Document 14025150

 Face Recognition
Programming Project
Haofu Liao, BSEE
June 23, 2013
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
1. How to build the PCA Mex Funtion 1.1 Basic Information The table below is the basic information about how to build the mex function. Operating System OX S IDE Xcode Programming Language C++ PCA package ALGLIB Source files Mex_PCA.cpp, Mex_PCA.h Object file Mex_PCA.mexmaci64 The mex function is built on Mac OX S with Xcode. The C++ linear algebra package that implements the PCA is ALGLIB. User can download this package at Mex_PCA.cpp and Mex_PCA.h are the source files that used to build the object file. With these two files, one can use Xcode build the Mex_PCA.mexmaci64 object file automatically. User can use the Mex_PCA.mexmaci64 just like a .m function in MATLAB. For more details about how to use Mex_PCA.mexmaci64 file on MATLAB, see ~local/PCA/Source Code/read me before use.txt. 1.2 ALGLIB package and PCA subpackage ALGLIB is a cross-­‐platform numerical analysis and data processing library. User can look up its C++ user manual for details about how to use this package. The webpage of the manual is User can use the PCA subpackage by including the DataAnalysis subpackage in his code. The function that actually do the PCA algorithm is void pcabuildbasis(const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t
npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array
&s2, real_2d_array &v)
Here const real_2d_array &x and real_2d_array &v are two important parameters. X is the input matrix, Rows of X correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables. V is the principal component coefficients for X. For more information about other parameters, please see the user manual. Notice that X has a real_2d_array type. Which means user need to build an interface to make sure all the data read from MATLAB can be used in the PCA package. We will talk more about the interface later. 1.3 Workflow of the mex function The figure below shows the work flow of the mex function Read data from MATLAB
Convert MATLAB data type to PCA package data type MATLAB Interface Do the principal
component analysis by
ALGLIB PCA package
PCA package Interface Interface Convert PCA package data type back to MATLAB data type Output PCA results to
From the figure above we can know that our mex function works as an interface that transfers data from MATLAB to PCA package and then back to MATLAB. 1.4 MATLAB interface and PCA package interface The MATLAB interface has the syntax below #include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[])
Here, mexFunction is the name of the gateway function in C /C++ which every MEX-­‐file requires. When you invoke the PCA mex function, MATLAB automatically seeds nlhs, plhs, nrhs, and prhs with the caller's information. NLHS is the number of expected output mxArrays. PLHS is the array of pointers to the expected output mxArrays. NRHA is the number of input mxArrays. PRHS is the array of pointers to the input mxArrays. As we have mentioned in 1.2, the PCA package requires a real_2d_array type matrix, which we can know from the user manual can only be initialized by a char* type data. Hence, we need to write an interface to convert the different data type. The function that implement the conversion is char* mat2char(const mwSize *x1, double *x2)
For more details about this function, ~local/PCA/Source Code/Mex_PCA/ Mex_PCA. 2. Comparison between PCA functions 2.1 PCA functions Name Description Performance pca(svd) The built-­‐in MATLAB PCA function using singular value decomposition. 0.07 sec pca(evd) The built-­‐in MATLAB PCA function using eigen value decomposition. 388.7 sec Mex_PCA The mex function PCA using ALGLIB PCA package. This function is also use evd to perform PCA 17.9 sec fastPCA A PCA function using algorithm mentioned in [1] 0.03 sec From the table above we know that there are four functions that implement PCA algorithm. The first two functions are built-­‐in MATLAB functions. They implement PCA using svd and evd. The last two functions are created by myself. Mex_PCA is the function build from C++ code which implements PCA by ALGLIB PCA package. fastPCA function implements a new algorithm other than evd and svd, it should have a better perform in theory. 2.2 Performance Next, We test the performance of the four functions. We use a 10 by 10304 matrix that contains 10 faces as the input of our functions. Then, we run these functions one by one and record the time consumption of each function. From the table of 2.1 we can find that fastPCA runs faster than other functions, which suggests that it is a good choice of using the fastPCA algorithm in our face recognition project. We also find that Mex_PCA beats over the pca(evd) function. Since they both use the eigen value decomposition way to do PCA. It means the C++ PCA ALGLIB package have better performance than the built-­‐in MATLAB function. 3. Face Recognition 3.1 Eigenfaces Our training images are from ~local/PCA/Source Code/att_faces/s1. They are 10 images from one person. Each of them is a 92×112 pixel training image.
First, we transform each image to a 10304-dimensional vector and concatenate these
vectors from 10 images into a 10×10304 dimensional matrix. Then, we do a
principle component analysis on the matrix to find the vectors that best account for
the distribution of face images within the entire image space. (Here, we use fastPCA
function by default, because it has a better performance. Actually, all the four
functions are ok to do PCA. The results are exactly the same). These vectors define
the subspace of face images, which we call “face space.” Each vector is of length
10304, describes a 92×112 image, and is a linear combination of the original face
images. Because these vectors are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
corresponding to the original face images, and because they are face-like in
appearance, we refer to them as “eigenfaces. Below is the eigenfaces we got from
folder s1.
3.2 Projection Once get the eigenfaces, we can project a new face image on the image space that
the eigenfaces defines. The equation that we use to get the projection is
𝛺 = 𝑈! 𝛤 − Ψ
𝛷 = 𝑈𝛺!
Here, 𝑈 is a 10304×9 matrix whose column is an eigenfaces from the figure in 3.1.
𝛤 is the new face image. Ψ is the average 10304×1 face of the training images. 𝛺 is
a 9×1 weights vector that describes the contribution of each eigenface in representing
the input face image, treating the eigenfaces as a basis set for face images. 𝛷 is the
10304×1 projection. Below shows two input images and their projections
Input Image Projection Input Image Projection The upper figure is an original image from the training set and its corresponding
projection. We can find that the projection and the input image is nearly the same (the
difference is caused by the subtraction of the average image). It is reasonable because
the training images are the linear combination of the eigenfaces. The bottom figure is
a new face image and its projection. We can find these two doesn’t look like the same.
But we can find the eigenfaces try their best to match the input image.
3.3 Face Recognition We can use the input image and its projection to do the face recognition. The
equation we use to evaluate an input image is
𝜖 ! = 𝛷 − 𝛷!
Here, 𝛷 is the mean adjusted input image 𝛷 = 𝛤 − Ψ, 𝛷! is the projection of the
input image and 𝜖 is the distance between the image and the face space. Hence, we
can use 𝜖 to decide whether an input image is a face image. If 𝜖 is larger some value
𝜃, we say it is not a face image, otherwise we say yes.
A: B: C: Input Image Projection To get a more precise results we include more face images to our training set. Hence, our training set now has 100 images from 10 folders. And to reduce the computational complexity, we don’t choose all the 99 eigenfaces but just choose first 50 of them. The above figure shows three images and their projections onto the new face space defined by 50 eigenfaces. The relative measures of distance from face space are (a) 28.1, (b) 52.7, (c) 81.3. Images (a) is in the original training set. Images (b) is from the att_faces but not in the original training set. We can see that the image that contains face has a closer distance from the face space. This property will help us to determine the which image contains a human face. References [1] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Eigenfaces for Recognition”, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, March 1991
[2] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Face recognition using eigenfaces”, Conference of
Computer Science and Pattern Recognition, June 1991 