Area Effectiveness Plan/Assessment Report - Four Column El Paso Community College Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department Objectives Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Training on Webbased Planning and Assessment Software (2009-2010). - Conduct training for EPCC budget heads and instructional coordinators on new web-based EPCC planning and assessment software. Planning Year(s): 2009 - 2010 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2010 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2010 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010, 11000-33011 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Measure: Training conducted and made available to all EPCC budget heads to include upper administration, deans, directors, and in instruction via district-wide instructional discipline coordinators. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: 100% of budget heads and all instructional coordinators will be provided with access, information and training in order to utilize web-based EPCC planning and assessment software. Baseline: No current web-based system. Current system is free-standing and is handled electronically via e-mail using MS ACCESS; web-based system would place planning and assessment on a server and be accessible to budget heads and instructional personnel at all times during the year for needed updates, revisions, and easy reference. Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2010 - Training sessions were planned and made available to all budget heads and instructional coordinators on the TracDat system. The system was purchased, set-up based on EPCC's administrative and instructional organizational structure. Hands-on training was provided to College employees engaged in institutional planning. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2010 - Training will continue in academic year 2010-2011 for administrators and instructional coordinators on the TracDat software, its use in planning and assessment of results. Sessions will be presented at Faculty Development before the Fall and Spring semesters. Strategy: Compile Comments and Feedback Strategy Description: Compile comments and staff feedback for communications with software company regarding EPCC needs from software. Budget Impact: Additional/New Funding Required Projected Cost: 40000.0000 Funding Justification: two new cars. 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 1 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Strategy: Evaluate Effectiveness Strategy Description: Evaluate effectiveness of training based on pilot test results, use of database during trainings, and during implementation phases. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Input Budget Head and Instructional Coordinagor Information Strategy Description: Upon software purchase and installation, ensure that all needed budget head and instructional coordinator information is input into the system. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Pilot Test Training Strategy Description: Pilot test training with a group of budget heads and instructional personnel. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Plan Trainings Strategy Description: Plan trainings in conjunction with appropriate personnel, and schedule lab time for hands03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 2 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2010 - Based on a comprehesive analysis of software packages available for planning, assessment of results, and for use with Student Learning Outcomes, EPCC purchased TracDat software. Institutional plans (Area Effectiveness Plans), assessment of plan results, and Student Learning Outcomes will be tracked via the new software. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2010 - After purchase of TracDat software, inputting plans from the previous year will take plan, in order for budget heads, administrators, and instructional coordinators to have access to their information in the new software and for training purposes. In addition, setting up the system in order to make most efficent use of the software based on EPCC's organizational structure will take place. on training. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Provide Training Strategy Description: Host and provide training for budget heads and instructional staff, as well as administrative support staff in each budget heads' offices. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Training Materials Strategy Description: Produce training materials to assist in software understanding and usage. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Web-based Planning Software Implementation (2009-2010). - To develop needed criteria, identify characteristics of needed web-based planning software, and work collaboratively with Accreditation and Student Learning Outcomes responsible personnel toward the planning and purchase of web-based software to serve EPCC's accreditation needs for planning, assessment, program review, and student learning outcomes. 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Identification of all desired characteristics for internal EPCC use and to meet reporting and accreditation needs, and purchase of software. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Purchase of web-based software to serve EPCC's planning, assessment and accreditation needs. Baseline: Currently using internally constructed ACCESS databases for planning, assessment and Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 3 of 20 Objectives Planning Year(s): 2009 - 2010 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2009 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up program review. None present (as of 2/09) for collection and tracking of student learning outcomes. After much work on an ORACLE database system for EPCC budget head use during FY 06-07 & 07-08, it was determined in 2008 that this medium would not be practical for most EPCC end-users and would make production of outcomes reports more difficult. Strategy: Implement Planning and Assessment Strategy Description: Implement planning and assessment cycle utilizing new web-based software. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Input Information Strategy Description: Input EPCC budget head and instructional coordinator information into software, as well as initial Student Learning Outcomes Data and pilot test. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Internal Software Strategy Description: Develop internal software criteria working with key EPCC staff, to include staff responsible for compilation of Student Learning Outcomes, Program Review, and to include all Planning and Assessment 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 4 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up activities. Review characteristics of exisiting software, host demonstrations and webinars, and develop formal, written, criteria. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Reques for Proposals Strategy Description: Provide information to purchasing department for the development and publication of a Request for Proposals to advertize the software to eligible bidders. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Software Purchase Strategy Description: Work with Purchasing Department to develop committee to review bids, complete software purchase, and install software on EPCC server; or EPCC commit to webhosting by software provider as desired. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Training Strategy Description: Conduct training subsequent to pilot test for EPCC budget heads and instructional coordinators. Budget Impact: 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 5 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Community Planning/ Outreach; North Loop/EPCC Parent-School Partnership (2009-2010). Develop an EPCC-school community planning pilot project with North Loop elementary to link adult parents in the community to EPCC programs to include GED, language training, workforce training, and certificate and degree programs. Planning Year(s): 2009 - 2010 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2010 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2010 Objective Status: Withdrawn Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores A. Gross Measure: Development and implementation of community planning process with North Loop elementary school to engage adult parents in EPCC programs. Data Source for Measure: External Report Baseline and Standard: At least 15 parent participants in pilot planning project to identify needs of the area and of desired training and instructional programs needed. Baseline: Although much community outreach takes place via a number of EPCC programs, no communitybased needs identification process of this sort exits linking parents of school-age children directly with the college. 08/31/2010 - Based on other departmental priorities and the demands of a new software implementation purchased for planning, this objective was not further pursued. Progress: Unsatisfactory Action Plan Status: 0 - No Action Plan Necessary Strategy: Community Planning Session Strategy Description: Hold a community planning session jointly with the school and parents to determine their educational and training needs. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Develop a Process Strategy Description: Develop a process to directly link EPCC programs with interested adults with schoolage children at North Loop elementary. 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 6 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Document Process and Results Strategy Description: Document process and results to determine if model can be replicated by EPCC programs with other schools. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Evaluate Progress Strategy Description: Evaluate progress at a 6-month interval to determine engagement and whether EPCC programs and staff are serving the community's needs. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Followup Strategy Description: Followup as appropriate to sustain partnership between the school and its adult parents and EPCC programs. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Host Outreach Effort 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 7 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 03/05/2010 - This objective is in progress, as work is continuous to improve and simply planning and assessment reports for College users. Work continued on this objective throughout the academic year. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2010 - Work will continue into academic year 2010-2011 to improve reports generated by the Planning Office using the TracDat software system. The goal will continue to be the production of shorter, more readable reports as needed by College personnel. Strategy Description: Host an outreach effort in conjunction with the school to engage interested parents. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Implement Process Strategy Description: Implement process of linking parents with EPCC programs as desired and relevant. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Meeting With North Loop Elementary Strategy Description: Meet with North Loop elementary principal, counselors, and personnel as identified at North Loop elementary to begin community planning process. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - User-Friendly Reporting (2009-2010). - Develop more user-friendly planning and assessment short reports or briefs on relevant topics for EPCC budget heads and instructional personnel engaged in planning to make planning information more useful. Planning Year(s): 2009 - 2010 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Production of short, relevant reports to targeted users Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: At least two new reports on planning and assessment information. Baseline: Currently there are long reports for district-wide use, which are currently housed internally and Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 8 of 20 Objectives Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2009 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up published on the web. Short, more target reports would be distributed to the relevant users to engage them more actively in planning and assessing their operations, as well as to interest them in relevant data that would assist them in their daily work. Strategy: Develop Reporting Products Strategy Description: Develop at least two new reporting products that would more actively engage EPCC budget heads and instructional coordinators in planning and assessment tasks. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Feature "Good News" Strategy Description: Feature "good news" that is revealed via planning and assessment and give to upper administration as outcomes reporting and to marketing to futher promote successful EPCC programs. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Publish Data Strategy Description: Publish data products as a result on the internet via the EPCC website Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 9 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2011 - The first pilot round of SLO results were entered into the TracDat system, and the first complete round of SLO results for the initial twoyear cycle (ended August 31, 2011) were entered into the TracDat system. All information was cross-checked by the SLO facilitators, and faculty throughout the District were trained in how to enter their SLO information into TracDat. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2011 - Training in SLO input for faculty representatives will continue throughout 2011-2012, and into 2012-2013. New representatives and faculty discipline coordinators will be provided technical assistance by the Planning Office and Assessment Programs Manager to ensure faculty is skilled and comfortable using the online system. 0.0000 Strategy: Test Products Strategy Description: Test the products with faculty and staff to ensure its relevance, desired usage, and format. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - TracDat Student Learning Outcome Data Input & System Implementation (2010-2011) - Oversee input of data for Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for accreditation purposes & work with Manager of Assessment Programs, to ensure full system implementation. Planning Year(s): 2010 - 2011 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Input of SLOs- from first, second, and thirdyear implementation of Student Learning Outcomes. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: At least three years of SLO data by end of 2010-2011 inputted into TracDat data tracking software and accessible to academic faculty within the disciplines. Baseline: Initial upload of disciplines and courses into Trac Dat is taking place at end of FY '09-2010, as well as first round of Student Learning Outcomes; second year SLOs should be completed & inputted by end of summer 2010. Strategy: Inputting SLOs Strategy Description: Work with staff to include new Manager of Assessment Programs, the SLO faculty coordinator, and faculty participating in the development and inputting of SLOs in the completion of inputting SLOs into the TracDat data tracking software. Budget Impact: Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 10 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2011 - All District Area Effectiveness Plans were input into TracDat system for academic year 2009-2010, and in academic year 2010-2011, training was provided District-wide for faculty and staff on use of the system for planning. Follow-up was provided via trainings at each campus and in faculty development sessions, as well as via individual hands-on sessions for budget heads and faculty instructional coordinators. All areas headed by budget heads and instructional disciplines were input into TracDat and made available for use in planning and assessing results. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2011 - Work will continue in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 to increase faculty and staff comfort level with the software, encourage timely input of results, and to train new system users as needed to ensure an accurate and timely reporting of plans and results. No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Area Effectiveness Planning Migration to TracDat Software (2010-2011) - Work to ensure that EPCC Area Effectiveness Plans (annual operational plans) are captured and inputted into new TracDat software. Planning Year(s): 2010 - 2011 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-3010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager Measure: Design method to input all budget heads & academic instructional coordinators into system, & the input of 2010-2011 plans into TracDat software. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Area Effectiveness Plans input into TracDat Software; with Reports and Report formats needed for data reporting designed and built into system. Baseline: Area Effectiveness Plans have been tracked using ACCESS database for several fiscal years. For the 2010-2011, plans were captured via hardcopy or MS Word forms during software transition. Measure: Design method to input all budget heads & academic instructional coordinators into system, & the input of 2010-2011 plans into TracDat software. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Work to see if TracDat can be programmed to perform basic calculations such as # of plans addressing each District Goal, etc. Baseline: Area Effectiveness Plans have been tracked using ACCESS database for several fiscal years. For the 2010-2011, plans were captured via hardcopy or MS Word forms during software transition. Strategy: Reports and Training on TracDat 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 11 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 02/27/2012 - Work continued throughout 20102011 with faculty and area budget heads to ensure results were entered into TracDat system for District-wide tracking and reporting purposes. It was determined that currently the software cannot perform calculations, but that using Summary Reports was helpful for monitoring and reporting purposes. Work will continue throughout 20112012 to refine Assessments (Results) and reports reflecting District-wide results. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2011 - Assessment of Area Effectiveness Plans was conducted for the first time in academic year 2010-2011 usting the TracDat software. It was determined, however, that the software is unable to perform calculations. Some basic calculations were made by utilizing Excel and exporting TracData into Excel. Work will continue in academic year 2011-2012 to refine/expand the software's capabilities for planning and assessment. Progress: 02/27/2012 - Continue faculty and staff training and provided individualized support throughout 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 to assist District personnel in tracking and reporting their progress. Continue working toward enhanced and improved reporting tools via the TracDat software. Strategy Description: Learn all strengths & limitations of software. Design desired reports & identify all new academic instructional coordinators & budget heads & their administrative assistants that will need file permission into system. Work with staff to import whatever electronic plan information is available into TracDat & Conduct training sessions for budget heads and faculty personnel on system. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Assessment of Area Effectiveness Plans Migration to TracDat Software (2010-2011) - Work to ensure that EPCC annual Assessment of Area Effectiveness Plans (annual operational plans) is conducted and a system designed to capture assessments in new TracDat software Planning Year(s): 2010 - 2011 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Design method to input Assessments into TracDat sofware & work to see if calculations from Assessments can be performed by software. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Assessment of Area Effectiveness Plans input into TracDat software; with Reports & Report formats needed for data reporting designed & built into system. Work to see if calculations such as # and % of plans Met, Not Met, Withdrawn, In-Progress & Expected Completion Dates can be tracked via software. Baseline: Assessments of Area Effectiveness plans have been tracked using ACCESS databases for several fiscal years. For the 2010-2011, plans were captured via hardcopy or MS Word forms during software transition. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. 08/31/2011 - Continue work in academic year 2011-2012 to expand the reporting capabilities of the TracDat software for Districtwide Planning & Assessment purposes, as well as for use in tracking Student Learning Outcomes. Page 12 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented Strategy: TracDat Inputting Strategy Description: Emphasize importance of capturing operational assessment information to college personnel & conduct training sessions for budget heads & faculty instructional coordinators. Design desired new assessment reports for use by college decision-makers. Work with staff to import whatever electronic assessment information is available into TracDat. Oversee input of information. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - SACS Compliance Certification Support (2011-2012) - Support SACS Compliance Certification process for re-affirmation of College accreditation with regard to Institutional Effectiveness (Planning and Assessment of Results) and contribute to Compliance Certification Report. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 03/09/2012 Objective Status: In Progress Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Complete narrative reponses for Compliance Certification report, in conjunction with Research and Development Team, for SACS Compliance Certification, sections as follows: C.R. 2.5, and C.S., C.S., and C.S., as they pertain to Institutional Effectiveness ( Planning, Assessment & Use of Results) Data Source for Measure: Institutional Research Data Baseline and Standard: Previous narrative for accreditation purposes was under the former Self Study process. The standard is to complete all required narratives for Compliance Certification as they pertain to the Planning Office by the March 2012 deadline. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 13 of 20 Objectives Dr. Dolores A. Gross Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Follow-up on Assessment of Results- Previous Academic Year (2011-2012) - Ensure that Area Effectiveness Plans (operational plans) for the College District are assessed for all College areas and Results entered into TracDat software by College administrative and instructional personnel. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 03/09/2012 Objective Status: In Progress Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Manager of Assessment Programs 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Strategy: Draft, Revise, and Prepare Relevant Sections of Compliance Certification Report Strategy Description: Draft sections C.R. 2.5, and C.S. sections,, and in response to Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Compliance Standards, in conjunction with colleagues from the Research and Development Division. These sections pertain to Institutional Effectiveness, and relative to Planning and Assessment, using results for future improvement of the College. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Measure: Hold hands-on sessions for all appropriate administrators/budget heads and faculty coordinators to assist them with assessing the results of their Area Effectiveness Plans (operational plans). Emphasis will be on Results, and Use of Results to enact improvements for the College. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: The current baseline is two trainings during faculty development weeks, several handson sessions during the semesters (Fall, Spring, and summer) for faculty, and workshops during Spring Budget/Planning workshops each year. The Standard will be to plan and hold handson workshops for each major area of the College to assist them in Assessing the Results of their Plans. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 14 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2011 - Training opportunities were provided for District faculty and staff via Faculty Development week in the Spring and Fall semesters, as well as via sessions with individual College areas. In addition faculty and staff in need of technical assistance with either content or software were provided support by the Planning Office staff to ensure that all appropriate personnel were knowledgeable of the Planning process and software for tracking and reporting purposes. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2011 - Training will continue with area budget heads and faculty instructional coordinators to ensure competency and use of TracDat software for monitoring and tracking plans and results. The Planning Office will continue to present sessions in conjunction with the Budget Office for area budget heads each academic year, as well as provide sessions for major areas of the College and at Faculty Development week twice annually. Strategy: Hands-on Sessions for Faculty and Staff to Assess the Results of their Plans Strategy Description: Prepare, plan, promote, and staff hands-on workshops to provide technical assistance to faculty and staff in Assessing the Results of their Area Effectiveness Plans by providing training and individual assistance in each major College area. Budget Impact: Rollover/Maintain Current Funding Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Training on Planning & Assessment using New Software (20102011) - Plan and execute training opportunities for faculty and staff to gain hands-on experience inputting their Planning, Assessment, Program Review, and Student Learning Outcomes information into TracDat software. Planning Year(s): 2010 - 2011 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Assessment Programs Manager 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Multiple trainings held throughout fiscal year for employee groups conducting Planning and Assessment to use and gain further training in concepts of Planning and Assessment, as well as software usage. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: At least two major training opportunities each semester for employees to Plan, Assess, and work with software in a training environment. Baseline: Current training is provided on a case-by-case basis, working with new budget heads, academic instructional coordinators as they become coordinators, and periodic offerings at faculty development. Strategy: College-Wide Participation Strategy Description: Encourage budget heads, Deans & academic instructional coordinators, as well as administrative assistants to Deans to participate actively in preparing their Planning and Assessment documents using Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 15 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up 08/31/2011 - The Planning Office conducted multiple focus groups and provided qualitative research support for EPCC programs and projects. Among the programs assisted, the EPCC summer bridge program, Project Dream, was assisted with focus groups at each campus site-with an outcomes report prepared and provided to program administrators. In addition, the Planning Office provided research support to the Quality Enhancement Plan Task Force and provided a training in focus group process for Task Force members and members of Student Leadership and Campus Life. The Planning office assisted the EPCC Diversity program in its program planning efforts, the Green Campus Committee, coordinated the District United Way campaign and assisted in the EPCC Literary Fiesta planning. Progress: Satisfactory Action Plan Status: 2 - Action Plan Documented 08/31/2011 - The Planning Office will continue to provide qualitative research support, as needed, to EPCC programs and projects, and assist in District-wide program planning efforts. training opportunities on software as a vehicle to increase college-wide participation. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Follow-Up and Support Strategy Description: Continue to provide follow-up & support in development of plans & assessments & with software support. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Community Planning & Qualitative Research (2010-2011) Provide community planning support for EPCC programs & department in their planning efforts. Assist with focus groups & qualitative research as needed. Planning Year(s): 2010 - 2011 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Actual Completion Date: 08/31/2011 Objective Status: Met Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: Successful completion of planning initiatives in support of EPCC programs or qualitative research support. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: At least two major initiative providing programmatic planning support or qualitative research support. Baseline: Currently conduct several large planning initiatives and focus group qualitative research projects each fiscal year. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 16 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Strategy: Planning and Focus Group Strategy Description: Conduct planning sessions, identify & train facilitators, prepare structured questions, secure needed facilities & materials, and conduct focus group research as needed. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Strategy: Planning Sessions and Research Strategy Description: Work with College administrators, budget heads and progam personnel to assist them in their planning efforts-to include planning sessions and focus group research or other program research efforts to gain useful data about their program effectiveness. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Projected Cost: 0.0000 Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Improve District Reporting Tools for Planning & Assessment of Results (2011-2012) - Continue work on improvement of reporting tools in the TracDat software used for Planning and Assessment of Results for the College District. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2012 Objective Status: In Progress 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measure: At least one new or improved reporting tool to better demonstrate College planning activities/ assessment of results/ use of results. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Currently, several reports demonstrating this information exist. The standard will be to maximize the TracDat four-column report so that it is user-friendly and provides the highest quality information for the user and for reporting purposes. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 17 of 20 Objectives Budget Account Number: 110-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Manager of Assessment Programs Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Program Review Input into TracDat Software (2011-2012) Oversee the design and implementation data input for Program Review using TracDat software. This entails the input of instructional discipline coordinators into the software as authorized users, and input of the data into software, testing, and customization of the software for this purpose. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2012 Objective Status: In Progress Budget Account Number: 11000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Ralph Silva, Manager of Assessment Programs & Dr. Dolores Gross 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up Strategy: Improve TracDat Reports for District Use Strategy Description: Work during academic year to improve TracDat reporting tools, most specifically standard four-column report generated by TracDat to maximize its readability and user friendliness for District reporting purposes. Budget Impact: Rollover/Maintain Current Funding Measure: Program Review information prepared and distributed to instructional coordinators for their use in responding to Unmet program indicators. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Previously Program Review Report had been generated via MS ACCESS databases. This is a new use for TracDat software that is being developed by the College. Strategy: Prepare TracDat Software and Design System in TracDat to Input College Program Review Strategy Description: Work collaboratively with Institutional Effectiveness Office to prepare Program Review information in TracDat software for the first time. Input all instructional coordinator information for disciplines into the system, work with I.E. Office to identify their goals for the conversion to TracDat, and design method to create input screens for Program Review and method of operation. Budget Impact: Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 18 of 20 Objectives Measures & Baselines and Standards / Strategies Results Action & Follow-Up No Funding Needed Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Continue Training Opportunities for Faculty and Staff for Planning & Assessment of Results (20112012) - Continue to provide opportunities for faculty and staff to work on Planning and Assessment of Results in individual and group settings in order to maximize Districtwide understanding of Planning and Assessment concepts, use of software, and reporting of results. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2012 Objective Status: In Progress Budget Account Number: 110000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross & Ralph Silva, Manger of Assessment Programs Measure: Number of training opportunities for faculty and staff to work on their Planning and Assessment of plans. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report Baseline and Standard: Currently trainings are offered in each long semester, as well as during summer months. The standard will be to continue to provide trainings each semester in large groups settings, as well as to provide training and individual technical support hands-on across the College. Planning - Institutional and Community Planning Department - Completion by Design Facilitation Support (2011-2012) Support EPCC Completion by Design project with facilitation support for project, to include qualitative research via Focus Measure: Number of meetings facilitated and focus groups planned and staffed for Completion by Design. Data Source for Measure: Department/Area Report 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Strategy: Training for Planning and Assessment of Results Strategy Description: Prepare and provide training for faculty and staff conducting their Planning and Assessment of Results across the College District. This will be accomplished via trainings for each major area of the College, trainings provided for faculty during faculty development week in the Fall and Spring semesters, as well as via individual training and hands-on technical support to College areas throughout the academic year. Budget Impact: Rollover/Maintain Current Funding Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 19 of 20 Objectives Groups. Work with EPCC team to facilitate District meetings, engagement sessions, and other collaborative work to complete project planning phase and grant application process. Planning Year(s): 2011 - 2012 Expected Completion Date: 08/31/2012 Objective Status: In Progress Budget Account Number: 110000-33010 Person(s) Responsible: Dr. Dolores Gross 03/06/2012 1:04 PM Measures & Baselines and Standards / Results Strategies Baseline and Standard: This is a new project for academic year 2011-2012. The standard is to facilitate at least two major meetings, as needed, as well as to conduct mutiple focus groups as a part of research support for this project. Action & Follow-Up Strategy: Facilitate Qualitative Research and Engagement Activities for Completion by Design Strategy Description: Work actively to facilitate meetings and plan and conduct focus groups to provide qualitative research as needed for Completion by Design project Planning phase this academic year. Budget Impact: No Funding Needed Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 20 of 20