EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD POLICY 4.04.01 GRANTS The Board may accept money from a federal, state and local government agency or private entity as long as any restrictions as to the use of such money are in accord with the purposes of the District as defined in College Policy and as enumerated by Section 130.003, Texas Education Code. The Board may accept such grants upon the recommendation of the President of the College who shall enumerate the donor agency, amount and purposes or restrictions to the Board. The acceptance of a grant creates a contract between the grantor and the District under which moneys paid over to the District are charged with the obligation to be used for the purposes and subject to the conditions of the grant. In the case of federal grants, the United States government maintains a reversionary interest in the unencumbered balances of such grants, including any funds improperly applied. Op. Comptroller Gen. of the United States. No. B-149441, December 6, 1992. Upon acceptance of any external grant, the College will ensure that grant-funded activities do not replace general educational offerings in the more appropriate educational facilities or endanger the continuity of support for general institutional activities. Furthermore, the College will ensure that no dependency exists either on direct grant funding or on indirect cost allowances from grants in terms of its regular operating budget or any aspect of its regular educational program. The President of the College shall be responsible for insuring that the District complies with all terms and conditions of grants to the District, including all terms and conditions incorporated by reference. Adopted: Nov. 21, 1978 Year of Last Review: 2011 Designated Contact: President of the College Amended: July 28, 1993 4.04.01 - 1 of 1