Course Optimum Book Produced by Office of Enrollment Management Area of Instruction Last updated October 14, 2014 INTRODUCTION The book you are holding is the official Optimum Book for the area of Instruction at the El Paso Community College (EPCC). This book is updated yearly after the State of Texas has approved curriculum changes. The purpose of the Optimum Book is to establish the proposed seating maximums in course sections offered and to assist in the best usage of the facilities provided by the area of Instruction at EPCC. These optimums are set through a number of factors. One way is by State of Texas guidelines, determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Optimums may also be submitted for change through the Enrollment Management Committee and then by approval of the area’s administrative Dean and the Vice President of Instruction. All optimum changes should be initiated with an Optimum Revision Form. This form is included as the last page of this book. Whereas, the Optimum Book establishes the maximum seating for a section, there may be other determining factors involved in the ultimate capacity of a specific section offered at EPCC. For example: The room the section is offered may only hold a specific number of students; A course may not adhere to the optimum guidelines because it is being taught as an Independent Study and may have from one to eleven students enrolled; There may be specific numbers of equipment and/or workstations, which limit a section size; A course may have a specific optimum because of the way it is taught (e.g. Television and Online sections have optimums of 100 and 25, respectively.); and tThe student to instructor ratio may be of consideration. Overall, a number of factors may be involved. The purpose of the Optimum Book is to establish these numbers and assist the Institution in optimizing its facility usage. Finally, the Optimum Book consists of four columns of data. The first column is the Course for which an optimum has been created. The second column is the Course Title. The third column is the current optimum as of the printing of the book. The fourth column is a comment section where important information may be listed for the course. Dale A. Hougham Enrollment Manager El Paso Community College This book is maintained and can be obtained from the Office of Enrollment Management at EPCC. The preferred method of delivery is electronic. If you would like a copy of this book, send an email to or call 915-831-5395. Office of Enrollment Management Course Optimum Book Course Title Optimum Comments ABDR1207 AUTO BODY WELDING 12 ACCT2301 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING I (F) 30 Video conferencing; On-line; Faculty recuitment issues; computer classroom needed. ACCT2302 PRINCIPLE OF ACCOUNTING II (F) 30 Video conferencing; On-line; Faculty recuitment issues; computer classroom needed. ACNT1303 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING I 30 Faculty recuitment issues; computer classroom needed. ACNT1304 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING II 30 Faculty recuitment issues; computer classroom needed. ACNT1305 FORENSIC ACCOUNTING 30 ACNT1313 COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING APPLIC 30 ACNT1329 PAYROLL AND BUS TAX ACCT 30 ACNT1331 FEDERAL INCOME TAX: INDIVIDUAL 30 ACNT1347 FED INC TAX PARTN\CORP 30 Video Conferencing. ACNT2302 ACCOUNTING CAPSTONE 30 Video conferencing. ACNT2303 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I 30 Video conferencing. ACNT2304 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II 30 ACNT2309 COST ACCOUNTING 30 Video conferencing. ACNT2331 INTERNAL CONTROL\AUDITING 30 Video conferencing. ACNT2370 ADVANCED COST 30 Video conferencing. ACNT2380 COOP ED-ACCOUNTING I 11 ACNT2381 COOP ED-ACCOUNTING II 11 ANTH1370 CULTURE MEXICAN-AMERICANS 40 Under review (36) ANTH2346 INTRO PHY ANTH/ARCHAELOGY (C) 40 Under review (36) ANTH2351 INTRO SOCIAL\CULTURAL ANTH 40 TV course; under review (36) ARAB1311 BEGINNING ARABIC I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. ARCE1352 STRUCTURAL DRAFTING 40 Courses added on March 16, 2014 ARCE1452 STRUCTURAL DRAFTING 40 ARCE2344 STATICS/STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 40 ARCE2444 STATICS\STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 40 ARCE2452 MECHANICAL\ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 40 ARCH1301 ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY I (C) 40 ARCH1302 ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY II 40 ARCH1305 ARCHITECTURAL AESTH (C) 40 ARCH1311 INTRO TO ARCHITECTURE 40 ARCH1315 DIGITAL MEDIA 40 ARCH1403 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO I 20 ARCH1404 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO II 20 ARCH2301 ARCH FREEHAND DRAWING I 20 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Video conferencing; Computer classroom needed. Courses added on March 16, 2014 Visual & performance arts option. Page 1 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ARCH2302 ARCH FREEHAND DRAWING II 20 ARCH2312 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY I 40 ARCH2313 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY II 40 ARCH2470 ARCHITECTURAL DESGN STUDIO III 20 Course added Fall 2010. ARTC1302 DIGITAL IMAGING I 18 Course added Fall 2010. ARTC1321 ILLUSTRATION TECHNIQUES 18 18 drafting tables. ARTC1325 INTRO COMP GRAPHICS 10 Only 10 computers (w/2 more computers, optimums could be raised to 12). ARTC1327 TYPOGRAPHY 18 18 drafting tables. ARTC1349 ART DIRECTION I 18 Course added Fall 2010. ARTC1350 ILLUSTRATION TECHNIQUES II 15 ARTC1353 COMPUTER ILLUSTRATION 10 ARTC2301 ILLUSTRATION TECHNIQUES II 18 ARTC2311 HIST COMMUNICATION GRAPH 25 ARTC2331 ILLUSTRATION CONCEPTS 18 ARTC2335 PORTFOLIO DEV GRAPHIC DSGN 18 ARTC2349 ART DIRECTION II 18 18 drafting tables. ARTC2370 ILLUSTRATION 15 13 airbrush outlets. ARTC2371 GRAPHIC PRODUCTION 15 3 photostat cameras ARTC2372 PORTFOLIO 18 ARTS1301 ART APPRECIATION (C) 40 Visual & performance arts option. ARTS1303 PRE-RENAISSANCE ART HIST (C) 40 Humanities option. ARTS1304 RENAISSANCE MOD ART HIST (C) 40 Humanities option. ARTS1311 DESIGN I 20 Visual & performance arts option. ARTS1312 DESIGN II 20 ARTS1316 BASIC DRAWING I 20 ARTS1317 BASIC DRAWING II 20 ARTS1370 INTRO TO STUDIO ARTS 18 Equipment limitations. ARTS2316 PAINTING I (C) 18 Normal optimum is 10. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2317 (6) & ARTS2371 (2). ARTS2317 PAINTING II 18 Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2316 (10) & ARTS2371 (2). ARTS2323 LIFE DRAWING I 18 Normal optimum is 12. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2324 (6). ARTS2324 LIFE DRAWING II 18 Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2324 (6). ARTS2326 SCULPTURE I 18 Visual & performing arts option. Normal optimum of 15. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2327 (3). ARTS2327 SCULPTURE II 18 Normal optimum is 3. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2327. ARTS2333 PRINTMAKING I 12 Equipment Issues; Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2334 (6). ARTS2334 PRINTMAKING II 12 Equipment Issues; Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2333 (6). ARTS2341 ART METALS I 12 Equipment Issues; Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2342 (6). This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Only 10 computers (w/2 more computers, optimums could be raised to 12). 18 drafting tables. Visual & performance arts option. Page 2 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ARTS2342 ARTS METALS II 12 Equipment Issues; Normal optimum is 6. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2341 (6). ARTS2346 CERAMICS I 18 Normal optimum is 14. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2347 (4). ARTS2347 CERAMICS II 18 Normal optimum is 4. This course is piggybacked with ARTS2346 (14). ARTS2356 PHOTO IN THE ART STUDIO I 9 Visual & performance arts option. Only 3 enlargers & shared darkroom. ARTS2357 PHOTOGRAPHY IN ART STUDIO II 9 Visual & performance arts option. Only 3 enlargers & shared darkroom. ARTS2370 STUDY OF COLOR IN ART 40 ARTS2371 PAINTING III 18 ARTS2372 MURAL DESIGN 18 ARTS2378 EXHIBITIONS AND MARKETING 40 Independent study only. ARTS2379 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS ART 40 Independent study only. ASTR1103 ASTRO LAB STARS & GALAXIES 33 Video Conferencing ASTR1104 ASTRONOMY LAB SOLAR SYSTEM 33 Video Conferencing ASTR1303 STARS AND GALAXIES (C) 33 Video Conferencing ASTR1304 SOLAR SYSTEM (C) 33 Video Conferencing AUMT1407 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 16 Safety issues. AUMT1410 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT1416 AUTO SUSPENSION\STEERING SYST 16 Safety issues. AUMT1419 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT1445 AUTOMOTIVE CLIMATE CONTROL SYS 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT2380 COOP ED-AUTO\AUTO MECH\I 11 Safety issues. AUMT2381 COOP ED-AUTO\AUTO MECH\II 11 Safety issues. AUMT2413 AUTO DRIVE TRAIN AND AXLES 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT2417 AUTO ENGINE PERFORM ANALYSIS I 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT2421 AUTO ELECTRICAL DIAG\REPAIR 16 Safety issues. AUMT2425 AUTOMATIC TRNSMN AND TRNSXL 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT2434 AUTO ENGINE PRFM ANALYSIS II 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. AUMT2437 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS 16 Safety issues. AUMT2443 ADV EMISSION SYST DIAGNOSTICS 16 Safety issues. AUMT2471 SHOP SERVICE AND MANAGEMENT 16 Safety issues concerning the handling of gasoline and other hazardous materials. BASK0100 COLLEGE ORIENTATION (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0101 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0303 WRITING (M) 27 Online; heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0306 COLLEGE PREP MATH (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0316 BASIC STUDY SKILLS (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0317 COLLEGE PREP STUDY SKILLS (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. BASK0323 COLLEGE PREP READING (M) 27 Heavy faculty & student interactions. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Independent study only. Page 3 of 55 Course Title Optimum BCIS1305 BUS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (F) 40 BIOL1106 GEN BIOL SCIEN MAJORS LAB I 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1107 GEN BIOL SCIEN MAJORS II 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1108 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1109 HUMAN BIOLOGY LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1306 GEN BIOL SCIEN MAJORS I (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1307 GEN BIOL SCIENC MAJORS II (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1308 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1309 HUMAN BIOLOGY (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 BIOL1406 GEN BIO-SCIENCE MAJ I (C) 30 National science option. Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL1407 GEN BIO-SCIENCE MAJ II (C) 30 National science option. Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL1408 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY (C) 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL1409 HUMAN BIOLOGY (C) 30 National science option. Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL1411 GENERAL BOTANY I 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL1413 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2316 GENETICS 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2389 RESEARCH TECH BIOLOGY 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2401 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2402 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2404 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 30 Video conferencing. Safety issue because of scalpels, hazardous pathogens, faculty issue. BIOL2406 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2420 MICROORGANISMS AND DISEASE 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2421 GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BIOL2428 VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY 30 Safety issue because of scalpels and faculty issue. BMGT1301 SUPERVISION 35 TV course. BMGT1303 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 35 TV course. BMGT1305 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT 35 Limit of 20 students is computer classroom. BMGT1313 PRINCIPLES OF PURCHASING 35 BMGT1325 OFFICE MANAGEMENT 35 BMGT1329 QUANT ANALYSIS ORGANIZATIONS 35 BMGT1331 PROD OPERTNS MANAGEMENT 35 BMGT1333 PRINCIPLES OF SELLING 35 BMGT1341 BUSINESS ETHICS 35 BMGT1349 ADVERT\SALES PROMOTION 35 BMGT2309 LEADERSHIP 35 BMGT2382 COOP ED-BUS ADMIN/MGT GEN I 35 BMGT2383 COOP ED-ADMN\MGMT GEN II 35 BNKG1353 MORTGAGE LENDING 30 BNKG1356 ANALYZING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Comments Page 4 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments BUSG1301 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS 35 BUSG1302 E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 35 BUSG1345 PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE 35 BUSG1371 BUSINESS ENGLISH 35 BUSG2305 BUSINESS LAW\CONTRACTS 35 BUSG2309 SM BUSINESS MGMT\ENTREPRENEUR 35 BUSG2380 COOP ED-BUSINESS, GEN I 21 BUSG2381 COOP ED-BUSINESS, GEN II 21 BUSI2370 QUANTATIVE METHOD BUSI/ECON 35 CDEC1195 SPEC TOP CHILD CARE PROVIDER 22 CDEC1313 CUR RSRS EARLY CHILD PROG 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1315 MULTICUL/MULTILING EDUCATION 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1319 CHILD GUIDANCE 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1321 THE INFANT AND TODDLER 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1330 GROWTH & DEVELOP: 6-14 YEARS 32 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1339 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEV: 0-3 YEARS 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1341 CDA PREPARATION FOR ASSESSMENT 22 CDEC1356 EMERGENT LITERACY EARLY CHILD 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1357 MATH\SCIENCE EARLY CHILD 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1358 CREATIVE ARTS EARLY CHILD 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1359 CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1395 SPEC TOP CHILD CARE PROVIDER 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1417 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING I 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC1571 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING I 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2307 MATH\SCIENCE EARLY CHILD 22 CDEC2315 DIV CULTURAL\MULTILING EDUCAT 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2326 ADMIN PROGRAMS CHILD I 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2341 THE SCHOOL AGE CHILD 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2371 INFLU CULT AND ENVIRONMENT 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2372 GROWTH\DEVELOP SCHOOL AGE CHLD 32 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2373 GROWTH\DEV INFANT\TODDLER 32 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2374 MANAG NON-CENTER CHLD CARE 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2375 CONCEPT MULTLNG, CULT EDUC 32 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Formally BMGT1329; course changed Fall 2010. Page 5 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments CDEC2384 COOP ED-CHILD DEVELOP I 11 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. This section was identified as a coop at Leadership on 11/17/05 and that the optimum should be lowered to 11. CDEC2385 COOP ED-CHILD DEVELOP II 11 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. This section was identified as a coop at Leadership on 11/17/05 and that the optimum should be lowered to 11. CDEC2422 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING II 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2424 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING III 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2572 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING II 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2574 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRAINING III 22 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CDEC2576 CHILD DEV ASSOC TRNG IV 15 Lab projects require substantial individualized attention between faculty and student. CETT1303 DC CIRCUITS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1305 AC CIRCUITS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1325 DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1329 SOLID STATE DEVICES 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1402 ELECTRICITY PRINCIPLES 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1403 DC CIRCUITS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1405 AC CIRCUITS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1407 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS 12 Only 12 stations. CETT1425 DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1441 SOLID STATE CIRCUITS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1445 MICROPROCESSOR 13 13 trainers. CETT1449 DIGITAL SYSTEMS 16 Only 12 stations. CETT1457 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 16 Only 6 stations. CETT1470 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS 14 Only 12 stations. CETT2380 COOP ED-COMPUT ENGR TECH 20 Under review (14). CETT2449 RESEARCH AND PROJECT DESIGN 16 Only 12 stations. CHEF1300 PROF COOK AND MEAL SERVICE 15 Course added Fall 2010. CHEF1301 BASIC FOOD PREPARATION 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF1305 SANITATION AND SAFETY 22 Tours are necessary part of the curriculum and businesses won't allow larger groups. CHEF1314 A LA CARTE COOKING 15 CHEF1341 AMERICAN REGIONAL CUISINE 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF1345 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF1410 GARDE MANGER 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF2264 PRACTICUM-CUL ARTS\CHEF I 11 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 6 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments CHEF2265 PRACTICUM CUL ARTS\CHEF II 11 Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF2302 SAUCIER 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CHEF2331 ADVANCED FOOD PREPARATION 15 CHEF2380 COOP ED-CUL ARTS\CHEF I 11 Must have a 1:1 ratio with supervisor. Sites will rarely take more than one student and currently there are only 15 sites available. CHEF2381 COOP ED-CUL ARTS\CHEF II 11 Must have a 1:1 ratio with supervisor. Sites will rarely take more than one student and currently there are only 15 sites available. CHEM0370 CHEM CONCEPT CALCULAT (M) 30 CHEM1106 HLTH SCIENCE CHEM LAB I 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1107 HLTH SCIENCE CHEM LAB II 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1111 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB I 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1112 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB II 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1204 CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS 30 CHEM1306 HLTH SCIENCE CHEM I (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1307 HLTH SCIENCE CHEM II (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1311 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1312 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 CHEM1406 HEALTH SCIENCE CHEM I (CF) 30 National science option. Safety issue due to chemicals. CHEM1407 HEALTH SCIENCE CHEM I (CF) 30 National science option. Safety issue due to chemicals. CHEM1408 HEALTH SCIENCE CHEM II (C) 30 CHEM1411 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I (CF) 30 National science option. Safety issue due to chemicals and faculty issue. CHEM1412 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II (CF) 30 National science option. Safety issue due to chemicals. Faculty availability. CHEM2389 RESEARCH TECHN IN CHEMISTRY 30 CHEM2401 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I 30 Safety issues because of the chemicals used in class; faculty availability. CHEM2402 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II 30 Safety issue due to chemicals. Faculty availability. CHEM2423 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I 30 Safety issue due to chemicals. Faculty availability. CHEM2425 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II 30 Safety issue due to chemicals. Faculty availability. CHIN1311 BEGINNING CHINESE I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. CHLT1166 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER I 15 Formally CHLT1266. CHLT1209 COMMUNITY ETHICS 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1266 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER I 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1267 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER II 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1301 INTRO COMMUNITY HEALTH 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 7 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments CHLT1305 COMMUNITY NUTRITION 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1341 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1400 HEALTH MAINTENANCE ADULTS 15 TDH State Mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most praticingpromotaras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1440 COMMUNITY HEALTH ADVOCACY 15 TDH State Mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most praticingpromotaras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1470 COMM HLTH PROMOTION/HLTH ADV 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT1471 HEALTH MAINT ADULT 20 PLUS 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT2167 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER V 15 CHLT2266 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER III 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CHLT2267 PRACT-COMMUNITY HLTH SER IV 15 TDH state mandated 1:10 faculty to student ratio. Only 20 clinical sites are currently approved. Emerging field, most practicing promotoras do not meet requirements for faculty education. CJCR1304 PROBATION AND PAROLE 32 CJCR1307 LE-CORRECTIONAL SYST PRACTICES 32 CJCR1370 JUVENILE CORRECTIONS 32 CJCR2324 LE-COMM RESOURCE CORRECTIONS 32 CJCR2325 LEGAL ASPECTS OF CORRECTIONS 32 CJCR2370 COMM CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSN 32 CJCR2371 PENOLOGY 32 CJCR2372 CASE MANAGEMENT\CASE HISTORIES 32 CJCR2380 COOP ED-CORRECTIONS I 11 CJCR2381 COOP ED-CORRECTIONS II 11 CJLE1358 RIGHTS OF PRISONERS 32 CJSA1312 CRIME IN AMERICA 32 CJSA1313 COURT SYSTEMS\PRACTICES 32 CJSA1317 JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM 32 CJSA1322 INTRO CRIMINAL JUSTICE 32 CJSA1327 FUNDAMENTALS CRIMINAL LAW 32 CJSA1342 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 32 CJSA1347 POLICE ORGANIZ\ADMINISTRATION 32 CJSA1348 ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 32 CJSA1359 POLICE SYSTEM\PRACTICES 32 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Course added Fall 2010. TV Course. Course added Fall 2010. Page 8 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments CJSA2300 LEGAL ASP LAW ENFORCEMENT 32 CJSA2302 POLICE MGT SUPER\RELA TOPICS 32 CJSA2370 COMM CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSN 32 Course added Spring 2011. CMSW1309 PROBLEM CHILD\ADOLESCENTS 27 Highly experiential with substantial role playing. CMSW1327 TREAT MOD SPECIAL POPULATIONS 27 Highly experiential with substantial role playing. CMSW1341 BEHAVIOR MOD\COG DISORDER 22 Highly experiential with substantial role playing. CMSW1353 FAMILIES INTER STRATEGIES 22 Highly experiential with substantial role playing. CNBT1302 15 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. MECH, PLUM, ELEC SYS CONST I COMM1129 PUBLICATIONS I 18 COMM1130 PUBLICATIONS II 18 COMM1307 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (CF) 30 TV course. COMM1316 PHOTOJOURNALISM (F) 12 Exceptionally high amount of lab work requires teacher student interaction. COMM1335 INTRO ELECTRONIC MEDIA (F) 30 COMM1336 VIDEO FIELD PRODUCTION (F) 30 COMM1337 ADV VIDEO FIELD\STUDIO PRO (F) 30 COMM2129 PUBLICATIONS III 18 COMM2130 PUBLICATIONS IV 12 COMM2303 AUDIO PRODUCTION (F) 12 COMM2304 INTRO TO CINEMATIC PRODUCTION 12 COMM2305 COMPUTER-ASSISTED REPORTING(F) 18 COMM2311 WRITING MASS MEDIA I (F) 25 Different type of writing from other COMM courses. COMM2315 WRITING MASS MEDIA II (F) 25 Different type of writing from other COMM courses. COMM2324 MASS COMMUNICATION PRACTIC(F) 15 COMM2327 ADVERTISING MASS MEDIA (F) 32 COMM2330 INTRO TO PUBLIC RELATIONS(F) 32 COMM2339 WRITING ELECTRONIC MEDIA (F) 25 COMM2366 INTRODUCTION TO FILM (F) 32 COMM2389 ACADEMIC COOPERATIVE 11 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. COSC1301 INTRO COMPUTER\INFORMATION 40 Institution designated as in the core curriculum.. COSC1336 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS I (F) 40 COSC1337 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTAL II (F) 40 COSC1436 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS I (F) 40 COSC1437 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTAL II (F) 40 COSC2336 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTAL III(F) 40 COSC2425 COMPUTER ORGANZ\MACHINE LN (F) 40 COSC2436 PROGRAMMING FUNDMENTAL III (F) 40 CPMT1345 COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 16 CPMT2337 MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACING 16 CRIJ1301 INTRODUCTN CRIMINAL JUSTICE(F) 30 CRIJ1306 COURT SYSTEMS\PRACTICES (F) 30 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Campus located. Institution designated as in the core curriculum. Page 9 of 55 Course Title Optimum CRIJ1307 CRIME IN AMERICA 30 CRIJ1310 FUNDAMENTALS CRIMINAL LAW (F) 30 CRIJ1313 JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM 30 CRIJ2301 COMM RESOURCES IN CORRECTIONS 30 CRIJ2313 CORRECTIONAL SYST\PRACTICES(F) 30 CRIJ2314 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 30 CRIJ2323 LEGAL ASP OF LAW ENFORCEMENT 30 CRIJ2328 POLICE SYSTEMS\PRACTICES (F) 30 CRTR1302 LAW AND LEGAL TERMINOLOGY 20 CRTR1308 REALTIME REPORTING I 10 CRTR1312 COURT REPORTING COMM I 20 CRTR1314 REPORTING TECHNOLOGY I 20 CRTR1404 MACHINE SHORTHAND I 15 CRTR1406 MACHINE SHORTHAND II 10 CRTR2270 SIMULATED COURTRM PROCEEDINGS 20 CRTR2311 COURT REPORTING COMMUN II 20 CRTR2312 COURT REPORTING PROCEDURES 20 CRTR2331 COURT REPORTER CERT PREP 14 CRTR2341 REPORTING TECHNOLOGY III 10 CRTR2380 COOP ED-COURT REPORTING 5 CRTR2401 INTERMED MACHINE SHORTHAND 14 CRTR2403 ADVANCED MACHINE SHORTHAND 14 CRTR2435 ACCELERATED MACHINE SHORTHAND 14 CSIR1344 GENERAL COMM CIRCUITS I 22 Comments Optimum increased to 15 because of addition of 5 computer work stations. CSME1330 ORIENTATION NAIL TECHNOLOGY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1430 ORIENTATION NAIL TECHNOLOGY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1443 MANICURING RELATED THEORY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1447 PRIN SKIN CARE\FACIALS THRY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1505 FUNDAMENTALS COSMETOLOGY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1543 MANICURING RELATED THEORY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME1553 CHEM REFORM AND RELATED THRY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2337 ADV COSMETOLOGY TECHNIQUES 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2401 PRIN HAIR COLORING THEORY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2410 ADVANCED HAIRCUTTING THEORY 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2439 ADVANCED HAIR DESIGN 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2441 PREP TEX COS COM EXAM 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CSME2541 PREP STATE LICENSE EXAM 22 Number of stations limit the class size for this program. CULA1301 BASIC FOOD PREPARATION 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA1305 SANITATION AND SAFETY 22 Tours are necessary part of the curriculum and businesses won't allow larger groups. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 10 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments CULA1341 AMERICAN REGIONAL CUISINE 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA1345 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA1409 GARDE MANGER 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA2264 PRACTICUM-CUL ARTS\CHEF I 11 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA2265 PRACTICUM-CUL ARTS\CHEF II 11 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA2302 SAUCIER 15 Labs are limited to 15 (2 labs for each lecture). Safety issues due to knives, heavy machinery, open flames, and electrical equipment. CULA2380 COOP ED-CUL ART\CHEF I 11 Must have a 1:1 ration with supervisor. Sites will rarely take more than one student and currently there are only 15 sites available. CULA2381 COOP ED-CUL ART\CHEF II 11 Must have a 1:1 ration with supervisor. Sites will rarely take more than one student and currently there are only 15 sites available. DAAC1319 INTRO ALCOHOL\OTHER DRUG 27 DAAC1341 COUNSELING ALCOHOL\DRUG ADD 27 DAAC1391 SPECIAL TPCS ALCOHOL\DRUG ABS 27 DAAC2341 COUNSELING ALCOHOL\DRUG ADD 27 DAAC2343 CURRENT ISSUES 27 DANC1101 CHOREOGRAPHY I 18 DANC1122 DANCES FROM SPAIN I 18 Normal optimum 14 - piggyback with DANC1123. DANC1123 DANCES FROM SPAIN II 18 Normal optimum 14 - piggyback with DANC1122. DANC1146 BEGIN MODERN DANCE II 18 DANC1150 BALLET FOLKLORICO II 18 DANC1151 DANCE PERFORMANCE I 18 DANC1152 DANCE PERFORMANCE II 18 DANC1212 DANCE PRACTICUM I 18 DANC1220 DANCES FROM SPAIN I 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC1221. DANC1221 DANCES FROM SPAIN II 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC1220. DANC1222 SPANISH DANCE I 16 DANC1223 SPANISH DANCE II 16 DANC1301 DANCE COMPOSITION 16 DANC1341 BALLET I 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC1342. DANC1342 BALLET II 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC1341. DANC1345 MODERN DANCE I (C) 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC1146. DANC1346 MODERN DANCE II 18 DANC1347 JAZZ I 18 DANC1348 JAZZ II 18 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Normal optimum is 4. This course is piggybacked with DANC1149 and DANC2149. Page 11 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DANC1349 BALLET FOLKLORICO I 18 DANC1350 BALLET FOLKLORICO II 18 DANC2122 DANCES FROM SPAIN III 16 DANC2123 DANCES FROM SPAIN IV 16 DANC2149 BALLET FOLKLORICO III 18 DANC2150 BALLET FOLKLORICO IV 18 DANC2151 DANCE PERFORMANCE III 18 DANC2152 DANCE PERFORMANCE IV 18 DANC2220 DANCES FROM SPAIN III 18 DANC2222 SPANISH DANCE III 18 DANC2303 DANCE APPRECIATION (C) 18 DANC2341 BALLET III 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC2342. DANC2342 BALLET IV 18 Normal optimum is 9. This course is piggybacked with DANC2341. DANC2345 MODERN DANCE III 18 DANC2346 MODERN DANCE IV 18 DANC2347 JAZZ III 18 DANC2348 JAZZ IV 18 DANC2349 BALLET FOLKLORICO III 18 Normal optimum is 12. This course is piggybacked with DANC2349 and DANC2350. DANC2350 BALLET FOLKLORICO IV 18 Normal optimum is 12. This course is piggybacked with DANC1150 and DANC2349. DEMR1229 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 12 DEMR1230 STEERING AND SUSPENSION I 12 DEMR1313 FUEL SYSTEMS 12 DEMR1317 BASIC BRAKE SYSTEMS 12 DEMR1323 HVAC TROUBLESHOOTING REPAIR 12 DEMR1327 TRACTOR TRAILER SERVICE REPAIR 12 DEMR1405 BASIC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 12 DEMR1406 DIESEL ENGINE I 12 Normal optimum is 12. This course is piggybacked with DANC2349 and DANC2350. Normal optimum is 12. This course is piggybacked with DANC1149 and DANC1150. DEMR1416 BASIC HYDRAULICS DEMR1421 POWER TRAIN I 12 DEMR1449 DIESEL ENGINE II 12 DEMR2334 ADV DIESEL TUNE-UP/TRBLSHOOT 12 DEMR2432 ELECTRONIC CONTROLS 12 DFTG1309 BASIC COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING 12 DFTG1313 DRAFTING FOR SPECIFIC OCCUP 15 DFTG1317 ARCH DRAFTING-RESIDENTIAL 12 DFTG1325 BLUEPRINT READING\SKETCHING 12 DFTG1333 MECHANICAL DRAFTING 12 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Courses added on March 16, 2014 Courses added on March 16, 2014 Courses added on March 16, 2014 Page 12 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DFTG1409 BASIC COMP-AIDED DRAFTING 15 DFTG1413 DRAFTING FOR SPECIFIC OCCUP 12 DFTG1417 ARCH DRAFTING-RESIDENTIAL 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1429 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1433 MECHANICAL DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1444 PIPE DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1448 TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1452 INTERMED COMP-AIDED DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1454 ARCH DRAFTING-COMMERCIAL 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG1458 ELECTRICAL\ELECTRONICS DRAFT 10 This course requires intesnive hands on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intesity faculty interaction. DFTG1470 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS DRAFT 10 This course requires intesnive hands on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intesity faculty interaction. DFTG1494 SPECIAL TPC ELEC\ELEC DRAFTING 10 This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2321 TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAFTING 12 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. DFTG2328 ARCH DRAFTING-COMMERCIAL 12 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. DFTG2332 ADV COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING 12 Courses added on March 16, 2014 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. Page 13 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DFTG2340 SOLID MODELING/DESIGN 12 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. DFTG2380 COOP ED-DRAFTING\DESIGN I 11 Coop DFTG2381 COOP ED-DRAFTING\DESIGN II 11 Coop DFTG2402 MACHINE DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2410 STRUCTURAL DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2412 TECH ILLUSTRATION\PRESENTATION 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2419 INTERMED COMP-AIDED DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2421 TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2423 PIPE DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2427 LANDSCAPE DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2428 ARCH DRAFTING-COMMERCIAL 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2432 ADV COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 14 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DFTG2440 SOLID MODELING\DESIGN 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2444 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2448 PLANE SURVEYING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2450 GEO DIMENSION AND TOLERANCING 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2452 MECHANICAL\ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2458 ADVANCED MACHINE DESIGN 15 Maximums are to be kept at 12 for room VV-A1509 (there are only 12 stations). In rooms VV-A1511 & VV-A15123, setting the optimum at 15 means that one student will have to use the instructors station during class. This course requires intensive hands-on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intensity faculty interaction. DFTG2470 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN DRAFTING 10 This course requires intesnive hands on training using complex computer programs to complete complicated tasks. It requires high intesity faculty interaction. DHYG1171 TERM FOR DENTAL PROFESSIONAL 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be scheduled in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1207 GENERAL\DENTAL NUTRITION 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. This course compines dental assisting and dental hygiene students. DHYG1211 PERIODONTOLOGY 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be scheduled in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1219 DENTAL MATERIALS 18 Formally DHYG1319; course changed Fall 2010. DHYG1223 DENTAL HYGIENE PRACTICE 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG1227 PREVENT DENTAL HYGIENE CARE 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG1235 PHARMACOLOGY DENTAL HYGIENIST 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 15 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DHYG1239 GENERAL AND ORAL PATHOLOGY 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1261 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE I 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1301 OROFCL ANAT, HST\EMBRY 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1304 DENTAL RADIOLOGY 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1315 COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG1319 DENTAL MATERIALS 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1431 PRECLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG1470 MICROORGANISMS & DISEASE 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG2161 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE II 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG2201 CONTEM DENTAL HYG CARE I 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG2231 CONTEM DENT HYGIENE CARE II 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. DHYG2253 DENTAL HYGIENE PRACTICE 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG2261 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE II 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG2262 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE III 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG2362 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE III 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DHYG2363 CLINICAL-DENTAL HYGIENE IV 18 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:5 faculty to student ratio. Equipment availability issues. Equipment ratio is 1:1 chair to student. Currently have only 16 chairs. Lab should be schedule in RG A110A or A110B only. DMSO1160 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO TECH I 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1210 INTRO TO SONOGRAPHY 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1260 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO TECH I 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1302 BASIC ULTRASOUND PHYSICS 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. Page 16 of 55 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Course Title Optimum Comments DMSO1310 INTRODUCTION TO SONOGRAPHY 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1342 INTERMEDIATE ULTRASOUND PHYSIC 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1355 SONOGRAPHIC PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1360 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO TECH I 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1441 ULTRASOUND I 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1451 SONOGRAPHIC SECTIONAL ANAT 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO1460 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO TEC II 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2101 ULTRASOUND INSTRUMENTATION 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2203 SONOGRAPHY DEPT FUNCTIONS 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2254 NEUROSONOLOGY 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2266 PRACTM (FIELD)SONO-ULTRA I 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2267 PRACTM (FIELD)SONO-ULTRA II 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2343 ADV ACOUSTICAL PHYSICS 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2345 ADV SONOGRAPHY PRACTICES 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2353 SONOGRAPHY SUPERFICIAL STRUCT 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2360 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO III 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2366 PRACTICUM DIAG MED SONO III 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2405 SONOGRAPHY OBSTETRICS\GYN 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2441 ULTRASOUND II 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2460 CLNC-DIAGNSTIC MED SONO TEC IV 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DMSO2505 SONOGRAPHY OBSTETRICS\GYN 7 JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. DNTA1202 COMM\BEHAVIOR IN DENTAL OFFICE 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1241 DENTAL LAB PROCEDURES 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1245 PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 17 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments DNTA1251 DENTAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1301 DENTAL MATERIALS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1305 DENTAL RADIOLOGY 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1311 DENTAL SCIENCE 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1315 CHAIRSIDE ASSISTING 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1351 DENTAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1353 DENTAL ASSIST APPLICATIONS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1360 CLINICAL-DENTAL ASSISTING I 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1401 DENTAL MATERIALS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1447 ADVANCED DENTAL SCIENCE 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA1453 DENTAL ASSISTING APPLICATIONS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2152 ADV DENTAL RADIOLOGY 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 18 of 55 Course Title Optimum DNTA2230 SEMINAR FOR DENTAL ASSISTANT 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2250 ADV DENTAL ASSIST APPLICATIONS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2252 ADV DENTAL RADIOLOGY 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2350 ADV DENTAL ASSIST APPLICATIONS 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2360 CLINICAL-DENTAL ASSISTING I 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2363 CLINICAL-DENTAL ASSISTING II 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2370 DENTAL COMMUNITY HLTH I 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DNTA2371 DENTAL COMMUNITY HLTH II 10 Current facility has only 10 stations. Advisory board recommends staggered graduations with approximately 10 students per graduating class due to market demands. Accrediting guidelines recommend a maximum oration of 1:2 faculty to student ratio. Lab should be scheduled in A110B only. DRAM1120 THEATER PRACTICUM I 15 DRAM1121 THEATER PRACTICUM II 15 DRAM1310 INTRO TO THEATER (C) 35 DRAM1330 STAGECRAFT I 15 DRAM1351 ACTING I 12 DRAM1352 ACTING II 12 DRAM2120 THEATER PRACTICUM III 15 DRAM2121 BASIC THEATRE PRACT IV 15 DRAM2331 STAGECRAFT II 15 DRAM2336 VOICE FOR THE THEATER 35 DRAM2351 ACTING III 12 DRAM2361 HISTORY OF THE THEATER 35 DRAM2362 THEATER HIST AND LITERATURE I 35 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Comments Safety issues because of use of power tools. Safety issues because of use of power tools. Page 19 of 55 Course Title Optimum DRAM2363 THEATER HIST AND LITERATURE II 35 DRAM2366 INTRO TO FILM (CF) 35 DRAM2367 FILM ANALYSIS 35 DRAM2389 ACADEMIC COOPERATIVE 12 DSVT1103 INTRO TO VASCULAR TECH 7 Comments JRC national accreditation limits program to 7 participants. Clinical site availability issues. ECON1301 BASIC ECONOMIC ISSUES (C) 40 gradual reduction to 36 once classrooms/faculty are identified. ECON2301 PRIN OF MACROECONOMICS (CF) 40 TV Course; Video-Conferencing; Online; gradual reduction to 36 once classrooms/faculty are identified. ECON2302 PRIN OF MICROECONOMICS (CF) 40 TV Course; Video-Conferencing; Online; gradual reduction to 36 once classrooms/faculty are identified. ECRD1211 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 12 EDTC1250 11 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT EDUC1300 MASTER ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (C) 28 EDUC1301 INTRO TEACHING PROFESSION 22 EDUC2170 INTRO TO EDUCATION 28 EDUC2301 INTRO SPECIAL POPULATIONS 22 EECT2435 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 16 EECT2439 COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS 16 ELMT2433 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 12 ELPT1319 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY I 12 ELPT1320 FUNDAMENTALS ELECTRICITY II 12 ELPT1321 INTRO ELECTRICAL SAFETY\TOOLS 12 ELPT1325 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE I 12 ELPT1341 MOTOR CONTROL 12 ELPT2201 JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN REVIEW 12 ELPT2325 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE II 12 ELTN1343 ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING 12 Course is part of the Border Health Issues Enhanced Skills (BHIES). EMSP1160 CLNC-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECH I 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio EMSP1161 CLNC-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECH II 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP1162 CLC-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECH III 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP1355 TRAUMA MANAGEMENT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP1356 PATIENT ASSESS\AIRWAY MGMT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP1358 EMS RESPONSE STRT-STREET SENSE 24 Team taught. Texas Department of Health and National Registry requires 1:8 faculty to student ratio. Equipment issues. EMSP1438 INTRO ADVANCED PRACTICE 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP1501 EMERGENCY MED TECH 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2143 ASSESSMENT BASED MANAGEMENT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2160 CLC-EMERGENCY MEDICAL EMT IV 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 20 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments EMSP2243 ASSESSMENT BASED MGMT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2266 PRACTICUM-EMT\TECHNICIAN 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2338 EMS OPERATIONS 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2348 EMERGENCY PHARMACOLOGY 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2388 INTERNSHIP-EMT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2430 SPECIAL POPULATIONS 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2444 CARDIOLOGY 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2445 EMS SUPERVISION/MANAGEMENT 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. EMSP2534 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 24 Team Taught; TX Depot of Health & National registry requires 1:8 ratio; equipment issues. ENGL0309 COLLEGE PREP WRITING (M) 27 This course was formally BASK0303 (changed as of Fall 2005) ENGL0310 BASIC ENGLISH COMP (M) 27 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL1301 EXPOSITORY ENGLISH COMP (C) 30 TV Course; Video-Conferencing; Online; Facutly recruitment issues. ENGL1302 RESEARCH WRIT \ LIT ANALY (C) 30 Video-Conferencing; Online; Facutly recruitment issues. ENGL2307 CW: THEORY AND TECHNIQUE 30 ENGL2308 CW: APPLICATION AND WORKSHOP 30 ENGL2311 TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS WRITING 30 ENGL2314 TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING 30 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2322 BL SURVEY: ANGLO-SAXON 18 (C) 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2323 BL SURVEY: 18TH TO MODERN (C) 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2327 AL: COLONIAL TO CIVIL WAR 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2328 AL: CIVIL WAR TO MODERN 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2332 WL: ANCIENT TO 16TH CENTUR (C) 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2333 WL: 17TH CENTURY TO MODERN (C) 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2341 INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE 30 ENGL2342 INTRO NOVEL\SHORT STORY (C) 34 ENGL2343 INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA (C) 34 ENGL2351 CHICANA\O LITERATURE (CF) 34 ENGL2372 ADV LIT ANALYSIS: INTRO POETRY 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2373 ADV LIT ANL: WOMEN LIT (CF) 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2374 ADV LIT ANL: INTRO CHICANO LIT 34 Faculty recruitment issues. ENGL2389 ACADEMIC COOP (HONORS) 34 ENGR1204 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS 35 Formally ENGR1304; course changed Fall 2010. ENGR1304 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS 35 Lab holds 32; Faculty recruitment issues. ENGR1401 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING 35 ENGR1470 INTRO TO ELECTRICAL ENGR 35 Course added Fall 2010. ENGR2301 MECHANICS I: STATICS (F) 35 Lab holds 32; Faculty recruitment issues. ENGR2302 MECHANICS II: DYNAMICS (CF) 35 Lab holds 32; Faculty recruitment issues. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 21 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ENGR2304 PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS 35 ENGR2305 ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS 35 ENGR2308 ECON FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENT 35 Course added Fall 2013. ENGR2332 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 35 Course added Fall 2010. ENGR2334 INTRO TO THERMO-FLUIDS 35 Course offered Fall 2013. ENGR2372 ECONOMY ENGINEER/SCIENTIST (C) 35 Course added Fall 2010. ENGR2375 INTRO TO THERMAL-FLUIDS 35 Course added Fall 2010. ENGR2406 INTRO TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS 35 Course offered Fall 2013. ENGR2471 STATIC AND MECHANIC OF MAT (F) 35 ENGR2473 INTRO TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS 35 ENTC2414 FACILITY OPER\MAINTENANCE I 12 ENTC2439 FACILITY OPER\MAINTENANCE II 12 ENVR1401 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE I 30 EPCT1301 HAZ WASTE OPER\EMG RESPONSE 15 Safety issues due to hazardous materials. EPCT1311 INTRO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 15 Video-Conferencing; Safety issues due to hazardous materials. EPCT1344 ENVIRONMENT SAMPLING\ANALY 15 Safety issues due to hazardous materials. EPCT1347 WASTE MINIMIZ\POLLUT PREVENT 15 Safety issues due to hazardous materials. EPCT1349 ENVT REGUL INTERP\APPLICATIONS 15 Video-Conferencing; Safety issues due to hazardous materials. EPCT2337 SITE ASSESSMENT 15 EPCT2388 INTERNSHIP-ENVT ENGR TECH 15 Independent Study ESAL0301 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN I (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESAL0302 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN II (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESAL0303 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN III (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESAL0304 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN IV (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESAL0305 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN V (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Course added Fall 2010. Course added Fall 2010. Page 22 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ESAL0306 ENGLISH SPEAK & LISTEN VI (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0301 WRITING FOCUS I (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0302 STRUCTURE FOCUS I (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0303 WRITING FOCUS II (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0304 STRUCTURE FOCUS II (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0305 WRITING FOCUS III (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0306 STRUCTURE FOCUS III (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0307 WRITING FOCUS IV (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0308 STRUCTURE FOCUS IV (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0309 WRITING FOCUS V (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0310 STRUCTURE FOCUS V (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0311 WRITING FOCUS VI (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 23 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ESOL0312 STRUCTURE FOCUS VI (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0315 HIGH BEG READ AND WRIT (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0316 LOW INTERM READ AND WRIT (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0317 HIGH INTER READ AND WRIT (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0325 HIGH BEG LISTEN\SPEAK (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0326 INTER LISTEN\SPEAK (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0327 ADVANCED LISTEN\SPEAK (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0335 GRAMMAR I (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0336 GRAMMAR II (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0340 ADVANCED READING (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0341 ADVANCED WRITING (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. ESOL0342 GRAMMAR FOR ACAD WRITING (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 24 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments FDNS1103 INTRODUCTION TO DIETETICS 20 FDNS1260 CLNC-DIETETIC\DIETITIAN (RD) I 10 FDNS1300 FOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 34 Open Enrollment. This course does not require specialized admissions. FDNS1301 INTRODUCTION TO FOODS 16 1:8 maximum for lab equipment. This courese does not require special admissions. Laboratory limits number of students. FDNS1305 NUTRITION 35 Open Enrollment. This course does not require specialized admissions. FDNS1309 NUTRITION IN COMMUNITY 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS1341 NUTRITION IN LIFE CYCLE 35 Open Enrollment. This course does not require specialized admissions. FDNS1345 MEDICAL NUTRITION THPY I 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS1346 MEDICAL NUTRITION THRYP II 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS1447 MEDICAL NUTRITION THRPY III 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS2133 DIETETIC SEMINAR 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS2300 FOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 34 FDNS2360 CLC-DIETETIC\DIETITIAN (RD) II 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FDNS2361 CL-DIETETIC\DIETITIAN (RD) III 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. FIRS1100 FIREFIGHT AGILITY\PHY FITNESS 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1103 FIREFIGHT AGILITY\FITNESS PREP 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1170 FIREFIGHT AGILITY\ PHY FITNESS 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1301 FIREFIGHTER CERT I 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1313 FIREFIGHTER CERT III 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1401 FIREFIGHTER CERT I 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 maximum. FIRS1407 FIREFIGHTER CERT II 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1413 FIREFIGHTER CERT III 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1419 FIREFIGHTER CERT IV 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRS1433 FIREFIGHTER CERT VII 50 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRT1301 FUND FIRE PROTECTION 30 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRT1303 FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATION I 30 Class size is dictated by the El Paso Fire Department. Team taught with a requirement for 1:10 max. FIRT1305 PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS 30 Video Conferencing FIRT1307 FIRE PREVENT CODES\INSPECT 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1309 FIRE ADMINISTRATION I 30 Video Conferencing; Online; Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1311 FIRE SERVICE HYDRAULICS 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1315 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1319 FIREFGHT HEALTH AND SAFETY 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 This course does not require specialized admissions. Page 25 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments FIRT1327 BUILDING CONS FIRE SERVICE 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1331 FIREFIGHT STRAT\TACTICS I 30 Video Conferencing FIRT1338 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 30 Video Conferencing FIRT1340 FIRE INSPECTOR II 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT1342 FIRE OFFICER I 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT1343 FIRE OFFICER II 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT1349 FIRE ADMINISTRATION II 30 Video Conferencing; Online FIRT1353 LEGAL ASPECTS FIRE PROTECT 30 Video Conferencing; Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1355 METHODS OF TEACHING 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located store room for the large amount of class materials. FIRT1408 FIRE INSPECTOR I 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT1445 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS II 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located storeroom for the large amount of class materials. Because of hazardous materials, requires a 1:10 ratio. FIRT2305 FIRE INSTRUCTOR I 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT2307 FIRE INSTRUCTOR II 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT2309 FIREFIGHT STRAT AND TACTICS I 30 Video Conferencing FIRT2331 FIREFIGHT STRAT\TACTICS II 30 Video Conferencing; if not taught in a class that holds more than 20 students. FIRT2351 COMPANY FIRE OFFICER 20 New course as of Spring 2011. FIRT2433 FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIG II 30 Currently VV AV2A only holds 20. Requires a co-located storeroom for the large amount of class materials. Because of hazardous materials, requires a 1:10 ratio. FLMC1191 SPEC TOP FILM\CINEMA STUD I 17 FLMC1291 SPEC TOP FILM\CINEMA STUD II 17 FLMC1300 PRODUCTION MANAGMENT 17 FLMC1304 LIGHTING FOR FILM OR VIDEO 17 FLMC1331 VIDEO GRAPHICS VISUAL EFFECT I 17 FLMC1391 SPEC TOP FILM\CINEMA/STUD III 17 FLMC2310 FILM-STYLE PRODUCTION 17 FLMC2330 AUDIO POST PRODUCTION 17 FLMC2331 VIDEO GRAPH VISUAL EFFECT II 17 FLMC2335 SCRWRIT FEAT SHORT/DOCUMTRS 17 Course added Fall 2010.. FLMC2336 PRODUCTION DEVELOP/PRODUCING 17 Course added Fall 2010. FLMC2380 COOP ED-CINEMA FILM/VID PROD I 11 FLMC2381 COOP ED-CIN FILM/VIDEO PROD II 11 FREN1300 CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. FREN1311 BEGINNING FRENCH I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. FREN1312 BEGINNING FRENCH II 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. FREN1411 BEGINNING FRENCH I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. FREN1412 BEGINNING FRENCH II 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 26 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments FREN2311 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. FSHD1311 FASHION HISTORY 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD1322 FASHION SKETCHING 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD1328 FLAT PATTERN DESIGN I 14 Video Conferencing; Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD1346 FASHION ILLUSTRATION MEDIA 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD2306 DRAPING-FASH\APPAREL DESIGN 10 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD2343 FASHION COLLECTION DESIGN 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHD2344 FASHION COLLECTION PRODUCTION 10 FSHD2370 COMPUTER-AIDED APPAREL DSGN 10 FSHD2371 APPAREL PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT 10 FSHN1301 TEXTILES 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN1311 GARMENT CONSTRUCTION 10 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN1315 DRAPING-APPAREL\TEXT MRKET MGT 10 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN2301 FASHION PROMOTION 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN2303 FASHION BUYING 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN2305 FASHION RETAILING 14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. FSHN2380 COOP ED-APPAREL\TEXT MANUFACT 11 Section is piggybacked with FSHN2382 for a total of 11 students FSHN2382 COOP ED-FASHION MERCHANDIS 11 Section is piggybacked with FSHN2380 for a total of 11 students GEOG1301 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 40 Faculty availability issues - Under Review (36). GEOG1302 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY 40 Faculty availability issues - Under Review (36). GEOL1101 PRIN OF EARTH SCIENCE LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1102 PRINCIPLES OF GEOL LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1103 PHYSICAL GEOL LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1104 HISTORICAL GEOL LAB 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1301 PRINCIPLES EARTH SCIENCES (C) 30 Video Conferencing; Faculty availability; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1302 PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY (C) 30 Video Conferencing; Faculty availability; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1303 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1304 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (C) 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL1305 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 30 Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1401 PRIN OF EARTH SCIENCES (C) 30 Formally GEOL1301.; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1402 PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY (C) 30 Formally GEOL1302.; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1403 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY (CF) 30 Faculty availability.; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL1404 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (C) 30 Faculty availability.; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 GEOL2289 RESEARCH TECHNIQUES IN GEOL 30 Courses added on March 16, 2014 GEOL2389 RESEARCH TECHNIQUES GEOLOGY 30 Course added Fall 2010.; Optimum changed to 30 on 051513 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Restricted by available tables, space, and limited computer work stations. Page 27 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments Course added Fall 2010. Field Methods class limited to 15 because of supplies, transportation, and safety issues. GEOL2407 GEOLOGICAL FIELD METHODS 15 GEOL2411 MINERALOGY 30 GERM1300 CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN I 25 Lack of locally available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. GERM1411 BEGINNING GERMAN I 25 Limited available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. GERM1412 BEGINNING GERMAN II 25 Limited available radio/TV and similar opportunities limits practical experience to the classroom. GERS1301 INTRO TO GERONTOLOGY 27 GERS1340 TREATMENT MOD WITH AGED 27 GERS1345 POLICIES\PROG OLDER ADULTS 27 GERS2370 TREATMENT MOD WITH AGED 27 GOVT2107 FEDERAL AND TEXAS CONSTITUTION 40 GOVT2305 AMERICAN GOVT \ POLITICS (C) 40 TV Course, Video Conferencing; Online GOVT2306 STATE \ LOCAL GOVERNMENT (C) 40 TV Course, Video Conferencing; Online GOVT2311 MEXICAN-AMERICAN POLITICS (F) 40 GRPH1322 ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING I 22 These are part of the POCT area. GRPH1359 VECTOR GRAPHICS FOR PRODUCTION 22 These are part of the POCT area. HAMG1300 INTRO CASINO\GAMING INDUSTRY 30 Course added Fall 2010. HAMG1313 FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT 30 HAMG1317 RECREATIONAL SERVICES 30 HAMG1319 COMPUTERS IN HOSPITALITY 30 HAMG1321 INTRO HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 30 HAMG1340 HOSPITALITY LEGAL ISSUES 30 HAMG1342 GUEST ROOM MAINTENANCE 30 HAMG2266 PRACT-HOSP ADMIN\MGMT, GEN 11 HAMG2302 HOSP SECURIT AND LOSS PREVENT 30 HAMG2305 HOSPITALITY MANAGE\LEADERSHP 30 HAMG2307 HOSPITALITY MARKETING\SALES 30 HAMG2332 HOSP FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 30 HAMG2337 HOSPITALITY FACILITIES MGMT 30 HAMG2371 HOTEL\MOTEL SECURITY MGMT 30 HAMG2372 RESORT DEVELOPMENT\MGMT 30 HAMG2373 GAMING OPERATIONS 30 HAMG2380 COOP ED-HOSP ADMIN MGT I 11 HAMG2381 COOP ED-HOSP ADMIN MGMT II 11 HART1370 INTRO TO RENEWABLE ENERGY 15 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. HART1401 BASIC ELECTRICTY FOR HVAC 15 Only 1 trainer. HART1403 AIR COND CONTROL PRINCIPLES 15 Only 1 trainer. HART1407 REFRIGERATION PRINCIPLES 15 Only 1 trainer. HART1441 RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONING 15 Only 1 trainer. HART1442 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 15 Only 1 trainer. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 28 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments HART2380 CO-ED HEAT\AIR AND REFRIG TECH 11 Independent Study. HART2441 COMMERCIAL AIR CONDITIONING 15 Only 1 trainer. HART2442 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 15 HART2445 RESIDNT AIR COND SYSTEM DESIGN 12 Only 2 computers. HART2470 PNEUMATICS\SYSTEM CONTROLLERS 15 Only 1 trainer. HECO1322 NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY 30 HIST1301 HIST OF US TO 1865 (C) 40 TV Course; Video Conferencing; Online; UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST1302 HIST OF US SINCE 1865 (C) 40 TV Course; Video Conferencing; Online; UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST1370 WOMEN IN U.S. HISTORY 40 Video Conferencing; UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST1371 HISTORY PASS OF THE NORTH 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST2300 ADVANCED HISTORICAL ANALYSIS 40 HIST2301 TEXAS HISTORY 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST2311 WORLD HISTORY TO 1648 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST2312 WORLD HISTORY 1648 TO PRESENT 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST2321 WORLD HISTORY TO 1648(C) 40 HIST2322 WORLD HISTORY 1648 TO PRESENT 40 HIST2328 HISTORY MEXICAN-AMERICAN (F) 40 HIST2371 HISTORY PASS OF THE NORTH 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HIST2380 HISTORY MEXICAN-AMERICAN 40 UNDER REVIEW (36) HITT1205 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY I 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1253 LEGAL\ETHICAL ASP HLTH INFO 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1255 HEALTH CARE STATISTICS 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1311 HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS 12 HITT1342 AMBULATORY CODING 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1353 LEGAL\ETHICAL ASPECTS OF HLTH 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1360 CLNC-HLTH INFO\MED RECORDS I 10 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1366 PRCT-HLTH INFO\MED RECORDS I 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1370 INSURANCE BILL/REIMBURSEMENT 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1401 HEALTH DATA CONT\STRUCTURE 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1441 CODING\CLASSIFICATION SYST 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT1442 AMBULATORY CODING 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2239 HLTH INFO ORGANIZ\SUPERVSN 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2331 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY-ADV 28 Open enrollment course. This course does not require specialized admissions. HITT2339 HLTH INFO ORGANIZ\SUPERVSN 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2343 QUALITY ASSESS\PERFM IMPROV 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 29 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments HITT2360 CLNC HLTH INFO\MED RECORDS II 10 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2361 CLNC HLTH INFO\MED RECORDS III 10 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2366 PRCT-HLTH INFO\MED RECORDS II 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2370 COMPUTERS HEALTH INFOR TECH 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2371 AMBULATORY CODING 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HITT2435 CODING\REIMBURSEMENT METHD 12 Courses should be scheduled in RG B307due to specialized software; Lab stations currently limited to 12. HMSY1337 INTRO HOMELAND SECURITY 32 HMSY1342 UNDERSTAND\COMBAT TERRORISM 32 HMSY1343 WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION 32 HPRS1109 INTERPRETATION LAB RESULTS 28 1:12 maximum for tours in health care facilities; Concurrent CE HPRS1170 INTERPRETATION LAB TESTS 28 1:12 maximum for tours in health care facilities; Concurrent CE HPRS1201 INTRO HEALTH PROFESSIONS 24 1:12 maximum for tours in health care facilities; Concurrent CE HPRS1202 WELLNESS AND HEALTH PROMOTION 30 Concurrent CE HPRS1205 ESSENT MED LAW\ETHICS HLTH PRO 30 Video Conferencing; Concurrent CE HPRS1206 ESSENTLS MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 28 Concurrent CE HPRS1208 TEAM BUILD AND COMMUN SKILLS 30 HPRS1209 INTERPRETATION LAB RESULTS 30 HPRS1303 END OF LIFE ISSUES 30 HPRS2201 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 30 HPRS2300 PHARMACOLOGY HLTH PROFESSIONS 30 HPRS2301 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 30 HPRS2332 HEALTH CARE COMMUNICATIONS 35 HPRS2333 CONSUMER HLTH DELIVERY SYSTS 30 Concurrent CE; Scheduled in computer laboratories; Optimum contingent on lab stations. HRPO1305 MANAGEMENT LABOR RELATIONS 35 HRPO2301 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 35 HRPO2307 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 35 HUMA1301 INTRO HUMAN I: WOMEN'S STUDIES 34 HUMA1302 INTR HUMAN II: MEDIC SOCIOLOGY 35 HUMA1305 INTRO CHICANA/O STUDIES(F) 34 HUMA1311 MEXICAN-AMERICAN ART (F) 34 HYDR1409 BSC FLUID POWER I (HYDRAULICS) 10 HYDR1415 BSC FLUID POWER I (PNEUMATICS) 10 HYDR1445 HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS 10 IBUS1302 PRIN IMPORTS\EXPORTS II 35 Online. IBUS1305 INTRO INTERNATIONAL BUS\TRADE 35 Online. IBUS1351 COORD MULTINATIONAL INDUST 35 IBUS1354 INTL MARKETING MANAGEMENT 35 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Video Conferencing. Online. Page 30 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments IBUS1371 ECONOMICS OF INTL TRADE 35 IBUS1391 SPECIAL TOPICS INTL TRADE 35 IBUS2331 INTRL HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT 35 IBUS2335 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW 35 IBUS2339 INTL BANKING\TRADE FINANCE 35 IBUS2345 IMPORT CUSTOMS REGULATIONS 35 IBUS2380 COOP ED-INTL BUSN\TRADE I 35 IBUS2381 COOP ED-INTL BUSN\TRADE II 35 IMED1301 INTRO TO MULTIMEDIA 16 Only 8 computers. Part of the POCT area. IMED1316 WEB DESIGN I 16 Only 8 computers. Part of the POCT area. IMED1343 DIGITAL SOUND 16 Only 8 computers. Part of the POCT area. IMED1345 INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA I 16 Only 8 computers. Part of the POCT area. IMED2311 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT 16 Only 8 computers. Part of the POCT area. INDS1311 FUNDAMENTALS INTERIOR DESIGN 12 Equipment limitations. INDS1315 MATERIALS, METHODS\ESTIMATING 12 Equipment limitations. INDS1341 COLOR THEORY AND APPLICATION 12 Equipment limitations. INDS1345 COMMERCIAL DESIGN I 12 Equipment limitations. INDS1349 FUNDAMENTALS SPACE PLANNING 12 Equipment limitations. INDS1351 HISTORY OF INTERIORS I 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2305 INTERIOR DESIGN GRAPHICS 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2307 TEXTILES INTERIOR DESIGN 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2313 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN I 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2315 LIGHTING INTERIOR DESIGN 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2321 PRESENTATION DRAWING 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2325 PROF PRACTICE INTERIOR DESIGN 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2337 PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION 12 Equipment limitations. INDS2364 PRACTICUM-INTERIOR DESIGN 11 Independent Study. INDS2365 PRACTICUM-INTERIOR DESIGN II 11 Independent Study. INDS2387 INTERNSHIP-INTERIOR DESIGN 12 Courses added on March 16, 2014 INDS2405 INTERIOR DESIGN GRAPHICS 12 INEW2338 ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING 28 INMT1370 INTRO COMPUTER INDUSTRIAL APPL 12 INMT1405 INTRO INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE 28 INMT1470 MATERIALS MANUFACT PROCESS 12 INMT2334 NUM CNTRL\COMP NUM CNTRL PROG 12 INMT2380 COOP ED-MANUFACTURING TECH 11 INRW0311 INTEGRATED READ AND WRIT (M) 27 INSR1351 ESSENTIALS OF RISK MANAGEMENT 35 INSR1370 INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE REP 35 INTC1307 ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIPMENT 16 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Online. Online. Online. Coop/Independent Study. Page 31 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments INTC1357 AC\DC MOTOR CONTROL 14 INTC1470 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 12 ITCC1301 EXPLORATION-NETWORK FUNDMNTLS 18 ITCC1302 CCNA 1: NETWORKING BASICS 18 ITCC1304 CISCO EXPL 2 ROUTING PROTCLS 18 ITCC1306 CCNA 2: ROUTER\ROUTING BSCS 18 ITCC1342 CCNA 3: SWITCH BSC\INTER ROUT 18 ITCC1346 CCNA 4: WAN TECHNOLOGIES 18 ITCC2308 CISCO EXPL 3 LAN SWTCH\WRELESS 18 ITCC2310 CISCO EXPLOR 4-ACCESS WAN 18 ITCC2332 CCNA 5: ADVANCED ROUTING 18 ITCC2336 CCNA 6: REMOTE ACCESS 18 ITCC2340 CCNA 7: MULTILAYER SWITCHING 18 ITCC2341 CCNA SECURITY 18 ITCC2344 CCNA 8: NETWORK TROUBLESHOOT 18 ITCC2350 BUILDING SCALABLE INTER/WORKS 18 ITCC2351 IMPLMNT/SECURE/CONVERGE/WAN 18 ITCC2352 BUILDNG MULTILAYER SWITCH NET 18 ITCC2353 OPTIMIZING CONVERGED NTWKS 18 ITCC2354 CCNP-ROUT-IMPLEM IP ROUT 18 ITCC2356 CCNP TSHOOT MAIN\TROU IP NET 18 ITDF1300 INTRO TO DIGITAL FORENSICS 18 ITMC1301 MICROSOFT WIND 2000 NETWORK 28 ITMC1341 IMPL MICROSOFT WIND 2000 PROF 28 ITMC1342 IMPLEMENT MCRSFT WN 2000 INFRA 28 ITMC1343 IMPLEMENT\ADMIN WIN DIR SERV 28 ITMT1300 IMPLMNT\SUP MICROSOFT XP PROF 28 New section as of Fall 2005 ITMT1340 MANAGING\MAINTAIN MICRO WINDOW 28 Formally ITNW1370 changed as of Fall 2005. ITMT1350 IMPLEMENT,MANAGING\MAINTAIN 28 Formally ITNW1353 changed as of Fall 2005. ITNW1308 IMPLMNT\SUP CLIENT OPT SYSTEMS 28 ITNW1325 FUND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES 28 ITNW1333 MICROSOFT NETWORK ESSENTIALS 28 ITNW1353 SUPPORT NETWORK SERVER INFRAS 28 ITNW1354 IMPLMNT\SUPPORTING SERVERS 28 ITNW1370 MAN & MAINT MICROSOFT WIND ENV 28 ITNW2309 NETWORK ADMIN FOR INTRANET 28 ITNW2321 NETWORK WITH TCP\IP 28 ITNW2339 ADV NETWORK ADMIN NOVELL NTWK 28 ITNW2354 INTERNET\INTRANET SERVER 28 ITNW2371 HEALTH INFORMATION NETWORKING 28 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 4 stations should be 1:3 Online. Online. Online. Page 32 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments ITNW2372 MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 28 ITSC1301 INTRODUCTION COMPUTERS 28 Online. ITSC1305 INTRO PC OPERATING SYSTEMS 28 Online. ITSC1307 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM I 28 Online. ITSC1311 AS\400 OPERATING SYSTEM I 28 Online. ITSC1313 INTERNET\WEB PAGE DEVELOP 28 Online. ITSC1315 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 28 ITSC1316 LINUX INSTALL\CONFIGURATION 28 ITSC1325 PERSONAL COMPUTER HARDWARE 28 ITSC1347 UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION II 28 ITSC1358 UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION I 28 ITSC1391 ST/COMPUTER INFO TECHNOLOGIES 28 ITSC2321 INTEGRATED SOFTWARE APP II 28 ITSC2325 ADVANCED LINUX 28 ITSC2337 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM II 28 ITSC2370 ADVANCED LINUX 28 ITSC2371 UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION I 28 ITSC2372 UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION II 28 ITSC2380 COOP ED-COMP INFO SCI, GEN I 11 Coop/Independent Study. ITSC2381 COOP ED-COMP INFO SCI,GEN II 11 Coop/Independent Study. ITSE1307 INTRO C++ PROGRAMMING 28 Online. ITSE1311 BEGINNING WEB PAGE PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE1314 INTRO RPG PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE1318 INTRO COBOL PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE1329 PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN 28 ITSE1331 INTRO VISUAL BASIC PROG 28 ITSE1335 INTRO BASIC PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE1345 INTRO TO ORACLE SQL 28 ITSE1350 SYSTEM ANALYSIS\DESIGN 30 ITSE1359 INTRO TO SCRIPT LANGUAGES 28 ITSE2302 INTERMEDIATE WEB PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2309 DATABASE PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2313 WEB AUTHORING 28 ITSE2317 JAVA PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2331 ADVANCED C++ PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2347 ADV DATABASE PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2349 ADV VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING 28 ITSE2351 ADVANCE COBOL PROGRAMMING 28 ITSW1310 INTRO PRESENT GRAPHIC SOFTWARE 28 Online. ITSW1313 INTRO DATA ENTRY 28 Online. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Online. Added 011513 Online. Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. Online. Page 33 of 55 Course Title Optimum ITSW1370 MICROSOFT CERT/REV OUTLOOK 28 ITSW2301 FUND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SY 28 ITSW2331 ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING 28 ITSW2334 ADVANCED SPREADSHEETS 28 ITSY1300 FUND INFORMATION SECURITY 28 ITSY2300 OPERATING SYSTEM SECURITY 28 ITSY2301 FIREWALLS\NETWORK SECURITY 28 ITSY2341 SECURITY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 28 ITSY2342 INCIDENT RESPONSE & HANDLING 28 ITSY2343 COMPUTER SYSTEM FORENSICS 28 ITSY2359 SECURITY ASSESSMENT\AUDITING 28 KINE1100 CONDITIONING 45 KINE1104 JOGGING 40 KINE1108 MARTIAL ARTS 20 KINE1116 BASKETBALL 32 KINE1120 SOCCER 32 KINE1170 CONDITIONING 45 KINE1171 JOGGING 40 KINE1172 MARTIAL ARTS 20 KINE1175 BASKETBALL 32 KINE1177 SOCCER 32 KINE1178 GOLF 18 KINE1301 FOUNDATIONS OF KINESIOLOGY 40 KINE1305 PRINCIPLES OF WELLNESS 40 KINE1306 FIRST AID AND SAFETY 10 KINE1321 COACHING\SPORTS\ATHLETICS I 35 KINE1322 COACHING\SPORT\ATHLETICS II 40 KINE1338 ESSENT STRENGTH\COND COACHES 22 KINE2100 WEIGHT TRAINING I 22 KINE2104 WEIGHT TRAINING II 22 KINE2108 TENNIS I 24 KINE2116 SWIMMING I 15 KINE2120 SWIMMING II 15 KINE2124 VOLLEYBALL I 36 KINE2132 KARATE I 20 KINE2136 KARATE II 20 KINE2170 WEIGHT TRAINING I 22 Saftey issue at VV. KINE2171 WEIGHT TRAINING II 22 Saftey issue at VV. KINE2172 TENNIS I 24 KINE2174 SWIMMING I 15 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Comments Online. Safety issue. Optimum lowered to 10 so course can be utilized for CPR and First-Aid Certification training. Maximum of 4 per lane. Page 34 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments KINE2175 SWIMMING II 15 Maximum of 4 per lane. KINE2176 VOLLEYBALL I 36 KINE2178 KARATE I 20 KINE2179 KARATE II 20 LGLA1301 LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING 22 LGLA1303 LEGAL RESEARCH 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1307 INTRO LAW\LEGAL PROFESSIONS 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1343 BANKRUPTCY 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1345 CIVIL LITIGATION 22 LGLA1346 CIVIL LITIGATION I 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1347 CIVIL LITIGATION II 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1351 CONTRACTS 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1353 WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATE ADMIN 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1355 FAMILY LAW 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA1359 IMMIGRATION LAW 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2303 TORTS PERSONAL INJURY LAW 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2309 REAL PROPERTY 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2311 BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2313 CRIMINAL LAW PROCEDURE 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2335 ADVANCED CIVIL LITIGATION 22 LGLA2370 US CITIZENSHIP NATURAL LAW 22 Increased reading required due to law library books. LGLA2380 COOP ED-LEGAL ASSISTANT I 11 Coop/Independent Study; UNDER REVIEW (13) LGLA2381 COOP ED-LEGAL ASSISTANT II 11 Coop/Independent Study; UNDER REVIEW (12) LMGT1319 INTRO BUSINESS LOGISTICS 35 MATH0124 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA RVIEW (M) 35 Course added as of Spring 2008 term. MATH0142 MATH FUND STATS (M) 35 Course added as of Spring 2012 term. MATH0200 STATWAY IB: DE MATH STATWAY IA 35 Course added as of Fall 2011 term. MATH0300 COLLEGE PREP MATH (M) 35 This section was formally BASK0306 (changed Fall 2005) MATH0301 BASIC MATHEMATICS (M) 35 This course was formally MATH0300 (changed as of Fall 2005) MATH0303 INTRODUCTORY ALGEBRA (M) 35 Gradual reduction to 30 (remedial norm) once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH0305 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA (M) 35 Gradual reduction to 30 (remedial norm) once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH0400 COLLEGE PREP STATS (M) 35 Course added as of Fall 2012 term. MATH0404 FOUNDATION OF MATH REASON (M) 35 Course added as of Fall 2013 term. MATH1171 STATWAY IA: STATISTICS I 35 Course added as of Fall 2011 term. MATH1314 PRECAL I COLLEGE ALGEBRA (CF) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH1324 INTRO MATH BUS & SOC SCI (C) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH1325 INTR ANALY BUS\SOC SCIENCE (F) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH1332 COLLEGE MATHEMATICS 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 35 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments MATH1333 COLLEGE MATHEMATICS II 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/facutly are identified. MATH1342 FUND OF STATISTICS (C) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH1350 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH I 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH1351 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH II 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2305 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2314 CALCULUS II (F) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2315 CALCULUS III 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2318 LINEAR ALGEBRA 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2320 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2412 PRECALCULUS II (C) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MATH2413 CALCULUS I (CF) 35 Faculty availability; gradual reduction to 33 once classrooms/faculty are identified. MCHN1271 BASIC WELD MACHINIST MOLD MAKE 15 MCHN1305 METALS AND HEAT TREATMENT 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1308 BASIC LATHE 10 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1313 BASIC MILLING OPERATIONS 10 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1317 MACHINE SHOP BLUEPRINT READ 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1320 PRECISION TOOLS MEASUREMENT 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1335 GRINDERS OUTSIDE INTRN SURFACE 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1338 MACHINING I 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN1438 BASIC MACHINE SHOP I 10 MCHN2171 INDUSTRIAL MACHINING LAB 12 MCHN2272 ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINE 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2331 OPERATION CNC TURNING CENTERS 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2334 OPERATION CNC MACHINING CENTER 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2335 ADVANCED CNC MACHINING 12 MCHN2338 ADV COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTUR 12 MCHN2341 ADV MACHINING OPERATIONS I 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2345 ADV MACHINING OPERATIONS II 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2371 COMPUTER ASSIST MANUFACT 12 Safety issues; 15 pieces of equipment; classroom space. MCHN2380 COOP ED-MACHINE TOOL TECH 12 MDCA1244 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY (EKG) 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1254 MED ASSIST CREDENTIAL EXAM 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1266 PRACTICUM-MEDICAL ASSIST 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1291 SPECIAL TOPIC MED ASSISTANT 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1302 HUMAN DISEASE\PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 36 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments MDCA1305 MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1309 ANAT & PHYS MED ASSISTANTS 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1310 MED ASST INTERPER COMM SKILLS 12 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. MDCA1313 MED TERMINOLOGY FOR MED ASSTS 12 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. MDCA1317 PROCEDURES IN A CLNCL SETTING 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1344 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY EKG 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1348 PHARMACOLOGY\ADMIN MEDICATNS 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1352 MEDICAL ASSISTANT LABOR PROC 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1356 PHLEBOTOMY (MDCA) 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1371 MED ASST CRED EXAM REVIEW 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1409 ANAT & PHYS MED ASSISTANTS 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1417 PROCEDURES CLINICAL SETTING 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1421 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1443 MEDICAL INSURANCE 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1448 PHARMACOLOGY\ADMIN MEDICATNS 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1452 MEDICAL ASSISTANT LABOR PROC 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1456 PHLEBOTOMY (MDCA) 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1460 CLINICAL-MEDICAL\ASSISTANT I 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1461 CLNC-MEDICAL\ASSISTANT I 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1517 PROCEDURES CLINICAL SETTING 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDCA1560 CLN-MEDICAL\CLINICAL ASST II 12 Concurrent CE; Optimum limited by facility laboratory stations. MDDT2133 DIETETIC SEMINAR 10 Clinical site maximum 1:10. METL1305 WELDING METALLURGY I 12 METL1405 WELDING METALLURGY I 12 MILS1170 INTRO TO BASIC MILITARY SKILLS 40 MILS1171 MILITARY LEADERSHIP I 40 MILS1270 INTRO LEADERSHIP SKILLS 40 MILS1271 MILITARY LEADERSHIP II 40 MLAB1101 INTRO CLINICAL LAB SCIENCE 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1123 PHLEBOTOMY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1127 COAGULATION 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1160 CLNC-MEDICAL LABORATORY TECH I 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1201 INTRO CLINICAL LAB SCIENCE 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 37 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments MLAB1211 URINALYSIS BODY FLUIDS 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1214 HEMATOLOGY I 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1215 HEMATOLOGY II 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1227 COAGULATION 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1231 PARASITOLOGY\MYCOLOGY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1235 IMMUNOLOGY\SEROLOGY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1260 CL-CLINICAL\MED LAB TECHN I 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1261 CL-CLINICAL/MED LAB TECH II 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1331 PARASITOLOGY\MYCOLOGY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1361 CL-CLINICAL\MED LAB TECH III 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1391 SPECIAL TOPIC MED LAB TECH 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB1415 HEMATOLOGY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2200 CHEMISTRY I (CLNC) 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2201 CHEMISTRY II (CLNC) 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2331 IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2338 ADV TOPICS MED LABORATORY TECH 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2360 CL-CLINICAL\MED LAB TECH IV 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2361 CL-CLINICAL\MED LAB TECH V 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2370 MEDICAL LAB TECH SEMINAR 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2401 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MLAB2434 MICROBIOLOGY (CLNC) 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. MRKG1311 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 35 TV Course. MRKG2312 E-COMMERCE 35 MRKG2349 ADVERT\SALES PROMOTION 35 MRMT1307 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION I 16 MRMT1311 COMPUTERS IN HEALTH CARE 16 MRMT1370 INTRO MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION 16 MRMT2370 MEDICAL TRANSCP SKILL-BUILDING 16 MRMT2433 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION II 16 MRMT2462 CLN-MED TRN\TRANSCRIPTIONIST I 10 MRMT2463 CLN-MED TRN\TRNSCRIPTIONIST II 10 MUAP1201 IND INSTRUCT STRING INS I (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1202 IND INSTR STRING INST II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1217 IND INS WOODWIND INST I (F) 40 Independent Study. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 38 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments MUAP1218 IND INS WOODWIND INST II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1237 INDIVID INS BRASS INST I (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1238 IND INST BRASS INST II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1257 IND INST PERCUSSION INST I (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1258 IND INS PERCUSSION INST II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1261 IND INST GUITAR INST I (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1262 IND INST GUITAR INST II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1265 IND INST KEYBOARD INST I (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1266 IND INST KEYBOARD INS II (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP1281 INDIVID INSTRUCT VOICE I 40 Independent Study. MUAP1282 INDIVID INSTRUCT VOICE II 40 Independent Study. MUAP1285 VOCAL COACHING I 40 MUAP1286 VOCAL COACHING II 40 MUAP2201 IND INST STRING INST III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2202 IND INST STRING INST IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2219 IND INST WOODWIND INST III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2220 IND INS WOODWIND INS IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2239 IND INST BRASS INST III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2240 IND INST BRASS INST IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2259 IND INST PERCUSSION III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2260 IND INST PERCUSSION IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2261 IND INST GUITAR INS III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2262 IND INST GUITAR INS IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2267 IND INST KEYBOARD INST III (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2268 IND INS KEYBOARD IV (F) 40 Independent Study. MUAP2283 INDIVID INSTRUCT VOICE III 40 Independent Study. MUAP2284 INDIVID INSTRUCT VOICE IV 40 Independent Study. MUAP2287 VOCAL COACHING III 40 MUAP2288 VOCAL COACHING IV 40 MUEN1121 CONCERT BAND I (F) 12 MUEN1122 CONCERT BAND II (F) 12 MUEN1123 ORCHESTRA I (F) 12 MUEN1124 ORCHESTRA II (F) 12 MUEN1131 MARIACHI I (F) 12 MUEN1132 MARIACHI II (F) 12 MUEN1133 GUITAR ENSEMBLE I (F) 12 MUEN1134 GUITAR ENSEMBLE II (F) 12 MUEN1135 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE I (F) 15 MUEN1136 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE II (F) 15 MUEN1137 JAZZ ENSEMBLE I (F) 15 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 39 of 55 Course Title Optimum MUEN1138 JAZZ ENSEMBLE II (F) 15 MUEN1141 CHORUS I (F) 25 MUEN1142 CHORUS II (F) 25 MUEN2121 CONCERT BAND III (F) 12 MUEN2122 CONCERT BAND IV 12 MUEN2123 ORCHESTRA III (F) 12 MUEN2124 ORCHESTRA IV 12 MUEN2131 MARIACHI III (F) 12 MUEN2132 MARIACHI IV 12 MUEN2133 GUITAR ENSEMBLE III (F) 12 MUEN2134 GUITAR ENSEMBLE IV 12 MUEN2135 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE III (F) 15 MUEN2136 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE IV 15 MUEN2137 JAZZ ENSEMBLE III (F) 15 MUEN2138 JAZZ ENSEMBLE IV 15 MUEN2141 CHORUS III (F) 25 MUEN2142 CHORUS IV (F) 25 MUSI1114 PIANO CLASS I FOR MUSIC MAJORS 15 MUSI1115 PIANO CLASS II FOR MUSIC MAJOR 15 MUSI1116 SIGHT-SING & DICTATION I (F) 15 MUSI1117 SIGHT-SING DICTATION II (F) 15 MUSI1133 GUITAR ENSEMBLE I (CF) 12 MUSI1134 GUITAR ENSEMBLE II (CF) 12 MUSI1135 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE I (F) 15 MUSI1136 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE II (F) 15 MUSI1137 JAZZ ENSEMBLE I (F) 15 MUSI1138 JAZZ ENSEMBLE II (F) 15 MUSI1141 CHORUS I (CF) 25 MUSI1142 CHORUS II (CF) 25 MUSI1181 PIANO CLASS I (F) 15 MUSI1182 PIANO CLASS II (F) 15 MUSI1192 GUITAR CLASS I 15 MUSI1193 GUITAR CLASS II 15 MUSI1286 COMPOSITION I 15 MUSI1287 COMPOSITION II 15 MUSI1301 MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS 20 MUSI1306 MUSIC APPRECIATION (C) 40 MUSI1307 INTRODUCTION MUSIC HISTORY (C) 40 MUSI1308 MUSIC LIT ANTIQUITY-BAROQU (F) 30 MUSI1309 MUSIC LIT CLASSICAL TO MOD(F) 30 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Comments Page 40 of 55 Course Title Optimum MUSI1310 JAZZ TO ROCK (C) 40 MUSI1311 MUSIC THEORY I (F) 15 MUSI1312 MUSIC THEORY II (F) 15 MUSI1390 ELECTRONIC MUSIC I 15 MUSI1391 ELECTRONIC MUSIC II 15 MUSI2116 SIGHT-SING DICTATION III (F) 15 MUSI2117 SIGHT SING DICTATION IV 15 MUSI2133 GUITAR ENSEMBLE III (CF) 12 MUSI2134 GUITAR ENSEMBLE IV (F) 12 MUSI2135 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE III (F) 15 MUSI2136 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE IV (F) 15 MUSI2137 JAZZ ENSEMBLE III (F) 15 MUSI2138 JAZZ ENSEMBLE IV (F) 15 MUSI2141 CHORUS III (CF) 25 MUSI2142 CHORUS IV (F) 25 MUSI2311 MUSIC THEORY III (F) 15 MUSI2312 MUSIC THEORY IV 15 Comments MUSR1011 MUSIC STUDENT RECITAL I 15 MUSR1012 MUSIC STUDENT RECITAL II 15 MUSR2013 MUSIC STUDENT RECITAL III 15 MUSR2014 MUSIC STUDENT RECITAL IV 15 NCBM0101 MATH EXTENDER 0101 35 Added Spring 2014. NCBM0103 MATH EXTENDER 0103 35 Added Spring 2014. NCBM0105 MATH EXTENDER 0105 35 Added Spring 2014. NCBW0111 NCBW-WRITING (M) 27 Added Spring 2014. NCBW0211 NCBW-WRITING (M) 27 Added Spring 2014. NCBW0311 NCBW-WRITING (M) 27 Added Spring 2014. NMTT1303 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. NURA1160 CLNC-NURSE\NURSING ASSIST\AIDE 20 Clinical ratio 1 faculty to 12 students; Only approved by BVNE to admit 20 students at MDP; Team taught. NURA1301 NURSE AIDE FOR HEALTH CARE 20 Clinical ratio 1 faculty to 12 students; Only approved by BVNE to admit 20 students at MDP; Team taught. RADIATION BIOLOGY AND SAFETY OPTS1170 CLNC-OPHTHALMIC DISPENSING I 8 Changed to 8 at Leadership; Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1171 CLINICAL II 8 Changed to 8 at Leadership; Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1305 GEOMETRIC OPTICS 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1309 OPTHALMIC LABORATORY I 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1311 THE VISUAL SYSTEM 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1315 BASIC CONTACT LENSES 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1401 OPHTHALMIC DISPENSING 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS1449 OPHTHALMIC LABORATORY II 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 41 of 55 Course Title Optimum OPTS2270 CLINICAL III OPTS2335 ADV CONTACT LENSES 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS2341 OPHTHALMIC TECHNIQUES 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS2370 REFRACTION TECHNIQUES 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS2431 ADV OPHTHALMIC DISPENSING 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OPTS2439 OPHTHALMIC LABORATORY III 12 Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. OSHT1305 OSHA-REG CONSTRUCTION INDUS 15 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. OSHT1313 ACCIDENT PRVNT\INSPECT\INVEST 15 OSHT1325 SAFETY TRAINING PRESENT TECH 15 OSHT1401 INTRO SAFETY AND HEALTH 15 OSHT2309 SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 15 OSHT2401 OSHA REGULATIONS-GEN IND 15 PHIL1301 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY (C) 40 PHIL1304 WORLD RELIGIONS 40 PHIL1316 RELIGION IN NORTH AMERICA 40 PHIL1370 CRITICAL THINKING 40 PHIL2303 LOGIC (C) 40 PHIL2306 ETHICS (C) 40 PHIL2318 TWENTIETH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY 40 PHIL2321 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 40 PHRA1170 PHARMACY ORGANIZATION 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1206 COMPUTERIZED DRUG DLVY SYS 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1209 PHARMACEUTICAL MATH I 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1243 PHARMACY TECH CERT REVIEW 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1247 PHARMACEUTICAL MATH II 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1261 CLNC-PHARMACY TECH\ASSIST 11 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1301 INTRO TO PHARMACY 20 Pursuing a Distance Learning option for this course. Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1309 PHARMACEUTICAL MATH I 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1345 COMP STER AND ASEP TECH 20 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHRA1347 PHARMACEUTICAL MATHEMATICS II 20 PHRA1404 PHARMACOTHERAPY\DISEASE PROC 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1417 ANAT/PHYSIO PHARM TECHS 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1441 PHARM DRUG THERAPY TREATMENT 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1445 COMP STER PREP AND ASEP TECH 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1470 ANAT\PHYS PHARMACY TECH 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA1541 PHARMACY DRUG THER AND TREAT 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA2260 CLNC-PHARMACY TECH\ASSIST II 11 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA2263 CLNC-PHARMACY TECH\ASSIST III 11 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. PHRA2271 INNOVAT PHARM PRACTICES 20 Laboratory facility only holds 14 students. Accreditation. This booklet was last updated on: 8 Comments 14-Oct-14 Changed to 8 at Leadership; Lions for Vision & 20-20 Club also use facilities. Added Spring 2014. Page 42 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments PHTC1300 PHOTO DIGITAL IMAGING I 20 PHTC1302 PHOTOGRAPHIC LAB TECHNIQUES 20 PHTC1311 FUNDAMENTALS PHOTOGRAPHY 20 PHTC2349 PHOTO DIGITAL IMAGING II 20 PHYS1101 GENERAL PHYSICS LAB I 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1102 GENERAL PHYSICS LAB II 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1103 ASTRONOMY II-LABORATORY (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1104 ASTRONOMY I-LABORATORY (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1111 ASTRONOMY I LABORATORY (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1112 ASTRONOMY II LABORATORY (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1115 PRIN OF PHYS SCIENCE LAB I 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1301 GENERAL PHYSICS I (C) 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1302 GENERAL PHYSICS II (C) 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1303 ASTRONOMY II (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1304 ASTRONOMY I (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1311 ASTRONOMY I (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1312 ASTRONOMY II (C) 33 Video Conferencing. PHYS1315 PRIN OF PHYS SCIENCE I (C) 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS1401 GENERAL PHYSICS I (C) 33 PHYS1402 GENERAL PHYSICS II (C) 33 PHYS1415 PRIN PHYSICAL SCIENCE I (C) 33 PHYS1417 PRIN PHYSICAL SCIENCE II (C) 33 PHYS2125 ENGINEERING PHYS LAB I 33 PHYS2126 ENGINEERING PHYS LAB II 33 PHYS2270 THERMAL AND FLUID PHYSICS 33 Course added Fall 2010. PHYS2289 RESEARCH TECHNIQUES IN PHYS 33 Course added Fall 2013. PHYS2325 ENGINEERING PHYSICS I (CF) 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS2326 ENGINEERING PHYSICS II (CF) 33 Courses added on March 16, 2014 PHYS2370 MODERN PHYSICS 33 Course added Fall 2010. PHYS2425 ENGINEERING PHYSICS I (CF) 33 PHYS2426 ENGINEERING PHYSICS II (CF) 33 PLAB1123 PHLEBOTOMY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. PLAB1170 PHLEBOTOMY 12 Hospitals can only take 2 participants. Lab facility has 12 stations. PLTC1301 INTRO TO PLASTICS 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC1303 PLASTICS COMPOSITES 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC1306 PLASTIC QUALITY CONTROL 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC1341 PLASTIC MATERIALS TESTING 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC1343 MOLD DESIGN MAINTENANCE 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC1371 FUND ELEC\HYD MACHINE OPER 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 43 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments PLTC1372 BLUEPRINT READ PLASTICS 12 Requires a classroom with tables; Can teach more if there were more space. PLTC1445 PLASTIC PROCESSES I 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC2371 PROCESS CONTROL 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC2431 TROUBLESHOOTING PLAS PRCS 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PLTC2446 PLASTIC PROCESSES II 12 Heavy equipment and safety issues. PMHS1301 INTRO MENTAL HLTH\RETARDATION 27 PMHS1391 SPECIAL TPC PSYCHIATRIC 27 POFI1104 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 28 POFI1204 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 28 POFI1341 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS II 28 POFI1349 SPREADSHEETS 28 POFI2301 WORD PROCESSING 28 POFI2331 DESKTOP PUBLISHING 28 POFI2340 ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING 28 POFI2350 DATABASES 28 POFI2370 INFO PROCESS LOCAL NEEDS 28 POFI2371 SPANISH BUSINESS COMM SKILLS 28 POFT1127 INTRODUCTION TO KEYBOARDING 28 POFT1301 BUSINESS ENGLISH 28 POFT1307 PROOFREADING AND EDITING 28 POFT1309 ADMIN OFFICE PROCEDURES I 28 POFT1319 RECORDS\INFO MANAGEMENT I 28 POFT1321 BUSINESS MATH 28 POFT1325 BUS MATH/MACHINE APPLICATIONS 28 POFT1329 BEGINNING KEYBOARDING 28 POFT1393 SPCL TOPICS GENERAL OFFICE 28 POFT2203 SPEED AND ACCURACY BUILDING 28 POFT2301 DOC FORMAT SKILLBUILDING 28 POFT2303 SPEED AND ACCURACY BUILDING 28 POFT2321 MACHINE TRANSCRIPTION 28 POFT2331 ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS 40 POFT2333 ADV DOC FORT SKILLBUILDING 28 POFT2380 COOP ED-ADMIN ASSIST 11 PSTR1301 FUNDAMENTALS OF BAKING 15 PSTR1305 BREADS AND ROLLS 15 PSTR1310 PIES, TARTS, TEACAKES\COOKIES 15 PSTR1312 LAMNTD DOUGH\PATE CHOUX\DONUTS 15 PSTR1340 PLATED DESSERTS 15 PSTR1343 BAKERY OPERATIONS\MANAGEMENT 15 PSTR2264 PRCTUM BAK\PAS\AR\BAK\PAS CH I 15 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Online. Safety issues because of kitchen environment. Page 44 of 55 Course Title Optimum PSTR2265 PRCTM BAK\PAS\ART\BAK\PAS\C II 15 PSTR2270 MEXICAN BREADS AND PASTRIES 15 PSTR2331 ADVANCED PASTRY SHOP 15 PSYC1301 PSYCH HUMAN RELATIONS (C) 40 Online PSYC2301 INTRODUCTION PSYCHOLOGY (C) 40 TV Course; Online; Video Conferencing. PSYC2302 INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL (C) 40 PSYC2303 HUMAN RELATIONS WORKPLACE (C) 40 PSYC2306 HUMAN SEXUALITY (C) 40 PSYC2312 HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 40 PSYC2314 HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT(CF) 40 PSYC2315 PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT (C) 40 PSYC2316 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY 40 PSYC2317 STATISTICS AND RESEARCH DESIGN 28 PSYC2319 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 40 PSYC2370 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 40 PSYC2371 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 40 Formally PSYC2302; course changed Fall 2010. PTHA1166 PRACTICUM-PHYS THRP ASST I 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1167 PRACTICUM PHYS THRP ASST III 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1225 COMMUNICATION HEALTH CARE 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1266 PRACTICUM-PHYS THRP ASST II 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1317 ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1321 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY FOR THE PTA 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1325 COMMUNICATION HEALTH CARE 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1329 APPLIED PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1391 SPCL TOPIC CLINICAL PRACT PTHA 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1409 INTRO PHYSICAL THERAPY 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1413 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1431 PHYSICAL AGENTS 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1491 SPCL TOPIC CLINICAL PRACT PTHA 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA1513 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2166 PRACTICUM-PHY THRP ASST III 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2201 ESSENTIALS OF DATA COLLECTION 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2239 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2266 PRACTICUM-PHY THRP ASST II 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Comments Should be in a computer classroom. Page 45 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments PTHA2267 PRACT-PHYS THRP ASST V 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2301 ESSENTIALS OF DATA COLLECTION 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2305 NEUROLOGY 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2339 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2409 THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2431 MANAGEMENT NEUROLOGICAL DIS 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2435 REHABILITATION TECHNIQUES 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. PTHA2531 MANAGEMENT NEUROLOGICAL DIS 12 Faculty issues; Clinical sites 1:1 & with one site 1:2; This will expand once new building at RG is online. QCTC1303 QUALITY CONTROL 10 Currently in classrooms that hold only 20 students. RADR1260 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1309 INTR RADIOGRAPHY\PATIENT CARE 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1311 BASIC RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1313 PRIN RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1317 RADR ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1360 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1361 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH II 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1460 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1461 CLINICAL-RADR TECH\SCI RADR I 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1462 CLINICAL-RADR TECH\SCI-RADR II 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1561 CLIN-RADR TECH\SCI-RADR III 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR1562 CLIN-RADR TECH\SCI-RADR IV 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2205 PRIN RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING II 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2233 ADV MEDICAL IMAGING 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2235 RADIOLOGIC TECH SEMINAR 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 46 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments RADR2260 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH V 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2305 PRIN RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING II 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2309 RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING EQUIPMENT 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2313 RADIATION BIOLOGY\PROTECTION 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2331 ADV RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2333 ADV MEDICAL IMAGING 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2360 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH III 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2361 CLINICAL III 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2401 INTERMED RAD PROCEDURES 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2431 ADV RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2460 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH IV 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2461 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH III 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADR2560 CLNC-RADIOLOGIC TECH V 16 Max per machine 1:2; Max per hospital site 1:4; Of the 5 sites, 2 do not have the volume needed for quality training and limit our participants to 2. RADT1142 QUALITY ASSURANCE RADIATION 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1205 TECHNICAL PROCEDURES I 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1246 TECHNICAL PROCEDURES II 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1266 PRCT-MEDICAL RADIOLOGIC TECH I 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1267 PRC-MEDICAL RADIOLOGIC TECH II 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1301 INTRO TO RADIATION THERAPY 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT1344 INSTRUMENTATION AND METHOD 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2266 PRCT-MED RADIOLOGIC TECH III 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2267 PRCT-MEDICAL RADIOLOGIC TECH V 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2301 ONCOLOGY I 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2303 ONCOLOGY II 10 RADT2307 DOSIMETRY I 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2309 DOSIMETRY II 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 47 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments RADT2315 RADIOLOGIC PHYSICS II 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2317 RADIOLOGIC PHYSICS I 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2331 TECHNICAL PROCEDURES III 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2333 TECHNICAL PROCEDURES IV 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RADT2366 PRCT-MED RADIOLOGIC TECH IV 10 Maximum ratio with 1 full-time falculty is 12 based on accrediting agency guidlines. RBTC1245 ROBOT INTERFACING 10 RBTC1305 ROBOTIC FUNDAMENTALS 10 RBTC1401 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS 10 RBTC2335 NC\CNC PROGRAMMING 10 RBTC2447 COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFC 10 READ0109 EFFECT COLLEGE READ: ACCELER 27 READ0307 COLLEGE PREP READING (M) 27 READ0308 READING THE CONTENT AREA (M) 27 READ0309 EFFECTIVE COLLEGE READING (M) 27 Video Conferencing. RELE1300 CONTRACT FORMS AND ADDENDA 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1301 PRINCIPLES REAL ESTATE I 35 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1303 REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1309 REAL ESTATE LAW 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1311 LAW OF CONTRACTS 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1319 REAL ESTATE FINANCE 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1321 REAL ESTATE MARKETING 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1325 REAL ESTATE MATHEMATICS 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE1338 PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE II 25 RELE2301 LAW OF AGENCY 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE2307 REAL ESTATE TITLE STLMNT 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE2309 PRINCIPLES REAL ESTATE II 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE2311 FUND MORTGAGE LENDING 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE2331 REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE 25 Concurrent with CE norm section optimum 20 with 15 seats reserved for CE. RELE2380 COOP ED-REAL ESTATE I 21 Coop/ Independent Study. RELE2381 COOP ED-REAL ESTATE II 21 RESL0301 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL I (E) 27 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 This course was formally BASK0323 (changed as of Fall 2005) Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. Page 48 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments RESL0302 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL II (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. RESL0303 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL III (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. RESL0304 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL IV (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. RESL0305 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL V (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. RESL0306 READ ESL STUDENT LEVEL VI (E) 27 Continual give and take between the instructor and the student is required. Requires individual responses, both oral & written with substantial small group work that must be well supervised. Successful progression through the 6 levels require solid mastery of the previous level. YISD ratio for grades 7-8 is 12:1; high school 15:1. RNSG1115 HEALTH ASSESSMENT 20 Team taught; For transfer students or those who failed; National & State accreditation maximum 1:10. RNSG1205 NURSING SKILLS I 20 Team taught; National & State accreditation maximum 1:10. RNSG1208 DOSAGE CALCULATIONS NURSING 35 Team taught; Lab maximum 1:8; Learning to give injections RNSG1227 TRANS VOC TO PROF NRSG 20 Team taught; Designed for VNSG students continuing into RNSG or those who fail. Teaches the skills that the RNSG students learned that are not part of the VNSG curriculum so students may continue without unnecessar repeats. Course no longer exists as of 8/25/5. RNSG1240 NURSING SKLS ARTICULAT STDNTS 20 RNSG1260 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE 60 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. Lab facility hods 24. Clinic ration 1:10 students per hospital. RNSG1261 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE II 60 Optimum raised to 60 because of curriculum changes 8/25/5. RNSG1262 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE VIII 20 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. RNSG1263 CLN-NURSING R.N. TRAN IV (F) 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum raised to 60 because of curriculum changes 8/25/5. RNSG1301 PHARMACOLOGY 35 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5. RNSG1309 INTRODUCTION NURSING 30 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. RNSG1327 TRANSIT TO PROFESSIONAL NURSE 20 Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG1331 PRIN CLNC DECISION-MAKING (F) 50 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Course no longer exists as of 8/25/5. RNSG1341 COMMON CNCPTS ADULT HLTH (F) 50 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Course no longer exists as of 8/25/5. RNSG1343 COMPLEX CNCP ADULT HEALTH (F) 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG1347 CONCEPT CLNC-DECISION MAK (F) 20 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Course no longer exists as of 8/25/5. RNSG1360 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE XIII 10 Student:Faculty Ratio is 1:10 for clinical; therefore, the minimum optimum for these co-requistite courses is 10. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 49 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments RNSG1413 FOUND NURSING PRACTICE 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed on 8/25/5 due to curriculum changes and new classrooms allow for more enrollment. RNSG1441 COMMON CONCEPTS ADULT HEALTH 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10.Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG1447 CNCEPTS OF CLN DECISION MAKING 20 RNSG1517 CNCPT NURSING PRACT I ART STDN 10 RNSG2130 PROF NURSING REV AND LIC PREP 60 RNSG2162 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE IV 40 Team taught. National & State accreditation max 1:10. RNSG2201 CARE CHILDREN AND FAMILIES 30 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. RNSG2207 TRANSITION TO NURSING PRACTICE 20 RNSG2213 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (F) 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG2221 PROF NURSING: LEADERSHIP\MGMT 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG2260 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE V 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG2261 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE VII 60 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum restructering allowing more students to enroll. RNSG2262 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE III 30 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum changes. RNSG2263 CLN-REG NURSING\REG NURSE VI 30 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum changes. RNSG2308 MATERNAL\NEWBORN NURSING 30 Team taught; National & State accreditation max 1:10. Optimum changed 8/25/5 due to curriculum changes. RNSG2400 INTER CONCEPT CLNCL DECISION I 60 Course added Fall 2010. RSPT1241 RESP HOME CARE\REHAB 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT1260 CLN-RESPIRATORY CARE THRPY I 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT1307 CARDIO ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT1317 RESPIRATORY CARE PHARMACOLOGY 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT1429 RESPIRATORY CARE FUND I 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT1431 RESPIRATORY CARE FUND II 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2201 CARDIOPULMONARY ASSESSMENT 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2230 RESPIRATORY CARE EXAM PREP 15 RSPT2314 MECHANICAL VENTILATION 15 RSPT2317 RESPIRATORY CARE PHARMACOLOGY 15 RSPT2319 MECH VENT NEO\PED PTNT 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2353 NEO\PED CARDIO CARE 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2355 CRITICAL CARE MONITORING 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2358 ADV RESP CARE PTNT ASSESS 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2460 CLN-RESPIRATORY CARE THRPY II 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2461 CLN-RESPIRATORY CARE THRPY III 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSPT2470 CARDIO ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 15 Placement rate problem due to market flooding. RSTO1201 BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT 22 Tours of restaurants and alcoholic beverage companies limits class size to what the tour sites permit. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Student:Faculty Ratio is 1:10 for clinical; therefore, the minimum optimum for these co-requistite courses is 10. Placement rate problem due to market flooding. Page 50 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments RSTO1204 DINING ROOM SERVICE 12 Not enough equipment (tables, linens, etc) to support more students. RSTO1221 MENU MANAGEMENT 12 Only one computer. RSTO1270 WINE AND FOOD PAIRING 15 Course added Fall 2010. RSTO1306 FACILITIES LAYOUT AND DESIGN 15 Touring issues at the equipment fabrication areas involving saftey areound manufacturing sized power tools. RSTO1319 VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY 15 Course added Fall 2010. RSTO1325 PURCHAS FOR HOSP OPERATIONS 30 RSTO2301 PRIN FOOD & BEVERAGE CNTRL 30 Oly needed by the restaurant management students. RSTO2405 MGMT FOOD PROD AND SERVICE 15 Safety around power equipment. RSTO2407 CATERING 15 Safety around power equipment. RSTO2431 FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT 30 Introductory students are required to take this course. RSVP0306 SPELL & VOCABULARY SKILLS (M) 27 RTVB1321 TV FIELD PRODUCTION 17 RTVB1325 TV STUDIO PRODUCTION 17 RTVB1329 SCRIPTWRITING 17 RTVB2330 FILM AND VIDEO EDITING 17 RTVB2335 TV PRODUCTION 17 RTVB2340 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT 17 RTVB2380 COOP ED-RADIO\TELEVISION I 11 RTVB2381 COOP ED-RADIO\TELEVISION II 11 SCIT1313 WORKPLACE MICROBIOLOGY 30 SCIT1322 TECHNICAL PHYSICS I 33 SCIT1407 APPLIED HUMAN ANAT\PHYSIO I 30 SCIT1413 MICROBIOLOGY, APPLIED 30 SCWK1301 ADOLESCENT LIFE CYCLE 27 SCWK1305 GROUP WORK INTERVENTION 22 SCWK1309 INTERVIEW & COUNSELING 22 SCWK1313 INTRODUCTION SOCIAL WORK 27 SCWK1321 ORIENT SOCIAL SERVICES 27 SCWK1391 ST IN SOCIAL WORK 27 SCWK2301 ASSESS CASE MANAGEMENT 27 SCWK2305 SPECIAL PROBLEMS YOUTH 27 SCWK2307 HUMAN BEHAV\SOC ENV 27 SCWK2311 INTERVIEW\COUNSELING THEORIES 22 SCWK2315 HUMAN BEHAV\SOC ENV II 27 SCWK2331 ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR 27 SCWK2370 HUMAN BEHAV\SOC ENV II 27 SCWK2371 TREAT MOD YOUTH SERVICES 27 SCWK2372 HUMAN BEHAVIOR\SOCIAL ENVIR II 27 SCWK2486 INTERNSHIP-SOCIAL WORK I 11 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Formally SCIT1413; course changed Fall 2010. Page 51 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments SCWK2487 INTERNSHIP-SOCIAL WORK II 11 SLNG1111 FINGERSPELLING 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1211 FINGERSPELLING AND NUMBERS 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1215 VISUAL\GESTURAL COMMUN 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1307 INTRA-LINGUAL SKILLS DEV INTER 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1317 INTRO DEAF COMMUNITY 18 Video Conferencing. Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1321 INTRO INTERPRET PROFESSION 16 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1344 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE III 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1345 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE IV 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1347 DEAF CULTURE 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1349 MULTICUL ISSUE INTRPRT 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1370 MULTICUL ISSUE INTRPRT 16 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1391 SPECIAL TOPICS SIGN LNG INTR 14 CIT recommends 6-10 for interpreters. Raising the program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1404 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1405 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE II 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1409 MEXICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (LSM) 16 CIT recommends 8-12 for ASL courses; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG1470 MEXICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 16 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2280 COOP-SLNG INTERP\TRANS I 11 Courses added on March 16, 2014 SLNG2281 COOP ED-SIGN LANG INTER II 11 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. SLNG2301 INTERPRETING I 16 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2302 INTERPRETING II 14 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2311 INTERPRET SPECIALIZED SETTINGS 14 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2315 INTERPRET EDUC SETTING 14 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2331 INTERPRETING III 14 CIT recommends 6-10 for Interpreters; Raising program limits could cause market flooding. SLNG2337 MULTICULTURAL ISSUES IN INTERP 16 SLNG2380 COOP ED-SIGN LANG INTER I 11 Coop/Independent Study; UNDER REVIEW (18) SLNG2381 COOP ED-SIGN LANG INTER II 11 Coop/Independent Study; UNDER REVIEW (18) SOCI1301 INTRO SOCIOLOGY (C) 40 TV Course; Faculty availability. SOCI1306 SOCIAL PROBLEMS 40 Faculty availability. SOCI1370 SOC MEAN DEATH & DYING 40 Faculty availability. SOCI2301 SOC OF MARRIAGE \ FAMILY (C) 40 TV Course; Faculty availability. SOCI2319 CHICANOS AMERICAN SOC 40 Faculty availability. SOCI2371 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY 40 Faculty availability. SOCI2389 INTRODUCTION SOCIAL RESEARCH 40 Faculty availability. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 52 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments SOCW2361 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK 27 SOCW2362 SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY SRVCS 27 SPAN1300 CONVERSATIONAL SPAN I 25 SPAN1310 CONVERSATIONAL SPAN II 25 SPAN1311 BEGIN\SPANISH I NON-NATIVE 25 Course rubric changed from SPAN1411 SPAN1312 BEGIN SPANISH II NON-NATIVE 25 Course rubric changed from SPAN1412 SPAN1411 BEGINNING SPANISH I 25 TV Course. SPAN1412 BEGINNING SPANISH II 25 TV Course. SPAN2311 INTER SPAN I NON-NATIVE (C) 25 SPAN2312 INTERMED SPAN II NON-NATIVE 25 SPAN2313 INTER SPAN I HERIT SPKERS (C) 25 SPAN2315 INTER SPAN II HERT SPKERS (CF) 25 SPAN2323 INTRO LATIN AMER LIT (CF) 25 SPAN2370 INTER SPAN I SPAN SPEAKERS (C) 25 SPAN2371 INTERMED SPAN II SPAN SPEAKERS 25 SPCH1144 FORENSICS LAB I 35 Normal optimum 12; This course is piggybacked with SPCH1145 (10), SPCH2144 (4), and SPCH2145 (6) SPCH1145 FORENSICS LAB II 35 Normal optimum 10; This course is piggybacked with SPCH1144 (12), SPCH2144 (4), and SPCH2145 (6) SPCH1315 FUND OF EFFECT SPEECH (CF) 28 Video Conferencing. SPCH1318 INTERPERSONAL COMMUN (F) 30 SPCH1321 ORGANIZATION\PROF COMMUN (CF) 30 Video Conferencing. SPCH2144 FORENSICS LAB III 30 Normal optimum 4; This course is piggybacked with SPCH1144 (12), SPCH2144 (4), and SPCH2145 (6) SPCH2145 FORENSICS LAB IV 30 Normal optimum 6; This course is piggybacked with SPCH1144 (12), SPCH2145 (10), and SPCH2144 (4) SPCH2333 DYNAMICS OF GROUP COMM (F) 30 SPCH2335 ARGUMENTATION & DEBATE (F) 30 SPCH2341 ORAL INTERPRET LITERATURE (F) 30 SPNL1301 HEALTH CARE SPANISH 28 This course is part of the Border Health Issues Enhanced Skills program. SRGT1244 TECH SCIENCE SURGICAL TECH 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1270 SURGICAL MODALITIES 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1370 SURGICAL MODALITIES 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1405 INTRO SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1409 FUND PERIOPERATIVE CNCPTS 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1441 SURGICAL PROCEDURES I 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1442 SURGICAL PROCEDURES II 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT1509 FUND PERIOPERATIVE CNCPTS 10 SRGT1541 SURGICAL PROCEDURES I 10 SRGT1542 SURGICAL PROCEDURES II 10 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 TV Course. Page 53 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments SRGT2460 CLINICAL-SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY I 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT2461 CLINICL-SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY II 10 Must have sufficient number of operations to provide adequate training; Hospital ratio 1:6. SRGT2560 CLINICAL-SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY I 10 Courses added on March 16, 2014 SRGT2561 CLINICL-SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY II 10 Course added to Optimum Book on March 20, 2014. SRVY2448 PLANE SURVEYING 15 SSCI2370 INTRO SOCIAL RESEARCH 28 SSCI2371 SPECIAL TPCS SOC SCIENCES 28 TECA1303 FAMILY, SCHOOL\COMMUNITY 22 TECA1311 EDUCATING YOUNG CHILDREN 22 TECA1318 WELLNESS OF THE YOUNG CHILD 22 TECA1354 CHILD GROWTH\DEVELOPMENT 22 TECM1303 TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS 35 Gradual reduction to 33 as faculty are recruited and rooms identified. TECM1349 TECH MATH APPLICATIONS 35 TV Course; Gradual reduction to 33 as faculty are recruited and rooms identified. TRVM1201 CUSTOMER SALES AND SERVICE 12 Course added Fall 2010. TRVM1217 CRUISES 12 TRVM1300 INTRO TRAVEL AND TOURISM 12 TRVM1306 TRAVEL AUTOMATION I 12 TRVM1308 TRAVEL DEST I-WEST HEMP 12 TRVM1313 TICKETING FORMS\PROCEDURES 12 TRVM1323 GROUP TOUR OPERATIONS 12 TRVM1327 SPECIAL EVENTS DESIGN 12 TRVM1341 TRAVEL DES II-EASTERN HEMP 12 TRVM1345 TRAVEL\TOUR SALES\MARKETING 12 TRVM1371 TRAVEL CAREER DEVELOPMENT 12 TRVM1406 TRAVEL AUTOMATION I 12 TRVM2266 PRACTICUM-TRVL\TOURISM 12 TRVM2301 INTRO CONVENT\MEET MGMT 12 TRVM2302 TRAVEL CAREER DEVELOPMENT 12 TRVM2305 TRAVEL INDUSTRY MANAGMENT 12 TRVM2331 CONVEN\EXPOS LAW ETHICS 12 TRVM2335 TRAVEL AUTOMATION II 12 TRVM2380 COOP ED-TOURISM\TRAVEL I 11 TRVM2381 COOP ED-TOURISM\TRAVEL II 11 TRVM2435 TRAVEL AUTOMATION II 12 VNSG1119 LEADERSHIP AND PROF\DEVELOP 20 VNSG1160 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING 40 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1163 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING IV 40 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1166 PRACTICUM-LICENSED VN TRAINING 40 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Page 54 of 55 Course Title Optimum Comments VNSG1227 ESSENTIALS MEDICATION ADMIN 40 Team taught; 20 at MDP; 40 at RG; National accreditation requires 1:12; Request to increase MDP to 40 is pending for June 2001. VNSG1230 MATERNAL-NEONATAL\NURS 40 Team taught; 20 at MDP; 40 at RG; National accreditation requires 1:12; Request to increase MDP to 40 is pending for June 2001. VNSG1234 PEDIATRICS 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1260 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING I 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1261 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING II 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1262 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING III 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1263 CLN-LICENSED VN TRAINING V 40 Team taught; 20 at MDP; 40 at RG; National accreditation requires 1:12; Request to increase MDP to 40 is pending for June 2001. VNSG1314 APPLIED NURSING SKILLS III 20 VNSG1323 BASIC NURSING SKILLS 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1402 APPLIED NURSING SKILLS I 20 Team taught. National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1409 NURSING HEALTH & ILLNESS II 20 Team taught; National accreditation requires 1:12. VNSG1410 NURSING HEALTH\ILLNESS III 40 Team taught; 20 at MDP; 40 at RG; National accreditation requires 1:12; Request to increase MDP to 40 is pending for June 2001. VNSG1423 BASIC NURSING SKILLS 20 VNSG1513 APPLIED NURSING SKILLS II 20 VNSG2214 APPLIED NURSING SKILLS III 20 VNSG2263 CLNC-LIC PRACT\VOC NURSE IV 40 VNSG2413 APPLIED NURSING SKILLS II 20 WLDG1327 WELDING CODES 12 WLDG1407 INTRO WELD MULTIPLE PROCESSES 12 WLDG1413 INTRO BLUEPRINT READ WELDERS 12 WLDG1427 WELDING CODES 12 WLDG1434 INTRO GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELD 12 WLDG1435 INTRODUCTION PIPE WELDING 12 WLDG1457 INTRMD SHIELDED METAL ARC WELD 12 WLDG2447 ADV GAS METAL ARC WELDING 12 WLDG2451 ADV GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING 12 WLDG2453 ADVANCED PIPE WELDING 12 WMST1370 INTRO TO WOMEN'S STUDIES 34 This booklet was last updated on: 14-Oct-14 Team taught; 20 at MDP; 40 at RG; National accreditation requires 1:12; Request to increase MDP to 40 is pending for June 2001. Page 55 of 55