Giuseppe Nicoletti Head of Division Contact information

Giuseppe Nicoletti
Head of Division
Structural Policy Analysis Division
Contact information
PhD Economics, New York University, 1989
Degree in Statistics and Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 1982
Professional experience
OECD, Head of the Structural Policy Analysis Division (SPAD), Economics Department, 2004-present
OECD, Senior Economist, Economics Department, 1997-2003
Italian Antitrust Authority, Senior Economist, 1995-97
OECD, Economist, Economics Department , 1986-94
Selected publications
The Future of Productivity (with D. Andrews, M. Adalet McGowan, C. Criscuolo), OECD, Paris. Short policy
note version.
"Product Market Regulation and Wage Premia in Europe and North America: an Empirical Investigation",
International Economics, forthcoming (with S. Jean).
"The effects of input tariffs on productivity: panel data evidence for OECD countries", The Review of
World Economics, forthcoming (with M. Bas, A. Johansson and F. Murtin).
"Policy Challenges for the Next 50 Years", OECD Journal: Economic Studies, forthcoming.
"Policy Challenges for the Next 50 Years", OECD Economics Policy Paper, No. 9, July 2014 (with H.
Braconier and B. Westmore).
"Do Product Market Regulations in Upstream Sectors Curb Productivity Growth? Panel Data Evidence for
OECD Countries", The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. XCV, No. 5, December 2013.
"Long-Term Growth Scenarios", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1000, 2013. (with Å.
Johansson, Y.Guillemette, F. Murtin, D. Turner, C. de la Maisonneuve, P. Bagnoli, G. Bousquet, F.Spinelli)
"Looking to 2060: Long-term global growth prospects", OECD Economics Policy Paper, No. 3, Nov. 2012,
(with A. Johansson et al.).
"Employment effects of product and labour market reforms: are there synergies?", The Economic
Journal, 122, 558, F79-F104, February 2012.
"Regulation, resource reallocation and productivity growth”, Nordic Economic Policy Review, No. 2, 6199, 2011. (with J. Arnold, S. Scarpetta)
“Does Anti-Competitive Regulation Matter for Productivity? Evidence from European Firms”, IZA
Discussion Papers, No. 5511 February 2011. (with J. Arnold, S. Scarpetta).
"Product Market Regulation", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 799, 2010 (with Anita
Wölfl, Isabelle Wanner and Oliver Röhn).
"Do Product Market Regulations in Upstream Sectors Curb Productivity Growth? Panel Data Evidence for
OECD Countries", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 791, 2010 (with Renaud Bourlès,
Gilbert Cette, Jimmy Lopez and Jacques Mairesse).
“The impact on Growth of Easing Regulations in the Upstream Sectors”, CESifo DICE Report Journal for
Institutional Comparisons, Vol. 8, No. 3, 8-12, Autumn 2010. (with R. Bourlès, G. Cette, J. Lopez, J.
“Les economies en développement et la crise”, Chroniques de la crise, CEPII, décembre 2010.
“A Framework for Assessing Green Growth Policies”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers,
No. 774, 2010 (with Alain de Serres and Fabrice Murtin).
“Complementarity of Inputs across Countries in Services Trade”, Annals of Economics and Statistics,
93/94, 183-206, 2009. (with C. Lennon, D. Mirza)
"Ten Years of Product Market Reform in OECD Countries – Insights From a Revised PMR Indicator", OECD
Economics Department Working Papers, No. 695, 2009 (with Anita Wölfl, Isabelle Wanner and Tomasz
“Investment in Tertiary Education: Main Determinants and Implications for Policy”, CESifo Economic
Studies, 06/2008. (with R. Boarini, C. de la Maisonneuve, J. Oliveira-Martins, H. Strauss)
"Regulation, Allocative Efficiency and Productivity in OECD Countries: Industry and Firm-Level Evidence",
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 616, 2008 (with Jens Arnold and Stefano Scarpetta).
“Product Market Regulation and Productivity Convergence: OECD Evidence and Implications for Canada”,
International Productivity Monitor, No. 15, Fall 2007 (with P. Conway).
“Employment Outcomes and the Interaction Between Product and Labor Market Deregulation: Are They
Substitutes or Complements? ”, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 2770, 2007 (with G. Fiori, S. Scarpetta and
F. Schiantarelli).
"Product Market Competition in OECD Countries: Taking Stock and Moving Forward", OECD Economics
Department Working Papers, No. 575, 2007 (with Jens Høj, Miguel Jimenez, Maria Maher and Michael
“Product Market Reforms: Effects on Growth”, in A. Mateus and T. Moreira (eds.), Competition Law and
Economics, , Kluwer Law International, 2007 (with S. Scarpetta)
“Taxation and Business Environment as Drivers of Foreign Direct Investment in OECD Countries”, OECD
Economic Studies, No. 43, 2006/2 (with D. Hajkova, L. Vartia and K.-Y. Yoo).
Services regulation and economic performance”, in Deepening the Lisbon Agenda: Studies on productivity,
services and technologies, Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, 2006, (with P. Conway).
“Regulation, Competition and Productivity Convergence”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers,
No. 509, 2006, published as “Product market regulation and productivity convergence”, OECD Economic
Studies No. 43, 2006/2 (with P. Conway, D. De Rosa and F. Steiner).
“Regulation, competition and productivity convergence”, in M. Tcha (ed.) Regulatory Reform to Improve
Business Environment in Korea, 2006, Korea Development Institute, (with P. Conway).
“Subjective and Objective Measures of Governmental Regulations in OECD Nations”, Journal of Economic
Behaviour and Organization, Vol. 59, 433-449, 2006. (with F. Pryor).
“The Political Economy of Structural Reform: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries”, OECD Economics
Department Working Papers, No. 501, 2006, published as “An Empirical Investigation of Political Economy
Factors behind Structural Reforms in OECD Countries”, OECD Economic Studies, No. 42, 2006/1 (with
J. Høj, V. Galasso and T.-T. Dang).
“An empirical investigation of political economy factors behind structural reforms in OECD countries”,
OECD Economic Studies, No.42, 2006/1. (with J. Høj, V. Galasso and T.-T. Dang).
“How to Gain Political Support for Reforms”, in T. Boeri, V. Galasso and R. Faini (eds.), Structural Reforms
without Prejudices, Oxford University Press, 2006 (with M. Castanheira, V. Galasso and E. Perotti).
“Regulation and Economic Performance: Product Market Reforms and Productivity in the OECD”, in
T. Eicher and C. García-Peñalosa (eds.), Institutions, Development and Growth, MIT Press, 2006 (with
S. Scarpetta).
“Product Market Regulation in the Non-Manufacturing Sectors of OECD Countries: Measurement and
Highlights”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 530, 2006 (with P. Conway).
“Product market regulation and productivity convergence”, OECD Economic Studies, No. 43, 2006/2.
(with P. Conway, D. De Rosa and F. Steiner).
“Proprietà, concorrenza e regole multilaterali: il caso del trasporto aereo”, in P. Guerrieri (ed.) Libero
scambio e regole multilaterali, 2005, il Mulino, Bologna, (with A. Goldstein).
“Regulation and economic performance: product market reforms and productivity in the OECD”, OECD
Economics Department Working Papers, No. 460, November 2005 (with S. Scarpetta)
“Product Market Reforms and Employment in OECD Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working
Papers, No. 472, 2005 (with S. Scarpetta).
“Regulation and Investment”, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 (with
A. Alesina, S. Ardagna and F. Schiantarelli).
“Product Market Regulation in OECD Countries: 1998 to 2003”, OECD Economics Department Working
Papers, No. 419, 2005 (with P. Conway and V. Janod).
“What is so Special about Trade in Services?”, Leverhulme Center for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy Research Paper, No. 2004/02, Nottingham University, 2004, (with D. Mirza).
“Regulation and Wage Premia”, CEPII Working Paper 2004-12, also published as Leverhulme Centre for
Research on Globalisation and Labour Markets Research Paper, No. 2004-26, Nottingham University,
2004 (with S. Jean).
“The economy-wide effects of product market policies”, in Quantifying the Benefits of Liberalising Trade
in Services, 2003, OECD, Paris.
“The Influence of Policies on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment”, OECD Economic Studies, No. 36, 2003
(with S. Golub, D. Hajkova, D. Mirza and K.-Y. Yoo).
“Regulation, Productivity and Growth”, Economic Policy, Vol. 36, 2003 (with S. Scarpetta).
“Regulation, productivity and growth: OECD evidence”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers,
No. 347, January 2003 (with S. Scarpetta)
“Regulation and investment”, NBER Working Papers, No. 9560, March 2003 (with A. Alesina, S. Ardagna
and F. Schiantarelli).
“Policies and international integration: Influences on trade and foreign direct investment”, OECD
Economics Department Working Papers, No. 359, June 2003. (with S. Golub, D. Hajkova, D. Mirza and K.-Y.
“Product market regulation and wage premia in Europe and North-America”, OECD Economics
Department Working Papers, No. 318, 2002, OECD, Paris (with S. Jean).
“Institutions, economic structure and performance: is Italy doomed?”, ISAE Report on “Monitoring Italy”,
2002, ISAE, Rome.
“European Integration, Liberalisation and Labour Market Performance”, in T. Boeri, G. Bertola and
G. Nicoletti (eds.), Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, MIT Press, 2001 (with R. Haffner,
S. Nickell, S. Scarpetta and G. Zoega).
“Integrazione europea, liberalizzazione e mercato del lavoro”, in T. Boeri, G. Bertola and G. Nicoletti
(eds.), Protezione sociale, occupazione e integrazione europea, 2001, il Mulino, Bologna. (with R.
Haffner, S. Nickell, S. Scarpetta and G. Zoega)
“Regulation in Services: OECD Patterns and Economic Implications”, in Innovation and Productivity in
Services, 2001, OECD, Paris.
“Product and Labour Market Interactions in OECD Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working
Papers, No. 312, 2001 (with A. Bassanini, E. Ernst, S. Jean, P. Santiago and P. Swaim).
“Regulatory Reform in Retail Distribution”, OECD Economic Studies, No. 32, 2001 (with O. Boylaud).
“Regulatory Reform in Road Freight”, OECD Economic Studies, No. 32, 2001 (with O. Boylaud).
“Regulation, Market Structure and Performance in Air Passenger Transportation”, OECD Economic
Studies, No. 32, 2001 (with R. Gönenç).
“Regulation, Market Structure and Performance in Telecommunications”, OECD Economic Studies,
No. 32, 2001 (with O. Boylaud).
“The Implementation and the Effects of Regulatory Reform: Past Experience and Current Issues”, OECD
Economic Studies, No. 32, 2001 (with R. Gönenç and M. Maher).
“Vingt ans de privatisation : quel bilan ?”, Problèmes économiques , No. 2.731, 2001, La Documentation
Française, Paris (with R. Gönenç and M. Maher).
“Cross-country Regulation Patterns and their Implications for Macroeconomic and Sectoral
Performance”, in G. Amato and L. Laudati (eds.) The Anticompetitive Effects of Regulation, 2001, Edward
Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
“Regulation and Labour Market Performance”, in G. Galli and J. Pelkmans (eds.) Regulatory Reform and
Competitiveness in Europe, 2000, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. (with T. Boeri and S. Scarpetta)
“Summary Indicators of Product Market Regulation with an Extension to Employment Protection
Legislation”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 226, 1999, OECD, Paris, (with O. Boylaud
and S. Scarpetta).
"Concorrenza e efficienza nel settore aeroportuale", Temi e Problemi, No. 9, 1998, Autorità Garante della
Concorrenza e del Mercato.
"Economia, struttura di mercato e regolamentazione dei sistemi aeroportuali", Economia e politica
industriale, No. 95, 1997.
"Italian privatisations in international perspective", Cuadernos de economia, Año 33, N°100, dicembre
1996, (with A. Goldstein).
"Le privatizzazioni in Italia 1992-1995: motivi, metodi e risultati", in La finanza pubblica italiana dopo la
svolta del 1992, A. Monorchio (ed.), il Mulino, 1996, (with A. Goldstein).
"Italian privatisations in international perspective", Working Paper EconPubblica No. 33, Università
Bocconi, giugno 1995, (with A. Goldstein).
"Corporate Governance in Italy", OECD Observer, March-April 1995. (with A. Goldstein).
"Privatisations in Italy", Belles Feuilles. Revue des débats européens, Automne 1994. (with A. Goldstein).
"Effets globaux de l'écotaxe européenne", Revue Economique, Vol. 45, No. 3, 1994 (with J. OliveiraMartins).
"Global effects of the European carbon tax", in The European Carbon Tax: An Economic Assessment (C.
Carraro and D. Siniscalco eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. (with J. Oliveira-Martins)
"The costs of reducing CO2 emissions: a comparison of carbon tax curves with GREEN", in The costs of
cutting carbon emissions: results from global models, OECD, 1993, (with J-M. Burniaux, J. Martin and J.
"Trends and Cycles in Labour Productivity in the Major OECD Countries", CEPR Working Paper, No. 808,
1993 (with L. Reichlin).
"Regression Direction and Weak Exogeneity: Determining the Conditioning Properties of U.S. Money
Demand Functions", Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 1993 (with A. Fischer).
"GREEN: A global model for quantifying the costs of policies to curb CO2 emissions", OECD Economic
Studies, No. 19, Winter 1992, (with J-M. Burniaux and J. Oliveira-Martins).
"The Costs of International Agreements to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Evidence from GREEN", OECD
Economic Studies, No. 19, 1992. (with J.-M. Burniaux, J. Martin and J. Oliveira-Martins).
"The Costs of International Agreements to Reduce CO2 Emissions", European Economy, Special edition
No. 1, 1992 (with J.-M. Burniaux, J. Martin and J. Oliveira-Martins).
"Is Tax Discounting Stable over Time?", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 54, No. 2, 1992.
"Consommation privée et endettement public en Italie et en Belgique: existe-t-il une relation stable?",
Observations et diagnostics économiques, No. 37, Juillet 1991.
"The costs of policies to reduce global emissions of CO2: Initial simulation results with GREEN", OECD
Economics Department Working Papers, No. 103, June 1991, also published in "The Economic Costs of
International Agreements to Emissions of CO2", The Economic and Social Research Institute papers No.
14, May, 1992, (with J-M. Burniaux, J. Martin and J. Oliveira-Martins).
"Aspettative fiscali, inflazione e consumo privato in otto paesi OCSE", in Bilancio pubblico e risparmio
privato (T. Jappelli, ed.), Franco Angeli, Milano, 1991.
"The Public Sector: Issues for the 1990s", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No .90, January
1990, (with H. Oxley, M. Maher, J. Martin and P. Alonso Gamo).
"GREEN -- A multi-region dynamic general equilibrium model for quantifying the costs of curbing CO2
emissions: A technical manual", OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 104, June 1991, (with
J-M. Burniaux, J. Martin and J. Oliveira-Martins).
"Le financement des retraites publiques face à la transition démographique dans quatre pays de l'OCDE",
Economie et statistique, No. 233, Juin 1990, (with R.P. Hagemann).
"Population Ageing: Economic Effects and some Policy Implications for Financing Public Pensions", OECD
Economic Studies, No. 12, Spring 1989, (with R. P. Hagemann).
“Ageing populations: economic effects and implications for public finance", OECD Economics Department
Working Papers, No. 61, January 1989 (with R.P. Hagemann).
"The Economic Dynamics of an Ageing Population: the Case of Four OECD Countries", OECD Economic
Studies, No. 12, 1989 (with A. Auerbach, L. Kotlikoff and R. Hagemann).
"Population Ageing: Economic Effects and some Policy Implications for Financing Public Pensions", OECD
Economic Studies, No. 12, 1989 (with R. Hagemann).
“A Cross Country Analysis of Private Consumption, Inflation and the `Debt Neutrality Hypothesis’", OECD
Economic Studies, No. 11, 1988.
“Private consumption, inflation and the "debt neutrality hypothesis", the case of eight OECD countries”,
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 50, January 1988.
"Unsustainability of Public Debt Dynamics and Inflation", Metroeconomica, Vol.38, June 1986.