i N « . AKV7VS T l - ' N I d l V S Powers America's 6 Largest Weekly for tublic Tuesday, Ot toher 20, 1939 a ' J N I ' J O S S V XIVNV LI Vol.. X X I , 'ANVd eJ • I S A S N ' H M ?ss •A Lmptoyeet Page 3 Price 10 CciiU FEILY WINS; WENZL, LAMB, ROWELL ARE NEW OFFICERS By P A U L HERE THEY AREl-YOUR NEW OFFICERS KYER A L B A N Y , Oct. 19 — Joseph F. Felly of A l b a n y h a s b e e n elected to a t w o - y e a r term as president ot the 87,000-member Civil Service Employees Association. H e d e f e a t e d his opponent, H e n r y S h e m i n ot N e w by a vote of 15,678 to 6,700. M r . Feily succeeds York, John F. Powers, of A l b a n y , w h o stepped d o w n f r o m the office a f t e r serving six years. Albert C. Kiliian of Buffalo was chosen first vice president. Elected second vice president of was Raymond G. Castle, Syracuse. R e t a i n e d as third vice president w a s V e r n o n A. T a p p e r of Syracuse. C h a r l e s E. L a m b ot Ossining w o n the post of f o u r t h vice president. Claude E. Rowell, of Rochester, was named fifth vice president. T w o A l b a n y residents, T e d W e n z l a n d Charlotte C l a p p e r , w e r e elected treasurer a n d secretary Departmental i P ) * After an exciting campaign, these eight persons ended as victors in the statewide CSEA officer election, in front, are from left, Cioude Roweli, fifth vice president; Joseph Feily, piresident; Charlotte Clapper, secretary, and Albert Xillian, first vice president; in the rear, from left, arc Vernon Tapper, third vice president; Charles Lamb, fourth vice president; Raymond Castle, second vice president, and Ted Wenzl, treasurer. ' Rockefeller Terms Union ' Charges At Napanoch As * 'Groundless.. Unfounded' respectfully. Representatives Elected to represent the various giene; Herbert Kampf, Public Serstate departments on the Associa- vice; Frank J. Tucker, Public tion Board of Directors were Wil- Works; William J. Hickey, Social liam P. Kuehn, Agriculture and Welfare; Edward G. Gichrist, Markets; Edward G. Sorenson, State; Bernard C. Schmahl, Tax Audit and Control; John O'Keefe, & Finance; William F. Sullivan, Banking; Sam D. Friedman, Civil Judiciary and George W. Heini, Service. Legi.slative. Joseph A. Folts, Conservation; Feily Promises Service Edwin J. Roeder, Commerce; In a brief acceptance speech, James L. Adams, Correction; Mr. Feily promised to devote himHarry W. Langworthy, Jr., Educa- self to increased service to memtion; Jack M. DeLisi, Executive; j bership and a streamlining of apEmmett J. Durr, Health; Solomon pioaches to new and serious probBendet, Insurance; John K. Woift.'lems facing the Association. Labor; Francis C. Maher, Law; Cited for particular attention in William J. Rossiter, Mental Hy(Continued on P a g e 3) HENRY CONGRATULATES JOE "The evidence." Rockefeller itious of impending disorder or Di-itnanJi by Council 50 of the APSCME t3 remove Ciiarles Mc- said, "overwhelmingly contradicjt- riot . . were found to be groundKsttdrick, superintendent of East- ed the charges. The specific alleg- less." ern Correctionai Institute at Napaaoch were termed "completely wlttiaut justification" by Gov. Nslsoti A. Rockefeller. Eitiy last August, union memb a r j teie^iipiied the Governor ohariitii that guard morale was low dU3 to Mr. McKendrick's admitilitiatian. Tiie message dec l j c j d that thera were (because of tiiJ handiinj of institution afTil«> "repeated outbreaks of Itimitii disturbances." State Pay Resolution Calls For 10 Per Cent, $400 Minimum; Counties Want State CS Direction Iti addition they charged that "NdtJitiocii faces the possibility of ALBANY, October 13 — A ten a j'iviie piison riot l)ecause juv- per cent pay Incieasa for State e t i i l ) Inmates in effect run the employees, with a $400 minimum pt Uau " boost behind It, wis marked as Tha Govarn.ir said last week the Number 1 resolution on tiia Dei)'ity Correction Commissioner legislative program of tiia Civil it Caiti held an inquiry at Service Employees Associatioa for tiw ("i^Ti at-d found the charges 1960. to l>.i '•utitoundid." HJ sitd Cjmiuiisioner of Correotioti Piul McOinnii also held aci ")ti tiia spot investigation" wtiicli luciud^d "the taking of •woi'ti testimjny" from tiie gUll l4. Tlie resolution wis adapted, along with more than 70 others, by tlie several hundtid delegates attending the 43th aiinuai maeting of tiie Associatioa, iieid here last week in thi lIiiaj^>r-D<iWltc Clinton Hotel. In a major step, county delegates got through a resolution for th-j abolishment of local civil service boards. Their functions would be transferred, ln.stead to tha State Civil Service Commission. A great number of resolutions cover the areas of overtime, pensions, promotion and other items of intsrest to employee welfare. Eesoiutious were passed calling for full payment by the state of the currant health Insurance plan ( C u u t i i i u e d oil Pace 31 Henr/ Shemin of New York was no poor loser in his race with Joseph Feily of Albany for the presidency of the Civil Service E nployees Association. He is seen here giving hearty congratulations to the winner. 36 Exams on NYCs Nov. List; Police Lt.. 2 Others Off Account clerk heads a list of S6 new examinations to be opened for fllling NOT. 4 by the New York City Department of Personnel, according to the Department's latest schedules. The test for lieutenant, Police Department, originally scheduled for a November filing period has been postponed until December. About 1,600 applicants are then expected. The actual test is still scheduled for Feb. 27, 1960. Jouiiieyman experience, and sheet metal worker, paying around $28 a day. The full list also includes assistant bacteriologist, assistant foreman of structures, assistant landscape architect, assistant landscape architect (promotion), assistant signal circuit engineer, assistant circuit engineer (promotion), assistant superlntendant of construction, assistant superlntendant of construction (promotion), bridge painter, budget examiner, budget examiner (promotion), consultant In child welfare, Transit Authority civil engineer (promotion), electrical inspector. P r o m o t i o n opportunities are excellent. First step Is to senior clerk. Sheet Metal Men Salary for sheet metal workers Is based In the prevailing rate paid In private Industry. Currently It Is about $28 a day. The official announcement for this test Is expected to be much the same as last time, according to Mr. Viola. NYC Policemen Cited For Voior disarming one who attempted to shoot him. Patrolman Wells, while off duty, for bravery to be awarded 365 chased, fought and captured a policemen. Two patrolmen, Joseph man attempting to rob a store In J . Finn and Joseph B . Wells, Queens. received honorable mention, the Commendation a w a r d s were The New York City Police De- partment has announced citations highest award. Patrolman Finn chased two men fleeing the scene of an armed robbery and captured them after issued to 15 patrolmen and meritorious police duty citations to 98. 250 Men received excellent police duty citations. GOOD NEWS FOR CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES MUNICIPAL CREDIT UNION At that time, minimum age at A huge combined examination time of filing was 21; maximum for medical officers, Department at test time was 40. of Sanitation and Fire DepartApplicants must have had at ment, and Police Department least five years' practical experisurgeon, expected to draw a comence and will probably be rebined total of 2,400 applications, has been postponed for a June Elevator inspector, housing com- quired to demonstrate at an allfiling period. munity activities coordinator, around practical test at the bench The City test for gardener, for housing manager, housing officer their ability to perform the work. (promotion). Junior The filing period for the Novwhich 400 applications were an- lieutenant with the continuance of sotisfactory earnings ticipated, has been postponed in- bacteriologist. Junior bacteriolo- ember series of tests will be from gist (promotion), Junior chemical Nov. 4 to Nov. 24. definitely. engineer, Junior chemical engineer Exams Opening Further Information and apBesides account clerk, Novem- (promotion), Junior physicist, lab- plications will be available Nov. ber's big City tests will be for oratory aide, radiation technician, 4 at the applications section. New electrician, now paying around senior street club worker, senior York City Department of Person(promotion), nel, 96 Duane St., New York 7, $25.55 a day, requiring five years' tabulator operator MUNICIPAL BUILDING supervising tabulator operator N.Y., either In person or by mall. (promotion), supervising public Mailed requests for application MANHATTAN health nurse (promotion), super- blanks must Include a stamped, visor of buses and shops (promo- self-addressed business-size enveltion), towerman (promotion), ope. Transit lieutenant (promotion) and assistant architect (7th filing period). Twenty-Eight New York City emAccount Clerk ployees will share $1,175 in cash awards granted for suggestions The official annoncement isn't which tiiey submitted to the City out yet, but requirements for acEmployees' Suggestion Program. count clerk will be nearly the General John R. Kilpatrick, chair- same as last time, according to man of the Suggestion Award Director of Examinations Felix Board, announced that a maximum Viola. award of $500 was among those Salary range in the title Is approved. from $3,000 to $3,900 a year. Mario Spuchesi, ft Transit Au- Some Knowledge of bookkeeping thority Bus Maintainer, is the $500 is required, as well as a high award winner. Mr. Spuchesi sug- school diploma or equivalency gested a revision of the procedure certificate. Applicants will probused when a bus breaks down ably have until June to meet the while in service. educational requirements. As a result of his suggestion, Account clerks, under direct the disabled bus is replaced alsupervision, perform routine clerimost immediately by another bus cal work of ordinary difficulty rather than awaiting the arrival and responsibility related to of a mechanic and the subsequent maintaining and balancing finanrepair of the bus. cial records. $100 • month may net sound like a lot of money, hot It moont a lot to « The new procedure has permitStoto Hospital omployeo who is rocovoring from o hip Injury. This is tho ted a considerable saving of man amount of tho disability chock this man hat roceivod overy month for tho hours. In addition, the riding pubpast 33 months. Ho uses it to holp pay somo Important b i l l s . . . to help lic is greatly benefited by reduckeep him out of tho rod financially. tions In service delays due to Because a n accident and sickness can strike anybody, ovon you, you loo breakdowns. need tho protection offered under )ho C.S.E.A. Plan of Accident and Sickness. A promotion examination, for Michael F. Fltzpatrlck a DepartFor lull dttaih, get In roucfi with on* of fhose »xp»ri»nt»d inturanf positions fts water tender In the ment of Sanitation Welder, who touiutllon who woHi In our Civil Sorvleo DopartmoM. New York City Department of resides at 88-15 Francis Lewis Marine and Aviation and open Blvd., Queens receives an award John M. Devlin President 148 Clinton St., Schcuectady, New York only to employees of that departof $100. Mr. Fltzpatrlck suggested Harrison S. Henr; Vice President S42 Madison Avenue, New York, New York ment, will be open for filing of that a bearing used on snow plow Robert N. Boyd General Service Manaiet 148 Clinton St., Schenectady, New York applications until Oct. 27. caster wheels be replaced by a WiUiamP.Conboy Association Sales Manager 148 Cllntoo St^ Schenectady. New York The Job, which pays $5,670 ft AmuE.HiIl Adminiitrative Assistant 148 Clinton St., Scbenectadv, New York bushing. Thomis Canty Field Snpenrisot S42 Madison Avenue, New York, New York His suggestion permits a reduc- year, conslsu of taking charge Thomts Farley Field Supervisor 225 Croyden Road, Syracuse, N.ew York tion of expenditures for replace- of ft boiler room aboard a ship. Joseph Mooney 45 Norwood Avenue, Albany, New York Field Supervisor For application forms and f u r ment parts. Other awards ranged CUesVinVorsl 148 Clinton St, Scbsnectady, New York Field Snpervisor ther information, contact the apfrom $10 to $50. Ceorg* Wtchob 1943 Tuscorara Rd.. Niagara FaUs, N. Y. Field Supervisor pUcatlon section of the New York Ceorg* Weltmer 10 Dimitri Place, Larthmont, New York Field Supervisor William Scanlin S42 Madison Avenee, New York, New Yvrk Field Supervisor City Department of Personnel, HIGH F A Y I N G JOBS FOR Millard Scbaffer 12 Duncan Drive, Latham, New York Field Supervisor THE B U N D WITH U . S . GOV'T. 96 Duane Street, New York 7, An amendment has been added N.Y., two blocks north of City to the announcement for research Hall. anticipates increase of Dividend to 4V4% FOR FULL YEAR, 1959 Room 372 $1,175 Split by 28 City Aides For Their Bright Ideas I /OO a month he/ps keep h/m out of the red Exam For Promotion To Water Tender psychologist with the UJS. Government, ft Job paying $5,985 to $12,770 ft year. It will provide jobs for blind persons who can meet the requirements. For further information contact the Second UJS. Civil Bervlce Region, 641 Washington Bt., New York 14, N.Y., or the U.S. Civil Bervlce Commission, Washington 25, D C. C i m SBBVICK LEADEB Imtrlck'i Ludlnr N e w i m u u l n * tor PubUo E m p l o j w a L E A D E B PCBLIOATIONS, INC. • T D a w * St., N e w Y o r k T, N . T . . TdcpboDCi BEekmao 841010 E n t s n d u HcoQd-clau mattar October 8. 1989, at U>a p o i t offlc* at Mtw Y o r k . K . T . , iuid«r tba Act of March S, 1870. Member ot Audit Bureau o t ClrculatloQi Sobicrlptlon Price *4.00 Per Z o u Indlvlilual capl««, lOe B E A D T h e Leader e v e r ; week ( w Job Uppottunlllea T E R JSUfBM&VtSWEUL;.c MAIN OFFICfe 141 CLINTON CT, SCHENECTADY I. N.Y •RANKLIN •.77K' ALBANY I-20J2 vol WALBRlOfti ILD6. •UFFALO 1 N. Y, MADISON I3S3 142 MADISON A V L NIW YORK 17, N. Y. MURRAY HILL 2-7tfB i ( i Powers Says 'Adieu' After Six Years of Leading CSEA With a look at the past and a warnln? for the future, John F. Powers said "farewell" to the several hundred delegates attending the 49th annual meeting of the Civil Service Employees Association. Mr. Powers, who stepped down as Association president after an unprecidented six years in ofllce, wa-s roundly applauded by the delegates for his long and devoted service to the CSEA. With obvious and heartfelt emotion Mr. Powers declared that he would be eternall;' grateful for the spirit and loyalty that made It po.ssibie for the Association to record the growth and accomplishments of his tenure of office. The Addre.<i9 Here is Mr. Powers' speech as delivered at the Manger-DeWitt Clinton Hotel: I am givin? this, my last report as President of the A.ssociatlon, with mixed feelings. I cannot deny a feeling of regret—but at the same time I must confess to a feeling of relief that I am laying down the heavy burden of leading this fast growing organization. There is also pride mixed into my emotions. When I look at the record and view the strides which the Association has made in the last six years, I thinlc I can be pardoned If I am grateful I was President while such great things as Social Security, Health Insurance, Dues Deduction, the forty-hour week, and so forth, were b e i n g accomplished. There are also many more achievements d u r i n g this period, e q u a l l y Important, which I could name. Frankly, whatever personal satisfaction I may feel about our last six years, the giant steps could not have been taken If it had not been for the solidarity, the Integrity and loyalty of you—members, officers and delegates. We are an unique organization. I doubt if there is any comparable group of people of our size wherein so much democracy exists In our deliberations and so much tireless and strenuous effort is given by the members without t h o u g h t of compensation. Without you and your spirit, neither your President nor your staff could have achieved these great goals alone. Warns ^ w lem, and our staff U thoroughly aware of Its existence and taking firm steps to combat the invasion. It is sufficient to say the problem Is a real one and that our Association no longer can enjoy the luxury of complacency or self satisfaction. We are already having a fight on our hands to maintain our organization and its integrity. The opposition l.i ruthless and does not in the least object to taking credit for our accomplishments. They steal our program and claim It as theirs; when a raise or a benefit Is achieved, they claim the glory. They are the greatest band wagon climbers In the business. They are In effect parasites who feed upon our efforts. There Is no limit to their claims, no limit to their irresponsibility. It does not matter in the least to them whether or no they ever conceived a possible benefit—or even talked with the administration about It— If we win it, they claim it loudly and blatantly. This struggle for membership which we are now facing must necessarily put us on the alert. We must have a renewal of our faith In ourselves and in the integrity of our organization. We will have to fight the invaders with conviction and with fact. We will have to meet every assault with a counter assault. We have truth on our side, we have organization and membership on our side, we have staff on our side—but we need the conviction and self belief of each and every one of our members that the organization of the C i v i l Service Employees Association and its ways of doing business are the best and surest ways to better the working life of the public employee In New York State. We cannot just believe this — we must continually say it both as individual members and as an organization. Before I close, I must note a sorrowful item. One of our faithful, dedicated and loyal employees, John Kelly, has A FAMILY PORTRAIT Mort Kassell To Retire ALBANY, OCT. 19 — Mortimer M. Kassell, Deputy Commissioner and Counsel of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, announced he had filed application for retirement effective December 22. A member of the Tax Department's legal staff since 1933, Mr. Kassell sent a letter to Tax Commissioner Joseph H. Murphy announcing his retirement plans. "Despite the pleasure I hav« derived from public service," Mr. Kassell's letter said In part, " I resolved some time ago to retirt as sopn as I was eligible because of the fact that working in Albany has necessitated separation from my family who reside in New York." Mr. Kassell will reach 55, op\ tional retirement age In State j service, on December 18. John F. Powers is seen here with Mrs. Powers after presiding In his reply to the head of the for the last time as C S E A president. Tax Department's legal section. Commissioner Murphy said: "It is with genuine regret that I received word on your Intention to file an application for retirement . . . Few men at any level of State service have met the demands of, public office with more professional competence and At the head table on the night (Continued from Page 1) personal devotion to their duties the servicing area were the county of the election dinner were the than you have given to the Demember groups. State Police and Rev. Ralph Carmichael, St. Anpartment of Taxation and FiThruway Division. drew's Episcopal Church, Albany; nance during the twenty-six yean The new CSEA president said Mr. Shemln, Mr. Powers, Mrs. you have served as Its counsel. he was aware that time had been Powers, Virginia Leathern, CSEA His successor In the Department needed to consolidate the AssociSocial Committee chairman; Dr. of Taxation and Finance Is exation's rapid growth of recent T. Norman Kurd, State Budget pected to be named by Commisyears but that current problems sioner Murphy within a few days. such as collective bargaining and Director; Milton Alpert, counsel union assaults on the CSEA must to the Office of Local Government; Feify Pledges More Service To County, Troopers, Thruway now be met with vigor and action. considerable Robert Soper, former CSEA second vice president; Mrs. Felly; Mary Mr. Felly Initiated his adminis- Goode Krone and Alexander A. tration by immediately calling a Falk, members of the State Civil meeting of the vice presidents the Service Commission. day after his election. Mr. Falk, who spoke briefly, was given a standing ovation by the dinner crowd. been very ill. Although he Is Incidentally, several members of on the mend, his period of the Canadian navy, In Albany for complete recovery may still the Hudson River celebration, were be long. He has our earnest invited to join In the final festiviprayers and hopes. ties of the dinner dance. AssociaIn closing. I must pay tribtion delegates declared them to ute to the excellent contribube charming and polite company. tion which our staff has made to our successes. They have exhibited ability, devotion and loyalty—qualities which cannot easily be bought and exist only when men believe sincerely in what they are doing. 10% Raise Sought (Continued f r o m P a g e 1) available to public workers; Improved working conditions; In all political divisions. Increased personal leave and Jobless pay. A full list of the approved resolutions will appear In next week's issue of The Leader. Resolutions submitted but disapproved also will appear. In addition. The Leader will continue its photo coverage showing various aspects of the meeting In action. PROGRAM FOR CHAPTER HEADS Will Direct Affairs of Assn. on I'nions I would be remiss in my duty if I failed to speak of a very .serious problem which our A.ssoci.iliou is now having to face. For many years our Association has been the only organization interested In the problems of the public employees. However, In recent years, oth^r organizations — the unions _ iiave been actively iuti.'rested in enticing the public employees into their locals and councils. The news of I few weeks ago that the Teamster affiliate. Local 237, intiMids to .seek membership amjuii tile state and municuwi I'lnpioyees, was the most rect-nt announcement. Thij report is not the place to dw;*il at length on this subject. There are established committees in the Association whifli a u actively eng'lgc'vl ill studying the prob- Celeste Rosenkrani, left, chairman of the C S E A Education Committee, is seen as she introduced Faustine LaGrange to a large number of chapter presidents attending a program designed to familiariie them with the operations of C S E A headquarters. Mrs. LaGrange Is a staff member and explained Joseph F. Feily, shown at his new desk in C S E A headquarters her duties with the organiiation. Others participating wer« at Albany, has been elected to direct the affairs of the Civil Pat DiMurio, Joseph D. Lochner, Philip Kerker, Henry Galpin Service Employees Association during the next two years. I and Jesse McForland, all of headquarters. The educatioa He succeeds John F. Powers, who served six years. series was initiated last year and hat proved a pepuloc i x i l t t NYC Exams This Week (cars and shops), written test set for 8:45 A.M. in room 202 at 241 Church St., Manha., for 20 candidates. Oct. 22. Promotion to motorman (Transit Authority), qualiOct. 21. Railroad porter medical fying performance test set for 10 •et for 8 A.M. at 241 Church St., A.M. at Interlocking Tower, FordManh., in room 200 for 321 candi- ham Station, Concourse Line, I N D dates. Division, for 3 candidates. Oct. 21. Custodian practical Oct. 22. Railroad porter medical oral set for 9 A.M. at P.S. 99, set for 8 A.M. In Room 200 at 241 «2-37 Kew Gardens Road, Kew Church St., Manh., for 321 candiGardens, Queens, for 8 candi- dates. dates. Oct. 22. Custodian practical orOct. 21. Housing community al set for 9 A.M. at P.S. 99, 82-37 activities coordinator oral test .set Kew Gardens Road, Kew Gardfor 10 A.M. at 299 Broadway, ens, Queens, for 8 candidates. Manh., room 705, for 1 special Oct. 22. Supervisor of motor candidate. transport, experience oral set for Oct. 21. Promotion to supervisor 9:30 A.M. in room 708 at 299 Broadway, Manh., for 10 candidates. Oct. 21. Promotion to motorman (Transit Authority), qualifying performance test set for 10 A.M. at Interlocking Tower, Pordham Station, Concourse Line, I N D Division, for 11 candidates. TA Prom. Exam To Structure Boss Oct. 23. Railroad porter medical set for 8 A.M. in room 200, 241 Church St., Manh., for 321 candidates. Oct. 23. Supervisor of motor transport, experience oral set for 9:30 A.M. in room 708, 299 Broadway, Manh., for 10 candidates. October 27 Is the closing date for filing of applications for the promotion examination to structure malntalner, group D, with the Kew Yoric City Transit Authority. The test Is scheduled for Jan. 25. Oct. 23. Recreation leader (fourth filing period: group 1), written test set for 1 P.M. in room 202, 241 Chmxh St., Manh., for 19 candidates. The examination is open to Transit Authority employees permanently employed as malntalner's helpers In the structure section of the maintenance of way department for at least six months Immediately preceding the test date. Oct. 23. Social Investigator (fourth filing period: group 1), written test set for l P.M. in room 200 at 241 Church St., Further Information and appli- Manh., for 143 candidates. Oct. 24. Alphabetic key punch cation blanks are available from (third filing the application section of the City operator' ( I B M ) Department of Personnel, 96 period), practical test set for 9:30 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y., two A.M. at the I B M Training School, blocks north of City Hall, just 186 Joralemon St., Bklyn., for 135 candidates. west of Broadway. 400 TA Men Hear Lunch Time Talk C I T Y H E R E M A N A G E M E N T SET F O B >CT. T A L K 22 "Optimum Municipal Service Systems Through Management Control Analysis" Is the topic of an address to be given the Municipal Association of Management Analysts by Dr. Melvln E. Salveson. Details of the federal old-age survlvors and disability program were the highlights of a talk by Abraham A. Asofsky, manager of the Washington Heights Social Security Office, to employees of the New York Transit Authority Car MainDr. Salveson Is president of the tenance Department at 211th Street Institution for Management Sciand 10th Avenue, Manhattan, ences (an International organizaTuesday, October 6. tion with 3,000 members) and An unusually large audience of president of the Center for Ad400, of a total staff of 600, attended vanced Management. the talk. Meyer M. Kallo, president of After Mr. Asofsky's talk, which gave special emphasis to the significance of coverage for New York City employees, a question and answer period was held and informative pamphlets were distributed. M.A.M.A., and Abraham P. Chess, vice-president In charge of program, have planned similar lectures for future meetings, they said. The talk will be given Thursday, Oct. as, at 6 P M . Newest, Most Sensational N Y C Family and Child W e l f a r e Aides Sought New York City civil service examinations are now open for filing of applications for senior family and child welfare worker both on a promotional and on an open- competitive basis. Last day to file Is Oct. 27. Test day Is set for Jan. 16. The position pays $5,150 to start and Increases to a maximum of $6,590. Duties of the position include supervision of a group of family and child welfare workers. Further information and application blanks may be obtained by writing or visiting the Application Section, New York City Personnel Department, 96 Duane St., New York 7, N , Y . I960 Automatic Washer! General Electiic FILTER-FLO Solves Bleaching Problems Automatically! _ — S c U U '8'umH " N E V E R U N D E R E S T I M A T E A BUSINESS E D U C A T I O N " REGISTRATION NOW Execitivi Sicratariil • Accoiitiii • OPEN B u s i u s s AdiiiRistration Ktghltrtd with t p t c i a l i z o t i o n in A d v e r t i i i n g , Rodio, M e r c h a n d i s i n g , T a i e i , M a n u f a c t u r i n g , etc. Cultural Subjccti. Refreiher Courstt, A l i o Intensive S e c r e t a r i a l , Stenographic and Typing Courtei. Veteroni Counts by RegenU Accpltd exceptional flocement CO-EO • D A Y « Servic* IVENING I CHARM & PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT COURSES COLLEGIATE BUSINESS INSTITUTE 501 MADISON AVE., N. Y. 22 (at 52nd St.) • PL 8-1872-3 ShoDpers Service Guide Help Wanted — Male FOR New, Exclusive SALE I'.A K T T I .M — l - K O F I T A I I t.K B e p e a t bu»n from home. Growth I'olentlal $SOO-$6flO mo. part liiu'!. Ideal husb wifB team. N Y C . C l i c l e 7 0018 TYPEWRITEIl BAKGAINS Smith JJ7 60; Dnderwood-$22 6 0 ; o t h . . * Pearl Broa, 476 Bmlth, Bkn. T B S-3024 MEN WANTED WASHING machine, excellent condition. Very reasonable. M o v i n g P R 3-6868. M E N W I T H CAR AVA1I,.ABLE 3 TO 4 H U U K S FOK M O K N I N O U K L I V E B I K H . NO ISKIXINO EAKN UP TO »S0 W K E K I . Y . t H l S C A N BE V O I R - O W N B l S I N K t i S . C A M . K V E . OB S I N D A Y S , B A 0.703U. HELP lf4\TEn • FEMALE PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITIES HOW TO GET That rart Tim* Job A titnilbooli of l o b o p p o r t u n l t i e * • v a l l a b l i now tij S Norman Pelngold h Harold Lilt (or etudenti, f o r e n i p l o j e d adult* • m l prople o i e i flft Get t b i i i n v a l u a b l t (Uidt for $1.6(1 plua l O r for tnallliig tend to LEADER BOOK STORE 87 Duane Street N Y C HOME WORK • WOMEN Applianeo Automatically Performs/^ These ServicesI Services Salea A Service recond Kefriga Stovea. Wash Machinea, combo ainka. Guaranteed T R A C Y R E P B I G E B A T I O N — C Y 8.6900 240 E! 149 St « 1204 Caatle Hill A v Bx T R A C t SEItTICINU COHR PERSONAL G-E BLEACH DISPENSER NOTIC^ H A I B removed permanently, electroiyata. no r e g r o w t b guaranteed In every caae, 28 yeara' experience. G m e i t and Mildred Swan»on 113 State Albany N Y 8-4988 S T E N O G R A P H E R S ; I m p r o v e Y o u r Speed Dictation Becorda - A l l T y p e i - A l l Speeda - 40 W P M to 120 W P M Correepcndenoe - L e g a l • Medical • 46 B P M Diaca. - T e l . F R a n k l i n 7-1112 A P E X MUSIC K O B N E R STATE A T BROADWAY SCHENECTADY, N. Y. L A D I E S aUdreia and mail our A d v e r t i i I n r I ' o i t c a r d i at home, Pen or T y p e d . F r e e D e t a i l ! , aend Self Addreaaed Stamped K a v e l o p e — C A B , BOX 108. Candler, N.C. SPECIAL PRICES TO ALL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES • Stores <1 Month's Supply of Bleach! • Measures the Ught Amount for Wash-Load after Wash-Loadl • Inlects It at the Klght Moment/ • Dilutes It to the Msfif Strength! *piitt Famous,Exclusive G-E n ^ ^ Non-Clogging, Moving Filter Unt, sand and soap scum are automatically removed a s clotiiei ore washed. The filter olso lenres a s a handy detergent dispenser. Vlf/t^ 8 Automatic Cycles Assure Just light Care for ANY lype of Washable hi • YOU'Ri WOMY'FRU Important Conveniences! Buy Only of lhi$ Sign of Valum WHEN YOU BUY O il Low Cost • Mexican Vocation • 1 80 per peraon. rm/bd t batb lo Be• o r t M E X I C O Fabuloua low coal rarsflbna Bend $3 00 for Director; Satiitactioo euaranteed B E RHNaulL 110 Pelt A j i . N T 84 N T Addlig Mliii«e9rapb* UTILITIES Addraulag OnarsotMd • U N D G I . L C O . INC 900 Central A v e n n * . AI)>U]r N T Tel 4-2iM)0 Quakai Ma'd "Say You Saw It Tha Leader" AMERICAN HOME CENTER, INC MachlMi rypawrittn ALL Mochln** Alao Meatala. Beptln 414 THIRD AVENUE A T 40th STREET. NEW YORK CITY LANSUASIS TYriWRITER CO. In 119 W fHfllw 9>MM t i r 4 ST.. K E W V i l H I CALL MU 3-36U FOR YOUR LOW, LOW PRICE! I. N f Full, Part-Time Jobs In Youth Guidance 26 State Prom. Exams Now Open Applications are now being accepted by the New York State Department of Civil Service for S8 promotional exams numerous agencies throughout the State. They are open only to permanent employees of the department for which the examination is announced. For the following Jobs, which are listed by exam number, title, department and salary, filings will close November 2: 9194. Pullorum disease control agent, Agriculture and Markets, $4,070 to $5,010. 9195. S e n i o r blostatistician, Health, |6,098 to $7,388. 9198. Principal laboratory worker. Health, $4,280 to $5,250. 9197. Senior histology technician, Mental Hygiene, $4,280 to $B,250. 9198. Principal draftsman (general), Public Works, $5,246 to 10,376. 9199. Senior draftsman (general). Public Works, $4,280 to $6,380. MOO. Supervisor of social work (medical). Social Welfare, $6,098 to 17,388. MOl. Research analyst, State Board of Equillzatlon and Assessment, $6,098 to $7,388. 9521. Probate clerk, New York County, $13,000. 9520. First assistant probate clerk. New York County, salary not listed. The Later Closing Date examinations for these 256 Senior Steno Cerfs. for HA Jobs The New York City Department of Personnel has certified 256 senior stenographer ellglbles from its general promotion list to fill appointments In. the Housing Authority. This certification is to be considered in addition to the one made Oct. 10. The original list was established last June with 8,139 names. It Is now exhausted as far M Housing Authority appointments are concerned, since all those remaining uncertified were either passed over or declined appointment to the Authority. The appointments are in Man hattan, Bronx, B r o o k l y n and Queens. titles are scheduled for December tlon and Finance, $7,436 to $8,966. 9212. Head account clerk. Taxa6. Filings will close November 9. tion and Finance, $6,098 to $7,388. 9213. Commodities tax examwith the test scheduled for Dec. iner, Taxation and Finance. $4,988 12, for the following items: 9202. Associate health Insurance to $6,078. The following examination is representative, ClvU Service, $7,scheduled for Dec. 5, and closes 818 to $9,408. 9203. Superintendent of forest for filing Nov. 9: 9193. Administrative s e r v i c e , investigation. Conservation. $7,818 grade 18, Interdepartmental, to $9,408. 9138. District forester. Conser- $6,098 to $7,388. Application forms for these exvation, $6,732 to $8,142. 9204. District ranger. Conserva- aminations may be obtained by mail or in person from the foltion. $4,988 to $6,078. 9205. Senior editorial clerk. lowing offices of the State Department of Civil Service: Lobby, Education, $3,500 to $4,350. 9206. Associate research analyst. State Office Building, Albany; The State Campus, Albany; or Room Executive, $9,586 to $11,416. 9207. Research analyst. Execu- 2301, 270 Broadway, New York City. Be sure to specify number tive, $6,098 to $7,388. 9911. Pilnclpal payroll exam- and title of examination. Filings close Oct. 27 for a New York City civil service examination for youth guidance technicians for full-time jobs paying from $4,550 to $5,990 a year. There are also half-time appointments available at $2,395 a year to start. The half-time positions offer excellent opportunities for those still studying for higher academlo degrees. Applicants must have a master's degree or expect to receive it by June, 1960. The Job entall« provision of youth guidance social casework services. For filing information, see "Where to Apply for Public Jobs" column in this week's Leader. Visual Training iner, Labor, $6,732 to $8,142. 9910. Associate payroll examiner, Labor, $5,796 to $7,026. 9208. Assistant district engineer. Public Works, $12,346 to $14,476. 9209. Senior civil engineer. Public Works, $7,818 to $9,408. OF CANDIDATES PGR PATROLMAN POLICEWOMAN COURT OFFICER F.D. P R O M O T I O N T O CAPT. E X A M OPEN U N T I L OCT. 27 Applications will be accepted until Oct. 27 for the New York City examination for promotion to captain In the Fire Depart9210. Senior mechanical stores ment, a position that pays $8,159 clerk. State University, $3,680 to a year. See The Leader's "Where $4,560. To Apply For Public Jobs" 9211. Chief account clerk, T a x a - column. IF IN nornx ABOUT SIGHT TEST OF CIVIL CONSULT PASSING 8ERV1CB DR. J O H N T. F L Y N N Optometrist • Orthoptst 300 Weit 32rd St., N. Y. C . BJ Appt. Only — WA 9-8910 T PREPARE NOW for these POPULAR EXAMS ( GIEATD^IIIRACLOTBESDIIIER SPECIALIZED PREPARATION - THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO SUCCESS Our training will ( r f s t l ; a s s l i t 70U In d e v e l o p l n f • u c c m i In t o d a j ' i Civil Serrlra E i a m l n a t l o n i . th« i k l l U l o o e c e s s a r r (or Attention! All Candidates for PATROLMAN & POLICEWOMAN Official Written Exams Dee. 5th — Only 7 Weeks A w a y l Thousands have filed applications tor these attractiva posltioni. Competition will be iceen. Only those well prepared can hope to attain ratine hifh •nourh to assure early appointment. WHAT 7 WEEKS SPECIALIZED PREPARATION MAY DO FOR YOU It will afford you manr hours ot clasaroom instruction by experta In Police traininr at ciaiaea that are held at conTenlent hours in Manhattan and Jamaica, f o u will be carefully Instructed In all phases ot the written teats, taoludini Reading Interpretation, Judgment, Police Action, Vocabulary, Mathematics, Civics, Grammar, etc. Those who have the benefit ol such specialiied preparation ahould easily increaae their exam ratings by at least 10%-30%. About 100 Appointments for Women Only! APPLICATIONS NOW OPENI N.Y. CITY EXAM IN JAN. FOR METER MAID46Mr$7amk Full Civil Service Benefits including PENSION No Experience Needed. Our Course Prepares for Official Exam BE OUR GUEST AT A CLASS IN MANHATTAN there's NO Heave... NOHaul...NOHang when a modern clothes dryer does the work! N o frantic rush . . . when you dry clothes automatically. The weather couldn't matte* less! That's because a clothes dryer does the job any timeday or night, rain or shine. A dryer doea the job better, too. A complete load is done in minutes. And the clothes come out soft and fluffy — 80 per cent fluffier than linedried clothes - yet fresh as all outdoors. N o dirt can get Into your dryer, so the clothes stay washer-clean. It you'd like to count the bleulngs of drying clothes the modem, automatic way, send ipy of our free booklet 'What to look for when you buy a Clothes Dryer." MAIL COUPON TODAYI TUES. or FRtPAY at 5:45 P.M. or 7:45 P.M. Prepare for N. Y. City Written Exams for ELECTRICIANS - $7,350 a Year (Based on Prevailing Scale—250 Days a Year Guaranteed) & Electrical Inspectors - $4,850-$6,290 YEAH Applications Open in Nov. — Exams Scheduled for Feb. Be Our Guest at a Class MON. or WED, at 5;30 P.M. City of New York Exam Has Been Ordered for COURT OFFICER - $4,000 $5,200 in Magistrates, Hpeclal Hesslon, Domestic Belatlons, Municipal and City Courts. Promotional Opportunities to Court Clerk at S8,900 and higher Aqes: 20 to 35 Yrt. (Veterans May Be Older) Attend os Our Guest WEDNESDAY ot 7:30 P.M. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Our special c o u r s e Is condoeted by Dr. Vincent t . M d j m g h U n w h o ha* an o u t s t a n d i n g record ot success In preparing candidates for t h i s examlnatloB. Class Meets at 126 E. 13th St. on MON. & THURS. at t P.M. HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA Needed by Non-tiraduates ol High School for Many 5-Week Course • START CLASSES THUR3., OCT. 22 Civil Servie Exams at 7:30 P.M. MASTER PLUMBER'S LICENSE Expert Instruction • Small Group • Moderate F t * Class Meets TUES. & FRI. at 7 P.M. ALSO CLASSES FORMING fOR FOLLOWING EXAMS • CORRECTION OFFICER $4,717 to $6,103 • HOUSING O F F I C E R - $ 4 , 4 1 0 to $5,610 E x a m s tor A b o v * HaT* Been OIHIcUlly Ordered. AppHcatloni Dates Will B« Announced 8lior«ly. Men SiO I t s . « Over Eligible. N o A g e L i m i t f o r Veterans. • PAINTER (Union Scale) 250 Days a Yr. Guar. C o v i ^ E c l t u m riease Ingulre fur Full Inforniullun Hegarding An; of These Course* Room 2602, 4 Irving Place, New York 8, N. Y . OtntUmtiv PlMse Mod me tb— copy ol your booklet "What to look for when you buy an Automstia (^otbM Dryer" sad list of dealer. HlUng diyars. Name — — Jlont- JStaf- V O C A T I O N A L DRAFTING Uanhattan « Jauialia C O U R S E S AUTO MECHANICS Long lalaud City TV SERVICE li REPAIR Uaubattan The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE MANHATTAN! I I S EAST I S STREET PhoR* 6 R 3-i900 JAMAICA 89-25 MERRICK BLVD.. bet. Jamaica & Hillside AVM. O F E N MUM TO r u i » J i . U . • P J I . — C L U S E O ON B A T I I B D A V * LETTERS l i E A P E R TO THE EDITOR MECHANICS DOING CLERK JOBS, WELDER CHARGES I — — — Editor, The Leader: Amertea'it Largegt Weekly tor Puhlle Kmployee» In view of the fact that your Member Audit Bureau of Circulations publication deals with the employment standards and problems PII/WM/I«// erery Tuenlay hy of the Civil Service employee 1 LEADER PUBLICATION, INC. Keliman 3.i010 would appreciate your opinion on 97 Diian* Strctt, N*w Yerli 7, N. Y. a problem that has cost the FedJerry Finl(el»tein, I'lihliiber Piul Kjer, EiUtor Rirlmrd Ev»nf, Jr., Associale Editor eral Government millions of dollars In wasted funds and deterred N, H. Mnger, Biifinett Manager Civil Service clerk ellgibles from 10c per copy. Subscription Price $2.00 to membert of the Civil galnlnr employment In the past Service Employees Association. $4.00 to non-members. years and to the present. The problem I have reference to is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1959 the practice of employing mechanics In a clerical capacity at the New York Naval Shipyard. End of Local Civil Service Boards Sought I N A R E S O L U T I O N passed at t h e annual m e e t i n g of the Civil Service Employees Association in Albany last week, county employees gave v e n t to their f e e l i n g s on the i n a d e quacy a n d politically-ridden operations of an u n f o r t u n a t e l y l a r g e number of county and political subdivision civil serv i c e boards. T h e Association, w h i c h now represents nearly 90,000 •tate, county and municipal employees, has called f o r the abolition of local civil service boards and asked t h a t their f u n c t i o n s be t r a n s f e r r e d to the authority of the State Civil Bervice Commission. Move No Siqprise N o one should be surprised a t the m o v e In view of the almost m o n t h l y revelations of malpractice and d o w n r i g h t c h i c a n e r y t h a t has occurred in several local areas in our Btate. T h e flies of the Municipal Division of the State Civil Bervice D e p a r t m e n t are f u l l of violations of laws. Several counties h a v e undergone scandalous Investigations. I n addition, this newspaper has reported the Inability o f county workers to get any kind of decent l i v i n g wage, w i t h one or two notable axceptions. T h e p l i g h t of school district employees is a f a r c e , as has been pointed out in these columns t i m e and t i m e again. I Tough Fight Ahead CIVIL SERVICE NOTES FROM ALL OVER WASHINGTON, D.C. — Federal employees will now be able to borrow up to $750 from Federal Credit Unions without putting up •ny Mcurity, as the result of • bill signed recently by President Eisenhower. The old limit on ttiisecured loans was $400. The Corporation Counsel Helped Write the Code, He'll Help Run It, Too New York City Corporation Counsel Charles H. Tenney will soon have one more responsibility on top of the impressive list he already has. The City's new Code of Ethics, widely hailed as the toughest in the Country, is law now, and merely awaits the appointment of its administrative board to be operational. he said, and the Counters office is responsible for all of them. Sample problems include protecting the City and private citizeni from Illegal land speculation, seeing that there are no hidden strings attached to any City land deals, and making certain that each part of each condemnation negotiation is strictly legal and Mr. Tenney and his staff work- has no loopholes that might cause ed with the City Council to draft either the City or private citizens undue trouble:' In May of this year I suggested through the Beneficial Suggestion program at the New York Naval Shipyard that the mechanics now performing clerical duties be returned to the duties of the trades In which they are profRcient and qualified clerks be appointed to the subsequent vacancies which would occur. The title of my suggestion Is "Reduction of Overhead Costs By Employment of Qualified Civil Service Clerks In Shop 26 Offices" (I mentioned my own Shop, however practically all Shops are guilty of this practice). To date thrt-e has been no decisive action taken pro or con. It is possible that, as a result of tendering this suggestion I have alienated many people, be that as It may. Public employees w i l l h a v e to work hard on this legisl a t i o n but t h e rewards in decent l i v i n g will be m o r e than a m p l e if success comes. NORFOI.K, VA. _ Federal employee organizations were on the receiving end recently of a fine tribute from management when a special week was designated as Week by the Naval Supply Center Employee Organization Week by the Naval Supply here. • « Center • Personalities This practice Is costly In that the pay of a mechanic Is greater than that of a qualified clerk in the performance of clerical duties. Then too. the chances of the clerk ellgibles obtaining employment at the New York Naval Shipyard Is greatly reduced as a direct result of this practice. Naturally, i n t r e n c h e d interests on the local level are g o i n g to f i g h t tooth and nail to p r e v e n t r e m o v a l of their lordly power into more judicious hands. T h e y will undoubte d l y be assisted by some misguided legislators w h o w o n ' t h a v e t h e n e r v e to disturb the local political machine. H o w e v e r , a v o t e on this legislation will be a vote f o r a true career and m e r i t system on every political level in our • t a t e and any votes in the Legislature against this measure w i l l be votes against honest g o v e r n m e n t . THE VETERANS Administration Is making effective national use of • short-short story to promote •afety among its employees: "Injury," said the workman. "Inattention," said the supervisor. "Inflammation," said the doctor. "Incurable," said the hospital. "Incredible," said the mourners. "Interred," said the undertaker. "In peace," said the tombstone. • « • Leader Pholo by BK-Lckstono Studios CHARLES H. TENNEY the Code, and Mr. Tenney will automatically be a member of the live-man board that operates it. Be.sides the Corporation Counsel, the Personnel Director will be a permanent member. The other three board members will be nonI have brought the above facts paid Independent citizens. to your attention In the hope Mr. Tenney says that he althat you will assist me In ridding ready has received several inthe Federal Civil Service System quiries lor rulings, but he deof such a practice. ferred action pending establishFerdinand J. Dittmar ment of the administrative board. New York Naval Shipyard "The problems the Ethics Code board will handle will mostly be concerned with people who serve without pay on various City boards and with people who leave City service and take jobs with My wife and I have been draw- private firms doing business with ing social security for the past the City. few years. In March of 1958 we legally adopted our grandson. I Scope of His Work tried to get social security for him "We are the legal representabut your office advised me that tives of New York City and all its he would have to be adopted three years before he would be eligible. departments and agencies," said Has there been any change on Mr. Tenney. "As such, the biggest job we that? Yes. Under the 1958 amend- have right now Is condemnation ments, your adopted grandson proceedings for Title I projects, would be eligible for payments for schools, highways, and State, beginning with Sep'ember, 1958. Federal and City housing proThe previous three year waiting jects." The legal angles in condemnaperiod Is no longer required. • • • tion proceedings are numerous. Social Security Answers NEW JERSEY—The New Jersey Civil Service Department will not retain the names of ellgibles on employment lists if they decline appointment after having been certified unless they can furnish a satisfactory reason for not acI am receiving a non-service cepting the appointment. connected VA pension. A friend * « * informs me that because I reNEW YORK CITY _ City ceive this pension I am not eligiagencies appearing at the Plan- ble for social security disability ning Commission Capital Budget payments. Is this true? hearings sought a record-breaking If you are between SO and 6S total of more than $610,000,000 in and meet the social security disnew funds subject to the City's ability requirements, you are rllglconstitutional debt limit for the ble to receive yovr social security I860 budget. The requests are disabllity benefit regardless of any more than double the amount other disability pension. This has which the controller has certified been so since August, 1958, and as available under the debt limit. you may be eligible for payments > • • back to October, 1958, If you file TEXAS — More careful screen- an application before November ing and (election have enabled 1, 1959. supervisory and personnel staff at the William Beaumont Army Hospital, El Paso, to practically eliminate turnover, absenteeism and the nted for disciplinary action among the mtss attendant staff. "Another area this staff works with is 'tort liability' — law suit* by persons claiming damages for City negligence In schools, hospitals and on the streets and highways of the City. • • • I have been drawing locial security retirement benefits lor a number of years. Recently a friend of mine has told me that my beneflts would soon be exhausted. Is this truer I am dt- pendent upon my benefits for my livelihood. No. Your benefits do not have a time limit on them nor are they ever exhausted. Your friend just slipped you some misinformation. You need have no worry that your social security payments will run out. "We also prepare the City's legislation. The process of bringing an idea to the .«tage of legislative enactment is often quite complex. Bills passed into law must reflect exactly the will of the law-making body to be effective. Our job Is to give them the legal precision to do this." This area, also includes checking and examining State and Federal legislation that effects the City .according to Mr. Tenney. Tall, husky, athletic locking, the City's Corporation Counsel wore a dark business suit, buttondown collar shirt and a bow-tie. when The Leader interviewed him. He wears round horn-rim glasses to read and is seldom without his pipe. He was City Commissioner of Investigation from early 1955 to October of 1958. "At that lime Mayor Wagner asked me tc take this job and I did," said Mr. Tenney. Administrative Problems "My position here is administrative to a considerable degree." he said. "The biggest administrative problem in this office Is recruiting and keeping competent professional people, especially lawyers, with the salaries we can offer them. "We not only lose men to private law firms, buu even to other City agencies. The Transit Authority, the Trlborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, the Port Authority and others pay more than we do for lawyers and legal aides. " I worked with the law firm of Breed, Abbot and Morgan of New York City from 1936 to 1955 and I could certainly be making more money there than I do here. But of course there are things more important than money." Charles H. Tenney was born in New York City on January 28, 1911. He attended high school at the Choate School. Wallingford, Conn., and has received a bachelod's degree from Yale University and an L.L.B from the Yale University Law School. Ht was admitted to the New York Bar in 1937. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1942 to 1945 and was discharged with the rank of lieutI've been reading one of the enant commander. pamphlets on disability benefits In 1938 he married the former under social security, and I've Joan P. Lusk. They have lour been wondering whether a tem- daughters and one ton, Charles porary disability can qualify a jr. The daughters are Patricia, worker for disability benefits un- 20; Joan, 16; Marguerite, IS, and Anne, 9. der social security T No. A remediable condition that Mr. Tenney receives ^26,000 « Hill improve with time or that year as Corporation Ccunstl. Hl» ran be treated without slgniflcant office 1» Room 1655 Municipal lUk to the patient's life or Building, New York 7, N Y. - K . E . Jr. fatallta, b not lonsidered disabling. Where to Apply For Public Jobs The followlriK directions teil where to apply for pubilc Jobs and how to reach destinations in New York City on the transit •ystem. N E W Y O R K C I T Y — T h e applicfttions Section of the New* York City Department of Personnel Is located at 96 Duane St., New York 7. N.Y. (Manhattan). It Is two blocks narth of City Hall, Just west of Broadway, across from The Leader office. Hours are 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., closed Saturdays except to answer Inquiries from 9 to 12 A.M. Telephone COrtland 7-8880. FROM. TEST OPEN F O B CHILD W E L F A R E W O R K E R October 27 Is the last day to file for a New York City promotion examination for family and child welfare worker. Only social investigators In the Department of welfare with six months service Immediately preceding the test are eligible. Salary range Is $4,550 to $5,990. Further Information and application blanks may be obtained either In person or by writing the New York City Personnel Department's application section, 96 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y. Mailed requests for application blanks must include a stamped, eelf-addressed business-size envelope. Mailed application forms must be sent to the Personnel Department, including the specified filing fee in the form of a check or money-order, at least five days before the closing date for flUng of applications. This is to allow time for handling and for the Department to contact the applicant in case his application is Incomplete. The Applications Section of the Personnel Department Is near the Chambers Street stop of the main s u b w a y lines that go through the area. These are the I R T 7th Avenue Line and the I N D 8th Avenue Une. The I R T Lexington Avenue Line stop to use is the Brooklyn Bridge stop and the B M T Brighton Local's stop is City Hall. All these are but a few blocks from the Per«onnel Department. T A ASST. SUPERVISOR E X A M CLOSES OCT. 27 Filings wlU close Oct. 27 for the New York City examination for promotion to assistant supervisor (turnstiles) in the Transit Authority. The test is open to all eligible foremen In the Transit Authority. •nie salary range for the position is from $7,200 to $7,700 a year. Applications are available at the City Department of Personnel applications section, 96 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y., across from The Leader. "UPSTATE NEW YORK'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BANQUET ROOM" ThaKi wh<f many of our q u t i h call our new banquet hall. S « a h up to 700. Etpactally lultad for Stat* •mployect testimonial dinners, retirement parties, CSEA affairs, office get to-gethers, Christmas and New Year celebrations. Fine dining and entertainment nightly. Open daily. Private rooms from 20-500. RAFAEL'S RESTAURANT 1 ml. N. of Latham Traffic Clrcla on Reata V ADamt 8-7533 for Raservotleat r IN STOCK! PRISON GUARDS UNIFORMS 18-01. BIHO Sarg* C O A T & PANTS $64.75 OVERCOATS HOW TO GET A I HIGH SCHOOL I I DIPLOMA or I Equivalency Certificate AT HOME Sheeptlned, Waterproof, Fur collar. Sava $201 $49.75 Ragnlatlon SMrti I.J5 Caps, dataehabla braids — B . t S A S-yaar Swaatar f.H I IN SPARE TIME If you are 17 o r older n r t e f o r F K K E BS-pece b o o U t t which tclU jrou how. Onr e S r l rear. American School, Dept. 9AP-10 CASH OR E X S r TERMS I MARKSON'S I ELMIRA, N. Y . Par Real Estata Boyi See Pace 11 130 W. 42ad St., N.Y. 3 i . N.Y. Phone BR 9-%604 Name Addrea l^Uy Zone. . . Pass yoat covj Applications for State Jobs may also be made, in person or by representative only, to local offices of the State Employment Service. U.S. — Second U.S. Civil Service Region Office, 641 Washington St. (at Christopher St.). New York 14, N.Y. This Is in the south-west corner of Greenwich Village, Just above Houston St. The nearest subway stop is the Houston St. stop on the I R T 7th Avenue Local. Hours are 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. Telephone WAtkins 4-1000. Applications are also obtainable at main post offices, except the New York Post Office. Boards of examiners at the particular Installations offering the tests also may be applied to for further Information and application forms. N o return envelopes are required with mailed requests for application forms. Exam Study Books Mp y*« • ftlffter fratft «lvli t»r\it€» tMta May • k f a h f d af r i e learfar teatifart, V7 Ouaaa Sfraat, Naw r a r t 7, N. r . Ptaaa arriari a c f f M . Call I f a l M a a ) - i O i a ^ar llif af MMa earraat MMat (aa faga I I . MEMO TO SUBSCRIBERS Have You Had Your "Baseline Work-Up"? P r e v e n t i v o m e d i c i n e l i « m a j o r f u n c t i o n o f the thirty-two m e d i c a l g r o u p s affiliated with H . I . P . G o o d medical care o n a c o n t i n u i n g basis is possible only w h e n a t h o r o u g h ' ' b a s e . l i n e w o r k - u p " is a v a i l a b l e to y o u r f a m i l y d o c t o r and g r o u p specialists. F o r this reason e v e r y adult e n r o l l e e in H . I . P . , w h e t h e r ill o r n o t , is u r g e d to m a k e an a p p o i n t m e n t f o r • check-up as soon as possible a f t e r selecting an H . I . P . m e d i c a l group. I n e f f e c t the " b a s e l i n e " e x a m i n a t i o n is y o u r m e d i c a l p r o f i l e . A s a n o t h e r o f tlie advantages o f m e d i c a l g r o u p practice, t h e results o f this e x a m i n a t i o n g o i n t o the central r e c o r d s o f t h e m e d i c a l g r o u p and a r e available to e v e r y d o c t o r in t h e m e d i e a l t e a m w l i o has occasion t o see you. H i e d o c t o r s a r e then i n a better position to diagnose and treat any c o n d i t i o n that m a y arise. T h e baseline w o r k - u p includes the r e c o r d i n g o f y o u r m e d i c a l history, a c o m p l e t e physical e x a m i n a t i o n b y y o u r f a m U j doct o r and a series o f l a b o r a t o r y tests and p r o c e d u r e s — all without extra charges. I f y o u h a v e n ' t had this k i n d o f check-up, p h o n a y o u r H . I . P . f a m i l y d o c t o r f o r an a p p o i n t m e n t . THE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN OF GREATER NEW YORK 6 2 3 Madisun A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k 2 2 , N . Y . of The Leader On to a Non-Member STATE — First floor at 270 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y., corner of Chambers St., telephone BArclay 7-1616; State Office Building, State Campus, Albany. Room 212; Room 400 at 155 West Main St., Rochester: hours at these offices are 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., closed Saturdays. Wednesdays only, from 9 to 5, 221 Washington St., Blnghamton. Any of these addresses may be used In applying for county Jobs or for Jobs with the State. The State's New York City office Is a block south on Broadway from the City Personnel Department's Broadway entrance, so the same transportation instructions apply. Mailed applications need not include return envelopes. State.. . ^ ^ J SPECIAL RATE For N. Y. State Employees tIngU room, with privat* both and rodioj mony roomi with TV. in NEW YORK CITY Pork Av«. & 34tli St. in ROCHESTER (Formerly th« Sancco) 26 Clinton •Ave. South NYC NEEDS FAMILY AND CHILD WELFARE WORKERS Family and child welfare worker applicants are needed to All New York City civil service Jobs starting at $4,550 a year and increasing to a maximum of $5,990. Last day to file is Oct. 27. The written examination is set for Jan. 16. The positions in this title offer good opportunities for advancement and excellent experience in the field. Write the Application Section, New York City Department of Personnel, for requirements and application blanks. The address is 96 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y. in ALBANY THI State and Eogle Streets *<pecfo/ rate does not apply when legiilaturt li In leition ANY DICTIONARY WILL TELL CHURCH NOTICE C A P r r o L AREA c o u N c n OF CHURCHES 72 Churches united for Church and Community Service MAYFLOWER - ROYAL COLRT APARTMENTS - Furrlshed, Unfurnished. and Rooms Phone 419H (Albany) ARCO Close to the glamorous theatre-andnightlife, shops and landmarks. Express subway at OUT door takes you to any part of the city within a few minutes. That's convenience! In Time of Need, Call M. W . Tebbutt's Sons 176 s t a t e 12 C o l v i n Alb. 3-2179 Alb. 89 0116 420 K e n w o o d Delmor 9-2212 11 Elm S t r e e t N a s s a u 8-1231 Over )08 ITears of Dltfingulshed funeral Service tions are given in monthly batches, generally on the last Friday or Saturday of the month after the application was received. Further information and appli- Employees holding the social investigator title will receive, through yearly Increments, a top pay of $5,330. Promotion opportunities are very good. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree for appointment, but anyone who expects to have one by June, 1960, may apply, lake the test, and if successful, have a job waiting for him upon graduation. The multiple choice examina- IS CONVENIENT FOR cation forms may be obtained in person or by mail from the Application Section, New York Ci1,y Department of Personnel, 86 Duane Street, New York 7, N.Y. FROM PARIS The N e w Coiffure Line La Chatte I h e Kitten Look :- llClllE' SALON 210 9UAII 4.9481 ALBANY Milt.CONDITIONED SPECrAL PRICE TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ^/I^AIIWFC' low. LOW PRICES ON LATEST 1959 General Electric DISHWASHERS A handy New York subway map is yours FREE, for the writing. IMMEDIATE CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS In New York: Circle 7-3900 In Albsny: 62-1232 In Rochester: LOcust 2-6400 SInglM from $6.S0 DoublH from $10.00 C. L. O'Connor, Manager LIMITED TIME OFFER! Good Only During DISHMSHER ^^ellingtoiL. 7 t h A v e , o f 5 5 t h St., N e w SERVICE BOOKS and a l l t e s t s PLAZA BOOK SHOP 380 B r o a d w a y A l b a n y . N. Y. Mail & Phone O r d e r s Filled New York City is badly in need of social Investigators, » Job paying $4,250 a year to start, and filings will remain open until enough applications to fill present vacancies have been received. B U S I N E S S OR PLEASURE YOU AH oi'irani/.ationR—and we Hveume ihe C S E A is one of the must d i s c e r n i n g — l i k e t o look around l o r ( h e beet i p o l when they hold their special d i n n e i f . Thrpe • f f a i r s are irenerally called "banquelf." W h e t h e r or not the term fits the occasion, •lay we remind all banquet conimitiee tajenibers that we ( a t least, our «neeetoiB) invented the word? W e a i e not concftited about that, b u t w e are a Jillle proud a b o u t our know-how when it cornet^ t o preparinR- testimonial dinnerf relirement partite and all other f e e f i v e niettinKB that r o m e under the head of HHU« u e l 8 . So call 2-78B4 when you plan your n e x t one. L f l us show you w h a t w e mean HFhen wo say that a Frenshman can b»'Pt understand the f u l l meaning of a French w o r d . Jf you order a banquet you'H liHve » haiiqnel. T h e cost. P e r h a p s a f^w centimPN more . . . and well worth it 1 P E T I T P . M U S , 1060 M a d i i o n A r e . . A l bany, N . Y . CIVIL TVellington^ City Badly In Need of Social Workers DAYS Yotk S & S Bus ^ R.D.-l, Box 6. Rensselaer, N. Y Albany 4 *727—42-3851" Troy, ARienal 3-0(80 tfon Sill., Oct. 17 — L a k e MI.liiiiik. .\ KOIIII f<iliH|;p tour Transiiiirtntidii HIHI ilhiiifr. Sat. and Sun., Ort. X1-X.1 — X n v Vork t l t j iivFrnUht t h c a l r * tour. .Xat. liintin f f l l o t v r r l>rnin .SonB «ir .M.T Fair l.n(l.v. Krtiirn 8iiiiiia.v iiiicht A:,'10 r . > l . Trancportation, llotpl, Knoni, thpiitrf t i k r t . ('{S.fiO. t'oniiiiK lip on NOT. '.iti and riti—'I'lifre n i l l be » N e w Y o r k ('it.T itver-niKllt theatre tour. TIfketit f o r SIMMV. trHiiHliurtatlon and hotel lodKinK. '.!:i..MI. Pass your copy of The Leader On to a Non-Member niSHWRSWHG DRUQCfffy I m r n WttB UFEf The NEW 1959 G-E fAOWLHTt ^ DLSHVYILSHER ..Rolls-on-Wheels l o w , l o w Priced PHILCO-BENDIX Nev^! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY lExclusi^ . fLUSHRWyRfi^J ^ too Hand O Hand N w Scraping^ ^ G-E MODB. SP-30S A f t e r Small Down Poyment up COIN-OPERATED • LAUNDERCENTER Laundercenter Corp., E . Syracuse, N. Y . Fremont Shopping Plaza, Manliui Center Road Phone OLdtield 6-7241 3 YEARS TO PAYI DON'T SETTLB fOR LESS than These General f/ecfric Quality Features: Buy Only at this Sign of Value! W t build and equip icin-opcioled no-woili Loundeiienteii e v f i y w h e i e in New York Stole. Theie high piofii icmpleteiy oulomotU " • ' • » minimum tupervitien. We ore facloiy outheiiied end u»e double-loud Philco(endix oulomati« wolhei eouipmenl Out O f s o n i " " " ® " 'utniihei lotolioni and oriongei finoncine. Moie Ihon "300 l u i i e i l f u l high profit Philco-Bindm loundetcentiTi hove been eitobliihid in the State of New Yoili. For furlhii Information coll Ol write: to • Completely Automatic —does entire dishwashing job—prerinses, power scrubs, sanitizes and dries dishes! • Sanitizes dishes fo family's health! » Big c a p a c i t y - h o l d s for j q ! protect New "Sparkling Rinse"—assures sparkling clean dishes! • " o " ' o " wheels —anywhere! • Plugs in —anywhere! service AMERICAN HOME CENTER, INC 616 T H I R D A V E N U E A T 40th S T R E E T , N E W YORK CITY CALL MU 3.3616 FOR YOUR LOW, LOW PRICE! RADIOS, RBFRIGERAIORS, WASHERS. TELEVISION Accountants Being Hired Now; $ 4 , 0 0 0 Ciiy Jobs Open for Sfatisties Aides Assistant statistician applicants are sought by the New Ybrk City Department of Personnel for h test to fill jobs starting at $ 4 , 0 0 0 Assistant accountants ar» worth and increasing to $5,080 a year J4,000 a year to the City and are with very -good opportunities for teing recruited now. Applications quick advancement. •will be accepted until Oct. 27, and The title involves work of ordiIhe test Is .scheduled for Jan. 9. nary professional difficulty and Salarie.s in this title increa.se responsibility in statistical practo a maximum of $5,080 and tice in accordance with well depromotion to accountant offers fined methods, procedures and salaries from $5,150 to $6,590. Instructions. . Minimum requirements are (1) Write or visit the Applications n baccalaureate degree includin-g Section, New York City Departor .supplemented by 16 credits in ment of Personnel, D6 Duane St., courses in accounting of college New York 7, N.Y. Srade or (2) high school graduntion and four years of satisfactory full-time paid accounting experience: or (2) a satisfactory equivalent. State Will Train Crads &Pay $ 4 , 6 0 0 Putrher information and application blanks may be obtained either in person or by mail from the application section. New Yoric City Department of Personnel, 96 Duane Street, New York 14, N.Y. New York State is offering A stamped, self-addressed busi- career and trainee positions w^ith ness-size envelope "nust accom- good promotion opportunities to pany mailed requests. young people Interested in civil S y r a c u s e School Dentist Dies Suddenly Dr. William J. Hayes, a dentist at Syracuse State School, Syra. ) cuse, for many years, passed ^ Bway suddenly while driving his automobile. Employees at the school extended their most sincere condolences to his family. Condolences also were extended tc Mary Handlin in the loss of her mother and to Mary Potter in the loss of her brother. $4,850 ON TAP FOR PSYC-SOCIAL W O R K E R S APPI-Y I NTII. OCT. 27 service careers. New York residence is not required for any of the jobs, which range in pay from $4,600 to $4,988. JEWISH Sl'ATE EAIPI.OYEE ASSOCI.VnON TO .^lEET The Jewisii Stale Employees Association of New York will hold a meeting in Room 65!) at 80 Centre St., Manh., at 3:15 P.M., Wednesday. Oct. 21. All members are urged to attend to iielp select officers to lead tile Association in tht coming year. The broadest health protection ever offered employees of Nassau County! \ Only the State-wide Plan offers you College juniors, seniors and graduates can apply for professional career tests (No. 2220) In the field they choose — administration, economics, law, statistics, science, etc. Starting salary is $4,600. Blue Shield and Major Medical benefits in addition to the famous hospital hill protection provided by Blue Cross. The public administration internship (No. 2260) is a training program for graduate students with appointments at $4,988. Deadline for filing for prefessional career tests and public administration internship Is Nov. 2. The examination will be Dec. 5. Further information and application blanks for these career and trainee positions are available from the State Department of Civil Service, at 270 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y., or at the State Campus, Albany 1, N. Y. Filing.s remain open until Oct. 27 for New York City's civil service examination for psychiatric social worker. Appointees get $4,850 to start and increase at the rate of $240 a year to a maximum of $6,290. Promotion cpportunities are excellent and MANAGEMENT E X P E R T TO come quickly. The experience to SPEAK AT CITY Ml'NICIPAL be pained is invaluable. The test ASSOCIATION MEETING Is set for Jan. 23. The Municipal Association of Dutie.s include performance of Management Analysts of the City psychiatric social casework inof New York has announced a volved in the observation, care and treatment of emotionally dis- meeting to be held Thursday, Oct. turbed, maladjusted, mentally ill 22, at 6:00 P.M., in Room 712A, cr mentally defective persons in 299 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y . The evening's program features a ho.spital, clinic or institution. as guest speaker Dr. Melvin E . Apply to the Applications SecSalveson. president of the Instition, New York City Department tute For Manageme'ht Sciences and of Personnel, 96 Duane St., New the Center For Advanced ManageYork 7, N.Y. ment, who.se subject will be "Optimum Municipal Service Systems r i T Y ENGINKKRS TO HEAR Through Management Control HISTORY OF CITY HEATING Analysis." The Municipal Engineers of the City of New York have announced their October meeting, to be held Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7:45 P.M., at the Engineering Societies Building, 29 West 39th Street, Manhattan. The feature of the meeting will be an illustrated lecture on the "History and Development of District Steam Heating in New York" by Howard C. Goellner, general superintendent of Consolidated Edison's steam heating production bureau. Guests are welcome. NOW —for your family— Exclusive State-wide Plan features: • T h e b r o a d e s t m e d i c a l b e n e f i t s regardless o f t h e t y p e o f h o s p i t a l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s used. • P r i v a t e - d u t y nursing s e r v i c e i n o r a n d their d e p e n d e n t s . I t is n o w a v a i l a s w e l l as e m p l o y e e s o f school b o a r d s , v i l l a g e s , t o w n s , or p u b l i c a u t h o r i t i e s . • D r u g s and m e d i c i n e s in and o u t s i d e * I f y o u d o n o t h a v e this l i b e r a l p r o t e c t i o n , d o n ' t miss t h e c h a n c e t o g e t in the hospital. medical treatment u p t o $895, u n d e r t h e B l u e Shield p l a n , plus a d d i t i o n a l b e n e f i t s u n d e r M a j o r Medical. • 23,000 Y o r k S t a t e a l r e a d y h a v e selected T H E S T A T E - W I D E P L A N for themselves able t o employees o f Nassau C o u n t y out of the hospital.* • In-hospital M o s t Civil Service employees of N e w during the O P E N AND ENROLLMENT TRANSFER P E R I O D now t h r o u g h N o v e m b e r 13. T h i s m a y b e y o u r last o p p o r t u n i t y t o enroll or t o change f r o m y o u r present coverage. Blue Shield Participating P h y s i c i a n s w h o c o o p e r a t e in b r i n g i n g paid-in-full benefits t o e m p l o y e e s whose incomes qualify them. F o r full information about benefits and the f e w common-sense limitations, write: Government Relations Department, • A n e s t h e s i a b e n e f i t s in or o u t o f t h e 80 L e x i n g t o n Avenue, New Y o r k 16, N . Y . hospital. *I'rovi(iKl under the M e t r o p o l i t a n [.ife Insurance Cvinpany M a j o r Medical portioa of the State-wide Plan. • Psychiatric care.* B L U E CROSS® and B L U E S H I E L D ALBANY, BUFFALO, JAMB&IDWN, N E W YORB, ROCHESTER, SYKACUSE, UTICA, WATERTOWN We've Moved! FIRST TRUST'S COLQNflE BRANCH NOW F R E E P A R K I N G Optn Thursday Bt Friday tvtr.ings, 5 to 8 P.M. AT 1230 C E N T R A L AVENUE nsT f l R S T T R I / C T COIHPAWY o r A L B A M V M i M t U Cf V i t l b l t " ! C l f C i l l INIUIANCI COrOIAIJON REAL ESTATE One W e e k To File For City Dispatcher Exam hide operator or basin machine operator for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the test date Is required. Testing Is set for Feb. 20. The New York City examination for promotion to motor vehicle dispatcher, a position paying from $4,550 to $5,990 a year, will close for filing of applications Oct. 27. The test is open to eligible employees of the Department of Parks, Department of Public Works, Department of Education, the offices of Borough President of Manhattan, Richmond, Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, Department of Sanitation, Department of Traffic and the City Housing Authority. Candidates must possess valid New York State chauffeur's licenses. The Job includes dispatching of personnel, motor vehicles and equipment assigned to a large garage. MVD's work under general supervision, but with considerable latitude for Independent and unrevlewed action or decision. A separate promotion eligible list will be established for each department. No general list will be set up. / T o be eligible for the test, permanent employment as motor ve- C i t y H a s $4,000 Jobs For Asst. A c t u a r i e s N « . a0(»9 A huge I) room niwnlflcenlly modernized 100 jrr. Colonial on acrcs, 4 miles from Schcneetailr. Hn« 2 batln, 2 fireplaces, etc. Price $26,000. No. 3001 A huio 12 room Colonial home at Central Bridge. Just off R l . 7 on acre.t 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, tremendous rooms. Shop bldr., shade, everything and more beautiful than you can believe. l " r i « $15,000. No. 2001 Another large Colonial type home on 6 acres at Carlisle. Has 11 rooms, 2 baths, all modern improvements. Price $16,000. These are high class propertlea with garage bldgs. etc. L a s t minute sprclal: No. 2043 That 40 acre property 20 miles from Albany with 9 room home, barns, and 2 acres of lake has been reduced to a lovr of $4,600 cash. Here you can hunt, fish and raise whoopee or retire. P h o n e A l t a m o n t CNIon 1-8111 Office open dally, weekends W A L T BELL ALTAMONT, N.T. Eligible candidates who filed RETIRING, applications In February or March I have fine small homes, country and Tillage. Send for free broof this year need not file again chure with lIstingB. but may. If they wish, make ad- H O M E R K . S T A L E Y . Realtor Rhliiebeck; N.Y. ditions or amendments to their applications. Applicants Ineligible UPSTATE PROPERTY under the requirements set forth In the previous notice must file DUTCHESS COUNTY again. M I D D L E T O W N vicinity. 0 rooms & bath. Further Information and application blanks may be obtained either In person or by mail from $4,000 a year starting salary Is the application section. City Debeing offered by New York City partment of Personnel, 96 Duane to anyone who gets appointed as St.. New York 7, N.Y. assistant actuary as the result of an open-competitive civil service examination to be held Jan. CENTRAL FLORIDA 27. Last day to apply Is Oct. 27. CO-OPERATIVE Promotion eligibility to actuary, $4,850 to $6,290 a year, comes rapidly. The work is In calculation of annuity and pension allowances for retiring City employees, computing mortality and service experiences of employees covered by various pension funds, computing the amount of reserves necessary to pay optional allowances and similar work. Summer home, 10 acres level land, drilled well, mail delivered, school bus. $6,000. FISKK AGENCY, Chester, N . Y . ORANGE ULSTER Applications are being accepted now both for a promotion and an open-competitive examination for superintendent of construction, a Job that pays from $7,100 to $8,900 a year. The next step on the promotion ladder is general superintendent which pays $8,200 to $10,300 a year. See "Where to Apply for Public Jobs" column In this week's Leader. Group forming to acquire desirable apartment properly seeks participants who are Hearing retirement age and willing to invest up to S.I.OOO for ownership of dwelling and parking space. WARWICK The parcel consists of 37,460 square feet of land on a high elevation overlooking a fine laiie with a sandy beach. Improved with a two and three story structure with 18 units of various sizes. The plan Is to modernize the structure and grounds on possession. REALTOR A APPRAISER, Member Oriinge Co. Multi-List. Warwick 8. N.Y. Tel. YOkon 6-4748 Branch ofce. 23 Main St.. Goshe.n. N.Y. Tuxedo. N.Y. o f f . Ph. ELmwood 1-2408 WnRTSBORO HILLS. N. Y . Builder must dispose of 8 NEW 6 room houses on full foundations. Completely Pilnted. Plot approx. 76 x 100. Seeded Lawn. Sold Individually nr whole gtoup. Lake nearby. High Elevailoi. Good Transportation via Thruway. 56500, easy terms, small down payment. Sullivan Co Bldg. Material Co., Liberty, N Y . or Phone N Y C : MU 9-8105. LONG ISLAND ST. A L B A N S $14,460 alt. brick. S rooms. Ref., washing mach. Many extras, near everything. Priced for quick sale. HO 6-703«. ST. LAWRENCE TWO F A M I L Y , solid brick, 6 and bath. 7 and bath. Could be converted for professional use. Sleawsy area, 0 miles St. Lawrence Elver, large plot, poicbes. Very reasonable. Wr*to Box 113 c/o The Civil Service Leader. 97 Duane St., New York 7. N. Y. CENTRAL a U. S. ELECTRONICS JOBS IN ALASKA Electronic technicians for Jobs paying $4,980 plus cost-of-living differential are sought by the Federal Government to work In A l a s k a . Announcement 11-101-4 (59). See "Where to Apply for Public Jobs" column In this week's Leader. COUNTY HIGHMOUNT - B E L L E A V R E — S k i Center 11 acre honiesites: good road $3,200. Rustic Bungalow: 5 rms; 2 acres $,9500. L U K O W , Klty, Margaretvllle, N . Y . 2281. SUMMER or A L L YEAR RANCH HOUSES N Y C CONSTRITCTION S U P E R I N T F N D E N T EXAMS COUNTY $7.600—a family honee & 3 rni bungalow, good income property. L U R E T T A NEWM A X . Rosendale, N . Y . OLIver 8-B"51. The dollar value is exceptional. Tlie location is In the center of an established City. Walk to everything. For further details write Janice Sullivan, Secretary, 1»2 South Kensineton Road, G-arden City, L.I.. New York. Write or visit the Application Section, New York City Department of Personnel, 98 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y., for further I n f o r m a t i o n and application blanks. ISLIP ROOM house, % acre, double garage call or write. J.B. Andreassl, 63 No etrand Ave., Central Islip. New York. Central Islip 4-6016 - 6381. FLORIDA LAKESHORE Cottage $5,000, Deep Bus! ness comer with 330 teet on S t t t t Road with modern Cottage $7,900. room Retirement Home $14,600. Details. photos. PETERS, loterlachen. F l i . R E T I R E M E N T Homes-Hopewell Junction Dutches* County » t Route 82 and 876 Three Bedroom Ranchers, lull basement, hot water heat, fully decorated. Acre plots. $12,800. C. BOOS. INC. 41 Market St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Tel Globe 2-4600 TMNT^.-.R;? TAtTf m REAL ESTATE FREE C I R C U L A R S ON HUGE COLONIALS woHBfRm Bimmeti VIC. WRITE YOUR NEEDS Free Gen'l or Farm Cat'lg ALSO Brochure on Warwick, N . WILFRED L Y. RAYNOR DELAWARE COUNTY 340 acers. 3% hrs NYC. Large trout stream, spring fed pond, timber, stone quarry, hani road. 8 room lieme. bam, etc. $18,800. l e o acre Dairy plus catering food business. 12 room house. 6 bedrms. baths, fine barn, Delaware river frontSLKt' Plus live trout stream. 3^2 hrs. N.Y.City. $32,000. 60 acres, stream. 9 room house, henhouses, $0,000. VALLEY Newhurgh, LISTINGS N.Y. Tel John 1-8464 BEAUTY GEO. SCHILLING CAIRO, N.Y. Tel Madison 2-9816 W E D . S P E C . $15 P E R M A N E N T WAVE 4 Exptritncad Stytnts • Op«n Tu«. i i FrI. Evti. Parking « t t h « T o d d l * H o u s t o p p o i i U Eva Zolten 7 CENTRAL AVENUE ALBANY 4-8549 LA 8-9i96 C. M. DePEW BUINEBECK, N. V. 1 RE 9-1500 0OPEN DAILY & A S SUNDAY^ 2 GOOD BUYS 1 family. A-1 condition, clapboard and shln^o, oil heat, wall to wall carpeting, refrigerator, washing machine screens, etorms, Venetian blinds. Nr. schools and transportation. New 1-car brick garage. Take over high F H A mtge. ST. ALBANS — 6 larje rooms, oU heat, clean and modern. $12,700 $450 Down $14,700 BAISLEY ST. ALBANS — 7 room Engllsh Tudor Brick, oU, Hollywood kitchen and bath, flnished basement with bar, graragre. $15,400 $600 Down $18,950 H A Z E L B. G R A Y Lie. Broker 109-30 M E R R I C K BLVD. JAMAICA Entrance 109th Rd. AX 1-5858.9 HOLLIS — 2 family brick, 5 down — 3 up, 2 car garage, finished basement w/w carpet, modern. FREEPORT . NO CASH H a r t y Real Estate Fieldstone Blvd. APTS. APIS, NOSTRAND AVE, 488 BROOK FR 9-6964 8TH A T a 8 B W T T O N O T S R A N D A V E . Modem bulMln* near i l l transportation. Newly decorated S-room front apartment. Tiled bathroom, kitchenette. Free gas and electric. "SEE HOLMES EAST G.I. Immaculate spacious 8 rm house on estate tike 75x170 plot, three huge bedrooms, immense living room. modern eat-in kitchen, dining area. All this plus a finished basement apt, oil, steam heat, garage, loads of extras. Abso. iutey spectecular value. 1-1950 BROOKLYN INTEGRATED $13,490 $1,500 Down 180-23 Linden PARK T w o family, asbestos shingles, 3 rooms npstalrs, 4 rooms and sun porch down first floor vacant, 35x100 plot, new oil burner, full basement. Cash $3,500. ST. ALBANS — 9 room English Tndor ' brick & stucco, 8 bedrooms, part finished basement, 2 baths, patio, barbecue pit, earage, 50x100 plot. $18,500 $1,300 Down W M t Snnrlse H w a y , Merriek OPEN 7 D A Y S 9 TO » FOR HOMES' ELMHURST 3oUd brick, I family home, y large rooms plus a professionally finished basement, Venetian blinds, storms ahd screens, steam heat, 2 car garaire, entire hstue Immaculate, large corner plot. $22,490 Down SPRINGFIELD $3,490 GARDENS 1 finally. Iniul brick, 6 large rooms, plus extra bedroom on 1st floor, p i r a u i t and hardwood floors, centrally located for Churches, shopping and traoisortatlan, new heating nnit, entire h o m e now being decorated and priced f o r «ulck eale at $14.4B0. No Mortgage problem. Owner will hold mortrur*. Down Payment To All Many other available — Call fer Infermaflea J . J . FRANKLIN I I f . 4 0 MtRRICK ILYD. LAURELTON On BT. 17, TCXEDO P A H K , N.Y. Tel ELmwood 1-4116 -I L A R G E FREE LIKT A i & M 2 Hllltide Ave., Jamaica Down $1,300 Low COUNTY • Q U E E N S HOME S A L E S ^ XMAS S P E C I A L S ! ! COUNTY Retirement Homes $7,000 Up A SPRINGFIELD GARDENS TUXEDO PARK CHOICE 2 Acre Homesites Custom Designed Homes TRIMON REALTY DUTCHESS $10.00 • Ask for Mr. Murray Open Dally to S, Bun 11 OM to 6 PM BRAUN One-Third Acre L o t * $600 H Olnctlon* to model: Belt Pkway to r&rmeri Bird north 7 blocks to Bedell St. Bight to model. L I R R to Higble A r e l U . S block* to model. Bus QSA from 185 St. Jamaica Terminal to Bedell St. 60 V A L L E Y V I E W ROAD L . t K B MOHEGAN, N . Y . $11,000 • I S e e This T e r r i f i c 8 a r g a i n # At O n c e 0 0 WESTMOUNT HOMES Buys beautiful meadowland. Electricity, swimming nearby. Terms $26 monthly. Full price $650. Many parcel available. For Information and map. write. ORANGE *36 Carries All 1 Family Ranch 137-30 Bedell $14,990 • • • ) $590 Cash Needed • 5 Boomi • 3 Bedrooms Only $17,500 % lMag*l4leI«M 6 rm Mansion, 3 # |niast«r>tlitd btdrms, 2 b a t h i , A 'baoirllful landscaped qroands.W ( 9 u i t n s flnost neighborhood,^ . ewntr transferred, mnst } sacrifice. W ONLY Second Floor 1 A C R E - $50 D O W N JOHN I $24,500 $4,500 Down 3 Bedrooms Ortraldo Mt-in Kllchsn m i l 7 tiled bath L a r r * Dining Room Bright U v l n r Room ORANGE COUNTY C E N T E R V I L L E , 65 Mi. N Y C O . r . STRAKOSCH, B K B . Wladior HIUs fetlsbury Mills, N . T . OTpsy 6-3881 SALON • • • • • WARD SCOFIELD. Beacon BEAVER DAM LAKE FAIRE 2 Family Delached 40x100 Plots First Floor INTEGRATED \ SPRINGFIELD ) GARDENS I Solid Brick Duplex INTEGRATEO $18,800 14 room house. 2 baths, fireplace, f u l l y furnished, concrete block bam 16x20. 0 acres, near Thruway. $7600. Terms. I SPRINGFIELD GARDENS F I S H K I L L . N . Y . Vic. 23 rolling acres, elev, priv, 3 ml" west Taconio Pkway, 66 mi NYCity, $7,000: cash. M U 7-0890: or write BO-tt. Eancher, icrued porch; VANITIE QUEENS • • • • • • HOLMES ST. ALBANS 34. N. V. 7-2I00 INTEGRATED S A L I PRICE $15,990 S A U PRICE $1,500 SPRINGPIELD GDNS. • A I S L I Y PARK ORIGINALLY $U,S00 ORiaiNALLY $9,000 N O G A S H D O W N GIs $50.94 M T H L Y 28 IXTBAI BOOM. YR MTGE INCLUDED. S LARGE BASEMKNT. OVERff eV ( W VV 4AO wP A a tlB^M^^ a i D aABAOB. A L K TAO So H POta, RULL iUBWAT BUI N O CASH D O W N GIs $800 Cash On. All Othsrs $95 M T H L Y 28 Y R M T G E BRICK BRINGLED RANCH. 6 ROOMS, ONEI F L O O R . P L U S A T TIC F O R A M O R E . F U L L B A S E M E N Tm , $ AvAmmmr S STE wA A M« « H E A T , « MO, •™w 4k SCHOOLS. 1 DERN KITCHEN ft BATH. LAROB E"S"S"E"X B 170 L A N D S C A P E D 143*01 PLOT. OARAOE. B172 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA ^ j ^ J L J ^ J L ^ ax7.7900 ^ A A A ^ 1 f iirBflay, O c l o h e r 20, CIVIL 1 9 5 9 E R V I C E L E A D R Page R E S T A T E R E A L HOMES S CALL CALL BE 3-6010 BE 3-6010 V A L U E S PROPERTIES-HOUSES LONG ISLAND LONG ISLAND LONG ISLAND hlrvt-n THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS SECTION HAVE ALL PLEDGED TO THE SHARKEY- BROV^N LAW ON HOUSING I N T E G R A T E D CALL NOW! ^^^flTT^gt easieRTeimsf LIST AT NO GASH DOWN G.I. $300 CASH CIVILIAN 2 Family Dttaehcd, legal 2 family. 2 icporal* tntrancei, full batcmcnt, ell unit, expansion attic for additional room when ready. Extras Included. HURRYI LIVE RENT FREE " H O M E S T O FIT Y O U R P O C K E T S O M E AS L O W AS $?00 T O A L L SIO H O L D S A H f H O M E Springfield Gdns, So. Oione Park. Richmcnd Hill, Jamaica & Vic. HEMPSTEAD & VICINITY Uniondale $6,990 Large 4'/} rooms end bath with extra 3 room opt te pay the entire mortgage elf. Landscaped tret shtfded plot, full basement, economic heat, garage, only 1 block from transportation, stores, school and church. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS 2 FAMILY $13,000 7 rooms, detached, 40x100, all heat, separate to upstairs opt. beautiful area. Nr. everything. Bring small deposit. S4f.54 A 1^0. PAYS A I L $10,500 Amityville $10,990 Stucco, detached 40x100, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, garage, oil unit, full basement, extras Included, conveniently located, near everything. Only $i8.79 a month. Large, sprawling 9 years old ranch, 3 master siied bedrooms, picture window living room, ultra modern kitchen, dining area, Hollywood both end large 60x100 plot. Mony opptionces with sale — Vacant! Don't Hesltote. WHY PAY RENT V^HY PAY RENT? SPECIALS 1 FAM. 1 FAM. EUNG. 1 FAM. 2 FAM. EUNG. 1 FAM. 1 FAM. 2 FAM. 1 FAM. Si1.70 Mo. $9,500 BUNG. $78.18 Me. $11,900 OTHER SELECTIONS CHOOSE TO wkly wUy wkly wkly wkly wkly wkly wkly wkly $ 9,450 S 9,900 $12,000 $12,100 $12,400 $12,400 $12,750 $14,400 $15,200 M r o M»IIT I'NLMUTILI^HL Sjifrialfi FROM FREE INFORMATION JA 9-5100 • 5101 OL 7-3838 OL 7-1034 135-30 ROCKAWAY BLVD SO. OZONE PARK 160-13 HILLSIDE AVE. Van \V)ik ir.xprrttfinBy iinfl K«ii-kutvay Klvil I K K I ! I-K K - U r € A K K K K V I C B . 'XT - I IMVAV rRKB I'AKKINti. JAMAICA lY 9-5800 $15 $16 $19 $20 $20 $20 $$21 $23 $25 E or F T ' l f l n lo I'lirsnni Blvil LIST REALTY CORP. UI'EM 7 DAIS A $800 FINISHED Baisley Pork, detached home, 2 large private opts, finished basement with oil heat, large back yard and loads of extras. Price reduced for quick sale. SOLID BRICK $1,500 CASH Mother and daughter. South Oxone Park, 2 private apts, fin. ished basement, total 10 rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, oil heat and garage. Asking $14,500. Vacant. $13,200 SO. OZONE PARK 2 Family $15,490 k $705 CASH Modern, detached home, 2 large private opts, modern kitchens and baths, finished basement, automatic heat, rear patio, fenced In rear yerd ond extras too. OLympia 9-6700 rRRK PICK 1<P Jamaico SRKVICR KuMoxiit llYdrtiuiii «f llH.>».i<k. f o r f u t u i e t-ipunHoii. Ixkii^**- i f Immediate Occupancy for All — No Waiting JM Dimlion fioin <vai<l VI n i l I'EK WKKK r.VYs Ai.i.; lilvrk You Must See It To Believe It! Ki 4r<li «itj: JCimit, € 4 one turn <» C O 2-8200 INTEGRATED 6. ballit- $15,500 ST. A L B A N S ioi. $15,000 HEIGHTS — li m o n i f . F U L L P R I C E $16,000 RICHMOND HILL HOLLIS — old) Nullil I r l i k , i n m altaoliHl J f a m i l y — t k t . n u i i l i i i i i l m l tuiMlutiil l u a k f . It o t h r r fxti-a», nilict t t * lu a i i r i t c i k t r . M A N Y OTHER ONE A N D TWO rAMll.lEU, N t W A K D HISALBS I . O W D O W N P A Y M E N T S . l A S V THR.IIS A H H A N G F D . Call us fe see LEE ROY SMITH LINDEN BLVD. ST. ALBANS. N. Y. > LA i-0033 SPECIAL!!! Btlii^alctw, li comfortablt^ roomr. with vncloNeil porch, oil h f i i t , »11llated on n t l n i o t i r e landflrapf^d proppitT. » 4 n n ranii F U L L P R I C E $12,000 iH4> b«-a1. t-]itj}ii>. (9 y c o r t hfat, Only — 1 FAMILY SOLID BRICK n lovely lifanlitiil roonii. raraire, oil area. « H n o T a f l i btst, Neit "t" to Hillside Neftrs, tmln (o Ave. Kurbitrk 16U1U » t . AX 1-5262 M«. $77.50 FLUSHING $15,490 VACANT M O V E R I G H T IN! NEWLY REDECORATED • • • • • BRIGHT & CHEERFUL 6 HUGE ROOMS 3 AIRY BEDROOMS FULL BASEMENT GARAGE $490 Down Contract Bank $87.50 ToMonthly NATIONAL REAL ESTATE CO. 4 FAMILY G.l.'s $500 CASH EXTRA large legal 4 tamily house with 2 cor garage, 2-E room apti, 2-4 room opts, situated on a i0>120 plot. Owners' Sacrifice. $14,990 RANCH LIKE NEW $450 C A S H $13,700 This beautiful home on a land> scaped 50x100 corner plot has garage, pastel tiled both ondl modern kitchen, oil heat. Excellent Hempstead shopping and transportation. $500 C A S H - 5 Bed Rms. a l u l l b s l l i i , lariie l i v i i i s l o c m anil h i t i l i t n . tnJl I j a e t m r r t , p a t i o In the r m r , ntw I i o n t yjorch, 1 car l a n i c e i l f t i K h r d 4 0 i l ( ) 0 . many t x l r a a IrcUidMl. A p | i ) l a m » » and r t t n t f r »l<ir Iiltc, Jiiiome i i i c j u f t y . WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2Ca60 Eeolkousc Income e i M l K o i i i e m l e t Jlciir, f u l l baseDitnl. T i o ' l b . d l n l n i i r a i n . i l t t l n s r u rn, T V r e t m , p l e j <l«n ( j u t r l e n , H f u l l balliB, i l l u a l r d cn k t a i i l l l u l y, Bi'it l « n d « t t | ) » d , 1 n » ttiiddrd titii Mliiij r j l i u a l n tmiliannj YOUR Monttily Te Bonk 91 South Franklin Ave. Hempstead IIG CHANCE F U L L P R I C E $14,500 170-03 S390 Down Contract lY 3-3400 JEMCOL G.I. I f a i i i i l y , dt-lach«il & i a u i n - , ;(fi>.l(iil Iitt. N snai-ioii* i v v u i t . yue biiit, 1*2-11 luin ilAmaica 9-2000 135-21 ROCKAWAY BLVD. SO. OZONE PARK H O L L l . S — LHi'te J a m i l } , H u v . u . i l t U h l m l on ^(lxlOO I c l . I J ••ml l l n i t t i f d ba»t-liieii(, WITLI har. MMDV »\lrji(.. CAMBRIA liglit Biiiil- iniHUI. Full.v iletaohed. a u l o m a t i c gut flnicheil baKpnieiit, extrai. $K(1(I Cash, i<ii .'i5.\100 Nullinn K<., i l c l i t Hi^iMl. $13,990 ST. A L B A N S L e g a l , 2 F A M . — I n c o m e Bungolow 1 lajiiily, sliinsle delHth^l rethKcU l o r guick tftlf. Nrar ((liiaUrlnl) ^ LIVE RENT FREE • ACT QUICKLY 3 llir ^(IhmvU. fli4)|)|)ing, triiM»|»<>rtH<)«m und Veterans • 5 SPACIOUS ROOMS • FULL BASEMENT • GARAGE • LARGE PLOT • MANY FRUIT TREES and Vicinity Kunch-tijle lif«rt FASTI Hempstead M o i l r n i kii(li«>n. T i l f d l i » ( h , and f u l l No Dow/n Payment For C AL L 114-44 Sutphin Blvd.. In up M U S T SELL TROJAN EBONY ffmes l.Hkiirioiin SACRIFICE OL 7-6600 «Vll.E;li BAYSIDE. QUEENS 6 rooms ond enclosed porch, extra large 40x100 plot, enclosed rear yard, goroge, lew monthly carrying charges. Can be seen by appoinlment only. CALL US NOW! $12,990 168.20 Hillside Ave. Jamaica, N. Y, I N T E G R A T E F $15,990 Springfield Gardens Handyman Special CASH $300 Caash $6.S00 BASEMENT ALBANS HOLLYWOOD BUNGALOW 5 lor^e tccmt, Hollywood kitchen. i^lciyrccm, basement, Meny catros. 2 FAM. $88.02 Me. $13,500 17 S O U T H F R A N K L I N S T . 159-12 H I L L S I D E A V E . HEMPSTEAD JAMAICA Open 7 Days a Week Parson Blvd 6 & Sth Ave. Sub. 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. OPEN 7 DAY^ A WEEK JA 3-3?77 SO. OZONE PARK $8,700 LIVE RENT FREE BETTER REALTY 2 Family ST. LOWEST DOWK' PAYMENTS $12,250 Jamaica INTEGRATED INTEGRATED 327 N a s s a u Rd. R c o s e v e l t , L . I. rt.ijlhtiii »<(iil* rmlina). t i l l t l FR 8-4750 OfkW 1 UAVd A n k t k t M-U » t.M.| LIVE IN JACKSON HEIGHTS EAST ELMHURTS Jackson & Heights, L fauiily, solid bt'lck, H l a r t . rc'cuis. w i l h patio, senil-flniihrd baftVfjiint, nil heal. 1 car raiaKe, with many i x l r u c . Modern home. $15,ffO East Elmhurst, S f a m l l T , stucco, 13 rocma, S baO>a, oil heat, modern, l a r a t e , I^EE I H I S TO-DAY! {20,000 EDWARD S. BUTTS REAL ESTATE 2i-05 f4tk Joiktuo Uelihtt — Street TW Ulieil Kuiiiia; B i l i i t r u IV 118117 4 r . M. H I V E K S I D E O K I V E , 1 >/i « 8 ' . i priisM apartnianu InterracUl. f u r E l * b k 4 TBit' filrar 7 < n » LEOAIi Last Week To File For $9,800 Tractor Jobs NOTICB n i t No. P 3987, l o s s C I T A T I O N — T H H P E O P L E OF T H B i T A T E o r N E W YORK, B j » h » Gract o t Qod Fre> and Independent, T o Ella Schlac. Ruth Woolt, Jan* CoUlc, an Infant over the a ( « ot 14 ^ean. YOU A R E HEREBY C m D TO SHOW CAUSE before the turrorste'a Court. N e w York County, at Room B04 In the Hall of Recordi In the County of New Y o r k , New York, on Ootober 80, 18B9, at 10:30 A.M. why a certain wrltlnt dated February « . 1883 which hai been offered for probate by I L S E L I S T reeldlnr at A We<t 100th Street, Bronx, New York, •hould not be probated u the last Will and Teetament, relatlnf to real and per•onal property, of M A X W I L L I A M K U L I K . Deceased, who was at the time of hit death a resident of 171 Waat 70th Street. In the County of New York. New York. Dated. Attested and Sealed, September 21st, 1060. Application will ba accepted until Oct. 27 for $9,800 a year Jobs as tractor operator In New York City. Requirements are five years experience in the operation and maintenance of heavy duty track-type diesel tractors and a valid New York state chauffeur's license. HON. 8. S A M U E L D l FALCO Surrorate, New York County Philip A . Donahue Clerk (L.S.) Candidates will have to pass a medical-physical examination, a practical-oral exam, and perhaps a qualifying written test. Flla No. P801B, 10B9 C I T A T I O N — T H E P E O P L E OF T H E S T A T E OF N E W YORK, By the Grace of God Food and Independent, T o the heirs at law, and next-of-kin and distributees of E T H E L M A H BUCK, whose names and placea o l rastdence are unknown and If any of them died subaeauent to the decedent herein, to their reapectlve executors, administrators, lejateca. derlsees, asslrna and successors In Interest, all of whose names and placca of residence are unknown and cannot ^ ascertained. Application blanks and further information may bo obtained from the application section. New York City Department of Personnel, 96 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y., either in person or by LEGAL YOU A R E H E R E B Y CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the gurrojate'a Court, New Y o r k County, at Room B04 In the Hall of Kecords in th« County of New York, on November 20, 1959, at 10:80 A.M., why a certain writini datad April 16, 1959, and another certain writlnr dated May 8 , 1959, which have been ottered tor probate by FIRST NATIONAL CITY T R U S T C O M P A N Y , haTln* one ot Ita offlces at 640 F i f t h Ayanut, New York, N . Y.. should not bo probated as the last Will and Testament, ralatlnr to real and personal property, of E T H E L M A E BUCK, Deceased, who waa at tha tlma o t her death a rosldeat ot 165 W . 80th Street. New York City, In the County of Naw Y o r k , New Y o r k . Dated, Attested and Sealed, Ootober 9, 1959. (L.S.) HON. S. S A M U E L D I F A L C O Surroirat*, Naw Y o r k County P H I L I P A . DONAHUE Clerk Flla No. P 2904, 1050 C I T A T I O N . The Peopit ot tha State ot N e w York. By tha Graca of God Free and Independent. T o GUSTAVE A . B A L T E N S B E R G E R , HEDWIG KAUFMAN. STEPHANIB B. N I E L S O N , and CHARLES DISSEL, JR.. It llTlnr and If dead to hU belra at law, naxt ot kin and dlstributaea whose names and places ot realdenc* ara nnknown and I t he died subsequent to the decedent harein, to hia executors, administrators, Isfatees. devisees, assirnees and successors In Interest whose name* and places ot residence are unknown and cannot, after diUrent Inquiry, be ascertained; and also upon those persons who and whose namaa and place* ot realdenc* are nnknown and cannot, after dlllreat Iminlry, ba ascertained; Attested and Sealed, September 18lh, I f B S j j ^ j , g S A M U E L DI FALCO Surroffat*, New York County P H I L I P A. DONAHUE Clerk. (I'S.) , (New York Surrogate s Seal) DODGE' PLYMOUTH SIMCA Final Clearance '59's FOR QUICK SALE BRIDGE MOTORS Direct Factory Dealers Sine* 1930 j s i e Or. Conconra* (Bet 188-184 St.) IBSl Jerom* AT*., BZ. ( N r t72d St.) LOW U I ^ ^ h h M M '59 MERCURYS • TT I TERRIFIC O l S P U Y — A l l ^ » MODELS & COLORS la STOCK m ^ Ali» Used Car Cloteeufi 1 '54 OTDDB Cp* Aotomatle '58 r O K D Sedan Fordamatle • M OLDS Sedan HjdraniatI* and many otbrr* » j Z ^ ^ , B Z I Y M O T O R S ^ Authorised Uncoln-Uereury Dealer^ 122» 2nd Ave. I aaAaAaAAAAaAAAAAaTaAAAl WITH ; NEW BIO FEATURES Sweden's Qaallty Alrcrati Car MEZEY MOTORS I I I Authorliad Daalu foi LUiCOLN-UEHl'UKI-COBKL Sai Arm, (SA iT.) TB B-sioe la n l New York City pays $4,550 to $5,990 a year for medical loclal workers II they can pass the City's open competitive examination for the title, to be held Jan, 16. There are no residence reiiulrements except U.S. citizenship. Promotion opportunities are excellent. Requirements include satisfactory completion of one year of training In an accredited school of social work and one year's satisfactory full-time paid casework experience in an agency adhering to acceptable standards, or a master's degree from an accredited school of social work, or a satisfactory combination of the above. Duties and responsibilities of the Job include, under direct supervision, and in close collaboration with the medical staff, provision of NOTICE CrTATION — T H E P E O P M OF TITE S T A T E O P N E W Y O R K . BY T H E ORACE OF GOD F R E E A N D I N D E P E N D E N T . T O : 1 Unknown Executori. Admlnlitratore, Dlitribnteea and Lerateea o j th* Estate of Jeannette T . Wl*n*r. 8 . A D O L P H B W. BLONDHEIM, 8. A R T H U R W . LISSAUER, formerly knovn a* Adolnh W. Llaaauer, * . J U L I A N L I V I N Q S T O N aa Admlnlatrator with the Will a o n u t d of the Estate of Bertha Benthelm, 6. J U U A N L I V I N G S T O N aa Exacutor of th* Estate of Emma L l y l n n t o n (d*slfnat*d In th* Will aa Emma Benth*lm). e. JTJLiIAN LIVIl^GSTON aa Administrator with th* Will annexed of th* Xatat* of Hanrittta Benthelm (dealrnated in th* Will aa Eenni* Bent h * l m ) , 7. T H E F U L T O N NATIONAL B A N K as Executor of th* Eatat* of Jeanne D. Llssaner, indlridually and aa Co-Trustee, 8. LOUISE A. SCHENDEL, also known aa Louise Schendel. 8. L U C T - J A N B SMITH. 10. BETSY R O S S KOMMEB, 11. N A N C Y REUSCH, l a . Unborn Issue of Louise A. Schendel. also known as Loula* Schendpl, I S . K A T H L E E N LOU S M i r H , 14. SHARON MARGARET SMITH, 18. JOHN M I C H A E L SMITH, IB. BRUCE K E V I N SMITH, 17. JOHN SCHENDEOL KOMMER, 18. ROBERT S T A N K O M M E R , 19. A M Y LOUISE KOMMER, 20. C H R I S T I N E S Y L V I A KOMMER, 21, M A R K FAIRDALB REUSCH. 2a. L I N D A FLORENCE REUSCH. 88. D A V I D P A U L REUSCH, b»Inr the persons interested as zredltora, leratea*. devisees, beneficiaries, distributees or otherwise in th* Estat* of Jerome M . Ussauer, deceased, or Trust* oraatad in th* Last Will and Testament of said decedent, who at the tim* ot hla death resided in th* State of New York, County of New York. YOU A R E H E R E B Y CITED TO SHOW C A t S E before th* Surrotata's Court, New York County, at Room 504 In the Hall o t Records in the County ot New York, New York, on November Btb, 18B9, at 10:30 A.M., why a certain writing dated September 29lh, 1858, which has been offered lor probata by M O R G A N GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW Y O R K , with offlces at 40 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, ahould not b* probated as the last Will and Testament, relatlnf to real and personal properly, of HEDWIG J. S T A N T O N , Deceased, who was at the time ot her death a resident of 23 East 30th Street, in th* County ot New York. New York. Dated. Medical Social Workers; $4,550 Up SEND G R E E T I N G : Upon the petition of B A N K i m s T R U S T C O M P A N Y , a Corporation orranlied and •xlstlni under and by Tlrtn* of th* Lawa of tha State of New York with Its principal place of business at 16 Wall Street, New York. New York. You and each of you are hereby cited to ahow cause before th* Surrorate'a Court of New York County, held at the Hall of Records In th* County of New York on the ISth day of December, 1959, at 10:30 in tha forenoon of that day. why the accounta of proceedlni* of the aforesaid Bankers Trust Company, as SurTivlnr Trustee of the Tnista created under Articles ELEVENTH. TWELFTH. T H I R T E E N T H , F O U R T E E N T H and EIGHT E E N T H of the Last WIU and Testament of Jerome M. LIssauer should not be Judicially settled and allowod. why the allocation between the principal and Income of the stock dividends received by said Bankers Trust Company in oonnectlon with the administration of the Trust created under Artlcl* E I G H T E E N T H of said Will should not be approved; whv tha provision* of Articlea EIGHT E E N T H and N I N E T E E N T H of said WIU should not b* construed and interpreted ao as to render Article N I N E T E E N T H invalid insofar aa it seeks to creat* a third l i f e estate from th* princip^ aaaets of the Tnints crpated under Articlea ELEVENTH. TWELFTH. THIRTEENTH and F O U R T E E N T H of said Will, and why your petitioner ahould not be d i r e c t s to pay over one-third of said principal aaaets and accrued Income earned thereon from December Sth, 1968, to The Fulton National Bank as Executor of the Estate of Jeannle D. Llssauer and two-thirda of said principal assets and accrued Incom* earned thereon from December Sth, 1958 to Louise A. Schendel, also known aa Louise Schendel, less such charges aa are directed to b* made and paid from said principal assata and aald accrued Income in this proceeding; and why the fee* of Dammann, Roche A Goldberg in th* aura of Five Thousand Dollar* ( 5 5 . 0 0 0 ) for legal aerTice* rendered and to b * rendered to your petitioner in connection with thl» accounting and th* proper dlaburaem*nU Incurred and to be incurred by th*m should not b « paid and b * mad* chargeable to the Tnista in th* manner aet forth in th* petition and accounts, and why suclj " S e r and further relief a* to this Court may leem Just and proper ahould not b* experience are among the re quirements. Pay ranges from medical social casework services $10,760 to $13,160. to persons receiving medical care See "Where to Apply" column and treatment in a hospital or in this week's Leader. clinic. ADTT. Further information and application blanks may be obtained either in person or by mail from the Application Section, New York City Department of Personnel, 90 Duane St., New York 7, N. Y . Last day to file is Oct. 27. CHIEF P R O B A T I O N OFFICERS SOUGHT AppUcationa will be received until Oct. 27 for an open-competitive examination for chief probation officer in New York City civil service. The test is set for Jan. 8. A master's degree and 12 years "Mom, do w e have Blue Cross for D a d d y ? " AMERICAN H O M E C E N T E R H A S THE LATEST AND MOST MODERN GENERAL ELECTRIC DIAL-DEFROST REFRIGERATOR FULL WIDTH FREEZER CHEST DIAL-DEFROST CONVENIENCE MODEL L B - a i S 8-CUBIC-FOOT REMOVABLE, ADJUSTABLE DOOR SHELVES DE LUXE FEATURES AT A LOW PRICE • F u n width chiner tray; extra deep; 1 6 lbs. additional short-tarm freezar storage. SPECIAL PRICE • Porcelain Vegetable D r a w e r - h o l d s M bushal "lN*"'wrrNESS WHEREOF, we hav* «aus«1 the seal <iJ the Surrogate s Court or the said County of New York to b * here" " ^ y r r ' N E l s HONORABLB S . S A M U E L D I FALCO, a Surrogate of our aald Coun{ y at the County of New York, tha 6th day of Ootober. 1958. (S^) P H I L I P A. DONAHUE Clerk of the Surrogate's Court Exam Study Books fe kelp y e i g*t a kigber grade ea c M I itrvlce Utt$ may be abtalfd at Tke Leader look•fere, 97 Ouoie Sfreef, New rerk 7. N. Y. Pkese erdert aseapM. Call •Itkinae 1-6010. far IM at leme esrresf fiflei tee Page IS. • Magnetic Safety D o o r - o p e n s easily; closes automaticalhr. silenUy. • Butter C o m p a r t m e n t • Two Egg Racks TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES AMERICAN HOME CENTER, INC. 614 THIRD A V E N U E A T 40th STREET, NEW YORK CITY CALL MU 3-3616 FOR YOUR LOW, LOW PRICEI < File Now For Secure, High Paying State Jobs The New York State Civil Service is now accepting applications for more than 20 Job titles, many open to both men and women, paying from under $4,500 to over $11,000 per year. Many State offices in and around New Yorlc City employ large numbers of people, and State civil service, with liberal fringe benefits and exceptional , Job security, is ideal for those looking for career Jobs. ! Applications will be accepted up ^ t o Nov, 2. The exams are sched^ u l e d for Dec. 5. r Unless marked with an asterisk, , New York State residence for a t year before Dec. 5 is required, j All require U.S. citizenship at the time of appointment. •2143. Senior library supervisor. $6,950-$7,7e0. •2157. Supervisor of social work (adoption). $6,098-$7,388. •3157. Supervisor of social work (medical). $6,098-$7,388. •2159. Supervising medical social worker. $7,490-$7,760. •2161. Veterinarian. $6,098-$7,I 388. • 2162. Research analyst (bankI Ing). $6,098-$7.388. . 2163. Research analyst (Equal^ Ization & assessment). $6,098-$7,- The New York City Department of Personnel has announced an amendment to the qualifications previously listed for the Job title recreation leader in the Departments of Parks and Hospitals to include experienced high school grads. ent combination of education and tion leader, whose salary goes to experience, but all candidates had $4,330 maximum with Increments. Candidates who file by the 15th to be college grads. be considered Added now is graduation from of any month w a senior high school, or equiva- as a single group and called for lency diploma or QED armed for- the written test the last Friday ces certificate, and 4'/a years of or Saturday of the following the aforementioned experience, or month. Applications will be accepted until June 15, 1960 for this Job, which pays $4,250 a year to start. Previously, minimum requirements called for baccalaureate degree, Including or supplemented by 18 credits in recreation, physical education or group work; or bMcalaureate degree so accredited See "Where to Apply for Public and ilx months' leadership exJobs" column In this week's perience in organized recreational programs; or satisfactory equivalLeader. Forms and details may be oban equivalent combination of college education and experience, tained from Department of Perbut all candidates must be high sonnel, Application Section, 96 Duane St., N.Y. 7, in.person or by school grads. mall provided stamped, self-addThere are numerous vacancies ressed 9'/a-inch envelope Is enin both the Department of Parks closed. and the Department of Hospitals. Eligibles who do not have a college degree will certified to the AUTOS, new »nd osed. See Parks Department only. weekly listing I n a d v e r t l s I n K Successive tests will be held columns of The Leader. and lists established for recrea- •172. Social work scholarships & Internships (file by Jan. 4, Exam Feb. 6) Tuition plus living expenses; Interns $4,730. •196. Parole officers. Examinations held continuously; no closing date. $5,246-$6,376. Applications will also be accepted up to Nov. 9 for senior engineering examiner (No. 2171; $6,410-$7,760) and associate engineering examiner (No. 2172; $7,818-$9,408). Exams Will be on Dec. 12. State residence is not required for either. ^ 888. 2164. Research analyst (rent). $6,098-$7,388. 2165. Director of public works laboratory (file by Nov. 9). $11,734-$13,804. 2166. Principal draftsman (genTal). $5,246-$6.376. 2167. Senior draftsman (genral). $4,280-$5,250. 2168. Senior histology technician. $4,280-$5.250. 2169. Camp sanitary aide. About $74 a week. 2170. Liquor control officer. Starting salaries from $3,870 to $6,098. •220. Professional career tests, usual starting salary $4,600. •2260. Public administration Internship. Appointments at $4,988. •2573. Senior social case worki ^ ^ r (child welfare, Westchester County). $4,650-$5,970. •2574. Senior social case worker (public assistance, Westchester County). $4,650-$5,970. •2575. Social case worker, Westchester County, $4,230-$5,430. Key Answers New York City Open Competitive Examination For Housing Caretaker Tentative Key Answers for Written Test Held October 10, 1959 1,T; 2, F; 3, F; 4, T; 5, F; 6, F; 7, T; 8, F; 9. T; 10, T; 11, F; 12, T; 13, F; 14, F; 15, T; 16. F; 17, T; 18, T; 19, F; 20, F; 21, T; ^ 2 2 , F; 23, T; 24, T; 25, F; 26, T; ~ 2 7 , F; 28, T; 29, T; 30, F; 31, F; 82, T; 33. T; 34, F; 35, F; 36, T; 37, F; 38. F; 39. T; 40. F; 41, T; 42, T; 43. F; 44. T; 45, T; 46, F; 47, F; 48, T; 49, F; 50, T; 51, F; 82, F; 53, T; 54, T; 55. F; 56, T; 57, F; 58, T; 59, T; 60, T; 61, F; 62, T; 63, F; 64. T; 65. F; 66, F; 67. T; 68, F; 69, T; 70, F; 71. F; 72, F; 73, F; 74, T; 75, T; 76, F; 77, F; 78, T; 79, T; 80, F; 81, F; 82. T; 83. F; 84, T; 85, F; 86. F; 87. T; 88, F; 89, T; 90, T; 91, F; 92, F; 93, F; 94, T; 95, T; 96. T; 97, F; 98, F; 99. T; 100. F. Last day to protest to the City Civil Service Commission. 299 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y., is Nov. 4. I f "Ss; You Saw It The U a d e r " Requirements For Recreation leader Exam Broadened THIS WINTER, HANG YOUR WASH IN HERE DOWN PAYMENT 'TM MM f«l • Maytaf Drrei to match your May tag Auto•aatio Wafber. Choow from • gai 01 electrlo Maytag Dzren in Faitelton* Pint Tallow. Ore«n or Whit*. THE NEW MAYTAG All dryers save you this... NO LIFTINQ OR LUOGINQ HEAVY WET WASH I H M t v n t g * woman without • (byn walk* 40 mile* add eanlM * ton of w*t waib a raarl And | h « wait** two waaka' t i m a a y e a r Una* «7lngt NO WAITINQ ON THE WEATHERI Rain or anow mean nothing to a woman with • Maytag Automaiio Dryer! And cloth** ooma out avcn *oft*r, fluffier and *weet*r «m*Uln| than Uoa^edl D R Y E R MAYTAG saves you this.,. NO UQLY VENT-PIPE OUT WINDOW OR WALLI NO HEAT, MOISTURE OR LINT IN THE ROOM I Excludva new Maytag NoVent Dryer la completely aealed, nothini |oe* in or come* out but youx cloth**. No heat, moi*tui« or Unt **• cape into laundry room to make it uncomfortable. Maytaf'a new method of drying aend* all moisture down the drain, catche* lint in • auper-efficient Unt trap. Put thli Maytag Dryer any place you have • wather. Run* on either 119 or 230 volt*. J A C O B M A L K I N 6l SON 1964 Fulton St. Open 9 #0 7 Daily Brooklyn, N.Y. PR. 4-4700 Photo Report Shows Meeting In Action t STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR CIVIL SERVICE TEST PASS HIGH the EASY ARCO WAY • • • • n • • • • • • n • • • • • n • • • • • • • n n n Admialttrativ* Aisf. ^$3.S0 Aceoantpnt A Auditor $3.00 A a t e Englntmai $3.00 A l t o MaehlRUt $3.00 A l t o Maehanle $3.00 A t t ' t Forsmaa (SmHOHOB) $3.00 AttaadMt $3.00 • • f l n n i n q 0 « e « W e r k t r $3.00 leelikMpar $3.00 B r i d q * t Tiiiiial O f f i e a r $ 3 X 0 CaptolR (P.D.) $3.00 Chemist $3.00 C . S. A r l t h * V e e . C i v i l Englnaar $3.00 C i v i l S e r v l e t H a n d b e e i i $1.00 UncmploymMt IniaroRe* ClQims Clerk . . $3.00 Claims Examiner ( U n e m p l o y m e n t Insurance) ..$4.00 C l e r k . O S 1-4 $3.00 C l e r k 3-4 $3.00 Clerk. N Y C $3.00 C o m p l e t e G u i d e t o C S $1.50 C o r r e e t l o R O f f i c e r . . . $3.00 Dietitian $3.00 l l e e t r l e a l Engineer . . . . $ 3 . 0 0 Electrician $3.00 Elevator O p e r a t o r $3,00 Employment I n t e r v i e w e r $3.00 F e d e r a l S e r v i c e Entrance Exams $3.00 • • • • Rreman (F.D.) $3.00 Fire C a p t $3.00 F i r e Lieutenant $3.S0 Fireman Test* In all States $4.00 • Foreman $3.00 • Foreman-Sanitation . . . $3.00 • G a r d e n e r Assistant . . . $3.00 • H . S. Diploma Tests . $4.00 • H o m e Training P h y s i c a l $1.00 • Hospital Attendant . .$3.00 Resident B u i l d i n g . Superintendent $4.00 • Housing C a r e t a k e r . . . $3.00 • Housing O f f i c e r $3.00 • Housing Asst. $3.00 • H o w t o Fass C o l l e g e Entrance Tests . . . . . . _ - . . $ 2 . 0 0 • H o w t o Study P o s t O f f i c e Schemes .. $1.00 n H o m e Study C o u r s e f o r C i v i l S e r v i c e Jobs $4.95 • H o w t o Pass W e s t P o i n t and Annapolis Entrance Exams .. ..$3.50 n Insurance A g e n t A Broker $4.00 • Investigator (Loyalty Review) . . . $3.00 • Investigator ( C i v i l and L a w Enforcement) $3.00 n I n v e s t i g a t o r ' s Handbook $3.00 • Jr. A c c o u n t a a t $3.00 n Jr. A H o r n e y . . .$3.00 • Jr. G o v e r n m e a t A ( » t . . . $ 3 . 0 0 n Jr. P r o f e s s i o n a l Asst. $3.00 • Janitor C u s t o d i a a . . $3.00 • Jr. P r o f e s s i o n a l Asst. $3.00 • L a b o r e r - Physical T e s t Preparation $1.00 • Laborer Written Test $2.00 • L a w Enforcement Pasl> tient $3.00 • L«w Court Steae ..$3.00 • Ueutenant (P.D.) $4.00 • Ucense No. 1—Teaching Common Broaches . .$3.00 FREE! You Naw New With Librarian $3.O0 Malataaaac* Moa ....$3.00 Machoalcal E a r . ....$3.00 Moll Handler .$3.00 Malatalaer't Helper ( A ft C ) $3.00 Maiatataer't Helper (E) $3.00 Maiatalaer's Helper (B) .$3.00 Meter Attendant -$3.00 Motermoa $3.00 M e t a r Voh. O p a r . $3J)0 M o t o r Vehicle U c e n s a Examiner .. $3.00 N o t a r y Pablla $2.S0 N a r s e P r a c t i c a l » Public Health $3.00 Oil Burner Installer $3.50 Parking M e t e r A H e n d a n t $3.00 Park Ranger $3.00 Parole Officer . . . . . . . . $ 3 . 0 0 Patrolman $3.00 P a t r o i m a a Tests la A l l States $4.00 P l a y g r o u n d D i r e c t o r . .$3.00 Plumber .$3.00 Policewoman $3.00 Postal Clerk C a r r i e r $3.00 P o s t a l C l e r k la C h a r g e Foreman . . .$3.00 P o s t m a s t e r , 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class $3.00 P o s t m a s t e r , 4th C l a s s $3.00 P o w e r Maintainor $3.00 P r a c t i c e f o r A r m y T e s t s $3.00 Prison G u a r d . . . . . $3.00 Probation OfRcer . ..$3.00 Public M a n a g e m e n t tk Admin ..$3.00 Public H e a l t h Nurse ..$3.00 Railroad Clerk $3.00 Railroad Porter $3.00 Real Estate Broker ..$3.50 R e f r i g e r a t l o a Llcease _$3.50 Rural M o l l C a r r i e r . . . $3.00 Safety Officer $3.00 School C l e r k $3.00 Police Sergeoat $4.00 S o c i a l l a v e s t l g a t o r . . $3.00 S o c i a l Supervisor . . . $3.00 Social W o r k e r $3.00 Senior C l e r k N Y S $3.00 Sr. Cik., Supervising Clerk N Y C $3.00 State Trooper $3.00 S t a t i o n a r y Engineer l i Fireman . . $3.50 Steno-Typlst (NYS) $3.00 S t e n o T y p i s t ( G S 1 - 7 ) $3.00 S t e n o g r a p h e r , G r . S-4 .$3.00 S t e a o - T y p l s t ( P r a c t i c a l ) $1.S0 Stock A s s l s t a a t .. $3.00 Stracture Malatalaer $3.00 Substitute P o s t a l T r a a s p e r t a t l e a C l e r k . $3.00 S u r f a c e Llae O p . ....$3.00 Tax C o l l e c t o r .. $3.00 Techalcal & Professional Asst. ( S t a t e ) .. $3.00 Telephone O p e r a t o r ..$3.00 T h r u w a y T o l l C o l l e c t o r $3.00 T i t l e Examiner $3.00 T r a l a Dispatcher $3.00 Transit P a t r o i m a a ..$3.00 Treasury Enforcement Agent $3.50 W a r S e r v i c e Scholarship* .. $3.00 Will Receive an Invaluabia Arco "Outlina Chart of York City Government." Every N.Y.C. Arco Book— 1 ORDER DIRECT—MAIL COUPOT]"" 45« for 24 hour i p e e i i l dtlivtry C.O.D.'s 10c Mire LEADER BOOK STORE »7 Duana St.. New York 7. N. Y. P U t i * isnd m* I •ncloM «h(ck er copiei of booki chsckid above. mon«y erdsr fer $ AC;TIVITIK§ aMHaBMrnB—liiBV Erie Erie County Chapter, Civil Service Employees Association, is progressing well on its plans for the Chapter's first annual dance, to be held in the near future. Mrs. J o h a n n a Drummond's dance committee is working hard on the affair. Tickets for the dance are selling for $2 per person and patron'a tickets are going for $5. All Chapter members and their guests are Invited. Several members appeared recently on radio programs from the Turf Room of the Hotel Sheraton and'^at Mike Merian's Luncheon Club at the Hotel Statler. Mrs. Drummond called a meeting of her committee Oct. 20 to complete plans for the dance. The next Chapter meeting will be held at Becker's Restaurant on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Manhattan Stale The Manhattan State Hospital Chapter of the Civil Service Employees Association held a regular meeting on Oct. 7 in the Assembly Hall. Candidate for association fourth vice-president, Grace Nulty, was a guest speaker. Assoelation Field Representative James Casey was also on hand. He explained the alms and purposes of the Association and stressed the need for a strong membership to increase the efficiency of the organization. Charles Loucks was appointed chairman of the free toll committee and requested that whose who desire the free toll privilege as non-resident employees should contact him. A resolution was unanimously passed to present the free toll problem,, as a grievance, to the grievance committee of the Hospital for consideration, discussion and action. The presentation was made to Dr. Nobe E. Stein, chairman of the committee, on Oct. 13 by the chapter president. Further details on this matter will follow in this column. New members are coming into the Chapter and every one of them are heartily welcomed. The membership committee will hold a supper-meeting in the near future to start a vigorous membership drive. Members are urged to help the committee secure new members. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Nora Castellano, sister of Jo McDonnell of the engineering dept., and to George Whyte and his wife on the recent loss of their son. Sincere appreciation for the many spiritual bouquets and flowers is extended by both families to the employees of the Hospital. Get well wishes are extended to Rebecca Washington, Matt Walsh. Betty Lavln, Mary Duncan, Nellie Lynch, and to all employees on the sick list at this time. Addreu State Ca sara fa laclada 1% Sales Taa W t d a F r i KVM, 7-10 pm for P.O. C L E R K O B C A R R I E R OUTRRNMRNT CLERK TYPIST 8TEN0 MRTER MAID B I O R SCHOOL E Q C r V A L E N C T ATTENDANT coTerlnsi S i m p l e Qnfstloni a A m n rra, CiTll Serrlce A r i t h m f t l r , Ommmar a E n g l l i h Intrrpretationi, othrr CIvU SffTlr*. phMf*. CALL MR. STRAND A F T E R 4 P M MONDELL INSTrrUTR 23* W 41 (7-8 A T M ) W I T-2087 A Better Job for You! LEARN IBM REGISTER NOW FOR SPECIAL D A T A N D E V E N I N G CLASSES LATEST EQUIPMENT N o e j p . or preTiona trainlnr required F R E E booka a Placement Service O P E N 9 A J I . TO 9 P.M Machine Acc'ting 220 W . 42 St. OT Chief In Stole Mental Hygiene, Dies School (23d F l . ) AU Citr, state. Federal P r * m . E z a m i Jr. a A M t C I T U . Mecb, Elec E n f r CL»LL. Mech, Eleo Arch-Enrr DrafUmn E o r r Aide Pipe L a j i n r Intp Jr. Drafteman Foreman-Sewer-Hiwayi CSerk-Carrier Stationary Engr Honsinr A u t Electrical I m p . Subway Exama Electrician Supt Conatr'n Plumbinr EniP Patrolman A H t Actorary Painter AtBt Statiatician H.S. Equivalency Aaet Account MATHEMATICS Al» Geo T r i g Cal Physlca License Preparation ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT ruing Oct. 7-27 INTENSIVE COURSE COMPLETE PREPARATION Claaa meeta Sat. 9:15-12:18 beginning Oct. 31 er phone f e r Informaiion Easfera S e k e e l AL 721 B r o a d w a y , N . Y . 4-S029 Pleaae write m e free about aiatant Accountant claaa. the Name Af- . Addreea Boro PZ. •Lt City Exam Coming J a a . 23 Par AHENDANT (Men and Women) A P P L I C A T I O N S OCTOBER 7-27 INTENSIVE COMPLETE COURSE PREPARATION Clasa meeta Monday, 6:30-8:30 beginning N o v . 2 Write or Phone l o r Information Enrineer. Architect, Surveyor, Stationary Engineer, Refrigeration Oper-' ator. Plumber, Portable Engineer. Claaa and Personalized Inatructlon DAYS-EVES A SATURDAYS MONDELL INSTITUTE Eastern School A L 4-5029 721 Broadwar, N . T . 8 (near 8 St.) about the Pleaae write me free A T T E N D A N T COURSE. Name 230 W . 41 St. (7-8 A v e a ) W I 7-2087 Nearly 60 yra Preparing Thousanda Civil Svee Technical 4 Engr Exama Boro NEED A DIPLOMA? City Addreaa PZ Exam C o m i n g lA Jan. 23 For Let us help you pass the New York State test. 'METER MAID' Send ONE DOLLAR for our printed T R I A l TEST and EXPERT advicc. P A R K I N G METER ATTENDANT Equivalency ADVISORY P.O. l o « 1485 SENIOR PARKING METER ATTENDANT A P P L I C A T I O N S OCTOBER 7-27 SERVICE N . Y . 8, N. Y . INTENSIVE COURSE COMPLETE PREPARATION Clasa meeta Thuredaya 6:30-8:30 Write or Phone f o r Information Do You Need A High Scliool Diploma? (EqolTalency) • FOR PERSONAL SATISFACTION • FOR JOB P R O M O T I O N • FOR ADDITIONAl START EDUCATION TRY THE "Y" PLAN $45 Eastern School A L 4-5029 721 B r o a d w a j , N . T . 8 (near 8 S t . ) Pieate write me free M E T E R M A I D courae. about the Name Addreaa ,,. Boro PZ lA ANTTUU Send for Booklet CL CITY YMCA EVENING SCHOOL IS W M I OSrd 8tn Naw l o r f c M . N EXAM CUMING JA.\. 30 FOB HOUSING ASSISTANT $45 t t-Sin $4.250-S5,330 FIUNO IBM IN ALBANY, Oct. 19 Virginia BROOKLYN ScuUln, director of occupational thi-eapy in the New York State For Men and Women Department of Mental Hygiene KEY PUNCH SORTER, TABS since 1946, died today at Pilgrim COLLATOR * REPRODUCER State Hospital after a prolonged OPERATION & W I R I N G Illness. Her home was at 268 State Street, Albany. SECRETARIAL A native of Tyrone, Pa., Misa Medical, Legal, Exec., Eleo. Typing Scullin entered State service aa Switcbd Compt., ABO Sten., Diclphn • T E N O T Y P T (Machine Shorthand) chief occupational therapist at Central Isllp State Hospital in 1924. P E E F A R A T I G M For C I V I L S E R t l C E Co-Ed. DAT * EVE. In 1933 she transferred to Pilgrim F R E E L l f e t l m * Placement Bervira State Hospital where she organized ADELPHI-EXECUTIVES' the occupational therapy activities n i a KINGS BWX. DE 6-7200 In the newly constructed 10,000 bed I B M F L A T B V S B A V . , Nr. Bklyn Coll. institution, remaining there until her appointment to the central F R E E BOOKLET by U. 8. Govstaff of the Department In Albany. Miss Scullin was closely asso- ernment on Social Security. Mail ciated with the growth and de- only. Leader, 87 Duane Street, velopment of occupational therapy New y « r k 7, N. Y . as a major rehabUltative modality in the hospitals for the mentally She Is survived by her brother, R o b e r t Scullin, of Hummel's Wharf, Pa. Services were at Bay Shore, Long sland. Burial was at Tyrone, I Pennsylvania. for CH 4-7070 EXPERT PREPARATIOn C.9. A r l t h C I f y Eiam Comlaq Jaa. f Vrlte Tabulating or Key Punch N E W L O W RATES! Tell B N d l M t t m. Name SPECIAL CLASSES^ EMPLOYEE§ OCT. 7-27 INTENSIVE COURSE COMPLETE PREPARATION Claaa meet* Tueaday beginning Nov. 6:30-8iSe 10 Write or Phone f o r Information Eastern Scbpol A L 4-S029 721 B R O A D W A Y , V. T . 3 ( a t a S t . ) Peaie write me free about the HOUSING A S S I S T A N T courae. Name Addreaa Boro PZ L8 GRADED DICTATION GREGG • PITMAN A l i o Beginner and Review Claaaea In 8TEN0, T Y P I N G , BGOKREEPING, COMPTOMETRY, CLERICAL D A Y : A F T E R BUSINESS: EVENING UKAIVL <••» N^C »•") n n A1/ r ^ ^ NASSAC ST. W i l lBchoolt i l i b In AU B jcekm»„ Borougha ,.4840 SCHOOL DIRECTORY BVSINEB8 ICUOOLa M U N R O B Bt'HUOL-IBM CUUBBES. Keypunch, Tabulating, W l r l n i ( A P P R O V E D r O B VETS), Accuuntini. Buaiiieaa Adniiniatration, Switchboard (all Ure board*) Comptometry Day A Cve Claaaea S P E C I A L P B E P A E A T I O K F O B C I T Y , t T A T B * F E D E R A L T E S T S Caal Trrmont A v e * Beaton Rd., Brum, K l 2-8600. iPag* Sixteen C I V I L S E R V I C E L I A U B R Tueadar, O r l o b r r 20, DELEGATES ROUND OUT €SEA PROGRAM 191 1 9 ^