THE JOURN~ OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 239, No. 12, December 1964 Printed in U.S.A. Fat XXIII. PROPERTIES Metabolism OF A SOLUBLE PETER From the Department of Biochemistry (Received FATTY in Higher ACID OVERATHt SYNTHETASE AND P. K. FROM AVOCADO MESOCARP* STUMPF and Biophysics, University for publication, June of California, Davis, California 17, 1964) cation of S-benzoylpantetheine (mp. 113-116”)2 or by reduction of n-pantethine with 2% NaHg in methanol at pH 8 to 9 (23). Acetyl-CoA, caproyl-CoA, and caproylpantetheine were prepared according to Simon and Shemin (25). The thioesters were assayed by conversion into the corresponding hydroxamic acids (26). Protein was determined either by the biuret reaction (27) or spectrophotometrically (28). Enzyme Assays Fatty Acid Synthesis-Typical conditions for the reaction are described in the legend to Fig. 2. The incubation was stopped by the addition of 1.0 ml of 15% methanolic KOH. After 3 hours at 70”, the samples were acidified with 6 N HCl and exThe chloroform layer tracted twice with 10 ml of chloroform. was washed with 10 ml of a solution containing 1 y0 malonic and 1% acetic acid. An aliquot was then dried in a scintillation vial and counted in a Packard liquid scintillation spcctromctcr. Malonyl-CoA-COz Exchange-The assay for the exchange reaction was performed as described by Alberts, Goldman, and Vagelos (12). The reaction was stopped by the addition of 0.2 ml of acetic acid. An aliquot was then dried on a strip (2.5 x 7.5 cm) of Whatman No. 1 paper, which was counted directly in the scintillation counter. Enzyme Preparation@ EXPERIMENTAL Materials PROCEDURE and Methods CoA, glucose g-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, papain, n-pantethine, and DPNH were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company; TPN was purchased from C. F. Boehringer und Soehne. Ba14C03 was a product of the Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Malonyl-2-14C-CoA was prepared according to the method of Eggerer and Lynen (23), starting with 100 to 200 mg of malonic acid-2-14C (New England Nuclear Corporation). Malonyl-CoA and malonylpantetheine were prepared by the same method. Caproic anhydride was prepared by the method of Antenriet’h (24). Pantetheine was prepared either by saponifi* This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (G-14823) and the National Institutes of Health (GM-10132). Fellow, United States Public f Foreign Scientist Research Health logisches Service Institut (FF 621). Present der Universitaet address, Pflanzen PhysioGoettingen, Goettingen, E. coli Enzymes-Fraction A and enzyme II were prepared according to Goldman, Alberts, and Vagelos (13). We are indebted to Dr. Peter Goldman for providing us with a sample and a culture of E. coli K12 Hfr This- and unpublished details for the improved separation and purification of these enzymes. The units of activity used are the same as given by Goldman et al. (13). Enzyme Preparations from Avocado-Avocados of the Fuerte variety were customarily used, but other varieties were occasionally tested. For the preparation of crude extract, 150 g of mesocarp were homogenized with 300 ml of 0.02 M potassium M cysteine, pH 7.3, for 1 minute in a Waring phosphate-O.001 Blendor. The homogenate was centrifuged for 10 minutes at The middle layer of 13,000 x g in a Servall RC-2 centrifuge. extract was separated from the lipid floating on top and from the pellet, and centrifuged for 10 minutes at 37,000 X g. Residual lipid and large particles were removed by filtration through Germany. Gemeinsame Tagung der Gesellschaft fiir physiologische Chemie und der Oesterreichischen biochemischen Gesellschaft, Vienna, September 26, 1962. 1 F. Lynen, lecture given at the for 2 We are indebted to Dr. Alexander Hagen, Munich, sending us a sample of S-benzoylpantetheine. all enzyme preparations 3 Unless stated otherwise, tained at O-4”. 4103 Germany, were ob- Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 The conversion of malonyl coenzyme A to long chain fatty acids has been studied in enzyme systems from various tissues (l-7). Attempts to purify the enzymes involved in this conversion revealed an important difference between these systems. Thus the highly purified synthetase from yeast (8, 9) and from liver (10, 11) behaves as a single complex; its fractionation has not yet been accomplished. However, extracts of Clostridium kluyveri and Escherichia coli can be resolved into several components which on combination catalyze the synthesis of fatty acids (7, 12-16). One of these components has the rather unusual property of being relatively stable to heat and dilute hydrochloric acid (7, 12, 13). Acetyl and malonyl moieties can be transferred from their coenzyme A derivatives to this protein. The acyl complexes are then condensed by suitable enzymes to form acetoacetyl-enzyme, which is subsequently converted to butyryl-enzyme (15-19). These findings support the scheme proposed earlier for the synthetase from yeast (8) .I Extracts from avocado mesocarp contain, in addition to the previously studied particulate system (5,20), a soluble enzymatic system, which converts malonyl coenzyme A to saturated long chain fat’ty acids (21). This soluble enzyme has as one of its components a heat-stable protein and therefore resembles the bacterial systems. Some of the data discussed here have already been reported elsewhere (22). Plants 4104 Fat Metabolism in Higher Identi$cation of Products of Fatty Acid Synthesis Malonyl-CoA-CO2 Reaction and Fatty Acids-The fatty acids were identified by a combination of the following procedures. The free fatty acids were separated Fraction ARC, and 4 The terms Fraction IAV, Fraction IIAv, enzyme IInc will be used to indicate the source of each fraction. AV represents avocado enzymes, and EC, E. co&. XXIII Vol. 239, No. 12 by reverse phase chromatography on siliconized Whatman No. 1 paper according to the method of Mangold, Lamp, and Schenk (29) and Buchanan (31) with the modification of Yang and Stumpf (21). Polar and nonpolar acids were separated as methyl esters by thin layer chromatography on silicic acid with n-hexane-diethyl ether (10:6) as a solvent system (31). Saturated and unsaturated acids were separated as methyl esters on silicic acid thin layer plates impregnated with silver nitrate (32). Gas-liquid chromatography was performed with a Wilkens Aerograph A-90P instrument. The conditions are described in the legend for Fig. 5. The effluent vapors were passed directly into a Nuclear-Chicago proportional tube radioactive counter for continuous 14C monitoring. Malonyl-CoA-CO2 Exchange-The product of the exchange reaction was identified as malonyl thioester by the following criteria. The samples of the experiments described in Table V were saponified by heating for 10 minutes at 100” in 0.4 N KOH. They were then acidified with HCl, and 100 mg of malonic acid After an aliquot was counted on paper were added as carrier. in the scintillation counter, the samples were passed through a column (0.7 x 10 cm) of Dowex 50-H+ and lyophilized. The malonic acid was sublimed at 90” and a pressure of 0.05 mm of Hg. The specific activity was determined, and the samples were recrystallized from ethyl acetate-petroleum ether. The specific activity was the same as before the recrystallization. All the radioactivity fixed from 14C02 into nonvolatile material was associated with malonic acid. After treatment of the samples with hydroxylamine, the thioesters were converted to their hydroxamates (26). After removal of the salt by use of Dowex 50 in the way outlined above, the samples were subjected to paper electrophoresis in pyridineacetic acid-water (100: 10 :890) for 2 hours at about 40 volts per cm on Whatman No. 1 paper and to paper chromatography in pyridine-isopropyl alcohol-water (1: 1: 1) (33). In both systems over 90 y0 of the radioactivity moved to the same spot as authentic malonic monohydroxamate. RESULTS for Fatty Acid Synthesis-When malonyl-COLA, Requirements acetyl-CoA, and a TPNH-generating system are incubated with varying amounts of a crude extract of avocado mesocarp, fatty acid synthesis proceeds at an increasing rate. It was found that DPNH meets the requirement of a dissociable cofactor, as shown in Fig. 1. In the absence of DPNH an upward curvature is obtained, whereas with the addition of DPNH the incorporation increases linearly with increasing protein concentration. After passage through a column of Sephadex G-25, the extract showed several cofactor requirements (Table I). The system is completely dependent on TPNH. Although the requirement for DPNH was not absolute in the crude ext’racts, it became more pronounced after fractionation of the system (see below). Addition of boiled extract to the complete system resulted in a 65% stimulation. A requirement for acetyl-CoA was not demonstrable, presumably owing to the presence of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase, which has been shown to occur in a variety of plants, including avocado (34). Since it has already been established (21) that fatty acids are synthesized de novo, an elongation mechanism with malonyl-CoA is ruled out. An enzyme dependence curve of the Sephadex-treated extract again showed an upward curvature, which could be overcome by the addition of boiled crude extract. Since all the other Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 The extract had 2 to 4 mg of protein per ml. a Btichner funnel. For the preparation of boiled juice, the extract was heated for 3 minutes in a boiling water bath and separated from the precipitate by filtration. In the experiment described in Table I, 20 ml of extract were passed over a Sephadex G-25 column (medium grade, 2.5 x 25 M cm, equilibrated against 0.005 M potassium phosphate-O.001 2-mercaptoethanol, pH 7.2); 25 ml of eluent with a protein content of 2 to 3 mg per ml were collected. In the experiments described in Fig. 2 and Table II, 5.82 g of ammonium sulfate were added with stirring to 20 ml of this solution (0 to 50% saturation) in 30 minutes. Throughout this procedure the pH was maintained at 7 (adjustment against Hydrion pH paper, 6.0 to 8.0, Micro Essential Laboratory) by addition of ammonium hydroxide. After 15 minutes the solution was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 37,000 X g. The precipitate was discarded. To the clear supernatant (22.4 ml), 4.4 g of ammonium sulfate were added under the conditions described above The precipitate formed was centrifuged (50 to 80% saturation). for 10 minutes at 105,000 X g in a Spinco ultracentrifuge. The protein was dissolved in 4 ml of 0.02 M potassium phosphatewas used in Fig. 2 0.001 M cysteine, pH 7.3. This preparation and Table II. For the preparation of avocado Fraction I and avocado Fraction II,4 15 kg of avocado mesocarp were worked up batchwise in the following manner. The crude extract was prepared from I.5 kg of mesocarp as described above. The resulting 2.2 liters of crude extract were saturated with ammonium sulfate with thorough stirring for 1 hour. The pH was adjusted to 7 as described above. After stirring for another hour, the precipitate which formed was collected by centrifugation for 30 minutes at 37,0C0 x g. The turbid supernatant was discarded. The pellet was dissolved in 80 ml of 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.9, containThe buffer was changed after ing 0.01 M 2-mercaptoethanol. the first 4 hours. Ten such preparations were pooled, yielding 1820 ml of concentrate which lost no activity when stored frozen for several months. The above concentrate (198 ml) was freed from insoluble material by centrifugation to give 178 ml of solution containing 18.7 mg of protein per ml. This solution was separated into three fractions by addition of solid ammonium sulfate at pH 7. The protein was sedimented by centrifugation for 10 minutes at 78,000 x g and taken up in a small amount of 0.05 M potassium phosphate-O.01 M 2-mercaptoethanol at pH 7.2. The fraction from 0 to 20% saturation was discarded, the fraction from 20 to 609/; saturation was designated Fraction IAv, and the fraction from 60 to 90% saturation was named Fraction II*v. Both fractions were dialyzed for 4 hours against 0.01 M potassium phosphate-O.01 M 2-mercaptoethanol, pH 7.9, and then were stored frozen. Fraction IIAv was routinely heated for 1 minute in a boiling water bath to destroy traces of Fraction IAv activity. Plants. December 1964 P. Overath and P. K. Stumpf 4105 and was not dialyzable. Table II summarizes some further properties of the factor. Whereas the cofactor is stable when exposed to 100” at pH 6.9 with little loss in activity, it is destroyed when heated at pH 5.3. The activity was lost com- I8OOC + BOILED EXTRACT -BOILED MG EXTRACT 4 3 I *PROTEIN 1. Requirement of DPNH for fatty acid synt.hesis. The complete system contained potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 100 rmoles; malonyl-2-W-CoA (83,000 c.p.m.), 0.104pmole; acetylCoA, 0.1 pmole; TPN+, 0.2 pmole; glucose 6-phosphate, 1 pmole; glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 0.1 unit; and varying amounts of crude extract from avocado. The two curves were obtained with different extracts. DPNH (1 rmole) was added as indicated; total volume, 1.5 ml; time of incubation, 30 minutes at 37”. FIG. TABLE I Cofactor requirement Incubation Fig. 1; enzyme (see “Materials conditions and components were (2.9 mg) was used after treatment and Methods”). the same as in MG FIG. 2. Stimulation of the (NH&S04 fraction by boiled extract. The complete system contained potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 40 pmoles; malonyl-2-‘4C-CoA (29,500 c.p.m.), 0.038 pmole; acetyl-CoA, 0.036 @mole; TPN+, 0.07 pmole; glucose 6-phosphate, 0.3 rmole; glucose B-phosphate dehydrogenase, 0.07 unit; and DPNH, 0.3 rmole. The enzyme was obtained by (NH&SO4 fractionation of the Sephadex-treated crude extract (see “Materials and Methods”). Total volume, 0.5 ml; time of incubation, 30 minutes at 37”. with Sephadex Properties Incorporation into fatty acids System C.P.nZ. Complete ..................................... -Acetyl-CoA. ............................. -TPN+ - glucose-6-P dehydrogenase. - DPNH .................................... -Enzyme ................................... +Boiled extract (0.5 ml). ................... cofactors were present at saturating 8,424 9,630 376 4,148 46 13 ) 907 ...... amounts, another dissociable cofactor, which was present in the boiled extract, appeared to be required. In order to obtain an enzyme preparation which would be completely dependent on boiled juice, the Sephadex-treated extract was fractionated with (NH4)zS04. A fraction was obtained between 50 and 80% saturation which had essentially no activity without addition of boiled extract. In Fig. 2 the dependence of fatty acid synthesis on added boiled extract is shown. With this (NHJzSOd fraction it was possible to study the properties of the cofactor in the boiled extract in more detail. The factor could not be replaced by flavin mononucleotide or flavin adenine dinucleotide. The activity was lost on ashing PROTEIN TABLE II of heat-stable cofactor The complete system contained the same components as in Fig. 1. The (NH4)&?04 fraction (0.89 mg) (see “Materials and Methods”) and boiled extract (0.5 ml) were used. Preincubation: 0.5 ml of boiled extract with 0.15 mg of papain in a total volume of 0.55 ml for 30 minutes at 37”. system Incorporation into fatty acids C.p.W%. Complete..................................... +Boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 6.9) +Boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 5.3). +Dialyzed boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 6.9)...................................... +Boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 6.9) preincubated with papain and again heated for 5 min at 100”. . . .., .., +Boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 6.9) preincubated and again heated for 5 min at loo”...................................... +Preincubated with papain, heated for 5 min at 100” + boiled extract (3 min, loo”, at pH 6.9)...................................... 134 1282 67 1596 4 877 1143 Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 3000 Fat Metabolism 4106 TABLE III Separation of two enzymatic activities fractionation with (NH4)$304 in Higher Plants. XXIII E. COLI 6000 by Vol. 239, No. ENZYME 12 ZiI = CONSTANT Incubation conditions were the same as in Fig. 2, except that the tubes contained 0.47 mg of Fraction I.&y and 0.11 mg of Fraction 11~~ where indicated. Incorporation into fatty acids Enzyme / C.$.rn. 161 18 2025 1243 6 One unit is defined as 1 mpmole of malonyl-CoA fatty acids per minute at 37” under the conditions FRACTION AVOCADO II= CONSTANT I 19 pletely when the boiled extract was incubated with papain. The two last experiments in Table II show that this loss of activity is due neither to the inactivation of the cofactor during the second heat treatment nor to an inhibition by the inactivated papain. It seemed likely, therefore, that a heat-stable protein similar to the protein found in bacterial systems (7, 12) is involved in the avocado synthetase. Separation of Two Enxymatic Activities-The procedure for the preparation of the (NHd)zSOd fraction used in Fig. 2 and Table II proved to be rather difficult to reproduce. The stimulation achieved by the addition of the boiled juice varied considerably. This was mainly caused by differences in the crude extracts, which were prepared from several varieties of avocado, the exact Furtherripening stage of which was difficult to determine. more, accurate fractionations were made impossible by the low protein content of the crude extract (2 to 4 mg per ml). These difficulties were overcome in the following way. The crude extract was saturated with (NHI)tSO+ and the protein was collected as quantitatively as possible (49% yield) by centrifugation. The protein was dissolved in a small volume of Tris buffer and dialyzed (see “Materials and Methods”). In this concentrated extract (19 mg of protein per ml), two fractions could be separated by precipitation with (NH,)aS04. Table III shows the result of a typical fractionation. The heat-labile fraction (Fraction IAv) previously precipitated from dilute extracts between 50 and 80% saturation appeared now between 20 and 60% saturation. The heat-stable protein previously lost by the (NHJ2S04 fractionation was now precipitated between 60 and 90% saturation (Fraction II*v). After the separation of the two fractions, a determination of their activities in the crude extract was undertaken. When an excess of either Fraction IAv or IIAv was used under conditions of fatty acid synthesis (see legend for Fig. 2 for details), it was observed that in the crude extract, Fraction IAv (6.3 units5 per ml; specific activity, 1.9), was about 8 times more active than Fraction IIAv (0.78 unit per ml; specific activity, 0.23). However, the same assay is restrictive when used for the mutual determination of the two fractions themselves. This is evident from the curves with the solid dots in Figs. 3 and 4. In Fig. 3, Fraction IAv was varied in the presence of an excess of Fraction into : Ix I x I I incorporated of Fig. 2. I 1.0 I 0.5 MG PROTEIN FIG. 3. The dependence of fatty acid synthesis on Fraction IAV in the presence of an excess of Fraction IIAV or enzyme &o. The complete system was the same as in Fig. 2 with the exception that 0.044 pmole of malonyl-2-14C-CoA (34,400 c.p.m.) was used. Enzyme IIno (2.5 X 10F2 unit, 0.57 unit per mg of protein) or Fraction 11.&v (1.1 mg of protein) was added to the corresponding tubes. Fraction IAy was added as shown on the abscissa. z P ” . x 20000 4000 , t AVOCADO FRACTION I = CONSTANT /’ 4000 f FIG. 4. The in the presence The complete E. coli (1.7 X Fraction IAV Fraction IIAV I 0.5 1 I.0 MG 1.5 PROTEIN 2.0 I 2.5 dependence of fatty acid synthesis on Fraction 11~~ of an excess of Fraction IAV or Fraction Asc. system was the same as in Fig. 3. Fraction A from 1OP unit, 10.4 X 10F3 unit per mg of protein) or (1.2 mg) was added to the corresponding tubes. was added as indicated on the abscissa. Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 Fraction IAJJ (20 to BOY0 saturation). . Fraction 11~~ (60 to 90% saturation). Fraction IAv + Fraction IIAv. _. Fraction Inv f boiled Fraction &V (3 min, 1000)........... Boiled Fraction I*v + Fraction 11~~ (3 min, loo”)......................................... : December 1964 P. Overath and P. K. Xtumpf TABLE Mutual replacement IV fronr avocado and E. coli for fatty acid synthesis The conditions were the same as in Fig. 2 except that the amount of malonyl-2-K-CoA was 0.061 pmole (38,000 c.p.m.) and 5 pmoles of 2-mercaptoethanol were added. Enzymes: Fraction AEC, 1.7 X 10W3 unit (10.4 units per mg of protein); Enzyme IIEc, 1.3 X lo+ unit (0.57 unit per mg of protein); Fraction IAV, 1 mg; and Fraction II.ty, 0.6 mg. The samples were incubated for 60 minutes at 37”. of fractions Enzyme Product c.p.m. Fraction Enzyme Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Enzyme Azo IIsc IAV 11~~ Asc + 1~” Asc Azc IAV 11~~ + + + + + 164 2 86 enzyme IIsc Fraction Fraction Fraction enzyme Fraction II*1 IAV II*1 I&c II~T 26,69: ‘&:I* (49%‘0), CIC:O (20%), cl*:0 (20%) fi.“.@a%), c1s:o (18%) 1,303 3c 2,20 4,62- - .“.” (90%) (27%) O/ * The subscript preceding the colon denotes bon atoms; the subscript following the colon, ble bonds. et al. (13), it was found . compounds (73%)) c18:o the number the number of carof dou- that the main product of the E. coli synthetase is a monounsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms, presumably vaccenic acid. In addition, stearic and palmitic acids were formed in about equal amounts. All three chromatographic methods mentioned above lead to the same conclusion. Fraction IAV + Fraction IIAA-In agreement with Yang and Stumpf (21), it was found that the products of the avocado synthetase are stearic and palmitic acids. It might be mentioned, however, that the ratio Cig:& is about 4 in the crude extract, whereas it is about 0.5 under the conditions used in Table IV. Fraction ABC + Fraction IIAa-It has been shown (15, 16, 18, 19) that enzyme I& functions as the carrier for the intermediates whereas Fraction j 4 no supplies all the heat-labile enIf one zymes necessary for fatty acid synthesis in E. coli. assumes the same to be true for the avocado fractions, then a combination of Fraction AEC and Fraction IIAv should yield vaccenic, stearic, and palmitic acids. Surprisingly, the expected results were not obtained. In reverse phase paper chromatography, the product (free acids) moved with an RF of 0.89 in a solvent system of 85% acetic acid, indicating that the compound (or compounds) was polar in nature. This was confirmed by thin layer chromatography of the methyl esters on silica gel G with hexane-diethyl ether (10:6) as a solvent; most of the radioactivity had an RF of 0.26. This RF was identical with authentic P-hydroxy acid methyl esters with 10 to 14 carbon atoms. When this spot was eluted and subjected to thin layer chromatography on AgNOB, part of the polar methyl esters were retained near the origin. This would indicate that a proportion of the polar acids were unFig. 5 shows gas-liquid chromatograms of the methyl saturated. Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 ILV. The first part of this curve shows an upward curvature, which makes an accurate determination of Fraction IAv impossible. The shape of the curve would indicate another dissociable cofactor. Additions of flavin mononucleotide, boiled extract, 2-mercaptoethanol, or bovine serum albumin were tested, but proved to be without effect. In Fig. 4, Fraction IIAv was varied in the presence of an excess of Fraction IAv. Whereas the first part of the curve seems to be fairly linear, it falls off rather abruptly with higher concentrations of Fraction IIAv. This would suggest an inhibitor in Fraction II*v, which probably also decreases the rate in the first part of the curve (see below). Thus Fraction IAv can be assayed with Fraction IIEc but not with Fraction II*v, and Fraction IIAv can be assayed with Fraction IEC but not with Fraction IAv. Interactions appear to occur when Fractions IAkv and IIAv are combined at high concentrations. The nature of these interactions awaits the further purifications of the two fractions. Mutual Replacement of Fractions from Avocado and E. coli in Fatty Acid Synthesis-As mentioned previously, a heat-stable (enzyme II& and a heat-labile (Fraction Ano) protein fraction were shown to be required for fatty acid synthesis in E. coli (13). From the comparative point of view, it seemed of considerable interest to study the cross-reactions of the bacterial enzymes with the avocado fractions. Moreover, the E. coli fractions would be useful for the purification of the avocado enzymes. Table IV summarizes an experiment in which the two fractions from avocado were combined with Fraction AEC and enzyme It is seen that all fractions alone and the combinations &c. Fraction AEC + Fraction IAv and enzyme IIno + Fraction II *v give little or no activity which is extractable with chloroform. The combinations of Fraction AEc + Fraction IIAv and Fraction IAv + enzyme IIEc give good activity. This result suggests, therefore, that the two heat-stable proteins have the same function. The curves marked by crosses in Figs. 3 and 4 show the enzyme dependences of Fraction IAv and Fraction IIAv in the presence of an excess of enzyme IIno and Fraction Ano, respectively. The shape of the curve in Fig. 3 seems to be the same as the Fraction IAv, however, corresponding curve with Fraction II*“. is somewhat more active in the presence of enzyme I&. The leveling off of the curve with enzyme I& is not related to a saturation effect. This becomes evident when the same amount of enzyme II,o is tested with Fraction Ano. As shown already by Goldman et al. (13), the fatty acid synthesis of E. coli is linearly dependent on Fraction AEC in the presence of an excess of enzyme I&. Under the conditions of Fig. 3, such a dependence levels off after an incorporation 3 times greater than that catalyzed by Fraction IAv. One would thus conclude that Fraction IAv becomes inhibitory at higher concentrations. In the presence of an excess of Fraction AEC (Fig. 4, curve marked with crosses), a linear relationship exists between the concentration of Fraction IIAv and incorporation of malonyl-CoA over a considerable range. The activity of Fraction IIAv is greater in the presence of Fraction AEC than in the presence of Fraction IAv. Analysis of Products (see Table IV)-The products of the various combinations shown in Table IV were analyzed for the type and the amount of fatty acids formed. A combination of thin layer, gas-liquid, and paper chromatography was used. Fraction IEC + Enzyme II Bc-In agreement with Goldman 4107 4108 Fat Metabolism in Higher -L INJECTION INJECTION I GLC Vol. 239, No. XXIII Malonyl-CoA-CO2 Exchange Reaction-The acyl-CoA-dependent exchange of malonyl-CoA and CO2 proved to be a very useful tool for the elucidation of the mechanism of the condensation reaction (12, 13). In analogy to the behavior of the enzymes from E. coli and C. kluyveri, it could be expected that the malonylCoA-CO2 exchange reaction would also be operative with the avocado synthetase and that moreover both fractions would be required. This reaction would also provide a simple and rapid assay for the purification of the heat-stable Fraction II*v. Table V summarizes the results of attempts to demonstrate the exchange reaction in the avocado system and cross-reactions with the corresponding E. coli fractions. In the presence of phosphate buffer at pH 6.3, the various fractions alone show little or no activity. Combination of the two fractions from avocado gives no activity. With the exception of the combined E. COG fractions, the only system which gives exchange is the combination of Fraction Ano with Fraction II*v. The reaction Experiments in is dependent on malonyl-CoA and caproyl-CoA. imidazole buffer give essentially the same general picture as with phosphate buffer. However, now Fraction IAv catalyzes an exchange activity, which is not dependent on the presence of either Fraction IIAv or enzyme 11,o. It is also worth mentioning that since Fraction IAv has little if any inhibitory effect when added to the exchange system of the combined E. coli fractions, the lack of exchange activity of the type described by Alberts TABLE Mutual (ZOLUMN: DEGS FIG. 5. Gas-liquid chromatography of the methylated compounds formed by the combination of Fraction AEC and Fraction 11~~. The carrier Peaks I, II, and III are the methyl esters of @-hydroxydecanoic, P-hydroxylauric, and fi-hydroxymyristic acids, respectively. The SE-30 column (5 feet, 2 inch, stainless steel) was operated at 222”. The diethylene glycol succinate (DEGS) column (6 feet, $ inch, stainless steel) had a temperature of 182”. Effluents from an Aerograph A-90P were passed into a Nuclear-Chicago continuous radioactive monitoring unit, and both the gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) mass peaks and the radioactive peaks were recorded by a Texas Servo-Rite dual chart recorder. ester of the product on two columns with concomitant i4C tracings by a radioactive monitor system. On the SE-30 column, most of the radioactivity had the same retention times as the carrier peaks P-hydroxylauric acid methyl ester (Peak II) and P-hyOn the diethylene droxymyristic acid methyl ester (Peak III). of these peaks was glycol succinate column, a further resolution obtained. Smaller peaks were now observed near Peaks II and III. The slower moving peaks behind II and III again would indicate unsaturation. P-Hydroxymyristic acid and /3-hydroxylauric acid6 have been definitely identified by recrystallization carrier acids to constant specific activity (solvents, with authentic ethanol-Hz0 and hexane). cation other of the Fraction I,, + Further work will lead to the identifi- peaks. Enzyme II Bc-In this combination, the en- zymes in Fraction IAV would be expected to determine the type of fatty acids synthesized. It was observed that the products were almost identical with the product of of the combination the combination of both avocado fractions, namely, palmitic acid. 6 We are greatly indebted ance in these experiments. to Mr. Robert Simoni for his assist- 12 V from avocado and E. coli replacement of fractions for malonyl-CoA-CO2 exchange reaction The complete system contained 50 Mmoles of potassium phosphate buffer at pH 6.3 or 50 pmoles of imidazole-HCl buffer at pH 6.2. The other components were the same as described with by Alberts et al. (12) the exception that only 5 pmoles of 2.mercaptoethanol were used in the experiment with phosphate buffer. Enzymes: Fraction Ant, 0.9 X 10m3 unit (4.3 X low3 unit per mg of protein); enzyme IInc, 2.6 X 10e3 unit (74 X 10e3 unit per mg of protein); Fraction I*v, 0.5 mg; and Fraction IIav, 0.6 mg. The samples were incubated for 60 minutes at 30” and counted as described in “Experimental Procedure.” Malonyl-CoA-COz reaction Fraction Enzyme Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction 1 AeC. 11~~. IAN,......................... 1I.~v......................... AEC + enzyme 1~v + Fraction Aec + Fraction AEC + Fraction I*v + enzyme Enzyme I1~c + Fraction Fraction AEC + enzyme nyl-CoA............................ Fraction Ant + enzyme royl-CoA.. Fraction Ant + Fraction nyl-CoA. Fraction AEC + Fraction royl-CoA. 11~~ 1I~v. 1~v.. 11~~. 11~~. 11~~. 11~~ - Phosphate buffer, pH 6.3 Imidazole buffer, pH 6.2 c.p.m. c.p.m. 246 0 276 0 3900 291 629 4610 368 0 410 0 2130 0 8250 2110 2640 4850 2340 28 malo0 IInc - 11~” - malo 1I~v - exchange in cap1140 0 cap964 Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 GLC Plants. December 1964 et al. (12) cannot be ascribed to possible inhibition by avocado proteins. The product of the reaction of Fraction IAv alone and the combination of Fraction Ano and Fraction IIAv (incubation in imidazole buffer under conditions identical with those in Table V) is a malonyl thioester, presumably malonyl-CoA. Saponification of the product with alkali and subsequent isolation of the labeled malonic acid in the presence of carrier showed that essentially all the activity remained in this acid. After conversion of the product to the hydroxamate, over 90% of the radioactivity behaved like malonic monohydroxamate, as shown by paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis. The demonstration of an exchange reaction with Fraction Ano and Fraction IIAv provides a simple assay for the determination 6000 7000 6000 . t 2 4 5000 : z 4000 2 :: w f t? x c 50” CJ 3000 2000 IOOC I I 1 I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 MG PROTEIN I 1.0 I I 1.2 t 1.4 1.6 6. Dependence of the malonyl-CoA-CO* exchange reaction on Fraction 11~~ in the presence of an excess of Fraction AEC. The incubation conditions were the same as described by Alberts et al. (12); 3.4 X 1OW unit of Fraction AEC (10.4 X IO-3 unit per mg of protein) and the indicated amounts of Fraction IIAv were added. FIG. TABLE Replacement of CoA by pantetheine VI derivatives in exchange reaction The complete system contained the same components as given by Alberts et al. (12); 0.7 rmole of malonyl thioester and 0.1 pmole of caproyl thioesters were added. Enzymes: Fraction AEC, 2.0 X 10W3unit (10.4 X 1OW unit per mg of protein); Fraction II*“, 0.5 mg of protein. Radioactivity in malonyl thioester c.p.m. Malonyl-CoA + caproyl-CoA. . Malonylpantetheine + caproylpantetheine. Malonylpantetheine. Caproylpantetheine 3140 5400 330 220 of Fraction IIAv. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the exchange is linearly dependent on Fraction IIAv in the presence of an excess of Fraction Ano. As in the bacterial systems (34), the Coh derivatives can be replaced by the corresponding pantetheine Table VI summarizes these data. derivatives. DISCUSSION Unlike the animal and yeast fatty acid synthetases, but like the bacterial systems, the soluble synthetase from avocado mesocarp is not a single complex but can be resolved into at The heat-stable Fraction II of the plant least two components. system has stability properties strikingly similar to enzyme I& (13). In both the malonyl-CoA-CO2 exchange reaction and the fatty acid synthetase system, Fraction IIAv replaces enzyme I& in the system in which enzyme AEC serves as the source of heat-labile enzymes. Conversely, enzyme IIEG fully substitutes for Fraction IIAv in a fatty acid-synthesizing system with Fraction IAV as the source of the heat-labile enzymes. However, in the fatty acid-synthesizing system consisting of enzyme AEC and Fraction IIAv, the final products are a mixture of P-hydroxy long chain fatty acids rather than the expected products, namely, vaccenic, stearic, and palmitic acids. This unexpected result suggests that Fraction IIAv inhibits an enzyme in enzyme AEc which normally converts the ,&hydroxy acids to long chain fatty acids. Likely candidates for such an inhibition are enzymes II& or IVEc derived from Fract.ion AEc, the absence of which gives rise to polar acids (16). Although both fractions from avocado are required for fatty acid synthesis, the requirement of both fractions for the malonylCoA-COa-exchange could not be demonstrated. The reason for this remains obscure. The condensation of ace@CoA and malonyl-CoA must occur under the conditions for fatty acid synthesis. Since Fraction IIAv catalyzes the exchange effectively when combined with Fraction AEC, Fraction IAV may be The kinet,ics of Fig. 3 suggests a strong the site of the difficulty. inhibitory effect by Fraction IAV. At least two possibilities may exist: (a) the /3-ketoacyl intermediate is inactivated, and in the presence of TPNH the reduction might be faster than the inactivation, or (b) the condensing enzyme in Fraction IAV may not catalyze the back reaction at all or at the required rate. Since the malonyl-CoA-COz exchange reaction with Fraction Ano depends on the presence of Fraction IIAv, a rapid assay for the purification of the heat stable enzyme from avocado is now available. Furture investigations will be directed toward the comparative aspects of the plant and the bacterial synthetases. It is of interest that lettuce chloroplast preparations incorporate malonyl-CoA to a slight extent in the absence of the heat-stable protein, but when either Fraction IIAv or enzyme II,o is added, marked incorporation is noted.7 The presence of the heat-stable protein would seem to be a limiting factor in the capacity of chloroplasts to synthesize fatty acid. SUMMARY 1. The soluble fatty acid synthetase from avocado mesocarp has been fractionated into a heat-labile (Fraction IAV) and a heat-stable (Fraction IIAv) component. Either component alone is inactive in condensing malonyl coenzyme to form long chain fatty acid, but when combined they catalyze the synthesis of palmitic and stearic acids. 7 J. Brooks and P. K. Stumpf, unpublished observations. Downloaded from at UNIV OF CALIFORNIA RIVERS, on February 9, 2013 9000 z s 4109 P. Overath and P. K. Stumpf Fat Metabolism in Higher Plants. 4110 2. Fraction IIAv appears to be a heat-stable protein which can replace enzyme I&o in the Escherichia coli synthetase system and the malonyl coenzyme A-CO2 exchange. 3. When Fraction IIAv is added to Fraction Ano, P-hydroxylauric and P-hydroxymyristic acids are the major products rather than the expected products for Fraction Ano, namely, vaccenic, palmitic, and stearic acids. REFERENCES 1. BRADY, 2. WAKIL, 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chem., 235, 3093 (1960). 11. BRESSLER, R., AND WAKIL, S. J., J. Biol. Chem., 236, 1643 (1961). 12. ALBERTS, A. W., GOLDMAN, P., AND VAGELOS, P. R., J. BioZ. Chem., 238, 557 (1963). 13. GOLDMAN, P., ALBERTS, A. W., AND VAGELOS, P. R., J. BioZ. Chem., 238, 1255 (1963). Vol. 239, No. 12 14. NORRIS, A. T., AND BLOCH, K., J. BioZ. Chem., 238, PC3133 (1963). 15. ALBERTS, A. W., Federation Proc., 23, 166 (1964). 16. PUGH, E. L., SAUER, F., AND WAKIL, S. J., Federation Proc., 23, 166 (1964). P., AND VAGELOS, P. 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