Individual Education Program

Individual Education Program
IDEA has Five Major Components
1. Evaluation and Identification
IEP and Related Services
Procedural Protections
IEP Process
Individual Education Program (IEP)
An IEP is a written document that essentially
describes the student’s present level of
educational achievement, identifies goals and
objectives for the near future, and lists the
educational services to be provided to meet
those goals. It is a legal document, but
teachers are not held accountable for a child’s
IEP Process
Process Leading up to IEP Development
Identify child with a disability (can be referred by
church, daycare center, parents, doctor, etc...)
Parents give consent for evaluation
Refer child to evaluation team
Child evaluated to determine present level of
Determine child’s eligibility for special education
Develop child’s IEP (PLOP and Goals/Objectives)
Determine placement
IEP Process
Special Education Time Line
Upon receiving a written referral, the district
has 15 days to create assessment plan
With assessment plan in place, district has 15
days to receive informed consent.
Upon receipt of informed consent, district has
50 days to assess and schedule team meeting
and develop an IEP
After creation of IEP, the IEP is implemented
immediately and reviewed quarterly and
IEP Process
Participants on IEP Team
Representative from public agency
Regular education teacher (including general physical
education teacher – required attendance by GPE teacher
if PE is only “general” class child attends)
Child’s teachers (including PE teacher)
Related service personnel (as needed)
One or both parents/guardians/surrogate
The child (when appropriate)
Other individuals at discretion of parents
IEP Process
Writing the IEP for Phys. Education
Which participants from the
previous page should write IEP
goals and objectives for physical
IEP Process
What must be included in IEP?
Present level of performance (PLOP)
Annual goals and short term objectives
Statement of services (including special
equipment) and extent child will not
participate in regular education program
Transition services (for children 14-16 or older)
Schedule of Services
Criteria, procedures, and schedules for
IEP Process
IEP and Physical Education
Do all children with disabilities need
to have specific IEP goals and
objectives for physical education?
If not, which children with
disabilities need specific IEP goals
and objectives for physical
IEP Process
Present Level of Performance (PLOP)
1. To describe the unique needs of the child
that will be addressed by special education
and related services, and
2. Establish a baseline of measurable
information that serves as the starting point
for developing goals and objectives/
IEP Process
Present Level of Performance (PLOP)
PLOP Specifies:
The strengths of the child
 The unique needs of the child
 Parental concerns
 How the child’s disability affects
involvement and progress in the
general curriculum
IEP Process
Present Level of Performance (PLOP)
Measurable (you can see it, hear it, count it)
Objective (clear criteria)
Functional (useful in child’s daily life)
Identifies any special factors
Describes both academic and non-academic
Includes results of most recent evaluations
(formal and informal data)
IEP Process
Converting PLOP into an IEP
Problems behaviors/motor deficits
Context in which problem occurs
Current Level of Functioning
Services Needed
Desired Level of Functioning
Intervention Strategies
Evaluation Measures
Evaluation Schedules
IEP Process
Present Level of Performance - Example
Introduction: John is an 8-year-old 3rd grader with Down
syndrome. He attend general physical education with his
peers and with the support of a teacher assistant (TA). He
also receives pull-out adapted physical education (APE) 2x
per week for 30 minutes per session.
Behaviors: John stays on task about 50% of the time with
the assistance of his TA, and he can follow most verbal
directions with support in about 10 seconds. He often
looks to his peers for visual cues to know what to do. John
will time himself out or walk away from PE about 3x per
week. These episodes last between 1 and 10 minutes. For
the past month he has responded better with a
reinforcement program (he has only has approximately 1
behavior episode per week).
IEP Process
PLOP – Example (continued)
Motor Skills: John was tested on the Test of Gross Motor
Development – 2 (TGMD-2). He scored at the 5th
percentile for locomotor skills and the 2nd percentile for
ball skills. His age equivalent was 5.6 years indicating a
delay of 2.5 years. His strengths were in running, sliding,
and galloping in locomotor skills and throwing and kicking
in object control skills. His weaknesses were in hopping
and jumping in locomotor skills and catching and striking
in object control skills.
Physical Fitness: John also is significantly behind his
peers in physical fitness. John can do 5 sit-ups in 1
minute (class avg. is 15), he can do 3 modified push-ups
(class avg. is 20), and he can run/walk the mile in 17
minutes (class avg. is 12 min.).
IEP Process
PLOP – Example (continued)
Recommendations: Based on the above summary
of his motor and fitness skills as well as his
behaviors in GPE, it is recommended that John
continue to receive APE services 60 minutes per
week. In addition, John does seem to be
benefiting both socially and with behaviors and
well as motorically from general physical
education with support from his TA. Therefore,
continued participation in GPE is recommended
with the support of John’s TA. Goals for John
should include improved ball skills, improved
physical fitness, and improved on-task time and
the ability to follow directions.
IEP Process
Annual Goals (LTG)
Describe what a child can reasonably be
expected to accomplish within 12 months
with specially designed instruction and
related services
Annual goals enable the child to be involved
in and progress in the general curriculum
Annual goals also help meet other
educational needs that result from the
child’s disability.
IEP Process
Writing Annual Goals
What should the child be doing?
What areas of the general curriculum is
the child having difficulty with because of
his/her disability?
What are the most important areas of the
general curriculum for the child to master?
What other areas are difficult for the
child? Consider behavior, motor, socialemotional, communication, self-help?
IEP Process
Writing Annual Goals
Directly related to PLOP
Sets direction for working with child
Written for specially designed instruction, not
all aspects of child’s educational program
(unless total program is SPED)
Provides a way of determining whether
anticipated outcomes are being met, and
whether placements and services are
appropriate for the child’s special needs.
IEP Process
Writing Annual Goals
Annual goal should have 3 parts:
The child ... does what … to what
Key characteristics
Describes what the child will do
Measurable, functional, and observable
Meaningful and comprehensive
IEP Process
Writing Annual Goals
John will demonstrate mastery (as prescribed
in county curriculum) of 3 locomotor patterns.
Sarah will stay on task and follow directions in
general physical education 50% of the time
with support from peers.
Nicole will demonstrate improved physical
fitness as noted by the ability to perform 15
sit-ups in one minute and run/walk the mile in
14 minutes.
IEP Process
Short-term Instructional Objectives
To outline measurable, intermediate steps
between a student’s PLOP and annual goal.
Short term objectives are basically
intermediate steps to a goal.
Benchmarks – major milestones to a goal.
IEP Process
Short-term Instructional Objectives
Minimum of 2 per goal
Logical breakdown of the major components
of an annual goal
General indicators of progress, not a detailed
instructional plan
Specifies the behavior to be performed
Specifies conditions under which the child
will perform the behavior.
Includes time frame for completion
IEP Process
Writing the STIO
A = Audience (John will …)
B = Behavior (throw, run, do a sit-up)
C = Condition (using the pattern prescribed in
the TGMD; a distance of 10 feet
D = Degree (3/4 trials 2 days in a row; 80% of
the time 4/5 days
IEP Process
Schedules and Criteria
Statement of Services
What services will be provided (e.g., SPED,
Who will provide these services
Where will services be provided (e.g., pullout, inclusion)
Schedule of Services
30 or 60 minutes per week
Percentage of time pull-out
When program will be initiated and end
IEP Process
Schedules and Services
Schedules for evaluation
Criteria for evaluation
Quarterly, every 6 weeks, annually
Teacher made test, county curriculum, TGMD
Procedures for evaluation
Tested in classroom, small group, 1-on-1
IEP Process
Due Process Procedures
Parents disagree with school system
Impartial hearing conducted with hearing
officer (decision made within 45 days)
Continued disagreement
Appeal to State Education Department
Reviewed by state appointed hearing officer
(decision within 45 days)
Continued disagreement
Appeal through court action
IEP Process
Physical Education and the IEP
When must the IEP address Phys. Ed.?
How is Phys. Ed. addressed on the IEP?
Basic requirement is that all students with disabilities
have to have physical education – general or modified
GPE with students without disabilities
 without
 with modifications
Specially designed physical education
Physical Education in a separate facility
IEP Process
Assessment and the IEP Process
Assessment to determine:
Determine if child qualifies for services.
PLOP – which is then used to create IEP
goals and objectives
Progress – determine child’s progress
on IEP goals and objectives
IEP Process
Assessment and the IEP (continued)
Appropriate Assessment
Higher Functioning Children –
Gen. Curriculum
 Standardized tests
 Behaviors and social skills
 ability to understand directions and rules
Children with more severe disabilities Functional tests
 Test IEP objectives
IEP Process
Placement and the IEP
Placement is determined after the
IEP is written.
Placement is …
Where child can successfully work on
IEP objectives
Where child can work on non-academic
skills such as behaviors and social skills
Adheres to the mandate of LRE
IEP Process
Who is “Qualified” to Implement
IEP for Physical Education?
IDEA - Only “qualified” people can
implement IEP. It was left to states to
determine who is “qualified.”
In 17 states, “qualified” is an APE
specialist with advanced training and
endorsements in APE.
IEP Process
Who is Qualified in Virginia
Virginia does not require certification
in APE.
So, who is qualified in VA to
implement the physical education
portion of the IEP?
IEP Process