NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 6120(a) INSTRUCTION Reference: Administrative Regulation #6157 Elementary and Secondary Objectives of the Instruction Program Philosophy and Objectives Philosophy of Education for the North Penn Schools. Pervading all thought on the educational philosophy for the North Penn School District is the concept of educational relevance for every individual in a changing world. The program, staff, and facility developments which are under way or planned for this school district are all predicated on the educational philosophy and objectives stated below. Educational Philosophy and Objectives We, the staff and the board of school directors of North Penn School District, believe that the following are basic to our philosophy of education: I. We believe that education is both a right and a privilege in a democracy. A. The school needs to serve as an instrument of democracy by recognizing and emphasizing: (1) respect for the individual, (2) authority and responsibility of duly selected leaders for their respective functions, (3) shared responsibility to participate in planning evaluating curriculum and learning procedures, and (4) good citizenship as a prime essential for social acceptance and personal happiness. B. The whole school program must help each pupil to participate more effectively in wholesome community life. This program includes preparation and experience in leadership and service, commensurate with the respective talents of the individual pupil. C. All school personnel will act and interact in a manner which demonstrates all the qualities of good citizenship in a democratic society. II. We believe that education is a changing process. A. Our curriculum must be organized to provide learning experiences which increase the student’s knowledge, develop individual talents and skills, and encourage desirable attitudes. B. The school program must be flexible enough to fit the changing needs and the abilities of individual students. continued BOARD POLICY 6120 11/15/07 srk 6120(b) C. Each teacher must discover and respect the individual needs of his/her pupils so that he/she can stimulate and encourage their continuous growth. D. The school program will be organized to function in a manner which reflects the belief that change in the learning process is to be expected and encouraged. III. We believe that we have a responsibility to provide for the development of sound bodies and sound minds. A. The school must give attention to physical development and growth of its students. B. It must provide an environment which stimulates and promotes healthy mental attitudes. C. If must enable students to develop a realistic appraisal of their own capabilities, limitations, and feelings such that the goals which they establish for themselves are consistent with this appraisal. IV. We believe that leisure activities, fine arts, hobbies, and other avocations are essential to a full and abundant life; that interests developed in youth do carry over into adult life and do satisfy physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs. A. The school program will provide a sufficient variety of experiences to kindle and develop these interests in every child. B. The school program will provide a sufficient variety of experiences such that the necessary knowledge and skills needed for a carry-over of the essential elements of these activities into adult life can be developed. V. We believe that education includes developing the ability to think logically and to stimulate intellectual curiosity. A. Since problem solving is the basis of functional learning, every opportunity should be given for students to discover, define, attack, solve, and interpret problems within the limits of their own capacities, interests, and needs. B. It is essential that each pupil have a continuing challenge for his/her respective talents. He/she should be stimulated to work up to his/her potential in suitable problem-solving situations. C. The school has an obligation to stimulate intellectual curiosity which will motivate a life-long quest for new knowledge and understanding. D. The school program will provide for the development of the basic skills necessary for each child to work toward the resolution of the problems he/she will face both as a child and as an adult. E. The school will provide the climate which will be conducive to the exploration and extension of each student’s capabilities and potential. VI. We believe that the schools can be instrumental in helping the student develop a system of values by which his/her life can be guided beyond his/her school years. A. This value system development will result from planned programs of analysis of society’s values, and a close inspection of the student’s own beliefs about his/her relationship to other people. continued BOARD POLICY 6120 11/15/07 srk 6120(c) B. In this atmosphere, the dignity of each student is respected and his/her appreciation and understanding of the feelings of other people will be developed along with an understanding of his/her own feelings and values. C. In this same framework, the student can learn to assume responsibility for himself/herself in all his/her social contacts. D. Throughout his/her school experience he/she shall be exposed to a positive program of discipline which helps him/her anticipate the consequences of his/her actions before he/she determines the course he/she will follow. VII. We believe the responsibility for responding to the needs of children and youth should be shared by the home, the community agencies, and the school. A. The school must assume a leadership role in cementing partnerships as each contributes to the development of the children and youth they serve. B. The school curriculum will emphasize in all appropriate ways the importance of the family unit as the backbone of a democratic society. C. The school will cooperate with the other agencies to prepare our youth to accept family responsibilities and the concomitant responsibilities of democratic citizenship. Policy Adopted: July 20 1967 Amended: November 18, 1971 Reviewed: November 15, 2007 BOARD POLICY 6120 11/15/07 srk 6120(d) BOARD POLICY 6120 11/15/07 srk