Page 1 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION INAUGURAL MEETING AGENDA Monday, December 14, 2015, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER We hereby acknowledge that we are on the territory of the Okanagan First People. Pursuant to the School District's Procedural By-law 1, the chair of the inaugural meeting shall be the secretary-treasurer ("the interim chair") until such time as the board chair has been elected. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the agenda be adopted. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIR The school district's Procedural By-law 1 states: "The interim chair shall call for nominations for board chair three times and declare nominations closed. A secret ballot shall be held and the person receiving more than one-half of the total number of votes cast shall be declared elected. If no person receives a clear majority, that person with the least number of votes shall be dropped from the nominees and a further ballot conducted. Any vote involving only two trustees that ends in a tie vote shall result in the appointment of an interim chair to serve until the next regular meeting at which time the nomination and election process will be repeated. The interim chair shall be selected from the first available trustee in the following order: 4. a. The most recent chair; b. The more recent vice chair; c. The two remaining trustees nominated for chair drawing lots." ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR The newly elected chair will conduct the election of the vice chair. The election of the vice chair shall follow the same procedures as that for the chair. Page 2 5. B.C. SCHOOL TRUSTEES ASSOCIATION PROVINCIAL COUNCIL According to British Columbia School Trustees Association by-laws, a provincial councilor and an alternate are to be elected annually between December 1 and the following January 15 to act as the Board's representative to the Provincial Council of the B.C. School Trustees Association. 6. 5.1 Election of Provincial Councilor 5.2 Election of Provincial Councilor Alternate B.C. PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL According to the bylaws of the British Columbia Public School Employers' Association, each member board of education shall appoint one delegate to the Association, who must be a trustee of the member school board. In the past, this appointment for the delegate and alternate has been made by election. By-law 2.4 of the BCPSEA by-laws states: "No person with a direct or indirect pecuniary interest, within the meaning of the School Act, in teacher or support staff collective bargaining, is eligible: a. To be elected to the Board of Directors of the Association; b. To represent a member at any general meeting of the Association; c. To represent a member at any other function of the Association. Definition of direct pecuniary interest Section 55 of the School Act states: "Pecuniary interest" means, with respect to a trustee, an interest in a matter that could monetarily affect the trustee and includes an indirect pecuniary interest referred to in Section 56. Section 57 of the Act also defines a deemed pecuniary interest: For the purposes of this Part, the pecuniary interest of a spouse or of a parent or child of the trustee is, if known to the trustee, deemed to be also the pecuniary interest of the trustee. 7. 6.1 Election of BCPSEA Delegate 6.2 Election of BCPSEA Alternate Delegate DESTRUCTION OF BALLOTS RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the ballots be destroyed. Page 3 8. DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENTS The normal procedure in the past has been that the chair has presented committee and representative appointments at the first regular board of education meeting following the inaugural meeting. A listing of established committees, representations, and school liaison appointments is attached. In order to assist the chair in making these appointments, please indicate on the attached form your preferences for committee or representative appointments. (Attachments) 9. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS Trustees are required to file the annual Statement of Disclosure form between the 1st and 15th of January of each year in which they hold office. 10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING • December 14, 2015, immediately following the inaugural meeting 11. QUESTION PERIOD 12. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned. 1 Page 1 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Committee and Liaison Appointments to December 2015 Standing Committees Chair Education Committee of the Whole Business Committee of the Whole Bruce Johnson Bill Bidlake Other Committees/Appointments BCSTA Provincial Council BCPSEA Representative Council Aboriginal Education Planning Council BC Winter Games 2016 Liaison Communities for Kids Curriculum Development Advisory Committee DPAC Representative Okanagan Labour Relations Council Okanagan School of the Arts Okanagan College Regional Advisory Committee Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Penticton Heritage and Museum Committee Penticton RCMP Community Advisory Committee Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation Pro-d Committee Pro-d Funding Committee Summerland Chamber of Commerce Summerland Child and Youth Committee Summerland Recreation Committee Shelley Clarke, Barb Sheppard (alternate) (elected positions) Ginny Manning, Julie Planiden (alternate) (elected positions) Linda Van Alphen (until signing) and Shelley Clarke Bruce Johnson Shelley Clarke Ginny Manning Julie Planiden Ginny Manning Shelley Clarke Barb Sheppard Bruce Johnson, Barb Sheppard Shelley Clarke, (alternate requested) Ginny Manning Bruce Johnson Bill Bidlake Bill Bidlake Julie Planiden Linda Van Alphen Julie Planiden Trustees Schools Bill Bidlake Shelley Clarke Bruce Johnson Ginny Manning Julie Planiden Barb Sheppard Linda Van Alphen Carmi Elementary, Wiltse Elementary, KVR Middle Columbia Elementary, Queen’s Park Elementary, Princess Margaret Secondary ConnectEd, Skaha Lake Middle, Penticton Secondary Kaleden Elementary, Naramata Elementary, West Bench Elementary Giant’s Head Elementary, Summerland Middle Parkway Elementary, Uplands Elementary, McNicoll Park Middle Trout Creek, Summerland Secondary December 10, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO‐ST‐Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100‐00999 Administration\00310 Board of Education Committees\00310‐20 Committees Appointments 2015.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 2 REVISED School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Board of Education File No.: 00310-01 OPR: SECTR TRUSTEE INTERESTS IN COMMITTEES According to policies 120, the chair of the board shall, after appropriate consultation, annually appoint trustees as chairs of board standing committees and trustee representatives to these and other committees. To assist the chair in making appointments, it would be helpful to know the preference of trustees. Trustee: _______________________________ I would like to be involved in the following committees (in order of preference): Please return to the Board Standing Committees Secretary-Treasurer or Chair _____ Business Committee by December 18. _____ Education Committee Other Committees/Appointments/Representations _____ Aboriginal Education Planning Council _____ BC Winter Games 2016 Liaison _____ Communities for Kids – Penticton _____ Curriculum Development Advisory Committee _____ DPAC Representative _____ Okanagan College Regional Advisory Committee _____ Okanagan Labour Relations Council _____ Okanagan School of the Arts _____ Penticton Heritage and Museum Committee _____ Penticton RCMP Community Advisory Committee _____ Pro-d Committee _____ Pro-d Funding Committee _____ Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce _____ Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation _____ Summerland Chamber of Economic Development & Tourism _____ Summerland Recreation Committee _____ Summerland Child and Youth Committee Please provide a short description of your experience and interests in the space provided below. December 10, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00650 Records Management District Forms\00650-20 Forms\00310-01 Trustee Interest.doc