Course Curriculum
GRADE/SUBJECT: Introduction to Java Programming
A. Primitive Instructions and Simple Programs
B. Extending the Robot Programming Language
C. Polymorphism
D. Conditionally Executing Instructions
E. Instructions That Repeat
F. Advanced Techniques for Robots
G. Introduction to Java and Program Design
H. Creating a Java Application and Applet
I. Manipulating Data Using Methods
J. Decision Making and Repetition with Reusable Objects
K. Arrays, Loops, and Layout Managers Using External Classes
L. Creating Menus and Button Arrays Using the Abstract Windows Toolkit
M. Swing Interfaces with Sorting and Searching
N. Writing Data to a Sequential Data File
O. Using Collections and Strings in a Reusable Class
P. Understanding Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Q. Accessing Databases Using JDBC
R. Utilizing Servlets for Web Applications
A. Students will be able to:
Create objects using modified java language.
Create and use classes, methods, and variables.
Debug lexical syntax, and run-time errors.
B. Students will be able to:
Use stepwise refinements.
Create subclasses.
Override methods.
Satisfy pre- and post- conditions for a java class.
C. Students will be able to:
Define polymorphism.
Define and implement abstract classes and interfaces.
Use strategies.
Define clients and servers.
Create methods using parameters.
Use enumeration.
Create methods returning values.
D. Students will be able to:
Create selection structures.
Write nested instructions.
Test conditions.
Write predicates.
E. Students will be able to:
Write and implement a for loop.
Write and implement a while loop.
Write a nested loop.
Identify iterative and repetitive structures.
F. Students will be able to:
Define and apply recursion.
Use tail recursion and looping.
G. Students will be able to:
Describe characteristics of java.
Identify types of java programs.
Define programs, programming, and applications.
Create an object structure and event diagram.
Define object-oriented programming and design.
Define key components of the java Software Development Kit (SDK).
H. Students will be able to:
Write a java application.
Implement comments into a program.
Properly name classes and files.
Compile and run a java program.
Edit java source code.
Create a java application.
Create a java applet.
Create an HTML host document.
I. Students will be able to:
Identify, declare, and use primitive data types.
Use the System class to create data streams.
Instantiate the BufferedReader class.
Use the readLine() method to handle user input.
Convert strings to numbers using the parse() method.
Use assignment statements to store data with identifiers.
Use operations and parenthesis in numeric and conditional expressions.
Round an answer using the round() method.
Use swing components to build GUI’s.
Use the exit() method.
Implement an ActionListener to handle events.
Add interface components to an applet.
Use the init(), paint(), and actionPerformed() methods.
J. Students will be able to:
Design a program using student-designed methods.
Use selection structures in methods.
Use Boolean and logic operators.
Define and handle exceptions.
Implement try and catch statements.
Implement a repetition structure using the while statement.
Write format numbers using the format() method.
Write switch statements to test for multiple values.
Construct a Color object.
Use a Checkbox and a CheckboxGroup in the user interface.
K. Students will be able to:
Create and implement an external class.
Construct an instance method to initialize instance variables.
Declare and construct an array.
Use layout managers with container components.
Code a counter-controlled loop using a for statement.
Employ assignment and unary operators.
Use methods with Frame, Choice, and TextArea Components.
L. Students will be able to:
Create and implement private variables.
Implement a menu system in a GUI application.
Use Button arrays.
Manipulate data in and out of the System clipboard.
Implement the getActionCommand() and getSource() methods.
Use multiple layout managers.
Code multiple case solutions.
Use various icons in a java program’s title bar.
M. Students will be able to:
Identify features of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC).
Define AWT and Swing components.
Create a JFrame application.
Sort data in parallel arrays.
Create super and subclasses.
Use JPanels, JScrollPanes, JComboBoxes, JLabels, JTextPanes methods.
Use Tabs and Styles in a JTextPane.
Use Document class methods.
Perform linear searches.
Incorporate methods in an interface.
N. Students will be able to:
Define volatile and nonvolatile data.
Implement the UIManager class.
Implement the setResizable() and setLocation() methods.
Use letter descriptors and the SimpleData Format class to format data.
Concatenate a formatted date String onto a file name.
Define sequential and random access files.
Create sequential files using Java’s DataOutputStream.
Define user events and listener types.
Implement the showConfirmDialog() method.
Use the write() methods to transfer data to secondary storage.
O. Students will be able to:
Develop classes.
Create class and instance variables.
Define the Collections Framework.
Create an ArrayList object.
Create overloaded constructors.
Create accessor and mutator methods.
Define the use of public and private variables.
Create an ArrayList method.
Implement String and StringBuffer classes.
P. Students will be able to:
Define inheritance hierarchy.
Define single and multiple inheritance.
Identify class inheritance verses interface implementation.
Define abstract and concrete classes.
Extend an abstract class.
Implement final classes and methods.
Create a multiple window user interface.
Q. Students will be able to:
Design a relational database.
Implement the Serializable interface.
Drop Tables and indexes in a database.
Create and execute a PreparedStatement object.
Perform a SQL database query and process the result set.
Create a data access (DA) class.
R. Students will be able to:
Define Java Web application components.
Use JavaScript in an HTML document.
Process GTTP requests in a servlet.
A-R. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, programs, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance
assessment, and/or boardwork.
Karel J Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented Programming
in Java.
Bergin, Joseph, and Mark Stehlik, Jim Roberts, Richard Pattis.
Dream Songs Press, February 2005.
Java Programming: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition.
Shelly, Gary B., Thomas J. Cashman, Joy L. Starks, Michael L. Mick.
Boston, MA. Thomas Learning Inc., 2004.
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student
Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A-R Lecture, demonstration, and review.
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with
each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments,
preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments.
Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the
student and the teacher.
The textbook contains many applications that connect the computer science topics to
other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.