Wiltse Elementary School 640 Wiltse Blvd. Penticton, BC V2A 8J2 Principal: Cathy Bowles Vice-Principal: Roland Holowaty SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (2014-15) SCHOOL & COMMUNITY CONTEXT: Wiltse Elementary School serves a diverse catchment area that includes the Wiltse Flats neighbourhood, the area around the north shore of Skaha Lake, the orchard/hobby farms along Valleyview Road, and East Lakeside Road south to the new subdivisions of Lakeshore Highlands and Heritage Hills. The school consists of sixteen classrooms, a computer lab with thirty stations, areas for small group instruction, a well-stocked library and, a large multipurpose room and an excellent gymnasium. The school is very fortunate to have extensive grounds that provide students with excellent play and sporting areas. The Parent Advisory Council is a key component of Wiltse School. The parents support student achievement through the One-to-One Reading Program, their funding of additional library and learning resources and through the annual Read-a-thon. The Wiltse PAC annually supports Accelerated Reader and Star Reading Programs plus Mathletics. The parents have enriched the schooling of the students by funding extra-curricular events, co-curricular projects and the swimming, skating and cross country skiing programs as well as year-end trips for each grade level. INQUIRY QUESTION(S) REVIEW of School Focus Question: How can we move students forward in Literacy using Tier 1 (Whole Class) strategies and interventions? RATIONALE: What evidence compelled us to ask this inquiry question? Wiltse School Staff has been working on a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) inquiry focus from 2012 when staff noticed that more students are having difficulty socially and emotionally. A group of six Wiltse staff members attended a workshop together offered by POP-ARD and from the ideas shared, revisited and reviewed there was interest in pursuing a more focused understanding of and school-wide focus on Social Emotional Learning. It was believed and we continue to believe that it is important to develop the whole child; we need to include social and emotional learning. We have noticed that there are more and more children displaying anxieties which negatively affect their abilities to function and learn at school. Page 2 We believe that students’ sense of belonging and perception of safety can affect learning and students’ academic performance. We must ensure all Wiltse students feel a strong sense of belonging and that they are safe to take risk in their learning to achieve to be the best they can be. We must teach students pro-social skills and coping skills. SEL will continue to be part of developing healthy, happy successful children. Strategies and programs for teaching and supporting SEL will be part of the curriculum taught and reviewed throughout each school year. Wiltse’s Team (two-three teachers, Vice Principal and Principal with support from Wiltse’s Counsellor Psychologist and Speech and Language Pathologist) have attended Beyond Inclusion Meetings over the past two years and have shared information, strategies and ideas from the meetings. From Beyond Inclusion Meeting, Learning Community Meetings and presentations from staff, we are working collaboratively to develop in interventions that will support all learners in the classroom. Objectives: To discuss Response to Intervention To review Tier 1, 2 and 3 structures and strategies at Wiltse School To review discuss our school needs To investigate Literacy Learning (Reading and/or Writing) To investigate Reading and Writing Pedagogy To investigate Reading and Writing Scope and Sequence To create structured opportunities to work with colleagues at shared grade levels as well as Primary and Intermediate collaboration To implement best practice strategies and tools in all classrooms (Daily 5, Writing Power, Team work with collaborative teaching partners) To use regular collaborative meeting time at staff meetings and assemblies to: o o o Discuss inquiry questions Share successes and challenges Reflect on the impact on student attitudes, engagement and achievement School District No. 67 (Okanagan-Skaha) Page 3 Strategies and Structures: Wiltse Elementary Staff is involved in Inquiry Questions with other colleagues in school and throughout the School District (SMARTLearning, Grade 3 Literacy Team, Changing Results for Young Readers, Beyond Inclusion: To review effective strategies and programs to support Student Learning To introduce and/or review resources Staff continues to implement Literacy strategies and programs in the classrooms: School-wide use of common language and Literacy Strategies for Literacy Learning at school: o o o Kindergarten: Weekly Home Reading Program and Journals, Literacy Centres, SMARTLearning Sequences Grade 1 and 2: Daily Home Reading Program, SMARTLearning Sequences, Word Work, Journal Writing, Reflection Journals Grade 3-5: Accelerated Reading Program, SMARTLearning Sequences, Susan A. Writing Program, Weekly Spelling Focusses, Fluency Reading Project In-class support from Learning Assistance Teacher, Learning Support Teacher, Speech and Language Pathologist and School Counsellor Support from other programs assist in improving student success and achievement Staff was invited to participate in book clubs (Catching Readers Before They Fall; Calm, Alert and Learning; and RTI From All Sides: What Every Teacher Needs to Know) Use Professional Development and self-directed learning time to investigate Literacy Strategies To create a focus of student work and samples across grades and display them in the schools Continue to use SEL strategies and programs to meet the needs of all students (WITS Program, Social Detective work, TRIBES, FRIENDS and FUN FRIENDS Program/activities, Restorative Practice strategies and structures, The Zones of Regulation resource School District No. 67 (Okanagan-Skaha) Page 4 ASSESSMENT PROCESS AND TOOLS: What will we use to measure our success? This is the first year of implementing a focus on Tier 1 (Whole Class). Some of the assessment process and tools used: Assessment of student work using Performance Standards for Reading and Writing to gain baseline data Changing Results for Young Learners team collaboration District Inquiry participation SMARTLearning Inquiry participation Inclusion Team collaborated at District sessions and followed up at school staff meetings Informal and formal teacher planning and reflecting meeting Staff attended in district and out of district workshops that supported Literacy Learning Flex Funds were used to release teacher to join inquiry groups, workshops and professional development initiatives RESOURCES: Ministry of Education – Integrated Resource Packages Kirsten Odian – Early Learning Support Teacher Tammy Kay – District SMARTLearning Helping Teacher High quality literature, including Catching Reader Before They Fall; Calm, Alert and Learning; RTI From All Sides; and other readings PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Yearly support of student activities and support materials (STAR Reading, Accelerated Reading, At Home Reading Back and Forth Books, Read-a-thon Incentives, and Mathletics Review at Wiltse Parent Advisory Council Meetings throughout the school year Students who were supported by staff School District No. 67 (Okanagan-Skaha) Page 5 REFLECTIONS: Successes and Challenges This year was a time to expose staff to a variety of Response to Intervention strategies (new as well as try and true) and allow staff to become familiar with ideas and concepts to support students. We have learned that this is just a beginning and there is a lot to learn and teach. Staff members are: Looking into ways to support children using reading and writing activities Understanding the importance of teaching and implementing Literacy skills Seeing the benefits of a whole school approach which supports all children-both academically and emotionally It was felt that whenever possible using Literacy learning as a base for teaching helps to cover the learning outcomes across curriculum areas and meets several goal areas. Interested in reading clubs (currently a team of four is looking at the book: RTI From All Sides: What Every Teacher Needs to Know) Concerned about need to support other areas of the academic curriculum such as writing FUTURE PLANNING: From some staff feedback, there is some support to continue to work on Literacy Learning as a School Goal. Some suggestions for future planning include: Look at a focus that would benefit an individual or small group of students similar to the Changing Results for Young Readers Model Consideration of breaking into smaller groups that have an inquiry question that would lead to improvement in student achievement in an area of literary Research and develop a Scope and Sequence for writing at each grade level Create a development writing visual for each grade level and display the work School District No. 67 (Okanagan-Skaha)