Inglewood Home & School Meeting – February 11, 2016

Inglewood Home & School Meeting – February 11, 2016
Call to order: Margaret Ridge
President: Margaret Ridge
We have signed a 3-year contract with Lifetouch for school pictures. This will allow us to have a
spring group picture day for yearbook. Our rep will make sure we don’t have the photographer we
didn’t like from last fall. Kristen Kimball commented that when laying out yearbook pages, it is
clear which pictures were taken by this photographer: off-center, poorer facial expressions, etc.
A popcorn machine was purchased for use at Movie Night and other events. A motion to pay
$312.14 for the machine was made by Duane Spencer, second by Karen Mondoro, passed.
A Bylaws Committee has been formed. Thank you to Carrie Skinfill, Wendy Blanch & Nancy
Kralik for serving. They will present at the March meeting.
Vice President: Aimee Heavener
No report.
Recording Secretary: Christy Johannesson & Lisa Lupinacci
December 10, 2015 minutes were submitted for approval. Motion to approve by Chris Schwar,
second by Carrie Skinfill, approved.
Corresponding Secretary: Jillian Giza
Sent holiday cards to staff, gift cards to principal & custodians, edible arrangements to
secretaries. Sent a get well card to Miss Reed & a sympathy card to Mrs. Traci Thompson.
Received a big thank you card from the 4th grade for funding the Harrisburg trip.
Treasurer: Carrie Skinfill
Book fair: made about $1500. Labels for Education is ending in May. Holiday Shop fell short of
budgeted amount since we purchased in advance for next year, actually did very well. KidStuff:
expecting bonus check in March. Band & Music accounts show negative expenses because we
are holding students’ payments for the Music in the Parks trip to be paid out later.
Teacher Representative: Mrs. Kelly
Fourth Grade wanted to call to our attention to the fact that there are 95 students projected for
next year, which will necessitate 3 buses for the Harrisburg Trip. Buses will cost $2,994 + $150
for tips + $4/student for museum, for a total of $3,524. This year, the cost was around $2,400.
They would like to know if H&S will be able to cover the increase in cost, or should they look for
alternative trip options. This will be discussed at the H&S annual budget meeting in early May.
Principal: Dr. Taylor
Maintenance Issues: Still no bids on playground steps repairs because it’s a small job. Also
planning to extend the sidewalk to bus drop off area so more buses can be loaded/unloaded at
a time.
Parking Lot Safety: A flyer was sent home reminding families of safety protocols, please support
it. Having problems with people driving too quickly, backing up, etc. A parent noted that traffic
is a mess on orchestra rehearsal mornings, and it seems unsafe. Between the music and
before school care students, there are too many cars for the back lot to handle. Dr. Taylor will
discuss possible solutions with the music teachers.
Special Ensemble Music Folders: Dr. Taylor will call Bill Bowen, principal at Gwynedd Square,
regarding the folders requested by Mrs. Wehr & Mrs. Feliciani. Inglewood H&S agreed to fund
half the cost, Gwynedd Square H&S did not.
Inglewood scholarship: There is $700 left in the Perrone fund. The anticipated $5,000 match
did not come through. In the past, a solicitation letter for donations (in lieu of teacher gifts) has
come from the teachers. It didn’t go out this year at the holidays. Dr. Taylor is uncomfortable
with the teachers asking for money and suggested H&S take over this role. It was noted that
this might fall under the duties of Corresponding Secretary.
Boundary Alignment: A portion of the Inglewood attendance area is being reassigned to Nash
Elementary. Current 6th graders will still go to Penndale MS. There was a meeting for
principals three weeks ago when the new plan was presented. Inglewood is projected to have
24 classes next year with only 21 classrooms. We have already been very creative in finding
room space this year. The district is forming a committee of parents to address the proposed
boundary plan, so let yourself be heard.
• A parent who attended the ECP Committee meeting felt many questions were not
answered. She’s concerned about the potential negative impact on Inglewood after the
students are moved to Nash. Inglewood’s attendance zone is quite irregular. What
decisions go into to placing those boundaries? Should apartment renters be moved
instead of homeowners, who “bought into” Inglewood? The committee was very
dismissive of these types of questions.
• Margaret Ridge will serve on the newly formed boundary committee.
• Rising 6th graders will have the option to stay at Inglewood.
• Dr. Taylor offered Inglewood as a meeting place for parents who would like to meet to
discuss the issue further.
• The next School Board meeting is Thursday, Feb 18. Public comment is near the
beginning of the meeting.
• If you would like more information about the proposed plan, contact Diane Holbren,
Assistant Superintendent.
• Nash H&S Board has expressed that they would like to help welcome the new students
and ease the transition however they can.
Special Events/Fundraisers
Blizzard Bingo: Wendy Weist (present) & Stacy Spizziri (not present)
100-150 people in attendance. Went well. Event Summary was submitted to Christy.
Holiday Shop: Connie Brown (not present) & Karen Nevard (not present)
Sale was very successful. Extra items for next year have been stored in the 4th grade hallway
Variety Show: Kristen Kimball
There were 14 kids in the show and a huge turnout for the snowdate performance at Inglewood.
Mr. Foresto emceed. Mr. Quigley was not able to make the snowdate. No one has stepped up
to take over next year.
Spirit Wear: Chris Schwar
Have found a vendor. Short sleeved tees will cost us $4.30 each. Plans to do an order
sometime after March 4 and will buy extras to have on hand for the fall, especially the smaller
sizes. Make sure teachers also get an order form.
Upcoming Events
Movie Night: Betsy Eppers (not present)
It’s been moved to the snowdate of February 26. The movie will be “Wreck It Ralph.” $2 for
admission includes a small water and popcorn. Other food will be for sale.
Dining Out: Chris Schwar (present) & Michele Farrell (not present)
Waiting on Palermo’s earnings. Grub Burger only made about $30, which was disappointing.
Michele is planning ahead for next year so we can get them on the district calendar. Some
ideas include having another teacher-related dining out in the spring and offering student
incentives for participation. Breakfast with Champ is at Applebee’s on Feb 27. Next month will
be at Margarita’s.
Mommy Market: Karen Mondoro (present) & Suzanne Chapman (not present)
Only have 5-6 spaces left. Limited number of product vendors. Considering using Key Club to
man a kids’ activity table. Need volunteers and food donations.
Science Night: Christy Johannesson & Suzanne Cole
Planning is moving along. There will be about 40 activities, and we need about 50 volunteers.
We’ve contacted Key Club, NHS & Immanuel Church of the Nazarene. We’ll need adults, as
well. Flyer going out in backpack on Feb 24.
Helping Hands Day: Wendy Blanch (not present) & Karen Nevard (not present)
Tuesday, March 15. Will be supporting Baby Bureau, still looking for other charity ideas.
Student Council is considering having an Alex’s Lemonade stand on Olympic Day.
Continuing Committees
Coordinating Council: Aimee Heavener (present) & David Mumford (not present)
There was no meeting. Carrie Skinfill attended a treasurers’ meeting. She has tax-exempt
forms for making purchases. Please use them to help save money.
School Board Representative: Duane Spencer
See attached notes.
Other Business
Nominating Committee: Margaret Ridge
Aimee Heavener and Karen Mondoro will serve as the Nominating Committee for the 20162017 H&S Board.
Ideas for Home & School Purchase: Margaret Ridge
A “Gift to School” must be approved by the School Board. Christy Johannesson made a motion
to seek approval for items 1, 2 & 3 listed below, second by Aimee Heavener, passed.
1. Laminator: Looking in the $1,000-1,500 range, 27” width, auto shut-off
2. “Buddy Bench” for playground: If you don’t have someone to play with, sit there so
others can invite you to play. Can also be a place for conflict resolution.
3. Backstop for kickball, etc: Mr. Foresto got prices in the range of $2,000-4,000. Dr.
Taylor and Mr. Foresto will discuss location and what is needed.
4. Extend walking path in back field: Getting connected with Boy Scouts for a possible
Eagle Scout project.
Next Meeting: March 10, 2016 at 7pm.
Meeting Adjourned: Margaret Ridge
Motion by Kristen Kimball, second by Wendy Weist, approved.
Inglewood Home and School Association
North Penn School Board liaison report
January 14, 2016
Last Board meeting December 17, 2015
Education/Community/Policy: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
Finance: Continued discussion regarding LERTA and its impact on the district. The property in question has a tax value
much lower than that of the expanded project. The program will allow reduced taxes to the developer but NPSD will
realize a higher tax revenue over the ten year period based on the expanded property.
Safe Schools: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
Support Services: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
MCIU: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
North Penn Education Foundation: Alumni flag football game a great success. Hall and Oats will not be part of the
anniversary celebration.
North MontCo Technical School: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
Superintendent Report: Discussion regarding a settlement surrounding work completed at A.M. Kulp.
Recommendations approved by the Board:
Age of entrance for students: beginning with the school year 2017-18, Kindergarten must be age 5 years by September
1st, Grade 1 must be age 6 years by September 1st,
2016-17 Budget year calendar.
Preliminary Budget Display and Advertising with the Preliminary Budget Proposal to be presented on January 21, 2016.
Bond issuance $10 Million for various capital projects including work related to the renovations at Montgomery Elem.
Establishing the Knights of Honor Recognition program that is designed to recognize notable North Penn community
members, former staff members and alumni who have brought honor and outstanding service to NPSD.
Change orders totaling a credit of $48,840 to the York Avenue Elementary renovations project.
Contract with Direct Energy Business of all NPSD accounts June 2016 through June 2019.
Approval of the 2014-15 fiscal year audit
Approval of bids regarding musical instraments and equipment totoaling $45,820.65 in award.
Personnel (specific to Inglewood). Tami Lynn Cantilina as a 0.5 fte ESL teacher (Temp Professional) replacing Molly Beer
as of 12/3/15, and Michelle M. Weir (4th grade long term substitute) replacing Elizabeth Fertig (12/3/15 to 2/16/16)
Duane Spencer
Inglewood Home and School Association
North Penn School Board liaison report
February 11, 2016
Last Board meeting January 21, 2016
Members of the NPHS water polo teams were recognized by the Board for their accomplishments. The girls team are
state champions with a 29-0 record. 6 team members were recognized with all-state honors, 4-1st team. The boys
tem were runner-up in the championship with a record of 23-7.
Ron Robinson of the NPHS golf team was recognized by the Board for his accomplishments this past year. Ron is the
first NPHS boy to reach the regional since 2004.
This month was School Board Appreciation Month. Eric Heabner's 6th grade class submitted hand-made cards to
each of the Board members in recognition of their contributions to the schools and community.
Education/Community/Policy: The High School Robotics Club is full and there is a wait list. Current advisor's were
reclassified as a matter of formality. No personnel changes. There is discussion regarding a cyber option for summer
Finance: No meeting held since last Board meeting.
Safe Schools: Continued work on integrating with Montgomery County and establishing an Emergency Operations
Center for the District.
Support Services: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
MCIU: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
North Penn Education Foundation: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
Superintendent Report: A presentation was made by Public Financial Management on the Bond sale conducted
earlier today. The District was successful in obtaining a better than expected rate for the $9,840,000 Bond. Due to
the Districts AA1 rating by Moody's, the District is not required to pay an additional fee for Bond Insurance.
Reclassification of the second advisor for the Robotics Club to an official extra duty position.
Raise the Extra Duty Group level of the FBLA and its corresponding advisor position from 2 to 3.
Recommendations approved by the Board:
Approval of the $9,840,00 bond providing funds for costs associated with additions and improvements to
Montgomery Elementary School and other buildings of the District along with costs associated with the bonds.
Personnel (specific to Inglewood). Carolyn Collins (long term substitute) Special Education from 12/21/15 to 4/7/16.
Duane Spencer