Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Develop the necessary skills of phonetic analysis and structural analysis to enable the student to become an independent reader that will enable him/her to apply strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts to construct meaning. Standards: 1.1.1 A-H, 1.2.1 A, C, 1.3.1 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 1. Student is acquiring word recognition skills and strategies. a) Recognizes both upper and lower case letters in the alphabet. b) Demonstrates understanding that spoken words consist of a sequences of phonemes. c) Understands that the sequence of letters in a written word represents the sequence of sounds (phonemes) in a spoken word. d) Demonstrates understanding that spoken words consist of a sequences of phonemes. e) Merges spoken segments into a meaningful target word. f) Recognizes and completes predictable language patterns. g) Acquires a sight vocabulary by identifying rhymes and word families and reading them in context. h) Decodes orally regular, one-syllable words and nonsense words. i) Uses letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words when reading text. j) Counts the number of syllables in a word. k) Recognizes and has mastered the following sound-symbol correspondences: all consonants, all short vowels and their spellings, all long vowels and their spellings. l) Begins to recognize all digraphs, all diphthongs, and all variant vowels. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Required Assessments: (See Reading/Language Arts Assessment Addenda) Optional Assessments (See Addendum) Teacher Observation Worksheets Dictation Spelling Tests (weekly) addressing sounds/words introduced during the week; including high frequency words (see Spelling Binder) Word Building Activities (Open Court) Workshops/Centers Teacher prepared as needed Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Spotlight on Literacy Materials-Macmillan /McGraw-Hill, 1997Guides, Reading Books, Related Readings Open Court Phonics, 1995- MaterialsWorkbooks, Step-ByStep Practice Books, Mini Books Phonemic Awareness in Young Children M.J. Adams etal. D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman On-Line Research Materials Pizza Hut Book-It Program 100 Book Challenge CD’s Children’s Personal Materials Class Libraries Class Encyclopedias Class Dictionaries Classroom Sets of Literature The Rain Forest-Helen Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Discuss Prior Knowledge Dramatizations Silent Reading Flash Cards Flexible Grouping Games Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories/Books Learning Centers Modeling Peer Tutors Reading Aloud Story Mapping Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 m) Applies structural analysis skills and picture and context clues to decode and understand new words. n) Recognizes basic sight words in isolation and in context. o) Recognizes required contractions and the words they represent. p) Recognizes required homophones. 7/02 Cowcher (IL) Nature’s Green UmbrellaGail Gibbons (IL) Frog and Toad are Friends-Arnold Loebel (IL and RT) Weekly Readers Words I Use Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Develop the necessary skills of phonetic analysis and structural analysis to enable the student to become an independent reader that will enable him/her to apply strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts to construct meaning. Standards: 1.1.1 A-H, 1.2.1 A, C, 1.3.1 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 2. Student is constructing meaning. a) Previews illustrations and makes predictions. b) Recognizes story genre. c) Differentiates among various types of genre. d) Reads with accuracy and comprehension at his/her reading level. e) Monitors his/her reading and self/corrects when an incorrectly identified word does not fit with cues provided by the letters in the word or the context surrounding the word. f) Generates the necessary vocal expression to confirm understanding of the text. g) Answers simple oral and written comprehension questions based on material read. h) Describes new information gained from texts in own words. i) Identifies literary elements in stories--main idea, details, setting, and characters. j) Sequentially summarizes the events in a story. k) Differentiates the dialogue in plays and stories. l) Responds to literature through illustrations and writing. 7/02 Assessment Required Assessments: (See Reading/Language Arts Assessment Addenda) Optional Assessments (See Addendum) Teacher Observation Comprehension Worksheets that accompany each story Oral Story Retelling Response Journals-Use suggested response questions from the manuals Book Reports Class Participation Performance Tasks Teacher made tests, quizzes, worksheets Unit Reading Tests that accompany each level Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 100 Book Challenge CD’s Children’s Personal Materials Class Libraries Class Encyclopedias Class Dictionaries Classroom Sets of Literature The Rain Forest-Helen Cowcher (IL) Nature’s Green Umbrella-Gail Gibbons (IL) Frog and Toad are FriendsArnold Loebel (IL and RT) D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman On-Line Research Materials Open Court Phonics, 1995Materials-Workbooks, StepBy-Step Practice Books, Mini Books Pizza Hut Book-It Program Spotlight on Literacy Materials-Macmillan /McGraw-Hill, 1997-Guides, Reading Books, o. Related Readings Weekly Readers Words I Use Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Discuss Prior Knowledge Dramatizations Silent Reading Flash Cards Flexible Grouping Games Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories/Books Learning Centers Modeling Peer Tutors Reading Aloud Story Mapping Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Develop the necessary skills of phonetic analysis and structural analysis to enable the student to become an independent reader that will enable him/her to apply strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts to construct meaning. Standards: 1.1.1 A-H, 1.2.1 A, C, 1.3.1 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 3. Student is beginning to read orally at an appropriate flow and rhythm. a) Demonstrates fluency and accuracy while reading orally. b) Reads aloud with accuracy and comprehension at his/her reading level. c) Self-corrects his/her reading. d) Generates the necessary expression to confirm understanding of the text. 7/02 Assessment Required Assessments: (See Reading/Language Arts Assessment Addenda) Optional Assessments (See Addendum) Tape recordings Teacher observations Oral Participation Self-Evaluations Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 100 Book Challenge CD’s Children’s Personal Materials Class Libraries Class Encyclopedias Class Dictionaries Classroom Sets of Literature The Rain Forest-Helen Cowcher (IL) Nature’s Green Umbrella-Gail Gibbons (IL) Frog and Toad are FriendsArnold Loebel (IL and RT) D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman On-Line Research Materials Open Court Phonics, 1995Materials-Workbooks, StepBy-Step Practice Books, Mini Books Pizza Hut Book-It Program Spotlight on Literacy Materials-Macmillan /McGraw-Hill, 1997-Guides, Reading Books, o. Related Readings Weekly Readers Words I Use Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Discuss Prior Knowledge Dramatizations Silent Reading Flash Cards Flexible Grouping Games Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories/Books Learning Centers Modeling Peer Tutors Reading Aloud Story Mapping Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Develop the necessary skills of phonetic analysis and structural analysis to enable the student to become an independent reader that will enable him/her to apply strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts to construct meaning. Standards: 1.1.1 A-H, 1.2.1 A, C, 1.3.1 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 4. Student continues to develop an interest in print. a) Selects reading materials independently. b) Shows enthusiasm by sharing reading selections with others. c) Requests additional reading time. d) Recognizes environmental print. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Teacher Observation Student/Teacher Conferences Self-Evaluations Self-Selection of reading materials 100 Book Challenge CD’s Children’s Personal Materials Class Libraries Class Encyclopedias Class Dictionaries Classroom Sets of Literature The Rain Forest-Helen Cowcher (IL) Nature’s Green Umbrella-Gail Gibbons (IL) Frog and Toad are Friends-Arnold Loebel (IL and RT) D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman On-Line Research Materials Open Court Phonics, 1995- MaterialsWorkbooks, Step-By-Step Practice Books, Mini Books Pizza Hut Book-It Program Spotlight on Literacy MaterialsMacmillan /McGraw-Hill, 1997Guides, Reading Books, o. Related Readings Weekly Readers Words I Use Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Discuss Prior Knowledge Dramatizations Silent Reading Flash Cards Flexible Grouping Games Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories/Books Learning Centers Modeling Peer Tutors Reading Aloud Story Mapping Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Develop the necessary skills of phonetic analysis and structural analysis to enable the student to become an independent reader that will enable him/her to apply strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts to construct meaning. Standards: 1.1.1 A-H, 1.2.1 A, C, 1.3.1 A-F Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques READING Additional Practice Alternate Assignments Audio-Taped Books Buddy System Flash Cards Hands-On Activities Highlighted Instruction Large Print Books Learning Centers Manipulatives Modify Assignments One-To-One Instruction Organizers Preferential Seating Unlimited Time Use of an EZC Reader Bookmark Tutors Visual/Verbal Clues Wait Time 7/02 Enrichment Strategies AG/Classroom Teacher Cooperation CD Programs Contracts Independent Studies Learning Centers Tiered Assignments Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies Some strategies would include: small group instruction, one to one instruction, preferential seating, reading tutors, modified worksheets, untimed tasks, trained parent volunteers, pending technology, repeated readings, home work and reading packets, peer tutoring, word games, supplemental leveled reader. Teachers should preview assessment materials to determine final goals required for reading. Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Artist-in-residence Assemblies/speakers Author studies Community awareness/projects Field trips Fine arts presentations Holiday recognitions Integrated curriculum Interdisciplinary units (Frogs, Rain Forest) Pen pal correspondence/e-mail Theater Use of folk tales from other countries Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Develop the necessary skills to produce quality writing in a variety of forms such as journals, stories, letters, poems, and reports, demonstrating effective use of language skills. Standards: 1.4.1 A-B, 1.5.1 C, E, F Benchmark/Skills WRITING 1. Recognizes and uses steps of the writing process. a) Uses relevant illustrations when appropriate. b) Labels or annotates an original illustration of a content-area topic. c) Transfers sound-symbol correspondences to a written word. d) Uses invented spelling/phonics-based knowledge to spell independently. e) Shows spelling consciousness or sensitivity to conventional spelling. f) Spells with accuracy most of the required first-grade spelling words. g) Uses legible writing. h) Uses an appropriate strategy to plan for their writing (graphic organizer found in program materials.) i) Writes a series of related sentences with one central idea and specific purpose. j) Writes with a recognizable beginning, middle, and end. k) Edits writing using conventions of language as specified in the Scope and Sequence: l) Spells common, frequently-used words. m) Uses capital letters correctly. n) Uses proper punctuation marks- periods, question marks, and exclamation marks. o) Uses complete sentences. p) Publishes and/or shares writing. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Required Assessments: (See First Grade Writing Portfolio Guidelines) Additional Required Assessments: Spelling Tests (weekly) addressing sounds/words introduced that week; including high frequency words (see spelling binder) Other Assessments: Teacher Observations (ongoing) Daily journal writing Daily edits (see sample) Handwriting Samples (ongoing) Written alphabet sample (September) Daily practice End of the year sample (to be placed in cumulative folder) Dictation (ongoing) Open Court provided Teacher created Capitalization and Punctuation Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Materials Open Court Materials D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman Instructional Strategies Dictation Flexible Grouping Graphic Organizers Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories Modeling Peer Tutors Pen Pals Publishing Books Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Develop the necessary skills to produce quality writing in a variety of forms such as journals, stories, letters, poems, and reports, demonstrating effective use of language skills. Standards: 1.4.1 A-B, 1.5.1 C, E, F Benchmark/Skills WRITING 2. Student begins to write for a variety of purposes. a) Identifies and writes a complete sentence both declarative and interrogative. b) Responds to nonfiction and fiction works of literature through illustrations and writing. c) Writes a couplet (rhyme phrase/sentence.) d) Writes a narrative piece from personal experience with a minimum of three sentences. e) Writes an informational sentence about a topic discussed in content area. f) Writes a personal letter. g) Writes a personal opinion. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Required Assessments: (See First Grade Writing Portfolio Guidelines) Other Assessments: Teacher Observations (ongoing) Daily journal writing Daily edits Dictation (ongoing) Story Responses (second semester) eg. book reports, story reactions, alternative story starters and endings Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Macmillan/McGrawHill Materials Open Court Materials D’Nealian Handwriting Instructional Strategies Dictation Flexible Grouping Graphic Organizers Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories Modeling Peer Tutors Pen Pals Publishing Books Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Develop the necessary skills to produce quality writing in a variety of forms such as journals, stories, letters, poems, and reports, demonstrating effective use of language skills. Standards: 1.4.1 A-B, 1.5.1 C, E, F Benchmark/Skills WRITING 3. Student recognizes the need for proper mechanics and conventions of writing. a) Writes from top to bottom, left to right, and front to back. b) Places spaces between words. c) Edits writing using conventions of language as specified in the Scope and Sequence: d) Spells common, frequently-used words. e) Uses capital letters correctly. f) Uses proper punctuation marksperiods, question marks, and exclamation marks. g) Uses complete sentences. 7/02 Assessment Required Assessments: (See First Grade Writing Portfolio Guildelines) Other Assessments: Teacher Observations Daily journal writing Daily edits Dictation Open Court provided Teacher created Written Tests (spring) Capitalization Punctuation Handwriting Samples Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Materials Open Court Materials D’Nealian Handwriting, Scott Foresman Instructional Strategies Dictation Flexible Grouping Graphic Organizers Group Discussions Journals KWL Language Experience Stories Modeling Peer Tutors Pen Pals Publishing Books Think/Pair/Share Word Walls/Folders Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Develop the necessary skills to produce quality writing in a variety of forms such as journals, stories, letters, poems, and reports, demonstrating effective use of language skills. Standards: 1.4.1 A-B, 1.5.1 C, E, F Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques WRITING Additional Practice Alternate Assignments Audio-Taped Books Buddy System Flash Cards Hands-On Activities Highlighted Instruction Large Print Books Learning Centers Manipulatives Modify Assignments One-To-One Instruction Organizers Preferential Seating Unlimited Time Use of an EZC Reader Bookmark Tutors Visual/Verbal Clues Wait Time 7/02 Enrichment Strategies AGP/Classroom Teacher Cooperation CD Programs Contracts Writing Centers Tiered assignments Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies Additional Practice Writing Centers Modify Assignments One-to-One Instruction Graphic Organizers Unlimited Time Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Artist-in-residence Assemblies/speakers Author studies Community awareness/projects Field trips Fine arts presentations Holiday recognitions Integrated curriculum Interdisciplinary units (Frogs, Rain Forest) Pen pal correspondence/e-mail Theater Use of folk tales from other countries Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Develop the necessary skills to listen actively for a variety of purposes, as well as speak and respond using effective communication skills to promote understanding. Standards: 1.6.1 A-E Benchmark/Skills LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1. Begins to develop age appropriate listening skills. a) Listens attentively to others without interrupting. b) Listens to selections of literature. c) Listens to and discusses content of all types of literature and genre. d) Listens to and compares orally a variety of literature. e) Able to follow a sequence of directions 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Teacher Observations Response Journals Oral Readings Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology CD’s Class libraries Classroom sets of literature Open Court materials Mini books Macmillan/Mcgraw-Hill materials Weekly Readers Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Dramatizations Flexible Grouping Games Journal Language Experience Stories/Books Modeling Publishing books Reading Aloud Reading with children Reading by children Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Develop the necessary skills to listen actively for a variety of purposes, as well as speak and respond using effective communication skills to promote understanding. Standards: 1.6.1 A-E Benchmark/Skills LISTENING AND SPEAKING 2. Begins to develop age appropriate speaking skills. a) Speaks using appropriate speech and language skills. b) Participates in small and large group discussions. c) Respond to speakers in a variety of ways (ask questions, think aloud, contribute ideas, retell what is heard) d) Respond to speakers in a variety of ways (ask questions, think aloud, contribute ideas, retell what is heard) 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Teacher Observations Response Journals Oral Readings Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology CD’s Class libraries Classroom sets of literature Open Court materials Mini books Macmillan/Mcgraw-Hill materials Weekly Readers Instructional Strategies Big Books Book Talks Buddy Reading Cloze Activities Dictation Dramatizations Flexible Grouping Games Journal Language Experience Stories/Books Modeling Publishing books Reading Aloud Reading with children Reading by children Story Retelling Tape Recorded Readings Think/Pair/Share Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Develop the necessary skills to listen actively for a variety of purposes, as well as speak and respond using effective communication skills to promote understanding. Standards: 1.6.1 A-E Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques LISTENING AND SPEAKING Additional Practice Alternate Assignments Audio-Taped Books Buddy System Flash Cards Hands-On Activities Highlighted Instruction Large Print Books Learning Centers Manipulatives Modify Assignments One-To-One Instruction Organizers Preferential Seating Unlimited Time Use of an EZC Reader Bookmark Tutors Visual/Verbal Clues Wait Time 7/02 Enrichment Strategies AG/Classroom Teacher Cooperation CD Programs Contracts Independent Studies Learning Centers Tiered Assignments Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies One-to-One Instruction Additional Practice Modify Assignments Additional Time Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Artist-in-residence Assemblies/speakers Author studies Community awareness/projects Field trips Fine arts presentations Holiday recognitions Integrated curriculum Interdisciplinary units (Frogs, Rain Forest) Pen pal correspondence/e-mail Theater Use of folk tales from other countries Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Develop the necessary skills to be able to conduct and document age-appropriate research using a variety of multimedia resources. Standards: 1.8.1 A-C Benchmark/Skills RESEARCH 1. Begins to develop age appropriate Library and Research Skills. a) Demonstrates appropriate listening skills during group reading experiences. b) Demonstrates interest in reading as a recreational activity. c) Locates and retrieves a specific book on the Library Media Center shelves. d) Checks in and checks out materials using established Library Media Center procedures. e) Demonstrates proper care in the handling of print and non-print resources. f) Asks a question to solve an information problem. g) Determines if a fiction or nonfiction book is needed to solve the information problem. h) Develops follow-up question(s) to solve the information problem i) Uses his/her own words or phrases to record response(s) to information problem(s). j) Writes or states a simple citation (title and author) to indicate the information source. k) Shares findings with a group. l) Uses the OPAC (with the support of teacher, librarian, or other student) to find a book by its subject or title. m) Uses the mouse, space bar, enter, delete, and arrow keys to perform basic computer functions. n) Navigates age-appropriate multimedia resources. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Teacher Observations Projects Group Work Performance Tasks Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Class libraries School libraries Computers Learning centers Field Trips Instructional Strategies Modeling Computer programs Internet sites Cooperative groups Flexible groups Graphic organizers Grade 1 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Develop the necessary skills to be able to conduct and document age-appropriate research using a variety of multimedia resources. Standards: 1.8.1 A-C Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques RESEARCH Additional Practice Alternate Assignments Audio-Taped Books Buddy System Flash Cards Hands-On Activities Highlighted Instruction Large Print Books Learning Centers Manipulatives Modify Assignments One-To-One Instruction Organizers Preferential Seating Unlimited Time Use of an EZC Reader Bookmark Tutors Visual/Verbal Clues Wait Time 7/02 Enrichment Strategies AG/Classroom Teacher Cooperation CD Programs Contracts Independent Studies Learning Centers Tiered Assignments Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies Writing Centers Modify Assignments One-to-One Instruction Graphic Organizers Unlimited Time Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Artist-in-residence Assemblies/speakers Author studies Community awareness/projects Field trips Fine arts presentations Holiday recognitions Integrated curriculum Interdisciplinary units (Frogs, Rain Forest) Pen pal correspondence/e-mail Theater Use of folk tales from other countries Grade 1 7/02