School Board Policy
Reference: Administrative Regulation #5116
& #5118.1; Board Policy #5117
Nonresident Attendance
All requests for attendance of students who live outside of the District’s boundaries and are not
homeless are subject to the approval of the superintendent or designee(s) and approval by the
board of school directors. Decisions regarding the enrollment of these students shall be made
in consideration of whether the proposed enrollment:
 Is required by law;
 Is in the best interest of the student;
 Causes an overcrowded condition; or
 Interferes with the learning environment of the school.
Requests for enrollment of a student who lives outside of the District’s boundaries must be
made through the Registrar at the Educational Services Center (ESC).
Tuition Students:
Any nonresident students who do not have a legal right to attend a district school and are
approved to attend district schools must pay tuition. The tuition charge is computed annually
and will be charged to the student. Renewal of any tuition agreements must occur on an annual
basis. The specific circumstances in which the district may consider approving a tuition
agreement are as follows:
1. Students who are former residents (i.e., recently moved from the district and were
enrolled in district schools) may continue as a North Penn School District student to
complete the school year in which the move occurred provided that the parent/guardian
or the school district of residence pays tuition. This tuition period shall not exceed 40
school days. An exception to the 40 school day limitation may occur in cases where
students request to attend longer than 40 school days to complete their senior year.
2. Future resident students may request a waiver of tuition for 40 school days when
registering to enroll in district schools. A future resident student is defined as a student
whose parents have signed a contract to buy, build, or lease a residence within the
school district attendance area. If after 40 school days the student is not yet a resident
of the district, the superintendent (or designee) will review the agreement and determine
whether to extend, terminate, or charge tuition.
3. A child of a nonresident North Penn School District staff member may be enrolled in the
district schools provided that the staff member pays the appropriate tuition rate.
4. A student from a neighboring school district may request to be admitted on a tuition
basis when his/her school district does not provide a specialized curriculum available at
North Penn.
Exchange Program Students:
A high school student from another country or culture may be accepted on a tuition-free basis
from approved exchange programs according to guidelines in Administrative Regulation
Court Orders or Custody Agreements:
When parents reside in different school districts due to separation, divorce, or other reason, the
student may enroll in the district of the parent with whom the student lives for a majority of the
time. If the parents have joint custody and the student spends equal time with each parent, the
parents may choose which district the child may attend for the school year. The district
reserves the right to request a copy of any court order or custody agreement that specifies
school enrollment requirements.
Section 1302 – Students Living With a Resident Adult Other Than a Parent:
A student residing in the home of a resident other than a parent in accordance with Section
1302 of the Pennsylvania School Code may attend district schools provided that the student and
resident supply either legal documentation to show dependency or guardianship or a sworn and
notarized affidavit indicating that the signer is a resident of the district who is supporting the
child continuously and not merely through the school term and without compensation.
Completion of the registration process and filing of the affidavit will be sufficient for enrollment.
Affidavit forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.
Section 1305 – Foster Students:
Nonresident students placed in foster homes within the district are entitled to attend district
schools. Upon enrollment, the district will require the foster agency to complete a form verifying
that the student is in a foster placement and providing any other information required for state
mandated child accounting.
Section 1306 – Students Living in Institutions:
The district is responsible for educating nonresident students placed in children’s institutions
located within the school district boundaries. Upon enrollment, the district will require the
institutional agency to complete a form verifying that the student lives in an institutional
placement and providing any other information required for state mandated child accounting.
Policy Adopted:
Board Policy
7-17-14 srk
September 18, 1969
May 18, 1989
June 20, 1991
June 22, 2006
November 15, 2007
July 17, 2014