurse. Depart- m e n t of M e n t a l H y g i e n e ' s G o w a n da S t a t e H o s p i t a l . Pour each: employees Paul senior Civil earned Stevens, Defense by $15 Albany, representa- tive, E x e c u t i v e D e p a r t m e n t ' s C i v i l Defense Commission; George Durfee, Mechanicville, mail supply clerk. D e p a r t m e n t of received De- T. or Vehicles; Caesar J. Mot- Coluzza, (Continued on P a g e senior A. and 12) NEW NAME IN BEAVTY SALONS... from Good-Looking Hair Styles both damage. were went were R . Keebler, Albany, $25 A w a r d s They operator. Hospital. $20 W o n B y F o u r $20 flow nine to Albany, Department; $25 typi.st, Michael Albany, awards. Margaret senior Marie Come from Health N. Pomi- compensa- tion claims e x a m i n e r . L a b o r dSeauti^ ^azaar De- partment's Workmen's Compensation B o a r d ; John J. Guzy, W a t e r - CItAM) OPE\l\G SPEflAL $20 TO CHOOSE FROM MONTH JULY OPEN TUES. NIGHTS TO 8:30 P. M. FOR THIS SALE BED ROOM, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM GROUPINGS AND OCCASIONAL PIECES READY MADE AND CUSTOM CRAFTED FURNITURE AVAILABLE IN EVERY DESIGN AND PRICE R A N G E R ADMISSION BY THIS CARD ONLY PECK & HILLS "Buy Wliere Y<>iir All<>w»n«>«« Kiij* Mort-" NEW YORK STATE CORRECTION & M. H. OFFICERS NEW REG. UNIF DKI'T. API'ROVKI) SAFHY OUTER KK«. POLICE REEFER COATS :»0 nr.. KKKSKY f.-^H.^ft RK(i. HHIKTH, C A r S A N D TIKN CoiiliK'l «iir l.ut'nl R^-ii. « r WrJ(e IliiK-t Quality SLOAN'S Uniforms CATSKILL. NEW "FOK Ul'ALITir A T A YORK Kiiully extend the courtesy oj your sliou iouins to ; • • • FREE INSTRUCTIONS Anne's Knitting Hook 41 G r o v e Avenue, Albany, N.Y. Near New Scotland A v e . Tel. 489-2040 FACILITIES Free L i m o u s i n e Service f r o m Albany Airport Free L a u n d e r i n n L o u n g e Free C o f f e e M a k e r i in t h e Rooms Free S e l f - S e r v i c e Ice C u b e Machines Free Use o f E l e c f r i c Shavers Make Your Reservation Early By Calling HE 4-1111 YOUR H O S T MICHAEL FLANAGAN PETIT PARIS RESTAURANT ACCOMMODATIONS F O R PARTIES. OUR COTILLION ROOM. SEATING 200 C O M F O R T A B L Y . COLD BUFFETS, $2.50 UP FULL COURSE DINNERS, $2.70 UP OPEN DAILY SGHINE TEN EYGK HOTEL ALBANY EXCEPT SUNDAY A N D MONDAY AT 5 P.M. -- FRKR l'AliH(.\« IN RRAR — 1060 MADISON AVE. ALBANY Phone iV 2-78«4 or IV 2-9881 ARCO In N.Y.C. Call MU 8-0110 s t a t e & Chapel Sts. Albany, N.Y. CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS and oil tests PLAZA BOOK SHOP 380 Broacfiway Albany, N. Y. Moil & Phone Orders Filled BRANCH OFFICE VOK INKOKMAXIUN regardiDg aUvtti Dfinf Pleatw write or call JOSEPH T. B E I X E W 303 SO M A N N I N G BLVD. rn^BANY 8. N.y. Fboooe IV 2 6474 SPECIAL RATES. for Civil Service Employees,^ ^^ii! 0 YOUR CSEA CARD DUNLOP TIRES ' PRICED TO PLEASE I \ BUILT TO \ ^ WEAR 42-44 BROADWAY ALBANY . MENANDS > 2 HOTEL Wellington D R I V l - I N OARAGE AIR CONDITIONING . TV No parking problemi at Albany'i iorgeit k o t t l . . . with Albany'i only drive-in 9arag«. You'll like the comfort ond convenience, tool Family rotes. Cocktail lounge. OffOSITI STATI CAPITOL See four fritndly trove/ agtnf. Sl'hLlAL inj.Ki.) FOR M A Y F L O W K R - ROVAL COURT APARTMENTS F a m i s h e d , Unfurni.shed. and R o o m s Phone H E . 4-1994. ( A l b a n y * In Time of Keed, Call M. W. Tebbuffs Sons V 136 STATE S T R E E T Referred by CIVIL SERVICE CENTER Present this couoan to ai^irit^lon to the showroom. • • CIVIL SERVICE KNITTERS! EMPLOYEES nU5 ALL THESE • Free Parking UDStOLNT" 1 0 % D I S t O l ' N T on All r«ir€hnK<« Comitlrte Mne of Vuriis, liniiortrd Ai DunicNtic — TahlrchitliK. Hhkh, I'ivliirrii, Needlework Hupplies Hotel SPECIAL RATES FOR N Y.S. iMFOKMS $59.85 TEN EYGK UMtKR THE NKW M A N A G K M K N T OK SCHINE HOTKr.S WII.L C O X T I N I E TO HONOR $68.75 BUILDING MU 6-7750 The COAT MANUFACTURERS • DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE F U R N I T U R E SINCE 1 8 8 6 214 E. 3 4 ST.. N.Y. 16. N.Y. 1 2 . 5 0 136 Washington Ave. SHOW EXHIBITION Pennaiient The Beauty B a z a a r FURNITURE M Buffalo State valve the 11 FLOORS OF FURNITURE falo, refrigeration plant sselaer, d i c t a p h o n e m a c h i n e t r a n - o SHOWROOMS TO THE TitADE. and n a n c e ; D o r o t h y C. C l a x t c n , De- A l b a n y , senior valve The hoppers rust and h e a t doro, D r . G r e e n submitted a detailed of examiner. of coolant in such a m a n n e r as to suspensions. eliminates plant. automatically tion and the resulting t e r m i n a t i o n of partment tax Motor install- ed an electrically controlled Green income of Vehlclea; M a r g a r e t B. Hallenbeck, $900. head stationary engineer, C o r r e c Department's vliet, file clerk, D e p a r t m e n t li.UkS 176 Stote 12 Colvin Albany AUbony H O 3-2179 459.6630 420 Kenwood Delmar HE 9-2212 Over 11 a I'eaiii of DibtiiiKiiihIii J I'uiKiiil ^Vivire Exam Study Books fo help you get a higher grade on civil service letft may bt obtained at The leader Bookstore. 97 Duane Street, New fork 7, N. Y. fhone orders accepted. Call BCekman 3-6010. For list of some current titles see Page 15. TiieMlay, July CIVIL 196S week 13 Education Trainees Receive Police Awards 13 for the D e p a r t m e n t in the M u n i c i p a l Co- operative which have worked Education Program, wa,s established by Mayor W a g n e r in 1961. T h e p r o g r a m lows third and fourth year alhigh of Through to to studies. working for the Department. T h e s e students r e c e i v e $1,325 per annum. earn young while The to ment. The work their work in teams of t w o w i t h one t e a m for and study schedule; program boys the end girls educatJon but them t o city program Is tion. T h e NIn -Attention! to also employsponsored sonnel and the B o a r d of Educa- Police Depaat.ment ha.s be s a t i s f a c t o r y more acnd hopes trainees in to the future. the Depart- m e n t of Personnel and the B o a r d of Education were present 1o c o n g r a t u l a t e the t h i r t e e n boys and girls who one of Sea-vice. received Certificates Be Our Guest at a Caiss TUES., July 16 at 7 P.M. PRACTICE EXAMS Prepare AT EVERY CLASS in Air Conditioned SESSION! Comfort! Just Print N a m e & Address and Bring Coupon With Vou INSTITUTE 115 EAST 15 ST., near 4th Ave., Manhattan NAME ADDRESS POST OFFICE -ZONE Admit F R E E to One Regular Class for Bus Driver F o r t h e first t i m e in five years, L . B . R o z e e a n d the Courtesy Club have opened the «loor and authorised a full-scale m e m b e r t i n p d r i v e w h i c h provides for the admission o f a n u m b e r of f u l l y p r i v i l e g e d m e m b e r s . COURTESY CLUB GREA TLY INCREASES i n g y o u this i n v i t a t i o n to join Courtesy C l u b at o n c e . T o f a c i l i t a t e y o u r i m m e d i a t e d e c i s i o n i n v i e w o f the l i m i t e d d u r a t i o n o f this d r i v e , w e ask y o u t o c a r e f u l l y r e a d t h « f u n c t i o n s , aims a n d hfuejits to you C o u r t e s y C l u b . '1 h e n c o m p a r e o f the our pur- poses w i t h y o u r desires. you believe, as ve grind of tieiessary portion of pleiisuie 1 do, that the day-tO-day work tulilles you to d ertty now and then an eafi^erly aulit ifuued "evt ning on the town" somelituex diiolil>oi)ils you by turning into j'ujt another vital ifnilltntively sewed in a restaurant that doesn't seem to care very much about you ^SSS your evenings out arc mure widely separated i than you u'ould like betause the High Cost ^ of Living cannot be denied 1 I i I % essential exptthts raiiif you to accept dining, 'ravff/ or eiitei laiunu nt oiconiinodationS a cut or two beltnu what you prefer ^ you are vacation niindtd and. your heart seizes the idea and shouts "shoot the works!" while your walh t groans and xi'hispers "take it easyi'" in short, you tnjoy the good life and you seek more fun as well a\ iiKirc fun ]or the money, i YOU BELONG IN COURTESY CLUB i g i Qtily those estoblishinents who meet, and coiuiime to meet, the standards of service, p r o d u c t a n d integrity dem a n d e d by Courtesy ('.iub Hre Htceptcd as R o / e e Re<<>nin i e n d e d Kstablislimcnts. It is N O 1" t h e policy of t h e r l u b to s a t u r a t e an area wiih Ro/ee R e c o m m e n d e d F.stablislin i e n t t . It is o u r aim, raiher, to select these Establishments Vitli a view to assuring \ o u that you may p;<tToni/e e a d i ol t h e m in tlie confidence t h a t your p l e a s u i e a n d satisfaction v i l l be the p a r a m o u n t ( o n s i d e r a l i o n . 4n immediate rash nlluwnnce of at least 10% f r o m regular advertised rale schedules is g u n i t e d u n d e r c o n t r a c t by all R o / e e R e c o n n n e n d e d Establishments to Courtesy C l u b members. T h i s allowance is granted w h r n Items are paid for at the time p u r c h a s e is m a d e or service Used. T o o b t a i n this i m p o r t a n t detluction, It is never necessary to .show your card until the bill is presented an«i paym e u l is to be made. This allowance applies at r e s t a u r a n t s to members and their guests! At hotels, motels, etc., this allowance applies on a c c o m m o d a t i o n s to h u s b a n d , wife and c h i l d r e n inuler 18 years of age. 1 his substantial cash allowance applies on acconnnodations and food w h e r e l a i e so applies. Q u i t e naturally, it c a n n o t a p p l y on tax, tips, telep h o n e calls, charge accounts, special g r o u p o r convention rates or liciuor where p r o h i b i t e d by polity o r law. Yoti will also etijoy_sf)eiinl bonus arriDigemenls a t such things as sporting events, theaters, concerts, re«reation areas and o t h e r attractions t h r o u g h o u t the year. '1 hese special events or attiactions of l i m i t e d d u r a t i o n are specifically contracted for ami are f e a t u r e d in t h e m o n t h l y Courtesy C l u b Courier as they occur. It is the purpose of Courtesy Cltib n o t only t o streen a n d carefully select the Ro/ee R e c o m m e n d e d Establish- ^ OlMCKS Conn., Hartford, 50 Slate Street D.C., Washington, 734 15th Street, N.W. Va., McLean, P.O. Box 354, Tel. 356-8130 N . Y . , Valley Stream, 99 W. Hawthorne Ave., Tel. LO 1-0554 Pa., P h i l a d e l p h i a , 101 S. 13lh Street, Tel. MA 7-0438 West Indies, Jamaica, 7 Mtltnac Ave., Kingston 8 COURTESY CLUB .1 int'nilicr of; •NliW YORK S I M 1- Kt s i M K A M ASSOCIA I ION .N \ I lt)\ \| A^SCH I \ I ic).\ I R W I IOkt. • Moi I ( AMLKICA.N t'lAN j. 1/,. i IONS Ol M w ^ O R K . a AbSULlAilON You receive periodic updated Directories of R o / e e Re<onnnended Establishments. T h e 96-page Directory lists t h o u s a n d s of Establishments t h r o u g h o u t the U n i t e d States and C a n a d a as well as o\erseas. E \ e r y m o n t h you will receive the Courtesy C l u b C o u r i e r which contains up-to-them i n u t e n e w listings, news of singular interest in t h e fields of Dining, T r a v e l & E n t e r t a i n m e n t as well as the special bonus arrangements currently b e i n g f e a t u r e d . Membership dues, e n t i t l i n g you to all th® privileges which Courtesy C l u b otters, including the substantial cash allowances at all Rozee Recommended Establishments and the Special Bonus arrangements, are $10.00 p e r year. All m e m b e r s h i p s a p p l i e d for t h r o u g h t h e mail, a n d accepted by t h e Club, are registered and .sent to the new m e m b e r u n d e r a firm lO-day money-back g u a r a n t e e . In o r d e r to ass u r e t h e success of a short, intensive c a m p a i g n , t h e Establishments a n d the C l u b u n i t e in tnaking this atna/ing, value-packed offer TJ. ' It doesn't take fancy figuring toundei'* For 25 FREE DINNERS 25stand the e x t r a o r d i n a r y value of this ACT NOW YOU NOW ...BUT NOW! coDRri-SY o i . i u i i \ i : t : u J I V E o f f i c e s llij West 42iul Stiiet, New York 36, N. Y. menis, b u t also to act as a point of contact between these Fstablishnients and o u r meinl)ers. In this way, y o u r praise, suggestions or criticisut pertaininp; to any of these Establisiiments is amplified bv the c o m b i n e d strength of y o u r t h r e e h u n d r e d thousand fellow members. Y o u r evenings otit, your vacations, y o u r p u r s u i t of pleasure will be t h e m o i e enjovable when backed by the confidence t h a t all R o / e e R e c o m m e n d e d Establishments are anxious to please and delight you. T h e y open their doors to you and they e,\pre.s8 their a p p r e c i a t i o n of your p a t r o n a g e most impressively by innnediately effecting a substantial cash allowance on your bill. Needless to say, you become a very "special" customerl You Will Rrn'ivc Special Dining Chequei IF RIGHT RK(;i(JNAl, Y O U R PLEASURE PO F E M I A L in thefieldso£ ^^tV-^ ^lOTELS events THEATERS ^.otS ^^STai,^. SHOWS ^ ^ v^o^^ PAIRS SPORT\N0 8,6htseeing ^^'^^nts Btso*^' t h e r e f o r e take g r e a t pleasure i n e x t e n d - We When Fri stiiicd At 2.5 I ending Restau* runts ^vliiiti you scicct fiom our constantly ex)>.iii<Jing list P.O. B O X 777, 97 1)1 A N E S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K 7, N . Y . bombshell oiler It will be s n a p p e d u p as fast as we can register new members? YOU IV1U8T ACT NOW sJ^Cl f ^ to a c c e p t e d as a C o u r t e s y C l u b m e m b e r . J t u ' I a m e n c l o s i n g $10.00 o n t h e clear u i x l t r s t a n d i n g thati 1) I will be registered as a fully privileged m e m b e r a n d I can exercise these privileges at all the t h o u s a n d s of Roze« Rec* ommended Establishments t h r o u g h o u t t h e counU'y and overseas. N.AME- 8) I will receive, as >ny special b o n u s for acting now, special d i n i n g checjucs good for 26 free luxury d i n n e r s at selected £(• tablishmeuts. 3) It is agreed t h a t if 1 a m n o t 100% h a p p y at the overwhelm* Ing values and beivefits of m y Courtesy C l u b m e m b e r s h i p , I may, w i t h i n 10 days, r e t u r n all t h e m a t e r i a l you send m e a n d receive mv .SIO.OO back a t once. O n this linn money-back guarantee, please R l ' S H m e my m e m b e r s h i p card a n d related material. "(I'l.KASE I'RINff .\DDRESS- Cn V - fer^ Appliintlniiw have »losp<l iiiiil thoiiminilH of inrii will foniiitlf for Uir»« ftUrnrtlve Jobsl NOW IH THK TIMK TO ACT! the h<st posMhle prfi.arn. tion for (he OHlclnl WrlttPii K\nm nnil piisK with n hinh iiKiiiu ONE I KKK ( I.ASS AT DKI.KII.WTV Wil l. l\( K VOI ' THE DELEHANTY R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of Candidates BUS DRIVER-CONDUCTOR f o u n d the .services of these people each position. T h e y a l t e r n a t e their work a j o i n t l y by the D e p a r t m e n t of P e r - by people to their attract employ continuing trainees is f o l l o w e d by this encourage continue re- to T h e purpose of the p r o g r a m was and while graduated to di.<!Courage school dropouts permitting school thir- cently f r o m high school. positions on a h a l f - t i m e basis and high students; teen of them w e r e school students t o w o r k in clerical complete these school C i t y of N e w Y o r k hopes n o t o n l y T h e Police Department employs sixteen of LEADER week on the j o b . 13 young people, nine boys and four girls, who have completed one year of service with the Police Department as education trainees have recently been awarded Certificates of Service. The SERVICE /ONE STA I E CIVIL Page Ten REAL SERVICE Tuewlay, July 16, LEADER ESTATE IN SERVICE TRAINING illlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll >N"GRATED = Richmond Hill 2-Family Brick = 1 NO CASH G.I. 1 $15,500 ^ = = BOTH APARTMENTS VACANT. FINISHED BASEMENT, OIL HEAT. GARAGE. A-1 NEIGHBORHOOD. ASK FOR B-10U. ^ = I E-S-S-E-X Sr: 143-01 HILLSIDE AVE. — Dr. Hyman Pleasure, director of Middletown State Hosptial, presents certificate of merit to eight employees of the hospital who have completed an ln-servlc« = AX 7.7900 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHlHlHlllllr^ Houses - Dutchess County COUNTRY WITH ALT, CITV LIVING CONVENIENCES WORLEY HOMES V WMII.Y ROOM OR EXTRA »EI>. KUD.MS 4 aM) HATH Ol'TlONAL 3-Bedroom I Cooperative^ iipartmeiils 109-15 MERRICK BLVD. JAMAICA, QUEENS Ranches $12,500 C a p e Cods $11,500 Looking for a better way to live? Addesleigh Apartments are just minutes from the heart of Jamaica. Yet, you'll live among pleasant suburban surroundings, among private homes and garden apartments. You'll enjoy a private park... send your children to nearby schools . . . travel easily by bus, subway or road. Your apartment is a marvel of modern convenience . . . generously proportioned rooms... more than ample closets... walk-through kitchens. Large Lots Fully Landscaped Blacktop Drivev/ays Concrete Walks NO DOWN PAYMENT $82 PER MONTH I'AYS Principal, Interest & Taxes MODELS OPEN DAILY Corner of Hopewell Road ( W h i t e Corners Road) and Route 82, Hopewell Junction, New York. 12 mi to Poughkeepsie 3 mi. to W a p p i n g e r Falls DIRECTIONS Take Taconic State Parkway to Highway 52, turnn left to Route 376, right to Route 82, left on 82 to Models. FOR I N F O R M A T I O N in: K\r.\i\c; ai'I'ointmknt Call 914 C A 6-5380 ^m ^mmmmmmmmm Farms & Acreages - Ulster Co. H A N D Y M A N s> Special; 6 rooms, all lail>ii)vi'MUMiu, bus. jO.GOO. Catala,;Ui'. I''. S:»ccoiiiaH, lltl KliiiuiiUorl. Kiiuslon, NY, I'K 8-6JOO. Forms & Acreages, TAKE THE BIG STEP TO BETTER LIVING! Addeslei^li Split Ranches $14,500 NYState EFFICIENCIES from $95 Full cash investment $G75 1 BDRM opts from $138 Full cash investment $1,170 2 BDRM opts from $154 Full cash investment $1,413 & I tilities Inihuh'd Sales Office on premises JA 3-1901 OITcrIng hy prospt'clus only Summer homes - Ulster N v.. D'ni utA OA. U-7400. & Co. SCKNH; SUJl.MKlt home adjoining brook, 1 aii-p, 'Z boUrooiiis, impvla., Saorillce. I'rioe 513,800. Chas. Frecilmaii, Aceorii, NY Tel. Kerhoukson 4731. Properties For Sale New York State EQUIPMENT By PETER ALLISON Tliose attending were Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parsons, Mrs, Betty Davison, Mrs. Mable Townsend. Mrs. Beatrlc McGrall, Mrs. Edna Throgmorton, Mrs, Ruth T o m p Bell Aerosystems in Buffalo will build the A^cna rocket kins, Mr. and Mrs. R . Cunningengine for Lockheed Missile and Space Co. The $5 million ham, Mrs. Dehlia McCioud, Mrs. Barbara Horn, Mrs. Gloria Irish, contract is a follow-in order which comes as the result of Mrs. Dorothy Cingari, Mrs. M a r - Bell research. garet St. Onge, Mrs. Eileen H i g New Typesetters process to put letters as well as gins, Mrs. Edna Mina, Mrs. DoroI.B.M., last week, announced colored pictures on glass conthy Quimet, Mrs. Adaline Carey, Mrs. Dorothy Bush, Mrs. Doro- development of a computer sy.->- tainers at 1,200 degrees Fahi-enthj' Stapleton, Mrs. Julia Cook, tem capable of setting type at the lieit. Ceramic decorations have been rate of 12,000 lines an hour com- ; used on glass containers for the Mrs. Francis Coon. Also present were Mrs. Ruth pai-ed with less than 100 for the past 25 years but the decoratingf Conklin, Mrs. Edna Lazar, Mrs. ordinary linotype operator. T h e costs were so high that they genSusan Malone, Mrs. Dora Nicker- machine is fed with a special erally have been restricted to r e son, Mrs. Dora Benson, Mrs. tape on which material has been turnable containers, such as milk and beverage bottles. Pauline Woodin, Mrs. Fannie typed. N e w Contract Sartorl, Mrs. Genevieve Adair, Mrs. Irene Gresell, Mrs. Ann Iinperato, Mrs, Marilyn Lunc, Mrs. Pearl Doria, Mrs. Helen Van Item, Mrs. Ernestine Langford, Mrs. Anna Woodin, Mrs. Clara Jennings, Mrs. Marion Woodin, Mrs. Bealh Muncey, Mrs, Elva Ellis Mrs. Francis Brooks, Mrs. Barbara Nardine, Mrs. Catherine Reynolds, Mrs. Carol DeCarbo, Mrs. Helen McDowell, Mrs, J. Martin and Mrs. Edna Kimball, Full cash investment $1.G60 PICTURESQUE country estate, 3 COI NTHV STOllK, oldest operallngr atoro ill till' coiiiiiy. 10 acien. brook, barn. | acres, beautifully landscaped, 6 room house, modern impvts. oiitd.)i)r liii'pl toe. Attrac tive 8 room C'lltiiil il home. Stocked, ecitiipped, beer $10,000. Ilivii,.: Wilkin boK. $'i!;,000. termu. NEVy modern 4 rm bung., In< owiiM, WlMlM.i:, KK.VLTUU, Sloansville. NY. sulated, modern kitchen, elec. range, refrigerator. Large lot. Summer Places, Dutchess Co. $6,000. CHOICE lots, $S00 to $1,000 per i U M M K H r o r r . V G E . a rm« & bath, electric, u iifp, walkitif dlitanca to lake, acre. Excellent location, panor« r.-mij, $'1,500 (lu, $50 per iiio. amic views. Off Rt. 28. L . i K I N H o U K moperly on 00 acre lake. M. LOWN, SHANOAKEN. N.Y. $1,500 A up. Southaru Dutoheoi Ueall.v. IJMly Archer. Ut. 8'4 « Sirt, Ho|)ewill Dial 914 OV 8-9984 Jiiiictiou. the Harlem Valley State Hospital recently after 31 years of State service, was the guest of honor at a steak dinner at the L . and M . restaurant, Wingdale, recently. 3 BDRM opts from $171 Gas SUPPLIES ^ P O U G H K E E P S I E , July 1 5 - M r s . = Nora Furlong, who retired from JAMAICA Take 8tli Ave. 'E' Trala to Sutphin Blvd. Station. OPEN 7 DATS A t^ERK iiiilllllllllllllllllllM^ Nora Furlong Feted At Retirement Party training program. Left to right, front row, aret Bessie Lasier, Mildred Stiller, Mabel Kowalewskl and Gertrude Coleman. In the second row, same order, are: Peter Perrino, George Freer, Stanley Dombrowski and Bertha Bernaski. Field Station Set Up Fast Cook A two-foot square microwave oven which can cook a meal in three minutes is now available at $1,000. Portable Towers Forest fire lookout towers mounted on wheels are being used by the Forest Service to avoid damage done to stationary towers by vandals and weather; during winter months, the towers can be moved to sheltered areas. Tom Thumb Transcribers Dictaphone Corp., has a new secretarial transcribing machine that looks like a stenographer's handbag. Secretaire is ten inches wide and weighs seven pounds. A L B A N Y , July 15—Tlie State University is setting up its second major field station this summer in connection with its AtmosWood stains, whicli can be pheric Sciences Research Center. T h e station will be located on sprayed on directly from the caas, the grounds of the Mu-seum of are now offered by Sears-Roebuck. Northern Arizona, high in the San No Direct Contact Francisco Mountain Peaks. Electrostatic printing—the proFarms & Acreages cess of transferring: print or image Schoharie County to an object witiiout direct conUKTIHKMKNT HOMES M A N Y RKTIKK.MKNT honiej from $3,.<100 tact by a plate is now available. up. Conn gee now. BloodifooJ, K"altor, Owens-Illlnola recently used the 48 W. Main, Coblesklll, NY. Houses For Sale, Columbia Co DOLL iiOUSK on 8 acres, convenient to Albany, enuipt kitchen. 3 bi-ilrootm, bitlu, BpaelouH closets, tloor to ceilin,' g-eplace $13,000. AR'nn/K I.Kli of ReJ Rock Eait Chatham. NV. OH 3-7313; 3-8381 Farms & Acreages - Ulster Co. ACCESSIBLE wooded acreaje, John 40,000 aorea, stata owned forest. Huntlnj flshluf area. Termg. Howard Turwillijer, KurUouksou, N . Y . Renamed to Board Tracy H . Ferguson has been reappointed by the Governor as a member of the Board of Trustees of Onondaga Community ' College at Syitcuse, for a term [ ending June 81, 1972. LI!:GAI. NOTH K riTATION.—TFIR VIOOPLK OF THH STATE OP N K W YORK, I5y tho Graca of God, Free and Inilpiipmlent, To Attorney General of tho State of New York, and to "John Doe" the name "John Doe" being: fictitious, thn allcffod hu-sband of Sarah Appelfield, al.so known .na Sarah H. Applefield, Sadie ADpclfiold, Sadla Appleneld and Sara 11. Amilpfield, deceased. if living and if dead, to th« executors, administrators, distributees and .aasig-ns of "John Doe' deceased, whosa namm and post ofTlce addrc.sses aro unknown and cannot after diligent Inuiry be ascertained by tho petitioner herein; and to the distributees of Sarah Appelfield, also known a.s Sarah H. Applefield, Sadie Appelfield, Sadie Appleneld and Sara H. Applefield, deceased, whoso names and post office addresses are unknown and cannot after diligrcnt iiujuiry t)o ascertained by tho petitioner herein; being the persons iuterctited as creditors, distributees or otherwise in the estata of Sarah Appeineld, also known as Sarah H. Applefield. Sadie Appelfield, Sadia Applefield and Sara H. Applefield, daceased, who at the time of her death wa« a resident of 33(j Kast 38th Street, New York. N.Y.. Send G R E E T I N G : Upon the petition of The I'ubllc Administrator of tho County of New York, havinsr hlg office at Hall of Records. Room 300, Boroutrh of Manhattan, City and County of New York, a.s administrator of the g'ooda, chattels and credits of said deceased: Y^ou and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogate's Court of Now York County, held at the Hall of Records, la the County of New York, on ths 20th day of September 1003, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why the account of proceediniri of n i e Public Adminislrutor of the Coua';.y of New York, as administrator of th« KOod«, chattels and credits of said deceased, should not be judicially settled. IN TESTIMONY WHKRKOK, W « hava caused the seal of the Surroirate's Court of the said County of New York to ba hereunto atlixed. WITNESS, HONORABLE JOSEPH A. COX, a SurroKate of our said County, at the County of New ( \-al) York, the l l t h day of Juno la the year of our ord ona thousand nine hundreil and sixtythree. IMiilip A. Doiiahus, Cltiili o( tUa siurroKate'a Court CIVIL Tuesday, July 16, 1963 SERVICE LEADER REAL ESTATE OFFICES READY TO SERVE YOU! Call For Appointment HO Detached ipecleui rooms, modern kitchen and bath. This is a dream house. Must see. High Gl mtg. 3 Years Old NO CASH DOWN s o . OZONE PARK BRING MUST Wl SOLD AT ONCE. Many in this fice. Post oction WE HAVE HOMES YOU DESIRE < < THIS IS THE CAPE l(-iS-r4 HillKiile Ave. RK BEAUTIFUL, Mother and DaughlitI ter set on a professionolly land- I landscaped 50x138 plot, 5 tcoped 50x135 plot, one block rooms on first floor, nite club finished basement with bar ond frotn but. $900 down. patio. One look and you o r * HEMPSTEAD in love with it! $1,500 down. HEMPSTEAD 4! •4 IL 7-3100 159-12 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA CORONA Cambria Hts BETTER REALTY Hollis PROM 9:30 A . M . TO 8:30 P.M. RANCH $11,200 ATTRACTIVE newly redecorated home set in excellent suburban neighborhood, large bedrooms and remodel kitchen, confortable living room, oil heat, g a a r g e and a nice plot with private beach and boot dock. NO CASH DOWN BOATING - FISHING SWIMMING! 277 NASSAU ROAD 17 South Franklin St. ROOSEVELT HEMPSTEAD 2 GOOD BUYS SPRINGFIELD GDNS. 2-FAMILY D E T A C H E D , Cap® Cod style brick and shingle, 4 rooms up, 5 down, oil heat on lovely 40x115 ft. plot with oversiied garage. Lovely income buy at BETTER REALTY $ 2 7 , 6 7 RM DETACHED COLONIAL >VEBK 160-13 HILLSIDE AYE., J A M A I C A OL 7-1034 OL 7-3838 0 GOOD HOMES W F• • • • 0 W W ^W BETTER THAN (MONEY IN THE BANK) Avoid Landlord Problems! Why Pay Rent? Buy Your Own Home. HOME CAMBRIA HEIGHTS $18,900 6 ROOMS, Hollywood kitchen and bath, wall to wall ing, garage, finished basement, 40x100 plot. ST. ALABNS carpet- . k $990 Cosh Down \V. 4 i i i HKMI'hlTKAO L E G A L 2-famUy, 4 large rooms down, 4 rooms up, 4 garage, 120x200 plot, oil heat. Asking $24,500. $2,500 DOWN • • 1 $18,990 6 R O O M Cape, brick and shingle, modern throughout, esipansion attic. car $28 WEEK HOMEFINDERS, Ltd. Fieldstone 1-1950 192-05 LINDEN BLVD., ST. ALBANS Belford HAZEL B. GRAY D. Harty, Jr., Broker 168-33 LIBERTY AVE. $15,790 JAMAICA INTEGRATED AX 1-5858 - 9 IN EXCLUSIVE HOLLIS Bronx W H Y PAY RENT? G.I. NO CASH DOWN A TRYME REALTY FtNE SELECTION 1-FAMILY HOMES MANY LOCATIONS $1,500 CASH DOWN SILHOUETTE TU 2-2600 168-16 HILLSIDE AVE., JAMAICA Ol'EN 7 DAYS 1296 EAST GUNHILL RO.. ftX. OL 8-6100 CAMBRIA HEIGHTS—Bfaiitllul brivk ranch type bungalow. 7 rnis, 4 beilrnig, flnlKhed biuemtnt. Lar^e rarclen plot. 7 yrg old. G.l. DO cifh down, luinitdiale cccup. Open 7 Doyt a Week Unfurnished Apts. - Bklyn AFTS, 8, 4 & A rcouis — 4 room* $80. btiuiJly, Bicktr, ohll ©ve». GL «-3U71. Forms & Acreages, Greene Co. lti8-l-« Suffolk Counfy, L.I., N.Y. ISLIP, BAY- Hm)RK. J iiy (ue dl the 40 foreclosure l)0U)t«», only down. I'ay like rent. M.I.A1H;HLIN KKAl/rV, H'i Klr«l Av».. Vi'irH G.L NO CASH Ilillitide Ave. $15,990 NON-VETS LITTLE CASH KINGDOM HOMES U 8 - 1 4 HILLSIDE AVE., JAMAICA OL KB tt-r:iOO 8-4646 Open 7 Doys a Week suiru QllF^)N8 BEJJLAIRE. Inimed. powenlon. t>H rtjoriiti A batieuitnt. 8iiit larye fwiilJj. OWDH Uai:*fened. HO 8 U060. 6 ROOM BRICK This ma^nifictnt home features 32 f t . livingroom ond master bedroom, beautifully decorated throughout. It hos o nite ciub finished basement and garage. $88.36 FULL PRICE LONG ISLAND HOMES Jomoica Vic. CfNTKAL A IV 9-8814-8815 $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 POUR OVERSIZED BEDROOMS I V i HOLLYWOOOD BATHS ULTRA MODERN EAT-IN KITCHEN FORMAL DINING ROOM LARGE Living ROOM PARTY BASEMENT $87.81 PULL PRICE UHt'NTWUOl). 7 DAYS 135-30 ROCKAWAY BLVD., SO. OZONE PARK JA 9-5100 I N E X C E L L E N T condition, 1family, 6 rooms with economical gas heat for income or small family. Reasonably priced at RESIDENTIAL ST. ALBANS ©I4> tOI'N'I'HY cotthk-e on 1 Boie. giait. htiii, lull c»-)lur, iitw litfp « « n . b'/4 io«;u)» and lialli. AtUiDK H. U. felittlduit. Ilivktrr, iNtkUlll, ^ . V . Ol'EN JAMAICA INTEGRATED t X r L l i S l V E RADIO TAXI BiiHiiitt.k — 7 ICeO c'litcUet*. (t ruilloti. i>IhtUui, bpaie auto iiarl«, lucal kiiiiual clleiitu pluv kuinuier tourbtv, lileal fiiiiilly opei'HlUin. — At^Uinv (lUU. A'ri'UACTlVK 4>i room coimne on large citik, wuuil pauel wuIIh, luinlt'Ulii^K, lialh with ttiower, litw tittp wtfl, lull Jtaiiujfeion, (letaclitU liuiue kutuk(. THIS IS THE COLONIAL 14 SOUTH FRANKLIN STREET. HEMPSTEAD. L I. W ALL i O P P i C i S OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 9:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. ElvuusiDB OUlVB, I H ii ZH pnvau •partuwU InterrftclKl. furoiibbd T B » 7-«llA basement beautiful LIST REALTY CORP. $20,990 170-1.S HillRlile Ave., jRinHlta Big se/ection of new and r c t o f e homes with little or HO cosh down. Trades accepted. Cot/ new/ IV 9-5800 a QUEENS HOME SALE OL 8-7510 IN YOU ROWN back yard — plus 4^2 rooms ond g a r a g e in beautiful Freeport. $11,200. No cosh down. MA 3-3800 $18,990 O W N E R RETIRING Del;ic'he<l English Tiidor, hll brii'k, 5 LaiKe BedioomF, 2 Modern Bathe with Stall Shower, Fini»hed Bneement, frar»t:e. Streamlined kiti-hen. Refrigerator, Washinif Machine, ExtraN Galore. Everything Goes. Mntt Sell At A Lose for Quick Sale. G.T. NO CASH Down FHA $«90 Down ALL 5 OFFICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK finished en YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR SPRAWLING, Ranch with the 8 ROOMS with enclosed porch, carpeting lowest heating bill! Three bed- patio, wall-to-wall roms, large enclosed porch, with loads of extras, 2 car ga50x100 plot. A1 condition. $600 rage, 55x100 plot ond oil heat. down. $700 down. FREEPORT HEMPSTEAD U-T.SOO ENGLISH TITDOR BRICK 3 Larpe Bedroom*, 2 Modf-in Baths, Kinifhed Bawenient Could Be Kfnteil, Streamlined Kit.hen, Gaiiifre, Hundrfdi ol Dollarti Worih of Extra«. Roosevelt and Hempstead Offices Ad on This Page rooms, noted ECONOMY IS THE BEST DEPOSIT 103 09 NORTHERN BLVD. LIVE LUXURIOUSLY WITHOUT RENT SOLID Brick Cape Cod, 4 bed- LONG ISLAND HOMES DEPOSIT JA 3-3377 • • • • • • STOP! LOOK NO MORE! BELLATRE ESTATE — Brick, h yra okl. B'/z i'"'". finlche<J bhetrntnl. No cash down G.I. sacri- needed. BRING $12.S(H) HEMPSTEAD & VICINITY < STRIDE REALTY HO 4-7630 LEGAL 2-FAMILY 7 ROOMS 12 ROOMS $17,500 DETACHED No Cash Gl No Cosh Down Needed included II Sprawling ranch S years old. 6 large beautiful rms, oil on 1 floor. Lovely eat-in kitch•4 en Countrified neighborhood. -4 -4 WE HAVE APT. •4 •4 RENTAL SERVICE •4 < •4 <1 •4 JA 9-4400 extras OFFICES AT SPRINGFIELD GDNP., $21,500 135-19 ROCK AW AY BLYD IMMENCE 12 ROOMS income home, 2 kitchens, 2 bathi, finish* j •d basement, oil heat. Buyer enjoys large opt, plus income that carries house. Civ. needs only $700 down. CONVENIENT 4 - 7 6 3 0 American Colonial IMMENCE 11 ROOMS and 2 botlis. feotures all modern, desirable apts, full basement, oil heat. Ideal location, sacrifice. — INTEGRATED ' FARMERS BLVD.. »13.VflO $14,000 LEGAL 2-FAMILY Long island CALL STRIDE FIRST INTEttRATID LIVE RENT FREE VALUES Long Island LONG ISLAND 5 Page Eleven UZUNE PAHH $20 WEEK Innuaculute, dttacbcd 1 lajDlly, 0 lurce ru(jiii«, 8 biir bcdriioiiiii, ixtru iiuitlerii klU'bfn. FIMMHKD JbASIfMKNT, Kat'UKf. laiuUcapcd plot, bHr-be-iiue. Only down. MULTIPLE ESTATES, INC. UO 10 I'urkUiik Blvd. iA Farms & Acreoges,Greene Co. A'rrHACriVlfl jr md report boarding lioute. Ntw reoreatloD room with bar & lictrnte in loenic b&nilet ur «kl tlope. Will talk bubiiien. TO fcE'lTl.E ESTATE. 8 6 rni honi<». .lakt^ rivblH. 8 acitt. «>ia,OUO ull H A'iTKACTIVE Colonial In menic biinilt t ou Jtiitre let. lalloiit ibtlter. f 15,000. MAUHI K K A l . T V iMhnville, NV I>ml 51M (»K f . t a i t Cut«»kjiJ. MY ikiitl bl<!f-l^i ^lUOl Forms & Acreoges, Columbia Counfy Clioli* Lot« Mid 'ROM 910 do\«D. »10 private betU'h cn 10 Water •kiiuy, lite t^ouiktH. Full priie tor t>iocbrure. Ulliie Ai'itwyt niciitbly. a.COO It. mile Copulie Lub*. dctkukt-. 8 nujl lioui flOO. WrHc jitar Slit 11 fctutl^ CIVIL Page Twelve SERVICE Tuesday, July 16, 1963 LEADER The Veteran's Counselor By FRANK V. VOTTO" Director, New York State Division of Veterans' Affairs Questions on veterans' and servicemen's rights will be an- swered in this column or by mail by the State Division of Veterans' Affairs. Address questions to Military Editor, The Leader, 97 Duane Street, N e w York 7, N. Y. Education Law Section A teacher 503, Subdivision 7, has been amended w h o h a d been granted World War II retirement t o provide credit that f o r service in and subsequent c o n f l i c t s and whose m e m b e r s h i p in the N e w Y o r k S t a t e T e a c h e r s ' R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m subsequently ceased because the teacher w i t h drew his contributions In the retirement system, will upon r e j o i n i n g the State T e a c h e r s ' Retii-ement System be entitled to the same credit f o r " w a r service", cost f r e e , t h a t he was credited with upon his t e r m i n a t i o n of membership In the State T e a c h e r s ' R e t i r e m e n t System, provided, t h a t such credit will n o t be allowed until he claims and pays for all prior teaching service credited to h i m at the t i m e he terminated his m e m b e r s h i p In the State Teachers' Retirement System. Insurance Law Section 120 A , Subdlvlons the superintendent of 1, has been amended to provide tJie S t a t e Insurance D e p a r t m e n t that may issue a t e m p o r a r y Insurance agent's or broker's license, or both, without r e q u i r i n g the applicant t o pass a w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n t o a n y pe|®on w h o has been designated by a licensed a g e n t or broker t o act on his behalf while this licensed agent or broker Is absent because SAFETY AWARD WINNER — Presenting the award, second from left, i s W i l l i a m Joseph Barinka, (third from left) surface line ope- R. rator representing: the Jamaica Depot o f the T r a n - state Safety Crusade. A t f a r left is H y m a n Feldman, Heath, district representative from the sit Authority, is shown receiving the Allstate Safety general superintendent in charge of Plaque for the best traffic safety record in the T A division and at f a r right is James B . inter-depot competition, during the month of April. T A general manager. TA All- Surface Edmunds, of active duty in any b r a n c h of the U n i t e d States A r m e d Forces. Social Welfare Law Section 482-c t o rearrange a of the Social Welfare the present provisions of Law has been the section f r a u d to solicit contributions by m e a n s of amended and declares unordered it merchan- dise if less t h a t 50% of the total a m o u n t raised is devoted t o the purposes of the charitable organization. of defining of funds f o r servance of Veterans having the the purpose Prior to f o r the as it pertains t o the defraying expenses of the Day, Memorial 500,000 purpose appropriation of the Day, Decoration this a m e n d m e n t , of population amendment 12 has been a m e n d e d "town" Independence Day. a word engineer, b o t h of the D e p a r t m e n t viewer, and M a x S h i p m a n , Cohoes, o f f s e t printing Of P u b l i c W o r k s ; and D a v i d R o t h - side, machine operator. Department bard, R o c h e s t e r , compen- claims sation claims e x a m i n e r , L a b o r D e - Labor nelly, G r e e n Island, senior partment's a town was or more. Inhabitants ob- Day defined This defines a t o w n as one h a v i n g a population of or as new clerk. Labor ment's Workmen's Board; Margaret Middletown, of com- Depart- Compensation S. beautician. M. town State ment Hospital; winners Brooklyn, are Wendell, Long both Board. Employment; Brooklyn, of tlie Division senior account clerk. Department; Claude H . Insurance beverage W . Davis, B r o o k l y n , senior guard, and Beach, Steven senior and Tlllle Singer, Bronx, senior typist, b o t h of the L a b o r D e p a r t - De- ment's Workmen's Alcoholic Board; and R a n d o l p h V . Jacobs, Compensation Frank clerk, b o t h of the Executive equip- partment's and Robert B e v e r a g e C o n t r o l ; Jo-seph J. M e r - B r o n x , h e a d clerk, L a b o r D e p a r t - Binghamton, junior llno, B r o o k l y n , e m p l o y m e n t i n t e r - ment's S t a t e Insurance F u n d . repairman, Division of 300,000 Inhabitants or more. H e r e t o f o r e the law allowed a t o w n to appropriate as a t o w n e x pense an a m o u n t n o t t o exceed $200 f o r such purposes. T h e ex- The clean new look in Cookware pense, an amount not to e x c e e d $5,000 f o r such purposes. Election Law A r t i c l e 12 of the Election L a w . (Sections 300 t o 319) has been repealed and a new article has been provides t h a t on or b e f o r e S e p t e m b e r passed. I n general, the 24. 1963 ballots f o r REVERE WARE law military voters would be m a i l e d o r distributed by the local boai'd of tions t o each m i l i t a r y v o t e r whose n a m e and m l l l t a i y elec- address ap- pears on or b e f o r e September 24, 1963 on the register of t h e m l l l t a i y COPPER CORE STAINLESS voter. STEEL A n y inquiries r e g a r d i n g m i l i t a r y ballots should be m a d e to the Socretary of State of N e w Y o r k , Division of Servlcemens' Voting, A l b a n y 1, N e w Y o r k . Vehicle and TrafFic Law Section 501 of tlae V e h i c l e and T r a f f i c L a w has been a m e n d e d and directs the Motor Vehicle Commissioner to Issue regulations requiring the holder of a d i l v e r s ' license to submit to a n eye re- e x a m i n a t i o n evei-y nine years. Miscellaneous Under recent legislation sponsored by Senator M e t c a l f , the B o a r d of Supervisors of C a y u g a County was authorized to a p p r o p r i a t e moneys in order t o provide quarters f o r t h e veterans o r ^ g a n i z a t i o n s k n o w n as " S a i n t N i c h o l a s W o r l d W a r I I V e t e r a n of Auburn, N e w Y o r k , I n c . " Suggestion Award Program Pays Off In Cash For 27 State Employees (Continued f r o m P a g e 8 ) tral Bridge, typist. of p a r t m e n t of Agriculture and M a r - Y o r k , underwriter. L a b o r D e p a r t - kets; and J o h n K . W e l c h , Leices- ment's ter, Elliot head nurse, Department of Mental Hygiene's Craig Colony. Voric M e t r o p o l i t a n area employees $10 awards. granted They are Margaret M . McQulness, bany, senior Leter, clerk, Albany, and Al- Michael principal clerk, b o t h of the D e p a r t m e n t of M o t o r Veliicies; Clerk, O l i v e J. Chapla, Department Control; of Audit W a l t a - J. Ressler, Lilly Troy. and Cen- and E. State Max Grant, Insurance Bergman, Department S e v e n C a p i t a l District a n d N e w were State; of unemployment claims examliier, New Island, Labor Depart- Certificates of Merit Merit without cash grants w e r e a w a r d e d t o W i l liam P . G o o d w i n , A l b a n y , administrative 5-Ot. eov«r«d $auce Pot 9-Qt. Covered Dutch Oveiv Insurance ment's Division o f E m p l o y m e n t . of 2-Qt. Cov«r«d Double Boiler clerk, Vehicles; Staten senior Certificates Now . . . worid-famout Revere W a r e introduce* a complete new line of low-tilhouette cookware designed to iiarmonize with today's modern, work* saving kitchensi Oleaming stainless steel inside and out for easy cleaning . . , with a solid copper core that spreads heat rapidly, cooks foods faster. Slim-line Bakelite handles with retractable hanging rings. Interchangeable covers with safety-grip finger guards. O n display nowl 1-Qt, Covered Sauce Pan' 2-Qt. Covered Sauce Pan 3-Qt. Covered Sauce Pan Piuid; Brooklyn, Motor Albert, $ " Covered Skillet t 10" Covered Skillet Department U t i c a . senior f o o d Inspector, D e - assistaut. Junior Depart- of Margaret S. Corry, Saul senior Investigator, examiner, Department's Wood- insurance motor Arkport, Hunziker, Merit control m e n t of M e n t a l H y g i e n e ' s M i d d l e Haynes, Compensation N e w Y o r k C i t y area C e r t i f i c a t e s of Holden, W o l f , Depart- senior Fehder, unemployment M o t o r Vehicles; M a r g a r e t R . D o n pensation Town Law Section 63, Subdivision m e n t of M e n t a l H y g i e n e ; R i c h a r d 8-Cvp Percolator' 2<Qt. Whistling Tea Kettlf $-Qt. Whistling Tea KettU NOEL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 245 W. BROADWAY. N. Y. WO 6-1430 CIVIL Tuescloy, July 16, 1963 SERVICE Page Tliirteen LEADER CSEA Lists Croup (Continued From Last Week) Stat/C University Schuttes, Social W e l f a r e Department lege, Charters Geneseo: State University State Geneseo. Ray Employees Col- Josephine Retirement Kunz, System: Employees University | t i r e m e n t S y s t e m , 90 South ReSwan Presidents for Y o u t h : Mrs. D u n c a n M a c P h e r s o n , M e n t a l H y Tarbox, Div. f o r giene Dept., 240 S t a t e S t „ A l b a n y . A l b a n y . Div. Christlne D . Y o u t h , 155 W a s h i n g t o n Al- Motor Vehicle: Health ough. Motor Ave., b a n y . James E. Christian Thomas McDon- 504 Highland Training School: Ag. & Tech. Inst. Morrisville: ; St., A l b a n y . Civil Service: M i c h a e l J. Bower, Dept. of C e n t r a l Ave., A l b a n y . Public S e r T h o m a s M e t z n e r , 30 Catsklll Ave., A r t h u r L a p p , S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y A g . i A. Cimorelli, Civil S e r v i c e Dept., Sylvester K i n g s t o n . State Training School: & T e c h . Inst., Morrisville. State T h e State Campus, A l b a n y 26. H e a l t h , 84 H o l l a n d Ave., A l b a n y 8. | v i c e : H u b e r t E. G a r n e a u , D e p t . G e o r g e W . W o l t z , Jr., B o x 576, University N e w Paltz: V i r g i n i a S. C o m m e r c e : H a r r y A r a n o v e , Dept. L a b o r a t o r i e s & R e s e a r c h : W i l f r e d i Public Services, 55 Elk St., A l Hudson. Industry: Jasnau, Abbott, S t a t e Louis University College, Hampton Training School for Boys: Issy Tessler, 287 H i g h land bany. Public Works District li Vincent Gunderman, Public tlon Dept., D i v . I d e n t i f i c a t i o n , 43 Dept., Public Columbia St., A l b a n y . Floor State Commerce, Ave., Annex Middletown. B o x 238, Goshen. Otisville T r a i n - versity College, Plattsburgh. State ing School for Boys: W e s l e y H u n - University ter, B o x 8, Otisville. O x f o r d : A l l a n BellardinI, Winans, State State WRC Home, Ox- f o r d . Warwick State School: Cecil Ritchey, Box 3, State Boys, Warwick. Potsdam: Wynantskill: State 1, Stony Brook: P h i l i p L . M c E r l e a n , State U n i v e r Brook. State Univer- sity Syracuse: A l b e r t E. B r e g a r d , Inst. Chapters University Alfred: Ag. Era & D. port: State Mrs. Hazel University Brock- Nelson, College, Albany Agriculture Scofield, University State Brockport. State University Ag. & Tech. Inst. Syra- cuse. Tech, S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y A g . & T e c h . In.st., Alfred. j. sell Chapters & Kilidjian E d u c a t i o n : J. Louls W e l c h . Education N o r w o o d . m e n t . Education Bldg., J o h n MIIos, 711 State St., A l b a n y . B o x 27, University S t a t i o n , State University St., A l - Milton Depart- Nazarine Route University f o r sity, S t o n y School 112 State Conservation: versity Oswego: E d w a r d B o a r d - i Benoit, C o n s e r v a t i o n Dept., T h e w a y , East R i v e r R o a d , Oswego. | S t a t e Campus, A l b a n y 26. C o r r e c State University Plattsburgh: tion: M r s . H e l e n Mar.sh, Correc- Chapter: R i c h a r d M . Loewen-stein, M a r g a r e t M . Columbe, S t a t e U n i - Markets: Dept. Rus- Agriculture Albany. 25. Audit Maleski, State Dept. Office & Control: Audit Bldg., & Paul Deschamps, S t a t e H e a l t h L a b o r a - W o r k s Dept., 353 B r o a d w a y , A l Insurance: M a r y C. Carr, I n s u r ^ " ^ e Dept., 324 S t a t e St., A l b a n y . bany. Geo. T. Gilleran Memorial ^^abor: K o n r a d S c h w e n c k e , L a b o r Public W o r k s : .Russell Taylor, State University Cortland: Mrs. Dorothy Greenman, State University College, Cortland. State U n i versity Ag. & Tech. Inst. Farm- ingdale: T h o m a s L a d o n s k y , S t a t e University Ag. Fredonia: University & Tech. State Farmingdale. Albert Purdy, College, LRGAL Inst., University State Fredonia. NOTICK riT.\TION.—THU PKOI'LR OK THR STA-rR OF N E W YORK, Hy Giaro »if God. Krre iind Iiidciiendoni, To Atlorney General of tlie Slate of New York, find to "John Doe" the name "Joliii Doe" being- flctitioiie. the allffrfd husband of Minna Godebard, also known as j^finna W. Godehard and Minna Codebard Oewa.srd, if livintr and if drad, to the • xPfUtors, adnilnl-stralors, distributees and as-itrng of "John Doe' deceased, whose nanif* and post ofTue addresses arp unknown and cannot after dilitrent inuiry be ascertained by the petllloner herein; and to the di.stributeei of Minna Godehard. aleo known a.s Minna W. GodeIiard, and Minna Godebnnl. deceased, wliose namei and post ottice addresses are tinknown and cannot after diliirent hiqiiiry be ascertained by the petitioner herein; beinp the persons Interested as creditors, rtistributefa or otherwise in the estate of ^rinna Godehard, also known as Minna D. Godhard and Minna Godcliard. deccnscd, who at the time of her death was a resident of Hotel Nevada, Broadway, New York, N.Y, Send GREETING T'pon the petition of The Public Administrator of the C'ounly of New York, haviufr his office at H.ill of Records, Room .10!). UoroUKh of Manhattan, City and County of New York, as administrator of the groods, chattels and credits of said deceased: Yon and each of you are hereby cited fo show cause before the Surrogate's Court of New York County, held at the Hall of Records, in the County of New York, ®n the 17th d.ay of September l!)fla, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. why the account of proceedings of The Public Administrator of the County of New York, as iuiministrator of the roodti. chattels and credits of said de«<a-ie<l, should not be iudici;illv settled IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. We have eaused the seal of the Surrotrate'ti Court ®f the said County of N « Y o r k to be hereunto atlixed. WITNESS, HONORABLE JOSEPH A. COX, a Surrogate of our said County, at the Counly ot New • Seal) York, the 3rd ilny of June in the year of our l.ord one thou rand nine hundred and sixty th ree. I'hilip A. Piuiah\ie, Clerk ot the Surrogate's Court July chapter and announced t h a t the State Maginn, Wel- Social Wel- f a r e Dept., 112 S t a t e St., A l b a n y . State: Al- Compensation: j of William State, J. Condon, 164 S t a t e St., Dept. Albany, Albany. R e a l | bany 26. State University Albany: P r o p e r t y Bureau, 103 W a s h i n g t o n j B e n j a m i n J. Comi, State Univer- eral Services, 103 Ave., Albany. Liquor Authority, Ave., Law: Max Albany. Benko, Mental H y g i e n e : I sity College, by NOTICE vice Authority: 39 Columbia Mrs. Florence president; VACATIONS Liquor St., Al- PIEASAMT ACRis water, nr. shopping center, bus stop at premises, reasonable. Ellenville 4;j J for reservations. Until Leon Studt, Mrs. thy L a c e y , directors; William Long, Harold Steven Wineski, Frederick PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Sweeney, By the Grace oT Cod Free and Independ- j and Gustav Earl Fitzgerald. S.immons, Storms. Alfred 'nnnalri Joseph Granlund, Secreto, Tnhn TUnnnPV John George ^Soi^Hi^/^^i^'l^^^J^E^LSilJu^i^ Richardson. Charles Fun for everyone! and child in s a m e room free . , every room with T V . Free SelfI'arklnf. Only J, 8AUSTO & SON LO 3-0431 I "''«.50da/;y I M complete N e w Jersey! / NEW YORK HXJ 0-8300. I ext. 3 ^couSri,n'''' FREE CRUISE to the BAHAMAS fte®; In tki Hwt of M'mi Be^efi! Yovr ON IHt OCMN ATtlNCOlN »OAD MAIL Travtl Ag«nl holtl Jerry Granger Managing Director Air-Conditioned ue 'HOTEL .OH THE OCEAN al 64th ST., MIAMI If ACH j 2 Olympic Pools, Private Beach SWIMMING NiTELY TILL 10 P . M . Nightly Entertainment • Dancing Coffee Shop • Cocktail Lounge A Paradise for Honeymooners Tnmps Long, Kohl. f..'M. At NYState Thruway Ext 21. Go Right ^ Modern • Active Resort - Accom. 250 Spacious Rooms - Private Showere yk: Olympic Style Pool •k Kiddle Wading Pool i ' Popular Band - Entertainment nightly Beautiful Cocktail Lounpe-Bar ir Wide Variety of Sports if Three hearty meals a day i Finest Italian-American Cuisine if Free color brochure and rates ent, TO: coMTEssE AiLLiEHES deMONT-! ^^^^ uonaiQ, j o n n M o o n e y , James MORIN ST. HEURM, coMTE FERNAND | Castle. L e o M a r k l e , H e n r y D a w e , Deoraff, Raymond » Dial 518-943 4011, Leeds 5, N.Y. Fennelly, G r a c e W o j c i e c h o w s k i , Mrs. D o r o Schrowang, Albany, Washington ember 23. C o m m i t t e e reports were next m e e t i n g would be held Sept- CITATION — KlI.E NO. 104(1/1UC.T — TIIK PEOPI.E OF THR STATE OF NEW YORK, BY THR GKACK OF (iOU FREE A N D INDEPENDENT. — TO: ERN-^T St'HAAI., SOFIE Kl'nELBER(iER. A M A M E SCHNAIDT. HKl.GA SCHNAIDT. HANS SCHNAIDT. HEIDI DEUTSCH. SIKGLINDR W ASCII ECU, INGE SCHNAIDT. EI.SA IIAKNKR, FRlKltA SCHNAIDT, R I D O L F SCHNAIDT, AUGUST SCHNAIDT. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSR before the Surrogate's Court, New York County, nt Room G04, in the Hall ot Keconle in the County of New York, New York, ca July '-JSth, lOtJJ, at 10:00 A.M., why • ((rtain writing dated Dicembir Sdth, lO.'iS, which has been otfercii lor probate by WILT.IAM I. WEISS, residing at Newport Street, Brooklyn, Ntw York, should not bo probated as the Last Will nnd Testament, relating to n.il and perbonal t)ropfriy of MARIE SCHAAL a k/a MARIK R SCHAAL and M A R I E lUJSlNE SCHAAL, Deteased, who at the time ot her deutli u resident of ll»tJ West 10th street, in the Counly of New Vurk, New '\'ork. and that the Will dated January 10th. lUttl, be denied Vriil'ate. Daltd, Atteoted and Seali/d, June 13ih, lli();j. HON. JOSEPH A. Ct)X, Surronale. New Toik Counly. i ' U l L l P A. DONAHUE, Clerk (L.8.) John The 26. Social 24. Office of General Services: E d g a r J . ' M u i T h y , O f f i c e Of G e n - 15—l^'^ad the MO<;\L Bldg., bany. P a r o l e : M r s . Alicia Fisher, i THE S H A A N A N HOUSE SPRING GLEN. N.Y.. modeinly furnished 25. D i v . of P a r o l e , 140 Hudson Ave., rooms and apts, shady lawn, mineral of Dept., B o x 7143, C a p i t o l S t a t i o n , A l b a n y James P. M a r t i n , president, incommittees Works ington Ave., A l b a n y . General S e r - • Sy^^^^ter R i l e y , W o r k m e n ' s C o m - , T a x & Finance: F r a n k Carrk, vices. Public Bldgs.: A r n o l d Davis. pensation B o a r d , 1949 B r o a d w a y , ' Misc. T a x , T h e S t a t e Campus, A l - Some 30 persons attended the l^'ecording secretary; Pi-ederick recentchapter meeting of t h e ! t r e a s u r e r ; and Martin Ulster County chapter, Civir^^"^' F o l l o w i n g the m e e t i n g the a n Service Employees Association nual s u m m e r social gathering was at the Board of Public Works held. Tho.se attending the meeting Building in Kingston. Included: Albert Ochner, first the fare: Robert Control. Albany (From Leader Correspondent) troduced 23rd Employment, RTA Workmen's Ulster County Chap. Holds Summer Meet POUGHKEEPSIE, of Div. Broadway, D i v . V e t e r a n s ' A f f a i r s , 155 W a s h - Div., O f f i c e Bldg., A l b a n y i Campus, A l b a n y Employment: Gaudette, Canton: E a r l e H o r t o n , State U n i versity A g . & T e c h . Inst., Canton. Engineering Div. 25. Executive: M r s . M a y M . D e S e v e . ^ ^91 & Markets, S t a t e O f f i c e Bldg., A l - | B e n j a m i n P . Z a y a c , S t a t e bany Dept., tory. N e w S c o t l a n d Ave., A l b a n y 8. of S t a t e Industrial School, Industry. N e w P a l t z f s e c r e t a r y ) . State U n i - ! bany. New Vehicle COLONIAL VILLA6E MORIN ST. HERRM and CATHERINE P h p s t p r T n h i q q W n l t p v npmr,-.ci1 CAILLARD d'AlLLlERES. being the persons I lODiaS, W a l t e i Gemmell, on BEAUTIFUL LAKE GEORGE intercfited as creditors, legatees, devisees, J o h n S " U l l v a n d T a m p c Cilrmtrh Escape the crowds . . . enjoy the Real beneliciaries. dislrit.ulees, or otherwise in ^ - U i ' y a n a j a m e S blOUgn. Lake George 1 Superb food, lovely acthe estaate of MARY HUFFER d'AH.comod., all water sports, dancinir, LIERES, deceased, who at the lime of cocktail lounge . . . all thie, for us LISGAL .NOTICK her death was a resident of 4 rue Montelow as $tie wk. & up. Color Booklet S bello, Versailles. France. Send Greeting: Colonial Village, Bolton Landing 7, NY Upon the petition of Herman C. Huffer. Tel.: Bolton N. H. 4-P05': CITATION. — THE PEOPLE fiF THR Jr.. residing at l»ti Pelham Street, Newport, Rhode Island, ami Tlie Chase Man- STATE OF N E W YORK, By the C a r e hattan Bank, a New York corporation ot God Free and Independent. To Mony Van Hasselt, Benianln De having.s its iiriiicipal ofllce and place of De S\saan busint^s at 1 Cliase Manhattan Plaza, Swaan Van Hasselt, Salomon De Swaan (ireene (o. New York 1,'), N.V., as E.xecutors of the Oliva. Abraham Luis De Swaan Oliva ' '"-•"'I' Durlinra 4, N.Y. Last Will and Testament of Mary Huffer P e t e r D e S w a a n , A e n n e F r e u d De S\v,; in, O u r S l o g a n — B e s t F o o d Si S e r v i c e E v e r I.eo (iiiillenno De Swaan Oliva. The I for '«3 U'Aillicres, decc,ised. following are Infants under 14 y .-us | ^.^ly, m d . Pelleious MeaU You and eaili of you are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogate's Court B o r i s L i o n e l D e S w a a n de J o n g . Retiv De : Koute 115 In the center of K, Durham ot New York Counly, held at the Hall of Swaan, Robert Sol De Swaan, C.-irrie De ' Records in the County of New York, on Swaan: Infants over 14 year.- Ednanic Newly decorated casino & dining room. All the 20lh day of August, li)63, at ten Leo Martin De Swaan de .Tong, r.dole rooms with adjoining baths. No rising De Swaan de Jong, Annie bell. Breakfast served from 8 till 10:;iU o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why Elizabeth the account of proieedings ot Herman C. Adriana De Swaan de Jonp, Geeit De Supper from 4 to 6:30. Free Eve. Sna< k» De Swaan, Carrie De New modern swimming pool. Dancing Huffer, Jr., and The Chase Manhattan Sw,ian, Tommy Bank as nucli E.^eciiloi's should not be Swaan, Rram De Swaan being the per- nightly to Jim Rooch's Band featuring judicially settled and why such other sons interested a« creditors, legatees, de- Joe Tining write or Dial 518 ME 4-'.>884. and further relief as Hie Court may deem visee", ))eneflciarieH, distributees, or other- Matt McNally. Prop. just anil proper should not ba granted. wise in the estate ot ABHAHA-M DE IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, •we have SW.A.VN, deceased, who at the time ot caused Hk? seal of the Surrogate's his death was a resident of I?,"; We^t Court of the said County of 7^nd Street, New York City. Send Gieeling; TM)on the petition of HENRY WOLKNew York to be hereunto atflxed. WITNESS, HONORABLE S. SAM- SON, residing at 8 Auerbach Lane. LawE. Durham 10, N.Y. UEL Di FALCO, a Surrogate of rence, New York, (L.S.) Yon and each of you are hereby cited Dial B18-«34-i.M:» our said County, at the County ot New York the COth day of to chow cause before the Snrrogate's Swim, Fish. Bicycles, Handball, Tenn.s, June, in the year ot our Lord Court of New York County, held al tlie Shuffleboard, Movies, Cocktail lAjuiufe, one thousand nine hundred and Hall of Records in the County of New Caenio, Orch. on Premises. Horses, liolf. York, on the 20th day of August. l!i(:;t. sixty-lliree. All Churches near. 3 delicious meals at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that daily. Showeii. Bath. Hot and Cold P H I L I P A. DONAHUE. Clerk ot the Surrogate's Court. dav, why the Intermediate a<coiint of Water all Rms. Acc. lUO. l.ro.eedinu's of ANTJE DE >^WAAN. IRVwkly. Scand & Irish Mgm't. and CITATION'. — KILE Ko. 1'7!)2, IflO.T, — INC, ATKINS, H E N R Y WOLF'iON 0. C. Barlow, Prop., Bklt. THE PEOl'LE OE THE STATE OF N E W SOL DE S W A A N , as TruPttes of the YORK, l)y tlie (ir.ice of God Free and Trust under Paragraph "FIKTH r " u / w DE SWAAN, D. Fr:i ed. Independent, to the heirs at law. next of A B R A H A M ; nd of kin and di.slribiileea ot A L E X A N D E R shoould not be Judicially settl.d. T. RIJKOKE, Deceased, If living, and if why payment of the sum of ^'^.'iDO.dii fur legal serviies rendered by KVU/. k Kl RZ any of them be dead, to their heirs al law, next of kin, distributees, legaters, should not bfl approved by the .oiirt. IN TI'^TIMONY WHEREOF, havei exei'iilors, admiiii-^ti'ators, assignees and, i. d . we • c m 50* • per person double to Dec, occ. 15 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPIOYEES Headquart*r$ Juy l 1 to Aug. 18 MISS UNIVERSE Add $3.50 lor 2Com;»ete Meals N.Y. OFFICE JU 2-2125 Junior M.^.P• $2-50 . 3 6 of 3 2 9 R o o m s GEORGE CASPER General Mgr BLARNEY STAR HOTEL WHITESTONE INN On Rt. 32, Catskill 6, N.Y. Tel. Area Code 518 OR 8-9782 A t r u e f u m l l y resort. P r i v a t e liuths. H o t a n d C o l d w a t e r a l l r o o m s . Individiiul cottages—3 h e a r t y ltal.-.\iiier. nieiils daily. N e w Filtered Swimmiiig Pool. Cliiliirrn's Playground, Casino, nunring, TV Bar. From >47 Weekly. Children under 10, Free nroelnire. -BARLOW'S- LAKESIDE HOUSE OFF RTE. 32 Family Reeort, 2 lakes, guiHl fl-hing, bwiniuiing, boating, spoils Ai 3 delicious meals a day. Free eve f-na^'ks. All for $45 to $00 wkly; Housekeeping cottages, accoinm. B; fttO to $75 wkly. Brochure. C. Fauble, Rt. B. Box 2«0. Kingston. N.Y. Dial 914-338-3400. MUmLB^^boiuMl? suci'etsors In inleiest, whoso names are i caused the seal of the Surrogatt s i ouri unknown and cannot be ascertained after the said County or New loiK to bo hereunto atfixed. due dilineiice. Y o r ARE HEREBY CITED (L.S.) WITNESS, HON. S. SAMTEL TO SHOW CAl'SE beofre the Surrogate's Di FALCO, a Surrogate of our Court, New Vork County, at Room 504 K.iid counts, at the Cnuiitv of in the Hall of Records in the County of New York, the 3nl day of July, Ntw Vork, New Vork, oil August 20, In the year ot our Lord one lUt)3, at 10 A.M., w hy a certain writing tliousand nine hundred and ilatfil January S, IStti.'t, which has been sixty-three. offered for probate by NADINR LVOKF. PHILIP A D O N A H I E . reMUmg at East 88ih Street, New Clerk ot the 8uno«all's Court York (.'ily. ••iiould not be probated as the last Will and Tebtament, relating to real and peihoiial proiierty, of A L E X ANDER T. Kl,IKt)l''F, Deceased, who was F B E E B O O K L E T by V. S. Govat the time of his death a resident of a Kufcl ^^lh Sireet. in the County of ernment o n Social Security. M a l l New York, New York. Daled, Atested Ulid Si aleil. June •.* I, lIKi.'i. on ? ""der, 97 Duane Slieet HON. S. SAMI KL Di FALCO, Surrogate, -S'ew York fiiiinly, P H I L I P A. I \eu 4..k 7, N. y. DONA it L E. Clerk. (L.S.) ^ THIS FREE B A H A M A C R U I S E • S H O W E R O F STARS CHftlSE L O U N G E S & MATS TOP E N T E R T A I N M E N T p.^ri P A R K I N G IN O U R L O T • WIN A F R E E VACATION " N t « J J M • TV IN E V E R Y R O O M INCLUDES! Special Diicountt To EVERYTHING .Civil Sirvica Employees MONTHLY RATES 3-4646 2nd CHILD FREi iconoii) ituiiir PUN ta»lllill< •«! CWf lUNioi tMdictN ntN)2.50 DIRfCTlY ON THf OCtAN ATmh ST., MIAMI BIACH Jij'j CIVIL Ptgi* Fourlem SERVICE T. F A D E R Tu<w<fay, July Palma C. Brock Wins Kings Park Award By WILLIAM ROSSITER CSEA Mental Hygiene Representotivt Report on MHEA Meeting The Kings Park State Hospital chapter, Civil Service Employees Association, recently presented a $300 scholai'shlp to Palma C. Brock, student nurse candidate to : the Kings Park State Hospital school of Nursing, | William Kelly, past president of By CHARLES LAMB The Uniform Allowance THE UNIFORM allowance for Correction personnel has Anally been resolved. Rules covering the payments has beeii posted on institutional bulletin boards and published in Th8 Leader. All were disappointed at the amount allowed which really is a replacement allowance as newly appointed officers spend over $200 for uniforms. Employees in general expressed their appreciation for the Improvement to Commissioner Paul D. McGlnnls, the Division of the Budget, and the CSEA for working out a formula to use all the money allocated for this purpose. "OUR PLAN IS TO send attendants back"t6'the wards, gald Dr. Charles Nlles, Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene at the meeting of representatives of the Mental Hygiene Employees Assoelation on July 8th In Albany. This topic of working out of title was one of many on the agenda that MHEA discussed with Department officials at the morning session. Top priority is being given this matter as budget recommendations are being made a,s a result of surveys that show i THE BIG OVERSIGHT, not immediately noticed, was nearly 500 attendants are working out of title In our mental that the female uniform personnel were not eligible under Institutions. What an injustice to many employees for far | the original rules, but through the Immediate efforts of too many years. Creation of new items to correct this in- , Correction Officers Inlz Smith, President and Doris Tucker, equity will definitely Improve patient care and boost emDelegate of Westfleld State chapter, CSEA, the Budget Office ployee morale. revised the rules and after study, payment will be made to REPRESENTING THE D.M.H. in addition to Dr. Niles ^ them retroactive to July 1, 1963. were Daniel J. Doran, business assistant to the commission- , THE FEMALE Correction Officer has come a long way er and John Allen, Associate personnel administrator. MHEA ' by their active participation in the CSEA. Phase one was was represented by John O'Brien, President, Dorrls Blust, j their change of title to Correction Officer. Phase two was Secretary-Treasurer, Sam Apolla, Craig Colony, Carl Sabo, their reallocation of salaries bo Grade 11, and Phase three Wassalc State School, Emll Bollman, Rockland State Hospl- | may now be their long sought blue uniforms similar to the tal and this writer. j men. If they intend bo be Correction Officers they might JOB SECURITY for non-competltlve employees is a necesJust as well go the whole way. sity. These employees should have the same Job security PALMA C. BROCK POLICE CHIEF Anthony Paul's request for new uniforms as competitive employees. This thinking Is supported by the ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ presenting the was turned down by the Honolulu Board of Supervisors, Department of Mental Hygiene. | scholarship to Miss Brock, menbut the cops will get their new togs after all as an anO F C O N S I D E R A B L E i n t e r e s t w a s t h e Job f r e e z e . R e - | tioned that the award is designed nonymous benefactor has donated $10,000 to grant each member there is a modified freeze that is In existence. This , to offer financial assistance with police officer $100 bo purchase a summer uniform. consists of delegated savings factors that have been set up | consideration to a son or daughter NEW YORK CITY Personnel Director, Theodore H. Lang, by the Division of Budget which regulates actions of the j ^^ ^ New York State employee or has notified all department and agency heads that summer vacancy control boards in every Institution. The savings chapter member, work hours for City employees will be from 9 a.m. to figure for the year Is one million dollars-a lot less than other activities of the Hos4 p.m. from June 15th to September 15. 1963. How about orlglnally planned. It varies from 2.5% to 9.0^. Geography ; that, you dedicated State employees? It's not only salaries and turn over rates are the controllers. lionorin? her for her 33 years servfalling behind in State employment; it's working conditions SIGNIFICANT, TREMENDOUS changes have taken place ice in the Oooupational Therapy in general. In the care of the mentally ill. There has been a continuing : E>epartment of the Kings Park INSTITUTIONAL clerical employees In Correction, Mental increase In releases—in the face of rising admissions. Total HospLbal. The party was held at Hygiene, Social Welfare and Health Departments of the hospital population was reduced for the 8th »onsecutlve the Prevolas Riviera Inn, SmithSouthern Conference area are formulating plans for a retown. year. Tiierefore, institutions are operating with much less , Guests at the party Included: allocation of salaries and titles. The Conference will sponpatient help and this creates an additional problem for ward I Mrs. Vioift McOrabli, supervisor sor a meeting for interested employees In these titles. Send personnel as attendants have to assume more added duties. O. T . Servioe, A l b a n y ; Maurice your name, title and address to Nicholas Puzzlferri, President, At the new West Seneca State School there is no patient KQ^tfi^ g^^late personnel diSouthern Conference, CSEA, c/o Rockland State Hospital, lielp In their laundry. rector and Mi'®. Kosstrin; R e v e r Orangeburg, New York. The Correction Conference, SouthOTHER ITEMS discussed were: posting of vacancies In end Maxon, Pix)testant chaplain, ern Conference and Mental Hygiene Employees Association, the non-competltlve class; sick leave problems, downgrading R a y m o n d and Mrs. Hiiler. Mrs. are submitting resolutions to CSEA for a general 15% salary of painters, the need for additional employees in the ward Hilier Li tiie supervisor of Occupational T i i e r a p y D e p a r t m e n t at Increase. In fact Correction Officers feel they are more service and the departments proposed patient-employee ratio the Hospital, Misa Ross, Assistant than 20% behind their counterparts In similar uniform (this proposal asks for more items in all services), the em- Supervisor of Occupational T h e r positions. ployees personal file, clarification of pass time and overtime ^py attended, also William Mason, EMPLOYEE organizations should be alerted to the many rulings, appeals of attendants and nurses. who acted as master of cererecommendations for down-grading of salaries, emanating GUESTS AT THE luncheon meeting included Dr. Paul monies. from Albany these days. It Is Just another gimmick to save Hoch, Commissioner, and Mrs. Hoch, Mayor Eratus Corning money at the expense of the little employee. The same II, Albany, Joseph F. Felly, President CSEA, Dr. Charles amount of work will remain. Just at a smaller salary. Nlles, John Allen, Charles Lamb, 4th Vice-President, CSEA. HOT FROM the minutes of the Correction C o n f e r e n c e MAYOR CORNING welcomed the delegates. Dr. Hoch Correction Officers will seek a reallocation of salaries to was principal speaker and outlined the progress that the grade 15 this year. I>epartment of Mental Hygiene has made and the challengNEW YORK STATE, supposedly the "Empire State", has Tiie new officers have been ing plans of the future. He asked for the continued help fallen so far behind In Its hallowed echoes of employees of the mental hygiene employees and said that without been elected by the Commerce benefits of past years, that even small companies that were such help and cooperation, our department could not have | Department chapter of the not even In business when New York State boasted such established the record that the State of New York should I Civil Service Employees Assn. benefits as retirements, vacations, etc., now put the great be proud of. Joseph F. Felly, President CSEA, spoke of some at^Albany. "Empire State" to shame. Listed below are benefits granted of the problems (due to the tight budget of the State) that ! T h e y are: H a r r y Aranove, president; Mildred Cottreii, vice presl- by a company to their employees who do not even have to the legislative program of CSEA had to face in the last ^ickl Panthen. secretary: session of the legislature. Emil Bollman, M.H. Represent- Kathy MacTavish, treasurer, and compete by examination for their Jobs: IF AN EMPLOYEE Is sick he gets 2/3 salary up to 8 atlve, CSEA was toastmaster and did a fine Job. Harriet Vaciieron, good will admonths. JOHN O'BRIEN, president of MHEA, conducted the after- ministrator. BLUE CROSS and Blue Shield Family Plan fully paid. noon session. It was a lively meeting as plans are being made Members of the executive comLIFE INSURANCE—One thousand dollars for each year mittee include Victor Appio, K a t h for tlie fall and the 1964 legislative session. Caplan, employed—benefits up to $25,000. REiVIElMBER BUDGET time for the next session is only leen Cannon, David ' PENSION PLAN—Half salary for life at age 65. a few montlis away. Your legislators should be informed W a l t e r Qausey, R u t h Clinton, Joseph Constantino, Alice Edwards, VACATIONS—Two weeks after one year, three weeks of your plans. They cannot help in our legislative programs Kay Fiacco" Alan Hoffman. Edunless tliey have the fact^ and they can't render assistance | mund Horan, Charles Kernaghan, after five years, to you and our objectives If you do not want to assist your- i Marianne Spulnlck, Genevieve SeTIME AND A half for overtime past 40 hours. self. Wiiy not think about sending letters to your own leg- euro. Nancy Stellges. May Yaffee, FREE MEALS, no limit on the amount they eat. islators. They are the ones that can help us. E>orathy ZavLsky and Ray ZielinLOANS granted to employees without Interest. ski BIRTHD.\YS oft" with pay as well as all seven legal holidays during the year. THEY MAY take home a reasonable amount of merNamed to Council T h ? New Y o r k State Bridge chapter, announced that the next chandise without charge. Authority Employees chapter. Civil meeting of the chapter would be Governor Rockefeller recently THEY MAY buy company stock up to 10% of their salary. :iei vice Employees Assn., recently iieid at Bear M o u n t a i n Bridge. announced the reappointment of The company contributes a half dollar for every dollar they held tiieir annual picnic at Cos's August 7 at 8 p.m. RolK'rt C. Roberts as a member • r o v e , Riunecliff Bridge. Over 80 of the Council of State University Invest. Harry Aranove New Commerce President Bridge Authority Employee Picnic :n©mbeis and quests attended the CVcll Bioolia, president * Use postal zone numbers on yumiiiuil to insure promiit o£ tlie 1 delivery. A^iicuitural and Technical Instl- • THE COMPANY distributes 10% of profits to the emtu-' at Morrisville, for a term ployes at Chirstmas. Last year each employee received better euJuiii July I. 197a. i than five weeks ^alaiy. CIVIL Tiiesflay, July 16, 1963 SERVICE LEADER Page Fifteen This Week's Civil Service Telecast List T e l e v i s i o n p r o g r a m s of to civil service interest employees Police are broadcast dally o v e r W N Y C , Chan- pro- week's New programs York City's telecast p.m.—Airman's television 7:30 8:30 World— the pitals T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m f o r N u r s Louis "Routine Stops" by S e r g e a n t G e o r g e Feature—U.S. Pi-o- — Frank S. Olkuski, right, is shown being: into office for the fourth time as president of the the T o w n of North eau, a n d North Hempstead unit, Civil Service Employees Association by Clinton Martin, center, superintendent of I v a B e n n e t t of the N u t r i t i o n B u r - 6:30 World— Hempstead. U.S. A i r F o r c e f i l m series, Benjamin Cooke left, is attorney for the Town of North Hempstead. 8:00 p . m . — N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — I v a B e n n e t t of the N u t r i t i o n B u r eau. 8:30 Anny p.m.—Army Special-U.S. film "The series. Soviet Soldier". 10:30 p.m.—^Department of H o s pital's T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m f o r Nursing Personnel—with Louis Hal- Ameri- PASS HIGH the EASY ARCO WAY a.m.—Public City direct from City on four 4:00 p.m.—Around Police Department the Clock- training pro- gram. 5:00 p . m . — N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — I v a B e n n e t t , of the N u t r i t i o n Bm*- Civil Service Arithmetic & Vocabulary eau. ......$2.00 6:30 p.m.—Airman's World— Cashier (New York C i t y ) $3.00 U.S. A i r f o r c e f i l m series. Civil Service Handbook $1-00 Department Clerk G.S. 1-4 $3 00 " S c o t t Ma.sks". Clerk N.Y.C $3.00 Official Federal Service Entrance Examinations 7:30 9:30 the Job—Pire training p.m. City ing of I n t e r i o r , S t e w a r t Personnel—with Louis pryn. " A c t l v i t e s of D a i l y F r i d a y , July Police Department gram. "Routine Hal- by Clock- training guest. Big Picture— Building Fair Dedication for personal Press Home Study Course for Civil Service Jobs $4.95 Janitor Custodian $3.00 Maintenance Man $3 00 Parole Officer $4.00 Patrolman $400 Personnel Examiner $5.00 Postal Clerk Carrier $3 00 Real Estate Broker $3.50 School Crossing Guard $3.00 charge Senior File Clerk $4.00 Department. Berns and other Write or Phone for Information Ceremonies. conducts Report Eastern School interviews engaged in the Social Investigator $4 00 $4 00 Senior Clerk N.Y.C $4.00 Stenotypist (N.Y.S.) $3.00 Stenotypist (G.S. 1-7) ...$3.00 Surface Line Operator • • ! • I U ^ • • P * k • I • $4.00 rou Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline Chart of Government." With Every N.Y.C. Arco B o o k - ORDER DIRECT—MAIL COUPON Pleaae write me free abonl the Hl»h School EQulralency clac*. 1964- Name Addresi c i v i l , SEKVICE C0.\CHING City, Stale, K«|pral, promotion Kxanig Jr t Asdt CWII .Merh. Klectr KiiRr Civil, Slecli, Klertr, Engr Driiftmiiuii EI.ECTKICI.AX-KI.ECTRIC.'VL INSl>. S I B W A Y CONDlXrOK-BlS DKIVKR Maintenance Helper Federal Entrance Stationary Fireman HS Eciuiv. Dipl. Subway Exams PO Clerlt-Carrier M.\TIIEM.ATICS-ENGLISH Civil Service Arith, alp, Keoni, trig LH'EXSE I'KEl'ARATION Eniclnfrr, arrhltect, surveyor Stationary, Kefriceration, Electrician, Portnble ClasNes Dayg, ItvenlnKB ing Personnel—with Louis ' 4:00 p . m . — A r o u n d the Stat« B« iur* to include 3% Salei T m «L 2-»l«0 IN PRINTING Danzig Promoted To Albany Post ALBANY, July 15 — A l b e r t TRAIN IN M. June - July - Aug. D a n z i g , a claims Investigator a n d administrative legal assistant department the the C i t y of S c h e n e c t a d y , has been placed in of the of In Capital B* Ready For JOB In SEPTEMBER SAVE $ $ $ ON TUITION AS TUITION CHARGES INCREASE IN THE FAIL District Come in or Phone OR 4-7076 EMPIRE SCHOOL OF PRINTING D a n z i g has been n a m e d deputy commissioner, succeeding Thomas H . B r o w n of T r o y , w h o resigned. At one time, he served as a clerk f o r the S t a t e Senate. H e is president of Republican and the Club former county GOP Eleventh in Ward Schenectady treasurer of the organization. '••••••••••••••••••••TV'W Qualify This Summer! M SCHOOI j M t ^ B [quivaleiKii DIPLOMA M I DELEHANTY INSTITUTE t n s 222 PARK AVE. SO., N.Y.C. Request Booklet C I TRACTOR-TRAILERS & TRUCKS j I I AVAILABLE FOR Instructions and Rood Test For Class 1 - 2 - 3 Licenses For Class 1 - 2 - 3 Licenses Approved, N.Y.S. Education Dept. & Teamsters Union Supervising Instructor Formerly Gave Road Tests II C H 2-7547 I OPEN MODEL AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL • 145 W . 14th St. (Bet. 6 & 7 Aves.) D A I L Y 8 A.M. to 10 P.M.. Incl. Sat.. Sun., & Holidays •4 AIR-CONOmONBDl City DRIVER TRAINING INSTITUTE Earn Moro $$$ Clock- ^ For informatioii & PrtparoNoN -4 Please tend m* copies of books ch«ck*d abovt. I enclost check or money order for $ . , SPECIAL COURSES FOR Sanitalion Applicants 5 Hours — $40 THIS SUMMER PREPARE TO Hal- Address LEADER BOOK STORE 97 Duane St., New York 7, N. Y. Class 3 Instruction MONDELL INSTITUTE pryn. " A c t i v i t i e s of D a l l y L i v i n g " . Name delivtry C.O.D.'s 40c extra rZ,,,L3 Boro I M W I4II1 St <7th Av) CH .M-.'lHTfl W 41 St (TlntiM Sq) W l 7 - i 0 8 « Over 52 Yeare Civil Service Training Hos- Y. Staf. This I legal^ ^ V V A ploma Is ih« equivalent of gradu»^ •ation from a 4-year High School.^ p t Is valuable fo non-graduate* of.^ » H i g h School fori r • Employment • Promotion ^ ^ * Advanced Educational Training ^ • • Personal Satisfaction ^ ^ Our Intensive 5-Week Course pre<^ spares for official exams conductttU ^ a t regular Intervals by N. Y. State^ ^Dept. of Education. 55c for 24-hour special AL 4-5029 721 Broadway N . V . 3 (at 8 St.) 65 W o r l d ' s F a i r . region f o r the State M o t o r V e h i c l e Social Worker satisfaction Recently filmed. pitals T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m f o r N u r s - $4.00 $4.00 Udall. Seymour 3:00 p . m . — D e p a r t m e n t of High School Diploma Test Trainee Secretary for civil service U.S. A r m y f i l m series. p.m.—World's Women's is High School Equivalency Diploma pro- Stops". p.m.—The Guest Earn Your 19 5:00 p . m . — N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — 7:30 stu- Thursday, July 18 $4.00 Social Investigator series. I v a Bennett, N u t r i t i o n Bureau and 6:00 Educa- in civic Living". 4:00 p . m . — A r o u n d the course. Close-up—City interviewed lectures N . Slegel. .$4.00 Fireman (F.D.) p.m.—On p.m.—Citizen.shlp — G e n e r a l F e d e r a t i o n of W e s t Side U r b a n R e n e w a l P r o j e c t s in M a n h a t t a n . Job—Fire dies. with key s t a f f members, exhibitors of Commission Hall 8:00 tion—Film Clubfi —Bill Hearing Planning the pitals Ti-aining P r o g r a m f o r Nurs- 9:30 p . m . — W o r l d ' s F a i r 10:30 the p.m.—On 8:30 p . m . — W o m e n on the M o v e 10:30 p.m.—^Department of H o s - pry n. Wednesday, July 17 7:30 purpose. guest. p.m.—Airman's series a n a l y z i n g our national purpost. suscitatotf". 5:15 p.m.—U.S. A r m y f i l m series. G. Ameri- Department istry." discussed Mullins. p.m.—^Purpo.seful D e p a r t m e n t t r a i n i n g course, " R c - 9:00 p.m. — Purposeful 5:00 p.m.—^Nutrition and Y o u — sworn 7:00 cans-State Education Departpryn. " A c t i v i t i e s of D a i l y L i v i n g . " c a n s — S t a t e 4:00 p . m . — A r o u n d the C l o c k — m e n t series exploring our national gram. Picture— of " C h a l l e n g i n g Careers in C h e m - Hal- Police Department Training Big 4:30 p . m . — W o r l d ' s F a i r R€«port. Job—Fire course. p.m.—Film p.m.—The U.3. A r m y f i l m series. D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e survey Tuesday, July 16 3:00 p.m. — D e p a r t m e n t of H o s Personnel—with p.m.—On Department training Include: FOURTH TERM Saturday, July 20 U.S. A i r F o r c e f i l m sei-Ies. This ing training '3:30 6:30 nel 31. over Department gram. E. 15 ST.. N.Y. 3—GR 3 - m O ^ I I SCHOOL DIRECTORY UtBlMSMH 8i;UUUL8 MONROE S C H O O L - I B M COURSES VICB IBM TESTS. (Approved f o r Vett.), switchboard, typinr. NCR Bookkeeplof machine, H.S. Equivalency, EnclUb for ForeUn born. Med. Legal and Spanieb itoretarlal. Day and Evo Clasaea. Eaat Tremont Ave., Boiton Boad, Bronx. K1 X-6600. IBM—Keypunch, Sorter, Taba. Collator, Reproducer, Operation, Wiring. SECRETABIALr—Med., U r . , £ z e « . ^^wtchbrd, Comptometrr, All SUuoa. Dlctaph. S T E N O T Y P Y (Mach. Sborthnd). P R E P , for C I V I L SVCE. Day-Eve. F R E E Placmnt. 1713 KlniB H w f y . Bklyn. ( N e x t to ATalon T b e a t . ) DB «l-7200. 47 Mineola Blvd., Mioeola, L.I. (at but A L I R B depota). CB t-tiOOO. ADELPHI BUSINESS SCHOOLS SHOPPING FOR LAND OR HOMES LOOK AT PAGE 11 FOR LISTINGS n V I I . Pafi;«> Sixteen S E R V I C F L E A D E R Western Conference Program Features Four Speakers And Installation of New Officers B A T A V I A , July 15—Installation of officers and the presentation of four speakers | comprised tlie major portions | of tl\e annual meeting of the Western Conference of the Civil Service Employees Assn., held here recently. Felly reminded Commissioner McGinnis last week that "upon the representations of the C S E A , the Division of Budget has made eligible f o r uniform allowances women who are able to fulfill the requirements of eligibility of tlie newly promulgated rules." T h e CSEA president also stated that the Correction Department should, " w i t h the utmost dispatch, n o t i f y the proper agencies of the eligibility of its employees so that the first payment under the u n i f o r m allowance program can be made without further delay." OFFICERS AND G U E S T S : h e r e A 45-tninute question and an.^wer period followed Parkinson's formal presentation. Appeals T h » afternoon se^sslon was devoted to a description of procedures for reclassification and reallocation appeals. Speaker was W i l l i a m Biom, CSEA salary research director, who gave a detailed account of how appeals fttd proposed, written, presented fttid argued for. TUa intense Inteiest Ui his pre•autA^ion was evidenced by the PasI) your copy of the leader T « a Nou-Member (Continued from P a f e 1) sued with Suffolk County Executiv« H. Lee Dennlson and th® board members. The Suffolk chapter hopes to have Supervisors Charles Dominjr of Brookhaven, Thomas Harwood of Islip, and William Lauder of Babylon as guests at Its nextj meeting, July 25 at the Firemanic Training Hall, Yaphank. Reminder Long, president, and Mrs. Melba Binn, second vice president. Standing, from left, are Hazel Abrams, state secretary; John J. Hennessy, Conference first vice president; Kenyon Ticen, treasurer, and Raymond G. Castle, CSEA state second vice president. who conducted the installation. are the recently installed officers of the Western T h e public relations director Conference of the Civil Service Employees A.wn. discussed the workings of the and two state officers who were guesl:* at the Civil Service Leader and the re- recent Conference meeting in Batavia. Seated, from lationship between the headquar- left, are Virgina Halbert. secretary; George W . D e ters staff and the weekly newspaper. He also e.xplained how the lengthy question and answer [ "but identical in our goals—doing the state. Association makes best use of the Among the guests were CSEA period that followed. bhe best for CSEA in the way Leader, especially during critical Secretary Hazel Abrams and 3. eacii of us does best." Castle Reports | periods of the year such as the T h e contribution of each of Samuel Borrelly, chairman of the Raymond G. Castle, CSEA j legislative session which begins thesa CJonferences were credited Central Conference County W o r k second vice president, installed I early in January and runs new Conference officers and wa»s j by Ca-stle with "giving our Asso- shop. throu'gh March and April. County Meeting one of two speakers at the dinner ciation tlie mixed vitality that TeUs of New Manual lends to the great successes we session. Under Its new chairman, Mrs. Perkin.son also Introduced the Castle, who has recently visited have." Ruth Heacox, the Western Confirst draft of a new C S E A public every Conference area in the Another speaker on the pro- ference County Workshop devoted relations guide which Is to be In- State, described to his listeners gram was Paul Kyer, editor of it« session to local government cluded in a revised Chapter O f - the working natures of eacli of T l i e Leader, who gave a short re- problems. Principal speakers were ficers" Manual, to be distributed the Conferences. " W e are all d i f - view on recent developments on Henry Gdula, CSEA field repret o all chapters early in the fall. ferent In approach," he d€^clared, local levels of CSEA throughout sentative and Borrelly. H e told the chapter officials attending the morning conference that he and his staff would like an opportunity to visit each oiiapter of the Association to help set up public relations committees and asked that each chapter set aside a regular meeting or hold a special meeting for this purpose. Blotn emphasized tiiat appeals must have merit and warned that lU-advUed appeals not only would I0.4+ but could be harmful to f e l low w j r k e r s by expo.siutf positions ta unudcessaryr investigation. Suffolk CSEA Gets Important Backing For Health Plan (Continued from Page 1) be effective July 1, it was also announced that women in eligible titles would receive allowances but that further study was necessary to determine the amount of a l lowance. T h e Conference voiced its gratitude to retiring secretary, Mrs. Iren? Lavery, for her devotion and years of service to the CSEA unit. Parkinson Talks Blom Talks On 1963 Unif. Allowance Payment Is Urged Returned to o f f i c e for a second t-erm as pre-sident was George W . D e L o n i . Installed with him at the nvH'tin^ were John Hennessey, first vice president; Mrs. Melba Binn, second vice president; Kenyon TiCtMi, treasurer, and Virginia Halb-rt, secretary. | G a r y J. Perkin.son, public relatlon.s director of the Employees Association, addressed the morning session of the conference. P e r kinson discussed the need for woikahie pul)lic relations program.s on the chapter level and explained that with the growth of the Association, especially durin the past ten years, it had become difficult for the headquarter-; public relatioas staff to service each individual chapter as thoroLigiily as it would like to. Tuesday, July 16, Under the schedule of payments, an eligible employee will receive approximately $100 a year to be paid semi-annually. T h e first payment is effective July 1 with the subsequent payment date of October 1, 1963 and every April 1 and October 1 thereafter. Erie CSEA Gains Grievance Step (Continued from Page 1) adopted. Stengel, in his recommendation, pointed out that the third step was not required by State law and that the addition of a grievance board would be an additional and costly program. It was reported. A t this point, employee representatives f r o m the Fire Department, Erie and B u f f a l o Police D e partments and the Erie chapter voiced strong objections to the Council and succeeded In having the motion tabled for one month. Met With Mayor T h e representatives then set up a meeting with Mayor K o w a l to discuss the question further and i-ecommend that the third step be included. T h e meeting was held July 8. Mayor K o w a l assured the group that the third step would be Included in the grievance program and that the program would be submitted to Common Council in that manner. T h e same group was scheduled to meet with tlie assistant corporation council attorney to have the third step included in the motion. Suffolk COUNTY SESSION: problem, or looal government was the theme of thU diiica«4ott at the County Workshop ses^iion of the Weeteru Conference nieeting^ In Batwvia. Heiiry Gdula, CSE.% Held representative, center, U seen ttlu^traUaf • point. Lbteuere are, fio;<u teft., W i l l l u a Buroti. Appoinfmenf Miss Serena Stackpoie, a mempresident of the Steubeu County chapter; Mri. Ruth ber of the Suffolk County Civil Hiacox, president of the workshop and also of Niagara Service Commission, has recently County chapter; .4. Samuel Borrelly, ehairwan of been named to the Executive iiie Central ConfereiMse County Workshop, and Committee of the New York Stat® Mildred L. Butler, secretary to the Conference Association of County Oivll S e r vi09 OtflcdU. workshop uuit aad a weaiber • ! £ r i « C'«utt(|r«