Inglewood Home & School Meeting – February 12, 2015

Inglewood Home & School Meeting – February 12, 2015
Call to order: Cheryl Gillmer
President: Cheryl Gillmer (with Dr. Taylor)
Changes to the PA Child Protective Services Law now require all parent volunteers to obtain 2
or 3 security clearances. Parent volunteers are also considered "mandated reporters" who are
required to report suspicions of child abuse to the PA Department of Human Services.
• If you have volunteered between 1/1/14 and 12/31/14, then you have until July 1st to
obtain clearances. If not, you must obtain clearances before volunteering.
• Two clearances are required of all volunteers and cost $10 each: PA Child Abuse
History Clearance and PA State Police Criminal Background Check.
• The third clearance is the Report of Federal Criminal History Record and costs $28.50.
You are exempt from this clearance if you have lived in PA for the past 10 years and
complete a Volunteer Affirmation Form.
• These requirements also apply to vendors (DJ, etc.) at school events.
• We are gathering a list of all current volunteers from committee chairs.
• All volunteer lists for future events will have to be approved by Dr. Taylor.
• A document will be sent home from the district following board approval. Dr. Taylor will
then send a follow-up letter to Inglewood families.
• Those qualifying for free & reduced lunch can be reimbursed for clearance fees.
• Once you have received your clearances, take them to the ESC to be copied.
• For more information, see the attached Parent Volunteer Information packet.
Current plans for redistricting will not affect Inglewood. Some students will be moved from
Knapp to Montgomery and from York Ave to Gwyn-Nor. At the middle school level, some
students will be moved from Penndale to both Pennfield (Kulp) and Pennbrook (Knapp).
The teacher contract with the district has been approved.
Vice President: Margaret Ridge & Aimee Heavener
No report.
Recording Secretary: Christy Johannesson & Stacy Hull
December 4, 2014 minutes were submitted for approval. Motion by Kristen Kimball, second by
Lilian Harrell, approved.
Corresponding Secretary: Jillian Giza
Received thank you notes from teachers for the American Education Week breakfast,
BrainPOP, and rugs. Students also submitted thank you notes for the rugs.
Jillian is looking for ideas of where to have the end-of-year Home & School dinner. Mainland
Grille was suggested as a repeat.
Treasurer: Cheryl Krause & Carrie Skinfill
Received $841 from BoxTops, $172 from Wendy's dining out, $139 from Blizzard Bingo, $1,557
from Holiday Shop, and $151 from Variety Show. Variety Show did not meet budget since we
did not charge admission.
Teacher Representative: Mrs. Thompson
There is a thank you poster in the library showing all the classes on their new rugs. They are
very appreciated. Also, a big thank you for renewing the BrainPOP subscription.
Principal: Dr. Taylor
Mrs. Broderick and Mrs. Kenworthy have returned. Mrs. Lord had baby Abby Elizabeth. Her
long-term sub is Mr. James Mahar. Mrs. Jaross has announced she will be retiring this year.
A baby grand piano valued at around $20,000 has been donated by Mr. & Mrs. Hobbs.
The high school has been notified that Inglewood will award two $500 scholarships in memory
of Shirley Hoffman Perrone. The current scholarship fund of $736 will stay in the bank to be
used after the Perrone money has been depleted. The Perrone donation funds are held in the
principal's budget.
Special Events/Fundraisers
Blizzard Bingo: Stacy Hull & Jen Folweiler
The event was a huge success. Need to buy more bingo cards for next year. Worked well in
conjunction with the Holiday Shop. Teachers did a great job as callers. Thanks to Carrie Skinfill
for donating the prizes. Definitely will repeat!
Holiday Shop: Connie Brown (not present)
Made $1,557. Sold out of most items.
Variety Show: Kristen Kimball
Variety show went well. Good job!
Dining Out: Chris Schwar (not present)
Dining Out this month will be Breakfast with Champ at Applebee's on February 28, 8-10am. 6th
graders will bus tables for tips to earn money for their end-of-year party.
Modell's Fundraiser: Margaret Ridge
Only made about $30. Will have another one March 13 - April 10 during the run-up to spring
Gertrude Hawk 6th Grade Fundraiser: Carrie Skinfill & Kristen Kimball
Orders are due February 27. This is a fundraiser for the 6th grade end-of-year party in place of
selling pretzels.
Suggestion: Carrie Skinfill
Charge for the Ice Cream Social since Blizzard Bingo and Variety Show were both free events
and they haven't been in the past.
Upcoming Events
Mommy Market: Beth Mitchell, Karen Mondoro & Amy Gianficaro
Mommy Market is March 7, 9am - 1pm with a pre-sale for vendors. 12 tables have been
purchased so far. Will need two cash boxes for admission and snack bar. Request for baked
goods has been sent to Hospitality. Two sign-up sheets were circulated for volunteering at the
event and placing yard signs. Vendors will be instructed not to break down until 1pm since
some packed up early last year.
Move Night: Betsy Eppers (not present)
Movie Night is March 20th at 6:30pm. Carrie Skinfill reported that Betsy needs a co-chair.
Kristen Kimball volunteered. The movie will be Monsters U.
Clothing Drive: Lilian Harrell
Mrs. Powers suggested H&S combine with Student Council and work with a different vendor. It
was decided to keep it separate and stay with our original vendor. Clothes will be collected at
the Ice Cream Social on May 8th and the following week, May 11-15, before and after school.
Helping Hands Day: Wendy Blanch & Karen Nevard (not present)
Students made Valentines for the residents of Schwenkfeld Manor. Give Wendy Blanch
suggestions for charities to support on Helping Hands Day, which is March 18, 10am - 12pm.
Continuing Committees
Coordinating Council: Aimee Heavener & Lilian Harrell
January's meeting was canceled due to weather. The next meeting is February 18. Nicole
Graham, Insurance and Steve Skrocki, NP Business Manager will be presenting.
Other Business
Volunteer Lists
If you are a committee chair, please get a list of your current volunteers to Cheryl ASAP.
Nomination Committee
Margaret Ridge (board member) and Lilian Harrell (non-board member) volunteered to serve on
the Nomination Committee for the 2015-2016 Home & School Board.
Yard Work: Carrie Skinfill
Carrie's church has decided to pull weeds at Inglewood as a service project. They will be
working on April 11, 9-11am. Others are welcome to join. They usually have around 100
participants. If the district will provide mulch, they will spread that as well.
Next Meeting: March 5, 2015 at 7pm
Meeting Adjourned: Cheryl Gillmer
Motion by Lilian Harrell, second by Lisa Lupinacci, approved.
Parent Volunteer Information
Changes to the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) impact the requirements for
who is permitted to serve as a school volunteer, effective immediately. This
document is meant to assist potential volunteers. Whether you are interested in
helping out at a single event or volunteering over a period of time, all volunteers
now require background clearances as a result of the CPSL. This includes, but is
not limited to, chaperoning field trips, assisting at classroom or school events,
reading to a class, etc. Additionally, changes in the law suggest that parent
volunteers may now be considered “mandated reporters” who are required to
report suspicion of child abuse to the Pennsylvania Department of Human
What clearances am I required to obtain?
All parent volunteers must obtain the following clearances:
PA Child Abuse History Clearance:
PA State Police Criminal Background Check:
The Report of Federal Criminal History Record (fingerprinting) may be
required. Parent volunteers are exempt from this requirement if:
- They have resided within Pennsylvania consecutively during the
prior 10-year period; AND
- They swear or affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from
serving as a volunteer under the CPSL.
o In other words, to be excused from this requirement,
parents must swear and affirm that if the Federal Criminal
History Record were completed, it would not reveal
anything that would prohibit them from providing services.
o North Penn has developed a Volunteer Affirmation Form on
page 5 to assist you in meeting this requirement.
Parent Volunteer Information
- If you have not resided within Pennsylvania consecutively for the
prior ten years, or you do not swear and affirm in writing that you
meet the criteria for volunteering, you must also submit a
completed Report of Federal Criminal History. Directions for
completion may be found at:
When do I need to submit clearances to the school if I intend on volunteering?
- If you have already volunteered within North Penn during the 2014-2015
school year, you may continue to volunteer without providing
clearances/certifications up until July 1, 2015.
- If you have not yet volunteered in North Penn during the 2014-2015 school
year, volunteering may not occur until the required
clearances/certifications are received and reviewed.
- After July 1, 2015, all parent volunteers will need to submit completed
clearances/certifications prior to serving as a volunteer.
How do I obtain my clearances?
- Information regarding how to obtain clearances is hyperlinked on page one
of this document. The information may also be found on the Human
Resources page of the North Penn School District website.
Is there a cost associated with obtaining clearances?
- Yes. Detailed information may be found on the hyperlinks. The following
costs are associated with each clearance:
o PA Child Abuse History Clearance - $10
o PA State Police Criminal Background Check - $10
o Report of Federal Criminal History Record - $28.50 and fingerprinting
at an approved location
Remember, the Federal Criminal History Record is not required
if parents have resided in Pennsylvania consecutively for the
Parent Volunteer Information
prior ten years and swear/affirm in writing that they meet
requirements for volunteering!
What if I can’t afford to obtain clearances but still want to volunteer?
- The Office of School and Community Engagement is developing a process
to reimburse clearance fees for volunteers whose families are on the free or
reduced lunch program. An application process is being developed for this
purpose. There will be a limited budget and reimbursement will be on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Once I receive clearances, to whom do I submit them?
- Original clearances must be brought to the District Office for inspection.
The Human Resources Department manages clearances.
How often must I update my clearances?
- Clearances must be updated within 36 months of the date on the
What does the term “mandated reporter” mean?
- A mandated reporter is someone who is required by law to make a report
of child abuse if they have “reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim
of abuse.”
- All school district employees are mandatory reporters.
- Volunteers, including parent volunteers, are now likely also considered
mandatory reporters based upon recent changes to the law.
What do I do if I suspect child abuse while in my volunteer capacity?
- Legislative changes require that the individual who suspects abuse, must
directly and immediately report the abuse.
Parent Volunteer Information
- The following steps should be followed if you suspect abuse while in your
volunteer capacity:
o Mandated reporters must immediately either (1) make an oral
report to the state-wide child abuse phone hotline when they have
reasonable cause to suspect a child is the victim of child abuse at 1800-932-0313 or (2) file an electronic report with the Pennsylvania
Department of Human Services at
o If the report is made verbally over the phone, within 48 hours of the
oral report, a written report must be submitted to Children and
Youth. Written report forms may be found in each school building or
accessed electronically at:
o Parent volunteers who report suspected child abuse must also
immediately report that suspected abuse to their student’s building
principal or assistant principal and provide her/him with a copy of
any written reports that are filed.
Is training for mandatory reporting available?
A free three-hour training is available online at
North Penn remains committed to the health, well-being, and safety of our
students. We thank you for your cooperation with us in implementing
requirements resulting from changes to the Child Protective Services Law.
Parent Volunteer Information
Volunteer Affirmation
A parent volunteer who has been a resident of Pennsylvania during the entirety of the previous ten-year
period does not need to submit a Report of Federal Criminal History Record (fingerprinting) if this Volunteer
Affirmation is completed.
I, (print name) ____________________________________, would like to serve in the position of an unpaid
volunteer for the North Penn School District. Under penalty of law, I affirm that I have been a Pennsylvania
resident during the entirety of the ten-year period prior to my signing this Volunteer Affirmation. I am
aware that the North Penn School District will be relying upon this Volunteer Affirmation for the purpose of
complying with Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law (“CPSL”). I further affirm that I am not
disqualified from service as a school volunteer by reason of having been convicted of any of the following
offenses under Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code or of an offense similar in nature under the laws or
former laws of the United States or one of its territories or possessions, another state, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation, or under a former law of Pennsylvania:
Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide)
Section 2702 (relating to aggravated assault)
Section 2709.1 (relating to stalking)
Section 2901 (relating to kidnapping)
Section 2902 (relating to unlawful restraint)
Section 3121 (relating to rape)
Section 3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual assault)
Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
Section 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault)
Section 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault)
Section 3126 (relating to indecent assault)
Section 3127 (relating to indecent exposure)
Section 4302 (relating to incest)
Section 4303 (relating to concealing death of child)
• Section 4304 (relating to endangering welfare of
• Section 4305 (relating to dealing in infant children)
• A felony offense under section 5902(b) (relating to
prostitution and related offenses)
• Section 5903(c) or (d) (relating to obscene and
other sexual materials and performances)
• Section 6301 (relating to corruption of minors)
• Section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of children)
• A felony offense under the act of April 14, 1972
(P.L. 233, No. 64), known as The Controlled
Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act,
committed within the five-year period immediately
preceding today’s date
• The attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit
any of the above offenses
I hereby affirm that the information contained in this Volunteer Affirmation is correct. I further affirm that
in the event that I am arrested for, or convicted of, an offense that would constitute grounds for denying
my further participation as a school volunteer, or if I am named as a perpetrator of child abuse, I will
provide the North Penn School District with written notice not later than 72 hours after the arrest,
conviction or notification that I have been listed as a perpetrator of child abuse in the statewide database.
Signature of Parent Volunteer
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)