V-Rooms User Guide 1

V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
V-Rooms Pro
User Guide
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Copyright © 2006-2014 Due Diligence Online, LLC All rights reserved.
Due Diligence Online, LLC
3501 Sycamore School Rd.
Suite 125-127
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Phone: 888-316-2048
Website: http://www.dataroompro.com
Customer Support
Phone Customer Support is available 24x7x365/366. Email to Customer Support is available 8am ET – 5pm
PT. For further details regarding your support arrangement, refer to your Service Level Agreement, or contact
our Client Care Team.
"V-Rooms™" and the V-Rooms™ logo are registered trademarks of Due Diligence Online, LLC. All other
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Due Diligence Online, LLC makes no warranties, express or implied. Every attempt has been made to ensure
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Due Diligence Online, LLC is not liable for any special, consequential, or other damages for any reason.
Last Revised: 03/17/2014
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Table of Contents Customer Support ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Trademarks ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 System Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Prerequisite Knowledge ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Contacting Support ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Accessing V-Rooms™...................................................................................................................................... 5 Key Points to Remember as You Get Started .................................................................................................... 5 User Interface ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accessing V-Rooms™...................................................................................................................................... 7 Switching Rooms ................................................................................................................................................ 8 User Navigation .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Documents Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 12 User with Document Upload Capabilities ......................................................................................................... 13 Search Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 14 User Reporting Screen ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Single and Batch File Download from the Reporting Screen ............................................................................ 16 Instant Email Notifications ................................................................................................................................ 16 My Account Information .................................................................................................................................... 17 V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Thank you for selecting V-Rooms™ as your solution provider.
This guide provides information on the V-Room™ User Interface.
In this chapter
System Requirements .................................................................................................. 4
Prerequisite Knowledge ............................................................................................... 4
Contacting Support ...................................................................................................... 4
System Requirements
Your PC or MAC should be at such a level with Operating System and Processor capabilities to be able to
support the recommended and supported browsers when accessing V-Rooms™:
• Supported Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0. or higher, Google Chrome Version 30 or higher,
Mozilla Firefox Version 25 or higher.
IMPORTANT: Other Internet browsers (like Apple Safari and Netscape) and lower versions of supported browsers
listed above are not supported at this time, but have been successfully used by many of our customers.
1,024x768 screen resolution or higher recommended
High-speed Internet connection (corporate network, DSL, or cable)
Recommended PDF Reader: Adobe Reader X or higher (required for use with accounts using DRM)
Prerequisite Knowledge
People who use V-Rooms™ should have knowledge in the following areas:
• Browsing for and attaching documents
• Internet Explorer and General Browser Navigation
Contacting Support
Below is the contact information for V-Rooms™.
Phone Phone Support is available 24x7x365/366 for Data Room Administrators. To reach phone support, call (888)
316-2048 (North America) or (404) 348-4701 (International). If your call is answered by the automated
attendant, follow the prompts to leave a voice mail message. We will respond to your message promptly.
E-­‐mail Email to Customer Support is available 8am ET – 5pm PT at support@v-rooms.com. Use this address for
general inquiries and non-urgent matters.
Feedback We hope that you will contact us with your feedback. It helps us improve the product for you. Email your
comments to us at support@v-rooms.com.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Getting Started
In this chapter
Accessing V-Rooms™ ................................................................................................ 5
Key Points to Remember ............................................................................................. 6
Accessing V-Rooms ™
In order to access your V-Rooms™ navigate to the login page (URL) you
have been provided or to our standard login page at:
On your login page, enter the V-Rooms™ username and password
that has been provided to you.
Use the Reset/Forgot Password? link to request a new password if
Key Points to Remember as You Get Started
System In-Activity Timeout
For security reason, if no movement (keystrokes, mouse movements, etc.) are made within your Virtual
Room within a 30 minute period, the program will “time out”, and you must “re-login” to your Virtual Room.
Error Handling
If you encounter an error in our system that is unanticipated, you will receive the following error message
As the message indicates, if the error was presented at login, first try the steps outlined. If any problem
persists, contact our Customer Support Team for assistance.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Document Search Capability
Search Capability in V-Rooms™ allows users to search for specific content in the data room documents.
Search Capability is a premium feature that may not be available with all data rooms. If Search controls
are not present within Maintain Room, please contact your Room Administrator to discuss.
The search function in V-Rooms will search multiple components. These searchable components are: the
text of pdf documents, the data room file names, the uploaded file names, the file descriptions, and any
additional file fields in use.
Document Digital Rights Management (DRM)
DRM Capabilities in V-Rooms™ allow administrators to control the printing and saving of documents
within the data room. If a printing or saving has been restricted by your Room Administrator and you are
having any difficulty accessing a document, please contact your Room Administrator to discuss.
Multi-Room Access
Once a user is given access to more than one room, they will then have the ability to switch between those
rooms within their session using the Switch Rooms dropdown in the banner area of the User Interface
Email Alerts
When new files are added to a Folder, an Email Alert may be instantly issued to the users that have access to
the document(s). If you wish to turn Email Alerts on or off, please contact your Room Administrator.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
User Interface
Accessing V-Rooms™ ................................................................................................ 7
Switching Rooms ......................................................................................................... 8
User Navigation ........................................................................................................... 9
Home Screen ............................................................................................................. 11
Documents Screen .................................................................................................... 12
Users with Document Upload Capabilities ................................................................. 13
Search Screen ........................................................................................................... 14
User Reporting Screen .............................................................................................. 15
Single and Batch File Downloading from the Reporting Screen ................................ 16
Instant Email Notifications .......................................................................................... 16
My Account Screen .................................................................................................... 17
Accessing V-Rooms ™
After keying your username and password into the login screen, the custom “Acceptance Screen” is presented.
If a User account is inactive, the following message will be presented at login.
If a User account has been locked, the following message will be presented at login.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
If a user has forgotten their password, they can click on the Forgot Password? link on the login screen and
request a password reminder email. In order to use this feature, the user’s account must “Allow Password
Reset” and a valid email address for the user must be stored in the user account.
The first time a user logs in, or after a new password is emailed to a user, they will be required to change their
password. If Password Management is in use, there may be a variety of password complexity requirements
that are required of the password, and possibly a security question and answer.
The following screen will be displayed allowing the user to set up a new password and a security question and
answer (if required).
Switching Rooms
Access to various rooms within a group may be granted by a Group/Room Administrator. If a user has access
to more than one room, they will need to select a room from the drop down list at the top of their screen to
switch rooms.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
User Navigation
After the user has successfully logged into their account, they will be presented with an Acknowledgement
window. By clicking the Acknowledge and Accept button at the bottom of that screen, the user is
acknowledging the confidentiality of the information they are accessing in the specified room.
If Digital Rights Management is turned on for the V-Room™, the users will be presented with a splash screen
where they will need to download the necessary plug-in and the most recent version of adobe reader.
Users have the option to remove this alert and turn off this splash screen once they have downloaded the
necessary tools.
Users can also download the plug-in at any time by clicking on the My Account Screen.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
The user is then presented with their initial User Interface screen. The initial User Interface screen for a user
will depend on their User Management settings. If Home Page functionality is turned on, the initial User
Interface screen will be the Home Screen. Otherwise, the initial User Interface screen will be the Documents
Screen. Both of these screens are described in further detail in the sections below.
On each screen of the User Interface the “Private Label” Brand for the Room and Group is presented in the
The user may have up to four screens available to them upon login.
• The Home Screen – This screen will only display if home page has been turned on for this V-Room™
• The Documents Screen – This is the default screen for user access and displays the folder tree and
files available to the user.
• The Search Screen – This screen will only display if search capabilities have been turned on for the
accessed V-Room™ and for the accessing user.
• The User Reporting Screen – This screen displays the available documents to a user in a grid view
with sort and filter options.
Users can also update their personal Account Information by selecting the My Account Information Icon
below their name in the top right corner. This screen is also described in further detail in the section below.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Home Screen
If Home Page capabilities are turned on for the V-Room™, the users will be first directed to a home landing
On this page the user will see various sections including Links, Personnel, Announcements, General Info and
a Calendar (if they have been activated by an administrator).
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Documents Screen
The V-Rooms™ structure is simple with folders on the left and files on the right. The folder and file names
were customized by the data room administrator to make the data room structure even more intuitive.
Sub-folders are indicated by a plus sign to the left of the folder name. Click on the plus sign next to a folder to
expand it and see the sub-folders. Click the folder’s name on the left to see the documents in the folder.
The folder description under the folder name was also customized by the room administrator to provide more
information about the content of the folder or instructions.
Double click a file on the right to open the document.
Files of all types can be loaded in V-Rooms™ including Word documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, pictures,
graphics, video, audio, etc. V-Rooms™ can handle large files that are often too big to send in email.
When a PDF file is accessed, a dynamic confidentiality watermark is emblazoned across the document. The
confidential watermark will display the accessing user’s given name, username, date and time of downloading,
and computer IP address (location from where the document was accessed) along with custom information
possibly included by the Room’s Administrator.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
User with Document Upload Capabilities
Document Upload capabilities may be granted by a Room Administrator to a User to allow for users to upload
documents to the V-Room™. The Upload File to this Folder button will open the window below for
document upload.
In the Document Upload window, specify the following information:
Upload Files: Browse and select each file for upload. Note: If all files to be uploaded are in the same
folder on the local PC, this will go very quickly.
Security Level: Select a Security Level from the drop down list.
File Name: Type the File Name in the input box. Note: File Names cannot contain certain “illegal”
File Type: (optional) Select a type for the File(i.e. Document, Audio, Photo, Video)
Include Watermark: If checked, the Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on pdf files only.
File Description: This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window when the
cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search capabilities are
turned on for the room and the user.
Note: Only the Group Administrator or a Room Administrator with File Management permissions has the ability
to delete documents from the room.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Search Screen
To search the files in the V-Room™ for specific content, use V-Rooms™ Search Capability. Click on the
Search Button to navigate to the search screen.
The search function in V-Rooms™ will search multiple components. The searchable components include:
• the text of the documents
• the file name as displayed to users
• the uploaded file name
• the file description
• the additional file fields that are being used
Type in the content words and “phrases” that are to be searched for:
• Separate the words with spaces, no commas, semi-colons or other punctuation is necessary to
separate the words.
• Enclosing groups of words in “quotation marks” will search for the exact phrase within the searchable
• Unless enclosed in quotations, a hyphen is a minus sign telling the search to exclude that word. For
example, the search string below would find all files containing the word document that did not contain
the word watermark.
document -watermark
Partial word searches can be accomplished by placing an asterisk after the part of the word to be
searched for. For example, the search string below would find all files containing the partial words
water, waters, watermark, watermarked, watermarking, watermarks and any other forms that began
with the letters “water”.
Note: This will only work when searching for words that start with specified
characters, not to search for words that end with specified characters.
• When searching for dates, if the date has been included in one of the additional fields, then search for
it in “mm/dd/yyyy” format. Dates within documents can be in a multitude of formats, so multiple
searches may be necessary.
After the search contents are typed in, the search will return the documents that contain all of the words
and “phrases” in the search. The File Name can be clicked to open the file directly from the Search
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
User Reporting Screen
Reporting capabilities for users can be accessed by clicking the Reporting Button at the top of the screen.
This screen presents the user with a File Listing Report that contains a sortable, filterable and exportable list of
files that are available to the user. The columns in the report include the File Path, File Name, File Size, Date
the file was last updated, date the file was last accessed by the user, and any of the additional document fields
for the V-Room™ that have been made available to users.
In order to filter the information presented, specify the following:
Last Updated Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Alternatively, each of the columns can be individually filtered. Simply type the
value you wish to filter on in the Filter Field (located below the column name),
and click the filter icon to the right of the Filter Field.
Text Field Sort Options
There are different filtering options depending on the field type (date or text).
Examples are shown to the right.
In order to export the information from the report,
click the Export to Excel button.
Date Field Sort Options
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Single and Batch File Download from the Reporting Screen
On the Reporting Screen, a single file can be downloaded by double clicking the file.
Multiple files can be downloaded in batch by using Shift+ and
Control+ to select multiple files, right clicking on the selected
file(s), and then selecting Download File(s) as Zip.
A progress bar will be displayed as the files are zipped and prepared for download.
If any errors are encountered during the zip/download that
prevents any of the selected files from being downloaded
in the batch, an error message will be displayed.
Note: This will include DRM restrictions that do not permit
a selected file to be saved and “File Not Found” errors.
Instant Email Notifications
Users of V-Rooms™ can receive instant email notification
when documents are added or replaced.
These email notifications are sent automatically by the
system from the Room Administrator, so spam filters are
less likely to disregard these important updates.
This automatic alert feature provides simultaneous
notification to all users of new information.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
My Account Information
To access your Account Information select the My Account Information Icon below your name in the top right
This will launch a popup screen for maintain general account information. From this popup Users and
Administrators can change their password, their Security Question (if required by the V-Room™ they are
using), and their personal contact information (if turned on by the Administrator for the V-Room™ they are
using). Users can also see Room Contact Information for the room(s) they are accessing. Also, If Digital
Rights Management is turned on for the V-Room™ the Administrators and Users can download the necessary
plug-in needed in order to view the PDFs.
Change Password
To change your password, type in your current (old) password and your new password. Then retype your new
password before clicking Save Password.
Your new password must meet the Password Complexity requirements established by the Group’s
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Change Question and Answer
If the V-Room™ you are using requires a Security Question and Answer, you can update your Security
Question and Answer on this page.
Contact Information
If the Group’s Administrator has enabled the ability for you (the user) to manage your own Contact Information,
this area of the screen is displayed.
Here you are able to specify your personal contact information and preferred time zone for screen and listing
displays within the V-Rooms Application.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro User Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Admin Contacts
For each room that a user has access to, the main room contact information will be displayed.
If Digital Rights Management (Permissions) is turned on for the data room, users will need the most recent
version of Adobe Reader and they will need to download a plug-in in order to view PDF documents.
If you do not have the most recent version of Adobe Reader, you will need to click on the Get Adobe Reader
You will also need to download the FileOpen plug-in by clicking on the Get FileOpen Plug-In icon. Once they
have downloaded the plug-in you can then test to make sure it downloaded properly by clicking on the
FileOpen Test.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC