Bachelor of Science in Geographic Information Science Curriculum

General Education Core (6 hours):
GEOG 100 or GEOL 102 or GEOL 111:
Earth Science
GEOG 110: World Regional Geography
GIS Foundation Courses (17 hours)
CS 170: Introduction to Programming
GEOG 300: Geographic Research Methods
GEOG 316: Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 391: Data Analysis & Interpretation
GIS Specialty Courses (19 hours)
GEOG 414: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
GEOG 417: GIS Modeling & Analysis
GEOG 418: Internet GIS
GEOG 419: GIS Programming
GEOG 443: GIS Databases
GEOG 477: Special Topics In GIS
or GEOG 423: Urban GIS Applications
Other Required Courses (10 hours)
GEOG 475: Independent Research in GIS
or GEOG 495: GIS Internship
GEOG 492: Advanced Spatial Analysis
GEOG 499: Professional Development
Required Support Courses (15 - 16 hours)
CE 160/161: Surveying I & Lab
CS 180: Computer Science I
MATH 118: College Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH 183: Introduction to Statistics
B.Sc. in GIScience
The B.Sc. in GIScience is a professional 52-hour major
designed for students seeking careers in the fast-growing
industry. Students in this program will take more extensive
coursework in GIS, math, and computer science. Successful
completion of this degree program will allow students to
meet education requirements in becoming a certified GIS
professional (GISP).
Bachelor of Science
in Geographic
Information Science
Short Description
The GIS program focuses on (1) collection, input, and correction of geospatial data; (2) storage and retrieval of geospatial data; (3) manipulation and analysis of geospatial
data; and (4) creating graphs, charts and maps from such
data. The major in Geographic Information Science requires a minimum of 52 semester hours of GIS-related
courses. The following sequence is recommended:
Freshman: GEOG 100 (or GEOL 102 or GEOL 111),
GEOG 110 and MATH 118 (MATH 116 & 117 can
substitute for 118).
Sophomore: GEOG 300, 316 and 317, CS 170, CE
160/161 and MATH 183,
Junior: GEOG 391, 414, 417, and 419, and CS 180.
Senior: GEOG 443, 477 or 423, 475 or 495, 492, and
GIS Faculty
Kevin Cary, M.Sc., GISP
Jun Yan, Ph.D.
Katie Algeo, Ph.D.
John All, Ph.D., JD
Scott Dobler, M.Sc.
Stuart Foster, Ph.D.
Pat Kambesis, M.Sc.
Debbie Kreitzer, M.Sc.
Amy Nemon, M.Sc.
For more information contact:
Jun Yan or Kevin Cary
Department of Geography & Geology
1906 College Heights Blvd 31066
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1066
(270) 745-8952 or (270) 745-2981
Visit our website:
Why GIS at WKU?
What is GIS?
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, combines sophisticated
computer technology and trained people to develop digital models of
the world around us. A GIS includes capabilities for digital data
creation of spatial features, the storage and retrieval of geospatial
data, the manipulation and analysis of those data, and the presentation of geospatial data using maps, graphs, tables, and other displays.
WKU is the first university in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
to offer a Certificate in GIS, a Graduate Certificate in GIScience, an
undergraduate minor in GIS, a GIS & Spatial Analysis concentration
in the Geography B.Sc. degree program, and now a Geographic Information Science B.Sc. degree program. The Department of Geography & Geology continues to expand its programs in GIS to meet the
needs of today’s students and to offer more opportunities for students
seeking GIS as a tool and/or as a profession. Course offerings range
from introductory GIS to advanced courses in GIS analysis and modeling, remote sensing, GIS database design, Internet GIS, and special
topics in GIS applications. Throughout these courses, students will
have opportunities to gain valuable experience by working on applied
projects. In recent years, graduates from the WKU GIS program have
been hired by various government agencies and private businesses.
Why GIS?
10 Research PCs
21 Teaching PCs
Large Format Printer
2 Trimble Pro XRS GPS Units
2 Trimble Geo XT Units
4 Handheld GPS Units
3 Servers running ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, ArcSDE & SQL
GIS is a state-of-the-art tool that helps us to understand communities
and regions and to plan for their future more effectively.
It allows us to do so by combining layers of information from
multiple data sources. Throughout the world, GIS and other related
information technologies are widely used to improve quality of life
from many perspectives, including:
Defense and intelligence
Electric and gas
Water/wastewater treatment
Fire/EMS/disaster/homeland security
Public health and human services
Retail business
Real estate
Landscape architecture
City planning and management
Rural planning
Law enforcement and criminal justice
Natural resources conservation
Environmental protection
Libraries and museums
Media and communication
ArcGIS Desktop & Extensions
Student Version of ArcGIS Desktop &Extensions for Home
ArcGIS Server & Extensions
Microsoft SQL Enterprise
ERDAS Imagine
Pathfinder Office
Visual Basic
GIS Facilities
2 GIS Teaching Labs
1 GIS Research Lab
Human-Environment Linkages Program Research Center
Hoffman Environment Institute
Center For Cave and Karst Studies
Kentucky Climate Center
Kentucky Mesonet
Services at the WKU Center for GIS
Internet GIS
Printing Maps or Posters (max width of 42”)
GIS/GPS Projects
Data Integration
Geospatial Modeling (2D/3D)
GIS Consulting
Geospatial Analysis
For more information contact:
Jun Yan or Kevin Cary
Department of Geography & Geology
1906 College Heights Blvd 31066
Western Kentucky University
Phone: 270-745-4555
Fax: 270-745-6410
E-mail: or
Degree Programs in GIS
Bachelor of Science in GIScience
Bachelor of Science in Geography
(GIS & Spatial analysis Concentration)
Master of Science in Geoscience
(GIS & Spatial analysis Concentration)
These programs focus on the skills required in a variety of
technical fields. Students have the flexibility to take a suite
of courses that prepares them for employment in both public
and private sectors. Students who complete either B.Sc.
degree can pursue the Certificate in GISystems and students
who complete the M.Sc. degree can pursue the Graduate
Certificate in GIScience.
B.Sc. in GIScience
The B.Sc. in GIScience is a professional 52-hour major
designed for students seeking careers in the fast-growing
industry. Students in this program will take more extensive
coursework in GIS, math, and computer science. Successful
completion of this program will allow students to meet education requirements in becoming a certified GIS professional (GISP). Students in this program will automatically
be awarded a GIS Certificate.
Certificates in GIS
Certificate in GISystems (14 hours)
Graduate Certificate in GIScience (13 hours)
Both certificates provide students with the practical GIS
skills necessary for success in a variety of careers. Students
who complete a certificate will have a solid foundation that
spans the collection, management, analysis, and display of
geospatial data using GIS technology. These certificates are
appropriate for students who plan to use GIS as a tool in
their specific disciplines and wish to be certified. Students
can pursue a degree other than Geography or GIScience.
Minor in GIS
The GIS minor is appropriate for students interested in careers utilizing GIS as an analytical tool in a variety of disciplines or for students pursuing GIS as a profession in a related discipline such as geology, computer science, or computer information systems. Students with this minor will
automatically be awarded a GIS Certificate.
WKU Center for
Information Systems
Undergraduate GIS Courses
Geog 316:
Geog 317:
Geog 318:
Geog 414:
Geog 416:
Geog 417:
Geog 418:
Geog 419:
Geog 423:
Geog 443:
Geog 477:
Geog 492:
Geog 495:
Fundamentals of GIS
GIS For Engineers
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Advanced Remote Sensing
GIS Modeling & Analysis
Internet GIS
GIS Programming
Urban GIS Applications
GIS Databases
Special Topics In GIS
Advanced Spatial Analysis
GIS Internships
Graduate GIS Courses
Geog 416G: Advanced Remote Sensing
Geog 417G: GIS Modeling & Analysis
Geog 419G: GIS Programming
Geos 510: Independent Research in GIS
Geos 515: Remote Sensing Applications
Geos 517: Spatial Databases
Geos 520: GIS Data Modeling
Geos 523: Urban GIS Applications
Geos 543: Advanced Spatial Databases
Geos 577: Special Topics In GIS
Geos 590: Experimental GIS Design
Geog 595: Supervised GIS Practicum
For more information contact:
Jun Yan or Kevin Cary
Department of Geography & Geology
1906 College Heights Blvd 31066
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1066
(270) 745-8952 or (270) 745-2981
Visit our website: