Great Basin Climate Forum 2012: Fall Outlook A discussion of current climate conditions in the Great Basin Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada October 17, 2012 9am-4:30pm 9:00am Introduction current as of 10/8/12 Agenda 9:10am Kelly Redmond, Deputy Director, Western Regional Climate Center, Great Basin weather and climate: summer recap, current status, and winter prospects 9:30am Justin Huntington, Desert Research Insititute, Role of surface and groundwater interactions on summertime streamflow in the Great Basin 9:50am Matt Germino, USGS and the Great Basin LCC, Hydro-climate effects on rangeland ecosystem soils in the Great Basin: thresholds and transformations 10:10am questions & question development 10:40am Break 11:00am Gina McGuire, meterologist, WGBCC Predictive Services, Great Basin fire season 2012 and preliminary 2012-2013 predictions 11:20am Clint Koble, State Executive Director of the NV Farm Service Agency of the USDA 11:40am questions 12:00-1:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:20pm 2:40pm 3:00pm 3:20pm 3:40pm 4:00pm 4:20pm Lunch Table group discussions Chad Mellison, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Current status and the potential role of climate change to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Erica Fleishman, U.C. Davis, Discriminating among ecological responses to weather and climate questions Break Olin Anderson, Water Quality Standards Specialist, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, The Current Climate for a Great Basin Tribe Miles Hemstrom, Institute for Natural Resources, Integrated Landscape Assessment Project questions wrap-up and reviw Register to attend in-person or the webinar at For more information please contact: Tamara Wall, 775-674-7059